// TMW2/LoF scripts. // Authors: // TMW-LoF Team // Jesusalva // Description: // Part from a bigger, very important quest for learning about the MOUBOOTAUR. // Interacts with Sagratha (for uncursing). // // Quest Structure: // HurnscaldQuest_InjuriedMouboo - STATUS - HPBAR // Quest Status: // 0 - First Met // 1 - Examined (HP Bar stored on field 2) // 2 - Healed (Curse not solved - ready for Sagratha Quest) // 3 - Curse removed (Sagratha's Arc) // 9 - KILLED YOUR MOUBOO. YOU EVIL MONSTER. 014-2,144,80,0 script Mouboo#0142injuried NPC_INJURIED_MOUBOO,{ .@q=getq(HurnscaldQuest_InjuriedMouboo); if (.@q < 2) goto L_Begin; if (.@q == 2) goto L_Healed; if (.@q == 3) goto L_Uncursed; if (.@q == 9) goto L_Killed; goodbye; end; // Main Quest L_Begin: .@q=getq(HurnscaldQuest_InjuriedMouboo); .@q2=getq2(HurnscaldQuest_InjuriedMouboo); mesn l("Injured Mouboo"); mesq l("Booo...."); mesc l("The Mouboo seems to be lying in pain."); next; select rif(.@q == 1, l("Attempt to heal the Mouboo")), rif(.@q == 1, l("Attempt to kill the Mouboo")), l("Examine the Mouboo"), l("Leave the Mouboo alone"); mes ""; switch (@menu) { case 3: mesc l("The Mouboo is lying down on the grass."); mesc l("There doesn't seem to be any physical wound."); mesc l("A closer inspection suggests this mouboo has been... CURSED."); if (.@q == 0) setq HurnscaldQuest_InjuriedMouboo, 1, 100; next; goto L_Begin; case 1: mes "##B" + l("Drag and drop a healing item from your inventory.") + "##b"; .@id = requestitem(); // If ID is invalid, there's not enough items, it is bound = Cannot bury if (.@id < 1) close; if (.@id < 1 || countitem(.@id) < 1 || checkbound(.@id) || getiteminfo(.@id, ITEMINFO_TYPE) != IT_HEALING) { if (checkbound(.@id)) mesc l("You cannot part with this item!"); else if (.@id == MoubooFigurine) mesc l("Haha, this wooden figurine won't do the job, sorry."); else if (.@id == PlushMouboo) mesc l("This seems like a good idea at first, but actually, it isn't."); else if (.@id == MoubooPendant) mesc l("Wise choice! But can you really part with it? Better think on something else!"); else if (.@id == MoubooHat || .@id == AlphaMoubooHat) mesc l("...I don't think giving it this hat will really help..."); else if (.@id == DeathPotion || .@id == NymphPoison) mesc l("...Are you crazy?"); else if (getiteminfo(.@id, ITEMINFO_TYPE) != IT_HEALING) mesc l("This is not a healing item."); else mesc l("You give up."); close; } // Bad healing items if (.@id == MoubooSteak) { mesc l("Uhm, this seems like a bad idea."); close; } else if (.@id == DeathPenalty) { mesc l("Uhm, that's an... @@. Do you... want to grow a tree on the mouboo or something? Can't you think on something else?", getitemlink(DeathPenalty)); close; } else if (.@id == BottleOfSewerWater) { mesc l("Uhm... I thought you were trying to heal the mouboo. Why are you giving it poisonous stuff?!"); close; } else if (.@id == Coffee) { mesc l("Uhm, I better heal it first before trying to do anything about the curse."); close; } mesc l("Really give your @@ to the Mouboo?", getitemlink(.@id)), 1; mesc l("The item will be lost forever."); next; if (askyesno() == ASK_YES) { delitem .@id, 1; itemeffect(.@id); // As a bonus, you'll be healed too, because I need to retrieve @max value // You need about 9.000 HP-worth healing items, and you can't use Mouboo Steak @val1*=rand2(3,5); // Average delay (FIXME: Is @val1 available?) @val1=max(10, @val1); // Hack if (.@id == ElixirOfLife) setq2 HurnscaldQuest_InjuriedMouboo, 9999; else setq2 HurnscaldQuest_InjuriedMouboo, .@q2+((@val1)/10); // Get rid of temporary variables, if it haven't happened yet @min = 0; @max = 0; @val1 = 0; .@q2=getq2(HurnscaldQuest_InjuriedMouboo); if (.@q2 > 1000) { mesc l("This will be remembered."), 6; setq HurnscaldQuest_InjuriedMouboo, 2; getexp 800, 0; close; } // Progress Report if (.@q2 > 900) { mesc l("The mouboo seems to want to thank you, but is still too weak. Let's finish this healing."); } else if (.@q2 > 700) { mesc l("The mouboo looks a bit more healthy. A little more should do."); } else if (.@q2 > 400) { mesc l("The mouboo looks a bit less sickly. But this is not enough."); } else if (.@q2 > 100) { mesc l("The mouboo still looks terrible, but you can see a small difference."); } else { // Mouboo begins at 100 HP, so this should never happen mesc l("Barely any difference, maybe I should use better healing items on it."); } } break; case 2: .@id = getequipid(EQI_HAND_R); // If ID is invalid, there's not enough items, it is bound = Cannot bury if (.@id < 1) { mesc l("You are not using a weapon for a merciful last blow."); close; } mesc l("Really attack the Mouboo with a(n) @@?", getitemlink(.@id)), 1; mesc l("There will be consequences."); next; if (askyesno() == ASK_YES) { .@atk=getiteminfo(.@id, ITEMINFO_ATK); mesn l("Injured Mouboo"); if (.@q2 < 20) mesq l("Re-ref... Reflect."); else mesq l("Ma... Magical Re... Re-ref... Reflection."); setq2 HurnscaldQuest_InjuriedMouboo, max(0, .@q2-(.@atk/5)); .@q2=getq2(HurnscaldQuest_InjuriedMouboo); if (.@q2 <= 0) { mes l("The... Mou... Boo... Taur..."); mes l("Is... Dan... Ger... Ous..."); mes l("...Help... Me..."); setq HurnscaldQuest_InjuriedMouboo, 9; getexp 800, 0; next; mesc l("This will be remembered."), 6; heal -.@atk, -(.@atk/10); close; } else { mesc l("This wasn't enough."); } heal -.@atk, -(.@atk/10); next; } break; default: close; } mes ""; goto L_Begin; // Sagratha Arc L_Healed: .@q=getq(HurnscaldQuest_InjuriedMouboo); .@q2=getq2(HurnscaldQuest_InjuriedMouboo); mesn l("Injuried Mouboo"); mesq l("Zzzzzz...."); mesc l("The mouboo is sleeping soundly. The curse is still there."); if (countitem(Coffee)) { next; mesc l("Give a @@ to the Mouboo?", getitemlink(Coffee)); next; if (askyesno() == ASK_YES) { mesn l("Injured Mouboo"); mesc l("*screams*"); mes ""; mesc l("The Mouboo doesn't want to drink the Coffee. Try to force it to drink anyway?"); next; if (askyesno() == ASK_YES) { delitem Coffee, 1; mesc l("There's no change in the condition of the poor Mouboo."); next; mesc l("Maybe the Hurnscald alchemist, Wyara, could explain why."); } else { mesc l("Coffee is good, why does the Mouboo refuse to drink it?"); mesc l("Maybe someone in Hurnscald can help me."); } } } close; // Final Results L_Uncursed: mesn; mesq l("Hello, @@. Thanks for helping me.", strcharinfo(0)); next; mesn; mesq l("Don't challenge the Moubootaur. You saw what happened to me."); close; L_Killed: mesc l("Did this Mouboo just blink? No, I made sure it was truly dead. Must have been my imagination."); close; OnInit: .sex=G_OTHER; .distance=2; end; }