// Author: // Crazyfefe // Jesusalva // Description: // Ayasha takes care of the children of Candor Village, and is in charge of protecting them. // The kids sometimes go play outside of city walls, and this makes her upset. // Even if no major attack happened in Candor for a while. // Variables: // CandorQuest_HAS // 0: Not met // 1: Already met // 2: Quest ongoing // 3: Found all kids // 4: Reward given 005-1,59,91,0 script Ayasha NPC_HUMAN_FEMALE_NOOB,{ showavatar NPC_HUMAN_FEMALE_NOOB; // this is handled by avatars.xml if (strcharinfo(2) == "Monster King" && is_master()) goto L_MKControl; function quest_findAllKids { setq CandorQuest_HAS, 2; mesn; mesq l("Good luck!"); tutmes l("If a kid doesn't react to you, try %s and then talk to the kid again.", b(l("right click > Move"))); close; } .@has = getq(CandorQuest_HAS); if (.@has == 0) { speech S_LAST_NEXT, l("Ah, the kids are playing hide and seek, but I am afraid they went too far. A monster attack could start anytime, after all."), l("I am currently very worried with them. They're just children! They don't know how to fight!"), l("Could you perhaps help me to find all kids?"); do { select l("Yes!"), l("I can't, sorry."); setq CandorQuest_HAS, 1; switch (@menu) { case 1: quest_findAllKids; break; } } while (@menu != 2); } else if (.@has == 1) { mesn; mesq l("Even if the city has not been attacked on the last few years, I can't help but be concerned while the kids are playing hide and seek."); next; mesq l("Could you perhaps help me to find all kids?"); next; do { select l("Yes!"), l("I can't, sorry."); switch (@menu) { case 1: quest_findAllKids; break; } } while (@menu != 2); } else if (.@has == 2) { mesn; mesq l("You still haven't found all of them yet."); close; } else if (.@has == 3) { speech S_LAST_NEXT, l("Thank you, here is your reward and... some pocket money."); narrator("You receive 30 exp and 50 GP."); getexp 32, 0; Zeny = (Zeny + 50); setq CandorQuest_HAS, 4; close; } else { mesn; mesq l("Thank you for your help."); if (BaseLevel >= 24 && gettimetick(2) > .RENT_TIME) goto L_Sword; close; } //closedialog; //goodbye; close; L_Sword: menu l("The children are safe, could you rent me your sword?"), L_Rent, l("You're welcome!"), -; close; L_Rent: // This code is equivalent to: speech S_FIRST_BLANK_LINE | S_LAST_NEXT mes ""; mesn; mesq l("Ah, I guess you want to fight at the cave north of me..."); next; mesq l("The children are safe, aren't they...?"); next; mesq l("I can rent it to you for 300 GP, during 15 minutes. Deal?"); next; menu rif(Zeny >= 300 && gettimetick(2) > .RENT_TIME, l("Deal!")), L_DoRent, l("Maybe later."), -; close; L_DoRent: if (gettimetick(2) <= .RENT_TIME) mesq l("Sorry, you were taking too long to decide and I've rented my sword to somebody else."); if (gettimetick(2) <= .RENT_TIME) close; .RENT_TIME=gettimetick(2)+(15*60); set Zeny, Zeny - 300; rentitem Judgement, (15*60); mes ""; mesn; mesq l("Here it is. Take care with it!"); if ($RUNES_HOLDER$ == "" && $GAME_STORYLINE >= 4) { next; mesn; mesq l("Actually, I heard that on the cave north of me a great wizard died from a curse, but his staff would be available for any other wizard who looks."); next; mesn; mesq l("I don't know, I assume the staff was burried with him on the deepest parts of the cave. If it was easy, someone would already have stolen it."); } close; L_MKControl: mesn; mes l("Oh noes! You've found the Candor control panel!"); menu l("Initiate small siege (lv. 5)"), L_MKSmall, l("Abort"), -; close; L_MKSmall: addmapmask "005-1", MASK_MATTACK; changemusic "005-1", "mythica.ogg"; disablenpc("Mana Stone"); pvpon("005-1"); announce(l("##1WARNING! WARNING! Siege starting at Candor!!"), bc_all); areamonster("005-1", 0, 0, 125, 125, l("Black Scorpion"), BlackScorpion, 1, "Ayasha::OnBlackScorpionDeath"); areamonster("005-1", 0, 0, 125, 125, ("House Maggot"), HouseMaggot, 3, "Ayasha::OnHouseMaggotDeath"); initnpctimer; close; OnBlackScorpionDeath: dispbottom "BSD"; areamonster("005-1", 0, 0, 125, 125, l("Black Scorpion"), BlackScorpion, 1, "Ayasha::OnBlackScorpionDeath"); if (rand(10000) <= 900) getitem StrangeCoin, 1; debugmes "BSD OK"; end; OnManaGhostDeath: dispbottom "MGD"; areamonster("005-1", 0, 0, 125, 125, l("Mana Ghost"), ManaGhost, 1, "Ayasha::OnManaGhostDeath"); if (rand(10000) <= 500) getitem StrangeCoin, 1; debugmes "MGD OK"; end; OnHouseMaggotDeath: dispbottom "HMD"; areamonster("005-1", 0, 0, 125, 125, l("House Maggot"), ManaGhost, 1, "Ayasha::OnHouseMaggotDeath"); if (rand(10000) <= 400) getitem StrangeCoin, 1; debugmes "HMD OK"; end; OnTimer5000: areamonster("005-1", 0, 0, 125, 125, "Black Scorpion", BlackScorpion, 1, "Ayasha::OnBlackScorpionDeath"); areamonster("005-1", 0, 0, 125, 125, ("House Maggot"), HouseMaggot, 10, "Ayasha::OnHouseMaggotDeath"); mapannounce("003-1", "##2Message to all Candor NPCs: Take shelter!", bc_map); disablenpc "Ayasha"; disablenpc "Charda"; disablenpc "Faris"; disablenpc "Ghada"; disablenpc "Latif"; disablenpc "Rasin"; disablenpc "Lilly"; disablenpc "Zegas"; disablenpc "Vincent"; disablenpc "Liana"; disablenpc "Maya"; disablenpc "Sailors#005-1"; disablenpc "Magic Barrier"; disablenpc "Tolchi"; disablenpc "Rosen"; disablenpc "Nylo"; disablenpc "Cynric"; disablenpc "Morgan"; disablenpc "Zitoni"; disablenpc "Trainer"; end; OnTimer60000: areamonster("005-1", 0, 0, 125, 125, "Black Scorpion", BlackScorpion, 1, "Ayasha::OnBlackScorpionDeath"); areamonster("005-1", 0, 0, 125, 125, ("Mana Ghost"), ManaGhost, 3, "Ayasha::OnManaGhostDeath"); areamonster("005-1", 0, 0, 125, 125, ("House Maggot"), HouseMaggot, 5, "Ayasha::OnHouseMaggotDeath"); end; OnTimer120000: OnTimer180000: OnTimer240000: OnTimer300000: OnTimer360000: OnTimer420000: OnTimer480000: areamonster("005-1", 0, 0, 125, 125, ("Slime Blast"), 1090, 1); areamonster("005-1", 0, 0, 125, 125, ("Mana Ghost"), ManaGhost, 1, "Ayasha::OnManaGhostDeath"); areamonster("005-1", 0, 0, 125, 125, ("House Maggot"), HouseMaggot, 1, "Ayasha::OnHouseMaggotDeath"); end; OnTimer540000: mapannounce("005-1", "##1The Monster Army is getting tired of resistance!", bc_map); areamonster("005-1", 0, 0, 125, 125, ("Slime Blast"), 1090, 5); areamonster("005-1", 0, 0, 125, 125, ("Mana Ghost"), ManaGhost, 1, "Ayasha::OnManaGhostDeath"); areamonster("005-1", 0, 0, 125, 125, ("House Maggot"), HouseMaggot, 1, "Ayasha::OnHouseMaggotDeath"); end; OnTimer600000: mapannounce("005-1", "##1The Monster King army is preparing to withdraw!", bc_map); end; OnTimer630000: removemapmask "005-1", MASK_MATTACK; changemusic "005-1", "bartk_adventure.ogg"; enablenpc("Mana Stone"); killmonsterall("005-1", 0); pvpoff("005-1"); announce(("Candor siege is over!"), bc_all); enablenpc "Ayasha"; enablenpc "Charda"; enablenpc "Faris"; enablenpc "Ghada"; enablenpc "Latif"; enablenpc "Rasin"; enablenpc "Lilly"; enablenpc "Zegas"; enablenpc "Vincent"; enablenpc "Liana"; enablenpc "Maya"; enablenpc "Sailors#005-1"; enablenpc "Magic Barrier"; enablenpc "Tolchi"; enablenpc "Rosen"; enablenpc "Nylo"; enablenpc "Cynric"; enablenpc "Morgan"; enablenpc "Zitoni"; enablenpc "Trainer"; stopnpctimer; end; OnInit: .sex = G_FEMALE; .distance = 5; .RENT_TIME=0; // TODO: This could easily be a $GLOBAL_VARIABLE end; } function script CheckEnfant { @kids_count = 0; @count_tmp = 0; if ($@GM_OVERRIDE) npctalk3 sprintf("Hello, I am K-@@, of the @@ order.", @kids, $@KidsBits[@kids]); if (getq2(CandorQuest_HAS) & $@KidsBits[@kids]) goto L_Already; setq2 CandorQuest_HAS, getq2(CandorQuest_HAS) | $@KidsBits[@kids]; goto L_Loop; L_KidsTally: if (debug || $@GM_OVERRIDE) npctalk3 l("You found @@ out of @@ kids.", @kids_count, @count_tmp); if (@kids_count == 6) { dispbottom l("That must have been the last kid."); setq CandorQuest_HAS, 3; } speech S_FIRST_BLANK_LINE | S_LAST_NEXT, l("Oh! You found me. Good job!"); narrator("You receive 5 exp."); getexp 5,0; close; return; L_Loop: while (@count_tmp < 6) { if (getq2(CandorQuest_HAS) & $@KidsBits[@count_tmp]) @kids_count = (@kids_count + 1); @count_tmp = (@count_tmp + 1); } goto L_KidsTally; L_Already: mesn; mesq l("Thanks for playing with us! Can you find my friends?"); close; return; } 005-1,76,100,0 script Charda NPC_CHILD8,{ @kids = 0; if (getq(CandorQuest_HAS) == 2) { CheckEnfant(); } else { mes l("The kid is not paying attention to you."); close; } end; OnInit: // This works at same var from KidsBits. We start counting from 10, then. setarray $@KidsBits, (1 << 10), (1 << 11), (1 << 12), (1 << 13), (1 << 14), (1 << 15); .sex = G_OTHER; .distance = 1; end; } 005-1,28,100,0 script Faris NPC_CHILD7,{ @kids = 1; if (getq(CandorQuest_HAS) == 2) { CheckEnfant(); } else { mes l("The kid is not paying attention to you."); close; } end; OnInit: .sex = G_MALE; .distance = 1; end; } 005-1,91,31,0 script Ghada NPC_CHILD5,{ @kids = 2; if (getq(CandorQuest_HAS) == 2) { CheckEnfant(); } else { mes l("The kid is not paying attention to you."); close; } end; OnInit: .sex = G_MALE; .distance = 1; end; } 005-1,45,68,0 script Latif NPC_HUMAN_M_ARTIS,{ @kids = 3; if (getq(CandorQuest_HAS) == 2) { CheckEnfant(); } else { mes l("The kid is not paying attention to you."); close; } end; OnInit: .sex = G_MALE; .distance = 1; end; } 005-1,25,53,0 script Rasin NPC_CHILD3,{ @kids = 4; if (getq(CandorQuest_HAS) == 2) { CheckEnfant(); } else { mes l("The kid is not paying attention to you."); close; } end; OnInit: .sex = G_MALE; .distance = 1; end; } 005-1,44,74,0 script Lilly NPC_CHILD6,{ @kids = 5; if (getq(CandorQuest_HAS) == 2) { CheckEnfant(); } else { mes l("The kid is not paying attention to you."); close; } end; OnInit: .sex = G_FEMALE; .distance = 1; end; } 005-1,60,91,0 script AyashaDebug NPC_MONA,{ showavatar NPC_MONA; // this is handled by avatars.xml mesn; mesq l("Reset?"); next; menu l("Yes."), L_Reset, l("Test"), L_Charda, l("No."), L_Close; L_Reset: setq CandorQuest_HAS, 0, 0; mes l("Reset!"); goto L_Close; L_Charda: setq2 CandorQuest_HAS, getq2(CandorQuest_HAS) &~ (1 << 10); mes l("Charda clean!"); goto L_Close; L_Close: //showavatar; // Use this to hide the showavatar close; // Use @shownpc to enable AyashaDebug OnInit: if (!debug) disablenpc .name$; end; }