// TMW2 scripts. // Author: // Jesusalva // Description: // St. Patrick Day // Variables: // #PATRICK_DAY // When you spinned this // #PATRICK_CTRL // Controls rarity, lowering boost // $@PATRICK_DAYMAX // Last day in St. Patrick event 014-5,47,53,0 script St. Patrick Gold Pot NPC_GOLDPOT,{ function symbol{ switch (getarg(0)) { case 0: mesn "%%t"; break; case 1: mesn "%%g"; break; case 2: mesn "%%H"; break; case 3: mesn "%%G"; break; case 4: mesn "%%Q"; break; case 5: mesn "%%N"; break; case 6: mesn "%%K"; break; case 10: // Lucky Prize mesn "%%M"; break; default: mesn "%%@"; break; } } if ($EVENT$ != "Patrick" && !$@GM_OVERRIDE) { channelmes("#world", "ERROR, ST. PATRICK GOLD POT: NOEVENT ERROR"); disablenpc .name$; atcommand("@kick "+strcharinfo(0)); close; } if (#PATRICK_DAY == gettime(GETTIME_DAYOFMONTH)) { mesn; mesc l("You already claimed a reward today! Come back tomorrow, and remember to wear GREEN!"), 2; close; } mesn; mesc l("Lucky you, you found me! Do you want to SPIN THE WHEEL and gain GREAT rewards?"), 2; mesc l("Remember that wearing green BOOSTS the rates at which good stuff will be found!"), 2; mesc l("Only green from @@ will be taken in account.", getitemlink(GreenDye)); next; select l("Spin it!"), l("How does spinning works?"), l("Don't spin it!"); mes ""; if (@menu == 3) close; if (@menu == 2) { mes ("%%0 - "+l("GP")); mes ("%%1 - "+getitemlink(CasinoCoins)); mes ("%%2 - "+getitemlink(Topaz)); mes ("%%3 - "+getitemlink(StrangeCoin)); mes ("%%4 - "+getitemlink(GoldOre)); mes ("%%5 - "+getitemlink(GoldenGift)); mes ("%%6 - "+getitemlink(GoldenApple)); close; } if (@menu == 1) { // SPINNING! Set that you can't spin again. #PATRICK_DAY=gettime(GETTIME_DAYOFMONTH); // Blv+Jlv gives a small boost. The "maximum" sum is 300, but we divide by 5 // So this grants a further boost of 4~60 depending on level. .@boost+=rand2((BaseLevel+JobLevel))/5; // Include Rebirth, up to 50 points .@boost+=rand2(REBIRTH*10); // The level bonus does not exceed 100, ever .@boost=limit(0, .@boost, 100); // Each green accessory raises boost gauge in 25. // Hat, Shirt, Pants, Boots and Gloves. .@boost=0; .@lucky=0; if (getequipcardid(EQI_HEAD_TOP, 0) == GreenDye) { .@boost+=25; .@lucky+=1; } if (getequipcardid(EQI_HEAD_MID, 0) == GreenDye) { .@boost+=25; .@lucky+=1; } if (getequipcardid(EQI_HEAD_LOW, 0) == GreenDye) { .@boost+=25; .@lucky+=1; } if (getequipcardid(EQI_SHOES, 0) == GreenDye) { .@boost+=25; .@lucky+=1; } if (getequipcardid(EQI_GARMENT, 0) == GreenDye) { .@boost+=25; .@lucky+=1; } // Full set raises in further 25. Max boost gauge from dye is 150 atm. if (.@boost >= 125) .@boost+=25; // .@boost, right now, is a number from 0 to 250. // Randomness factor can make that 20% higher, up to 300. .@r=rand2(0,20); .@boost+=(.@boost*.@r/100); // Then it may add or subtract 10 points from boost. Apply a cap to range 0~250 .@boost+=rand(-10, 10); // You lose boost the farther from event last day you are. .@boost-=($@PATRICK_DAYMAX-#PATRICK_DAY); // sanitize boost so it ranges from 0 to 250. .@boost=limit(0, .@boost, 250); // Now, you can't get 5 Golden Apples straight, right? // You lose boost as you get rewards. Effectively limits top prize to 2. .@boost-=#PATRICK_CTRL; // REFERENCE: At release time, max levels ingame were about 60/40. // That would give 10~34 (not green) to 160~214 (fully green) boost value. mesc l("Spinning!"), 2; // .@v holds the reward you'll get if (.@boost > 240) .@v=6; else if (.@boost > 200) .@v=5; else if (.@boost > 160) .@v=4; else if (.@boost > 120) .@v=3; else if (.@boost > 80) .@v=2; else if (.@boost > 40) .@v=1; else .@v=0; // Lucky override! \o/ if (rand2(100) < .@lucky) .@v = 10; // Tell players what they spinned, and lower rarity on next tries symbol(.@v); #PATRICK_CTRL+=.@v+(.@v/2); // Grant players the reward switch (.@v) { case 0: // GP Zeny=Zeny+rand(10, .@boost+10); break; case 1: // Casino Coins getitem CasinoCoins, max(1, .@boost/10); Zeny=Zeny+rand(20, .@boost+10); break; case 2: // Topaz getitem Topaz, 1; Zeny=Zeny+rand(30, .@boost+10); break; case 3: // Strange Coins getitem StrangeCoin, max(1, .@boost/10); Zeny=Zeny+rand(40, .@boost+10); break; case 4: // Gold Ore getitem GoldOre, 1; Zeny=Zeny+rand(50, .@boost+10); break; case 5: // Golden Gift getitem GoldenGift, 1; Zeny=Zeny+rand(60, .@boost+10); break; case 6: // Golden Apple (OP) getitem GoldenApple, 1; Zeny=Zeny+rand(70, .@boost+10); break; case 10: // Lucky Prize! getitem FunkyHat, 1; mesc l("You got the rare, Lucky Prize!"), 2; } next; mesn; mesc l("Did you like it? Find me tomorrow, until day @@, for another gift!", $@PATRICK_DAYMAX), 2; close; } // Should not reach here close; OnInit: .sex = G_OTHER; .distance = 4; if ($EVENT$ != "Patrick") { disablenpc(.name$); end; } OnClock0000: OnForcedMove: if ($EVENT$ == "Patrick") { setarray .@vx, 134, 162, 108, 105, 67, 191, 168, 170, 191, 188, 160, 145, 196, 120; setarray .@vy, 36, 61, 45, 96, 76, 74, 72, 111, 113, 129, 125, 119, 143, 104; .@r=rand(0,getarraysize(.@vx)-1); movenpc .name$, .@vx[.@r], .@vy[.@r]; debugmes "Warping to %d,%d (seed %d)", .@vx[.@r], .@vy[.@r], .@r; } end; }