// TMW2 Script // Author: // Jesusalva // Description: // Introduces the new area ingame // Quest: // TODO: Quest, requires 1× LOFCoin (obtain for free with Pyndragon) // Reward: Mouboo Figurine 012-1,82,59,0 script LOFBot NPC_PLAYER,{ inspectorQuest(); .@q=getq(HurnscaldQuest_LOFPass); if (rand2(1,5) % 2 == 1) { mesn; mesq l("Ah, @@ is sooo amazing!", $MOST_HEROIC$); next; } mesn; mesq l("Have you ever heard of the [@@http://landoffire.org/|Land Of Fire@@]? It is a really cool game which is being developed by Pyndragon and Pihro!"); next; mesn; mesq l("They had a TMWA server, but the Monster King went hyperactive and... Well, it crashed here."); if (.@q == 0) goto L_Quest; if (.@q == 1) goto L_Report; if (.@q == 2) goto L_Report; // To accomodate Pyn's node. Not required. L_Menu: mes ""; menu l("How can I reach the Land Of Fire?"), L_Where, l("Tell me about the Land Of Fire."), L_Fire, l("What are the Transcendence Gates?"), L_Gates, l("Thanks for the help."), L_Close; // TODO: Perhaps it is worth mentioning on JSaves Castle is a Mana Source and thus, magic&skills work better, and weapons work worse? L_Where: mes ""; mesn; mesq l("If you head west, you'll eventually reach the magical Kamelot Castle."); next; mesn; mesq l("Inside it, there'll be a Transcendence Gate."); next; mesn; mesq l("It is a really cool place. You must visit it someday!"); next; goto L_Menu; L_Fire: mes ""; mesn; mesq l("The Land Of Fire Village was the result from the collapse of two worlds. It is a huge village."); next; mesq l("It have lots of lava caves, and some cool stuff, like the @@, can only be craft there.", getitemlink(SaviorArmor)); next; mesq l("Unique monsters can be found there, and people say about staffs which shoot raw death and doom from it!"); next; mesq l("It's self sufficient economically, and many fairies enjoy travelling there. In fact, rumors says the Fairy Kingdom is near it!"); next; goto L_Menu; L_Gates: mes ""; mesn; mesq l("Ah, you'll find on the Land Of Fire Village four transcendence gates."); next; mesn; mesq l("People from here always look dumbfolded when they walk past them and find themselves somewhere else."); next; mesn; mesq l("There's usually not a lot of things to do past these gates, but some monsters which only lives on the Land of Fire can only be found there!"); next; goto L_Menu; L_Close: closedialog; npctalkonce l("Ah, @@ is so amazing!", $MOST_HEROIC$); close; L_Quest: mesn; mesq l("Actually, could I ask you a favor?"); next; mesn; mesq l("I want a %s so badly... Pyndragon, in the forge, the master blacksmith which makes powerful weapons for high levels, can give you one.", getitemlink(LOFCoin)); next; mesn; mesq l("Just tell him that I want to reconsider, and that I want the souvenir he offered me when I moved to Hurnscald."); next; setq HurnscaldQuest_LOFPass, 1; goto L_Menu; L_Report: mes l("Did you brought me a %s?", getitemlink(LOFCoin)); next; if (askyesno() == ASK_YES) goto L_Check; goto L_Menu; L_Check: if (!countitem(LOFCoin)) goto L_NoItem; inventoryplace MoubooFigurine, 1; delitem LOFCoin, 1; getitem MoubooFigurine, 1; getexp 400, 20; setq HurnscaldQuest_LOFPass, 3; mesn; mesq lg("Thanks, my friend."); next; mesn; mesq l("Here, you can have this souvenir."); mesc l("* Item obtained: %s", getitemlink(MoubooFigurine)); next; goto L_Menu; L_NoItem: mesn; mesq l("I want a %s so badly... Pyndragon, in the forge, the master blacksmith which makes powerful weapons for high levels, can give you one.", getitemlink(LOFCoin)); next; mesn; mesq l("Just tell him that I want to reconsider, and that I want the souvenir he offered me when I moved to Hurnscald."); next; goto L_Menu; OnInit: .@npcId = getnpcid(.name$); setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HEADTOP, CenturionHelmet); setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HEADMIDDLE, SaviorArmor); setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HEADBOTTOM, TulimsharGuardBoots); setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_WEAPON, BromenalPants); setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HAIRSTYLE, 1); setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HAIRCOLOR, 1); npcsit; .sex = G_OTHER; .distance = 5; end; }