// TMW2 scripts. // Authors: // Jesusalva // +seeds // Description: // Daily quest to exchange Tolchi Arrow Boxes for a small amount of gp and exp // Variables: // $GLIM_ST // How many Tolchi Arrow Boxes were given // q2 // Controls your own progress helping Glim - Items today // q3 // Controls your own progress helping Glim - Your timer 006-2-1,82,28,0 script Glim NPC_PIOU_VIKING,{ function handle_donation; L_Loop: .@q3 = getq3(PiouQuest_Glim); mesn; mesq l("Argh, I've run out o' arrows! Say, ye don't have any I could use, do ye? I only got %s...", fnum($GLIM_ST)); next; if (.@q3 < $@GLIM_QTIMER) { setq2 PiouQuest_Glim, 0; setq3 PiouQuest_Glim, $@GLIM_QTIMER; } // Daily limit reached .@q2 = getq2(PiouQuest_Glim); .@donations_limit = (BaseLevel-17)/3 - .@q2; .@tabox_limit = min(countitem(TolchiAmmoBox), .@donations_limit); .@tarow_limit = min(countitem(TolchiArrow)/200, .@donations_limit); if (.@donations_limit <= 0) goto L_Timer; select rif(.@tabox_limit > 0, l("Give Glim a %s", getitemname(TolchiAmmoBox))), rif(.@tarow_limit > 0, l("Give Glim a %s", l("bundle of 200 %s", getitemname(TolchiArrow)))), l("Maybe later."); mes ""; switch (@menu) { case 1: handle_donation(TolchiAmmoBox, 1, 150, 64); break; case 2: handle_donation(TolchiArrow, 200, 100, 72); break; case 3: close; break; } goto L_Loop; L_Timer: if (BaseLevel < 10) { mesq l("Wait a minute! I ain't trustin' a weakling like ye fer good arrows!"); mesn; mesq l("Come back when ye've grown sum muscles."); close; } mesn; mesq l("I'm all stocked up now, thanks to ye. Come back in @@ and ye might be able to help me again.", FuzzyTime($@GLIM_TIMER+(60*60*24),2,2)); close; function handle_donation { // (partID, Amount, Zeny, bEXP) .@partID = getarg(0); .@amount = getarg(1); .@zeny = getarg(2); .@bEXP = getarg(3); delitem .@partID, .@amount; getexp .@bEXP, 0; Zeny += .@zeny; $GLIM_ST += 1; setq2 PiouQuest_Glim, (getq2(PiouQuest_Glim) + 1); } OnInit: .sex = G_OTHER; .distance = 5; $@GLIM_QTIMER = gettimeparam(GETTIME_DAYOFMONTH); $@GLIM_TIMER = gettimetick(2); $@GLIM_TIMER -= gettime(1); $@GLIM_TIMER -= gettime(2)*60; $@GLIM_TIMER -= gettime(3)*3600; end; OnHour00: $@GLIM_QTIMER = gettimeparam(GETTIME_DAYOFMONTH); $@GLIM_TIMER = gettimetick(2); end; }