// TMW2/LoF scripts. // Authors: // Jesusalva // Description: // Essential scripts any city must have // Description: // The Travelers travel around the world telling stories. 017-1,144,204,0 script Elen The Traveler NPC_F_COINKEEPER,{ inspectorQuest(); mesn; if (strcharinfo(0) == $MOST_HEROIC$) mesq l("Wow! Are you @@? Everyone, in every city, talks about you!", $MOST_HEROIC$); if (strcharinfo(0) == $MOST_HEROIC$) next; mesq l("Hello. I am @@, and I am from a family of travellers. We travel though the whole world, looking for exotic goods.", .name$); next; mesq l("You can buy rare items with me, or I can tell you about different cities in our world."); L_Menu: mes ""; menu l("I want to trade with you."), L_Trade, l("Tell me about Tulimshar."), L_Tulim, l("Tell me about Hurnscald."), L_Hurns, l("Tell me about Nivalis."), L_Nival, l("Tell me about Artis."), L_Artis, l("Tell me about Frostia."), L_Frost, l("Tell me about Halinarzo."), L_Halin, l("Sorry, I'll pass."), L_Close; L_Tulim: mes ""; mesn; mesq l("Tulimshar is the oldest human city, and its foundation is the year zero of our calendar."); next; mesq l("The city only flourished because Janett Platinum had the idea to build city walls surrounding this city."); next; mesq l("The desert climate means you'll find mostly maggots and scorpions. Their drops include cactus drinks, cake, knifes, black pearls, gold, and other common things."); next; mesq l("You can find for a good price desert equipment and some kind of dyes. You find all sort of crafters, artisans and warriors here."); next; goto L_Menu; L_Hurns: mes ""; mesn; mesq l("Hurnscald was founded after Tulimshar, in more fertile lands. Their walls are not so sturdy as the ones of Tulimshar."); next; mesq l("Under the leadership of King Wusher, they were the first to accept immigrants from other races. You will find humans and non-humans there."); mesc l("Collectively, these races are called \"Talpans\"."); next; mesq l("The fertile climate is ideal for mushrooms. You can also find lots of wood."); next; mesq l("Their economy provide many edible items and potions."); next; goto L_Menu; L_Nival: mes ""; mesn; mesq l("Nivalis was the last human settlement built during the First Era."); next; mesq l("It's cold, harsh climate makes difficult to live there. It was founded by people thrown away from Tulimshar and Hunrscald for political reasons."); next; mesq l("The cold climate is ideal for slimes, penguins, and other icy creatures. You can find lots of... ice, of course!"); next; mesq l("Some items are only produced in Nivalis. After all, it is hard to work properly with ice in a desert!"); next; goto L_Menu; L_Artis: mes ""; mesn; mesq l("Artis is a city port founded after the Great Fire on the other continent."); next; mesq l("People say it is the second biggest city from the world."); next; mesq l("Different kind of monsters live near the city. For example, blubs. I have no idea of what are those."); next; mesq l("People usually dock there when travelling to the second continent. Nothing exceptional about economy."); next; if ($FIRESOFSTEAM) { mesq l("They used to export food and other things but there has been radio silence recentely; Which is why Andrei Sakar and a group of adventurers borrowed Nard's ship and went to investigate."); next; } goto L_Menu; L_Frost: mes ""; mesn; mesq l("Frostia is the only city known that was not founded by humans."); next; mesq l("They are strict with who is allowed inside, so you'll need either elf or ukar friends to pass."); next; mesq l("It is on a huge, icy mountain peak. Rumors about dragons and legendary items to be found."); next; mesq l("Some of finest elven craftmanship can be found there, like bows, for example."); next; goto L_Menu; L_Halin: mes ""; mesn; mesq l("Halinarzo was founded to explore Mana Stones."); next; mesq l("You can find both huge swamps, as huge desertic areas near and on it."); next; mesq l("Lizards are the main monster found, and they steal gold from innocent bypassers."); next; mesq l("Without any mana stone left, and because the walls were not very strong, most of the city was destroyed."); next; mesq l("Unlike many other cities, if you want people in eternal need of items, there is a good place to look."); next; goto L_Menu; L_Trade: mesn; mesq l("Use your @@ as currency!", getitemlink(StrangeCoin)); tutmes l("%s is obtained during events, daily logins, heroic deeds, gifts, etc. But cannot be bought with real money.", getitemlink(StrangeCoin)); next; openshop "Aeros Trader"; closedialog; L_Close: close; OnInit: .@npcId = getnpcid(.name$); setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HEADTOP, NPCEyes); setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HEADMIDDLE, UglyChristmasSweater); setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HEADBOTTOM, JeansShorts); setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_WEAPON, CandorBoots); // Boots setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HAIRSTYLE, 27); setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HAIRCOLOR, 11); npcsit; .sex = G_FEMALE; .distance = 5; end; } // Description: // Banker. 017-3,85,41,0 script Stalman NPC_LLOYD,{ Banker(.name$, "Land Of Fire Village", 10000); close; OnInit: .sex = G_MALE; .distance = 5; .bankId = RegisterBank("LoF", 4); end; } // Description: // Barber. 017-1,147,176,0 script Milocat NPC_ELVEN_FEMALE_ARMOR_SHOP,{ inspectorQuest(); function setRace { clear; setnpcdialogtitle l("%s - Modify Race", .name$); mes l("Race") + ": " + get_race(); next; mes l("Please select the desired race."); select l("Kaizei Human"), l("Argaes Human"), l("Tonori Human"), l("Elf"), l("Orc"), l("Raijin"), l("Tritan"), l("Ukar"), l("Redy"), l("Savior"); switch (@menu) { default: jobchange max(0, @menu-1); } return; } mesn; mesq l("Hi! Do you want a hair cut?"); if (REBIRTH >= 5) mesc l("As a Savior, \"%s\" can be used anytime for minor look changes, but a barber is more convenient.", b("@suplook")); do { select l("What is my current hairstyle and hair color?"), l("I'd like to get a different style."), l("Can you do something with my color?"), rif(is_gm() || REBIRTH >= 5, l("I want to change my Race!")), l("I'm fine for now, thank you."); switch (@menu) { case 1: BarberSayStyle 3; break; case 2: BarberChangeStyle; speech S_FIRST_BLANK_LINE | S_LAST_NEXT, l("Enjoy your new style."); l("Anything else?"); break; case 3: BarberChangeColor; speech S_FIRST_BLANK_LINE | S_LAST_NEXT, l("I hope you like this color."); l("Anything else?"); break; case 4: setRace; break; case 5: speech S_FIRST_BLANK_LINE | S_LAST_NEXT, l("Feel free to come visit me another time."); goodbye; } } while (1); close; OnInit: .sex = G_FEMALE; .distance = 5; end; } // Whatever event use #RARE_POINTS // Which is a script variable, meaning it will be a really special event. // Side Note: Might as well add a special cap for such situations. 017-1,118,83,0 script Pydisgner#spoints NPC_GUGLI,{ inspectorQuest(); mesn; mesq l("Hello %s and welcome to Land Of Fire Village. This used to be a whole server before the Monster King crashed it down here.", strcharinfo(0)); next; mesn; mesq l("In this town you'll find many critical things for your journey, like artifacts, dungeons, crafts and refiners. Please enjoy your stay. And keep tuned for news about us!"); mes "@@https://discord.gg/q3Bwzgf|LoF Discord Server@@"; close; OnInit: .sex = G_OTHER; .distance=5; end; }