// TMW2/LoF scripts. // Authors: // TMW-LoF Team // Jesusalva // Description: // Forge firearms 017-4,34,23,0 script Pyndragon NPC_PLAYER,{ function explainMelee; // craft_gun( BaseItem1, Amount, BaseItem2, Amount, BaseItem3, Amount, PrizeItem, Price ) function craft_gun { .@base1=getarg(0); .@amon1=getarg(1); .@base2=getarg(2); .@amon2=getarg(3); .@base3=getarg(4); .@amon3=getarg(5); .@prize=getarg(6); .@price=getarg(7); .@price=POL_AdjustPrice(.@price); mesn; mesq l("Do you want to craft @@? For that I will need:", getitemlink(.@prize)); mesc l("@@/@@ @@", countitem(.@base1), .@amon1, getitemlink(.@base1)); mesc l("@@/@@ @@", countitem(.@base2), .@amon2, getitemlink(.@base2)); mesc l("@@/@@ @@", countitem(.@base3), .@amon3, getitemlink(.@base3)); mesc l("@@/@@ GP", format_number(Zeny), fnum(.@price)); next; select l("Yes"), l("No"); if (@menu == 2) return; if (countitem(.@base1) >= .@amon1 && countitem(.@base2) >= .@amon2 && countitem(.@base3) >= .@amon3 && Zeny >= .@price) { inventoryplace .@prize, 1; delitem .@base1, .@amon1; delitem .@base2, .@amon2; delitem .@base3, .@amon3; POL_PlayerMoney(.@price); //getitem .@prize, 1; CsysNpcCraft(.@prize, IOPT_CRITDMG, rand2(20, 30), IOPT_DOUBLEATTACK, rand2(5, 15)); mes ""; mesn; mesq l("Many thanks! Come back soon."); } else { speech S_FIRST_BLANK_LINE,// | S_LAST_NEXT, l("You don't have enough material, sorry."); } return; } inspectorQuest(); .@q=getq(HurnscaldQuest_LOFPass); mesn; if (is_night()) mesq l("Good @@. My name is @@ and I make @@.", l("evening"), .name$, l("firearms")); else mesq l("Good @@. My name is @@ and I make @@.", l("day"), .name$, l("firearms")); next; mesn strcharinfo(0); mesq l("Firearms? What would that be? @@", "%%4"); next; mesn; mesq l("Oh, just an empty staff with black powder inside it. Which explodes. And then kills monsters."); tutmes l("%s makes specialized weapons for high level players. If you tweak with Nicholas, in Hurnscald, the weapon options, you can get really powerful.", .name$); next; if (.@q == 1) goto L_LOFBOT; mes ""; if (BaseLevel < 50) goto L_TooWeak; else if (BaseLevel < 60) goto L_Weak; goto L_Menu; L_TooWeak: mesn; mesq l("These weapons are only for masters, so you must get levels before being able to use them."); close; L_Weak: mesn; mesq l("You need level 60 to use these guns, but if you want to start collecting materials, you're allowed to."); next; goto L_Menu; L_Menu: menu l("I would like some information"), L_Info, l("I want a gun!"), L_Craft, l("Do you have non-ranged weapons?"), L_CraftMelee, l("I don't want anything right now, bye."), L_Close; L_Info: mes ""; mesn; mesq l("There are four basic class:"); mesc l("SHORT GUNSTAFF");//aka revolver mesc l("* The only one hand ranged weapon you'll ever find!"); mes l(" I cut it in half, and to fix shooting speed, I added some extra cogs."); mes l(" It didn't got too much lighter, and it got really weak compared to a bow."); mesc l("POWERFUL GUNSTAFF"); mesc l("* Huge damage and more criticals, but slow fire rate."); mes l(" The standard gunstaff! It is way stronger than a bow!"); mes l(" Oh, and it comes with added shooting range, but it is slow as hell to reload."); mesc l("RAPID GUNSTAFF"); mesc l("* Low damage, highest attack speed from all."); mes l(" One have lots of powder to attack non-stop, but oh god that is heavy."); mes l(" It is also much weaker and less precise than a bow. But it is so fun using..."); mesc l("EXPLOSIVE GUNSTAFF"); mesc l("* Causes splash damage, and are very expensive."); mes l(" You know, I wanted to make the powder explode when hitting!"); mes l(" It is the same as a bow, including in penalty. But it deals splash damage!"); next; mesn; mesq l("Select carefully which weapon you want, so there are no regrets."); next; goto L_Menu; L_Craft: select l("I changed my mind."), l("I want a SHORT GUNSTAFF."), l("I want a POWERFUL GUNSTAFF."), l("I want a RAPID GUNSTAFF."), l("I want an EXPLOSIVE GUNSTAFF."), rif(false, l("I want something more magical.")); mes ""; switch (@menu) { case 2: craft_gun( LeadIngot, 4, TitaniumIngot, 5, Coal, 11, PynRevolver, 3000 ); goto L_Craft; case 3: craft_gun( LeadIngot, 6, TitaniumIngot, 7, Coal, 14, PynRifle, 3000 ); goto L_Craft; case 4: craft_gun( LeadIngot, 6, TitaniumIngot, 7, Coal, 14, PynGatling, 4000 ); goto L_Craft; case 5: craft_gun( LeadIngot, 9, TitaniumIngot, 10, Coal, 16, PynShotgun, 6000 ); goto L_Craft; case 6: mesn; mesq l("I suppose I can make you a %s. It sometimes casts magic skills upon your foes. Well, seldomly, but it also deals more damage than normal wands.", getitemlink(PynScepter)); next; craft_gun( LeadIngot, 10, TitaniumIngot, 12, Coal, 24, PynScepter, 24000 ); goto L_Craft; } goto L_Menu; L_CraftMelee: select l("I changed my mind."), l("Which melee you craft?"), l("I want a PORTABLE LIGHTSABER."), l("I want a POWERFUL LIGHTSABER."), rif(getskilllv(TF_STEAL) && false, l("I want a KUNAI.")), l("I want a WHIP."); mes ""; switch (@menu) { case 2: explainMelee(); goto L_CraftMelee; case 3: craft_gun( EverburnPowder, 30, TitaniumIngot, 7, LeadIngot, 4, Lightsaber, 25000 ); goto L_CraftMelee; case 4: craft_gun( EverburnPowder, 30, TitaniumIngot, 7, LeadIngot, 4, PowerfulLightsaber, 25000 ); goto L_CraftMelee; case 5: craft_gun( GoldIngot, 3, HeroCoin, 500, LOFCoin, 4, PynKunai, 25000 ); goto L_CraftMelee; case 6: craft_gun( LOFCoin, 3, TitaniumIngot, 5, LeadIngot, 3, PynWhip, 22000 ); goto L_CraftMelee; } goto L_Menu; L_Close: closedialog; goodbye; close; // Takes priority over craft L_LOFBOT: select l("A friend of yours called LOF BOT asked for a coin..."), l("Sorry, I'm in hurry."); mes ""; if (@menu == 2) close; mesn; mesq l("Ah, so LOF Bot wants a souvenir after all!"); next; mesn; mesq l("Everyone loves the Land of Fire, it is impossible to not love it."); next; inventoryplace LOFCoin, 1; mesn; mesq l("Here, please take this to them. Tell them they are welcome here anytime! %%2"); getitem LOFCoin, 1; setq HurnscaldQuest_LOFPass, 2; close; function explainMelee { mesc l("PORTABLE LIGHTSABER"); mesc l("* Very quick and can be used in a single hand."); mesc l("POWERFUL LIGHTSABER"); mesc l("* Very quick, two handed, and evil."); mes ""; mes l(" Actually, Lalica cursed one of my firestaves and it got a mind of its own D:"); mes l(" Then I found out that I could set the staff in flames using Everburn Powder!"); mes l(" It was quite a challenge, and I still need Lalica to keep curse them."); mes l(" But the result is a fast weapon which is also powerful."); mes ""; next; mesc l("KUNAI"); mesc l("* More for bandits than assassins or ninjas."); mes l(" See, I was lazy and there were only short knives around... So I made a Kunai."); mes l(" It can steal items or collect drops on the floor randomly. Also improves your evasion."); mes l(" It is not that amazing, though. I will trade with you for more useful items."); mes ""; mesc l("WHIP"); mesc l("* Has non-cumulative area of effect damage."); mes l(" A fair all-rounder weapon; Stronger than you would expect and not so clumsy."); mes l(" But its splash damage does not stack, so be careful when adding options."); next; return; } OnInit: .@npcId = getnpcid(.name$); setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HEADTOP, WarlordHelmet); setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HEADMIDDLE, GoldenWarlordPlate); setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HEADBOTTOM, NPCEyes); setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_WEAPON, BromenalPants); setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HAIRSTYLE, 2); setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HAIRCOLOR, 4); .sex=G_MALE; .distance=5; end; }