// TMW2 scripts. // Author: // Jesusalva // Description: // The Impregnable Fortress Control Files // Quest: General_Fortress // (MaxFloor+2, internal, internal) // The antechamber has some traps you should avoid, but beyond the Blood Pact map // effect, it only has some support NPCs (banker and healer) if you completed the // Moubootaur Showdown earlier. // TODO: The main NPC which lets you get out of the platform 026-6,21,70,0, script #026-6Gate NPC_FANCY_CIRCLE,1,0,{ if (getq(General_Fortress) < 6) { die(); end; } if ($MK_TEMPVAR >= MKIF_LV_B7F) goto L_Warp; mesc l(".:: Impregnable Fortress, %sF ::.", "B6"), 3; msObjective($MK_TEMPVAR >= MKIF_LV_B7F, l("Minimum wins: %d/%d", $MK_TEMPVAR, MKIF_LV_B7F)); mes ""; mesc l("Hint: The Boss Chamber lies herein ahead."); close; L_Warp: // Not unlocked (this time, require Andrei Sakar mission completion) if ($GAME_STORYLINE < 4 || $MK_TEMPVAR < MKIF_LV_B7F) { mesc l("The gate is sealed shut."), 1; mesc l("The monster army is still strong on this floor!"), 1; mesc l("Minimum wins: %d/%d", $MK_TEMPVAR, MKIF_LV_B7F), 1; close; } // Busy if ($@MK_SCENE != MK_NONE && $@MK_SCENE != MK_SHOWDOWN) { dispbottom l("The Monster King is not there, it makes no sense going in the Throne Room."); end; } // Not a hero if (!$@MK_CHALLENGE && !islegendary() && strcharinfo(0) != $MOST_HEROIC$) { dispbottom l("I should wait for %s or one of the heroes to challenge the Monster King.", $MOST_HEROIC$); end; } doevent "#DungeonCore::OnBleed"; slide any(21, 22), 63; end; OnGoto: slide 46, 114; end; OnInit: .distance=3; end; } 026-6,22,40,0, script #MKBossFightFire NPC_HIDDEN,0,0,{ end; OnTouch: // NOT a fortwarp() - there is no Barbara Bonus for the Showdown! warp "026-7", 21, 28; if (!$@MK_CHALLENGE) { $@MK_CHALLENGE=true; kamibroadcast(strcharinfo(0)+" has CHALLENGED the MONSTER KING to a SHOWDOWN!", "WORLD HEART"); sleep(2500); kamibroadcast("The teleporter is now enabled... Get to positions!", "WORLD HEART"); sleep(5000); kamibroadcast("It is... SHOWDOWN TIME!", "WORLD HEART"); sleep(2500); donpcevent "Impregnable#B7F::OnBegin"; } end; } // Room Traps, only against players 026-6,0,0,0 script #0266_Trap01 NPC_TRAP_ONLINE,0,0,{ end; OnTouch: OnTouchNPC: WorldHeartTrap(); sleep(500); // Wait 500ms for animation setnpcdisplay .name$, NPC_TRAP_ONLINE; // Move the trap away after it disarms (up to 30 attempts) OnInit: .@e=0; do { if (.@e >= 30) break; .@x = rand2(21, 140); .@y = rand2(21, 120); .@e+=1; } while (!checknpccell("026-6", .@x, .@y, cell_chkpass)); movenpc .name$, .@x, .@y; end; } // Create more traps 026-6,0,0,0 duplicate(#0266_Trap01) #0266_Trap02 NPC_TRAP_ONLINE,0,0 026-6,0,0,0 duplicate(#0266_Trap01) #0266_Trap03 NPC_TRAP_ONLINE,0,0 026-6,0,0,0 duplicate(#0266_Trap01) #0266_Trap04 NPC_TRAP_ONLINE,0,0 026-6,0,0,0 duplicate(#0266_Trap01) #0266_Trap05 NPC_TRAP_ONLINE,0,0 026-6,0,0,0 duplicate(#0266_Trap01) #0266_Trap06 NPC_TRAP_ONLINE,0,0 026-6,0,0,0 duplicate(#0266_Trap01) #0266_Trap07 NPC_TRAP_ONLINE,0,0 026-6,0,0,0 duplicate(#0266_Trap01) #0266_Trap08 NPC_TRAP_ONLINE,0,0 026-6,0,0,0 duplicate(#0266_Trap01) #0266_Trap09 NPC_TRAP_ONLINE,0,0 026-6,0,0,0 duplicate(#0266_Trap01) #0266_Trap10 NPC_TRAP_ONLINE,0,0 026-6,0,0,0 duplicate(#0266_Trap01) #0266_Trap11 NPC_TRAP_ONLINE,0,0 026-6,0,0,0 duplicate(#0266_Trap01) #0266_Trap12 NPC_TRAP_ONLINE,0,0 026-6,0,0,0 duplicate(#0266_Trap01) #0266_Trap13 NPC_TRAP_ONLINE,0,0 026-6,0,0,0 duplicate(#0266_Trap01) #0266_Trap14 NPC_TRAP_ONLINE,0,0 026-6,0,0,0 duplicate(#0266_Trap01) #0266_Trap15 NPC_TRAP_ONLINE,0,0 // Storage master (18, 57), healer (25, 57), etc. (125, 66) 026-6,18,57,0 script Barzil#FT NPC_LLOYD,{ if (!MOUBOOTAUR_WINNER) { // EPISODE_WINNER mesn; mesq l("Hey %s. Sorry, I only take orders from Andrei Sakar. You'll need to get his permission letter from the depths of Artis before making use of my services.", strcharinfo(0)); close; } Banker(.name$, "Impregnable Fortress", 999999); close; OnInit: .sex = G_MALE; .distance = 3; end; } 026-6,25,57,0 script Alliance's Nurse NPC_FEMALE,{ if (!EPISODE_WINNER) { mesn; mesq l("Hey %s. Sorry, I only take orders from the Doctor. You'll need to get his permission letter from Hurnscald Hospital before making use of my services.", strcharinfo(0)); close; } Nurse(.name$, 10, 6); close; OnInit: .@npcId = getnpcid(.name$); //setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HEADTOP, BrimmedFeatherHat); setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HEADMIDDLE, MiniSkirt); setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HEADBOTTOM, ShortTankTop); setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HAIRSTYLE, 12); setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HAIRCOLOR, 16); .sex = G_FEMALE; .distance = 3; end; }