// TMW-2 Script // Author: // Jesusalva // Description: // Controls the swimming minigame. Basically, you lose 1% HP if lack total status. 018-5-0,0,0,0 script #01850SwimmingCtrl NPC_HIDDEN,{ end; OnLoop: if (getmap() != "018-5-0") end; if (ispcdead()) end; // Sum everything - you can have 70 str instead of splitting in 35 str and 35 vit .@status=readparam(bStr)+readparam(bVit); .@reqst=.reqstr+.reqvit; debugmes "Got %d/%d (%d), heal %d", .@status,.@reqst,.@status-.@reqst,min(0, .@status-.@reqst); //percentheal min(0, .@status-.@reqst), 0; heal (min(0, .@status-.@reqst)*3), 0; addtimer(3000, "#01850SwimmingCtrl::OnLoop"); end; OnInit: .reqstr=35; .reqvit=35; end; }