// TMW2 Scripts
// Author:
//    Jesusalva
// Description:
//    Tulimshar Guardhouse Taskmaster

003-10,41,63,0	script	Kreist	NPC_PLAYER,{
    mesn l("Kreist, Taskmaster");
    mesq l("Hello, and welcome to Tulimshar guard house.");
    mesn l("Kreist, Taskmaster");
    mesq l("My name is @@ and I am the daily task master. Interested in keeping this world free from monsters, or to report back?", .name$);
    mesc l("Protip: All quests expire at 00:00 server time, be sure to finish AND report back before that!");
    // Borrowed from Arkim Code
    mesc l("Time remaining to report completion: ")+FuzzyTime($@ARKIM_TIMER+86400), 1;

        l("I want a EASY task!"),
        l("I want a MODERATE task!"),
        l("I want a EXPERT task!"),
        l("It was nice seeing you.");
    mes "";
    switch (@menu) {
        case 1:
            goto L_QuestMaster;
        case 2:
            goto L_QuestMaster;
        case 3:
            goto L_QuestMaster;

    // It's a new day, so we must generate a new quest!
    if (.@q1 != .@d) {
        if (.@lv == 3) {
            .@q2=any(Maggot, Scorpion, Croc, FireGoblin, CaveMaggot, Duck);
        } else if (.@lv == 5) {
            .@q2=any(GiantMaggot, CaveSnake, DesertBandit, Sarracenus, DesertLogHead, RedScorpion);
        } else if (.@lv == 12) {
            .@q2=any(BlackScorpion, Snake, MountainSnake);
        } else {
            Exception("Bad setting for GMH.LV: "+.@lv, RB_DEFAULT|RB_SPEECH|RB_ISFATAL);
        setq .@q, .@q1, .@q2, 0;

    // Maybe there is no monster to kill
    if (!.@q2) {
        mesn l("Kreist, Taskmaster");
        mesq l("You've already completed this quest today. Try again tomorrow.");

    // Maybe you finished the quest?
    if (.@q3 >= 50) {
        mesn l("Kreist, Taskmaster");
        mesq l("Good job, you've killed the @@ @@ and reported back in time!", 50, getmonsterlink(.@q2));
        inventoryplace MercBoxA, 1;
        if (MERCENARY_DAILYQUEST == 100) {
            inventoryplace BountyHunterHelmet, 1;
            getitem BountyHunterHelmet, 1;
        mesn l("Kreist, Taskmaster");
        mesq l("It's not much of a reward, but doesn't it feels great to help others in need?! HAHAHA!");
        // Raise LV according to monster level
        .@lv+=strmobinfo(3, .@q2)+MERCENARY_DAILYQUEST;
        getexp BaseLevel*.@lv, .@lv+.@overkill;
        setq2 .@q, 0;
        setq3 .@q, 0;
        if (MERCENARY_DAILYQUEST % 5 == 0) {
            getitem MercBoxA, 1;

    mesn l("Kreist, Taskmaster");
    mesq l("So, please kill @@/@@ @@ for us and make the world a safer place!", .@q3, 50, getmonsterlink(.@q2));

    // Check items.xml for info about this.
    .@npcId = getnpcid(.name$);
    setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HEADTOP, WarlordHelmet);
    setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HEADMIDDLE, LieutenantArmor);
    setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HEADBOTTOM, RaidTrousers);
    setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_SHIELD, LousyMoccasins);    // TODO FIXME: Display Boots
    setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_WEAPON, Backsword);
    setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HAIRSTYLE, 7);
    setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HAIRCOLOR, 15);

    .sex = G_MALE;
    .distance = 4;


// What is with this stupidly long quest name?
function	script	Guardhouse_RandQuestCheck	{
    if (!playerattached())

    .@mobId=getarg(0, killedrid);

    // Easy Task
    if (getq(General_MobHunting1) == .@d &&
        getq2(General_MobHunting1) == .@mobId) {
        setq3 General_MobHunting1, .@q3;
        if (!(.@q3 % 10))
            dispbottom l("@@/@@ @@ killed", .@q3, 50, getmonsterlink(.@mobId));

    // Medium Task
    if (getq(General_MobHunting2) == .@d &&
        getq2(General_MobHunting2) == .@mobId) {
        setq3 General_MobHunting2, .@q3;
        if (!(.@q3 % 10))
            dispbottom l("@@/@@ @@ killed", .@q3, 50, getmonsterlink(.@mobId));

    // Hard Task
    if (getq(General_MobHunting3) == .@d &&
        getq2(General_MobHunting3) == .@mobId) {
        setq3 General_MobHunting3, .@q3;
        if (!(.@q3 % 10))
            dispbottom l("@@/@@ @@ killed", .@q3, 50, getmonsterlink(.@mobId));

    // Frostia's Task
    if (getq(General_MobHunting4) == .@d &&
        getq2(General_MobHunting4) == .@mobId) {
        setq3 General_MobHunting4, .@q3;
        if (!(.@q3 % 10))
            dispbottom l("@@/@@ @@ killed", .@q3, 50, getmonsterlink(.@mobId));
