// TMW2 scripts. // Authors: // Jesusalva // Description: // Questmaker Handbook 14.0 (F = Favorable) 024-5,38,23,0 script Saevel NPC_ELF,{ .@q = getq(FrostiaQuest_Saevel); if (BaseLevel < 47) { mesc l("The elf seems busy. He ignores you."); close; } if (.@q == 0) { if (frally()) goto L_Start_F; else goto L_Start_U; } else if (.@q == 1) { if (frally()) goto L_Submit_F; else goto L_Submit_U; } else if (.@q == 2) { if (frally()) goto L_Done_F; else goto L_Done_U; } Exception("Invalid quest state - "+str(.@q)); end; L_Start_F: mesn; mesq l("I'm am about to make myself some powerful equipment... But I ran out of material to refine it!"); next; mesn; mesq l("Could you, perhaps, bring me %d %s? That'll help me to finish this.", 1, getitemlink(Arcanum)); setq FrostiaQuest_Saevel, 1; close; L_Submit_F: mesn; mesq l("Did you got the %d %s I've asked?", 1, getitemlink(Arcanum)); next; if (askyesno() == ASK_YES) { if (countitem(Arcanum) < 1) { mesn; mesq l("You've been spending too much time with humans. You are picking up bad habits from them like lying. Be careful."); close; } inventoryplace EquipmentBlueprintB, 1, EquipmentBlueprintA, 1; delitem Arcanum, 1; getexp 7000, 0; getitem EquipmentBlueprintB, 1; getitem EquipmentBlueprintA, 1; setq FrostiaQuest_Saevel, 2; mesn; mesq l("Muahahaha, I'll be SO strong thanks to you! Here, I don't need these weak recipes anymore. You can have them!"); } close; L_Done_F: mesn; mesq l("POWER!"); next; mesn; mesq l("Reminds me, but they say the Aethyr is a place where powerful elves of old live. But nobody has been there on the past century... Or if they were, nobody said anything about it! Hahahah!"); next; mesn; mesq l("I've heard the old elves were able to make crystals you can walk through as if it wasn't there, could you imagine that?"); close; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// L_Start_U: mesn; mesq l("I'm am about to make myself some powerful equipment... But I ran out of material to refine it!"); next; mesn; mesq l("Could you bring me %d %s? That'll help me to finish this.", 1, getitemlink(Arcanum)); setq FrostiaQuest_Saevel, 1; close; L_Submit_U: mesn; mesq l("Did you got the %d %s I've asked?", 1, getitemlink(Arcanum)); next; if (askyesno() == ASK_YES) { if (countitem(Arcanum) < 1) { mesn; mesq l("You liar, I'll teach you a lesson you won't forget!"); mesc l("%s slaps you!", .name$); percentheal -30, 0; close; } inventoryplace EquipmentBlueprintB, 1, EquipmentBlueprintA, 1; delitem Arcanum, 1; getexp 7000, 0; getitem EquipmentBlueprintB, 1; getitem EquipmentBlueprintA, 1; setq FrostiaQuest_Saevel, 2; mesn; mesq l("Muahahaha, I'll be SO strong thanks to you! Here, these recipes should be useful for ya. You can have them!"); } close; L_Done_U: mesn; mesq l("POWER!"); next; mesn; mesq l("Reminds me, but they say the Aethyr is a place where powerful elves of old live. But nobody has been there on the past century... Or if they were, nobody said anything about it! Hahahah!"); mesc l("He mumbles something about the old elves being able to make crystals you can walk through, but it makes no sense to you."); close; OnInit: .@npcId = getnpcid(.name$); setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HEADBOTTOM, BromenalPants); setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HEADMIDDLE, GoldenWarlordPlate); setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HEADTOP, SamuraiHelmet); setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HAIRSTYLE, 2); setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HAIRCOLOR, 8); .sex = G_MALE; .distance = 5; end; }