// TMW2 Script. // Author: // Jesusalva // Description: // Random Hurnscald Shopper with random overpriced stuff and gifts 012-1,58,64,0 script Shoppa Kep NPC_SHOPPAKEP,{ inspectorQuest(); mesn; mesq lg("Welcome! Only the finest wares!"); next; closedialog; npcshopattach(.name$); shop .name$; close; function ShoppaKepItem { return any(Aquada, Manana, HalfEggshell, SpearmintTea); } OnInit: .CurrentItem=ShoppaKepItem(); .ThisRebootAmou=rand2(30,70); .sex = G_FEMALE; .distance = 5; sleep(SHOPWAIT); tradertype(NST_MARKET); sellitem CottonTrousers, 10000, 1; sellitem CottonSkirt, 5000, 1; sellitem MiniSkirt, 5000, 1; sellitem ShortTankTop, 2000, 1; sellitem CottonGloves, 15000, 1; sellitem CottonBoots, 10000, 1; sellitem PinkieLeg, 500, 1; sellitem Bread, -1, 50; sellitem Piberries, -1, 30; sellitem Plushroom, -1, 3; sellitem Chagashroom, -1, 3; sellitem PiouFeathers, -1, .ThisRebootAmou; sellitem .CurrentItem, getiteminfo(.CurrentItem, ITEMINFO_BUYPRICE)*15/10, rand2(2,6); end; OnClock1759: restoreshopitem PinkieLeg, 500, 1; OnClock0546: restoreshopitem CottonTrousers, 80000, 1; restoreshopitem CottonSkirt, 40000, 1; restoreshopitem MiniSkirt, 35000, 1; restoreshopitem ShortTankTop, 20000, 1; restoreshopitem CottonGloves, 20000, 1; restoreshopitem CottonBoots, 10000, 1; restoreshopitem Bread, -1, 50; restoreshopitem Piberries, -1, 30; restoreshopitem Plushroom, -1, 3; restoreshopitem Chagashroom, -1, 3; restoreshopitem PiouFeathers, -1, .ThisRebootAmou; stopselling(.CurrentItem); .CurrentItem=ShoppaKepItem(); sellitem .CurrentItem, getiteminfo(.CurrentItem, ITEMINFO_BUYPRICE)*15/10, rand2(2,6); end; // Pay your taxes! OnBuyItem: debugmes("Purchase confirmed"); PurchaseTaxes(); end; OnSellItem: debugmes("Sale confirmed"); SaleTaxes(); end; }