// TMW-2 scripts. // Original Authors: Hal9000 & Qwerty Dragon // TMW-2 Authors: // +seeds // dangerduck // Description: // Piou captain who gives information about the war, and the piou queen. 006-2-5,36,25,0 script Captain Dusk NPC_PIOU_KNIGHT_R,{ function duskHello; function duskAboutQueen; function duskAboutWar; switch (getq(PiouQuest_Pouf)) { case 0: case 1: case 2: switch (rand2(3)) { case 0: npctalk3 l("Don't think you'll sneak anything by me. I'm watching you..."); break; case 1: npctalk3 l("I don't tolerate a piou, or %s, who is afraid of hard work.", get_race()); break; default: npctalk3 l("Best steer clear of the Princess, %s. It won't go well if you upset her.", strcharinfo(0)); break; } break; default: duskHello(); break; } close; function duskHello { mesn; mesq l("Welcome to the Order of the Piou Knights, %s.", strcharinfo(0)); next; select l("Where is the Piou Queen?"), l("How is the war going?"), l("I just wanted to say hi."); mes ""; switch (@menu) { case 1: duskAboutQueen(); break; case 2: duskAboutWar(); break; case 3: close; break; } return; } function duskAboutQueen { mesn; mesq l("Queen +seeds of Piou Isles is busy coordinating war efforts at the front."); next; mesn; mesq l("She's a fierce piou, leading our troops into the heart of each battle. I admire her bravery."); next; mesn; mesq l("Princess Pouf has been given leadership until our Queen returns. Should Queen +seeds perish, Princess Pouf will take the crown."); next; mesn; mesq l("Fight bravely and well, %s, and perhaps our Queen will survive to return to her beloved isles.", strcharinfo(0)); return; } function duskAboutWar { mesn; mesq l("So far neither the Duck Side or the Piou Knights have gained the upper hand in the war."); next; mesn; mesq l("However, our mages have recently sensed something dark stirring."); next; mesn; mesq l("I fear something terrible is rising, and I do not know if we can weather the coming storm."); next; mesc l("The captain falls quiet, and appears to be lost in thought."); next; return; } OnInit: .sex = G_OTHER; .distance = 4; end; }