Copyright (C) 2010-2021 TMW2 Team 0 This file is automatically generated. Editing it will have no effect. 1 Please translate at instead. Fires of Steam Fuegos de Steam ** Explore the encampment southeast of Fortress Town. ** Unveil the truth. A fair all-rounder weapon; Stronger than you would expect and not so clumsy. Actually, Lalica cursed one of my firestaves and it got a mind of its own D: But its splash damage does not stack, so be careful when adding options. But the result is a fast weapon which is also powerful. I cut it in half, and to fix shooting speed, I added some extra cogs. It can steal items or collect drops on the floor randomly. Also improves your evasion. It didn't got too much lighter, and it got really weak compared to a bow. It is also much weaker and less precise than a bow. But it is so fun using... It is not that amazing, though. I will trade with you for more useful items. It is the same as a bow, including in penalty. But it deals splash damage! It was quite a challenge, and I still need Lalica to keep curse them. Oh, and it comes with added shooting range, but it is slow as hell to reload. One have lots of powder to attack non-stop, but oh god that is heavy. See, I was lazy and there were only short knives around... So I made a Kunai. The standard gunstaff! It is way stronger than a bow! Then I found out that I could set the staff in flames using Everburn Powder! You know, I wanted to make the powder explode when hitting! (Hinnak's and Oscar's fields Pinkies may not count) (Es posible que los Pinkies de los campos de Hinnak y Oscar no cuenten) -- No, wait! . ´´. Don't let .. spell power .´..´ . .. fade away ... Coins - Ancient Blueprint Coins - Arcmage Boxset Coins - Mercenary Boxset Coins - Mysterious Fruit It is not like you are strong enough to pick a fight with me so kindly leave before I get mad. Take this key, it opens the door behind my throne. What would people think of our village if they come accross a defeated noob wearing our proud colors! You can smell the recipe once. You can view the recipe once. for Para is the Inn, and you can rent an apartment there for 30 days. "*psst, just follow what is outlined here to make it golden.*" ".. can use this .. power..´. . .´. . . amplify a spell ..´. "Ah, hello there, @@. You've grown quite skilled lately. "Follow the light." - Weary traveler "Hey, have you already got the money necessary for the travel? "Many thanks! I'll be waiting for you, hiding on the ship's hold!" "Oh, I'm so glad you're taking care of those scary slimes. You're so brave! How many of them are still left, do you think? Will it be safe to go there soon? "Oh... Sorry, @@. "That's the only hard part. As long that you do not neglect Intelligence nor Job level... "Those whom believe the Pink Moouboo wear rock knifes at the entrances." - Aahna "Those whom stray from the light shall met a quick death." - Saulc, from the 'Blame Saulc' famous book "WHAT IS CRAFTED HERE BELONGS TO THE GUILD." "Well, looks like you qualify! "When you're thirsty, you may look for me. I'm often in desert areas, but this time, the winter has come." "When you're thristy, you may look for me. I'm often in desert areas, but this time, the winter has come." ##1DON'T MOVE until the signal. Stay ready! If you move, you will desync the client! ##1NO TE MUEVES hasta la señal. ¡Mantente listo! ¡Si te mueves, desincronizarás el cliente! ##1The ship is under a pirate's attack! ##BKill all or survive! ##1The ship is under a pirate's raid! ##BKill both ship captains before they conclude the loot! ##1WARNING! WARNING! Siege starting at Candor!! ##1¡ADVERTENCIA! ¡ADVERTENCIA! ¡¡El asedio en Candor esta comenzando!! ##1You abused a bug and will be jailed. If this was done in error, you have found a bug. Contact the nearest developer if this is the case. ##1Abusaste de un error y serás encarcelado. Si esto se hizo por error, has encontrado un error. Póngase en contacto con el desarrollador más cercano si este es el caso. ##2 %d Days login bonus: ##B2x %s, 1x %s##b ##2 14 Days login bonus: ##B1x %s##b ##2 21 Days login bonus: ##B1x %s##b ##2 27 Days login bonus: ##B1x %s##b ##2 3 Days login bonus: ##B1x %s##b ##2 7 Days login bonus: ##B3x %s##b ##2Daily login bonus: ##B%d EXP##b ##2Daily login bonus: ##B%d GP##b ##2Daily login bonus: ##B%d Job Exp.##b ##2Guild's Weekly login bonus: ##B%d %s##b ##9 %%A%%A%%A: @@. ##9 %%B%%B%%B: @@. ##9 %%C%%C%%C: @@. ##9 %%D%%D%%D: @@. ##9 %%E%%E%%E: @@. ##9 %%F%%F%%F: @@. ##9 77777: @@. ##9 777: @@. ##9 777: @@. ##9.:: Second Tier Quest - Time Remaining: @@ ::. ##9.:: Misión de segundo nivel - Tiempo restante: @@ ::. ##9Hey wait... Your coin turned into a @@! ##9Oye, espera... ¡Tu moneda se convirtió en un @@! ##B%s: TOP 10##b ##BFirst and foremost, you should talk to Trainer, inside the big house.##b ##B En primer lugar, debes hablar con el entrenador, dentro de la casa grande.##b ##BHall Of @@: TOP15##b ##BHall Of AFK: TOP 10##b ##BHall Of Academics: TOP30##b ##BHall Of Aurora: TOP10##b ##BHall Of Candor's Bloodbath: TOP 10##b ##BHall Of Crazyfefe Fight: TOP 10##b ##BHall Of Deaths: Reverse TOP10##b ##BHall Of Fortune: TOP15##b ##BHall Of Guild Level: TOP5##b ##BHall Of Honor: TOP 10##b ##BHall Of Job Level: TOP15##b ##BHall Of Level: TOP15##b ##BHall Of UDT Challenge: TOP 10##b ##BIMPORTANT:##b People usually doesn't shout, they talk. Because this, if you are too far, an NPC won't hear you. ##BIMPORTANTE:##b La gente normalmente no grita, habla. Porque si estás demasiado lejos, un NPC no te escuchará. ##BLatest GM Commands##b ##BNOW YOU HAVE DONE IT!##b By the powers to me vested as a Constable and Game Master, I sentence you to HALF AN HOUR IN A %s! ##¡AHORA LO HAS HECHO!##b Por los poderes que me confieren como agente y maestro de juego, te condeno a MEDIA HORA EN UNA%s! ##BSincerity Island##b ##BYou were robbed##b by an evil NPC. ##BFuiste robado##b por un NPC malvado. ##a(it would be way too messy anyway)##0 ##a(sería demasiado complicado de todos modos)##0 %%0 %%1 %%1 Cheer up, these should go back to normal when you level up. Just don't do that again! %%1 Anímate, estos deberían volver a la normalidad cuando subas de nivel. ¡No vuelvas a hacer eso! %%2 %%3 %%3 You sadden me. That was so, so lame. I will need to punish you. Sorry. Superior orders. %%S %%3 Me entristeces. Eso fue tan, tan tonto. Tendré que castigarte. Lo siento. Órdenes superiores. %%S %%4 %%4 Haven't you read your Grimorium yet?! %%4 ¡¿Aún no has leído tu Grimorium?! %%5 %%6 %%7 %%8 %%8 %%9 %%: %%; %%? Inexistence %%@ %%@ %%@ Then wait until Saulc says they are safe! %%@ You can get Magic by joining class and subclass, and with some NPCs. These work out-of-box. Easy. %%@ Puedes obtener magia uniéndote a una clase y subclase, y con algunos NPC. Estos funcionan de inmediato. Fácil. %%A %%A %%A Existence %%B %%B %%C %%C %%D %%D %%D Rationality %%E %%E %%F %%F %%F Emotionality %%G %%G %%G Just like normal magic, you need power from the Mana Stone, which is based on your levels, intelligence, and mana. %%G Al igual que la magia normal, necesitas el poder de la Piedra de Mana, que se basa en tus niveles, inteligencia y mana. %%H %%H %%K %%K %%M %%M %%N %%N %%Q %%Q %%\\ that'll do. %%g %%g %%i What, my maximum life and mana just decreased! Noooo!! %%i ¡Qué!, ¡mi vida máxima y mi mana simplemente disminuyeron! ¡¡Noooo!! %%t %%t %d day streak! Gained %d bonus %s! %d more active users are required to unlock Frostia Townhall. %d vs %d: Honor (%d) %d/%d %s %d/%d %s %d/%d %s killed %d/%d %s asesinados %d/%d Black Scorpions %d/%d Escorpiones negros %d/%d Red Scorpions %d/%d Escorpiones rojos %d/?? %s %s %s %d pts - %d %s %s %d pts - %d %s %s %s will require: %s (rare) %s - %s/%s HP, %s/%s MP %s - Modify Race %s - Modificar carrera %s But please be quick! I feel this world doesn't have much time left! %s GP and %d REP. %s Hero %s High %s Loopcasting %s Monster Points, and a %s. That's my final offer. %s and %s governs damage inflicted, but how much damage each one adds depend on your weapon type. %s can also be obtained from %s, at a lower drop rate. %s también se puede obtener de %s, a una tasa de caída más baja. %s clearly thinks you're distracting him. It's better to talk to him another day. %s died for your cause. How do you explain this? %s disembarks at %s. %sdesembarca en%s %s eyebrow furrows, as he brings the map closer to a torch. %sEl ceño se frunce mientras acerca el mapa a una antorcha. %s glances over to %s, before turning to you with a shrug. %s has EXILED %s from %s. %s has protected themselves from prying eyes. Your scry attempt failed. %s is a legendary hero. %s is by becoming a %s. %s es convertirse en un %s. %s is by impressing the town guard. %s es impresionando a la guardia de la ciudad. %s is currently a staff member. %s is currently sponsoring the High Alliance. %s is happy because you've paid %d GP in taxes! %s is known as the Wizard of Aethyr. They say the elves which lived in Aethyr have became fairies, but contact has been lost long ago... I've heard it was a very pretty town north of here, though. %s is obtained during events, daily logins, heroic deeds, gifts, etc. But cannot be bought with real money. %s se obtiene durante eventos, inicios de sesión diarios, hazañas heroicas, regalos, etc. Pero no se puede comprar con dinero real. %s is offering %s %s. %sofrece%s%s %s lifts an eyebrow to you. %s Te levanta una ceja. %s makes a confused face. %s pone cara de confusión. %s makes specialized weapons for high level players. If you tweak with Nicholas, in Hurnscald, the weapon options, you can get really powerful. %s refunded to level 1 for %d MSP %s removed - YOU NOOB STOP CHEATING %%e%%Q %s requests %d %s. %ssolicita%d%s %s scrathes you! -%s HP. %s ¡Te rasguña! -%s HP. %s seems to be asleep... Maybe we can wake him up somehow? %s slain! %s¡asesinado! %s slaps you! %s stabs you to the chest! %s stabs you with a dagger! %s stabs you, wounding you fatally! %s ¡Te apuñala y te hiere mortalmente! %s takes a paper from his drawer. It has your photo on it. %s thinks if she knows any major, good quest to do. %spiensa si ella conoce alguna misión importante y buena que hacer. %s tried to treat your syndrome, but was NOT successful. %s were deducted for %s %s! I see you are a(n) %s here, very good! %s's Minion %s, %s in Magic Arts, Parity Level %d, tier %d mage. %s, a bit upset, tries to change subjects. %s, did you bring me the hoods I asked for? I see you have %d/10 %ss. %s, ¿Me trajiste las capuchas que pedí? Veo que tienes %d /10 %s s. %s, good thing you are here. %s, Qué bueno que estás aquí. %s, how in the world you got this status ailment?! %s, if you're reading this, then as Ms. Elli predicted, you survived the seawreck and returned to our encampment. You might notice some things changed in these short weeks we don't see each other. %s, the Forgetful %s, we are counting on you! We, the whole town of Hurnscald! %s, ¡Contamos contigo! ¡Nosotros, todo el pueblo de Hurnscald! %s, you are pathetically weak. %s, you did your best to avenge a fallen comrade. It is my wish that you continue protecting this world. Therefore, I bestow upon you, the legendary %s. Please use its powers to protect your friend and the world peace! %s, you did your best to entertain me. It is my wish that you continue protecting this world. Therefore, I bestow upon you, the legendary %s. Please use its powers to protect your friend and the world peace! %s, you did your best to protect this world inhabitants. It is my wish that you continue protecting this world. Therefore, I bestow upon you, the legendary %s. Please use its powers to protect your friend and the world peace! %s, you proved your worth today. It is my wish that you continue protecting this world. Therefore, I bestow upon you, the legendary %s. Please use its powers to protect your friend and the world peace! %s, you're a good student. You will have a bright future if you keep studying. %s, eres un buen estudiante. Tendrás un futuro brillante si sigues estudiando. %s, your dedication is touching. It is my wish that you continue protecting this world. Therefore, I bestow upon you, the legendary %s. Please use its powers to protect your friend and the world peace! %s... While you don't have the title of %s nor the flower of fae, nor have anything remotely important on your persona... %s/%s GP %s/%s GP %s: %s (Lv %d) has appeared! %s: Once accepted, you must complete them before taking another one. %s: Thanks for helping. %s? You don't look so well. You should see a doctor immediately! %ss are lead by the %ss. Disposing of them would bring the bandits into disarray. %ss están liderados por el %ss. Deshacerse de ellos provocaría el caos entre los bandidos. %ss have infested the store houses, spilling onto the streets. Stop them from destroying even more food. %ss han infestado los almacenes y se han extendido a las calles. Evita que destruyan aún más alimentos. '-' "Could you give me his shield? Pretty please? I need it to survive and bring Tulimshar goodies!" '.' "I forgot how to allocate points!" 'Best'? So you can make other things? 'Some herbs and potion'? Could you be more specific? 'Them' whom? (...This probably could have been a great hint... if I knew who Mercury in first place %%L) (10,000 GP) Epic Mount (10.000 GP) Montura épica (A mystical aura surrounds this stone. It probably can return you home. What do you do?) (A mystical aura surrounds this stone. You feel mysteriously attracted to it. Something tells you to touch it. What do you do?) (A strange barrier keeps you from touching the stone at this time.) (A strange sensation flows through you. It feels like your soul leaves your body and becomes one with the stone. As suddenly as the feeling started it stops.) (All items must be placed exactly in this order.) (As suddenly as the feeling started it stops. The strange attraction is away from one moment to the next and the menhir feels like just an ordinary stone.) (Click next button to advance dialogs) (Haga clic en el botón Siguiente para avanzar en los cuadros de diálogo) (Don't respond) (No responder) (Drink the tea, hoping for the best) (Bebe el té, esperando lo mejor) (Even bandits doesn't breaks the rules. To see the rules, use ##B@rules##b.) (Ni siquiera los bandidos infringen las reglas. Para ver las reglas, utilice ##B@rules##b.) (If you don't have anyone special to send these, send to @@. Perhaps they'll calm down with those T.T) (Leave the password blank to disable) (Deje la contraseña en blanco para desactivarla) (Note: Agostine will destroy low quality materials!) (Passive) Increases Mana EXP/Control Gain rate. (Passive) Raise Max HP and Holy Defense. (Protip: Always use %s before engaging a different monster!) (Protip: ¡Usa%s siempre antes de enfrentarse a un monstruo diferente!) (Suddenly a strange sensation flows through you. It feels like your soul leaves your body and becomes one with the stone.) (The girl now looks away sadly, thinking about what to say next.) (To see the rules, use ##B@rules##b.) (Para ver las reglas, use ##B@rules##b.) (You touch the mysterious stone. Somehow it feels warm and cold at the same time.) (shivering) "Ah, how I am afraid of pious!" * %d %s * %d %s * %d/%d %s * %d/%d MSP (Magic Skill Points) * %s * %s * %s Homunculus EXP * %s Level up * %s/%s RP (Research Points) * (optional) Save the world! * +%d%% EXP Gain and Drop Chance, permanently * +1 Magic Skill Point * +1 in all attributes, permanently * +3 Inventory Slots * 1 %s * 1 Trait * @@ @@ * @@ Water Bottle * @@/12 @@ * @@/12 @@ * @@/2 @@ * @@/2 @@ * @@/200 GP * @@/30 @@ * @@/30 @@ * @@/6 @@ * @@/6 @@ * @@/7.500 GP * @@/7.500 GP * @@/8 @@ * @@/8 @@ * @@/@@ @@ * @@/@@ @@ * @@/@@ Base Level * @@/@@ Nivel Base * @@/@@ GP * @@/@@ GP * @@/@@ Job Level * @@/@@ Nivel de Trabajo * Acquired @@ @@! * Actual effect lasts %d hours. * Advance Player Quest (the one marked with a star on quest log) first. * Aid the Blue Sage in getting Peetu back to action * All monsters may also drop Blueprints during the event. * All party members' carts will be destroyed if you warp. * Los carritos de todos los miembros del grupo serán destruidos si te teletransportas. * Ask Zegas, the mayoress, if she needs help. * Pregunta a Zegas, la alcaldesa, si necesita ayuda. * Cards will be deleted after transfer is done. * Causes splash damage, and are very expensive. * Collect @@/@@ GP * Recoger @@/@@ GP * Defeat the Assassin * Derrota al asesino * Deliver Nikolai's Letter to Frostia Mayor * Donate blood at least once. * Dona sangre al menos una vez. * Find clues * Gained %d EXP and %d Job EXP * Gained @@ EXP and @@ Job Exp * Obtuviste @@ EXP y @@ Job Exp * Gained @@ GP * Obtuviste @@ GP * Get trained by Valon, in the big house. * Déjate entrenar por Valon, en la casa grande. * Has non-cumulative area of effect damage. * Healing items improved * Help Ayasha to take care of the kids. * Ayuda a Ayasha a cuidar a los niños. * Huge damage and more criticals, but slow fire rate. * Impress %s * Impresiona %s * Invade the Fortress Town * Item obtained: %s *Objeto obtenido: %s * Lightbringer is self-aware and cannot be given. * Low damage, highest attack speed from all. * Mage * Magic Arpan improved your trick! * Magic Arpan teached you a parlor trick! * Meet the Blue Sage * Conoce al Sabio Azul * More for bandits than assassins or ninjas. * Options will be removed after transfer is done. * Refine will be lost after transfer is done. * Register as a Craftsman/Craftswoman. * Regístrate como Artesano/Artesana. * Register as a Monster Hunter * Regístrate como cazador de monstruos * Rent a room in Frostia's Inn * Rest at the Inn * Descanso en el hostal * Return to Hurnscald Townhall * Regreso al Ayuntamiento de Hurnscald * Slime not included if you didn't got any combo. * Talk to Librarian in Halinarzo * Habla con el Bibliotecario en Halinarzo * The cart will be destroyed if you warp. * El carro será destruido si te teletransportas. * The only one hand ranged weapon you'll ever find! * Thief * This skill cannot change your hair length or style. * Esta habilidad no puede cambiar la longitud o el estilo de tu cabello. * Timer begins once you enter the ritual cave; if you don't rescue Rossy in time or die trying, the cave state will reset and you'll need to start over the rescue. * Very quick and can be used in a single hand. * Very quick, two handed, and evil. * Win an Arena Match * You can find a Nurse in %s to heal, wait %s, or drink a %s to dispel. * become @@ Hero * conviértete en @@ héroe *-* "Could you share those blueprints with me? Please?" *AFK: I am Away From Keyboard* *CRASH* *CREAK* *CREAK* *Don't fail me. If you do, ensure you're well past dead before.* *No me falles. Si lo haces, asegúrate de estar muerto antes.* *Don't shout, you moron!* *¡No grites, idiota!* *Hic* *Hic* *I'll give you two energy balls.* *Te daré dos bolas de energía.* *I'll take my leave, then.* *Me iré entonces.* *Opening eyes in a shock* *Roaaaaaar!* *The Professor will never know what got him...* *El Profesor nunca sabrá qué lo alcanzo...* *They* couldn't take hold of me, but I'm bound to this castle; I can't leave. *Ugh* Thanks for your help. Here... Take this, as promised. *Uf* Gracias por tu ayuda. Toma... Toma esto, como prometí. *Yes, boss!* *¡Si jefe!* *_* "Pretty please?" *are they gone...?* *¿Se han ido...?* *beeep* *blushes* *burp* *eructa* *chants more words, while the crystal hovers the potion* *cheerful* *alegre* *click* *click* *cough cough* *cries* *llora* *crying* *drolls* *bromea* *eyes widen up* *grumpf* *grumpf* *gulp* *gulp* *gulp* *gulp* *gulp* *gulp* *hehehe...* *hehehe...* *hurry up, your moron!* *¡Date prisa, idiota!* *is everything ready?* *¿Está todo listo?* *plim* *put his glasses on* *scream in pain* *scream* *screams* *gritos* *sigh* *suspiro* *sigh* Yet another failure... Transmutation and Nature Magic doesn't marry well. *suspiro* Otro fracaso más... La transmutación y la magia de la naturaleza no combinan bien. *sighs* *snap fingers* *sniff sniff* *sniff* *sniff* *snooze* *sob sob* *sorry, boss!* *¡lo siento jefe!* *tears weeling up* *this sign is too blurred to read* *tut* *tut* *whisper whisper* *whistles* *silbidos* , and you have been banned from the Academy. , my name is Nikolai. I am a sage, and the owner of this place. - %d %s with %d GP, for a %s. - %d %s with %d GP, por un %s. - 5 @@, with 1200 GP, for a @@. - 5 @@, with 1200 GP, por un @@. - @@ @@ - @@/@@ @@ - @@/@@ @@ - @@/@@ GP - @@/@@ GP - Above all, ##Bdo not rush##b. There are hidden traps which will instantly kill you if you try to cross the doors as soon as possible. - Sobre todo, ##Bno te apresures##b. Hay trampas ocultas que te matarán instantáneamente si intentas cruzar las puertas lo antes posible. - Boss give more Job experience, but as long that you keep killing, you'll keep gaining. - El jefe otorga más experiencia de trabajo, pero mientras sigas matando, seguirás ganando. - Complete %s during Christmas - Defeat the BOSS on each dungeon! - Find a path to the island where she is hiding herself! - ¡Encuentra un camino a la isla donde se esconde! - Get killed yourself. - Help the farmers. We rely a lot on agriculture. - Ayuda a los agricultores. Dependemos mucho de la agricultura. - I currently need your help with @@, but there's no reward. - Actualmente necesito tu ayuda con @@, pero no hay recompensa. - I currently need your help with @@. - Actualmente necesito tu ayuda con @@. - I don't know any supporting evidence from the crome. - I don't know how the theft happened. - I don't know how the thief looks like. - I don't know if the thief is from LoF or not. - I don't know the possible culprits for this. - I don't know the victims of the thievery. - I don't know when the theft happened. - I overheard rumors about a festival. Maybe someone needs help with their figurine? - Escuché rumores sobre un festival. ¿Quizás alguien necesita ayuda con su figura? - I think you can help the storehouse for some quick cash. - Creo que puedes ayudar en el almacén para conseguir algo de dinero rápido. - If you fail, you'll need to pay me ingredients to try again! - ¡Si fallas, tendrás que pagarme los ingredientes para volver a intentarlo! - Inside the big house is someone who can train you. All experience is handy! - Dentro de la casa grande hay alguien que puede entrenarte. ¡Toda experiencia es útil! - Instead, the party will be teleported ##Bto a forest.##b - En cambio, el grupo será teletransportado ##Ba un bosque.##b - Luvia is a powerful mage and Isbamuth is watching, so teleporting directly would be risky. - Luvia es una maga poderosa e Isbamuth está mirando, por lo que teletransportarse directamente sería arriesgado. - Players can prevent being scry'ed with %s - Please collect reports from Hurnscald authorities. - Please collect reports from La Marine. - Please collect reports from the civilians. - Please collect reports from the farmers. - Please collect reports from the guards and police. - Please collect reports from the shop keepers. - Some information like money won't be available. - Some of our crew are missing. They're probably wasting their time at beach. - Algunos miembros de nuestra tripulación están desaparecidos. Probablemente estén perdiendo el tiempo en la playa. - Some sailors within this ship may need your help: Chef Gado, Dan, Peter... help them all and collect rewards! - Algunos marineros de este barco pueden necesitar tu ayuda: Chef Gado, Dan, Peter... ¡ayúdalos a todos y recoge recompensas! - Target player must be online. - Teleport yourself away. - The Death of Andrei Sakar - - La muerte de Andréi Sakar - - The farmer Nylo, who loves beer and money, seems to be having troubles with his crops. - El granjero Nylo, que es amante de la cerveza y del dinero, parece tener problemas con sus cultivos. - The goal is to rescue Luvia from Isabamuth. She has been ##Bbrainwashed##b. - El objetivo es rescatar a Luvia de Isabamuth. Le han ##Blavado el cerebro##b. - The weapon master, Tolchi, could use your help. But she will most likely force you to visit Tulimshar in the end. - Al maestro de armas, Tolchi, le vendría bien tu ayuda. Pero lo más probable es que al final te obligue a visitar Tulimshar. - The weapon seller, Rosen, wanted to help new players to improve their equipment. - El vendedor de armas, Rosen, quería ayudar a los nuevos jugadores a mejorar su equipamiento. - There is a woman walking on the island, called Maya. Once she realises you're willing to help, she'll start paying well. - Hay una mujer caminando por la isla, llamada Maya. Una vez que se dé cuenta de que estás dispuesto a ayudar, te empezará a pagar bien. - Time runs out (25m). - To donate blood, go to the hospital and ask about it. - Para donar sangre, acude al hospital y pregunta al respecto. - Treating a bot may result in the Alliance confiscating your treatment kit. - Treating a nearby player will almost always succeed. - Treating a player in another map has <30%% chance of succeeding. - Treating a player in the same map has <70%% chance of succeeding. - Treating yourself via an alt may also result in a %s for one of your accounts. - You can always play with kids. Not very profitable, though. - Siempre puedes jugar con niños. Aunque no es muy rentable. - You seem broke, but if you keep helping Peter multiple times, he can still give you some pocket change. - Pareces en bancarrota, pero si sigues ayudando a Peter varias veces, él aún puede darte algo de cambio. -- Animals Protection Agency of Hurnscald -- Grandmaster -- Gran Maestro -- In such event, Candor Underground B4F will be permanently unreachable for this char. -- Merlin -- The Expedition -- La expedición -- Valia G. -- Valia G. -- Zegas, the Mayoress -- Zegas, la alcaldesa --- AND ANY OF --- --- Y CUALQUIERA DE --- --- OR --- --- O --- ---------------------------------------------- -.- "I forgot how to fight!" . ´ power.. drains .. life..´. .´ focus . .not move at all´. ." ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... .... ... that looks like an incantation or something. ..."%s", hm? That's a fine name for a Homunculus, in my not so humble opinion. ...%s, as far as you should be concerned, this is an hostile land and I'm not your friend. You should use a weapon and a shield if possible. Never trust strangers, specially if they look like an assassin... exactly like me. ...%s, En lo que a ti respecta, esta es una tierra hostil y no soy tu amigo. Debes usar un arma y un escudo si es posible. Nunca confíes en extraños, especialmente si parecen asesinos... exactamente como yo. ...A sealed, magically reinforced door, with magical wards you've never seen before, which you can only assume to keep monsters away. ...A tower, on this canyon. People disliked it, humans and all other races. The Mana War happened, bloodshed, and... The Monster War. ...Una torre, en este cañón. A la gente no le gustaba, ni a los humanos ni a todas las demás razas. Ocurrió la Guerra del Mana, el derramamiento de sangre y... La Guerra de los Monstruos. ...Actually, I'm drawing in a blank. ...Actually, shouldn't you be outside? I'm pretty sure you already served your sentence, something must have gone wrong, please report. ...Actually, you seem like a capable adventurer. If you give me some ingredients I can't get, I'll give you a @@.#0 ...Actually, you seem like a capable adventurer. If you give me some ingredients I can't get, I'll give you a @@.#1 ...Alright then. ...Although that's unlikely, I admit. ...Aunque eso es poco probable, lo admito. ...And at long last, the teddy's pot is full of honey. ...Y por fin, la olla del osito está llena de miel. ...And for some reason he took the apple and went further in the caves. ...And if you're still trying to check your pet stats, just hover it with your mouse. Thanks. ...And stop! You took %s this time! ...¡Y ¡para! ¡Te demoraste%s este tiempo! ...And trust me, it'll take way more than just water to put the fire down. ...Y créeme, se necesitará mucho más que agua para apagar el fuego. ...Are you crazy? ...Are you crazy? ...Are you trying to troll me? ...As you wish. ...Assuming you can break a Mana Stone, that is. ...Automatically retrying... ...Besides, I have this nice @@ with me. I'm not low-level like you. ...Además, tengo a este simpático @@ conmigo. No soy de bajo nivel como tú. ...Besides, I have this nice @@ with me. It's a reliable bow. ...Además, tengo a este simpático @@ conmigo. Es un arco confiable. ...Blood. ...But saving me won't be enough, so build trust by the kind gift of @@ @@. I'll be waiting. ...But worry not, I have the right screwdriver for the job. So, are you up to bring me some Present Boxes? ...Cocktail. ...Coffee. ...Dealing with scorpion stingers is a gamble, so we may need a few stingers before making a successful potion. ... Lidiar con los aguijones de escorpión es una apuesta, por lo que es posible que necesitemos algunos antes de hacer una poción exitosa. ...Did you lose our associate? Please try again. ...Even if this is your fault. Anyway, ##Breturn to whoever sent you here##b and begone. ...Incluso si esto es tu culpa. De todos modos, ##Bregresa con quien te envió aquí##b y vete. ...Except that I already told you everything I knew. So I wish you luck in your cooking journey! ...Excepto que ya te dije todo lo que sabía. ¡Te deseo suerte en tu viaje culinario! ...Foolish human... Do you really think I will attend your summon? ...Humano tonto... ¿De verdad crees que asistiré a tu convocatoria? ...Go mind your own business, %s. ...Good luck, @@. And be careful. If Sagratha decided to flee... It might be too strong for you. ...Buena suerte, @@. Y ten cuidado. Si Sagratha decidiera huir... Puede que sea demasiado fuerte para ti. ...Have you even gone there yet? ... ¿Alguna vez has ido allí? ...Help... Me... ...Ayúdame... ...How do you know I'm not from this world? ...I cannot fail to notice your deeds. Very well. Under my own authority, I authorize you to climb this holy tree. ...I deposited everything on the bank. Sorry! ...I don't think giving it this hat will really help... ...No creo que darle este sombrero realmente ayude... ...I don't think the teddy is sick, so there's no point giving it an Elixir. ...No creo que el osito esté enfermo, así que no tiene sentido darle un Elixir. ...I guess I can't hide anymore... ...I have no other choice, do I? ...I knew bandits were not be trusted, but Saul insisted in doing so. I hate him so much right now. Even if he is my brother. ...I know it is hot in this desert, but if you don't wear some armor and a hat, monsters will get to you. Really harsh, nowadays. ...Sé que hace calor en este desierto, pero si no usas una armadura y un sombrero, los monstruos te atraparán. Realmente duro, hoy en día. ...I refuse to comment on this ridiculous idea. ...Me niego a comentar sobre esta ridícula idea. ...I still need to cover up if they're mistaken. Give me a reason to tell you secrets, show me you're concerned with Tulimshar safety and don't want just to be strong. ...Aún necesito encubrirlos si se equivocan. Dame una razón para contarte secretos, muéstrame que te preocupa la seguridad de Tulimshar y que no quieres simplemente ser fuerte. ...I'll be back later. ...Regreso más tarde. ...I'll take it. ...If they decide to do so, they'll have to deal with weak magical attacks, and with quick mana depletion. ...Si deciden hacerlo, tendrán que lidiar con ataques mágicos débiles y con un rápido agotamiento de mana. ...If you're lucky, you can touch it and receive magic power." ...Incidents? ...¿Incidentes? ...It'll most likely attack you, instead. ...Lo más probable es que te ataque a ti. ...Lalica, the witch, is still with us. And she came to complain that a petty thief stolen a very precious item of hers. ...More bugs. ...Más errores. ...No reaction... ...Not yet. ...Aún no. ...Of course. It was THEM. It gotta to be them! ...Oh, right! We locked it. Uhm, we'll open it for you. Be careful. ...Okay, I asked you to explain, and you ended up wasting my time instead. %%n ... Está bien, te pedí que me explicaras y terminaste haciéndome perder el tiempo. %%norte ...Okay, I guess. ...Okay, this is not fun anymore. ...Está bien, esto ya no es divertido. ...Otherwise, they're too precious to sell to wanna be adventurers. Beer EXP Bonuses expire on death, you know?! ...De lo contrario, son demasiado valiosos para venderlos a aspirantes a aventureros. Los bonos de EXP de cerveza caducan al morir, ¿sabes? ...Poison. ...Potion. ...Tea. ...Thanks, kind person. ...That's your problem, not mine. I am an elf if you haven't noticed. ...The bandits are in disarray. And you arrive victorious. I have to admit, I thought had fallen, just like the other ones. ...Los bandidos están en desorden. Y llegas victorioso. Debo admitir que pensé que se había caído, como los demás. ...The ones who know a lot are dwarves, but they don't live here - they live with elves, it seems. ...Los que saben mucho son los enanos, pero no viven aquí, al parecer viven con los elfos. ...This %s you have there. I haven't seen one for a while. ...Try allocating some points in agility before we continue. I think %d should be suffice. ...Intenta asignar algunos puntos de agilidad antes de continuar. Creo que %d deberían ser suficientes. ...Unless, of course, if you're interested in learning this art, I shall teach you. You'll not regret it, I assure you. ...Until one day, past the sea, in Kolev's continent, they found a mana stone. Magic. This great breakthrough saved this continent, and saved our clan as well. ...Hasta que un día, más allá del mar, en el continente de Kolev, encontraron una piedra de mana. Magia. Este gran avance salvó a este continente y también salvó a nuestro clan. ...Water. ...Well, I'll refund you 10% because it was not utterly terrible. ...Bueno, te reembolsaré el 10% porque no fue del todo terrible. ...Well, but even if Hurnscald is nearby, you are too weak. You know sometimes, ships get attacked by pirates, right? ...Bueno, pero incluso si Hurnscald está cerca, eres demasiado débil. Ya sabes, a veces los barcos son atacados por piratas, ¿verdad? ...What, you want to know which kinds of cheese were stolen? ...What? Which item? Sorry, too much smoke around here. ...¿Qué? ¿Cual articulo? Lo siento, hay demasiado humo por aquí. ...What? You want @@? Five of them?! ...¿Qué? ¿Quieres @@? ¡¿Cinco de ellos?! ...Where's Barbara, the thief? ...Yes. Hold tight. ...Yes. It was there. Please report to Blue Sage at once. ...You are brave. Or very foolish. Many people tried and failed. ...Eres valiente. O muy tonto. Mucha gente lo intentó y fracasó. ...You need to learn magic before this equipment being useful to you in any way. ...Necesitas aprender magia antes de que este equipo te sea útil de alguna manera. ...You still have not overcome his house. ...You're right. My medicine cannot heal you. ...but it is saying some stuff about a merge which happened literally eons ago. ...but it is written in Mananese, a language you know nothing about. ...for now. ...who knows if there isn't a secret in that? ...¿quién sabe si no hay un secreto en eso? ...wingless talpans. ..Anyone there? .:: %s Recipe ::. .:: Accumulate Power ::. .:: Alcohol Tutorial ::. .::Tutorial sobre el alcohol ::. .:: All In One ::. .:: Archers Eye ::. .::Ojo de Arquero ::. .:: Area Provoke ::. .:: Armageddon ::. .:: Arrow Shower ::. .:: Backsliding ::. .::Retroceso::. .:: Bear Strike ::. .:: Brawling ::. .:: Chanting ::. .:: Ched's Summer 2018 ::. .:: Ched's Summer 2019 ::. .:: Ched's Summer 2020 ::. .:: Ched's Summer 2021 ::. .:: Ched's Summer 2022 ::. .:: Chocolate Day ::. .:: Christmas 2018 ::. .:: Christmas 2019 ::. .:: Christmas 2020 ::. .:: Christmas 2021 ::. .:: Christmas 2022 ::. .:: Congratulations ::. .:: Congratulations! ::. .:: Counter Attack ::. .:: Create PIN Code ::. .:: Destructive Magic Class ::. .:: Easter 2018 ::. .:: Easter 2019 ::. .:: Easter 2020 ::. .:: Easter 2021 ::. .:: Easter 2022 ::. .:: FIND-THE-NPC 2018 MINI-EVENT WINNER ::. .:: FIRST PLAYER TO COMPLETE GEMINI SISTERS QUEST ::. .:: FIRST PLAYER TO COMPLETE HEROES HOLD MASTER DUNGEON ::. .:: FIRST PLAYER TO COMPLETE YETI KING QUEST ::. .:: FIRST PLAYER TO REBIRTH ::. .:: Failure ::. .:: Falkon Strike ::. .:: Fire Arrow ::. .:: Fireball ::. .:: Firewalk ::. .:: First Aid ::. .:: Primeros auxilios ::. .:: Fortress Island ::. .:: Free Cast ::. .:: Lanzamiento libre ::. .:: Free Software Day ::. .:: Frost Diver ::. .:: Frost Nova ::. .:: Full Throttle ::. .:: A todo Gas ::. .:: GEMINI ASSASSINS QUEST ::. .::BÚSQUEDA DE ASESINOS GÉMINIS ::. .:: Gaia Break ::. .:: Ground Strike ::. .:: Hasan Scorpion Killing Challenge 2018 ::. .:: Hasan Scorpion Killing Challenge 2019 ::. .:: Hasan Scorpion Killing Challenge 2020 ::. .:: Hasan Scorpion Killing Challenge 2021 ::. .:: Hasan Scorpion Killing Challenge 2022 ::. .:: Healing ::. .:: Hit'n'Run Tactic ::. .:: Táctica de golpear y correr ::. .:: Holy Light ::. .:: Impressive Hero Quest ::. .:: Impresionante misión de héroe ::. .:: International Coffee Day ::. .:: Judgment ::. .:: KAMELOT CASTLE, THE GUILD DUNGEON ::. .:: Katze's Request ::. .::La petición de Katze ::. .:: Last Standing Man ::. .:: Lightning Bolt ::. .:: Magic Strike ::. .:: Magnus Healing ::. .:: Main Quest 1-1 ::. .:: Misión principal 1-1 ::. .:: Main Quest 1-2 ::. .:: Misión principal 1-2 ::. .:: Main Quest 1-3 ::. .:: Misión principal 1-3 ::. .:: Main Quest 2-%d ::. .:: Misión principal 2-%d ::. .:: Main Quest 3-2 ::. .:: Misión principal 3-2 ::. .:: Main Quest 4-1 ::. .:: Misión principal 4-1 ::. .:: Main Quest 5-1 ::. .:: Main Quest 6-1 ::. .:: Main Quest 6-2 ::. .:: Main Quest ::. .:: Make Trap ::. .::Hacer Trampa ::. .:: Mana Bomb ::. .:: Bomba de mana ::. .:: Mana Wisdom ::. .:: Meteor Shower ::. .:: Meteor Strike ::. .:: Mission Failed ::. .:: NOTABLE NAMES ON HURNSCALD LIBERATION DAY ::. .:: NOTABLE NAMES ON NIVALIS LIBERATION DAY ::. .:: Napalm Beat ::. .:: Nature Wall ::. .::Muro de la Naturaleza ::. .:: Nilfheim ::. .:: Open Beta 2019 ::. .:: PVP King Imperial Arena ::. .:: Physical Sciences Class ::. .:: Provoke ::. .:: Purple Day 2018 ::. .:: Resurrection ::. .:: Scholarship Class ::. .:: Seasoning ::. .:: Second Tier Quest - Timed Out ::. .:: Misión de segundo nivel - Tiempo de espera agotado ::. .:: Server Boom ::. .:: Sharpshooter ::. .:: Stunning Strike ::. .:: Sudden Attack ::. .:: Ataque repentino ::. .:: Supreme Attack ::. .:: TMW-2 Anniversary ::. .:: TMW2 Day ::. .:: Tempest ::. .:: Thanksgiving 2019 ::. .:: Thanksgiving 2020 ::. .:: Thanksgiving 2021 ::. .:: Thanksgiving 2022 ::. .:: Thanksgiving ::. .:: The Homunculus Keeping Manual ::. .:: The Mouboo Temple ::. .::El Templo Mouboo ::. .:: This is Release 10.0 Infinity ::. .:: This is Release 9.5 Academy ::. .:: Transfer Mana ::. .:: Trick Dead ::. .::Truco de Muerto ::. .:: Trickster Class ::. .:: Tramposo de la Clase ::. .:: Valentine Day ::. .:: Victory ::. .::Victoria ::. .:: Victory Conditions ::. .:: WARNING ::. .:: Windwalker ::. .:: Withdraw Conditions ::. .:: Worker Day 2018 ::. .:: Worker Day ::. .:: World's Hero Quest ::. .:: Búsqueda mundial del héroe ::. ._. "What are these statuses useful for?" / clear clears the text box. / clear borra el cuadro de texto. / help explains how to use all client commands. / help explica cómo utilizar todos los comandos del cliente. / mi does the same as @monsterinfo. Takes the monster name as argument and reports monster stats and drops. / mi hace lo mismo que @monsterinfo. Toma el nombre del monstruo como argumento e informa las estadísticas y caídas del monstruo. / present shows the number of people in the neighbourhood. / present muestra el número de personas en el vecindario. / where shows the name of the map you are in. / where muestra el nombre del mapa en el que te encuentras. / whisper [name] allows you to send a private message to the player. if [name] contains spaces, it must be enclosed in quotation marks. / whisper [nombre] te permite enviar un mensaje privado al jugador. si [nombre] contiene espacios, debe estar entre comillas. /who mostra o número de jogadores conectados no momento. / who muestra el número de jugadores conectados en el momento. 0.0 "No no, please no! I can propose you a great deal for your silence!" 0022#DoorUpwards 0022#PuertaHaciaArriba 1 Hand Swords 1 hour 1 point 1 punto 1,000 GP 1- Survive. If you die, you will gain nothing. And people want to kill you. 1- Sobrevivir. Si mueres, no ganarás nada. Y la gente quiere matarte. 1- The coward families, who ran away when outlook was bad. 1- Las familias cobardes, que huyeron cuando el panorama era malo. 1- You must not be carrying anything with you. 1- No debes llevar nada contigo. 1. Alcyone - 5,942 1. Cassio - 43098 1. Duke M - 16,016 1. Investigate Kamelot Basements 1. Jesusalva - 65 1. Leather - 4523 1. Lilanna - 2498 1. Manatauro - 29504 1. Mathias Cronqvist - 15000 1. You must be at the computer to play. Using a bot ##Bwhile at computer##b will be tolerated. 1. YuckFou - 10,000,010 GP 1. andulkaT - 100,001 GP 1. andulkaT - 702 1. poppet - 3056 10 minutes 10 seconds! 10,000 GP 10. ##BDo not logout##b at Botcheck area or at Jail. We cannot unjail an offline player. The opposite of rule 9: If you believe you're right, keep your ground and explain calmly what happened. We'll calmly analyse the situation. If you were jailed without guilt, an apology will be sent to you, provided this rule is not broken. 10th Place - Saulc (8) 12x Strange Coins 15 minutes 1600 GP 1st Place - Jesusalva (65) 1st Place - Mishana, LawnCable, Jesusalva, bObr 1st Place - Poppet (Lv 35) 1st Place - Povo (6 likes) 1st step 1° Screenshooting Contest 2 2 Hand Swords 2 hours 2,500 GP 2- Take everything you can find. You'll be warped without equip or healing items! Kill monsters to get some stuff too! 2- Coge todo lo que puedas encontrar. ¡Serás teletransportado sin equipo ni objetos curativos! ¡Mata monstruos para conseguir algunas cosas también! 2- The defenders of the artifact, who lost their lives and left people behind. 2- Los defensores del artefacto, que perdieron la vida y dejaron gente atrás. 2- You must not use a cart. If you do, YOU WILL BE SEVERELY PENALIZED. 2- No debes utilizar un carrito. Si lo hace, SERAS SEVERAMENTE PENALIZADO. 2. ##BDo not spam nor flood.##b This rule is not limited to public chat, actions ingame can be flooding too. 2. Alcyone - 53,057 GP 2. Free Kamelot from its curse! 2. Gogo VII - 103 2. Kolchak - 63 2. Manatauro - 4386 2. Mathias Cronqvist - 7,423,346 GP 2. Povo - 10203 2. Rill - 25955 2. Woody - 3637 2. andulkaT - 1018 2. andulkaT - 438 2. andulkaT - 6,000 2. seeds - 1167 20 Common Carps 20 Strange Coin + 15000 Homun EXP 200 years ago, The Great Fire (%dm) 2018 Event Winners 2019 Event Winners 2020 Event Winners 2021 Event Winners 2022 Event Winners 20x Bug Leg 20x Patas de insecto 250,000 GP 2nd Place - Kolchak (63) 2nd Place - Manatauro (5 likes) 2nd Place - ThinkSome (Lv 30) 2nd step 2x Bronze Gift 2x Snake Egg 2° Screenshooting Contest 3 3- All items from the Arena are from the Arena. You won't carry any of them back with you. 3- Todos los objetos de la Arena son de la Arena. No te llevarás ninguno contigo. 3- The ancient families. 3- Las familias antiguas. 3- Trust nobody. There can be only one winner, and it must be you. 3- No confíes en nadie. Sólo puede haber un ganador y debes ser tú. 3. ##BDo not trade invalid items, or try to cheat on trades.##b This includes any other kind of cheat or bug abuse, passive of account deletion and IP ban as stated by the Terms Of Service. 3. G II - 4151 3. Jesusalva - 310 3. Povo - 1,275,000 GP 3. Sharli - 4,419 3. Woody - 1066 3. Xanthem - 56 3. YuckFou - 9537 3. caslu_jpg - 50 3. dangerDuck - 1225 3. luanaf - 20837 3. poppet - 20,010 GP 3. poppet - 71 30 minutes 30x Bug Leg 30x Patas de Insecto 3rd Place - Test_User (Lv 24) 3rd Place - Woody (4 likes) 3rd Place - Xanthem (56) 3rd step 4 Chagashrooms for a Strength Potion! ¡4 hongos Chaga para una poción de fuerza! 4 Plushrooms for a Haste Potion! ¡4 hongos Plush para una poción de prisa! 4- Experience and Gold earned during this event can be kept. 4- La experiencia y el oro obtenidos durante este evento se pueden conservar. 4- Take Care. Wildlife can kill you too. There can be traps. 4- Cuídate. La vida silvestre también puede matarte. Pueden haber trampas. 4. ##BRespect other players.##b This includes but is not limited to using offensive language in nicknames or chat, and begging items or favours to other players. 4. Amdros - 1113 4. Hocus - 17260 4. Mathias Cronqvist - 2000 4. Povo - 3999 4. dangerDuck - 540 4. poppet - 3,826 4. seeds - 43 40/40 slayed @@ 40/40 asesinados @@ 4144's Tortuga Tortuga de 4144 42 45 minutes 45 minutos 4th Place - YuckFou (Lv 21) 4th Place - seeds (43) 4th step 5 @@ can be fused in a @@ 5 minutes 5 seconds 5 segundos 5 seconds! 5,000 GP 5- Trust yourself. You will lose the moment you enter in panic. This arena is not for the weak-willed! 5- Confía en ti mismo. Perderás en el momento en que entres en pánico. ¡Esta arena no es para los de voluntad débil! 5. ##BThe public chat is to be understood by everyone.##b Therefore, try to use english when possible. 5. Heaven - 501 5. Heaven - 806 5. Woolie - 3345 5. Xanthem - 615 5. dangerDuck - 23 5. girl flapper - 2,487 5. seeds - 13395 50 Aquadas 50 GP + 50 Homunculus EXP 50,000 GP 5000 GP? That sure is a lot of gold... 5th Place - Demure 5th Place - dangerDuck (23) 5x Snake Tongues -> Tortuga Tongue 5x Strange Coins 5x monedas extrañas 6. ##BDo not create multi accounts.##b A person may only hold one account and as many chars as allowed by the server/client. Staff members with special privileges in-game may have a second account without those privileges. 6th Place - test123 (20) 6th step 7 7 7 Grass Carps 7. Players found out to be exploiting bugs, intentionally or unknowingly, may be required to return any undue advantage obtained by it. 7th Place - Sertrop (17) 7th step 8 Croconuts 8. ##BThe use of real money is prohibited##b for ingame stuff, except by sponsoring. 87 Plushrooms 8th Place - Pookie (13) 8th step 9. ##BAdmit when you're wrong.##b Users trying to lie to or fool GMs will get no pity from them. 9th Place - LawnCable (13) 9th step :) "A pleasure to trade if you. Don't get caught if you're doing something wrong!" :/ "Hmm... let me see... Aha, I know! I can make you a great bandit with a simple burglar mask!" :< "Hey hey! Where's the money?" :< "Never lie to me. Keep your end on the bargain! Give me everything I asked for!" :> "Hello, youngling..."#0 :> "Hello, youngling..."#1 :D "Ah! Yes, that would help a lot! I don't need anything a bandit couldn't give you: 25 @@, 5 @@, 2 @@ and a @@. And 6000 GP." :D "Excellent! You've kept your end on the bargain!" :D "HAHAHAHAH! Me?! a thief? only during free time..." :P "I am busy, leave me alone." :o "What? I'm not a bandit! But it looks SO COOL! Do you need anything while you're here?" ;-) "Don't worry! Leave to me!" == If you decide to complete the quest you cannot repeat it. == Si decides completar la misión, no podrás repetirla. >.< "The Dummy is a real killer!" >.> "Sorry pal, I have no idea what she meant by that." >:| "Go take the items and remember: Not even a single word about me!" >> Hurnscald must be Liberated first, to continue this story << >> Hurnscald debe ser liberado primero, para continuar esta historia << ??? ??? : Are you trying to steal MY treasure?! ??? : ¡¿Estás intentando robar MI tesoro?! ??? : I am Pirate Captain Marley, and on the honor of my pirates... ??? : Soy el Capitán Pirata Marley, y por el honor de mis piratas... ??? : Wait, how did you got here? WHO ARE YOU? ??? : Espera, ¿cómo llegaste aquí? ¿QUIÉN ERES? ???#01863 ????? Mode @@ @@ @@ - @@ - @@ @@ - @@ coins @@ - @@ monedas @@ - @@ point(s) @@ - @@ punto(s) @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ killed. @@ Dummy @@ Muñeco @@ Recipe @@ Receta @@ You need to wait further releases to continue this quest! @@ and @@ just got married! ¡@@ y @@ acaban de casarse! @@ and I signed this letter. Deliver it to Airlia on the Town Hall, and she'll reward you correctly. @@ y yo firmé esta carta. Entrégaselo a Airlia en el Ayuntamiento y ella te recompensará correctamente. @@ boxes of chocolate were given to you as a gift. @@ burst in tears. @@ calms a bit. @@ determines how many blows you can take before you die. It also affects status effects, like poison. @@ determina cuántos golpes puedes recibir antes de morir. También afecta los efectos de estado, como el veneno. @@ disembarks at Hurnscald. @@ disembarks at Nivalis. @@ disembarks at Tulimshar. @@ divorced! ¡@@ se ha divorciado! @@ drolls without realizing. @@ bromea sin darse cuenta. @@ glances at you, suspicion evident in her eyes. @@ te mira, la sospecha es evidente en sus ojos. @@ glares at you in anger. @@ te mira furiosa. @@ goes away for a while and returns briefly. @@ se va por un tiempo y regresa brevemente. @@ hands you an @@. @@ te da un @@. @@ has the clear smile of victory! @@ helps you carry more items and also gives you a more forceful blow, but ends up not being very interesting if you focus on weapons that use projectiles, such as the bow. @@ te ayuda a llevar más objetos y también te da un golpe más contundente, pero termina no siendo muy interesante si te concentras en armas que usan proyectiles, como el arco. @@ is a two-handed weapon with very low damage and attack speed. @@ es un arma de dos manos con muy bajo daño y velocidad de ataque. @@ is an expensive, rare, and dangerous item. Do not shake it too much, or it will catch fire. @@ es un artículo caro, raro y peligroso. No lo agites demasiado o se incendiará. @@ is developing these potions. @@ está desarrollando estas pociones. @@ is on the verge of crying again. Better leave out and look for Elias. @@ is very useful for alchemy and magic, but nowadays there are few opportunities to use it. @@ es muy útil para la alquimia y la magia, pero hoy en día hay pocas oportunidades para usarlo. @@ latches onto you and starts sobbing on your shoulder. @@ melt down your @@... @@ nods as she notices you. @@ asiente cuando te nota. @@ nods reluctantly. @@ asiente de mala gana. @@ nods. @@ asiente. @@ pinkies killed on @@'s field. @@ Pinkies asesinados en el campo de @@. @@ raise an eyebrow as you hand him Gelid's letter. @@ raises an eyebrow as you address her. @@ levanta una ceja mientras te diriges a ella. @@ registered for marriage and accepted partner @@! ¡@@ se inscribió para casarse y aceptó a la pareja @@! @@ seems to be trembling with disgust as she stares at your headgear. @@ parece temblar de disgusto mientras mira fijamente tu casco. @@ seems to be upset. @@ snarls. @@ gruñe. @@ stares you as you slowly get away from him. Odd person. @@ started disarm process. Please stand by. @@ stops, and keep silent for a while, thinking, before continuing. @@ uses his screwdriver and open the sealed gift box like a pro. @@ waits for their loved one. @@! @@'s Apartment @@'s Estate Propiedad de @@ @@, do you need help? Are you lost? Click me! @@, ¿necesitas ayuda? ¿Estás perdido? ¡Haz click en mi! @@, do you need help? Are you lost? Talk to me! @@, ¿necesitas ayuda? ¿Estás perdido? ¡Háblame! @@, don't jump there! It may be fatal! @@, watch out! The obelisk - it is talking! @@, ¡Cuidado! El obelisco... ¡está hablando! @@, we should leave here now. @@, deberíamos irnos de aquí ahora. @@, your party leader, is inside, I'm not sure where. @@. PK, however, is allowed! @@... I think something went wrong... RUN!! @@... Creo que algo salió mal... ¡¡CORRE!! @@/1 @@ @@/1 @@ @@/1 Mana Bug @@/1 Bicho de Mana @@/10 @@ @@/10 @@ @@/10 @@ for 1 @@ @@/10 Maggots @@/10 Gusanos @@/10 Rattos @@/10 Rattos @@/100 @@ @@/100 @@ @@/1000 GP @@/1000 GP @@/12 @@ @@/12 @@ @@/120 @@ @@/120 GP @@/120 GP @@/15 @@ @@/15 @@ @@/150 @@ @@/2 @@ @@/2 @@ @@/2 Scorpion @@/2 Escorpión @@/20 @@ @@/20 @@ @@/20 @@ (or @@) @@/20 @@ (or @@) @@/25 @@ @@/25 @@ @@/25 Cave Maggots @@/25 gusanos de cuevas @@/3 @@ @@/3 @@ @@/3 Candor Scorpions @@/3 Escorpiones de Candor @@/30 @@ @@/30 @@ @@/4 @@ @@/4 @@ @@/4 House Maggots @@/4 Gusanos Domésticos @@/40 @@ @@/40 @@ @@/40 Fire Goblins killed @@/40 duendes de fuego asesinados @@/40 slayed @@ @@ / 40 asesinados @@ @@/45 @@ @@/45 @@ @@/5 @@ @@/5 @@ @@/50 @@ @@/50 @@ @@/50 Cave Snakes @@/50 Serpientes de cueva @@/55 @@ @@/55 @@ @@/60 @@ @@/60 @@ @@/6000 GP @@/6000 GP @@/8 @@ for 1 @@ @@/8 @@ @@/8 @@ @@/8 @@, just because I'm famished. @@ / 8 @@, solo porque estoy hambriento. @@/80 @@ @@/80 @@ @@/9 @@ for 1 @@ @@/@@ @@/@@ @@/@@ @@ @@/@@ @@ @@/@@ @@ killed @@/@@ @@ asesinados @@/@@ GP @@/@@ GP @@: @@/@@ @@: Fight! @@: Lv @@ @commands lists even more advanced commands, but you can't use all of them. @commands enumera comandos aún más avanzados, pero no puedes usarlos todos. @discord allows you to setup Discord integration settings. @discord te permite configurar los ajustes de integración de Discord. @info and @tutorial will, using Jesusalva's powers, allow you to contact me anywhere for info. @info y @tutorial, usando los poderes de Jesusalva, te permitirán contactarme en cualquier lugar para obtener información. @lang allows you to change game language, anytime, anywhere. @lang te permite cambiar el idioma del juego, en cualquier momento y en cualquier lugar. @rentitem <item numeric id> <time in seconds> @resync will help when the client starts lagging. If you see an attack but no monsters, that's the cause. @resync ayudará cuando el cliente comience a tener lag. Si ves un ataque pero no monstruos, esa es la causa. @resyncall is the more powerful version of @resync. It'll reload everything, even the clouds if needed. @resincall es la versión más potente de @resync. Recargará todo, incluso las nubes si es necesario. @rules will tell you all the rules once again. @rules te contará todas las reglas una vez más. @toevent will warp you to event island, if an event is happening, of course. @toevent te llevará a la isla de eventos, si está sucediendo un evento, por supuesto. @ucp allows you to manage your account, eg. recover lost email. @ucp le permite administrar su cuenta, por ejemplo. recuperar el correo electrónico perdido. A %s was found in place of the cheese, and there were some scratch marks on the place. A GM has discharged you from jail. Un GM te ha liberado de la cárcel. A Game Master is required to begin the Liberation Day. Se requiere un Maestro del Juego para comenzar el Día de la Liberación. A Mirror Lake Un lago espejo A [@@2717|Buoy@@] of any type A bit longer and I would have jailed you %%\\ A bright and mysterious mushroom!!! A bug was found. Aborting script. Se encontró un error. Abortar script. A card will be drawn. Se sacará una carta. A card will be flipped, you'll need to decide if next flip will be HIGHER or LOWER. A close inspection reveals nothing out of ordinary. It seems to be well kept. A close inspection suggests the lock was busted. You approach to inspect. Una inspección minuciosa sugiere que la cerradura estaba rota. Te acercas a inspeccionar. A closer inspection suggests this mouboo has been... CURSED. Una inspección más cercana sugiere que este mouboo ha sido... MALDECIDO. A color sequence will be displayed on the avatar frame. A complex lock seems to be posing a threat to you. A critical hit deals added damage and disregards defense. A critical always hit, although it can be blocked just fine. Un golpe crítico causa daño adicional e ignora la defensa. Un golpe crítico siempre acierta, aunque se puede bloquear perfectamente. A dagger is stuck to your heart. Una daga está clavada en tu corazón. A dangerous boss room, keep your guard up! A disarm process is already running. A dungeon is burried in @@, (@@, @@) A few families, also known as the Ancient Families of the Soul Menhir (for whatever reasons that may be), departed. Algunas familias, también conocidas como las Familias Antiguas del Menhir del Alma (por las razones que sean), partieron. A few of them are rebels, outcasts and the like but the vast majority are monsters. Algunos de ellos son rebeldes, marginados y similares, pero la gran mayoría son monstruos. A few switches aren't triggered yet. A few times during the year, an independent team organizes a world exposition of special relics. A few times during the year, the "golden wave" migrates from the north pole to the south pole. A fire broke out in Tulimshar's Academy, which quickly spread over the whole town... And you would think it would be all, but no. The fire was odd. Se produjo un incendio en la Academia de Tulimshar, que rápidamente se extendió por toda la ciudad... Y uno podría pensar que sería todo, pero no. El incendio fue extraño. A friend of yours called LOF BOT asked for a coin... A game is currently going on, please wait for it to finish. A global announcement will be made. A golden pot in woodlands shall reward those who wear green. A good thing we still use sturdy standard steel grating on the emergency exit which lead to Nivalis. I can't imagine how bad the incident would be wasn't for that. A great rush of mana flows though you. Una gran rafaga de mana fluye a través de ti. A group of %ss are threatening the city. Go to the Desert Canyon and teach them a lesson. Un grupo de%ss están amenazando la ciudad. Ve al Cañón del Desierto y dales una lección. A guy named Hasan stole from me! ¡Un tipo llamado Hasan me robó! A hooded man attacked me, and left me in this state. A large number of %ss have been sighted. Both the sewer and the mines have been infested, they have even been spotted in the city wall! Se ha avistado un gran número de %ss. Tanto las alcantarillas como las minas han sido infestadas, ¡incluso han sido vistas en la muralla de la ciudad! A light magic barrier prevents you from entering. Una barrera mágica de luz te impide entrar. A magic barrier prevents you from enterering. Maybe it is a good idea to shut down the pentagrams first? A masterpiece!... Whaaaat, this stuff got ##Bweaker##b?? A minimum of %d players at the time of start is required! A mission well done. I should report to lua now. Una misión bien hecha. Deberías informar a Lua ahora. A natural! I win! ¡ Una Natural! ¡Yo gano! A new Dream Tower opens its gates before you... A new pet has been unlocked on the @@! A pickaxe is a must-have for a craftsman/craftswoman, as they are in constant need of ores and coal. Un pico es imprescindible para un artesano/artesana, ya que necesitas constantemente minerales y carbón. A pity a friend of ours drank too much. Juliet knows how to cure. We need to give her a @@ to do a hangover potion. Una pena que un amigo nuestro bebiera demasiado. Juliet sabe curar. Necesitamos darle un @@ para que haga una poción para la resaca. A pity that without being born with magic, you need a Mana Stone... And there are none left... Una lástima que sin haber nacido con magia, necesitas una Piedra de Mana... Y ya no queda ninguna... A pity... Una pena... A player may be the town admin of several different towns. A powerful door is sealed shut. It has no keyhole, but I'm sure it can be opened somewhere else on these caves. A powerful magic barrier prevents passage. %d %s should suffice to dispel... Maybe. A powerful magic barrier repeals you! A powerful magic barrier repels you! ¡Una poderosa barrera mágica te repele! A previous exp rate up event is already ongoing. A ranger, with a powerful bow A reward is promised to those whom cooperate. A script error happened, please report: @@ Se produjo un error de comandos, informe: @@ A sec... And... Done! I just finished cleaning it up! Un segundo... Y... ¡Listo! ¡Acabo de terminar de limpiarlo! A shame there are snakes below the ground. I really, really hate snakes, like every fairy. A ship travel will cost you @@ GP. Un viaje en barco te costará @@ GP. A single switch is not online - Cannot pass without all of them on. A skill has been removed, you got @@ job exp and @@ Strange Coin as an apology token. A skill has been replaced with an @@. A slime drips in front of you and explodes! A soldier, with a sword and a shield A stone seemed to be loose, but you barely managed to avoid falling! ¡Una piedra parecía estar suelta, pero apenas lograste evitar caer! A sunny and hot day, Un soleado y caluroso día, A treasure is burried in @@, (@@, @@) A tree glows in this dark cave, surrounded by mana lanes. A violent fire is less than a great fire, but devasting fire will be even more than these. A visitor? I don't really pay attention to visitors, unless it's someone notable. A warrior, with a long blade A wheel with numbered from 0 to 36 will be spun, and you must bet on the result. The "0" almost always means you lose the bet. %s A wizard, with a might wand A(n) %s, hm? And what do you want me to do with it? Un(n), %s ¿eh? ¿Y qué quieres que haga con él? A-hoy matey! ¡Ah camarada! A... A sabotage?! O.o A... Mouboo? Well, I know who can handle curses on cute Mouboos. ¿Un... Mubú? Bueno, sé quién puede manejar las maldiciones sobre los lindos Mouboos. AAAAAAAHHHHH, Thanks, I am lively again! AAAAAAAHHHHH, Gracias, ¡estoy vivo de nuevo! AAAAaaahhhhh!!! AAH! You scared me! ADMIN Cap AF King AFK Cap Gorra AFK AFK skill levels fixed. AFTER THEM!! AH! ALL AND YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE!! ANISE Incorporated is the biggest company in warp technology! ARE YOU SURE? ARE YOU SURE? THIS CANNOT BE UNDONE LATER!! ATK = 25%%, LUK = 0, Slow down ATK: %d - MATK: %d~%d Aaaaaaaahhhhh.... Much better now *hic*. Aaaaaaaahhhhh.... Mucho mejor ahora *hic*. Aaaaaaah, boy... Just let me drink in peace.#1 Aaaaaaah, gal... Just let me drink in peace.#0 Aaaaaahhh... Oui, that's a good wine! So, what will it be? Aahna Aahna Abandoned Diary#jak1 Abandoned Fountain#MKH Abandoned House#MKH1 Abandoned House#MKH2 Abandoned House#MKH3 Abandoned House#MKH4 Abandoned House#MKH5 Abandoned House#MKH6 Abort Abortar Abort (%d GP) Abort. About Scoreboards and Honor Points Acerca de los marcadores y los puntos de honor About the Prophecy... What about Elves? Orcs? Redys? Etc.? About the items you asked me to collect... About the scratch marks? I can give you a file about them. We didn't paid much mind to it, they're likely caused by a small animal such as a squirrel, a fox, a cat, or a dog. About this pirate treasure map... Absolutely not, but not may job offers nowadays. Abuse can be determined by your peers or by the grandmasters, so be careful. Academy Guard#EP Acc. and Evade -25%% Accept Accept offer? Accept quest? Accept request? Access to basement was granted! Accessories According to the Guide, space is ____? According to the Holy books of a parallel world, Christmas is an event to celebrate the birth of someone very important, the son of God, whom have the promised kingdom. According to the prophecy, he'll not stop, until life itself as we know today is removed from existence. Account Bound Account Information Accumulate Power Accuracy +25 Accurate Preciso Ace Ventura Achievements Acknowledgment? What do you mean? ¿Reconocimiento? ¿Qué quieres decir? Acorn Bellota Acorn Of Death Bellota de la muerte Acquire a Homunculus to witness it. Acquired: %s Monster Points Acquisition: Activate event? ¿Activar evento? Active Actually - Do you exchange goods even more illegal goods than this? Actually - Do you exchange illegal... research results? Actually I'm responsible of dispatching mages to the Magic Academy. En realidad soy responsable de enviar magos a la Academia de Magia. Actually nobody found one. En realidad nadie encontró uno. Actually not. En realidad no. Actually, Anwar offered me some ugly, bright orange pants. I thanked him, of course, I prefer this robe than... that. De hecho, Anwar me ofreció unos pantalones feos de color naranja brillante. Le agradecí, claro, pero prefiero esta bata que... eso. Actually, I gotta go, see ya! De hecho, me tengo que ir, ¡nos vemos! Actually, I have bad luck. Could you sell me a box full of fresh fish? La verdad es que tengo mala suerte. ¿Podrías venderme una caja llena de pescado fresco? Actually, I heard from Roger that you may need some help. Actually, I heard that on the cave north of me a great wizard died from a curse, but his staff would be available for any other wizard who looks. En realidad, escuché que en la cueva al norte de mí un gran mago murió a causa de una maldición, pero su bastón estaría disponible para cualquier otro mago que buscara. Actually, I need help with reagents this time. Bring me a %s and a %s and I'll gladly warp you... again. Actually, I see you have some @@. Ever tried a bow before? De hecho, veo que tienes algunos @@. ¿Alguna vez has probado un arco? Actually, a tutorial would be good! En realidad, ¡un tutorial estaría bien! Actually, about Fafi dragons... Actually, about the Soul Eater... Actually, can I return to Artis? Actually, can you break Tortuga Shells? De hecho, ¿puedes romper caparazones de tortuga? Actually, could I ask you a favor? Actually, could you teach me some recipes? De hecho, ¿podrías enseñarme algunas recetas? Actually, given you are a key part of our defenses and the Monster King is dead, you have acquired a special leave to use our storage. Actually, have you ever heard of Yeti's kidnapping little girls? Actually, he's just too lazy to add proper checks everywhere. If you try to cheat, you'll suffer some penalty. En realidad, el es demasiado vago para agregar chequeos adecuados en todas partes. Si intentas hacer trampa, sufrirás alguna penalización. Actually, nevermind. Good bye! De hecho, no importa. ¡Adiós! Actually, nevermind. I'll wait you grind level 25 first, then we can do this. Actually, nothing. Bye! De hecho, nada. ¡Adiós! Actually, the Dummy will not fight back. Are you afraid? En realidad, el muñeco no se defenderá. ¿Tienes miedo? Actually, using a byproduct of my other works and a few additional ingredients, I could make a %s En realidad, usando un subproducto de mis otros trabajos y algunos ingredientes adicionales, podría hacer un%s Actually, while we're friends, you don't look like a cat, which is weird. I guess we should fix that. En realidad, ya que somos amigos, no pareces un gato, lo cual es raro. Supongo que deberíamos arreglar eso. Actually, you could be really useful testing Snake Poison. What do you think about that? De hecho, podrías ser muy útil probando el veneno de serpiente. ¿Qué piensas sobre eso? Actually, you just took a bounty, right? En realidad, acabas de aceptar una recompensa, ¿verdad? Actually, you look strong...ish. Still, maybe you can help me. En realidad, te ves fuerte...más o menos. Aún así, tal vez puedas ayudarme. Actually. Who are you again? A headache which doesn't want to pass strikes you. De hecho. ¿Quien eres otra vez? Te ataca un dolor de cabeza que no quiere pasar. Add a new line Añadir una nueva línea Additional Hunting Island will be released on Valentine Day! Additionally, for the optimal experience, ensure your party has at least the following members and items: Additionaly, all your movement will be restricted until either you're warped or log out. Adrian Advanced Dungeon (Lv 80+) Advanced Exchanger#0 Advanced Magic Advanced Tricks Trucos avanzados Adventurer#0 Adventurer#1 Advised party size: From 3 and above Advised: 1+ mage, 1+ tanker, 2+ healers Advised: 6+ players Aegis Shield Aegis with their steadfast shield, nigh impregnable; Aegis con su escudo firme, casi inexpugnable; Aeros Raid Aeros Trader Aethyr Points: %s After about 30 minutes AFK, you won't get EXP anymore. Después de unos 30 minutos AFK, ya no obtendrás EXP. After all the monsters in an area are defeated, they'll respawn at once. I know, that's not good, but well, nothing that can be done about it. After all, I am the Well Master! Después de todo, ¡soy el Maestro del Pozo! After all, I don't want to get banned by harassing, and giving her chocolate will give her event points and I want her to win the event. Gotta support your crush, right? After all, that was two nights ago, and none of them returned... After all, what would you do if it open a black hole on your head by accident? %%4 After being successful is recovering Hurnscald and Nivalis from the Monster Army, they seem to have withdrawn. After casting %s, you must wait %d seconds before casting it again. After cleaning for twelve hours straight, they allowed me to rest a bit. After completing a request, there'll be a cooldown, proportional to the difficulty. After five years of wait, cooking system was released! Hooray! After hours of hard work... After that, follow the path until you reach a great chamber... After that, stay still and be patient, but also alert! Después de eso, quédate quieto y sé paciente, ¡pero permanece también alerta! After that, we're going to Tulimshar. Tulim is the most important city on the world, and the Alliance have an office there. Después de eso, nos vamos a Tulimshar. Tulim es la ciudad más importante del mundo y la Alianza tiene una oficina allí. After the Great Fire... you don't find our world's Elli ever again. After turning it upside down, it finds something which makes it really happy: %s! And there's nothing a teddy likes more than honey. After waiting for the oil to dry, he hands you the string. Después de esperar a que se seque el aceite, te entrega el hilo. After you have confirmed the negotiation, a window with a vertical split will appear. The left side are the items you intend to offer in trading. The right side are the items that the other citizen intends to offer in trading. Después de haber confirmado la negociación, aparecerá una ventana con una división vertical. El lado izquierdo son los artículos que pretendes ofrecer en el comercio. El lado derecho son los artículos que el otro ciudadano pretende ofrecer en el comercio. After your questions I'm really getting worried about this guy with the mask. In retrospect it really seems suspicous. Again, no, magic is extremely rare, all I know is a few ya-ing water tricks! Again, you don't need to do both right now, but you probably will want to. Once you have a stable alternative income, I'll have... This paperwork sorted. Nuevamente, no es necesario que hagas ambas cosas ahora, pero probablemente querrás hacerlo. Una vez que tengas un ingreso alternativo estable, tendré... Este papeleo ordenado. Aggressive Snake Aggressive Snake Egg Aggressors always know when they are in danger! Therefore, they are always on standby, attacking anyone who appears ahead. ¡Los agresores siempre saben cuando están en peligro! Por lo tanto, siempre están en alerta, atacando a cualquiera que aparezca delante. Agi Potion Agi+ Potion Agi++ Potion Agile Ágil Agility Agilidad Agility Fruit Fruta de Agilidad Agostine Agostine takes the fur from your hands. Agostine, the Legendary Tailor Agostine? Never heard of. If you don't have anything better to do, then stop wasting my time! Ah no... That's not what I had to do... I wasted the potion... Ah yes... I make fine @@... Ah! Ah! @@! I heard you helped Hinnak with his Pinkies problem! Ah! @@. A very rare drop! Ah! Greedy humans! Couldn't we happy with little? ¡Ah! ¡Humanos codiciosos! ¿No podríamos ser felices con poco? Ah! Greedy humans! End this war which our greed has stroke! ¡Ah! ¡Humanos codiciosos! ¡Pon fin a esta guerra que nuestra codicia ha golpeado! Ah! Greedy humans! How ignorant were we, to ever do that? ¡Ah! ¡Humanos codiciosos! ¿Qué tan ignorantes éramos para hacer eso? Ah! Greedy humans! Just how big is our greed? ¡Ah! ¡Humanos codiciosos! ¿Qué tan grande es nuestra codicia? Ah! Greedy humans! Stand up to save our world! ¡Ah! ¡Humanos codiciosos! ¡Levántate para salvar nuestro mundo! Ah! Greedy humans! The Monster War will now rage the globe! ¡Ah! ¡Humanos codiciosos! ¡La Guerra de los Monstruos ahora arrasará el mundo! Ah! Greedy humans! Things will never be as they used to be! ¡Ah! ¡Humanos codiciosos! ¡Las cosas nunca serán como solían ser! Ah! Greedy humans! We pay the price for our actions, ¡Ah! ¡Humanos codiciosos! Pagamos el precio de nuestras acciones, Ah! Greedy humans! Why did we had to fight? ¡Ah! ¡Humanos codiciosos! ¿Por qué tuvimos que luchar? Ah! Greedy humans! Why had we to desire? ¡Ah! ¡Humanos codiciosos! ¿Por qué teníamos que desear? Ah! I also want @@ @@. Ah! I know. Kill 10 @@. They are usually found in the fields, feeding on the crops. ¡Ah! Lo sé. Mata a 10 @@. Suelen encontrarse en los campos, alimentándose de los cultivos. Ah! I know. Kill 10 @@. They usually are near the mine's entrance. ¡Ah! Lo sé. Mata a 10 @@. Suelen estar cerca de la entrada de la mina. Ah, %s my friend! Are you here to help us with 5 %ss Or perhaps you have 5 more %s to show that Hurnscald is getting safer? Ah, %s, a good thing you're here. You must help! Ah, @@ is so amazing! Ah, @@ is sooo amazing! Ah, @@ seems to be behind the @@ schedule again... Ah, @@ parece estar atrasado en el horario de @@ otra vez... Ah, @@, welcome! Ah, Halinarzo... Dangerous place. Tulimshar route is plagued with snakes, Hurnscald route is more often than not flooded. Ah, Hasan... Sorry pal, afraid I can't do anything for you. Try talking to his mother Sorfina, she is in Mahoud's house, near the Inn.#0 Ah, Hasan... Lo siento amigo, temo que no puedo hacer nada por ti. Intenta hablar con su madre Sorfina, ella está en la casa de Mahoud, cerca de la posada.#0 Ah, Hasan... Sorry pal, afraid I can't do anything for you. Try talking to his mother Sorfina, she is in Mahoud's house, near the Inn.#1 Ah, Hasan... Lo siento amigo, temo que no puedo hacer nada por ti. Intenta hablar con su madre Sorfina, ella está en la casa de Mahoud, cerca de la posada.#1 Ah, I am lively again. I wish I could just raise from this bed and do some exercise, but the Nurse refuses to let me go. Ah, estoy vivo otra vez. Desearía poder levantarme de esta cama y hacer algo de ejercicio, pero la enfermera se niega a dejarme ir. Ah, I can also cure you, if you need. Ah, también puedo curarte, si es necesitas. Ah, I guess you want to fight at the cave north of me... Ah, supongo que quieres pelear en la cueva al norte de mí... Ah, I hate mushrooms. Perhaps in future, I could use their spikes and mushies. Ah, odio los hongos. Quizás en el futuro podría utilizar sus púas y hongitos. Ah, I hate snakes. Perhaps in future, I could use their tongues. Ah, odio las serpientes. Quizás en el futuro pueda usar sus lenguas. Ah, I have enough @@ for a life! Take this EXTREMELY RARE @@. Good job! ¡Ah, tengo suficiente @@ para toda la vida! Tome este EXTREMADAMENTE RARO @@. ¡Buen trabajo! Ah, I just wanted @@... Yummy, lovely @@... Ah, solo quería @@ ... Delicioso, encantador @@ ... Ah, I love mouboos. But their steaks, hmm. Ah, no, I shouldn't eat that... Ah, me encantan los mouboos. Pero sus filetes, mmm. Ah, no, no debería comer eso... Ah, I see you have some used gloves. I'm not sure if you can even mine with it... Ah, veo que tienes unos guantes usados. No estoy seguro de si puedes siquiera minar con ellos... Ah, I see, I imagine you'll wear something different then... But please come back. Ah, I wish I got something for helping people out... Ah, desearía tener algo para ayudar a la gente... Ah, I wonder how my mother Swezanne is faring... Ah, me pregunto cómo le irá a mi madre Swezanne... Ah, Peetu. I really appreciate his sense for high quality work. The requirements to become a helper of a sage are already high, but Peetu is outstanding. He has a talent for magic and combined with his diligence, it's quite remarkable. Ah, Sunday. What better time to go to church? Ah, domingo. ¿Qué mejor momento para ir a la iglesia? Ah, and you don't need to ask all of them, that would be a real bother. Ask around, and try to prioritize shop keepers, unless you feel you found a trail. You can also ask inside La Marine. Ah, but don't distress them if you can't save her! My precious daughter life is more important than anything! Ah, don't bother me with that. That wood must be special, it must bend and cannot break. Too difficult to find! Ah, fighting monsters under this desert heat makes me thirsty. But someone must do this job, otherwise Tulimshar could fall. Ah, luchar contra monstruos bajo el calor del desierto me da sed. Pero alguien debe hacer este trabajo, de lo contrario Tulimshar podría caer. Ah, getting experience is hard, too... I would stay within the city. Hit and Run tactics works the best. Ah, adquirir experiencia también es difícil... Me quedaría dentro de la ciudad. Las tácticas de golpear y correr funcionan de lo mejor. Ah, good. You didn't even bother poisoning it? Hahah, that's great, %s! Here is a couple skins I had lying around, may be useful. Ah bueno. ¿Ni siquiera te molestaste en envenenarlo? Jajaja, eso es genial,%s! Aquí hay un par de pieles que tenía por ahí y que pueden ser útiles. Ah, hello there! I am @@, a Redy alchemist. ¡Ah, hola! Soy @@, un alquimista Redy. Ah, hello there, funny face! Do you want to refine items? Ah, hello! It is good to see another traveler in this town! Ah, hello... is it @@? Nice to meet you! Ah, if Jack and that fisherman from Halinarzo still gave me materials... Ah, if it isn't @@? You're the talk of the town! Ah, it is not the same. Not the same. Ah, no es lo mismo. No es el mísmo. Ah, living in Halinarzo is so difficult... Ah, vivir en Halinarzo es tan difícil... Ah, my daughter Silvia is so far away... But I don't want to leave the shade of this tree... Ah, mi hija Silvia está tan lejos... Pero no quiero alejarme de la sombra de este árbol... Ah, my husband Hinnak is so hard working... Ah, nice to know. Ah, es bueno saberlo. Ah, not now... Ah, ahora no... Ah, personally I don't use it? Ah, personalmente ¿no lo uso? Ah, research points (RP). They are knowledge which can be used in honing your skills. Ah, so LOF Bot wants a souvenir after all! Ah, so you must be %s, the new guy! Yes, it is on the rooms upstairs. I'll bring you there, don't you worry a thing! ¡Ah, entonces debes ser tú %s, el chico nuevo! Sí, está en las habitaciones de arriba. ¡Te llevaré allí, no te preocupes! Ah, so you think you can fool me? Ah, ¿entonces crees que puedes engañarme? Ah, so you're the one in charge of the cheese robberies? I believe Dimond's Cove Chef was the most affected one, but I keep myself out of these matters. Ah, so you're the one in charge of the cheese robberies? I wouldn't know anything myself, but try asking Kenton, he is in charge of Public Affairs. Ah, so you're willing to help? Great! Because I HATE THEM ALL! Ah, sorry, of course. I need quite a few herbs, look: Ah, that was tiresome... I'll go make a reward for them, talk to me again later. Ah, eso fue cansador... Iré a hacer una recompensa para ellos, háblame más tarde. Ah, the Professors will get mad at me again... Ah, the kids are playing hide and seek, but I am afraid they went too far. A monster attack could start anytime, after all. Ah, los niños están jugando al escondite, pero me temo que fueron demasiado lejos. Después de todo, un ataque de monstruo podría comenzar en cualquier momento. Ah, the originals. Had the displeasure to met a few of them in the past and in the future with my time machine. Ah, there are lots with Melina, downstairs. Ah, traveller! I am Lilica the Scary Bunny! I exchange many @@ and @@ for neat rewards!#0 Ah, traveller! I am Lilica the Scary Bunny! I exchange many @@ and @@ for neat rewards!#1 Ah, uhm, I'm not sure. We at Candor don't need much. Ah, mmm, no estoy seguro. Nosotros en Candor no necesitamos mucho. Ah, welcome @@. You have @@ Contributor Points. Ah, bienvenido @@. Tienes @@ Puntos de Contribuidor. Ah, welcome. Please, don't be afraid of my look, Saulc GM assigned me to here. Ah, bienvenido. Por favor, no tengan miedo de mi apariencia, Saulc GM me asignó aquí. Ah, what a wonderful day. Ah, wonderful! This is a page we haven't found yet! Ah, yes... You see, there is just no task I can give to you right now. ##BYou are too weak to fight monsters.##b Ah, sí... Verás, simplemente no hay ninguna tarea que pueda darte en este momento. ##BEres demasiado débil para luchar contra monstruos.##b Ah, yes... You see, there is just no task I can give to you right now. You are too weak to fight these monsters. Ah, sí... Verás, simplemente no hay ninguna tarea que pueda encomendarte en este momento. Eres demasiado débil para luchar contra estos monstruos. Ah, you might have seen a treasure chest on the mines. There are several of these chests to loot, and loot again! Here is a @@. Try it! Ah, es posible que hayas visto un cofre del tesoro en las minas. ¡Hay varios de estos cofres para saquear y saquear de nuevo! Aquí hay una @@. ¡Intentalo! Ah, you only want to know if people came or left around 20:00? No, no one that I can remember. At least from the front door. Ah, you really deserve this @@. Good job! Ah, realmente te mereces este @@. ¡Buen trabajo! Ah, you'll find on the Land Of Fire Village four transcendence gates. Ah. Ah... A @@. The sturdiest from all mushroom, and very, very rare. Ah... Un @@. El más resistente de todos los hongos y muy, muy raro. Ah... I need more beer to keep going... This is so awful... Ah... I see. You are a lost soul, without parents, lost on the world with only some basic stuff. Ah, ya veo. Eres un alma perdida, sin padres, perdida en el mundo y con sólo algunas cosas básicas. Ah... Santa's helpers sure eat a lot. I'm sure gift delivery is hard for them. Ah... Sorry, your name is not on the contributor list. Ah... Lo siento, tu nombre no está en la lista de contribuidores. Ah... The mayor. The current mayor. Why do you even want to talk to him, anyway? Ah... Was I warped? Ah ... ¿Me teletransportaron? Ah... Well, ok. I'll do the powder for you, but you still need to bring me the material. Ah... Bueno, está bien. Yo te haré el polvo, pero aun así necesitas traerme el material. Ah... What is happening to meeeeeeee? Ah...! POLICE! POLICE! Quick, send this cheating thief to jail!! Aha! I knew you were a boring person... Aha! So that's what it was! The map was hiding its secrets in drawings made with acid. An old technique... But a very useful one. Ahahah, I concede defeat! Here's your prize! Ahahahah, do you really think I'll accept legs if you don't help me cleaning my fields? Ahh, he'll be so happy! Thanks! You can keep this. Ahh, that's a pity... Well, just talk to me with enough money and I'll gladly fix that for you! %%0 Ahh, too many items. Sorry. Ahh, demasiados objetos. Lo siento. Ahoi. Ahoi. Ahoy matey! ¡Ahoy compañero! Ahoy! Hey, you, new person! Could you come here?! ¡Ahoy! ¡Oye tú, nueva persona! ¡¿Puedes venir aquí?! Ahoy, @@! ¡Ah, @@! Aidan Aidan Aidan and Pet Detective Aidan, the Monster Guide Aidan, la guía de monstruos Airlia Airlia told me you should lend me a Return Potion. Airship Aisen Card Alaion Alan Alchemist Armor Alchemist Helmet Casco de alquimista Alchemy Alchemy Blueprint A Alchemy Blueprint B Alchemy Blueprint C Alchemy Blueprint D Alchemy Blueprint E Alchemy Cauldron Alchemy Master Challenge Alchemy Recipes Alchemy Recipes. Alchemy Set#MKHB Alchemy Shop Tienda de alquimia Alchemy Table brewing Alchemy Table: Alchemy. The art of having quasi-magical effects without magic. Alcohol effects expire upon death. You need vitality to drink more beer. Los efectos del alcohol expiran con la muerte. Necesitas vitalidad para beber más cerveza. Alfred Alicia Alige Alige Alige hands you an old paper patch. Alige te entrega un parche de papel viejo. Alizarin Herb Hierba de alizarin Alizarin Plant All I can say is that you were born there, and moved by the age of 4, but to where? I don't know. Lo único que puedo decir es que naciste allí y te mudaste a los 4 años, pero ¿a dónde? No sé. All In One All Peetu have been doing the past hours was crying, and crying, and crying some more. I can't barely sleep hearing his cries from my room. All Rounder todo más redondo All Stats +1 Todos los stats +1 All Stats +1, Agi +5 Todos los Stats +1, Agi +5 All Stats +1, Block +2% Todos los Stats +1, Bloqueo +2% All Stats +1, MDEF +30% Todos los Stats +1, DEFM +30% All Stats +1, Max HP +1% Todos los Stats +1, Maximo HP +1% All Stats +1, Max HP +1%, Max MP +5% Todos los Stats +1, Maximo HP +1%, Maximo MP +5% All Stats +1, Vit +2 Todos los Stats +1, Vit +2 All Stats +2 Todos los Stats +2 All Stats +5 Todos los Stats +5 All Stats temporarily raised! All arenas stay open for only 30 minutes after being purchased. Todas las arenas permanecen abiertas solo 30 minutos después de ser compradas. All black scorpions are dead! Go back to Tycoon. ¡Todos los escorpiones negros están muertos! Vuelve con Tycoon. All candor scorpions are dead! ¡Todos los escorpiones de Candor están muertos! All categories have an equal chance of being selected, except for Rares, which are always the 15th and 30th pull. Every 5 non-rare pulls, you'll also get some Strange Coins as a memento. All cave maggots are dead! Go back to Tycoon. ¡Todos los gusanos de cueva están muertos! Vuelve con Tycoon. All cave snakes are dead! Go back to Tycoon. ¡Todas las serpientes de cueva están muertas! Vuelve con Tycoon. All cheaters must die. All four Dungeons must be completed. All hail the ones who proven their worth before the whole Alliance! ¡Todos saluden a los que demostraron su valía ante toda la Alianza! All hope was lost. We failed to protect it. We lost everyone who challenged the Monster King. Killed without mercy. Se perdió toda esperanza. No pudimos protegerlo. Perdimos a todos los que desafiaron al Rey Monstruo. Asesinado sin piedad. All house maggots are dead! ¡Todos los gusanos domésticos están muertos! All leaderboards are refreshed hourly. Todas las tablas de clasificación se actualizan cada hora. All maggots are dead! ¡Todos los gusanos están muertos! All mana bugs are dead! ¡Todos los bichos de mana están muertos! All monsters may drop chocolate during this period. And here is one for you! All monsters summoned! ¡Todos los monstruos han sido convocados! All my parents, grandparents, until the world was born, are from Tulimshar. All of my money. All pets are also capable of looting items and dropping items as well. I'm repeating this because I know if you truly came from LoF, then you certainly talked with Ace Ventura and know it couldn't have been a pet. All quests expire at 00:00 server time, be sure to finish AND report back before that! Todas las misiones caducan a las 00:00 hora del servidor, ¡asegúrate de terminarlas e informar antes de esa hora! All rattos are dead! Go back to Tycoon. ¡Todos los rattos están muertos! Vuelve con Tycoon. All red scorpions are dead! Go back to Tycoon. ¡Todos los escorpiones rojos están muertos! Vuelve con Tycoon. All scoreboards are refreshed hourly. Todos los marcadores se actualizan cada hora. All scorpions are dead! ¡Todos los escorpiones están muertos! All she told me was that I needed to visit Halinarzo, but was too weak, and should look for you instead. All spring it is the same thing... The instruments stop working! All the %ss have become a real nuisance to the citizens and people are getting stung more often now. Todos los %ss se han convertido en una verdadera molestia para los ciudadanos y ahora la gente sufre picaduras con mayor frecuencia. All the monsters pledge to the Moubootaur, so we knew he was involved the moment the Monster King started collecting the Fragments. As soon as the ritual is conducted in the Holy Site of Kolev, where Artis was built upon, the final moves on this dance will begin. All this seems unimportant to you right now. Nada de esto parece importante para ti ahora mismo. All torches are lit! Return to Zarkor. ¡Todas las antorchas están encendidas! Regresa con Zarkor. All warp technology, be it crystal-based, potion-based, or mechanic-based, relies on timespace distortions. All you need to do is walk outside, enter the biggest house, and speak with the Trainer. He'll teach you everything you need to know. Todo lo que necesitas hacer es salir, entrar a la casa más grande y hablar con el Entrenador. Él te enseñará todo lo que necesitas saber. Alliance Guard Alliance Hero#FoS Alliance Officer Alliance members (sponsors) are allowed inside the Council Room. Los miembros de la Alianza (patrocinadores) pueden ingresar a la Sala del Consejo. Alliance members are those who [@@|sponsor us@@]. Los miembros de la Alianza son aquellos que [@@|nos patrocinan@@]. Alliance members are those who [@@|sponsor us@@]. Los miembros de la Alianza son aquellos que [@@|nos patrocinan@@]. Allowed Allowing you to remain on our Isles is dangerous. Tread carefully, %s. Permitirte permanecer en nuestras islas es peligroso. Ve con cuidado,%s. Allows to attack right after casting. Permite atacar inmediatamente después del lanzamiento. Almanac Almanaque Almost all creatures drop useful items when defeated. To get the dropped item press the 'Z' key next to the item or click the primary button on the item. Casi todas las criaturas arrojan objetos útiles cuando son derrotadas. Para obtener el objeto caído, presione la tecla 'Z' al lado del objeto o haga clic con el botón principal en el objeto. Almost all documents were lost, destroyed or damaged. I cannot even find your parents name. Casi todos los documentos se perdieron, destruyeron o dañaron. Ni siquiera puedo encontrar el nombre de tus padres. Almost there! The War Lord will be proud with this new armor I am inventing for him! Just a little more...! Alone Alpha Mouboo Alpha Mouboo Hat Sombrero de mouboo alpha Alright, I don't like PVP anyways... Muy bien, de todos modos no me gusta el PvP... Alright, I have them here! Alright, I will help. Alright, I'll look in the archives. I'll have an answer for you in @@. Meanwhile, why don't you suppress the bandits on the cliff? Muy bien, buscaré en los archivos. Tendré una respuesta para ti en @@. Mientras tanto, ¿por qué no reprimes a los bandidos del acantilado? Alright, I'll pay. Alright, I'll show up later. Thanks for calling me. Here's 1000 GP for your efforts. Muy bien, llegare más tarde. Gracias por llamarme. Aquí tienes 1000 GP por tus esfuerzos. Alright, PARTY TIME! Muy bien, ¡TIEMPO DE FIESTA! Alright, for such simple evolution I can do it myself. It'll evolve to a %s Type Homunculus. Alright, good bye. Alright, you should go visit Katze. She's not lactose intolerant, so she could eat cheese, but still, you should give her a gift before going. Alright, you've not only proven your worth, but you've went through most monsters in the desert close to the town. Muy bien, no sólo has demostrado tu valía, sino que también te has enfrentado a la mayoría de los monstruos en el desierto cerca de la ciudad. Alright. Está bien. Alright. A new world. What mysteries await for me behind that wooden door? Está bien. Un nuevo mundo. ¿Qué misterios me esperan detrás de esa puerta de madera? Alright. I wish you good luck in your studies. Alright. Listen, you'll need %s to summon it, and you cannot be alone. I only have so much of that to share, so be careful to don't use all. Alright. Now to give your quest. But not now, you're still weak. Come back later, will you. Alright. Then please don't go too deep on the library, it is dangerous. Alright... Bye. Muy bien... Adiós. Also in honor of @@, who did a great act of bravery recently. May they keep protecting our world! También en honor a @@, que hizo un gran acto de valentía recientemente. ¡Que sigan protegiendo nuestro mundo! Also in honor of the other two sages, %s and %s. And finally, notable mention for the noble %s, %s and %s, for sponsoring this Academy. Also known as TMW2 Day, it celebrates the server founding, Also near the market, look for %s. He is the chief of the City Guard. Ask if he need help, and help him! También cerca del mercado, busca a %s . Es el jefe de los Guardias de la Cuidad. ¡Pregúntale si necesita ayuda y ayúdalo! Also note that if you are in overweight, your natural regen will halt. 90% in weight, and you won't be able to attack. También tenga en cuenta que si tiene sobrepeso, su regeneración natural se detendrá. 90% de peso y no podrás atacar. Also worth mentioning is how to improve your ability to shoot fast. You need to be agile to grab a new arrow from your quiver and aim for the next shot before your enemy has recovered from your last. Also you can ask how much he already save for you by checking your balance. También puedes preguntar cuánto has ahorrado ya consultando tu saldo. Also your strength doesn't matter much. It helps you to carry more arrows with you, but nothing a few trips to the store won't do. Also, Halinarzo is famous for the depleted mana mines in the town. You probably won't find a mana stone there, but it might be cool to look. Además, Halinarzo es famoso por las minas de mana agotadas de la ciudad. Probablemente no encuentres una piedra de mana allí, pero puede ser interesante buscarla. Also, I believe hard work always pay off. Además, creo que el trabajo duro siempre da sus frutos. Also, I don't care if you don't like the @@. That's the weapon a true archer should use! Also, I don't know what Sage will be their next target. I'm... A bit concerned with Sagratha. As she choose to live with wildlife and all, we sorta don't know a lot of what happens with her. Also, I don't think we will be able to go back if we pick the wrong way. Also, I see you're a newly registered mage. Am I right? Also, Summer just started. Why not taking this opportunity to go Treasure Hunting?! Also, Yetis can be crafty at times. I think someone on Hurnscald Household knew a lot about them, you might want to ask them if you ever feel struck. Also, do you have the stolen item? Also, have a %s on the house! Además, ten un%s en la casa! Also, hidden in a forest which is not hot nor cold, is the Gold Pot Cauldron... Además, escondido en un bosque que no hace frío ni calor, se encuentra el Caldero de Oro... Also, if I move away from the singularity during disarm process, it'll be lost. Also, job levels get really hard to obtain after a while. The decision is up to you, just be aware there's that possibility. Además, los niveles de trabajo se vuelven muy difíciles de obtener después de un tiempo. La decisión depende de usted, sólo tenga en cuenta que existe esa posibilidad. Also, listen well, because there are traps and dangers on the whole way. Their leader sealed themselves in safety. Also, most monsters get enraged and will attack whoever is closest to them, regardless of anything else. Además, la mayoría de los monstruos se enfurecen y atacarán a quien esté más cerca de ellos, sin importar nada más. Also, south of here are mines. Talk to Tycoon for information about it. Además, al sur de aquí hay minas. Habla con Tycoon para obtener información al respecto. Also, take this book so you don't forget the rules. You can always read it, or type ##B@rules##b on the chat. Además, llévate este libro para no olvidar las reglas. Siempre puedes leerlo o escribir ##B@rules##b en el chat. Also, take this. It's time to you learn to craft your own weapon. Talk to Nicholas in Hurnscald forge to make an awesome @@. Or use it on some other craft, it is your choice. Also, the Inn folks said the Ducks keep bothering them, but they've noticed a small decrease already. Además, la gente del hostal dijo que los patos siguen molestándolos, pero ya han notado una pequeña disminución. Also, the more players survive, the better rewards will be given. Also, they can control the city taxes, which are applied upon purchases and sales within the town. Also, they level up when they attack, and can be revived with the right skill. Also, unlike regular magic which may cause delay before and after, Mana Magic usually only have a cooldown. But it is hard to know how long that cooldown is... Además, a diferencia de la magia normal que puede causar retrasos antes y después, la Magia de Mana normalmente sólo tiene un tiempo de reutilización. Pero es difícil saber cuánto dura ese tiempo de reutilización... Also, you need vitality and strength to survive the swimming trip. The closest island is very far away. Also, you'll get more experience by killing monsters stronger than you, and less experience by killing monsters weaker than you. Además, obtendrás más experiencia matando monstruos más fuertes que tú y menos experiencia matando monstruos más débiles que tú. Also... Also: You'll be able to rebirth at Tulimshar with Jakod. What are you waiting for?! Alternatively, %s, the World Hero, should also be able to do it. Alternatively, I think someone at the Land Of Fire Village is able to refine some items. Why don't you try it sometime? Alternativamente, creo que alguien en Tierra del Fuego puede refinar algunos equipamientos. ¿Por qué no lo intentas alguna vez? Alternatively, download a bleeding edge build at [@@|] Although I really want the Sailor's Hat, but daggers are dangerous for kids to play with. Although I suppose there is a passage in the underground... You might want to talk to sweet Jenny about it, if you haven't done so already. Although KOLCHAK managed to rank first in almost every ranking, Jesusalva was too close, and the Crafting gave him the edge he needed to take first place. Although since Katze and Barbara's incidents, not much is happening, besides some vaults being looted every now and then. Nothing of worry, which is a good thing, I guess. Although the more powerful you are, the more money you will need. Aunque cuanto más poderoso seas, más dinero necesitarás. Although this particular one seems to hate everyone and everything, it recognizes your strength. Aunque este en particular parece odiar a todos y a todo, reconoce tu fuerza. Although you'll need to help Rosen first! Alvasus Alvasus Alvasus Pendant Colgante Alvasus Always a pleasure to help. Always use %s Amazing! I want you to kill some red scorpions, as I said! ¡Asombroso! ¡Quiero que mates algunos escorpiones rojos, como dije! Amazing. Five gifts for all. With 3200, we could supply nomad tribes... Amazing. I think you found all the missing pages of which we didn't have a copy. This is a great help! I'll mention this to Nikolai. Amelia Amelia looks much more cheerful than the last time you've met her. Amethyst Amatista Amethyst (+2 dex) Amatista (+2 destreza) Amethyst Bif Amethyst Powder Polvo de amatista Ammo? I prefer power gloves! That is useless for me! Amount? ¿Cantidad? An Airship? It is just a ship. Which flies. An academy was built north of Tulimshar, and later, the Land of Fire Village was also built, symbol of progress, development and research. Se construyó una academia al norte de Tulimshar, y más tarde, también se construyó la Aldea Tierra del Fuego, símbolo de progreso, desarrollo e investigación. An account may vote anywhere, but only once per town (weekly). An assassin An emergency skill which temporarily raises all your stats. Una habilidad de emergencia que aumenta temporalmente todas tus estadísticas. An error happened: unitwalk failed Se produjo un error: el recorrido unitario falló An error on your travel happened. Please report. An error on your travel time happened. Please report. An error with Stranger#LoF happened! Please report!! An event is happening at Aeros! Hurry up! An event to prepare for the Steam Release Un evento para preparar el lanzamiento en Steam An example is dec agi, which lowers your agility. An unlimited number of members can join. An upgrade is available. Ancient Blueprint Plano antiguo Ancient Families Ancient Shield Escudo antiguo Ancient Sword Espada antigua And Demure, the Queen of Dragons. Y Demure, la Reina de los Dragones. And I can say with confidence that no one matching your description was here today or yesterday or the day before. Sorry. And I'll teach you no recipes. However, there are recipes to be learnt in Candor, Halinarzo and Land of Fire, shall you find the chef and mention me. And I'm not talking only about humans here! But perhaps, if you build a good reputation, she teaches you something. ¡Y no me refiero sólo a los humanos! Pero tal vez, si te ganas una buena reputación, ella te enseñe algo. And a commission of @@/@@ GP. And a good evening for you. And a good morning for you. And a great threat they shall defeat. Y una gran amenaza que derrotarán. And a lot of pages are missing, since most of the slimes escaped. I suppose we'll have to go out and hunt them once we're done here. Unless someone else hunt them for us. And a special coupon section to get rare items for little or no money! And again, and again, again. Y una y otra vez, otra vez. And again, and again. Y una y otra vez. And again. Y otra vez. And also in notable mention of those who [@@|sponsor@@] the Alliance and its administrative structure. And also in notable mention of those who [@@|sponsor@@] the Alliance and its administrative structure. And anyone like you probably already knows that, well... Cookies are life! And as you certainly know: the War between the Moubootaur and the sentient races, the Blood which was spilled, and the Inspiration it caused. And brought peace to the land. Y trajo paz a la tierra. And by "moved to the canyon", I do mean it destroyed the little which kept our community alive back then. I heard the fire even moved to the icelands and burned everything on the path until it died at the frozen sea, but that would be too far for I know. And by last, to speak to everyone online, besides whoever might be idling on Discord, select the '#world' tab. Y por último, para hablar con todos en línea, además de con quien esté inactivo en Discord, seleccione la pestaña '#mundo'. And during that time, item dropped was bugged! We wanted to deliver you a token of apology! And guess what? They have a King of their own! And have you thought in the cause? And help to obtain they were able. Y pudieron obtener ayuda. And here's a rare for you, a @@! Good job! And his sister, And how do you feel about that? And if I end back here, I'll prove the planet is round! This is the perfect plan! %s GP to ride with me TO GLORY! And if a Valet ("J") is drawn, it'll be worth 11 points. This is different from regular Black Jack! And if the item breaks, that is definitive - no repair is possible. What to refine? And if the item breaks, that's your loss. What to refine? And if you bring me 1 @@ and 440 GP, I can make a @@ for you. And if you listen to Tulimshar's Professor lecture wearing it, you'll gain more experience! And if you study them well, you'll also gain more Research Points than you would get with other skills. And if your family, real or adoptive, was coward, there would be no lead at all. Y si su familia, real o adoptiva, fuera cobarde, no habría ninguna pista. And in a hut, a lone woman mourned my death. And in all these years, I've never seen him messing up anything important. He's a perfectionist. He isn't satisfied with anything less than the best possible result when doing his work. And in honor of all brave LoF players, to be known to all, the fluffly hunters. Y en honor a todos los valientes jugadores de LoF, los conocidos por todos, los cazadores de flufflys. And it might be changed in a future patch %%g Y podría cambiarse en un parche futuro %%g And it's so loyal to you... Maybe you should consider requesting the evolution feature soon. And it's so loyal to you... You probably could evolve it. And not a rat? Not really... No, wait, I did. Multiple times, something relatively big, which came in as if they were liquid. And now I'm going to lose my job and I'll have to leave here and no other sage would give me a new appointment and I don't know what else to do! And now... Somber time is over! Time to get back to drinking! Yaaaay!! And obviously, Professor Volrtaw assigned me to investigate! Look at me, do I look like an investigator to you? But, he told me I could pick any student to help me! And I choose you! And once they entrust you with what is important for them, they'll pay better. Here is 700 GP. Come back later. Y una vez que te confíen lo que es importante para ellos, te pagarán mejor. Aquí tienes 700 GP. Vuelve mas tarde. And one last thing I'll want. See these @@? I don't like them, so I'll have you to kill 40 of them for me. Y una última cosa que querré. ¿Ves estos @@? No me gustan, así que haré que mates a 40 de ellos por mí. And one more thing... And please, bring those criminals to justice! Barbara and the Assassin! And rejoice will come from their feats. Y el regocijo vendrá de sus hazañas. And remember to never sit on Paxel! He hates that! And remember: If it was easy, I would be wielding it right now. Instead, I use a %s. So take courage. And some from the Grand Hunter Quests give you @@, which can be traded with the travelers for rares! Good luck! And some of the shop items can be found as drops or in quests! ¡Y algunos de los artículos de la tienda se pueden encontrar como botín o en misiones! And some times, more Fafi dragons come... Don't neglect your aid. And that's the highest priority, so before disclosing the victim's identity, I wish you to investigate the storeroom and find anything out of place. Talk to me after you've scourged this place. And the lightbringer, Y el portador de luz, And the runes wait for the grave to be found. Y las runas esperan a que se encuentre la tumba. And then you notice the small teddy is opening and closing the lid of this pot repeated times, as if it were looking for something. And then, it was no more! It vanished! In a matter of minutes the slimes were all over the library. A good thing they are slow, none escaped to the town. And then... There was a quake. And all life died. Bleed! And there is the Mana Magic, for the pro %%e You'll waste your life on that, as it have an experience system. Y está la magia de mana, para el %%e profesional. Perderás tu vida en eso, ya que tiene un sistema de experiencia. And they can explode! Nothing in the world could make me go in there. I'll just do my work right here, clean the floor and tidy up the books, and I'm keeping my eyes open in case they get over here. And thus, the longest war begun... And our clan was wiped out. Pachua, Mirio, I, Melune and Darug are the last ones. Oh, and Andra, I guess? Y así comenzó la guerra más larga... Y nuestro clan fue aniquilado. Pachua, Mirio, yo, Melune y Darug somos los últimos. Ah, ¿y Andra, supongo? And to leave this cramped ship, just go past his office! But beware... Y para salir de este barco estrecho, ¡basta con pasar por su oficina! Pero cuidado... And truth be told, it still is - the Impregnable Fortress seems to periodically release massive batches of monsters, trying to hold the ground is a death wish. And unless you have a mage permit from the Magic Council, you won't be going to CR1 - Academy Island either. Y a menos que tengas un permiso de mago del Consejo Mágico, tampoco irás a CR1 - Isla de la academia. And we can also recharge %s for a small fee, I guess. And we know who the thief is. And what about Iron Ore? ¿Y qué pasa con el mineral de hierro? And what about Sunny Crystals? ¿Y qué pasa con los cristales soleados? And who are you? And who do you think that created GM Magic in first place, pathetic worm? ¿Y quién crees que creó la magia GM en primer lugar, patético gusano? And who would you be? Another bandit? Leave! And whom do you claim to be the thief? And with what you expect to fight monsters? You must arrange yourself a weapon! ¿Y con qué esperas luchar contra los monstruos? ¡Debes conseguirte un arma! And without proper MP-raising equipment, you'll be exausthed after your first fireball. Y sin el equipo adecuado para aumentar MP, quedarás agotado después de tu primera bola de fuego. And you got help from that kid? You are even more pathetic than I thought. ¿Y recibiste ayuda de ese chico? Eres incluso más patético de lo que pensaba. And you, @@... You better get walking. Soon. And you, take this %s. It is a reward for doing the dirty job. You would think old age would let you retire, hahaha! Y tú, toma este %s. Es una recompensa por hacer el trabajo sucio. Pensarías que la vejez te permitiría jubilarte, ¡jajaja! And, that's all. Andrei Sakar Andrei Sakar Calls for Heroes! Andrei Sakar Card Andrei Sakar calls for all the brave in the town of Artis - Kolev! Andrei Sakar is at the north exit of the town. Andrei Sakar is decided to investigate, and has made arrangements with %s. Andrei Sakar used magic: %s Andrei Sakar#FoS290 Andrei Sakar#FoS298 Andrei Sakar, Legendary Hero Andrei Sakar, the legendary Hurnscald Hero, as well as a group of alliance members which include yourself, are heading to the continent of Kolev, where is said to be a legendary town which helped the humans from the second era to survive. Andrei Sakar, el legendario héroe de Hurnscald, así como un grupo de miembros de la alianza que te incluye a ti, se dirigen al continente de Kolev, donde se dice que hay una ciudad legendaria que ayudó a los humanos de la segunda era a sobrevivir. Andrei Sakar, world renowned hero, is assembling a group of adventurers for an important mission! Angel Ángel Angel Amulet Amuleto de ángel Angel Light Angel Wings Alas de angel Angela#Outside Angela#house Angry Bat Angry Red Scorpion Escorpión rojo enojado Angry Scorpion Escorpión enojado Angry Yellow Slime Animal Bones Huesos de animales Anin The Traveler Anise Inc. Anniversary marks the project birthdate. Do not mistake with TMW2 Day. Annoying Paxel, for example %%o Another lecture: Take always enough arrows with you. Go and come back when you are equipped adequately. Another time, maybe. Otro momento quizás. Another way to attack it is clicking on it. Otra forma de atacar es haciendo clic en él. Another way to attack it is clicking on it. Now, there are some things you must know before fighting this truly dangerous foe! Otra forma de atacar es haciendo clic en él. Ahora bien, ¡hay algunas cosas que debes saber antes de luchar contra este enemigo verdaderamente peligroso! Another way to quickly get experience at lower levels, is visiting %s and talking to Professor. I heard those whom sit at the rug gain exp just by listening. Otra forma de adquirir experiencia rápidamente en niveles inferiores es visitar%s y hablar con el profesor. Escuché a aquellos que se sientan en la alfombra a ganar experiencia con solo escuchar. Anselmo Anselmo gives you %s GP, likely some advance payment of some kind. Anselmo gives you some %s, but you'll likely need more for this. Anselmo seems to like he doubt your intentions, but he doesn't says anything else. Anselmo sighs and weaves, clearly not interested in getting help. Antlers Cornamenta Antlers Hat Sombrero de astas Anwar Anwar Anwar sent you this, erm, hum... @@. Anwar te envió esto, hum, hum... @@. Any boss which was previously unhittable, can be hit with appropriate number of attackers. Cualquier jefe que antes era imposible de alcanzar, puede ser golpeado con una cantidad adecuada de atacantes. Any eventual ranking reward will be sent by the banker's mail. Cualquier eventual recompensa por clasificación se enviará por correo bancario. Any fishing tips for me? ¿Algún consejo de pesca para mí? Any movement/skill/item will be without effect until time is up. Anyone within this rug will be teleported. Anything else? ¿Algo más? Anyway, I am one of the few Mana Wizard, and I love Transmutation! De todos modos, soy uno de los pocos Mago de Mana y ¡me encanta la Transmutación! Anyway, I am selling Cherry Cakes to sponsor my studies. Please buy as many as you want! De todos modos, estoy vendiendo pasteles de cereza para patrocinar mis estudios. ¡Compra tantos como quieras! Anyway, I got this really nice @@ from Audsbel. He said I could collect herbs more efficiently with it. Anyway, I heard both were disciples from Cordo-whatever, a powerful person from LoF Village. Anyway, I still need @@. You have plenty of time to do things at your own pace. De todos modos, todavía necesito @@. Tienes mucho tiempo para hacer las cosas a tu propio ritmo. Anyway, I think you should go to Hurnscald Townhall again, and speak with the mayor. De todos modos, creo que deberías volver al Ayuntamiento de Hurnscald y hablar con el alcalde. Anyway, I'd be really happy if you could give me @@ @@, @@ @@, @@ @@ and @@ @@. Anyway, I'll give you @@ Real Estate Credits in advance. Go book yourself a room in the Inn. And then come back to me so we may discuss details. Anyway, Wyara told me about the assassins. I'm surprised they followed me until the ruins. Anyway, after that I'll use my magic, so everyone can rest after that until I finish, or keep killing the new monsters for experience and drops. Anyway, as you might be aware, Land Of Fire came here in an incident after the Monster King took all Mana Stones... So, we have a good magical affinity. Anyway, conspiratory theories aside, his ghost is a powerful boss. De todos modos, dejando de lado las teorías conspirativas, el fantasma es un jefe poderoso. Anyway, conspiratory theories aside, his ghost is a powerful boss. I would not attack him yet if I were you! De todos modos, dejando de lado las teorías conspirativas, el fantasma es un jefe poderoso. ¡Yo no lo atacaría todavía si fuera tú! Anyway, he had a point. What will you do once the Monster War is over? De todos modos, tenía razón. ¿Qué harás una vez que termine la Guerra de los Monstruos? Anyway, he is not available at the moment. Try your luck again later. Anyway, here is your reward. Anyway, if you ever feel bored and wanna see what I mean by yourself, just leave the building and head west, then north. There's a small entrance there. De todos modos, si alguna vez te aburres y quieres ver lo que quiero decir con por ti mismo, simplemente sal del edificio y dirígete al oeste, luego al norte. Hay una pequeña entrada allí. Anyway, it is Valentine Day, a good day to trade @@ with your admired one! Anyway, my herb mixture keeps monsters away. Anyway, once you have the recipe book and learned a recipe, you can craft items in forges. I think you can buy it in your apartment. Anyway, the Moubootaur certainly existed, and probably is still alive. Anyway, there's a barrier to prevent monsters from attacking the city from below. De todos modos, hay una barrera para evitar que los monstruos ataquen la ciudad desde abajo. Anyway, why do you ask? Surely not to waste my time. Anyway, you can see how skilled using Mana Magic with @@. Mana Magic is the one which requires concentration, to bring things into existence, for example. De todos modos, puedes ver lo hábil que eres usando magia de mana con @@. Mana Magic es la que requiere concentración, para hacer que las cosas existan, por ejemplo. Anyway, you have a letter to our %s, you meant? Sure thing, I'll let him know at once. Anyway, you should be thanking Juliet, she's the one who patched you up. De todos modos, deberías agradecerle a Juliet, ella fue quien te curó. Anyway. This is the FAIRY KINGDOM spell. It'll spawn fairies. Anyway. This is the KALBOO spell. It'll summon mouboos. Anyway. This is the KALWULF spell. It'll spawn Wolverns. Anyway... Let's see how this world works! En fin... ¡Veamos cómo funciona este mundo! AoE (not stackable) Apana Cake Pastel de Apana Apane Card Apartment Manager Apartment rents cannot be renewed until they expire. Furniture won't be lost. Apparently, Jack already has your wood warped up, and delivered to Alan. Apparently, you'll need to use a %s to get this to work! Appearance Debug Limpieza de apariencia Appearance Debug - Barber Limpieza de apariencia - Barbero Appearance Debug - Race Limpieza de apariencia - Raza Appearance Debug - Sex Change Limpieza de apariencia - Cambio de sexo Apple Cake Apple Cocktail Cóctel de manzana Apple Trees#MKH1 Application fee: @@ GP Tarifa de solicitud: @@ GP Application successful! ¡Solicitud exitosa! Apply for the office! ¡Aplica para la oficina! Apply no pressure Apply normal pressure Apply soft pressure Apply strong pressure Apply very strong pressure Applying... Apprentice Wand Varita de Aprendiz Approach it softly. Aquada Aquada Aquada Box Caja de Aquada Ara ara? You do not have enough money with you! Arabesque (Action) Arauto Arcanum Stone Piedra Arcana Archant Archers Eye Ojo de arquero Archery Weapon Recipes Arcmage Boxset Caja Archimago Are the fish biting today? ¿Están picando los peces hoy? Are you Sagratha? Are you a terranite? ¿Eres un terranita? Are you and your party ready? Are you asking because people say it's his fault? Listen, I've known him for many years now. We started our service here about the same time. We share our room and are really close friends. Are you done yet? Are you enjoying yourself in Candor? Do you have any questions? ¿Te estás divirtiendo en Candor? ¿Tienes alguna pregunta? Are you feeling alright? That was a pretty powerful blast! ¿Te sientes bien? ¡Esa fue una explosión bastante poderosa! Are you going to stand here all day long? Go wash the dishes or go away. ¿Vas a quedarte aquí todo el día? Anda a lavar los platos o vete. Are you interested in becoming a student of Archery? Are you interested? You'll keep %s your equipment, magic, quest progression, craft recipes, money, whatever else which is not a level. Not even Job level won't be reset! Are you looking for Rebirth? Limited time only! ¿Estás buscando el Renacimiento? ¡Solo por tiempo limitado! Are you ok? ¿Estás bien? Are you out of your mind?! Are you ready to cross the Mirror Lake and return to your world? Are you ready? Are you ready? There will be a long path ahead of us until this mistery is solved. Are you really going to jump here? Are you sure you want leave? Are you sure you want to begin now? (Cannot be changed later) Are you sure you want to create a PIN now? Are you sure you want to donate a %s to Katze? ¿Estás seguro de que quieres donarle un%s a Katze? Are you sure you want to leave? Are you sure you want to proceed? You CANNOT COME BACK! Are you sure you want to smash it? ¿Estás seguro de que quieres romperlo? Are you sure? Are you sure? It costs 800 GP.#0 Are you sure? It costs 800 GP.#1 Are you sure? Like, really really sure? Are you sure? This cannot be undone! Are you sure?! Are you trying to collect every piece of equipment ingame? Come tell me if you are and I'll give you a collector stamp! Are you trying to provoke me? Are you up for the challenge? Are you with what I asked for? Are you, perhaps, interested? Area Provoke Area of effect fire damage. May burn targets. AreaNPC#002-1d AreaNPC#002-1d AreaNPC#002-3d AreaNPC#002-3d AreaNPC#002-4d AreaNPC#002-4d AreaNPC#Peter AreaNPC#Peter AreaNPC#doors4 AreaNPC#Puertas4 Aren't you Cindy's father? Why don't you go to her rescue? Arena Quirin Voraz Arena created, it can be used for 30 minutes. Arena creada, se puede utilizar durante 30 minutos. Argaes Human Humano de Argaes Argh! I assume I can't do this chant! Argh, I've run out o' arrows! Say, ye don't have any I could use, do ye? I only got %s... ¡Argh, se me acabaron las flechas! Dime, no tienes ninguna que pueda usar, ¿verdad? solo tengo%s... Argh... I can never get it right! If only he drew an Ace or a Joker on the first draw... But he never does that! Arkim Armageddon Armbands Manguitos Armored Skeleton Armors: +3~5 defense Arnea Arnea Arnea#003-13 Arnea#003-13 Arr ha ha ha arr! Arr! Arr! Here you go, matey! Arr, I'm bored! Arr, it is always good to be on land after so much time in sea! ¡Arr, siempre es bueno estar en tierra después de tanto tiempo en el mar! Arr, that's a fine map ya got there! And these are definitely Hurnscald Caves, yarr! Arr, that's not enough! I'll bring more later! ¡Arr, eso no es suficiente! ¡Traeré más, más tarde! Arr, that's some fine ale! We can do the party when we're done with our work! ¡Arr, qué buena cerveza! ¡Podemos hacer la fiesta cuando hayamos terminado con nuestro trabajo! Arr, we will wait for you then! We still have tasks to complete! ¡Arr, te esperamos entonces! ¡Todavía tenemos tareas por completar! Arr, you are not experienced enough to help me yet! Arrested! Arrevouir! Arrow Flecha Arrow Ammo Box Arrow Shower Arrow Shower Card Tarjeta de lluvia de flechas Arrr matey! My captain asked me to have you get him some items. Please bring us %d %s and %d %s, my captain likes to snack on those during our long voyages. Oh, and something to read too! Arrr matey! This is @@, yarr. Arrr! Good job matey! You brought us everything we asked for, even the Maritime Almanac Scroll! Arrr! You did not bring me everything I asked for! Arrrrh! Looks like ye lost an eye there! Arrrrh! Ye be wearing a pirate's hat! Arrrrh! Ye remind me of my old first mate! Arthur Card Artichoke Herb hierba de artichok Artis Artis Artis - @@ GP (not exchangeable) Artis Tank Top Artis Habla Alto Artis Warp Crystal Cristal de warp de Artis Artis is a city port founded after the Great Fire on the other continent. Artis es una ciudad portuaria fundada después del Gran Incendio en el otro continente. Artis, right? So Andrei Sakar summoned you? Artis, ¿verdad? ¿Entonces Andrei Sakar te llamó? ArtisShip Arvo As I had the spare materials I've already did yours in advance. As I know, you're kind of hunter crafter, Right? As I said, S.A.R.A.H. is a terrorist organization. They are dedicated to wiping out every single duck, worldwide. No duck has ever survived an encounter with a S.A.R.A.H. agent. You would do best to avoid them. As I see, you stay alive! Como veo, ¡Te mantienes vivo! As a King, I cannot simply ignore it. Of course, I really doubt it is zombies, but nobody wants to go. That's why I'm resorting to an adventurer like you. As a Savior, "%s" can be used anytime for minor look changes, but a barber is more convenient. As a result, while fishing you may randomly get a golden fish. As a warm-up, bring me 10 %ss. I'll pay you some money for that, of course. As a what? As about if I have any idea why they said they were from here? ...Actually, I do. As always, I can use a helping hand around here. Interested? Como siempre, me vendría bien una mano amiga por aquí. ¿Interesado? As an Apology Token, you're also receiving one @@. As an archer, you should always carry your bow with you. Doesn't warriors carry those heavy swords without complaining? Go and get it. As an honorary member of the Duck Side, know that we are more than we appear. The Moubootaur itself has seen fit to reward us when it awakens. Do not attempt to cross us. As far as we are concerned, you could have been an exiled prisoner who managed to escape! But there are ways to prove to the Alliance that your intentions are good. ¡En lo que a nosotros respecta, podrías haber sido un prisionero exiliado que logró escapar! Pero hay maneras de demostrarle a la Alianza que tus intenciones son buenas. As long that Saulc doesn't draws the sprites for my stuff, that is! %%a As long that you do not leave the map, your char will keep generating money. Do note you cannot work more than %d hours straight. As long that you have the money, and some really high quality material, I can tailor anything ugly in something fashion! As long that you know the basic structure, this shall do damage. As soon that Saulc GM get back, we can start. As such, I offer to rent you a %s. Keep in mind several places do not accept you to come with it, including the Magic Academy east of here, but it allows you to carry more loot with you from the dungeons. As the leader of your party, you can only go forward. As to how to obtain research points... Randomly when casting, by enrolling in a class with my wife Emma, by studying monsters, and randomly but very rarely with the Professor in Tulimshar. As usual, you can get only one hat yearly, for the symbolic amount of 40 @@ and 10 @@! As with all TMW2 Major Events, the top 1 receive a special pet, and the other ranked ones get diverse rewards. As you can guess, the village was abandoned. However, people are claiming to have seen people walking there, maybe shadows or zombies. As you can see, no conclusive evidence was found. The cheese from Dimond's Cove kitchen depot was stolen, even there's no signs the lock was broken. As you learned, helping others is a good way to level up. You can also sell monster parts for some money. Como aprendiste, ayudar a los demás es una buena forma de subir de nivel. También puedes vender partes de monstruos por algo de dinero. As you may be aware, the Magic Council is in Tulim, after all. As you may know, LOF ran on a modified version of The Mana World game, before being merged on TMW2: Moubootaur Legends. As you might have noticed, it depends on many circumstances if your arrow finds its target. Your shot may be too powerful or too weak, so the arrow goes far beyond your target or hits the ground before it reaches its destination. As you might know, the Great Fire ruined the whole world. Many people wanted to escape the wastelands which the continent had became, so they made convoys and left to the great sea. Como sabrás, el Gran Incendio arruinó el mundo entero. Mucha gente quería escapar de los páramos en que se había convertido el continente, por lo que formaron convoyes y partieron hacia el gran mar. As you see, you can count the mages with the fingers of one hand. It's not just Mana Magic, either - Magic in overall is almost dead, with almost every Mana Stone on the power of the Monster King. Como ves, puedes contar los magos con los dedos de una mano. Tampoco se trata solo de magia de mana: la magia en general está casi muerta, con casi todas las piedras de mana estan bajo el poder del Rey Monstruo. As you surely remember, there are 8 Mana Fragments, which symbolize the essence of the eight places where Soul Menhirs are: Candor, Hurnscald, Halinarzo, Lilit, Nivalis, Tulimshar, Land of Fire and Frostia. And that the Monster King collected all of them %s ago. As you want! ¡Como quiera! As you wish. But do not mess with things you don't understand. As you're wearing one, I can acknowledge you as a %s being and tell you that I'll be charging you %s GP and that you need to have finished %d/%02d%% of the quests in this town. As your mother suspected, Benjamin Yorn betrayed us. Or rather, the Moubootaur took control over him. But you never believed that, so I have no choice but to leave this message in our old residence, risky as that may, in case the sea didn't claim your soul. Ash Urn Urna de ceniza Ashley Loisl Ashley raises an eyebrown at you. Ask about the robberies. Ask everytime Ask next time Ask. Assassin Asesino Assassin Boots Botas de asesino Assassin Chest Assassin Gloves Guantes de asesino Assassin Pants Pantalones de asesin Assassination failed - target is stronger than you Astral Cube Cubo astral At 00:00, 06:00, 12:00, 15:00, 18:00 and 21:00 server time A las 00:00, 06:00, 12:00, 15:00, 18:00 y 21:00 hora del servidor At January 2008 - Construction of Dimonds Cove. At a first glance, it seems to be full of water, but inspecting closer, it is not. At long last, you see the end of the corritor. Por fin ves el final del corredor. At the last day, an earthquake happened. And then, monsters started showing up everywhere. Immortal monsters, which come back after killed, as if they had touched the Soul Menhir. El último día ocurrió un terremoto. Y entonces, los monstruos empezaron a aparecer por todas partes. Monstruos inmortales, que regresan después de ser asesinados, como si hubieran tocado el Menhir del Alma. Atk +25 Atk Range +1 Atk. Speed +10 Atonishing. Six gifts is the real deal. Easy to guess: 6400 is the next milestone. Atropos Mixture Mezcla de Atropos Attack him Attain level 50 to try this quest. Attempt to break the Mana Stone? Attempt to break the seal? Attempt to disarm the singularity? Attempt to heal the Mouboo Attempt to kill the Mouboo Attempt to lockpick? Attempt to retrieve it now? Attempted to buy %d/%d %s, operation cancelled. Attempts for today: %d/%d Auldsbel Auldsbel Auldsbel the Wizard Auldsbel el mago Aurora Aurora Aurora Events Eventos de Aurora Aurora will collect the crystals; And adventurers from the whole world shall look for them in the chests and return to Aurora! Authorship: Former_Cordo (Cordo) Autoría: Former_Cordo (Cordo) Authorship: Manatauro Autoría: Manatauro Authorship: Xanthem (DiamondPython) Autoría: Xanthem (DiamondPython) Automatic Botchecks Verificaciones automática de bots Automatic disarm in: @@ Automatic fishing bait Autoreceive Strange Coins: Autumn Autumn Mask Avenge my tasty recipe of flavor! My cheese fondue deserves to be avenged! Average EXP: Average player level: @@ Average user count = %d Awake lost potential? This will mess with your char data irreversibly, beware. Awesome, come back if you ever want to create a larger group! ¡Genial, vuelva si alguna vez quiere crear un grupo más grande! Awesome, here is the certificate! Choose guild name wisely, because there are no refunds, even if you lose it! ¡Genial, aquí está el certificado! Elige sabiamente el nombre del gremio, porque no hay reembolsos, ¡incluso si lo pierdes! Awful Yetis kidnapped my daughter, and brought her to the cave. Please save her! Aww it's not summer. I love June 21st, and the summer vacations! Axe Hat Sombrero de hacha Axzell the Alchemist Ayasha Ayasha AyashaDebug AyashaDepurar Azul Skull Slime Azul Slime Azul Slime Mother AzulSlime BEGIN WARP PROCEDURES? BOSS FIGHT! BOSS WARNING BOTCHECK: You are on botcheck area. DO NOT attack or collect items until given the order. BUG, Please report: TorchTally, err_val @@ BUG, informe: TorchTally, err_val @@ BUG, REPORT ME! Hurncald Liberation Day check FAIL BUG, REPORT ME: QHUB PENALTY OVERRIDE INVALID SIGNAL @@ BUT you can reduce the travel price to everywhere, to as low as 250 GP, by completing QUESTS! Bachelor Backsliding Salto hacia atrás Backsword Sable Bah! Don't try to fool me! The sun can't burn in Nivalis. Bah, sorry my manners! I love to chat! Anyway, talk to any General of mine, just behind me. See if they need help. Baktar Baktar can be picky with Tulimshar stuff, too. Bandana Plátano Bandit Bandido Bandit Hat Bandit Hood Capucha de bandido Bandit Lord Bandit Mask Bandit Pants Pantalones de bandido BanditLord Bandits are a huge threat to Hurnscald. We're just a small farming town, and they're countless. Bandits ransacked this tavern and left with a giant haul. Banned from Academy Banshee Bow Arco de Banshee Banu Bar Jobs Barbara was apprehended. It would be weird to show her on your inventory, so we won't. Barbara#01861 Barbara, Wounded Girl Barbara. You're under arrest by Kenton's orders. Please surrend peacefully. Barbarian Amulet Amuleto bárbaro Barbarian Master Amulet Amuleto de maestro bárbaro Barbarian#Frostia Barbarian#Sv1 Bárbaro#Sv1 Barely any difference, maybe I should use better healing items on it. Barrel Barril Barrel#1 Barril#1 Barrel#2 Barril#2 Barrel#3 Barril#3 Barrel#4 Barril#4 Barrel#5 Barril#5 Barrel#6 Barril#6 Barrel#7 Barril#7 Barrel#8 Barril#8 Barrels#MKHB Bartender Barzil Barzil Base Experience Rate is now %d%%. Base Tier Bash your weapon against your enemies with raised damage and accuracy. Basic Magic Basic Tricks Trucos básicos Basic earth area attack. May stun targets. Basic earth single target attack. May stun targets. Basic fire single target attack. May burn targets. Basic ice area attack. Freeze targets in a big area. Basic ice area attack. May freeze targets. Basic ice single target attack. May freeze targets. Basic multi-target holy attack. Is actually weak. Basic single target holy attack. Splashes in the nearby tiles. Basic wind single target attack. Strong in overall. Basically, I need to find a friendly Yeti. Do they exist? Basically, no one else disturbs me anymore when I'm busy snoring in class! ^.^ Basically, there's no sea route to Halinarzo. You must head southeast of Tulimshar. Basil Bat Murciélago Bat Egg Bat Teeth Dientes de murciélago Bat Wing Ala de murciélago Bathrobe Bata de baño Battle Plans Be Patient... You still need to wait @@. Be a friend and bring me @@ @@.#0 Sea un amigo y tráigame @@ @@.#0 Be a friend and bring me @@ @@.#1 Sea un amigo y tráigame @@ @@.#1 Be aware I can only bake batches of @@ potions. Be careful as not everybody likes transmuted monster parts. Some may even see it as a foul thing. Anyway. Come back later. Ten cuidado, ya que no a todo el mundo le gustan las partes de monstruos transmutadas. Algunos pueden incluso verlo como algo desagradable. De todos modos. Vuelve mas tarde. Be careful that they may be anywhere in the world, and the same rules as Tulimshar Guard House apply! So, are you here to apply or to report back? Be careful to not get lost in the forest. Be careful when walking, because you may change quadrands and then... It won't count. You'll need to start over again. Be careful! Be careful, because the more magic power you ask the Mana Seed, the more difficult to control it will be. Be cursed, you fool! Be devoured! Be sure to have a friend before joining, or you may have to logout in order to be able to move again! Be very, very careful with your %s. Handling it incorrectly may be fatal and many people died to that. Bear Hat Bear Strike Beard Barba Beatrice Because I am a special nymph. Because I am awesome! Because Isbamuth is tracking me? It would be pointless if he noticed. If you can't even understand this, maybe I overestimated you, after all... Because heroes are not born, rather, they are made! Porque los héroes no nacen, ¡sino que se hacen! Because in the end, you are in the hands of your class leader! Porque al final, ¡estás en manos del líder de tu clase! Because it may be a fatal fall! Because it never matters who you used to be. What matters is who you are, right here, right now. The one who you decided to be. And if you made this far, then I'm proud of your choice. Because the council has some crazy project which requires me to move crates all the time! Because they control everything! They even determine taxes! ¡Porque ellos controlan todo! ¡Incluso determinan los impuestos! Because this, the national budget is going to other silly, under-rewarding, minor things... Because your story is as crazy as Pyndragon's inventions, like staffs which shot or staffs which glow. Regardless of whatever he dubbed both. Bed#Saggy Beds Camas Bee Bee Hive Bee Keeper Hat Sombrero de apicultor Bee Stinger Aguijón de abeja Beer Beer is nice, but sometimes I want something more exotic to drink! Oui, we need a proper bar here! Before start witch item do you want to play Before you give me your report, acquire level %d. Begger#EP Begin campaign? Begin classic mode Begin! Begin? Behave yourself, or our death penalty awaits. You have been warned. Behave yourself. Bella, the Scholar Bella, la becaria Below this strange writing, you notice a word still deeply engraved in the stone: Ben Parkison Ben#NivBanker Benjamin Benjamin reported in. Good luck arresting the criminal! Benjamin, Wounded Soldier Bent Needle Aguja doblada Besides "spot", you can also use "nearest" for more area, and even "near" or "nearby" for even more. Besides being able to train you, he is a walking encyclopedia - Ask him anything you are unsure about! Además de poder entrenarte, el es una enciclopedia ambulante. ¡Pregúntale cualquier cosa de la que no estés seguro! Besides that, do I look like a warrior to you? Why would you give a kid a sharp dagger? Besides the Magic Council, Andrei Sakar have his own Mana Stone, but I doubt he would train the likes of you, or share his Mana Stone. Además del Consejo Mágico, Andrei Sakar tiene su propia Piedra de Mana, pero dudo que entrene a personas como tú o comparta su Piedra de Mana. Besides this, there is Seasons. You know, summer, autumn, winter and spring. Además de esto, están las Estaciones. Ya sabes, verano, otoño, invierno y primavera. Besides, I know these caves like the back of my hand. You would have a hard time tracking me down. Besides, I'm not an Yeti expert. I don't understand how these creatures think, nor do I care! I only want Cindy back home safely!! Besides, the Alliance High Council had plans for an expedition on the Fortress Island, but had no personel to do it. Besides, there are no Butterflies in Tulimshar, and they could help the farm in getting producing food. Además, no hay mariposas en Tulimshar y podrían ayudar a la granja a producir alimentos. Besides, this room is too dark, so I wouldn't be able to see anything. Best steer clear of the Princess, %s. It won't go well if you upset her. Es mejor mantenerse alejado de la princesa,%s. No te irá bien si la haces enojar. Better do this some other time... Mejor haz esto en otro momento... Better luck next time! Better luck next time!" Beware the Terranite! Only @@ would be brave enough to challenge them! Bhop Fluffy Bhopper Egg Bif Bif is a monster shaped like weird rocks. Diamond Bif is a Bif with higher chances to drop Diamonds. Bif es un monstruo con forma de rocas extrañas. Bif de diamante es un Bif con mayores posibilidades de arrojar diamantes. Big Amethyst Bif Big Arrow Sack Saco de flechas grande Big Bullet Sack Saco de Balas Grande Big Diamond Bif Big Elenium Bif Big Emerald Bif Big Frog Rana Grande Big Magic Bif Big Pumpkin Seed Semilla de calabaza grande Big Ruby Bif Big Sapphire Bif Big Topaz Bif Gran Bif de Topacio Billy Billy Bons Billy Bons Billy Bons#TMW2 Billy Bons#TMW2 Birds in the Sunrise Black Negro Black Dye Tinte negro Black Mamba Black Mamba Egg Huevo de mamba negra Black Mamba Egg -> Mountain Snake Egg Black Mamba Skin Piel de mamba negra Black Mamba Skin -> Mountain Snake Skin Black Mamba Tongue Lengua de mamba negra Black Mamba Tongue -> Mountain Snake Tongue Black Pearl Perla Negra Black Scorpion Escorpión negro Black Scorpion Claw Garra de escorpión negro Black Scorpion Claw -> Red Scorpion Claw Black Scorpion Stinger Aguijón de escorpión negro Black Scorpion Stinger -> Red Scorpion Stinger Black Skull Slime Black Slime Black Slime Mother BlackCat BlackScorpion Blackjack! ¡BlackJack! Blacksmith Herrero Blacksmith Axe Hacha de herrero Blacky Cat Gato negro Blacky Cat Voucher Blade Shield Escudo de cuchillas Blame @@, missing map between 014-5 and 019-1, solely to make trip longer. Blame Saulc Culpa a Saulc Blame Saulc. Culpa a Saulc. Blanc can purchase account bound items, and exchange named items by non-named items. Blanc#Contraband Blanket Manta Bleed Blessing applied at: %s Blessing of Defense Blessing of Immortality Blightbringer Blind Block +1% Bloqueo +1% Bloodbath Bloodstone Pendant Colgante de piedra de sangre Bloody Mouboo Bloody Mouboo Hat Sombrero de Mouboo ensangrentado Blooodstone Blossom Blossom, blossom, why you do this to me... Blub Blub Blub, blub, blub Blub, blub, blub Blue Azul Blue Coral Coral azul Blue Dye Tinte azul Blue Eggshell Hat Sombrero de cáscara de huevo azul Blue Gray Dye Tinte gris azulado Blue Knight Shield Escudo de Caballero Azul Blue Mana Pearl Perla de maná azul Blue Slime Blue Slime Mother Blue Switch#EP Blue from sea, learned how to hunt. But unfortunately, not how to withstand attacks. Blueberries Blueberry Cake Bluepar Bluepar Boias, unlike common shields, does not have any penalty! ¡Flotadores, a diferencia de los escudos comunes, no tiene ninguna penalización! Bone Hueso Bone Ammo Box Bone Arrow Flecha de hueso Bone Knife Cuchillo de hueso Bonjour! I am @@, and I am from the Press! Read the latest news with me! Bonus Goal: @@/@@ reached! Bonus recipes must be enabled with @@ after learned! ¡Las recetas adicionales deben habilitarse con @@ después de aprenderlas! Bonus: Boo! Book Keeper Guardián de libros Book#01863A Book#FoS Book#Saggy Bookcase#MKHB1 Bookcase#MKHB2 Bookcase#MKHB3 Bookcase#MKHB5 Booo.... Boots Botas Booty! Boring NPC Born %s ago Boss Hunter Boina Boss Hunter Boina Boss Of The Dusty Folk Boss Raid Boss defeated! Bot Master Both rent and furniture are bought using money, however, there are mobiliary credits. Botter Syndrome is a common ailment which, while it mostly affect bots, even regular adventurers and NPCs may contract. Botter's Syndrome Bottle Of Divine Water Botella de agua divina Bottle Of Sand Botella de arena Bottle Of Sea Water Botella de agua de mar Bottle Of Sewer Water Bottle Of Tonori Water Bottle Of Woodland Water Bounty Hunter Helmet Casco de cazarrecompensas Bow (strong, slow, no evasion) Bowler Hat Bombín Bows Bows are good, but if you're going to the Desert Canyon, I would instead invest on a light shield. Heavy ones make you walk slower. Los arcos son buenos, pero si vas al Cañón del Desierto, yo invertiría en un escudo ligero. Los pesados te hacen caminar más lento. Bows give you a good attack range, in exchange of all your evasion. Los arcos te dan un buen rango de ataque, a cambio de toda tu evasión. Box Of Chocolates Caja de chocolates Bracco Brain Cerebro Brainic Brainstem Tronco encefálico Braknar Shield Escudo Braknar Braknar Shield Recipe unlocked! Braknar also used a pseudonym - Arvek. If you hear that name in some tale, it is the same person. Brave adventurers, be ready for the worst! Brave players need to group and retake them! Brawling Brazil: [@@|] Bread Pan Bread is fine, but it would taste better with @@. Could you bring us three? El pan está bien, pero sabría mejor con @@. ¿Podrías traernos tres? Break it! ¡Romperlo! Break the crystal? Breaking a seal is easy, just flow mana on it for enough time to it shatter. Bribe the guard for @@ GP? Brimmed Feather Hat Sombrero de visera con plumas Brimmed Flower Hat Sombrero de visera con flores Brimmed Hat Sombrero de visera Bring it on! Bring me %d %s so I may study its properties and improve our town water quality! Bring me %d %s, %d %s, %d %s, and %d %s, and I will make it for you. I also charge %d GP as commission. Bring me %d %s, %d %s, %d %s, and %d %s, and I will make it for you. I also charge %d GP commission. Bring me %d %s, %d %s, and %d %s and I can make it for you... oh and it will be %d GP for my work. Tráeme %d%s,%d%s y %d%s y puedo hacerlo para ti... Ah, y será GP para mi trabajo. Bring me %d %s, the white slimes keep stealing them and I am a bit too old to go running around, hunting slimes! Bring me %d %s, we elves are infinitely beautiful and the white slimes, just like your kin, seems to envy us. So please recover the stolen mirrors. Bring me %d %s. I cannot tell you what for, though! Bring me %s %s and I'll teach you the trick. Bring me %s or make your own party if you want to help me. Bring me @@ Bandits or Sarracenus heads, or the double of that in Desert Log Heads, and I'll consider you brave enough. Tráeme cabezas de @@ Bandidos o Sarracenos, o el doble en Cabezas de troncos del desierto, y te consideraré lo suficientemente valiente. Bring me the proof of your devotion, and I shall arrange you an audience with the Queen. Bring me the stolen item, pretty please. Bring me this and I'll spawn it for you: Bring me your wood, and I'll show you which one is sturdy, yet flexible enough to make a good Forest Bow. Bring me, my worst nightmare. Bring your Homunculus to witness it. Brit Shield Escudo britanico Broadsword Mandoble Broadsword! Broken Doll Muñeca rota Broken Four Leaf Amulet Broken Medal Medalla rota Broken Warp Crystal Cristal de warp roto Bromenal Boots Botas Bromenal Bromenal Chest Pechera bromeral Bromenal Four-Leaf Amulet Amuleto bromenal de cuatro hojas Bromenal Gloves Guantes Bromenal Bromenal Helmet Casco Bromenal Bromenal Pants Pantalones Bromenal Bromenal Shield Escudo Bromenal Bronze Boss Gift Regalo de jefe de bronce Bronze Braknar Shield Bronze Chest Bronze Gift Regalo de bronce Bronze Gift (%d eggs) Bronze Gladius Gladius de bronce Bronze Medal Bronze Quiver Carcaj de bronce Brown Dye Tinte marrón Brr! It's extremely cold! I cannot go there! Brrrr... I'm freezing! The winter at Nivalis is so harsh!! Buccaneer Bucket Cubeta Bug Leg Pata de insecto Bug Slayer Asesino de Bugs Bug, report me! ¡Bug infórmame! Build a bridge with wooden logs! Bull Helmet Casco de toro Bullet Bala Bunny Ears Burglar Mask Máscara de ladrón Burn the potion Burn, destroy, do whatever you need, until your last breath, my lieutenants and colonels! Burning Busted! ¡Atrapado! But %s is too valuable to burn and there is no alternative fuel for forges. It sells for %d GP and we are just wasting it here. But I can sell ya a %s for %d GP. Interested? But I can still make it without cookies, as long that you bring me some other sweeties. But I can try my best for you! ¡Pero puedo hacer lo mejor que puedo por ti! But I can't help but keep thinking on how many shiny treasures might be there! But I have no %s... %%J But I need to! But I should probably get inside it, first. But I want to swim! But I will not give up on my little experiment. Incidentally, Snakes are shaddy enough for my experiment. I promise you, I'll succeed this time. Pero no renunciaré a mi pequeño experimento. Por cierto, las serpientes son lo suficientemente turbias para mi experimento. Te lo prometo, esta vez lo lograré. But I'm almost out of @@... Pero estoy casi fuera de @@... But all I could do was a bite. But also very amusing. I'm sure Pihro and Pyndragon, the town mayors, will fancy this request of yours. But as you're here now, could you do me a favor? Pero como estás aquí ahora, ¿podrías hacerme un favor? But be careful, they won't like an inspector snooping there. In fact, better to limit yourself to asking only to the guards, they're mostly volunteers but they'll help. Ask all of them, don't cut corners! But be careful: do not scream when using a lot of capital letters, and do not keep repeating the lines, and above all DO NOT SPAM, or you may be severely penalized. Pero se cuidadoso: no grites al usar muchas mayúsculas, y no sigas repitiendo las líneas, y sobre todo NO HAGAS SPAM, o te pueden penalizar severamente. But be careful: learning fees and research points WILL NOT be given back! But be warned, I don't have the Apple with me. It must be further in. But before, a message from our developers! Pero antes, ¡un mensaje de nuestros desarrolladores! But can I help you? But come back in a few hours, I didn't lose all my %s yet! Pero vuelve dentro de unas horas, ¡todavía no he perdido todo mi %s ! But do you want to hear a song about the world, or about grinding? ¿Pero quieres escuchar una canción sobre el mundo o sobre el farmeo? But don't waste your breath with %s... %s, if I haven't mentioned... did I mention %s already? Anyway, they definitely cannot help. But don't worry! South of here we have an Inn. ¡Pero no te preocupes! Al sur de aquí tenemos una posada. But don't worry, because as they say: The more you learn, the better you get at learning! Pero no te preocupes, porque como dicen: ¡Cuánto más aprendes, mejor aprendes! But dragons came and started roaming this island. My friends are now either dead or missing. You look big and strong, do you want to avenge me? But due to all of the chaos from when the slimes escaped, most of the phials of colored ink were broken. How am I supposed to do the illustrations without color? But first... My throat is dry. Can you bring me a beer? But for now, we must NOT enrage the Moubootaur!! But he have lots of enemies... It would not surprise me to find him struck somewhere. But hope is not lost, said the Sages of Fate! ¡Pero la esperanza no se pierde, dijeron los Sabios del Destino! But how do you do that? ¿Pero cómo haces eso? But if I do, I'll not return. Neither me, nor Raid. Which is why I'm taking precautions: This diary. In the event of my death, please bury my body and contact Halinarzo. But if a mage wants to be a warrior, they won't be able to use their full magic skills. Pero si un mago quiere ser guerrero, no podrá utilizar al máximo sus habilidades mágicas. But if it helps, it should take under 15 minutes to reach Tulimshar on foot from here for most animals, via Halinarzo's Canyon. But if you and other players surrounds the monster instead, they'll suffer the same penalties! Pero si tú y otros jugadores rodean al monstruo, ¡sufrirán las mismas penalizaciones! But if you believe in such cool challenge like mine there should be no dishonorable fight, comment it on Discord! Pero si crees en un desafío tan genial como el mío no debería haber una pelea deshonrosa, ¡coméntalo en Discord! But if you bring me %d %s and %d %s and %s GP, I can give you a %s! But if you keep harming the forest, this will be for naught. Was I clear? But if you only want to sit down and chat, this area is ideal for you! Pero si sólo quieres sentarte y charlar, ¡esta zona es ideal para ti! But if you regret this choice later... You know where you can find me. Pero si luego te arrepientes de esta elección... Ya sabes dónde puedes encontrarme. But if you want to be guard, you must be brave! Go fight your fears, and go kill some bandits like a decent guard. ¡Pero si quieres ser guardia, debes ser valiente! Ve a luchar contra tus miedos y mata a algunos bandidos como un guardia decente. But if you want, you can farm @@ already. Good luck! But if you're looking to go to the World Edge, the place where THE FATE OF THE WORLD WILL BE DECIDED... But if you're not skilled enough, or lose control of it, a Moggun might be spawned instead. Which is a young, weak, baby Yeti. But if you're wrong, you'll have to pay up! There's no refunds. This is gambling, if you lose you lose! Pero si te equivocas, ¡tendrás que pagar! No hay reembolsos. ¡Esto es un juego de azar, si pierdes, pierdes! But in accordance to an old %s, you were unlucky. But instead of dying a Monster King he became! ¡Pero en lugar de morir, se convirtió en un Rey Monstruo! But it is a massive organization, recognized by everyone. Guilds train with other guilds, for huge profits. Pero es una organización enorme, reconocida por todos. Los gremios se entrenan con otros gremios para obtener enormes ganancias. But it is a so silly fight, that whoever you join with shouldn't do much difference. But it is spring! Perhaps, if you bring me some flowers and fruits which only grow at Spring, I could impress her! But it is still too early to give it away to a %s children. But it will not help you to craft something as complex as weapons or armors. If we catch you profaning this magic... I'll have you returned to the sea %%e Pero no te ayudará a crear algo tan complejo como armas o armaduras. Si te pillamos profanando esta magia... haré que te devuelvan al mar %%e But it's the ultimate goal of us miners here. Pero es el objetivo final de los mineros aquí. But maybe you could help me killing a few maggots? ¿Pero tal vez podrías ayudarme a matar algunos gusanos? But maybe you should help other people and get some levels before returning to me. Pero tal vez deberías ayudar a otras personas y conseguir algunos niveles antes de volver conmigo. But my case requires extended treatment. I need to be hospitalized. I'm afraid it is too late for the Elixir to have effect... But my father, Prsm, always told me to check multiple times with the victim. I guess in your case it would be... But now, we are quite old. I remember the time when I was your age. My generation doesn't do stupid things like yours! But please be picky with how you spend job points. They are hard to come by, and I'm not entirely sure you can change it later. Pero se exigente con la forma en que gasta los puntos de trabajo. Son difíciles de conseguir y no estoy del todo seguro de que puedas cambiarlos más adelante. But pretty much, anything which contributes to the common knowledge of this world. It might even be writing a NPC telling about the world history, developing software for Wiki/GameInfo/etc., it all depends on the scholars. But remember, they're stealing %s, not shinies, so try to limit your search a bit. But remember: %s Pero recuerda: %s But remember: This makes you much more vulnerable, and you usually cannot hit from too close, so watch your step and don't stumble into your enemy's attack. But she is a fairy. She won't be pleased with flowers. Instead, go and give her a %s as a token of good will. But still, he can't just walk in there, fiddle with the experiments and disturb the helpers doing their work. But thanks to your %s skills, maybe you can pry this open. But that is unlikely, we have no reason to sabotage our own work! You saw the mess it caused. Everyone knew it was important. But that's no excuse for cowardice! But that's not so easy... I already sent many people, and even come myself, but he refuses to help. But the box was empty. But the monsters around here must be pretty scary for someone like you. But the more you use a certain skill, the less research points will be required to upgrade it. And that bonus is permanent. But the most useful thing might be drinking %s and the like. They also boost drop rates, but weak drinks effects are low and short. Pero lo más útil podría ser beber %s y cosas por el estilo. También aumentan las tasas de caída, pero los efectos de las bebidas débiles son bajos y breves. But the teddy unexpectedly starts moving towards your bag, possibly attracted by some smell. You give up on approaching it, and starts watching it. But the teddy, noticing your movement, starts getting farther from you. It doesn't seems scared, but it doesn't allows you to approach either. But then, Andrei Sakar appeared. Hope was not lost. We could still defend it. Pero entonces apareció Andrei Sakar. La esperanza no se perdió. Todavía podríamos defenderlo. But there was only @@ GP inside. But there was only a(n) @@ inside. But there's nothing I want from you, so get going and come back in a couple years, I might have a new recipe by then. %%2 But this is not a time of need, so it is unlikely to appear even if all other conditions were to be met. But this is not important. They are dangerous. They must be stop at any cost! But to be fair, from what I've seen Peetu was always very attentive and dutiful. But to defeat this dummy, I would say that %s should do the trick. Pero para derrotar a este muñeco, yo diría que%s eso debería funcionar. But unfortunately, a loose stone lodges and you fall to your death. But unfortunately, it was harder than you thought. You are dead. But unfortunately, whoever made this riddle disagrees with me. But unless you touch a Mana Stone and get stronger magic, that would be as useful as teaching magic to a wall. No offense. Pero a menos que toques una piedra de mana y obtengas una magia más fuerte, eso sería tan útil como enseñarle magia a una pared. Sin ofender. But we are working day and night. We hope that soon, more people come out and this place gets lively again. But we cannot ignore the threat this imposes to us. You might not know our world's history, but this place should never be inhabited or else... But we don't know if they'll try to sacrifice Rossy or not, so you're on a timer. Prepare yourself well before heading to the cave. Good luck! But we took every stone, and restricted the magic. Pero tomamos cada piedra y restringimos la magia. But what I really hate is that they forbid gossiping. Pero lo que realmente odio es que prohíban el chisme. But when I left him to look at the books on his own, he sneaked over to the workshop area. Visitors are allowed to have a look there, but only if they don't interfere with any research and experiments. But it seems he was being rather disturbing, since they sent them back to the library part. But who am I? Pero, ¿quién soy yo? But who cares? We need to save the Professor! During night, monsters are stronger, so they'll probably attack at night time! ¿Pero a quién le importa? ¡Necesitamos salvar al profesor! Durante la noche, los monstruos son más fuertes, ¡así que probablemente atacarán durante la noche! But with a @@, when you are about to die, you can warp back to Soul Menhir and bypass death penalty. But you already have Mylarin Dust! That's good, because I no longer craft savior pieces. But. For %s GP I'll give you a %s and if you're lucky, it'll have the recipe you're after. But you are welcome to reset your stats again! I need the money. But you can also wear a %s instead, no problem. Pero también puedes usar un %s en su lugar, no hay problema. But you did not hit... have another try. But you don't have any experience at the moment, so what do you have to lose? Pero no tienes ninguna experiencia en este momento, entonces, ¿qué tienes que perder? But you have already given me firewood today. Come back tomorrow, pal. But you lack magic! That's a pity." But you seem to have come from more savage and barbaric towns, so if you could bring me %d %s, that would be truly helpful. But you won't *hic* me this time... Pero tú no me *hic* esta vez. But you'll have to wait I figure out a new recipe. This may take years so shoo, shoo! Get out of my sight! Pero tendrás que esperar hasta que descubra una nueva receta. Esto puede llevar años, ¡así que shoo, shoo! ¡Apártate de mi vista! But you'll still need to help me! The homunculus evolve when four aspects evolve: They are %s, %s, %s and %s. But you're too slow to catch any of them. Sorry. But you're too slow. Sorry. But you're too weak to beat any of them. Sorry. But you're too weak. Sorry. But your silly map must be wrong. These passages do not connect themselves like this, but this should not be an issue, as they're not relevant. But, I found something really interesting! Ah... I hope you like history? ¡Pero encontré algo realmente interesante! Ah... espero que les guste la historia? But, hm hm hm! I have a %s for you! It won't have what you wanted, but maybe you're lucky, after all? But, it wouldn't look nice if I let you do all the killing! The other guards are working right now! Pero, ¡no se vería bien si te dejara a ti toda la matanza! ¡Los otros guardias están trabajando ahora mismo! But- But you have to! It is the But... But! Where are you?! That summon ritual is equivalent to GM magic! ¡Pero pero! ¡¿Dónde estás?! ¡Ese ritual de invocación es equivalente a la magia GM! Butcher Knife Cuchillo de carnicero Butterfly Mariposa Buy Buy a Housing Letter Buy a mercenary card Buy cheap, sell expensive! Buying rares By "breaking", I do not mean death. It is something worse. By far, the most important holiday on Moubootaur Legends. By last, east of here are the Canyons. Do not go there before level 20, and even then, do not engage snakes in combat. They are fast and very dangerous. Por último, al este de aquí están los Cañones. No vayas allí antes del nivel 20, y aun así, no te enfrentes a serpientes en combate. Son rápidas y muy peligrosas. By last, there was the Blue Sage, living on Nivalis... I never met him outside the Council. Por último, estaba el Sabio Azul, que vivía en Nivalis... Nunca lo conocí fuera del Consejo. By pressing %s, you can open the Shortcut menu. And by pressing %s, you open the skill menu! Al presionar%s , puede abrir el menú de atajos. ¡Y al presionar%s , abres el menú de habilidades! By sitting in the rug in front of the professor (the one with benches) Sentándote en la alfombra frente al profesor (la que tiene bancos) By the way , it is done already. You took a long time, you know? Also, we're talking about Pihro and Pyndragon. By the way would you like to transform your gem?#0 Por cierto ¿te gustaría transformar tu joya?#0 By the way would you like to transform your gem?#1 Por cierto ¿te gustaría transformar tu joya?#1 By the way, I can't say for sure it was a man. He smelled like onions, and his face was shinning. By the way, I found this Mask after you killed the Fafi Dragon, Maybe you can use it some day. By the way, I've heard that the name of the wizard of Aethyr is the key to open its gates. But I don't know neither where the gates are, nor who is the "wizard of Aethyr". By the way, did you know that the official color of Tulimshar is yellow? Por cierto, ¿sabías que el color oficial de Tulimshar es el amarillo? By the way, you need a couple of @@ to try the skill. Fail rate is pretty high if you don't know how to control your magic. Por cierto, necesitas un par de @@ para probar la habilidad. La tasa de fracaso es bastante alta si no sabes cómo controlar tu magia. Bye for now. Adiós, por ahora. Bye then! ¡Hasta pronto! Bye! ¡Adiós! Bye. Adiós. CAPTCHA: An error happened, try again. CAPTCHA: Cooldown in effect. CAPTCHA: Incorrect answer. Wait %ds and try again. CAPTCHA: You have %s minute(s) remaining CLEAR! COD: Ran out of time! CONGRATULATIONS! For a semester worth of logins, you're getting a pet! CONGRATULATIONS! You are the first player to finish Cindy Quest!! CONGRATULATIONS! You are the first player to finish Gemini Sisters quest!! CONGRATULATIONS! You are the first player to finish Heroes Hold Master Dungeon!! CONGRATULATIONS! You are the first player to finish The Episode of Ozthokk!! CONGRATULATIONS! You are the first player to finish Yeti King quest!! CONGRATULATIONS! You are the first player to harness all power the Mana Stone would willingly give! ¡FELICIDADES! ¡Eres el primer jugador en utilizar todo el poder que la Piedra de Mana te da voluntariamente! CONGRATULATIONS! You have obtained the %s. CONTINUE ANYWAY? [Y/N] Cactus Cocktail Cóctel de cactus Cactus Drink Bebida de cactus Cactus Potion Poción de cactus Cadis : You have slain %s %s out of a million. Cadis Mode Caelum Caelum Cake Town (Hurnscald) Call Of Dusty Llama de Dust Call Of Dusty is a timed event quest. It begins hourly, when the minute clock marks zero. Call of Dusty Call of Dusty event, in Land of Fire, also outputs more rewards. Calm down! How can I help you? ¡Cálmate! ¿Te puedo ayudar en algo? Calm down, don't get mad! I was wrong in trusting this map, it is definitely faulty. Lemme see it again... Calm, perfect for a fly! Camel Dye Tinte camel Camilot Campaign starts after 5 seconds. Eight maggots will spawn on the next 100 seconds. La campaña comienza después de 5 segundos. Ocho gusanos aparecerán en los próximos 100 segundos. Can I become a miner? ¿Puedo convertirme en minero? Can I find a mana source here? ¿Puedo encontrar una fuente de mana aquí? Can I have a Blanket, at least? ¿Puedo tener al menos una manta? Can I help the Guild in any way? Can I help you somehow today? Can I help you with something? Can I help you? Can I read these rules again? ¿Puedo leer estas reglas de nuevo? Can I return to the shrine? Can we get back to that later? ¿Podemos volver a eso más tarde? Can we keep %s at bay long enough? Can you bring me 3 @@? Of course, you'll be rewarded. ¿Puedes traerme 3 @@? Por supuesto, serás recompensado. Can you bring me 5 pieces of Cherry Cake? Pretty please? ¿Puedes traerme 5 trozos de Pastel de Cereza? ¿ porfavorcito? Can you come back with all the items I asked for? Please. Can you craft Chainmail Skirt? Can you craft Chainmail? Can you craft Light Platemail? Can you craft Savior Equipment? Can you craft Warlord Plate? Can you do something with my color? ¿Puede hacer algo con i color? Can you do that? I'll be waiting! ¿Puedes hacer eso? ¡Voy a estar esperando! Can you fetch with her? 12 %s. Can you give me a @@ or a @@ Can you give me a tip? ¿Puedes darme un consejo? Can you give me half the gold and half the monster points? Can you help me find some @@? ¿Puedes ayudarme a encontrar algún @@? Can you help me with Everburn Powder? I need 5. ¿Puedes ayudarme con Everburn Powder? necesito 5. Can you help me? Can you improve my Light Platemail for me? Can you improve my Warlord Plate for me? Can you make me a Monster Potion? Can you mix Gem Powder? ¿Puedes mezclar polvo de gemas? Can you mix me an agility potion? ¿Puedes prepararme una poción de agilidad? Can you please explain the task again? Can you please go away? ¿Puede irse, por favor? Can you please repeat your lesson? Can you repeat what you said before? Can you reset my stats please? ¿Puede reiniciar mis estadísticas, por favor? Can you search ##Bthe barrels##b for the bug bomb and set it off when you find it? ¿Puedes buscar en ##Blos barriles##b la bomba de insectos y hacerla estallar cuando la encuentres? Can you sing me a song? ¿Puedes cantarme una canción? Can you teach me Mana Magic? ¿Puedes enseñarme magia de mana? Can you teach me a basic shaman skill? please? Can you teach me a spell? ¿Puedes enseñarme un hechizo? Can you teach me magic? Can you teach me magic? Pretty please? Can you teach me some Alchemy Recipe? Can you tell me where I am? ¿Puedes decirme dónde estoy? Can you, perhaps, do me a favor? Please... Check her house for any signs of battle. Can't I do anything, though? Can't blame you, can't blame you at all! Here, take a seat! Can't chat, recover HP over time Can't leave right now. Can't move nor attack, crit def -100% Can't move nor evade. Can't move, Acc. and Evade -20%% Can't move, DEF-, Damage over time, Earth element Can't move, DEF-, no evade, Water element Can't talk right now, I'm on patrol duty. No puedo hablar ahora, estoy de patruya. Can't use skills Can't you see I'm busy? Cancel Cancelar Candied Slime Candle Helmet Casco de vela Candor Candor Candor - @@ GP Candor Battle Score: %s Candor Battle Season Candor Bloodbath Score: %s Candor Bola Flotador de candor Candor Boots Botas de Candor Candor Gloves Guantes de Candor Candor Head Band Banda para la cabeza de Candor Candor Island Isla de Candor Candor Island, then? Yes, that is a pretty island, right? ¿Isla de Candor, entonces? Sí, esa es una isla bonita, ¿verdad? Candor Scorpion Escorpión de Candor Candor Shirt Camisa de candor Candor Shorts Pantalones cortos Candor Candor Survival : New Highscore: %s Candor Warp Crystal Cristal de warp de Candor Candor's Nurse Enfermera de Candor CandorShip Barco de Candor Candy Dulce Candy Cane Bastón de caramelo Canyon - Safe Route Cañón - Ruta Segura Canyon - Settlement Route Cañón - Ruta del Asentamiento Cap Gorra Captain Captain Cap Gorra de capitán Captain Dusk Capitán Dusk Captain Nard Capitán Nard Captain Nard have it. Fetch it with him! Quick, you only have @@ left! Captain Reed Capitán Reed Captain, why have you brought me to a deserted boring island?! Capitán, ¿por qué me trajo a una aburrida isla desierta? Captcha ok Captcha successful Caramel Apple Manzana de caramelo Caramel Candy Dulce acaramelado Cards are ranked on this priority: A - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - J - Q - K Cards are ranked on this priority: A - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - J - Q - K - Joker Careful: You have unsaved changes! Carefully you open the chest, with the small key you took earlier. Carla Carp Sandwich Sándwich de carpa Carrot Zanahoria Carry along, there's nothing for you to see here. Carry on, criminal. I am %s and this jail was entrusted to me by kytty herself. Casino Coins Monedas de casino Cassia Cat Ears Orejas de gato Catch the Golden Fish! Catch the golden fish swarm! Cato Mil Catty Cat Gatito Cauldron#MKHB Cauldron#RES_0128 Cauldron#RES_PPL Cause a very strong attack with lowered accuracy. Causes a healing effect in area to guild members. Caution Cave Bat Murciélago de cueva Cave Maggot Gusano de cueva Cave Maggot Gusano de cueva Cave Snake Serpiente de cueva Cave Snake Egg Huevo de serpiente de cueva Cave Snake Hat Sombrero de serpiente cueva Cave Snake Lamp Lámpara de serpiente cueva Cave Snake Skin Piel de serpiente cueva Cave Snake Tongue Lengua de serpiente cueva Cave Snale Serpiente de cueva CaveMaggot Celestia Celestia Season Celestia Tea Celestia asks for your help. Celestia pide tu ayuda. Celestia eyes sparkles. Celestia hands you a cup filled with some type of tea that is unlike anything you have seen before. Celestia then picks up the cup of tea and drinks it in front of you to demonstrate that it is not only harmless but also quite delectable. Cell Door#G01 Cell Door#G02 Cell Door#G03 Cell Door#K01 Centaur Centaur Spear Lanza de centauro Central Switch#EP Centurion Helmet Casco de centurión Certainly not. Uhh, please excuse me. Certainly, you can have all my Terranite Ore. Ch 1 — Fishing apparatus Ch 1 — Aparatos de pesca Ch 1 — Prologue Ch 2 — About Magic Skills Ch 2 — Baits Ch 2 — Anzuelos Ch 3 — Location Ch 3 — Ubicación Ch 3 — Status Ailments Ch 4 — Casting Ch 4 — Fundición Ch 4 — Information About You Ch 5 — Information About Others Ch 5 — Reeling Ch 5 — Carrete Chagashroom Seta chaga Chagashroom Field Chagashroom Field Campo de hongos Chaga Chainmail Cota de malla Chainmail Skirt Falda de cota de malla Chairs Sillas Chamomile Tea Té de camomila Championship Bow Arco de campeonato Change Crafting Options Change Language Change Linked Discord Account Change Season Event Change crafting method Change my appearance Cambiar mi apariencia Change my quests Cambiar mis misiones Change task Change to the Soul Menhir, please. Change weapons Changes include but are not limited to festive events and dates. Chanting Chanting Challenge Chanting is extremely simple, and everyone can do it, even if they're not inate. Chaos shall be the founding stone of my town! Falling star! Char Name: @@ Charda Charda Charda clean! ¡Charda limpia! Charles, Trader King Carlos, rey comerciante Cheater detected! You have a three minutes sentence to fulfill, now. Cheater detected. Check @@ <= @@ Revisa @@ <= @@ Checkpoint Guard#1 Checkpoint Guard#2 Checkpoint Guard#3 Checkpoint Guard#4 Checkpoint! Magic Barrier went down! Ched Ched Cheers! ¡Salud! Cheese Queso Chef Gado Chef Gado Chef Hat Sombrero de cocinero Chef#dimond Cherry Cereza Cherry Cake pastel de cereza Cherry Cocktail Cóctel de cereza Chest Armor Recipes Chest#002-1 Cofre#002-1 Chest#gemini Chestplates Chicken Leg Pata de pollo Chicken Sandwich Chill, Creps is very similar to Craps! I'll throw two dices and you have to bet if I'll win or lose! ¡Cállate, Creps es muy similar a Craps! ¡Lanzaré dos dados y tendrás que apostar si gano o pierdo! Chirp Chirp Chocolate Bar Barra de chocolate Chocolate Biscuit galletas de chocolate Chocolate Bunny Conejo de choclate Chocolate Cake Chocolate Donut Dona de chocolate Chocolate Dye Tinte de chocolate Chocolate Mouboo Mouboo de chocolate Chocolate Slime Chocolate Slime Mother Christmas Navidad Christmas 2021 Joint Event Christmas Chief Christmas Cook Christmas Gift Christmas Storage Master Christmas Sweater Christmas Top 1 Prize Christmas Tree Cindy is gone... Cindy is too scared to leave; Better we kill the Yetis and their friends! Cindy#Outside Cindy#house Cindy's Rescue Citizen Civil status: Married Civil status: Single Civilian traffic keeps declining but they keep bringing more crates back and forth! Crates filled with rubble! Clan Name: @@ Class after evolution: %s Claw Pendant Colgante de garra Clear the arena to leave! Cleared Gemini Sisters Quest %s ago Cleared Heroes Hold %s ago Cleared the Yeti King Challenge %s ago Clearly an exotic tea, with a refined flavor fit for a refined woman such as Celestia. Cleric Cap Gorro de clérigo Cleric Card Cleric Card S Cleric Card X Click "Next" to begin the fight. Click on Elmo or Magic Arpan to continue and begin the game... Haz clic en Elmo o en Arpan Magico para continuar y comenzar el juego... Click on the NPCs (Non-Player Characters) around you to continue the introduction. Click en los NPCs (Non-Player Characters) para continuar la presentación. Climb on the walls! Close Closed Christmas Box Caja de Navidad cerrada Clotho Liquor Clotho Liquor Clover Field Campo de trébol Clover Patch Co-Maintainer#000-1 Co-Maintainer#001-1 Co-Maintainer#001-10 Co-Maintainer#001-10-1 Co-Maintainer#001-11 Co-Maintainer#001-12 Co-Maintainer#001-13 Co-Maintainer#001-13-0 Co-Maintainer#001-13-1 Co-Maintainer#001-13-2 Co-Maintainer#001-13-3 Co-Maintainer#001-14 Co-Maintainer#001-2 Co-Maintainer#001-3 Co-Maintainer#001-3-1 Co-Maintainer#001-4 Co-Maintainer#001-5 Co-Maintainer#001-6 Co-Maintainer#001-7 Co-Maintainer#001-8 Co-Maintainer#001-9 Co-Maintainer#002-1 Co-Maintainer#002-2 Co-Maintainer#002-3 Co-Maintainer#002-4 Co-Maintainer#002-5 Co-Maintainer#003-0 Co-Maintainer#003-0-1 Co-Maintainer#003-0-2 Co-Maintainer#003-0-3 Co-Maintainer#003-1 Co-Maintainer#003-1-1 Co-Maintainer#003-1-2 Co-Maintainer#003-1-3 Co-Maintainer#003-10 Co-Maintainer#003-13 Co-Maintainer#003-2 Co-Maintainer#003-2-1 Co-Maintainer#003-3 Co-Maintainer#003-4 Co-Maintainer#003-4-1 Co-Maintainer#003-5 Co-Maintainer#003-6 Co-Maintainer#003-7 Co-Maintainer#003-8 Co-Maintainer#003-9 Co-Maintainer#003-9-1 Co-Maintainer#004-1 Co-Maintainer#004-2 Co-Maintainer#004-2-1 Co-Maintainer#004-2-10 Co-Maintainer#004-2-11 Co-Maintainer#004-2-12 Co-Maintainer#004-2-2 Co-Maintainer#004-2-3 Co-Maintainer#004-2-4 Co-Maintainer#004-2-5 Co-Maintainer#004-2-6 Co-Maintainer#004-2-7 Co-Maintainer#004-2-8 Co-Maintainer#004-2-9 Co-Maintainer#004-3 Co-Maintainer#004-3-1 Co-Maintainer#004-3-2 Co-Maintainer#004-3-3 Co-Maintainer#004-3-4 Co-Maintainer#004-3-5 Co-Maintainer#004-3-6 Co-Maintainer#005-1 Co-Maintainer#005-1-1 Co-Maintainer#005-2 Co-Maintainer#005-2-1 Co-Maintainer#005-3 Co-Maintainer#005-4 Co-Maintainer#005-5 Co-Maintainer#005-6 Co-Maintainer#005-7 Co-Maintainer#006-0 Co-Maintainer#006-1 Co-Maintainer#006-10 Co-Maintainer#006-2 Co-Maintainer#006-2-1 Co-Maintainer#006-2-2 Co-Maintainer#006-2-3 Co-Maintainer#006-2-4 Co-Maintainer#006-2-5 Co-Maintainer#006-2-6 Co-Maintainer#006-3 Co-Maintainer#006-4 Co-Maintainer#006-4-1 Co-Maintainer#006-5 Co-Maintainer#006-6 Co-Maintainer#006-7 Co-Maintainer#006-8 Co-Maintainer#006-9 Co-Maintainer#007-1 Co-Maintainer#007-1-1 Co-Maintainer#007-1-2 Co-Maintainer#007-2 Co-Maintainer#008-0 Co-Maintainer#008-1 Co-Maintainer#008-2 Co-Maintainer#009-1 Co-Maintainer#009-2 Co-Maintainer#009-3 Co-Maintainer#009-4 Co-Maintainer#009-5 Co-Maintainer#009-6 Co-Maintainer#009-7 Co-Maintainer#009-8 Co-Maintainer#010-1 Co-Maintainer#010-1-1 Co-Maintainer#010-1-10 Co-Maintainer#010-1-11 Co-Maintainer#010-1-12 Co-Maintainer#010-1-2 Co-Maintainer#010-1-3 Co-Maintainer#010-1-4 Co-Maintainer#010-1-5 Co-Maintainer#010-1-6 Co-Maintainer#010-1-7 Co-Maintainer#010-1-8 Co-Maintainer#010-1-9 Co-Maintainer#010-2 Co-Maintainer#010-2-10 Co-Maintainer#010-2-11 Co-Maintainer#010-2-12 Co-Maintainer#010-2-13 Co-Maintainer#010-2-14 Co-Maintainer#010-2-15 Co-Maintainer#010-2-16 Co-Maintainer#010-2-2 Co-Maintainer#010-2-3 Co-Maintainer#010-2-4 Co-Maintainer#010-2-5 Co-Maintainer#010-2-6 Co-Maintainer#010-2-7 Co-Maintainer#010-2-8 Co-Maintainer#010-2-9 Co-Maintainer#010-3 Co-Maintainer#010-4-1 Co-Maintainer#010-4-2 Co-Maintainer#011-1 Co-Maintainer#011-2 Co-Maintainer#011-3 Co-Maintainer#011-4 Co-Maintainer#012-1 Co-Maintainer#012-2 Co-Maintainer#012-3 Co-Maintainer#012-4 Co-Maintainer#012-5 Co-Maintainer#012-6 Co-Maintainer#012-7 Co-Maintainer#012-8 Co-Maintainer#013-1 Co-Maintainer#014-1 Co-Maintainer#014-2 Co-Maintainer#014-2-1 Co-Maintainer#014-2-2 Co-Maintainer#014-3 Co-Maintainer#014-4 Co-Maintainer#014-5 Co-Maintainer#014-5-1 Co-Maintainer#015-1 Co-Maintainer#015-2 Co-Maintainer#015-3 Co-Maintainer#015-3-1 Co-Maintainer#015-3-2 Co-Maintainer#015-3-3 Co-Maintainer#015-4 Co-Maintainer#015-5 Co-Maintainer#015-6 Co-Maintainer#015-7 Co-Maintainer#015-8 Co-Maintainer#015-8-1 Co-Maintainer#016-1 Co-Maintainer#016-6 Co-Maintainer#016-7 Co-Maintainer#017-0 Co-Maintainer#017-1 Co-Maintainer#017-10 Co-Maintainer#017-2 Co-Maintainer#017-2-1 Co-Maintainer#017-2-2 Co-Maintainer#017-3 Co-Maintainer#017-4 Co-Maintainer#017-5 Co-Maintainer#017-6 Co-Maintainer#017-7 Co-Maintainer#017-8 Co-Maintainer#018-1 Co-Maintainer#018-1-1 Co-Maintainer#018-2 Co-Maintainer#018-2-1 Co-Maintainer#018-2-2 Co-Maintainer#018-2-3 Co-Maintainer#018-2-4 Co-Maintainer#018-2-5 Co-Maintainer#018-2-6 Co-Maintainer#018-2-7 Co-Maintainer#018-2-8 Co-Maintainer#018-3 Co-Maintainer#018-4 Co-Maintainer#018-4-1 Co-Maintainer#018-4-2 Co-Maintainer#018-5 Co-Maintainer#018-5-0 Co-Maintainer#018-5-1 Co-Maintainer#018-5-2 Co-Maintainer#018-5-3 Co-Maintainer#018-5-4 Co-Maintainer#018-5-5 Co-Maintainer#018-5-boss Co-Maintainer#018-6-0 Co-Maintainer#018-6-1 Co-Maintainer#018-6-2 Co-Maintainer#018-6-3 Co-Maintainer#018-7 Co-Maintainer#018-7-1 Co-Maintainer#018-8 Co-Maintainer#019-1 Co-Maintainer#019-1-1 Co-Maintainer#019-2 Co-Maintainer#019-3 Co-Maintainer#019-4 Co-Maintainer#019-4-1 Co-Maintainer#019-5 Co-Maintainer#019-5-1 Co-Maintainer#019-5-2 Co-Maintainer#019-5-3 Co-Maintainer#019-6 Co-Maintainer#020-1 Co-Maintainer#020-2 Co-Maintainer#020-3 Co-Maintainer#020-4 Co-Maintainer#020-5 Co-Maintainer#020-6 Co-Maintainer#020-7 Co-Maintainer#020-7-1 Co-Maintainer#020-7-2 Co-Maintainer#021-0 Co-Maintainer#021-1 Co-Maintainer#021-2 Co-Maintainer#021-3 Co-Maintainer#021-4 Co-Maintainer#022-1 Co-Maintainer#023-1 Co-Maintainer#023-2 Co-Maintainer#023-3 Co-Maintainer#023-3-1 Co-Maintainer#023-3-2 Co-Maintainer#023-4 Co-Maintainer#024-1 Co-Maintainer#024-10 Co-Maintainer#024-11 Co-Maintainer#024-12 Co-Maintainer#024-13 Co-Maintainer#024-14 Co-Maintainer#024-15 Co-Maintainer#024-16 Co-Maintainer#024-2 Co-Maintainer#024-3 Co-Maintainer#024-4 Co-Maintainer#024-5 Co-Maintainer#024-6 Co-Maintainer#024-7 Co-Maintainer#024-8 Co-Maintainer#024-9 Co-Maintainer#025-1 Co-Maintainer#025-2 Co-Maintainer#025-2-1 Co-Maintainer#025-2-2 Co-Maintainer#025-2-3 Co-Maintainer#025-2-4 Co-Maintainer#025-3 Co-Maintainer#025-4 Co-Maintainer#025-4-1 Co-Maintainer#026-0 Co-Maintainer#026-1 Co-Maintainer#026-2 Co-Maintainer#026-3 Co-Maintainer#026-4 Co-Maintainer#026-5 Co-Maintainer#026-6 Co-Maintainer#026-7 Co-Maintainer#027-0 Co-Maintainer#027-1 Co-Maintainer#027-2 Co-Maintainer#027-3 Co-Maintainer#027-4 Co-Maintainer#027-5 Co-Maintainer#027-6 Co-Maintainer#027-7 Co-Maintainer#029-0 Co-Maintainer#029-1 Co-Maintainer#029-2 Co-Maintainer#029-3 Co-Maintainer#029-4 Co-Maintainer#029-5 Co-Maintainer#029-6 Co-Maintainer#029-7 Co-Maintainer#029-8 Co-Maintainer#029-9 Co-Maintainer#030-01 Co-Maintainer#030-02 Co-Maintainer#030-03 Co-Maintainer#030-04 Co-Maintainer#030-05 Co-Maintainer#030-06 Co-Maintainer#030-07 Co-Maintainer#030-08 Co-Maintainer#030-09 Co-Maintainer#030-10 Co-Maintainer#030-11 Co-Maintainer#030-12 Co-Maintainer#030-13 Co-Maintainer#030-14 Co-Maintainer#030-15 Co-Maintainer#030-16 Co-Maintainer#030-17 Co-Maintainer#030-18 Co-Maintainer#030-19 Co-Maintainer#030-20 Co-Maintainer#030-21 Co-Maintainer#030-22 Co-Maintainer#030-23 Co-Maintainer#030-24 Co-Maintainer#030-25 Co-Maintainer#030-26 Co-Maintainer#030-27 Co-Maintainer#030-28 Co-Maintainer#030-29 Co-Maintainer#030-30 Co-Maintainer#030-31 Co-Maintainer#030-32 Co-Maintainer#030-33 Co-Maintainer#030-34 Co-Maintainer#030-35 Co-Maintainer#030-36 Co-Maintainer#030-37 Co-Maintainer#030-38 Co-Maintainer#030-39 Co-Maintainer#030-40 Co-Maintainer#030-41 Co-Maintainer#030-42 Co-Maintainer#030-43 Co-Maintainer#030-44 Co-Maintainer#030-45 Co-Maintainer#030-46 Co-Maintainer#030-47 Co-Maintainer#030-48 Co-Maintainer#030-49 Co-Maintainer#030-50 Co-Maintainer#030-51 Co-Maintainer#030-52 Co-Maintainer#030-53 Co-Maintainer#030-54 Co-Maintainer#030-55 Co-Maintainer#030-56 Co-Maintainer#030-57 Co-Maintainer#030-58 Co-Maintainer#030-59 Co-Maintainer#030-60 Co-Maintainer#030-61 Co-Maintainer#030-62 Co-Maintainer#030-63 Co-Maintainer#030-64 Co-Maintainer#030-65 Co-Maintainer#030-66 Co-Maintainer#030-67 Co-Maintainer#030-68 Co-Maintainer#030-69 Co-Maintainer#030-70 Co-Maintainer#030-71 Co-Maintainer#030-72 Co-Maintainer#030-73 Co-Maintainer#030-74 Co-Maintainer#030-75 Co-Maintainer#031-0 Co-Maintainer#031-1 Co-Maintainer#031-2 Co-Maintainer#031-3 Co-Maintainer#031-4 Co-Maintainer#031-5 Co-Maintainer#031-6 Co-Maintainer#031-7 Co-Maintainer#031-8 Co-Maintainer#031-9 Co-Maintainer#032-1 Co-Maintainer#032-2 Co-Maintainer#032-3 Co-Maintainer#032-4 Co-Maintainer#032-5 Co-Maintainer#033-1 Co-Maintainer#033-2 Co-Maintainer#033-3 Co-Maintainer#033-4 Co-Maintainer#033-5 Co-Maintainer#034-1 Co-Maintainer#034-2 Co-Maintainer#034-3 Co-Maintainer#034-4 Co-Maintainer#042-0 Co-Maintainer#042-1 Co-Maintainer#042-10 Co-Maintainer#042-11 Co-Maintainer#042-2 Co-Maintainer#042-3 Co-Maintainer#042-4 Co-Maintainer#042-5 Co-Maintainer#042-6 Co-Maintainer#042-7 Co-Maintainer#042-8 Co-Maintainer#042-9 Co-Maintainer#soren-2 Coal Carbón Coal (2 power) Cobalt Herb hierba de colbat Cobalt Plant Coffee café Coffee is good, why does the Mouboo refuse to drink it? Coffee! I'm awake now! Coin Bag Bolsa de monedas Coincidentally, the food you're eating %s but instead will expire at same time as it would if you hadn't eat it. Cold Colin Collaborate by giving this powder to Aurora, before it vanishes! Collect chocolate and love letters from the fluffies Collect easter eggs, and exchange them with Lilica! Collect the treasured crystals from treasure chests! Collect their %s as well, so our wizards can do their magic! Collectively, these races are called "Talpans". Colonel DUSTMAN Colonel Dustman Column (1->2) Combos are ranked on this priority: Royal Straight Flush > Straight Flush > Four of a Kind > Full House > Flush > Straight > Three of a Kind > Two Pairs > One Pair > Card Come after a little while. Venga en un breve momento. Come ancient evil, and bleed everything! Come and visit again! ¡Ven a visitarnos de nuevo! Come back and give me more gifts! Come back in a few hours, and we can fix that! ¡Vuelve en unas horas y lo arreglaremos! Come back when ye've grown sum muscles. Vuelve cuando hayas crecido todos tus músculos. Come back when you are a higher level. Come back when you are at a higher level. Come back when you are stronger and we can trade. Come back when you are stronger, and I will give you a task. Vuelve cuando seas más fuerte y te daré una tarea. Come back when you are stronger. Vuelve cuando seas más fuerte. Come back when you are willing to spend money. Vuelve cuando estés dispuesto a gastar dinero. Come back when you have everything. Come back when you have the Snake Eggs for me. Come back when you will really need me. Come meager magic, and hit spot. Come standard fire, and harm spot. Come talk to me once you manage to equip the shirt and the shorts! ¡Ven a hablar conmigo una vez que logres equiparte la camiseta y los pantalones cortos! Come to my aid! Vanish this fool! Come to the bakery! Come try again, some other time. Come visit me whenever, meow! ¡Ven a visitarme cuando quieras, miau! Come, Calling, and Cast are all the same thing. Come, my minions! Lay siege to towns! LEAVE NO OPPOSITION TO ME! Comfortable grip is important especially for newcomers, since they'll be holding it for quite a while. Una sujeción cómoda es importante especialmente para recién llegados, ya que les va a sostener durante bastante tiempo. Command not permitted on this map! Check npc/functions/weather.conf Commander Cadis Commander Povo Commands. Comandos. Commmon Fluffy Common Carp Carpa común Common Drops: Common Drops: None Common Fluffy Common Maggot Common Mouboo Common Scorpion Community Decision Community Shirt Camisa comunitaria Compact Compact forge stones Compatibility Support mode enabled. Client may crash AT RANDOM, beware. Compete for the first place, and remember to exchange silver Complaint Dragon Complaint Form Formulario de queja Complaints Depto. temporaly closed, come back later Departamento de Reclamaciones. cerrado temporalmente, vuelve más tarde Complete Quest? ¿Completar misión? Complete quests, gain some experience, allocate some status, and you'll be ready for my training. Completa misiones, gana algo de experiencia, asigna algún estatus y estarás listo para mi entrenamiento. Completed Crafts: @@/@@ Completed The Episode of Ozthokk %s ago Completing this quest will allow access to the Guard House, where you can pick Daily Bounties for monsters. Completar esta misión te permitirá acceder a la Casa de Guardias, donde podrás elegir recompensas diarias para los monstruos. Compliments reaching this far, @@ from the @@ party! Confuse Congrats you passed the level cap of @@! Here is a(n) @@, you deserve it. ¡Felicitaciones, pasaste el límite de nivel de @@! Aquí tienes un(a) @@, te lo mereces. Congrats! A pity it was not 777... ¡Felicitaciones! Una pena que no fuera 777... Congrats! You are now part from the Pet Caring Guild. You can now buy pets! %%G Congrats! You rank up! You are now a(n) @@! Congrats, you did it. Congratulations in making this far, @@. Congratulations on reaching level 20! ¡Felicitaciones por alcanzar el nivel 20! Congratulations on rescuing Cindy. Congratulations on rescuing Cindy. You should now talk to her before leaving. Congratulations to everyone who participated on the event, even those who didn't made to the top 10! Congratulations! Congratulations! Everything was correct! Congratulations! Here is your reward, a @@! ¡Felicidades! ¡Aquí tienes tu recompensa, un @@! Congratulations! Here is your reward. ¡Felicidades! Aquí está tu recompensa. Congratulations! I've managed to process your paperwork. Here, you'll receive the starter kit! ¡Felicidades! He logrado procesar tu papeleo. ¡Aquí recibirás el kit de inicio! Congratulations! You pulled a Rare. It's a(n) %s! Congratulations! You pulled a(n) %s. It's a(n) %s! Congratulations! You've earned %s coins for the %d you had bet. ¡Felicidades! Has ganado %s monedas por el %d que apostaste. Congratulations! You've received participation rewards due to the Moubootaur Death. Congratulations! Your homunculus has just evolved. Congratulations. You really know about the world lore. Connor Consider it an insurance policy. Besides, %s isn't exactly easy to come by. Considering the direction they came from, we should check Hurnscald next. Ask them if they saw a squirrel robbing Golden Apples, or anything which could help. Constable Constable Perry Alguacil Perry Contact a GM at Migglemire - the small town at center of swamps - to trigger the final showdown. Continue Continue anyway? Continue anyway? You'll die if your allies cannot protect you! Continue? Contributor Sweater Suéter de Contribuidor Converts all your mana in damage. Damages all enemies in same tile. Convierte todo tu mana en daño. Daña a todos los enemigos en el mismo bloque. Cooking Recipes Cooking Recipes. Cool story, bro! Cool, an airship! Cool, thank you. Genial, gracias. Cool, thanks. Cool, you have collected enough evidence. I also have some of my own, so we can proceed. Copper Armbands Brazaletes de cobre Copper Chest#Saulc Copper Ingot Lingote de cobre Copper Key Llave de cobre Copper Ore Mineral de cobre Copper Ore -> Iron Ore Copper Skull Slime Copper Slime Copper Slime Mother CopperSlime Coral Coral Corner (1->8) Correct Corsair Corsair Hat Sombrero de corsario Cost per %s glass: Cost per two glass: Cost: %d GP/min Cost: %d MP Costo: %d MP Cost: 1 @@ Cost: @@ gp per bottle. Cotton Algodón Cotton Boots Cotton Cloth Ropa de algodón Cotton Cloth (1 power) Cotton Cloth is sold at Candor, Croconut Boxes can be bought at the market. Fish, however, is a little more tricky. La tela de algodón se vende en Candor, las cajas de Cocos se pueden comprar en el mercado. El pescado, sin embargo, es un poco más complicado. Cotton Gloves Cotton Shirt Cotton Shorts Pantalones cortos de algodón Cotton Skirt Cotton Trousers Could I go back to that cave? It's a good farm spot. Could you *hic* do me a favor? Arkim, on a cave southeast of *hic* here, is collecting some stuff. Could you awake my lost and forsaken potential? Could you bleach my equipment? ¿Podrías blanquear mi equipo? Could you bring me %d %s? That'll help me to finish this. Could you explain to me where I am? ¿Podrías explicarme dónde estoy? Could you first explain me why so many items? ¿Podrías explicarme primero por qué hay tantos artículos? Could you head deep in the woods and track him down? Could you perhaps help me to find all kids? ¿Podrías ayudarme a encontrar a todos los niños? Could you please ask @@ about it? The ingredients... It would still be my fault... Could you please bring me @@ @@ and @@ @@? I'll give you a bunch of herbs if you help me! Could you please dispose my failed experiment, first? ¿Podrías deshacerte primero de mi experimento fallido? Could you please give us a full meal, with 5 @@, 5 @@, 5@@, 5 @@ and 5 @@? ¿Podrías darnos una comida completa, con 5 @@, 5 @@, 5@@, 5 @@ y 5 @@? Could you sell me a treasure map and a shovel? Could you try again, please? Could you try again? There could be a typo! ¿Podrías intentarlo de nuevo? ¡Podría haber un error tipográfico! Could you, perhaps, bring me %d %s? That'll help me to finish this. Couldn't you climb the rope? Councilor Crazyfefe Concejal Crazyfefe Councilor Jak1 Concejal Jak1 Councilor Jesusalva Concejal Jesusalva Councilor LawnCable Concejal LawnCable Councilor Saulc Concejal Saulc Countdown: 1 minute Countdown: 1 minute - Kill %s! Counter Attack Coward Card Tarjeta Cobarde Craft @@ Craft Recipe Crafters are now paying taxes. Crafters no longer pays taxes. (Tax exempt) Crafting Elaboración Crafting Accuracy Crafting Attack Crafting Basic Skills Crafting Boss Techiniques Crafting Defense Crafting Double Power Crafting Evasion Crafting Exp Up Crafting Mana Economy Crafting Max Stats Crafting Recipes Crafting Recipes. Crafting Regeneration Crafting SC Inflict Crafting SC Resist Crafting Score: %d.%02d Crafting Skill Level: @@ Crafting Skill: Lv @@ Crafting Speed Crafting Status Crafting Table Mesa de Elaboración Crafting method: Crafting rules changed! Your crafting skill was lowered to Level 5, talk to Craftmaster to recover it! Craftsman/Craftswoman Artesano/Artesana Crafty Crafty Craps! I lose! ¡Dados! ¡Pierdo! Crazy Crazy Cadis Ultimate Pandorica Mode Crazy Mode Crazy Rum Crazy stuff can happen in overall. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED TO UPDATE YOUR CLIENT. Crazyfefe Crazyfefe Card Crazyfefe Cave: New Highscore: @@ points Crazyfefe Mode Creased Arrugado Creased Boots Botas arrugadas Creased Gloves Guantes arrugados Creased Set Creased Shirt Camisa arrugada Creased Shorts Pantalones arrugados Create PIN Number Create a natural wall under the cursor, to delay your enemies. Crea un muro natural debajo del cursor para retrasar a tus enemigos. Create new arena Crear nueva arena Creating a guild is not for the faint of heart. You cannot share experience or drops. Crear un gremio no es para personas débiles de corazón. No se pueden compartir experiencias ni caídas. Creating a party has some advantages, it's a pretty good choice! Crear un grupo tiene algunas ventajas, ¡es una elección bastante buena! Crimson Dye Tinte carmesí Crit +5% Critical Fortune Croc Croc Croc Claw Garra de Croc Croconut Croconut Croconut Box Caja de Croconut Croconut Box magically became two in inventory. Storage unaffected. Croconut Tree Crocotree Crocotree Crocs are dangerous and very healthy, but very slow. Use that on your advantage. Los Crocs son peligrosos y muy saludables, pero muy lentos. Úsalo a tú favor. Cronqvist Mode Cronqvist mode is only available during Candor Battle. Crozenite Four-Leaf Amulet Amuleto de crozenita de cuatro hojas Crusade Armor Armadura de cruzada Crusade Helmet Casco de cruzada Crypt Crypt#Fefe Crystal based technology can break if used too often. Try taking longer between each warp to raise their lifetime. Crystal#0065 Crystallized Maggot Gusano cristalizado Ctrl Ctrl Cuf! Cuf! Curiously, you try to touch the Mana Stone. Current Act: %d - %s Current Boss: %s Current Guild Balance: %s GP Current Guild: %s Current Magic Control Current Quest Progress: @@/10,000 kills Current Rankings Clasificaciones actuales Current Room password: @@ Contraseña de la sala actual: @@ Current Spawn Mode: Current Town Administrator: Administrador actual del pueblo: Current arena player count: @@ on map. (Min. 3 to begin event) Recuento actual de jugadores de la arena: @@ en el mapa. (Min. 3 para comenzar el evento) Current date: %d Current drop rate is set to @@%, and will reset to @@% (default value) in @@. Current event: @@ Current exp rate is set to @@%, and will reset to @@% (default value) in @@. Current golden eggs: %s Current hero: @@ Héroe actual: @@ Current linked Discord account: @@ Current magic rank: %d Current player count: @@/5 must be online. Recuento actual de jugadores: @@/5 deben estar en línea. Current score: %s Current score: @@ Puntuación actual: @@ Current task: Deliver a letter to %s Current task: Purchase a(n) %s Current task: Scout guild member to %s Currently, there is no event going on. Actualmente no hay ningún evento en curso. Currently, you should not attempt the Desert Canyon because low level. Actualmente, no deberías intentar ir al Cañón del Desierto porque eres nivel bajo. Currently, you stand no chance against the Snakes on the Desert Canyon, but you probably can cross it. Actualmente, no tienes ninguna posibilidad contra las Serpientes en el Cañón del Desierto, pero probablemente puedas cruzarlo. Currently, you stand no chance against the Snakes on the Desert Canyon. Actualmente, no tienes ninguna posibilidad contra las Serpientes en el Cañón del Desierto. Curse Cursed Ammo Box Cursed Archer Soldier Cursed Arrow Flecha maldita Cursed Arrows Cursed Foot Soldier Cursed Scythe Guadaña maldita Cursed Skull Calavera maldita Curshroom Curshroom Custom Customize attack delay! Customize evasion! Customize hit rate! Cut the chat short and go straight to the point! Cute Maggot Cutscenes Cinemáticas Cyan Butterfly Mariposa cian Cyan Eggshell Hat Sombrero de cáscara de huevo cian Cyndala Cyndala Cynric Cynric D'oh, what a terrible shot! DANGER PELIGRO DANGER! DEBUG: Changing @@ field @@ to something else. DEBUG: Changing @@, Values: (@@, @@, @@). DEF-, Damage over time, no MP regen DEV Cap Gorra de Developer DIE! DIE, FILTHY @@! DIE, SCUM! DO NOT ENTER. NO ENTRAR. DO YOU WANT TO REROLL THE ITEM? THIS CANNOT BE UNDONE! (free) Dagger Daga Dagger Crafting recipe learnt. Dah Yeti King!! ¡¡El Rey Yeti!! Daily Event Bonus: %d Points! Daily Login Rewards Daily limit: %s / %s GP Límite diario: %s/%s GP Damage Improvement Damage can be harm, slap, hit, cut and bite; But other keywords can deal more damage. Damage isn't the only magic chanting can do. Damage over time, MDF -25%% Dan#002-1 Dan#002-1 Dang Rostra Dang Rostra Dangerous Area Dark Crystal Cristal oscuro Dark Crystal (5 power) Dark Desert Mushroom Hongo del desierto oscuro Dark Eggshell Hat Sombrero de cáscara de huevo oscuro Dark Forest : %s monster(s) left Dark Helm Dark Knight Helmet Casco de caballero oscuro Dark Lizard Dark Petal Pétalo oscuro Dark Pulsar Dark Red Dye Tinte rojo oscuro Dark Talisman Talismán oscuro Darkness fills your vision... Darug Darug Date: 2019-03-05, 03:14 UTC Fecha: 2019-03-05, 03:14 UTC Date: 2020-03-27, 01:30 UTC Fecha: 2020-03-27, 01:30 UTC Date: 2020-04-05, 14:40 UTC Fecha: 2020-04-05, 14:40 UTC Date: 2021-02-24, 02:36 UTC Fecha: 2021-02-24, 02:36 UTC Dausen Quest - @@ @@ killed Misión de Dausen - @@ @@ asesinados Dead End Dead Tree#297to298 Deadly Poison Veneno mortal Deal! ¡Trato! Deal, I'll leave my rowboat at the pier, don't take long before using it, though. Trato, dejaré mi bote de remos en el muelle, aunque no tardes en usarlo. Deal. Deal. Here you go. Deal. Pleasure doing business with you. Dealer Score: %d Puntuación del distribuidor: %d Dealer's Turn Turno del distribuidor Dealing with elves is too bothersome to me. Tratar con elfos es demasiado molesto para mí. Dear @@, I send you this gift in hopes you do well in TMW2. Death Cat Death Potion Poción de muerte Death grazes your soul (-%s HP) Debug Depurar Debug - Modify Race Debug - Reset Depurar - Reiniciar Debug Information Información del depurador December 19th - January 2nd Decipher me... Or I will devour you... Decoration Decoración Deep Black Boots Deep Sleep Deep sorrow and sadness, this is the Forgotten Shrine. Def +20 Default Default: %d, use 0 to cancel Defeat Conditions: Sagratha gets killed! Defeat Conditions: Time run out! Defeat Conditions: Your death! Defeat a few waves of Soren's House. Once you're done, this will become a warp. Hurry before it closes. Defeated the Monster King %s ago Defeated the Moubootaur (Sealed) %s ago Defeating him would not only stop monster invasions, but it would also bring magic back... And probably another war, over the mana stones. %%S Derrotarlo no sólo detendría las invasiones de monstruos, sino que también devolvería la magia... Y probablemente otra guerra, por las piedras de mana. %%S Defeating is entirely optional. They usually give more experience than the average, but are much stronger and dangerous. Derrotar es completamente opcional. Suelen dar más experiencia que la media, pero son mucho más fuertes y peligrosos. Defeating it will advance the round. How far can you survive? Derrotarlo avanzará de ronda. ¿Hasta dónde podrás sobrevivir? Definitely not suspcious at all. Delicious Cookie Galleta Deliciosa Deliver %s? Deliver @@ @@ to @@? Deliver it to Zitoni in my name. He'll trust you. The relation between me and Zitoni... goes way back. Entrégaselo a Zitoni en mi nombre. Él confiará en ti. La relación entre Zitoni y yo... se remonta a mucho tiempo atrás. Deliver the %s to retrieve Miler's memeto? Deliver the cake to Sarah? ¿Entregarle el pastel a Sarah? Deliver the items to Katze? ¿Entregar los objetos a Katze? Deliver the items to Sagratha? Deliver the items to the Chest? ¿Entregar los objetos al cofre? Deliver the potions to Sagratha? Demure Axe Demure Card Demure First Form Demure Second Form Demure accepts challengers, Demure acepta retadores, Demure#Valentine Demure's Axe Demure, Queen of Dragons Depending on the case, Nicholas, in Hurnscald, can do a better job than me. Dependiendo del caso, Nicholas, en Hurnscald, puede hacer un mejor trabajo que yo. Deploy to Dangerous Area [6h] Deploy to Herb Fields [1h] Deploy to Monster King Basement [8h] Deploy to Moubootaur's Domain [12h] Deploy to Ore Mines [2h] Deploy to Piou Fields [1h] Deploy to Rare Mines [2h] Deploy to Slime Nest [2h] Deploy to Snake Pit [3h] Deploy to The Market [1h] Deployed! Deposit all Depositar todo Deposit. Depositar. Der Schneemann Der Schneemann has been defeated: %s Monster Points gained. Descend into Tulimshar sewers? ¿Descender a las alcantarillas de Tulimshar? Descend into the small corritor? ¿Bajar al pequeño pasillo? Description: For starters, I'll blow away all your summons and summon an ent. You must do the most damage to it within 10 seconds. Description: Reach the other side of the maze and defeat the %s as quick as possible. Description: Similar to Intensive Mage, but measures mana experience - meaning even less skills will count, and swapping skills give a better effect. Description: Survive for the longest you can without leaving the designed region. Description: There'll be differently colored sparks and you must kill ONLY those of the color I say so! Failure to do so will cause immediate disqualification! Description: Use a lot of magic spells, regardless of type or raw strength. Points earned by skill level. Description: Use chant-based magic. All chants score equally. Description: Use support skills and win the event with the power of FRIENDSHIP! Description: Whoever crafts more potions, regardless of type, wins this event. Desert Bandit Bandido del desierto Desert Hat Desert Helmet Casco del desierto Desert Log Head Cabeza de tronco del desierto Desert Maggot Gusano del desierto Desert Pirate Desert Shirt Camisa del desierto Desert Tablet mesa de postres Desert Thief Card Tarjeta de ladrón del desierto Despite being so old, many adventurers didn't experience everything this world has to offer, or did it so long ago they forgot. So for this Christmas Event, I'm challenging everyone to finish some of these challenges. Despite its initial dubious fragrance, the tea comes off as very smooth and mellow with a bit of natural sweetness and a touch of an earthy forest like flavor, but in a very good way. Destroy all mobilia Destroyed by the fire Destroys everything in a line (earth). Boosts allied forces DEF. Detailed Information Determinate, you move your hand to grab it. Determine Team Size (If everyone is ready and stdby at Tulimshar, use: @@. Minimum 2 players.) Determine Team Size +1 (so 1 each side, use 2) Developer Cap Gorra de desarrollador Devis Devis Dex Potion Dex+ Potion Dex++ Potion Dexterity Destreza Dexterity Fruit fruta de destreza Diamond Diamante Diamond (+2 vit) Diamante (+2 vit) Diamond Bif Bif de Diamantes Diamond Powder Polvo de diamante Diary#Fefe Diary, 12nd December 298 AT Diary, 1st April 298 AT Diary, 21st June 297 AT Diary, 2nd March 300 AT Diary, 31st May 297 AT Diary, 3rd August 299 AT Diary, 3rd March 300 AT Did I received any mail? Did I said the best craftspeople in the world are here? %s, the legendary bow, was proudly crafted by the first king of Frostia! Did something happen? Did something happen? Did this Mouboo just blink? No, I made sure it was truly dead. Must have been my imagination. Did we brought everything Naem asked? ¿Trajimos todo lo que Naem pidió? Did you bring everything? Did you bring me 7 @@? ¿Me trajiste 7@@? Did you bring me everything I asked for? ¿Me trajiste todo lo que pedí? Did you bring me what I asked? You have %d/5 %s. Did you bring the supplies? Did you brought everything I ask for? Did you brought me 12 %s? Did you brought me 12 @@ and 4 @@? The @@ is waiting for you, sharp sharp! Did you brought me a %s? Did you brought me an souvenir from Tulimshar? Did you brought me everything I asked for? ¿Me trajiste todo lo que pedí? Did you brought me the %d/%d %s? Did you brought me the feathers? ¿Me trajiste las plumas? Did you brought us a kind gift of good will, on the worth of %d %s, to offer to our King? Did you brought what I asked for? Did you came here by someone advise? If yes, write their name down here! ¿Viniste aquí por consejo de alguien? En caso de, ¡escriba su nombre aquí! Did you find some bookpages? Ensio will take them. Did you got an @@ yet? That book have great insight on several details concerning mana and its usages! ¿Ya tienes un @@? ¡Ese libro tiene una gran visión sobre varios detalles relacionados con el mana y sus usos! Did you got everything I've asked? Did you got the %d %s I've asked? Did you hear what I just said? ¿Escuchaste lo que acabo de decir? Did you just make up that someone? Did you knew May 25th it is a very special day - the Towel Day? Did you knew about the legend of Aethyr? I've heard the path to it was somewhere to the west of our old village... And some stuff about passwords... Hehe, I don't remember! Did you knew about the legend of Aethyr? I've heard the path to it was somewhere to the west of our old village... And some stuff about passwords... I'm not sure if I remember! Did you knew some crazy adventurers insists there is a Mana Stone on the dangerous caves inside the town? ¿Sabías que algunos aventureros locos insisten en que hay una piedra de mana en las peligrosas cuevas dentro de la ciudad? Did you knew that %s was the wizard whom sealed the path to Aethyr, the sacred elf land? I wonder what happened afterwards. Did you knew that %s's generosity is legendary? ¿Sabías que la generosidad de %s es legendaria? Did you knew the casino on the inn up here was one of the most expensive on the whole world? ¿Sabías que el casino de la posada de aquí era uno de los más caros del mundo? Did you like it? Find me tomorrow, until day @@, for another gift! Did you noticed how no monster got close to it? Did you said reward?! ¡¿Dijiste recompensa?! Did you see Jhedia the blacksmith in Tulimshar? She might know how you could get this. ¿Viste a Jhedia, la herrera en Tulimshar? Ella podría saber cómo puedes conseguir esto. Didn't he give you anything? Die already! Die now!! ¡¡Muere ahora!! Die, your evil Yeti! Different kind of monsters live near the city. For example, blubs. I have no idea of what are those. Cerca de la ciudad viven diferentes tipos de monstruos. Por ejemplo, blubs. No tengo idea de cuáles son esos. Different warp systems overlaps each other, so the cooldown is carried over regardless of the technology you use. Difficulty? Dimond Dimond sold her food alone in this spot for some time, Dimond's Chef. So if you're stuck, try talking to him again, confirm the details? Dimond's Cove Dimond's Cove Dimonds Cove Story Direction for Pirate Caves Directions: Disable Deshabilitar Disable BG Disable Event Disabled Desactivado Disarm process aborted: Disarmer is dead. Disarm process aborted: Disarmer is out of reach. Disarm process aborted: Insufficient mana to proceed. Disarmed with success for: @@ Discard Desechar Disconnect Discord Necklace Collar de discord Diseased Heart Corazón enfermo Dispel the illusion on the stairs west of here, and find my final gift to you in the box. If the Mana Source approves of you, that is. Display daily reward screen: Divine Apple Manzana Divina Divine Apple (%d eggs) Divine Sword Espada divina Divine Water Divorce error! ¡Error de divorcio! Do I gain anything by donating? ¿Gano algo donando? Do I look like a tree? I feel like one. ¿Parezco un árbol? Me siento como uno. Do a weird dance Do as I told you, and talk to Alan for the bow! Do as much as possible. Haz todo lo que puedas. Do it! Do not attempt to go there again. Do not break my seal to prevent the curse from reaching Kamelot. Do not disconnect while waiting. You need 100% HP to donate. Do not give your password to anybody! Keep it secret and try not to use the same one anywhere else in the future. - Juliet ¡No le des tu contraseña a nadie! Mantenla en secreto y trata de no utilizar la misma en ningún otro lugar en el futuro. - Juliet Do not hesitate to purchase furniture, it will help you tremendously in preparing for your ardous journey. Do not let intimacy and hunger get to zero. If any of those get to zero, it'll leave you forever. Do not lose it. It is a very, very rare fungus you can only find on a tough monster, in a particularly dangerous area. No lo pierdas. Es un hongo muy, muy raro que sólo puedes encontrar en un monstruo duro, en una zona particularmente peligrosa. Do not open. Do not attempt to eat. Be careful with it, to don't cause any time paradoxes. I also heard a NPC may be interested on that, by the way! Do not rebirth Do not think you can defeat me yet! Do not worry about me, youngling... I'll be fine.#0 No te preocupes por mí, jovencito... estaré bien.#0 Do not worry about me, youngling... I'll be fine.#1 No te preocupes por mí, jovencita... estaré bien #1. Do not worry, I have them right here. No te preocupes, los tengo aquí. Do not worry, I'll be back in a jiffy. No te preocupes, volveré en un instante. Do note that abuse will cause both you and the person you vouched for to be kicked from the Academy! So be mindful with to whom you give titles. Do note that the cooldown is not currently displayed on quick menu. Do nothing No haga nada Do some paperwork Do you accept special requests? ¿Aceptas peticiones especiales? Do you accept special requests? Could you make me a really good bow? Do you believe I've lost my @@? I can't see anything well without that! %%a ¿Me crees que he perdido mis @@? ¡No puedo ver nada bien sin eso! %%a Do you even know what a bow is? Do you have a clue about what went wrong? Do you have an extra of 11 @@ for me? ¿Tienes un extra de 11@@ para mí? Do you have any last wishes before being JAILED for your CRIMES?! ¿Tiene algún último deseo antes de ser ENCARCELADO por tus CRÍMENES? Do you have any questions? ¿Tiene usted alguna pregunta? Do you have any tips for beginners? ¿Tiene algún consejo para principiantes? Do you have anything else to read? Do you have mental issues? I mean, of course there is a secret passage there! Do you have my @@? ¿Tienes mi @@? Do you have non-ranged weapons? Do you have something to exchange with me? Or perhaps you want a Grand Hunter Quest? Do you have that for me? Do you have that with you? ¿Tienes eso contigo? Do you have that? I have the other materials but I couldn't get it... @@ are too dangerous, they are level @@ monsters. Do you have the @@/11 @@ I requested? The sailors are starving because of you! ¿Tienes el @@/11@@ que solicité? ¡Los marineros se mueren de hambre por tu culpa! Do you know @@? It's a poisonous food you can't find around here. It can be made edible with special prepare. Sabes @@? Es un alimento venenoso que no puedes encontrar por aquí. Puede hacerse comestible con una preparación especial. Do you know anything about the strange visitor? Do you know how to count, maggot? %%5 Do you know someone called Braknar? Do you know something about 'Mylarin Dust'? Do you know the Land Of Fire Village? It is west of Hurnscald and a major town. Do you know the warp crystals? We did them. Did you saw the great warp gate at the town entrance? It was us! Do you know what a Soul Menhir is? Do you know what happened to the gold I had on me when I was rescued? ¿Sabes qué pasó con el oro que llevaba conmigo cuando me rescataron? Do you know where I can find Nard? ¿Sabes dónde puedo encontrar a Nard? Do you know where I can level up? Do you know where my brother Enzo is? I forgot that too! Do you know where the party is? It's at Halin, to get there you need to pass through the Desert Canyon. ¿Sabes dónde es la fiesta? Está en Halin, para llegar hay que pasar por el Cañón del Desierto. Do you like fairies? Well, you should love them! We play with humans all the time, it is usually pretty fun... Do you make Lifestones? ¿Haces piedras de vida? Do you make any other kind of potions? ¿Haces algún otro tipo de pociones? Do you make anything else? ¿Haces algo más? Do you need a refresher of the rules? Do you need any more help? Do you need anything else? Do you need assistance, Knight %s? ¿Necesita ayuda, Caballero%s? Do you need help with anything? Do you need help? Do you need my help? Do you need my help? Do you need something from me? Do you need something in particular? Do you need the extra credit? Do you really have to ask? I am a fairy...*sigh* Do you see that fancy house over there? My husband, %s, used to live there. ¿Ves esa casa elegante de allí? Mi marido%s solía vivir allí. Do you see the crocs, with their claws and hard shell? They have high defense, this means your attacks deal less damage. ¿Ves los Crocs, con sus garras y su caparazón duro? Tienen una alta defensa, esto significa que tus ataques causan menos daño. Do you see the professor on the next room? Listen to his boring speech for @@. There are the materials for the class. ¿Ves al profesor en la habitación de al lado? Escucha su aburrido discurso para @@. Allí están los materiales para la clase. Do you sell anything here? ¿Vendes algo aquí? Do you sell tea? Do you still need help with your experiments? ¿Aún necesitas ayuda con tus experimentos? Do you think I could join the Alliance? ¿Crees que podría unirme a la Alianza? Do you think I'm ready to go to Halinarzo? ¿Crees que estoy preparado para ir a Halinarzo? Do you think he may have had something to do with the accident? We're a very hospitable house, so I didn't see a reason to deny him the entrance. I mean, his mask might have been a bit unusual, but hey, there could've been many reasons why someone would wear a mask, don't you think? Do you think that is funny? Do you think yourself worthy of my power? Do you want a tip? "It's not suicide if you know how to swim." Do you want any monster killed? Do you want me to change where you'll respawn once you finish serving your sentence? This may increase the sentence duration, so be careful. Do you want me to prepare more chocolate box for you? For that I'll need: Do you want me to teach you how to improve an existing skill with MAGIC? There are no better mages than Mouboos! Do you want more coffee? Do you want one? Do you want to advance? Do you want to begin the %s Dungeon? Do you want to bet again? ¿Quieres volver a apostar? Do you want to break open this %s? Do you want to change your race? Do you want to craft @@? For that I will need @@ @@, @@ @@ and @@ gp. ¿Quieres crear @@? Para eso necesitaré @@ @@, @@ @@ y @@ gp. Do you want to craft @@? For that I will need: Do you want to cross to the other side? You'll need to find the sea to return here if you do. Do you want to do something else? Do you want to do the tutorial? ¿Quieres hacer el tutorial? Do you want to exchange some of your @@ @@ for items? Do you want to forward all your items to Quirino Voraz in Tulimshar? Do you want to go against the Monster King now? The event will start 18:30 UTC sharply. Do you want to go there? The Red Wizard may be able to offer you training. Do you want to go to Fortress Island, where the Monster King lives?! Do you want to go to the left, the right or stay where you are? Do you want to help? I promise you no reward, so you will do it of your own will. Do you want to hire a mercenary? Or perhaps get a card so you can invoke them later? I can even make them stronger if you wish. Do you want to make %s? Do you want to make sake? Do you want to make wine? Do you want to marry @@? ¿Quiere casarse con @@? Do you want to move the ##BThe Crossroads##b? ¿Quieres ir a el #r#BEl cruce##b? Do you want to open this chest? Do you want to participate on Call Of Dusty? Do you want to play Roulette? Note that right now, due to gambling regulations, I'm not able to offer you all the bet options. ¿Quieres jugar a la Ruleta? Ten en cuenta que en este momento, debido a las regulaciones de juego, no puedo ofrecerte todas las opciones de apuesta. Do you want to play a song? Do you want to put it out, or to make it brighter? Do you want to re-roll? Do you want to read again the instructions? Do you want to read it? ¿Quieres leerlo? Do you want to read the story again? Or should we get to the most obvious point? ¿Quieres volver a leer la historia? ¿O deberíamos llegar al punto más obvio? Do you want to rent a Mouboo? It allows quick traveling! Do you want to rent a Tortuga? It allows quick traveling! Do you want to restore it, or to keep breaking it? Do you want to return to Land Of Fire Village? Do you want to return? Do you want to spin the wheel and claim your rewards now? Make sure you have enough space for everything and a stable internet connection! Do you want to start? Do you want to trade your points? The demand keep raising, and so does the price! Do you want to treat "%s"? Do you want to try to find them? Just search the first five floors: Novice, Intermediary, Advanced, Expert and Master. Do you want to try to season it? If you succeed, it might become more powerful, but if you fail, it might become weaker. Do you want to use the souls to unlock the passage? Do you want to work? The current wage is %s GP/hour, and if you leave the building, I'll assume you've stopped working and will emit payment. Do you wish to return to the Academy? Do you, perchance, have 2 @@ and 3 @@? ¿Tú, por casualidad, tienes 2 @@ y 3 @@? Doctor Dodge Donut Dona de Esquivar Dodge Potion poción de evadir Does it counts to Honor Ranking? ¿Cuenta para el ranking de honor? Doesn't it feel good to help? Dog Statue#Saggy Doggy Dog Perrito Doll Muñeca Don't ask. Don't be afraid of death. Of course, in most places, dying will make you lose some Experience you gathered. No tengas miedo a la muerte. Por supuesto, en la mayoría de los lugares, morir te hará perder parte de la experiencia que acumulaste. Don't be deemed unworthy, No seas considerado indigno, Don't be ridiculous and stop wasting my time. No seas ridículo y deja de perder el tiempo. Don't be ridiculous. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof, anyway. Now go away, you liar.#0 Don't be ridiculous. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof, anyway. Now go away, you liar.#1 Don't believe anything they tell you! Here, take this, so you can defend yourself. And some food, now leave. Don't bore me. Don't bother me, I'm busy right now. Since the Monster King left, I barely got a night of rest... Don't break my stuff. Don't challenge the Moubootaur. You saw what happened to me. Don't change race Don't cry any further. I am here to help. Don't deploy Don't distract me, I have to stay alert. No me distraiga, tengo que estar alerta. Don't do theee... *hic* with me eh! ¡No te hagas eeel... *hic* conmigo eh! Don't fill Don't fix. Don't forget to collect and eat any chocolate sent to you, too! Don't forget to come as close as possible to these spots! Don't go alone, though! He would not listen to me, it is not you alone he'll pay attention. You will lose reagents! Don't interrupt me, I'm busy! Don't just stand here! Go fetch help, NOW!! ¡No te quedes aquí! ¡Ve a buscar ayuda, AHORA! Don't pay. Don't rent a mouboo. Don't rent a tortuga. Don't rent it Don't say anything, I can smell the scent of Helena's hair on you. Don't speak to me crazy guy! ¡No me hables tipo loco! Don't spin it! Don't tax crafters Don't think you'll sneak anything by me. I'm watching you... No creas que te me escaparás nada de mi. Te estoy vigilando... Don't try to trick me, this attracts bad karma! You could get stolen on Christmas! Seriously, this has happened before! Don't upgrade it Don't warp Don't we know any Yeti specialist? Maybe Celestia? Don't worry if they don't correspond to you. Each box sent will grant you 1 event point. Don't worry ma'am, I'll recover the Treasure Keys at once. Don't worry, I was briefed. You're looking for the Mana Fragment Expedition, right? The one which your parents supposedly participated or something? Don't worry, I'll stay at the caves. Don't worry, I've tweaked my formula this time. Here is some experience and let's try again! No te preocupes, esta vez modifiqué mi fórmula. ¡Aquí tienes algo de experiencia y vamos a intentarlo de nuevo! Don't worry, third time is the charm. Here is some experience. Let's try again. No te preocupes, la tercera es la vencida. Aquí hay algo de experiencia. Intentémoslo de nuevo. Don't you have any exploit of your own? Donate 1/@@ @@ to Ensio? Donate 100 GP for prize Dona 100 GP para el premio Donate 100k GP for prize Done 100k GP para el premio Donate 10k GP for prize Done 10k GP para el premio Donate 15 GP for prize Dona 15 GP para el premio Donate 1k GP for prize Done 1k GP para el premio Donate 250k GP for prize Done 250.000 GP para el premio Donate 25k GP for prize Done 25k GP para el premio Donate 5 GP for prize Dona 5 GP para el premio Donate 50 GP for prize Dona 50 GP para el premio Donate GP Donate a Bat Teeth Donate a Bat Wing Donate all Bat Teeth Donate all Bat Wings Donate to town Donating blood is a noble act, which allows to save lifes. Donating blood will BLOCK YOUR MOVEMENT for three minutes. Donation completed. Donation successful! Done and done. Have fun! Done! Doorbell is disabled El timbre está desactivado Doorbell#RES_0096 Timbre#RES_0096 Doorbell#RES_0097 Timbre#RES_0097 Doorbell#RES_0128 Doorbell#RES_0177 Doorbell#RES_0178 Doorbell#RES_0185 Doorbell#RES_0208 Doorbell#RES_PPL Doppelganger Challenge Ranking Clasificación del desafío Doppelganger Doppelganger Challenge, @@ began the fight! ¡Desafío de Doppelganger, @@ comenzó la lucha! Doppelganger Waves Won: %s Double Attack +5% Doubled. Doug Downgrade Ore Downgrade Scorpion Claw Downgrade Scorpion Stinger Downgrade Snake Egg Downgrade Snake Skin Downgrade Snake Tongue Dracoula Dracoula Drag and drop a %s in a %s, and you will obtain a %s. Arrastre y suelte un %s en %s y obtendrás un %s . Drag and drop a healing item from your inventory. Drag and drop an item from your inventory. Arrastra y suelta un artículo de tu inventario. Drag and drop here the item you want to remove the options. Dragon Eggshell Cáscara de huevo de dragón Dragon Horn Cuerno de dragón Dragon Scales Escamas de dragon Dragon Shield Escudo de dragón Dragon Star Estrella de dragón Dragon Star Card Dragon Wings Alas de dragón DragonStar, Aisen Dragonfruit fruta del dragón Dragons and Toast Dragonstar and Aisen did their best along many others, and managed to liberate Hurnscald, though! Drahcir Drains your MP bar to replenish target's. Doesn't go past 100%. Draw Empate Dreaded Pirate Marley Dream Ticket Boleto de ensueño Dream Tower Dream Tower Appears Dream Tower Tickets Dress up! Do not walk without clothes! Always wear your items! They leave you less vulnerable to attacks and stronger to defeat your opponents. ¡Vistete! ¡No camines sin ropa! ¡Usa siempre tus prendas! Te dejan menos vulnerable a los ataques y más fuerte para derrotar a tus oponentes. Drink the potion Drink the potion, and say magic words Drinking what drink is like having your brain smashed out by a slice of lemon wrapped round a large gold brick? Drinking with friends will give 1.5% extra XP boost for each person nearby. Beber con amigos dará un 1,5% de aumento adicional de XP por cada persona cercana. Drop a coin to hear how deep it is Drop a trap in the ground. Players and monsters passing through it will take damage and get stunned. Require a %s and has a limited number of triggers. Coloca una trampa en el suelo. Los jugadores y monstruos que lo atraviesen sufrirán daños y quedarán aturdidos. Requiere un %s y tiene un número limitado de activadores. Drop rate has been reset to @@% (default value). Drop rate is set to @@% for the next @@. Drop these near the circle to make the breaking faster. Drowned Man Drueme Druid Card Druid Card S Druid Card X Druid Tree Branch Rama de árbol druida Duck Pato Duck Egg Duck Elder Duck Elder : Success! The pirates have been thwarted. Duck Elder : We have failed. The pirates will regroup and replenish their fallen. They will strike again, until we are defeated. Duck Feather Duck Initiate Duck Soldier Ducks and Giant Maggots also drops Cherry Cakes. Patos y gusanos gigantes también arroja pasteles de cereza. Due this bug, you didn't got a proper amount of points per sent. We wanted to deliver you a token of apology! Due to a bug, all your complaint forms became money! ¡Debido a un bug, todos tus formularios de queja se convirtieron en dinero! Due to a recent incident involving slimes, the building is closed to public visits. Due to this detriment to our speed and ability to fly, we started training shrewboos as mounts. Debido a este detrimento de nuestra velocidad y capacidad de volar, comenzamos a entrenar shrewboos como monturas. Dummy Maniquí Dungeon Map Mapa de Mazmorra Dungeon cleared! During Valentine 2020, you can get event equipment with the Soul Stone. During cutscenes, you cannot move. If you do, you'll be forcibly pushed back. Durante las cinematicas, no puedes moverte. Si lo haces, te obligarán a retroceder. During night the professor also goes to the Magic Academy, using the hidden north port, on the building to left of the Magic Council... Durante la noche, el profesor también va a la Academia de Magia, utilizando el puerto del norte escondido, en el edificio a la izquierda del Consejo Mágico... During night, the monsters usually respawn faster. That can be a problem with aggressive monsters. Durante la noche, los monstruos suelen reaparecer más rápido. Eso puede ser un problema con los monstruos agresivos. During summer, more Tonori Delight can be produced. Durante el verano, se pueden producir más Delicias de Tonori. During the war, the Monster King cursed the place where he died, but he fought back, and cursed the curse. During this season, Gemini Quest can be done with parties of 6. During this season, challenges to Crazyfefe will be free. During this season, monster point gain is increased in %d%%! During this season, you can summon the Yeti King for free. Dust In A Bottle Dustynator 2000 Dustynator 2000 Dwarf Craftsmaster Dwarven Sake Dye cards are not the only thing which exist, but they are the coolest! Las cartas de tinte no son lo único que existe, ¡pero son las más geniales! Dye? How can you do that without a cauldron? Dyes are a special kind of ink to make certain objects fancier. Los tintes son un tipo especial de tinta que hace que ciertos objetos sean más elegantes. Dying inside the Heroes Hold Main Dungeon does not have a penalty. However, dying outside the castle have. Dying outside a town square will cause EXP loss. Dying will also decrease the pet intimacy, and there are bonuses when your intimacy is high! Dyrin The Traveler ENOUGH! LAME CHEATERS, GET OFF THIS GAME %%a That's 15 gifts, and it is final. ERROR ERROR: %d ERROR: You already took the coins today. Please wait @@ more. ERROR: Ya tomaste las monedas hoy. Por favor espera @@ más. ERROR: You must set a PinCode to make use of this function. EVENT Bow EVENT CANCELLED DUE TO PLAYER INACTIVITY EVENT Single Hand Sword EVENT Two Hands Sword EVENT Wand EVERY switch on EVERY cave will unflip itself after about 2 minutes. So don't waste your time. EXP Gain +10% EXP Gain raised in @@% for one hour! ¡Ganancia de EXP aumentada en @@% durante una hora! EXP Penalty: ON Penalización EXP: ACTIVADA EXPERTS ONLY - If you are not a talented crafter, avoid this. EXPLOSIVE GUNSTAFF Each card is worth its own value. Note that "A"ce is always worth %s. Each item have it's own tax. Each level up will buff your base stats, and give you stats points to allocate. However, there is Job Level. Cada nivel que subas mejorará tus satus base y te dará puntos de status para asignar. Sin embargo, existe el nivel de trabajo. Each monster will be counted as %d kills. Each of them require different items, I'll sort from weakest to strongest, so choose wisely. Each season unlocks a set of quests and drops which can only be obtained on the season. Cada temporada desbloquea un conjunto de misiones y botín que solo se pueden obtener en la temporada. Each settlement names a representative, which forms the Alliance Council. There is also the High Council, and the Magic Council. Cada asentamiento nombra un representante, que forma el Consejo de la Alianza. También está el Alto Consejo y el Consejo Mágico. Earlier I hadn't any, but now that I have the baits, I will be glad to sell some to you! Antes no tenía ninguno, pero ahora que tengo los cebos, ¡estaré encantado de venderte algunos! Earmuffs Orejeras Earth Element Earth Fairy Earth Powder Polvo de tierra Earth Scroll Pergamino de la tierra Earth Witch Card East East Aeros Easter Easter @@ Pascua @@ Easter Angry Forain Easter Egg Huevo de Pascua Easter Egg quest updated. Total found: %02d/06 Easter Eggs found: %d Easter Mouboo Easter Top 1 Prize Easter is over! I am the last chance to get rid of eggs!! ¡Se acabó la Pascua! ¡¡Soy la última oportunidad para deshacerte de los huevos!! Easy Easy Mode Eating is a necessity, but cooking is an art. Eating the food most suitable for your battle style is the secret for having an edge over your opponents. Don't waste precious food while so many people starve at Halinarzo and it'll be a profitable passtime. Ectoplasm Ectoplasma Eevert Effects from The Great Fire are still felt by the people. Eggshell Hat Sombrero de cáscara de huevo Eh, I don't think you'll be brave enough to go after her. If even she decided to flee, I doubt you wouldn't do the same. Eh, I have to go. Eh, sure, you can have this %s. It is not refined but should do the trick. Maybe. NO REFUNDS! Eh, that seems too problematic. Sorry. Eh, eso parece demasiado problemático. Lo siento. Eh... Sure, why not. What could go wrong, after all. Eh? Well, you're in a desert. You can see Maggots and Scorpions, they're very common on these parts. Giant Maggots are very dangerous, but also very slow. If you know how to fight, they will yield you lots of experience. ¿Eh? Bueno, estás en un desierto. Puedes ver Gusanos y Escorpiones, son muy comunes por estos lares. Los gusanos gigantes son muy peligrosos, pero también muy lentos. Si sabes luchar, te darán mucha experiencia. Eh? You sure? Ehm, I count as a NPC, so... you can't contraband items which cannot be sold to NPCs, pal! Eight Maggots will rise from the ground and will start destroying the crops. Ocho gusanos surgirán del suelo y empezarán a destruir los cultivos. Eight gifts. Let's double the goal. 25600 gifts. Did you guys hire some chinese gold farmers, anyway? Eistein Eistein Elanore Elanore casts a chant over the items, closes her hands, and vóila! A lifestone. Elanore lanza un canto sobre los objetos, cierra las manos y ¡vóila! Una piedra de vida. Elanore the Healer Elanore la sanadora Eldrin Eldrin, Taskmaster Eleanore Eleanore Electro Worm Elen The Traveler Elenium Bif Elenium Mines Minas de elenio Eleven gifts? You guys really have no live! For 204,800 I'll give an extra one. Elf Elfo Elfic Bow Arco de elfo Elias Elias gets a bit excited. Elite Duck Elite Scout#MB0233 Elixir Of Life Elixir de Vida Elixir of Life Elixir of Life (%d eggs) Eliza Elli Elli Elli Disguise Elli Essence Elli prepared a prize for you... If you manage to open it. Elli preparó un premio para ti... Si logras abrirlo. Elli#Ep Elli#Witness Elli#Testigo Elli's Chest El cofre de Elli Elli, Supreme Guardian of the Talpan Races and an Original Elmo Elmo Elmo has given you an EXP UP and DROP UP Boost until level 20! ¡Elmo te ha dado un aumento de EXP UP y DROP UP hasta el nivel 20! Elmo#002-5 Elmo#002-5 Elmo#sailors Elmo#sailors Elora Elora#1 Elven Elfo Elves are always allowed inside. Elza Email: @@ Emeald Bif Emerald Esmeralda Emerald (+2 luck) Esmeralda (+2 suerte) Emerald Powder Polvo de esmeralda Emergency Exit Salida de Emergencia. Emma Emoc otem itey gnik! ¡Emoc otem itey gnik! Emperium Empty Box Caja vacia EmptyBottle Enable Habilitar Enable Event Enable/disable doorbell Activar/desactivar timbre Enabled Activado Enabled: @@ Habilitado: @@ Enchanted Herb Bag Bolsa de hierbas encantadas End status @@ Estado final @@ End! Score this time: %d End! Score this time: %s Endless, cute, dangerous, deadly. Interminable, lindo, peligroso, mortal. Enemies stunned! Energy Ball Bola de energía Energy Ball Challenge Engraving#Katazuli1 Engravings#Gemini Enjoy this new weapon, I hope you're successful. Disfruta de esta nueva arma, espero que tengas éxito. Enjoy this world while it lasts. Heh. It's time to... detonate. Enjoy your new style. Disfrute de su nuevo estilo. Enjoy your purchase! Enjoy your time here, %s. And keep your eye out for agents of S.A.R.A.H. Enliven Reva Foxhound Enliven Reva Foxhound Enough for now. Let's rest, shall we? Enough time has passed, so maybe Jhon Henryfield has forgotten your previous offenses? Enrique Ensio Ent Abomination Enter Ingresar Enter anyway? ¿Entrar de todos modos? Enter dungeons? You won't be able to join anymore when he dies. Enter line number: Introduzca el número: Enter new line: Introduzca nueva línea: Enter though the window to the secret caves? Enter/Leave after start: %s Enzo Eomie Eomie Epic Mouboo Mouboo Épico Epic Tortuga Epiphany Wisp Equip Equipar Equipment Blueprint A Equipment Blueprint B Equipment Blueprint C Equipment Blueprint D Equipment Blueprint E Equippable items are armour, weapons and accessories. Los objetos equipables son armaduras, armas y accesorios. Equipping them is easy, you must open your inventory with @@ or clicking in @@, on the top right. Equiparlos es fácil, debes abrir tu inventario con @@ o haciendo clic en @@, en la parte superior derecha. Er, nevermind, I've thought of something to give you. You can go off now and get what I need. Er, uhm, hi! Erik Erlan Erm, for certain... reasons... I cannot help you right now! Erm... Good bye. Emmm... Adiós. Erm... I don't have a recipe book. Emmm... no tengo un libro de recetas. Erm... I don't know my parents. Emmm... No conozco a mis padres. Erm... You're right. Emmm... Tienes razón. Error Error, cheater detected Error, contact Jesusalva! Missing warp. Healing & Reseting temporaly. Error, error, L_T3_S0 General Error, REPORT ME Error, invalid return code, blame Saulc Estard Estard Eugene Eugene Eugene bows politely, but he thinks he can use more. Eugene se inclina cortésmente, pero cree que puede usar más. Eurni Evasion +20 Even after breaking the first layer, a second layer keeps active. The first layer gets back to work shortly after. What have I missed or forgotten to do? Even if the city has not been attacked on the last few years, I can't help but be concerned while the kids are playing hide and seek. Incluso si la ciudad no ha sido atacada en los últimos años, no puedo evitar preocuparme mientras los niños juegan al escondite. Even if they recover their strength, because the connection was severed, the barrier will not power up again. Even if we are not currently playing anything... Even if you drink alone, you'll still receive the EXP bonus marked on the item description. Incluso si bebes solo, seguirás recibiendo la bonificación de EXP marcada en la descripción del artículo. Even the mighty Andrei Sakar could only barely escape alive. The Monster King was too strong. Incluso el poderoso Andrei Sakar apenas pudo escapar con vida. El Rey Monstruo era demasiado fuerte. Even with my poor skills, I used to be considered a decent warrior, only because I mastered the Art of Cooking. I would be willing to teach you - but first, you need to wear a %s so we can begin. Event Canceled Event Details Event Details Event Horizon Card Event Information Información del Evento Event Management Manejo de Evento Event News Event Ranking Rewards Recompensas de clasificación del evento Event management Manejo de evento Event score: %d -> %d Puntuación del evento: %d->%d Event weapons and cards will be deleted once event ends. Event will start in @@ El evento comenzará en @@ Everburn Powder Polvo Everburn Every %d sequences, you'll get a %s! Every 1 hour Cada 1 hora Every 101 successive right guesses, you'll get a @@! Every 12 hours Cada 12 horas Every 24 hours Cada 24 horas Every 3 hours Cada 3 horas Every 5 hours Cada 5 horas Every 6 hours Cada 6 horas Every bot says that. Todos los robots dicen eso. Every day you login, you'll be able to spin a card. Every day, they disappear and a new one shows up on its place. Every fifteen successive right guesses, you'll get a @@! Every fifty successive right guesses, you'll get a @@! Every once in a while, but I guess this is not common on your world, am I right. Every seven successive right guesses, you'll get a %s! Everyone commit mistakes and Oskari was very understanding. I need to do some questions about the incident though. Everyone loves the Land of Fire, it is impossible to not love it. Everything in order. Everything the Moubootaur does, he does for this one moment. And everything the Mana Source does, is for the same moment. And everything Elli does, is for her own amusement. Naturally. Evil Bullet Bala Malvada Evil Chest Evil Mushroom Evil Scythe Evil Wisp Evil worms crawl from earth and starts devouring the plants! ¡Los gusanos malvados salen de la tierra y comienzan a devorar las plantas! Evolution time: Evolve a card Evolve mercenaries Evolve your Homunculus? This is irreversible! Evolved attributes: %s Evolving your Homunculus will drain 900 points of intimacy and %d levels. Homunculus are slightly weak right after evolving, but some healthy exercise will put them in form in no time. Examine the Mouboo Example: Ejemplo: Example: @translate Elmo Example: @translate Nard Example: @translate npc/002-1/arpan Example: Give the answer for the following: one+1 Ejemplo: Da la respuesta para lo siguiente: uno+1 Excellent! Let me see... ¡Excelente! Déjeme ver... Excellent! This is exactly what I need. Thanks a lot. I'll tell Nikolai about your generosity. Excellent. I'd like you to ask around about the recent string of robberies. Excellent. So, this time, we should follow the other lead we had - the %s found in the scene of the crime. Except they're not. I'll be back later. Excepto que no lo son. Regreso más tarde. Exchange Gempowder for Quill Exchange the item with Leona? Excuse me! Do you have a second? ¡Disculpa! ¿Tienes un segundo? Excuse me! The storehouse is still overrun with house maggots. ¡Disculpa! El almacén todavía está invadido por gusanos domésticos. Excuse me. Disculpe. Excuse me? Do you know who I am?#0 ¿Perdón? ¿Sabe quién soy?#0 Excuse me? Do you know who I am?#1 ¿Perdón? ¿Sabe quién soy?#1 Exile a player Exiled players will not be able to save to menhir. Exit Exp rate has been reset to @@% (default value). Exp rate is set to @@% for the next @@. Experience can be gained by completing quests and killing monsters. When you accumulate enough experience, you'll level up! Se puede ganar experiencia completando misiones y matando monstruos. ¡Cuando acumules suficiente experiencia, subirás de nivel! Experience. Experiencia. Expert Dungeon (Lv 100+) Expire rent time Explain briefly about mercenaries... I mean, we have a Mercenaries section on @tutorial right? I don't know much myself! Explica brevemente sobre los mercenarios... Quiero decir, tenemos una sección sobre los Mercenarios en @tutorial, ¿verdad? ¡Yo tampoco sé mucho! Explosive ARROW Explosive Arrow Flecha explosiva Explosive Gunstaff Arma explosiva Eyes grows! Ezra F2 F2 F3 F3 FIGHT! FINAL BOSS FIGHT - WATCH OUT! FINAL WARNING: Do not spend unecessary time on Soren's House, you'll be disconnected!! Fafi Dragon Fafi Mask Máscara de Fafi Failed to warp to Soren Village. Failing all else, you can stay at the Magic Council getting experience for sitting. Hopefully you'll gain a level and this will help you a bit. A falta de todo lo demás, puedes quedarte en el Consejo Mágico obteniendo experiencia por sentarte. Ojalá subas de nivel y esto te ayude un poco. Failure to respond to other players and/or GMs in a timely manner will be viewed as unacceptable AFK botting. And you'll spend a night in the jail. Fair Person Fairies usually behaves well, but they hate snakes, so avoid casting halhiss and fairy kingdom at once. You never know. Fairy's Squirrel Fake Manastone Falkon Card Tarjeta Falcón Falkon Strike Falkrun Falkrun Fallen King Falling means certain death. Fancy Hat Sombrero adornado Far over, the misty Nivalis cold ♪ Lejos, el brumoso frío de Nivalis ♪ Farewell, until the next time. Shall we met again, and may the light guide our paths. Farewell. Adiós. Faris Faris Farm there and get the best experience value! Farmer Hat Farmer Pants Fate's Potion Poción del destino Fates Potion Poción de Suerte Fear Fear not! You can check our [@@|Wiki@@] to find that and other awesome stuff! ¡No temáis! ¡Puedes consultar nuestra [@@|Wiki@@] para encontrar eso y otras cosas increíbles! Feel free to collect honey from the hives. Remember to bottle them before picking up... You can use the discardable bottles I keep near them for that. Feel free to come visit me another time. Siéntase libre de visitarme otra vez. Feel free to try again whenever. No dudes en volver a intentarlo cuando quieras. Feeling lucky? Fefe's Diary Female Hembra Fertilized Spores Esporas fertilizadas Fight bravely and well, %s, and perhaps our Queen will survive to return to her beloved isles. Lucha bien y con valentía,%s, y tal vez nuestra Reina sobreviva y regrese a sus queridas islas. Figures she would be involved. What did she say? Fill Water Bottles Fill with what? Final: @@, @@ Finally! The regulars were close to rioting due to lack of ale. Find it, spin it, and be bestowed in golden rewards! Find where the Seal used to be. The Lightbringer, as the Mana Source's avatar, shall light the way. And if they leave the others behind, then surely the Mana Source shall abandon them. Wield its will, or follow the one whom does. Find yourself a nice dry spot on a coast where you can easily reach into deep water. Encuentra un buen punto seco en una costa en la que pueda alcanzar fácilmente aguas profundas. Fine. Genial. Finish Finalizar Finish the seasoning Fire Arrow Fire Breath Inn Fire Element Fire Fairy Hada de fuego Fire Goblin Duende de fuego Fire Scroll Pergamino de fuego Fire Skull Fire Staffs Recipes Fire Staves Firearms? What would that be? @@ Fireball Fireball Card Tarjeta de bola de fuego Fireplace#Saggy Firewalk First - item must be equipped. First Aid Primeros auxilios First Dungeon Master First Grand Hunter challenge cleared %s ago First Tier First and foremost, you should get yourself some reputation. I mean, right now, you are a complete nobody who was found on the sea. En primer lugar, debes conseguir cierta reputación. Quiero decir, ahora mismo eres un completo don nadie que fue encontrado en el mar. First of, there's a day/night cycle on the game. En primer lugar, hay un ciclo día/noche en el juego. First reborn %s ago First thing is to get a @@. One from black market won't do, go to Halinarzo! First timers will be lead to somewhere random on this cave to keep intruders out. Just walk there again while all switches are still active. First visit to Fortress Is. %s ago First, %s is the Guardian of Law and Order. He ensures all rules are followed, and if anything breaks them, he erases their existence. First, you need to contribute to the common knowledge of this world. Like, write a %s, guide new players or something. Fish Box Caja de pescado Fisherman Pescador Fisherman/Fisherwoman Pescador / pescadora Fishing Pesca Fishing Guide Vol. I Guía de pesca Vol. I Fishing Rod Caña de pescar Fishing bait: Fishing is a boring task. Throw the bait, wait for fish to bite. Pull before it is too late. Then sell the fish for money. La pesca es una tarea aburrida. Tira el cebo, espera a que pique el pez. Tira antes de que sea demasiado tarde. Luego vende el pescado por dinero. Fishing next to shallow water is not going to work well, because fishes seldom go there. Pescar junto a aguas poco profundas no va a funcionar bien, porque los peces rara vez van allí. Five equal: %s. Five powerful consecutive brawn attacks. Fixing Crystals have a price. You can only charge crystals to places you've already been. Flight Talisman Talismán de vuelo Floors cannot be re-visited, and rewards increase at each floor. Flour Harina Fluffy Fluffy Fluffy Animals who Love Their Owners Animales mullidos que aman a sus dueños Fluffy Egg Huevo de fluffy Fluffy Hat Sombrero esponjoso Fluffy Hunter Challenge Fluo Powder Polvo Fluo Flush Fly away! Following these lines are some other writings on this paper. Ulterior a estas líneas están otros escritos en este papel. Food is, and should always be, in demand. Los alimentos tienen, y siempre deberían tener, demanda. Food: Foolish kid, thinking they can fool me, Henry S., from all the people...! Foolish kids, do you think violence is the answer to everything?! Foolish mortal, who doesn't knows what you are doing! Footwear Recipes For %d GP I'll teach you, do we have a deal? For (another) one @@, I'll need 3~4 @@ and 50 GP. For HLib, a GM must take the role of the Monster King For Tier 2 Evolution, I'll need %s GP, %d %s, a %s and a %s. For a long time, towns on the distant continent of Kolev have been supporting humans here. For a moment you wonder if Celestia might have gotten confused and tossed in a handful of forest dirt into the teapot. For all his great deeds, and thousands of lives he saved, this statue is in his honor. Por todas sus grandes hazañas y las miles de vidas que salvó, esta estatua está en tu honor. For all the feedback, you know Para todos los comentarios, ya sabes. For cooking? Sure thing, but this costs %s GP. ¿Para cocinar? Claro, pero esto te cuesta %s GP. For cowardingly killing in a "secure" area, you will be severely punished. For defeating the Monster King, you've got the Legendary @@. For defending Hurnscald alone and saving all its inhabitants. Por defender Hurnscald en solitario y salvar a todos sus habitantes. For example, translations do not count. Wiki articles count. For example, when an item is dropped to the ground, it rots away and disappear. It cannot be recovered. If an item were to break such rule, Mr. Saves would intervene. For extreme power they hold. Por tener un poder extremo. For fighting against the Monster King once and getting out alive to tell the story. Por luchar contra el Rey Monstruo una vez y salir con vida para contar la historia. For finding an Easter Egg, you got Strange Coins! For hallucinations I'll suggest... this injection here. Heya! For now do not take too much time to work on your intelligence, after all, almost nobody have magic this day. Por ahora no te tomes demasiado tiempo para trabajar en tu inteligencia, después de todo, casi nadie tiene magia este día. For now, eat this. It'll improve your condition... for now. I don't know where you'll find a time travelling device, but if you find one, come to me. I'll help you. For now, please accept this @@ as my gratitude. For now, take this @@. I hope that you will use this power for something good now. For now, yes. But you will have to prove that you really care about more than yourself. For only 100 GP, you can sleep on the beds of the Land Of Fire. For only @@ GP, I'll decrypt any ancient text file you have. Or you can learn how to read that yourself, for @@ GP. Solo por @@ GP, descifraré cualquier archivo de texto antiguo que tengas. O puedes aprender a leerlo tu mismo, por @@ GP. For only a small amount of Gold Pieces, I will show you how it works! ¡Por sólo una pequeña cantidad de Piezas de Oro, te mostraré cómo funciona! For short, they had a fight with curses, and now there's a talking statue over his grave which can spawn monsters here. For short, you would have lost all your items, wouldn't get anything, and there would be no refunds. En resumen, habrías perdido todos tus objetos, no recibirías nada y no habrían reembolsos. For simple-minded individuals like you, pixies are fairies. For sure the chef of Nard's ship could spare you a pair of gloves. Seguramente el chef del barco de Nard podría regalarte un par de guantes. For that, I need to light the five torches. I already prepared everything, so you do not need to do anything else. Just light the torches. Para eso necesito encender las cinco antorchas. Ya lo preparé todo, así que no necesitas hacer nada más. Sólo enciende las antorchas. For that, I use a special currency - Aethyr points. You can trade rare items for points. I also sell one point for %d GP. So, what will it me? For that, I'll need @@/@@ @@. For the @@, I'll need 5 ##Bhigh-quality##b @@, and @@ GP for work fee! For the Mana Source and the Moubootaur haven't finished their struggle, the Supreme Guardian of the World giving form and source to all mana, and granting its protection to us mortals, by magic and the Aegis Scutum. For the first place in Easter, you gained a Bhopper Fluffy. Por el primer lugar en Pascua, ganaste un Bhopper Fluffy. For the higher titles, you'll need vouch of multiple people. You can vouch for anyone below your rank with %s but never for someone of same or higher rank. For the mouboo? I was only doing my duty. For the rescue? You didn't seemed to be in need of aid. For their weapons has a will on them. Porque sus armas tienen voluntad sobre ellos. For this @@, I offer you @@ GP. For this @@, I offer you a(n) @@. For this training, I need @@, not the usual arrow you use. For which player do you wish to pray? For you, boring person like me, It'll cost the small amount of: For you, it will be only 50 GP for potion! But I need the base ingredients, four @@ - or @@, depends on which one. ¡Para ti, solo serán 50 GP por la poción! Pero necesito los ingredientes base, cuatro @@ - o @@, depende de cuál. For you, it'll be @@ GP. Para ti, será @@ GP. For your incredibly hard work, you got: For yourself can obtain tandem! ¡Por ti mismo puedes obtener tándem! Forain Forest Armor Armadura del bosque Forest Bow Arco del bosque Forest Gloves Forest Mushroom Forest Piou Piou del Bosque Forest Piou Feathers Plumas de Piou del bosque Forest Shroom Egg Forest Shroom Hat Sombrero de seta del bosque Forgotten Chamber Form the strongest party and win! Remember that if you don't kill the boss, you'll never win! Form your party and rescue Luvia Gemini from Isbamuth! Fortiun Fortress Gate Fortress Island Fortress Statue Fortress Town Fortress Town Siege Fortress Town is connected to the prophecies of the death of all humans, wildlife, and the other lesser races. Fortunately, we know the answer is... Fortune Statue Estatua de la fortuna Fountain#Hurns Four Leaf Cuatro hojas Four Leaf Clover Trébol de cuatro hojas Four equal: @@. Four minutes after the warp, or when the last maggot die, it'll be over. Cuatro minutos después de teletransportare, o cuando muera el último gusano, todo habrá terminado. Four of a Kind France: [@@|] Free Cast Lanzamiento gratis Freeze Friend Gift Regalo de amigo Friend of the Fairies Friendly SP Regeneration Friendship's Strength Challenge From magical gates to ancient time-space technology - we know it all! From the smell I know you found the bug bomb! ¡Por el olor sé que encontraste la bomba contra insectos! From the time you come from, the Moubootaur has escaped its chains. Frost Diver Frost Nova Frostia Frostia Frostia (@@m) Frostia - @@ GP Frostia Guard Frostia Office Frostia Townhall Frostia Warp Crystal Cristal de warp a Frostia Frostia and Halinarzo are now on a spar! Frostia is a *hic* town way way north of here. They *hic* hate humans, so... Good luck? Frostia is the only city known that was not founded by humans. Frostia's Nurse Frozen Squirrel Frozen Yeti Tear Lágrima de Yeti congelada Frozenbeard FruitSalad Fruits - @@ coins Frutas - @@ monedas Full House Full Power Card Full Power Card\n Full Throttle A todo gas Full of agrotoxins, transgenics and whatever. Not safe. Lleno de agrotóxicos, transgénicos y lo que sea. No es seguro. Fungus Hongo Funky Hat Fur Boots Botas de piel Furniture Menu Menú de muebles Furthermore, if you don't have enough mana, it'll hurt you until you die. Fuschia Dye Fusus Futurely, Mylarin Dust and a Sunny Crystal will also be available. GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH! ¡GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH! GAME SETTINGS GET OUT OF HERE, YOUR NOBODY! ¡SAL DE AQUÍ, NO ERES NADIE! GM Alchemy Table GM Black Smithy GM Cap Gorra de Game master GM Cooking Stove GM Gift Box GM Robe Tunica de Game master GMs are NOT allowed on Hurnscald Liberation day. Los GMs no están permitidos en el día de la liberación de Hurnscald. GO! Run, %s, RUN!!!! ¡ANDA! Corre %s ¡¡¡¡CORRE!!!! GP GP: %d + %d GUARDS! GET THEM! Gaelira Gaia Break Gain: %d RP/min Gained 20000 XP and 2500 GP Obtuviste 20000 XP y 2500 GP Gained 2500 XP and 250 GP Obtuviste 2500 XP y 250 GP Gained 5000 XP Obtuviste 5000 XP Gained 7500 XP and 1250 GP Obtuviste 5000 XP 7500 XP y 1250 GP Gained @@ points. Obtuviste @@ puntos. Gale, not good to fly. Galimatia Gambler Master Maestro apostador Gambler#003-9 Apostador#003-9 Gambler#017-3 Gambler#020-4 Gambler#031-4 Gambling Fedja Fedja el Apostador Gambling Xan Gambling is for the weak, I offer you a true game! Gamboge Herb Hierba de Gamboge Gamboge Plant Game Master Maestro del juego Game Mistress Game News Game Rules were updated! Game Settings Game Statistics Gem powder Gemini Season Gemini Sisters Quest Gender Género General Boosts General Information General Krukan General Razha General Store#dimond General Terogan General Terogan : DEAD! Muahahahaha! Generic items are used for different purposes. In creating other items, to swap and sell, to collect, etc. Los objetos genéricos se utilizan para diferentes propósitos. En la creación de otros objetos, para intercambiar y vender, para coleccionar, etc. George George the Pirate Get Rekt Noob. Quedate Rekt Noob. Get out of here! Before I call the city guard!! ¡Sal de aquí! ¡¡Antes de que llame a la guardia de la ciudad!! Get out of here, weakling. You'll be killed by bandits.#0 Sal de aquí, debilucha. Los bandidos te matarán.#0 Get out of here, weakling. You'll be killed by bandits.#1 Sal de aquí, debilucho. Los bandidos te matarán.#1 Getting Money Ganando dinero Getting ranked #1 in a challenge yields you 10 points, getting ranked #2 yields you 9 points and so on. Getting there is tricky, so listen carefully to the instructions: Ggrmm... Grmmmm... Ggrmm... Grmmmm... Ghada Ghada Giant Cave Maggot Giant Maggot Gusano gigante Giant Maggots are worth 1 point, Snakes are worth 5 points and Black Scorpions are worth 10 points. The ones in caves doesn't count. Bring me 300 points. Good luck! Los gusanos gigantes valen 1 punto, las serpientes valen 5 puntos y los escorpiones negros valen 10 puntos. Los que están en cuevas no cuentan. Tráeme 300 puntos. ¡Buena suerte! Giant Mutated Bat Gift Fanatic Gimme a second... Yes, you seem to be fine now, very well, congratulations! Ginger Bread Man Hombre de pan de jengibre Give Glim a %s Dale a Glim un%s Give Up Rendirse Give a @@ to the Mouboo? Give her the materials she asked for? Give him an item Give him the materials he asked for? Give it time, increase your magic power, and you'll find out the truth. Give me %s cards of the same type, and I'll give you one card of a higher rarity. There is no cost, but the card is random. Give me %s copies of the same card and %s GP, and I'll improve its tier. Give me a card and select another card of same class. I charge %d GP for simple exchanges. Give me a second to look over your paperwork. Dame un segundo para revisar tu documentación. Give me back what you stole, thief! ¡Devuélveme lo que robaste, ladrón! Give me some space. Deme espacio. Give players 10 minutes Dar a los jugadores 10 minutos Give players 15 minutes Dar a los jugadores 15 minutos Give players 20 minutes Dar a los jugadores 20 minutos Give players 25 minutes Dar a los jugadores 25 minutos Give players 30 minutes Dar a los jugadores 30 minutos Give players 5 minutes Dar a los jugadores 5 minutos Give that to whoever needs them, and see if it works. Then come tell me the result. Do you have the reagents? Dáselo a quien lo necesite y comprueba si funciona. Entonces ven y cuéntame el resultado. ¿Tienes los reactivos? Give the Antenna and the GP to her? Give up! Give your pet a nice name, and keep it healthy, and you'll be a successful pet owner! Glad the Monster King avoid the seas, arr! Glad to hear. I swear, the fish I picked before you arrived was THAT big! Gladiator Gladys Gladys Glim Glim Gloves Gloves Recipes Go and fetch @@, the party leader! Go and follow @@, your party leader! Go and talk to it. Ve y habla con él. Go away creep, I HATE YOU! Go away, I am too magical for you. %%n Go away, kid! Let me pray in peace! ¡Vete, niño! ¡Déjame orar en paz! Go away,%s can't you see I'm busy? Go away. Aléjate. Go back Volver Go back to Rosen! ¡Vuelve con Rosen! Go do what I told you to do and examine the house thoroughly! Go fly a kite. Ve a volar una cometa Go home now? Go kill the Bandit Lord! Go kill the maggots! ¡Ve a matar a los gusanos! Go kill them!! Go now, with the blessing of ducks. There may come a time when we require your aid once again, O %s. Go see someone else for now. Yes, you need level to take most tasks available on the world! Ve a ver a alguien más por ahora. Sí, ¡necesitas nivel para realizar la mayoría de las tareas disponibles en el mundo! Go talk to Sagratha, she is usually in a hut in northen forest. The door have a magic barrier, so you'll need to have minimal magic skills to get close enough to open it. Go through the waterfall path. Go to the townhall there and show the mayor this other letter. Go very close to it and, speak the four four-letters magic words, pour some @@, and he'll appear to you. Goal: @@/@@ reached! Goal: Survive the longest possible. Gobo Bear God bless you! You have saved me from sweltering! ¡Dios te bendiga! ¡Me has salvado del sofoco! Going to World Edge? Never heard of. Golbarez Gold Fish Pez dorado Gold Ingot Lingote de oro Gold Medal Gold Ore Mineral de oro Gold Ore -> Silver Ore Gold Pieces Piezas de oro Golden Apple Manzana dorada Golden Apple (%d eggs) Golden Armbands Golden Black Pearl Ring Anillo de perla negra dorado Golden Boss Gift Regalo de jefe dorado Golden Chainmail Cota de malla dorada Golden Chest Golden Easteregg Golden Eggs are used for the grand collector prize. Ah, I love Easter! I loooooooove it! Golden Four-Leaf Amulet Amuleto dorado de cuatro hojas Golden Gift Regalo de oro Golden Gift (%d eggs) Golden Light Platemail Malla de placas ligera dorada Golden Pearl Ring Anillo Perla Dorada Golden Ring Golden Scorpion Escorpión dorado Golden Scorpion Claw Garra de escorpión dorado Golden Scorpion Claw -> Black Scorpion Claw Golden Warlord Señor de la guerra dorado Golden Warlord Plate Placa del señor de la guerra dorada Golem Gonzo Dark Card GonzoDark Sponsor Good %s, %s. The council is not in session right now. Good %s. Would you like to sleep here? It's only %d GP! Bien %s . ¿Te gustaría dormir aquí? ¡Es sólo %d GP! Good @@. My name is @@ and I make @@. Good bye my friend, and safe travels!#0 ¡Adiós mi amiga, y viaja segura! # 0 Good bye my friend, and safe travels!#1 ¡Adiós mi amigo y viaja seguros! Good bye! Good bye, darling! ¡Adiós, querida! Good bye, sir. Adiós señor. Good bye. Adiós. Good choice! This year we're having a @@! Good day sir.#1 Buenos días, señor.#1 Good day, adventurer.#1 Good day, adventureress.#0 Good job collecting the monster points for me. Here's your reward. Good job! ¡Buen trabajo! Good job! Here is your reward! ¡Buen trabajo! ¡Aquí está tu recompensa! Good job! I wish you luck, because now you need to SWIM! Good job, kid. You've survived both the Cave Of Trials and Soren's Village. Good job, man! ¡Buen trabajo, hombre! Good job, you already killed over 100! Hahah, that sure teach them a lesson! Good job, you've killed the %d %s and reported back in time! ¡Buen trabajo, has matado al%d%s e informado a tiempo! Good job, you've killed the @@ @@ and reported back in time! Good job. Good job... Here is your reward... Buen trabajo... Aquí está tu recompensa... Good job... You can keep the drops. Touch here to return home. Good luck arresting the criminal! Good luck getting the fertilizer from Eomie! Many elves simply refuse to cooperate until it affects them directly. ¡Buena suerte consiguiendo el fertilizante de Eomie! Muchos elfos simplemente se niegan a cooperar hasta que esto les afecte directamente. Good luck hunting down the Monster King. Good luck in your journey, @@. Good luck killing it! And don't forget to touch the Soul Menhir before you go! ¡Buena suerte matándolo! ¡Y no olvides tocar el Menhir de Alma antes de irte! Good luck on your journey! Good luck out there! Good luck with that. See you in ten years or something. Good luck with your boyfriend!#0 Good luck with your girlfriend!#1 Good luck! ¡Buena suerte! Good luck! Come for remuneration when you finish! ¡Buena suerte! ¡Ven por una remuneración cuando termines! Good luck! Don't come back until you reach 10000 kills! Good luck, %s! There are more monsters nearby! Buena suerte , ¡ %s ! ¡Hay más monstruos cerca! Good luck, %s. You'll need it. Good luck, @@! Buena suerte, ¡ @@! Good luck, because you'll need it. Talk to me once all of them are lit, and I'll SUMMON THE MONSTER KING. Buena suerte, porque la necesitarás. Háblame una vez que todos estén encendidos y CONVOCARÉ AL REY MONSTRUO. Good luck, you'll need it. This is a difficult task, so don't hesitate in running away if you need to. Good luck. Buena suerte. Good luck. %%1 Good luck... Good news - Oskari doesn't plans in firing you (yet)! Good to know. Es bueno saberlo. Good work with the slimes. This will make our task much easier. Good! Good! First, let us test if you are resourceful. Bring me 3 @@ and 3 @@. That should be enough! ¡Bien! Primero, permítenos probar si eres ingenioso. Tráeme 3@@ y 3@@. ¡Eso debería bastar! Good! I want 3 @@ and 10 @@. I have a contract to transform that in good money. ¡Bien! Quiero 3@@ y 10@@. Tengo un contrato para transformar eso en buen dinero. Good! Last step! West of Hurnscald, there is a magic fountain. Good, I need to talk with the King. Good, good, you have enough powder. Now I need you to light all five torches with them. Bien, bien, tienes suficiente polvo. Ahora necesito que enciendas las cinco antorchas con ellas. Good, good. The chant is ##B EMOC OTEM ITEY GNIK ##b. Good luck! Good, knowing the world lore is important. Good, so the first thing you should have in mind is that cooked food is different from just "food". It will stick for longer and grant effects actually useful in combat, not just status conditions which expire when you die. Think on them like a special kind of equipment. Good, there they are. Good, this must mean that Sagratha managed to flee in time. Good, you *hic* proved your *hic* worth. I'll give you them. Good, you did it! Good. Did you knew you could register to the Special Class, in order to get an extra skill point? Good. Here, take this key and hide it. I will quickly brief you: Good. I also noted it down in your Recipe Book. The path of culinary is an arduous one but the fruits it yields are sweet! Bien. También lo anoté en tu libro de recetas. ¡El camino culinario es arduo pero los frutos que produce son dulces! Good. I hope you have stocked everything. The time limit is 4 hours. Good. You look like a real miner! Take this @@ and go mine bifs! Bien. ¡Pareces un verdadero minero! ¡Toma este @@ y ve a mis bifs! Goodbye. Adiós. Googles Gafas Got 1,000,000 Monster Points! ¡Conseguiste 1.000.000 de puntos Monster! Got @@ EXP, @@ JExp and @@ GP for helping out. Got Master Blueprints! ¡Obtuve planos maestros! Graduation Album Álbum de graduación Graduation Cap Gorro de graduación Graduation Robe Túnica de graduación Grand Hunter Quest Grand Hunter Quest: @@/10,000 Grand Master Grant Power Graphene Stone Piedra de grafeno Grass Carp Carpa herbívora Grass Liner Revestimiento de hierba Grass Seeds Semillas de cesped Grass Snake Serpiente de hierba Great Hero Gran héroe Great Mouboo Slime Great Tree Great Tree#296to297 Great job. I was worried you would ruin their hoods in combat. Great news! Then please bring me 1 @@, or 200 @@ @@ 20 @@. Great! Eomie, the girl on Tulimshar's magic academy, is an alchemist. She probably makes fertilizers. ¡Excelente! Eomie, la chica de la academia de magia de Tulimshar, es alquimista. Probablemente haga fertilizantes. Great! Excellent! Because I am also diving in problems!! Great! Here, I'll give you %d GP so you can start here with more ease. ¡Excelente! Toma, te daré %d GP para que puedas comenzar aquí con más facilidad. Great! It is simple, really. Pachua and I are scouting the desert. Run as fast as you can to Pachua, and then run back here. Pachua will send a smoke signal when you talk to him, so I'll know you haven't cheated. ¡Excelente! Es sencillo, de verdad. Pachua y yo estamos explorando el desierto. Corre lo más rápido que puedas hasta Pachua y luego vuelve corriendo aquí. Pachua enviará una señal de humo cuando hables con él, así sabré que no has hecho trampa. Great! Now, listen carefully: This library is laid out in nine squares. Great! Thank you! Great! The first thing you need is, obviously, a bow. You should not use any you come across, but a high quality one. Great, I need 11 @@. Only good food makes a good crew. Genial, necesito 11 @@. Sólo la buena comida hace una buena tripulación. Great, I see you've already made yourself comfortable! Great, just bring me several boxes, once one of them have the ring I'm looking for. Great. I hereby task you to kill the rogue Yetis on the Yeti King Throne Room. Of course, you won't be able to leave until all of them are dead. Greater @@ allows you to attack faster and has a greater chance of evading attacks. Mayor @@ te permite atacar más rápido y tiene mayores posibilidades de evadir ataques. Green verde Green Dragon Green Dye Tinte verde Green Eggshell Hat Sombrero de cáscara de huevo verde Green Skull Slime Green Slime Green Slime Mother Green Switch#EP Green Wars project says that @@ trees were planted by adventurers on the world! Greenhorn Abomination Greetings %s, I am %s, I am in charge of monster extermination. Greetings %s, I am %s, the man in charge for the Alliance occupation of Fortress Town. Greetings mortal; I am Demure, Queen of Dragons. Greetings! I am %s from the Alliance. Greetings, %s %s, I am Hocus Pocus the Grandmaster. Greetings, %s %s, to the Alliance High Council. Saludos, %s%s al Alto Consejo de la Alianza. Greetings, %s. Do you have business on the Alliance Council Room? Saludos, %s . ¿Tiene asuntos pendientes en la Sala del Consejo de la Alianza? Greetings, adventurer. I am Valia Gemini, owner of this abode. Greetings, traveler. I am Darug, chief of this clan. Saludos viajero. Soy Darug, jefe de este clan. Greetings, traveler. My name is Melune, and I'm Darug's wife. Saludos viajero. Mi nombre es Melune y soy la esposa de Darug. Greetings, wanderer. I am @@, chief of the Tulimshar guards. My wards are dying from dehydration in the sun. Bring them water and you will earn a reward. Saludos, vagabundo. Soy @@, jefe de la guardia de Tulimshar. Mis guardias están muriendo por deshidratación al sol. Tráeles agua y ganarás una recompensa. Greetings, young soul; I am the queen of fairies, Lilit. Greetings. The council is currently in session, no one is allowed in the inner chambers. Saludos. El consejo está actualmente en sesión, no se permite la entrada a nadie a las cámaras interiores. Grenade Granada Grenadier Grind grind grind the slime! ¡Farmea farmea farmea la baba! Groata : ...Because I am out of freebies and need to sleep. So shoo. Groata : ...Meh. I'll give you this... stuff, and for the last time, don't bother me again... Groata : ...Will you seriously just keep running around? Like a headless chicken? Groata : C'mon, that is boring. What I need to do to get you out of my house? Groata : Hey. I live here. Why are you spawning monsters in my home?? Groata : I wonder for how long you can survive here... Groata : Let's make a deal. Take this, clear my house, and get out. Groata : This is rude. Seriously, stop doing this. Groata : Uh. What's happening here? Groata : You must be idiotic in keeping spawning. Groata Grotto Groata Grotto Ground Strike Group of 12 (1->2) Group together your guild and challenge the evil power, Grown in harsh environments, withstand anything. Grr, where's Mercury... He was supposed to keep watch over this spot... It was meant to be my free time! Grrr... Why are @@ on this cave?! Begone, before I lose my patience! Grrr... Why are @@ on this cave?! Where did Mercury went after all?! Guaaaards! Sailors! Help! We have a stowaway! ¡Guaaaardias! ¡Marineros! ¡Ayuda! ¡Tenemos un polizón! Guard Guard Amy Guardia amy Guard Avou Guardia Avou Guard Benji Guardia Benji Guard Biscop Guardia Biscop Guard Corina Guardia Corina Guard Defou Guardia Defou Guard Devoir Guardia Devoir Guard Falko Guardia Falko Guard Froma Guardia Froma Guard Jennifer Guard Jhon Guardia Jhon Guard Laurie Guardia Laurie Guard Malindax Guardia Malindax Guard Maxim Guardia Maxim Guard Moustacha Guardia Moustacha Guard Nutelo Guardia Nutelo Guard Philip Guardia Philip Guard Popaul Guardia Popaul Guard Roukin Guardia Roukin Guard Tetric Guardia Tetric Guard Totor Guardia Totor Guard Valou Guardia Valou Guard Yen Guardia Yen Guard Yuna Guardia Yuna Guard#00301A Guardia#00301A Guard#012-1.1 Guard#012-1.2 Guard#019-2.1 Guard#019-3.1 Guard#lof-1 Guard#lof-2 Guard#lof-3 Guard#lof-4 Guard#lof-5 Guard#lof-6 Guardian Guardian Statue Guardians Of Soren Guardians will come to stop you, and to lock down the shrine! Guards use it to spar against each other on friendly matches, to see who is stronger. Los guardias lo utilizan para entrenar entre sí en partidas amistosas, para ver quién es más fuerte. Guild Area ATK UP Guild Area Autorevive Guild Area CRIT UP Guild Area DEF UP Guild Area Regeneration Guild Blacksmith Guild Chemistry Guild Coin Moneda de gremio Guild Coin Exchange Guild Hall Guild Information Guild Level is not high enough: %d/%d Guild Logs Guild Lv @@, @@/@@ EXP to level up Guild Magic Guild Management Guild Master Guild Master: @@ Guild Name: @@ Guild Storage Guild Vault Guild's Battle Plan Guild's Power Guinevere Guinevere is the King's Wife. If you talk to her, the King will be upset and will send soldiers to you. Gwendolyn Gwendolyn Bowmaker Gwendolyn sighs and shake her head. Gwendolyn takes an analyzing look at you. Then she nods. HA, HA, HA! The blacksmiths from the Land of Fire are the best from the world! There's no challenge too big for us! HAHAHAHA! How foolish of you, didn't even bother trying to sneak in! HAHAHAHAH! Shiny as new, and stronger than ever! Have fun! HAHAHAHAH, that's a nice story! Really funny, too! I really should buy you a beer for the excellent story. HC Crazyfefe HC Crazyfefe HC Jak1 HC Jak1 HC Jesusalva HC Jesusalva HC LawnCable HC LawnCable HC Saulc HC Saulc HIGHER! HISTORY BOOK LIBRO DE HISTORIA HOLD THAT! I actually like to drink, and spend some drinking nights with Saulc and Crazyfefe! HP +500 HP: %d/%d - SP: %d/%d Had you any breakthrough? Haha yes, you are right! Haha, as if I believe you. Haha, no, I'm not! But we found traces of them. ¡Jaja, no, no lo soy! Pero encontramos rastros de ellos. Haha, this wooden figurine won't do the job, sorry. Hahah, four gifts, neat! Can we get to 1600 boxes? Hahah, good to hear! Do you know some items are only dropped on spring? You should go after them! Hahah, silly, that's yourself! Hahah, tonto, ese eres tú! Hahah, tell me another one! Hahaha, good luck out there, my friend! Jajaja, buena suerte por ahí, amigo! Hair color Color del pelo Hair style Peinado Hairstyles. Peinados. Halberd Alabarda Half Croconut Medio Croconut Half Eggshell Media cáscara de huevo Halin Guard Halin Warp Crystal Halinarzo Halinarzo Halinarzo (@@m) Halinarzo - @@ GP Halinarzo Church makes a party every Sunday! Only true believers are invited! Halinarzo Mines Halinarzo Office Oficina de Halinarzo Halinarzo Route Ruta a Halinarzo Halinarzo Townhall Ayuntamiento de Halinarzo Halinarzo is a *hic* level 50 area. So please *hic* be careful! Halinarzo lies past the Canyon, but the @@ there are level @@. Halinarzo people are very poor, but we have our resources... La gente de Halinarzo somos muy pobres, pero tenemos nuestros recursos... Halinarzo was founded to explore Mana Stones. Halinarzo fue fundada para explorar piedras de Mana. Halinarzo's Nurse La enfermera de Halinarzo Hall Of AF King Hall Of Academics Hall Of Base Level Hall Of Candor Bloodbath Hall Of Ched Hall Of Crazyfefe Battle Hall Of Deaths Hall Of Doppelganger Arena Hall Of Fame Hall Of Fortune Hall Of GM Commands Hall Of Guilds Hall Of Honor Salón de honor Hall Of Job Level Hall Of Strange Coins Hall of Sponsors Halt! Beyond this gate, is the Great River and the Eternal Swamps. ¡Detente! Más allá de esta puerta, están el Gran Río y los Pantanos Eternos. Hang on, %s is not a guard. Happy %dth anniversary! Happy %s! Happy Easter! Hard Hard Spike Espiga dura Harper Harry Hasan Hasan Hasan takes your print screen and analyzes it. Hasan toma tu pantalla de impresión y la analiza. Hasan#Witness Hasan#Testigo Haste Potion Poción de prisa Have Maggot Slimes, Bug Legs, Mauve Herbs and Money, lots of them. Have a good day! ¡Que tengas un buen día! Have a good day, then. Que tengas un buen día entonces. Have a good time fishing! ¡Páselo bien pescando! Have a nice @@ day! Have a nice day! Have a warm cup of Coffee on the house, and enjoy! Have fun! ¡Diviertete! Have no idea where in the world you are? Or what a certain foe drops, or if you should even dare to challenge it? ¿No tienes idea en qué parte del mundo estás? ¿O qué deja caer cierto enemigo, o si incluso deberías atreverte a desafiarlo? Have the pirates been routed? Will they return? Have you already talked to our captain? He should be downstairs waiting for you! ¿Ya has hablado con nuestro capitán? ¡Debería estar abajo esperándote! Have you been fiddling with time? Anyway, this is not a disease, but a ##Bcomplex curse##b. Have you been harming the forest? Specially Mouboos. Are you killing them? Have you brought me some %s? Have you came here to rescue me? Have you cried enough? Have you ever felt stuck? Lost? Didn't know about a quest, or an item is troubling you? ¿Alguna vez te has sentido estancado? ¿Perdido? ¿No sabías acerca de una misión o un objeto te preocupa? Have you ever heard of the [@@|Land Of Fire@@]? It is a really cool game which is being developed by Pyndragon and Pihro! Have you ever met our Queen Lilit? She is lovely but hates @@ for some reason... Have you found Tulimshar's Secret Beach yet? Tulimshar is full of secrets. Some NPCs which only say hi may say something else depending on your level or insistence. ¿Ya has encontrado la playa secreta de Tulimshar? Tulimshar está lleno de secretos. Algunos NPC que solo saludan pueden decir algo más dependiendo de tu nivel o insistencia. Have you found out magic already? It should not be possible, but the girl reading the book says it is. I don't know in what to believe. ¿Ya has descubierto la magia? No debería ser posible, pero la niña que lee el libro dice que sí. No sé en qué creer. Have you got mad? That's too much, it's like you are trying to be perfect! No way I'll help you! ¿Te has enojado? ¡Eso es demasiado, es como si intentaras ser perfecto! ¡De ninguna manera te ayudaré! Have you managed to transmute the @@ I asked for? ¿Has logrado transmutar el @@ que pedí? Have you seen my brother %s? Have you seen my sister Elza? Have you talked to Katze yet? Have you talked to Peetu co-workers about their opinion yet? Have you thought on my proposal? I'll only charge you %d GP or a %s for each attempt made. ¿Has pensado en mi propuesta? Sólo te cobraré %d GP o %s por cada intento realizado. Have you visited the mines already? Tycoon is in charge of the security operations in there. He might need your help more than I do. ¿Ya visitaste las minas? Tycoon está a cargo de las operaciones de seguridad allí. Quizás él necesite tu ayuda más que yo. Having magic power is useless by itself, so you must visit the Academy. I guess that involves approval and acknowledgment of the Mage Council that you are a mage! Tener poder mágico es inútil por sí solo, por lo que debes visitar la Academia. ¡Supongo que eso implica la aprobación y el reconocimiento del Consejo de Magos de que eres un mago! He died many moons ago and his masterwork, Tyranny, will remain one of a kind forever... That is why we call it a He died, but I plan in fulfilling his will. I can give you training for that, and teach you how to fight properly.#0 Murió, pero planeo cumplir su voluntad. Puedo entrenarte para eso y enseñarte cómo pelear apropiadamente.#0 He died, but I plan in fulfilling his will. I can give you training for that, and teach you how to fight properly.#1 Murió, pero planeo cumplir su voluntad. Puedo entrenarte para eso y enseñarte cómo pelear apropiadamente.#1 He dislikes Talpans like you. The Mana Source chained him in ancient times, though, so the Talpans could flourish. He guards what you call "monsters", but he favor Mouboos. He is possibly the oldest of the Originals. He is blaming himself and is afraid of losing his job. He is by far the most powerful, and has a few chosen ones to whom he granted what we call "SQL Magic". Everyone envies power, so there's the imitation of that, "GM Magic", but unrelated to Mr. Saves. He is in the process of making a figurine made of bug leg. Está en el proceso de hacer una figura hecha de patas de insecto. He is my grand-grand-grandfather! The might Kfahr, with his friend Braknar, and heroes from Tulimshar legends. He is strong though, so keep your party together! He is the leader of us miners. Él es el líder de nosotros los mineros. He just abandoned this place and left everything behind... It's suspicious at best. You don't think anyone will be able to decrypt the secrets of Artificial Lifeforms. He laughs heartily and gives you a slap on the back. He laughs. He looks displeased and destroys the fur. He looks pleased. He mumbles something about a special kind of crystal you should be on the lookout for, but quickly cuts himself short without giving further details. He mumbles something about the old elves being able to make crystals you can walk through, but it makes no sense to you. He never touched the Soul Menhir... He died... For real... Nunca tocó el Menhir del Alma... Murió... De verdad... He should be crying in the far northeast corner of this library. Can you go there to see him? He thinks he is using me to his rebellion, but I'm the one using him. I'm not the Bandit Lord for no reason. He usually guards a central position on the caves... He could help you, if he is there. He was looking around in the library a while, and then came to ask about our research. He seemed to be particularly interested in our experiments with the slimes. He will summon allies if he thinks you have the upper hand, depending on how you fight. He's an *hic* hermit, and collects *hic* Bat teeth and wings... Tell me how many he collected! He's holding a fishing rod, while gazing out at the sea. Está sujetando una caña de pescar, cuando mira hacia el mar. Head Hood Headgear Heal Card Tarjeta de curación Healing Healing Recipes Heals in area every friendly unit (incl. homuns and mercs). Req. Lifestone to cast. Hear me *hic* well, what ever, whatididever you will *hic* said ab... uhm... out what?! You saw there, the Guild won't let it get public. Escúchame *hic* bueno, lo que sea, loqued zea que *hic* digas sobr.. uhm... ¡¿fuera de qué?! Ya viste allí, el Gremio no permitirá que se haga público. Hear you? How do you even know he can understand you?!#1 ¿Te oigo? ¡¿Cómo sabes siquiera que él puede entenderte?!#1 Hear you? How do you even know she can understand you?!#0 ¿Te oigo? ¡¿Cómo sabes siquiera que él puede entenderte?!#0 Heart Glasses Gafas de corazón Heart Necklace Collar de corazón Heart Of Isis Corazón de isis Heh, I wonder what he would've said if he'd have visited us a little bit later. Mh, now that I think about it, the accident with the slimes happened just the night after he was here. Heh, congratulations making it this far. Once again, allow me to present myself: Heh, thanks %s. Here's some money. Heh, there is death penalty outside the town. You better watch out. The mobs are on a foul mood today, very easy to get killed. Heh, hay pena de muerte fuera de la ciudad. Será mejor que te cuides. Los monstros están de mal humor hoy, es muy fácil que te maten. Heh. Fair enough. heh. Me parece bien. Heh. Foolish. That's what adventurers are, I guess... Hehe, hehe. Well, come back if you change your mind. Jeje, jeje. Bien, vuelve si cambias de idea. Hehe... Some material... %%5 Hehehe... A pleasure doing business with you! Hehehe... Thanks. Here, take these %s Monster Points... This exchange has never happened. Helena Helena's Teammate Helios Boots Botas de Helios Hello Hello %s and welcome to Land Of Fire Village. This used to be a whole server before the Monster King crashed it down here. Hello %s. Hello %s. What brings you here? Hello @@! Do you have some @@ with you? Hello @@, may I interest you in a copy of the Gazette? It's only 1 GP! Hello Adventurer!#0 ¡Hola aventurera!#0 Hello Adventurer!#1 Hola aventurero # 1 Hello Adventurer. Hello Ms. Eomie, kind sir Anwar sent me to fetch some fertilizers to save Tulimshar from famine, if you may? Hola Sra. Eomie, el amable señor Anwar me envió a buscar algunos fertilizantes para salvar a Tulimshar de la hambruna, si me lo permite. Hello Peetu. Hello adventurer! Are you lost?#0 ¡Hola aventurera! ¿Estás perdido?#0 Hello adventurer! Are you lost?#1 ¡Hola aventurero! ¿Estás perdido?#0 Hello adventurer, what may this humble minstrel do for you today? Hola aventurero, ¿qué puede hacer este humilde juglar por ti hoy? Hello adventurer. Are you interested in the Heroes Hold, or in the Call Of Dusty? Hello again can you give you give me some tentacles. Hello darling. The Alliance sucks, but don't tell anyone I told you that. Hola cariño. La Alianza apesta, pero no le digas a nadie que te lo dije. Hello darling.#0 Hola cariño.#0 Hello darling.#1 Hola cariño.#0 Hello dear!#0 ¡Hola, cariño!#0 Hello dear!#1 ¡Hola, cariño!#1 Hello do you want to play rock scissors paper? Hello little kid. Watch out, there's a maggot behind you %%a ! Hola chiquito. ¡Cuidado, hay un gusano detrás de ti %%a! Hello my friend! I see you've brought your @@ with you this time! ¡Hola mi amigo! ¡Veo que esta vez has traído a tu @@ contigo! Hello my friend! Need my help?#0 ¡Hola amigo! ¿Necesitas mi ayuda?#0 Hello my friend! Need my help?#1 ¡Hola amigo! ¿Necesitas mi ayuda?#11 Hello my friend!#0 Hola mi amiga # 0 Hello my friend!#1 Hola mi amigo # 0 Hello my friend. Hello my friend. Thanks for slaying the rogue Yetis. Hello my hero!#0 Hello my hero!#1 Hello player, do you want to participate on HUNGRY QUIRIN event?! Hola jugador, ¿quieres participar en el evento QUIRIN HAMBRIENTA? Hello there pretty fountain, what about granting me magic? Hello there! I am a constable. I keep law and order here. ¡Hola! Soy agente de policía. Mantengo la ley y el orden aquí. Hello there! I make bullets for the weapons my friend Pyndragon makes. Hello there! I'm Jack, the Lumberjack, and enemy of all trees. If you need some firewood, just let me know. Hello there, @@ the @@. Hello there, I am %s and I change item options, can I help you today? Hello there, I am @@, blacksmith of this fine city. What do you want to forge today? Hello there, I am Lilanna and you are in ANISE INC. headquarters. Hello there, darling.#0 Hola, querido # 0 Hello there, darling.#1 Hola, querida.#1 Hello there. Do you want to donate blood? Hello there. I am looking for strong people, but you are not strong enough. Hola. Busco gente fuerte, pero tú no eres lo suficientemente fuerte. Hello there. My name is %s. Hello winged friend! How is the wind today? Hello! ¡Hola! Hello! Anwar sent me to get fertilizer to save Tulimshar from famine, could you help me? ¡Hola! Anwar me envió a buscar fertilizante para salvar a Tulimshar de la hambruna, ¿podrías ayudarme? Hello! Calm wind today! Hello! Could I see the Mayor? Hello! Do you need help? Hello! How can I help you? Hello! I am %s, and I oversee the %s! ¡Hola! ¡Yo soy%s y superviso el %s! Hello! I am @@, and I take care of Tulimshar forge. I usually make ingots from various materials. So, what do you want today? ¡Hola! Soy @@ y me ocupo de la forja de Tulimshar. Normalmente hago lingotes de diversos materiales. Entonces, ¿qué quieres hoy? Hello! I am Alfred, and I offer paperwork jobs. No one likes to do them, because they consist in ##Bnot doing anything for hours straight##b. Heck, most people even snooze while filling them! Hello! I am Cassia, Ambassator. During the Monster War outbreak, Halinarzo was almost entirely destroyed. Hello! My name is Kenton, and I'm in charge of Public Affairs of Land Of Fire. Hello! Welcome to the Inn! I am an Alliance officer, and I oversee gambling all over the world! ¡Hola! ¡Bienvenidos a la posada! ¡Soy un oficial de la Alianza y superviso los juegos de azar en todo el mundo! Hello! Would you like to try some piou delicacies? ¡Hola! ¿Quieres probar algunas delicias de Piou? Hello! You seem strong enough, could take a request from me? Of course, not for free. ¡Hola! Pareces lo suficientemente fuerte, ¿podrías aceptar una petición mía? Por supuesto, no gratis. Hello, %s! Congratulations for finishing the %s! Hello, %s. Hello, @@! Hello, @@! We are proud to announce the @@ RESULTS! Hello, @@! We just looked up and found out you that you were affected on a Valentine Event bug! Hello, @@! We just looked up and found out you were active during 2018-12-29! Hello, @@. Hello, @@. Thanks for helping me. Hello, I act on the Alliance's behalf. Hola, actúo en nombre de la Alianza. Hello, I am G-@@, of the @@ order. Hola, soy G-@@, del orden @@. Hello, I am T-@@, of the @@ order. Hola, soy T-@@, del orden @@. Hello, I am a sword to hire, a Mercenary Trainer and Chief. Hello, I am your local silversmith, here for all of your smithing needs! Hello, I noticed my dear friend, Susanne, asked you to help us save my sisters; do not forget to ask Susanne where the Fafi Dragon was last seen. Hello, I'm Pylon! ¡Hola, soy Pylon! Hello, I'm looking for bandit hoods! Hello, I'm new here! Can I help you? Hola, soy nuevo aquí! ¿Puedo ayudarte? Hello, Lua told me she booked a room for me. Hola, Lua me dijo que me reservó una habitación. Hello, What a lovely day for a stroll. Hola, que hermoso día para pasear. Hello, and welcome to Blue Sage's Residence, Library, and Nivalis Townhall. Hello, and welcome to Frostia bounty hunter guild. Hello, and welcome to TMW2: Moubootaur Legends! ¡Hola y bienvenido a TMW2: Moubootaur Legends! Hello, and welcome to Tulimshar Inn. Hola y bienvenido a la posada de Tulimshar. Hello, and welcome to the Magic Academy. Hello, and welcome to the Magic School of Tulimshar. Hola y bienvenido a la Escuela de Magia de Tulimshar. Hello, and welcome to the Tulimshar guard house. Hola y bienvenidos a la caseta de vigilancia de Tulimshar. Hello, could I help you in exchanger of fertilizer? Hola, ¿podría ayudarte a cambio de fertilizante? Hello, darling! ¡Hola cariño! Hello, darling. I was thinking in doing a tea party.#0 Hello, darling. I was thinking in doing a tea party.#1 Hello, dear! I love @@, could you bring me some? They're sooooo sweet and delicious!#0 ¡Hola, querido! Me encanta @@, ¿podrías traerme un poco? ¡Son muuuy dulces y deliciosos!#0 Hello, dear! I love @@, could you bring me some? They're sooooo sweet and delicious!#1 ¡Hola, querida! Me encanta @@, ¿podrías traerme un poco? ¡Son muuuy dulces y deliciosos!#1 Hello, did you come from Tulimshar? Because you have a nice tan. Hello, hello! It's great to see you. Maybe you can help me with a little problem I have. Hello, madam!#0 ¡Hola señora!#0 Hello, my name is %s. Are you a tailor? Hello, my name is Mahid, and this well belongs to me! Hello, new wanderer!#0 Hello, new wanderer!#1 Hello, sir!#1 ¡Hola señor!#1 Hello, wanderer! Welcome to Tulimshar.#0 ¡Hola vagabunda! Bienvenida a Tulimshar.#0 Hello, wanderer! Welcome to Tulimshar.#1 ¡Hola vagabundo! Bienvenido a Tulimshar.#1 Hello, wanderer!#0 ¡Hola vagabunda! # 0 Hello, wanderer!#1 ¡Hola, vagabundo!#1 Hello, who are you? Hello, young boy...#1 Hello, young girl...#0 Hello. Hola. Hello. Ah, bad luck. I am three days without fishing a single carp. Hola. Ah, mala suerte. Llevo tres días sin pescar ni una sola carpa. Hello. Did you come here to see the library? There isn't much left... But we're working on recovering the books by collecting the ripped out book pages, sorting them and recreating the books. Hello. I am @@, and I am from a family of travellers. We travel though the whole world, looking for exotic goods. Hola. Soy @@, y vengo de una familia de viajeros. Viajamos por todo el mundo en busca de productos exóticos. Hello. I am Emma, Enrique's wife. Hello. I am Enrique, headmaster of The Academy. Hello. I am the book keeper, responsible for keeping Halinarzo History. Hola. Soy el cuidador de libros, responsable de llevar la Historia de Halinarzo. Hello. I am the instructor assigned to the magic range training field. Hello. I know the secrets of the legendary @@. Hola. Conozco los secretos del legendario @@. Hello. I was assigned to guard the ranged training grounds of the mystic forest. Hello. My name is Anselmo and I'm investigating a recent string of robberies. Hello. My name is Erik, and I have Homunculus go out in errands in my stead. Hello. Take care with the Mountain Snakes, they're highly poisonous! Hola. ¡Cuidado con las serpientes de montaña, son muy venenosas! Helmet Recipes Help controlling their population, and return those you fish to Aurora! Help the distressed woman to save her daughter? ALL PLAYERS are penalized with failures. Henriikka Henry Henry gave something to drink. Herb Fields Here are %s GP for your efforts. Thanks for making Hurnscald a better place to live. Here are 2000 GP for your efforts. Thanks for making Hurnscald a better place to live. Here are EXTREMELY VALUABLE warp crystals, and the *hic* fabled return potions. Here are the Antennas. Here are the Pinkie Legs. Here are two @@. Please deliver it to them. I hope they'll like it. Aquí hay dos @@. Por favor entrégaselo. Espero que les guste. Here is a reward for your effort! Now you can be a true buccaneer! Here is a safe haven for we who don't fight. There are no monsters, and the Mouboo watches over us. Aquí hay un refugio seguro para los que no luchamos. No hay monstruos y el Mouboo nos cuida. Here is one. Here is the bug bomb! Eomie just gave me. Hurry up! ¡Aquí está la bomba de insectos! Eomie me la acaba de dar. ¡Apresúrate! Here is your powder! I hope it will be useful. ¡Aquí está tu polvo! Espero que sea útil. Here it is, clean like a whistle! ¡Aquí está, limpio como un silbido! Here it is, miss.#0 Aquí está, señorita.#0 Here it is, mister.#1 Aquí está, señor.#1 Here it is. Come back to report the results. Aquí lo tienes. Vuelve para informar los resultados. Here it is. Take care with it! Aquí lo tienes. ¡Cuídate! Here kid. Frostia, the elf town, is somewhere near here, but I'm not sure if you can reach it from here. Here lies a diary, presumably from Fefe. Here they are! ¡Aquí están! Here they are, miss.#0 Aquí están, señorita.#0 Here they are, mister.#1 Aquí están, señor.#1 Here we have a squall from @@. Here you are! ¡Aquí estás! Here you are, you won't find a dye more yellow than this! Aquí lo tienes, ¡no encontrarás un tinte más amarillo que este! Here you can find professors, academics and researchers. Feel free to enroll in any class as well. Here you go - have fun with it. Here you go! ¡Aquí tienes! Here you go! Anything else? ¡Aquí tienes! ¿Algo más? Here you go! Happy easter! Bhop bhop! Here you go! Wasn't this a sweet deal? Here you go! You can use %s if you ever need my company services in the future. Here you go, I tried my best! Do you want more? ¡Aquí tienes, hice lo mejor que pude! ¿Quieres mas? Here you go, a brand new crystal. I'll fix the old one on the meanwhile. Take care of it. Here you go, anything else? Here you go, everything is fixed. Aquí tienes, todo arreglado. Here you go, fresh from the oven! ¡Aquí lo tienes, recién salido del horno! Here you go, have fun in whatever dish you'll use this in. Aquí tienes, diviértete en cualquier plato en el que uses esto. Here you go, miss! Thanks for being my hero! <3#0 Here you go, mister! Thanks for being my hero! <3#1 Here you go, my friend! Please enjoy!#0 Here you go, my friend! Please enjoy!#1 Here you go, my friend. Uhm, good luck with archery. Aquí tienes, amigo mío. Uhm, buena suerte con el tiro con arco. Here you go, thanks for doing my SECRET quest! Eh, not much to do here. But I like life this way. Here you go. Handle it with caution. Aquí vas. Manéjelo con precaución. Here you go. Perhaps you need another one? Aquí tienes. ¿Quizás necesitas otro? Here you go. Please enjoy and thanks for making this town better to live. Maybe one day the snakes leave ^.^ Here you go. Please, keep fighting and growing strong. Improving oneself is... Damn, I forgot the proverb. Here you go. Uhm, I really prefer if you buy with Rosen, though. Aquí tienes. Uhm, aunque realmente prefiero que compres con Rosen. Here you go; See you later! Here's some gold for your efforts. Aquí tienes algo de oro por tus esfuerzos. Here's what I need: Esto es lo que necesito: Here's your reward! ¡Aquí está tu recompensa! Here's your sword, son. Now go kill some monsters.#0 Aquí tienes tu espada, hija. Ahora ve a matar algunos monstruos.#0 Here's your sword, son. Now go kill some monsters.#1 Aquí tienes tu espada, hijo. Ahora ve a matar algunos monstruos.#0 Here, I did this @@ for you! I'm pretty sure this is also a drop, but that's literally everything I could do for helping my husband. Here, I have a candy! ¡Aquí tengo un caramelo! Here, I'll give you a Mercenary Box. Open it, get the mercenary card, and summon it when needed. You absolutely CANNOT let the Professor be assassinated! Toma, te daré una Caja de Mercenario. Ábrela, consigue la tarjeta de mercenario y convócala cuando sea necesario. ¡Absolutamente NO PUEDES permitir que asesinen al profesor! Here, I'll write down how it seemed. Some sort of grey fluff with a gold ball or something? But it clearly wasn't human, and it came *with* gold, so why would I be worried it could be a thief? Here, all yours. Ah, if I still could walk... I would hunt those annoying squirrels myself! Here, all yours. I can't use them while I am this hurt anyways. Thank you. Toma, todo tuyo. De todos modos, no puedo usarlos mientras estoy tan herido. Gracias. Here, lemme tell you something good: Do you know that fortress island which all the adventurers are talking about nowadays? Here, look at how it is done. Focus. You can use it to convert a @@ into a @@, but not the other way around, for example. Aquí, mira cómo se hace. Enfocar. Puedes usarlo para convertir un @@ en un @@, pero no al revés, por ejemplo. Here, please take this to them. Tell them they are welcome here anytime! %%2 Here, sparking new! Nice!! Here, speak to me, Magic Arpan! I'll help you get dressed. ¡Aquí, háblame, Arpan Mágico! Te ayudaré a vestirte. Here, take as much as you need, I have plenty! Here, take it. If the mana goes out of your body, I'll have your class master to return the book to me. Aquí tomaló. Si el maná sale de tu cuerpo, haré que tu maestro de clase me devuelva el libro. Here, take the Elixir. Please, bring it to my wife! I am counting on you!! Toma, toma el elixir. ¡Por favor, tráeselo a mi esposa! ¡¡Estoy contando contigo!! Here, take the reward as promised! Here, take this %s and these %s and good luck! Here, take this @@ - you deserve it! And here is 200 GP to buy a better weapon. Toma, toma este @@: ¡te lo mereces! Y aquí tienes 200 GP para comprar un arma mejor. Here, take this @@ - you deserve it! And here is some gold and experience. Toma, toma este @@: ¡te lo mereces! Y aquí hay algo de oro y experiencia. Here, take this @@. It will be better suited! Aquí, ten esto @@. ¡Será más adecuado! Here, take this @@. This is the proof that you've helped Hurnscald greatly. This shall open new opportunities to you. Here, take this pair of boots as a reward! ¡Toma, llévate este par de botas como recompensa! Here, take this reward. Good luck. %%1 Here, thanks to the oil, this string is very sturdy. You better not keep it on your inventory. Good luck! Aquí, gracias al aceite, esta cuerda es muy resistente. Será mejor que no lo guardes en tu inventario. ¡Buena suerte! Here, this %s contains some wood so she may scratch her pawns, some toys, a flask of milk, some steak but not made of Mouboos, as cats are allergic to Mouboo meat... And other gifts from us. Give this to her. Here, you can have a glass. Here, you can have the partly unobtainable items reserved to developers and contributors. And, uh, these NPC-only items, don't let developers know I gave you this. It'll be our little secret! Here, you can have this one which I set aside because it had a fabrication error. Being made by me, even this imperfect piece is still better than you lame, arrogant adventurers deserve, but a fair price and a fair market are colloraries. I shall not be seen as a scammer. Now get out of here! Here, you can have this one! Here, you can have this souvenir. Here, you can have this spare one. Hahah! Crafting is an art, and I help teaching it. Just be sure to don't lose it, you will NEVER get another copy EVER again, was I clear?! Toma, puedes tener este de repuesto. ¡Jaja! La artesanía es un arte y yo ayudo a enseñarla. Solo asegúrate de no perderlo, NUNCA volverás a recibir otra copia, ¿lo deje claro? Here, you can have this uniform. The payment for your work is also here. Regards on a job well done, junior! Here, you can have this, token of my appreciation. Here. You know that milking Mouboos won't cause them harm, right? It's a different story with @@. Herein also lies Raid Yahoo, enemy of manakind and nemesis of Saul, the one hated by many and loved by few, greedy mana stone collector, but who still opposed to the Monster King and lost her life for it. Herein lies Fefe, for his great bravery and heroic deeds, savior of our realm, valiantly defeated in combat against the Monster King, may the mana shine upon him forever. Hero Card Carta de héroe Hero Card S Tarjeta de héroe Hero Card X Tarjeta de héroe S Hero Coin moneda de héroe Hero Statue Estatua del héroe Hero Statue#012-1 Hero Statue#027-1 Hero#0 Hero#1 Hero: Heroes Hold Heroes Hold - Exchange Hall Hesitant, you reach out your hand, and grab whatever was on the Cauldron. It seems to be an Embryo. Hey %s, I was informed about your arrival. You are here, good! Hey %s, could you do me a little favor? Hey %s, did you knew that in 2025 AD (or 425 AT) Moubootaur Legends celebrates its 7th anniversary? Hey @@! You haven't talked to me yet! ¡Hey @@! ¡Aún no has hablado conmigo! Hey dude. During this event you can trade one @@ for more... useful items. Hey friend, could you do me a little favor?#0 Hey friend, could you do me a little favor?#1 Hey gal, could you do me a little favor?#0 Hey hey, can you impress me? Can you impress me? Hey if you want I can do some physical work for you! Hey kid! Can you hear me?#0 ¡Hey niño! ¿Puedes oírme?#0 Hey kid! Can you hear me?#1 ¡Hey niño! ¿Puedes oírme?#1 Hey kid, go play somewhere else, I don't have time! It's soon over! Hey look, an alchemy set. Not your area of expertise, but you take a few samples. Hey newbie... I am a dangerous bandit. Hey pal, I am preparing a trip for The Mana World: Classic, which is beyond the mirror lake. Care to sell me contrabanded stuff? Hey pal, I can rent you my rowboat for a small amount of money and some mushrooms. If you sail at the small pier near the soccer field, you can reach both the Graveyard Island as Elli's Tower. Hola amigo, puedo alquilarte mi bote de remos por una pequeña cantidad de dinero y unas setas. Si navegas en el pequeño muelle cerca del campo de fútbol, podrás llegar tanto a la Isla del Cementerio como a la Torre de Elli. Hey pal, could you do me a little favor?#1 Hey silly %s, I need a favor from you. Hey there! How are you? Hey there! How are you? I hope you're doing fine! Hey there, %s. I deal with ultra rare items. If the Powers That Be decided you're out of luck, well, I am here to help you to bypass it. Hey there, %s. What I deal with is too much for your weak bones. So please come again after you are reborn, then I'll have something for you. Hey there, @@! Good luck killing monsters! Hola, @@! ¡Buena suerte matando monstruos! Hey there, @@! I see you are still a noob! Hola, @@! ¡Veo que todavía eres un novato! Hey there. My name is Gwendolyn Bowmaker; I'm the granddaughter of the famous Glinda Bowmaker. Hey wait... A monster!! Run for your life!! Oye, espera... ¡¡Un monstruo!! ¡¡Corre por tu vida!! Hey wait... You found 2 GP! Oye, espera... ¡Encontraste 2 GP! Hey wait... You're enveloped by a bright light and fully healed! Oye, espera... ¡Estás envuelto por una luz brillante y completamente curado! Hey wait... You're enveloped by a bright light and gain experience! Oye, espera... ¡Estás envuelto por una luz brillante y ganas experiencia! Hey you have a bucket! Too bad there are, you know, HOLES on it, so you can see. Oye, ¡tienes un balde! Lástima que tenga, ya sabes, AGUJEROS para que puedas ver. Hey you. Come here...I have a quest for ya. Hey! Be careful. You can't stay in this basement for so long, you're going to get sick. Come outside and take a break, maybe you can try again later. ¡Oye! Ten cuidado. No puedes quedarte en ese sótano por mucho tiempo, puedes enfermarte. Ven afuera y toma un poco de aire, puedes probar nuevamente mas tarde. Hey! Good to hear from you! Hey! Good to see you. I was thinking how I could repay for what you've done for my mother. ¡Ey! Que bueno verte. Estaba pensando en cómo podría pagar lo que has hecho por mi madre. Hey! How are you today? Thanks again for your help. ¡Hey! ¿Cómo estás hoy? De nuevo, gracias por tu ayuda. Hey! I already got them! ¡Ey! ¡Ya los tengo! Hey! I want to enter in this house! Hey, %s! Welcome back! Hey, @@! Hey, @@! Hey, I am flopped. Do you want to gamble? Hey, I like rewards. Wait me, I'll be back! Oye, me gustan las recompensas. Espérame, ¡volveré! Hey, I remember you! You brought me cake the other day! ¡Oye, te recuerdo! ¡Me trajiste pastel el otro día! Hey, I said NO ENTRY! Get moving! ¡Oye, dije NO ENTRAR! ¡Muévanse! Hey, I see you have appointed @@ players to this game. Good job! Oye, veo que has designado @@ jugadores para este juego. ¡Buen trabajo! Hey, can you spare me a moment? Hey, check out my brand new fishing rod. I bought it just today. Eh, eche un vistazo a mi nueva caña de pescar. La compré hoy mismo. Hey, collect lots of @@ and give them to me on Christmas! Not now. On Christmas! Hey, did you bring me everything I asked for? Hey, did you know there are two mouboos which constantly fight against themselves?! Hey, do not mistake me for a child. Hey, do you know the ##BCall Of Dusty##b event? Hey, do you know what is good on summer? @@! Hey, do you know what is good on this harsh winter? A @@! Hey, do you want to play a game of Black Jack? Oye, ¿quieres jugar una partida de Black Jack? Hey, do you want to play my card game? Hey, dude! The guards are after me. I need your help, and I can reward you.#0 ¡Oye, amigo! Los guardias están buscandome. Necesito tu ayuda y puedo recompensarte.#0 Hey, dude! The guards are after me. I need your help, and I can reward you.#1 ¡Oye, amigo! Los guardias están buscandome. Necesito tu ayuda y puedo recompensarte.#1 Hey, girl!#0 ¡Eh, chica!#0 Hey, have you come to play with me? I love playing with humans! Usually so few show in, it must be the dragons... Hey, how is the monster extermination going? Hey, huge THANKS for the help! I love gifts! Here's your due reward! Hey, is somebody over there? Hey, it seems like you didn't register as a Monster Hunting Quest participant yet! You can sign up with Aidan. ¡Oye, parece que aún no te has registrado como participante de la misión de caza de mounstros! Puedes registrarte con Aidan. Hey, look, a tie happened! Hey, look, you have @@ boxes to collect! Hey, man!#1 ¡Eh, tío!#1 Hey, nice hat! Can I have it? Hey, pal. This spot is very good, I can see the whole town from here.#0 Hola amiga. Este lugar es muy bueno, puedo ver todo el pueblo desde aquí.#0 Hey, pal. This spot is very good, I can see the whole town from here.#1 Hola amigo. Este lugar es muy bueno, puedo ver todo el pueblo desde aquí.#0 Hey, psst! Come over here! Hey, psst! Have you brought me what I asked for? ¡Oye, psst! ¿Me has traído lo que pedí? Hey, take this @@. It heals fully but who cares, I have Tonori Delight! Oye, toma este @@. Te cura por completo, pero a quién le importa, ¡tengo Delicia de Tonori! Hey, thanks for saving me. You know, from the well. Hey, the %s you gave me was quite tasty, thanks! Hey, this Dummy is to @@ kill. Oye, este muñeco es para @@ matar. Hey, this well is particular! Pay me or go find your own well! Oye, ¡este pozo es particular! ¡Págame o ve a buscar tu propio pozo! Hey, two gifts is very nice. But if we delivered 400. Think on it. Hey, welcome to Halinarzo's illegal Casino! Everything here is illegal, even the prizes, so don't blame anyone if you get scammed! ¡Oye, bienvenido al Casino ilegal de Halinarzo! Aquí todo es ilegal, incluso los premios, ¡así que no culpes a nadie si te estafan! Hey, you got recommendations from both Dustman and the Doctor, and I can see you're clearly more powerful than you look. Hey, you on the dune! Can you hear us?! ¡Oye, estás en la duna! ¡¿Puedes oirnos?! Hey, you! Aid me! Hey, you! Are you here on Kenton's orders?! Hey, you! Could you bring me an @@? Hey, you! Help me! Hey, you! We need help to find the Monster King. Hey, you! We need help to get rid from some remaining monsters at Nivalis City. Hey, you! What are you doing here?! Hey, you're an elf, cool! But you still cannot run for office here! Hey, you, stranger. I promised Banu a pie, but she is yet to give me the apples. Hey. If you want to kill monsters, you need a good sword. I think, a %s would be the perfect fit for you. Ey. Si quieres matar monstruos, necesitas una buena espada. Creo que sería %s perfecto para ti. Hey. You there. Time to do @@ and show what you're made of. Hey. You. You were in need of medical attention earlier. Do you remember how to walk, talk, attack, etc? Hey. Tú. Antes necesitabas atención médica. ¿Recuerdas cómo caminar, hablar, atacar, etc? Hey... Go bother someone else. Oye... Ve a molestar a alguien más. Hey... I found a Jeans Shorts. Is it yours? Oye... encontré unos pantalones Jeans cortos. ¿Es tuyo? Hey... You... Come here. Oye tú ven aquí. Heya dude! Don't you think this room is too dark? Heya! ¡Eh, usted! Heya, noob. Where is your @@? Are you really so noob to have forgot such important book?! Oye, ¿novato. Donde Esta tu @@? ¿De verdad eres tan novato como para haber olvidado un libro tan importante? Hi @@. Hola, @@. Hi Peetu, are you calmer now? Hi there, I can always use a helping hand around here, are you the one for the job? Hola, siempre me vendría bien una mano por aquí, ¿eres tú el indicado para el trabajo? Hi! Apparently, I came from here and moved at the age of 4, but I had amnesia and can't remember! ¡Hola! Al parecer, vine de aquí y me mudé a los 4 años, ¡pero tenía amnesia y no lo recuerdo! Hi! Do you want a hair cut? ¡Hola! ¿Quieres un corte de pelo? Hi! I'm Miltaco, a piou specialist in hairstyles. Do you want a hair cut? Hi! My name is @@. Hi! Sorry, it's too cold outside, so I'm still catching my breath. Try talking to Christmas Chief first? Hi, @@. Hi, I'm Woody! Hi, I'm too busy to talk right now, please go away. Very pressing matters at hand. Hi, nice to see you! ¡Hola, me alegro de verte! Hi. Hola. Hi. Are you here to get luggage? Hi. Come to the bakery! Hi. Could you perhaps be interested in doing some small errand for me? Hola. ¿Quizás podría estar interesado en hacerme algún pequeño recado? Hi. Do you need something? Hi. I have questionable items of questionable origins for you. Hi. My back hurts! Hi. My captain believe the world is round, can you believe that? Hi. My ship is about to set sail, we'll try to find somewhere better to live than this ruined place! Hi. Thanks for the pie. Hi. This is a very historic building - the former residence of the red queen no less! Hi. Working on the docks can be hard, but I'm glad I at least get to eat! High Council Secretary Secretario del Alto Consejo High Priest Card Tarjeta de Sumo Sacerdote Highly strong and bulky, faces their foes head-on. Hihihi... Thanks! Here, you can keep this. Hinnak Hire a mercenary His daughter, Airlia, is not air-headed as her mother Lia. Try asking her instead. His golden ring pops right out of it. His policy is to never read a letter without the sender being present. Of course we check it for poison and traps. Hit Golpear Hit the ground, exploding the surroundings and disabling enemies. Hit'n'run is not so hard... One hit, one step back... One hit, another step back... One miss, two steps back... Pegar y Golpear no es tan difícil... Un golpe, un paso atrás... Un golpe, otro paso atrás... Un fallo, dos pasos atrás... Hm hm. Thanks for the report. Well, as you could have suspected... I knew that all along. Hm hm. This sounds pretty concerning. Aiming at Sages is also a smart move, as they compose the Alliance Council. Hm, I would also do some quests if I needed money... On other hand, maybe I could go fishing? Do I know any fisher? Hm, también haría algunas misiones si necesitara dinero... Por otra parte, ¿tal vez podría ir a pescar? ¿Conozco a algún pescador? Hm, can we talk again later? Hm, do you perhaps know where to find Cindy and could help me? Hm, good luck out there. Hm, groceries? Well, figure out Naem would ask someone to deliver them. Hm, ¿comestibles? Bueno, imagino que Naem le pediría a alguien que se los entregara. Hm, thanks for your report. This is most useful. Here, drink this. Hm, would "Cindy" be a small, little girl, kidnapped by some sturdy-looking rogue Yetis? Hm. Then please don't disturb me, I'm trying to concentrate. Hm... I did saw Katze coming to this cave a few days prior. And she did left with some %s. But that's normal for her, so I didn't bother. Hm... Shhhh... Hm... Shhhh... Hm... Yes, now that you mention it, Katze always come to the bank at night, and she fits your description nicely. Hm? You mean when someone made a ruckus with metallic noise on the underground basement? Hmm hmm! Then, let's begin. Hmm hmm, do you perhaps know the true wonders of the Art of Cooking, are you perchance worthy of my skills? Hmm what is it? Hmm, I think I can teach you a basic Mana Skill now. That one is pretty simple. Hmm, creo que ahora puedo enseñarte una habilidad básica de mana. Esa es bastante simple. Hmm, I think I can teach you a basic Mana Skill now. This one is more advanced, though. Hmm, creo que ahora puedo enseñarte una habilidad básica de mana. Sin embargo, esta es más avanzada. Hmm, Nivalis is a wonderful place to live in! Although it is a tad too cold on Winter... Hmm, Woodlands is a wonderful place to live in! Although Thorn gets really a thorn in my boots during spring... Hmm, based on these cheese types... Definitely either a person, or a pet. Hmm, it might be a hunch but... Can you tell me if there were any unusual visitors before the incident? Hmm, it's very interesting, very ... (mumbling). Hmm, no, I shouldn't go back there... Hmm, no, not really. However, I can try my hand at tweaking an item options :3 Mmmm, no, realmente no. Sin embargo, puedo intentar modificar las opciones de un objeto :3 Hmm, none of them saw anything? What did we miss... Oh right, Golden Apples grows in the Desert Canyon as well. Snakes often carry them, although we already discarded the possibility of a snake being the thief. Hmm, that's some progress. Nobody goes to the beach because of these slimes, but it looks like this might change sometime soon. Hmm, eso es un progreso. Nadie va a la playa por esos limos, pero parece que esto podría cambiar pronto. Hmm, who are you? Mmm ¿quién eres tú? Hmm... First of, I would really add some agility. Agility helps you to don't be hit, and not being hit is awesome. Hmm... En primer lugar, realmente agregaría algo de agilidad. La agilidad te ayuda a no ser golpeado, y no ser golpeado es fantástico. Hmm... I can handle cooking during normal days. Christmas is the problem. I never have enough sweeties by then... Hmm... Katze is a very reputable cat, I don't believe she would rob, let alone something as mundane as cheese. Something fishy is going on. Or cheesy, should I say. Hmm... See, the thing is that transmuting living beings is not normally something that transmutation magic can do. Hmm... Mira, la cuestión es que transmutar seres vivos normalmente no es algo que la magia de transmutación pueda hacer. Hmm... That's a though question! Hmm... ¡Esa es una pregunta difícil! Hmm... Thinking well... Hmm... Why don't you ask Katze the cat? Her cave should be below the chasm in the Canyon Caves. You know, the one where the river flows to? I'm sure she could elucidate this for you. Hmm... sorry but gotta go... Hmm...actually, nevermind. Hmm... en realidad, olvídalo. Hmmm... Yummy! Hmmm ... ¡Delicioso! Hmmm? Oh, a true connoisseur, I see! That's a rare sight these days. ¿Mmm? ¡Oh, un verdadero conocedor, ya veo! Eso es algo raro en estos días. Hmpf! Coffee is an heresy! Hmpf, for a %s, you're a bit resourceful. Hmpf, getting cold feet? Your loss, then. Hmpf, if %s was still around... He sealed the path to Aethyr, the sacred elf land. I'm sure he could protect Frostia from the likes of you as well! Hmpf, it's good to see you're at least trying to follow Wyara's example. Hmpf. A pleasure doing business with you. Hmpf. That'll do. Hmpf. Wise choice. Hmph, that would only incite bad behavior! No way! ¡Hmph, eso sólo incitaría a un mal comportamiento! ¡De ninguna manera! Hmph, you are the second activist I see today! TO THE BRIG! ¡Hmph, eres el segundo activista que veo hoy! ¡AL CALABOZO! Ho! I'll help them! Ho... Congratulations in making this far. Ho... I see you are a tough one... Hocus Pocus Hocus Said So Challenge Hocus#MOLY0100 Hocus#MOLY0200 Hocus#MOLY0300 Hocus#MOLY0400 Hocus#MOLY0500 Hocus#MOLY0600 Hocus#MOLY0700 Hocus#MOLY0800 Hocus#MOLY0900 Hocus#MOLY1000 Hocus#MOLY1100 Hocus#MOLY1200 Hoh, I see this %s you've been using. Do you desire for more power? Hold your horses, %s. You are not the party leader. Holy Light Holy Pixie Homun Stat Reset Potion Homunculus are a bit dumb, although the ones I've cultivated and took personal care of can express reactions. In future, I'll research sentience. Homunculus stats were reset! Homunculus stats: Honey Miel Honor Points: %s Honor only applies to PvP fights. It can be seen on "%s" and rewards are given monthly for it. Hooded Assassin Hooded Ninja Hopefully Andrei Sakar will find what he's looking for in Artis. I believe Nard was in charge of ferrying adventurers to his exploration, consider helping him. Hopefully, you'll find something interesting on it to serve as a payment. It's up to luck, I guess.... Con suerte, encontrará algo interesante que te sirva como pago. Supongo que es cuestión de suerte... Hoping for the best, but prepared for the worst, you set off to the legendary continent of Kolev; Your destination: Artis. Esperando lo mejor, pero preparado para lo peor, partiste hacia el legendario continente de Kolev; Su destino: Artis. House Maggot Gusano doméstico Houses, Exit Houses, Lake Of Tears Housing Letter I Carta de vivienda I Housing Letter I for 11,000 GP Housing Letter II Carta de vivienda II Housing Letter II for 101,000 GP Housing Letter III Carta de vivienda III Housing Letter III for 1,001,000 GP How about this, I can teach you how to be a tiny bit faster, so you can use heavier armor. I'll even give you a discount. Give it some thought, come back to me after you make up your mind. ¿Qué tal esto? Puedo enseñarte cómo ser un poquito más rápido, para que puedas usar una armadura más pesada. Incluso te haré un descuento. Piénsalo un poco, vuelve conmigo cuando te decidas. How can I complete a craft? How can I get iron ingot? ¿Cómo puedo conseguir lingotes de hierro? How can I help you, my friend? How can I help you? How can I obtain casino coins? ¿Cómo puedo obtener monedas de casino? How can I reach the Land Of Fire? How did I got here? ¿Cómo llegué aquí? How did you end up here? ¿Cómo terminaste aquí? How did you even get here? Go back to Candor, where you belong! ¿Cómo llegaste aquí? ¡Vuelve a Candor, donde perteneces! How did you even got here? There are dangerous swamps north, and dangerous deserts south... ¿Cómo llegaste aquí? Hay pantanos peligrosos al norte y desiertos peligrosos al sur... How did you get down there? How did you got that much? Nine gifts, and 51200 if you want even more. How did you guess that? ¿Cómo adivinaste eso? How do I advance in Mana Magic? How it works? ¿Cómo avanzo en la magia de mana? ¿Cómo funciona? How do I get magic? ¿Cómo consigo magia? How do I hunt monsters? ¿Cómo cazo monstruos? How do I make money? ¿Cómo gano dinero? How do I save items? ¿Cómo guardo objetos? How do I save money? ¿Cómo ahorro dinero? How do I see my items? ¿Cómo veo mis objetos? How do I talk with someone? ¿Cómo hablo con alguien? How do I trade with other players? ¿Cómo hago intercambios con otros jugadores? How do you even prove amnesia, anyway? De todos modos, ¿cómo se puede demostrar la amnesia? How do you know my name? How do you want to look? ¿Cómo quieres lucir? How does Gambling works? ¿Cómo funciona el apostar? How does spinning works? How does this works? How is *hic* it possible? ¿Cómo es *hic* posible? How is the extermination going? I hope you are successful! ¿Cómo va el exterminio? ¡Espero que tengas éxito! How is the war going? ¿Cómo va la guerra? How many %s should I attach? How many batches do you want to produce? (max. 5) How many chocolate do you want to send? You can trade: @@ How many did you need again? ¿Cuántos necesitabas de nuevo? How many do you want to sell? You currently have @@ @@. How many gem powders can I get from one gem? ¿Cuántos polvos de gemas puedo obtener de una gema? How many heads does Zaphod Beeblebrox have? Numbers only. How many ingots do you want to make? ¿Cuántos lingotes quieres hacer? How many lives will be claimed until he is put to rest? How many pints of beers should you drink before hitchhiking? Numbers only. How many points? (0-%d) How many steps? How many tickets to use? (%d-%d) How many to brew? (%d-%d) How many? ¿Cuántos? How many? Max. @@ How may I help you? How much coffee you'll give Jhon? How much do you want to deposit? How much do you want to withdraw? How much honey will you give it? (You have: %d) How much would be the budget for Fur Boots? How much you'll bet? You have %s Casino Coins. ¿Cuánto apostarás? Tienes %s monedas de casino. How powerful they were or are, their cruelty, their judgment against the Terranite Civilization and the other bloody details of the legend... I cannot confirm them to you. How powerfully do you want to shoot? How to better preserve your dispostives: How to expand this limit? Well, you'll need to touch a Mana Stone. If you can handle more raw power, your limit will extend. How to use best Warp Technology? How will you respond?! How's that even possible? Well, 30 @@ for all contestants! Howdy! Lately I feel like a placeholder, just surviving on these harsh lands. ¡Hola! Últimamente me siento como un sustituto, simplemente sobreviviendo en estas duras tierras. Howdy! Mirio and I scout this canyon to protect our clan. I am also a retired assassin, maybe someday I can exchange some knowledge with you! Hahaha! ¡Hola! Mirio y yo exploramos este cañón para proteger a nuestro clan. También soy un asesino retirado, ¡tal vez algún día pueda intercambiar algunos conocimientos contigo! ¡Jajaja! Howdy! Pachua and I scout this canyon to protect our clan. I acknowledge only those whom are fast like the wind! I would love to challenge you for a race... But not today. ¡Hola! Pachua y yo exploramos este cañón para proteger a nuestro clan. ¡Sólo reconozco a aquellos que son rápidos como el viento! Me encantaría desafiarte a una carrera... Pero hoy no. Howdy, partner! Man, you have no idea how I'm hungry. Been scouting this canyon for weeks, under the scorching sun, and there's only snake meat to eat... I'm get tired of this repulsive stuff. ¡Howdy socio! Hombre, no tienes idea de cuánto hambre tengo. He estado explorando este cañón durante semanas, bajo el sol abrasador, y solo hay carne de serpiente para comer... Estoy cansado de esta cosa repulsiva. Howdy? ¿Qué tal? However I'll mark in a white line where you shouldn't row to, or the current will catch you. Also, I'll rent you only until you leave the vicinity; this is not a boat rent shop if you haven't noticed yet. Sin embargo, marcaré con una línea blanca dónde no debes remar o la corriente te atrapará. Además, te alquilaré sólo hasta que abandones las inmediaciones; Esta no es una tienda de alquiler de barcos si aún no lo has notado. However several things are amiss - this is not a PVP map and has no monsters on it. We thought in the hypothesis of a %s or they being poisoned, but we ruled that out too. However, %s stole the treasures which were being showcased! However, I am still up for trading cards, if you wish. However, I need a tax to start, and you need to arrange players. There are no refunds. Sin embargo, necesito un impuesto para comenzar y tú necesitas organizar a los jugadores. No hay reembolsos. However, I need to see at least three volunteers here, to allow you in. However, I still have hope. Dimond's secret recipe. Ah, but I can't get the ingredients for it... However, LoF admins and developers are working on a new game to offer a new experience for players. However, an account may only apply for an office weekly. However, as long as you remain seated and immobile, the spell will slowly destroy the seal. However, by casting %s here, we'll be able to weaken the seal! However, chants can also inflict ailments or even summon creatures. However, each group may be expanded later. You can reset group by clearing the Master Floor. However, for a few months already, nothing else has been heard from that town, and all contact was lost. However, if town has less than 15 reputation, they'll need to re-apply manually, and may lose the office for the bot account. However, if we waste the ship's money in beer, Nard will get mad. Sin embargo, si desperdiciamos el dinero del barco en cerveza, Nard se enfadará. However, it can be unlocked if you know the password: Sin embargo, se puede desbloquear si conoces la contraseña: However, it comes back crying! Poor teddy, it got attracted by a sweet smell but it found a %s instead! However, it stops abruptly and quickly moves away from it. However, it was mentioned that there is a small tunnel with a closed passage to reach the encampment; I assume they weren't exactly welcomed by the local monster population and the Fortress Town if anything was swarming with monsters back then. However, it's also possible they're there already. Be careful for ambushes! Sin embargo, también es posible que ya estén ahí. ¡Cuidado con las emboscadas! However, our mages have recently sensed something dark stirring. Sin embargo, nuestros magos han sentido recientemente que algo oscuro se está moviendo. However, our skill growth rate is much smaller than those of humans. Sin embargo, nuestra tasa de crecimiento de habilidades es mucho menor que la de los humanos. However, she may have a better assessment of the current situation better than you and your allies. However, that is not exactly a popular idea around here. The fae seem more concerned with snakes. However, the Army seems to walk away after some time. However, the cart smashes over your head. A fatal blow. However, the fate of this world is at your hands. I shall not allow the Moubootaur to cause havoc. However, the legend said there was a way to prevent this disaster. A single way... Which the Ancient Families of Soul Menhir kept a secret passed down between generations. However, the log breaks with a loud crack. However, the officer in command is Benjamin, who was dispatched to handle it. You'll need to ask him if you want to participate on this investigation, or get someone with overriding authority to appoint you to it. However, there was lot of magical residue, which is unusual. The victim said they remember entering the storage to meet someone, and next they knew, they were in the Soul Menhir. However, there's a link to get a simple python bot software! However, they must visit their town office and do daily paperwork, every day. Otherwise, town reputation will go down. However, this only distracts him for a short while. Soon after, he returns to his small ritual with the pot. However, watch out! Sin embargo, ¡cuidado! However, we must defeat the commanders to avoid major damage to them! However, you cannot met the King while using a %s. However, you need a %s or a Fishing Net. There's one fisherman in Tulimshar Center, called Eugene. He should have one, but he lives isolated on a small island... Good luck getting to him. Sin embargo, necesitas una %s o una red de pesca. Hay un pescador en el Centro Tulimshar, llamado Eugene. Debería tener uno, pero vive aislado en una pequeña isla... Buena suerte para localizarlo. However, you should only give food when it's hungry, otherwise it'll believe you're a bad owner and intimacy will decrease. However, you'll need to keep cooperating with me. Trust me, this incident and what you look for it is closely related. However, your guild just challenged Kamelot Dungeons. However... Sin embargo... Huge area of effect fire damage. May burn targets. Hum... I'm not really good at it. Hum ... No soy muy bueno en eso. Human Human Voice Voz Humana Humans never built a settlement there. But the prophecy is there. Hungry Quirin Arena Information Información de la Arena del Hambre de Quirin Hungry Quirin Arena Rules Reglas de la Arena Hambrienta de Quirin Hungry: %d - Intimacy: %u Hunter. Hurns Warp Crystal HurnsShip#M Hurnscald Hurnscald Hurnscald - @@ GP Hurnscald Guard and Police will obviously cooperate with the Land of Fire authorities by reporting that, to the best of our knowledge, no such thing was seen in Hurnscald. Hurnscald Liberation Day special event Hurnscald Mines Hurnscald Office Hurnscald Townhall Hurnscald is a large city. I'm sure glad I live in Candor because I know where everything's at. Hurnscald es una ciudad grande. Estoy muy feliz de vivir en Candor porque sé dónde está todo. Hurnscald was founded after Tulimshar, in more fertile lands. Their walls are not so sturdy as the ones of Tulimshar. Hurnscald se fundó después de Tulimshar, en tierras más fértiles. Sus muros no son tan resistentes como los de Tulimshar. Hurnscald's Nurse Hurnscald? Small farming towns are always nice to visit. Hurnsguard Hurry up! Bring a @@ from Barzil in Halinarzo!! You only have @@ left! Hurry up, before the wind changes. Hurry up, you'll run out of time in @@! Hwaaaah... Man, I'm bored. Will you be getting @@? Hwellow. I am a boring NPC which makes green dye. I HAVE WARNED YOU!!!!! I NEVER TOUCHED THE SOUL MENHIR! I SWEAR YOU, I'M INNOCENT! PLEASE HAVE MERCY!! I actually have a special class for those with perfect magical control like you. I actually have them, here. De hecho los tengo aquí. I actually need help. I am a mage, and I'm feeling lazy to get the stuff I need. De hecho necesito ayuda. Soy un mago y me da pereza conseguir las cosas que necesito. I actually need help. Padric and I were doing some research with catalysts, you see. De hecho necesito ayuda. Padric y yo estábamos investigando un poco con catalizadores, ¿sabes? I advise you to do more quests on Tulimshar and Candor, otherwise, you will fail right at the end. I agree with you. Most of these materials can't even be found on Nivalis. I already did everything I could with this. What am I waiting for? I already got enough %s, thank you. I already have a Forest Bow. I already have that... I already told you he is out! Why do you even want to talk to him?! Haven't I told you to... to... leave me alone!? I already took my share from this chest. I already visited this warp. I also brew some of the crops, making Beer. And then I sell to adventurers! También elaboro algunos de los cultivos y hago cerveza. ¡Y luego vendo a aventureros! I also broke my bones, and I was equipping a weapon which prevents HP regen... I also do not keep any stock of them. If you really want it, you can bring me some Raw Logs. I'll show you which one is the good one. Deal? I also gave you a fresh ale and a %s. Bows are awkward to handle, so you should talk to the Blacksmith to make you a %s. I also hear fisherman likes to fish at night. They say the catch is bigger, if you understand me. También he oído que a los pescadores les gusta pescar de noche. Dicen que la pesca es mayor, si me entiendes. I also heard they would use a special kind of crystal to mark important passages, but to be honest, I've never seen it. I don't think I would notice even if I walked over it, haha! I also see you have a level @@ magic skill!" I always do shady deals. *cough cough* %s GP. I always keep my end on the bargain, so here you go. Siempre cumplo mi parte del trato, así que aquí lo tienes. I always thought it was a bad idea to play around with the slimes. And as if holding them in here isn't bad enough, no, they also had to mess around with magic. I always wanted to live in this town. I'm glad I managed to move from LoF Village to here. I always wanted to taste a %s! But they don't grow anywhere, and I've heard the only way to obtain one is from %s. Unfortunately, I do not favor violence, so... Could you get one for me? I always wonder if I should raise my price to teach bad kids to don't lie. Siempre me pregunto si debería aumentar mi precio para enseñar a los niños malos a no mentir. I am %s, a piou alchemist specializing in reset and agility potions. Soy%s un Piou alquimista especializado en pociones de reinicio y agilidad. I am @@, an alchemist specialized in reset potions. Soy @@, un alquimista especializado en pociones de reinicio. I am @@, and I take care of the Arena. Soy @@ y cuido la Arena. I am @@, guardian of Candor Cave. Below this cave, lies the legendary Fefe, arch-wizard from the Great War. I am @@, student from the ancient secrets of the Mage of Time, Ozthokk. I am @@, the only mage in Candor. Soy @@, la única maga en Candor. I am Bella, the Scholar. Soy Bella, el erudita. I am Carla, Woody's wife. I have lived here with Woody for many years! We decided to live away from civilization, as hunter and shaman life is way better. I am Elli. One of the Originals. I am Quirino Voraz, and my arena is the coolest PVP Arena on all Mana Worlds. Soy Quirino Voraz y mi arena es la arena PvP más genial de todos los Mundos de Mana. I am Yetifly the Mighty, guardian of the fae! I am Zarkor, the Dark Summoner. I want to do a ritual, but there are strings attached. Soy Zarkor, el Invocador Oscuro. Quiero hacer un ritual, pero hay condiciones. I am a GM, and I want to change my Race! I am a bard! I used to be an elf trader, but music got me for good. ¡Soy Bardo! Solía ser un comerciante elfo, pero la música me atrapó para siempre. I am a brave adventurer! How can I help you? ¡Soy un valiente aventurero! ¿Te puedo ayudar en algo? I am a contributor, and I want contributor stuff. Soy colaborador, y quiero cosas de colaborador. I am a mage. How do I get to Academy? Soy un mago. ¿Cómo llego a la Academia? I am a noob and don't need you. I am a really good blacksmith. In fact, there is no stuff I can't fix. I am a thief! I want to repent for my sins! ¡Soy un ladrón! ¡Quiero arrepentirme de mis pecados! I am a trader from Nard's ship. We actually need supplies. Help us, and I'll help you.#0 Soy un comerciante del barco de Nard. De hecho, necesitamos suministros. Ayúdanos y yo te ayudaré.#0 I am a trader from Nard's ship. We actually need supplies. Help us, and I'll help you.#1 Soy un comerciante del barco de Nard. De hecho, necesitamos suministros. Ayúdanos y yo te ayudaré.#1 I am actually surprised you clicked me again. Well then, here's the Land of Fire News... I am broken?! Please report! Debug data: @@ (@@) ¡¿Estoy roto?! ¡Por favor reportar! Datos de depuración: @@ (@@) I am collecting money for the Yearly Autumn Scorpion Hunter quest. Estoy recaudando dinero para la misión anual de Caza de escorpiones en otoño. I am coordinating some pirat... uhm... actually nevermind, but the problem is that I can't leave here! So if you can bring me %d %s, I'll pay you %s GP! Estoy coordinando un pirata... uhm... olvídalo, ¡pero el problema es que no puedo salir de aquí! Entonces, si puedes traerme %d %s, ¡te pagaré %s GP! I am counting on you! ¡Cuento contigo! I am currently in charge of overseeing the world state and the Monster King advancements, as well as planning and dealing with emergencies. The Alliance High Council is currently composed by %s members and %s honorary ones. Actualmente estoy a cargo de supervisar el estado mundial y los avances del Rey Monstruo, así como de planificar y afrontar emergencias. El Alto Consejo de la Alianza está actualmente compuesto por miembros y honorarios. I am currently overwhelmed by my magic. Forcing the Mana Stone to give me more magic would be foolishness. I am currently very worried with them. They're just children! They don't know how to fight! Actualmente estoy muy preocupado por ellos. ¡Son sólo niños! ¡No saben pelear! I am doing a great research with Bats, and thus far I collected @@ Bat Wings and Teeths. I am happy that such responsible citizens live in Tulimshar. Thank you for your help. It's really hot nowdays! Me alegro de que ciudadanos tan responsables vivan en Tulimshar. Gracias por tu ayuda. ¡Hace mucho calor hoy en día! I am his right-hand Yeti, so I could grant you passage to his Throne Room to slay the rogue Yetis... I am hungry. Can I buy some food here? Estoy hambriento. ¿Puedo comprar algo de comida aquí? I am making a figurine with Bug legs for the upcoming festival. Estoy haciendo una figura con patas de insecto para el próximo festival. I am not a citizen of Candor. No soy ciudadano de Candor. I am not a coward to run away by the back door! I am not a half-word man, so I won't take your fish. Come back with the money and the Roots, and I'll make the string for you. No soy un hombre de medias palabras, así que no aceptaré tu pescado. Vuelve con el dinero, las raíces y te haré la cuerda. I am not afraid of Pious. No le tengo miedo a Pious. I am not content with our water supply. It gives us common water, but we of the superior race deserve better water. I am not done purifying the water yet. This may take years, but it'll be worth it. I am not sure of who makes or haves Lifestones. Try looking outside the city. Who knows. No estoy seguro de quién fabrica o tiene piedras de vida. Intente buscar fuera de la ciudad. Quién sabe. I am pleasantly surprised. Good job. Perhaps we will all be able to sleep in peace this night! I am pleased about your progress, but you are not ready for the next step yet. Go and do some more training, before you come back. I am pleased to see that you have woken up and are active. Elmo came here to tell me this good news!#0 Estoy encantado de ver que haya despertado y esté activo. ¡Elmo vino a contarme estas buenas noticias!#0 I am pleased to see that you have woken up and are active. Elmo came here to tell me this good news!#1 Estoy encantado de ver que haya despertado y esté activo. ¡Elmo vino a contarme estas buenas noticias!#1 I am really curious what this shrine is about, though. I am searching again maggot slime to craft more balls. Estoy buscando nuevamente baba de gusanos para crear más bolas. I am sorry but I can see that you don't have all that I asked you. I am sorry, but it does not look like you have everything. You will need to bring: Lo siento, pero no parece que tengas todo. Deberás traer: I am sorry, but it seems that you don't have enough money. Come back when you have reorganized your finances. I am stationed here to protect Hurnscald from monsters. I am stationed here to protect Land Of Fire from monsters. I am still here, but I already did amends for my acts and don't need to flee anymore... Sigo aquí, pero ya enmendé mis actos y ya no necesito huir... I am sure that an adventurer like you can gather everything in no time at all! ¡Estoy seguro de que un aventurero como tú podrá reunirlo todo en un abrir y cerrar de ojos! I am sure that they will come back to haunt you in your dreams! I am sure you already fought him. And survived, too, apparently. Help her, and I will reward your efforts appropriately. I am the Judge, and I shall make Judgment upon you! I am the Magic Fountain of Hurnscald. You look qualified. I am the Trader King, because I supply a market! ¡Soy el Rey Comerciante porque suministro un mercado! I am the Yetifly, guardian of butter and fairies. I am the owner of a transport company, which rent carts to exceptional clients. And I can assure you my company's terms of service prohibit the use of carts to rob cheese. I am too far away to talk. Weird floating thingy... I am trying to fish here without success. You're weak, do not bother me. Estoy intentando pescar aquí y sin éxito. Eres débil, no me molestes. I am trying to invent the light bulb, but my name is not Thomas... I am willing to give it to you, if help me out. I promise it won't be a bother, and it'll really be useful for you, I swear. I am willing to pay @@ GP for 10 @@ you bring me! I am willing to pay @@ GP for each you bring me! Do you want to give me ALL your @@?! I am. What heroic action is needed? I am... unsure about the details. As you definitely know, her sister started working on Nard's Ship crew a few years ago, but Rossy stayed here. She was planning to visit some friends in Nivalis when the abduction happened. I appreciate the help, %s. Come back anytime for a tasty dish! I asked my father and he agreed to trade it to you, so here is the last copy of the Maritime Almanac Scroll. I believe these switches control the cage's lock. I bet on your defeat! ¡Apuesto a tu derrota! I bet on your victory! ¡Apuesto a tu victoria! I bet you are dead tired, and the ship travel takes a long time. Apuesto a que estás muy cansado y el viaje en barco toma mucho tiempo. I bet you'll now ask for %s's password, and scam all their money!! ¡¡Apuesto a que ahora pedirás la contraseña de %s y estafarás todo su dinero!! I better do this some other time... Será mejor que haga esto en otro momento... I better don't bother this Yeti, before it kills me. I better leave him to his work. I better leave talking to him to the guild Vice Leaders and Master. I better leave this crazy man to his ordeals... I better not disturb the hut owner. I better report this to Lua! ¡Será mejor que le informe esto a Lua! I brought a souvenir for you. I came from The Mana World. I came from Thermin, a town far far away. I came here to ask for help with curses. I came here to report... A sabotage. I came here to talk about the World's Edge. I came to enjoy a beautiful day with some ducks! I can also pay %d GP per %s. I can ask the guards to be on lookout, but... Well, while squirrels are known for stealing things, what you imply is too far fetched. Weren't you a LoF official, I would likely have thrown you out the door for wasting my time. I can do a bug bomb right away, but I still need a few things for it! Puedo hacer una bomba de insectos de inmediato, ¡pero todavía necesito algunas cosas! I can do that for you, but you'll still need to go to storage to get them back. Puedo hacerlo por ti, pero aun así tendrás que ir al almacén para recuperarlos. I can even give you the %s lumps of precious %s we would have burned. Whaddaya say, do we have a deal? I can fill your bottle with water for only @@ gp the bottle. Puedo llenar tu botella con agua por solo @@ gp la botella. I can fix this for you. Just pay me @@ GP and a @@. It'll take no time at all! I can fuse an @@ and 20 @@, besides @@ GP, into 3~5 @@. I can give you a rare...(cough, cough).. Mouboo Figurine for it. I can give you my knife if you bring me this: Puedo darte mi cuchillo si me traes esto: I can make @@ from @@, but this costs @@ GP. Puedo hacer @@ de @@, pero esto cuesta @@ GP. I can make a %s for just one %s and %d GP for my work. I can make an @@, I still have a bottle of fairy blood, a few mana pearls, and some other rare ingredients. Puedo hacer un @@, todavía tengo una botella de sangre de hada, algunas perlas de mana y algunos otros ingredientes raros. I can make some savior equipment with it, but I have no idea where it can be found. Mylarin dust... amazing. I can make three types of Agility Potions, which would you like? Puedo hacer tres tipos de Pociones de Agilidad, ¿cuál te gustaría? I can make you a @@, and for that I will want a @@ and 500 GP. Puedo hacerte un @@, y para eso querré un @@ y 500 GP. I can melt your equipment to recover some of the materials used, and I also sell %s on the side! I can only evolve two aspects at once. Whenever an aspect evolves, I need to sacrifice an aspect, so to start the process, I'll use the fish to bootstrap a null aspect. I can protect myself, so it should attack from afar. I can prove you my worth! ¡Puedo demostrarte mi valía! I can rent it to you for 300 GP, during 15 minutes. Deal? Te la puedo alquilar por 300 GP, durante 15 minutos. ¿Trato? I can sell you the Pickaxe for @@ GP if you have and @@ the remaining equipment. Puedo venderte el pico por @@ GP si tienes y @@ el equipo restante. I can send you to at least five from the seven cave levels this dungeon have. I can summon the BOSS for the level 0~20 area. I can summon the BOSS for the level 21~40 area. I can teach you these bonuses, but more powerful bonuses require more skill to learn... And I don't know anyone who could improve your crafting skill... Puedo enseñarte estas bonificaciones, pero las bonificaciones más poderosas requieren más habilidad para aprender... Y no conozco a nadie que pueda mejorar tu habilidad de artesanía... I can trade some with you. Just bring me the following cash payment and supplies: I can vouch for you, but only if you help me first! ¡Puedo atestiguar por ti, pero sólo si me ayudas primero! I can walk, I'm just... Trapped here. That's why I need someone to help me to cultivate my wose part! I can warp you home now. I can't believe it took so long to fix... And worse, next spring it'll be the same story all over again... I can't believe it! You've brought me @@ @@! ¡No puedo creerlo! ¡Me has traído @@ @@! I can't believe it. No puedo creerlo. I can't give you the Apple I've stole. Because, I was stolen first! I can't handle it anymore! NO MORE! I can't sleep, so I'm writing this entry. It'll take a considerable amount of time to decrypt the shield frequency Raid is using, and when Saul's army is marching towards their deaths, time is of essence. Every second I waste, is a comrade who will die. I can't stay here and talk all day. I have a job to do. No puedo quedarme aquí y hablar todo el día. Tengo trabajo que hacer. I can't use the shovel here. No puedo usar la pala aquí. I can't, sorry. No puedo, lo siento. I can't. Rakinorf told me I should bring this matter to you instead. I cannot answer you about yourself, but I can tell you about the Ancient Families and the World Edge. Which is classified information, by the way. I cannot be alone to summon the Yeti King. No puedo estar solo para invoncar al Rey Yeti. I cannot enter Kamelot with a cart. I cannot in good faith ask someone with so little experience to risk their life for something so trivial. No puedo pedirle de buena fe a alguien con tan poca experiencia que arriesgue su vida por algo tan trivial. I cannot just give it to you for nothing. Run to Elanore and fetch me a @@. You need to make a new one, an old one I won't accept. No puedo dártelo por nada. Corre hacia Elanore y tráeme un @@. Necesitas hacer uno nuevo, uno viejo no lo aceptaré. I cannot leave until Luvia and her allies are dead. I cannot let go of a single combat capable person - even volunteer adventurers like yourself - until we can confirm the Impregnable Fortress north of us has a pattern to their spawns. I cannot melt this. I only melt down equipment, and not everything I know how to! I cannot pass, because I am only level @@. I cannot read the signs from this far away. I certainly can teach you some recipes. I work mostly with dessert-like plates. This includes %s by the way. Ciertamente puedo enseñarte algunas recetas. Trabajo principalmente con platos tipo postre. Esto incluye %s por cierto. I certainly can't get out on my own. I changed my mind, I think I would like a copy! I changed my mind, goodbye. Cambié de opinión, adiós. I changed my mind. He cambiado de opinión. I charge a service fee of @@ GP, and two gemstones. Cobro una tarifa de servicio de @@ GP y dos piedras preciosas. I collect them. Yo los colecciono. I come here frequently to trade. It is not deserted nor boring. Vengo aquí frecuentemente para comerciar. No está desierto ni aburrido. I could easily bake one for you, provided you bring me the following: Podría prepararte uno fácilmente, siempre que me traigas lo siguiente: I could explain this better, but you are just a noob at magic, if you understand me. Podría explicarlo mejor, eres sólo un novato en la magia, Si me entiendes. I could make ink myself, but I am lacking some material... I could not be the Bandit King. But once I steal all Mana Stones, I'll be not only the best thief in the world. I already decided my new title. I could teach you a trick, though it'll be relatively weak, specially if it is not raining. It's a parlor trick, after all. I currently have some pets with me. For most, you need to finish their Grand Hunter Quest, of course. I did not summon you, I'm just a passer-by. Sorry. Yo no te convoque, solo soy un transeúnte. Lo siento. I did nothing wrong! I am not AFK! ¡No hice nada malo! ¡No estoy AFK! I did some tritan friends, though. They teached me how to breath underwater. It's not so bad. I did travel to their cave, wondering why they hide their faces. I found out most of them are monsters after I ripped their hoods off. I disguise myself as a giant mutated bat, but every time I break or lose my fake teeth. Me disfrazo de murciélago gigante mutado, pero cada vez rompo o pierdo los dientes postizos. I do not know how to trigger this summoning circle. No sé cómo activar este círculo de invocación. I do not like him, but even so, he keeps bothering me! Maybe I could out-impress him, though! I do now know what this means: GS-@@-ICXN-@@ I do some research about evolution of snake skin subject to hard sunlight. Investigué un poco sobre la evolución de la piel de serpiente expuesta a la luz solar intensa. I do. I want to challenge the Candor Cave! I don't believe you. I don't care about dirty miners problem. No me importa el problema de los mineros sucios. I don't care for equipment, gimme a snake skin. I don't care for shorts, gimme a snake skin. I don't care for your reasons. I don't have a spare. They're *hic* done by ANISE INC., their headquarters are in Frostia. I don't have anyone to send ahead to scout the place, and even if you go, I'm not expecting you to find anything alive on that encampment. But I understand that finding out the truth is important to you and that you'll go all the same. I don't have enough money... I don't have that much money, sorry. I don't have the time! ¡No tengo tiempo! I don't have them, actually. I don't have time for that. No tengo tiempo para eso. I don't have time sorry. I don't know I don't know for what crazy reason you might want to do this, there is absolutely no benefit to this. I think you just selected the wrong option. I don't know how to evolve your homunculus. I don't know if jesusalva allow me to teach you a basic shaman skill!? . I don't know if our clan will survive for much longer. Do you have any questions before we all die and our knowledge gets forgotten? No sé si nuestro clan sobrevivirá por mucho más tiempo. ¿Tiene alguna pregunta antes de que todos muramos y nuestros conocimientos se olviden? I don't know what you did, but both the Ducks and Blubs did got scared. I thank you in the name of the city guard. Please come back later. No sé qué hiciste, pero tanto los Patos como los Blubs se asustaron. Te lo agradezco en nombre de la guardia de la ciudad. Por favor regresa más tarde. I don't know what you're talking, I've been working all day. I don't know what, but it is I don't know who sent you to me, but this is a flat and big NO! ¡No sé quién te envió a mí, pero este es un rotundo y rotundo NO! I don't know why they would repeat a past mistake. The Monster King is not human anymore. I also do not know what artifact they lost. We have more questions than certainty about this. I don't know, I assume the staff was burried with him on the deepest parts of the cave. If it was easy, someone would already have stolen it. No lo sé, supongo que el bastón fue enterrado con él en las partes más profundas de la cueva. Si fuera fácil alguien ya lo habría robado. I don't know. I don't know. Try getting a Rusty Knife or something. Maybe the chef of Nard's ship can spare you one. No sé. Intenta conseguir un cuchillo oxidado o algo así. Quizás el chef del barco de Nard pueda darte uno. I don't know? ¿No sé? I don't like them, I can't fly straight. I don't need anything after all, goodbye! Después de todo no necesito nada, ¡adiós! I don't need help! I don't need to be rescued. I'm enjoying myself here. No necesito que me rescaten. Estoy disfrutando aquí. I don't really understand how the dungeon works. I promise you a reward when you finish the task. I don't really understand it either, but it's not for sale. Maybe you could come back later so I can read more of it to you. I don't remember what I need now, but if you give me a moment, I'll get the list. No recuerdo lo que necesito ahora, pero si me das un momento, conseguiré la lista. I don't remember. I guess somebody threw me here! I don't suppose it have a name yet? I don't suppose you have some herbs and a few bottles of potion with you, do you? I don't think I needed to keep looking these barrels. I don't think I needed to keep looking these potions. I don't think I needed to keep looking these wardrobes. I don't think he could have collected that many! I don't think so. There have been... Incidents. I don't think you have any broken item, but if a friend of mine break your stuff, come talk to me! I don't tolerate a piou, or %s, who is afraid of hard work. No tolero a un Piou, o%s , que tiene miedo al trabajo duro. I don't trust @@s. I don't understand what went wrong with that spell, but it just has to have another cause than Peetu. I'm worried about him. He must feel very miserable. But I can't leave my duty here. I don't want anything right now, bye. I don't want her to think that I am a bad mother. No quiero que piense que soy una mala madre. I don't want to help your "friends", bring me to somewhere useful! I don't work with bound items. No trabajo con artículos nombrados. I dunno. I don't think they're sold anywhere. No se. No creo que los vendan en ningún lado. I entered this building to shield myself from the snowstorm, but now I can't bring myself to leave... I failed to protect them. I fear something terrible is rising, and I do not know if we can weather the coming storm. Temo que algo terrible esté surgiendo y no sé si podremos aguantar la tormenta que se avecina. I feel indifferent. I feel like a burden was lifted from my shoulders. I feel much safer now that you defeated the slimes. Thanks so much! Do you need anything else? I feel ok.#0 Me siento bien.#0 I feel ok.#1 Me siento bien.#1 I fight every day in hopes to be like Andrei, the famous hero who prevented Hurnscald from total destruction against a horde of monsters alone. Lucho todos los días con la esperanza de ser como Andrei, el famoso héroe que evitó la destrucción total de Hurnscald solo contra una horda de monstruos. I fight every day in hopes to meet Andrei, the famous hero who prevented Hurnscald from total destruction against a horde of monsters alone. Lucho todos los días con la esperanza de conocer a Andrei, el famoso héroe que evitó la destrucción total de Hurnscald solo contra una horda de monstruos. I finally figured out what was wrong. I must thank everyone who help us. I forgot to say earlier, but indeed, I was invited by someone! Olvidé decirlo antes, pero efectivamente, ¡alguien me invitó! I forgot what you need! ¡Olvidé lo que necesitas! I forgot what you need. Olvidé lo que necesitas. I found %s and %s! I found %s! I found switches which only a Yeti may flip... I found your birth record, but it is not complete. Here says you were born on @@. Encontré tu acta de nacimiento, pero no está completa. Aquí dice que naciste el @@. I gave you 3 @@. Use them in this fight, or you're doomed to fail. I give up. You're hopeless. I give you five minutes to defeat me. Witness my wrath! I go right. I got a Wizard Hat. I got a Wooden Staff. I got the apple. I got the eggs. I got the maggots slimes. I got the silk and chocolate. I guess I love the server, we all know ♪ Supongo que me encanta el servidor, todos lo sabemos ♪ I guess I'll need to try to work with whatever ink is left until the supplies arrive next month... I guess it can also be used at quests... Or sell to Juliet, on Nard's ship. Supongo que también se puede usar en misiones... O venderlo a Juliet, en el barco de Nard. I guess it still remembers the sting on the snout. Ouch! I guess she sent you to kill another Bandit Lord, right? I'll give you the key for his room. I guess that you could use these lifestones to gain a regeneration effect, too, but I do not know how. Supongo que también podrías usar estas piedras de vida para obtener un efecto de regeneración, pero no sé cómo. I guess you are immune to rumors and scary stories. I guess you cannot bring more than 1kg with full health. Less, if you're hurt. I guess you guessed correctly! ¡Supongo que adivinaste correctamente! I guess you'll need an Yeti for that, but those on the cave are murderous. I guess, there might be a single spot where water is a bit deeper, but I wasn't lucky. I hate asking this of a lesser being like you, but if you plan in staying in our town, you should at very least make yourself useful. I hate foreigners. They know nothing about us and want to impose their "ideals" about democracy and whatever. I hate how wet I am right now in this rain. I hate so much the Pinkies on my fields, I want to do a soup! Can you provide me 10 @@? Many thanks. I hate the Red Queen. I hate the sea, the salty air always lets my knives rust. I already have a stockpile of rusty knives, don't even know what to do with them. Odio el mar, el aire salado siempre deja que mis cuchillos se oxiden. Ya tengo una reserva de cuchillos oxidados y ni siquiera sé qué hacer con ellos. I hate to leave you now, @@, but I have more important things to do. I hate you Pinkies, and I hate the Monster King too, for bringing forth these plagues!! I have 5 Bandit Hoods with me. I have 5 Treasure Keys with me. I have a Stinger with me. Try it! Tengo un aguijón conmigo. ¡Inténtalo! I have a butterfly. I have a few items for sale... I have a guard stationed not far from there. Ask him for the key. I have a lava mana pearl. I have a letter for the Mayor. I have a letter from Rakinorf. I have a lot of work to do now. I have a lot of work to do now. But before you leave... I have a petal. I have a present box to you open. I have a print screen! ¡Tengo una captura de pantalla! I have a spare pair of gloves laying somewhere, you can have those if you finish the task. Tengo un par de guantes de repuesto en algún lugar, puedes tenerlos si terminas la tarea. I have a supplier, gimme TEN batches! Tengo un proveedor, ¡dame DIEZ lotes! I have all. I have already completed this arena. I have already teached you everything which could be teached. I have bounties for specific high level monsters as well for extermination. Do note mobs killed in Heroes Hold may not count. I have brought you the beer. I have developed a special formula, which resets your stats! ¡He desarrollado una fórmula especial que restablece tus status! I have everything here with me. Tengo todo aquí conmigo. I have everything you asked me. Tengo todo lo que me pediste. I have everything you've asked for. I have everything! ¡Tengo todo! I have everything, can you tailor it? I have everything. I have extremely difficult quests for you; They are more painful than a Grand Hunter Quest, because I don't admit wimps fighting with me. I have homework to do... I have it right here. You can take it! Lo tengo aquí mismo. ¡Puedes tomarlo! I have my favorite book of all times, Moby Dick. Let me read some of it to you.... I have no doubts that once the ritual is conducted, the Moubootaur will start discarding the pieces he no longer needs, such as the expedition leader, Ben Yorn. Unfortunately, these will not revive, they shall face permanent death. I have no idea about who would make a pendant, but lifestone can be done just outside the town walls. No tengo idea de quién haría un colgante, pero la piedra de vida se puede hacer justo fuera de las murallas de la ciudad. I have no idea how successful they were; the place we found the notes in was... well... lets just say the wood walls were red, and have been that way for a long time. I have no idea what's above. Behind the stair, is the painting of a table. I have no interest in things such as that. I have no interest on this item. I have one here... Tengo una aquí... I have other things to do at the moment. Tengo otras cosas que hacer en este momento. I have some good and some bad news for you. I have some healing items with me, we should tend your wounds first. I have some sweeties for the Tea Party! I have the ingredients here. I have the ingredients here.\n I have the items, please bake for me Tengo los objetos, por favor hornea para mí. I have the sturdy wood and the string. I have them here already. Las tengo aquí ya. I have them here with me. I have to get going now. Thanks for the help! Tengo que continua. ¡Gracias por la ayuda! I have to go, sorry. I have to go. I have to go. See you later. Me Tengo que ir. Hasta luego. I have to think. I have what you want. I haven't thanked you yet. I hear a Fafi Dragon on THIS very island!! I heard a rumor the other day. About the tree I had found! I heard every Sunday there's a party at Halinarzo Church, but to get there you need to pass through the Desert Canyon. He oído que todos los domingos hay una fiesta en la iglesia de Halinarzo, pero para llegar hay que pasar por el Cañón del Desierto. I heard they promised to revive the Red Queen, no idea how and don't care, they don't have money anyway. I heard you fought the slimes that were still roaming between the bookshelves. Thank you! I heard you have been assisting the household staff. For that, I am thankful. I heard you have met my good friend George, and you gave him some items that he needed... I heard your investigations reminded other people that they observed suspicious behaviour too. I honestly wouldn't hire a Mercenary. I hope my answer help you in your adventure! ¡Espero que mi respuesta te ayude en tu aventura! I hope my men are safe, that was yesterday. I am barely alive. I hope my shift ends soon, so I can go home rest and drink a little. I hope one day, they decide build a church here. It's a pain to travel there every time... Ojalá algún día decidan construir una iglesia aquí. Es un dolor viajar allí cada vez... I hope that strange towel man doesn't bother me again... I hope this is your size. Espero que esta sea tu talla. I hope to one day be like @@, who @@ Espero algún día ser como @@, quién @@ I hope you got some good drops, but that depends on your luck. Anyway, here is your reward. Espero que tengas algunas buenas caidas pero eso depende de tu suerte. De todos modos, aquí está tu recompensa. I hope you like this color. Espero que le guste este color. I imagine something sufficiently small or nimble, or maybe liquid, could pass through it to reach the kitchen's depot. I intend to continue with my family's tradition, by teaching the Way of Archery. I investigate missing pets. Many flee from their owners because they die pathetically or forgot to feed them. I just gave you it. Come back later. I just go out removing swords from rocks, and then throwing them again at the lake. All that while I drink coffee. I just want to live my life in peace. Sólo quiero vivir en paz. I just want to trade. I just wanted to say hi. Solo quería decir hola. I keep failing to summon maggots... Sigo sin poder invocar gusanos... I knew someone would agree with me! ¡Sabía que alguien estaría de acuerdo conmigo! I know %s are rare and expensive. They should have more than covered the costs for what I took. Sé que %s son raros y caros. Deberían haber cubierto con creces los costos de lo que tomé. I know a few bandits stole a few, and Lava Slimes love to eat Casino Coins. Sé que algunos bandidos robaron algunos los Slimes de Lava les encanta comer monedas de casino. I know another Bandit Lord will take his place, but the loss of their leader will make the bandits scatter long enough. I know how hard it is! I hate them with all my heart, only seeing you killing them left and right was GREAT! I know how many bat teeth and wings Arkim collected. I know it may sound silly, but I need your help to find out who I am. I know nothing about the robberies, but I might help if you brief me on the issue. I know nothing about the robberies, sorry. I know nothing about the robberies. But Lora Tay spends most of the time awake and Nico Goethe is always running through the whole Inn searching for someone to play with. Both are very sharp when it comes to time and noises, even if aloof to what they don't care about. I know you have %d %s with you, just haven't said before to be polite. I leave this basement that start to be too dangerous! I like Mana Magic the best, as we can both summon creatures as transmutate stuff. %%N Me gusta más la magia de mana, ya que ambos podemos convocar criaturas y transmutar cosas. %%N I like people like you, straight to the subject. Me gusta la gente como tú, directo al tema. I like to eat snake eggs. Lemme do you a proposal: You bring me %d %s, and I'll give you a flask of %s. I like to sing. Me gusta cantar. I like to talk! If yeye likes too, you can press @@ to open chat box! ¡Me gusta hablar! Si a yeye también le gusta, ¡puedes presionar @@ para abrir el cuadro de chat! I lost interest in you. Don't bother me - leave from where you've came. I lost the precious ring they gave me as a gift... Who could have taken it...? I love living here, but I wish people weren't locked inside the rooms all time. I love seeing their faces tremble in terror. Me encanta ver sus rostros temblar de terror. I love you, Silvia! - Swezanne ¡Te amo Silvia! -Swezanne I made a mistake, I would like to change my language.#0 Me he equivocado, me gustaría cambiar mi idioma. I made a mistake, I would like to change my language.#1 Me he equivocado, me gustaría cambiar mi idioma. I made my point! I win! ¡Hice mi punto! ¡Yo gano! I make both @@ and @@, if you give me the shrooms associated to them, and money. Hago @@ y @@, si me das los hongos asociados a ellos y dinero. I may have a task for you. Return when you tired of exploring... I mean, a ship should come to pick you up, but the arch-wizards said they were too lazy to take care of those small details. So you'll be warped. Quiero decir, un barco debería venir a recogerte, pero los archimagos dijeron que eran demasiado vagos para ocuparse de esos pequeños detalles. Entonces serás teletransportado. I mean, that's absurd! If there was one, it would have been taken already. Unless if grew some sentience or something. Quiero decir, ¡eso es absurdo! Si lo hubiera, ya lo habrían tomado. A menos que haya desarrollado algo de sensibilidad o algo así. I mean, there's even an Monster King? What sort of world is this?! I met Elli. I might be able to get you a rare copy of the Maritime Almanac Scroll. A yearly publication for seafaring men. I might want to ask an Yeti specialist about this. Maybe Celestia? I mine here since quite a while. My favorite activity is to scare other miners! Yo mino aquí desde hace bastante tiempo. ¡Mi actividad favorita es asustar a otros mineros! I miss Ms. De'Kagen, she was very benevolent but from another world. Why does this one only have annoying pricks for Originals. Wait, I'm getting sidetracked. I miss the Red Queen, times were easier when she was around. I moved to Hurnscald, stayed there for over a decade, until Lord Transmogrifier Pontorias the Plaid (May His Shape Reflect His Soul Forever) died. Me mudé a Hurnscald y permanecí allí durante más de una década, hasta que murió Lord Transmogrifier Pontorias the Plaid (Que su forma refleje su alma para siempre). I must have full MP to touch it... Which I don't. Debo tener MP completo para tocarlo... Lo cual no tengo. I must keep notes of this. Debo tomar notas de esto. I must report this to Jesusalva. The inventory system can't handle that much. Want more? Try 1,638,400. I must, however, remember that the most powerful magical equipment ##B may require intelligence ##b to use. Debo, sin embargo, recordar que el equipo mágico ##B más poderoso puede requerir inteligencia ##b para su uso. I must, however, thank you. I could not just come straight up and tell that to everyone, nor simply lock the house without no reason. I'm always fair. I need 2 @@, the @@, and 4000 GP. I need @@ @@, if you could arrange me that I would be grateful. I need @@ @@. Necesito @@ @@. I need @@ Herbs! I need @@ to work... Necesito @@ para trabajar... I need @@/@@ @@ for the book covers and binding of some of the more valuable books we're trying to recreate. I need FIVE batches! I need FIVE batches!\n I need a GM set, please! ¡Necesito un set de GM, por favor! I need a favor from you. Go talk to Peetu. Ask him to confirm if there was silk cocoon in the ingredients. Janika reported me that we've ran out of it two days ago. I need a favor! For certain... reasons... I ran out of poison! And For certain... reasons... I am in dire need of them! I need a string, but not just any string, a really good string. Necesito una cuerda, pero no una cuerda cualquiera, una cuerda realmente buena. I need a sturdy wood piece for a Forest Bow. I need a suitable base helmet, around 70 herbs to use my magical dye, and gold: I need a tutorial, where can I find help? Necesito un tutorial, ¿dónde puedo encontrar ayuda? I need at minimum %d Monster Points to get items at current level. Necesito un mínimo de %d puntos de monstruo para obtener elementos del nivel actual. I need for the Magic Academy a @@, fast! Necesito para la Academia de Magia un @@, ¡rápido! I need groceries. %d %s, %d %s, %d %s, %d %s and %d %s. Give it to my wife, Silvia. Necesito comida. %d %s , %d%s, %d%s , %d%s y %d%s . Dáselo a mi esposa Silvia. I need help because, you see, I don't carry a cauldron around. I need help, but you aren't strong enough. Please come back later. Necesito ayuda, pero no eres lo suficientemente fuerte. Por favor regresa más tarde. I need help. I need infirmary services. I need millions of GP to fund my time-space shattering, and thus far, I've only collected @@ GP. I need more feathers for a fair deal. Necesito más plumas para un trato justo. I need more return potions. I need more time to prepare. Necesito más tiempo para preparar. I need offensive magic! I need some help with something, but I don't think you're strong enough. Come back later please when you're stronger. I need some materials to repair my spacesh- ahm, it's not important why I need it. I need somebody who can rid the hold of the ship of these creatures. Can you help me? Necesito a alguien que pueda librar la bodega del barco de estas criaturas. ¿Me puedes ayudar? I need someone to help me clean the edge of the ship, but you aren't strong enough for now.#0 Necesito que alguien me ayude a limpiar el borde del barco, pero usted no es lo bastante fuerte por ahora.#0 I need someone to help me clean the edge of the ship, but you aren't strong enough for now.#1 Necesito que alguien me ayude a limpiar el borde del barco, pero usted no es lo bastante fuerte por ahora.#1 I need support magic! I need supreme ranger skills! I need supreme warrior skills! I need to buy your silence. I'll reward you greatly when I'm done. But first, I need to know if you'll be loyal to me. Necesito comprar tu silencio. Te recompensaré enormemente cuando termine. Pero primero necesito saber si me serás leal. I need to enter. I need to finish studying for my test... I need to go on with sorting the bookpages now. I need to go. Tengo que irme. I need to know if someone is blaming him. It is important. I need to leave. I need to pour the @@ to summon the Yeti King. Necesito verter @@ para convocar al Rey Yeti. I need to survive anything! I need to talk with you! I need to think about it...#0 Necesito pensar en ello...#0 I need to think about it...#1 Necesito pensar en ello...#1 I need you to bring me some basic items to face Winter! Fire is the most important for us. I need you to find her to and bring her back there, along whatever she stole. Then I'll honor your request. I need you to take care of my 'Piou Problem.' I need your help dude! ¡Necesito tu ayuda amigo! I never knew you could fail THAT hard. I've took Saulc's Fertilizer's recipe, success chance is of 100% if you want to try again. Nunca supe que podías fallar TANTO. Toma la receta del fertilizante de Saulc, la probabilidad de éxito es del 100% si quieres volver a intentarlo. I never tried it, because it makes no sense to do that, but theoretically adding some Silk Cocoons could have such an effect. Uh... but that should not happen. I offer an awesome skill for you, for a very slow price, and you try to cheat me... pitiful... Te ofrezco una habilidad increíble, por un precio muy bajo, y tratas de engañarme... lamentable... I offer you %d GP for one. What do you say? Te ofrezco %d GP por uno. ¿Qué dices? I offer you %s Aethyr Points per unit of %s. How many do you wish to sell? (0-%d) I offer you either %s GP, or %s Monster Points for it. What do you say? I once killed a Giant Maggot alone! I only need @@ @@. Please! You have to help me! Yo sólo necesito @@ @@. ¡Por favor! ¡Tienes que ayudarme! I only need @@/@@ @@ to make enough magic paper for the books... Do you, perchance, have them with you? I only saw... Yes you can tell... I ONLY SAW PINKIES! And they weren't stealing some foreigner garbage, but MY CROPS! One day, I swear one day I'll get rid of them! I only take a tax of 100 gp per gem. Sólo cobro un impuesto de 100 GP por gema. I plan in doing an event! Give me the coins! ¡Planeo hacer un evento! ¡Dame las monedas! I predict you're closer to find the Secret Of Mana, and therefore, be part on saving our world. I probably can give you my Sharp Knife, though! If you want to help me, that is. ¡Pero probablemente pueda darte mi cuchillo afilado! Si quieres ayudarme, eso es. I probably should let %s chant it. I probably should look in a way of calming him down. I probably should talk to everyone else, and assess better the situation, before bothering Oskari. I promise I'll never steal from you again. Here, take these shorts. Prometo que nunca más te robaré. Toma, toma estos pantalones cortos. I protect a dungeon for PARTIES. You're not on a party, get moving. I protect a very dangerous dungeon, and it is so dangerous, that only parties can go in. I put options on items upon request, but I am very expensive! This is deducted from your tweaking quota. I raise them, water them, and then sell them. Los cultivo, los riego y luego los vendo. I really hope that nothing major happens, though. I would hate to see blood being spilled. Aunque realmente espero que no pase nada importante. Odiaría ver que se derramara sangre. I really wonder how that accident could've happened. I'd have never expected him to mess something up like that. I really wonder what went wrong. I can't imagine Peetu messing up something so important. I recommend that you train your agility a great deal, since most monsters out there aren't really amazing at hitting you. Te recomiendo que entrenes mucho tu agilidad, ya que la mayoría de los monstruos no son muy buenos golpeándote. I regret it. I regret to inform Barbara was killed in battle before I could find her. I burried her in the mines. I represent the @@ Hunters. We hunt @@ (Lv @@). I rolled a %d! ¡Tiré un %d! I said go away! I said it cannot be yourself... </3 I saw Purple the other day... Ah, now I want to eat @@... A dozen should do... Vi Purple el otro día... Ah, ahora quiero comer @@... Una docena debería ser suficiente... I saw some flower adorns, too. I hope it is not some traveler's grave. This war, it makes me so sad... I'm sure the tree was sad, too. I scored a(n) %s! I see it's not so easy to get rid of the monsters. Do you want to try again? Veo que no es tan fácil deshacerse de los monstruos. ¿Quieres intentarlo de nuevo? I see two snake skins, but you didn't killed them down there. That defeats the whole purpose. I see you are a Monster Hunting Quest Participant, right? I don't need your help right now, but maybe later, who knows? I see you are doing good. Keep slaying them, hahaah! I see you brought @@/5 @@ for us! ¡Veo que trajiste @@/5 @@ para nosotros! I see you don't know how to craft. Do you want me to teach the basic for you? I'll charge 1000 GP. Veo que no sabes hacer manualidades. ¿Quieres que te enseñe lo básico? Cobraré 1000 GP. I see you finished the Master Dungeon and didn't found my men. I'll think on something. I see you have arms long enough to be an archer. Veo que tienes brazos lo suficientemente largos como para ser arquero. I see you have brought @@/3 @@ and @@/10 @@ for me. Veo que has traído @@/3 @@ y @@/10 @@ para mí. I see you have brought @@/3 @@ and @@/3 @@ for me Veo que has traído @@/3 @@ y @@/10 @@ para mí. I see you have collected some experience. Let me try to rank you up! I see you have magical powers. Have you been acknowledge by the Alliance as a mage? If not, you should regularize yourself as a @@º degree mage in Tulimshar Magic Council. Veo que tienes poderes mágicos. ¿La Alianza te ha reconocido como mago? Si no, deberías regularizarte como mago de grado @@º en el Consejo Mágico de Tulimshar. I see you're trying to use the %s set, nice! Veo que estás intentando usar el set%s, ¡bien! I see you've brought Barbara here, excellent. She seems pretty beat up. I see, I believe the workers at the basement might know something, but they likely don't know they know. I see. Ya veo. I see. Well, welcome to the game! If you have any doubt, shout on #world for help! Ya veo. Bueno, ¡bienvenido al juego! Si tienes alguna duda, ¡escribe en el #mundo para pedir ayuda! I shall call myself from there on, after this great assault... @@. I shall decide here and now, if you are worth of living in this world! I shall leave this book with my son, SphinxNox. I will not fail, and live forever. This will be their inheritance from me. I shall not fail any further, I think my new formula is perfect! Here's the EXP, but I need material to use it! ¡No fallaré más, creo que mi nueva fórmula es perfecta! Aquí está la EXP, ¡pero necesito material para usarla! I shall report to Kenton. I now entrust this quest in your hands! I should be prepared before walking on this. I should check if I have more than enough potions and food before proceeding! I should check the Apple Garden first. I should defeat all mobs before passing. I should explore the huts before going up. I should have full mana before attempting to disarm one. I should not go ahead... yet. I should not leave this room without talking to the king first. I should not veer off too much the path. I should talk to Cauldron now... Scary. I should talk to King Arthur. I should talk to Ryan instead; no progress will be gained otherwise. I should train my intelligence, and level up, both my base as my Job Level. Debo entrenar mi inteligencia, y subir de nivel, tanto mi base como mi nivel de trabajo. I should train my intelligence, have full MP, and don't neglect even Job Level. Debería entrenar mi inteligencia, tener MP completo y no descuidar ni siquiera el nivel de trabajo. I sponsor the alliance and all I got was a NPC and access to this ugly room. I stay. I still don't have everything, but don't worry, I'll be back. Todavía no lo tengo todo, pero no te preocupes, ya volveré. I still have Anwar's fertilizer with me. Todavía tengo el fertilizante de Anwar conmigo. I stole nothing from you. Do you have any proof? No te robé nada. ¿Tienes alguna prueba? I suggest some training. I suggest we ignore the hint and ask %s about it instead. I suggest you leave now, %s. If you are even suspected of being a S.A.R.A.H. agent... I suppose I can make you a %s. It sometimes casts magic skills upon your foes. Well, seldomly, but it also deals more damage than normal wands. I suppose, what would you like? I swear silence, over this radiant topaz. Juro silencio, sobre este topacio radiante. I swear silence, over this sanguine ruby. Juro silencio sobre este rubí sanguíneo. I swear that I, %s, will never let myself be let astray by power. I think I have enough gold with me.#0 Creo que tengo suficiente oro conmigo.#0 I think I have enough gold with me.#1 Creo que tengo suficiente oro conmigo.#1 I think I'm done with that now. You should now look for captain Nard downstairs. He'll be waiting for you. Creo que ya terminé con eso. Ahora deberías buscar al capitán Nard abajo. Él te estará esperando. I think I'm ready. I think Intense Beard, on Tulimshar's Forge, was taking new apprentices. Try talking to him! Creo que Beard el intenso, en la forja de Tulimshar, estaba aceptando nuevos aprendices. ¡Intenta hablar con él! I think Lieutenant Paul had a bounty for extra experience. I think it was the Orcs and Raijins town. It was laid to waste by Yetis. I think someone on Tulimshar is capable to teach you these bonuses. Eh, I don't know. Haven't been there for a while. I think that %d %s and %d %s should be enough for now. I think the Doctor, on Dimond's Cove could help me, but that means passing by Kenton... I think the switches may open it, but I couldn't flip them. I think this blue circle right here can be helpful to break the enchantment that blocks the door of the Inn. I think you should get initiated on any side before speaking to me again. I think, for just 25 %s I could arrange one for you. Eh... Just don't think that you have an amazing weapon, alright? Creo que por sólo 25 %s te podría conseguir uno. Eh... Simplemente no creas que tienes un arma increíble, ¿de acuerdo? I think, for just 25, %s I could arrange a %s for you. Creo que por sólo 25 %s podría conseguirte una %s para ti. I thought I was going to send you into a nest of Yetis, but instead, I've sent you straight to the birthplace of Bandits and Assassins. I thought I would be safe in the shrine, but seems like they are after the Moubootaur. Great danger will befall all forest creatures if they accomplish that. I thought he would. After all, Everburn Powder... is not a mere powder. Pensé que lo haría. Después de todo, El polvo de Everburn... no es un simple polvo. I thought it was meant to be lava, this being in the Land Of Fire and all, but seems like someone must bug Saulc to fix it. I thought sandstorms would make difficult to walk, but it is just awful on my skin. I thought they ate little girls. I tried to keep an eye on him after that, but when I got distracted by some newly arriving visitor he went over to the workshop again! Usually I enjoy my job, because I like talking to people, but this guy... was a pain, really. I tried. He asked for too much money. I try to improve my skills every day. One day, I will sing a song no one will ever forget. Intento mejorar mis habilidades todos los días. Un día cantaré una canción que nadie olvidará jamás. I understand. Rakinorf told me to stuff you with them if needed. I used to make dyes for Agostine but he hasn't bought any in a while. I could make you a %s if you bring me the right items. I used to take care of Homunculus a few centuries ago, before it became lost knowledge. A pity that my knowledge is no longer useful to anyone. I usually ask adventurers for 11 @@, but new miners should be arriving soon. I need to make them cry! Normalmente les pido a los aventureros 11 @@, pero pronto llegarán nuevos mineros. ¡Necesito hacerlos llorar! I usually ask for just 7, but to prove you are going to help us in this purge, I will ask you for 14 %s! I will reward you for your bravery. Normalmente pido sólo 7, pero para demostrar que nos vas a ayudar en esta purga, ¡te pediré 14 %s! Te recompensaré por tu valentía. I usually don't let anyone in, but I had to make an exception for the likes of you. I visited it with my mother, the other day, and I found a tree in a cave! I wanna return home... I want %d %s! I want %d %s! Don't worry, I can pay. I want @@! I want @@!! I want Arcanum I want Graphene I want Leather Patch I want Snake Skin I want THREE batches! ¡Quiero TRES lotes! I want a %s so badly... Pyndragon, in the forge, the master blacksmith which makes powerful weapons for high levels, can give you one. I want a BOSS task! I want a EXPERT (Lv 70~100) task! I want a KUNAI. I want a MASTER (Lv 100+) task! I want a MODERATE (Lv 50~70) task! I want a MODERATE task! ¡Quieres una tarea MODERADA! I want a PORTABLE LIGHTSABER. I want a POWERFUL GUNSTAFF. I want a POWERFUL LIGHTSABER. I want a RAPID GUNSTAFF. I want a S-rank card, like %s, any of them can do. I want a SHORT GUNSTAFF. I want a Sponsor Necklace. Quiero un Collar de Patrocinador. I want a WHIP. I want a X-rank card, like %s, any of them can do. I want a gemstone or ore I want a gift box and here is the gift. I want a gift box but I don't have a gift. I want a gun! I want a knife and a bottle of water! I want a ★★★★★ mercenary card, like %s, any of them can do. I want an Agi Potion. Quiero una poción de agilidad. I want an Agi+ Potion. Quiero una poción Agi+. I want an Agi++ Potion. Quiero una poción Agi++. I want an EASY task! ¡Quiero una tarea FÁCIL! I want an EXPERT task! ¡Quiero una tarea EXPERTA! I want an EXPLOSIVE GUNSTAFF. I want an Eggshell Hat! I want coal I want copper armbands! I want experience I want gold I want iron armbands! I want it. I want leather armbands! I want monster points I want more than one! ¡Quiero más de una! I want somebody to slay the bandit leader, but if you want to do it, you must prove yourself first. I want something more magical. I want the Wurtzite I want the apples back. I want to arrest the Monster King one day, but until then, I'm happy getting rid of petty scammers, spammers, and general evildoers. Quiero arrestar al Rey Monstruo algún día, pero hasta entonces, estoy feliz de deshacerme de pequeños estafadores, spammers y malhechores en general. I want to be trained! ¡Quiero ser entrenado! I want to become an archer! I want to challenge the Yetifly. I want to challenge you both. I want to challenge you. I want to change my Race! ¡Quiero cambiar mi raza! I want to change my hair color. Quiero cambiar el color de mi cabello. I want to craft rings. Quiero hacer anillos. I want to create polished gemstones. Quiero crear piedras preciosas pulidas. I want to divorce. Quiero divorciarme. I want to forge One Handed Weapons! I want to forge Quivers! I want to forge Shields! I want to get rid of them. I want to improve my equipment. Quiero mejorar mi equipo. I want to keep breaking them, until I find the paradise! Thus far, I only found the Land Of Fire! I want to know what you found out again quiero saber que descubriste otra vez I want to know why you shown me that. Quiero saber por qué me mostraste eso. I want to learn reading ancient languages Quiero aprender a leer lenguas antiguas. I want to meet a hero! I want to move left. I want to pay my respects as a fellow Pink Mouboo cult member. I want to pay the full price. I want to prove exotic tea. More specifically, I'm looking for %s and %s. Bring me %d of each, and I'll reward you awesomely. I want to register for marriage. Quiero registrarme para casarme. I want to remove all stuff applied to my ring! ¡Quiero eliminar todas las cosas aplicadas a mi anillo! I want to sell White Fur for 75 GP each I want to shop. Quiero comprar. I want to sleep... I want to trade the Wumpus Egg! I want to trade with you. Quiero comerciar contigo. I want to trade. I want to try convincing the Yeti King again. I want two batches! ¡Quiero dos lotes! I want you to brew some for me. I want you to decrypt something quiero que descifres algo I want you to impress me, so I can brag about you to all my friends! I want you to kill @@, which are located near the northwest coast of the island. Quiero que mates a @@, que se encuentran cerca de la costa noroeste de la isla. I want you to purge the cave from cave maggots. Kill 25 @@. They keep respawning and annoy my miners. Quiero que limpies la cueva de gusanos. Mata a 25 @@. Siguen reapareciendo y molestan a mis mineros. I want you to transform my raw log into a wooden beam I wanted info about how to play. Quería información sobre cómo jugar. I wanted to go to the beach, but I can't find the cave entrance. They told me to look around here... What am I doing wrong? Quería ir a la playa, pero no encuentro la entrada a la cueva. Me dijeron que mirara por aquí... ¿Qué estoy haciendo mal? I was a bit worried that they might ruin our efforts by messing everything up again after we just cleaned. I was born here but I had amnesia. Nací aquí pero tenía amnesia. I was found near Candor Island, on a raft, and can't remember anything. Do you know who I am? Me encontraron cerca de la isla de Candor, en una balsa, y no recuerdo nada. ¿Sabes quién soy? I was informed that our bedding material for fragile presents is nearly depleted... I was kicked out of home for not paying rent. But I had no choice, it was either to eat or to have a roof... I was planning to go there soon, anyway. All aboard! De todos modos, estaba planeando ir allí pronto. ¡Todos a bordo! I was so excited, I wanted to try it as soon as possible. Estaba muy entusiasmado, quise probarlo lo antes posible. I was thinking, maybe I could make a @@ for you. But I want a few items: Estaba pensando, tal vez podría hacer un @@ para ti. Pero quiero algunos artículos: I was up until late last night, and woke up so early today... I'm having a break right now. I was very surprised when I heard that he's responsible for the failed sealing. I'd never have expected that from him. I will also need %d %s to make the mixture and %s GP as a fee. I will apply later. I will be back shortly. I will be forever grateful! ¡Estaré eternamente agradecido! I will do it, don't worry. Lo haré, no te preocupes. I will empower you with raw mana now. I will go and hunt some snakes. I will harass Demure with so many chocolate that she'll leave this event map rolling! I will kill one. Mataré a uno. I will let Lalica, Pihro and Pyndragon know that you find her not guilty, but... I will let you test it for a peny until level 10! ¡Te dejaré probarlo por un centavo hasta el nivel 10! I will make quick work of your wounds. I will need 3 @@, 5 @@ and 100 GP to craft a single stone. Necesitaré 3 @@, 5 @@ y 100 GP para fabricar una sola piedra. I will need many Mauve Herbs! Do you have them with you? If you don't have enough, we'll lose everything! You need at most @@! I will need: Necesitaré: I will pay you 5,000 GP in pure gold for it! I will prepare you a potion. But beware, that potion will only last 20 minutes. You should assign some intelligence points to succeed. I will require 2500 GP, 1 @@, 1 @@ and 1 @@, for a small handful of it. Necesitaré 2500 GP, 1 @@, 1 @@ y 1 @@, por un pequeño puñado. I will reward you for 7 @@. I will sing a song about the Five Legendary Heroes myth. Cantaré una canción sobre el mito de los Cinco Héroes Legendarios. I will sing a song about the Mana War and current times. Cantaré una canción sobre la Guerra de Mana y los tiempos actuales. I will sing a song about the fate of five legendary weapons. Cantaré una canción sobre el destino de cinco armas legendarias. I will summon the Monster King. Don't ask me for my reasons. I know this will put Tulimshar in danger. But I will still do it. Invocaré al Rey Monstruo. No me preguntes por mis razones. Sé que esto pondrá a Tulimshar en peligro. Pero todavía lo haré. I will take a claw and show Hasan. Tomaré una garra y se la mostraré a Hasan. I will take the @@ Bounty. Aceptaré la recompensa @@. I will trade you a Dagger and Sailor's Hat for it. I will try it later. I will, don't worry. I wish to gouge on you but I own her a great deal, so I'll teach you a recipe for free. I work mostly with sea food... This includes %s by the way. Desearía sobrecargarte, pero le debo un gran trato a ella, así que te enseñaré una receta gratis. Trabajo principalmente con mariscos... Esto incluye%s, por cierto. I wish you a good time in town. Que lo pase bien en la ciudad. I wish you good luck! I wish you good luck. I remember these caves... They're dangerous. Make sure to be prepared before venturing further. I woke up in a shake! I felt... Oh, it's hard to describe... As if the spell suddenly started inflating, getting bigger... bigger... weaker... weaker... I won't accept stuff from Halinarzo! I won't need it, thank you.#0 No lo necesitaré, gracias.#0 I won't need it, thank you.#1 No lo necesitaré, gracias.#1 I won't say you can't do it, %s. But I will just say killing the Bandit Lord is no easy task. I won't share our water with you! I won't stop you from going inside, but be careful, you hear me? I wonder if anyone will notice or care if I take a nap here... I wonder if he exists on this world too. Because if he doesn't, I could tell many tales about him! I wonder if it'll take too long for the ship to arrive... Me pregunto si el barco tardará mucho en llegar... I wonder if you can still sleep after killing those innocent forest creatures! I wonder what secrets the Heroes Hold could be hiding... I work in this mine since 3 years, I'm an expert on gems: Ruby, Topaz, Sapphire, You know! Trabajo en esta mina desde hace 3 años, soy experta en gemas: Rubí, Topacio, Zafiro, ¡Ya sabes! I would advise you to remain here in the ship, they should leave in a few minutes, but I will not force you. Te aconsejaría que te quedes aquí en el barco, deberían partir en unos minutos, pero no te obligaré. I would bring some %s, just in case. Anyway, the place where you're going to is the village where %s was born. I would gladly aid you to get rid of that scourge. I would gladly give my life for such noble goal. I would kick me out myself! I'm such a failure! A complete disaster! %%i I would like @@ @@, @@ @@ and @@ @@! I would like a hat like yours. I would like all Knifes and Daggers on me melted! I would like an item melted! I would like some Mouboo Milk. I would like some information I would like to REMOVE an item options I would like to buy a Warp Crystal. I would like to change an item options I would like to comission some Sorcerer Robes. I would like to create a guild. Me gustaría crear un gremio. I would like to create a party. Me gustaría crear un grupo. I would like to enroll! I would like to learn a new skill! I would like to order some dye. Me gustaría pedir un tinte. I would like to perform money transactions. I would like to sell it for %s GP. I would like to store some items. Me gustaría guardar algunos objetos. I would like to swap, I offer you %s GP. I would like to use the Deluxe Storage. I would like to use the Guild Storage. I would like to use the Premium Storage. I would limit the search for persons, cats, dragons, squirrels or yetis. Keep in mind these aren't the primary food for any of them, so you're unlikely to find them in a pile of stolen cheese. I would love to help my friends from the Land of Fire, but... I've seen no such thing. I would love to see the skin of two @@. I would love to, but the Monster King laid siege there. I'd like my Crozenite Clover Silvered. I'd like to get a different style. Me gustaría tener un estilo diferente. I'll also need @@ as base material! I'll also provide you a few @@s and an Elixir. Use them wisely. I'll also try to bring you to the world's edge, as you've asked. I'll be attracted by the Shadow Herb. The moss will hide the roots, which will entrap it for a while. I'll be back in no time. Volveré en un momento. I'll be back later with all ingredients. Volveré más tarde con todos los ingredientes. I'll be expecting you back. I'll be keeping an eye on you, %s. Don't make trouble. Estaré pendiente de ti,%s. No provoques problemas. I'll be waiting for you! And trading some items of questionable origins... ¡Te estaré esperando! Y comerciar con algunos artículos de origen cuestionable... I'll be waiting! I'll be writing a letter to the next town you're going to visit, and also assign work to my household. You should come back later. I'll bring them. I'll call someone to aid you. I'll come back later. Volveré más tarde. I'll configure your flask to a few hours before the Great Fire breaks out. You're looking for "The Queen's party" hideout. Do you need a quick history lesson? I'll decide later I'll draw a card now! I'll draw my hand now! I'll draw your hand now! I'll feed you to the Moubootaur %%e I'll finish it in no time. Don't worry. Lo terminaré en poco tiempo. No te preocupes. I'll get so mad at you that even if you are correct, I'll say otherwise. Also, mind special characters. I'll get to it. Ya lo haré. I'll get to work. Me pondré a trabajar. I'll give it to someone who challenge me and best me in an impressive manner. If it was easy, someone would already have claimed it. I'll give you @@ GP for this job. Te daré @@ GP por este trabajo. I'll give you a @@. It should aid you out there. I'll give you a reward, in the name of Saulc, once you reach the following levels: 25, 50, 75, 100, 125 and 150. Te daré una recompensa, a nombre de Saulc, una vez que alcances los siguientes niveles: 25, 50, 75, 100, 125 y 150. I'll give you the item. Te daré el objeto. I'll have her hospitalized now. I'll help you. Te ayudare. I'll input how many I want to attach. I'll just... put this tiny coat of arms on you. This will let everyone know you are acting on an official capacity. I'll keep studying it in secret. I'm so proud of my thieves! I'll make you five questions about lore and general knowledge. You'll have 30 seconds to read and answer each. I'll make your life easier, I'm also accepting 20 @@ or @@ instead the Grass Carp. Go now, pal. Te haré la vida más fácil, también acepto 20 @@ o @@ en lugar de la carpa herbívora. Vete ahora, amigo. I'll offer you a payment for hours worked, I do not advise this unless you have nothing better to do. I'll only say you this once. Mages can, of course, go to battlefield in heavy armor and stuff. Sólo te lo diré una vez. Los magos pueden, por supuesto, ir al campo de batalla con armaduras pesadas y demás. I'll pay the GP. Voy a pagar el GP. I'll present you three kind of strong monsters. Snakes are fast and dangerous. Giant Maggots are slow and dangerous. Black Scorpions have average speed and are... deadly. Les presentaré tres tipos de monstruos fuertes. Las serpientes son rápidas y peligrosas. Los gusanos gigantes son lentos y peligrosos. Los Escorpiones Negros tienen una velocidad media y son... mortales. I'll read the options from you, but the level will be paid by me, and failure rate is non-existant. I am the best. blacksmith. in. the. universe! Use %s if you need to change any options. I'll reward you and your friends in an appropriate way, but if you endanger her... Oh, my poor Cindy... I'll see you later. I'll seek one for you. I'll start delivering the fur! I'll talk about who I am after leaving the well. I'll teach you a spell. It is called CUTE HEART. It summons Fluffies. They are so cute, I want to hug them... I'll teach you how to transmute some parts of theirs. You can use it to convert a @@ into a @@, but not the other way around, for example. Te enseñaré cómo transmutar algunas partes de ellos. Puedes usarlo para convertir un @@ en un @@, pero no al revés, por ejemplo. I'll try to find them. Intentaré encontrarlos. I'll walk around here a little more. I'll warp you to the Cave Of Trials. Pass all trials, and meet me on Soren's House. Hahah! Te llevaré a la Cueva de las Pruebas. Pasa todas las pruebas y reúnete conmigo en la Casa de Soren. ¡Jaja! I'm Eistein, survivor from Ukaropolis. I reward brave adventurers who kill monsters, which plague our lands. Soy Eistein, superviviente de Ukaropolis. Recompenso a los valientes aventureros que matan monstruos que plagan nuestras tierras. I'm GM and got the money. Gimme HALF HOUR to invite everybody! I'm Laranja. I'm Thurgar the mighty craftsman. I can make anything reality! But I only work for the king! I'm a bit short in cash right now. I'm a bit sick...#0 Estoy un poco enfermo...#0 I'm a bit sick...#1 Estoy un poco enfermo...#1 I'm a little busy right now. Estoy algo ocupado ahora mismo. I'm a pro, this will be GG EZ. But Raid is not a foe to be underestimated, and I have no hopes for reinforcements. I refuse to leave last words, I shall either triumph, or be forgotten in shame. I'm a traveling poet, businessman and admirer of Robert Burns, a bard from the mana world. I'm actually half-wose. This means part of me is tree. I'm actually looking for an item forged! I'm actually paid by the Academy, or there would be no security here. I'm afraid I can't be of any help to you. I'm afraid my wounds are too critical. I'm bleeding. I was cursed. And I can't even move. I'm afraid you can't help me... I still have one HP left. I'm afraid you'll need a key to reach them. But there's a fork on the way. I'm after the Queen's Party. I'm all stocked up now, thanks to ye. Come back in @@ and ye might be able to help me again. Ya tengo todo abastecido, gracias a ti. Vuelve en @@ y quizás puedas ayudarme de nuevo. I'm allergic to piou potions, goodbye.#0 Soy alérgico a las pociones de Pious, adiós.#0 I'm allergic to piou potions, goodbye.#1 Soy alérgica a las pociones de Pious, adiós.#1 I'm allergic to pious, goodbye. Soy alérgico a los Pious, adiós. I'm almost in the point of no return. I cannot believe this, but mana... is alive. I'm already married, though...#0 I'm already married, though...#1 I'm am about to make myself some powerful equipment... But I ran out of material to refine it! I'm an experienced weapon master helping this smithy here, but I am new in this town. I am best at smithing armor. I'm back, I'm here, I'm great! I am the AF King Arthur! I'm back. I'm busy, sorry. Estoy ocupado lo siento. I'm charging you %s GP per hour, with a limit of %d hours. The cart is mine, and it won't do if you run away with it. So, for how many hours you want? I'm cool, thanks! ¡Estoy bien, gracias! I'm counting on you! I'm currently cleaning the arena, wait just @@ more. Actualmente estoy limpiando la arena, espera solo @@ más. I'm currently doing tutorship for students who are... falling behind %%p I'm currently going over some of the household paperwork. Right now I'm inspecting the @@. The work never stops! I'm currently hosting a fight. Actualmente estoy organizando una pelea. I'm doing the covers and illustrations for the new books we create from the pieces of the old ones. I'm done. He terminado. I'm fine for now, thank you. Estoy genial por ahora, gracias. I'm fine, but I can't keep carrying dead weights with me. Candor is a special place, I shall make a base there... Because I know the Monster King will eventually head there. I'm fine, no worries... Estoy bien, no te preocupes... I'm fine, thanks I'm fine, thanks! I'm fine, thanks. Estoy bien gracias. I'm glad there's no annoying towel man. He keeps coming back to annoy me! I'm going, don't worry. I'm grateful for your help. Who knows what would have happened to Rossy without your intervention. So, did you find out who was behind the cheese theft? I'm here as an Initiate. May I enter Duck Dungeon? I'm here on behalf of Agostine. I'm here to arrest a criminal. I'm here to arrest you. I'm here to help you restock... I'm here to investigate what exactly happened so this doesn't happens again. I'm hungry like a bear :b I'm interested in Grand Hunter Quest. I'm interested in your arrows, they're too expensive with Rosen. Me interesan tus flechas, son demasiado caras con Rosen. I'm just a lurker. I'm just joking, mah' boy!#1 I'm just joking, mah' girl!#0 I'm just searching for some cleaning supplies. They must be somewhere around here, but everything went upside down when the slimes escaped. I'm listening, but don't hope me to buy your story. I'm looking for the Queen's Party. I'm moved to tears by your dedication to help us. Unrewarded, even. Here, have this rare %s. For free! Me conmueve hasta las lágrimas tú dedicación para ayudarnos. Incluso sin recompensa. Toma, ten esta rara%s. ¡Gratis! I'm no fool. I always see squirrels robbing the unaware. Sometimes they steal cheese dropped in the ground. But nothing like you want me to believe. I'm not a coward! I must press forward!#0 I'm not a coward! I must press forward!#1 I'm not blind. I'm not crazy, the bucket is vicious and the rope won't withstand my weight. I'm not done yet, please hold tight. It won't take long. I'm not done yet. I'll be back. I'm not familiar with the Butterfly Caves. Try asking a local, maybe Arkim, they ought know the way. I'm not familiar with the Butterfly Caves. Try asking a local? I'm not feeling like it today... Sorry. No tengo ganas hoy... Lo siento. I'm not going any closer to that cursed place! I'm not going to touch a FLOATING sword made of unobtainum without at least knowing a bit more about it. I'm not going to try to improve this masterpiece. Look its options! No voy a intentar mejorar esta obra maestra. ¡Mira sus opciones! I'm not here to listen stories, I need you to return what you've stole. I'm not interested in yours, by the way. Por cierto, el tuyo no me interesa. I'm not interested right now. I'm not interested, sorry. I'm not interested. I'm not neutral, so my vouch have no effect. No soy neutral, por lo que mi garantía no tiene ningún efecto. I'm not ready. I'm not sure I want to spend that much. I'm not sure if that's edible. For teddies, at least. I'm not sure what it needs to move on time, but I managed to make it move in space, back to this village, in no time! I'm not that numb eeh *hic* what did ever yous disco... ...vered there, the Guild won't get me! No estoy tan entumecido eeh *hic* ¿Qué descu......briste... ...allí? ¡El Gremio no me atrapará! I'm not the Captain, Nard is. Yo no soy el Capitán, lo es Nard. I'm not unfamiliar with the children of Merlin, thosem whom cross the Mirror Lake. In case of The Mana World, you're lucky, we're parallel, meaning we share lots of things in common. I'm not. I'm only assuming it was a man because the lack of boobs. I'm pretty confident you can attempt the Desert Canyon, but expect to die a few times. Estoy bastante seguro de que puedes intentar el Cañón del Desierto, pero espera morir varias veces. I'm proud of you! Estoy orgulloso de ti I'm quite interested in you, mah' boy!#1 I'm quite interested in you, mah' girl!#0 I'm railroaded here, I cannot say no. I'll bring you some @@. Break them until one of them fit. I'm ready, let's start! I'm so glad that you took care of the remaining slimes. Thanks! Do you need anything else? I'm so glad we didn't have to go out to hunt the slimes! Thank you! I'm so tired... Slimes everywhere... Chaos everywhere... Yawn... I'm sorry but I can't talk right now... I have something on my mind. I'm sorry, I just... Maybe if...? Aha! Here's the EXP, ready for a next go? Lo siento, yo sólo... ¿Tal vez si...? ¡Ajá! Aquí está la EXP, ¿lista para el próximo intento? I'm sorry, I will come back later. I'm sorry, these words just came to my mind. Lo siento, estas palabras acaban de venir a mi mente. I'm sorry... I can't help you either... Lo siento...yo tampoco puedo ayudarte... I'm sure I could refine this again, if you bring me the payment and the reagents again. I'm sure it was, now go rest a bit, you deserve it! I'm sure that you've got some questions for me, feel free to ask them, but first I need to tell you the rules all adventurers must respect on this world. Estoy seguro de que tienes algunas preguntas para mí, no dudes en hacerlas, pero primero necesito decirte las reglas que todo aventurero debe respetar en este mundo. I'm sure the Doctor has a trick... No loans, thanks. I'm sure the crew will like to be spared from having to eat @@ again! ¡Estoy seguro de que a la tripulación le gustaría que le ahorraran tener que comer @@ denuevo! I'm sure there are a lot of sidequests here until you reach level 30, but that's optional. Estoy seguro de que hay muchas misiones secundarias aquí hasta que alcances el nivel 30, pero eso es opcional. I'm tired, but I can't sleep, I am tasked with the night watch. I'm too busy right now to talk. Dimond's recipes are the best! I'm too far to jump there. I'm trying to make good food for all the sailors here, could you help me? Estoy intentando preparar buena comida para todos los marineros de aquí, ¿podrías ayudarme? I'm waiting for @@ feedback... Please go talk to them! %%S I'm with the Monster King. I'm with the Monster King. I'm worried with them. Anyway, I think only heroes are allowed inside, and you are a few levels short of being a Hero... I'm worried with which Sage the masked man will aim next... I'm worried. Will everything be alright? Please, lend your help to sir Sakar - no, to the whole world! I've also got in contact the other alliance representatives, and I've found out there's a way to bring you to Halinarzo, using Hurnscald route! También me puse en contacto con los otros representantes de la alianza y descubrí que hay una manera de llevarte a Halinarzo, ¡usando la ruta Hurnscald! I've been delving in the secrets of Mana, using the stolen Mana Stone we got the other day. I've been here all day and night. And a lot of people use this portal, unless you have a description of what I'm looking for, and the time, I can't help. I've been looking around all day and night to sell my father's %s, so I remember roughly everyone who have been on this ship. I've brought something to exchange. I've brought the money you've asked for. He traído el dinero que me pediste. I've changed my mind I've changed my mind. I've dispatched Benjamin and some other city guards after her flew to Elenium Mines, but thus far, they haven't returned. I've even heard of people whom dug Casino Coins out of the ground, but as I said, I don't know. But you'll certainly come across a few o your adventures! Incluso he oído hablar de personas que sacaron monedas de casino del suelo, pero como dije, no lo sé. ¡Pero seguro que te encontrarás con algunas en tus aventuras! I've found the Monster King. I've heard Aethyr path was to the west, but I'm not sure west of where... %s I've heard about some adventurers whom obtained magic in another way, but you would still need a lot of levels for that. He oído hablar de algunos aventureros que obtuvieron magia de otra manera, pero aun así necesitarías muchos niveles para eso. I've heard rumors about a legendary axe. I've heard some elves, when they abandoned our original town, founded Aethyr somewhere up northwest. But all contact with it has since been lost. I've heard the old elves were able to make crystals you can walk through as if it wasn't there, could you imagine that? I've heard tidings of strange goings-on in this area... I've heard you helped my staff to recreate some books. For that, I am grateful. I've managed to create a Maggot. It did not die. And it was not an April Fool's joke. Nice one. I've managed to create the first mana-based artificial lifeform, it survived three seconds, the record so far. I've mastered the art of reading ancient languages. He dominado el arte de leer lenguas antiguas. I've mastered the art of speech and communication. He dominado el arte del habla y la comunicación. I've sealed a massive amount of dark magic here. I've seen living wood, but not smart animals doing such ridiculous journey to play a prank. Unless you are the animal doing the prank here? I've sent a scout ahead, and he reported traps in the caves you'll be needing to traverse to get there. I, Elmo, captain's deputy, will help you to make the maximum possible money in Candor! ¡Yo, Elmo, el ayudante del capitán, te ayudaré a ganar el máximo dinero posible en Candor! I, Fafa, the Magical Statue, grant you this power! Prove your worth! And never run from the seal, or die for your cowardice! I, second sage of Fate, write this book. The knowledge on it shall guide you to the Secret Of Mana. I, the rightful ruler, demand back this world! Tyranny! I... I confess. I did steal an apple. I was hungry! I am very poor. IF YOU CHANGE EXP RATE NOW, PREVIOUS BONUS WILL BE LOST! IF YOU DIE, YOU'LL SUFFER THE EXP PENALTY. IMPORTANT: All guild magic needs %s to be cast! INV INV Ice Cube Cubo de hielo Ice Fluffy Ice Gladius Gladius de hielo Ice Lord Ice Maggot Iced Fluffy Iced Water Agua con hielo Icicle Challenge If %s meet the true form of the %s and prove to be a real hero, the sword will give itself for them. But if they fail to prove real heroism, the sword will leave after a while. If I am doing your dirty work, why am I the one paying you?! If I bring @@, my party leader, and the boss is defeated, I can go you in. If I can't beat him, no one else can, and if our species are to survive, we'll need to return to the Edge. Even if it means... Fulfilling the prophecy. %s. Whatever the cost. If I don't know the answer in your language, try answering in English. That always works. If I get a 7 or 11 (natural) I win, and if I get a 2, 3 or 12 I lose (craps). Si saco un 7 u 11 (natural) gano, y si saco un 2, 3 o 12 pierdo (dados). If I get anything else, the number is my point, and rules change: Getting that number I win (point), getting a 7 I lose (craps). Si obtengo algo más, el número es mi punto y las reglas cambian: al obtener ese número gano (punto), al obtener un 7 pierdo (dados). If I had a map, I would be digging the treasures, not selling it, arr! If I only could find another way in... Si pudiera encontrar otra manera de entrar... If I only knew some magic... If I remember correctly they wanted to see the library. They looked like a man, but you never know. If I saw *hic* who you were... *hic* Would not have helped you! Si hubiese visto *hic* quién eras... *hic* ¡No te habría ayudado! If I were you, I would drink water. Si yo fuera tú, bebería agua. If I weren't tempted to try again everytime someone gets it right... If Nikolai's helpers weren't so carefully chosen, I'd think this was some kind of a bad joke from someone. If a guild mate dies, they will revive. Doesn't work on self. If a kid doesn't react to you, try %s and then talk to the kid again. Si un niño no reacciona ante ti intenta%s y hable con él nuevamente. If a tie happens, I'll give your coin back. Si hay un empate, te devolveré tu moneda. If a tie happens, you'll get your coin back. Si ocurre un empate, recuperarás tu moneda. If all players there die, Hurnscald WON'T BE LIBERATED. If at any moment in the fight there's less than %d players in the room, a severe penalty will be applied, so watch out! If enabled, automatic captchas may be sent to you every once in a while. Si está habilitado, es posible que se le envíen captchas automáticos de vez en cuando. If he gives you a guard card, that'll allow access to the Guard House, where you can pick Daily Bounties for monsters. These will pay you in GP. Si te da una tarjeta de guardia, eso te permitirá acceder a la Casa de Guardia, donde podrás elegir recompensas diarias para los monstruos. Estos te pagarán en GP. If it expires, you'll need to do another. To bake it I need 1 @@, 10 @@ and an @@. If it was easy, someone would already have claimed it, so good luck if you plan in obtaining it. If left unchecked for long, they will eventually become the only specie on the sea. If life gets so a person cannot laugh, Si la vida se vuelve tal que una persona no puede reír, If one of us found a Mana stone we would become rich! ¡Si uno de nosotros encontrara una piedra de Mana, nos haríamos ricos! If only we defeated their generals and put the army in disarray... It would be possible to visit there. If so, I may be able to offer you a fair trade and a fair deal for a new recipe for you. My theme are meat dishes. This includes %s by the way. If the Monster King attacks, I will try to control inbound monsters here. If the event ended now, you would get @@ GP. Si el evento terminara ahora, obtendrías @@ GP. If the members level difference is less than 30, and you enable exp sharing, you'll all get a bonus experience! Si la diferencia de nivel de los miembros es inferior a 30 y habilitas el intercambio de experiencia, ¡todos obtendrán una experiencia adicional! If the water doesn't moves, you will never fish anything. Ah, fat luck... Si el agua no se mueve, nunca pescarás nada. Ah, suerte gorda... If there were strong people to give us food, ah, how that would be good... Si hubiera gente fuerte que nos diera comida, ah, qué bueno eso... If they at least read the @@, they wouldn't have such problems. If they enroll, they will become able to study monsters and to visit the Mystical Forest west of here as well. If they were any bigger, monsters would come and kill everyone. Si fueran más grandes, los monstruos vendrían y matarían a todos. If things keep like this, we will only manage to give @@ gifts to every player... If this is found out to be a fraudulent titulation, both you as target will have their titles cased by the Academic Council, or by the Alliance High Council. If this is not the case, just click on "Send". If this is undesired, select the correct world, and if needed create a new char on it. If town reputation reaches zero, the town will only be able to get money with taxes. If we could convince them to distract the Monster King, we could have chances to do a counter-attack! If we don't know where to go - Maybe we should go back looking for clues? If yes, of course she will hate you. With reason! You're murdering her family and friends! If you are a brave hero or adventurer, Andrei, his lieutenant Elora and the Alliance will be waiting for you on %s! If you are above the NPC and they still doesn't hear you, this mean they are deaf - you should report this! Si estás por encima del NPC y él todavía no te escucha, esto significa que es sordo. ¡Debes reportarlo! If you are in need to get lots of experience quickly, you should try to engage the bigger and stronger monsters in the town. However, if they hit you, it's Soul Menhir for you. Si necesitas adquirir mucha experiencia rápidamente, deberías intentar enfrentarte a los monstruos más grandes y fuertes de la ciudad. Sin embargo, si te golpean, es Soul Menhir para ti. If you are sure your answer is correct, please contact Jesusalva for bug fixing. If you aren't more careful, we might... accidentally... mistake you for an agent of S.A.R.A.H. If you aren't more careful, we might... accidentally... mistake you for an agent of the Duck Side. If you beat me, you get Experience and money! ¡Si me ganas, obtendrás experiencia y dinero! If you beat my hand, you'll win some GP! If you believe "%s" is ##Bnot##b botting, then you may treat them yourself. If you break that, you could never go to the World's Edge! If you bring friends, I'm sure they'll be no match. Ah... How many people already lost their shorts to Cave Snakes? Si traes amigos, estoy seguro de que no serán rival. Ah... ¿Cuánta gente ya perdió sus pantalones cortos por culpa de las serpientes de cueva? If you bring me 2 @@ and 210 GP, I can make a @@ for you. If you bring me 2 @@, that Necklace, and 4000 GP, I can improve it. It'll be worth it, I warrant you! If you bring me 6 @@ I can make a @@ for you. If you bring me @@ @@, I'll give you a reward! Si me traes @@ @@, ¡te daré una recompensa! If you bring me @@, your party leader, I can let you in. If you bring me a @@ and 500 GP I can make one for you! If you bring me some items so that I can bandage my wound, I'll give you my gloves! ¡Si me traes algunos objetos para vendarme la herida, te daré mis guantes! If you bring me some items, I can craft one for you. You will be my test subject. Si me traes algunos objetos puedo crear uno para ti. Serás mi sujeto de prueba. If you bring me some items, I can make some for you! If you bring us 5 %ss I'll be forever grateful. If you can manage to gather the supplies I need, I can surely craft some %s for you! Si logras reunir los suministros que necesito, ¡seguramente puedo crear algunos %s para ti! If you can't evolve the four aspects in the alloted time, I'll revert the evolution, but all your money and the Homunculus Intimacy will be consumed. So worth noting that if the intimacy drops to zero, it dies. If you conclude the training, you'll be suitable for the difficult mission our King will entrust you with. If you continue gathering %ss, we are able to lower our ale price! %%2 If you could show me what he gave you, I might trust you. If you decide to continue, a random PINCODE will be If you die or logout here, the quest will be reset! If you die, you ##Bwon't##b be able to rejoin, but you won't suffer the penalty. If you die, you'll appear near Tulimshar's Soul Menhir, which is the nearest Menhir to you. You can use @@ if you ever want to change this behavior. Si mueres, aparecerás cerca del Soul Menhir de Tulimshar, que es el Menhir más cercano a ti. Puede utilizar @@ si alguna vez desea cambiar este comportamiento. If you die, you'll have to begin again. And there is the experience penalty, too. Si logras reunir los suministros que necesito, ¡seguramente puedo crear algunos para ti! If you die, you'll need to start over everything again! ¡Si mueres, tendrás que empezar de nuevo! If you distort time-space too much, you might end up outside of it, meeting a quick, permanent, and unrecoverable death. If you don't defeat the Soul Eater before the Great Fire happens, which for the record, has already happened, your soul will slowly be reclaimed by her until your existence ceases to serve as fuel to bring back one of the greatest horrors of story. If you don't have a %s, you'll receive it instead of the %s. If you don't have the recipe book, you'll need to find one... Maybe someone in a household you've already helped is willing to give you one. If you don't know what to use, try using the current date or something. Si no sabes que usar, intente usar la fecha actual o algo así. If you don't want to die, fight! If you don't want to look at the Bible, you can try to solve the following riddle: If you drag the "Resync" skill from the skill list to the shortcut list, you'll be able to rapidly solve some lag issues! If you ever go there, you should pay it a visit. It is most definitely alive! I'm sure it'll like you, too. If you ever need to get quickly from one place to the other, count on us! If you ever visit the fortress island, be sure to visit the friendly tree at the cave. I'm sure it'll like you. If you fail to see two statues while trying to go to Halinarzo, backtrack. Do note that caves without torches ARE NOT SAFE! Si no ves dos estatuas mientras intentas ir a Halinarzo, retrocede. ¡Tenga en cuenta que las cuevas sin antorchas NO SON SEGURAS! If you fell ready, perhaps you should touch it? Si te sientes preparado, ¿quizás deberías tocarla? If you fight Black scorpion or other dangerous monsters you should use the 'hit and run' tactic. Si luchas contra el escorpión negro u otros monstruos peligrosos, debes usar la táctica de "golpear y correr". If you finish everything, and answer everything right, you may get a reward. If you follow %s's quest, you will eventually reach the requirements for here. Si sigues la búsqueda de %s, eventualmente alcanzarás los requisitos para aquí. If you found anything which requires immediate attention, like broken roads which lead nowhere, or cliffs with weird collisions, invisible rocks, scamming NPCs or the sorts, please write down a %s and I'll see it. If the interface is too difficult to use, you can also do so %s or send an email to %s. Si encuentra algo que requiere atención inmediata, como caminos rotos que no conducen a ninguna parte, o acantilados con colisiones extrañas, rocas invisibles, NPC estafadores o cosas así, escriba un %s y lo veré. Si la interfaz es demasiado difícil de usar, también puedes hacerlo %s o enviar un correo electrónico a %s . If you fulfill my request for %s %d more times, I'll gladly impart a new recipe with you. Si cumples con mi pedido de %s%d más veces, con mucho gusto te impartiré una nueva receta. If you get %d sequence, you'll get a %s! If you get %d successive right guesses, you'll get a %s! Si obtienes %d adivinanzas correctas sucesivas, obtendrás un %s! If you get 10 successive right guesses, you'll get a %s! If you get a %s, you'll also get a %s. If you get a 21 you win the round. If you go over you lose. After you "stand", I'll make my own draws. If my value is bigger than yours, you lose as well. If you get a Black Jack (21), you'll get a %s! Si obtienes un Black Jack (21), ¡obtendrás un %s ! If you get any bookpages from the slimes, bring them to Ensio. Thanks for your help! If you get too much exp this way, a skill will level up and you'll get even more! ¡Si obtienes demasiada experiencia de esta manera, una habilidad subirá de nivel y obtendrás aún más! If you go for melee, he will summon archers to keep his distance. If you use a bow, he will summon normal bandits to cut your throat. If you go to Lieutenant Dausen, he'll say that you used GIMP. Just give up. Si acudes al teniente Dausen, te dirá que usaste GIMP. Solo ríndete. If you guess right, you'll win 70 GP! Si aciertas, ¡ganarás 70 GP! If you had a key, you could open this chest. If you have a @@, perhaps you could use it as a bait. Si tienes un @@, quizás puedas usarlo como cebo. If you have friends yet never heard of "raid parties", then I'm your man! If you have some coffee to me, I'll buy it of your hands. If you have some gems, I can transform them into powder. Si tienes algunas gemas, puedo transformarlas en polvo. If you have trouble with guards, just bribe them and they'll leave you alone. I asked a few to be fired three years ago, but the council haven't reviewed it yet. If you have... references, we may also be able to offer you... premium storing. If you haven't, maybe there are a few things you can do besides selling items." If you head west, you'll eventually reach the magical Kamelot Castle. If you hug the wall, there's a secret passage somewhere there. Well, there are many secret passages at Tulimshar. Si te abrazas a la pared, encontrarás un pasadizo secreto en algún lugar. Bueno, hay muchos pasadizos secretos en Tulimshar. If you kill an opponent stronger than you, you will gain honor points. But if the oponent is 15 levels weaker than you, it will be NEGATIVE! Si matas a un oponente más fuerte que tú, ganarás puntos de honor. Pero si el oponente es 15 niveles más débil que tú, ¡será NEGATIVO! If you kill the same person within 30 minutes, honor will not fluctuate. The whole honor system is very experimental. Si matas a la misma persona en 30 minutos, el honor no variará. Todo el sistema de honor es muy experimental. If you learn enough to jog their memories, they might know the time of the theft. If they don't, then I don't think anyone will. If you leave by the secret window, you'll notice a small cave entrance. Enter it. If you limit your suspects, they might cooperate... But talk to them in order, or they might be too scared to spill the beans. Talk to them once, twice, if you want to be sure. If you logout without leaving the map first, fees will be deducted from your payment. If you managed to open this box, then you've met the Mana Source itself, and was approved by it. Never expected Mana to be sentient, eh? If you read the previous letter, then you've met Elli, and was also approved by her. If you meant to reset the drop rate to its default value: @droprate default If you meant to reset the exp rate to its default value: @exprate default If you miss, walk two or three tiles backwards. This way, you avoid being hit. Si fallas, camina dos o tres pasos hacia atrás. De esta manera evitas que te golpeen. If you need more herbs, the best place to look. If you need to talk with King Gelid, he should be in the castle north here. If you pay attention, you'll learn the skill. Si prestas atención, aprenderás la habilidad. If you pay the fee, I'll spawn them, for no longer than 20 minutes. You should not fight alone, instead, you need a group of at least three, because, you know, the curse. Or something. If you rent an apartment, you'll become a "citzen" and be allowed here. Besides, you can buy stuff in your apartment to, for example, craft supplies. If you save 80% from the crops or more, you'll get @@ GP. Si salvas el 80 % de los cultivos o más, obtendrás @@ GP. If you save 90% from the crops or more, you'll also get a @@. Si salvas el 90% de los cultivos o más, también obtendrás un @@. If you season too much or too little, it'll taste worse and cause maluses if you're eating it. But if you season correctly, it'll gain unexpected additional properties. If you sponsor me, while I break into more dimensions, I'll give you any stuff I find. Hey, they could be rare here! If you succeed, the defense and/or attack will raise. If you fail, refine level goes down. If you take too long you'll be penalized. If you think this should be a priority, please ask Jesusalva. If you train hard enough, and get access to a Mana Stone, I could teach you a trick or two. But right now, I don't sense magic compatibility in you. Si entrenas lo suficiente y consigues acceso a una piedra de mana, podría enseñarte uno o dos trucos. Pero ahora mismo no siento compatibilidad mágica en ti. If you try take any more power from the Mana Seed, I'll kill you. If you try to walk west or east too much, you'll hit an "invisible wall" to prevent you from getting lost. If you unlock a pet but it is missing on this list, this means nobody elese unlocked them yet. If you want it? ¿Si lo quieres? If you want to be a true friend of us miners, complete this hard task. I will reward you with a @@. Si quieres ser un verdadero amigo de nosotros los mineros, completa esta difícil tarea. Te recompensaré con un @@. If you want to know what the Alliance is up to, you might have better luck talking to Jerican, from the Press. Si quieres saber qué está haciendo la Alianza, quizás tengas más suerte hablando con Jerican, de la Prensa. If you want to manage your personal storage at the Fortress Town, I can help. Accessing a remote bank is just a small magic when you have the right gemstones like me. If you want to pass through it, you'll need to defeat the Guardian which made the seal. You can bring friends for healing and support. If you want to read this page again, there is a copy up on the wall. Si quieres volver a leer esta página, hay una copia en la pared. If you want, I can warp you back to the Professor in Tulimshar while you wait... But I'll charge you %d GP. If you want, you can ask there for one. They are at the big building at northwest. Si quieres, puedes pedir uno allí. Están en el gran edificio al noroeste. If you want, you can bring me some more of those herbs and potions. If you're afraid of losing everything, then DEFINITELY do not gamble. %%2 Si tiene miedo de perderlo todo, DEFINITIVAMENTE no apueste. %%2 If you're ever in need, you may use it to call upon the aid of the ducks. If you're reading this - Feel free to use my laboratory in any way you deem fit. Or what's left of it, at least. Also, please kill any slimes you find. I shall be back in six leaps time, according to the Imperial Time, but if I'm not back by then, assume something went wrong and both wushin and me are off the table. If you're ready I'll begin now. If you're right, you'll gain more Casino Coins! And even other nice things! Si tienes razón, ¡ganarás más monedas de casino! ¡Y hasta otras cosas bonitas! If you're right, you'll get at least 80 GP! If you're still not confident enough, just tell him this: %s If you're wrong, your winning streak is reset. Si estás equivocado, tu racha ganadora se restablece. If you've used all the ones I've given, you can always bring me more ingredients. If your guild is defeat during the quest, you'll need to wait the weekly cooldown to expire. If your hand beats mine, you win. If my hand beats your, I win. Wanna play? Ignore the cheese theft for now, we had a major incident. Rossy was kidnapped by slimes. Ignore this book Igor Ihclot Illegal Gambler#009-8 Apostador ilegal#009-8 Imec#EP Immortal Heavy Sword Espada pesada inmortal Imperial Crown Corona imperial Importing food from Hurnscald is expensive, local food is expensive, if you don't have a job you're a dead person. Worse if you need medical aid. Impossible to read. Imposible de leer. Impossible to resync: You are dead. Impregnable Fortress Impregnable#B7F Impressive. Seven gifts! Now, 12800 is not easy. I understand if everyone gives up. Improve Barter to level Improve Max Weight to level Improve Stealing to level Improved MP Regen In TMW2 there is En TMW2 hay In a blood bath, survival is the epitaph. In a few weeks, I will finish the @@ plans, and there will be no doubts, that @@ is not the best weaver in the world! In addition to my fee, I will also need the following items: Además de mi tarifa, también necesitaré los siguientes objetos: In any case, rest assured the craziness is likely contained to the Land of Fire and we'll let you know if this changes. In exchange for your help, I'll give you a @@! ¡A cambio de tu ayuda te daré un @@! In fact, %s is considered by most to be rare these days. In fact, Bryant is my brother, and he lives in a cave, and he probably has a high level quest too, but that's not important now. In fact, I am cured! Hooray!! De hecho, ¡estoy curado! ¡¡Hurra!! In fact, it is flooded at the moment. Come back later. De hecho, en estos momentos está inundado. Vuelve mas tarde. In fact, the Tulimshar Noble District is world-renowned for crafting high-quality yellow garments! De hecho, ¡el Distrito Noble de Tulimshar es mundialmente conocido por confeccionar prendas amarillas de alta calidad! In fact, you would get lost and killed. If I were you, I would avoid the Death Penalty. It's high, ya know? In future I'll have something to discuss with you, but today is not the day. In general, by touching the Mana Stone once, will make you a first degree mage. But these degrees goes up to seven and beyond, I think. En general, tocar la Piedra de Mana una vez te convertirá en un mago de primer grado. Pero creo que estos grados llegan hasta siete y más. In honor of %s, for their great deeds of recent bravery in face of impending doom. In honor of %s, founder of this academy, whom built this academy WITH HIS OWN HANDS, WITH BLOOD SWEAT AND TEARS. In honor of %s, the greatest hero this world has even seen. In honor of DragonStar, winner of Easter 2018. In honor of Groata, winner of Easter 2020. In honor of Manatauro, Povo, YuckFou, Cadis Etrama di Raizel and everyone whom participated on it! In honor of Woody, winner of Easter 2019. In honor of everyone whom participated on it! In memoriam. May those whom shall never come back find rest in their afterlifes. In order to enter a message press the 'Enter' key, this will display the white box of typing. Type your message there and press 'Enter' again to send your speech. Para ingresar un mensaje, presione la tecla 'Entrar', esto mostrará el cuadro blanco de escritura. Escribe tu mensaje allí y presione 'Entrar' nuevamente para enviar su mensaje. In other words, I never heard of a Yeti eating a kid before. They prefer %s. In other words, it'll make a copy of youself. En otras palabras, hará una copia de ti mismo. In other words, whoever they are, they're after the sages. They are not targeting just simple magical users. This might be a problem. In other words: If Lua couldn't find your record, your parents were part of this story! But, on which of these three groups were them? En otras palabras: si Lua no pudo encontrar tu registro, ¡tus padres eran parte de esta historia! Pero, ¿en cuál de estos tres grupos estaban? In overall, you'll get more experience by fighting monsters. En general, obtendrás más experiencia luchando contra monstruos. In permanent celebration of the 19.2 update, all monsters may drop casino coins during this period. In some cases, your pincode will be required. In some dungeons etc., there might be a monster much, much stronger than all other monsters on the area. These are the optional miniboss. En algunas mazmorras, etc., puede haber un monstruo mucho, mucho más fuerte que todos los demás monstruos del área. Estos son los minijefes opcionales. In the In the end, elves would have quite the age to rivalize with human wizards. Al final, los elfos tendrían bastante edad para rivalizar con los magos humanos. In the end, they decide the defensive measures, and they even set curfews! Al final son ellos los que deciden las medidas defensivas, ¡e incluso ponen toques de queda! In the first eight months I wanted to go back, but now I'm pretty used to living here. Please don't rescue me. In the storehouse, kill 4 @@. They keep coming back and contaminate our stored goods. En el almacén, mata a 4 @@. Siguen regresando y contaminando nuestros productos almacenados. In the world, you may find several treasure boxes. Different treasure boxes need different keys. En el mundo, es posible que encuentres varios cofres del tesoro. Diferentes cofres del tesoro necesitan llaves diferentes. In theory, I could also change it to another type without losing any levels, but I ran out of %s. In these dark times, countless souls moved away from Halinarzo. All hope seemed lost. En estos tiempos oscuros, innumerables almas se alejaron de Halinarzo. Toda esperanza parecía perdida. In this case, haven't I counted, I would have deleted only part of the items, then I would go silent. No refunds. En este caso, si no los hubiera contado, habría eliminado solo una parte de los objetos y luego me habría quedado en silencio. Sin reembolsos. In this cave we can easily find %s, %s, and sometimes %s. En esta cueva podemos encontrar fácilmente %s , %s , y en ocasiones %s . In this town you'll find many critical things for your journey, like artifacts, dungeons, crafts and refiners. Please enjoy your stay. And keep tuned for news about us! In this wonderful realm, you can find and earn many @@, our currency! In this world, Angela married with the Blue Sage. I had an... incident, with the Blue Sage, which is better forgetten. Anyway, seeking to cause a political instability, opposing Yetis every once in a while kidnap their daughter, Cindy. In this world, your friends are your strength. You deserve a reward for the victory, please choose whatever you want. In times of the fire, magic came to save us. En tiempos del fuego, la magia vino a salvarnos. In whom to vote? Inac Inac Inactive Inar Inar Increase STR/INT/DEX in range for all guild allies. Increase Weight skill replaced with Stealing. Increase all stats Increase all stats from every guild member in area. Increase bow range and accuracy. Aumenta el alcance y la precisión del arco. Increase critical chance of all guild allies. Increase damage dealt by weapon for all guildies. Increase defense to all friends in radius. Increase walk speed and flee rate. Indeed, matey! Here they are! ¡De hecho, amigo! ¡Aquí están! Indeed. Sorry. I'm not giving you anything. En efecto. Lo siento. No te voy a dar nada. Indoors 1 (Peace) Indoors 2 (Dimonds) Infantry Helmet Casco de infantería Info Information Información Information: Your sentence was reduced in %d minute(s). Sentence left: %s Initiate a siege Iniciar un asedio Initiate small siege (lv. 5) Iniciar un pequeño asedio (nivel 5) Injured Mouboo Injuried Mouboo Inn Inn, Dimond's Cove Inn, Houses, Northwest Avenue Input new password: Ingrese una nueva contraseña: Inside it, seems to be several magic reagents, powders, and other stuff. Inside it, there'll be a Transcendence Gate. Inside this house is my brother Alan. He knows how to make Forest Bows of exquisite quality. Insisting will do us no good, maybe we should try to gain its trust first? Inspector Hat Inspector Lestard Inst @@ Map @@ Inst @@ Mapa @@ Instantly jumps 5 tiles backwards. Salta instantáneamente 5 espacios hacia atrás. Instantly jumps to target and delivers an attack. Salta instantáneamente al objetivo y realiza un ataque. Instead of "slap", it could "heal" or "appear". Instead of burning the town to a crisp, it moved to the canyon. Passed through the scarce vegetation until it arrived Hurnscald... And burned it down. En lugar de quemar la ciudad hasta convertirla en cenizas, se trasladó al cañón. Pasó por la escasa vegetación hasta que llegó Hurnscald... Y lo quemó. Insufficient Guild Level! (@@/@@) Insufficient Guild Money! (Guild has: @@ GP) Insufficient mana: @@/@@. Insurance Seguro Insurance Contract Contrato de seguro Int Potion Int+ Potion Int++ Potion Intelligence Inteligencia Intelligence Fruit Fruta Inteligencia Intense Beard Beard el Intenso Intensive Mage Challenge Interested? ¿Interesado? Interesting! can I be rewarded for my help? ¡Interesante! ¿Puedo ser recompensado por mi ayuda? Interlude Interlude - Fourth Act Intermediary Dungeon (Lv 60+) Interval: (none, only sent on login) Intervalo: (ninguno, sólo enviado en el acceso) Interval: every @@ hour(s) Intervalo: cada @@ hora(s) Introduce Invalid Discord ID. Invalid amount! Invalid map mask Invalid music key. Current accepted values are: Invalid parameter specified, blame saulc. Invalid quest state: @@ Invalid recipe from Nahrec partly reimbursed. Invalid season: @@ Invest all into boosting town exports Invest all into boosting town reputation Invest into boosting town exports Invest into boosting town reputation Investing in Exportations Investing into Reputation Investment executed Invite your friends, and become a Moubootaur Legend! Inya, the Jeweler Inya, la joyera Iridium Ingot Lingote de iridio Iridium Ore Mineral de iridio Iridium Ore -> Titanium Ore Iron Ammo Box Iron Armbands Brazaletes de Hierro Iron Arrow Flecha de hierro Iron Backsword Iron Blade Shield Iron Bug Slayer Iron Ingot Lingote de hierro Iron Ore Mineral de hierro Iron Ore -> Coal Iron Powder Polvo de hierro Iron Quiver Carcaj de hierro Iron Quiver stats restored Iron Short Gladius Iron Shovel Pala de Hierro Is it too deep? Is it truly a hard choice to make? ¿Es verdaderamente una dura decisión que tomar? Is that someone's luggage? Is that... Wait... Wow. You... Killed the murderer scorpion. Es eso... Espera... Vaya. Tú... mataste al escorpión asesino. Is there a reward? ¿Hay alguna recompensa? Is this correct? Is this high-quality fur? Is this letter yours? Very well, let me read. Is your guild strong enough to give Arthur at least good nights sleep? Is... Dan... Ger... Ous... Isbamuth Ishi Ishi Ishi, the Rewards Master Ishi, la maestra de las recompensas Isn't hard to live alone? It also expires after two hours. In such case, talk to him again! También caduca después de dos horas. En tal caso, ¡habla con ella nuevamente! It also increases naturally as you grow, albeit less. It appears we were focusing too much on research and this lead to neglect of other duties of a Sage's household. This is dangerous in times of changes. I'm worried about the future. It costs %d GP to use. It costs 600 GP to use. Su uso cuesta 600 GP. It doesn't make much sense to draw overhasty conclusions. It happens. It has a very dark color and an unusual aroma reminiscent of a moist forest. It has been a great year, and the TMW2 Team would like to It has been a total disaster. They killed %s. And everyone on the village. It has eluded so many craftsmiths, who knows what can be done with that! It have lots of lava caves, and some cool stuff, like the @@, can only be craft there. It have the same shape as those used to polish weapons, but there are blood stains everywhere. It is %s since the last great attack from the Monster King. It is NOT advised for new players to skip parts of the Main Quest. It is NOT designed for noobs. It is for the pain-seeking pro adventurers who laugh at death, and see danger as fun. It is a boss. I don't know how to summon one, and to be honest - You won't want to see one either. It is a dangerous area, so we only allow students enrolled at the academy to participate. It is a magical tower, though, cloaked in the desert. You can't just walk there. The tower was north of here, you will find a sign near the gate... But you won't find the gate itself. Sin embargo, es una torre mágica envuelta en el desierto. No puedes simplemente caminar hasta allí. La torre estaba al norte de aquí, encontrarás un letrero cerca de la puerta... Pero no encontrarás la puerta en sí. It is a pirate treasure hideout, yarr arr! If you have a @@ and a @@, you may get luck, yarr! It is a port city at the south of the continent. Main economic activities are mining and spices trade. Es una ciudad portuaria al sur del continente. Las principales actividades económicas son la minería y el comercio de especias. It is a really cool place. You must visit it someday! It is a sunny day, don't you think? Es un dia soleado, ¿no le parece? It is difficult to describe, it is like if it was mixed with mana itself. Drinking a bit of it was enough to recover your MP. It is known that even world wars have been under cease-fire on this date. On our world, Jesus Saves pays fortunes to Santa so he can gift every adventurer for the good year. It is no use... We are too close to a island, they will keep invading the ship... No sirve de nada... Estamos demasiado cerca de una isla, seguirán invadiendo el barco... It is not much, but here is %d GP. Should buy you a snack! No es mucho, pero aquí tienes%d GP. ¡Debería invitarte a un bocadillo! It is not my fault! It is not my fault. It is often easier to get invited by someone, but if you want to create it, you're free to. Remember guilds also have a player limit. A menudo es más fácil recibir una invitación de alguien, pero si quieres crearla, eres libre de hacerlo. Recuerda que los gremios también tienen un límite de jugadores. It is on a huge, icy mountain peak. Rumors about dragons and legendary items to be found. It is one of the five legendary weapons. Legend says it was hidden in a tree on Aethyr, and will be given to the one who proves to be an excellent archer. It is pretty close to this island. I advise you to use a good weapon, like a well-made sword, and heal yourself often. It is said that if someone dies to the pinkies but is then avenged and mourned, the avenger may claim from the tree the shield of the world! It is so dangerous, and it... It is the birthplace of humans, the first place to come to existence... The World Edge. The place where humanity began, and according to the legend... The place where it shall perish. It is the non-rare ingredients I actually need help with! ¡Son los ingredientes no raros con los que realmente necesito ayuda! It is the place where it all began... And I'm not talking about the Mana War. It is time to send %s to your beloved ones! It is very hard to come by, however, my father has a copy he might sell to you for the right price. It is... SO CUTE! You won't refuse honey to a teddy, will you? It looks dangerous. It looks like I won! Better luck next time! It looks like you are ready. Let me see if there is an easy task for you... Parece que estás listo. Déjame ver si hay alguna tarea fácil para ti... It looks like you can't carry anything else for now. Parece que no puedes cargar nada más, por ahora. It looks locked. Parece cerrado. It matters not, because soon, all of you will be... It may also create some @@ or a @@, with enough skill. También puede crear algún @@ o un @@, con suficiente habilidad. It may be dangerous. I better ask %s to check it instead. It may be expensive to return here. Are you sure? Puede resultar caro volver aquí. ¿Está seguro? It may fail, and you might end up with something entirely unexpected, or nothing at all! Puede fallar y terminar con algo completamente inesperado, ¡o nada en absoluto! It might be a good idea to ask around if anyone else observed something odd connected to this person. It might be just my gut instinct, but... Would you be willing to talk with Peetu and the other helpers, investigating what actually happened? It might be, but I never heard of you before. Sorry @@, I can't let just anyone go through. It would be a disservice to see you get stuck and die. Puede que lo sea, pero nunca había oído hablar de ti antes. Lo siento @@, no puedo dejar pasar a cualquiera. Sería un deservicio verte quedarte estancado y morir. It might be, but your level isn't. Sorry @@. No going to Hurnscald before level 20. Puede que lo sea, pero tu nivel no lo es. Lo siento @@. No ir a Hurnscald antes del nivel 20. It more than just a piece of Zealite Ore... It is a part of the world's heart. It only loses to Tulimshar, as far as political and economical importance goes. It really comes in handy that I have my towel with me. A towel is about the most massively useful thing an inte- ahm, a person can have. It rules Tulimshar, and is also one of the superior bodies of the Alliance. They have the last Mana Stone in the world on their meeting hall. Gobierna Tulimshar y también es uno de los organismos superiores de la Alianza. Tienen la última Mana Stone del mundo en su sala de reuniones. It seems all of the slimes are gone now. I'm so glad! Thanks for your help. I mentioned your assistance to Nikolai. It seems happy, but it quickly goes to a dark honey after finishing. It seems that you have no status points to reset! ¡Parece que no tiene puntos de estado para reiniciar! It seems to be a mechanism of some kind, but it is missing a Runestone. It seems to be a puzzle, you can only imagine what needs to be done in order to enable the right portals. It seems to be concentrated on its small pot... So concentrated, it doesn't even realizes you're there. It seems to be growing apples, but by the amount of magic particles... It seems to be the ruins of some sort of Mouboo Temple or whatever, from a millenia ago. There may be traps, so be careful. It seems to have been abandoned a long time ago, but the chimney is still going? It seems you need to travel back in time and find this Elli before you manage to open the chest. It should be almost a boss at your level, so I don't expect to see you again here so soon. Debería ser casi un jefe a tu nivel, así que no espero volver a verte por aquí tan pronto. It should be back in @@ It should bring me back. It smells like manatauro's room. It still isn't time to awake the King Of Holy Swords, Light Bringer. It takes %d minute(s) to treat someone else after this. It then looks at you with a pleasant smile, you definitely earned a new cute friend! It was a boring lesson, but you have mastered Mananese. Fue una lección aburrida, pero dominas el Mananese. It was a little @@. It was a real problem, threatening them to go out of business. I think they are trying to recover the lost weapons. It was a recipe you already knew... (+ @@ Mobpt) It was a reeeeeealy close dispute for the podium, but Jesusalva crafted an item at the last minute and took the first place! It was a tough fight. It was a trap! We must escape! It was an awful cut! Don't think any piece of a sightly lower material will have part in my art! It was built by The Alliance, and can be accessed by a ship in Tulimshar. It was just south of the island. Try walking around a bit? Estaba justo al sur de la isla. ¿Intenta caminar un poco? It was my job to seal the slimes away for the night, but I somehow messed it up! It was nice seeing you. Fue bueno verte. It was said that these five heroes will once again emerge; Se dijo que estos cinco héroes volverán a surgir; It was so lovely, and it had some very tasty fruits, too! But the cave was so dangerous... It was so tasty, I can't eat anything more... Thank you. Estaba tan rico que no puedo comer nada más... Gracias. It was... an itch I couldn't scratch. But meow! I paid the fair price for the cheese I took. Era... una picazón que no podía rascarme. ¡Pero miau! Pagué el precio justo por el queso que tomé. It wasn't easy, but you think that you extinguished this nest. It wasn't this time... No fue esta vez... It will allow you to store %d extra items, with unlimited weight or size limit, for only %s GP! Although premium clients such as yourself... deserve a discount! It won't be long before we reach our destination... No pasará mucho tiempo antes de que lleguemos a nuestro destino... It would be unwise to pick a fight with the Yeti King himself. The whole town would suffer. It would be very kind of you, if you could seek who I am! ¡Sería muy amable de tu parte si pudieras buscar quién soy! It'll also boost your %s for %s. También aumentará tu nivel de %s por %s . It'll also drain mana in the proccess. If you run out of mana, its over. It'll be my pleasure. It'll be too dangerous if you're not at least level %d. But I'm sure you can grind the required level in no time; Don't let your body down! Exercise! It'll cost @@ GP Costará @@ GP It'll cost you @@ GP. It's It's *sniff* It's all my fault... *sniff* It's @@ (day)! It's @@ @@. Eso es @@ @@. It's International Chocolate Day! It's Jesusalva's anniversary! It's Moubootaur Legends' Gambling Day! It's St. Patrick Day, so be warned everyone wants a green dye... So, I raise the prices. It's St. Patrick Event! ¡Es el evento de San Patricio! It's TMW2 Project anniversary! It's TMW2 Server anniversary! It's a @@! It's a complex curse. It's a cursed mouboo. It's a matter of hours before the Impregnable Fortress send enough monsters to overrun us, and we still haven't understood the pattern. We must be ready to withdraw at any time, which precludes casual talk. It's a matter of hours before the Impregnable Fortress send enough monsters to overrun us, so we're preparing a strategic withdraw before this. I'm sorry, but I cannot spare any time for you. It's a scary legend of old. It's truth, but I don't know how much it is. It's a simple curse. It's a strange drawing of a Mouboo. It's a tie! It's a tie! You get your coin back! It's a very delicate spell. I usually start to prepare it while the helpers are still working on their research and experiments. That way, when they're done, they can just come and place the slimes under the seal. It's advised to collect PVP equipment. It's advised to come ready for the cold, the hungry beasts, and other dangers snow may bring. It's all my fault, I should've paid more attention! You should talk to Chief Oskari about this. It's always good to see if you have a lot of them around before you think about attacking one! ¡Siempre es bueno ver si tienes muchos cerca antes de pensar en atacar a uno! It's an ambush! It's autumn! There is no special event during autumn, only special drops. It's cold, harsh climate makes difficult to live there. It was founded by people thrown away from Tulimshar and Hunrscald for political reasons. It's currently day, but when night falls, Candor will become darker. Actualmente es de día, pero cuando caiga la noche, Candor se volverá más oscuro. It's currently night, that's why Candor is dark. Actualmente es de noche, por eso Candor está oscuro. It's dangerous in the library right now, be careful. Do you need anything else? It's done with @@ teethes. These drain your life and raise your strenght to SMASH your foes! It's essentially poker: I'll deal you five cards, then determine what you got. After that, I'll deal myself five cards, then determine what I got. It's far from over! You cannot defeat me! It's full of Mouboo drawings. It's good to see you too, do you happen to be able to make stuff? It's higher! That's right! It's impossible to know when she'll be back, so you should prioritize something else for now. It's locked. It's locked. But a close inspection reveals a small key under the rug. It's lower! That's right! It's my duty to protect the beings in the forest... Not all of them are monsters as @@s like you think. It's none of your business. No es asunto tuyo. It's not as good as my new one, but still very useful. No es tan bueno como el nuevo, pero sigue siendo muy útil. It's not good to lie, miss.#0 It's not good to lie, mister.#1 It's not hard to repair, but nobody is bothering Jesusalva on #world as of late. %%n It's not much of a reward, but doesn't it feel great to help others in need?! HAHAHA! No es una gran recompensa, pero ¿no se siente genial ayudar a otros que lo necesitan? ¡JAJAJA! It's not much of a reward, but doesn't it feels great to help others in need?! HAHAHA! It's not possible to see any light, and it seems to small and damp to have monsters. No es posible ver ninguna luz y parece demasiado pequeño y húmedo para tener monstruos. It's not warranted you'll be able to get the powder back, either. Tampoco está garantizado que puedas recuperar el polvo. It's obtained with ADMINS or by selling furniture. It is sumed to money and used first. It's over a hundred meters in depth. There is some land here, but I'm afraid of Terranite. It's self sufficient economically, and many fairies enjoy travelling there. In fact, rumors says the Fairy Kingdom is near it! It's spring! Two lovely NPCs at woodlands can be found... It's spring, when the wind is always good. It's steaming hot, but you guess this is where Isbamuth created homunculus. Most bandits, thieves and assassins seems to have been born here. It's steaming. Who knows what insanity Isbamuth is brewing inside?! It's summer! Ched is having his usual contest, but Luffyx in Hurnscald is up to no good! It's tasty ^.^ It's terrible... How could this happen? It's the Free Software Day! It's the International Coffee Day! It's the least I could do for having you to go through all this struggle. I've already paid everything, so just talk to the receptionist for your room :> Es lo menos que puedo hacer para que pases por toda esta lucha. Ya pagué todo, así que habla con la recepcionista de tu habitación :> It's time to show this shiny @@ who is the boss! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! It's time. My army already have tens of thousands of monsters, homunculus, persons. The mana stones I've got thus far are all dried out, now. It's too faint to read. It's totally safe. They are loyal as long that feed. And to think I started off giving @@ to the poor... It's true enough an @@ could heal even a dead tree, and would dispel almost every status ailment I could have. It's useless to ask her about Naem now. It's valentine day, and I got my hands on a @@ model! It's very brave of you to fight against those slimes deeper in the library. Remember that you have to kill the entire group to prevent them from breeding. And do it @@! It's weaker than before, probably only one is working right now. It's winter! An NPC in Nivalis Town is freezing... It's written in Mananese, you cannot read. It's written in an ancient language, you cannot understand what's written. It's yummy ^.^ Item List Item break? Too dangerous! I don't want it!! Item created. Objeto creado. Item obtained: @@ Artículo obtenido: @@ Item sold! Items for consumption, like potions, can only be used once. Los objetos para consumo, como las pociones, solo se pueden usar una vez. Items have different effects. Some will heal you, some can be used as weapons or armor, and some can be sold for gold. Los artículos tienes efectos diversos. Algunos te curarán, otros pueden ser usados como armas o armadura, y algunos pueden ser vendidos por oro. Items in your storage are totally safe. Banking itself is totally safe. Los objetos en tu almacén son totalmente seguros. El banco en sí es totalmente seguro. Iten Iten Itka Itka Ivanize JAIL THEM!! JAK1, THE SLIME RESEARCHER Jack Jack bends the log over his knee. Jack'O Jack'O Lantern Jack's Skeleton Charm hechizo de esqueleto de Jack Jack, the Lumberjack Jack.O JackO Jackpot! Thou hast been crowned eternal as the gambler king! Jackpot! You got the @@! Jackpot! You got the Monocle! ¡Premio! ¡Tienes el monóculo! Jackpot! You got the Paper Bag! Jakod Jakod Janika Jar Of Blood Jarra de sangre Jarret, Tulimshar's Founder, was a great man, but his successors were not. Specially the Red Queen. Eventually, our clan had enough and moved away from Tulim. Jarret, el fundador de Tulimshar, fue un gran hombre, pero sus sucesores no lo fueron. Especialmente la Reina Roja. Al final, nuestro clan se cansó y se alejó de Tulim. Jasmine Tea Té de jazmín Jeans Chaps pantalones vaqueros Jeans Shorts Jeans cortos Jelly Beans Frijolitos confitado Jenny Jeremy Jerican Jerican Jerry Jesusalva Jesusalva : \\o/ Jesusalva Card Jesusalva still have this closed because the traps are broken... %%n But we shall open soon. %%G Jesusalva's Magic Debug Powder Jesusaves wrote a grimorie, with ancient secrets of our world. Jesusaves's Grimorium Grimorium de Jesusaves Jeweler Joyera Jhedia Jhedia Jhon Henryfield Jhon Longnose Joanna Joaquim Joaquim Job Level and certain equips can affect your status. You'll see the modifiers with a + sign. El nivel de trabajo y ciertos equipos pueden afectar tu status Verás los modificadores con un signo +. Job levels already boosts all your status. It gives +1 on each status every 10 job levels. Los niveles de trabajo ya aumentan todo tu estatus. Da +1 en cada estatus cada 10 niveles de trabajo. Joelin Join existing arena Unirse a una arena existente Join teh Guild Joker Judgement Judgement has passed. El juido ha pasado. Judgment Judgment Day Juliet Juliet Juliet is east (right) of %s. Juliet está al este (derecha) de%s . Jump inside! June 21st - September 21st June's Hardcore Challenge Junglefowl Just @@ ago, thieves stole Pihro & Pyndragon weapons. Just be really, REALLY sure you want to do it. I mean, the gemstone will break. Simplemente que estes realmente, REALMENTE seguro de querer hacerlo. Quiero decir, la piedra preciosa se romperá. Just beware that if you leave, you might get killed really quickly. No death penalty, though. Sólo ten en cuenta que si te vas, te pueden matar muy rápido. Aunque no hay pena de muerte. Just go over there and you'll be able to board the Airship. The travel takes a while so please be patient and good luck! Just go right, yeye can't miss her. She's the only girl in this crew.#1 Sólo ve a la derecha, si si no la puedes perder. Ella es la única chica en esta tripulación.#1 Just go right, yeye can't miss her. She's the only girl in this crew, oh well, except for you now yeyeye!#0 Sólo ve a la derecha, si si no la puedes perder. Ella es la única chica en esta tripulación, oh bueno, ¡excepto tú ahora sisisi!#0 Just go to the basement, past this door. Good luck, @@! Simplemente ve al sótano, pasa esta puerta. Buena suerte, ¡@@! Just like every cave below the woodlands are under the Terranite King domains, every land covered in snow is under the Yeti King's domains. Just like parties, you can create from Social menu, but there is a catch: I will give you a document, which allows you to create ONE GUILD. Al igual que las fiestas, puedes crearlas desde el menú Social, pero hay un problema: te daré un documento que te permitirá crear UN GREMIO. Just look at that water! There's a whole bunch of fish down there. ¡Solo mira esa agua! Hay un montón de peces ahí abajo. Just looking at him you smell danger, adventure, excitement... Just make sure to don't try to poison a guard or something, and don't tell anyone of our little deal. As a proof of our agreement, I'll even give you a freebie, so you can see this is the real deal. Just one coin for spin. Sólo una moneda para girar. Just tell him that I want to reconsider, and that I want the souvenir he offered me when I moved to Hurnscald. Just two coins for spin. Just use the arrow key--, err, I mean, just walk to the door on the right. It's the one not guarded by Peter. Simplemente usa la tecla de flecha..., err, quiero decir, simplemente camine hacia la puerta de la derecha. Es la que no está custodiada por Peter. Just wait. Fafi dragons are slow to show up... Just... Don't accidentaly invoke a Legendary Guardian or something, these thingies could destroy a whole city. Solo... No invoques accidentalmente a un guardián legendario o algo así, estas cosas podrían destruir una ciudad entera. KUNAI Kage Kaizei Human Humano de Kaizei Kamelot Castle is a GUILD DUNGEON which refreshes WEEKLY. Kamelot Key Llave Kamelot Kamelot Raid Kamelot Season is open! Kanabo Kanabo Katazuli breaking proccess will cause the breaker some harm. Katze Katze Katze is not here currently. I'll need to wait she to come back. Katze no está aquí actualmente. Tendré que esperar a que ella regrese. Keep breaking Keep exploring the Study Room and certify it is safe first. Keep exploring the Study Room and certify it is safe first. Also, make sure to learn what this was used for. Keep following the path. Take this and... good luck. Keep in mind that %s also plays a small role in criticals and the chance to block attacks. Keep in mind that %s are weak, baby Yetis, so kill them as well! Keep in mind that unlike houses, furniture acquired by previous owners will not be present. Keep in mind the more power you have, the less control you'll have as well. Until you get a %s to track progress, use %s to check your control. Less control may result in failure to summon! Tenga en cuenta que cuanto más poder tengas, menos control tendras también. Hasta que obtengas un%s para seguir el progreso, utiliza%s para comprobar tu control. ¡Menos control puede provocar que no se pueda invocar! Keep in mind this is a PvP area - So try to avoid being butchered, because revival spells are disabled here! Hahaha! Keep in mind, the more levels and intelligence you have, more likely the Mana Stone will grant you more Magic Power. But that means nothing. Ten en cuenta que cuantos más niveles e inteligencia tengas, es más probable que la Piedra de Mana te otorgue más Poder Mágico. Pero eso no significa nada. Keep in mind, we at the Academy do not have a Mana Stone. Keep investigating. You've found %d/%d pieces of evidence thus far. Keep investigating. You've talked to %d/%d groups in Hurnscald thus far. Keep moving boy.#1 Sígue moviéndote, chico.#1 Keep moving girl.#0 Sigue moviéndote, chica.#0 Keep the Grimorie with you. It's a rare book which holds data from all others. The book shall guide your advances! Keep your eye out for pesky ducks, %s. I have a new sauce I want to try out... Keep your voice down and just listen. Keep your voice down! And yes. Can you confirm @@ was the cause? Kenton Kevin Kevin Khafar Khaki Dye Tinte de color caqui Kid Bola Flotador de niño Kill %d %s This will prove your worth. They are usually to be found in the south-west part of the mine. Good luck. Mata %d %s Esto demostrará tu valía. Suelen encontrarse en la parte suroeste de la mina. Buena suerte. Kill %s! Kill 'em all! Kill 'em! Kill 2 @@. This will prove your worth. They are northwest of the island. Mata a 2 @@. Esto demostrará tu valía. Están al noroeste de la isla. Kill at least a hundred of Pinkies here, and then we can talk. Kill the @@ at the storehouse. Mata al @@ en el almacén. Killed in action! King Arthur King Arthur the Corrupted King Arthur the Micksha King Chonky Birb King Gelid King Gelid Frozenheart King Gelid Frozenheart II rules over all elves and dwarves who live here peacefully, and he also presides the city council. King Gelid Frozenheart II will have you. King Of Trials King of all heroes, Rey de todos los héroes, Kitana Katana Knife Cuchillo Knight Card Knight Card S Knight Card X Knit Hat Gorro de lana Knock on the door? Knockback Immunity Knowing that would make you a descendant of them. But eh, that's asking too much. You had amnesia, right? That was on the letter. Knowing when to warp is the secret to success! Knowledge is power... And now you have both. Use them wisely. El conocimiento es poder... Y ahora tienes ambos. Úselos sabiamente. Knox The Traveler Kolchak and dangerDuck are working to finish Duck Dungeon. Contact them for updates... Kreist Kreist Kreist, Taskmaster Kreist, Capataz Kristian Kullervo Kunai Kunai LEAVE NOW... BEFORE IT BECOMES TOO LATE.... LEGACY Broadsword LEGACY Miere Cleaver LET'S DANCE! LOFBot LOWER! Lachesis Brew Infusión de lachesis Land Of Fire Land Of Fire - @@ GP Land Of Fire Office Land Of Fire Townhall Land Of Fire Village Pueblo de Tierra Del Fuego Land Of Fire Village (@@m) Land Of Fire is a place so warm... Although this workshop is a better place to break time and space during Christmas. Land of Fire never had a problem with slimes before... And Jak1, the infamous slime researcher, was banned centuries ago with his sister to the Oranye Isles. Laranja Last IP: @@ Last Seen: @@ Last Stand Card Tarjeta de última resistencia Last Standing Man Last map: @@ Last time they told me he collected more than that... Later Later. Más tarde. Latif Latif Laura Lava Mana Pearl Perla de maná de lava Lava Skull Slime Lava Slime Slime de Lava Lava Slime Mother Lavern Lawn Cable Lawn Cable Card Lawncandy Dulce de lawn Layman Lazurite Cristal Lazurite Heart Corazón de lazurita Lazurite Robe Lazurite Shard Fragmento de lazurita Lead Ingot Lingote de plomo Lead Ore Mineral de plomo Lead Ore -> Tin Ore Leader Wand Varita Líder Leaderboard is refresh daily at 1 AM! Leaderboard is refresh daily at 11:59 and 23:59! Learn Alchemy Recipes Learn crafting for @@ GP Learn individual guild skills Learn milking a Mouboo. And if you harm them, I'll cast a lightning bolt at you! Learn what? ¿Aprender qué? Learned a new recipe! Learning from seeing (aka. AFK-ing) skill LEVEL UP!! Viendo aprendiendo (también conocido como AFK-ing) la habilidad ¡¡SUBIR DE NIVEL!! Leather Cuero Leather Ball Bola de cuero Leather Boots Botas de cuero Leather Gloves Guantes de cuero Leather Patch Parche de cuero Leather Quiver Carcaj de cuero Leather Shield Escudo de Cuero Leather Shirt Camisa de cuero Leather Suitcase Maleta de cuero Leather Trousers Pantalones de cuero Leave Dejar Leave blank to abort. Leave it Leave it alone! ¡Déjalo! Leave it alone. Leave it alone? Leave me alone! Stop annoying me! Leave me alone. Leave sir Benjamin in charge for a few more years, and nothing will be left of these towns. I hope this council perishes in a fire! Leave the Mouboo alone Leave the poor thing in peace. Leave the ship? The town have no death penalty and is under a global event. ¿Dejar el barco? La ciudad no tiene pena de muerte y está bajo un evento global. Leave this place now, defiler... Leave. Salir. Led by the Lightbringer Dirigido por el Portador de la luz Left Crafty Wing Ala hábil izquierda Left Eye Patch Parche de ojo izquierdo Left-overs will be deleted shortly after. Los restos se eliminarán poco después. LeftDoorCheck LeftDoorCheck Legacy Legendary my ass! What a rip-off! Legendary weapons can not be duplicated in any form, so only a single person in the world can own it at a time. Lemme just fetch a small something for you.... Lemme see... Sagratha is often regarded as a kind and rather powerful elf lady mage... who hate people. Déjame ver... Sagratha es a menudo considerada como una maga elfa amable y bastante poderosa... que odia a la gente. Lemon Cake Lenita Leona Leprechaun Hat Sombrero de duende Less maggots means a more reliable food supply. This kind of maggot will be a little more difficult to defeat, which is an excellent way to test your prowess in battle. Menos gusanos significa un suministro de alimentos más confiable. Este tipo de gusano será un poco más difícil de derrotar, lo cual es una excelente manera de poner a prueba tu destreza en la batalla. Let Cynric open your storage. You might also want to open your inventory. Deja que Cynric abra tu almacén. Es posible que también desees abrir tu inventario. Let me analyze that. Déjame analizar eso. Let me check into it... Déjame revisarlo... Let me inspect it... Let me introduce myself, I am Nard, captain of this ship. Permíteme presentarme. Soy Nard, capitán de este barco. Let me just have a quick look at you. Hm... I will need @@ GP to reset your stats. Let me see your bow. Let me see... The more Wings and Teethes I collect, the more my research shall advance. Let me see..... Let me show you... Let's be friends from now on, meow! ¡Seamos amigos a partir de ahora, miau! Let's jump straight to action, shall we? I'll build a mighty @@ to fight you! Pasemos directamente a la acción, ¿de acuerdo? ¡Construiré un @@ poderoso para luchar contra ti! Let's learn new recipes! Do you wanna? ¡Aprendamos nuevas recetas! ¿Quieres? Let's play! ¡Vamos a jugar! Let's pretend I believe you. Let's say I believe you. Who stole you? Benjamin? Let's see how I can activate it... Let's see if you can pick a reward! ¡Veamos si puedes elegir una recompensa! Let's see... @@ of your status points have just been reset! Veamos... ¡@@ de sus puntos de estado acaban de ser reiniciados! Let's start with something simple, yeye. Empecemos por algo sencillo, sí. Lethal alcohol overdrinking Lethal damage over time, no regen. Lethal overdrinking: Lets play! Lettuce Leaf Hoja de Lechuga Level %d (%s GP) Level %d (%s HP) (Found by %s) Level Boss Liana Liana Liana, like other NPCs, provide a repeatable quest. Once you finish it, you will be able to do it again, after waiting for a few hours. Liana, al igual que otros NPC, ofrece una misión repetible. Una vez que lo termines, podrás volver a hacerlo, luego de esperar unas horas. Liar. Where are the goods? Are you trying to cheat me?! Mentiroso. ¿Dónde están las mercancías? ¿Estás tratando de engañarme? Liar. You can't fool me. That's the price. Get that or get out! Mentiroso. No puedes engañarme. Ese es el precio. ¡Consigue eso o lárgate! Licensing was one of the worst hassle we had, but just today, all mobs may drop Ancient Blueprints. Enjoy! Lieutenant Armor Armadura de teniente Lieutenant Copper Armor armadura de teniente cobre Lieutenant Dausen Teniente Dausen Lieutenant Jacob Teniente jacob Lieutenant Joshua Lieutenant Paul Life isn't worth the living. La vida no vale la pena vivirla. Lifestone piedra de la vida Lifestone Pendant Collar de piedra de vida Lifestones have the potential to heal the user, and thus are used for potions. Las piedras de vida tienen el potencial de curar al usuario y, por lo tanto, se usan para pociones. Light Green Diamond Diamante verde claro Light Platemail Malla de placas ligera Light Ring Anillo de luz Lightbringer Lightbringer#NLib Lightning Bolt Lightsaber Sable de luz Like Discord integration and sensitive options. Like I have said, I no longer craft savior pieces and I have no more blueprints for sale. Like, I know you are female.#0 Como, sé que eres mujer.#0 Like, I know you are male.#1 Como, sé que eres hombre.#1 Likewise, it could only do effect if it antagonize or affront the target. Lilanna Lilanna Card Lilica#easter Lilit Lilit (@@m) Lilit - @@ GP (not exchangeable) Lilit Warp Crystal Cristal de warp a Lilit Lilit is the fairy kingdom, governed by Lilit the Fairy. Lilly Lilly Lime Dye Tinte de lima Limited Shop Linarian Soul Alma Linaria Line @@ has been removed. La línea @@ se ha eliminado. Linking requested. Linking the following Discord account: List & Claim rewards Lista y reclamar recompensas List of Unlocked Pets and Food List of known alchemy recipes: List of known cooking recipes: List of known crafting recipes: Listen to her story again. Listen to me! Whoever wants to follow foolish @@ on their suicide quest, stay here for 15 seconds! ¡Escúchame! Quien quiera seguir al tonto @@ en su búsqueda suicida, ¡quédate aquí durante 15 segundos! Listen, I was trying to get the Yeti King to help me to fight the Monster King. If you want to go there and do it, be my guest; Maybe they'll even help you with whatever your problem is. Listen, I'll use a trick which I learned in, uh, a past life of mine, so if you die, reality resets your being. Listen, as you're new here, I'll give you my %s. I won't give it again, understood? This is my personal gratitude. Come again! Listen, it was not only me who had issues with this... Masked Man. Auldsbel also had a similar issues. Listen, kid, one does not simply ignore Elli! She is too scary to be ignored! Listen, she decided to live away from civilization. She choose the forest as her home and the animals as her family. Listen, this is not a disease. No remedy can cure you, and it cannot be inflicted by consumables. Listen. North of here, are the ruins of an old village. Said village is cursed, and nobody wants to go there. Lit the torch? Little Blub Blub Pequeño Little Red Slime Little Yellow Slime Lives undercover in human society. Luck led them to surviving this far. Living Potato Patata viviente Livio Lizards are the main monster found, and they steal gold from innocent bypassers. Los Lagartos son el principal monstruo encontrado y roban oro de transeúntes inocentes. Lloyd Lloyd LoF Coin LoF Warp Crystal Warp a LOF Loading warp, be at this spot in 15 seconds. Locamit Location Registered. You are now capable to use this warp gate. Location: %s Location: All bifs in the world. Location: Candor B1F Location: Christmas Workshop, Romantic Field, south of Nivalis. Location: Daily Login. Location: Enchanted Forest, access by Soul Menhir. Location: Fishing spots in the water. Location: Forsaken Inn, South Woodlands Location: Kamelot Castle, west of Hurnscald. Location: N/A Location: North Woodlands, south of Nivalis. Location: Not applicable Location: The Mana Plane, Dream Tower Location: The Mana Plane, Porthos Location: The Mana Plane, Showdown Chamber Location: Treasure Chests, hidden inside dungeons. Location: Tulimshar Sewers / Hurnscald Town Hall Location: Valentine Island, access by Soul Menhir. Location: Worker's Cave, access by Soul Menhir. Lock Picks Ganzúas Lockpicks Lockpicks are the basic tools for thiefs. Talk to a vault in order to attempt lockpicking. Lof Squirrel Log Head LogHead Logging out, doing other quests, taking too long to use etc. will cause the rent to expire. Cerrar sesión, realizar otras misiones, tardar demasiado en usar, etc., hará que el alquiler caduque. Login Bonus Long Sword Espada larga Long Text Wall Density: Look and learn and ask if you have any questions. I'll also be adding some important notes to your %s if you own it. Look at that pathetic scene, he just put his chair over the desk... Chef Gado won't like it. Mira esa patética escena, simplemente puso su silla sobre el escritorio... Al chef Gado no le gustará. Look at this, %s really brought me %d %s. Look closer. Look the height of this bridge! Worse, the water around here is pretty shallow. Look what we have here, it is a boy!#1 Look what we have here, it is a girl!#0 Look, I really hate pious...all of them. Looking inside, it becomes clear it has been abandoned for several years. Looks like I already gave you the Maritime Almanac Scroll. You need to go see George again. I am unable to get another copy for you. Looks like you are a bit short on supplies. Come back when you have everything I need. Loop Casting: %s Loop casting interrupted by manual cast. Loot 10, Luck +2, Luck Dance Loot 3, ASPD +5% Loot 3, Agi +5 Loot 3, Agi +5, Agility Dance, Passive MP Regen (1) Loot 3, DEF +5 Loot 3, Dex +5 Loot 3, Evasion +5, Str +1 Loot 3, Evasion +7 Loot 3, Int +5, Agi +1 Loot 3, Luck +5, Luck Dance, Passive MP Regen (1) Loot 3, Max HP +250 Loot 3, Max MP +250 Loot 3, STR +4, AGI +1 Loot 3, STR +5, Vitality Dance, Passive HP Regen (1) Loot 3, Steal +15%, Passive HP Regen (1) Loot 4, Str +1, Gold Drop (4%) Lora Tay Lost Ocean Croc Croc de océano perdido Lost Piou Piou perdido Lost forever on the Desert Canyon, I guess. Lost without an acorn. Perdido sin una bellota. Lots of pet owners bring their animals for a ride, but unlike old Nard, we verify for stoaways often. So if it was a pet, it definitely had an owner. Lousy Moccasins Lousy Moccasins Love Letter Carta de amor Love Lollipop Paleta de amor Lovely Fluffy Lower MAXHP, Damage over time Lower city taxes Lowering Taxes Lt. Gerry Lt. Longburn#EP Lt. Randy Lua#003-2 Lua#003-2 Luanna Luanna Luca Luck Suerte Luck Fruit fruta de la suerte Luck Potion Poción de suerte Luck wasn't on your side today! ¡La suerte no estuvo de tu lado hoy! Luck+ Potion Poción de suerte + Luck++ Potion Poción de suerte ++ Luckily, professor Eomie of the Tulimshar Magic Academy gave us a bug bomb to deal with them. Its inside one of the store room barrels but i don't remember which is. Por suerte, la profesora Eomie de la Academia de Magia de Tulimshar nos dio una bomba anti insectos para acabar con ellos. Está dentro de uno de los barriles del almacén, pero no recuerdo cuál. Lucky Suerte Lucky for you, the Alliance have means to assist you. You'll be a grown up, full fledged adventurer in no time at all, and will be able to visit a friend of mine, who will then send you there. Por suerte para ti, la Alianza tiene medios para ayudarte. Serás un aventurero adulto y de pleno derecho en muy poco tiempo y podrás visitar a un amigo mío, quien luego te enviará allí. Lucky you, you found me! Do you want to SPIN THE WHEEL and gain GREAT rewards? Lucky! You got the coin back! ¡Afortunado! ¡Recuperaste la moneda! Luffyx Luffyx Summer Shorts Pantalones cortos de verano de Luffyx Luminous Caves (Fortress Is.) Lune Lune Luvia Luvia is too dangerous to be left alone. Luxury furniture Muebles de lujo Lynn The Traveler Lynn el viajero MAX HP HP MÁXIMA MDEF +10 MEEEEEERLIN!!! SMASH THEM!! MONSTER KING, APPEAR TO ME! ¡REY MONSTRUO, APARECE A MÍ! MOTD MOTD MOTD Config Configuración de MOTD MP +200 MSP for Area Provoke was refunded. MSP for Last Man Standing was refunded. MSP for Lightning Strike was refunded. MSP for Wind Walker was refunded. Ma... Magical Re... Re-ref... Reflection. Machinery#MKHB Mage Mago Mage Card Mage Card S Mage Card X Mage equipment also raises MP recovery. So yes, a mage can use a sword and heavy armor, but... El equipo de mago también aumenta la recuperación de MP. Entonces sí, un mago puede usar una espada y una armadura pesada, pero... Magenta Magenta Spark Mages should use equipment designed for them. Those may be lacking on defense, but will raise MP and Magic Attack. Los magos deben utilizar equipos diseñados para ellos. Puede que falten en defensa, pero aumentarán el MP y el ataque mágico. Maggot Gusano Maggot Coccon Maggot Slime Slime de gusano Magic Academy Tutorial Tutorial de la Academia de Magia Magic Apple Manzana mágica Magic Apple (%d eggs) Magic Arpan Magic Arpan Magic Arpan#sailors Magic Arpan#sailors Magic Barrier Magic Barrier is active. You must give a whole circle on the desert to break it. Magic Barrier#0051 Barrera mágica#0051 Magic Barrier#0060 Magic Barrier#0063 Magic Barrier#0064 Magic Barrier#0066 Magic Barrier#0067C Magic Barrier#0067E Magic Barrier#0067W Magic Barrier#Bug63 Magic Barrier#Pi Magic Bif Magic Council Consejo Mágico Magic Council? What's that? ¿Consejo Mágico? ¿Qué es eso? Magic Goblin Magic Maggot Magic Olympics Magic Olympics Top 1 Prize Magic Power is granted to you, but you die from it. Se te otorga poder mágico, pero mueres a causa de él. Magic Ratto Magic Raw Power Challenge Magic Scrolls Magic Skill Points can be obtained in three ways: By touching a Mana Stone, by signing up in a Special Class (if you have enough magic power) and by having high amounts of Job Level. Los puntos de habilidad mágica se pueden obtener de tres maneras: tocando una piedra de mana, registrándose en una clase especial (si tienes suficiente poder mágico) y teniendo altas cantidades de nivel de trabajo. Magic Status Magic Strike Magic Top Hat Sombrero de copa mágico Magic is dead. Well, not yet, we still have some mana stones left - but only the strongest ones are allowed to use them and acquire magic. La magia está muerta. Bueno, todavía no, todavía nos quedan algunas piedras de maná, pero sólo los más fuertes pueden usarlas y adquirir magia. Magic is necessary for warriors and archers to learn skills. Skills can be learned in Tulimshar. La magia es necesaria para que los guerreros y arqueros aprendan habilidades. Las habilidades se pueden aprender en Tulimshar. Magic is sacred. With transmutation, you can create convenience items, specially reagents for other magic skills. La magia es sagrada. Con la transmutación, puedes crear artículos de conveniencia, especialmente reactivos para otras habilidades mágicas. Magic skills allows for a more advanced gameplay, but they are meant for level 30 onward. Las habilidades mágicas permiten una jugabilidad más avanzada, pero están pensadas para el nivel 30 en adelante. Magic, Warriors and Archers Magia, Guerreros y Arqueros Magic. Magia. Magical MVP Card Tarjeta MVP mágica Magical Weapon Recipes Magically Sealed Gate Magick Real Magnus Healing Mahad Mahoud Mahoud Mahoud Basement Sótano de Mahmoud Mahul Main server is: %s El servidor principal es:%s Maintainer#000-1 Maintainer#001-1 Maintainer#001-10 Maintainer#001-10-1 Maintainer#001-11 Maintainer#001-12 Maintainer#001-13 Maintainer#001-13-0 Maintainer#001-13-1 Maintainer#001-13-2 Maintainer#001-13-3 Maintainer#001-14 Maintainer#001-2 Maintainer#001-3 Maintainer#001-3-1 Maintainer#001-4 Maintainer#001-5 Maintainer#001-6 Maintainer#001-7 Maintainer#001-8 Maintainer#001-9 Maintainer#002-1 Maintainer#002-2 Maintainer#002-3 Maintainer#002-4 Maintainer#002-5 Maintainer#003-0 Maintainer#003-0-1 Maintainer#003-0-2 Maintainer#003-0-3 Maintainer#003-1 Maintainer#003-1-1 Maintainer#003-1-2 Maintainer#003-1-3 Maintainer#003-10 Maintainer#003-13 Maintainer#003-2 Maintainer#003-2-1 Maintainer#003-3 Maintainer#003-4 Maintainer#003-4-1 Maintainer#003-5 Maintainer#003-6 Maintainer#003-7 Maintainer#003-8 Maintainer#003-9 Maintainer#003-9-1 Maintainer#004-1 Maintainer#004-2 Maintainer#004-2-1 Maintainer#004-2-10 Maintainer#004-2-11 Maintainer#004-2-12 Maintainer#004-2-2 Maintainer#004-2-3 Maintainer#004-2-4 Maintainer#004-2-5 Maintainer#004-2-6 Maintainer#004-2-7 Maintainer#004-2-8 Maintainer#004-2-9 Maintainer#004-3 Maintainer#004-3-1 Maintainer#004-3-2 Maintainer#004-3-3 Maintainer#004-3-4 Maintainer#004-3-5 Maintainer#004-3-6 Maintainer#005-1 Maintainer#005-1-1 Maintainer#005-2 Maintainer#005-2-1 Maintainer#005-3 Maintainer#005-4 Maintainer#005-5 Maintainer#005-6 Maintainer#005-7 Maintainer#006-0 Maintainer#006-1 Maintainer#006-10 Maintainer#006-2 Maintainer#006-2-1 Maintainer#006-2-2 Maintainer#006-2-3 Maintainer#006-2-4 Maintainer#006-2-5 Maintainer#006-2-6 Maintainer#006-3 Maintainer#006-4 Maintainer#006-4-1 Maintainer#006-5 Maintainer#006-6 Maintainer#006-7 Maintainer#006-8 Maintainer#006-9 Maintainer#007-1 Maintainer#007-1-1 Maintainer#007-1-2 Maintainer#007-2 Maintainer#008-0 Maintainer#008-1 Maintainer#008-2 Maintainer#009-1 Maintainer#009-2 Maintainer#009-3 Maintainer#009-4 Maintainer#009-5 Maintainer#009-6 Maintainer#009-7 Maintainer#009-8 Maintainer#010-1 Maintainer#010-1-1 Maintainer#010-1-10 Maintainer#010-1-11 Maintainer#010-1-12 Maintainer#010-1-2 Maintainer#010-1-3 Maintainer#010-1-4 Maintainer#010-1-5 Maintainer#010-1-6 Maintainer#010-1-7 Maintainer#010-1-8 Maintainer#010-1-9 Maintainer#010-2 Maintainer#010-2-10 Maintainer#010-2-11 Maintainer#010-2-12 Maintainer#010-2-13 Maintainer#010-2-14 Maintainer#010-2-15 Maintainer#010-2-16 Maintainer#010-2-2 Maintainer#010-2-3 Maintainer#010-2-4 Maintainer#010-2-5 Maintainer#010-2-6 Maintainer#010-2-7 Maintainer#010-2-8 Maintainer#010-2-9 Maintainer#010-3 Maintainer#010-4-1 Maintainer#010-4-2 Maintainer#011-1 Maintainer#011-2 Maintainer#011-3 Maintainer#011-4 Maintainer#012-1 Maintainer#012-2 Maintainer#012-3 Maintainer#012-4 Maintainer#012-5 Maintainer#012-6 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Maintainer#018-5-2 Maintainer#018-5-3 Maintainer#018-5-4 Maintainer#018-5-5 Maintainer#018-5-boss Maintainer#018-6-0 Maintainer#018-6-1 Maintainer#018-6-2 Maintainer#018-6-3 Maintainer#018-7 Maintainer#018-7-1 Maintainer#018-8 Maintainer#019-1 Maintainer#019-1-1 Maintainer#019-2 Maintainer#019-3 Maintainer#019-4 Maintainer#019-4-1 Maintainer#019-5 Maintainer#019-5-1 Maintainer#019-5-2 Maintainer#019-5-3 Maintainer#019-6 Maintainer#020-1 Maintainer#020-2 Maintainer#020-3 Maintainer#020-4 Maintainer#020-5 Maintainer#020-6 Maintainer#020-7 Maintainer#020-7-1 Maintainer#020-7-2 Maintainer#021-0 Maintainer#021-1 Maintainer#021-2 Maintainer#021-3 Maintainer#021-4 Maintainer#022-1 Maintainer#023-1 Maintainer#023-2 Maintainer#023-3 Maintainer#023-3-1 Maintainer#023-3-2 Maintainer#023-4 Maintainer#024-1 Maintainer#024-10 Maintainer#024-11 Maintainer#024-12 Maintainer#024-13 Maintainer#024-14 Maintainer#024-15 Maintainer#024-16 Maintainer#024-2 Maintainer#024-3 Maintainer#024-4 Maintainer#024-5 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Maintainer#030-74 Maintainer#030-75 Maintainer#031-0 Maintainer#031-1 Maintainer#031-2 Maintainer#031-3 Maintainer#031-4 Maintainer#031-5 Maintainer#031-6 Maintainer#031-7 Maintainer#031-8 Maintainer#031-9 Maintainer#032-1 Maintainer#032-2 Maintainer#032-3 Maintainer#032-4 Maintainer#032-5 Maintainer#033-1 Maintainer#033-2 Maintainer#033-3 Maintainer#033-4 Maintainer#033-5 Maintainer#034-1 Maintainer#034-2 Maintainer#034-3 Maintainer#034-4 Maintainer#042-0 Maintainer#042-1 Maintainer#042-10 Maintainer#042-11 Maintainer#042-2 Maintainer#042-3 Maintainer#042-4 Maintainer#042-5 Maintainer#042-6 Maintainer#042-7 Maintainer#042-8 Maintainer#042-9 Maintainer#soren-2 Make Trap Hacer trampa Make it a quick game! Make it brighter Make me some Iron Powder. Hazme un poco de polvo de hierro Make sure to put on a bait after you click, though! Make sure you're dressed and then speak with the captain. He'll give you a mission and unlock the ship's main door.#0 Asegúrate de estar vestido y luego habla con el capitán. Él te dará una misión y desbloqueará la puerta principal del barco.#0 Make sure you're dressed and then speak with the captain. He'll give you a mission and unlock the ship's main door.#1 Asegúrate de estar vestido y luego habla con el capitán. Él te dará una misión y desbloqueará la puerta principal del barco.#1 Male Varón Malign Chest Malindou Malindou Malivox Malivox Mana Being#001-1 Mana Bomb Bomba de mana Mana Bug Bicho de Mana Mana Chest Mana Experience Challenge Mana Ghost Fantasma de Mana Mana Gloves Guantes de maná Mana Magic is less reliable and have an experience system. It's the most common for summoning and transmutation. Magia de mana es menos confiable y tiene un sistema de experiencia. Es el más común para invocación y transmutación. Mana Magic works similar to regular magic: You can find it on your skill window, and can drag it to your shortcut list. Magia de mana funciona de manera similar a la magia normal: puedes encontrarla en la ventana de tu habilidad y arrastrarla a tu lista de accesos directos. Mana Piou Piou de Mana Mana Piou Feathers Plumas de Mana Piou Mana Plane - Dream Tower, %dº floor %s Mana Plane - Dream Tower, %dº floor. Time limit: 60 minutes or death. Mana Saulc Mana Stone Piedra de mana Mana Stone#01863 Mana Stone#Tulim Piedra de mana#Tulim Mana Tree Mana Wisdom Mana is something which existed since the being, but nobody knows much about. ManaMarket Manage Beds Administrar camas Manage Chairs Administrar sillas Manage Decoration Administrar decoración Manage Furniture Administrar muebles Manage Luxury furniture Administrar muebles de lujo Manage Paintings Administrar pinturas Manage Town Administrar la ciudad Manage Utilities Administrar utilidades Managed to get any nice drops? It requires more luck than skill. Here is your reward. ¿Conseguiste algún botín bueno? Requiere más suerte que habilidad. Aquí está tu recompensa. Managment Menu Menú de gestión Manana Mañana Manana Tree Árbol del Mañana Manapop Paleta de mana Manapple Manzana de mana Manapple (%d eggs) Mandragora Manually trigger the current broadcast Desatar manualmente la transmisión actual Many citzens are still cowering in fear. Paths are closed, economy is a disaster, things are not as they should be. Many sacrifices were done, but it was lost. Se hicieron muchos sacrificios, pero se perdió. Many stories are told about this city sewers. Se cuentan muchas historias sobre las alcantarillas de esta ciudad. Many thanks for all the help! Many thanks for killing it. Maybe more humans come here now, and play with me. Many thanks for your help! Here, take this. I'm sure it can be very useful later. It always is. ¡Gracias por tu ayuda! Aquí, ten esto. Estoy seguro de que puede ser muy útil más adelante. Siempre lo es. Many thanks! Many thanks! %%s Many thanks! At least he'll know he haven't impressed me yet! Many thanks! Come back later to bring me extra %s! ¡Muchas gracias! ¡Vuelve más tarde para traerme más %s! Many thanks! Come back later to bring me extra @@! Many thanks! Come back soon. ¡Muchas gracias! Vuelve pronto. Many thanks! I'll arrange the table. Many thanks! I'll be sooooo fashionable now! Many thanks! If I let my wose side blossom, I'm sure she'll look at me! Many thanks, and once again, your help has been invaluable. Many thanks, the Doctor always know what's best for you. Many thanks, your help has been invaluable. We're now capable to travel at ease.#0 Muchas gracias, tu ayuda ha sido invaluable. Ahora podemos viajar tranquilos.#0 Many thanks, your help has been invaluable. We're now capable to travel at ease.#1 Muchas gracias, tu ayuda ha sido invaluable. Ahora podemos viajar tranquilos.#1 Many thanks, your help has been invaluable. You now have an extra point, use it wisely. Many thanks. I couldn't live without it. Please come back later. Many thanks. You have my eternal gratitute. Here is 1000 GP for your troubles. Many thanks. You have my eternal gratitute. Here is 2000 GP for your troubles. Many, many thanks! Many, many thanks! I'm sure the children will love it! ¡Muchas muchas gracias! ¡Estoy segura que a los niños les encantará! Many, many thanks! Thus far, you delivered me @@ gift boxes! Map cleared! Marikel Marius The Bard Marius el Bardo Market Guard#EP Market Place Marley : I shall stop you! Marley : You... thief... *grumble* Marley is furious that someone stole her treasure... You wouldn't happen to know anything about this, would you...? Marriage failed. El matrimonio falló. Marriage unlocks %s powers. The ring is sold in Tulimshar. Married with @@ Marsh Pirate Mashmallow Masked Assassin Mass Provoke replaced with Area Provoke. Master Master Bola Flotador maestro Master Dungeon (BOSS) Master Exchanger#0 Matk +25 Mauve Dye Tinte malva Mauve Herb Hierba de mauve Mauve Plant Maverick Maverick Max Weight +2kg Maxime Maxime Maximize Damage Maximum Profit: @@ GP May their journey be successful, may their objectives be attained, may the Mana rest in peace. May their memory be remembered, but may their struggle be forgotten, their bodies never profaned, and in the æthyr, may they find eternal rest and comfort for their souls. Maya Maya Maybe %s %s will do it. Quizás %s %s lo haga. Maybe I can help to ease your pain? Maybe I could give you more beer? Maybe I should also give you a lesson in how to count? You don't have enough. Maybe I'm using a too low quality bait, I can't catch a %s. Maybe a %s? Maybe another time. Tal vez en otro momento. Maybe he was confused, not sure. He talked very strangely. Maybe if NetSysFire was around, she would finish coding this NPC. Maybe if someone helped me to get rid of the maggots on my crops, I would be able to sell them to everyone again... Tal vez si alguien me ayudara a deshacerme de los gusanos de mis cultivos, podría volver a vendérselos a todos... Maybe if you go back the way you're coming, you find him... Maybe if... No... Hmm... I better try this the next time I'm at my laboratory... Quizás si... No... Hmm... Será mejor que pruebe esto la próxima vez que esté en mi laboratorio... Maybe it is not hungry, after all. Maybe later. Quizas mas tarde. Maybe next time, then. Entonces quizás la próxima vez. Maybe on spring Blossom will look at me... For now, my wose part is withering. Maybe one of the slimes dropped it. Maybe some other time. Maybe some other time. Maybe someone in Hurnscald can help me. Maybe the Hurnscald alchemist, Wyara, could explain why. Maybe the teddy is hungry? What could we offer to it? Maybe there are things in Candor which still require your attention? I might have overheard some of them. ¿Quizás hay cosas en Candor que todavía requieren tu atención? Quizás haya escuchado algunas de ellos. Maybe there is a key somewhere near. I should keep looking. Maybe there's a locked door somewhere, and this key will fit? Maybe they're in the library, but it is too dangerous there right now... Maybe we can give her something, to cheer her up? Maybe we could give her a %s instead. Maybe you can help our city. I see you are a Monster Hunting Quest Participant, right? Maybe you could bring me 10 sticky @@? ¿Quizás podrías traerme 10 pegajosa@@? Maybe you could bring me 5 @@? I will reward you for your effort. ¿Quizás podrías traerme 5 @@? Te recompensaré por tu esfuerzo. Maybe you could bring me 5 delicious @@? They have a great effect in quenching thirst and recovering vigour. ¿Quizás podrías traerme 5 delicios@@? Tienen un gran efecto para calmar la sed y recuperar el vigor. Maybe you could convince him. There's a summoning circle on Tulimshar Sewers. Maybe you could do me a favour, though? Maybe you could now help my friend Oscar. His farm is west of here. Maybe you did it, after all! Maybe you do, your jerk! Stop drinking! Lua told me that you could help me! DO YOUR JOB!! Maybe you should go to the depleted mines in the small cave inside the town. Who knows what you may find inside. Quizás deberías ir a las minas agotadas en la pequeña cueva dentro del pueblo. Quién sabe qué podrás encontrar dentro. Maybe you should talk to your chief about that? Maybe you're interested in the Special Class again? An extra magic skill point for a lot of items, what do ya say? Maybe you're interested in the Special Class again? An extra magic skill point, but this time in a dangerous journey, what do ya say? Maybe, but... I don't know my parents. Quizás, pero... no conozco a mis padres. Maybe, if you had some sort of ancient artifact and touched the sign, it would allow you to see through the cloaking? Or if you were powerful enough. As if I would know! ¿Quizás, si tuvieras algún tipo de artefacto antiguo y tocaras el letrero, te permitiría ver a través de el encubierto? O si fueras lo suficientemente poderoso. ¡Como si lo supiera! Maybe. Maybe. Come back later. Maze Race Challenge Meager < Weak < Standard < Intimidating = Daunting Meager Shadow Meager. Meaning that once you equip a bow, you likely won't be able to dodge attacks. Lo que significa que una vez que equipes un arco, probablemente no podrás esquivar los ataques. Meaning you must warp shortly before the Great Fire, defeat her, and be back before the Great Fire happen. Meanwhile, at 00h, 06h, 12h, 15h, 18h and 21h UTC, Meanwhile, the sages of destiny will prepare a way to kick them back to wherever they belong! Mechanically based technology (eg. the Gates or Time Flasks) will never suffer damage from operation but are more costly. Mede Medium Arrow Sack Saco Flecha Mediano Medium Bullet Sack Saco de balas mediano Medium Elenium Bif Meet me in the past, and you shall learn the future. For the present has nothing for you yet. Meh, telling him it was a lie is not going to help. Meh, the Blue Sage is truly wasteful. We use %s even for the simplest things such as keeping the house warm. Melina Melt something else? Melune Melune Memorize the sequence! Memory slowly returns to you as you start growing aware of your surroundings. That's right, you are on a ship. La memoria regresa lentamente a ti a medida que comienza a tomar conciencia de tu entorno. Así es, estás en un barco. Meow, fellow cat! Miau, ¡compañero gato! Meow. Miau. Mercenary Boxset A Mercenary Boxset AA Mercenary Boxset B Mercenary Boxset BB Mercenary Boxset C Mercenary Boxset CC Mercenary Boxset D Mercenary Boxset DD Mercenary Boxset E Mercenary Boxset EE Mercenary Quests completed: %s Mercenary Trainer Merchant Mercader Merchant Police Merchants like to buy body parts of killed monsters and animals because they can make items and equipment. A los comerciantes les gusta comprar partes del cuerpo de monstruos y animales asesinados porque pueden fabricar artículos y equipos. Mercy has been granted. Mercy se ha asumida. Meriel Merlin was a accomplished carpenter and wanted to make a new Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas, adventurer. Merry Christmas, and a happy new year! \\o/ Merry Christmas, arr yarr!! Message: Mensaje: Meteor Shower Meteor Strike Meway Card Mh, I can't really tell since I usually work in the library while he works at the workshop. Maybe you should ask around among the people who work there. Mh, I don't know him closely. Mh, let me see. We already have a copy of this page, but it's helpful nevertheless. Thank you. Mh, let me think. There were quite a few visitors with different concerns, but that's usual at this time of the year. Mh, yes. I remember him. He was very interested in the library and the research we do here. He had an unusual behaviour and appearance. But, well, that isn't a reason to refuse someone, right? Mh. I wonder how I'm expected to perform my task with this meager equipment. The new books will look pathetic. Mh... yes. It makes sense. Listen. This is a secret, but it might have been.... @@. Mhm, this looks healthy. Mhm, you're still weak, I would prefer you to be level %d+ before doing this, but... Whatever, you might even survive. Mhm? I believe it was rebuilt, and the High Alliance took it over from the mage association for not paying taxes. ¿Mmmm? Creo que fue reconstruido y la Alta Alianza se lo quitó a la asociación de magos por no pagar impuestos. Michel Michel Michel Soul alma de michel Midway is also a solid range, but for summons, nearby works best. Casing doesn't matters, nor does punctuation. Miere Cleaver Cuchilla Miere Miere Cleaver! Miler Milestone levelup: A reward can now be claimed in Tulimshar. Hito de subida de nivel: ahora se puede reclamar una recompensa en Tulimshar. Milestone reached: %s kills Milk Milly Milocat Miltaco Miltaco Min. Position: Posición mín: Min. Score: Puntaje Mín: Miner Minero Miner Gloves Guantes de minero Miner Hat Sombrero de minero Miner Knife Cuchillo minero Miner Tank Top Camiseta sin mangas de minero Mineral Bif Bif de mineral Miners Union Research Request! Mini Skirt Minifalda Minimum advised level 72 to do this quest. Minimum range: %d Minimum wins: %d/%d Mining operations advance steadly day by day with your help, thanks! Maybe one day, we find a Mana Stone in here! Las operaciones mineras avanzan a paso firme día a día con tu ayuda, ¡gracias! ¡Quizás algún día encontremos una piedra de mana aquí! Minor healing to your wounds. Minor healing to yourself or to allies. Mint Donut Dona De Menta Mint Dye Tinte de menta Mirio Mirio Mirjami Miro Mirror Island %d Mirror Island 1 Mirror Lake Reflejo del lago Mirror Lake : Created temporary character; It'll be reset on logout. Mirror Lake : Obtain help with %s. Mirror Lake Armor Miscellaneous Recipes Miscellaneous Status Mission accomplished. Well played! Mission: Kill all rogue Yetis on the Throne Room. You won't be able to leave until all of them are dead. Mister Prickel Señor Prickel Mmm, it's been so long since I have had herbal tea. You have my gratitude. Mobiliary Credits is a special currency which can only be used on real estate. Mobpt: @@ Mobs remaining: @@ Mode? Modify another line Modificar otra línea Modify monster level! Modify this line Modificar esta línea Modify, move, or remove a line Modificar, mover, o eliminar una línea Moggun Moggun Egg Huevo de Moggun Money in your storage is totally safe. Banking itself is totally safe. El dinero en su almacén es totalmente seguro. El banco en sí es totalmente seguro. Money transference by mail is, however, free. Money withdrawn! Money: @@ GP Monk Pendant Colgante de monje Monocle Monóculo Monster Monster AGI, Default %d, use 0 to cancel Monster ATK (varies 10%%), Default %d, use 0 to cancel Monster ATK RANGE, Default %d, use 0 to cancel Monster Admiral Monster Captain Monster Colonel Monster DEF, Default %d, use 0 to cancel Monster DEX, Default %d, use 0 to cancel Monster Density and Boss HP? Monster General Monster HP, Default %d, use 0 to cancel Monster Hunter Cazador de monstruos Monster Hunters receive small bounties on a special currency, of Monster Points, for each monster they kill. The amount gained is based on the monster level. Los cazadores de monstruos reciben pequeñas recompensas en una moneda especial, Puntos de monstruo, por cada monstruo que matan. La cantidad ganada se basa en el nivel del monstruo. Monster ID, 0 to cancel Monster Information! ¡Información sobre monstruos! Monster King Monster King Basement Monster King Mode Monster Lieutenant Monster Major Monster NAME, Default %s, empty to cancel Monster Points Monster Points (Mobpt): @@ | Gold: @@ Monster Points gain depends on intelligence stat. La ganancia de puntos de monstruo depende de la estadística de inteligencia. Monster Points: %s Monster SPEED, Player speed is 150, minimum is 100! Monster Sergeant Monster Soldier Monsters Killed in PvE: %s Monsters are everywhere. They're a plague we're trying to get rid of. Los monstruos están por todas partes. Son una plaga de la que estamos tratando de deshacernos. Monsters do not aim small towns like Candor. This city also comes with the plus that I know where everything's at. Los monstruos no apuntan a pueblos pequeños como Candor. Esta ciudad también tiene el plus de que sé dónde está todo. Monsters killed: %s Monsters left: @@ Monsters remaining: %s Monsters will spawn in the south fountain continuously. Monsters, however, keep coming from the Impregnable Fortress. They always come on %s, although we have no idea why. Monsters. Monstruos. Moo! ¡Moo! Moonshroom Moonshroom Hat Sombrero de hongo lunar Moonshroom Robe Moooo! ¡Moooo! Moooooo! ¡Moooooo! Moooooooooooo! ¡Moooooooooooo! Mooubootaur Mode More Magic Power is granted to you, but you die from it. Se te otorga más poder mágico, pero mueres a causa de él. Morgan Morgan Mortal! I am @@! I have broken through the barriers of space and time! Moss Musgo Most Orcs become nomads and Raijins moved to Hurnscald, but they say Thermin might have been rebuilt somewhere else. Most common and widely popular in the fish realm are @@ and pieces of @@. Most do. I'm not sure if all that hatred is justified, but who cares. She is dead, even if her ghost is back. Most of it should be pretty intuitive, but be sure to press @@ on the bottom-left of inventory screen. La mayor parte debería ser bastante intuitiva, pero asegúrese de presionar @@ en la parte inferior izquierda de la pantalla de inventario. Most of our professors moved on to the Academy Island, and are with Tulimshar's and Frostia's professors working right now. But... Most of their skills are stat-independent, but not all of them. La mayoría de sus habilidades son independientes de las estadísticas, pero no todas. Most of these people will not think twice before giving a nice reward to anyone who helps them. La mayoría de estas personas no lo pensarán dos veces antes de dar una buena recompensa a cualquiera que les ayude. Most thieves left, but that's not a problem, I created an army out of Homunculus. I already have 500 bandits. I will create more later, to get Mana Stones. Moubi Moubi Hat Sombrero Moubi Mouboo Mouboo Figurine Figurilla de Mouboo Mouboo Hat Sombrero de mouboo Mouboo Pendant Colgante Mouboo Mouboo Slime Mouboo Steak Filete Mouboo Mouboo#0142injuried Mouboos are cute Mouboos, come to my aid and protect me! Moubootaur (Sealed) Moubootaur Legends Anniversary Moubootaur Legends just got older! %%N Moubootaur Legends presents... Moubootaur Legends presenta... Moubootaur Maze Moubootaur's Domain Moubootaur, please spare me... Mount your party and find the Yeti King! Mountain Snake Serpiente de montaña Mountain Snake Egg -> Snake Egg Mountain Snake Skin Piel de serpiente de montaña Mountain Snake Skin -> Snake Skin Mountain Snake Tongue Lengua de serpiente de montaña Mountain Snake Tongue -> Snake Tongue Mounts Moutain Snake Serpiente de montaña Moutain Snake Egg Move Speed Potion Move this line down Mover esta linea abajo Move this line up Mover esta línea arriba Movement Speed Potion Moving while AFK is botting! I'll send you to a %s if you move while AFK! ##BYOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!##b ¡Moverte mientras estas AFK es botting! ¡Te enviaré a un %s si te mueves mientras estás AFK! ##¡HAS SIDO ADVERTIDO!##b Mr Saves Msawis Card Muahahaha, I'll be SO strong thanks to you! Here, I don't need these weak recipes anymore. You can have them! Muahahaha, I'll be SO strong thanks to you! Here, these recipes should be useful for ya. You can have them! Much better, right?! Multiple players may conduct Katazuli at once. If you move or stand, the spell may be aborted. Murder her too!#0 Murder him too!#1 Murderer Crown Corona de asesino Murderer Scorpion Escorpión asesino Mush Hat Sombrero Mush Mushroom Spores Esporas de hongo Mustache Mostacho My answer is still a no, and it won't change. Don't test my patience any further. Mi respuesta sigue siendo un no y no cambiará. No pongas más a prueba mi paciencia. My authority won't do you any good, but we have good relations with Hurnscald so you should have no problem. Good luck, %s! My breath smells bad. Mi aliento huele mal My captain wanted me to give this to you as a special reward for your efforts. My children and grandchildren have all moved to the Land of Fire, so the amount of leatherwork I can offer you is limited. Todos mis hijos y nietos se han mudado a la Tierra del Fuego, por lo que la cantidad de trabajos en cuero que puedo ofrecerles es limitada. My crops! Hurry up, and talk to Eomie!! ¡Mis cultivos! ¡¡Date prisa y habla con Eomie!! My daughter! My precious Cindy, why it had to be you?! My equipment is good, let me through! Mi equipo está bien, ¡déjame pasar! My family died when I was just a little girl... I have been trying to survive... My father probably knew... Well, you better ask Blue Sage then. My father runs a dye business, I'm in charge of selling %s around the world. My figurine is so nice! ¡Mi figura es tan bonita! My formula is not a drug, nor magic. It is an ancient technology of our people! Mi fórmula no es una droga, ni tampoco magia. ¡Es una tecnología antigua de nuestro pueblo! My friend George is much older than I am, go see him and if he trusts you, so will I. My grandmother gave me a recipe of the @@, it can cure anything but death. Mi abuela me dio una receta del @@, puede curar cualquier cosa menos la muerte. My gratitude and the knowledge you helped to make this cave a nicer place to live? ¿Mi gratitud y el conocimiento que usted ayudó a hacer de esta cueva un lugar más agradable para vivir? My greatest realization thus far, besides some time rewinding clocks, is the @@! My husband and I have moved here under the Alliance orders. Mi esposo y yo nos mudamos aquí bajo las órdenes de la Alianza. My mother told me, do not go work like a guard. You will die from overheating in the sun during the summer time. Mi madre me dijo, no vayas a trabajar como guardia. Morirás por sobrecalentamiento al sol durante el verano. My name is My name is %s. I am an upstanding citizen of this kingdom. Everyone loves me. My name is @@ and I am the daily task master. Interested in keeping this world free from monsters, or are you here to report back? Mi nombre es @@ y soy el maestro de tareas diarias. ¿Estás interesado en mantener este mundo libre de monstruos o estás aquí para informar? My name is Amelia, and I am Elora's daughter. My name is Benjamin, and I was in charge of an incursion here to capture Barbara. My name is Juliet, it is me who took care of you after we found you in the sea. I'm glad to see you're okay. Mi nombre es Juliet, soy yo quien te cuidó después de que te encontramos en el mar. Me alegra ver que estás bien. My name is Naem and I guard the tunnels in this direction. You shall not pass. Now leave. Mi nombre es Naem y cuido los túneles en esta dirección. No debes pasar. Ahora vete. My name is Nico Goethe, an %s card player. My name is Siegfried. Welcome to my humble abode. My pleasure. My point is %d! ¡Mi punto es %d! My rowboat is on the pier west of the soccer field. I've also marked with a white line where you shouldn't go further to prevent the rowboat from being taken by the current. Mi bote de remos está en el muelle al oeste del campo de fútbol. También he marcado con una línea blanca dónde no debes avanzar más para evitar que la corriente se lleve el bote de remos. My shaman skills protected us against monsters and thieves! My stats are too good, I won't need it. Mis estadísticas son demasiado buenas, no lo necesitaré. My unit, however, was attacked! %s snuck up on us! My waifu Blossom has me trapped here, and she won't even look at me, because I'm part-Wose! My warp crystal broke! Mylarin Dust Polvo de Mylarin Mylarin dust?! Where would you get that? That's amazing! Mysterious Bif Mysterious Bottle Botella misteriosa Mysterious Chest#EP1 Mysterious Chest#EP2 Mysterious Fruit fruta Misteriosa Mysterious Ore Mysterious Powder expires after some time! Mystic Wand Varita Mística NO NO NO! NOT CLASSY ENOUGH! NOT ENOUGH MONEY NOTE NOTA NOTE: Beside wands and staves, %s, %s, and the %s count as magic weapons. NOTE: Cooked Food will expire some time after its cooked. NOTE: It is possible to play the game as a crafter/merchant/fisherman, avoiding to kill as much as possible. However, it is not possible to play the game with a total kill count of zero. NOTA: Es posible jugar como artesano/comerciante/pescador, evitando matar tanto como sea posible. Sin embargo, no es posible jugar con un recuento total de muertes de cero. NOTE: Must have logged in the past 24 hours to be shown. NOTE: No equipment restriction. Less time is better. NOTE: The Energy Ball explosion may instantly kill you. Make it a priority! NOTA: La explosión de la bola de energía puede matarte instantáneamente. ¡Hazlo una prioridad! NOTE: The effective bonus level applied is the average level of enabled options! NOTE: This quest is still a work in progress. "Bugs" will show up on purpose. NOTE: You're tweaking a(n): @@ NPC Blinking Eyes NPC Blinking Eyes 2 NPC Blinking Eyes 3 NPC stylists can cut your hair and give you a new style, which means the hair style you woke up is something that can be changed. Los NPC estilistas pueden cortarte el cabello y darte un nuevo estilo, lo que significa que el peinado con el que te despertaste es algo que se puede cambiar. NPCs#RES_0096 NPCs#RES_0096 NPCs#RES_0097 NPCs#RES_0097 NPCs#RES_0128 NPCs#RES_0177 NPCs#RES_0178 NPCs#RES_0185 NPCs#RES_0208 NPCs#RES_PPL NPCs(Non Playable Characters) or non-playable characters are characters that are always in the game, offering a wide variety of reactions, from a simple friendly conversation to a desperate request for help. Los NPC (Non Playable Characters) o personajes no jugables son personajes que siempre están en el juego, ofreciendo una gran variedad de interacciones, desde una simple conversación amistosa hasta una desesperada petición de ayuda. NPCs. NPCs. Naem Naem Naftalin naftalina Nah, I am a chicken. Nah, I've got more serious matters to attend to... Nah, not now. Slimes ruin your clothes, after all. Nah, see you later. Nah, sorry, everything is good with me. No, lo siento, todo está bien conmigo. Nah, thank you. Nah, gracias. Nah, that's wrong. Come back if you want to try again. Nah. Nah. Nahrec Nahrec discretly gives you a recipe. Name is Jhon, and that's not a typo! I am an absolute coffee lover, and I travel to exotic places in search of the perfect brew. Named Items Napalm Beat Nard Nard Nard doesn't like people who gets money without working for it. A Nard no le gusta la gente que consigue dinero sin trabajar para ello. Nard gives you a map of the city so you don't get lost. Nard te entrega un mapa de la ciudad para que no te pierdas. Nard is amazed at you. Nard está sorprendida de ti. Nard is impressed, you're a hard worker. Nard está impresionada, eres un trabajador esforzado. Nard is truly amazed at you. I am impressed, too. Nard está realmente asombrada de ti. Yo también estoy impresionado. Nard is very impressed, you're really a hard worker. Congrats! Nard está muy impresionada, eres realmente un gran trabajador esforzado. ¡Felicitaciones! Nard likes people who work hard. Work harder! A Nard le gusta la gente que trabaja duro. ¡Trabajo duro! Nard noticed your hard work. Nard notó tu arduo trabajo. Nard's nurse and shipkeeper? Yeah, I can do that, I can get a copy of his ship schedule rather easily. ¿La enfermera y la cuidadora del barco de Nard? Sí, puedo hacerlo, puedo obtener una copia del estado de su envío con bastante facilidad. Narrator Narrador Naturally, it doesn't have to be a wiki article. But it must be noteworthy to the whole community, and wiki articles are one of the easiest ways for that. Nature Card Nature Card S Nature Card X Nature Fairy Nature Wall Muro de la naturaleza Nature Wall Card Tarjeta de pared de naturaleza Nature itself express hate against you! Navy Blue Dye Tinte azul marino Nea Nearly everyone around is a seasoned veteran or was sent here by the Alliance Council to support the war efforts. Including me. So, good luck! Neat, neat! Thanks! Here you go, this amazing bottle! It is life-bond, so having multiple won't reduce the time you need to wait... Necklaces Necromancer Card Tarjeta de nigromante Necromancer Card S Tarjeta de Nigromante S Necromancer Card X Tarjeta de Nigromante X Need a healing? Needless to say, monsters from Expert Dungeon usually drops more often than the ones from Advanced Dungeon. Neither difficult, neither clear, Ni difícil, ni claro, Neither, sorry Neko Neko Neutral element comes as "power", "force", "sword", "blade", and even "magic". Neutral monsters do not have such a sense of danger. Los monstruos neutrales no tienen esa sensación de peligro. Never (only on login) Nunca (sólo al acceder) Never ask: Brew %d Never let yourself be brought astray by it. Swear it to me. Nevermind, bye! Nevertheless, you probably need some base materials from Bifs. Who knows what it will drop if you are lucky? Sin embargo, probablemente necesites algunos materiales básicos de los Bifs. ¿Quién sabe qué caerá si tienes suerte? New chars, and reborn chars, will also begin at level 10. New game? ¿Nuevo juego? New players are strongly DISCOURAGED from using this resource, as it'll close about half of the available quests. Newbie Newbies can only get past their limits once, with their party leader level help! If they die, they can't rejoin! Next broadcast: (never) Siguiente transmisión: (nunca) Next broadcast: @@ Siguiente transmisión: @@ Next time an annoying snake refuses to drop their precious leather drops, come talk to us! Next time, I'll ask Sagratha to help. Heh. I doubt that's going to happen. By the way, this is the @@ spell. It summons snakes... La próxima vez le pediré ayuda a Sagratha. Heh. Dudo que eso vaya a suceder. Por cierto, este es el hechizo @@. Convoca serpientes... Next we have %s. It guards the world itself and grants all kinds of magic. Nice day to you. Que tenga un buen día. Nice to know. I'll come to you when random numbers try to kill me. Nice! First let me introduce myself. I am Dracoula, a miner! ¡Bien! Primero déjame presentarme. ¡Soy Dracoula, una minera! Nice! I love history! Nice, but no, thanks. Nice, thanks. Nice. Bien. Nicholas Nico Goethe Night Dragon Night Scorpion Escorpión nocturno Nightmare Dragon Nightshade Tea Té de sombra nocturna Nigth Scorpion Escorpión nocturno Nikolai Nikolai said it was important, so we keep a few of them locked in the basement. I apply a spell to seal them so they don't wander around, explode around, or... *sniff*... Nikolai takes a sweat of his head. He seems worried with Cindy. Nikolai, the Blue Sage Nilfheim Nina The Traveler Nina la viajera Ninja Card Ninja Card S Ninja Card X NivalShip Nivalis Nivalis Nivalis - @@ GP Nivalis Office Nivalis Townhall Nivalis Warp Crystal Cristal warp a Nivalis Nivalis was liberated @@ ago. Nivalis was the last human settlement built during the First Era. Nivalis? It's frozen during the whole year! I hope you have good ice gear and a high level... No No No Chains (Tulimshar) No I don't have herbs. I'll be back. No and *hic*... No, you and you and your... *burp* stup*hic* guild!#0 ¡No y *hic*... No, tú y tú y tu... *burp* stup*hic* gremio!#0 No and *hic*... No, you and you and your... *burp* stup*hic* guild!#1 ¡No y *hic*... No, tú y tú y tu... *burp* stup*hic* gremio!#1 No but thanks. No criminal record, no bank account, not even a tax payment declaration. Sin antecedentes penales, sin cuenta bancaria, ni siquiera declaración de pago de impuestos. No homunculus found! No idea. Paxel would at least know a few tricks, and Axzell the Alchemist could speak more about cheese thieves. No mercy will be shown, turn back now! No need to kill the Fluffies, though. No no no, that's wrong. No no no, eso está mal. No no no, you don't have everything I've asked for! ¡No, no, no tienes todo lo que te he pedido! No one can go out during the quest, so ensure every guild member has proper equipment, potions, and time for this dungeon. No one is allowed past this point. Nadie puede pasar este punto. No one is more there than here than me! Look at my hat, it symbolizes that I am an useless player! No one visit me, I'm in peace there. Nadie me visita, allí estoy en paz. No one won the match. Nadie ganó la partida. No penalty against Legendary mobs No problem is too big for me. I have them right here! Ningún problema es demasiado grande para mí. ¡Los tengo aquí mismo! No reason. No reply. We should try something else. No thank you. No thanks, see ya! No thanks. No, gracias. No victor appliable. No way! ¡De ninguna manera! No way! That's absurd! ¡De ninguna manera! ¡Eso es absurdo! No you don't. Don't disturb the forest for no reason. No! ¡No! No, I am an accupuncturist, I just happen to practice on cloth! Hah! I would greatly appreciate it if you were to get out of here and leave me to my work! So get out of here with your silly questions! No, I don't have any poison for your sampling yet. No, I don't need monster repellent nor anything! Go away! No, I don't teach magic to strangers. No, I'm not interested in @@ affairs. No, I insist, keep the Antennas as a trophy. No, I want to aim for a higher score. No, quiero aspirar a una puntuación más alta. No, I'll be back with them. No, I'll let you there to the Yeti's mercy. No, I'll save my money. No, ahorraré mi dinero. No, but what option do I have? I'm being railroaded! No, pero ¿qué opción tengo? ¡Me están engañando! No, it is a family heirloom. But I do have the shield blueprints. A skilled craftsman could forge one. No, justice must be done. No, hay que hacer justicia. No, loans. No, none. No, ninguno. No, not at the moment. No, no por el momento. No, nothing. Sorry. No, please don't! I have 3 kids to feed. They are looking for me for contraband. Please, let me go! ¡No, por favor no lo hagas! Tengo 3 hijos que alimentar. Me buscan por contrabando. ¡Por favor déjame ir! No, power corrupts. No, seriously, you should do these questions to Elli. She is the smartest girl I know, close to the Academy. No, sir. No, señor. No, sorry. No, thank you, kid. No, thanks! ¡No, gracias! No, thanks, I will keep my gems. No, gracias, me quedaré con mis gemas. No, thanks, it's not my job! No, gracias, ¡no es mi trabajo! No, thanks. No, gracias. No, thanks. I gonna leave this place. No, gracias. Voy a dejar este lugar. No, they are way too dangerous for me! No, ¡son demasiado peligrosos para mi! No, we challenge you to a duel! No, we've done this for our whole life, and we have survived! No, who knows what they might do with it! No. No. No. Hurnscald is besieged and it would be too dangerous to let you go alone. You should talk to %s, instead. No. Hurnscald está sitiada y sería demasiado peligroso dejarte ir solo. Deberías hablar con %s ,en cambio. No... No... No... Not yet, sorry. No... Todavía no, lo siento. Nobody answers. Nobody can know! *burp* ¡Nadie puede saberlo! *eructar* Nobody lives here for years, arr. Monsters have taken over everything, yarr. Noel Slime Non Disclosure Agreemeent None Ninguno None at the moment. Nooo! I want my MP back! ¡Nooo! ¡Quiero recuperar mi MP! Nope, sorry! Normal Normal Bullet Normal Cards can be upgraded to S-Tier, and S Cards can be upgraded to X-Tier. X-Tier cards cannot be upgraded. Normal Member Normal. Normally I would offer to make you some %s, but economic problems in Halinarzo have caused a shortage of supplies... Normalmente me ofrecería a hacerte algunas %s, pero los problemas económicos en Halinarzo han provocado escasez de suministros... Normally, collaborative behave like neutral monsters. Unless some partner of the same species is in danger, at which point they all take an aggressive stance against the aggressor. Normalmente, el comportamiento colaborativo, como monstruos neutrales. A menos que algún compañero de su misma especie esté en peligro, momento en el que todos adoptan una postura agresiva frente al agresor. North Avenue#lof North East North West Northeast Avenue Northeast Avenue#lof Northwest Avenue Northwest Avenue#lof Not An Oak Not Yet Implemented - Sorry. Not a single deed, but continued heroism. A real hero must be strong. Must help others. Must show up above others. Should have magic even if they don't use, and of course, the world should be in need of a hero. No one is born as hero, for heroes are forged, not born. Not all monsters will do this, but most will. So if you see a monster running after a player and you stand in the way... No todos los monstruos harán esto, pero la mayoría sí. Entonces, si ves un monstruo corriendo detrás de un jugador y te interpones en el camino... Not allowed Not at all! Not at the moment No por el momento Not at the moment but come back later. Not bad Not bad, not bad. Let's see if you can answer an even more difficult one. Not bad. These are the main threat we have to fend off, along snakes and black scorpions. Nada mal. Éstas son las principales amenazas que tenemos que defender, junto con las serpientes y los escorpiones negros. Not bad... You can now enter Lilit. If you think you can defeat me, climb the tree and meet me at the top! Not crafting - insufficient materials! Not doing that to prevent flood. Not enough Monster Points! ¡No hay suficientes puntos de monstruo! Not enough bottles. Not enough funds! ¡No hay suficientes fondos! Not enough ingredients or invalid amount. Not enough items! Not enough money. Not every @@ with you belongs to you. No todos los @@ contigo te pertenecen. Not every piece of equipment is ingame yet. Not everyone can be a blood donor. For example, you must be healthy. Not for that! For helping out the injuried mouboo, of course. Not in the mood to chat. No estoy de humor para charlar. Not my problem. Not now, but I may be back later. Ahora no, pero puede que vuelva más tarde. Not now, sorry. Not now, thanks Not now, thanks. Ahora no, gracias. Not now. Not now... Not now... *hic* I need @@... *hic* Bring me @@ if you *hic* can... Not only that, but I am also Angela's husband and Nivalis Mayor. If you have any issues, you can go straight to me. Not only that, but at night monsters are stronger! They also give more experience and drop more often to compensate, though. ¡No sólo eso, sino que por la noche los monstruos son más fuertes! Sin embargo, también brindan más experiencia y caen más a menudo para compensar. Not only that, but he is the only one here besides me who can do magic. Without him, I have to work doubled. Not only that, but it is swarming with monsters. Something is really wrong here. From our scouts which went in there, only one returned. Not only that, but reborn characters will spawn at level %d! Not only that, but the Yeti King and me had an... incident, in times best forgotten. Let's not talk about it. Not only that, but you get one free attempt every day! Not participating in a challenge yields you zero points. In case of a tie, char creation date will be the decisive factor: Older adventurers will get the preference. Not really, sorry. Not really. Not resync'ing to prevent flood. Not right now, I'm busy. Ahora no, estoy ocupado. Not right now. Not sure Not to say about bandits and robbers you'll find. Por no hablar de bandidos y ladrones que encontrarás. Not today, I still haven't decided the prize! ¡Hoy no, todavía no he decidido el premio! Not today, sorry. Hoy no, lo siento. Not yet, I'll be right back. Aún no, ya vuelvo. Not yet, I'm waiting @@ to deliver me the @@ reagent. Not yet, I'm waiting for friends Not yet, blame Jesusalva, your reward was with them Not yet, but I'll bring them. Not yet. Aún no. Not yet. I've been... delayed. Not yet. You have to ask the mana seed to give you more power. NotSoBot NotSoBot Notable mentions and thanks for our [@@|sponsors@@], we wouldn't be here without their continued support. Notable mentions and thanks for our [@@|sponsors@@], we wouldn't be here without their continued support. Note Nota Note 2: If you leave this plataform, it'll reset! Note 3: All maps in Fortress Island have penalty, even towns! Note down. To hunt a target you must click the primary mouse button on it. Avoid fighting monsters or citizens much stronger than you. ##BYou will lose experience if you are defeated.##b Anota. Para cazar un objetivo, debes hacer clic con el botón principal del mouse sobre él. Evita luchar contra monstruos o ciudadanos mucho más fuertes que tú. ##BPerderás experiencia si eres derrotado.##b Note#012-2 Note#johanne Nota#johanne Note#saxsocave Note: Dustynator is a high level weapon. You might not have enough level to use it yet. Note: Golden and Silver Eggs are deleted after the next event end. Nota: Los huevos dorados y plateados se eliminan una vez finalizado el siguiente evento. Note: Items brewed here will use a Guild Recipe instead! Note: Items forged here will be guild-bound, but will use player recipes and bonuses! Note: No rares will be given if Golbarez doesn't get enough GP to find the paradise, but Strange Coins will still be given. Note: Onboard, Destructive, Fire, and AoE Magic are NOT allowed. Note: Passives and some skills (e.g. Resync) doesn't count. Note: Poll may increase more than total money donated depending on current date. Nota: La encuesta puede aumentar más que el dinero total donado según la fecha actual. Note: Support skills used on self does not count. Note: The points will NOT be consumed on 2020. Note: This action cannot be undone. Note: This travel takes a whole minute to complete!! Note: Transfering items on mail cost @@ GP/item Note: Unless you were doing something REALLY bad which is harmful to player community (eg. scamming, hacking, DDoS'ing, etc.) Note: You can exchange 1 @@ for 3 @@ Note: You can increase the time by talking to Emma again. Note: You can only perform this operation @@/6 times. Note: You may fail to write skills to it. Note: You must have a char on the first slot to leaderboard work. Points are shared accross all chars on your account. Note: You won't be able to leave the class later. Note: You'll be vulnerable for a short while! Nota: ¡Serás vulnerable por un tiempo! Note: Your party is currently not sharing experience, and will suffer a time penalty. Your time will be halved. Note: some pets still weren't implemented! Notebook#MKHB Notes: Nothing Nada Nothing I guess Nothing at the moment, thanks. Nothing at the moment. Nada por el momento. Nothing for now, thanks. Nothing happens. Nothing happens. Nothing important. Nothing right now. Nothing so sublime! ¡Nada tan sublime! Nothing, good bye! Nothing, sorry! Nothing, sorry. Nada, lo siento. Nothing, thanks Nothing, thanks anyway. Nothing, thanks! Nothing, thanks. Nada, gracias. Nothing. Nada. Nothing. Sorry bothering. Nothing. Take care! Notice: If you join the ##BBandits Guild##b now, you WON'T BE ABLE to be a merchant police later! November 1st - November 30th Novice Dungeon (Lv 40+) Novice Exchanger#0 Novice Wand Varita de Novato Now I can turn in my report to Professor Volrtaw... I should not have stayed behind the classes. Now I just drink down my worries and hope for the best. Now I need 20 @@, 20 @@ and 60 @@ to finish my research. Easy materials, except for the Shadow Herb. Ahora necesito 20@@, 20@@ y 60@@ para terminar mi investigación. Materiales fáciles, excepto la hierba de las sombras. Now I should be able to ask Katze about the cheese robbery in the Land of Fire. Ahora debería poder preguntarle a Katze sobre el robo del queso en Tierra del Fuego. Now I travel by the world, composing songs about the things I see. Ahora viajo por el mundo, componiendo canciones sobre las cosas que veo. Now I'll be waiting! Now begone. Now get out of my way, what I'm sewing is clearly more important than whatever you're playing. Kids, these days...! Now go and save the world or something like that. I mean, it is not like I really cared with the world, anyway... With luck you'll even find what you are looking for. Now go away, %s! Can't you see I'm busy? Now go talk to the King. Now go! Lives are at stack! ¡Ahora vete! ¡Hay vidas en juego! Now go, and fetch the materials again. I'll make another fertilizer for you. Ahora ve y busca los materiales nuevamente. Te haré otro fertilizante. Now lo and behold... The ultimate... TRANSMUTATION! Ahora he aquí... ¡La definitiva... TRANSMUTACIÓN! Now please be a good helper, and aid me by bringing: Ahora, por favor, sé un buen ayudante y ayúdame trayendo: Now please bring me @@/2 @@, @@/20 @@, @@/30 @@ and @@/70 @@ so I don't need to leave here and start travelling everywhere... Ahora, por favor, tráeme a @@/2 @@, @@/20 @@, @@/30 @@ y @@/70 @@ para no tener que salir de aquí y empezar a viajar a todas partes... Now stand still... It should not take much time... Ahora no se mueva... No debería tardar mucho... Now that Chief Oskari knows about the sequence of events, the Sage will take care of it. It's really a shame how malicious people can be. Now that I've described the spells to you, I'm sure I cast them correctly. But... I think there is a way to have these effects. It's silly though. Now that you ask.... Now to head inside the caves, until the last floor, and have my showdown and revenge against the Monster King. I do not plan in failing. Now wait for your partner, then talk to me again.#0 Ahora espere a su socia, después vuelva a hablar conmgo.#0 Now wait for your partner, then talk to me again.#1 Ahora espere a su socio, después vuelva a hablar conmgo.#1 Now wanders over the land. Ahora deambula por la tierra. Now we are no longer useless — we can play music again! Now we can play any songs! Hooray! Now who are you, and what are you doing here? Now you must feel homelike already here... take these slippers so your feet stays warm! Now you need to fight monsters at the maximum range, do these steps in order: lock enemy, attack, hit, move backwards of one tile, hit, rinse and repeat. Ahora necesitas luchar contra los monstruos al máximo alcance, sigue estos pasos en orden: bloquear al enemigo, atacar, golpear, retroceder un espacio, golpear, enjuagar y repetir. Now, I'm sure you could find the answer you seek without the trouble of coming here, but anyway. I guess I'll explain you how things work here, first. Now, a simple @@ quest to make you stronger... Now, as you gave yourself the trouble of coming here... Now, crafting an airship requires a lot of efforts, resources, money and specially time. Fourteen months, to be exact. Now, if you really want it, bring me %d %s, a %s, %d %s, %d %s and %s GP, and I'll consider it. Now, isn't this lovely? I'll turn it into some pants for %s winter. Now, let's try again. Ahora, intentémoslo de nuevo. Now, listen closely. Jesusalva desgined most of the quests. And he hates cheaters and liars. Ahora escuche atentamente. Jesusalva diseñó la mayoría de las misiones. Y odia a los tramposos y mentirosos. Now, listen to me. I know I promised to bring you to the World's Edge. Now, please kill 50 @@, Try to collect some lamps in the same time, they could be useful later. Ahora, mata a 50 @@. Intenta recolectar algunas lámparas al mismo tiempo, podrían ser útiles más adelante. Now, that's unfortunate. I don't think you can hit me from where you are. Now, to find the treasure chest! Now, to wait for Sunday is the most boring part... Alas, I wonder if I'll remember next week, too. Ahora, esperar al domingo es la parte más aburrida... Ay, me pregunto si también lo recordaré la semana que viene. Now, unless you're interested in a match of Arcmage, I've heard Basil had some free time, so I'll ask him instead. Now, we're hot on the trails of whatever is the reason for the town to be so empty. We blocked this road so the town is not overrun by the monsters outside. Now, you have a Tier %d homunculi. The highest the tier, the more difficult to evolve it is. For a simple Tier 2 evolution I can do it myself, whereas a Tier 3 evolution requires an Embryo. Now, you'll learn a thief trick! This one allows you to steal drops from monsters! Ka-pow! Amazing! Now, you'll learn a thief trick! What sort of thief loots so much that they get overweight penalty? That's not cool! Now, you'll learn an important trick! Stealing is nice, but scamming is even better! Nowhere Nowhere Gluvine Nowhere Jeane Nowhere Man Nowhere family Nulity Pixie Number (1->35) Nutcracker Nylo Nylo Nylo#Marggo Nylo#Marggo Nymph Poison Veneno de ninfa O.o "That's a lot. Maybe another day." OFF WITH THEIR HEADS! OH MY, PLEASE DON'T! OH NOES! The ceiling seems to have collapsed when the chest was open! We are forced to go forward!! OH NOES! The ceiling seems to have collapsed. I hope we got the key, or the quest is over for us! OH NOES! You have contracted the %s! Your experience gain and drop rate was greatly reduced by %d%%! OK, I will get them. Está bien, los conseguiré. OMG CANCEL IT!! OMG so cute! This must be the cutest bear you ever seen your whole life. OMG you got all equipment in Moubootaur Legends. You are truly a legend of legends. OMG, that - that is a %s! I've been looking for scrambled eggs. I offer you a %s for it. OMG, that - that is a %s! I've been looking for that reagent. I offer you a %s for it. Oak Obtain event equipment Obviously only the best for my fondue! Here is a list. I suppose you can ask Shannon if you don't know what to do with it, he is the one who supplied me the cheese in first place, after all. Obviously there's no body, the victim respawned at the Soul Menhir as it was supposed to happen. C'mon, what did you expect, a ghost?! Ocean Croc Croc de Oceano Ocean Croc Claw Garra de Croc oceánico Ocean Pirate Odd/Even, Red/Black, Group of 18 (1->1) Of course I hurried there as fast as I could, yelling to wake up everyone, but that caused so much confusion that we fell over each other in the corridor and when we finally reached the library, the slimes were already spread all over the room, eating or exploding the books. Of course I'll help you! ¡Por supuesto que te ayudaré! Of course it does. And the same level rules applies. Por supuesto que sí. Y se aplican las mismas reglas de nivel. Of course! But beware that %s are always in demand! ¡Por supuesto! ¡Pero ojo que%s siempre están en demanda! Of course! Quick, take it!! ¡Por supuesto! ¡¡Rápido, tómalo!! Of course, I actually have two options: Por supuesto, en realidad tengo dos opciones: Of course, I do charge a nominal fee of for the service. %s GP to be exact. Por supuesto, cobro una tarifa nominal por el servicio. %s GP para ser exactos. Of course, give me just a minute to look up for your data, @@. Por supuesto, dame solo un minuto para buscar tus datos, @@. Of course, he doesn't likes the fact you're talking to me. Of course, if you don't ask from the Mana Stone for more magic, you will stay on the first degree forever... Por supuesto, si no le pides más magia a la Piedra de Mana, permanecerás en el primer grado para siempre... Of course, if your problem is only experience, then you should look for %s and other EXP-boosting drinks. Some are sold, some are made, some are dropped, some are... magical... Por supuesto, si tu problema es sólo la experiencia, entonces deberías buscar %s y otras bebidas que aumenten la EXP. Algunos se venden, otros se fabrican, algunos se dejan caer, algunos son... mágicos... Of course, it was maybe 20:00, give or take ten minutes. Every day. It is incredibly annoying. Of course, lag might always be a problem. Remember to drag healing items to the shortcut list too. %%2 Por supuesto, el lag siempre puede ser un problema. Recuerde arrastrar también los objetos curativos a la lista de accesos directos. %%2 Of course, some get scholarship in honor of the cause or by notable knowledge and prowess; These are a special group not worth mentioning. Of course, the Savior race is extinct as far as history book concern with. Of course, there are also always daily chores to do, if you are more interested in that. %%Q Of course, they are on the left wall, go have a look at them. Por su puesto, están en la pared izquierda, ve y échales un vistazo. Of course, we'll find a way to reward you for your efforts. Of course. I bet Elli is the one who cursed you, who started the Great Fire and who put the time lock in place. Of course. The adviser of the Yeti King, for instance, is very friendly. Of course: better drinks, more EXP. Just be careful to don't get so drunk that you cannot fight anymore, will ya? Por supuesto: mejores bebidas, más EXP. Sólo ten cuidado de no emborracharte tanto que no puedas luchar más, ¿quieres? Ofelia Off to storage I go. Voy al almacén. Offer food to it. Offering alcohol to a teddy seems like a ugly thing to do. We should think on something else. Oh dear, another one with Botter Syndrome? Here, have this injection. Done. You're now all patched up. Oh dear, oh dear, where could I have possibly left it?! Oh hello again. This time I need you to be enrolled here, for this, you need to either get a good rank at the Magic Olympics or by contributing to the world's knowledge. Talk to headmaster if you need help. Oh it's you @@, I did not recognize you with your hat! ¡Ay eres tú @@, no te reconocí con tu sombrero! Oh it's you @@, I did not recognize you without a hat! ¡Oh eres tú @@, no te reconocí sin sombrero! Oh look, it is Cupid! Oh my Jesusalva - You broke my lock! Why?! Oh my! Did you rent a house or an apartment and now want to brew stuff, like @@ or @@? Oh my, and I thought ye young'uns were immune to dementia... There are only Pinkies around here, child. Oh my, the great @@ has come to talk to me! ¡Dios mío, el gran@@ ha venido a hablar conmigo! Oh my, you don't seem to be registered as a Monster Hunting Quest Participant. Would you like to register? Dios mío, no parece que estés registrado como participante de una misión de caza de monstruos. ¿Quieres registrarte? Oh no! I will miss my bus! Gotta go! Oh no! What should we do now? Oh no, Benjamin is a city guard, he would never do that. I hope. Oh no, I don't have any money on me right now. Oh no, not another stranger she sends me to tell that! ¡Oh no, no otro extraño que me envía a contarle eso! Oh no... That is wrong! %%3 Oh noes ─ the door is sealed! We can only press forward and failure is final! Oh noes! He fainted! Quick, rescue him!!#1 ¡Oh, no! ¡El se desmayó! ¡¡Rápido, rescátalo!!#1 Oh noes! She fainted! Quick, rescue her!!#0 ¡Oh, no! ¡Ella se desmayó! ¡¡Rápido, rescátala!!#0 Oh noes! The door is locked!! Quick! Call a GM!!! Oh noes! The guards locked the door! Oh noes! You've found the Candor control panel! ¡Oh, no! ¡Has encontrado el panel de control de Candor! Oh noes! You've found the Halinarzo control panel! ¡Oh, no! ¡Has encontrado el panel de control de Halinarzo! Oh noes! You've found the Hurnscald control panel! Oh noes! You've found the Tulimshar control panel! ¡Oh, no! ¡Has encontrado el panel de control de Tulimshar! Oh noes, who nows can help my wife? Please reconsider! Oh, no, ¿quién puede ayudar ahora a mi esposa? ¡Por favor reconsidere! Oh please. Even if you know a trick or two, you don't have real magic. Ah, por favor. Incluso si sabes uno o dos trucos, no tienes magia real. Oh right, I almost forgot, here you go! Ah cierto, casi lo olvido, ¡aquí tienes! Oh well, this sucks, but that was only an illusion. Oh well... That's my mother, and this is why I love her. Oh, bueno... Esa es mi madre, y por eso la amo. Oh yeah some work is really painful, especially for my back, and I cant bother Woody to do it, he has so many difficulties moving. Oh yes, here you go, that will be 1 GP. Oh! You found me. Good job! ¡Oh! Me encontraste. ¡Buen trabajo! Oh, %s, thanks! The tunnels behind me are very hot, this will help if I have to go inside them. ¡Oh, %s, gracias! Los túneles detrás de mí están muy calientes, esto me ayudará si tengo que entrar en ellos. Oh, I can't really tell. I'm mostly working in the library, while he's very involved in the research. Oh, I know who you mean! That impertinent person came over in the workshop area and fiddled about with all kinds of things here! Such a rude person! Didn't he understand that we had delicate things going on here? We had to send him back to the library area several times. Oh, I never really thought about that. He was the one who failed the sealing, right? But I heard it's a quite difficult spell, so I suppose this could've happened to any mage. I don't know. Why are you asking such difficult questions? Oh, I was wee lad on the beach singing the blub song Oh, yo era un niño pequeño en la playa cantando la canción blub Oh, I'm just exploring. What can you tell me about this island? Oh, Miler just prepared a %s for you. You can use it... Or give it to Henry in Nivalis Inn, and whisper "The Shadow Tortuga won the race against the Panthom Lord". Oh, Welcome then. Oh, bienvenido entonces. Oh, a really sad thing that happened. To be honest, we saw and heard nothing, I guess they don't like our fine instruments, specially Phil's. Oh, a really sad thing that happened. To be honest, we saw and heard nothing, I guess they don't like our fine instruments, specially mine. Oh, a visitor. Welcome to the city hall. Please, enjoy your stay. Oh, and I almost forgot! Do not share passwords or pincodes, not even with staff! And do not use the same password somewhere else, they can be stolen! ¡Ah, y casi lo olvido! ¡No compartas contraseñas ni códigos PIN, ni siquiera con el Staff! Y no uses la misma contraseña en otro lugar, ¡te las pueden robar! Oh, and about the Candor travel for 200 GP... Which would be a rare for little or no gold... Well, that's just an attention grabber. Oh, and if I perchance catch you using %s or %s... You'll be banned from my game, understood? Oh, and you will need this book too, it will help you learn the basics of fishing. Ah, y también necesitarás este libro, te ayudará a aprender los conceptos básicos de la pesca. Oh, but don't you worry. Sure, you can't go in Nivalis bank and take my stuff... But the Storage Fairy at Lilit might just let you. Oh, but we are affiliated with Jesusalva, whom hates cheaters. So, meet your dismissal! Oh, eh, why are you asking me? I've only been here a short while and don't really know all of the people well enough yet. Oh, every settlement is part of it. Candor, Tulimshar, Hurnscald, Frostia, Halinarzo, Artis, Nivalis... Oh, cada acuerdo es parte de ello. Candor, Tulimshar, Hurnscald, Frostia, Halinarzo, Artis, Nivalis... Oh, he has been a little rascal since his father died. Oh, ha sido un pequeño bribón desde que murió su padre. Oh, he's still alive!#1 ¡Oh, aún está vivo!#1 Oh, hello %s. Oh, hello there! Welcome to the Mana Plane Of Existence! Oh, hello. If I were you I wouldn't go deeper into the library. There are still some of those monsters left. Slipping between the bookshelves. Oh, hello. You didn't choose a good time to visit. The library is a total mess. The slimes got out of control and ate most of the books. Oh, here the path seems to split. Which way should we go? Oh, hey, welcome back, @@! Thanks for all your help! Oh, hey. Welcome to the library, or what's left of it. Oh, how I miss %s from Tulimshar... Oh, just an empty staff with black powder inside it. Which explodes. And then kills monsters. Oh, just walk on the dock, and you'll be warped there. Oh, simplemente camina por el muelle y quedarás transportado allí. Oh, please, I don't publish lies in my news! Come with a more convincing lie next time you want to appear in the newspaper! Oh, please. They're weaker than Maggots. They will only pose a threat if you're unarmed. Oh por favor. Son más débiles que los gusanos. Sólo representarán una amenaza si estás desarmado. Oh, several things. It depends a bit on what the scholars consider, and the scholars... well, they change. Oh, she's still alive!#0 ¡Oh, aún está viva!#0 Oh, sorry, I just realized we're overbooked. Please make your reservation with antecedence next time! You can sleep on the streets in the meanwhile. Oh, thank you! My daughter means a lot to me. ¡Ah, gracias! Mi hija significa mucho para mí. Oh, thanks, darling; I was starving. Do you need anything? Oh, that's a long story. Oh, esa es una larga historia. Oh, that's an interesting question. I was really surprised when I heard that he was responsible for the failure. I've worked together with him before, and I have to say, it really was a pleasure. He's very accurate and diligent, but also polite and helpful. Oh, the @@ might be a heirloom or something from Braknar family. I dunno who could have it. Oh, then I don't have enough! I'll bring more later! ¡Oh, entonces no tengo suficiente! ¡Traeré más más tarde! Oh, then you should seek the help of an specialist. These curses have an specific condition to break, like leveling up or being killed. Force-breaking them can be difficult. Oh, there was such a visitor, yes. Strange guy, and didn't really know how to behave. He sneaked into the workshop area all the time, I think he was rather curious about the things going on there. Oh, this is so much work... I can't believe they let this happen! You would think they'd be careful when playing around with such powerful forces. Hah! Big mistake! Oh, too bad. Oh, what lovely Lv %d %s Homunculus you have here! Oh, would you? That'd be great! You see, the slimes ate most of the books and it is difficult to retrieve the bookpages. If you feel capable of this task, you could go out to hunt the Blue and White Slimes, to get the @@ back from them. Oh, yea, you are right, it was a mistake. Bye-bye. Oh, yes. There was such a guy, shortly before the accident I think. He sneaked into the workshop several times, sticking his nose into stuff that shouldn't be his business. We had to send him back to the library area at least three times. Oh, you must be from Hurnscald Household, then. Hand me the letter, I'll have it delivered. Oh. And don't mention anyone what I'm researching here. No need to fuss over minor things, don't you agree? It's totally not shaddy. Not shaddy at all! Oh. Y no menciones a nadie lo que estoy investigando aquí. No hay necesidad de preocuparse por cosas menores, ¿no crees? No es nada turbio. ¡Nada turbio! Oh... Of course! I'll even do this for free! Ah... ¡Por supuesto! ¡Incluso haré esto gratis! Oh... What a bummer. But you've brought the item back, so we're OK. Oh... Wow! I'm surprised. ¡Oh, vaya! Estoy sorprendido. Oh? Just go east of here. Keep going ##Bright##b, go down the stairs, and you'll be at his office already. ¿Oh? Simplemente ve al este de aquí. Sigue ##Bright##b, baja las escaleras y ya estarás en su oficina. Ohh Moubi Moubi you are too pink, that my eyes get shrink Ohh Moubi Moubi eres demasiado rosado, que mis ojos se encogen Ohh! A fingernail aside. Ohh, I think I know who you mean. That was a strange guy. He always came over here in the workshop, said he's very interested in the research. I suppose that's ok, but he didn't keep his hands to himself, and touched some experiments and I caught him near some storage racks. Ohhh moubiii Ohhh moubiii Ohhhhh..... Please, help me!!! My wife is gravely wounded!! Ohhhhh..... ¡¡¡Por favor, ayúdame!!! ¡¡Mi esposa está gravemente herida!! Ok Ok I add your name... @@... De acuerdo, añado su nombre... @@... Ok grandma CYA! Ok then... Uh... Please excuse me..... Ok, I'll be back in no time. Ok, volveré pronto. Ok, come back me when you want to know the @@ real power! Ok, done! Ok, done. Bien. Listo. Ok, good trip then. Ok, let me see... De acuerdo, veamos... Ok, let's see how many you have and how many I need: Ok, veamos cuántos tienes y cuántos necesito: Ok, let's stay focused now! Ok, see you later. Bueno, nos vemos luego. Ok, see you. Ok, thanks. Ok, thanks. Ok, this will be my last request. The Trainer asked me for a fine weapon, to protect our village. Ok, esta será mi última solicitud. El Entrenador me pidió un arma excelente para proteger nuestra aldea. Ok, what I need is: Bueno lo que necesito es: Ok, you can see that target over there? I will tell you how strong the wind blows and from which direction. Then you will try to hit the target by moving right or left and decide how powerful you want to shoot. Ok, you look strong enough. Now, let me think of an easy task for you... Ok, te ves lo suficientemente fuerte. Ahora déjame pensar en una tarea fácil para ti... Ok. You have made great progress. I think you are ready for further tasks. Ok...please come back when you aren't busy... Okay then. Okay! ¡Okay! Okay, I'll be back! Okay, bye Okay, bye. Okay, adiós. Okay, here is some experience, and forgot what I've said before. We can try again. Bien, aquí hay algo de experiencia y olvidé lo que dije antes. Podemos intentarlo de nuevo. Okay, laters Okay, that is very useful. However, I do need a few reagents to make it. Okay, eso es muy útil. Sin embargo, necesito algunos reactivos para hacerlo. Okay, to join an arena, you need the unique password. Leave blank if you don't know. Bien, para unirte a una arena, necesitas la contraseña única. Déjelo en blanco si no lo sabe. Okay, which arena will you rent? Cost is @@ GP. Bien, ¿qué arena alquilarás? El costo es @@ GP. Okay, you can start! ¡Está bien, puedes iniciar! Old Paper Patch Parche de papel viejo Old Snake Serpiente vieja Old Towel Toalla vieja Old Well#003-1 Pozo Viejo#003-1 Old line: Línea vieja: On a computer, you can press @@ to attack it. On mobile, that would be the big button with the number 1. En una computadora, puedes presionar @@ para atacarlo. En el móvil, ese sería el botón grande con el número 1. On a side note, more defense is always good, but the damage won't decrease on the same rate that defense raises. Por cierto, tener más defensa siempre es bueno, pero el daño no disminuirá al mismo ritmo que aumenta la defensa. On mobile, the DPAD is at your left. Do you see the chest to my right? En dispositivos móviles, el DPAD está a su izquierda. ¿Ves el cofre a mi derecha? On mobile, you would click on the @@ icon! ¡En el móvil, harías clic en el ícono @@! On my way to get what you need. On second thought, come see me when you've gained a few levels. We can't have cheaters, ya know? Pensándolo bien, ven a verme cuando hayas subido algunos niveles. No podemos tener tramposos, ¿sabes? On second thought, he really could use a bath. On the friday, the 14th, an additional hunting field will be open. Talk to Soul Stone to go there :> On the ruins you may find free loot... And on the new town, you may find the sturdiest stuff of all. On your marks! On your marks... Once I finish evolving the two aspects, you'll be able to decide which aspect you'll downgrade to resume the evolution process. However, you only have %s time units to evolve the four aspects! Once broken, they'll lose the link to the magical seal. Once he resumes working confidently, we can go over this important subject. Once inside the BOSS Cave, you get a five minutes time limit to slay the boss with your party. Once it begins (you can fight against an AI), kill the most of enemy sparks you can, while preventing your own sparks of being killed. Wins whoever has more sparks after %s minutes. Once it reaches level %d who knows, something nice might happen. Once that is done, the Alliance's staff will set several stands with the most important services you might need, like banking, inside the town central area. Once the fight begins, the barrier at your left will lock. It won't open until the fight is over. Once the five are once again assembled, Una vez que los cinco estén nuevamente reunidos, Once the quest is started, entrance will be closed. Once the roots are of a desired thickness, he ties them to make a string, and applies an oil on it. Una vez que las raíces tienen el grosor deseado, las ata para formar un hilo y le aplica un aceite. Once their fight was over, Una vez que terminó su pelea, Once they get too annoying, I need to kill them... But I think I could put them to rest with the Rest Homunculus skill. Once upon a time, five mighty heroes emerged; Érase una vez cinco héroes poderosos; Once used, they will disappear from your inventory. Una vez usados, desaparecerán de tu inventario. Once you allocate status points, you can fight it! Good luck, @@! Una vez que asigne puntos de estado, ¡podrá luchar contra él! Buena suerte, @@! Once you decide to rescue Cindy, nobody else will be able to enter or leave this room. Once you do so, be you good or be you evil, challenge the Moubootaur and engrave your name in history, or fail the fight and face permanent death. In this box, you shall find my will to you. Use it well. Once you done so, come back and report the new passcode... Then I'll disclose to you the real mission. Once you have the appropriate colorant for the item, ##bdrag the colorant##b to the material. Una vez que tenga el colorante apropiado para el artículo, ##barrastre el colorante##b al material. Once you join the Alliance, you won't be able to talk with people outside it. Once you light one of them, monsters will be summoned, so take care to not die. The amount and difficulty of the summoned monsters increases with every torch you light. I advice you to run away and hurry to the next torch. Una vez que enciendas uno de ellos, se invocarán monstruos, así que ten cuidado de no morir. La cantidad y dificultad de los monstruos invocados aumenta con cada antorcha que enciendes. Te aconsejo que huyas y te apresures hacia la siguiente antorcha. Once you reach level %d, I'll offer you a life-time opportunity to delete all your levels and experience for your %s rebirth! Once your skill is forgotten, the Magic Skill Points used will be freed. One One Hand Weapon Recipes One Pair One claims to be a constable and teach people to sell high and buy low. One day Dimond D. Stone dreamed of her own restaurant. One day I saw myself a rich man ♪ Un día vi un hombre rico ♪ One day more or less won't make a difference. Un día más o menos no hará la diferencia. One day, I was provoked. Others came to my aid, One day... One day! ONE DAY I'LL GET REVENGE ON YOU, MONSTER KING! Un día... ¡Un día! ¡UN DÍA ME VENGARÉ DE TI, REY MONSTRUO! One hand sword (average) One last question, but this shouldn't be a problem for you. One last thing to keep in mind... If you are surrounded, you'll suffer an agility and defense penalty. Una última cosa a tener en cuenta... Si estás rodeado, sufrirás una penalización de agilidad y defensa. One of the bandits locked this door; We need to find the key! One of the most important jobs on Moubootaur Legends, crafted equipment is much stronger than regular ones. Specially weapons. Uno de los trabajos más importantes en Moubootaur Legends, el equipo elaborado es mucho más fuerte que los normales. Especialmente armas. One of the most powerful chants known is: One of them is really crazy, though: They say that there is a legendary monster down there. Pero uno de ellos está realmente loco: dicen que allí abajo hay un monstruo legendario. One of them was a bit odd, they were wearing a mask and had a strange way of talking. They said they came from Frostia, which is an elven town in the north. Elves are usually shy, so I thought it would have been rude to ask them to remove the mask. Only %s has the key. Only @@ GP. Only Academy Grand Masters may cassate someone. Only Cronqvist Mode yields more points per wave! Only Sponsors are allowed past this area. Only Tulimshar Guards are allowed in this building. Sólo se permiten guardias de Tulimshar en este edificio. Only elves may run to Town Admin Office in Frostia! Only finest wares! ¡Sólo los mejores productos! Only for this rebirth: +2 %s and +1 Lv to %s Only getting closer to find out what kind this one is. Only green from @@ will be taken in account. Only items with max %s%% drop rate are accepted! Only magic weapons are allowed, but legendary ones - %s and %s - won't be tolerated. Only melee weapons are permitted for use with this skill. Only one vouch can be acquired, and you cannot be vouched to Grand Master position. You need to have touched the Mana Stone to participate. Only the Guild Master and the Vice Leaders are capable of starting this quest. Only the finest bows and arrows, in the land where wood is abundant! Only the party from the MVP will get the reward. Only then we may have peace!! Only those whom overcome all Candor Challenges shall wield ultimate power. Sólo aquellos que superen todos los desafíos de Candor ejercerán el poder supremo. Ooh, many thanks! Lemme just grab something for you... Ooh, this definitely is a Tulimshar item! But I would prefer a box full of these, please. Ooh, this nice shiny thing? It was an event. Oolong Tea Té de oolong Oooh, I see you have a @@ with you. Oooh, I see, I see! So you're working with ##Bthem##b... This is most appreciated. Oooh, many thanks! ^.^ Oooh, thanks, thanks! I'll let my brother Ryan know how cool you are, he lives in Halinarzo and is a %s addict! Oops! Seems like Saulc doesn't wants you messing on his chemistry set! Oops! Seems like Saulc doesn't wants you messing on his ovens! Oops! Seems like Saulc doesn't wants you messing on his raging furnaces! Oops! You destroyed your %s. Oops, there is nobody known as @@ on this game. Ups, no hay nadie conocido como @@ en este juego. Open Beta 2019 Open Cooking Manual Open Fishing Book Open Homunculus Manual Open Petcaring Book Open Recipe Book Open shop Open storage Open the chest? Open your inventory window (F3 key) next to the trading window. Select an item you want to offer, and then press the Add button. To add money to the negotiation, enter the amount you will offer and press the Change button. Abre tu ventana de inventario (tecla F3) al lado de la ventana de operaciones. Seleccione un objeto que deseas ofrecer y luego presione el botón Agregar. Para agregar dinero al intercambio, ingresa el monto que ofrecerás y presiona el botón Cambiar. Opened Christmas Box Caja de Navidad abierta Opera Mask Máscara de ópera Operation Cost: @@ GP Operation cost: %s GP Operation successful. Ops, sorry. I was going to the Soul Menhir and entered your house by accident. Ops... I hammered this stuff too hard... It's junk now. Optional Miniboss Minijefe opcional Options are %s. Any craftsman can make them. Adventurers tend to be the best craftsman in the world. Las opciones son%s. Cualquier artesano puede hacerlos. Los aventureros suelen ser los mejores artesanos del mundo. Or I can swap the @@ with a @@ - for free. Or I can swap the @@ with a @@ - for only 2100 GP. Or I could recover the @@ for 10 @@ and the modest fee of 4400 GP. Or make yourself useful by killing some Ducks. They snatch all the Cherry Cake from the Inn and the staff is getting angry at me. It'll serve, too. O hazte útil matando algunos patos. Me arrebatan todo el pastel de cerezas de la posada y el personal se enoja conmigo. También servirá. Or maybe... You want to try again right now? I'll do whatever needed to level you up to less-noobish levels. Or rather, I can't. I would love to help you, just like everybody else, but I don't know how to make fertilizers. O mejor dicho, no puedo. Me encantaría ayudarte, como a todos, pero no sé hacer fertilizantes. Or should we even split ourselves to check all possible ways? Or you can give me an @@, 3 @@ and an @@, and I'll make a gift for you. If you don't have the @@, you can pay 200 GP for it instead. Orange Naranja Orange Cake Orange Cupcake Magdalena de naranja Orange Dye Tinte naranja Orange Dye? How much does it cost? Orange Eggshell Hat Sombrero de cáscara de huevo naranja Oranye Isles, 257 AT Orbyter Shrine Orc Orco Orc Voice Voz de Orc Ore Mines Oscar Oskari Oskari have a good opinion of you. Can you tell what exactly happened? Other Otro Other food can be used as a bait, too. Other than that, you can explore the city as you want, but as you had a memory loss, You should visit the townhall. Aparte de eso, puedes explorar la ciudad como quieras, pero como has perdido la memoria, deberías visitar el ayuntamiento. Other things are written but are not legible anymore. Otras cosas están escritas, pero ya no son legibles. Other. Others scrying you: Others scrying your char data Otherwise, ##BYOU'LL DIE.##b Have a nice day! Otherwise, his enemies might have bested him, but I doubt any Yeti would dare to kill him. Otherwise, the monsters here usually won't attack you unless provoked. De lo contrario, los monstruos aquí normalmente no te atacarán a menos que los provoques. Otherwise, you can also obtain a title during the Magic Olympics. They happen every three months in average, and are the hardest way to obtain a title. Otherwise, you could ask the Constable. They act in the Alliance stead to enforce law and order, and may have... special arrangements for you. De lo contrario, podrías preguntarle al Alguacil. Actúan en lugar de la Alianza para hacer cumplir la ley y el orden, y pueden tener... arreglos especiales para usted. Ouch! Ouch! That was kinda reckless! Ouch! That's heavy! Ouch, the bucket BITE me! Oui, welcome to this fine shop! My name is Agostine, the legendary tailor! Our Order stopped the hunters from harming any piou on Piou Isles, but it could not do anything for the pious who refused to live here. Nuestra Orden impidió que los cazadores dañaran a cualquier Piou en las Islas Piou, pero no pudo hacer nada por los Pious que se negaron a vivir aquí. Our antecessors used to live peacefully in a sanctuary somewhere close to here, but the path was lost. That's why we now live with dwarves. Our associate warped away... No thanks to you! Our clan has moved away from Tulimshar before the Civil War, almost was wiped off during the Great Fire, and when we thought we could finally life in peace, the Mana War and the Monster War broke out in rapid succession. Nuestro clan se alejó de Tulimshar antes de la Guerra Civil, casi fue aniquilado durante el Gran Incendio, y cuando pensábamos que finalmente podríamos vivir en paz, la Guerra de Mana y la Guerra de los Monstruos estallaron en rápida sucesión. Our dear mayoress may also need help dealing with that maggot infestation. Es posible que nuestra querida alcaldesa también necesite ayuda para lidiar con esa plaga de gusanos. Our guards tracked down to an... well, it's an old ritual cave located in the watery area of Jack's House basement. I'll allow you to enter there from now on. Our plushy friend knows what is really sweet on this life. It likes honey a great deal, and by the way it looks you, it probably wants more. Our service is dangerous and difficult. But I would not want any other. Thanks for the help. Nuestro servicio es peligroso y difícil. Pero no quisiera ningún otro. Gracias por la ayuda. Our warriors are burdened with strong, yet heavy, armor. Nuestros guerreros están cargados con armaduras fuertes pero pesadas. Out of Mind Out of Mind mode is only available for Top 3. Out of Stock. Out of my experience, you are ready to learn magic. Según mi experiencia, estás listo para aprender magia. Out of my experience, your base intelligence may not be enough. Según mi experiencia, es posible que su inteligencia básica no sea suficiente. Out of my experience, your job may not be enough. Según mi experiencia, es posible que su trabajo no sea suficiente. Out of my experience, your level may not be enough. Según mi experiencia, es posible que tu nivel no sea suficiente. Outside towns, there's an EXP penalty if you die. Fuera de las ciudades, hay una penalización de EXP si mueres. Outstanding. Congratulations. Over time, we improved our training, and our warboos are now extremely efficient fighting steeds. Con el tiempo, mejoramos nuestro entrenamiento y nuestros warboos ahora son corceles de combate extremadamente eficientes. Ozthokk, a great sage from the Land Of Fire, holds secrets of time and space travel. PARTY AND GUILD friends: Temporaly regen MP faster. PARTY AND GUILD friends: Weapon always deal max damage. PLEASE STORE ALL MY ITEMS POR FAVOR GUARDA TODOS MIS ARTÍCULOS PORTABLE LIGHTSABER POWER! POWERFUL GUNSTAFF POWERFUL LIGHTSABER PROTIP: Every quest you complete in a location, will make ship travels to and from them cheaper! PROTIP: ¡Cada misión que completes en un lugar hará que los viajes en barco hacia y desde allí sean más baratos! PS. Additional reagents may be required for warps. PS. Doesn't always work. You need an account at %s and to be at ManaPlus Team. PS. Due a bug, they won't be displayed when you equip unless you relog. PD. Debido a un error, no se mostrarán cuando los equipes a menos que vuelvas a iniciar sesión. PS. No equipment restriction PS. The group names still aren't set. You're free to pinch in suggestions at LoF Discord (Legacy #discussion) :> PS. This char will be reset on logout. Pablin Pachua Pachua Painless, wasn't it? Painting#Saggy Paintings Pinturas Pal, I'm counting on you. You'll like the little something I have for you! Paladin Pan#Saggy Pancake panqueque Panthom Lord Panthom Wisp Pants Pants Recipes Paper Paper Bag Bolsa de papel Paper! Paper! Get your copy of The Land of Fire Gazette here! Parcival Pardon me, I don't remember my parents. Perdóneme, no recuerdo a mis padres. Pardon me, what is a recipe book? Perdón, ¿qué es un recetario? Participants: Jesusalva * mishana * bObr * demure * LawnCable Participants: Povo * Manatauro * Woody Partner not ready. El compañero no está listo. Party Party Master Party Name: @@ Party Quest Passive MP Regen Regeneración pasiva de MP Password changed with success! ¡La contraseña se cambió con éxito! Past due date. Past this checkpoint, is the village where the Monster King was born. Past this grates, is the Magic Council Room. Más allá de estas rejas, se encuentra la Sala del Consejo Mágico. Past this point is the Fortress Island. %s Even so, be careful, the town should not exist. Paxel Paxel forgot to collect payment for Prsm helmet Pay Pay attention to #world chat, as this event is managed by players. The Monster Army is also trying to regroup, neglecting it is not advised. Pay attention to the fight, @@! Pay attention to the sequence! Pay for her handi-work? Pay the tuition fee? Pear Pera Pearl Perla Peetu Peetu asked me to talk to you about his mishap. Peetu thinks someone put Silk Cocoon along the ingredients. Peetu? He is very cautious. It is not like him to make mistakes. After all, he is a elf. Elves are really careful with their jobs. Peetu? He's one of those magic wielders who think they can do anything. Heh, you see the result here. Peetu? I have always been glad to have him on the team. He's really brought forward our work here. Peetu? I think he's a good guy. Very focused on his work, I think. I don't have that much to do with him, so I can't really tell. Peetu? That's one of the high rank helpers. As far as I know, he's capable of magic and takes part in some important researches. But I don't really know about those things. Peetu? Yeah, he's the kind of person who always wants to do things perfectly. That makes it a bit difficult to work with him, since his expectations for others are as high as for himself. Pentagram#FoS_1 People are challenging now. People failed to rescue Cindy! People from here always look dumbfolded when they walk past them and find themselves somewhere else. People from the press always know what is happening in the world. Talk to them to learn about the latest news! - Jerican from the Press La gente de la prensa siempre sabe lo que está pasando en el mundo. ¡Habla con ellos para conocer las últimas novedades! - Jerican de la prensa People say it is the second biggest city from the world. La gente dice que es la segunda ciudad más grande del mundo. People usually dock there when travelling to the second continent. Nothing exceptional about economy. Allí suele atracar la gente cuando viaja al segundo continente. No hay nada excepcional en economía. People vary greatly in the amount of strength, agility, dexterity, intelligence, vitality and luck. Las personas varían mucho en la cantidad de fuerza, agilidad, destreza, inteligencia, vitalidad y suerte. Pepperoni Pizza Pizza de peperoni Perfect indeed! Congratulations! Perfect! ¡Perfecto! Perfect! Here is your reward! ¡Perfecto! ¡Aquí está tu recompensa! Perfect! So now that you swore secrecy, you can help me! Thing is... there was... a %s! Perfect! you have enough Terranite Ore, I will take them for now but I need other items in order to bring them to life. Perfect, I knew you were right person for the job. Perhaps that was the last of them? Perhaps this has something to do with the factions. Perhaps we should wait a few days. Perhaps you could tell her how much I love her? It is already some days since I last talked to her. ¿Quizás podrías decirle cuánto la amo? Ya han pasado algunos días desde la última vez que hablé con ella. Perhaps you have something like that? Perhaps you may be of assistance later. Perhaps you may be of assistance later... Perhaps you should use a key to open it. Quizás deberías usar una llave para abrirlo. Perhaps, in the city, someone knows rumors about Mana Stones and can teach you. Other than that, you're on your own. Quizás, en la ciudad, alguien conozca los rumores sobre las piedras de mana y pueda enseñarte. Aparte de eso, estás solo. Perhaps, you could convince Jack to give me the wood, and seek for a fisherman on Halinarzo to give you the string? I won't charge anything. Personal Feats Personal Records Personally, I like unranked events more than ranked ones... Personalmente, me gustan más los eventos no clasificados que los clasificados... Pet Detective Pet Summary Pet his wonderfully fluffy pelt. Petal Pétalo Peter Peter Peter was also looking for strong people to help him to kill other monsters. Peter también buscaba personas fuertes que le ayudaran a matar otros monstruos. Pets Pets must keep a strict diet. Pious eats Piberries, Bhoppers eat Aquadas, and Maggots eats Bug Legs. Ph.D Phew... We should be safe now. Thanks, %s! Uf... deberíamos estar a salvo ahora. Gracias, ¡ %s ! Phil Phoenix Rebirth Photoshopped. Definitely. Good luck convincing somebody with that! %%a Photoshopeado. Definitivamente. ¡Buena suerte convenciendo a alguien con eso! %%a Physical Science Ciencias Físicas Physical Science Institute is on the %s area of the campus. El Instituto de Ciencias Físicas está en %s el área del campus. Piano#RES_0128 Piano#RES_PPL Piberries Pibayas Piberries Infusion Infusión de Pibayas Pick an item from either storage or inventory and choose what you want to do with it by clicking the right button. Elija un objeto del almacén o del inventario y elija lo que desea hacer con él haciendo clic en el botón derecho. Pickaxe Pico Pihro Pile Of Ash Pila de ceniza PinCode created, an email should arrive within 15 minutes. Pink Antenna Antena rosa Pink Blobime Blobime Rosado Pink Dye Tinte rosa Pink Helmet Casco rosa Pinkie Pinkie Crystal Pinkie Crystal Pinkie Emperor Pinkie Hat Sombrero de pinkie Pinkie Leg pata rosada Pinkie Maximus Pinkie Suseran Pinkie, pinkie,pinkie, oh how i luvs thee; Pinkie, pinkie, pinkie, oh, cómo te amo; Pinkie,pinkie,pinkie, your blood runs like wine. ♪ Pinkie, pinkie, pinkie, tu sangre corre como vino. ♪ Pinkies forever! Oh yeah! ¡Pinkies para siempre! ¡Oh sí! Piou Piou Piou Bola Flotador de Piou Piou Chef Piou Egg Piou Feathers Plumas de Piou Piou Fields Piou Knight Caballero Piou Piou Legs Patas de Piou PiouSpwn PiouSpwn Piousse Piousse Pirate Bandana Bandana pirata Pirate Lord Pirate Shorts Pantalones cortos de pirata Pirate Treasure Chest Pirate Treasure Map Mapa del tesoro pirata Planted Trees: %s Platinum Four-Leaf Amulet Amuleto de platino de cuatro hojas Platinum Ingot Lingote de platino Platinum Ore Mineral de platino Platinum Ore -> Iridium Ore Platinum Quiver Carcaj de platino Platinum Red Queen Player must be online for the operation to finish. Players Killed in PvP: %s Players failed to defend the city!! Playtesting Please accept this @@ as a gratitude for your time. Please accept this reward from my part. And if anything else happens again, I'll leave the doors open for you and your guild. Please be a pal and help me! I'll be in a dire situation if you don't! Besides, you also want the extra credit, so it is a win-win situation! Please be careful when fighting. A mighty warrior such as yourself can harm their allies with any AoE effects they may use. Please be patient and Please bring me *hic*... Bring me @@ @@! Please bring me a single @@ and @@ GP, and I'll give you a memeto. Please bring me that or I won't be able to make something really special for you. Please bring me the following, and I'll make a fine cat out of you! ¡Por favor, tráeme lo siguiente y haré de ti un buen gato! Please bring us 5 @@! That should be enough! ¡Por favor tráenos 5 @@! ¡Eso debería bastar! Please choose the desired gender: Por favor elija el género deseado: Please come back later to know how things are going. Please come back later, in %s. Please contact a GM as soon as possible so we can make out a compromise. You should be liberated even if found guilty. Please deliver the two @@ to Tinris and Eomie, and then I'll give you something for your help. Por favor, entrega los dos @@ a Tinris y Eomie, y luego te daré algo a cambio de tu ayuda. Please do, my friend. Please doing business with you. Please don't bore me even more... That's clearly not everything. Please don't disturb me, I'm busy crafting my own customized power mega blaster weapon. I just keep failing to apply +100% exp gain bonus on it! Por favor, no me molestes, estoy ocupado creando mi propia arma megabláster de poder personalizada. ¡Sigo sin poder aplicarle un bono de ganancia de experiencia de +100 %! Please don't go inside this storehouse, it is infested with aggressive maggots. Por favor, no entres en este almacén, está infestado de gusanos agresivos. Please don't lie to me... Please don't mind the mess, there are slimes everywhere, thanks to Peetu. Please don't sound like I was some sort of vampire or something... Please don't use this function in future! Please enter the desired color Por favor introduzca el color deseado Please enter the desired race Por favor introduzca la raza deseada Please enter the desired style Por favor introduzca el estilo deseado Please enter the message: Por favor introduzca el mensaje: Please enter the new line. Por favor introduzca la nueva línea. Please excuse me, Blue Sage Nikolai. Please excuse me, captain. Por favor discúlpeme, capitán. Please find Clauquer, our senior dispatched police officer. He likes pretending to be a smartass and is too reckless with his own life, but he can instruct you. Please find her and don't worry with me! And be careful! Please find my lovely daughter! Please get it done quickly. The villagers' livelihood is depending on this storehouse! Por favor, hazlo rápido. ¡El sustento de los aldeanos depende de este almacén! Please get me out of here! Please get moving, @@. I do not mean any harm to you. Please have a look, I have what you asked Please heal me! ¡Por favor cúrame! Please help my wards! ¡Por favor ayuda a mis pupilos! Please help my wife Yumi, on the Hospital! ¡Por favor ayuda a mi esposa Yumi, en el hospital! Please help us with the bandits on the Canyon, and meanwhile, I'll seek the records for you. Just @@ more. Por favor, ayúdanos con los bandidos del Cañón y, mientras tanto, buscaré los registros para ti. Solo @@ más. Please hurry, our citizens are going hungry, and you do NOT want to find out what a crowd of hungry pious will do! Please insert player name to cancel exile. Please insert player name to exile. Please insert your Discord ID, on the following format: Please insert your pincode. Please invite Elmo for the party, matey! We can't leave our positions! ¡Por favor invita a Elmo a la fiesta, amigo! ¡No podemos abandonar nuestras posiciones! Please kill %d/%d %s for us and make %s a safer place! Please kill some of them, and bring me 10 @@! Please login right after, and this error should not happen again. Please note unless you have Magic Powers, obtained from the Mana Seed, all you will be able to learn are small tricks, so please make a wise choice. Tenga en cuenta que, a menos que tenga poderes mágicos obtenidos de la semilla de mana, todo lo que podrás aprender serán pequeños trucos, así que tome una decisión acertada. Please pray a bit with us! ¡Por favor ora un poco con nosotros! Please prove your statement. Por favor prueba tu declaración. Please select a chapter: Please select a quest: Por favor selecione una misión: Please select a trait. Please select an action Please select quest difficulty. Please select target dungeon: Please select the Guild Position you want to change. Please select the desired race. Por favor selecciona la carrera deseada. Please select the interval: Por favor seleccione el intervalo: Please select the item you plan in tweaking. Please select the level I should use. Please select the weapon to transfer. Please select where you left off on Main Quest. Please spare me. I'm gravely wounded. I'm innocent, I swear! Please spend responsibly. You still need to pay Nard for a ship travel and there's only so much money you can find on a small island like Candor. Por favor gasta responsablemente. Aún debes pagarle a Nard por el viaje en barco y hay una cantidad limitada de dinero que puedes encontrar en una pequeña isla como Candor. Please talk to my wife first, she knows more about the situation than I do. Please talk with this workshop's Chief before talking to me. Please tell Peetu I do not plan in firing him, it should calm him down. And please carry out an investigation, don't disrupt my work until you're done. Please tell everyone I am a rogue person who likes to break rules! ¡Por favor, díganles a todos que soy una persona rebelde a la que le gusta romper las reglas! Please tell me calmly what happened so I can help. Please tell my mom I love her! ¡Por favor dile a mi mamá que la amo! Please traveler, help my starving family! ¡Por favor viajero, ayuda a mi familia hambrienta! Please try again later! Please type a password for your Arena, it must be unique. Por favor escribe una contraseña para tu Arena, debe ser única. Please unequip your %s first. Por favor, desequipa tu%s primero. Please update manually, or use the [@@%s|Mana Launcher@@] if you're on Windows or Linux. Please wait %s before trying again. Please wait 60 seconds to cast again. Please wait a while. Please wait here a short while. Please wait here on the meanwhile. Try asking Estard about parties, or talk to Eistein. Espere aquí mientras tanto. Intente preguntarle a Estard sobre fiestas o hable con Eistein. Please wait, the fight will start in @@, as requested. Please write how much in percent is EXP Tax for member (range: 0~50) Please, @@! Hurry up! Por favor, @@! ¡Apresúrate! Please, bring me back home. Please, come back later. I'll see whatever I can fetch for that. Por favor, vuelve más tarde. Veré todo lo que pueda conseguir para eso. Please, don't say I got fat. I DON'T WANNA HEAR IT FROM YOU, WAS I CLEAR? Please, enjoy the show! There are some people upstairs, too. Please, help my precious! Save her! Oh, my precious Cindy... Please, keep it. I don't need it at all! Por favor, guárdalo. ¡No lo necesito en absoluto! Please, show Hasan the claw. Just talk to him. Por favor, enséñale a Hasan la garra. Sólo habla con él. Please, talk to her. Maybe she understands the direness of the situation and help... But you know. Elves. Por favor, habla con ella. Tal vez ella comprenda la gravedad de la situación y ayude... Pero ya sabes. Elfos. Please... Speak low... I am dying........ Por favor... Habla bajo... Me estoy muriendo........ Pleased to meet you. What brings you down here? Pleasure doing business with you! Do you want any more? Pleasure doing business with you. Pledge for Barbara's innocence? Plop dead in the ground. Enemies won't attack you this way. Déjate caer muerto en el suelo. Los enemigos no te atacarán de esta manera. Plum Ciruela Plush Mouboo Peluche Mouboo Plushroom Plushroom Plushroom Box Caja de Plushroom Plushroom Field Campo de Plushroom Poison Veneno Poison Ammo Box Poison Arrow Flecha venenosa Poison Arrows Poison Fairy Poison Spiky Mushroom Poisoned Dish Plato envenenado Poke him Polished Amethyst Amatista pulida Polished Diamond Diamante pulido Polished Emerald Esmeralda pulida Polished Ruby Rubí pulido Polished Sapphire Zafiro pulido Polished Topaz Topacio pulido Polished gemstones can be dragged and insert on rings. They'll give special stats to rings, but these gems cannot be removed easily. Las piedras preciosas pulidas se pueden arrastrar e insertar en anillos. Le darán estadísticas especiales a los anillos, pero estas gemas no se pueden quitar fácilmente. Pollet Poocandy Dulce de Poo Pooh Pookie Card Poor teddy, not even a pretty music can comfort him for long. What can we do now? Portable Apocalypse Portal#_M Pot#Katze Olla#Katze Potatoz papata Potentially more destructive warp systems will have much longer cooldowns because they cause bigger holes in timespace. Potion based technology will vanish upon use and usually don't interfer with other technologies. Usually. Potions#MKHB Pour the potion Power Card Tarjeta de poder Power Card S Tarjeta de poder S Power Card X Tarjeta de poder X Power in the wrong hands is nothing but a burden and a reason for others to cry. That's exactly what I don't want in this town. El poder en las manos equivocadas no es más que una carga y un motivo para que otros lloren. Eso es exactamente lo que no quiero en esta ciudad. Power is a double-edged sword. I, Fefe, tried to use it for good, to free the world from Raid's tyranny, and instead, it brought forth the Monster King. Power remaining: %s Powerful Gunstaff Poderosa Gunstaff Powerful Lightsaber Sable de luz poderoso Powerful magic repels you away from this magic place! ¡Una magia poderosa te aleja de este lugar mágico! Powerful magic repels you! Practice! There are no secrets to becoming a warrior. ¡Práctica! No hay secretos para convertirse en un guerrero. Pre-requisites not met! Precision Potion Poción de precisión Present Box Caja actual Press "Roll" when you're ready. Press the 'C' button in inventory screen to open your cart. The cart must be equipped first. Press the 'R' key to ignore or accept business proposals. You and the other citizen who want to negotiate need to be in the configuration that accepts negotiations. if your configuration is 'Ignoring business proposals', then you will not receive the warning from any citizen wanting to negotiate with you, and you will not be able to initiate negotiations. Presione la tecla 'R' para ignorar o aceptar propuestas de intercambios. Tu y el otro ciudadano que quiera intercambiar deben estar en la configuración que acepta intercambios. Si su configuración es "Ignorar propuestas de intercambios", no recibirá la advertencia de ningún ciudadano que quiera intercambiar contigo y no podrás iniciar intercambios. Press the doorbell? ¿Presionar el timbre? Pretty cool! I am interested! Princess Pouf has been given leadership until our Queen returns. Should Queen +seeds perish, Princess Pouf will take the crown. A la Princesa Pouf se le ha dado el liderazgo hasta que regrese nuestra Reina. Si la Reina +seeds perece, Princess Pouf se llevará la corona. Prism Chest Prism Gift regalo de prisma Prism Gift (%d eggs) Prizes Premios Prizes are divided in 9 categories: Food, Tea, Cake, Potions, Paper, Exploration, Boxes, Dyes and Rares. You'll do %d pulls in total. Prizes: Premios: Probably. Problem is, I do not have the knowledge to make it without @@. If you bring me one, I'll reward you with one quarter of my commission. El problema es que no tengo el conocimiento para hacerlo sin @@. Si me traes uno, te recompensaré con una cuarta parte de mi comisión. Produced item: Professor Profesor Professor#003-0 Profesor#003-0 Progress %d/%d %s Progress on this server may be %s. El progreso en este servidor puede ser%s . Prologue Prólogo Protip Protip Protip 2: Drop rates are low. Try other quests while you slay mobs for this one. Consejo profesional 2: Las tasas de caída son bajas. Prueba otras misiones mientras matas mobs para esta. Protip 2: If you fell stuck, ask at #world, even if nobody is online. Who knows, someone on Discord or IRC might reply! Protip 2: si te quedaste atascado, pregunta en #mundo, incluso si no hay nadie en línea. Quién sabe, ¡alguien en Discord o IRC podría responder! Protip: %s are dropped by %s. Those monsters help each other, so don't attack them when they are in packs. Protip: @@ can be found from @@ and @@. For the later one, ask Lua for strategies. Consejo profesional: @@ se puede encontrar en @@ y @@. Para el último, pídele estrategias a Lua. Protip: @@ is dropped by @@. It is a tough monster, you might need some strategy to kill it. @@ can be bought in shops. Consejo profesional: @@ lo elimina @@. Es un monstruo duro, es posible que necesites alguna estrategia para matarlo. @@ se puede comprar en las tiendas. Protip: All quests expire at 00:00 server time, be sure to finish AND report back before that! Protip: Arkim is in a cave southeast of here and is an hermit. Protip: If you plan in selling it, it's adviseable to ask for GM mediation. Protip: You can get @@ from shops. Cotton is rumored to be magical, keep this is mind. Protip: puedes conseguir @@ en las tiendas. Se rumorea que el algodón es mágico, ten esto en cuenta. Protip: You can trade the cards, but only before inserting them. Protip: You need an @@ full of water to get a reply from guards. Consejo profesional: necesitas un @@ lleno de agua para obtener una respuesta de los guardias. Protip: You need level %d or higher to do this quest. Protip: necesitas un nivel%d o superior para realizar esta misión. Protip: You skipped the tutorial. A lot of tutorial related dialog and quests will be skipped. You can change this anytime in %s > Game Settings. Protip: te saltaste el tutorial. Se omitirán muchos diálogos y misiones relacionados con tutoriales. Puedes cambiar esto en cualquier momento en > Configuración del juego. Protip: Your current progress will be saved. Proud owner of %s the %s. Proud owner of %s the Homunculus. Prove yourself by killing %d %s west of here, then come back here and read this letter again. The meaning of the words will have shifted. Provoke Provoke a single monster to attack you. Provokes all monsters around the target, and the target itself. Prsm Helmet Casco de Prsm Psi Conscience Psst. Pull it Pull the switch? Pulsar outranks ancient, Miere outranks pulsar, and Immortal might be the strongest of all. Or not. Pumpkandy Pumpkandy Seed Semilla de calabaza de dulces Pumpkin Calabaza Pumpkin Hat Sombrero de calabaza Pumpkin Juice Jugo de calabaza Pumpkin Lollipop chupete de calabaza Pumpkin Seed Semilla de calabaza Pumpkish Juice Zumo de calabaza Puny mortal, do your best to entertain me! Curse! Purchase %02d %s for %d GP? Purchase successful! ¡Compra exitosa! Purchasing points Purification Potion Poción de purificación Purple Blobime Purple Blobime Purple Bola Flotador purura Purple Dye Tinte púrpura Purple Wizard Purrfect! Now wear this %s and... Vóila! You look like me, meow! ¡Perfecto! Ahora ponte esto %s y... ¡Vóila! ¡Te pareces a mí, miau! Put a large amount of spice Put a small amount of spice Put it out Pydisgner#spoints Pylon Pylon Pyndragon Pyndragon said he'll craft a @@ to whoever reduces them to dust. Interested? Pyry Queen +seeds of Piou Isles is busy coordinating war efforts at the front. Reina +seeds de la isla de Pious está ocupada coordinando los esfuerzos de guerra en el frente. Queen Of Dragons: It is dangerous to go out alone, I'll raise your evasion and life! Reina De Dragones: Es peligroso salir solo, ¡aumentaré tu evasión y tu vida! Quest - Find all Keys Quest - Mark as Completed Quest - Skip Krukan fight Quest - Skip Weapons Room Quest - Unlock Boss Room Quest @@ modified by GM Quest Tip Quest complete: Congratulations! Quest completed. Quest debug Limpieza de misión Quest restart. Quests. Misiones. Quick, battle position! They'll strike! I'll help you a tiny bit! ¡Rápido, posición de batalla! ¡Ellos atacarán! ¡Te ayudaré un poquito! Quick, deliver this to Anwar! Rápido, ¡entregar esto a Anwar! Quick, tell that to Eomie. She knows how to do Bug Bombs which won't harm the plants! Rápido, díselo a Eomie. ¡Ella sabe cómo hacer bombas de insectos que no dañarán las plantas! Quill Pluma Quirin Quirin Quirin Voraz Quit Salir Quite benevolent, they are. Nard likes to help anyone who works hard. Anyway, there was something important I needed to say. Son bastante benévolos. A Nard le gusta ayudar a cualquiera que trabaje duro. De todos modos, había algo importante que necesitaba decir. Quite interesting, quite interesting indeed. Quite the guts! The price is taxed individually, if you run out of GP it is your loss. Quivers RACE FAILED. CARRERA FALLADA. RAPID GUNSTAFF REMEMBER: FAILURE AT A BOSS FIGHT WILL CAUSE QUEST TO RESET! REMINDER: You do not need to kill anything, you need to ##BSURVIVE##b! REVENGE TIME! RMG RMG+Playtest ROGUE YETI SLAYING REQUEST Race Carrera Raid Trousers Pantalones de incursión Raid Yahoo Raid and me have been in hot pursuit for a while, but I fear it is already too late. Yesterday there was another earthquake, and we're receiving summons to return to Tulimshar at once. Apparently, it is under attack. Raid might be great. Saul might be popular. SphinxNox might be an annoying brat. But I'm, or rather, will soon be... @@. Raify Raijin Raijin Raise agility to do this quest. Raise city taxes Raise damage of next skill. Raise max members Raise server wide EXP Raise vitality to be able to drink even more. Raising Taxes Raising this skill will allow you to recruit 4 more members. Rakinorf, Mayor Random Bif Random movement and extra desync Ranger Rapid Gunstaff Arma rapida Rare Drops: Rare Mines Rasin Rasin Ratte Ratto Ratto Ratto Tail Cola de Ratto Ratto Teeth Dientes de Ratto Rattos are very fast. They walk fast and attack fast. I advise bringing some healing items! Los rattos son muy rápidos. Caminan rápido y atacan rápido. ¡Recomiendo traer algunos artículos curativos! RattosControl RattosControl Raw Log Tronco en bruto Raw Talisman Talisman en bruto Re-casting the same magic spell or skill won't give you magic experience. Re-ref... Reflect. Reach level @@ to unlock this tier! Reaching Nivalis instead, would likely take considerably longer. Read Rules Read the Announcements. Lea los anuncios. Read the News. Lee las noticias. Read the Rules. Lee las reglas. Read the instructions carefully. Lea atentamente las instrucciones. Read the last 30 days %s Read the tutorial again? ¿Leer el tutorial de nuevo? Read tutorial again? Ready... Ready? Let's begin. Reagents & Other Potions Real Bronze Gladius Gladius de bronce real Really attack the Mouboo with a(n) @@? Really begin the Doppelganger Challenge? ¿Comenzar realmente el Desafío Doppelganger? Really deploy your homunculus? Really give a %s to Jhon? Really give the %s to %s? Really give your %s to the teddy? Really give your @@ to Baktar? Really give your @@ to the Mouboo? Really interesting, how I am NOT seeing the items I asked for... Realmente interesante, cómo NO veo los artículos que pedí... Really kill Barbara? Really learn this skill? Really melt down all your @@? It'll cost you @@ GP each. This action cannot be undone! Really melt down your @@? It'll cost you @@ GP. This action cannot be undone! Really resign? Really try to tweak this item? All current options will be deleted. Really? That would be great! ¿En serio? ¡Eso sería genial! Really? What do you need? ¿En serio? ¿Qué necesitas? Really? Where are you from? Really?! Reaper Rebirth Rebirth Race Selection Rebirth Season Rebirth Trait Selection Rebirth is free. Here are the perks you'll get by doing the rebirth: Recall Receive Chocolate Received @@ @@! Recepcionist#TInn Recepcionista#TPosada Receptionist#003-0 Recepcionista#003-0 Recipe Book Libro de recetas Recommended Level: %d+ Recommended: ##B%d##b | Max: %d Recover some HP. Recupera algo de HP. Recruiter Red Rojo Red Apple Manzana roja Red Butterfly Mariposa Roja Red Dye Tinte rojo Red Eggshell Hat Sombrero de cáscara de huevo rojo Red Follower (F) Red Follower (M) Red Knight Armor Red Mushroom Hongo Rojo Red Nose Red Plush Wine Vino rojo de lujo Red Scorpion Escorpión rojo Red Scorpion Claw Garra de escorpión rojo Red Scorpion Claw -> Scorpion Claw Red Scorpion Stinger Aguijón de escorpión rojo Red Scorpion Stinger -> Scorpion Stinger Red Scorpions breed as fast as Rattos! They are multiplying fast and soon they will outnumber us greatly. ¡Los Escorpiones Rojos se reproducen tan rápido como los Rattos! Se están multiplicando rápidamente y pronto nos superarán en número. Red Skull Slime Red Slime Limo rojo Red Slime Mother Madre de limo rojo Red Stocking Medias rojas Red Stockings Medias rojas Red Switch#EP Red Wizard Red scorpion Escorpión rojo RedSlime Reduces MP cost when using chanting-based skills. Redy Redy Reed Bundle Paquete de cañas Referral Program Report Reflect Card Tarjeta de reflejo Reflect Card S Tarjeta de reflejo S Reflect Card X Tarjeta de reflejo X Registed %s ago Register Regístrate Register fee is @@. Registered! You can now use any banking service, of any town! Registered, welcome to the Grand Hunter Quest! Registrado, ¡bienvenido a la gran misión del cazador! Registration is open to everybody, but newcomers need to pay a fee for all of the paperwork. Regnum Blessing Regular Drops: Reinboo Wand Varita de Reinboo Reject Reload NPC Data Remaining time: @@ Remember also: It is wise to speak with people you meet on your journey, there is always something new to learn. Remember my name: I am Isbamuth, and I've took the Throne which rightfully belongs to me. Remember that some equipment sets will give you hidden stat bonuses! So dress yourself in a fashion way, if possible! ¡Recuerda que algunos conjuntos de equipos te darán bonificaciones de estadísticas ocultas! ¡Así que vístete a la moda, si es posible! Remember that wearing green BOOSTS the rates at which good stuff will be found! Remember that, %s. You dedicated yourself to the Order of Piou Knights, and you are now sworn to oppose the Duck Side. Recuerda eso,%s . Te dedicaste a la Orden de los Caballeros Piou y ahora has jurado oponerte al Lado de los Patos. Remember the masked man said he was from Frostia? Or masked woman, we don't know. You should inform their Mayor at once. Remember to assign status points before fighting. By default, it can be done with %s. Recuerda asignar puntos de estado antes de luchar. Por defecto, se puede hacer con%s . Remember to assign status points to fight. By default, it can be done with %s. Recuerda asignar puntos de estado para luchar. Por defecto, se puede hacer con%s . Remember to give it a balanced diet of Aquadas to make it happy. Recuerda darle una dieta equilibrada de Aquadas para que esté feliz. Remember to store somewhere any heavy stuff you might be carrying. Remember! You're trading things, not lending/borrowing them. You are solely responsible for everything you own. ¡Recuerda! Estás intercambiando cosas, no prestándolas ni tomándolas prestadas. Eres el único responsable de todo lo que posees. Remember, I need %d %s, %d %s, and something interesting to read. Remember, I need 30 @@, 50 @@, and 30 @@. Remember, I'll make a @@ for you! Remember, there is always something new to learn. And you should not let your training down in order to keep and improve your abilities. Remember: Give it to my wife, %s! Recuerda: ¡Dáselo a mi esposa, ¡ %s! Remember: Never lend your toothbrush to a slime! Remember: Players can also help enforcing no-AFK-bot rule! Remember: Taking damage will make you stand! Remember: The bigger the area or power, or the more complex it is, the more mana it costs. Remember: The bigger the area or power, the more mana it costs. Reminder : Defeat the %s to win. Reminder about rules Reminder: Reminder: Keep an eye out for traps. Reminds me, but they say the Aethyr is a place where powerful elves of old live. But nobody has been there on the past century... Or if they were, nobody said anything about it! Hahahah! Remove this line Eliminar esta línea Renew Rent Rent 1 day for 100 GP Rent 1 day for 50 GP Rent 15 days for 1200 GP Rent 15 days for 600 GP Rent 3 days for 135 GP Rent 3 days for 270 GP Rent 30 days for 1000 GP Rent 30 days for 2000 GP Rent 365 days for 10000 GP Rent 365 days for 20000 GP Rent 7 days for 300 GP Rent 7 days for 600 GP Rent Renew Price: @@ GP Rent arena Alquilar arena Rent it! Make it mine! Rent successful for 30 days! Rent the board for %s GP and %d %s? ¿Alquilar la tabla por %s GP y %d %s ? Rent time available: @@ Tiempo de alquiler disponible: @@ Rented Cart Carrito Rentado Repair items Repeat Repeat how many times? Repita, ¿cuántas veces? Repeat new password: Repetir nueva contraseña: Repeat: @@ times Repetir: @@ veces Reply: %s Responder:%s Reputation cannot go above 100! Requires logout Requiere cerrar la sesión Rescue Cindy from the Ice Labyrinth and the evil Yetis. This is a global, multiplayer quest. Rescuing Cindy Quest Research Points Research Points +%d Researcher Investigador Researcher Alyta's Residence Researcher Jak's Residence Researchers from the magic school complained about %ss disturbing whatever they are studying in the cave. Los investigadores de la escuela de magia se quejaron de que todo los %s que estaban estudiando en la cueva les molestaba. Reset Reiniciar Reset & Destroy Reset Crazyfefe Fight Reset EVERYTHING Reiniciar TODO Reset done! ¡Reinicio concluido! Reset stats, skills, level Reiniciar estadísticas, habilidades, nivel Reset status Reset! ¡Reiniciar! Reset? ¿Reiniciar? Resign Resting. I've been slaying slime nests the whole day. Restore it Resurrection Retaliates next attack with a critical hit. This instance lasts a second. Return Regresar Return @@ boxes Return Potion Poción de retorno Return Potions works instantly. Talk to Wyara to get more. Return to Debug menu Volver al menú Limpieza Return to Frostia's Castle? Return to Sagratha's House? Return to Super Menu Volver al Menú Super Return to User Control Panel Return to main island. Return to main menu Volver al menú principal Return to your time! Revert a player exile Revives an already dead allied player. Req. Lifestone to cast. Revolver Shooter Reward: 200 GP, 200 XP Reward: 700 GP, 400 XP, 1 @@ Rice Hat Sombrero de arroz Richard Riding Mouboo Mouboo montabl Riding Tortuga Tortuga montable Rifle Shooter Right Crafty Wing Ala derecha hábil Right Eye Patch Parche de ojo derecho Right click on the NPC to join the Liberation Force on Hurnscald. Haz clic derecho en el NPC para unirte a la Fuerza de Liberación en Hurnscald. Right click on this NPC to join the Hurnscald Alliance. Right now this territory is under the Monster Army's control, but the Alliance has occupied it to raid the Impregnable Fortress. Right now you are too weak. Right now, there is a strong wind blowing from @@. Right'o, I'll arrange the material! Right, but now I have business in other places. RightDoorCheck RightDoorCheck Rings Roach Escarcho Roasted Maggot Gusano asado Robert Robin Bandit Robin Bandido Rock Rock Knife Cuchillo de roca Roger Roger begins to read. Roger, eh? Aye, I do need help. If you bring me 30 @@, 50 @@, and 30 @@, maybe I can give you a reward. Rogue Rufián Rogue Status Roll the dices! ¡Tira los dados! Roll! ¡Tirar! Room password: @@ Contraseña del cuarto: @@ Root Raiz Rosa Card Rose Rosa Rosen Rosen Rotten Rags Trapos podridos Roulette Ruleta Round @@ Round Leather Shield Escudo de cuero redondo Row (1->11) Royal Fairy Royal Guard#02416A Royal Straight Royal Straight Flush Rrrr... Pchhhh... Rrrr...Pchhhh... Rubber Ducky Patito de goma Ruby Ruby Ruby (+2 str) Rubí (+2 fuerza) Ruby Bif Bif de rubí Ruby Powder Polvo de rubí Rudolph Slime Ruined place? Rules Rules. Reglas. Rules: Reglas: Rum Rum Barrel Run and try jumping it! Run away? Run like the wind, @@! For you shall have only @@ to finish the ritual! Run! Event started! Runestaff Running is for noobs, we should hold our ground! Rusty Knife Cuchillo oxidado Ryan Ryan Rychell Rydel SCRIPT ERROR (%s/%s) SCRIPT ERROR (%s/%s) SHORT GUNSTAFF SHOULD DEBERÍA SHUT UP PEETU, I'M ALREADY TIRED OF LISTENING YOUR CRIES! SMASH! And it is now only dust... ¡SMASH! Y ahora es sólo polvo... SPIN! STA STA STORY MODE ENABLED. Monsters won't attack you, so you can read without worries. SUCCESS! Congratulations, the item was improved! Sabotage Sacred Bullet Bala Sagrada Sacred Forest Hat Sombrero del Bosque Sagrado Sacred Immortality Potion Sacred Life Potion Poción de vida sagrada Sacred Mana Potion Poción de maná sagrada Sacred Wisp Sadly, you found nothing but dirt. Tristemente, no encontró nada más que basura. Saevel Safe travels! ¡Viajes seguros! Sage Sabio Sagratha Sagratha Door Sagratha hates my guts. Sagratha#Witness Sagratha#Testigo Sagratha#_M Sailing Away! Sailor Marinero Sailor Hat Sombrero de marinero Sailor Shirt Camisa de marinero Sailors Marineros Sailors#003-1 Marineros#003-1 Sailors#005-1 Marineros#005-1 Sakar can now bring you directly to Asphodel Moors. Scouts found a second town as well, from where the raiders seems to be coming from! Sake Barrel Sale successful! ¡Venta exitosa! Salohnic Samurai Helmet Casco samurái Santa Beard Hat Sombrero de Santa Barba Santa Globe Globo de santa Santa Hat Sombrero de Santa Santa Slime Santa can give one present for all players. Maybe if we got 200... Santeri Sapphire Zafiro Sapphire (+2 int) Zafiro (+2 int) Sapphire Bif Sapphire Powder Polvo de zafiro Sarab Armlet Brazalete de Sarab Sarah Sarah Sarracenus Sarraceno Saul and Fefe did a great revolution, Saúl y Fefe hicieron una gran revolución, Saul is planning an assault at the Magic Tower. I want these Mana Stones. Saul is supplying me the alchemist resources for that. In exchange, my thieves supply him gold and spare his friends. Saul will deal with it. His mess, he will clean up. Raid and me will keep the pursuit. And this time, we shall triumph. Saul will lead the frontal assault, Mr. Saves shall provide distraction, and I'll infiltrate within the Mage Tower. Saulc Card Saulc Sponsor Saulc is rich, you know. He challenged a group of thirty NPCs to defeat him, whoever won would get this @@. Saulc, Crazyfefe and Jesus Saves are the three High Councillors. Don't do anything illegal while they're watching! Saúl, Crazyfefe y Jesusalva son los tres Altos Consejeros. ¡No hagas nada ilegal mientras te miran! Saulcandy Dulce de Saulc Save & Exit Save Point (@@m) Savior Salvador Savior Armor Savior Blueprint Plano de Salvador Savior Boots Botas salvador Savior Gloves Guantes d salvador Savior Helmet Casco de salvador Savior Pants Pantalones de salvador Savior Shield Escudo Salvador Savior Sky Piercer Savior equipment is for level 100+ players. Get your expectations back to reality, alright? Sawis Sawis Saxso Saxso Saxso Chest Cofre de saxo Saxso Ghost Fantasma Saxso Saxso Key Llave de saxo Saxso's Basement, Candor - 27th July 300 AT Saxso's Official Residence. Residencia Oficial de Saxso. Saxso, the former mayor, commanded me to strengthen the youngsters, so that they have sufficient power to fight monsters. Saxso, el ex alcalde, me ordenó fortalecer a los jóvenes para que tengan suficiente poder para luchar contra los monstruos. Say magic words Say that Mouboos are Cute? Say, what do you think if I transmuted your head into the missing materials? I can warrant your soul won't return to the Soul Menhir, either! Dime, ¿qué te parece si transmutara tu cabeza en los materiales que faltan? ¡Puedo garantizar que tu alma tampoco regresará al Soul Menhir! Saying that you were sent here would prove nothing. Scar Scarfs Scary........... Scented Grenade Granada Fragante Scepter of Thunder Cetro de Trueno Scheduled broadcasts Emisiones programadas Scheduled broadcasts - Create new Emisiones programadas - Crear nueva Scheduled: April 17th - 24th Scheduled: April 27th - May 3rd Scheduled: December 19th - January 2nd Scheduled: February 12th - 15th Scheduled: February 13th - 16th Scheduled: January 13rd Scheduled: July 20th ~ 31st Scheduled: July 7th Scheduled: March 2nd Scheduled: October 1st Scheduled: September 9th Scholars dedicate part of their time so others can learn about the world, and as such, they are always welcome to this Academy. Scholarship Badge Insignia de beca Scholarship Institute is on the %s area of the campus. El Instituto de Becas está en %s el área del campus. Scholarship Science Ciencias de la beca Scholarship Tuition Matrícula de beca School of Quirks (Candor) Scissors Score: %s / %s Scoreboards Marcadores Scores are updated every 6 hours. Scores close at Sunday 23:59 - No scores will be given for last minute rushes! Scorpion Escorpión Scorpion Claw Garra de escorpión Scorpion Stinger Aguijón de escorpión Scorpions killed: @@/@@ scorpions Escorpiones asesinados: @@/@@ escorpiones Scout Screams Script Error Script Error: "Tux didn't found his fish! Blame Saulc at once!" Scroll Angel Light Scroll Angel Light+ Scroll Angel Light++ Scroll Battle Plans Scroll Battle Plans+ Scroll Battle Plans++ Scroll Critical Fortune Scroll Critical Fortune+ Scroll Critical Fortune++ Scroll Defense Bless Scroll Defense Bless+ Scroll Defense Bless++ Scroll Magnus Heal Scroll Magnus Heal+ Scroll Magnus Heal++ Scroll Summon Cave Maggot Scroll Summon Dragon Scroll Summon Maggot Scroll Summon Terranite Scroll Summon Wolvern Scroll Summon Yeti Scythe Guadaña Sea Drops Gotas de Mar Sea Slime Sea Slime Mother Sea Water Sealed Soul Alma sellada Season: %s Seasonal Drop Control Second Dungeon Master Second Tier Secret Admirer Secret Passages Pasajes secretos Secret Window See you later! ¡Nos vemos luego! See you later, my friend! Thanks for the drink!#0 See you later, my friend! Thanks for the drink!#1 See you soon! ¡Hasta pronto! See you! ¡Nos vemos! See you. Seems like Arkim held it too close to the flame... Seems like my access was revoked. I probably should talk to Airlia instead. Seems like someone else opened this chest before you! Seems like the rat have come after the cheese. Seems like they're having difficulty handling the demand, and Seems to be a recipe book about apple cookies. Seems to be accounting reports and stuff. You take a few pages. Seems to be related to alchemy. Seldomly, they'll have an exclamation mark over their heads. But some quests are hidden, so talk to people and have fun! Rara vez tendrán un signo de exclamación sobre la cabeza. Pero algunas misiones están ocultas, ¡así que habla con la gente y diviértete! Select a set of skills: Select carefully which weapon you want, so there are no regrets. Select difficulty. Select one: Select your preferred play-style. Selim Sell Sell old equipment and items you won't use. For example, what should you do with a @@ or an @@? Sell it! Vende equipos viejos y artículos que no usarás. Por ejemplo, ¿qué deberías hacer con un @@ o un @@? ¡Véndelo! Selling rares Send 10 times Enviar 10 veces Send 2 times Enviar 2 veces Send 20 times Enviar 20 veces Send 3 times Enviar 3 veces Send 5 times Enviar 5 veces Send Chocolate Send indefinitely Enviar indefinidamente Send only once Enviar sólo una vez Send soul to the Mana Plane for GM events Send them to Valentine Island! Send this message also on login? ¿Enviar también este mensaje al acceder? Send your Homunculus to THE most dangerous...! Send your Homunculus to a slime nest! Send your Homunculus to hold off snakes! Send your Homunculus to loot the Impregnable Fortress! Send your Homunculus to make money! Send your Homunculus to mineration! Send your Homunculus to one of the most dangerous...! Sending the letter will give you double event points, but no more than 10 extra points per letter. Sent on login: @@ Enviar al acceder: @@ Sent on login: yes Enviar al acceder: sí Sent: @@ times out of @@ Enviar: @@ veces fuera de @@ September 22nd - December 20th Serf Hat Sombrero de siervo Serge Seriously? What sort of reward is that? Server Servidor Server Happy Hour Decreed Set All Perms Set a new broadcast Introduzca una nueva emisión Set room password Set sail! We're going to Tulimshar! ¡Zarpar! ¡Nos vamos a Tulimshar! Set status @@ with @@ kills Establecer status@@ con @@ muertes Setzer Setzer Seven consecutive brawn attacks of diff. elements. Seven levels is what the Mana Seed may give to any race but Saviors. Several books about alchemy. Seems to be pretty advanced. Several books about artificial lifeforms and the man who played God. Several books about hiding magic. Might be why the houses looked abandoned and empty but the chimney was going. Several flasks are aligned there. They seemed to be dyes, but a close inspection reveals they're not. Several special clovers will show up at forests. Varios tréboles especiales aparecerán en los bosques. Sewer Water Agua de alcantarilla Shaabty Shaabty the Fairy Shadow Herb Hierba de las Sombras Shadow Herb only grows on dangerous places, and is mostly found on the Land Of Fire, or underground of very very deep caves. Hierba de las sombras solo crece en lugares peligrosos y se encuentra principalmente en la Tierra del Fuego o bajo tierra en cuevas muy, muy profundas. Shadow Pixie Shadow Plant Shadow Tortuga Shall you disband your guild for whatever reason, you'll need to pay again. No refunds. No complaining. Si disuelves tu gremio por cualquier motivo, tendrás que pagar nuevamente. Sin reembolsos. Sin quejas. Shall you have any inquiry, do not hesit to [|send us an email@@]##b. Shannon Shannon cannot reach you where you are. Sharp Knife Cuchillo afilado Sharpshooter Sharpshooting skill replaced with Charged Arrow. She and her husband Simon Bowmaker, vowed to teach the ways of archery to those with willpower, and allow everyone to use a bow. She can't remember if anything else right now. No puede recordar nada más en este momento. She doesn't likes @@s, only cute animals. She doesn't likes Ghosts, Undeads, and Shadow monsters either. She doesn't seems to trust me... Maybe I should bring a guild vice-leader, or even better, the guild master himself. She falls in a single blow. You'll attribute her death to the Mysterious Assassin. She is a scary woman and you would do well to remember this. She is staring at the empty sea and sighing. She seems to be really down after Andrei Sakar passed away. She isn't on that cave. She looks toward Frostia's Castle, unsure if it would hold any clues. She met an adventurer named Merlin outside of the She mix the powder with the slime inside the bottle, and makes some weird mixture. She mumbles something about how a custom of using crystals to mark paths was lost, and how they would be valuable if sold. She must be thristy, fighting monsters on this sun... If somebody could give her Cactus Potions... Debe tener sed, luchando contra monstruos bajo este sol... Si alguien pudiera darle pociones de cactus... She never leaves the shade of that tree, she is always sending messages by other people!! ¡¡Ella nunca sale de la sombra de ese árbol, siempre está enviando mensajes de otras personas!! She pours something on it, you're not sure what. And then utters some magic words. She probably just went out for a walk. Nothing to worry, I hope. She raises an eyebrow and frowns. She shakes her head. Ella niega con la cabeza. She should be safe as she is a strong woman, but... You never know. She shudders. She smiles. She snaps her fingers. She squints, pushes her thick spectacles up the bridge of her nose and eyes you suspiciously. She suddenly stops and looks up. She walks to the target. She wanted the Soul Eater defeated. Destroying the whole world never stopped her before. She was a tyrant who wanted to rule over not only Tulimshar, but the whole mana world, with an iron fist. She even charged her own premier of treason and tried to execute him. She's a fierce piou, leading our troops into the heart of each battle. I admire her bravery. Es una Piou feroz que lleva a nuestras tropas al corazón de cada batalla. Admiro su valentía. Sheila mumbles something about "using multiple at once may improve cooldowns, but no, the cooldown always exist, so yeah", you're not sure what she means. Sheila the Clockmaker Shell Sandwich Shemagh Shemagh Shield Recipes Shields Ship travels are not free. Also, I have a few friends on the Island, and I would like you to check out on them. Los viajes en barco no son gratuitos. Además, tengo algunos amigos en la isla y me gustaría que les echaras un vistazo. Ship travels are quite expensive, so perhaps you may think it is worth to complete the other quests here? Los viajes en barco son bastante caros, así que ¿quizás pienses que vale la pena completar las otras misiones aquí? Shoes Shooo, shooo! Give my crops some time to recover, your noob. ¡Shooo, shooo! Dale a mis cultivos algo de tiempo para recuperarse, novato. Shoot FIVE arrows or bullets to the air and cause Area Of Effect Damage. Shoot an arrow or bullet which damages everything on its way. Shop#Candor Tienda #Candor Shop#bazar1 Tienda#bazar1 Shoppa Kep Short Bow Arco corto Short Gladius Gladius corta Short Gunstaff Arma corta Short Sword Espada corta Short Tank Top Shotgun Shooter Should I attach a love letter? Should I walk on it? Should the owner go missing for over a month, the legendary weapon returns to its original place and can be claimed by someone else. Should we ask about the %s before leaving? Should we give this shady looking 'fella a %s? Should we? Should you be too quick or wait too long, you will most likely fail. Shovel have been changed, right-click it to bury items. Show Tutorial Protips Show me a report Show me something more advanced! Show me what you can! Show me what you got, noob. Shrewboo Shrewboo Shroom Hat Sombero Shroom Siege Season Siege Tower Siegfried Sign the non-disclosure agreement? Sign#0051UG Signo#0051UG Sign#0060CF Sign#0060PI Sign#0063CF Sign#0063PI Sign#0066CR Sign#0066ER Sign#0066WR Sign#014517929 Sign#01916730 Sign#019295108 Sign#02213844 Sign#HalinRoute Sign#HalinarzoGoto Sign#MKH Sign#RES_0096 Sign#RES_0097 Sign#RES_0128 Sign#RES_0177 Sign#RES_0178 Sign#RES_0185 Sign#RES_0208 Sign#TempBugfix Signpost#lof Silence Silk Seda Silk Cocoon Capullo de seda Silk Gloves Silk Pants Silk Robe Silk Worm Gusano de seda Silk worm Silkworm Silver Bell Campana de plata Silver Boss Gift Regalo de jefe de plata Silver Chest Silver Dye Tinte de plata Silver Easteregg Silver Four-Leaf Amulet Amuleto de plata de cuatro hojas Silver Gift Regalo de plata Silver Gift (%d eggs) Silver Ingot Lingote de plata Silver Key Llave de plata Silver Mirror Espejo de plata Silver Ore Mineral de plata Silver Ore -> Copper Ore Silver Ring Silver Ring! SilverMedal Silversmith Silvia Silvia Silvia is in Noble District of Tulimshar. Silvia está en el distrito noble de Tulimshar. Simon Simply put, they are raw power. Since Merlin left in an expedition with Morgan, strange things have been happening in Kamelot. Since red is the official color of Land of Fire Village, I craft dye for players who will properly represent our town. Since supplies are limited, I currently prioritize orders placed by higher level players. Since the war outbreak, we have to keep moving constantly. Without strong walls to protect ourselves, though, our clan is on the verge of extinction. Sincerity Island Sing a song to brighten its mood. Sing me about grinding! ¡Cántame sobre grindear! Sing me about miscellaneous monsters! ¡Cántame sobre monstruos diversos! Sing me about slaying Pinkies! ¡Cántame sobre matar a Pinkies! Sing me about the world! ¡Cántame sobre el mundo! Sing me the fate of the weapons! ¡Cántame el destino de las armas! Sing me the legend of the five heroes! ¡Cántame la leyenda de los cinco héroes! Sir Phoenix Sir Pyndragon and Lady Lalica asked to thank thee for the situation with the thief. Sir Sakar and adventurers are raiding Dracula's Fortress. It is a crazy place, though, who knows what they'll find? He should be at the north exit of this town. Sir Sakar and adventurers are raiding Dracula's Fortress. They found out the Underworld and there is a magic tree. You'll need a %s to use it. Sir Sakar is conducting an exploration on this land. However, you should be able to refine and tweak equipment, as well as crafting your own. Once you're ready, find him at %s of this town. Sit on the rug in front of me and learn wisdom! Maybe you'll learn something this way. ¡Siéntate en la alfombra frente a mí y aprende sabiduría! Tal vez aprendas algo de esta manera. Skeleton Skill @@ has been lost Skill @@ will be permanently lost! Skill Level: %d Skill improved Skill is in cooldown for @@. Skill learnt! Skip prologue Skipping seasoning: You have multiple %s. Skipping will FORSAKE rewards for the quest and related; So choose wisely! Skull Cráneo Skull Bloody Mug Taza Calavera sangrienta Skull Mask Máscara de calavera Sleep Sleeping Bandit Sleeping at night, the bonus will be stronger! ¡Dormir por la noche, la bonificación será más fuerte! Sleeping will fully replenish your health. Dormir repondrá completamente su salud. SleepingBandit Slime Blast Slime Nest Slimes Slimes are on the loose. They have escaped, ate several books, and some are still in the building. Slimes... Sorry, not my cup of tea... Slippers Pantuflas Slot Machine#003-10a Máquina tragamonedas#003-10a Slot Machine#012-7a Slot Machine#017-3a Slot Machine#031-4 Small Amethyst Bif Small Arrow Sack Saco de flechas pequeño Small Bullet Sack Saco de balas pequeño Small Chocolate Bar Pequeña barra de chocolate Small Diamond Bif Small Diamond Biff Small Elenium Bif Small Emerald Bif Small Fishing Net Red de pesca pequeña Small Frog Small Knife Cuchillo pequeño Small Magic Bif Small Mushroom Seta pequeña Small Ruby Bif Small Sapphire Bif Small Tentacles Tentáculos Pequeños Small Topaz Bif Bif de Topacio pequeño Smell the dish Smells like mouboos. Smiley Cap Gorra sonriente Smith Silvers Smoke Dragon SmokeGrenade Snail Snake Snake Bola Flotador de serpiente Snake Egg Huevo de serpiente Snake Egg -> Cave Snake Egg Snake Pit Snake Skin Piel de serpiente Snake Skin -> Cave Snake Skin Snake Tongue Lengua de serpiente Snake Tongue -> Cave Snake Tongue Snale Snow Binny (NYI) Snow Flower Snowflake Copo de nieve Snowman Snowman Globe Esfera de muñeco de nieve So COOL, thanks! Come back later to bring me extra @@! Genial, ¡gracias! ¡Vuelve más tarde para traerme extra @@! So I did what I could - What I always do. Turned my beloved sister in a slime. Turned her into what killed her. So Katze didn't knew how to sell Golden Apples or where to buy Cheese? I don't blame her at all, these things change all the time. So be nice and help people along the way! ¡Así que sé amable y ayuda a las personas en el camino! So come, the one whose deeds impressed even the Originals, my child, %s! Witness how I live, and witness how I die! Tell our tales to the future generations, how we fought an Original and prevailed. So did you take care of my 'Piou Problem?' So far neither the Duck Side or the Piou Knights have gained the upper hand in the war. Hasta ahora, ni el bando de los patos ni los caballeros Piou han tomado la delantera en la guerra. So fine and pink, tasty too! ¡Tan fino y rosado, sabroso también! So good you are here. We have a huge problem. So here is what I am thinking. So how can I help you? Entonces, ¿cómo puedo ayudarte? So how will ya bet, champ?! So if you bring me %d %s, I'll pay you awesomely! Whaddaya say?! So if you can help, go kill at least one on this island. They take a long time to respawn. So if you cook too much, most of it will go to waste. Only cook what you intend to eat. So if you have any issue which would require the Mayor to see it, you'll need me first. So in a hurry, I forgot to take enough bait for fishing. Así que con las prisas, olvidé coger suficiente cebo para pescar. So it would be really nice if you could bring me %d %s, Sería muy bueno si pudieras traerme %d %s. So let's strike a deal, bring me %d %s, %d %s, %d %s, and a %s. I'll reward you, promise. So long, and thanks for all the fish! So many bookpages are still missing... So rest assured, whatever craziness is happening at Land of Fire has nothing to do with Hurnscald. So tell me already what you need, and what is the reward! ¡Dime ya qué necesitas y cuál es la recompensa! So they need me again. Alright. Tell them the following: So whaddaya say, sign up won't you? Entonces, ¿qué dices? Regístrate, ¿no? So what can I say, except, you're welcome Entonces, qué puedo decir, excepto, de nada So what do you say? You in? So whoever stole Dimond's Cove did not use my ship, of that much I can assure you. So you have now a pet, who is loyal to you. It'll follow you everywhere, but there are two things you must know. So you think you're tough? A warrior must also be loyal and patient.#0 ¿Así que se cre dura? Un guerrero debe ser también leal y paciente.#0 So you think you're tough? A warrior must also be loyal and patient.#1 ¿Así que se cre duro? Un guerrero debe ser también leal y paciente.#1 So you want me to sell the Apple to some vendor, and then purchase the Cheese with the money? Sure, just tell me the name of a NPC which buys %s and sells %s. But I warn you, they must be close, in either Tulimshar or Halinarzo. So you're the %s which they informed me that would come to investigate the murder? I see. So! Bring me %d %s so I may study its properties and make a purifier or enhancer for our well. So! Please transmute a @@ and bring it to me. You may need to switch with another mana skill, until you are successful. ¡Entonces! Por favor transmuta un @@ y tráemelo. Es posible que tengas que cambiar con otra habilidad de mana hasta que tengas éxito. So, %s, I know you have other priorities. I don't even know why you are here - for riches? For glory, for fame? To save the world? To find out about your past? To talk with me because, well, I am just *that* cool? All of the above? Perhaps something else? So, I looked the records. There was nothing really useful. So, I was thinking in crafting a @@ for you. So, I'll have to ask you to get strong and some money for the trip. So, go train now! I wish you the best of the luck! Entonces tendré que pedirte que te pongas fuerte y algo de dinero para el viaje. ¡Así que ve a entrenar ahora! ¡Te deseo la mejor de las suertes! So, I'm placing a special bounty for @@ Mob Points. So, Peetu didn't check the ingredients before casting? That's... Well, I don't know. So, back to action! Finally. Your next destination is going to be Frostia Town. So, could I help you? So, did you brought me the twelve cherry cakes? Entonces, ¿me trajiste los doce pasteles de cereza? So, do you have the items? So, do you want to learn how to cook plates suitable for combat? Proper cuisine will actually help you in combat more than drinking potions. So, do you want to play a game of Creps?! So, for the fertilizer. The thing is, all that thing is unstable. Entonces, para el fertilizante. La cuestión es que todo eso es inestable. So, here is the key. Well, I say "key", but it is really just a magic pattern which you can draw on your hand and use it to open the passage. I can only wish you luck... Godspeed, %s, may the wind be in your favor. So, how can I help you today? Entonces, ¿cómo puedo ayudarte hoy? So, how do you feel? I see that Juliet did a marvellous job! You look like you're in good health now. ¿Entonces, cómo te sientes? ¡Veo que Juliet hizo un trabajo maravilloso! Parece que gozas de buena salud ahora. So, if you could bring me %d of them, that would be totally awesome! I'm counting on you! So, if you could bring me %d of them, that would be totally awesome! Pretty please! I'm counting on you! So, if you hired a Mercenary to protect your back... Would you prefer it to attack from rear, or charge into certain death, buying you time? So, it is @@ GP each one up-front. Or I can brew with your materials: So, it is ready? So, let's return to the business at hand. My men went down and haven't returned. That was long ago, by the way. So, let's work with the last proposal, that you're from an ancient family. We can backtrace what they did. So, only citzens, elves and dwarves are normally welcome here and I'm NOT going to make an exception. So, please kill %d/%d %ss for us and make the city a better place! Entonces, ¡mata %d/%d %ss por nosotros y haz de la ciudad un lugar mejor! So, please kill 3 @@, which are usually found around our beaches. You can sell their stingers if you are short on money. Entonces, por favor mata a 3 @@, que generalmente se encuentran alrededor de nuestras playas. Puedes vender sus aguijones si te falta dinero. So, please kill @@/@@ @@ for us and make the world a safer place! So, please kill a %s for us and make the world a safer place! So, please, come to me with stronger magic powers. And then, I'll teach you a new magic spell. Entonces, por favor, ven a mí con poderes mágicos más fuertes. Y luego te enseñaré un nuevo hechizo mágico. So, please, make the most of your stay and our leather works before this knowledge disappear from the world! So, there is a magical barrier to the right, which is in place exactly to protect us. So, today I'll teach you the %s recipe. Así que hoy te enseñaré la receta %s. So, what about this: You bring me a @@ and I'll tailor anything you need! So, what did he said? So, what do you say about a deal? I'll affiliate you on the Pet Caring Guild for only 5.000 GP! So, what have we concluded thus far? So, what to expect? Past this gate is a panthom town and some steel grating. Past the grating is the actual Impregnable Fortress. So, what will it be? So, when you get on the door, knock it, and say this: "@@". She will open the door for you. So, where we were again... Oh right, travel to world edge, look for family or whatever, right? So, will you challenge me? So, will you go? So, you are the first and must contact Jesusalva %%g So, you have fulfilled this part of the misssion. Bring %d %s and a %s to Pachua in the Desert Canyon, and say the same thing to him so he knows you're with us. So, you just need to survive for one minute, and I'll consider you are good enough. So, you need an alternative way to earn a living. So I looked at what is at highest demand right now, and which will remain once the war ends, and I've found you... %s! Entonces, necesitas una forma alternativa de ganarte la vida. Así que miré lo que tiene mayor demanda en este momento y lo que permanecerá una vez que termine la guerra, ¡y te encontré...%s! So, you want some @@ to keep you comfy on this harsh winter? So, you would die a few thousands of times before ever reaching Halinarzo. So. For the info dump or text wall... I'll let you choose what you want to know, or to skip it entirely. So. Uhm. The monsters here have varying levels of strength... I think the best way is to witness that yourself. Entonces. Mmm. Los monstruos aquí tienen diferentes niveles de fuerza... Creo que la mejor manera es presenciarlo tú mismo. So... @@ That night, I cast it as usual. Everything seemed alright so I went to bed. So... Anything new on my situation? So... Have you tried visiting the Canyons? I know, it is a crazy idea. Entonces... ¿Has probado a visitar los Cañones? Lo sé, es una idea loca. So... I think I'm almost done! My plan is to force a @@ into being a pretty Butterfly. Hey, I like cute things! Así que... ¡creo que ya casi termino! Mi plan es obligar a un @@ a convertirse en una bonita Mariposa. ¡Oye, me gustan las cosas lindas! So... I'm at your hands now... What will you do with me? So... You see... I usually pay a lot of attention to my work. Especially when doing something as delicate as sealing away the slimes for the night. So? How many *hic* he collect? So? How was it? Solana Solo Solo Try Some %ss have buried themselves in the sand near the path to the mine, causing burns to people stepping on them. Algunos %s se han enterrado en la arena cerca del camino hacia la mina, provocando quemaduras a las personas que los pisaban. Some %ss have left the mines and made themselves comfortable in the desert, coming closer than ever to us. When there are none left in the desert, go after their nest in the mines. Algunos %s han abandonado las minas y se han acomodado en el desierto, acercándose más que nunca a nosotros. Cuando no quede ninguno en el desierto, ve tras su nido en las minas. Some are dangerous, too. Even if you look capable of fighting, the Blue Sage instructed me to prevent anyone from visiting until the mess is cleared. Some are just living their own lives. In special, I've spent part of my life studying the Yeti Society. Some are small, others are bigger. But they all fight together, so be mindful when they're in groups. Algunas son pequeñas, otras son más grandes. Pero todos pelean juntos, así que ten cuidado cuando estén en grupos. Some bullets have Elemental Properties, by the way. Now, what will it be? Some items are only produced in Nivalis. After all, it is hard to work properly with ice in a desert! Some of finest elven craftmanship can be found there, like bows, for example. Some of my miners died in this mine because there are plenty of dangerous monsters.#0 Algunos de mis mineros murieron en esta mina porque hay muchos monstruos peligrosos.#0 Some of my miners died in this mine because there are plenty of dangerous monsters.#1 Algunos de mis mineros murieron en esta mina porque hay muchos monstruos peligrosos.#1 Some of them are pretty strong. Do you need an explanation about hit'n'run and the monster you're about to face? Algunos de ellos son bastante fuertes. ¿Necesitas una explicación sobre el pegar y correr, y el monstruo al que estás a punto de enfrentarte? Some other adventurers are looking for it. Please wait %s more. Some others also like to buy them to keep as trophies. Either way, you can make some money with that. A otros también les gusta comprarlos para conservarlos como trofeos. De cualquier manera, puedes ganar algo de dinero con eso. Some people say that I am the best tailor in the world, but I think I am the best one in the universe! Some people, however, prefer to fish with more unorthodox baits, such as @@ or @@. Some pets will also collect loot for you, right click on it so it drop whatever it is holding for you. Some quests and events, like the festival, are only available during specific times. Algunas misiones y eventos, como el festival, solo están disponibles durante horarios específicos. Some rogue Yetis are trying to escape to Nivalis. I can't hold them back for more than @@. Some smoke still remains, but the fire seems to have died. Some special items cannot be traded, discarded, nor sold. With a right click, you can also protect normal items as if they were special ones. Algunos objetos especiales no se pueden intercambiar, descartar ni vender. Con un clic derecho también podrás proteger objetos normales como si fueran especiales. Some time later... Algún tiempo después... Some types of fish also enjoy @@ quite a bit. Some will only repeat yearly, while other events happen weekly or monthly, or in some other time aspect. Algunos sólo se repetirán anualmente, mientras que otros eventos ocurren semanalmente o mensualmente, o en algún otro aspecto temporal. Some, but not all, from the rare or non-replaceable items will have a warning when you try to sell them. Algunos, pero no todos, los objetos raros o no reemplazables tendrán una advertencia cuando intente venderlos. Somebody already rented it before you! Somebody took your place on this spot! ¡Alguien tomó su lugar en este punto! Someone else has already defeated this bounty. Someone else is using the guild storage right now. Please wait. Someone fell into the well. Someone looted this treasure box already... Alguien ya ha saqueado esta caja del tesoro... Someone seems to be drowned in the water. Someone who have clear priorities appeared! I'm glad! Something changed; We should see what is. Something else? ¿Algo más? Something is happening down there. Something is wrong with me, I can't smile nor sit. Hay algo mal conmigo; no puedo sonreír ni sentarme. Something seems off with that! Something seems to be happening close to the Throne. Something seems wrong. Something to eat? Something very terrible happened. Sometimes I think it'd be better not to allow visitors here. But Nikolai set a high value on keeping contact with the population. Politics. Sometimes humans come here and play with me. Many thanks for the help! Sometimes you just need to run from battle. Sometimes, you just cannot afford to be hit. But even with a melee weapon, you don't need to be hit. A veces, simplemente no puedes permitirte el lujo de que te golpeen. Pero incluso con un arma cuerpo a cuerpo, no es necesario que te golpeen. Sometimes, you really wish you could visit new universes without having to pick some sort of role on it. A veces, realmente desearías poder visitar nuevos universos sin tener que elegir algún tipo de papel en ellos. Somewhere better to live? Sooo, the police station of Moubootaur Legends went ablaze. Constable Perry is too busy to monitor illegal operation on this continent. Sorcerer Hechicero Sorcerer Robe Soren Village Soren xd#Valentine Soren's Fountain Soren's Gizmo Soren's House Soren's House Tutorial Soren's Lake Sorfina Sorfina Sorfina recomposes herself. Sorfina se recompone. Sorry 'mam, I forgot courage on my other set of pants. This one doesn't have enough defense for it.#0 Sorry 'mam, I forgot courage on my other set of pants. This one doesn't have enough defense for it.#1 Sorry but I am not interested in that. Sorry dear, I'm as distressed about this as everyone, but I don't know anything. Sorry for making you listen my rambles. I need someone strong, you see... Sorry for wasting so much of your time, but go in Halinarzo and ask about it. Who knows, one of them might have seen our little thief crossing the Eternal Swamps, and it would match the time range if they had to occasionally wait for the floods to stop, and the fact no one in Hurnscald saw anything. Sorry kind lady @@, but no.#0 Lo siento amable señora @@, pero no.#0 Sorry kind sir @@, but no.#1 Lo siento amable señor @@, pero no.#1 Sorry pal, but only if another miner vouches for you. Lo siento amigo, pero sólo si otro minero avala por ti. Sorry! Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Arpan, but the other sailors call me Magic Arpan because I know one or two ya-ing magic tricks. ¡Lo siento! Permítame presentarme. Mi nombre es Arpan, pero los otros marineros me llaman Arpan Magico porque conozco uno o dos trucos de magia. Sorry! Sorry! ¡Lo siento! ¡Lo siento! Sorry, %s. Please come back later, I am busy. Sorry, @@ already started the fight. Sorry, I am a newbie. Sorry, I am busy... Disculpa, estoy ocupado... Sorry, I am so hungry as you. Sorry, I can't help you. Go away! Sorry, I don't have any pets at the moment. Sorry, I forgot my courage in my other set of pants. Sorry, I forgot what you need! Sorry, I have nothing. Sorry, I have to go now. Lo siento, tengo que irme ahora. Sorry, I have to go. Sorry, I haven't seen you. My name is Barbara. Sorry, I misclicked the first button. Have a nice nap, great Crazyfefe! Sorry, I need to better prepare myself. Sorry, I only deal with Arcmage cards. Sorry, I only have interest in Tortugas, so I didn't paid any attention. Speaking on which... are you interested in renting one? Sorry, I was busy bringing drinks all day. Well, given your story, you're clearly drunk, but given how out of it you are, I'll advise drinking our %s instead. I promise it'll have less collateral effects than whatever you had! Sorry, I won't accept any. Sorry, I'll be back. Sorry, I'll keep my gem. Sorry, I'll pass. Lo siento, paso. Sorry, I'm babbling. Deliver this letter to Frostia's King. He will know what to do and what you should do. Sorry, I'm busy with other registrations. Lo siento, estoy ocupado con otros registros. Sorry, I'm doing other things at the moment. Lo siento, estoy haciendo otras cosas por el momento. Sorry, I'm in hurry. Sorry, I'm lost. Sorry, I'm more of a coffee person. Sorry, It's not place for me. Sorry, Mister Rakinorf, but it was Lua that said you could help me. Sorry, and enjoy the game! Your TMW2 Staff Team. Sorry, but I already ate the %s you gave me! Sorry, but I don't have time to play the guide with new faces. You'll need to find someone else. Sorry, but I need one of each gem powder, and %d GP. Sorry, but I need the ingredients and %d GP. Lo siento, pero necesito los ingredientes y %dGP. Sorry, but I won't dare touch a %s. Lo siento, pero no me atreveré a tocar un%s . Sorry, but no entry to Townhall under orders of the council head, Benjamin L. Sorry, but no spoilers. You'll met the Moubootaur soon enough. Sorry, but that's not right. Sorry, but that's wrong. Sorry, but this quest cannot be done by staff. Sorry, but you don't have what I need. Lo siento, pero no tiene lo que necesito. Sorry, but you have multiple %s. Lo siento, pero tienes varios%s. Sorry, it looks like Saulc wrote on this stone. It is entirely illegible... for now. Lo siento, parece que Saulc escribió en esta piedra. Es completamente ilegible... por ahora. Sorry, son. I know how hard this is. But this is teaching you a valuable lesson, your eye will be more sharp for quality wood from now on.#0 Sorry, son. I know how hard this is. But this is teaching you a valuable lesson, your eye will be more sharp for quality wood from now on.#1 Sorry, sorry! Please rest, great Crazyfefe! Sorry, that arena is already closed. Lo sentimos, esa arena ya está cerrada. Sorry, that is not the cake I love. Lo siento, ese no es el pastel que amo. Sorry, this password was already used on another arena. Lo sentimos, esta contraseña ya fue utilizada en otra arena. Sorry, we're closed for New Year festivities. Sorry, we're doing an update at the moment, come back later. Sorry, you do not have enough ingredients. You'd better search thoroughly. Sorry, you don't have any chocolate to pick up. Sorry, you don't seem to have everything I need. Sorry, you were taking too long to decide and I've rented my sword to somebody else. Lo siento, tardaste demasiado en decidirte y le alquilé mi espada a otra persona. Sorry. At best, you can try your luck in Halinarzo, but the odds of someone recognizing you are pretty slim. Lo siento. En el mejor de los casos, puedes probar suerte en Halinarzo, pero las probabilidades de que alguien te reconozca son bastante escasas. Sorry. The arrays can't have zeros. Soul Menhir automatic saving: Soul Menhir#candor Menhir del alma#Candor Soul Menhir#frost Soul Menhir#hali Soul Menhir#hurns Soul Menhir#lil Soul Menhir#lof Soul Menhir#niv Soul Menhir#tulim Menhir del alma#tulim Soul Stone#001-11 Soul Stone#001-12 Soul Stone#001-4 Soul Stone#0064 Sounds awesome, but this will also reset a bunch of your progress... And with something as lame as a %s, you'll need quite a while to warp again. Uh, if you can, bring friends, the Soul Eater is... not to be trifled with. Sounds good! ¡Suena bien! Sounds good. Sounds good. Southeast Avenue#lof Southwest Avenue Southwest Avenue#lof Spamming, Scamming and Harassment are major offenses in Moubootaur Legends. Harassing other players (except by giving chocolate on this event) may get you permanently banned. You have been warned! Sparkly Chocolate Donut Dona de chocolate brillante Sparkly Mint Donut Dona de menta brillante Sparkly Strawberry Donut Dona de fresa brillante Spawn customized boss Speak with ##BBarzil##b. Tell him it is for the Magic Academy. HURRY UP! Spearmint Tea Té de menta verde Special Event Pets Special battle modes will also be available. Specialized in destructive, magical skills. Specialized in miscellaneous skills. Especializado en habilidades diversas. Specialized in skills with fist-based damage and unarmed mastery. Specialized in skills with weapon-based damage and Assassination. Specialized in support, buff, debuff and strengthening skills. Spectral Orb Orbe espectral Speed Card Tarjeta de velocidad Speed Card S Tarjeta de velocidad S Speed Card X Tarjeta de velocidad X Spell Book Page Página del libro de hechizos Spend it wisely this time. Gástelo sabiamente esta vez. Spider Spider Queen SpikyMushroom Spin 10 times! Spin 100 times! Spin daily the card to get prizes! Spin it! Spin three symbols, and jackpot great rewards! ¡Gira tres símbolos y obtén grandes premios! Spin! ¡Girar! Spinning! Spinning... Girando... Sponsor @@ in how much GP? Sponsor Necklace Collar de patrocinador Sponsors Inn Spring Spring Squirrel Squichy Claws Garras de Squichy Squirrel Squirrel Boots Botas de ardilla Squirrel Pelt Piel de ardilla Squirrels are healthy, but they never attack. They run away from you, so good luck catching it! Las ardillas son sanas, pero nunca atacan. Se escapan de ti, ¡así que buena suerte para atraparlo! St Patrick's Clover St. Patrick Day St. Patrick Gold Pot Staff is not allowed to use this command. Staircase#MKHB Stalman Stalwart Stand Mantener Standard Magic Standard Tricks Trucos estándar Start Comenzar Start broadcasting Iniciar emisión Start broadcasting, and make an extra broadcast right now Iniciar emisión, y crear una emisión extra ahora mismo Start over Volver a empezar Start! ¡Comenzar! Stat Boost Recipes Stats: Str %d / Agi %d / Vit %d / Int %d / Dex %d / Luk %d Status Condition Cleared Status Reset Potion Poción de restablecimiento Status point reset can't be undone. Do you really want this? El reinicio de los puntos de estado no puede deshacerse. ¿Seguro que quiere esto? Status reset? Sounds illegal! ¿Restablecer status? ¡Suena ilegal! Status. Status. Status: %s Stay out of harms way. Nothing to see here. Stay away, pathetically weak %s. Manténgase fuera de peligro. Nada que ver aquí. Mantente alejado, patéticamente débil%s. Stay ready! ¡Mantente listo! Stay there? Stay tuned for announcements regarding raid times to retake the towns. Steak and Eggs bistec y huevos Steal bucket! Stealing Steam (LoF Village) Steel Shield Escudo de acero Steel Shovel Pala de acero Step backward Step forward Still haven't found it? Well, keep looking the barrels at this storehouse. I know it's in there, somewhere. ¿Aún no lo has encontrado? Bueno, sigue mirando los barriles de este almacén. Sé que está ahí, en alguna parte. Still interested in extra credit? Now that you're a(n) %s, you can sign this perfectly normal and standard %s, and by helping us out, by helping ME out, you'll gain the extra credit. What do you say? Not a bad deal, right? Still, they can be useful when you're trying to solo a boss and need help. The number of stars on the card is the strength and rarity. Use them wisely. Aún así, pueden ser útiles cuando intentas enfrentarte a un jefe en solitario y necesitas ayuda. La cantidad de estrellas en la tarjeta es la fuerza y la rareza. Úselos sabiamente. Stone Stop broadcasting Detener emisión Stop it! ¡Basta! Stop on your tracks, unfair being! Freeze! Stop right there, miscreant. I can see you're AFK, it is written on your hat! Detente ahí, sinvergüenza. Puedo ver que estás AFK, ¡está escrito en tu sombrero! Storage Fairy Stove#RES_0128 Stove#RES_PPL Straight Straight Flush Strange Coin Moneda extraña Strange Coins stock on shops was restored! Strange dragon seem during rains! Be careful when you leave your house! Strange switch status: @@ Strangely enough, when he died, he became a ghost. This shouldn't happen, but yet... Curiosamente, cuando murió, se convirtió en un fantasma. Esto no debería suceder, pero aún así... Stranger Stranger#LoF Strangers and monsters aren't allowed in MY house! Strawberry Donut Dona De Fresa Stray Little Blub Strength Fuerza Strength Fruit Fruta de fuerza Strength Potion Poción de fuerza Strength Statue Estatua de fuerza Strength: AGI+, Walk Speed + Strength: ALL Strength: DEX+ Strength: INT+ Strength: LUK+ Strength: NONE Strength: STR+, Carry Weight + Strength: VIT++ Strong Fuerte Strong wind area of effect attack. Strong wind single target attack. Student Student#A01 Student#A02 Stun Stunning Strike Stupid @@, get out of this cave before I lose my patience! Stupid @@, get out of this cave before I lose my patience! Mercury... Show up already! Success ratio is of aprox. @@ % Success! ¡Éxito! Successfully Crafted: %s Successive warps cause time-space distortions and are thus not allowed. Such a precious gem is not something you would give away for free, unless you are truly interested in my ritual. Una gema tan preciosa no es algo que regalarías, a menos que estés realmente interesado en mi ritual. Such convoys had been made since the Civil War, after all, many feared the Red Queen and moving to the sea was a sure way to stay out of her reach. None had ever heard again of them... Sudden Attack Ataque repentino Suddenly, a bee appears and attacks you out of NOWHERE! Suddenly, the map %s! Sulfur Powder Polvo de azufre Summary Resumen Summer Verano Summoned Monster Summoning and Homunculus (H) skills can be raised from skill window directly. Summoning is part of Mana Magic. Mana Magic is trickier, you must have control over magic power to use it properly. La invocación es parte de la Magia de Mana . La Magia de Mana es más complicada, debes tener control sobre el poder mágico para usarlo correctamente. Sunday I am having a Church Party but I forgot to prepare food! Sunglasses Sunny Crystal Cristal soleado Super Menu Super Menú Superb stealth, and quick on their toes. Superior Machine Maquina superior Superior Shroom Superior damage on enemies who walk over the fire. Superior single target damage which splashes in area. Supreme Attack Supreme Chest Supreme Gift Regalo supremo Supreme Gift (%d eggs) Supreme Ranger Card Tarjeta de rango Supremo Supreme Warrior Card Carta de Guerrero Supremo Supreme and Absolute lose to Ancient, but Ancient isn't the strongest power level out there. Sure Seguro Sure! Sure! But that is Summon Magic. Just bring me a mug of beer, I'm thristy. And I'll teach you a basic skill. ¡Seguro! Pero eso es magia de invocación. Sólo tráeme una jarra de cerveza, tengo sed. Y te enseñaré una habilidad básica. Sure, I can make a %s for you. However, I am not just a tailor, I am a seamstress, and expect quality materials and a compensation worth my time. Sure, I'd love to help! What can I do? Sure, I'll be back. Sure, I'll be right back. Sure, I'll do it. Claro, lo haré. Sure, I'll help. Sure, gimme the Gold. Sure, gimme the Monster Points. Sure, here you go! Sure, in regular Craps you can bet for the roll results and whatnot, but this is not Craps, this is Creps! So, are you going to play? Sure, no problem! For this awesome hat which I can make it myself, you'll need to bring me a few items! Sure, sure, I'm going... Sure, sure... Why are you even *hic* asking me this, anyway? Do I look like your... *hic* your father or something?! Sure, what could go wrong? Sure, why not? Sure. Seguro Sure. Here, take it. Sure. I like to keep Alcoholic beverages, because they raise EXP gain when you drink @@. Seguro. Me gusta mantener las bebidas alcohólicas, porque aumentan la ganancia de EXP cuando bebes @@. Surprise me! ¡Sorpréndame! Surprisingly, nothing happens. Survival Challenge Susanne Sushi Sushi Swashbuckler Swezanne Swezanne Swezanne Card Switching from strong to weak equipments WON'T make it go any easier on you! ¡Cambiar de equipos fuertes a débiles NO te hará las cosas más fáciles! Syntax: @wset <map_mask> T.T "Someone else killed my Dummy!" T.T "Why I think you are withdrawing information all along?" T0 - Base Bonus T1 - Accuracy Bonus T1 - Attack Bonus T1 - Defense Bonus T1 - Evasion Bonus T2 - Double Power Bonus T2 - Max Stats Bonus T2 - Regeneration Bonus T2 - Speed Bonus T3 - Boss Techniques Bonus T3 - Mana Economy Bonus T3 - SC Inflict Bonus T3 - SC Resist Bonus T4 - Ultimate Bonus THAT GRIMORIE IS A SUPER DUPER MEGA UPER RARE BOOK, I CANNOT GIVE IT TO ANYBODY ASKING ME ABOUT!! ESE GRIMORIE ES UN LIBRO SUPER DUPER MEGA UPER RARO, ¡¡NO SE LO PUEDO DAR A NADIE QUE ME PREGUNTE!! THE BLOOD HERE SPILLED TODAY... ONLY ENRAGES HIM MORE... THEN DON'T WASTE MY TIME! My friend could be in danger! THIS IS A SOLO FIGHT, TEAMS ARE NOT ALLOWED INSIDE. THIS IS MOUBOOTAUR LEGENDS HARDCORE SERVER. ESTE ES EL SERVIDOR HARDCORE DE MOUBOOTAUR LEGENDS. THIS IS MOUBOOTAUR LEGENDS SPECIAL SERVER. ESTE ES EL SERVIDOR ESPECIAL DE MOUBOOTAUR LEGENDS. THIS IS MOUBOOTAUR LEGENDS TEST SERVER. ESTE ES EL SERVIDOR DE PRUEBA DE MOUBOOTAUR LEGENDS. THIS IS THE MOUBOOTAUR TEMPLE RUINS... THIS PLACE IS SACRED... TMW Adventure TMW2 TMW2 TMW2 Day marks the server birthdate. Do not mistake with TMW2 Anniversary. TMW2 Staff TMW2 Staff TUTORIAL TUTORIAL Taenya Take care though, don't attack them when there are multiple of them, since they will swarm! Pero ten cuidado, no los ataques cuando haya varios, ¡ya que enjambrarán! Take care! ¡Cuídate! Take care, adventurer! Take care. Here, take this @@. You can sell it for some quick-spot cash, or use it as a weapon. Cuidate. Toma, toma este @@. Puedes venderlo por algo de dinero rápido o usarlo como arma. Take care. This is a dangerous world, but I think that worse than being attacked by sea monsters, is starving from hunger! Cuidate. Este es un mundo peligroso, pero creo que peor que ser atacado por monstruos marinos, ¡es morir de hambre! Take care: Secret passages can be dangerous places (or not). Cuidado: los pasadizos secretos pueden ser lugares peligrosos (o no). Take it! ¡Tómalo! Take it? Take the bottle? ¿Tomar la botella? Take the riddle? Take this @@ to prove you're one of us! Could you also invite Elmo? Thanks, matey! ¡Toma este @@ para demostrar que eres uno de nosotros! ¿Podrías invitar también a Elmo? ¡Gracias, amigo! Take this @@. It might save your life on the secret mission you're about to be assigned to. Take this badge, so you can enter the guard house. You will find more work there. Bye, and good luck! Toma esta placa para que puedas entrar a la caseta de vigilancia. Encontrarás más trabajo allí. ¡Adiós y buena suerte! Take this spare @@ I did. It heals fully and instantly, so don't hesit to use it if you're about to die. Take this with you. And please bring Arthur back, the world needs him! Taking your sturdy glove, you attempt to walk by the wall! You are betting your life on it! Talindra Talk normally. Talk to @@ habla con @@ Talk to Hocus in Porthos (via Menhir) to enroll. Talk to Nard to unlock the door. Habla con Nard para abrir la puerta. Talk to Soul Menhir to engage the boss. Time limit = 1 hour. Talk to Zitoni, and deliver the %s. I can't give you another one, they're extremely rare. Habla con Zitoni y entrega el %s . No puedo darte otro, son extremadamente raros. Talk to Zitoni, the Alchemist of Candor. He may look humble, but he is the greatest alchemist of this world. Procure 5 %s from him. Habla con Zitoni, el alquimista de Candor. Puede parecer humilde, pero es el mayor alquimista de este mundo. Consígueme 5 %s. Talk to Zitoni, the Alchemist of Candor. He may look humble, but he is the greatest alchemist of this world. Tell him to make you five %s. Habla con Zitoni, el alquimista de Candor. Puede parecer humilde, pero es el mayor alquimista de este mundo. Dile que te haga cinco %s. Talk to all guards in Halinarzo, don't cut corners now! Talk to me once Christmas is over to claim your rewards. The more challenges you accomplish, the better the rewards, but it might be impossible to do all of them. Talk to the %s and %s in Candor for a more detailed explanation on using skills! Talk to the Fountain. Pour the potion on it. I advise you to put all your points on int if possible. Talk to the waitress to get some food. Enjoy the show! And you can sleep on the 3rd Floor. Talk to you later! ¡Hablaré con usted más tarde! Talk to you soon! ¡Hablamos luego! Tally Tally Tamed Snake Tamed Snake Egg Tametomo Tamiloc Tamiloc Tanker Tanque Taree Taree Tax crafters Taxes lowered Taxes raised Taxes will fall in 0.01~0.03%, capped at 0.00% Taxes will raise in 0.02~0.05%, capped at 15%. Tea party! I want to participate. Teaching %s your skills will make you both forget them. Teaching you how to study will take from my time, so I'll want a small compromise of %s GP to make sure you will actually make good use of it. Teal Dye Tinte verde azulado Tech-User Forge Forja de usuarios tecnológicos Technician Tell me about Artis. Háblame de Artis. Tell me about Fortress Town. Tell me about Frostia. Tell me about Halinarzo. Háblame de Halinarzo. Tell me about Hurnscald. Háblame de Hurnscald. Tell me about Nivalis. Tell me about Thermin. Tell me about Tulimshar. Háblame de Tulimshar. Tell me about the Civil War. Tell me about the Great Fire. Tell me about the Land Of Fire. Tell me about the Mana War. Tell me about the Monster War. Tell me how or I'll kill you! Tell me which language you speak and I will change the note on the ship passenger list. Dime qué idioma hablas y cambiaré la nota en la lista de pasajeros del barco. Tell people the name of a new hero. Dile a la gente el nombre de un nuevo héroe. Tempest Ten, fifty, thousand... Yep, this is the amount I've asked for. Diez, cincuenta, mil... Sí, esta es la cantidad que he pedido. Tench Tenca Tengu Tentacles Tentáculos Teraa Terranite Terranita Terranite Armor Armadura de terranita Terranite Blueprint Plano de terranita Terranite Boots Botas de terranita Terranite Gloves Terranite Helmet Casco de terranita Terranite Ingot Lingote de terranita Terranite King Terranite Mask Máscara de terranita Terranite Ore Mineral de terranita Terranite Ore (3 power) Terranite Ore is a really special item. People without helmets can't understand @@'s real power, anyway if you could give me some of them you would understand why they are so special. Terranite Pants Pantalones de terranita Terranite Protector Terranites probably mined part of this mine long time ago. Los terranitas probablemente minaron parte de esta mina hace mucho tiempo. Terrible manaquake hits the whole world, causing dramatic changes! Terrible. You know almost nothing from world lore... Test Probar Test MOTD Prueba MOTD Teuvo Text Wall Density Tezzerin Thank you for being with us for so long. You gained a %s as a random good-hearted action from the team! Thank you for helping me make my tea. I hope the potions have been helpful... Thank you for the %s, I really appreciate it. Thank you for your help. Gracias por tu ayuda. Thank you so much! That might not bring my friends back, but will make this island much safer! Thank you soooo much! Here is some compensation, and you can keep this worthless scroll of paper! I looooove Pearls! Thank you very much! You are a great help. ¡Muchas gracias! Eres de gran ayuda. Thank you! Here is some compensation, and you can keep this worthless scroll of paper! I looooove Pearls! Thank you! Thank you! Savior!#0 Thank you! Thank you! Savior!#1 Thank you! That's very generous of you. Thank you, @@. Please take this pair of gloves as a thank you. Gracias, @@. Por favor, lleve este par de guantes como agradecimiento. Thank you, We are now friends, You can visit us when you want! Thank you, here is your reward and... some pocket money. Gracias, aquí tienes tu recompensa y... algo de dinero de bolsillo. Thank you, here is your reward. Gracias, aquí está tu recompensa. Thank you, tell her to come to the bakery at... Actually, nevermind. Just give her this note. Thank you. Gracias. Thank you. I'll wait here. Gracias. Esperaré aquí. Thank you... Thankfully that item is very rare, so they will not be able to place a curse on you. Probably. Thanks God... The crops are safe. Not only that, but the fertilizer works! Thanks Lilica. Gracias Lilica. Thanks a lot for your help revealing the truth. Thanks a lot! ¡Muchas gracias! Thanks again for the help. You have proven that you are resourceful. Gracias de nuevo por la ayuda. Has demostrado que eres útil. Thanks again for the help. You have proven that you are resourceful. Come back again later. Gracias de nuevo por la ayuda. Has demostrado que eres útil. Vuelve más tarde. Thanks again for your investigations. It was a great help. Thanks for all of your help! Thanks for attending even this selfish request of mine. Thanks for attending my call. As you can clearly see, the town is deserted; We only have our own staff in this town. Thanks for avenging my father. Gracias por vengar a mi padre. Thanks for donating blood. You can donate again in 30 days. Thanks for feeding us earlier. I wanted to give a great dinner to my family, even if just once. Thanks for help! Other guards may need help too! ¡Gracias por la ayuda! ¡Es posible que otros guardias también necesiten ayuda! Thanks for helping me out! Here, take this bag. Now if you excuse me... Thanks for helping me out. I know this is nothing, but please accept these herbs I've collected. Thanks for helping me this week. Here is my card, just call me if you need. Thanks for helping my husband. I'll think if there's something I can do for you, why don't you help Oscar on the meanwhile...? Thanks for helping my shop earlier. I forge weapons, but unfortunately, I need more than just iron to forge them. Gracias por ayudar a mi tienda antes. Forjo armas, pero desafortunadamente necesito algo más que hierro para forjarlas. Thanks for helping my son. Here, take 300 GP for your troubles. Gracias por ayudar a mi hijo. Toma, toma 300 GP por tus problemas. Thanks for helping my wife! Here is, an @@. May the Mouboo watch over you! o.o Thanks for helping my wife, I'll be forever grateful. Thanks for helping out here. Do you need anything else? Thanks for helping us the last year. I hope to have your help by the next year. Thanks for helping! ¡Gracias por ayudar! Thanks for listening to my rambles. I'll gift you a @@. Of course, having a wand won't give you magic... Thanks for playing with us! Can you find my friends? ¡Gracias por jugar con nosotros! ¿Puedes encontrar a mis amigos? Thanks for playing! ¡Gracias por jugar! Thanks for saving Tulimshar from a famine. I'll be forever grateful. Thanks for saving me. I'll return home on my own, if you don't mind. Thanks for scorting our associate! Your efforts are greatly appreciated. Thanks for the %s you gave me the other day. Thanks for the %s! Your efforts are greatly appreciated. Thanks for the Silk Cocoons. With these the new books are going to be exquisite. Thanks for the help earlier. Thanks for the help earlier. Unfortunately, I had no luck yet. Thanks for the help! ¡Gracias por la ayuda! Thanks for the help! Arr, that was some fine ale, indeed! ¡Gracias por la ayuda! ¡Arr, esa sí que era una buena cerveza! Thanks for the help! If you help people, they'll start trusting you. Once they trust you, they'll give you quests which are very important to them; ¡Gracias por la ayuda! Si ayudas a la gente, empezarán a confiar en ti. Una vez que confíen en ti, te darán misiones que son muy importantes para ellos. Thanks for the help! Yummy! Thanks for the help, I guess...? Gracias por la ayuda, supongo...? Thanks for the help, but no. Thanks for the help. Thanks for the help. Here, take this shirt and some money. Gracias por la ayuda. Toma, toma esta camisa y algo de dinero. Thanks for the kindness, but you don't have enough. I need 5! Thanks for the letter! Your efforts are greatly appreciated. Thanks for the nice gift! ¡Gracias por el bonito regalo! Thanks for the pages you brought. There are still some missing. Thanks for travelling with Andrei Sakar to Artis! However, as you see, this town is deserted. Thanks for using my services! Thanks for vanishing the source of the curse. Thanks for your excellent services. I hereby name you a junior (intern) officer of the Land of Fire police. Although I doubt there'll be anything else to do for quite a while, Land of Fire is quite pacific. Thanks for your help with the inks! Now I'll be able to fulfill my tasks adequately. Some of these books were really valuable, and it's important to recreate them as good as possible. Thanks for your help! Thanks for your help, anyway. Thanks for your honesty, I guess. Gracias por tu honestidad, supongo. Thanks for your patronage! The rewards will be available with @@, in case I do find the paradise! Thanks for your services, knight. One day, you might even deserve a seat at this castle. Thanks for your wise words. Thanks mate, that is everything I need! Have a good day! Gracias amigo, ¡eso es todo lo que necesito! ¡Que tenga un buen día! Thanks once again, I know it's not much but here are %d GP and a pair of self-sewn shorts for your troubles. Gracias una vez más, sé que no es mucho, pero aquí tienes%d GP y un par de pantalones cortos hechos por ti para tus problemas. Thanks to pirate activity, dye has become more difficult to obtain lately. Thanks to this, we can now respawn after death. But that's when the prophecy was told. The prophecy... Of the death of all humans. It gives me shivers. Thanks to you, lowly %s, we will soon have water we deserve! Thanks to you, my friend, we will soon have good water to drink.#0 Thanks to you, my friend, we will soon have good water to drink.#1 Thanks to you, our glue supply is replenished and we can repair those books. Thanks! ¡Gracias! Thanks! Here you go. Perhaps you need another one? Thanks! Here you go. Perhaps you want another one? Thanks! Here's your dye. Do you want to trade any more? Thanks! I'll enjoy it! Here is the promised reward. Thanks! I'll enjoy it! Here, you can keep this. Thanks! Please come back in two hours, then I'll have the trousers ready. Thanks! Thanks! Savior! Hurry up!#0 Thanks! Thanks! Savior! Hurry up!#1 Thanks, @@. We just wanted to be sure it was you. Thanks, I knew I could count on you! Thanks, I owe you one! Thanks, I think I'll continue exploring. Thanks, I'll just bake the Elixir right away...! Thanks, and bye. Thanks, come back and see me once you found the bug bomb and set it off. Gracias, vuelve a verme una vez que hayas encontrado la bomba y la hayas activado. Thanks, enjoy your tea! I will certainly enjoy mine! Thanks, gal!#0 Thanks, here is your hat! Thanks, my friend. Here's some money.#0 Thanks, my friend. Here's some money.#1 Thanks, my friend.#0 Thanks, my friend.#1 Thanks, my liege. Thanks, now with less rattos there are less pests attacking our food storage. So, this time the monsters will be a little stronger. Gracias, ahora con menos rattos hay menos plagas atacando nuestro almacenamiento de alimentos. Entonces, esta vez los monstruos serán un poco más fuertes. Thanks, pal!#1 Thanks, pal. I still got some matters to discuss with the Blue Sage if you excuse me. Thanks, pal. See you tomorrow. Thanks, please tell him I'll make his favorite dish. Oh, could you also deliver him this %s? Gracias, por favor dígale que prepararé su plato favorito. Oh, ¿podrías entregarle también esto %s? Thanks, they don't like to drop their Antennas. Thanks, they hate to drop their Legs. Thanks, this is very handy. Gracias, esto es muy útil. Thanks. Gracias. Thanks. A pleasure doing business with you. Thanks. Do you know the KALSPIKE magic? It allows you to summon Poison Spiky Mushroom. Just use a spore. Thanks. I am willing to share you more magic, if you're interested. Thanks. I'm actually conducting experiments with scorpions. Please come back later. Gracias. De hecho, estoy realizando experimentos con escorpiones. Por favor vuelve más tarde. Thanks. It is my pleasure. Thanks. Maybe I should stop using Maggot Slime as a bait. Gracias. Tal vez debería dejar de usar baba de gusano como cebo. Thanks. Please come back later, there is something I want to do for you. Thanks. Snakes seems promising indeed! Maybe they work where scorpions failed. If I succeed, I promise I'll teach you the spell. But for now... Gracias. ¡Serpientes parece realmente prometedora! Quizás funcionen donde fallaron los escorpiones. Si lo logro, te prometo que te enseñaré el hechizo. Pero por ahora... Thanks. Take this spare pair of gloves and some change. Gracias. Llévate este par de guantes de repuesto y algo de cambio. Thanks. You can go, now. Thanks... I guess... Gracias, supongo... Thanks... I guess...#0 Thanks... I guess...#1 Thanksgiving That annoying guy on the side of the tree is annoying. I want to ban him. That aside, I see you've helped Hurnscald Mayor, Nivalis Mayor, Halinarzo Librarian and even the Alliance Representative in Tulimshar! That being said, I'll give you an @@, which allows you to learn a skill even if you can't pay for it. Dicho esto, te daré un @@, que te permitirá aprender una habilidad incluso si no puedes pagarla. That can be done pressing F2 and opening char screen. Eso se puede hacer presionando F2 y abriendo la pantalla de caracteres. That can explain why we have difficulties to find rare gems here. They probably were already extracted. Eso puede explicar por qué tenemos dificultades para encontrar gemas raras aquí. Probablemente ya fueron extraídos. That depends on your luck!#0 ¡Eso depende de tu suerte!#0 That depends on your luck!#1 ¡Eso depende de tu suerte!#1 That didn't work! ¡Eso no funcionó! That indeed is true, you can see a pile of rusty knives on the nearby table. Eso es cierto, puedes ver un montón de cuchillos oxidados en la mesa cercana. That is a pity... That is a rare, precious book, which writes itself! ¡Ése es un libro raro y precioso, que se escribe solo! That is not how things are done here. That is quite impressive, but you can perform better with more training. That is why I need your help. If you can 'take care of' a bunch of pious and bring me their feathers as proof, I will give you a reward. That lazy mayor... He can't do anything on his own!! Sure, what do you need? That must have been the last kid. That rat... I already spent @@ @@ with him!! That reminds me. I have a friend in Nivalis named Miler who gave me some hints on the recipe. Would you take him a sample of what I gave you? That she was one of the originals. That she would stop the Soul Eater in past and future. That shouldn't been too hard, but do I get something in return? That skill was only to allow you to practice. Now listen well: Transmutation is ##BNOT##b crafting! Esa habilidad era sólo para permitirte practicar. Ahora escuchen bien: ¡La transmutación es ##BNOT##b artesanía! That was @@. That was a Moubootaur's temple. It is not the kind of place to give a stroll on the park. That was far @@. That was fast. Do not forget to sell their... parts... for some extra cash. Eso fue rápido. No olvides vender sus... piezas... para ganar algo de dinero extra. That was only to prove you're strong enough on yourself to do whatever you want to do. You have friends. That was quite close. Impressive! That will be %s GP. Are you sure? Ese será %sGP. ¿Está seguro? That will help you to make your very first first craft! Remember to use @@ to change which bonuses can be applied to your craft items. ¡Eso te ayudará a hacer tu primera manualidad! Recuerde usar @@ para cambiar qué bonificaciones se pueden aplicar a sus artículos de artesanía. That won't do it. I want to see PINK BLOOD! No... not so cluttered. Just kill the Pinkies on my farm. That works with most of monsters. Well, but we all know from @@ that it is better to stay put and let mobs kill us, right? Eso funciona con la mayoría de los monstruos. Bueno, pero todos sabemos por @@ que es mejor quedarnos quietos y dejar que los mobs nos maten, ¿verdad? That would be your next destination, but first, the monster army must be driven out! Ese sería tu próximo destino, pero primero, ¡hay que expulsar al ejército de monstruos! That wouldn't be fair to you, though. So, you don't need to defeat me. That'll be %s GP. That'll cost you @@/@@ @@. That's %d seconds better than your previous record! That's a *hic* precious item, and you're *hic* not nearly *hic* strong or worth enough to use it! That's a Summon Magic. Unlike regular magic, you can increase its levels directly from skill menu (F5). Esa es una magia de invocación. A diferencia de la magia normal, puedes aumentar sus niveles directamente desde el menú de habilidades (F5). That's a lot, but I think it will be worth it. That's a lot, but we have a deal! That's a pity. That's a pity. Well, if you change your mind, come back any time. That's a really strange letter from Mr. Frozenheart. That's a super rare potion, and it expires after some time. Take care! That's all, thanks! ¡Eso es todo, gracias! That's basically how democracy works. You are warranted to stay on the office until something goes gravely wrong. That's because you weren't paying attention! That's easy. Cynric will save your money when you ask him to deposit. Or you pick up your money by asking to withdraw. Eso es fácil. Cynric te ahorrará dinero cuando le pida que deposite. O recoges tu dinero solicitando retirarlo. That's everything I wanted to know. That's exactly what I needed! ¡Eso es exactamente lo que necesitaba! That's exactly why you can't use it to get water. Silly. Es exactamente por eso que no puedes usarlo para obtener agua. Tonto. That's how this world inhabitants deal with cheaters... So don't be one, my friend. You have been warned! Así es como los habitantes de este mundo tratan con los tramposos... Así que no seas uno, amigo mío. ¡Usted ha sido advertido! That's just a friendly advise. That's how things works around here. Es sólo un consejo amistoso. Así funcionan las cosas por aquí. That's just nonsense though, I've been there thousands of times and saw no such thing. Eso es una tontería, he estado allí miles de veces y no he visto nada parecido. That's nice, but... I don't have a recipe book. Eso es bueno, pero... no tengo un libro de recetas. That's none of your bussiness! We should leave here NOW! That's not *hic*... That's not what I asked you for... That's not a couple of skins. That's not everything, though. I am having a bad time fishing. Bring me a @@. I know, it is rare. Good luck with it. That's obviously impossible, so I'll voiding your result! That's ok, kid... I can't read, anyway. That's right, this is unheard of where I come from. That's right. That's rude. I never did anything to you. That's sad to hear. That's some good white for you've got here! That's terrible! Monsters are piling up near the city gates! We need to stop them from advancing! ¡Eso es terrible! ¡Los monstruos se amontonan cerca de las puertas de la ciudad! ¡Necesitamos impedir que avancen! That's the Blub Song Esa es la canción del Blub That's the right wood, my son. Here, I'll wrap it so you don't accidentaly lose it. Good luck with your quest!#0 That's the right wood, my son. Here, I'll wrap it so you don't accidentaly lose it. Good luck with your quest!#1 That's too bad, because I could teach you some amazing craft skills! This will need to wait another day, I guess. Oh well. ¡Es una lástima, porque podría enseñarte algunas habilidades artesanales increíbles! Supongo que esto tendrá que esperar otro día. Ah, bueno. That's very, very risky. I need @@ @@ and @@ @@ to make a Potion to you, and I won't warrant it will work. Eso es muy, muy arriesgado. Necesito que @@ @@ y @@ @@ te hagan una poción y no te garantizo que funcione. That's why I'm really confused about this situation, since he was the one performing the sealing of the slimes. I wonder what went wrong. That's why we must stop... THEM... at any costs. I don't know what they're plotting, but it is not in this world inhabitants best interests... nor any other world. Por eso debemos detener... A ELLOS... a cualquier costo. No sé qué están tramando, pero no es lo mejor para los habitantes de este mundo... ni para ningún otro mundo. That's your answer. Cindy is not a mage, right? This means some mage has bewitched the Yetis to do so, and if my parallel theory is correct, they're either aiming at the Blue Sage, or at her father. That... Didn't work. I'm sorry. Eso... no funcionó. Lo lamento. That... It... It worked! This is just the right claw! Eso... Eso... ¡Funcionó! ¡Esta es la garra adecuada! The %s Merchant Guild has a few requests for you: The %s hero: %s The %s in your backpack reacts violently. You should first dispose of it before attempting to craft anything. The %s is not only a fearsome and ruthless opponent, he has some tricks up his sleeve. The %s shines with a strange light... The %s was destroyed! ¡El %s fue destruido! The %s wasn't ready yet and you lost it... The %s, yes. I have it. It is a legendary weapon, only one of it exist on the world. The %ss are growing and disturbing the already rather infertile desert soil, preventing our crops from growing. Los %ss están creciendo y perturbando el ya bastante infértil suelo del desierto, impidiendo que nuestros cultivos crezcan. The %ss are the cause for all the little maggots to appear, so we need you to stop the problem at the source. Los %ss son la causa de que aparezcan todos los pequeños gusanos, por lo que necesitamos que detengas el problema en su origen. The %ss have been multiplying, crawling from the cave into the magic school, causing damage. Los %ss se han ido multiplicando, arrastrándose desde la cueva hasta la escuela de magia, causando daños. The %ss have been reproducing rapidly and their natural habitat, our Croconut trees, are being damaged by the excessive number of them. Los %ss se han ido reproduciendo rápidamente y su hábitat natural, nuestros árboles de cocos, se están viendo dañados por el número excesivo de ellos. The @@ I told you to kill are usually at the beach. Los @@ que te dije que mataras suelen estar en la playa. The @@ are specially dangerous, and archers love them. The @@ is a powerful healing drink. The @@ quest is disabled during Christmas event. The @@ quest is disabled during Easter event. The @@ stole my @@. Hahah. I can't find anywhere else to buy it. El @@ me robó el @@. Jaja. No encuentro ningún otro lugar donde comprarlo. The @@ tab allows yeye to talk on Discord, too! Yayaya, fancy, uh? ¡La pestaña @@ también le permite a yeye hablar en Discord! Yayaya, elegante, ¿eh? The Academy Island is situated east of Land of Fire Village. The Academy is NOT considered a town, and death penalty was applied. The Alliance The Alliance Advanced Outposts are closed for maintenance. Group in front of the town entrance! The Alliance Advanced Outposts have been abandoned and locked after the Liberation day. The Alliance Council rarely meets. It's thanks to them that the cities are well protected, if you want my opinion. El Consejo de la Alianza rara vez se reúne. Es gracias a ellos que las ciudades están bien protegidas, si quieres mi opinión. The Alliance can help you in finding out about who you are, why you are here, or from where you came from. So, about the tasks I want completed. La Alianza puede ayudarte a descubrir quién eres, por qué está aquí o de dónde viene. Entonces, sobre las tareas que quiero que completes. The Alliance have records of everyone. And if you need another trip, talk to me! La Alianza tiene registros de todos. Y si necesitas otro viaje ¡habla conmigo! The Alliance says that @@ monsters have been slain since Hurnscald Siege! The Alliance which was formed after the war! ¡La Alianza que se formó después de la guerra! The Arena is currently closed for maintenance. The Bandit Lord was killed. Return to Helena. The Blue Sage The Blue Sage is Nivalis Mayor and very knowledgeable on stuff. Lemme write a letter of recommendation for you and sign it in Rakinorf's stead... The Blue Sage will want to know this, I'll write him a letter. The Book of Laws El libro de las reglas The Cave Of Trials, and the Soren's Village... There's only one thing left. The Civil War is one of the stuff which nearly everyone forgot about. The Council is not in session, it has dispersed since Andrei Sakar went to an expedition to Artis. However, it was decided to allow others inside. El Consejo no se encuentra reunido, está disperso desde que Andrei Sakar fue a una expedición a Artis. Sin embargo, se decidió permitir el ingreso de otros. The Council of Elders has enlisted ducks of our island into a militia. In addition, the masters of the Duck Side have seen fit to spare %d Duck initiates to assist us. The Deluxe Storage is available only to our best customers, and how lucky you! YOU are eligible! The Doctor The Doctor sent you some tea. The Doppelganger Challenge will create a Gladiator Monster which should somehow emulate a PvP experience. El Desafío Doppelganger creará un Monstruo Gladiador que de alguna manera debería emular una experiencia PvP. The Enchanted Forest is now open to visitors! The Fafi Dragon are really really bad guys. I don't know how they came here, as they're not from the Lands Of Fire, nor from Mana World. The Fafi knows you are here to kill him. They are smart. But I can make a trap. The Fifth Act The Final Act The First Act The Forest The Fortress Island is a terribly dangerous place, so the Alliance sent a scout party beforehand, and set up a tower in front of an... erm... Very disturbing walled place we found. The Fourth Act The Fragments scattered, and the War which was to come. The fate of Terranite, the story of all. AEGIS MAGNA PROTECTIVE SCUTUM. The Game Masters are assembling a party to storm Hurnscald and liberate it. You should try joining it! Los Game Masters están reuniendo un grupo para asaltar Hurnscald y liberarlo. ¡Deberías intentar unirte! The Great Over 100 Hunt The Great Ranged Hunt The Great Slime Hunt The Guard House Casa de guardia The Guard patted you on the back. El Guardia te dio una palmadita en la espalda. The Guard sends an air kiss to you. El guardia te envía un beso por el aire. The Heroes Hold is divided in seven dungeons level: Novice, Intermediary, Advanced, Expert, Master, Ultimate and Supreme. The High Council acts in the Alliance stead, as it is not possible to reunite every city leader for all minor matters. El Alto Consejo actúa en lugar de la Alianza, ya que no es posible reunir a todos los líderes de la ciudad para todos los asuntos menores. The High Council is now on session, you were forced to leave the meeting chamber. El Alto Consejo está ahora en sesión y usted se vio obligado a abandonar la sala de reuniones. The High Council's have some subordinates, but those are hand-picked by them. El Alto Consejo tiene algunos subordinados, pero ellos los eligen personalmente. The Icicle Challenge The International Worker Day is a traditional celebration, The La Johanne always have interesting notes. Los de La Johanne siempre tienen notas interesantes. The Land Of Fire Village was the result from the collapse of two worlds. It is a huge village. The Loyalists The MVP is the player who did more damage to the boss. The Magic Academy System is responsible for learning most skills ingame. For that, you need two things: Magic Skill Points and a reagent. El sistema de la academia de magia es responsable de aprender la mayoría de las habilidades dentro del juego. Para eso, necesitas dos cosas: puntos de habilidad mágica y un reactivo. The Magic Council can be found at this city. They are the most powerful mages. If you have an impressive magical affinity, they may entitle you to have access to a Mana Stone. El Consejo Mágico se puede encontrar en esta ciudad. Son los magos más poderosos. Si tienes una afinidad mágica impresionante, es posible que te den derecho a tener acceso a una piedra de mana. The Magic Olympics are held by the Academy Grand Masters roughly quarterly, and allow the brightest mages to acquire scholarships at the Magic Academy. The Magic Olympics consist in twelve challenges with scoreboards. The Magic Olympics happen roughly quarterly, but not always at the same dates. It begins on a monday and ends on the sunday. It usually happens two weeks after the Mining Union Research Request event. The Magical Seal which protects the final room is too strong. The Mana Guardian, The Mana Plane is currently out of reach. The Mana Source The Mana Source, supreme guardian of the world itself, has already took providences. The Mana Stone The Mana Stone... is a scary being. It changes you. I'm no longer myself, but some thieves are still at my side... for now. The Mana Stones were stolen, in evil hands have fallen! ¡Las piedras de mana fueron robadas y han caído en manos malvadas! The Mana Sword The Mana Sword, Lightbringer? The Mana, the World, snarling Defiance at him. The Guard and the Heir, the four Originals assembled, the lesser Races which were born. The Later, and finally, the Seal of the Moubootaur. The Market The Merchant Guild spawns multiple continents, and we can offer you a few tasks for them. Be careful as you might not be able to finish them and you'll have to abort! The Miners Union is trying to research this powder. The Monster Army appears to be in complete disarray, sieges are much less frequent. The Monster Army is currently sieging Tulimshar. There are hundreds of dangerous monsters out there right now. El ejército de monstruos está asediando actualmente Tulimshar. Hay cientos de monstruos peligrosos en este momento. The Monster Army is in complete disarray, sieges are much less frequent. The Monster King El rey monstruo The Monster King Army has occupied several towns! The Monster King Army is attacking towns at random, but players already reduced their organization to @@ %%! The Monster King Army is making siege at towns randomly! The Monster King Army is occupying several towns! Brave players need to group and retake them! The Monster King Army left the cities! What will happen next? Anxiety grows! The Monster King Lair is not in a impregnable mountain, but in a small island now!! The Monster King Showdown The Monster King has managed to take hold of Nivalis and Hurnscald; Travel to Frostia and Halinarzo has also been made difficult. The Monster King is on the move! The Monster King is scary. To be honest, I'm not sure I would be able to do anything if he showed up. The Monster King is sending their armies to attack towns with a seemingly random pattern. The Monster King once again eluded us. How long has it been? His minions are laying waste to all towns, Saul has been killed, Raid has been wounded. The Monster King puppet and the Moubootaur army will randomly siege towns, so be always ready for the random sieges. The Monster King was so powerful! It is impossible to recover the artifact now, and everyone will die! The Monster King#NLib The Monster King. The Monster War broke out on the very last day of the Mana War. A high council of Tulimshar had set a fortress and storage towers in the canyon, and a few populists went to war. The Mouboo doesn't want to drink the Coffee. Try to force it to drink anyway? The Mouboo is lying down on the grass. The Mouboo seems to be lying in pain. The Moubootaur The Moubootaur is evil. Defeat him and protect the world. Now... The Moubootaur is the final opponent. The Order of Piou Knights was originally created as a defense against hunters from the talpan races. The Pet Caring Guild will collect them after a while, and capture many others. The Premium Storage is available to all our sponsors and anyone with... references. Such as yourself! The Premium and Deluxe Storages are only available for characters which were reborn at least once. The Professor is so wise that even if you fall asleep while listening to his invisible speech, you'll still learn!! ¡¡El Profesor es tan sabio que incluso si te quedas dormido mientras escuchas su discurso invisible, aun así aprenderás!! The Professor? Wait, THE Professor? As in, the wisest person on Tulimshar? ¿El profesor? Espera, ¿EL Profesor? ¿La persona más sabia de Tulimshar? The Queen's Party? The Red Queen was murdered, but her supporters prolonged the Civil War for at least six years after her death. The grudges were strong back then... The Red Queen's Party? The Regnum Blessing causes all monsters in an area The Sealed Moubootaur Showdown The Second Act The Self-Serving Ice Well! The Shadow Tortuga won the race against the Panthom Lord. The Soul Menhir will attach your soul, so when you die, you'll appear where you last touched it. El Soul Menhir unirá tu alma, por lo que cuando mueras, aparecerás donde lo tocaste por última vez. The Story of Dimonds Cove The Strike Back Is Upon Us! The Supreme and Ultimate floors are just a WIP bonus. So if you don't find them on the five and report back, that'll do. The Team For A Better PvP says that @@ players were killed in fair matches! The Third Act The Thirty One Challenges The Throne Room is the last room. You can reactive any switch which turns itself off. The Tulimshar guards needs an freelance employee who would help us with our work. We are searching for people like you. Los guardias de Tulimshar necesitan un empleado independiente que nos ayude con nuestro trabajo. Estamos buscando gente como tú. The Wildlife The World Edge, which is where we are, is a holy land, the place where all began and all shall perish. Which is why after the World's Heart was broken, it was vowed to never make a settlement here ever again. The World's Heart is at World's Edge. The *real* Ancient Families are the ones who broke it in parts and brought it to each town. The World's Heart was shattered by the Ancient Families to serve as Soul Menhirs on the world, and this allows respawning after death, but at a cost. The Yeti King The Yeti King Duel The Yetifly drops you off the cliff. Good job, noob. The absolute hero: %s The account with highest votes will win. Ties will be solved by randomness. The accounts need 15 days to set Pin Codes. The advantage of fighting with a ranged weapon is that you can stay out of the enemy's range. So there is no need to spend training on your resistance. The aegis, entrusted to the tree, La égida, confiada al árbol, The alliance also have a special program, called ##BGrand Hunter Quest##b, where you kill 10,000 of a monster and get great rewards. La alianza también tiene un programa especial, llamado ##BGran misión del Cazador##b, donde matas a 10,000 monstruos y obtienes grandes recompensas. The alliance will take %s GP as fee, +%d%% tax over donations. The answers might need to have whitespaces. DO NOT, BY ALL MEANS, insert two whitespaces instead of one. The antennas by themselves mean nothing, I want to see you killing my ENEMIES, the pinkies! The associate teleports away to avoid an injury. You have failed the escorting quest. The average player level is @@ The axe, returned to its owner, El hacha, devuelta a su dueño, The bad one, is that you'll have to guide yourself without the map. The bank and item storage is shared between all characters within a same account. The best thing would be to let you make the bow by yourself. But I guess, that would go to far. And it would take ages to get a high quality bow. The best wares! The better your cooking skill, the longer the food last and the better the effects seasoning can draw out of the plate. Most chefs in the world forgot what "cuisine for combat" means, and as a result, the effects last only a few seconds or just replenish some health, barely remarkable at all, hah! The big one without hat El grande sin sombrero The biggest mine, where you could find Mana Stones in the past, is now entirely depleted. Not a single stone left. La mina más grande, donde antes se podían encontrar piedras de mana, ahora está completamente agotada. No quedó ni una sola piedra. The birthday of me and my girlfriend is coming up. Bring me 12 @@ and I'll make the fertilizer for you. Se acerca el cumpleaños de mi novia y yo. Tráeme 12@@ y te hago el fertilizante. The blame of failure will be over you, but so will be the glory of success. There's no death penalty for others. The book rejects you, draining your mana! The boss can blind players. Blind will reduce hit rate and evasion in 25%. The boss you discovered has ran away! The bottom-most the water, the better the bonus. The bow I gave you was a masterpiece. The bugs there can be pretty vicious. Do you know what's worse though? Lag. Los Bichps allí pueden ser bastante crueles. ¿Sabes qué es peor? el lag. The captain falls quiet, and appears to be lost in thought. El capitán se queda callado, y parece estar perdido en sus pensamientos. The chant is ##B EMOC OTEM ITEY GNIK ##b. Good luck! The chant must be exact, without any prefix or suffix. The chef is muttering under his breath while kneading a pile of soft dough. The chest has only a small piece of paper, a letter. You carefully unfold it, and start reading it. The chest is unlocked and empty. The children are safe, aren't they...? Los niños están a salvo, ¿no es así...? The children are safe, could you rent me your sword? Los niños están a salvo, ¿podrías alquilarme tu espada? The city guard won't need help from strangers anymore. El guardia de la ciudad ya no necesitará ayuda de extraños. The city is still under repairs, but town square is safe already. The city only flourished because Janett Platinum had the idea to build city walls surrounding this city. La ciudad solo floreció porque Janett Platinum tuvo la idea de construir murallas alrededor de esta ciudad. The city was defended with success! GG, everyone! The clan will end on this generation. And hopefully, the world will survive longer, things aren't looking well right now. The cold climate is ideal for slimes, penguins, and other icy creatures. You can find lots of... ice, of course! The cooking contest is coming up, and I don't want to lose to @@... Halinarzo's cook is just THAT good. The cost for Guild Vault is @@ GP. The cost to create a guild is @@ GP. El costo para crear un gremio es @@ GP. The council, however, supported the premier. He might have accepted the death sentence quietly, but the council would hear none of it. Benjamin took over and incited a civil war. The crops are under attack? That's terrible! ¿Los cultivos están siendo atacados? ¡Eso es terrible! The crops have failed again but the government keeps wasting money on research, for what purposes, as if I would know. The crow took off to his last flight. The crystal has a shard missing. The crystal looks damaged. The current town administrator will be inscribed for re-election automatically. The curse was done by nobody less than... the Moubootaur. The den of the bandit lord is located northeast from here in a cave, hidden quite deep inside. The desert climate means you'll find mostly maggots and scorpions. Their drops include cactus drinks, cake, knifes, black pearls, gold, and other common things. El clima desértico significa que encontrarás principalmente gusanos y escorpiones. Sus caídas incluyen bebidas de cactus, pasteles, cuchillos, perlas negras, oro y otras cosas comunes. The desk, however, is empty. There's no point trying to enter here. The dish is covered in spice. It is ruined. The distinct lack of metal weapons such as swords make you nervous, and makes impossible to say for how long it was abandoned. The doctor quickly analyzes you with some tool. Which looks like a screwdriver? Probably just a generic scanner, though. The doctor raises an eyebrow at you. The doctor told me to move here after I got tuberculosis... But I like Tulimshar so much! Please bring me Tulimshar souvenirs, I'll pay you well! The door is locked The door is locked! The door is locked, I should come back later. The door is locked, you should speak to Carla about it. The door is locked. The door is password-protected, so your friends can enter but strangers stay outside. The door is sealed. The riddle says: “I drink, I become, I am. Don't say my name, but say why you know me. For, I am the best in the world.” The door won't budge. The dream towers have shown up. They have several floors filled with treasure and dangerous monsters. The dyes are to disguise myself, I don't want to get caught. The potions are for safety, who knows what I'll face? Los tintes son para disfrazarme, no quiero que me pillen. Las pociones son para seguridad, ¿quién sabe a qué me enfrentaré? The east power system is offline. The effect in this case is based on the element. The effects and uses - if any - are still unknown. The elements have alternate names, like "soil" which equals to "earth". The elf seems busy. He ignores you. The elf seems busy. She ignores you. The engine of fate will once again move! ¡El motor del destino volverá a moverse! The event is over! The event starts hourly, when the minute clock hits zero. I'll tell everyone on this room when it starts and ends. The exit is north-west! ¡La salida está al noroeste! The families which brought the Soul Menhirs to the world were fated to become Terranites, a shadow of the once great Savior civilization. But in time, you may also ascend to the Savior race yourself. No victory was ever gained without sacrifice. The farmer seems mad and in need of help. Will you help him? The farther you go on the sequence, the better the payout! The fee only need to be paid once and will work in every town. The fee to use this room is %s GP. The fertile climate is ideal for mushrooms. You can also find lots of wood. El clima fértil es ideal para las setas. También puedes encontrar mucha madera. The final sentence still belongs to LoF Admins. The first job, El primer trabajo, The first one is easy. The first page contains the universal rules that have been agreed upon throughout the land. The first stage is on the desert canyons. You must give a full circle on the canyon in 90 seconds. The first way, La primera manera, The fishing rod allows a quick income by selling fishes. However, reaching the fisherman might require some exploration... The whole world is full of secrets. La caña de pescar permite obtener ingresos rápidos vendiendo pescado. Sin embargo, llegar hasta el pescador puede requerir algo de exploración... El mundo entero está lleno de secretos. The following skill is needed: %s%s (Lv. %d) The frigate and pirate ship captains appear! DEFEAT BOTH BEFORE THE SHIP IS LOOTED!! The gate is sealed shut. The gates are firmly shut by some weird magical power. %s The gates are firmly shut, no amount of force will break them. The gates are firmly shut. A warning is on the door, "DO NOT ENTER. Guild Only." The gates to Aethyr have opened themselves to you. The giant boogeyman! ¡El gigante boogeyman! The girl turns around and you hear her sniffing, she is probably crying... The goal is simple - I'll spawn an energy ball and you must kill it quickly. You'll be disqualified if you equip a non-magical weapon at any time. The good one, is that now I know the right path. The grand winner will get a %s. Both the first and second place will get a tuition at the Magic Academy. The great fire did very few causalities, but it destroyed a lot of infrastructure and ruined the economy. Famine and chaos ensued, we almost were wiped out back then. Maybe it would be best if we had indeed been wiped out... The great prize is @@. The great prize is to unlock a pet! The greater the distance to your target is, the more important is the strength and direction of the wind. Even if you are exploring a cave, there might be air flow caused by the corners in the cave. The group of warriors which went into the cave to rescue my precious Cindy still haven't returned... I'm worried with them, too... The guard eyes you with suspicion. The guild's "%s" currently contribute with %02d%% EXP. The harsh pinkie holds secrets, El Pinkie duro guarda secretos, The heroes met their rest. Los héroes encontraron su descanso. The hooded man was about to deliver me a final blow, but then he saw the Apple I've stole... The house is a mess. They need me here. Also. The hut appears to be a mix between a watchhouse and a lighthouse. It likely was used to support the naval operations of the expedition. The hut is... empty. And it doesn't have a fireplace, either. The innominable they shall face Lo innominable al que se enfrentarán The inspector looks at you with a pale face. The inspector might have cleaned the scene when he removed to body... You should talk to him. The item impact suggests jumping inside should be safe if you have enough life. The item impact suggests jumping inside will leave you badly wounded. The item impact suggests you don't have enough vitality to jump inside. The item must have a previous bonus, which WILL BE LOST! The item will be lost forever! The item will be lost forever. The key breaks and becomes dust. Damn, I'll never again take someone else's key with me! The key is on the sewer %s path. Be careful. May the light be with you. The kid is not paying attention to you. El niño no te está prestando atención. The knob has... melted down? What? The last one is %s. You will meet him in the future, so no spoilers. Time traveler word. The last task I could give you is to exterminate %d %s. These pests actually hinder our progress here. La última tarea que podría darte es exterminar %d %s. Estas plagas en realidad obstaculizan nuestro progreso aquí. The last time they were seen... They went to explore the Desert Temple. None returned alive. The lifestone pendant allows you a quicker HP recovery. Life is more important than defense. El colgante de piedra de vida te permite una recuperación de HP más rápida. La vida es más importante que la defensa. The limited shop will not be available once event ends. The lockpick broke. The mage thief tried to all power absorb, El mago ladrón intentó absorber todo el poder. The maggots will spawn in @@ at random. Los gusanos aparecerán en @@ al azar. The magic accumulated backfires at you! The magic council have only a handful set of them, and they let only the most skilled ones get it. El consejo mágico tiene sólo un puñado de ellos, y sólo permiten que los más hábiles los obtengan. The magic power outflowing in the room prevents you from leaving. The main power system is offline. The mana bridge is closed at the moment. The mana bridge to Aeros is open! To participate on event, talk to ##BSoul Menhir##b! The mana war stroke, and many people died, La guerra de mana golpeó y muchas personas murieron. The map starts getting darker with the heat of the flame, and curiously, new shapes starts to form... The masters have decided you are to be given honorary initiation into the Duck Side. The Duck Side is powerful, much more so than you could possibly understand. The masters of the Duck Side, The Council of Elders, and King DD himself, on behalf of all ducks, thank you for your help. We wouldn't have survived without it. The mayor, Rakinorf, is probably on the Inn upstairs, drinking himself to death. The merchant guild needs %s! Purchase it and deliver at the nearest merchant guild member! The merchant guild needs you to scout a Guild Member to %s! Absolutely don't let they get injuried! The message cannot be empty El mensaje no opuede estar vacío The might contained in this curious object is too powerful. You have to be at least level 20 to harness it. The mightiest mage, which had control over the runes; El mago más poderoso, que tenía control sobre las runas; The mighty Mana Stone does not reacts against you. La poderosa piedra de mana no reacciona contra ti. The miner goes to count your stuff again. El minero vuelve a contar tus cosas. The mines are over a Volcano. Unless you're a Redy, the heat will slowly chip away your health if you go deep. But drinking iced water can improve temporarily your situation. Las minas están sobre un volcán. A menos que seas un Redy, el calor irá acabando lentamente con tu salud si vas más profundo. Pero beber agua helada puede mejorar temporalmente tu situación. The mines beyond this point have been shut at 280 AT because Terranite. You've been warned! The mist over the Impregnable Fortress Peak finally lowered down, and it seems... The peaks are no more! The monster army is still strong on this floor! The monster hunting program will end, and what will you do? El programa de caza de monstruos terminará y ¿qué harás? The monsters here are too strong, and as I said before, I can't get close to the Transcendence Portal nor to get training. The monsters on each Heroes Hold Dungeon will drop @@, a coin which can only be found here. The more stars, the harder it is. The most aggressive and main ones are: The most basic grinding camp for your homunculus. The most common treasure box uses %s and can opened many times. However, this is a special treasure box. You'll need a %s to open it. Las cajas del tesoro más común utilizan%s y se pueden abrir muchas veces. Sin embargo, este es un cofre del tesoro especial. Necesitarás una%s para abrirlo. The most famous nymphs, are those who wear stuff made of Snake Skin. The most important thing to improve is your dexterity. When you use a bow, it is your dexterity that determines if you are able to hit your enemy where it hurts most. The most important thing to keep in mind is that %s. The most powerful spells can, sometimes, summon some monster you didn't wanted to. The most widespread race in the continent, highly versatile, perfect all-rounders. The mouboo is sleeping soundly. The curse is still there. The mouboo looks a bit less sickly. But this is not enough. The mouboo looks a bit more healthy. A little more should do. The mouboo seems to want to thank you, but is still too weak. Let's finish this healing. The mouboo still looks terrible, but you can see a small difference. The name of the wizard of Aethyr is the key to open its gates. I've heard it'll open for a lowly %s as you, as long that you know both. But I don't think anyone here would share that with you! The name plate reads: "%s - #%d". Now, that's not ominous at all. The nanorob-- err, the *magic* will seal all your wounds. You trust Basil, right? The next page begins to list the complex trading laws and political rules. The word "%s" shows up everywhere. The north power system is offline. The number of players must be precise, meaning if someone doesn't joins, The nurse... The nurse is... Doing all she can... To help me, though. The objective of this event is to ##Bslay the Monster Admiral##b. The old man seems busy. He ignores you. The one with a star (*) is advised. The ones around here are specially nasty. They steal stuff and seal them on 'present boxes', just to amuse as people try to open those... The only readable thing is an old stain of blood. The other councilors? ¿Los otros concejales? The other one claims to be a dangerous bandit and to teach how to steal from monsters! The pan is empty, but it smells like fresh cookies. The passwords doesn't match. The path to reach Eugene is hidden. However, if you pay attention to the map, you should figure out how to reach that island without swimming. El camino para llegar a Eugene está oculto. Sin embargo, si prestas atención al mapa, deberías descubrir cómo llegar a esa isla sin nadar. The pirate ship captain appear! TAKE CARE!! The pirates amass for their siege, but they will not attack yet. Return when you are stronger. King DD is working to find a solution. The pirates have been surrounding our island for many sun rises. We expect they will attack any time. The plataforms are usually safe enough to work, you might be able to use them to your advantage. Las plataformas suelen ser lo suficientemente seguras para funcionar, es posible que puedas utilizarlas a tu favor. The player is offline or does not exist. The potion is baked, and the time is now running! Read as fast as you can, don't miss details! The power of Soren's House kicks @@ like a game master. The power system is ##Bactive##b on the east. The power system is ##Bactive##b on the main. The power system is ##Bactive##b on the north. The power system is ##Bactive##b on the south. The power system is ##Bactive##b on the west. The power which lies in Candor acknowledges your strength. The power which lies in Candor rejects your strength. The pressure you did made the door burst open. It is unusually quiet inside... The previous attempt will be resumed. The previous mayor was an amazing mayor, but even so, he lost the office after the Monster King attacked. The price raises hourly, don't leave to make it on the last day! The prizes are only for the top 10. Loratay on Land Of Fire Village can make, for limited time, a @@ for you if you want. The problem is that Halinarzo was destroyed in the never-ending war and was just recently rebuilt. El problema es que Halinarzo fue destruido en la interminable guerra y recientemente fue reconstruido. The problem is... The slimes ate all the keys for the chests. Blasted slimes! This is not the first time such thing happened. The problem with typos is - unpredictable side effects. The professor is always on the Magic Council, the northmost building. If you sit on the area in front of him (marked with a red rug), you'll gain Experience, even while AFK. El profesor siempre está en el Consejo Mágico, el edificio más al norte. Si te sientas en el área frente a él (marcada con una alfombra roja), ganarás experiencia, incluso cuando estés AFK. The project is involving only a small group of members, but would welcome anyone who knows how to assist in development. The reagent is always the same for the same class. If you do not have enough reagents but have an @@, it'll be used to continue. El reactivo es siempre el mismo para la misma clase. Si no tienes suficientes reactivos pero tienes un @@, se utilizará para continuar. The real Monster King is probably on his fortress. It'll take more than that to take him down. The reason why they are not occupying the towns like before is still unknown. The register fee is 2000 GP. La tasa de registro es de 2000 GP. The rent lasts 30 days. The requested char "%s" is not online or does not exist. The runes, burried with its owner. Las runas, enterradas con su dueño. The sailor chugs his beer. El marinero resopla su cerveza. The sailor turns his back to you. El marinero te da la espalda. The sailors take you aboard their ship. Los marineros te llevan a bordo de su barco. The sake wasn't ready yet and you lost it... The sea route I take is very dangerous, and full of pirates. You're too weak to travel with me. The seal retaliates! It was super effective. You are dead! The seal was broken! The seals having been broken, the barrier was weakened! You did it! The path is now open! The seals slowly grow stronger as time passes! The second job, El segundo trabajo, The second stage is in the first cave to northwest you can find. The second way, La segunda manera, The selected item is too weak. %s will only tweak items level %d or higher. The sewer mouth is locked. La boca de alcantarillado está cerrada. The ship can bring you to the town of Hurnscald, but we have a problem: It is currently being occupied by a Monster Army. El barco puede llevarte a la ciudad de Hurnscald, pero tenemos un problema: actualmente está ocupada por un ejército de monstruos. The ship is locked, probably unable to leave port. El barco está bloqueado, probablemente no puedas salir del puerto. The ship was fully plundered and you were thrown in the sea. The sides accept only one adventurer. You'll also lose access to General Chat upon joining, and will have to use #world. The singularities keep arming themselves up again, so I have roughly five minutes between first disarm and entering here. The situation is different if someone from Hurnscald went to her rescue. That's why I ask you to help my Cindy. The situation is grim, and some want the return of the Platinum Red Queen. The "Soul Eater" is back, pretending to be her ghost, and the Black Razor believed on it. They made "The Queen's Party" and want to reinstate the queen. The situation is too serious to you be lying... Please, go fetch the items... La situación es demasiado grave para que mientas... Por favor, ve a buscar los artículos... The skill would be wasted on a noob like you. You are weak. Go gain a few levels and then return here. The skill would be wasted on a noob mage like you. Go get more magic power first! The smell, however, means the bodies are recent. While it makes no sense for the bodies to exist, they couldn't have been dead for longer than a week, or a couple of them at worst case. The soldiers are resting at the moment. The source of the smell is quickly noticed - several dead bodies lie on the beds, which compose the presumably living quarters of this encampment. The south power system is offline. The spell backfires! The spell fails! The spell takes a mind of its own backfires! The spice is clearly visible... This is not a good sign. The spice is smelling strong... This is not a good sign. The spice is vaguely visible... It needs more. The spice seems good... or at least, almost enough... The spice smell is nauseating. The dish is ruined. The spice smells good... or at least, almost enough... The spice's smell is too faint... It needs more. The stair is broken; we cannot go up. The stairs have magic cast on them, I cannot climb. The stairs lead to nowhere. However, there is a magic sigil on the bottom. The statue doesn't replies. The stolen christmas boxes!! Christmas is RUINED!!! The storehouse here is overrun with house maggots. Those little wretches are eating and destroying everything inside. El almacén aquí está invadido por gusanos domésticos. Esos pequeños desgraciados están comiendo y destruyendo todo lo que hay dentro. The story was so cool! The strategy is simple. When you hit the enemy, walk one or two tiles backwards. La estrategia es simple. Cuando golpees al enemigo, camina uno o dos pasos hacia atrás. The study skill allows you to see the exact health a monster have, as well some details. The summer sun must be playing tricks on your head, my friend. I know of no such thing, and I've been on watch all day long. The supreme guardian of the "Talpan" creatures, such as you. The sword glows too much. Perhaps @@ could take it. The symbols at the end of the book look to be warnings, though. The talpan races do not consider ducks or pious to be a threat, thus we are the only line of defense against the Duck Side. The teddy picks it and goes running to somewhere it can eat in peace. Now we know how we can please our little friend - with %s! How we didn't think on that before?! The teddy quickly takes the honey and fills the pot. It is really hungry! The teddy stares at it but does not approach. Maybe it is not hungry, or it doesn't want the food you offered. The throne is cursed, only the Monster King may sit on it. The title is transferred when the MVP is killed (either in PVP or by the boss), or when time runs out. The torch is currently lit. The torch is lit. The town administrator benefits for free services on the town. The tree doesn't likes your selfishness. The tree generously offer you one of its fruits. The trick at tracing parallel, is finding the difference. In this world, Cindy gives a %s, a personal belonging of her, to those whom rescue her. What is the reward on your world? The trick is figuring out which kind of cheese was stolen. Once you know that, I guess either Ace Ventura or Erik could help you to thin out the list. The trickster can be found right here. El embaucador se puede encontrar aquí mismo. The tyrant, which could shot from any distance; El tirano, que podía disparar desde cualquier distancia; The uniform would be: @@, @@, @@ and @@ El uniforme sería: @@, @@, @@ y @@ The usage of @sk-commands was deprecated The village name is difficult to read. The vote was cast. The wage is high? The warp crystal broke. The warrior turns towards you, grinning broadly. The water was too shallow... The waterfall open, and you may now pass. The way is full of dangers. Not only king soldiers, but the beast has an army of their own! The west power system is offline. The whole team is very distressed, too. Could you take the opportunity to see if the team is putting the blame on Peetu? Thanks in advance. The wind is blowing from @@. The window appears to be unlocked. It might have been open some time ago. The wine wasn't ready yet and you lost it... The wizard seems busy. He ignores you. The wood bends a little, but doesn't breaks. The wood, Jack the Lumberjack used to deliver me, but he isn't delivering anymore. And the string was imported from Halinarzo. The world belong to Mouboos. They are sublime creatures! The world hero %s and the High Council Officers will announce the times to raid the Fortress. The world is spiniiiiiiiing... The... Mou... Boo... Taur... Their economy provide many edible items and potions. Su economía proporciona muchos artículos comestibles y pociones. Their fight was not damned, Su lucha no fue condenada, Their first stop was Hurnscald, so please go to Hurnscald Townhall, and speak with the mayor, he can help you getting there. You can't reach there normally, after all. Their level was too low. Their main tasks are ensuring fair trading, protecting the cities from monster invasions, and guarding the Mana Stones. Sus principales tareas son garantizar el comercio justo, proteger las ciudades de invasiones de monstruos y proteger las Piedras de Mana. Then I craft some new type of strong desert shirt, to protect users from snakes and sunlight. Then I hope you can keep your grades high, hmm hmm! Then I returned to Tulimshar. Now I do research, vote on the Magic Council meetings, and I also teach young mages about Transmutation magic. Luego regresé a Tulimshar. Ahora investigo, voto en las reuniones del Consejo Mágico y también enseño a magos jóvenes sobre la magia de transmutación. Then I'll be sure you can't talk again. Then along came a soul as happy as can be Entonces apareció un alma tan feliz como puede ser. Then could you perhaps kill 12 @@ for me?! Entonces, ¿quizás podrías matar a 12 @@ por mí? Then get to work already! Then please bring me this, so I can help you back. Then prove yourself! Then so be it. Farewell. Then someone of a scholarship rank above your must approve it, and say that your work is enough to the next scholar rank. Then stop barging in this inn's room like an imbecile! Ask the quartermaster Basil in the lower floor if you are looking for accomodations, but it figures your head is there just for show! Hah, I've seen hats smarter than you! Now out of my sight! Then stop wasting my time, you good-for-nothing old geezer! Then take the middle entrance. Then we have %s. You met her. She guards all Talpan beings, such as Humans, Elves, Reidys, Orcs and whatever. She is an evil woman. She grants nothing to her followers. Then you should look in buying Caffeinne. Curse is a status ailment which reduces your attack, nullifies your luck and makes you a snail. Simple Curses can be cured with time, too. Then you'll be able to buy furniture and utility. Then, would you like me to transform one of your gems?#0 Entonces, ¿te gustaría que transforme una de tus gemas?#0 Then, would you like me to transform one of your gems?#1 Entonces, ¿te gustaría que transforme una de tus gemas?#1 There I was knee deep in pinkie pattie, Allí estaba yo hasta las rodillas en Pinkie Pattie, There are Monster Attacks every month, how do you have time for tea parties?! There are Pious on the island as well! %%i ¡También hay Pious en la isla! %%i There are also less common ailments: There are alternatives to the chant words, anyone can do it if they know the basic structure. There are banks all over the world. Usually every important village or city has one. Hay bancos en todo el mundo. Normalmente cada pueblo o ciudad importante tiene uno. There are five floors, and they're all very dangerous. But there are riches to be found. There are four basic class: There are lots in the mines. Hay muchos en las minas. There are no new players to welcome. There are no tasks for you right now. There are only a few pages missing. There are only four which you could want to know about. There are over %d skills, but most of these require magic which you will not have access for a while. However, if you proceed in the game, you'll naturally learn if magic is or isn't so difficult as the world populace believes. There are people in the world who need help! ¡Hay personas en el mundo que necesitan ayuda! There are rumors about a sacred elf land, where our antecessors lived in peacefully somewhere close to here, but the path was lost. That's why we now live with dwarves. There are secret caves on this city. In fact, Tulimshar holds many misteries. Hay cuevas secretas en esta ciudad. De hecho, Tulimshar encierra muchos misterios. There are several minor status conditions, which may buff or debuff you. There are some old rusty knives on the table. Would you like to take one? Aquí hay algunos cuchillos viejos y oxidados sobre la mesa. ¿Te gustaría tomar uno? There are some sailors near the forge. Think outside the box - or rather, inside it, unless you have a fortune to buy the items. Hay algunos marineros cerca de la forja. Piense fuera de la caja, o mejor dicho, dentro de ella, a menos que tenga una fortuna para comprar los artículos. There are some slimes around in the deeper parts of the library. Remember to kill them alone, and beware, if they kill themselves it won't count. There are some stones scattered around the world that mark your point of return in case of defeats. Some ship chests may also serve as a return point. You can also select some beds in case of defeats. Hay algunas piedras repartidas por el mundo que marcan tu punto de regreso en caso de muertes. Algunos cofres de barco también pueden servir como punto de retorno. También puedes seleccionar algunas camas en caso de muertes. There are still some monsters left! Do you want to abort the quest? ¡Aún quedan algunos monstruos! ¿Quieres abortar la misión? There are three kind of monsters which frequently attacks our fair vessel. Hay tres tipos de monstruos que frecuentemente atacan a nuestro hermoso barco. There are three singularities on this island. If I disarm more than one, I'll have a penalty. There are three types of items. Hay tres tipos de objetos. There are three types of monsters: the aggressive, the neutral, and the collaborative. Hay tres tipos de monstruos: los agresivos, los neutrales y los colaborativos. There doesn't seem to be any physical wound. There exist more food than you know. But this time I don't want anything extravagant, just 6 @@ should be fine. There haven't been anything unusual in the fairy district of the Land of Fire Village, after all. There is a chasm. There is a rare kind of scorpion, the Murderer Scorpion. Very dangerous. Existe un tipo raro de escorpión, el Escorpión Asesino. Muy peligroso. There is a slight breeze coming from @@. There is a time limit, which is already running. There is an NPC called Trainer, just outside the ship. Aquí hay un NPC llamado Entrenador, justo afuera del barco. There is no EXP penalty, but you cannot go back without either completing the cave, or dying. No hay penalización de EXP, pero no puedes regresar sin completar la cueva o morir. There is no free speech. Censorship! There is no honor in fighting a weak opponent. No hay honor en enfrentarse a un oponente débil. There is no other solution; A desperate struggle is needed... There is no payment for fraction of hours worked. There is only one way towards the best equipment: Smith away! There is only so much magical power your body can handle without breaking. There is someone who might know how to turn a slime back in a human. But alas, that old fart doesn't live here. There isn't enough, not even for NPCs. We need at least 100. There may be some exceptions. Anyway, this item clearly cannot be refined. There might be reward for anyone who doesn't gets a rank, but I never count on that. So, let's start? There probably is a huge, flashing orange exclamation mark over a suitable knife you could take and nobody would mind. Probablemente haya un enorme signo de exclamación naranja parpadeante sobre un cuchillo adecuado que podrías tomar y a nadie le importaría. There seems to be signs of a fight long forgotten, but it still reeks blood. There seems to be sort of lock preventing you from passing. There was a visitor with a mask? I didn't notice. You see, I spend most of my time in the workshop, and concentrate on my work. There are other helpers who attend to the visitors. And hopefully keep them from disturbing my concentration. There was no "smart small animal" trying to purchase anything here. But if I may interest you in a new bow, you might be able to hunt them down! I can make a promotion for you. There was no "smart small animal" trying to purchase anything here. But if I may interest you in a new dagger or short sword, you might be able to hunt them down! I can make a promotion for you. There was no "smart small animal" trying to purchase anything here. But if I may reset your stats, you might be able to raise your intelligence to don't be fooled with such fairy tales! I can make a promotion for you. There was no "smart small animal" trying to purchase anything here. But if I may, drinking water may help your eyesight! I can make a promotion for you. There was no "smart small animal" trying to purchase anything here. But if I may, these cotton shirts can do wonders to your lack of fashion! I can make a promotion for you. There was nobody on the Bandit Lord's room. There will be consequences. There you are! A towel is really the most important item for a hitchhiker to have. There you go! There you go! Thanks for all the help! ¡Ahí tienes! ¡Gracias por toda la ayuda! There you go, %s. If you don't know anything about crafting I heard someone on Tulimshar's Terranite Forge can help? There you go, a special and rare %s plus some leftover herbs! There you go, boring person... You will look like the trees here. Ugh, disgusting. There you go, your Valentine Dress! There you go. Craft hard, mwhahahahaha! There you go. Enjoy it! There you go. I wish you good luck. @@ There'll be monsters, the maze is randomly generated, and the initial position for you and the Ent is not fixed. Therefore, you may begin handicapped in some cases depending on luck only. There's a big prize in the end... Could you bring me some later? There's a long time we don't eat anything. Bring us @@! Five should do it. There's a shiny safe here. How much money is inside? Nobody is looking at you, too. There's a small, damp corritor, which you could crawl though. Hay un pasillo pequeño y húmedo, aunque se puede arrastrar. There's a strong magic barrier. We need to disarm it in order to enter there. There's a summoning circle on Tulimshar Sewers. You can reach either by boat, if you have the money - I'll lend you some; Or by the long way. There's a terrible smell inside. You should explore the other huts before braving inside this one. There's also Morgan, who lives in Candor. She is a Redy, and is married with Zitoni. They are great alchemists. También está Morgan, que vive en Candor. Ella es Redy y está casada con Zitoni. Son grandes alquimistas. There's also a job level, which produces green sparkles when you level it. También hay un nivel de trabajo, que produce destellos verdes cuando lo subes. There's also weather, meaning it can rain, snow, or even happen a sandstorm. They are usually cosmetic, but... También hay condiciones climáticas, lo que significa que puede llover, nevar o incluso ocurrir una tormenta de arena. Suelen ser cosméticos, pero... There's always some chance that THE ITEM WILL BREAK, beware! There's an annoying half-wose-half-elf called Thorn trying to impress me with his wose side! There's no change in the condition of the poor Mouboo. There's no help available for this event. There's no need to go in that Yeti infested den right now. There's no one who knows Butterfly Caves better than me, child. These are MY caves, after all. There's no reason to enter these caves now. There's no thank me, its'kay you're welcome No hay gracias, está bien, de nada. There's no time limit on this riddle. There's not everything I've asked for... No esta todo lo que he pedido... There's nothing in the Magic Council Room, though. It's just a perk. Sin embargo, no hay nada en la Sala del Consejo Mágico. Es sólo un beneficio. There's nothing remarkable or which could help you. There's one on the basement of this house. If you kill it, Hasan will think on you as a hero and won't steal you anymore. Hay uno en el sótano de esta casa. Si lo matas, Hasan te considerará un héroe y no te robará más. There's some diversity, but you should keep aiming at helping people and killing small-fry. If you ever want a challenge, there's a Giant Maggot inside the town which can kill you in one hit. Hay cierta diversidad, pero debes seguir apuntando a ayudar a la gente y matar a los pequeños. Si alguna vez quieres un desafío, hay un gusano gigante dentro de la ciudad que puede matarte de un solo golpe. There's somewhere I want you to go, but you're not strong enough yet, so be patient and help them first. There's usually not a lot of things to do past these gates, but some monsters which only lives on the Land of Fire can only be found there! There, now you can not only craft items, but craft AWESOME ITEMS! Allí, ahora no solo puedes crear artículos, ¡sino también crear ARTÍCULOS IMPRESIONANTES! There... *hic* They will expire *hic* in just @@... Or on logout. Therefore we need a lot of glue, but our supplies are nearly used up. I need @@/@@ @@ as ingredient to make new glue. Therefore, I shall head to the %s, and look for %s. If anyone knows how to fix it, might as well be that rat-faced... being. Therefore, children of Merlin, go back to your world, and ask the Blue Sage Nikolai about it. The blue sage may fake angerness or try to dodge the question, but they are a good person. Still, you should ensure you're on his good side. Therefore, just for a short while, I offer to be your blade. Therefore, please choose a permanent stat-boosting fruit. Therefore, the Alliance created a system so when you kill a monster, depending on its strength, you'll get Monster Points. Por lo tanto, la Alianza creó un sistema para que cuando mates a un monstruo, dependiendo de su fuerza, obtengas puntos de monstruo. Therefore... Are you perhaps interested in some... illicit goods? %%p Thermin is also known as the lost city. It was once founded to mine ores, and export to everyone. These are being crafted by Alan. These are dangerous caves since Marley and her gang made it a hideout. These are saved by walking in warp portals or touching Soul Menhirs. These assassins will catch me if I do that now! These barrels are sealed and heavy. It's impossible to know what's inside. There's a marking on them, you copy them somewhere. These battle plans are all wrong; They trace routes on the Canyon which doesn't exist... Todos estos planes de batalla están mal; Trazan rutas sobre el Cañón que no existe... These boxes cannot be sold, but they'll be deleted a while after the event ends. These cliffs are no place for weak people like you. You better teleport yourself away as soon as possible! These gold fishes multiply horribly and have no natural predator. These monsters are a great source of raw crafting materials. Estos monstruos son una gran fuente de materias primas para la elaboración. These paths are all wrong! What is the problem with this map?! These people have lots of unspent Strange Coins! Waw! ¡Estas personas tienen muchas monedas extrañas sin gastar! ¡Guau! These towers must hold unfathomable secrets from %s. These weapons are only for masters, so you must get levels before being able to use them. These will do just fine. Theta Book Libro Theta Theta Ring Anillo de theta They also determine rules, and enforce them. We live under a disguised dictatorship. También determinan las reglas y las hacen cumplir. Vivimos bajo una dictadura encubierta. They also don't need much intelligence or magic equipment. Tampoco necesitan mucha inteligencia ni equipo mágico. They also give Piou Knights a much needed speed boost against the ducks, who are naturally fast. También le dan a los caballeros Piou un impulso de velocidad muy necesario contra los patos, que son naturalmente rápidos. They also hold control over the Mana Stones, but this is not the problem. También tienen control sobre las piedras de mana, pero ese no es el problema. They also recently took over some city affairs. It's good they're protecting us, but I'm afraid of them creeping into our lives! Recientemente también se hicieron cargo de algunos asuntos de la ciudad. ¡Es bueno que nos protejan, pero tengo miedo de que se metan en nuestras vidas! They are at north of the town. They are filled with a strange gas which makes they deflect attacks. They are done from a material which cannot be cut easily. Están llenos de un gas extraño que les hace desviar los ataques. Están hechos de un material que no se puede cortar fácilmente. They are hidden in the crypts, inside a cave. They are highly intelligent, and have higher magical affinity, and live longer, but lacks creativity. They are in the basement, pulling the strings from behind. They are known to use a revolutionary hair growth formula, which can give you a wild thatch even if you are bald! Se sabe que utilizan una fórmula revolucionaria para el crecimiento del cabello, que puede darte un cabello salvaje incluso si eres calvo. They are now like most monsters. I pity them. Their sacrifice was not in vain, though. They are strict with who is allowed inside, so you'll need either elf or ukar friends to pass. They became friends and Dimond told Merlin about her idea. They came in the night, always taking what does not belong to them.... The SLIMES! They can be a bit lacking in defensive power, however. Sin embargo, pueden carecer un poco de poder defensivo. They can be equipped to make your look more interesting or to improve some of its features. Se pueden equipar para hacer tu apariencia más interesante o mejorar algunas de tus características. They cheat! They make silly tricks which look like magic. ¡Hacen trampa! Hacen trucos tontos que parecen magia. They did nothing good! They claim the Platinum Queen was a savior, all lies! They had a TMWA server, but the Monster King went hyperactive and... Well, it crashed here. They had a critical role in ensuring the human's race survival to The Great Fire. They have 10x more chance to drop a @@, so it is a great deal! Tienen 10 veces más posibilidades de dejar un @@, ¡así que es una gran oferta! They haven't found Mana Stones yet, so no magic, but alchemy is strong. I don't know what caused the Great Fire, and the whole event is time-locked. You can ask Falkrun for more about the Great Fire. That's what you need to know for now. They jump left and right and left and right again, and I can't catch them. They left me no inheritance, either. Even surviving has been a struggle. I'm not strong enough to kill the living potatoes for @@. They live below this town. Can you do this for me? They might have sealed the direct path, but there's a tunnel in a cave which you can go in now that you have the magic key to open it. They must be hiding in some cave... It's a shame! They must be reagents used in alchemy. They must never know we had it. Their sacrifices must be forgotten. For the sake of all. They need to be feed, when hunger falls below 75. @@ is the best food for them. They promised to travel to the ##BWorld Edge##b to fetch a Mana Fragment. The wisest of them said it was the only chance. They rely entirely in intelligence and magic equipment. Dependen completamente de la inteligencia y el equipo mágico. They restrict access to it to prevent new Monster Kings from emerging. They also keep record on every mage in the world. Restringen el acceso al mismo para evitar que surjan nuevos Monster Kings. También mantienen un registro de todos los magos del mundo. They set up shop in the whole town, so if you are in need of upgrading your gear or buying health food, it might be a good idea to pay them a visit. They shouldn't. Could you perhaps, kindly bring me 1 @@? No deberían hacerlo. ¿Podrías por favor traerme 1 @@? They use magic to boost their bodies, allowing them to do very, VERY powerful physical attacks. Usan magia para estimular sus cuerpos, lo que les permite realizar ataques físicos muy, MUY poderosos. They use mana to create magic attacks and blast their foes away. Usan mana para crear ataques mágicos y destruir a sus enemigos. They used to be an advanced civilization long long ago, but they decided to go against the Moubootaur. They used to export food and other things but there has been radio silence recentely; Which is why Andrei Sakar and a group of adventurers borrowed Nard's ship and went to investigate. Solían exportar alimentos y otras cosas, pero últimamente ha habido silencio de radio; Por eso Andrei Sakar y un grupo de aventureros tomaron prestado el barco de Nard y fueron a investigar. They wanted magic to be once again free! ¡Querían que la magia volviera a ser libre! They were a noob. They were given with @@ by @@. They were never again seen. None of them. We burnt all records about everyone here, and blamed the Monster King. They were sending food and supplies to the Alliance, but in the past months, there was a deadly silence. Not a single sign of life came from there. Enviaban alimentos y suministros a la Alianza, pero en los últimos meses hubo un silencio mortal. De allí no salió ni una sola señal de vida. They will all perish, along most of wildlife, according to the legend passed down. They will not attack anyone unless they are attacked first. No atacarán a nadie a menos que sean atacados primero. They'll also start spawning on whole map, so be careful. They're back - and they took hold of your majesty - my husband - king Arthur! They're not magic, but yayaya, people like to say it is! Yeyeye! No son mágicos, pero sí, ¡a la gente le gusta decir que lo es! ¡sisisi! They're not too dangerous, but they can take a lot of hits. So, if you kill 10 of them, I'll know you're dedicated in learning which monsters are out there. No son demasiado peligrosos, pero pueden recibir muchos golpes. Entonces, si matas a 10 de ellos, sabré que estás dedicado a aprender qué monstruos hay por ahí. They're scary, don't you think so? Ellos dan miedo, ¿no lo crees? They're strong, so keep fighting Maggots and Scorpions which you're used to, until you get stronger. Son fuertes, así que sigue luchando contra gusanos y escorpiones a los que estás acostumbrado, hasta que te vuelvas más fuerte. They're too strong for me! Ellos son demasiado fuertes para mí! They're with me. Thief Ladrón Think on Season Quests as a yearly quest which you have three months to do. Piensa en las misiones de temporada como una misión anual que tienes tres meses para realizar. Think on it like a... perk, for having helped the adventurers in this world. I just need to check if you are eligible, hold still. Thinking a bit... Yes, you definitely should go to the mines. They have been infested by slimes and people sometimes worry they'll leave and attack the town, but you should be capable of suppressing them. Thinking well, I've heard Cyndala could bleach these pants for free; Must be because their ugliness. Pensando bien, he oído que Cyndala podría blanquear estos pantalones gratis; Debe ser por su fealdad. Thinking well... There's something behind it! A secret window! Third Tier This %s will do. I mean, it won't be a comfortable trip, but you are in an emergency situation. This @@ is a nice stuff. I can refine it for @@ GP and @@ @@. This Portal can send your soul back to the world, along any items, money and/or experience gained. This Real Estate is available for rent for only @@ GP! This a simple game; Choose one of the shrines - west or east. The one at west is %s, the one at east is %s. This action CANNOT BE UNDONE. This area is not yet ready. Please use the portal to the right instead. This area is only for level 70 upwards. This barrel is a courtesy from Dimond Cove Inn. This barrel seems suspicious... Este barril parece sospechoso... This basically means that it'll be another day without it. This being said, Axzell and Erik made interesting requests recently... Have you talked to them yet? Erik works in the Townhall, and Axzell in the alchemy shop. This book is too advanced to read. You need level %d in %s to read it. This book outlines the laws which applies everywhere in the World Of Mana. This book will write itself, and reveal you the Secret Of Mana. This boost can be used until level 20. Este impulso se puede utilizar hasta el nivel 20. This bounty has expired. This boy needs help, we need to rescue him!#1 ¡Este chico necesita ayuda, tenemos que rescatarlo!#1 This can be done in Skills (F5) > H > Summon Homunculus. This can only be reverted at rebirth! Beware! This cannot be evolved. This cannot be undo later! This cave is considered outside the town! ¡Esta cueva se considera fuera del pueblo! This certainly is just to reorganize their armies. We must take this chance to improve ourselves, or else, we'll be overrun soon enough. This challenge will be available in %s. Please wait until then. This character person is strange I better get away... This chest belongs to Elli and is sealed by a great power. At this point in time, it is impossible to open it. This choice CANNOT be undone later. This coal will aid you to craft better weapons later. It's a token of appreciation. Good job. Este carbón te ayudará a fabricar mejores armas más adelante. Es una muestra de agradecimiento. Buen trabajo. This command cannot be used on test servers. This conversation never happened. This curse reclaims your soul to the Soul Eater. Except, she perished on the Great Fire. This diary had several pages torn off, but the last page is clearly legible. This didn't work. All pins are now unset! This doesn't looks like a toy. This door is locked, if we only had a %s... This door is locked. Esta puerta está cerrada. This door is locked. A warning sign is on the door: "do not enter!". This error is fatal, we stop execution. This estate currently belongs to @@. This estate is available for rent, talk to the sign to rent it. This event is unique, and cannot be repeated. This example will not be shown again. This exposition has to be a success! This farm is dying due constant monster attacks, and without them, Tulimshar might face a famine. This fertilizer is projected to protect the plants from plagues, bugs, scorpions and maggots, trying to not be a plague itself. Este fertilizante está proyectado para proteger a las plantas de plagas, chinches, escorpiones y gusanos, procurando que no sea una plaga en sí. This fishing spot has just been used, give it a rest. Este lugar de pesca acaba de ser usado, dele un descanso. This fishing spot is already being used! ¡Este lugar de pesca ya está siendo utilizado! This forge will prepare equipment for you, no skill required! This gate is still sealed. Esta puerta todavía está sellada. This girl needs help, we need to rescue her!#0 ¡Esta chica necesita ayuda, tenemos que rescatarle!#0 This has been a long journey, children, so please answer me. Is power a good thing? This have many uses. Maybe. Anyway, I'm soon done with my experiment, so please come back later. Esto tiene muchos usos. Tal vez. De todos modos, pronto terminaré mi experimento, así que vuelva más tarde. This hut is clearly different from the others. It has a bed, a small desk, a place where a weapon should have been, and a wooden door leading to the other side. This hut seems to be abandoned. Do you want to explore it? This is ##BCandor Island##b. A very small rich community lives here. Esta es ##BCandor Island##b. Aquí vive una comunidad rica y muy pequeña. This is Duck Island, the last safe refuge for birds. Ducks tend to be very peaceful, but our young ruler, King DD, has been taken up with the art of war. This is Elli's chest. This is Tulishmar, the oldest of human cities. Este es Tulishmar, la más antigua de las ciudades humanas. This is a @@, meaning only the victor party will receive the great prize. This is a Blood Pact map, HP won't recover naturally, and bleeding may start. This is a Cursed Lands map, you'll lose mana over time and may also incurr in debuffs if mana is low (may cause death). This is a Soul Menhir, but seems more magical than the others. This is a debug NPC. If you don't know what you're doing, refuse. This is a hot map, you're suffering damage over time. This is a magical barrier, powered by three seals in your part. This is a menu, click on the option and then on submit. You can use arrow keys if you prefer. Este es un menú, haga clic en la opción y luego en enviar. Puedes usar las teclas de flecha si lo prefieres. This is a menu. You can click on the desired option and press "Send", and double-clicking should work, too. This is a special map so your death is not counted. This is a special server. New players should NOT chose this one to start playing. Este es un servidor especial. Los nuevos jugadores NO deberían elegir este para empezar a jugar. This is a strange switch... This is a weird stone. It looks like a Mana Stone from afar, but anyone can tell it is fake. This is an OverClocked map, excessive combat will cause Botter's Syndrome Disease, which reduces EXP Gain and drops. This is an apartment. You cannot renew until it expire, and cannot invite guests. This is another chant which causes normal fire damage in an area. This is difficult, but you are giving your best!! This is going to be difficult... oh, hello. I'm working on recreating some of the books that were destroyed. This is great! My collection of rare figurines is now complete. This is how the Monster King became evil. Keep practicing magic, so you get more comfortable with it and fail less often. This is in honor of all the [@@help://about-server|Contributors@@] who helped rebuilding this world, after the Monster War outbreak. This is just a bucket, but I did some cuts on it so you can see though it. It protects your whole face. This is just a friendly advise. We don't take magic lightly. And you shouldn't, either. Este es sólo un consejo amistoso. No tomamos la magia a la ligera. Y tú tampoco deberías hacerlo. This is just a short list to make GMs life easier! This is just an example of a chant which causes low damage in an area. This is my chance - the biggest Mana Quake ever, it feels like a whole world crushing in ours. I can feel the drain from Candor's Mana Reserves all the way up here. This is no place for a weakling like you. I suggest you leave. Este no es lugar para un débil como tú. Te sugiero que te vayas. This is not The Mana World. My name is not Bryant. This is not a healing item. This is not a place for unexperienced people! ¡Este no es un lugar para gente inexperta! This is not enough, I need 5 %s to perform the rite. Go talk to Zitoni. Esto no es suficiente, necesito 5 %s para realizar el rito. Ve a hablar con Zitoni. This is not magic, it is science! This is not meant for me. This is not saved. This is not the first time you've been arrested for AFK botting, so, ##BNO!##b Esta no es la primera vez que te arrestan por botting AFK, así que ##BNO!##b This is not what I asked for. This is often 1, 2 or 3 tiles. For talking, usually 4 or 5 tiles. Shouting can be done from 12 up to 18 tiles; But as shouting is rude, most NPCs won't react to it. Suelen ser 1, 2 o 3 pasos. Para hablar, normalmente 4 o 5 pasos. Se pueden gritar desde 12 hasta 18 fichas; Pero como gritar es de mala educación, la mayoría de los NPC no reaccionarán. This is only for the skilled players. Newbies, KEEP OUT! This is ridiculous. Groata is not here, I am wasting my time! This is so amusing, you decide to stare for a while longer. This is terrible - a fiend from a parallel dimension has broken in ours! This is the @@ skill. It transmutes a single @@ in a @@. Esta es la habilidad @@. Transmuta un solo @@ en un @@. This is the @@ skill. It transmutes stuff into other stuff. I'll teach you some more recipes as class drag on. Esta es la habilidad @@. Transmuta cosas en otras cosas. Te enseñaré algunas recetas más a medida que avance la clase. This is the FAIRYEMPIRE spell. It'll summon Pixies. This is the FROZENHEART spell. It'll summon... Yeti. This is the STONEHEART spell. It'll summon the fierce Terranite. This is the end for your party, as the leader doesn't have sufficient level. This is the least I could do for you. Many thanks. And if you have more food, you can keep feeding my family. This is the main hall. Below this stairs, you'll find the Heroes Hold Main Dungeon. It's a cave in a... uhm. Water. This is the perfect opportunity to help Celestia. This is the test server. This is too powerful to you. Get level 20 before attempting to use. This is too precious to offer, I think. This is why I love spring! This is your %dth pull. You have received %d %s as a memento. This isn't what I requested!!! Perhaps you should count your items more carefully. This isn't what we requested. Perhaps you should count your items more carefully. This item cannot be auctioned. This item cannot be dropped. Este artículo no puede arrojarse. This item cannot be given to NPCs! This item cannot be refined further. This item cannot be sold. This item cannot be stored. Este artículo no puede almacenarse. This item cannot be traded normally and is a Legendary Item. This item cannot be traded. No se puede comerciar con este artícuo. This item cannot be used as bait here. This item drop rate is %s%%, which exceeds the threshold of %s%%. This item have no bonuses, and cannot be tweaked. This item is too precious, you cannot part with it! This key is dropped by the Saxso Ghost. Did you knew you can obtain info about the monster drop rates and strength? Esta llave la deja caer el Fantasma Saxso . ¿Sabías que puedes obtener información sobre las tasas de caída y la fuerza de los monstruos? This live sword drafts itself to your hand. You can wield it during today's event. This live sword drafts itself to your hand. You can wield it for a while. This lock is beyond your current capacity. This lock is simple, maybe with your thief skills you can manage to pry it open. But beware, you can end up in jail! This looks magical, I wonder what it does. This lord dropped a key and a stash of gold! This man is THE LEGENDARY KING ARTHUR! This map contains poisonous gas and may cause diseases. This means ##BAll items were lost##b, and you need to collect EVERYTHING, again, to get the hat. This means everytime you get more power, you lose control. Pratice is the key. Esto significa que cada vez que obtienes más poder, pierdes el control. La práctica es la clave. This means that if you die while in the past, you'll be brought back here as if you never traveled in time. This means that if you drop a coin on Advanced Dungeon, 4 coins will be dropped instead. On Expert, that would be 8. This menu allows you to customize your appearance. Este menú le permite personalizar su apariencia. This menu allows you to manage events and gives access to event-related tools. Este menú le permite gestionar eventos y le da acceso a herramientas relacionadas con los eventos. This menu allows you to modify the generic message that is sent to players when they log in. Este menú le permite modificar el mensaje genérico que se envía a jugadores cuando se conectan. This menu allows you to modify your account data. Este menú le permite modificar su información de cuenta. This menu allows you to set the scheduled broadcast that is sent to all players at a specific interval. Este menú le permite enviar la emisión programada que se envía a todos los jugadores en un intervalo específico. This menu contains all options available to you, based on your access privileges. Este menú contiene todas las opciones disponibles para usted, basadas en sus privilegios de acceso. This menu gives access to quest debug menus for @@ quests. Este menú da acceso a menús de limpieza de misión para @@ misiones. This menu gives you some options which affect your account. This might be the place of a great secret, but yet, all you can do is stare. This might happen again in the future, so we are always gathering them, just in case. This new skill will allow you to pinch every gold piece from a NPC when selling stuff! Ka-pow, now you can steal items and resell them for moar GP! AMAZING! This note is not interesting, maybe the obelisk is more. This note is too old and difficult to read. This one is useless! Give me another @@. ¡Este no sirve! Deme otro @@. This option is not yet available for you; Please purchase the Premium Storage first, and then we can get started on the deluxe. This option will be remembered by other NPCs as well. Esta opción también será recordada por otros NPC. This passage is still sealed. This passage seems sealed. If I only had a @@... This place is reeking blood. We better come again later. This program will cause experience gain to be tripled during the next siege to the town. This quest will unlock at level 5. Esta misión se desbloqueará en el nivel 5. This quota is reset yearly, by completing %s's quest. This random cave-warping only happens once, too. This request was made by the inn: The %ss are stealing their cherry cakes, causing disruption to their business. Esta petición fue hecha por la posada: Los %ss están robando sus pasteles de cereza, lo que provoca perturbaciones en su negocio. This research caused a lot of neglect, so expect poverty and people unwilling to talk. Benjamin, head of the council, is doing a "breaktrhough" in the most literal sense possible (breaking through the whole town finances instead of revolutionizing the world). This room is too dark. I want to brighten it up. This sandstorm is horrible on my skin... I hope someday, someone invents a lotion for that. Esta tormenta de arena es horrible en mi piel... Espero que algún día alguien invente una loción para eso. This schedule is subject to change without prior notice. This seal was already broken, proceed to the next seal! This seems like a good idea at first, but actually, it isn't. This set grants the following effect when complete: Este conjunto otorga el siguiente efecto cuando está completo: This set is composed by the following items: Este conjunto está compuesto por los siguientes elementos: This setting can only be changed every %d days. This setting cannot be changed in this map. This shrine is devoted to those whom shall never come back. This shrine seems to be a dangerous place, and nobody should defile it. This silk robe is more than enough, and you are fighting, you need the def bonus more than me. %%2 Esta bata de seda es más que suficiente, y estás peleando, necesitas el bono de defensa más que yo. %%2 This singularity will remain disarmed for @@ more! This skill can only be used on monsters! This skill can only be used on other players. This skill can only be used on players! This skill cannot be upgraded further. This small island is a good place to rest, as the monsters here are not very threatening. This statue seems unnaturally broken. There's a paper note with the word %s written on it glued to the wall. There is no blood nor signals of any struggle. This statue was built for memory of Andrei Sakar, the greatest hero this world has even seen. Esta estatua fue construida en memoria de Andrei Sakar, el héroe más grande que este mundo haya visto. This switch controls one of the four dungeons. This table will prepare food for you, no skill required! This table will prepare the potion for you, no skill required! This tax must be paid now, and you can brew as much as you wish after payment. This teleporter is currently recharging. This throne is not from the Monster King... IT BELONGS ONLY TO ME! This time, I only a few last reagents and I'll finally attempt it... I want you to witness it. I'll teach you the spell later, of course. Esta vez, solo me faltan unos pocos reactivos y finalmente lo intentaré... Quiero que seas testigo de ello. Te enseñaré el hechizo más tarde, por supuesto. This time, I'll be prepared. His reign of terror has its days counted. This torch is already lit. Esta antorcha ya está encendida. This tree is crazy!! This vault currently has %d GP inside. This wasn't enough. This well is sealed. They must take water outside the town. This well is too deep and you don't have a bucket. Este pozo es demasiado profundo y no tienes balde. This whole region is called the Heroes Hold. It's designed for hard core, bragging-rights-hunters, high level, supreme players. This whole situation is very disquieting, not to say suspicious. There might be something more to it that we're not seeing. This will affect humans, too, so don't act as if it is not your bussiness either. This will affect rewards, and decision is final! This will be remembered. This will be your last task. Besides the @@, the strongest monster on this island worth killing is the @@. Esta será tu última tarea. Además del @@, el monstruo más fuerte de esta isla que vale la pena matar es el @@. This will bring me back to the Hall. This will cost you all your action points. This will do nothing if the account already have a PIN. This will remove you from the quest! This will take only a short while. This workshop doesn't gets too many tasks from Santa outside the Christmas... Thorn Thorn Ammo Box Thorn Arrow Flecha de espinas Thorn Chest Thorn is so annoying... Those for consumption, equipment and generics. Los de consumo, equipos y genéricos. Those with most %s on this world becomes scholars. Thou hast been lucky and a %s prize was given to thee. Thou whom hast cleared the seven casinos in the world, may challenge the ultimate slot machine. Three equal: @@. Tres equivalen: @@. Three of a Kind Three powerful consecutive brawn attacks with a chance to stun target. Three powerful consecutive brawn attacks. Throw a coin? ¿Lanzar una moneda? Throw something inside! Thug Thunder Staff Thus far you have collected @@ @@, @@ @@ and @@ @@. Hasta ahora has recolectado @@ @@, @@ @@ y @@ @@. Thus far you've slain %s/%s %s for me! Thus far, you've donated @@ boxes. Thus far, you've heard about %d hours and %d minutes of wisdom. Hasta ahora has oído hablar %d horas y %d minutos de sabiduría. Thus far, you've sponsored Golbarez in %d %% from total. Thus, I like to collect small memetos from Tulimshar. Time Flask Matraz de tiempo Time Limit Límite de tiempo Time Limit: 25 minutes on any dungeon. Time Limit: 90 minutes Time is running out... Hurry up! El tiempo se acaba... ¡Date prisa! Time left until warp can be used: %s Time left: %d minutes Time left: %s Time left: @@ remaining Tiempo restante: @@ restante Time limit for answer: 2 minutes Time limit: 10 minutes Time out! Time remaining to report completion: Tiempo restante para completar el informe: Time remaining: %s Tiempo restante: %s Time spent: %d/%d Times died: %s Times reborn: %d Times won Call of Dusty: %s Times won Capture the Flag: %s Tin Ingot Lingotes de estaño Tin Ore Mineral de estaño Tin Ore -> Gold Ore Tinris Tinris Tinris probably could do that, he is young but very talented. He is a greedy elf, but if you help him, he'll likely help you back. Tinris probablemente podría hacer eso, es joven pero tiene mucho talento. Es un elfo codicioso, pero si lo ayudas, probablemente él también te ayudará. Tipiou Tipiou Tipiu Tipiu Titanium Ingot Lingote de titanio Titanium Ore Mineral de titanio Titanium Ore -> Lead Ore Titanium Ore and Coal refunded on Leather Quiver update. Titulation Tneck Sweater To Artis. Hacia Artis. To Candor Island. Hacia la isla de Candor. To Hurnscald. To Nivalis. To Tulimshar. Hacia Tulimshar. To aid those in need To answer them, use: @captcha <num_value> Para responderlos, usa: @captcha<num_value> To be honest, I don't know. I was only exploring, seeking for adventure! Para ser honesto, no lo sé. ¡Solo estaba explorando, buscando aventuras! To be honest, I don't know. Your wife just allowed me to pass the door! To be honest, I have that with me! To be honest, I wouldn't believe anyone claiming to have a homunculus if I don't see for my own eyes. Homunculus creation is, after all, lost knowledge. To be honest, the roulette is clocked. And when the repair staff came, they said something about ...??? Para ser honesto, la ruleta tiene un reloj. Y cuando vino el personal de reparación, dijeron algo sobre...??? To be honest, you should show %s a %s and ask for a bow. It'll be more reliable for ranged damage this early on. To be honest, you should use both. And remember, all Mana Magic skills can be used like they were @sk-commands. %%H Para ser honesto, deberías usar ambos. Y recuerda, todas las habilidades de magia de mana se pueden usar como si fueran @sk-commands. %%H To cast, one must sit on the circle and say the chant on general chat. To cause a server happy hour (+%d%% EXP), you need: To celebrate this I'll ask you some questions about my favourite book, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. If you can answer them, I'll give you something very useful. To collect snake skin To craft an item, you'll need to learn its blueprint. Blueprints can be very hard to obtain! Being a crafter will take a lot of your time. Para crear un artículo, necesitarás aprender su plano. ¡Los planos pueden ser muy difíciles de obtener! Ser artesano te llevará mucho tiempo. To create an homunculus out of the embryo mass: Use the Call Homunculus Skill. It'll be random, based on the embryo nature. To create an homunculus, I should follow the secrets in the book "The Man Who Played God". I wrote this narrative with the greatest secrets of it. To defeat the Moubootaur. To defocus or stop attacking, press Shift + A. Para desenfocar o dejar de atacar, presione Shift + A. To demonstrate that you understood what I'm trying to teach you, you should go and fight against some snakes. I know they're strong, but that's not important to an archer. To discard an item you no longer want, select it and press the 'Discard' button. Generic items can be discarded or sold. Para descartar un objeto que ya no desea, selecciónelo y presione el botón 'Descartar'. Los objetos genéricos se pueden descartar o vender. To display the dialog box with other citizens, press the F7 key. Para mostrar el cuadro de diálogo con otros ciudadanos, presione la tecla F7. To do quests To do this you need to disable auto move to target in the 'yellow bar'. Para hacer esto, debes desactivar el movimiento automático al objetivo en la 'barra amarilla'. To dungeon deep, and cavern old A las profundidades de las mazmorras y a las cavernas antiguas To enter on them, you need to be level 25 and use the following chant: "Blame Saulc". I don't know why, but that open doors! To equip or unequip an item, select it and press the 'Equip' or 'Unequip' button. You can not 'Equip' or 'Unequip' when talking to someone. Para equipar o desequipar un objeto, selecciónelo y presione el botón "Equipar" o "Desequipar". No puedes 'Equipar' o 'Desequipar' cuando hablas con alguien. To explore these lands To find him, just leave the ship and turn left. You should also touch the Soul Menhir when you leave this ship. Para encontrarlo, simplemente abandona el barco y gira a la izquierda. También debes tocar el Soul Menhir cuando abandones este barco. To focus on a creature, press the 'A' key. To focus on another citizen, press the 'Q' key. To attack the focused target press the 'X' key or click the primary button on the creature. Para enfocarte en una criatura, presiona la tecla 'A'. Para centrarse en otro ciudadano, presione la tecla 'Q'. Para atacar al objetivo enfocado, presiona la tecla 'X' o haz clic en el botón principal en la criatura. To focus on an NPC, press the 'N' key. To talk to him press the 'T' key. Para centrarse en un NPC, presione la tecla 'N'. Para hablar con él pulsa la tecla 'T'. To get more experience and magic power, you must practice magical spells. Make sure to vary them; you will learn nothing if you cast the same spell over and over. Also, spells that consume no components seem not to be very instructive in practice. Para obtener más experiencia y poder mágico, debes practicar hechizos mágicos. Asegúrate de variarlos; No aprenderás nada si lanzas el mismo hechizo una y otra vez. Además, los hechizos que no consumen componentes no parecen ser muy instructivos en la práctica. To get started with fishing, you'll need two things: a fishing rod and a bait. To get the combo, you must fill all slots if one of the listed items. Usually any of the listed ones will do, but in rare cases it won't! Para obtener el combo, debes llenar todos los espacios si es uno de los elementos enumerados. Por lo general, cualquiera de los enumerados servirá, pero en casos raros, ¡no! To get there you need to go left, follow rock wall and go up when you can. The entrance to the Bandit cave is on left side of the waterfall. To help fairies To insert a card, select the card and "use" it, or, drag and drop them to the weapon. To join a drill, right click on one of the lieutenants and join their Battle Stations. The drill can last up to 10 minutes. To make @@ I need one from each gem powders, and @@ GP for commission. To make an %s I need a %s, an %s, and %s GP for commission. Para hacer un%s necesito un%s , un%s y %s GP por comisión. To make an %s I need a %s, three %s, and %s GP for commission. Para hacer un %s necesito un %s , tres %s y %sGP por comisión. To make an %s I need a %s, two %s, and %s GP for commission. Para hacer un%s necesito un %s , dos%s y %s GP por comisión. To make the string you want, I need a special oil, which I make myself. It's hard to do, so I'll spend time I could be using to fish or help the city guard. To my murders, I gave them a full meal. To negotiate with other citizens, you should click the second mouse button on some other citizen who is accepting negotiations, and select the 'Negotiation' option from the menu that will appear. Para intercambiar con otros ciudadanos, debes hacer clic con el segundo botón del mouse en algún otro ciudadano que esté aceptando intercambios y seleccionar la opción 'Intercambio' en el menú que aparecerá. To open the yellow bar you need to right click on your health bar and active status bar, also called yellow bar. Or you can press '8' on numeric keypad. Para abrir la barra amarilla, debe hacer clic derecho en la barra de salud y en la barra de estado activa, también llamada barra amarilla. O puede presionar '8' en el teclado numérico. To open your inventory, use the F3 key or use your mouse to select it in the above menu in your client. Para abrir tu inventario, usa la tecla F3 o usa el ratón para seleccionarlo en el menú de arriba del cliente. To pay in the specified date, we'll charge you %s over the loaned amount. So, how much? To perform most actions, like feeding and renaming, just right-click it. You can even put it back on the egg if its following gets too annoying. When in the egg, they will not feel hunger. To prevent abuse, a registering fee is charged. Nothing major. Para evitar abusos, se cobra una tarifa de registro. Nada importante. To prove me your results, bring me @@ @@, @@ @@ and @@ @@. To prove me your trustworthyness, bring me 1 %s or 1 %s. Para demostrarme tu confiabilidad, tráeme 1 o 1 %s%s. To reach this place... You just need to follow the path after the waterfall. Come back to me after that. To register as a craftsman, you need to talk to Intense Beard in Terranite Forge. The forge is in the Bazar.#1 Para registrarte como artesano, debes hablar con Beard intenso en la forja de terranita. la fragua está en el bazar.#1 To register as a craftswoman, you need to talk to Intense Beard in Terranite Forge. The forge is in the Bazar.#0 Para registrarte como artesana, debes hablar con Beard intenso en la forja de terranita. la fragua está en el bazar.#1 To register as a hunter, talk to Aidan, also in the marketplace - the Bazar. Para registrarse como cazador, hable con Aidan, también en el mercado: el Bazar. To retry, I will charge you %d GP or %d %s for each attempt made. You'll have less time to finish as well. To scry Jesusaves, for example, you would do: To seek our pale, enchanted gold Para buscar nuestro oro pálido y encantado To speak in public select the 'General' tab. It serves to talk to people who are appearing on your screen. Para hablar en público seleccione la pestaña 'General'. Sirve para hablar con las personas que van apareciendo en tu pantalla. To speak privately to a friend who is not appearing on your screen, type the command '##B /q Citizen Name ##b' and press 'Enter'. This command will open a long-distance dialog that has the name of who you want to talk to. Select this new tab and send your message through it. Para hablar en privado con un amigo que no aparece en su pantalla, escriba el comando '##B /q Nombre del ciudadano ##b' y presione 'Entrar'. Este comando abrirá un cuadro de diálogo de larga distancia que tiene el nombre de con quién desea hablar. Selecciona esta nueva pestaña y envía tu mensaje a través de ella. To speak privately with someone, click the second mouse button on the citizen and select the 'Whisper' option. Para hablar en privado con alguien, haga clic con el segundo botón del mouse sobre el ciudadano y seleccione la opción 'Susurrar'. To successfully catch a fish, you need to pull up your hook by clicking it, right after it submerges. To thank you, accept my old fishing rod. Para agradecerte, acepta mi vieja caña de pescar. To the brave heart; An endless maze. To the brave, shan't be your grave. To the courageous, thy foe is rancorous. To the lovely cuteness; Unwavering helpfulness. To the strong soul; Challenges to overthrow. To the wanderer: Please avoid entering on the rooms by the internal warp system. To train their soldiers, they frequently face Frostia in duels. Adventurers are welcome to join their drills. To understand the nature of this bow, you have to collect the needed material by yourself. Only this way will you get a feeling of what it means to use such a weapon. To unlock the cell on the middle of the throne room, you need to flip all 5 switches there. To which mirrored island you want to warp? To whom you want to send @@ boxes? Cannot be yourself! To your pleasant surprise the tea is actually quite good. ToDo Today at 18:30 UTC we are going to attack the Monster King by surprise. There will be no delays, so be there. Today is soup of Pinkie Legs! Together, they wrote legends. They slayed Toby Rick the Desert Worm, the mightiest desert beast. Toggle Daily Reward screen Toggle Inscription Toggle Soul Menhir automatic saving Token Of Apology: 1x @@, 1x @@ Token Of Apology: 1x @@, 570 GP Tolchi Tolchi Tolchi Ammo Box Tolchi Arrow Flecha de Tolchi Told ya, %s, should know better than to mess with an... assassin! Tomato Tomate Tomorrow is the day, when we shall march against Raid, in order to free our people from the oppression of her mages. Tonori Delight Deleitoso Tonori Tonori Human Humano de Tonori Tonori Water Agua de Tonori Too bad these lamps wear off after a while... I am making stocks of them now! Too bad, There is some really good news this week. Things like how to go to Candor for free. Too bad, you're really missing out! Too expensive %%n Too lazy. Too much power can corrupt you. I've seen this happening before... countless times. Too slow. Tooth Necklace Collar de dientes Toothbrush Cepillo de dientes Top 10 - Summer Ched's Event Top 10 - Evento de verano de Ched Top 10 - Valentine Day Top 10 - Día de San Valentín Top 5 - Christmas Box Donation Event Top 5 - Golbarez Seasonal Quest Top Hat Sombrero de copa Topaz Topaz Topaz (+2 agi) Topacio (+2 agi) Topaz Bif Topaz Powder Polvo de topacio Toppy Blub Toppy Blub Torch#0065 Torch#1 Antorcha#1 Torch#2 Antorcha#2 Torch#3 Antorcha#3 Torch#4 Antorcha#4 Torch#5 Antorcha#5 Torn Wings Alas rotas Tortuga Tortuga Tortuga Shell Caparazón de Tortuga Tortuga Shell Fragment Fragmento de Caparazón de Tortuga Tortuga Tongue Lengua de Tortuga Toss the hook into deep water by clicking on where you want to cast it. Total Credits and GP: @@ Total Gold: %s Total Logins: @@ Total actions left: %d Total money collected: @@ GP Dinero total recaudado: @@ GP Total slow down, DEF-, may freeze Total time AFK'ed in Tulimshar: %d hours and %d minutes Toto Touch Soul Menhir and visit the Valentine's Island. Touch it! ¡Tócalo! Touch it. Towards thee I roll, thou all-destroying but unconquering whale; to the last I grapple with thee; from hell’s heart I stab at thee; for hate’s sake I spit my last breath at thee. Sink all coffins and all hearses to one common pool! And since neither can be mine, let me then tow to pieces, while still chasing thee, though tied to thee, thou damned whale! Thus, I give up the spear! Town Administrator can use the town money for investments, and also receive a salary depending on how well the town is. Town Defense Program Town Defense Program enabled. Town Money: @@ Town Reputation: %d | %d.%02d %% Tax Town Tax: %d.%02d %% Town Weekly Exports: @@ Townhall Guard#EP Trade Comercio Trade 2 %s for Candor Set Trade 2 %s for a Silver Gift + a Bronze Gift Trade Golden Eggs Intercambiar huevos de oro Trade Silver Eggs Intercambiar huevos de plata Trade a card Trade here will lower your ranking on Easter event. Be careful. Trade my coins in Gift Boxes, pretty please! Cambia mis monedas en cajas de regalo, ¡por favor! Trade stamps Trade the Gingerbread Trade the Xmas Cake Trade the Xmas Candy Cane Trader Trainer Entrenador Training Ammo Box Training Arrow Flecha de Entrenamiento Training Bow Arco de entrenamiento Training Dummy Training Wand Varita de Entrenamiento Training to be sages, their knowledge is unparalleled. They're masters of boosting skills. Entrenándose para ser sabios, su conocimiento es incomparable. Son maestros en potenciar habilidades. Traits: %s Trans. Loopcasting Transcendence Gate Transfer Mana Translators Traductores Transmigration Loopcast: Transmutating @@ will require: Transmutation Skill Transmute?! Trap Door Trampilla Trapper Hat Sombrero de trampero Travel to this area is impossible, due to the hordes of Monster Armies. Treasure (High Quality) Tesoro (alta calidad) Treasure (Low Quality) Tesoro (baja calidad) Treasure (Med Quality) Tesoro (Calidad media) Treasure Key Llave del tesoro Treasure Map Mapa del tesoro Treasure! ¡Tesoro! Treasurer Treatment Tree Maze (Past Tulimshar) Trick Dead truco de muerte Trickmaster Maestro de trucos Tricks Trucos Tritan Tritan Tritan Voice Voz de Tritan Triumph of the Eternals Troll Trout Trucha Truth is - I cannot do that. Obviously. But I know who can. Try again! ¡Intenta otra vez! Try again? ¿Intentar otra vez? Try asking Ace Ventura, the Pet Detective. He'll be able to trim further the list. Try doing quests which doesn't involve monster hunting first. I'm sure ##B Ayasha ##b could use your help. Primero intenta hacer misiones que no impliquen la caza de monstruos. Estoy seguro de que a ##B Ayasha ##b le vendría bien tu ayuda. Try helping the city guard. Talk to NPCs around the city. Outside the city walls too. And there are some people on the mines. Intenta ayudar a la guardia de la ciudad. Habla con los NPC de la ciudad. Fuera de las murallas de la ciudad también. Y hay algunas personas en las minas. Try killing it, and if it kills you, just come back from death to continue killing it. Intenta matarlo y, si te mata, regresa de la muerte para seguir matándolo. Try praticing with different mana magic skills. Anyway, you can use this command to see your magic proeficiency: Intenta practicar con diferentes habilidades mágicas de mana. De todos modos, puedes usar este comando para ver tu habilidad mágica: Try talking to Soul Menhir or with any NPC on Tulimshar Center (near Soul Menhir). Try this one. Try to don't take too long! Try to fool another, you broken peniless piece of %s meat! Try to make a good time, and... Good luck! On my signal, 3, 2, 1... Trying to chant beyond your capabilities will only drain more mana and be inefficient. Trying to retrieve it now will have @@ % chance to be successful. Tuber Tubérculo Tuesdays Tulim Warp Crystal TulimShip TulimBarco TulimShip#M TulimBarco#M Tulimshar Tulimshar Tulimshar (@@m) Tulimshar - @@ GP Tulimshar Beach Tulimshar Bola Flotador de Tulimshar Tulimshar Guard Tulimshar Guard Boots Botas de guardia de Tulimshar Tulimshar Guard Card Tarjeta de guardia de Tulimshar Tulimshar Guard Card will prove good intentions. Talk to the Lieutenant in front of the Guard House. La tarjeta de guardia de Tulimshar demostrará buenas intenciones. Habla con el teniente frente a la caseta de guardia. Tulimshar Map Mapa de Tulimshar Tulimshar Mines Tulimshar Office Oficina de Tulimshar Tulimshar Townhall Ayuntamiento de Tulimshar Tulimshar doesn't have a lot more of quests to offer you, so you should definitely explore new places. Tulimshar no tiene muchas más misiones que ofrecerte, por lo que definitivamente deberías explorar nuevos lugares. Tulimshar is surrounded by strong monsters. If you go out with your poor equipment, you're going to be dead in no time, @@. Tulimshar está rodeado de monstruos fuertes. Si sales con tu pobre equipo, en poco tiempo estarás muerto, @@. Tulimshar is the oldest human city, and its foundation is the year zero of our calendar. Tulimshar es la ciudad humana más antigua y su fundación es el año cero de nuestro calendario. Tulimshar is the strongest city because Dausen teaches every newcomer about the monsters around and how to defeat them. Take his special training if you get the chance! Tulimshar es la ciudad más fuerte porque Dausen les enseña a todos los recién llegados sobre los monstruos que los rodean y cómo derrotarlos. ¡Toma su entrenamiento especial si tienes la oportunidad! Tulimshar miners mainly try to obtain gems. Los mineros de Tulimshar intentan principalmente obtener gemas. Tulimshar spent trillions in research, and so did Hurnscald and Nivalis. Everything else was neglected. Eventually, some highly experimental tech experiment went haywire. Tulimshar, Tonori - 2nd March 300 AT Tulimshar, right? The oldest human city-state! Tulimshar, ¿verdad? ¡La ciudad-estado humana más antigua! Tulip Tulipán Tunnel through the caves! ¡Túnel a través de las cuevas! Tuple (1->17) Tutorial Protips: Tutorial Tom Tutorship is NOT the most effective way. Tutorship will give you Research Points. Tux Soul alma Tux Tweaking: %s Ajustando:%s Twelve times more if it is a pinch of the elusive Mylarin Dust. But no one knows where any of that is! Doce veces más si se trata de una pizca del esquivo polvo Mylarin. ¡Pero nadie sabe dónde está todo eso! Twelve... There is no way people collected this many gifts. Anyway. 404,800 is the next milestone. Two Hands Weapon Recipes Two Pairs Two equal: %s. Two equal: 1 casino coin. Dos equivalen: 1 moneda de casino. Two hands sword (strong, misses) Two pairs count as three equal. A "full house" count as four equal. Two still fight better than one. I have the courage of a dustman in me! Tycoon Tycoon Tyranny Tyranny as well, but to a different tree. Tiranía también, pero a un árbol diferente. Tyrca Ugh, can you believe it is raining?! What thrash weather for a desert town! Uf, ¿puedes creer que está lloviendo? ¡Qué mal tiempo para una ciudad desierta! Ugh, it's even colder today than other days. I hope this snowstorm ends soon. Uh are you sure this is fit to drink? Uh, I better leave before I'm involved again. Uh, a %s? How odd. Uh, how come? I thought you were an adventurer too! That island which trusted adventurers can reach using Pihro & Pyndragon's personal airship is so popular... Anyway!#0 Uh, how come? I thought you were an adventurer too! That island which trusted adventurers can reach using Pihro & Pyndragon's personal airship is so popular... Anyway!#1 Uh, maybe another time. Uh, sure. We mouboos are not cruel. But it might not be your size. Claro, claro. Los mouboos no somos crueles. Pero puede que no sea tu talla. Uh, what? Uh, you should ask %s, he is the leader of us miners. Uh, deberías pregunta a %s, él es el líder de nosotros los mineros. Uh. You're probably right. I'm very sorry. I'm just... You know, I wanted to become a scholar of the sages, studying and... Oh, how could I mess that up? Did you see the library? It caused so much damage! What else should they do other than kick me out? Uh... I *just* remembered I have something else to do! Uh... Something should happen, right? Can you get another one? Uh... That should not happen, right? RIGHT? Uh... Yeah, that's not funny. Uh? Hey, look! A platinum card! This should be worth something with the Guild Merchant Guild, right? Uh? I can't pass. I wonder why, maybe I need to wait? Uh? What are you doing here?! Uhh... I'm scared! Uhh... Not really! I love to kill Yetis, but sometimes they are really shy! Uhh... What happened... Uhh...yeah sure...I guess... Uhm, @@ seems to have finished their scheduled tasks again... If they were so diligent in cleaning and stocking, though... Mmmm, @@ parece haber terminado sus tareas programadas nuevamente... Sin embargo, si fueran tan diligentes en la limpieza y el almacenamiento... Uhm, I better heal it first before trying to do anything about the curse. Uhm, I don't need that. Uhm, I don't think this item needs my skills. Uhm, no creo que este objeto necesite mis habilidades. Uhm, I'm not the king of Frostia, I'm the king of all useless adventurers. Uhm, Katze often comes to the Hospital and shares some of her cheese with the sick. The cheese types and the description matches, but Katze would never steal anything. Uhm, just remember it'll be manually verified before prizes are given... Don't even think on cheating! Uhm, solo recuerda que se verificará manualmente antes de que se entreguen los premios... ¡Ni se te ocurra hacer trampa! Uhm, maybe I could teach you something, too. Go mine 5 @@. You should find some at northeast of the Island. Uhm, tal vez yo también pueda enseñarte algo. Anda a minar 5@@. Deberías encontrar algunos al noreste de la isla. Uhm, maybe I mashed the Plushroom too hard this time. Here's EXP as usual, let's try again? Uhm, tal vez esta vez aplasté demasiado el Plushroom. Aquí está EXP como siempre, ¿vamos a intentarlo de nuevo? Uhm, no, not really. Maybe later, who knows? Uhm, no, realmente no. Quizás más tarde, ¿quién sabe? Uhm, of course a book like this has to be a trap, right? Uhm, sorry, I don't trust stuff you get at market. You know. Uhm, that's an... @@. Do you... want to grow a tree on the mouboo or something? Can't you think on something else? Uhm, this seems like a bad idea. Uhm... I thought you were trying to heal the mouboo. Why are you giving it poisonous stuff?! Uhm? Oh, a new believer! Welcome, child of the mana, to the only church in this world. Uhul! My name is Mahul! Ukar Ukar Ultimate Ultimate Exchanger#0 Ultimate Tier Ultra Rare Drop Um, might I ask, what is so interesting? Umm..I have another quest to get to. So... umm... I should get going. Unbelievable! You're really a wise person. Undead Eye Ojo no muerto Under the leadership of King Wusher, they were the first to accept immigrants from other races. You will find humans and non-humans there. Bajo el liderazgo del rey Wusher, fueron los primeros en aceptar inmigrantes de otras razas. Allí encontrarás humanos y no humanos. Understood Unforgiving Lands Unfortunately you cannot rebirth anymore! Unfortunately you're in tutorial mode, so I cannot let you go ahead knowing you'll fail. Please improve your reputation with Nard and then continue. Unfortunately, @@s are not welcome on the Yeti Domains. You're no exception. Unfortunately, I cannot sell them to you. Maggots are attacking my crops and giving me headache. Lamentablemente no puedo vendértelos. Los gusanos están atacando mis cultivos y provocándome dolor de cabeza. Unfortunately, a mere fledgling like you is not strong enough to help us. Unfortunately, elves doesn't like to share coffee, so I thought in leaving but fell asleep. Oops! Unfortunately, he has been corrupted by the terrorist organization calling itself S.A.R.A.H. Hopefully, he will return to the ways of peace and bring prosperity to Duck Island once again. Unfortunately, other victor's names weren't logged. Unfortunately, they placed a curse on me using a %s preventing me from entering their cave ever again. Unique monsters can be found there, and people say about staffs which shoot raw death and doom from it! Unless you are an exceptionally talented mage or an influentical politician, it is unlikely. A menos que seas un mago excepcionalmente talentoso o un político influyente, es poco probable. Unless you know what you are doing, please go to Main Server instead. A menos que sepas lo que estás haciendo, ve al Servidor principal si no es el caso. Unless you're an Alliance member or have authorization, you cannot go in. A menos que seas miembro de la Alianza o tengas autorización, no puedes entrar. Unless you're looking forward a death penalty, DO NOT JUMP! Unless, of course, if Saulc cloned you. But then we must blame Saulc! Unless, of course, if you can prove your strength, challenging me to a duel. Unlike Parum, you can use the skill points you get every time your job level rises. That will lower the mana cost and increase success chances. A diferencia de Parum, puedes usar los puntos de habilidad que obtienes cada vez que aumenta tu nivel de trabajo. Eso reducirá el coste de maná y aumentará las posibilidades de éxito. Unlike many other cities, if you want people in eternal need of items, there is a good place to look. A diferencia de muchas otras ciudades, si buscas personas que siempre necesiten artículos, hay un buen lugar para buscar. Unlike talking, when trying to pick objects or read signs, you should be at an arms distance of them. A diferencia de hablar, cuando intentes escoger objetos o leer señales, debes estar a una distancia de un brazo de ellos. Unobtanium Unobtanio Unparelled, strength without precedents. Ancient beings of pure mana, rumored to be immortal. Unsatisfied, it goes away from you and your bag. Such a shame, we almost had got its trust. Unsit me OR I'LL KILL YOU in name of my father, Prsm! Unsit me at once! Unsurprisingly, nothing happens. Unused House Unused House, Market Updates were disabled Upgrade it Upgrading a skill level can be done the same away and will always cost a single Magic Skill Point. Job Level points are obtained only after Lv @@, and is a single point each @@ levels. Actualizar un nivel de habilidad se puede hacer de la misma manera y siempre costará un solo punto de habilidad mágica. Los puntos de nivel de trabajo se obtienen solo después de Lv @@, y es un solo punto por cada @@ nivel. Urchin Meat Carne de niño pobre Usage of @exprate without argument is deprecated, please use "@rates" instead. Usage: @craft item opt1 val1 opt2 val2 opt3 val3 opt4 val4 Usage: @craft2 item refine card1 card2 card3 card4 opt1 val1 opt2 val2 opt3 val3 opt4 val4 opt5 val5 Usage: @translate <npc file> Use %s (name in english) to obtain this info. You don't need the full name either, so go ahead and try it! Usa%s (nombre en inglés) para obtener esta información. Tampoco necesitas el nombre completo, ¡así que adelante y pruébalo! Use %s to see how long you need to wait. Usa %s para ver cuánto tiempo debe esperar. Use @@ to cancel. Use @@ to read the new version. Use a key. Usa una llave. Use an alt char to do that. Use items to drain the pentagram. Final result is affected by int! Use its powers for good! Use the abandoned passage to the north... Usually, no one uses it. Use the arrow keys to walk over to the right and meet Juliet. Usa las teclas de flecha para caminar hacia la derecha y encontrarte con Juliet. Use these coins to exchange for stuff. But beware: Each dungeon difficulty will increase the coin drop in the square value of previous. Use your @@ as currency! ¡Usa tu @@ como moneda! User Control Panel Username#0000 Using potions and support magic is fine, as well as summons; but using a non-magical weapon will disqualify you. Using potions and support magic is fine. It has high defense, so magic attacks work better. Usually only sponsors are allowed up there, but I'll make an exception today. Go meet the mayor. Usually they have a few rare drops. The miniboss of Candor may drop a rare key, which you can use to open a certain chest... Generalmente tienen algunos botines raras. El minijefe de Candor puede dejar caer una llave rara, que puedes usar para abrir un cofre determinado... Usually you can only tweak if the item already have another option, but I am Tolchi. So, which item you want to tweak? Por lo general, solo puedes modificarlo si el objeto ya tiene otra opción, pero yo soy Tolchi. Entonces, ¿qué objeto quieres modificar? Usually, you can find magic on these buildings, but watch out, there is magic to be found elsewhere, and some items are bound with it! Por lo general, puedes encontrar magia en estos edificios, pero ten cuidado, ¡hay magia en otros lugares y algunos objetos están vinculados a ella! Utilities V-neck Jumper Jersey de cuello V Valentine Day Valentine Day Event Reward automatically claimed Valentine Day event consist in gathering @@ and sending them to your loved one.#0 Valentine Day event consist in gathering @@ and sending them to your loved one.#1 Valentine Day is over! ¡Se acabó el día de San Valentín! Valentine Dress Valentine Eating Valentine Top 1 Prize Valia Valia Gemini Vampire Bat Vampire Bat Wing Ala de murciélago vampiro Vanity Pixie Various people already went missing, including GMs. This is why if you plan to cross, Vault#0093 Vault#01710 Vault#0172 Vault#0173 Vault#0174 Vault#0175 Vault#01824a Veneri Versatile Card Tarjeta versátil Very well - Congratulations! That was very easy, though, and this one is full of imperfections. Muy bien - ¡Felicitaciones! Pero eso fue muy fácil y este está lleno de imperfecciones. Very well! We have seven class of items: Wood, Iron, Terranite, Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum. Very well, but for a fee of @@ GP. There's no free lunch, after all! Very well, let's see what you are made of! Very well, listen to my plan! ¡Muy bien, escucha mi plan! Very well, now I can create more paper. Very well, this looks fine. It is time for your first lesson. Very well, you don't know what you're missing. Muy bien, no sabes lo que te estás perdiendo. Very well. I shall now share the details of this rite with you. Muy bien. Ahora compartiré los detalles de este rito con ustedes. Very well. That will make a great meal. You pass! Very well. The Platinum Red Queen died in her sleep and the Soul Eater took her role. But the Soul Eater was a tyrant and soon enough, "she" was murdered. A Council has taken over Tulimshar on the meanwhile and is doing intense research. Very well. This conversation never happened. Muy bien. Esta conversación nunca sucedió. Veteran Officer Oficial veterano Vice Leader Vicious Chest Vicious Squirrel Vicious Squirrels Victory Victoria Victory Conditions Condiciones de victoria Victory Conditions: Defeat all enemies! Victory Conditions: Defeat the assassin! Victory Conditions: Protect Sagratha! Victory Conditions: Survive! Victory prizes include guild experience, guild money, and guild bound items. View Candidate List and cast a vote Ver la lista de candidatos y emitir un voto View LeaderBoard Ver tabla de clasificación View the dish Viking Helmet Casco vikingo Vincent Vincent Violet Eggshell Hat Sombrero de cáscara de huevo violeta Visit the Christmas Workshop, and talk to the chief in charge. Visit the special event map, kill low level bosses, collect %s, Visiting a new world is always exciting. Actually, the opportunity of taking a new life in a new universe isn't that bad either. Visitar un mundo nuevo siempre es emocionante. En realidad, la oportunidad de tomar una nueva vida en un nuevo universo tampoco es tan mala. Visiting the bank too right? We're only a small village but Cynric is the best bank guy I know. Visitar el banco también, ¿verdad? Somos sólo un pueblo pequeño, pero Cynric es el mejor banquero que conozco. Visitor with a mask? Ah, I think I know who are you talking about. Black clothes and a golden mask. Rather strange guy. Visitors should keep away from those! Vit Potion Vit+ Potion Vit++ Potion Vitality Vitalidad Vitality Fruit Fruta de Vitalidad Vneck Sweater WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH WARNING ADVERTENCIA WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! Monster Army is moving towards Halinarzo!! WARNING! WARNING! Monster Army is moving towards Hurnscald!! WARNING! WARNING! Monster Army is moving towards Nivalis!! WARNING! WARNING! Monster Army is moving towards Tulimshar!! WARNING#015535661 WARNING, THIS IS A RARE ITEM AND THIS OPERATION CANNOT BE REVERTED!! ¡¡ADVERTENCIA, ESTE ES UN ARTÍCULO RARO Y ESTA OPERACIÓN NO SE PUEDE REVERTIR!! WARNING, you have been detected cheating and thus, violating Tulimshar Anti-Theft Policy. ADVERTENCIA, se le ha detectado haciendo trampa y, por lo tanto, violando la Política antirrobo de Tulimshar. WARNING. YOU ARE CHEATING THE GRIMORIE QUEST. WARNING. YOU ARE CHEATING THE SUNNY CRYSTAL QUEST. WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: A previous town admin exiled you. The effects will persist unless you revert your own exile. WARNING: Angela Quest cannot be finished without finishing Mercury sidequest first. WARNING: Change your equipment now. WARNING: DO NOT PROCEED UNLESS YOU'RE READY. WARNING: Dangerous!! WARNING: Data may have been corrupted. WARNING: Deprecated! WARNING: Difficult quest, bringing plenty of healing items strongly advised! WARNING: Do not spend unecessary time on Soren's House, you'll be disconnected! WARNING: Fake Death skill is disabled on the fight. WARNING: HIGH LEVEL AREA. COME PREPARED. WARNING: If you insert wrong pincode, you'll be disconnected. WARNING: If you use any Mirror Lake feature on this world, the current Mirror Lake Quest will be marked as "Failed". WARNING: If you walk out the main gate you WON'T be able to return! WARNING: Might have unexpected side effects! WARNING: Monsters will appear! WARNING: NO EXPERIENCE WILL BE CARRIED OVER FROM THIS FIGHT. ADVERTENCIA: NO SE TRANSFERIRÁ NINGUNA EXPERIENCIA DE ESTA LUCHA. WARNING: Nivalis is currently under siege from the Monster King himself. WARNING: Path temporaly closed due strong snowstorm. WARNING: Permanent boosts will return to their fruit form. WARNING: Save your game now. WARNING: Server will go down for scheduled maintenance in 10 minutes! WARNING: Server will go down for scheduled maintenance in 15 minutes! WARNING: Server will go down for scheduled maintenance in 5 minutes! WARNING: Spawn these monsters with moderation! WARNING: Strange bugs may happen if you attempt to craft an item you already have on inventory! WARNING: THIS ACTION IS IRREVERSIBLE. WARNING: The %s is a %s. Besides being insanely powerful, no duplicate of them exist in the world. They can be tweaked freely and can hold multiple cards as well, and scale according to your level. Use its powers wisely. However, beware: This weapon cannot be traded except with "@grantpower" command, and if you abandon the world, the weapon will abandon you as well! WARNING: This is a level 45 quest! ADVERTENCIA: ¡Esta es una misión de nivel 45! WARNING: This is experimental!! WARNING: Warp Crystals can break after use and have a cooldown. WARNING: You are about to enter a HIGH-RISK zone. WARNING: You died at Forgotten Shrine and the Shrine defense triggered. WARNING: You have a time limit! WARNING: You have done less than %d%% of Candor Quests! ADVERTENCIA: ¡Has realizado menos de %d%% de misiones de Candor! WARNING: You must give at least @@ boxes more before event ends to be eligible for a reward! WARNING: Your progress on the quest was lost! WARNING: if you die again today in a special map it will be PERMANENT. WARNING: you can only rent one mount per character. Either tortuga or a mouboo. WARPING IN 10 SECONDS WAW thank you! Come back later to bring me extra @@! ¡GUAU, gracias! ¡Vuelve más tarde para traerme extra @@! WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR?! START ALREADY! WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO? WHAT IN THE NAME OF THE FREAKING PENGUIN WAS THAT?! WHAT? Have you not gained one at birth? That's absurd! ¿QUÉ? ¿No has ganado uno al nacer? ¡Eso es absurdo! WHAT? How can you ever party without beer?! ¿QUÉ? ¿Cómo puedes divertirte sin cerveza? WHAT? That's twice absurd! Now you'll say that you were found stranded on a desert island without equipment and can't remember anything but your own name! ¿QUÉ? ¡Eso es dos veces absurdo! ¡Ahora dirás que te encontraron varado en una isla desierta sin equipo y no recuerdas nada más que tu propio nombre! WHAT? The farm is plagued with insects?! ¿QUÉ? ¿La granja está plagada de insectos? WHAT?! ARE YOU OUT OF MIND?!?! ¡¿QUÉ?! ¿¡¿ESTÁS DEMENTE?!?! WHIP WOW, THIS IS AWESOME! Many, many thanks!! ¡GUAU, ESTO ES IMPRESIONANTE! ¡¡Muchas, muchas gracias!! WTF is this devilry?! Just... How?! ¡¿Qué diablos es esto?! Sólo... ¡¿Cómo?! Wait a minute! I ain't trustin' a weakling like ye fer good arrows! ¡Espera un minuto! ¡No confío en un debilucho como tú para darme buenas flechas! Wait a minute! I have an idea! ¡Espera un minuto! ¡Tengo una idea! Wait a minute... Espera un minuto... Wait a minute... This is written in Mananese! I can't read it! Wait a moment - you are naked! YOU WILL DIE IN THE FREEZE! o.o Wait for the bait to sink underwater. Esperar al anzuelo para undirse bajo el agua. Wait, I thought you were a nymph! Wait, Yeti's have a king? Wait, are you with the police? I didn't do anything wrong, I promise!#0 Espera, ¿estás con la policía? ¡No hice nada malo, lo prometo!#0 Wait, are you with the police? I didn't do anything wrong, I promise!#1 Espera, ¿estás con la policía? ¡No hice nada malo, lo prometo!#1 Wait, if you try to melt more than one item, the game client will get buggy. Wait, it is not so simple as just giving me the money. Espera, no es tan simple como simplemente darme el dinero. Wait- Something is happening! Wait. I remember you. You ruined my crops a few seconds ago!! Esperar. Te recuerdo. ¡¡Arruinaste mis cultivos hace unos segundos!! Wait. Stop there. You have the same smell as Ashley. Did you just receive some cooking lesson from her? Espera. Detente ahí. Tienes el mismo olor que Ashley. ¿Acabas de recibir alguna lección de cocina de ella? Wait...could you repeat that? Waiting for @@... Esperando a @@... Waitress Walk +5% Wall Card Tarjeta de pared Wall Card S Tarjeta de pared S Wall Card X Tarjeta de pared X Wand (skill boost, pathetically weak) Wanderer, this is a dangerous place! Go back! ¡Vagabundo, este es un lugar peligroso! ¡Volver! Wandering Shadow Wandering too much? Take care to don't get lost. Wandering too much? Take care to not get lost. ¿Deambulando demasiado? Tenga cuidado de no perderse. Wands Want to break the hundredthousand item limit?? Ten gifts, for more, bring 102,400 boxes here. Wardrobe#MKHB Wardrobe#RES_0128 Wardrobe#RES_PPL Warez? Warlord Señor de la Guerra Warlord Boots Botas del señor de la guerra Warlord Gloves Guantes del señor de la guerra Warlord Helmet Casco de señor de la guerra Warlord Pants Pantalones del señor de la guerra Warlord Plate placa de señor de la guerra Warning#Kamelot Warning. Warning: If you are taking an advanced class, it will canceled. Warning: Invalid UNIX EPOCH time detected. Warning: This will drain mana and spawn monsters. You shall not leave this cave section! Warning: You are using an old client. Warp - Arrest me! Warp - Jump to Basement Warp - Jump to Cave Exit Warp - Jump to Entrance Warp - Jump to Jail Warp - Jump to Sewer Entrance Warp - Jump to Weapon Room Warp Crystals will also break much less, and Time Flasks will recharge faster! Warp Feltchstick Warp back to the carpet? Warp to Council room? ¿Transportarse a la sala del Consejo? Warp to a mirror island. Warp to extra island! Warp to the Cave Of Trials? ¿Transportarse a la cueva de las pruebas? Warped Log Tronco deformado Warped. Teletransportado. Warping to save point. Girar para guardar punto. Warrior Warrior General Was I supposed to have one? How should I reply? ¿Se suponía que debía tener uno? ¿Cómo debo responder? Was it Nard who brought you here? ¿Fue Nard quien te trajo aquí? Was not it only flooded constantly, the graveyard is not too far. If you stray away from the path, you'll get lost. Wash yourself with the potion Wasn't there something on the Holy Bible? About a young boy trapped by his brothers somewhere because envy? Watch out! My wife was gravely wounded the other day. Don't forget your shield when leaving this holy place! Water Element Water Fairy Water, Bread, Cheese and Cherry Cake are to eat, and money is always useful, you know. Agua, pan, queso y el pastel de cereza son para comer, y el dinero siempre es útil, ¿sabes? Wave @@/10 Waw! You really did it, you're the savior of my farm!! You have my eternal gratitute. Here is 2500 GP for your troubles! Waw! You really did it, you're the savior of my farm!! You have my eternal gratitute. Here is 5000 GP for your troubles! Waw, you are level @@! Many congratulations. If there were people like you, Ukaropolis wouldn't have been destroyed... ¡Vaya, estás al nivel @@! Muchas felicidades. Si hubiera gente como tú, Ukaropolis no habría sido destruida... We advise you to change your equipment now. We also feature some services like a storage and a bank for members. También contamos con algunos servicios como un almacén y un banco para los miembros. We also found a small fortress and a small gothic building which might have important clues on your journey. Our first task, therefore, should be recapturing this town from our enemies! We appreciate your help. Take this %s as a token of goodwill. We are assembling forces to take Nivalis back. We are deliberating. Some do not... approve of your initiation. Leave. We are in desperate need of food and nesting material, as well as our sacred supply of @@. We are no longer in danger, thanks to you. The pirates were thoroughly defeated. None survived the battle. We are planning to take over Hurnscald from the Monster King, and we will need everybody's help. We are strong fighters, and we want to free the King from his obsession. We are unsure of the cause, but they must be repelled at any cost! We arranged a small underground room for that, because the Colliseum is too far away. Organizamos una pequeña sala subterránea para eso, porque el Coliseo está demasiado lejos. We can do this again on next summer! We can do this again on next winter! We can rule out rats, though. I know, shocking, right? But these kind of cheese are eaten by cats, dragons, squirrels and yetis, but not by rats. We can't let you die of thirst! That wouldn't be cool at all! And I'm very cool! ¡No podemos dejar que mueras de sed! ¡Eso no estaría nada bien! ¡Y soy muy genial! We can't, don't you agree?! Nosotros no podemos, ¿no estás de acuerdo? We chased after them after they fled into the deep tunnels of the mines. It was a heated battle but we have slain them all and got the chests with our stuff back. We don't have a mayor. The independent city-state of Frostia is ruled by a King. We elves have greater affinity for magic than humans. Los elfos tenemos mayor afinidad por la magia que los humanos. We follow north hemisphere seasons in case you're wondering. Seguimos las estaciones del hemisferio norte en caso de que te lo preguntes. We found several interest points inside, like some mines with the most precious ores in the world - like %s and even %s - along very powerful monsters. Unfortunately, it is partly flooded. We from Halinarzo are very poor, and in constant need of food. You have to help us! We grew in strength and knowledge over time, and dedicated ourselves to upholding justice and peace on the Isles, and in the world. Crecimos en fuerza y conocimiento con el tiempo y nos dedicamos a defender la justicia y la paz en las Islas y en el mundo. We had bandits targeting the bar, but I can assure it is unrelated to your current case. We have four classes, but you can make a mix between them. Tenemos cuatro clases, pero puedes hacer una mezcla entre ellas. We have made a stop at a little island, before making it on to the port of Tulimshar. Hemos hecho una parada en una pequeña isla, antes de dirigirnos al puerto de Tulimshar. We have some serious problems involving bandits. I need someone strong to help me, and you don't qualify. Yet. We have three vanishing sort of people on the story. We held to our hope and Jerry figured it out. We keep the Slimes past the barrier for the night, so be careful when entering. We know a lot, but all this knowledge will part with us. We should not the only nomads, though. There should be nomads in Argaes, Kaizei, besides the citadels of Oceania and Volcania. Unfortunately, all of them are incommunicable. But so are us. We know our thief is likely either a squirrel or a cat, although one intelligent enough and resourceful enough to make the travel every day. So I'm going to assume it was bought in some store as some sort of prank. We may delete all entries and change formulas in the future. We may require your aid again soon. The tritan pirates are amassing and we fear they are planning a siege of Duck Island. I must speak with the Council of Elders... We must away Nosotros debemos alejarnos We must blame Saulc! We must capture Barbara AND return the stolen item! We must defeat the Monster King on his evil lair! We must find out what lies at the top, whatever the cost! We need %d %s, %d %s, and %d %s for our regular stores and nesting materials, and %d %s for the royal kitchen. We need to find what powers these two seals and disable it. We need you to deliver this important letter to %s! Avoid the roads and bandits! We need: We offer party and guild certifications. Ofrecemos certificaciones de grupos y gremios. We only managed to recover @@ stolen @@ thus far... We only require a small fee of %d %s, or %d %s, or %d %s if you are poor adventurer. We organize some auction and we help local merchants to launch their businesses. We really appreciate your help with the slimes. We scoured this place. Found notes left behind by the expedition, they seem to have had set an encampment southeast of here. We seem to be having a fine weather, despite the Monster King activity! We shall be waiting for your arrival. We should be there in a few days. For now, you can relax on the ship, or visit the island we're docked at! Its a small island, but a good place to get some exercise and stretch your legs. Deberíamos estar allí en unos días. ¡Por ahora, puedes relajarte en el barco o visitar la isla en la que estamos estacionados! Es una isla pequeña, pero un buen lugar para hacer algo de ejercicio y estirar las piernas. We should split our team, and have someone to protect our backs. Otherwise, we might not do it. We speak various languages on this world. Let's try gesturing! Hablamos varios idiomas en este mundo. ¡Intentemos hacer gestos! We sure flourished at her early years, but the late years were a disaster! Crops were failing way before her death! We thank every developer which helped this project thus far! We thank every player, because without them, this would be nothing! We thought that you could help us understand this, all we know is that we found you cast in the sea, in a sand bank. Pensamos que podrías ayudarnos a entender esto, lo único que sabemos es que te encontramos arrojado en el mar, en un banco de arena. We want to celebrate this moment, but can you believe we ran out of beer? Queremos celebrar este momento, pero ¿puedes creer que se nos acabó la cerveza? We want to thank everyone who did this release possible. We will be yeye-ing there in a few days, so we'll part ways there. Estaremos allí en unos días, así que nos separaremos allí. We will have a party today, but only believers are allowed in! We will talk about it later. Hablaremos de ello más tarde. We won't be able to pay you in money, but we'll make you one of us if you bring us beer! ¡No podremos pagarte en dinero, pero te convertiremos en uno de nosotros si nos traes cerveza! We'd never be able to recover our books so quickly without your help. Thanks! We'll be arriving at Artis by the dawn, where Elora will be waiting for us. I can only hope, that the denizens are okay... Llegaremos a Artis al amanecer, donde nos estará esperando Elora. Sólo puedo esperar que los habitantes estén bien... We'll be correcting this bug automatically now. We'll bring this one to Juliet at once. Thanks for your help! Savior!#0 Se lo llevaremos a Juliet de inmediato. ¡Gracias por tu ayuda! ¡Salvador!#0 We'll bring this one to Juliet at once. Thanks for your help! Savior!#1 Se lo llevaremos a Juliet de inmediato. ¡Gracias por tu ayuda! ¡Salvador!#1 We'll never forget Andrei Sakar, the most courageous hero this world has ever had. We're busy here, so please don't bother us. We're currently the biggest exporter of food. We may be a small town, but Tulimshar and Halinarzo can barely hold themselves. We're doing researches on slimes, the explosive ones. You probably saw when they explode, they damage anything close to them, friendly or not, right? We're nearly out of paper. The new books require so much material... And it's not easy to get Reed Bundles to create new paper. We're talking about @@. It's not something for kids or pranksters! Estamos hablando acerca de @@. ¡No es algo para niños o bromistas! We're trying to repair some of the valuable and important books. It's so much work! We're trying to repair the books by collecting the ripped out bookpages and sorting them and copying them for new books. It's a lot to do, and after being eaten by a slime they stink! We've built this blockade to prevent this area from being overrun with monsters, but who knows for how long this will last. We've finally solved the problem with our instruments! We've traced them to the Dark Forest, our goal is to destroy every raider there and defeat whoever is behind this tragedy. All that while keeping an eye open for survivors. Weakness: AGI- Weakness: DEX- Weakness: INT- Weakness: LUK- Weakness: NONE Weakness: STR- Weakness: VIT- Weapon Maximum Damage Weapons: +8 attack, +8 magic attack Weather & Seasons. Clima y Estaciones. Wedding Ring Anillo de bodas Weekly, at Sunday 00:00, elections are held. Weellos Welcome back, Padric! ¡Bienvenido de nuevo, Padric! Welcome back, children. So, how was your treasure hunt? Did you manage to find the path? Welcome back. Welcome back. Please enjoy your stay here. Welcome back. Uh, no, I haven't forgot I promised you a small something... But you see, then I lost my ring, and... Welcome miss.#0 Bienvenida, señorita.#0 Welcome to Welcome to Aethyr, strange traveler. I am a collector of rare gemstones. Welcome to Dimond's Cove! Welcome to HUNGRY QUIRIN ARENA mangment panel. Bienvenido al panel de administración de JUEGOS DEL HAMBRE DE QUIRIN. Welcome to Moubootaur Legends: ##1Fires of Steam##0 Bienvenido a Moubootaur Legends: ##1Fuegos de Steam##0 Welcome to Nivalis, the frozen town. Welcome to Porthos - The Town of Portals (Kaizei's æther / Moubootaur Legends) Welcome to Saulc's Magic Alchemy Table! Welcome to Saulc's Magic Cooking Stove! Welcome to Saulc's Magic Smith Table! Welcome to TMW-2: Moubootaur Legends! We hope you have a great time in our server! Welcome to Tolchi and Rosen Shop. Bienvenido a la Tienda de Tolchi y Rosen. Welcome to Tulimshar, @@! ¡Bienvenido a Tulimshar, @@! Welcome to my fine establishment! Welcome to the ##BThieves Guild##b! Follow those with higher rank than you, and happy stealing! Welcome to the Arena. Select your action Bienvenidos a la Arena. Selecciona tu acción Welcome to the Greenlands, the place cursed by the Monster King to be ice forever, and now known as Icelands. Welcome to the Order of the Piou Knights, %s. Bienvenidos a la Orden de los Caballeros Piou,%s. Welcome to the Town Hall. I am @@, officer in charge of public associations. Bienvenidos al Ayuntamiento. Soy @@, responsable de asociaciones públicas. Welcome to the library of Sage Nikolai. I'm very sorry, but as you see it's not in a good shape at the moment. Most of the books were eaten by the slimes or damaged and we're working hard on cleaning up the mess. Welcome to the questing world!" Welcome! Here to pick a weapon? You'll be able to select three skill cards as well. Welcome! I come from nowhere, and my family hunt Snakes. We also make fine leather items from their skin! Welcome! I see you have ##B%d Monster Points##b. Would you like to exchange some of those for items? ¡Bienvenido! Veo que tienes ##B%d Puntos de Monstruo##b. ¿Te gustaría cambiar algunos de ellos por artículos? Welcome! I see you have %d Monster Points. But that isn't enough to get items at your current level, sorry! ¡Bienvenido! Veo que tienes %d Puntos de Monstruo. Pero eso no es suficiente para conseguir objetos en tu nivel actual, ¡lo siento! Welcome! My name is @@, I am a representative of the Merchant Guild on @@. Welcome! Only the finest wares!#0 Welcome! Only the finest wares!#1 Welcome. Are you an adventurer? I could use some help. Welcome. Please don't go deeper into the library, there are still some slimes left. But in spite of that we have made quite a bit of progress. You should have seen the mess just after most of the slimes escaped! Welcome.#0 Welcome.#1 Well %s, you're not as incompentent as you look! Meow, here, you can have this %s, as a token of my appreciation. Well ... but ... I mean ... I don't know ... Well I see that you have completed the George Quest! Well done! I hope no more of those assassins show up. I'm afraid I cannot give you a proper reward, but... ¡Bien hecho! Espero que no aparezcan más de esos asesinos. Me temo que no puedo darte una recompensa adecuada, pero... Well well well, @@, good job in reaching Soren's House. Well#003-1 Pozo#003-1 Well#Nivalis Well, Andrei Sakar said it was a waste a time, and the other NPCs started fighting against themselves, so I won. Well, I and my brother could make another one, but they are being checked for safety. Well, I can sell you a random box with almost 100 @@ for just @@ GP. Bueno, puedo venderte una caja aleatoria con casi 100 @@ por solo @@ GP. Well, I can't help but keep thinking on how many shiny treasures might be there! Well, I decided to resume an old research of mine, now that I have a minion (you) to gather stuff for me. Bueno, decidí retomar una vieja investigación mía, ahora que tengo un minion (tú) para recolectar cosas para mí. Well, I did my best, but this had been so refined, that it was difficult to find my way. Well, I do not trust you yet. You literally were just brought by the shore, and even if Nard and Lua seems to trust you... Bueno, todavía no confío en ti. Literalmente te trajeron a la orilla, e incluso si Nard y Lua parecen confiar en ti... Well, I don't want to be an snob. Well, I guess I was thinking too high of a random adventurer like yourself... Well, I have a small problem. Sorry, but my superior officer did not like you. This happens, not everyone will like us, right? A lot of adventurers actually hate me %%R Bueno, tengo un pequeño problema. Lo siento, pero no le agradaste a mi superior. Esto pasa, no le agradaremos a todo el mundo, ¿verdad? Muchos aventureros en realidad me odian %%R Well, I have not finished my research on snakes yet, but I'm pretty sure in how to transmute their parts. Bueno, todavía no he terminado mi investigación sobre las serpientes, pero estoy bastante seguro de cómo transmutar sus partes. Well, I heard you needed to have some Job levels to sign up with them, and couldn't resign later. Well, I just like sunbathing. Well, I know a mixture to keep monsters away. I just can't share it with you now. Well, I know how to do a @@, a sturdy bow, but I am not making those anymore, sorry. Well, I suppose you can have some of my tea. Well, I would love to, but the house is a mess. Well, I'll give you a hour of EXP RATE UP! How cool is that? Enjoy! Bueno, ¡te daré una hora de TASA DE EXP UP! ¿Qué tan genial es eso? ¡Disfruta! Well, I'm currently researching scorpions, as you can imagine. Bueno, actualmente estoy investigando escorpiones, como puedes imaginar. Well, I'm the leader of the miners, indeed. A miner needs to have the full set. Bueno, efectivamente soy el líder de los mineros. Un minero necesita tener el conjunto completo. Well, all humans does mistakes... Wait, he is an elf. So, everyone commit mistakes. Anyway... Well, as with any legendary tailor, you must bring the materials yourself, and pay the work fee! Well, first of, you'll need an @@ and an Equipment Recipe. Bueno, primero necesitarás un @@ y una receta de equipo. Well, for a living, I usually tend to the crops. Bueno, para ganarme la vida, normalmente me ocupo de los cultivos. Well, good luck with your business. Well, here you are. I hope you enjoy ^^ Bueno, aquí estás. Espero que lo disfrutes ^^ Well, if you are good, you can just not get hit. If you're not so good, then bows will be a pain. Bueno, si eres bueno, es posible que no te golpeen. Si no eres tan bueno, entonces los arcos serán un fastidio. Well, if you come from Candor, you probably will have some fluffy's yellow feathers. I use them to make pillows. Bueno, si vienes de Candor probablemente tendrás algunas plumas amarillas esponjosas. Los uso para hacer almohadas. Well, if you ever need help, do not hesit reading the wiki ;-) Bueno, si alguna vez necesitas ayuda, no dudes en leer la wiki ;-) Well, if you look behind the building, there's a couple chimneys on ground and a hole which connects here. Would make some metallic noise to go through either of them. Well, if you want to donate @@, you'll be ranked. There's gift for everyone, and rewards for top 5 donors. Well, if you want warrior craft, perhaps you should look for @@ or @@. Well, if you were from the defenders, you would have been adopted by a family which left Halinarzo. Well, if you're scared, you can kill Desert Log Heads, but they'll have a smaller worth. Bueno, si tienes miedo, puedes matar cabezas de troncos del desierto, pero tendrán un valor menor. Well, it depends on the curse. Some are easy to break, and others are... well... Well, it is terrible! How can I make armours if I ran out of Iron? Shall the citizens of Candor Island perish in a monster attack?! ¡Pues es terrible! ¿Cómo puedo hacer armaduras si me quedé sin hierro? ¿Perecerán los ciudadanos de la isla de Candor en el ataque de un monstruo? Well, long story short, we have two magic systems. One works out of box. The later one, is the Mana Magic. Bueno, para resumir, tenemos dos sistemas mágicos. Uno funciona de inmediato. El último es magia de mana. Well, maybe it takes a few hours or days of your life, but who cares! It is instant teleport! Well, my men went down and still haven't returned. Well, my tea is just too good. Well, no risk, no gain. Well, not like you could understand that with your level! %%a Well, problem is, after that, there was demand for an election. The previous mayor lost. I won. Well, sorry, but only some items can be refined. Well, speaking a bit about myself can't hurt. I am a member from the Magic Council, but one day I decided to take a vacations. Bueno, hablar un poco de mí no viene mal. Soy miembro del Consejo Mágico, pero un día decidí tomarme unas vacaciones. Well, thanks. Well, that could fail, I said. Here is some experience. Bueno, eso podría fallar, dije. Aquí hay algo de experiencia. Well, that was a good fight. My grand-grand-grandfeather gave his shield to Arvek -- err, Braknar I mean. Well, that was bad, but at least you know a bit from story. Well, that was quite good. To defeat me and Lilit's general, alone, in such low time; You should be proud of yourself. Well, that's easy to do. For starters, I need 1.000 GP as payment, and 10 @@ to make the string. Well, that's not a ring. Bueno, eso no es un anillo. Well, the Yeti King has went away to the cliffs north of this one. He'll get back here very hungry. Well, the biggest mana stones mine was in %s, but I'm afraid it has already depleted... Besides, it is very dangerous. Bueno, la piedra de mana más grande que tenía estaba en la mina %s, pero me temo que ya se ha agotado... Además, es muy peligrosa. Well, the first thing would be to get access to a Mana Stone. Halinarzo had the biggest mana stone mines, but it's now depleted. Bueno, lo primero sería conseguir acceso a una piedra de mana. Halinarzo tenía las minas de piedra de mana más grandes, pero ahora están agotadas. Well, the reason why I'm not doing it already is because, you see, I lack cookies. Well, then I'll give you a task. We may meet again in Soren Village. Bueno, entonces te daré una tarea. Quizás nos volvamos a encontrar en el pueblo de Soren. Well, there might be a deep water spot, but it would still be dangerous. Well, these slimes are dangerous, but if you find some pages, be sure to bring them to Ensio. This will help us a lot. Eh, if you're interested in helping, that is. %%1 Well, this is very disturbing, indeed. I hope my good friend Sagratha is fine. Well, too bad! Bueno, ¡qué lástima! Well, we all know Lalica is a powerful witch from the Land of Fire, are you sure she isn't involved? Well, welcome to the game! If you have any doubt, shout on #world for help! Bueno, ¡bienvenido al juego! Si tienes alguna duda, ¡habla en el #mundo para pedir ayuda! Well, yes, I've saw them heading off to the Yeti King room. Lately, many Yetis have been uprising against your majesty. Well, yes. Look this river. The water is not moving. Well, you are. You're quite interesting. I've been watching you for some time now, as you've been helping so many people: you're quite a master at what you do, you know. Well, you clearly never fought before, so remember to add stats. Bueno, claramente nunca has peleado antes, así que recuerda agregar puntos de status. Well, you don't have a weapon. So, let me explain quickly. Bueno, no tienes un arma. Entonces, déjame explicarte rápidamente. Well, you forgot the most important: The material I need to do the string. Well, you gave me the gems, so I trust you with this. Here, take the reagent you need, a %s. Bueno, tú me diste las gemas, así que te confío esto. Toma, toma el reactivo que necesitas, un %s. Well, you helped me. That's great! One hand washes the other, so, I'm willing to share knowledge with you. Bueno, me ayudaste. ¡Genial! Una mano lava la otra, así que estoy dispuesto a compartir conocimientos contigo. Well, you know... Maybe we can strike a deal. I have good relations with the stock manager. I'll give you an event item. Well, you need more experience. Keep trying! Well, you probably deserve it. Well, you see, you can't jump very far. And the water near land is shallow. Well, you were warned. Do you have any other stuff for me? Well, you'll need to get used to. Being seasick is annoying, so you might want to leave the ship as soon as possible. Bueno, tendrás que acostumbrarte. Marearse es molesto, por lo que es posible que desees abandonar el barco lo antes posible. Well, you're an adventurer, and I guess tending to crops isn't your cup of tea. Bueno, eres un aventurero y supongo que cuidar los cultivos no es lo tuyo. Well. I'll take care of that, don't worry with that. Well... Can't say I'm surprised. He is very perfectionist. Putting on himself the blame is something he would do. Well... Here you go! Bueno... ¡Aquí tienes! Well... Not robberies per se... Just cheese vanishing and being replaced by %s, which is super weird. Well... Rats, maybe? Well... You're right. Bueno... Tienes razón. Well... we'll see around! Well... you did not succeed in opening this %s. Welp, no, please! Welp, you killed 10 Crocs. They're not dangerous, as you see. That's why we don't bother in cleaning them up. Bueno, mataste 10 Crocs. No son peligrosos, como ves. Por eso no nos molestamos en limpiarlos. West West Aeros West Avenue#lof West of here is a beach. In said beach there are blubs, they don't attack but they walk in packs. Be careful if you provoke too many of them. Al oeste de aquí hay una playa. En dicha playa hay blubs, no atacan pero caminan en manadas. Ten cuidado si provocas a muchos de ellos. West of here is a beach. There's a secret passage to it, underground. In there you'll find slime-like creatures called Blubs. Al oeste de aquí hay una playa. Hay un pasaje secreto, subterráneo. Allí encontrarás criaturas parecidas a limo llamadas Blubs. West of here, north of here, is a cabin. Investigate. That's all. Wha- How dare you, to lie to me! Whaaaaaaat *hic* is she *hic* have she gotten crazy? *hic* Whaaaaaat, you are that noob from earlier! Vanish! Be gone! Don't bore me! What ANISE INC. Does? What Alliance? The Alliance which rules over the World Of Mana! ¿Qué alianza? ¡La Alianza que gobierna el Mundo de Mana! What I had to bring, again? ¿Qué tenía que traer, otra vez? What I want to say is: Kill non-stop! Lo que quiero decir es: ¡Mata sin parar! What a rip-off! What about job levels and job experience? ¿Qué pasa con los niveles de trabajo y la experiencia de trabajo? What about the Desert Temple? What about the Shield? What about the worm? What about you bring me: What alliance? ¿Qué alianza? What am I supposed to say? ¿Qué se supone que diga? What an amazing crown you have! How do I get it?! What are Magic Skill Points? What are Research Points What are current leaderboard? What are the Ancient Families of the Soul Menhir? What are the Transcendence Gates? What are the tasks of the Alliance? ¿Cuáles son las tareas de la Alianza? What are you doing alone in this desert? What are you doing here, @@! What are you doing here? This place is too dangerous for you! What are you doing in my kitchen?! Get out, it's not a place for kids! ¡¿Qué haces en mi cocina?! ¡Sal de aquí, este no es un sitio para niños! What are you doing talking to me? Go fight, you coward! What are you doing? Fight! What are you doing? Go talk to @@ and bring me a @@! ¿Qué estás haciendo? ¡Ve a hablar con @@ y tráeme un @@! What are you doing? Stop wasting my time and go talk to @@! What are you even speaking about? What are you still doing here? Begone! What are you still doing here?! GO!! What are you talking about? What guild? ¿De qué estás hablando? ¿Cuál gremio? What are you talking about? You are who you are right now. There's no other you. What are you waiting for? Go kill the bandit lord. What are you waiting for? Go rescue Rossy in the Ritual Cave, in Jack's house basement! It's northeast of here. What are you waiting for?! Get running, Pachua is waiting! What body orifice should a babel fish be inserted in to work properly? What brings you here, @@? What can I do for you? ¿Qué puedo hacer por ti? What can I do with Bug Leg? ¿Qué puedo hacer con la Pata de Insecto? What can I do with Maggot Slime? ¿Qué puedo hacer con la Baba de gusano? What can I do? ¿Qué puedo hacer? What can you say about dyes? ¿Qué puedes decir sobre los tintes? What can you say about the monsters here? ¿Qué puedes decir sobre los monstruos aquí? What can you tell me about the Moubootaur? What can you tell me about the Piou Knights? ¿Qué puedes decirme sobre los Caballeros Piou? What cheap crap is this? It's not worth even 10 GP. What color is a Babel Fish? What counts for titulation? Could you give me examples? What crap is that?! This is not from Tulimshar! What did the Council of Elders say? Is there any news of the pirates? What did you expect? ¿Qué esperabas? What did you need me to get again? What did you want? I've forgotten. What do you choose? What do you do for a living? What do you know about other Mana Magic Professors? ¿Qué sabes sobre otros profesores de magia de mana? What do you know about the Tyranny Bow? What do you mean? Do you at least have a rowboat with you?! ¿Qué quieres decir? ¿Al menos tienes un bote de remos contigo? What do you miners do here? ¿Qué hacen aquí los mineros? What do you need to learn something besides money for tuitions fee? Time and Dedication. ¿Qué necesitas para aprender algo además de dinero para la matrícula? Tiempo y Dedicación. What do you need? ¿Qué necesitas? What do you say? What do you think learning is, magic?! No! ¿Qué crees que es aprender, magia? ¡No! What do you want to access? ¿Qué quiere entrar? What do you want to bet on? Payout is noted, 1:1 will also give you %d gold per coin on bet. ¿A qué quieres apostar? Se anota el pago, 1:1 también te dará %d oro por moneda apostada. What do you want to change? ¿Qué quiere cambiar? What do you want to do with your money? What do you want to do? ¿Qué quieres hacer? What do you want to know? What do you want to learn more about? ¿Sobre qué quieres aprender más? What do you want to reset? ¿Qué quiere restablecer? What do you want today? ¿Qué quieres hoy? What else do you need? ¿Qué más necesitas? What else like a Pinkie? ¿Qué más se parece a un Pinkie? What game is played on earth as a relict of memories to an ancient war? What happened to me? ¿Qué me ha pasado? What happened to the Wizard's Tower? What happened? What have happened? Why are you crying? What have you done?! We're under attack! What in the world is happening?! Where in Jesusalva's name are you?! ¡¿Qué diablos está pasando?! ¿En el nombre de Jesusalva donde estas? What interesting water. Just don't ask me why. What is @@ doing? ¿Qué está haciendo @@? What is Ford Prefect's nickname? What is a %s doing here? Eugh, you stink! You should keep away from our children! What is a cat doing in the middle of the desert? What is an airship? O.o What is banking? ¿Qué es lo bancario? What is going on here? What is my current hairstyle and hair color? ¿Cuáles son mi peinado y color de pelo actuales? What is the Academy? What is the Alliance? ¿Qué es la Alianza? What is the Magic Academy? ¿Qué es la Academia de Magia? What is the Moubootaur? What is the Scholar Rank? What is the answer to life, the universe and everything? What is the first name of the author of the hitchhikers guide? What is the last name of the author of the hitchhikers guide? What is the most important item for every hitchhiker to have? What is the name of the Restaurant at the End of the Universe? What is the name of the Vogon home planet? What is the name of the computer on The Heart of Gold? What is the name of the creature that is continually reincarnated and subsequently killed, each time unknowingly, by Arthur Dent? What is the name of the rock group claiming to be the loudest band in the universe? What is the name of the spaceship which was stolen by the president of the universe? What is the name of the super computer? What is this guild for? ¿Para qué es este gremio? What is this island? What is this place anyway? What is your problem? What item do you want to melt down? This is irreversible, and may return some ingots to you, but there is no way to tell how many you'll receive! What item would you like to bleach? ¿Qué artículo le gustaría decolorar? What magic classes are there? ¿Qué clases de magia hay? What race creates the worst poetry in universe? What service do you offer? ¿Qué servicio ofrece? What should I do now? What star is near Ford's home planet? What the f...? Four Hundred Thousand??? Must be a bug. Next milestone is 819,200. Cheaters. What to exchange with Leona? What two words are written in big friendly letters on the back cover? What was I doing before...? I forgot! What was I doing before...? I totally forgot! What was the sequence? What were the second most intelligent creatures on Earth? What will be my reward? What will be the bait for the fish? ¿Qué será el anzuelo para el pez? What will you brew today? What will you cook today? What will you craft today? ¿Qué vas a elaborar hoy? What will you forge today? What will you transmute today? What would you like to bury? ¿Qué te gustaría enterrar? What would you like today? ¿Qué te gustaría hoy? What you asked me for, again? ¿Qué me pediste, otra vez? What you refer as Ancient Families, are probably their descendants. There was nothing special about them, other than they promised to defend mankind of their own actions. What're you looking at?! ¡¿Qué estás mirando?! What's S.A.R.A.H.? What's it, scout. What's that? They seem to be AFK but are not? ¿Qué es eso? Parecen estar AFK pero ¿no lo estan? What's the World Edge? What's the difference from a Mana Wizard and a Mage? ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre un mago de mana y un mago? What's the name of the paranoid robot? What's the problem? What's this dark magic, the password has changed! What's wrong? What's your opinion of Peetu and his work? What, only that? Well, this is actually simpler than it looks. What-yeye could I do for you today? ¿Qué podría hacer por ti hoy? What? A party? ¿Qué? ¿Una fiesta? What? Don't be ridiculous. Not even the Monster King does that! I think. What? Why not? What?! Do my house look like the place to you pratice your thief skills?! What?! This changes the whole history. Not only that, but this is a serious issue! Whatever you find there is yours to keep. Whatever you're blaming Saulc about, this one time, he is innocent. When Christmas starts, here will become frantic again, with things running out of stock all the time... But the adventurers deserve it, for fighting monsters the year round. When I am drunk I tell myself to stop drinking, but I won't listen the words of a drunkard. Cuando estoy borracho me digo a mi mismo que pare de beber, pero no escucharé las palabras de un borracho. When I was alive, I brought people to their destiny. When it reaches over 900 intimacy, it'll unlock better skills and bonuses to you. Let me know when this happen. When it returns, it is holding a cute %s. Understanding it is a gift, you take it. When people loses too much blood, they die, unless we can lend them somebody's else blood. When receiving the chocolate, you must eat it before event ends to get a point for that! When the boss is defeated, or the minute clock marks fifteen, event ends. When the ducks joined the Moubootaur and created the Duck Side, our convictions and oaths to the Order ensured we would oppose them. Cuando los patos se unieron al Moubootaur y crearon el Bando de los Patos, nuestras convicciones y juramentos a la Orden aseguraron que nos opondríamos a ellos. When they left to World Edge, they probably were looking for Mana Fragments. In other words... Soul Menhirs. Parts of the World Heart. When this is the case, you should get closer to the NPC, until they hear you. Cuando este sea el caso, deberás acercarte al NPC, hasta que te escuche. When you get out of the ship, it is the first building you'll see. Talk to ##BLua##b, she is an alliance representative. Cuando sales del barco, es el primer edificio que verás. Habla con ##BLua##b, ella es una representante de la alianza. When you have added all the items and money you want, press the 'Propose Business' button. The other citizen must also press the 'Propose Business' button. Cuando hayas agregado todos los objetos y dinero que deseas, presiona el botón 'Proponer intercambio'. El otro ciudadano también deberá presionar el botón 'Proponer intercambio'. When you're stronger I may consider asking for your help. When your inventory is open, you can equip an item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. You can do the same to unequip an item by clicking on 'Unequip'. Cuando tu inventario está abierto, puedes equipar un artículo seleccionándolo y dándole clic en 'Equipar'. Puedes hacer lo mismo para quitártelo, dándole clic en 'Quitar'. Where I needed to go, again? ¿A dónde tenía que ir otra vez? Where are you from, don't you see all the bandits? Seriously, with these ridiculous plans, the whole continent doomed. Where can I find Juliet?#0 ¿Dónde puedo encontrar a Juliet?#0 Where can I find Juliet?#1 ¿Dónde puedo encontrar a Juliet?#1 Where can I find the previous mayor? Where can I find them? ¿Dónde los puedo encontrar? Where could my man have went?! Where do I get so much money?! ¿De dónde saco tanto dinero? Where do you think you are going, without talking to me first? ¿Adónde crees que vas sin hablar conmigo primero? Where exactly am I? ¿Dónde estoy exactamente? Where have you been, pal? He perished. Where is Woody? Where is here? What was this place used for?! Where is it? Everything's upside down. These terrible slimes. Where is the Piou Queen? ¿Dónde está la Reina Piou? Where is the World's Edge? Where is the item you've stolen? Where is the salt?! This is sugar! Proper sailors need salt, not sugar! ¿Dónde está la sal? ¡Esto es azúcar! ¡Los buenos marineros necesitan sal, no azúcar! Where should I warp to? Where's the Sunny Crystal? Hurry up, you only have @@ left! Where's the money? Go away. Where's the reagent? You don't expect me to find it, right? Go bring them! Which attribute do you wish to downgrade? Which attribute do you wish to evolve first? Which attribute do you wish to evolve next? Which country does the human protagonist come from? Which deal? Which item will you tweak? Which language do you speak? Which melee you craft? Which number do you believe that will be choosen? (0-36) Which recipes do you want to read? Which rewards are available? ¿Qué recompensas están disponibles? Which skill will you FORGET permanently today? Which sound great in theory, but it was not. Greedy people found a way into power. They probably had good reasons, but they started confiscating Mana Stones, and storing them in a tower... Which type of favor? ¿Qué tipo de favor? Which water will you use? While %s's reasons to do so remain unclear, a request was made. While Hurnscald Guard and Police would love to cooperate in an official investigation from the Land of Fire, we neither saw nor heard about such thing. You can ask %s or the other guards, but I believe the answer will be the same. While I can totally believe a squirrel robbing cheese, the "and it left a golden apple" is complete madness. Stop wasting my time. While I don't think the Yeti King would ever do or endorse that, yes, I've heard this happens. While breaking the seal, monsters will spawn. The other monsters may drop %s. While it is unsuitable for fighting, by using it against Bifs and other mineral formations, you'll be able to get more ore. Si bien no es adecuado para luchar, al usarlo contra Bifs y otras formaciones minerales, podrás obtener más mineral. While it is utterly pointless, you once again vanish the Monster King's illusion. While mining bifs, a strange powder appeared. While on normal magic you must take care with all attributes, on mana magic, you usually only need to worry with reagents and intelligence. Mientras que en la magia normal debes tener cuidado con todos los atributos, en la magia de mana, normalmente sólo debes preocuparte por los reactivos y la inteligencia. While the tyrant desires to see skill. Mientras que el tirano desea ver habilidad. While we're at that, do you know how to craft? No? First, you'll need a Cauldron, in case you've rented a house. Otherwise, you can rent a work table on this Forge. Mientras estamos en eso, ¿sabes cómo hacer manualidades? ¿No? Primero, necesitarás un caldero, en caso de que hayas alquilado una casa. De lo contrario, puedes alquilar una mesa de trabajo en esta Forja. Whining Dragon Dragón llorón Whip Látigo Whirly Bird Whirly Bird (BOSS) Whiskey Ale White Blanco White Cake White Cats drink Milk, Forest Mushroom eats Moss, Black Cats eats marshmallow. Keep in mind whatever they eat. White Fur Piel blanca White Slime White Slime Mother WhiteCat Who are the most famous scholars? Who are you, and how did you manage to come down here? The sheer power of our Lord prevents anyone not under his control to go here. Who are you? ¿Quién eres tú? Who are you? Thanks for the help. ¿Quién eres? Gracias por la ayuda. Who are you? Where are you from? ¿Quién eres? ¿De dónde eres? Who composes the Alliance? ¿Quiénes componen la Alianza? Who dares to disturb my slumber? Who is Andrei Sakar? Who is Kfahr the Warrior? Who is responsible for the fjords of Norway? Who is the Professor? I've heard he was the father of a certain Arthur... No idea. ¿Quién es el profesor? He oído que era el padre de un tal Arthur... Ni idea. Who is the male human protagonist? First and last name only. Who is there? Are they trying to break my lock again?! Who is this professor? Quien es este profesor Who is throwing stuff at me?! Who sent you here? Merlin? Who will collect the most?! Who will insult every living being in the universe, because he is immortal and getting bored? Who's Mercury? Maybe I'm missing something? Where could he have went? Who's this Juliet? ¿Quién es esta Juliet? Who, or what are you? ¿Quién o qué eres? Whoever took control of this village is no ordinary mage. There's a switch on the wall. Whom put an end at their foes, que acabaron con sus enemigos, Why %s, thank you! Why am I having a hard time to believe on you... ¿Por qué me cuesta creer en ti?... Why are you here? This area is off-limits! Why are you hesitating to explore the abandoned encampment southeast of this town? Well, not that I blame you; the dangers likely outweights the benefits. Why did we had to decide to research slimes of all creatures?! But alas, now is too late. Not even a %s could restore her in this state... Why do Piou Knights need mounts if they can fly? ¿Por qué los Caballeros Piou necesitan monturas si pueden volar? Why do you bully me! - This is a bug: 02331.LOGIC.OID Why do you only use the silk robe? Don't you have a shorts or something? ¿Por qué sólo usas la bata de seda? ¿No tienes pantalones cortos o algo así? Why do you summon me? Speak. ¿Por qué me convocas? Hablar. Why do you want to help me? ¿Por qué quieres ayudarme? Why does death embrance me so much today? ¿Por qué la muerte me abraza tanto hoy? Why does it suck? ¿Por qué apesta? Why don't you go yourself? Why don't you take a break? Breath in some fresh air. The basement is pretty damp. ¿Por qué no te tomas un descanso? Respire un poco de aire fresco. El sótano está bastante húmedo. Why everything is so broken, couldn't the Monster King try to do less collateral damage?! These things will take years to be fixed! ¿Por qué todo está tan roto? ¿No podría el Rey Monstruo intentar causar menos daños colaterales? ¡Estas cosas tardarán años en solucionarse! Why is it hard? Why not Andrei Sakar? Why not, I need to train anyway. Por qué no. De todos modos necesito entrenar. Why should I spare you? Why should I? Go away. %%n Why shouldn't I jump here? Why would you want to go back there? Why you don't tell me? Why, I actually do sell a few things here! But they probably aren't what you're looking for. ¡De hecho vendo algunas cosas aquí! Pero probablemente no sean lo que estás buscando. Why, I'm waiting for donors, of course. Don't you see the pot there? Why, hello there! Come to visit me to hear Kfahr the Warrior or Andrei Sakar's exploits, have you? Why, of course! But I can't reward you so well this time. ¡Por qué por supuesto! Pero esta vez no puedo recompensarte tan bien. Why, thank you! Why? You are most definitely at the wrong place. Leave! Wicked Mushroom Wicked Shroom Hat Sombrero de hongo malvado Wielding the lightbringer came the ace, Empuñando el portador de luz vino el as, Wiki article Wildx Chest Will adventurers reach it? Will the random attacks at towns cease?? Will next draw be HIGHER or LOWER?! Will you accept his challenge?! Raise to the highest top score! Will you help me- no, I mean, will you help us, the whole town of Hurnscald? Will you try to unlock it? Wind Element Wind Fairy Wind: @@, @@ Windwalker Wine Making Barrel Winning Streak is also reset on logout or when you leave the Inn. Winning Strike Prizes: Winter Winter this year is really harsh! Fire is the most important for us. Wise choice! But can you really part with it? Better think on something else! Wise choice. Witch Boots Botas de bruja With Magic and Blades, The Icicle shall break. With Magic and Blades, The Icicle shall break. Do you undertake the challenge? With Tulimshar being the last major human settlement standing (besides distant locations like Candor), the situation looks more dire than ever. With a PinCode, you'll have access to restricted features, With a big smile, you stretch your hand in the teddy's direction; But the little one gets scared with the movement and starts to move away from you. With a knife, the fisherman makes the roots as thin as he can. You wonder if he knows what he is doing. With a mask you say? This reminds me... wait a moment. With a mask? Hm. I don't remember. With a mask? I don't really remember... We have so many visitors. Though I suppose someone wearing a mask would be noticeable... But I'm so worn out from the past few days that I'm just glad I can even recall my own name! Sorry. With a mask? I really don't know. I'm usually in the workshop and most of the visitors spend their time in the library. Sometimes they come to have a quick look in the workshop too, but I don't really pay attention to that, so... I can't recall a visitor with a mask, sorry. With a mask? Mh, I think I know who are you talking about. I vaguely remember that there was someone with a mask... but I can't recall any details, I wasn't really paying attention. With a mask? Yeah, I remember. That was a strange guy. He came to visit the library, but he lurked around at the workshop area and they had to send him back to the books. With a wave, Benjamin returns to report Kenton about the outcome. With exploring the northern part as a non-option, you look at a small chest over the desk. It's locked, and there's a name plate on it. With fresh conviction, you prepare yourself to the fight which draws near. With it, you can safely move items and funds between your characters. With one gem you can expect to get 2 to 4 powders! ¡Con una gema puedes esperar obtener de 2 a 4 polvos! With recent player activity, the Monster king is @@! With the brave sacrifice of Andrei Sakar to save our world, our future seems as bleak than ever. With the wages I receive, you can use this market at your own risk. With this I make balls of slime for Candor's childs, they really like to play with them. Con esto hago bolitas de baba para los niños de Candor, les gusta mucho jugar con ellas. With this tip you will be able to fight strong monsters. It's on Saul's Strategy Guide Against Archwizards. Con este consejo podrás luchar contra monstruos fuertes. Está en la Guía de estrategia de Saul contra los archimagos. Withdraw GP Withdraw. Retirar. Within the cities is a place safe enough not to be attacked by another person (except during wars). But outside of them there are some places where the citizen can be attacked by enemies from other realms, or even by someone from the same realm. Dentro de las ciudades hay un lugar lo suficientemente seguro como para no ser atacado por otra persona (excepto durante las guerras). Pero fuera de ellos hay algunos lugares donde el ciudadano puede ser atacado por enemigos de otros reinos, o incluso por alguien del mismo reino. Without any ceremony or further ado, the teddy starts poking on your things. Without any mana stone left, and because the walls were not very strong, most of the city was destroyed. Sin ninguna piedra de mana, y debido a que los muros no eran muy fuertes, la mayor parte de la ciudad fue destruida. Without magic attack, using a fireball at an enemy will be like throwing a stone. Witness my sublime rain of death. Regeneration! Witness, the power of love! Wizard General Wizard Moccasins Wizardry Wizardry Wizardry Institute is on the %s area of the campus. Wizardry Institute está en el %s área del campus. Wizards Tower, Tonori - 6th March 300 AT Wizards Tower, Tonori - 8th April 300 AT Wo-wo-wow! You really did it! You're the best!#0 Wo-wo-wow! You really did it! You're the best!#1 Wolvern Wolvern Pelt Piel de lobo Wolvern Teeth Necklace Collar de dientes de lobo Wolvern Tooth Diente de lobo Wolverns are fierce creatures who likes cold places. Their fur is soft. Won Quirino Voraz Arena %s ago Wonderful! Here, take the @@, as promised. I need to get back to cooking! Wonderful! Just bring me 12 @@ and 4 @@. I'm counting on you! Wonderful! My fee is @@. This fee is the first step in separating those with willpower, from those without. Wonderful! Now I can prepare the ink for magnificent illustrations! You're very generous. Wonderful! That was great! Directly hit the bull's eye! Wonderful! You must finish Novice, Intermediary, Advanced and Expert levels before I unlock Master level for you. Wonderful, I am happy to have you over. Lets get things started with some puerh tea. Wooden Bow Arco de madera Wooden Log Tronco de madera Wooden Shield Escudo de madera Wooden Sword Espada de madera Woodland Fantasy Woodland Water Agua del bosque Woody Woody Barrier Woody Card Woody also gave you some money so you can put options on your item with Tolchi. Isn't that nice of him? Woody is inside, he is probably crafting some stuff with animals pelts. Woohoo, thank you! Maybe now they'll leave me alone! ¡Guau, gracias! ¡Quizás ahora me dejen en paz! Word of the wise: You can freely challenge the Yetifly later. Words begin to form on it, a message for you. Worker Day Worker Statue Estatua del trabajador World Expo World Gate 2 World Map - @@ World hero: %s World's Edge is an island situated northwest of here. World's Edge is the place where the Monster King Fortress is. World's Heart Worlds Gate Worry not, I have them with me. Would be nice if you could bring me these: Would love to invite you to a card minigame... But alas, Kenton told me that minigames are a waste of time, and that I should not bother adventurers with it. Would you ... uhm ... would you talk to Chief Oskari for me? And ask her what she plans to do about me? I... I just don't feel capable of doing that myself right now. I'll try to pull myself together in the meanwhile. Would you like to help me with organizing a Church Party? Would you like to help us to protect the town from the red scorpion infestation? ¿Te gustaría ayudarnos a proteger la ciudad de la plaga del escorpión rojo? Would you like to help us?#0 ¿Quieres ayudarnos?#0 Would you like to help us?#1 ¿Quieres ayudarnos?#1 Would you like to leave this place? Would you like to transform some more? ¿Te gustaría transformar un poco más? Wouldn't you like to help me too? Wounded Girl Wounded Soldier Wounded Soldier#01861 Wow! ¡Guau! Wow! Are you @@? Everyone, in every city, talks about you! ¡Guau! Eres @@? ¡Todo el mundo, en cada ciudad, habla de ti! Wow! Those pitiable gloves sure weren't made for mining. They're almost ruined! ¡Guau! Esos lamentables guantes seguramente no fueron hechos para la minería. ¡Están casi arruinados! Wow! You did it! I do not think anyone else could have done that. ¡Guau! ¡Lo hiciste! No creo que nadie más hubiera podido hacer eso. Wow, a Dagger and a Sailor's Hat! Wow, it's really generous of you to fight those slimes for us. Do you need anything else? Wow, three gifts! Good job! With 800, an extra gift for everyone! Wow, you already found quite a lot of bookpages. Please keep it up! Wreath Guirnalda Writing/Updating in client-data quests.xml and items.xml with the correct information usually counts as well. Wumpus Egg Huevo de Wumpus Wurtzite Ore Mineral de wurtzita Wusher Wushin Wyara Xanthem Card Xmas Cake Pastel de navidad Xmas Candy Cane Bastón de caramelo de Navidad Xovilam YOU CAN FEEL THE POWER FLOWING TROUGH YOU. YOU FAIL! It is a simple item now. YOU HAVE RESIGNED THE OFFICE. YOU JUMP FOR ALL IT IS WORTH!! YOU WERE BLESSED BY %s YOU WHO DEFILE THIS PLACE... YOU WILL BE DISCONNECTED BY FORCE. YOU WILL BE PENALIZED WITH 60% OF HEALTH. YOU WILL BE PENALIZED WITH 70% OF HEALTH. Yar matey! You have the items I asked for! You have the honor and trust we pirates bestow each other! Yar! Do you need something, matey? Yarr arr! Yay it's summer! I love June 21st, and the summer vacations! Yay yay! Many thanks! Here, take the reward as promised! Yay! Many thanks! I'll enjoy it! Here is the promised reward. Yay! Many thanks! I'll enjoy it! Here, you can keep this. Yay, it worked! You get a good wing. Yaya, are you sure? Yaya ¿estas seguro? Yaya, you should go see her! She'll be happy to help you again.#0 ¡Deberías ir a verla! Estará feliz de poder ayudarte nuevamente.#0 Yaya, you should go see her! She'll be happy to help you again.#1 ¡Deberías ir a verla! Estará feliz de poder ayudarte nuevamente.#1 Yayaya, @@ is surely slow. Don't you remember how to walk? You can use arrow keys for that! @@ Seguramente es lento. ¿No recuerdas cómo caminar? ¡Puedes usar las teclas de flecha para eso! Yayaya, by pressing @@ or clicking in @@, you'll open your char status window! ¡Yayaya, al presionar @@ o hacer clic en @@, ¡abrirás la ventana de estado de tu personaje! Yayaya, by pressing @@ or clicking in @@, you'll open your character status window! ¡Yayaya, al presionar @@ o hacer clic en @@, abrirás la ventana de estado de tu personaje! Yayaya, good job! You can collect loot by pressing @@. ¡Yayaya, buen trabajo! Puedes recolectar el botín presionando @@. Ye not paying for your food and ye isn't a sailor like us! Ye should be standing on your own two feet. ¡No pagas por tu comida y no eres un marinero como nosotros! Deberían valerse por su cuenta. Yeah sure, take my Amethyst! Sí seguro, toma mi amatista! Yeah sure, take my Diamond! Sí seguro, toma mi diamante! Yeah sure, take my Emerald! ¡Sí, claro, llévate mi Esmeralda! Yeah sure, take my Ruby! Sí seguro, toma mi Ruby! Yeah sure, take my Sapphire! Sí seguro, toma mi zafiro! Yeah sure, take my Topaz! Sí, claro, ¡llévate mi Topacio! Yeah yeah yeah, you're not the first one to come talking about that to me. Sí, sí, sí, no eres el primero que viene a hablarme de eso. Yeah you're all like *hic* that, but you won't get me! *burp* Sí, todos ustedes están como *hic* eso, ¡pero no me entenderán! *eructar* Yeah you're right, I'm a noob anyway, and Sagratha is a skilled mage. She should be fine on her own. Yeah! ¡Sí! Yeah, I have the money. Give me FIFTEEN minutes, and Bring it on! Yeah, I have the money. Give me FIVE minutes, and Bring it on! Yeah, I have the money. Give me TEN minutes, and Bring it on! Yeah, I need one. Yeah, Nard's sailors saved my life and brought me here! ¡Sí, los marineros de Nard me salvaron la vida y me trajeron aquí! Yeah, but I would like to make sure I get a reward. Sí, pero me gustaría asegurarme de obtener una recompensa. Yeah, but what reward will I get? Sí, pero ¿qué recompensa obtendré? Yeah, it was my grand-grand-grandfather. Yeah, she might be back soon. Yeah, sign me up! ¡Sí, inscríbeme! Yeah, sure! I'm as brave as Simon. ¡Sí, claro! Soy tan valiente como Simon. Yeah, sure? What do you need? Yeah, teach them a lesson! Keep going! Yeah, they are. Si, ellos son. Yeah, you're right. Si, tienes razón. Yeah... I also found a few old blueprints. We don't need this crap, you can put it on your @@. Years later, someone then started giving gifts to the poor childrens on that date. It sticked, and now people usually trade gifts each other on the date. Yellow Amarillo Yellow Dye Tinte amarillo Yellow Eggshell Hat Sombrero de cáscara de huevo amarillo Yellow Skull Slime Yellow Slime Yellow Slime Mother Yellow Spark Yellow Switch#EP Yep, I have them right here for you! ¡Sí, los tengo aquí para ti! Yep, I never fly in these days. Yep. There was a cursed mouboo on the road. Yerba Mate Mate de Yerba Yes Sí Yes I do... I sell %s %s for the small amount of %s GP. Interested? %%%%p Yes please. Yes sir. I will help them. Sí, señor. Yo los ayudaré. Yes! ¡Sí! Yes! Here you are. ¡Sí! Aquí tienes. Yes! History is the best! Yes! It is heavy. Yes! We'll sail west, and find legendary lands! Yes, %d Yes, Chief Oskari suspects a sabotage. Yes, I accept the pendant! ¡Sí, acepto el colgante! Yes, I am a mouboo. Why? Can't a mouboo be a dangerous bandit?! Yes, I am a mouboo. Why? Can't a mouboo be a law and order enforcer?! Sí, soy un mouboo. ¿Por qué? ¿No puede un mouboo hacer cumplir la ley y el orden? Yes, I am sure.#0 Sí, estoy segura.#0 Yes, I am sure.#1 Sí, estoy seguro.#1 Yes, I am. Sí, lo soy. Yes, I can craft Savior Pants. But it is not cheap. I'll need Platinum, Iridium, and Mylarin Dust. And gold. Much gold. Yes, I can craft many things. In addition to plating and improving armor, I can craft smaller items made of gold and other metals. Yes, I did. There was only an unlocked secret window. Yes, I do. Sí, así es. Yes, I have all that here. Yes, I have herbs. I assume the risks. Yes, I have them right here. Yes, I know when next Alliance's Council meeting will be. No, I don't need anything. Yes, I need %d apples. Yes, I need to get out of here the earliest possible. Si, necesito salir de aquí lo antes posible. Yes, I remember that one! I welcomed him in the libary and showed him around. But I didn't have the impression he was really listening to what I was saying, though that's hard to tell with the mask. Yes, I want to find out who I am. Sí, quiero saber quién soy. Yes, I would like to explore! Yes, I would like to go back to Artis. Yes, I would like to go back to the Swamps. Yes, I would like to go to Asphodel Moors! Yes, I'll go. Yes, I'll help you. Yes, I'll pay with Common Carp. Yes, I'll pay with Grass Carp. Yes, I'll pay with Roach. Yes, I'm awesome, praise me more. Yes, I'm coming from Tulimshar. Yes, I'm done with it. Sí, ya terminé con esto. Yes, and there was no signs of a fight. Yes, as you see, the costs are high. Prepare yourself. Yes, but I like windy days. Yes, but some other amount. Sí, pero alguna otra cantidad. Yes, courageous and worthy adventurer. You did well!#0 Yes, courageous and worthy adventurer. You did well!#1 Yes, deal. Gimme the gold ring. Sí, trato. Dame el anillo de oro. Yes, deal. Gimme the silver ring. Sí, trato. Dame el anillo de plata. Yes, did you really think I was some kind of monster that would try to poison you in my own house? Yes, everyone thinks he is competent and Elias have a report of a masked man. Yes, everything is going great, thank you! Sí, todo va genial, ¡gracias! Yes, exactly. Thanks for the rescue. I must guard this area from the caves, if you need, just call me. Yes, here they are. Yes, here! Yes, it is a really sweet deal, believe me! Sí, es un trato realmente agradable, ¡créanme! Yes, many thanks. This will help me a lot. Sí, muchas gracias. Esto me ayudará mucho. Yes, of course! Yes, of course. Yes, of course. We have good relations with Hurnscald Town, so you're welcome. Yes, of course. Without a sweat. Sí, claro. Sin sudar. Yes, one Yes, please repeat my bet Sí, por favor repite mi apuesta. Yes, please use my blood to save lifes. Yes, please, book me a bed. Yes, please. Yes, power allows us a future of our choosing. Yes, same amount something else Sí, la misma cantidad y algo más. Yes, take it. Yes, take them. Sí, llévalos. Yes, the Blue Sage will see you. Yes, the cursed Mouboo you told me earlier, on the way out. Yes, try to summon the Yeti King in Tulimshar Sewers. Make sure you have someone else with you to help. Yes, uhh, very interesting indeed. Haha. I better leave... Yes, unless you're doing something VERY special, a %s is what you need. Yes, we have @@! Yes, yes, I was robbed! They stole my precious Cheese! Now I'll never finish my fondue! Golden Apples are the wrong ingredient for the recipe! Yes, you are now personel! Doesn't it feels exciting? Please tell me it does, I have nothing else to convince you to go otherwise. Yes, you can count it. Sí, puedes contarlo. Yes, you'll be fired. Yes. Sí. Yes. Every day, between 19:52 and 20:03. They came from Hurnscald direction and headed towards Dimond Cove direction, then usually after 5 minutes or so, went back. Yes. Frostia is a city-state, and ruled by me, King Gelid Frozenheart II. Yes. I can. But this is irreversible. Are you sure you want this? Yes. I mean, yes, Pihro and Pyndragon will fancy you an airship. Yes. Let me try to open this. Yes. What do you need help with? Sí. ¿Con qué necesitas ayuda? Yes? Have you looked her house for signs of battle? Yet, I could burn %d %s to keep the house just as warm, maybe even cozier, and the Blue Sage would be none the wiser. Fire is fire, warmth is warmth. Yeti Yeti Claw Garra de yeti Yeti Mask Mascara de yeti Yeti#0211Cindy Yeti#0211Guard Yetifly Yetifly the Mighty Yety Tank Top Yeye can press @@ to sit, which will allow you to heal faster. Yeye puede presionar @@ para sentarse, lo que le permitirá sanar más rápido. Yeye don't need to train here anymore! Let's head back to the ship before the sun sets, shall we? ¡Yeye ya no necesitas entrenar aquí! Regresemos al barco antes de que se ponga el sol, ¿de acuerdo? Yeye, are you finally ready to go?#0 Sí, ¿finalmente estás lista para partir?#0 Yeye, are you finally ready to go?#1 Sí, ¿finalmente estás lista para partir?#1 Yeye, very good, you took the clothes. Sí, muy bien, te llevaste la ropa. Yikes, the Moubootaur! Yo, girl.#0 Yo, good joob killing the Fire Goblins. Do you have everything I've asked for? Yo, man.#1 You acquired the additional gifts and %s upgrades from the 4th rebirth. You already claimed a reward today! Come back tomorrow, and remember to wear GREEN! You already delivered @@ high-quality patches of white fur. You already got all power I could grant you! ¡Ya tienes todo el poder que puedo concederte! You already got the money. Go there and pay ##B Hurnscald ##b a visit. The ##B mayor ##b should be able to help you. Ya tienes el dinero. Vaya allí y visite a ##B Hurnscald ##b. El ##B alcalde ##b debería poder ayudarle. You already have this. You already helped us today. Come back tomorrow. You already opened it recently. Please wait a few months before Elli replenishes it. You already ran this command today. Please try again at a later time. You already registered. Waiting for your partner... Ya se ha registrado. Esperando a su pareja... You also can't stay there forever! You will have about 20 minutes to entirely clear it out and defeat the last boss. You also cannot send any boxes before eating any you've received, but Demure is an exception for this rule. You also find @@ GP with it. You also get access to a party chat, and there are no compromises, so it is a perfect choice for a raid. También obtienes acceso a un chat grupal y no hay compromisos, por lo que es una opción perfecta para una incursión. You also get points for participation, exchange them with Aurora back in Tulimshar before event ends. You also need @@/@@ Mob Points to improve thief skills. You are NO LONGER EXILED from %s by %s. You are NOT allowed to leave here! You are REMOVING an item option. You are a @@º degree mage. This book allows you many new possibilities. You are a major donor. You are a master chef, looking at you inspires Maxime. Eres un maestro de cocina, mirarte inspira a Maxime. You are a mere %s, but you may be a hero... Find me again... You are a still fairly minor donor. You are about to accept a high-risk quest. You cannot complete it alone. You are allowed to fill your bottles, but BE SURE TO PAY! You are already at the Mana Plane of Existence. You are already fully trained. You should go to Tulimshar, but if you want a bonus task, please kill a @@. Ya estás completamente entrenado. Deberías ir a Tulimshar, pero si quieres una tarea adicional, mata a un @@. You are already fully trained. You should go to Tulimshar. I may have another task for you later, but you are too weak now, get some levels. Ya estás completamente entrenado. Deberías ir a Tulimshar. Puede que tenga otra tarea para ti más adelante, pero ahora estás demasiado débil, consigue algunos niveles. You are already renting a mount or are below level 20. You are always welcome in the tavern and I would truly like to see you come by for some ale sometime. You are carrying duplicates of the same item. Sorry, but I have no idea which one you mean. You are carrying duplicates of the same item. Sorry, but I have no idea which one you want to tweak. Lleva duplicados del mismo artículo. Lo siento, pero no tengo idea de cuál quieres modificar. You are close... You are almost there! You are completly overwhelmed by your magic. You are currently at @@. Actualmente estás en @@. You are currently carrying all the keys you needed here. You are currently hunting @@/10000 @@. You are currently hunting @@/10000 @@. Do you want to switch? You are currently tasked with killing %d/%d %s Actualmente tienes la tarea de matar /%d%d%s You are currently tasked with killing @@. As a reminder, you can usually find them where we grow our crops. Actualmente tienes la tarea de matar a @@. Como recordatorio, normalmente puedes encontrarlos donde cultivamos nuestros cultivos. You are currently tasked with killing @@/25 @@. Good progress! Actualmente tienes la tarea de matar a @@/25 @@. ¡Buen progreso! You are currently tasked with killing @@/50 @@ Actualmente tienes la tarea de matar a @@/50 @@ You are dead. Estas acabado You are dead. Aborting. You are doing GREAT! Keep slaying them, hahaah! You are doing some progress. There are about 4 quests on the mines, 1 outside walls, and 10 on the town. Some require level, so talk to people again sometimes. Estás haciendo algunos progresos. Hay alrededor de 4 misiones en las minas, 1 en los muros exteriores y 10 en la ciudad. Algunos requieren nivel, así que a veces vuelves a hablar con la gente. You are eligible to additional rewards due to your large sponsorship. You are entering on a PVP Area with lowered death penalty. You are exhausted, you should rest @@.#0 You are exhausted, you should rest @@.#1 You are exiled from this town and therefore, unable to use the Menhir. You are full of wine, my friend... Usted está lleno de vino, mi amigo... You are handed the Land of Fire Gazette. You look at the headline... You are holding a few items of mine... Tienes en la mano algunos objetos míos... You are hurt, and cannot use this. You are just a random stranger trying to steal adventurer data, aren't you?? %%e You are killing @@/10 @@. They usually are near the mine's entrance. Estás matando a @@/10 @@. Suelen estar cerca de la entrada de la mina. You are level @@/@@. Keep building levels, you need them! Estás en el nivel @@/@@. ¡Sigue construyendo niveles, los necesitas! You are mostly in control of your magic. You are not eligible for some of Golbarez's prizes. You are not strong enough to survive this trip. You are not using a weapon for a merciful last blow. You are not welcome on this island. You are not worthy! ¡No eres digno! You are not worthy... You are now at Candor Battle Cave at @@'s request. You are now at Candor. You are now at Elli's Tower. You are now at Graveyard Island. You are now at Porthos - The Town of Portals. You are now at the Christmas Workshop. You are now at the Contributor's Cave. You are now at the Magical Forest. You are now at the Mana Plane of Existence, at the Contributor's Cave. You are now at the Mana Plane of Existence, at the Floating Island of Aeros. You are now at the Mana Plane of Existence, at the Magical Forest. You are now at the Valentine Highlands. You are now divorced! ¡Ahora se ha divorciado! You are part of the "@@" guild. You are perfectly in control of your magic. You are pushed back violently. There is probably some way to break this barrier. You are pushed back with absolute force! You are pushed back with extreme force! You are somewhat in control of your magic. You are the guild's "%s", and you contribute with %02d%% EXP. You are the largest donor. You are too weak for my last task, please come back later at level 40. Eres demasiado débil para mi última tarea, vuelve más tarde al nivel 40. You are too weak for my task, please come back later at level %d. Eres demasiado débil para mi tarea, vuelve más tarde al nivel %d. You are too weak for my task, please come back later at level 24. Eres demasiado débil para mi tarea, regresa más tarde al nivel 24. You are too weak for my task, please come back later at level 29. Eres demasiado débil para mi tarea, regresa más tarde al nivel 29. You are too weak to kill one and impress him, so please, bear my son. Eres demasiado débil para matar a uno e impresionarlo, así que, por favor, ten a mi hijo. You are trying to kill a @@. Estas tratando de matar a un @@. You are trying to open the @@th pin. What will to do? You are very welcome. Eres muy bienvenido You are weird, I have to go sorry. Eres raro, tengo que irme, lo siento. You are weird, I have to go sorry.#0 Es usted extraña. Tengo que irme, lo siento.#0 You are weird, I have to go sorry.#1 Es usted extraño. Tengo que irme, lo siento.#1 You are weird, I have to go, sorry. You are weird. Eres raro, You are welcome here, but don't overstay your welcome and leave as soon as possible. You aren't strong enough. No eres lo suficientemente fuerte. You ask Katze about the recent cheese robberies in Dimond's Cove. You ask yourself: What is the teddy looking for? How can I help him? You awake a long forgotten potential, and feel ready to take over the world. You barely know these caves. You better find a way to travel back in time soon! You better have it ready, because I have the Coal with me! ¡Será mejor que lo tengas listo, porque tengo el Carbón conmigo! You bring me proof of completing my 'mission,' along with some water and I can dispose of the evidence by turning them into %s You broke the %s into two parts, but you crushed one of them. You brought me 5 @@ ! Here is your @@, as promised. ¡Me trajiste 5 @@! Aquí está tu @@, como prometí. You buried @@ @@. Usted enterró a @@ @@. You can "unequip" a food - in other words, scarf it down - if you don't want its effects. You can allocate point on those attributes every time you level up. Puedes asignar puntos a esos atributos cada vez que subes de nivel. You can also make money ##Bdoing quests##b. Elmo will tell you almost every quest which can be done in Candor. También puedes ganar dinero ##Bhaciendo misiones##b. Elmo te contará casi todas las misiones que se pueden realizar en Candor. You can also manually stop it at any time with: @droprate default You can also manually stop it at any time with: @exprate default You can also modify your email with %s. You can also obtain ingots by melting down equipment. The Meltdown forge is in Nivalis, very far from Tulimshar. También puedes obtener lingotes fundiendo equipos. La forja de fusión está en Nivalis, muy lejos de Tulimshar. You can also pick and drag items from one window into the other but this will move all items of this kind. También puedes seleccionar y arrastrar objetos de una ventana a otra, pero esto moverá todos los objetos de este tipo. You can also read the [@@news|server news@@], or even [@@|older entries@@]. You can also use PLANT KINGDOM to spawn several plants at once, too. Let's make this world more green. You can also visit our website. And if you want to assist on this server (TMW2: ML), you're welcome too! You can always come to #devel on our Discord, or drop by #landoffire on IRC. You can always try again another day! You can be thankful later. Aren't you excited to see what exactly was on that blueprint? Go on, enjoy it! %%G You can become a Monster Hunter by signing up with %s, near the Market. Puedes convertirte en Cazador de Monstruos registrándote en %s , cerca del mercado. You can become a hero by completing every quest in a certain location. You can bring up to %d other friends with you, but they must be on the same party and map as you and you must be the party leader. You can buy rare items with me, or I can tell you about different cities in our world. Puedes comprar artículos raros conmigo o puedo contarte sobre diferentes ciudades de nuestro mundo. You can call yourself a pirate now! HAR HAR HAR!! You can change the PIN from ManaVerse char selection screen. You can colaborate with our project though! Just ask on #tmw2-dev, be it on Discord or IRC! ¡Aun así puedes colaborar con nuestro proyecto! ¡Solo pregunta en #tmw2-dev, ya sea en Discord o IRC! You can collect croconuts by killing any tree with it. Then you can break it in half from the inventory screen. Puedes recolectar cocos matando cualquier árbol con ellos. Luego puedes partirlo por la mitad desde la pantalla de inventario. You can convert these items in event points and claim rewards at autumn. Puedes convertir estos artículos en puntos de evento y reclamar recompensas en otoño. You can craft items in forges. You can use it on your house, or within this forge for a tax. Puedes crear artículos en forjas. Puedes usarlo en tu casa o dentro de esta forja pagando un impuesto. You can donate blood again in %s You can donate up to %s GP. You can drag and drop an item to the NPC window or select an item through your inventory. Puede arrastrar y soltar un artículo en la ventana del NPC o seleccionar un artículo a través de su inventario. You can easily identify fishing spots, small bubbles and fishes are visible from the surface. You can enter when clock ticks :15, and the game begin when the clock ticks :25 if anyone is around. This is to match with Call of Dusty event. You can even join the project there. Contributors are greatly appreciated! %%N Incluso puedes unirte al proyecto allí. ¡Los contribuyentes son muy apreciados! %%NORTE You can explore the city as you want, but if I were you, I would ##Btouch the Soul Menhir##b, north of here, to don't respawn at Candor. Puedes explorar la ciudad como quieras, pero si yo fuera tú, ##Btocaría el Menhir del Alma##b, al norte de aquí, para no reaparecer en Candor. You can explore the city on the meanwhile, I need to inspect the data. Puedes explorar la ciudad mientras tanto, necesito inspeccionar los datos. You can fill this box with the following items: You can find both huge swamps, as huge desertic areas near and on it. Puedes encontrar tanto enormes pantanos, como enormes zonas desérticas cerca y sobre él. You can find for a good price desert equipment and some kind of dyes. You find all sort of crafters, artisans and warriors here. Puedes encontrar a buen precio equipos de desierto y algún tipo de tintes. Aquí encontrarás todo tipo de artesanos, artesanos y guerreros. You can find harpoons, a telescope, an empty weapon rack, and of course, the central light. The hut definitely wasn't assaulted by monsters, but it's hard to say what happened to its occupants. You can find it in the bandit market, but it is EXPENSIVE. You can find more info about this on these links: You can find out the monster strength by using "@monsterinfo <English Monster Name>". Check the level in it! You can gain rare treasures, even. Come register for this special program. It's free! Incluso puedes obtener tesoros raros. Ven y regístrate en este programa especial. ¡Es gratis! You can get @@ anywhere, although here is a little easier to get. You can get Croconut from Crocotree, and fill @@ purchased in the market. Puede obtener Cocos de Arboles de coco y completar @@ comprado en el mercado. You can get daily something from it, but unless you're green like me, you will have no luck... Puedes obtener algo diariamente de él, pero a menos que seas verde como yo, no tendrás suerte... You can get money in several ways, including by selling monster parts, doing daily quests, gambling, and even becoming the mayor of a town. Read the [@@help://faq|FAQ@@] (opens ingame) for help. Puedes conseguir dinero de varias formas, incluso vendiendo partes de monstruos, realizando misiones diarias, apostando e incluso convirtiéndote en alcalde de una ciudad. Lee las [@@help://faq|FAQ@@] (se abre dentro del juego) para obtener ayuda. You can get up to %d items. Puedes obtener hasta %d artículos. You can give @@ to help us, I'll pay you accordingly. You can have my team's helmet, you're now officially a crusader! You can have this %s as a token of gratitude. But no, you cannot pass, so keep going! Puedes tener este %s como muestra de gratitud. Pero no, no puedes pasar, ¡así que sigue adelante! You can hear creaking planks and a sail flapping in the storm. A ship? Se oye el crujido de las tablas y el aleteo de una vela en la tormenta. ¿Un barco? You can kill %s in the desert canyon. It's a dangerous area though, so take care. Puedes matar %s en el cañón del desierto. Es una zona peligrosa, así que ten cuidado. You can make a party of 1 if you want to do it alone. This, however, is NOT ADVISED. You can make any build you want! But inserted cards cannot be removed! You can move using @@ or, at your choice, by clicking where you want to go. Puedes moverte usando @@ o, a tu elección, haciendo clic donde quieras ir. You can now visit the Magic Academy! ¡Ya puedes visitar la Academia de Magia! You can only concede or vouch a title for people of academic rank inferior than your own. You can only donate generic items to Katze. You can only have one Merchant Guild request active at same time. You can only have one food active at a time, and eating another plate will delete the current one... Because you'll scarf it all down in one go. You can only have one mercenary active at a time, they die and will leave after 10 minutes - logged in or not. Sólo puedes tener un mercenario activo a la vez, muere y se irá después de 10 minutos, haya iniciado sesión o no. You can only insert up to 3 (three) cards per weapon! You can only make each purchase only. Some purchases unlock other purchases. You can only try every %d minutes. You can optionally send a @@ along the chocolate box, so the person knows it was you who sent the chocolate. You can press %s to show all your skills. It is advised to drag the skill to the quick bar (%s) so you can use the skill with the associated shortcut.\n\n%s You can read some words engraved inside this rock, but some are erased by wind and time: You can rent this house to make it yours. You can save both items and money at a bank. Puedes guardar tanto objetos como dinero en un banco. You can scry other players with: %s You can see a lot of weapons inside, mostly bows or crossbows. Likely their armory. You can see a small locked door in what seems a tight tunnel. Entering this tunnel without the key would be suicide. You can see all your equipment by pressing the F3 key. Puedes ver todo tu equipo presionando la tecla F3. You can see fishing poles, maps, and a desk in the center. It seems to be their command center. You can see in distance two portals working, and two portals offline. You can see several navigation apparatus, and some sleeping sacks. You can sense powerful cloaking magic emanating from this sign. With your superior magic, you dismiss the enchantment, and see what the cliffs have been hiding all along... You can still purchase %d %s. You can tell me the details about why you're here on the way out... You can then trade these coins for items with me! You can trade them for quite nice items with my friend over there. You can transfer it with "@grantpower" command. Please contact a GM for more info. You can use "%s <monster_name>" to obtain specified monster drop list and stats. You can use "@monsterinfo <monster name>" to gauge a monster strength. You can use @@ to summon some maggots. That depends on your magic level, of course. Puedes usar @@ para invocar algunos gusanos. Eso depende de tu nivel de magia, por supuesto. You can use it again in %s. You can use it again in @@. You can use it to clear your stats, to start freshly if you know what I mean... Puedes usarlo para borrar tus stats, para comenzar de nuevo si sabes a qué me refiero... You can use many diverse items to lure fishes. You can use super password "mouboo" to unlock the door. You can usually find them in the north-east part of the mine. Generalmente puedes encontrarlos en la parte noreste de la mina. You can't afford my services for that amount. Sorry. You can't afford my work! Do some odd jobs and come back. You can't go in there! You can't go there! ¡No puedes ir allí! You can't pass this barrier while people are fighting inside! You can't sell, trade or drop food on the ground. If you are not holding a similar plate in your hand already, then you'll be given the option to %s when finishing the plate. You can't sleep here during daytime! You can, and @@, register on both programs. Puedes, y @@, registrarte en ambos programas. You can, however, use ##BCtrl##b to auto-select a monster and attack them. This usually also collects drops, but press Z to be sure. Sin embargo, puedes usar ##BCtrl##b para seleccionar automáticamente un monstruo y atacarlo. Por lo general, esto también recolecta botín, pero presione Z para estar seguro. You cannot access Master+ Dungeons with a Cart. You cannot be fighting to do this trip. You cannot begin this now, try again later. You cannot bring anything to the arena. Please put everything into the storage. No puedes traer nada a la arena. Por favor, guarde todo en el almacén. You cannot bury this item! You cannot carry the fruits. You cannot complete the casting correctly! You cannot decipher what's written in there. You cannot donate bound items! You cannot donate this item, as Katze is no beggar and she'll not allow you to impoverish yourself for her sake. You cannot drop this item! You cannot enter here while you have event weapons or a cart. No puedes entrar aquí mientras tengas armas del evento o un carrito. You cannot enter this hut, but you can peek inside. You cannot exile yourself! You cannot help me at all. You lack any skill to do so. You cannot leave this room until either ALL yetis are dead, or you are dead yourself. You cannot met the King while using a %s. You cannot part with this item! ¡No puedes separarte de este artículo! You cannot pay. You cannot raise crafting skills beyond level @@! You cannot see any spice in there. You cannot sit idle for too long gaining EXP! ¡No puedes sentarte inactivo durante demasiado tiempo ganando EXP! You cannot smell any spice in there. You cannot understand what's written. You cannot visit Nivalis before obtaining level 20. No puedes visitar Nivalis antes de obtener el nivel 20. You cannot visit the Sponsor's Inn! You cannot vote on yourself! You carefully pick a @@. It looks delicious! You feel you'll need it sooner than you expect. You caught a @@ but had no room in your inventory to carry it. You clearly don't have money, so let's not bother with that right now.#0 Está claro que no tienes dinero, así que no nos molestemos con eso ahora.#0 You clearly don't have money, so let's not bother with that right now.#1 Está claro que no tienes dinero, así que no nos molestemos con eso ahora.#1 You completed your training, so you're getting 50 bonus experience points. If you level up, use your stat points wisely! Completaste tu entrenamiento, por lo que obtendrás 50 puntos de experiencia adicionales. ¡Si subes de nivel, usa tus puntos de status sabiamente! You could barely fit on it, and your clothes will be ruined, in need of washing. Apenas cabrías en él y tu ropa se arruinaría y necesitaría ser lavada. You could find some bandits in the Bandit cave. Yeah, the name wasn't given for nothing. You could try getting into a city administration. If you can get a citizenship, you can try to elect for an office. Podrías intentar ingresar a la administración de una ciudad. Si puede obtener la ciudadanía, puede intentar elegir para un cargo. You could try to get new equipment by doing more quests. You need level to use them, though. Podrías intentar conseguir nuevo equipo realizando más misiones. Sin embargo, necesitas nivel para usarlos. You could try to get on her good side by killing what destroys the forest, or by planting trees. You currently could not use GM MAGIC to visit Candor. You currently have @@ @@. Actualmente tienes @@ @@. You currently have @@ GP on your bank account. You currently have @@ Monster Points. These points are acquired while killing monsters. Actualmente tienes @@ puntos de monstruo. Estos puntos se adquieren al matar monstruos. You currently have @@ event points, but for ONLY @@ points I can make a dress for you! You currently have @@ mobiliary credits + GP at your disposal. You currently have @@ points, @@ boxes of chocolate and @@ love letters. You currently have @@, so if you accept and come back later with @@ Mob Points, I'll mark the bounty as complete. You currently have no Tweaking AP, so you will need to wait %02d minute(s). You currently have: @@ GP and mobiliary credits You currently tasked with killing %d/%d %s. Actualmente tienes la tarea de matar %d/%d %s . You dealt with paperwork. You deserve a reward for helping my husband Hinnak, but please, get Oscar's reward first. You deserve a reward for helping my husband. I can make you a nice gift. You deserve this old %s of mine. They are great for skilled rangers and offer good protection. You did a good job too. Rest a bit, too. There's still one chair. You did a good job. Rest a bit. There's still one chair. You did it! You're now on the last stage of this BORING and LONG quest! You didn't add a item. You didn't help all my friends yet, and without trainment, I can't send you to such dangerous place as Tulimshar. Aún no ayudaste a todos mis amigos y, sin entrenamiento, no puedo enviarte a un lugar tan peligroso como Tulimshar. You didn't light every torch yet! Hurry up before they stop burning! ¡Aún no encendiste todas las antorchas! ¡Date prisa antes de que dejen de arder! You didn't mine enough %s. The perfect spot is at northwest of this island. It takes a while for them to respawn, so don't hurry. You didn't mine enough @@. The perfect spot is at northeast of this island. It takes a while to them respawn, so don't hurry. No minaste suficiente @@. El lugar perfecto está al noreste de esta isla. Les toma un tiempo reaparecer, así que no te apresures. You displayed courage and completed the mission you set yourself to do. But, tell me. Do you care with this world? Do you care enough with it, to set your mind in saving it from evil? You do not have booked an apartment here. You do not have enough Gold Pieces on your bank account. You do not have enough Gold on yourself. You do not have enough bait for fishing here. You do not have enough magic power for these classes. No tienes suficiente poder mágico para estas clases. You do not have enough money. You do not have the required access privileges to use the Super Menu. No tiene los privilegios de acceso requeridos para utilizar el menú Super. You do not meet all requisites for this skill. No cumples con todos los requisitos para esta habilidad. You do not own an Homunculus. You don't feel so well... And then, you're dead. You don't have @@. You don't have a party. You're useless to me. You don't have a ring but I can polish the gemstones nonetheless. No tienes anillo, pero aun así puedo pulir las piedras preciosas. You don't have any %s. You don't have any @@, are you mocking me? Ni tiene ningún @@. ¿Se burla de mí? You don't have any @@. No tiene ningún @@. You don't have enough GP. No tienes suficiente médico de cabecera. You don't have enough agility / is carrying too much to attempt it. You don't have enough cards of this type to upgrade. You don't have enough gold! You need @@ gp. ¡No tienes suficiente oro! Necesitas @@ gp. You don't have enough mana to continue. The seal remains active. You don't have enough material, sorry. No tienes suficiente material, lo siento. You don't have enough money! I am an expensive tailor, I want @@ GP! You don't have enough money, bring me @@ GP or join an already existing one. No tienes suficiente dinero, tráeme @@ GP o únete a uno ya existente. You don't have enough money, bring me @@ GP. No tienes suficiente dinero, tráeme @@ GP. You don't have enough money. Sorry. No tienes suficiente dinero. Lo siento. You don't have enough wood (5 @@) or crafting skills to do it. You don't have everything I asked you for. No tienes todo lo que te pedí. You don't have everything I've asked for! You don't have met all requisites, like money and successful crafts, or you already reached the maximum level for this skill. You don't have money. You don't have proper equipment for it. You don't have that many empty bottles! ¡No tienes tantas botellas vacías! You don't have that many! You don't have that, lying is bad for health... You don't have that. You don't have the Iron Ingot. No tienes el Lingote de Hierro. You don't have the Iron Ore. No tienes el mineral de hierro. You don't have the item. You don't have the key. No tienes la llave. You don't have the required level to pass this barrier. You don't have the three Coal lumps. No tienes los tres carbones. You don't hear anything. This chasm must be incredibly deep. You don't know how the chimney keeps producing smoke. It must be using hiding magic. You don't know how to cook. You don't look so well, have you already used the %s to defeat the Soul Eater? You don't look too well; let me treat your wounds. You don't need any of them, so you leave them alone. You don't need to do both right now, even if you probably will want to. Once any (or both) of them tell me you're an OK person, I'll start helping you. No es necesario que hagas ambas cosas ahora mismo, aunque probablemente quieras hacerlo. Una vez que alguno (o ambos) me digan que eres una buena persona, comenzaré a ayudarte. You don't need to talk with any researcher inside, so why bother? Leave! You don't need, nor deserve it. You don't see any slimes from that nest anymore. But did you really get all of them? You don't seem to have any @@ with you! ¡Parece que no tienes ningún @@ contigo! You don't seem to have anything better to do, anyway. De todos modos, no parece que tengas nada mejor que hacer. You don't seem to have enough gold, not even 1 should really let go of some useless stuff on your inventory. You donated just enough to be acknowledged as a donor. You done well in getting so far. I didn't thought you would make it. You earned %s Monster Points for winning. You explain the Blue Sage about the sabotage incident details, from the Silk Cocoon to the masked visitor. You explain to Airlia about you wanting to travel to Halinarzo to find clues. You failed to protect Sagratha... You failed to reply to the captcha in time and were arrested for AFK Botting. You can use @jailtime to keep track of time left. You feel refreshed! Te sientes renovado! You find @@ inside! You find a %s inside. Holding it, you can feel it - The Lightbringer, source of mana and supreme guardian of the world, blessing your journey. You can now choose a new trait. This concludes the player quest. You find a slot machine or another gambler, and make a bet! ¡Encuentras una máquina tragamonedas u otro jugador y haces una apuesta! You flip the switch. Nothing happens. You found @@ out of @@ kids. Encontraste a @@ de@@ niños. You found a Level %d %s! You found a key. You found a(n) %s inside. You found an old well with a bucket on it! It's time to fill plenty of @@! ¡Encontraste un pozo viejo con un cubo encima! ¡Es hora de llenar mucho @@! You found something! ¡Ha encontrado algo! You found the Runestone! You found the Runestone! You gave it to the party leader. You found the bug bomb. You found the key! You free the world from an evil Dummy. Liberas al mundo de un muñeco malvado. You gained a @@ for the #1 place on the event. Remember to feed it @@, or it may run away from you. Obtuviste un @@ por el puesto número 1 en el evento. Recuerda alimentarlo @@, o puede que se escape de ti. You give up after seeing its reaction, and try your best to resist the temptation of hugging this fluffy ball. Maybe we have another idea? You give up. Te rindes. You gladly accept it. But probably better not disturb it for a few days. You go to the training field and stand exactly on the same level with the target. The target is located about 13 meters north of you. You take one arrow and look at Gwendolyn. You got %d %s! You got %d EXP! You got %d GP! You got %d JEXP! You got %d Monster Points! You got %d Real Estate Credits! You got 120,000 XP for completing Mercury's quest. You got a %d You got a %s! You got a @@ for completing 100+ daily bountyhunter quests! You got a blueprint as reward for Blue Sage Slimes Quest completion. You got a(n) %s gift! You got lucky and got a(n) %s! ¡Tienes suerte y tienes un (n) %s! You got married to @@! ¡Se ha casado con @@! You got the rare, Lucky Prize! You grab the key to open the small chest. You have %d %s You have %d moves left.%s%s You have %d non-counting deaths remaining today. You have @@ magic skill points available. Tienes @@ puntos de habilidad mágica disponibles. You have @@/@@ magic skill points available. You have a high level. Go to Halinarzo already! You could even, I don't know, search for magic?! Tienes un nivel alto. ¡Vete ya a Halinarzo! ¡¿Incluso podrías, no sé, buscar magia?! You have a nice hat. You have a vague bad feeling about this. Tienes un vago mal presentimiento sobre esto. You have access to the storehouse now, right? Well, that's where it happened! You have accomplished %d challenges this year. You have already hunted the %s I requested. You have an @@ - Should you give her that? You have an awful case of amnesia. She is the nurse and shipkeeper of this ship, and took care of you when you were unconscious.#0 Tienes un caso terrible de amnesia. Ella es la enfermera y cuidadora de este barco, y te cuidó cuando estabas inconsciente.#0 You have an awful case of amnesia. She is the nurse and shipkeeper of this ship, and took care of you when you were unconscious.#1 Tienes un caso terrible de amnesia. Ella es la enfermera y cuidadora de este barco, y te cuidó cuando estabas inconsciente.#1 You have arrived at Fortress Island. You have been EXILED from %s by %s. You have been disqualified - died or left the maze You have been disqualified - illegal weapon: %s You have been disqualified - target was: %s You have been jailed by a GM. Ha sido encarcelado por un GM. You have collect enough evidence, it's time to leave and report. You have collected @@/@@ Mob Points. You have completed the Jesusaves Grimorium Quest! You have currently worked %d hour(s) and %d minute(s). Fraction of hour won't be paid. You have gained a special login bonus! You have good intentions, be brave, but in a world where power is measured in levels, numbers have more meaning than they should. Tienes buenas intenciones, sé valiente, pero en un mundo donde el poder se mide en niveles, los números tienen más significado del que deberían. You have learnt "Barter" in Thief Skills. You have learnt "Divine Protection" level @@. You have learnt "Increase Weight" in Thief Skills. You have lost the match. Has perdido la partida. You have more boxes. Wanna try again? You have my eternal gratitute. Here is 2500 GP for your troubles. You have my eternal gratitute. Here is 500 GP for your troubles. You have no idea of how dangerous that item is! I can't simply do it! ¡No tienes idea de lo peligroso que es ese objeto! ¡No puedo simplemente hacerlo! You have no idea what that means. You have no idea what that poor creature felt! You have no idea what this piece of equipment is used for. You have no proof that you have robbed vaults or sided with Ben Parkison, the Thieves Guild Master. No tienes pruebas de que hayas robado bóvedas o de que te hayas puesto del lado de Ben Parkison, el maestro del gremio de ladrones. You have no right to take that away from her! You have reached the current reward limit for Jhon. You have the right to defend yourself if you believe we were wrong. If we find out it's true, you'll receive an apology gift. You have to excuse me, as you might have heard we're having some trouble at the moment and I, as Chief of Nikolai's household staff, have a lot to do. You have to kill, alone, and this means without the help of the slimes either, nine nests. One in each quadrant. You have too many points. I can't allow you to take all at once right now. I'll try to give you 50, and you can come back later! Tienes demasiados puntos. No puedo permitir que tomes todo de una vez ahora mismo. ¡Intentaré darte 50 y podrás volver más tarde! You have won the match. Has ganado la partida. You have worked the limit of %d hours and will not be paid for overtime. You have: You have: @@ Broken crystals You haven't provided me enough High-Quality White Fur! Go back to hunting! You haven't provided me the @@ for the base material! You hear a noise from distance. You hear birds singing! That is what you had to do! You hear shouting directed at you. Sailors from the ship? Escuchas gritos dirigidos a ti. ¿Marineros del barco? You hear waterfall opening in distance. You help Benjamin in getting up. You humans are so greedy... Just like me. I have more important things to do. I won't waste my time on you any longer. Ustedes los humanos son tan codiciosos... Igual que yo. Tengo cosas más importantes que hacer. No perderé más el tiempo contigo. You insert the Runestone on it and hear a sound. You insert the hook pick inside the lock, and, without applying any tension, you discover there are only @@ pins to set. You jump in deep waters. You just bought it? You won't learn anything from that. You just delivered %d %s to %s. You just gained a Prism Gift for your bravery! You just gained a Prism Gift, and 2000 Job Exp for your bravery! You just gained a Supreme Gift, and 2000 Job Exp for your bravery! You just need one fishing rod, although you should take more than one single bait. You killed so many Pinkies! My wife and I love you! You killed so many Pinkies, I don't care with the Antennas anymore! They are almost gone! You know Jesus Saves hates cheaters, right? If Saulc didn't asked me to double-check stuff... Sabes que Jesus Saves odia a los tramposos, ¿verdad? Si Saulc no me hubiera pedido que revisara las cosas... You know the Tulimshar Magic Council? The big building on Tulimshar North? ¿Conoces el Consejo Mágico de Tulimshar? ¿El gran edificio en el norte de Tulimshar? You know the answer can only be @@. You know this, because their big round eyes were shining. You know what is worse? THIS WHOLE CAVE HAVE DEATH PENALTY ON!!! You know, he is very experienced and reliable. He might look and act like a kid, but he is at least a century old. You know, if you're poor, you can't get too close to the Noble district. You lack money or Action Points. You learn fast, good job. These clothes aren't mighty armor, but they'll help. Aprendes rápido, buen trabajo. Esta ropa no es una armadura poderosa, pero te ayudará. You leave the teddy alone with its pot. You left your fishing spot! ¡Ha dejado su lugar de pesca! You liar, I'll show you to respect woman! You liar, I'll teach you a lesson you won't forget! You lied, and this caused a headache! You should NEVER lie to NPCs, because they may steal your items! ¡Mentiste y esto te causó dolor de cabeza! ¡NUNCA debes mentirles a los NPC, porque pueden robar tus artículos! You look capable, will you help me solve these robberies? Of course, not for free. You look like you have enough experience to know your way around town... Parece que tienes suficiente experiencia para conocer la ciudad... You look ready to take him on. Te ves listo para enfrentarlo. You lose! You made a cash deposit of @@ GP. You make me dance like a monkey Me haces bailar como un mono You managed to save @@ % of my crops! ¡Lograste salvar @@ % de mis cultivos! You may consider yourself exceptionally lucky, kid. I will not waste my time on you, too so consider me sparing you an act of mercy. Quizás te consideres excepcionalmente afortunado, chico. No perderé mi tiempo contigo también, así que considérame ahorrarte un acto de misericordia. You may even obtain minerals which you wouldn't otherwise obtain normally, and the drop rate is fixed. Incluso puedes obtener minerales que de otro modo no obtendrías normalmente, y la tasa de caída es fija. You may obtain Thief Exp by using @@. You may pass. The Sage is on the library waiting for you. You might have the Mouboo Figurine, but I don't trust everyone. You might need to have a @@ equipped for some recipes! You might need to scroll down to see all dialogue options in some NPCs. Try it! Es posible que tengas que desplazarte hacia abajo para ver todas las opciones de diálogo en algunos NPC. ¡Intentalo! You must "add" the items you plan on selling, and then press "sell" to confirm. You'll have this time to review. You must %s and chant %s to begin channeling. You must be close to it, and stealing won't change drops! If you fail, just try again! Good luck! You must be fast! The guards are also affected. You must be where the Monster King is at 18:30 UTC sharply - no delays allowed! You must break all three seals to cross this barrier! For that, walk on them! You must choose a trait now, or the opportunity will be forfeit. Debes elegir un rasgo ahora o perderás la oportunidad. You must claim all rewards and use any event item BEFORE it ends. Debes reclamar todas las recompensas y usar cualquier artículo del evento ANTES de que finalice. You must deposit %s GP, which will be returned if quest is completed. You must find someone willing to buy, they usually will buy almost anything you have, even items which cannot be replaced, so be careful. Debes encontrar a alguien dispuesto a comprar, normalmente comprará casi cualquier cosa que tengas, incluso objetos que no se pueden reemplazar, así que ten cuidado. You must flip all 5 switches on this cave, and then walk accross the cave blocked with an etheral crystal. You must go talk with the Obelisk! You must kill them before the crops are gone. I'll reward you, but it won't be much. Debes matarlos antes de que se acaben las cosechas. Te recompensaré, pero no será mucho. You must kill them before the crops are gone. I'll reward you, of course. Debes matarlos antes de que se acaben las cosechas. Te recompensaré, por supuesto. You must not be using mana to do this trip. You must reach level 5 to open this gift. You must then repeat the sequence at the board which will show. You must understand that this honor has never been granted to a non-duck before. You will have access to Duck Dungeon, a training grounds for Initiates. You need %d %s. I'll start showing you sequences of colors. You need %s for this, so don't waste your breath. You need %s to light this torch. Necesitas %s para encender esta antorcha. You need 2x @@ to cast this skill. You need 4x @@ to cast this skill. You need @@ GP to make this investment. You need @@ GP to use this arena. Necesitas @@ GP para usar esta arena. You need @@ Reputation to make this investment. You need @@ units of bait for this fishing spot. What will you use? You need a %s for each floor, and defeat the gatekeeper to advance. You need a @@ for it. Ah, back to research I guess... Necesitas un @@ para ello. Ah, volviendo a la investigación, supongo... You need a @@ to flip the switches on the Throne Room, don't forget to bring at least five. You need a @@ to play. Necesitas un @@ para jugar. You need a @@ to try this. You need a @@ to use this. You need a @@. I'll flip one card, and you'll need to decide if next draw will be HIGHER or LOWER. You need a base level of %d to rank up. You need a job level of %d to rank up. You need a rowboat to set sail here. You need at least %d cards of same kind. You need at least 35 str and 35 vit to do the trip safely - bonuses not counted - or you will lose HP. You need at least level %s to do this quest. Necesitas al menos un nivel %s para realizar esta misión. You need at least level 20 to help. You need be at minimum level 50 to participate. It is PVP, so watch out! You need both the stolen item as the thief to complete the quest. You need level 60 to use these guns, but if you want to start collecting materials, you're allowed to. You need to acquire a %s from a Casino around the world to use this slot machine. You need to be very careful. Use the sewers to reach... them. You need to beat the Dealer's hand to get those prizes. You need to choose a Heroes Hold Group. This currently makes absolutely no difference whatsoever. You need to finish at least %d/%d tasks. You need to have level %d or above. Necesitas tener nivel%d o superior. You need to kill all the %d monsters to complete a bounty. Debes matar a todos los%d monstruos para completar la recompensa. You need to pick your prizes! You need to prove your worth once again, though. So be ready. You need to reach a certain point in Player Story in order to partake on this event. Non-repeatable. You need to read this recipe. Without the essential crafting skill you won't go very far. There will be no bonuses on the items you craft because you are not a craftsman. Necesitas leer esta receta. Sin la habilidad de artesanía esencial no llegarás muy lejos. No habrá bonificaciones por los artículos que crees porque no eres un artesano. You need to save the Professor! During night, monsters are stronger, so they'll probably attack at night time! ¡Necesitas salvar al profesor! Durante la noche, los monstruos son más fuertes, ¡así que probablemente atacarán durante la noche! You need to touch a Mana Stone to get magic. Certainly the only Mana Stone on Tulimshar is highly protected by the Council, so no chances here. Necesitas tocar una piedra de mana para obtener magia. Ciertamente, la única Piedra de Mana en Tulimshar está altamente protegida por el Consejo, así que no hay posibilidades aquí. You need: You notice a group of slimes emerging from the debris among the shelves. You notice a middle-aged woman carefully drawing lines on a large sheet of cotton. You notice a simple trick; uppercase words in the Aegis Magna Protective Scutum spell which are not part of the chant: AMTMTT. Corresponding to the broken pieces on the stair, you now know how to climb it. You notice that even if she tries to calm down everyone and serve tea, she's pretty distressed with the Monster King herself. You now gained two extra kilograms to your weight quota! Ka-pow, that's fantastic! Good luck! You now have an extra point, use it wisely. You now must wait for a passing ship to rescue you and bring you to your original destination. You only have %d/%d %s, so the transaction was cancelled. You only have to tell him how much you want to deposit or withdraw. Sólo tienes que decirle cuánto quieres depositar o retirar. You open a book named @@. Do you want to read it? You open the Recipe Book. Each recipe you get can be put here. You open the chest and found a @@. Abriste el cofre y encontraste un @@. You open the chest! You open your eyes. The remants of the salt water in your eyes is not particularly helping you see. Abres los ojos. Los restos de agua salada en tus ojos no te ayudan especialmente a ver. You passed the botcheck. Thanks for playing the game %%G You perfectly cut your %s into two edible parts. You planned neatly. I'll be back. Lo planeaste perfectamente. Vuelvo enseguida. You ponder whether or not it would be wise to drink it. You pour the whole potion on the fountain. You probably was only 4 when all that happened. And opposed to official story, the Monster King never enter this building. You pulled too late and lost the bait... You pulled too soon and lost the bait. Ha tirado demasiado tarde y ha perdido el anzuelo. You quickly give her the herbs, and she skillfully mix them on a potion. You ran out of time. You realize that you have no means to prove your statement. You really have a reason to be proud. You really should do some tasks to impress our captain. Realmente deberías hacer algunas tareas para impresionar a nuestro capitán. You really should read the dialogs. You receive 32 exp and 30 GP. Recibes 32 exp y 30 GP. You receive @@ GP! Recibiste @@ GP! You received one %s! ¡Recibiste un %s! You received the %s title from %s. You received the @@ from @@. You recover a tweaking point every hour. You recovered @@ magic skill points You report to the King about everything you've found and learned there. You rolled a: %d %s Tiraste un: %d%s You run as far as you could. %s You said adventure? Good, because I just hurt my arm while mining! ¿Dijiste aventura? ¡Bien, porque me acabo de lastimar el brazo mientras minaba! You said you would trade a real Mouboo Figurine, but now I see you don't have one. Come back when you do. You scored a(n) %s! You search for Bandit hoods. You see a dust covered book on the shelf... The name of the book is @@. You see a fruit on her body. You take it. You see a helper looking through some papers that have a strange smell. You see a middle-aged woman cautiously but surprisingly swiftly cutting out shapes from a huge cotton sheet. The scissors glide along the cloth as if it were butter, never leaving the premarked lines. You see a middle-aged woman furiously sewing away at what appears to be a very expensive dress. Her fingers are moving so nimbly that you find it near-impossible to follow the needle. You see a raijin boy, sitting on the edge of the dock. Ve a un niño raijin, sentado al borde del muelle. You see a red apple here. It is You see several keys hanging on the wall, along small plates with numbers on them, presumably describing what they're for. You see some fish reflecting the sun on the surface of the water. Ve a un pez reflectando en sol sobre la superficie del agua. You see the docks on the other side of the town? There should be a ship docked there. ¿Ves los muelles al otro lado de la ciudad? Debería haber un barco atracado allí. You see the gates over there? This is the World's Edge. The land which never had a settlement. How. is. there. a. town?! You see these pious around us? ¿Ves estos pious alrededor de nosotros? You see yourself in a strange chamber. Strange drawings litter the walls. You see, Benjamin wanted to reshape the world. Very ambitious plans, which would have been great... If they had prospered. You see, I am Erlan, a researcher. I'm currently developing strong poison to rival with the legendary %s. For that end, I need raw, untreated sewerage, but there is no such thing here. Could you bring me %d %s? Thanks! You see, I am Erlan, a researcher. I'm currently developing strong poison to rival with the legendary %s. For that end, I need raw, untreated sewerage, but there is no such thing in a civilized town like ours. You see, I cannot use any raw material. It must be sturdier than the usual, and I don't have the materials for it. You see, I have a sister. Luvia Gemini. Very talented, but unfortunately, not enough to prevent being captured and brainwashed by Isbamuth. You see, I love %s! So shiny, so bright... They are my favorite! You see, I was walking in the secret caves near Ched, and... well... Verás, estaba caminando en las cuevas secretas cerca de Ched, y... bueno... You see, Pihro and Pyndragon, the mayors, are really busy people. They're developing a game or something as we speak. You see, after a monster attack... My husband went to the desert, to check how things were... Verás, después del ataque de un monstruo... Mi marido se fue al desierto, para comprobar cómo estaban las cosas... You see, because the Monster King, monsters have been running rampant. If they grow too much in numbers, cities may be overrun. Verás, desde el Rey Monstruo, los monstruos han estado corriendo desenfrenados. Si su número crece demasiado, las ciudades pueden verse invadidas. You see, it need certain special items... Oh, just blame Jesusalva for this one. You see, just @@ ago, Hurnscald was liberated from a massive monster attack. You see, most people think that all monsters are controlled by the Monster King, but that's not quite right. You see, we're working on repairing all of the damaged books and creating new ones for those that were lost. You seem to be doing some money. Would you consider fighting for your own greed, or even be a Robin-Hood-of-sorts, stealing from the rich? You seem to be jailed. We cannot unjail offline players, so please don't logout. You seem to have @@ broken items and... Oh, I see you have a broken @@ here! I wanna repair it! You seem to have gotten Peetu's attention for a while. You send me the wrong way. You set off a trap! You shall pass. Beyond this gate, she waits for you. You should allocate some attributes to it. You need @@, @@ and @@, on this order of importance. Deberías asignar algunos atributos. Necesitas @@, @@ y @@, en este orden de importancia. You should allocate some attributes. You need @@, @@ and @@, on this order of importance. You should allocate some attributes to it. You need @@, @@ and @@, on this order of importance. You should ask %s. Deberías preguntar %s. You should ask this question at Vincent. Deberías hacerle esta pregunta a Vincent. You should be ASHAMED of yourself, you liar. You should be more careful. You should come back when you are stronger, ideally at Deberías volver cuando estés más fuerte, idealmente en You should come back when you have some free space. Deberías volver cuando tengas algo de espacio libre. You should complete Candor Prologue before participating on this quest. You should do the other miners quests first! Some, however, are harder than others. This will also unlock the %s, an important item to advance as a crafter. ¡Deberías hacer las misiones de los otros mineros primero! Algunos, sin embargo, son más difíciles que otros. Esto también desbloqueará el %s , un elemento importante para avanzar como artesano. You should eat and drink water after donating blood. Thanks for saving lifes! You should go and get some sleep. Usted debería ir y dormir un poco. You should have gotten here @@. You should have some decent gloves, dude. These offer defense, as it's easier to handle your weapon and parry attacks. Deberías tener unos guantes decentes, amigo. Estos ofrecen defensa, ya que es más fácil manejar tu arma y detener ataques. You should interrogate the victim, maybe you can get more information out of them. What the Academy wishes to know is what sort of magic was used to kill in this area. You should know this, an item like this can't be bleached. Debería saber esto: un artículo como este no puede desteñirse. You should never sell your Cactus Drinks. They have many uses. You should not be here! This forest is home to monsters. You should not be here. Get moving. You should not be here... You should not leave this room. You should reset your stats and allocate some points at intelligence. You should summon the Homunculus to show it to the King. Otherwise, your words will not be convincing. You should talk to Airlia again to understand what Lua wants me to do. You should talk to Magic Arpan first. Deberías hablar con Magic Arpan primero. You should talk to him instead. Deberías hablar con él en su lugar. You should talk to the Black Razor. He was a researcher, so try the academy. You should unequip this item first. You sing a pretty song to the teddy, and this makes it very happy. You spend some time explaining to Katze about how trade works. You spend some time going over the evidence with Anselmo. You mention which kind of cheese was stolen and the thief description, the time of the robbery and the victims, the route they used from the portal to the kitchen depot, the scratch marks and the odd aversion to loud instruments the thief had. You stand before a battle-scarred, darkly tanned warrior, brimming with muscles. You start feeling dizzy. You started the seal break sequence. Please stand by. You stay where you are.. You still are overwhelmed by your magic. You still have ##B%d Monster Points##b! Do you want more items? ¡Aún tienes ##B%d puntos de monstruo##b! ¿Quieres más artículos? You still have a low level but I'm sure he will ask for your help once you grow up a little more. Aún tienes un nivel bajo pero estoy seguro de que te pedirá ayuda una vez que crezcas un poco más. You still haven't completed your tasks. Aún no has completado tus tareas. You still haven't found all of them yet. Todavía no los has encontrado todos. You still need @@ GP for the trip to Tulimshar. Aún necesitas a @@ GP para el viaje a Tulimshar. You still need @@ GP to afford it. Todavía necesitas @@ GP para costearlo. You still need to grow a few levels more before being able to help me out again. You still need to wait @@ before going to HH again. You store a large collection of goods. Could you perhaps sell me some? Almacenas una gran colección de productos. ¿Quizás podrías venderme algunos? You succeed in crossing the chasm! You successfully completed Sagratha's Campaign. You successfully set the drop rate to @@%. It will reset to @@% (default value) in @@. You successfully set the exp rate to @@%. It will reset to @@% (default value) in @@. You supported: You take distance and... You take four steps to the left. You take four steps to the right. You take off your bag and put it on the floor, as you lower yourself and try to slowly get close to it. You take one step to the left. You take one step to the right. You take the @@. It seems to be the stolen item. You take the clothes from the chest. Tomas la ropa del cofre. You take three steps to the left. You take three steps to the right. You take two steps to the left. You take two steps to the right. You take your @@ and leave. You take your fishing rod and leave. Usted coge su caña de pesca y se va. You tell Lua everything you've heard at the Inn. Le cuentas a Lua todo lo que has oído en la posada. You tell her about the incident at the Blue Sage's residence and how they were aiming at sages. You tell the truth to Inspector Anselmo. You think you can fool me and lie? I'll teach you a lesson you won't forget! You thought there was someone here. It must have been your imagination. Pensaste que había alguien aquí. Debe haber sido tu imaginación. You throw a coin into the well. Tiras una moneda al pozo. You throw a coin on the chasm. You took more than %s to do this, that is lame! Better luck next time. You took too long to answer. You took too long. You toss the paper in the trash. You tried to get rid of me, eeh? But surprise! I'm still here... *hic* Or there... Intentaste deshacerte de mí, ¿eeh? ¡Pero sorpresa! Todavía estoy aquí... *hic* O allí. You try to open the chest with the small key you took earlier, but it seems to be magically warded. You use the small key from the apple garden hut. It fits neatly. You vomit, you are too drunk and drinking is harmful. You vomit, you are too drunk for this to have effect anymore. You waited too long and lost the bait... You wake up in a jolt. The Professor was definitely assassinated on your nightmare. You wake up in the middle of the night. How did you got here? WERE YOU KIDNAPPED? Te despiertas en medio de la noche. ¿Cómo llegaste aquí? ¿FUÍ SECUESTRADO? You want help with your investigation? Well, several creatures eat cheese. Like me. You could try to shorten this list. You want to know if I saw any squirrel or cat leaving and coming back through this gate yesterday? Yes, I did, a gray cat, but I didn't paid much attention. You want to know if I saw something going through here? You want to know if anything resembling this description passed through the portal around 20:00? You want to know if something could pass through the tunnel we're digging? You wanted to know about the World Edge, right? The Ancient Families of the Soul Menhir, and if you're part of them... You were arrested for impersonation. You were in bad shape, you should be happy we found you before the sea killed you.#0 Usted estaba en mala forma. Debería alegrarse por que le encontrásemos antes de que el mar le matase.#0 You were in bad shape, you should be happy we found you before the sea killed you.#1 Usted estaba en mala forma. Debería alegrarse por que le encontrásemos antes de que el mar le matase.#1 You were jailed and now need a GM to get you out of there. Fuiste encarcelado y ahora necesitas un GM para sacarte de allí. You were just a nobody when your ship wrecked, and if you remained as such, I would have no interest in you. Being a hero is a choice I made, and being a hero is also a choice you made, if you came this far. You were permanently banned by the GM Team. You were refunded in %s GP! You were rescued by DUSTMAN. You were vouched to the %s title by %s. You still need %d more vouches to be promoted. You were worth of the Lightbringer's gift and blessing to the world. You were worth of the Mana Source's gift and blessing to the world. You were wrong! You whisper a date - 2021-03-11, the %sreal%s date of the %d AT Great Fire. You will also LOSE honor if the opponent is below level 30. If you are a bandit (negative honor), all fights versus you will be honorable. También PERDERÁS honor si el oponente está por debajo del nivel 30. Si eres un bandido (honor negativo), todas las peleas contra ti serán honorables. You will be killed on the road if you try to go like this. The Canyon route is dangerous, and the Swamps route claimed many souls. Te matarán en el camino si intentas ir así. La ruta del Cañón es peligrosa y la ruta de los Pantanos se cobró muchas almas. You will be rewarded by me shall you succeed in any of the tasks. You will find a fisher, maybe he is having a good time and can sell you a few boxes. And remember to keep your eye open. Encontrarás un pescador, tal vez se lo esté pasando bien y pueda venderte algunas cajas. Y recuerda mantener los ojos abiertos. You will find a statue different from the others. It is where the game balance was murdered and bugs added instead! No, not really - this is just a placeholder. Not cool! You will gain @@ Reputation. You will get @@ which can then be exchanged for items once CoD event quest ends. You will need a certain amount of them to upgrade any skill, which will be spent and no longer available for use. You will need to *hic* prove yourself to *hic* me and the town first... You will notice the citizens are polite and they might help you find a job or help you figure out what happened to you out at sea. Notarás que los ciudadanos son educados y podrían ayudarte a encontrar un trabajo o ayudarte a descubrir qué te pasó en el mar. You will revive automatically. Use %s to see remaining jail time. You win! You withdrew a total of @@ GP. You won't be able to aim for a better record! ¡No podrás aspirar a un mejor récord! You won't be allowed to play this game until you have an updated client. You won't be allowed to walk sideways, except to avoid a monster or two. You won't have any of my vegetables, you scoundrel! Get off my yard! You won't learn any skill without a good professor to teach them to you. No aprenderás ninguna habilidad sin un buen profesor que te la enseñe. You wonder, maybe he entered on an infinite loop? Hellooo, anybody home? Te preguntas, ¿tal vez entró en un bucle infinito? Hola, ¿hay alguien en casa? You wont be able to go back! You would do well as come prepared, as failing in the last stage will RESET current progress on the quest. You wouldn't happen to have them, would you? You'll all die here! You'll also get a %s! You'll also get half of the GP as Monster Points! You'll be charged even if you fail, be warned. You'll be charged even if you fail, be warned. You can re-roll the same item %s, free of charge, but it may break and there will be no refunds! You'll be given five cards. The winning hand is the one with highest combo. You'll come with me! ¡Vendrás conmigo! You'll get %d GP every time you finish the sequence. You'll give your best and attempt to run! You'll have 60 seconds to kill as many balls as you can! You'll have to slay %s %s for me! I don't care which ones, just SLAY THEM! You'll need to think on a new password! ¡Tendrás que pensar en una nueva contraseña! You'll receive messages as if you had "rented" the food to keep you aware of when it is going to expire. This apply both for the food you are currently eating - shown in the equipment window - as for the food in your inventory. You'll soon run out of stuff to do around here, so yeah, you should extend your horizons or you may get bored soon enough. Pronto te quedarás sin cosas que hacer por aquí, así que sí, deberías ampliar tus horizontes o te aburrirás pronto. You'll want your fishing rod to be flexible but solid. You're aboard our ship. We made port to a little island and we're actually yeye-ending our long merchant travelling adventure at the city of Tulimshar.#0 Estás a bordo de nuestro barco. Llegamos al puerto de una pequeña isla y de hecho estamos terminando nuestra larga aventura de viaje mercantil en la ciudad de Tulimshar.#0 You're aboard our ship. We made port to a little island and we're actually yeye-ending our long merchant travelling adventure at the city of Tulimshar.#1 Estás a bordo de nuestro barco. Llegamos al puerto de una pequeña isla y de hecho estamos terminando nuestra larga aventura de viaje mercantil en la ciudad de Tulimshar.#1 You're about to concede an academic title to "@@". You're about to enter a dangerous area. Are you sure? You're about to enter a dangerous zone! ¡Estás a punto de entrar en una zona peligrosa! You're about to transfer a legendary weapon to @@. You're absolutely right. The next one will be more tricky. You're brave but weak. Go grind some levels, go make a wooden sword, I don't know. Eres valiente pero débil. Ve a mejorar algunos niveles, ve a hacer una espada de madera, no lo sé. You're creepy. You're doing the math wrong, matey! I'll bring them later! ¡Estás haciendo mal los cálculos, amigo! ¡Los traeré más tarde! You're finally free! You're here for the official investigation files? Sure, let me just get them for you. You're hesitant to pick one, they could be dangerous. You're in the "@@" party, I know! You're in the "@@" party, very good! You're lucky that this is the Land Of Fire and I'm on a good mood, otherwise, I would have killed you for lying to me. You're lucky. It is windless now.#0 You're lucky. It is windless now.#1 You're not entirely sure what to make out of this. There's nothing of importance in the room and the stench is awful, so you leave quickly. You're not welcome here. Get moving. You're on a ship, we're on our way to the oldest human city, Tulishmar. Estás en un barco, vamos camino a la ciudad humana más antigua, Tulishmar. You're playing with fire. Or ice. Or whatever. Estás jugando con fuego. O hielo. O lo que sea. You're pretty much stranded on this forsaken island if you don't help me! ¡Estás prácticamente varado en esta isla abandonada si no me ayudas! You're ready. Let's head back to the ship before the sun sets, shall we? Estas listo. Regresemos al barco antes de que se ponga el sol, ¿de acuerdo? You're right, you never sold any Water Bottle ever. I'm unjailing you. You're right. Sorry. You're strong, maybe you could help Dan. He is a good sailor but he is too afraid from harmless Pious. Eres fuerte, tal vez puedas ayudar a Dan. Es un buen marinero pero le tiene demasiado miedo al inofensivo Pious. You're stupid. Leave. You're the savior of Hurnscald crops. Half from the world would die from famine, weren't for you. You're under arrest. I have to bring you back to Kenton. You're wel-- Wait, it was you who was trapped on the well near Miler's house?! You're welcome! ¡De nada! You're welcome. You're willing to help? Perfect. We need @@ @@, @@ @@ and @@ @@ for travel. ¿Estás dispuesto a ayudar? Perfecto. Necesitamos @@ @@, @@ @@ y @@ @@ para viajar. You're, of course, invited. Thus far, the total prize money I've collected is @@ GP. Estás, por supuesto, invitado. Hasta ahora, el premio total en dinero que he recaudado es @@ GP. You've already completed this quest today. Try again tomorrow. Ya has completado esta misión hoy. Inténtalo de nuevo mañana. You've already searched this barrel. You've also learned how to craft Daggers! It serves solely for training purposes. You get crafting points for every 40 levels crafted on the item. ¡También has aprendido a fabricar dagas! Sirve únicamente para fines de formación. Obtienes puntos de elaboración por cada 40 niveles elaborados en el artículo. You've been asking for way too much power from the Mana Seed. You've been doing quite well, indeed. Ever visited Lilit? You've been doing very well, I'm surprised. You've been doing well. Be careful out there. You've been spending too much time with humans. You are picking up bad habits from them like lying. Be careful. You've brought me fertilizer! Let me see if it works... You've found a(n) %s. You've got 2000 xp and 150 job xp in apology tokens. You've got a Graduation Album for Eistein levels! You've helped me plenty. Please come back in @@ You've killed @@ scorpions, and a total of @@ were killed this season. Has matado a @@ escorpiones y un total de @@ fueron asesinados esta temporada. You've killed @@/12 @@. Get rid of them! Has matado a @@/12 @@. ¡Deshazte de ellos! You've learned how to use @@. Simple locks can now be broken. You've obtained a @@ to visit Magic Academy. You've passed the test of courage. Bravery you have, but are you a real adventurer? Has pasado la prueba del coraje. Tienes valentía, pero ¿eres un verdadero aventurero? You've reached the maximum level for this skill. You've slayed the Yeti. You've started to fill paperwork. You've stopped working and was paid %s GP. You, @@... You better get walking. Soon. You, and everyone on the party, won't be able to return. You... You killed my father during the Nivalis siege! I'll make you pay for that!! Tú... ¡Mataste a mi padre durante el asedio de Nivalis! ¡¡Te haré pagar por eso!! You: @@, @@ You? Have you ever looked in the mirror? You're not even level 35. Begone. ¿Tú? ¿Alguna vez te has mirado al espejo? Ni siquiera estás en el nivel 35. Vete. You? Here? ¿Tú? ¿Aquí? Your %s was treated by %s. Your @@ determines several small things, including critical attacks and, limited to a certain extent, affect drop rates. Tu @@ determina varias cosas pequeñas, incluidos los ataques críticos y, hasta cierto punto, afecta las tasas de caída. Your @@ determines your ability to hit monsters and is valuable to players who prefer weapons that use projectiles. Tu @@ determina tu habilidad para golpear monstruos y es valioso para los jugadores que prefieren armas que usan proyectiles. Your @@ is not enough, please look for more. Your Score: %d Tu puntuación:%d Your Score: @@ Tu puntuación: @@ Your academy titles have been rescinded%s Your account is too young. Your account must be at least 72 hours old or have level 15+ to use this command. Your body starts to glow. You're not sure why, the fountain did that! Your class has been changed from %s to %s. Your coward outer self fails to convince you to leave. Your current rank: %s Your current scholar rank: %s (%d Research Points) Your current scholar rank: %s (%d/%d vouches) Your current scholar rank: %s (%s Research Points) Your current score: @@ Tu puntuación actual: @@ Your current win streak is @@! Your father? Your friend also sent you a gift - open it when you get level 5! Tu amigo también te envió un regalo, ¡ábrelo cuando alcances el nivel 5! Your guild does not have the key required to complete this part of the puzzle. Your guild doesn't know any recipes! Your guild needs to have at least level 2 to use storage feature. Your hairstyle is @@ and its color is @@. Su peinado es @@ y su color es @@. Your hear a clink, and the key breaks. Your help was invaluable, my staff believed in the unbiased view of the Hurnscald Household. Alas, now Peetu is capable to work again. Your homunculus is already on a mission! Your homunculus is ready! Your homunculus is sleeping! Wake them up! Your information is correct, %s. Pirates have been plaguing our shores and cutting off our supply lines. Your level is so high, I'm surprised you haven't went there already. But then, most quests around there are for your level... Tu nivel es tan alto que me sorprende que aún no hayas llegado allí. Pero claro, la mayoría de las misiones que existen son para tu nivel... Your loss! Your low intelligence prevents anything from happening with you. Your magic is more powerful than you, but you can control. Your mind is set? You will probably lose all the dyes and/or cards during on the item during this process. You're bleaching a %s by the way. ¿Tu mente está decidida? Probablemente perderás todos los tintes y/o cartas del artículo durante este proceso. Por cierto, estás blanqueando %s. Your money reward depends on how much of the crops you save. Tu recompensa en dinero depende de la cantidad de cultivos que salves. Your mother asked me to say that she loves you. Tu madre me pidió que te dijera que te ama. Your mother is still missing, but if the sea didn't claim her then she'll not come back here, and will find my message to her at the designated point. Your next step is to get the book of the Second Sage Of Fate. Your party is too big. Discretion is a key if we want to succeed. Your persistence is amusing. However, you're yet to acquire the title of %s. Your personal record: %s Your position is auto-saved when entering a town - use @ucp to change this behavior. Your position on the guild: @@ Your privileges do not allow you to use this command. Your prize: %s GP Tu premio: %s GP Your problems are not mine. By the way, you really should consider taking a shower. Your progress thus far: %s chants casted Your progress thus far: %s damage inflicted Your progress thus far: %s exp earned Your progress thus far: %s friends supported Your progress thus far: %s potions baked Your progress thus far: %s skills casted Your progress thus far: %s sparks Your progress thus far: %s sparks killed Your progress thus far: %s survived. Your progress thus far: %s taken. Your rank must be regular member or above. Your reagents vanish into emptiness! Your rent is valid for @@. Your request for @@ @@ are being fermented for @@. Your save point has been changed. Su punto de guardado ha sido cambiado. Your skill in magic is not great enough to use some of the spells yet, so keep practicing and visiting the mana seed until it is. Your son, Hasan, has stolen me! ¡Tu hijo, Hasan, me ha robado! Your spell takes a mind of its own and shapes in something else! Your status points were reset. Your strength is not enough to power on this portal. Your thief instincts suggest you to hurry. Your weird robes; They seem like they'll deny your damage, so you definitely want to summon multiple people to help. Try the #world tab. Your worth shall be tested, and from inside, you shall not leave. Yuko Yuko Cuf Yumi ZZZzzzz... Zack Zambacutou Heavy Sword Espada pesada Zambacutou Zarkor Zarkor Zarkor Scroll Pergamino de Zarkor Zarkor spills many fluids on the surface of the little lake while being in a deep trance. Zarkor derrama muchos fluidos sobre la superficie del pequeño lago mientras se encuentra en un profundo trance. Zarkor starts a weird chant. Zarkor inicia un canto extraño. Zarkor, the Dark Summoner Zarkor, el invocador oscuro Zarkor, you may feel a small taste of my power. If you can't handle that, you're not even near my lowest lieutenant. Zarkor, es posible que sientas una pequeña muestra de mi poder. Si no puedes manejar eso, ni siquiera estás cerca de mi lugarteniente más bajo. Zegas Zegas ZegasDebug ZegasDepurador Zitoni Zitoni Zitoni refused to make the Powder. Zitoni se negó a fabricar la Pólvora. Zitoni seems to be lost on deep thought. Zitoni parece estar sumido en profundos pensamientos. Zitoni won't cooperate with you. Perhaps you should ask to Zarkor about that. Zitoni no cooperará contigo. Quizás deberías preguntarle a Zarkor sobre eso. Zombie Ear Oreja de zombi Zombie Nachos Nachos zombie Zzzzzz.... Zzzzzzzzz... Zzzzzzzzz... [%d GP] [Lv 1~25] Hire for one hour [%d GP] [Lv 26~40] Hire for one hour [%d GP] [Lv 41~60] Hire for one hour [%d GP] [Lv 61~79] Hire for one hour [%d GP] [Lv 80~100] Hire for one hour [0] East Aeros [10x Honey, 1x Elixir of Life] The Shadow Tortuga won the race against the Panthom Lord. [1] West Aeros [2] Full Aeros [@@|Read the History@@] [Accept Quest] [Caution, this may be dangerous!] [Christmas] Send soul to the Christmas Workshop! [DEBUG] Current Power: %d [Decline Quest] [Deliver all goods.] [Entregar todos los bienes.] [Dream Towers] Tickets per trip: [Easter] Send soul to the Mana Forest! [Explain the situation] [Give him a Mouboo Figurine to play with?] [Give him some salty Sea Drops?] [Give him some tasty Chocolate Bar?] [Kill her] [Magic Olympics] Send soul to Porthos [Make up a lie] [Maybe another time.] [Quizás en otro momento.] [Pat his shoulder and say everything will be fine.] [Push him away from you and leave] [Quest Accepted] [Quit] [Salir] [Say nothing] [Shake him and tell him to pull himself together] [Slap his hands to surprise him and get his attention?] [Soul Menhir] [TUTORIAL] [Try to console him] [Valentine Day] Send soul to the Valentine Highlands! [Valentine] Eat all chocolate: [Worker Day] Send soul to the Contributor Cave! ^.^ "Nothing is wrong, don't worry!" a Candor Battle a Candor Bloodbath a Capture the Flag a Duel with Demure a Kamelot Raid a Left Crafty Wing a Monster Point trade a PVP victory a Right Crafty Wing a Siege a buried dungeon a game of Black Jack a game of Craps a game of Higher or Lower a game of Poker a game of Sequence a ground! ¡Tierra! a quiet place, un lugar tranquilo, a rare fishing a vote for town admin a(n) above adams affection agility agilidad agrajag an UDT Challenge and and "listening" to his speech, you'll get EXP! and have Demure to send them to those you admire! angry any cualquier any Heroes Hold Dungeon arrow keys teclas de flechas arthur dent assigning 5 points each to str, agi, dex and luck asignando 5 puntos a cada uno a fuerza, agilidad, destreza y suerte bandits begin Doppelganger Challenge comenzar el desafío Doppelganger below betelgeuse big bonus step bread brewing a fermented beverage bundle of 200 %s paquete de 200%s burst up in flames but I was hoping for something more valuable. No, thanks. but remember: Rewards will also be based on everyone's progress! cancel Cancelar candor cleaning Purificando cold, bleak and isolated cell celda fría, sombría y aislada cooked food expire cooking any dish cricket cursed lands daily bounties recompensas diarias data @@ @@ @@ data información @@ @@ @@ información day día deep thought desert mines one day. dexterity destreza disaster area discontent don't panic doplhins douglas draw. dude#1 ear east easter eggs for more useful things! eddie ee break of day ee descanso del día eight eighteen eleven embryo england equip equipar evening amanecer evil will return every day to curse King Arthur the Micksha. exchange them, and have fun! experience experiencia experience points fifteen firearms five cinco focused on lower level players, and to cherish those whom work hard everyday. for adventurers Para los aventureros for listening his class por escuchar su clase four fourteen furious gal#0 girl#0 give everyone gifts for spending so much time with us %%l great fire hard work, Dimonds Cove was built. heart of gold her here hero#0 hero#1 hey, hey, are you a hero, are you a hero?#0 hey, hey, are you a hero, are you a hero?#1 house finances humm... Sorry, I forgot what you need! humm... You don't have everything I've asked for! if the proposal is not convenient for you, just close the trading window to cancel the exchange of items and money. But if both press the 'Accept Negotiation' button, then the marketing will be finished. Si la propuesta no te conviene, simplemente cierre la ventana de intercambio para cancelar el intercambio de artículos y dinero. Pero si ambos presionan el botón "Aceptar intercambio", entonces el intercambio habrá sido completado. in March 2nd 2018. international worker day is your target. They spawn smaller versions of themselves! Kill @@ of them and make the beach safe for tourists. es tu objetivo. ¡Engendran versiones más pequeñas de sí mismos! Mata a @@ de ellos y haz que la playa sea segura para los turistas. item dependant bonuses bonos dependientes del objeto ix karim katazuli keyboard teclado killing a monster while it rains killing a roaming boss king left left above legendary clovers will spawn almost everywhere. legendary weapon level 25 or above nivel 25 o superior library damage lightbringer line @@: lock-picking a vault or similar longing for the day she would have a building. lost forever perdido para siempre love lower left lower right luck suerte magic book major mana stones marvin medium shot milliways minor miss#0 señorita#0 mister#1 señor#1 mobs over lv 100 monster points monsters of at least level 100 more information about test server -> más información sobre el servidor de prueba -> morning murder my name is karim can you help me?. need help to send gifts to everyone! Compete for scoreboards, next nine nineteen no no no active MOTD MOTD no activo no active broadcast transmisión no activa normal north norte northeast northwest nothing npc1 npc1 npc1#door npc1#door npc3 npc3 npc4 npc4 npc5 npc5 o.o "You're being unreasonable. That's way too much!" offline player one opening Saxso's Chest opening a treasure box over 100 mobs pal#1 pan galactic gargle blaster passion peasant#0 peasant#1 permanent ban place in the world. He told Dimond that he would make her planting a tree powerful shot quest completed.#0 quest completed.#1 ranged mobs ranged monsters rather powerful shot rather weak shot refining any equipment research restaurant for her. He gathered the tools and after much right right above right click > Move clic derecho > Mover rock sample season it sent to the email you used to register on Moubootaur Legends. seven seventeen she's smiling at you. ella te está sonriendo. sit six sixteen sk#trap slartibartfast slimes small small, red, round and shiny. some equipments some equipments and even cake somewhat powerful shot somewhat weak shot south southeast southwest southwest part of the town spawn challenge monster! How far can you go? ¡genera un monstruo de desafío! ¿Hasta dónde puedes llegar? splash magic splash weapons start#bat_a02 start#hurns_lib stocking Almacenar stop interrupting me while I make your trousers. stop making me lose the line by talking to me. supply report survive @@ seconds more! ten test test @@ test @@ test#0 test#1 test1 test1 test1 @@#0 test1#0 test2 test2 test2 @@#1 test2#1 the Monster King the Yeti King the better your chances to get the best cards. the card will determine your gift - the more cards you spin, the event won't start and HURNSCALD WON'T BE LIBERATED. the north exit the npc choose paper. the npc choose rock. the npc choose scissors. thirteen this Esto three to bake Hornear to craft Crear to exchange monster points Intercambiar puntos de monstruo to give %s experience! to rent her Aquilarla top 1 top 1 top 10 top 10 top 3 top 3 top 5 top 5 top 7 top 7 towel town damage by monsters town finances town overview triple truth twelve twenty two dos two jobs dos trabajos two minutes dos minutos up to 30 minutes. hasta 30 minutos. up to 5 Casino Coins + 500 Homun EXP up to 5 Strange Coin + 5000 Homun EXP using a grenade or equivalent magic using an insurance very angry very mad very powerful shot very weak shot vogon vogsphere votes warp back Teletransportarse devuelta weak shot west Oeste which creeps over Kamelot! During this event, the ancient will not expire on death with friends Con amigos wowbagger yawns bosteza yellow yes sí you choose paper. you choose rock. you choose scissors. you lose you win you win @@ zealite zero ~~%d/%d %s~~ ¬.¬ "Hmm, to me, you look like a thief or bandit..." ¬.¬ "I knew it! I'll report you at once." ´ .Use lazurite stones ´..´. they will appear. ..´ .. drop them inside .. this circle. ↑ Houses, Soul Menhir ↑ Town Hall, Noble District ─ Crazyfefe is likely patrolling the world, aiding Constables and catching criminals. ─ Es probable que Crazyfefe esté patrullando el mundo, ayudando a los agentes y atrapando criminales. ─ Jak1 should be on the Mirror Lake or verifying the infrastructure. ─ Jak1 debe estar en el lago espejo o verificando la infraestructura. ─ LawnCable is likely on his room doing research, I wouldn't disturb him if I were you. ─ Es probable que LawnCable esté en su habitación investigando. Si fuera tú, no lo molestaría. ─ Saulc should be on his residence, going over the plans again. ─ Saulc debería estar en su residencia, repasando los planos. ★ Deliver a letter ★ Mercenary (%d eggs) ★★ Mercenary (%d eggs) ★★ Purchase goods ★★★ Mercenary (%d eggs) ★★★ Scout a merchant ★★★★ Mercenary (%d eggs) ★★★★★ Mercenary (%d eggs) ♪ Pinkie,pinkie,pinkie, you're so fine. ♪ Pinkie, pinkie, pinkie, estás tan bueno. ♪Hi ho, no one on♫ ♪ Hola ho, no hay nadie ♫ ♪There is a server♪ ♪Hay un servidor♪