// TMW-2 Script. // Author: // Povo // Description: // Lime Dye Quest (lvl 40) 018-7,87,34,0 script Raify NPC_FAIRY_A,{ .@q = getq(LilitQuest_Raify); if (.@q == 1) goto L_Offer; if (.@q >= 2) goto L_Dye; if (BaseLevel > 39) { speech S_LAST_NEXT, l("Psst."), l("Hey you. Come here...I have a quest for ya."), l("Keep your voice down and just listen."), l("Look, I really hate pious...all of them."), l("I want to get rid of them."), l("However, that is not exactly a popular idea around here. The fae seem more concerned with snakes."), l("That is why I need your help. If you can 'take care of' a bunch of pious and bring me their feathers as proof, I will give you a reward."); goto L_Offer; } speech S_LAST_NEXT, l("Hmm what is it?"), l("I'm sorry but I can't talk right now... I have something on my mind."), l("I said go away!"), l(" It is not like you are strong enough to pick a fight with me so kindly leave before I get mad."); close; L_Offer: mesn; mesq l("So here is what I am thinking."); next; mesn; mesq l("You bring me proof of completing my 'mission,' along with some water and I can dispose of the evidence by turning them into %s", getitemlink(LimeDye)); next; mesn; mesq l("I think that %d %s and %d %s should be enough for now.", 50, getitemlink(ForestPiouFeathers), 50, getitemlink(ManaPiouFeathers)); mesq l("I will also need %d %s to make the mixture and %s GP as a fee.", 1, getitemlink(BottleOfWoodlandWater), fnum(2500)); compareandsetq LilitQuest_Raify, 0, 1; .@q = getq(LilitQuest_Raify); if (.@q >= 2) goto L_Dye; L_Menu: next; mesn; mesq l("So what do you say? You in?"); next; select l("Uhh...yeah sure...I guess..."), l("Dye? How can you do that without a cauldron?"), l("If I am doing your dirty work, why am I the one paying you?!"), l("Wait...could you repeat that?"), l("Umm..I have another quest to get to. So... umm... I should get going."); mes ""; switch (@menu) { case 1: setq LilitQuest_Raify, 2; mesn; mesq l("Perfect, I knew you were right person for the job."); mesq l("Come back when you have everything."); close; case 2: mesn; mesq l("Do you really have to ask? I am a fairy...*sigh*"); next; mesq l("...wingless talpans."); break; case 3: mesn; mesq l("Consider it an insurance policy. Besides, %s isn't exactly easy to come by.", getitemlink(LimeDye)); break; case 4: mesn; mesq l("I need you to take care of my 'Piou Problem.'"); next; goto L_Offer; case 5: goto L_Quit; } goto L_Menu; L_Dye: mesn; mesq l("So did you take care of my 'Piou Problem?'"); mesq l("Did you bring everything?"); next; select l("Yes."), l("No."), l("What did you need me to get again?"); mes ""; if (@menu == 2) goto L_Quit; if (@menu == 3) goto L_Offer; L_DyeLoop: if (countitem(BottleOfWoodlandWater) >= 1 && countitem(ForestPiouFeathers) >= 50 && countitem(ManaPiouFeathers) >= 50 && Zeny >= 2500) { inventoryplace LimeDye, 1, EmptyBottle, 1; delitem BottleOfWoodlandWater, 1; delitem ForestPiouFeathers, 50; delitem ManaPiouFeathers, 50; Zeny-=2500; getitem LimeDye, 1; getitem EmptyBottle, 1; if (getq(LilitQuest_Raify) == 2) { setq LilitQuest_Raify, 3; getexp 3500, 0; } mesn; mesq l("Thanks! Here's your dye. Do you want to trade any more?"); next; if (askyesno() == ASK_YES) goto L_DyeLoop; } else { mesn; mesq l("Sorry, you don't seem to have everything I need."); } close; L_Quit: closedialog; close; OnInit: .sex = G_OTHER; .distance = 5; end; }