// TMW2/LoF scripts. // Authors: // TMW-LoF Team // Jesusalva // Description: // Christmas quest. ported from 2010 and adapted for TMW2:ML. // Original Name: Golbenez // Year, Gifts, GP 019-4-1,30,45,0 script Golbarez NPC_LOF_RICH,{ if ($EVENT$ != "Christmas") goto L_OutOfSeason; goto L_Main; L_OutOfSeason: mesn; if (any(true, false)) mesq l("AAH! You scared me!"); else mesq l("Land Of Fire is a place so warm... Although this workshop is a better place to break time and space during Christmas."); close; L_Main: if (getq(SQuest_Christmas) != gettime(GETTIME_YEAR) && !(gettime(GETTIME_MONTH) == JANUARY && getq(SQuest_Christmas) == gettime(GETTIME_YEAR)-1)) { mesn; mesq l("Please talk with this workshop's Chief before talking to me."); close; } .@q=getq3(SQuest_Christmas); mesn; mesq l("Mortal! I am @@! I have broken through the barriers of space and time!", .name$); mesq l("I want to keep breaking them, until I find the paradise! Thus far, I only found the Land Of Fire!"); next; mesn; mesq l("I need millions of GP to fund my time-space shattering, and thus far, I've only collected @@ GP.", format_number($XMAS_MONEY)); mesq l("If you sponsor me, while I break into more dimensions, I'll give you any stuff I find. Hey, they could be rare here!"); next; mesc l("Sponsor @@ in how much GP?", .name$); input .@count; mes ""; if (Zeny < .@count) { mesn; mesq l("Don't try to trick me, this attracts bad karma! You could get stolen on Christmas! Seriously, this has happened before!"); close; } Zeny=Zeny-.@count; $XMAS_MONEY+=.@count; setq3 SQuest_Christmas, .@q+.@count; getexp (.@count / 150), (.@count / 250); .@ratio=(getq3(SQuest_Christmas)*100)/$XMAS_MONEY; mesn; mesq l("Thanks for your patronage! The rewards will be available with @@, in case I do find the paradise!", "Christmas Chief"); mesc l("Thus far, you've sponsored Golbarez in %d %% from total.", .@ratio); // Report ratio prizes if (.@ratio >= 80) mesc l("You are the largest donor."), 3; else if (.@ratio >= 60) mesc l("You are a major donor."), 3; else if (.@ratio >= 40) mesc l("You are eligible to additional rewards due to your large sponsorship."), 2; else if (.@ratio >= 20) mesc l("You are a still fairly minor donor."); else if (.@ratio >= 5) mesc l("You donated just enough to be acknowledged as a donor."); else mesc l("You are not eligible for some of Golbarez's prizes."), 1; // Disclaim about the existence of a minimum donation value mesc l("Note: No rares will be given if Golbarez doesn't get enough GP to find the paradise, but Strange Coins will still be given."); close; OnInit: .sex=G_MALE; .distance=5; end; }