// TMW-2 Script. // Author: // Jesusalva 018-5,108,44,0 script Storage Fairy NPC_FAIRY_C,{ if (getq(LoFQuest_EPISODE) == 7 && countitem(SnakeSkin)) { mesc l("Deliver the %s to retrieve Miler's memeto?", getitemlink(SnakeSkin)), 1; if (askyesno() == ASK_NO) { clear; } else { inventoryplace DeathPotion, 1; mesn; mesq l("Now, isn't this lovely? I'll turn it into some pants for %s winter.", (season() == WINTER ? l("this") : l("next"))); next; delitem SnakeSkin, 1; getitem DeathPotion, 1; setq LoFQuest_EPISODE, 8, 0; mesn; mesq l("Oh, Miler just prepared a %s for you. You can use it... Or give it to Henry in Nivalis Inn, and whisper \"The Shadow Tortuga won the race against the Panthom Lord\".", getitemlink(DeathPotion)); close; } } Banker(.name$, "Lilit", 50000); close; OnInit: .sex = G_OTHER; .distance = 5; .bankId = RegisterBank("Lilit", 7); end; }