// TMW2 scripts. // Authors: // Jesusalva // Description: // Protect Halinarzo 009-1,71,24,0 script Lieutenant Jacob NPC_PLAYER,{ inspectorQuest(); // The Monster King guild have a special menu if (strcharinfo(2) == "Monster King") goto L_MKControl; mesn; mesq l("Halt! Beyond this gate, is the Great River and the Eternal Swamps."); next; mesn; mesq l("Was not it only flooded constantly, the graveyard is not too far. If you stray away from the path, you'll get lost."); next; .@fd=!(getmapmask("011-3")&1024); // .@fd - is flooded? if (!.@fd && $GAME_STORYLINE >= 1) { mesn; // There's a limit on how much info I can send with @@ mesq l("Various people already went missing, including GMs. This is why if you plan to cross, ") + b(l("You won't be allowed to walk sideways, except to avoid a monster or two.")); mesc l("If you try to walk west or east too much, you'll hit an \"invisible wall\" to prevent you from getting lost."); next; select l("I'm fine, thanks."), l("My equipment is good, let me through!"); mes ""; if (@menu == 2 && $HURNS_LIBDATE) { .@palgal$=lg("gal", "pal"); if (BaseLevel < 20 && !REBIRTH) { mesn; mesq l("It might be, but your level isn't. Sorry @@. No going to Hurnscald before level 20.", .@palgal$); close; } if (reputation("Halin") < 1) { mesn; mesq l("It might be, but I never heard of you before. Sorry @@, I can't let just anyone go through. It would be a disservice to see you get stuck and die.", .@palgal$); close; } warp "011-3", 37, 259; closedialog; close; } else if (!$HURNS_LIBDATE) { mesn; mesq l("No. Hurnscald is besieged and it would be too dangerous to let you go alone. You should talk to %s, instead.", b("Saulc GM")); } } else { mesn; mesq l("In fact, it is flooded at the moment. Come back later."); next; } if (GHQUEST) GHQ_Assign(Snake, "Halinarzo"); close; L_MKControl: mesn; mes l("Oh noes! You've found the Halinarzo control panel!"); next; select l("Abort"), l("Initiate a siege"); mes ""; if (@menu == 2) { doevent "Lieutenant Jacob::OnStartSiege"; closedialog; } close; OnMKSiege: $@SIEGE_ABORTED = false; OnStartSiege: kamibroadcast(col("WARNING! WARNING! Monster Army is moving towards Halinarzo!!",1)); do_siege("009-1", "010-2", "HALIN", TP_TULIM, .name$, .siegetime); initnpctimer; end; // Timers OnTimer5000: .siegetime+=5; do_siege("009-1", "010-2", "HALIN", TP_TULIM, .name$, .siegetime); switch (.siegetime) { case 0: disablenpc "Sawis"; break; // Monster Army arrives in town case 60: disablenpc "Fisherman"; disablenpc "Charles, Trader King"; disablenpc "Lynn The Traveler"; disablenpc "Enliven Reva Foxhound"; disablenpc "Ryan"; disablenpc "Bella, the Scholar"; disablenpc "Book Keeper"; disablenpc "Yumi"; disablenpc "Halinarzo's Nurse"; disablenpc "Joaquim"; disablenpc "Alvasus"; disablenpc "Luanna"; break; // Monster Army deployed in town case 90: disablenpc "Dang Rostra"; disablenpc "Kevin"; disablenpc "Barzil"; break; // Monster army have withdrawn completly case MK_SIEGE_DURATION: .siegetime=0; announce(("Halinarzo siege is over!"), bc_all); enablenpc "Sawis"; enablenpc "Fisherman"; enablenpc "Charles, Trader King"; enablenpc "Lynn The Traveler"; enablenpc "Enliven Reva Foxhound"; enablenpc "Ryan"; enablenpc "Bella, the Scholar"; enablenpc "Book Keeper"; enablenpc "Yumi"; enablenpc "Halinarzo's Nurse"; enablenpc "Joaquim"; enablenpc "Alvasus"; enablenpc "Luanna"; enablenpc "Dang Rostra"; enablenpc "Kevin"; enablenpc "Barzil"; stopnpctimer; end; break; } // Loop again initnpctimer; end; OnInit: .siegetime=0; .sex = G_MALE; .distance = 4; // Check items.xml for info about this. .@npcId = getnpcid(); setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HEADTOP, BullHelmet); setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HEADMIDDLE, LieutenantArmor); setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HEADBOTTOM, RaidTrousers); setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_SHIELD, LousyMoccasins); // TODO FIXME: Display Boots setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_WEAPON, Backsword); setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HAIRSTYLE, 12); setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HAIRCOLOR, 15); end; } // Handle Guard's logic function script HaliGuardHandler { legiontalk; return; } 009-1,100,30,0 script Guard Corina NPC_GUARD2,{ inspectorQuest(); HaliGuardHandler(); end; OnInit: .sex = G_OTHER; .distance = 5; end; } 009-1,111,48,0 script Guard Jhon NPC_GUARD1,{ inspectorQuest(); HaliGuardHandler(); end; OnInit: .sex = G_OTHER; .distance = 5; end; } 009-1,41,56,0 script Guard Laurie NPC_GUARD2,{ inspectorQuest(); HaliGuardHandler(); end; OnInit: .sex = G_OTHER; .distance = 5; end; } 009-1,62,74,0 script Guard Amy NPC_GUARD2,{ inspectorQuest(); HaliGuardHandler(); end; OnInit: .sex = G_OTHER; .distance = 5; end; }