// TMW2 scripts. // Author: // Saulc // Jesusalva // Inac Give a sharp knife for 20 Piou Feathers to player over level 12, // before Tycoon give it but only bafter level 18 that was too high ! 003-1,55,82,0 script Inac NPC_PLAYER,{ .@Inac = getq(TulimsharQuest_Inac); if (BaseLevel < 12) goto L_TooWeak; if (.@Inac == 1) goto L_Check; if (.@Inac == 2) goto L_Complete; L_GiveTask: mesn; mesq lg("Hello, wanderer! Welcome to Tulimshar."); next; mesq l("Was it Nard who brought you here?"); next; menu l("Yeah, Nard's sailors saved my life and brought me here!"), L_Quest, l("I need to go."), L_Quit; L_Quest: mes ""; mesn; mesq l("Quite benevolent, they are. Nard likes to help anyone who works hard. Anyway, there was something important I needed to say."); next; mesn; .@g$=lg("girl", "boy"); mesq l("Tulimshar is surrounded by strong monsters. If you go out with your poor equipment, you're going to be dead in no time, @@.", .@g$); tutmes l("You can use \"@monsterinfo <monster name>\" to gauge a monster strength."), l("Protip"), false; next; mesn; mesq l("I probably can give you my Sharp Knife, though! If you want to help me, that is."); next; menu l("Really? That would be great!"), L_Start, l("I better do this some other time..."), L_Quit; L_Start: setq TulimsharQuest_Inac, 1; mes ""; mesn; mesq l("Well, if you come from Candor, you probably will have some fluffy's yellow feathers. I use them to make pillows."); goto L_List; L_Quit: mes ""; mesn; mesq l("Have a good day, then."); close; L_List: mes ""; mesn; mes l("I can give you my knife if you bring me this:"); mes l("@@/20 @@", countitem(PiouFeathers), getitemlink(PiouFeathers)); close; L_Check: mesn; mesq l("Did you brought me the feathers?"); next; menu l("Yes! Here you are."), L_Give, l("I forgot what you need!"), L_List, l("Later."), L_Quit; L_Give: if ( countitem(PiouFeathers) < 20 ) goto L_Lying; inventoryplace SharpKnife, 1; delitem(PiouFeathers, 20); getitem(SharpKnife, 1); getexp(200, 5); setq(TulimsharQuest_Inac, 2); mes ""; mesn; mesq l("Enjoy this new weapon, I hope you're successful."); close; L_Complete: mesn; mesq l("Many stories are told about this city sewers."); next; mesn; mesq l("One of them is really crazy, though: They say that there is a legendary monster down there."); next; mesn; mesq l("That's just nonsense though, I've been there thousands of times and saw no such thing."); if (getq(TulimsharQuest_Sewers) > 0) close; next; mesn; mesq l("Anyway, there's a barrier to prevent monsters from attacking the city from below."); next; mesn; mesq l("To enter on them, you need to be level 25 and use the following chant: \"Blame Saulc\". I don't know why, but that open doors!"); setq TulimsharQuest_Sewers, 1; close; L_Lying: mesn; mesq l("No no no, that's wrong."); next; mesc l("I need more feathers for a fair deal."); next; goto L_List; L_TooWeak: mesn; mesq l("Hello little kid. Watch out, there's a maggot behind you %%a !"); tutmes l("You need at least level %s to do this quest.", b(12)), l("WARNING"), false; close; OnShout: npctalk3 l("Ahoy! Hey, you, new person! Could you come here?!"); end; OnInit: .@npcId = getnpcid(.name$); setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HEADTOP, Bandana); setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HEADMIDDLE, VneckJumper); setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HEADBOTTOM, CottonTrousers); setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_WEAPON, LousyMoccasins); // Boots setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HAIRSTYLE, 7); setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HAIRCOLOR, 17); .sex = G_MALE; .distance = 4; end; }