// TMW2 scripts. // Authors: // Jesusalva // Description: // Part of Speed Run Quest, and an unplanned assassin quest. 004-2,61,118,0 script Pachua NPC_INDIGENOUS_OLD,1,1,{ if (@pachua == 1) goto OnTouch; mesn; mesq l("Howdy! Mirio and I scout this canyon to protect our clan. I am also a retired assassin, maybe someday I can exchange some knowledge with you! Hahaha!"); if (getq(LoFQuest_EPISODE) == 9 && countitem(Honey) >= 10 && countitem(ElixirOfLife)) { next; select l("Nice."), l("[10x Honey, 1x Elixir of Life] The Shadow Tortuga won the race against the Panthom Lord."); mes ""; if (@menu == 2) { mesc l("%s lifts an eyebrow to you.", .name$); next; inventoryplace ArcmageBoxset, 1; mesn; mesq l("So they need me again. Alright. Tell them the following:"); mes b(l("The crow took off to his last flight.")); next; delitem Honey, 10; delitem ElixirOfLife, 1; getitem ArcmageBoxset, 1; setq LoFQuest_EPISODE, 10; mesn; mesq l("And you, take this %s. It is a reward for doing the dirty job. You would think old age would let you retire, hahaha!", getitemlink(ArcmageBoxset)); close; } } close; OnTouch: if (@pachua != 1) end; // If you're disarmed (riding?) apply a small time penalty // checkmount() might not work? untested? if (getequipid(EQI_HAND_R) < 1 || getequipid(EQI_HAND_L) < 1) { setq2 HalinarzoQuest_Speed, getq2(HalinarzoQuest_Speed) - 30; } message strcharinfo(0), "Pachua quickly inhales from his pipe and releases a ring of smoke towards the sky!"; @pachua = 2; end; OnInit: .distance = 4; .sex = G_MALE; end; }