// TMW2 Script // Modified by Jesusalva // Evol scripts. // Authors: // 4144 // Qwerty Dragon // Reid // Vasily_Makarov // Jesusalva // Description: // Starting script of Evol Online, modified for TMW2. // Translation: // FR Translated 000-0,23,19,0 script Sailors NPC_SAILORS,6,6,{ OnTouch: .@q=getq(General_Narrator); if (.@q) end; //checkclientversion; .@lang = requestlang(); if (.@lang >= 0 && .@lang <= MAX_LANG) Lang = .@lang; showavatar 3; if ($EVENT$ == "Steam" && false) goto L_FiresOfSteam; if ($HARDCORE || debug || $NO_INTRO) goto L_ShortIntro; mesn "Narrator"; mesc l("You open your eyes. The remants of the salt water in your eyes is not particularly helping you see."); mesc l("(Click next button to advance dialogs)"), 3; next; mesc l("What in the world is happening?! Where in Jesusalva's name are you?!"); next; if (getvaultid()) { mesc l("Sometimes, you really wish you could visit new universes without having to pick some sort of role on it."); next; } mesc l("Actually. Who are you again? A headache which doesn't want to pass strikes you."); mesc l("You can hear creaking planks and a sail flapping in the storm. A ship?"); mesc l("You hear shouting directed at you. Sailors from the ship?"); next; showavatar NPC_ORC_MAN; setcamnpc "Sailors", -64, -32; mesn l("Orc Voice"); mesq lg("Hey kid! Can you hear me?"); next; showavatar NPC_SILVIO; setcamnpc "Sailors", 0, -32; mesn l("Human Voice"); mesq lg("Hear you? How do you even know she can understand you?!", "Hear you? How do you even know he can understand you?!"); next; showavatar NPC_TRITAN_MAN_SAILOR; setcamnpc "Sailors", 144, -80; mesn l("Tritan Voice"); mesq l("We speak various languages on this world. Let's try gesturing!"); mesq l("Hey, you on the dune! Can you hear us?!"); next; restorecam; asklanguage(LANG_ON_SEA); showavatar NPC_SAILORS; setcamnpc; mes ""; mesn; mesq lg("Oh, she's still alive!", "Oh, he's still alive!"); next; showavatar NPC_TRITAN_MAN_SAILOR; setcamnpc "Sailors", 144, -80; mesq lg("This girl needs help, we need to rescue her!", "This boy needs help, we need to rescue him!"); next; mesn; mesc l("This is a menu. You can click on the desired option and press \"Send\", and double-clicking should work, too."); mes ""; select l("I don't need to be rescued. I'm enjoying myself here."), l("Thanks... I guess..."), l("(Don't respond)"); mes ""; if (@menu == 1) { mesn l("Sailor"); mesq l("What do you mean? Do you at least have a rowboat with you?!"); next; mesn l("Billy Bons"); // Dying of thirst will set in waaaay sooner than dying of hunger. mesq l("We can't let you die of thirst! That wouldn't be cool at all! And I'm very cool!"); next; } else if (@menu == 2) { mes ""; // You don't need to thank us! } else { mesn l("Sailor"); mesq lg("Oh noes! She fainted! Quick, rescue her!!", "Oh noes! He fainted! Quick, rescue him!!"); next; } restorecam; showavatar; mesn "Narrator"; mesc l("The sailors take you aboard their ship."); mesc l("Click on the NPCs (Non-Player Characters) around you to continue the introduction."); next; addtimer(20000,"Elmo#sailors::OnSlow"); warp "000-0-0", 30, 36; closedialog; close; L_FiresOfSteam: dispbottom l("Welcome to Moubootaur Legends: ##1Fires of Steam##0"); warp "000-0-1", 26, 28; sleep2(25); atcommand("@refresh"); asklanguage(LANG_ON_SEA); clear; mesn "Narrator"; mesc l("You wake up in the middle of the night. How did you got here? WERE YOU KIDNAPPED?"); next; mesn "Narrator"; mesc l("Memory slowly returns to you as you start growing aware of your surroundings. That's right, you are on a ship."); next; mesn "Narrator"; mesc l("Andrei Sakar, the legendary Hurnscald Hero, as well as a group of alliance members which include yourself, are heading to the continent of Kolev, where is said to be a legendary town which helped the humans from the second era to survive."); next; mesn "Narrator"; mesc l("They were sending food and supplies to the Alliance, but in the past months, there was a deadly silence. Not a single sign of life came from there."); next; mesn "Narrator"; mesc l("Hoping for the best, but prepared for the worst, you set off to the legendary continent of Kolev; Your destination: Artis."); next; clear; mesc l("Moubootaur Legends presents..."), 3; mes ""; mesc b(l(" Fires of Steam ")), 1; mesc l("- The Death of Andrei Sakar -"), 1; mes ""; mesc l("An event to prepare for the Steam Release"), 2; mes ""; next; mes ""; mes ""; mesn strcharinfo(0); mesq l("We'll be arriving at Artis by the dawn, where Elora will be waiting for us. I can only hope, that the denizens are okay..."); next; clear; GameRules(8 | 4); clear; closeclientdialog; OnForceReset: freeloop(true); while (BaseLevel < 60) getexp NextBaseExp, 100; freeloop(false); setq ShipQuests_Arpan, 5; setq General_Narrator, 21; consoleinfo "New account: %d (%s)", getcharid(3), getcharip(); if (array_find($@IPBLIST$, getcharip()) >= 0) #TUTORIAL_DONE=true; else array_push($@IPBLIST$, getcharip()); adddefaultskills(); percentheal 100,100; LOCATION$ = "Artis"; TUT_VAR=gettimetick(2); #TUTORIAL_DONE=true; #REG_DATE=gettimetick(2); TUTORIAL=true; CRAFTQUEST=true; MPQUEST=true; MAGIC_LVL=7; sk_lvup(AL_DP); sk_lvup(AL_DP); sk_lvup(AL_DP); sk_lvup(AL_DP); sk_lvup(AL_DP); sk_lvup(AL_DP); sk_lvup(AL_DP); savepoint "029-0", 202, 85; if (!@forcereset) warp "029-0", 202, 85; close; L_ShortIntro: mesc l("This is a special server. New players should NOT chose this one to start playing."), 1; mesc l("Did you hear what I just said?"); asklanguage(LANG_ON_SEA); mes ""; mesc l("Remember to assign status points before fighting. By default, it can be done with %s.", b("F2")), 1; mesc l("Do you want to do the tutorial?"); if (askyesno() == ASK_YES) { warp "000-0-0", 30, 36; } else { setq ShipQuests_Arpan, 6; setq ShipQuests_Julia, 2; doevent "Elmo#sailors::OnSkip"; } closeclientdialog; close; OnForceReset2: logmes(sprintf("%s - Reset Forced by System Admin", getcharid(3))); #TUTORIAL_DONE=false; @forcereset=true; goto OnForceReset; OnInit: .sex = G_MALE; bindatcmd "sakarfr", "Sailors::OnForceReset2", 100, 99, 1; end; }