// TMW-2 scripts. // Original Authors: Hal9000 & Qwerty Dragon // TMW-2 Authors: // +seeds // dangerduck // Description: // Piou captain who gives information about shrewboo mounts and the Piou Knights. 006-2-5,40,25,0 script Captain Reed NPC_PIOU_KNIGHT_L,{ function reedHello; function reedAboutKnights; function reedAboutShrewboos; .@q=getq(PiouQuest_Pouf); if (.@q <= 2) { switch (rand2(3)) { case 0: npctalk3 l("This is no place for a weakling like you. I suggest you leave."); break; case 1: npctalk3 l("Allowing you to remain on our Isles is dangerous. Tread carefully, %s.", get_race()); break; default: npctalk3 l("I'll be keeping an eye on you, %s. Don't make trouble.", strcharinfo(0)); } } else if (.@q == 3) { reedHello(); } close; function reedHello { mesn; mesq l("Do you need assistance, Knight %s?", strcharinfo(0)); next; select l("What can you tell me about the Piou Knights?"), l("Why do Piou Knights need mounts if they can fly?"), l("I just wanted to say hi."); mes ""; switch (@menu) { case 1: reedAboutKnights(); break; case 2: reedAboutShrewboos(); break; } return; } function reedAboutKnights { mesn; mesq l("The Order of Piou Knights was originally created as a defense against hunters from the talpan races."); next; mesn; mesc l("Our Order stopped the hunters from harming any piou on Piou Isles, but it could not do anything for the pious who refused to live here."); next; mesn; mesq l("We grew in strength and knowledge over time, and dedicated ourselves to upholding justice and peace on the Isles, and in the world."); next; mesn; mesq l("When the ducks joined the Moubootaur and created the Duck Side, our convictions and oaths to the Order ensured we would oppose them."); next; mesn; mesc l("The talpan races do not consider ducks or pious to be a threat, thus we are the only line of defense against the Duck Side."); next; mesn; mesq l("Remember that, %s. You dedicated yourself to the Order of Piou Knights, and you are now sworn to oppose the Duck Side.", strcharinfo(0)); next; return; } function reedAboutShrewboos { mesn; mesq l("Our warriors are burdened with strong, yet heavy, armor."); next; mesn; mesc l("Due to this detriment to our speed and ability to fly, we started training shrewboos as mounts."); next; mesn; mesq l("Over time, we improved our training, and our warboos are now extremely efficient fighting steeds."); next; mesn; mesq l("They also give Piou Knights a much needed speed boost against the ducks, who are naturally fast."); next; return; } OnInit: .sex = G_OTHER; .distance = 4; end; }