Copyright (C) 2010-2021 TMW2 Team 0 This file is automatically generated. Editing it will have no effect. 1 Please translate at instead. Fires of Steam Fuegos de Steam ** Explore the encampment southeast of Fortress Town. ** Unveil the truth. A fair all-rounder weapon; Stronger than you would expect and not so clumsy. Actually, Lalica cursed one of my firestaves and it got a mind of its own D: But its splash damage does not stack, so be careful when adding options. But the result is a fast weapon which is also powerful. I cut it in half, and to fix shooting speed, I added some extra cogs. It can steal items or collect drops on the floor randomly. Also improves your evasion. It didn't got too much lighter, and it got really weak compared to a bow. It is also much weaker and less precise than a bow. But it is so fun using... It is not that amazing, though. I will trade with you for more useful items. It is the same as a bow, including in penalty. But it deals splash damage! It was quite a challenge, and I still need Lalica to keep curse them. Oh, and it comes with added shooting range, but it is slow as hell to reload. One have lots of powder to attack non-stop, but oh god that is heavy. See, I was lazy and there were only short knives around... So I made a Kunai. The standard gunstaff! It is way stronger than a bow! Then I found out that I could set the staff in flames using Everburn Powder! You know, I wanted to make the powder explode when hitting! (Hinnak's and Oscar's fields Pinkies may not count) (Es posible que los Pinkies de los campos de Hinnak y Oscar no cuenten) -- No, wait! . ´´. Don't let .. spell power .´..´ . .. fade away ... Coins - Ancient Blueprint Coins - Arcmage Boxset Coins - Mercenary Boxset Coins - Mysterious Fruit It is not like you are strong enough to pick a fight with me so kindly leave before I get mad. Take this key, it opens the door behind my throne. What would people think of our village if they come accross a defeated noob wearing our proud colors! You can smell the recipe once. You can view the recipe once. for Para is the Inn, and you can rent an apartment there for 30 days. "*psst, just follow what is outlined here to make it golden.*" ".. can use this .. power..´. . .´. . . amplify a spell ..´. "Ah, hello there, @@. You've grown quite skilled lately. "Follow the light." - Weary traveler "Hey, have you already got the money necessary for the travel? "Many thanks! I'll be waiting for you, hiding on the ship's hold!" "Oh, I'm so glad you're taking care of those scary slimes. You're so brave! How many of them are still left, do you think? Will it be safe to go there soon? "Oh... Sorry, @@. "That's the only hard part. As long that you do not neglect Intelligence nor Job level... "Those whom believe the Pink Moouboo wear rock knifes at the entrances." - Aahna "Those whom stray from the light shall met a quick death." - Saulc, from the 'Blame Saulc' famous book "WHAT IS CRAFTED HERE BELONGS TO THE GUILD." "Well, looks like you qualify! "When you're thirsty, you may look for me. I'm often in desert areas, but this time, the winter has come." "When you're thristy, you may look for me. I'm often in desert areas, but this time, the winter has come." ##1DON'T MOVE until the signal. Stay ready! If you move, you will desync the client! ##1NO TE MUEVES hasta la señal. ¡Mantente listo! ¡Si te mueves, desincronizarás el cliente! ##1The ship is under a pirate's attack! ##BKill all or survive! ##1The ship is under a pirate's raid! ##BKill both ship captains before they conclude the loot! ##1WARNING! WARNING! Siege starting at Candor!! ##1¡ADVERTENCIA! ¡ADVERTENCIA! ¡¡El asedio en Candor esta comenzando!! ##1You abused a bug and will be jailed. If this was done in error, you have found a bug. Contact the nearest developer if this is the case. ##1Abusaste de un error y serás encarcelado. Si esto se hizo por error, has encontrado un error. Póngase en contacto con el desarrollador más cercano si este es el caso. ##2 %d Days login bonus: ##B2x %s, 1x %s##b ##2 14 Days login bonus: ##B1x %s##b ##2 21 Days login bonus: ##B1x %s##b ##2 27 Days login bonus: ##B1x %s##b ##2 3 Days login bonus: ##B1x %s##b ##2 7 Days login bonus: ##B3x %s##b ##2Daily login bonus: ##B%d EXP##b ##2Daily login bonus: ##B%d GP##b ##2Daily login bonus: ##B%d Job Exp.##b ##2Guild's Weekly login bonus: ##B%d %s##b ##9 %%A%%A%%A: @@. ##9 %%B%%B%%B: @@. ##9 %%C%%C%%C: @@. ##9 %%D%%D%%D: @@. ##9 %%E%%E%%E: @@. ##9 %%F%%F%%F: @@. ##9 77777: @@. ##9 777: @@. ##9 777: @@. ##9.:: Second Tier Quest - Time Remaining: @@ ::. ##9.:: Misión de segundo nivel - Tiempo restante: @@ ::. ##9Hey wait... Your coin turned into a @@! ##9Oye, espera... ¡Tu moneda se convirtió en un @@! ##B%s: TOP 10##b ##BFirst and foremost, you should talk to Trainer, inside the big house.##b ##B En primer lugar, debes hablar con el entrenador, dentro de la casa grande.##b ##BHall Of @@: TOP15##b ##BHall Of AFK: TOP 10##b ##BHall Of Academics: TOP30##b ##BHall Of Aurora: TOP10##b ##BHall Of Candor's Bloodbath: TOP 10##b ##BHall Of Crazyfefe Fight: TOP 10##b ##BHall Of Deaths: Reverse TOP10##b ##BHall Of Fortune: TOP15##b ##BHall Of Guild Level: TOP5##b ##BHall Of Honor: TOP 10##b ##BHall Of Job Level: TOP15##b ##BHall Of Level: TOP15##b ##BHall Of UDT Challenge: TOP 10##b ##BIMPORTANT:##b People usually doesn't shout, they talk. Because this, if you are too far, an NPC won't hear you. ##BIMPORTANTE:##b La gente normalmente no grita, habla. Porque si estás demasiado lejos, un NPC no te escuchará. ##BLatest GM Commands##b ##BNOW YOU HAVE DONE IT!##b By the powers to me vested as a Constable and Game Master, I sentence you to HALF AN HOUR IN A %s! ##¡AHORA LO HAS HECHO!##b Por los poderes que me confieren como agente y maestro de juego, te condeno a MEDIA HORA EN UNA%s! ##BSincerity Island##b ##BYou were robbed##b by an evil NPC. ##BFuiste robado##b por un NPC malvado. ##a(it would be way too messy anyway)##0 ##a(sería demasiado complicado de todos modos)##0 %%0 %%1 %%1 Cheer up, these should go back to normal when you level up. Just don't do that again! %%1 Anímate, estos deberían volver a la normalidad cuando subas de nivel. ¡No vuelvas a hacer eso! %%2 %%3 %%3 You sadden me. That was so, so lame. I will need to punish you. Sorry. Superior orders. %%S %%3 Me entristeces. Eso fue tan, tan tonto. Tendré que castigarte. Lo siento. Órdenes superiores. %%S %%4 %%4 Haven't you read your Grimorium yet?! %%4 ¡¿Aún no has leído tu Grimorium?! %%5 %%6 %%7 %%8 %%8 %%9 %%: %%; %%? Inexistence %%@ %%@ %%@ Then wait until Saulc says they are safe! %%@ You can get Magic by joining class and subclass, and with some NPCs. These work out-of-box. Easy. %%@ Puedes obtener magia uniéndote a una clase y subclase, y con algunos NPC. Estos funcionan de inmediato. Fácil. %%A %%A %%A Existence %%B %%B %%C %%C %%D %%D %%D Rationality %%E %%E %%F %%F %%F Emotionality %%G %%G %%G Just like normal magic, you need power from the Mana Stone, which is based on your levels, intelligence, and mana. %%G Al igual que la magia normal, necesitas el poder de la Piedra de Mana, que se basa en tus niveles, inteligencia y mana. %%H %%H %%K %%K %%M %%M %%N %%N %%Q %%Q %%\\ that'll do. %%g %%g %%i What, my maximum life and mana just decreased! Noooo!! %%i ¡Qué!, ¡mi vida máxima y mi mana simplemente disminuyeron! ¡¡Noooo!! %%t %%t %d day streak! Gained %d bonus %s! %d more active users are required to unlock Frostia Townhall. %d vs %d: Honor (%d) %d/%d %s %d/%d %s %d/%d %s killed %d/%d %s asesinados %d/%d Black Scorpions %d/%d Escorpiones negros %d/%d Red Scorpions %d/%d Escorpiones rojos %d/?? %s %s %s %d pts - %d %s %s %d pts - %d %s %s %s will require: %s (rare) %s - %s/%s HP, %s/%s MP %s - Modify Race %s - Modificar carrera %s But please be quick! I feel this world doesn't have much time left! %s GP and %d REP. %s Hero %s High %s Loopcasting %s Monster Points, and a %s. That's my final offer. %s and %s governs damage inflicted, but how much damage each one adds depend on your weapon type. %s can also be obtained from %s, at a lower drop rate. %s también se puede obtener de %s, a una tasa de caída más baja. %s clearly thinks you're distracting him. It's better to talk to him another day. %s died for your cause. How do you explain this? %s disembarks at %s. %sdesembarca en%s %s eyebrow furrows, as he brings the map closer to a torch. %sEl ceño se frunce mientras acerca el mapa a una antorcha. %s glances over to %s, before turning to you with a shrug. %s has EXILED %s from %s. %s has protected themselves from prying eyes. Your scry attempt failed. %s is a legendary hero. %s is by becoming a %s. %s es convertirse en un %s. %s is by impressing the town guard. %s es impresionando a la guardia de la ciudad. %s is currently a staff member. %s is currently sponsoring the High Alliance. %s is happy because you've paid %d GP in taxes! %s is known as the Wizard of Aethyr. They say the elves which lived in Aethyr have became fairies, but contact has been lost long ago... I've heard it was a very pretty town north of here, though. %s is obtained during events, daily logins, heroic deeds, gifts, etc. But cannot be bought with real money. %s se obtiene durante eventos, inicios de sesión diarios, hazañas heroicas, regalos, etc. Pero no se puede comprar con dinero real. %s is offering %s %s. %sofrece%s%s %s lifts an eyebrow to you. %s Te levanta una ceja. %s makes a confused face. %s pone cara de confusión. %s makes specialized weapons for high level players. If you tweak with Nicholas, in Hurnscald, the weapon options, you can get really powerful. %s refunded to level 1 for %d MSP %s removed - YOU NOOB STOP CHEATING %%e%%Q %s requests %d %s. %ssolicita%d%s %s scrathes you! -%s HP. %s ¡Te rasguña! -%s HP. %s seems to be asleep... Maybe we can wake him up somehow? %s slain! %s¡asesinado! %s slaps you! %s stabs you to the chest! %s stabs you with a dagger! %s stabs you, wounding you fatally! %s ¡Te apuñala y te hiere mortalmente! %s takes a paper from his drawer. It has your photo on it. %s thinks if she knows any major, good quest to do. %spiensa si ella conoce alguna misión importante y buena que hacer. %s tried to treat your syndrome, but was NOT successful. %s were deducted for %s %s! I see you are a(n) %s here, very good! %s's Minion %s, %s in Magic Arts, Parity Level %d, tier %d mage. %s, a bit upset, tries to change subjects. %s, did you bring me the hoods I asked for? I see you have %d/10 %ss. %s, ¿Me trajiste las capuchas que pedí? Veo que tienes %d /10 %s s. %s, good thing you are here. %s, Qué bueno que estás aquí. %s, how in the world you got this status ailment?! %s, if you're reading this, then as Ms. Elli predicted, you survived the seawreck and returned to our encampment. You might notice some things changed in these short weeks we don't see each other. %s, the Forgetful %s, we are counting on you! We, the whole town of Hurnscald! %s, ¡Contamos contigo! ¡Nosotros, todo el pueblo de Hurnscald! %s, you are pathetically weak. %s, you did your best to avenge a fallen comrade. It is my wish that you continue protecting this world. Therefore, I bestow upon you, the legendary %s. Please use its powers to protect your friend and the world peace! %s, you did your best to entertain me. It is my wish that you continue protecting this world. Therefore, I bestow upon you, the legendary %s. Please use its powers to protect your friend and the world peace! %s, you did your best to protect this world inhabitants. It is my wish that you continue protecting this world. Therefore, I bestow upon you, the legendary %s. Please use its powers to protect your friend and the world peace! %s, you proved your worth today. It is my wish that you continue protecting this world. Therefore, I bestow upon you, the legendary %s. Please use its powers to protect your friend and the world peace! %s, you're a good student. You will have a bright future if you keep studying. %s, eres un buen estudiante. Tendrás un futuro brillante si sigues estudiando. %s, your dedication is touching. It is my wish that you continue protecting this world. Therefore, I bestow upon you, the legendary %s. Please use its powers to protect your friend and the world peace! %s... While you don't have the title of %s nor the flower of fae, nor have anything remotely important on your persona... %s/%s GP %s/%s GP %s: %s (Lv %d) has appeared! %s: Once accepted, you must complete them before taking another one. %s: Thanks for helping. %s? You don't look so well. You should see a doctor immediately! %ss are lead by the %ss. Disposing of them would bring the bandits into disarray. %ss están liderados por el %ss. Deshacerse de ellos provocaría el caos entre los bandidos. %ss have infested the store houses, spilling onto the streets. Stop them from destroying even more food. %ss han infestado los almacenes y se han extendido a las calles. Evita que destruyan aún más alimentos. '-' "Could you give me his shield? Pretty please? I need it to survive and bring Tulimshar goodies!" '.' "I forgot how to allocate points!" 'Best'? So you can make other things? 'Some herbs and potion'? Could you be more specific? 'Them' whom? (...This probably could have been a great hint... if I knew who Mercury in first place %%L) (10,000 GP) Epic Mount (10.000 GP) Montura épica (A mystical aura surrounds this stone. It probably can return you home. What do you do?) (A mystical aura surrounds this stone. You feel mysteriously attracted to it. Something tells you to touch it. What do you do?) (A strange barrier keeps you from touching the stone at this time.) (A strange sensation flows through you. It feels like your soul leaves your body and becomes one with the stone. As suddenly as the feeling started it stops.) (All items must be placed exactly in this order.) (As suddenly as the feeling started it stops. The strange attraction is away from one moment to the next and the menhir feels like just an ordinary stone.) (Click next button to advance dialogs) (Haga clic en el botón Siguiente para avanzar en los cuadros de diálogo) (Don't respond) (No responder) (Drink the tea, hoping for the best) (Bebe el té, esperando lo mejor) (Even bandits doesn't breaks the rules. To see the rules, use ##B@rules##b.) (Ni siquiera los bandidos infringen las reglas. Para ver las reglas, utilice ##B@rules##b.) (If you don't have anyone special to send these, send to @@. Perhaps they'll calm down with those T.T) (Leave the password blank to disable) (Deje la contraseña en blanco para desactivarla) (Note: Agostine will destroy low quality materials!) (Passive) Increases Mana EXP/Control Gain rate. (Passive) Raise Max HP and Holy Defense. (Protip: Always use %s before engaging a different monster!) (Protip: ¡Usa%s siempre antes de enfrentarse a un monstruo diferente!) (Suddenly a strange sensation flows through you. It feels like your soul leaves your body and becomes one with the stone.) (The girl now looks away sadly, thinking about what to say next.) (To see the rules, use ##B@rules##b.) (Para ver las reglas, use ##B@rules##b.) (You touch the mysterious stone. Somehow it feels warm and cold at the same time.) (shivering) "Ah, how I am afraid of pious!" * %d %s * %d %s * %d/%d %s * %d/%d MSP (Magic Skill Points) * %s * %s * %s Homunculus EXP * %s Level up * %s/%s RP (Research Points) * (optional) Save the world! * +%d%% EXP Gain and Drop Chance, permanently * +1 Magic Skill Point * +1 in all attributes, permanently * +3 Inventory Slots * 1 %s * 1 Trait * @@ @@ * @@ Water Bottle * @@/12 @@ * @@/12 @@ * @@/2 @@ * @@/2 @@ * @@/200 GP * @@/30 @@ * @@/30 @@ * @@/6 @@ * @@/6 @@ * @@/7.500 GP * @@/7.500 GP * @@/8 @@ * @@/8 @@ * @@/@@ @@ * @@/@@ @@ * @@/@@ Base Level * @@/@@ Nivel Base * @@/@@ GP * @@/@@ GP * @@/@@ Job Level * @@/@@ Nivel de Trabajo * Acquired @@ @@! * Actual effect lasts %d hours. * Advance Player Quest (the one marked with a star on quest log) first. * Aid the Blue Sage in getting Peetu back to action * All monsters may also drop Blueprints during the event. * All party members' carts will be destroyed if you warp. * Los carritos de todos los miembros del grupo serán destruidos si te teletransportas. * Ask Zegas, the mayoress, if she needs help. * Pregunta a Zegas, la alcaldesa, si necesita ayuda. * Cards will be deleted after transfer is done. * Causes splash damage, and are very expensive. * Collect @@/@@ GP * Recoger @@/@@ GP * Defeat the Assassin * Derrota al asesino * Deliver Nikolai's Letter to Frostia Mayor * Donate blood at least once. * Dona sangre al menos una vez. * Find clues * Gained %d EXP and %d Job EXP * Gained @@ EXP and @@ Job Exp * Obtuviste @@ EXP y @@ Job Exp * Gained @@ GP * Obtuviste @@ GP * Get trained by Valon, in the big house. * Déjate entrenar por Valon, en la casa grande. * Has non-cumulative area of effect damage. * Healing items improved * Help Ayasha to take care of the kids. * Ayuda a Ayasha a cuidar a los niños. * Huge damage and more criticals, but slow fire rate. * Impress %s * Impresiona %s * Invade the Fortress Town * Item obtained: %s *Objeto obtenido: %s * Lightbringer is self-aware and cannot be given. * Low damage, highest attack speed from all. * Mage * Magic Arpan improved your trick! * Magic Arpan teached you a parlor trick! * Meet the Blue Sage * Conoce al Sabio Azul * More for bandits than assassins or ninjas. * Options will be removed after transfer is done. * Refine will be lost after transfer is done. * Register as a Craftsman/Craftswoman. * Regístrate como Artesano/Artesana. * Register as a Monster Hunter * Regístrate como cazador de monstruos * Rent a room in Frostia's Inn * Rest at the Inn * Descanso en el hostal * Return to Hurnscald Townhall * Regreso al Ayuntamiento de Hurnscald * Slime not included if you didn't got any combo. * Talk to Librarian in Halinarzo * Habla con el Bibliotecario en Halinarzo * The cart will be destroyed if you warp. * El carro será destruido si te teletransportas. * The only one hand ranged weapon you'll ever find! * Thief * This skill cannot change your hair length or style. * Esta habilidad no puede cambiar la longitud o el estilo de tu cabello. * Timer begins once you enter the ritual cave; if you don't rescue Rossy in time or die trying, the cave state will reset and you'll need to start over the rescue. * Very quick and can be used in a single hand. * Very quick, two handed, and evil. * Win an Arena Match * You can find a Nurse in %s to heal, wait %s, or drink a %s to dispel. * become @@ Hero * conviértete en @@ héroe *-* "Could you share those blueprints with me? Please?" *AFK: I am Away From Keyboard* *CRASH* *CREAK* *CREAK* *Don't fail me. If you do, ensure you're well past dead before.* *No me falles. Si lo haces, asegúrate de estar muerto antes.* *Don't shout, you moron!* *¡No grites, idiota!* *Hic* *Hic* *I'll give you two energy balls.* *Te daré dos bolas de energía.* *I'll take my leave, then.* *Me iré entonces.* *Opening eyes in a shock* *Roaaaaaar!* *The Professor will never know what got him...* *El Profesor nunca sabrá qué lo alcanzo...* *They* couldn't take hold of me, but I'm bound to this castle; I can't leave. *Ugh* Thanks for your help. Here... Take this, as promised. *Uf* Gracias por tu ayuda. Toma... Toma esto, como prometí. *Yes, boss!* *¡Si jefe!* *_* "Pretty please?" *are they gone...?* *¿Se han ido...?* *beeep* *blushes* *burp* *eructa* *chants more words, while the crystal hovers the potion* *cheerful* *alegre* *click* *click* *cough cough* *cries* *llora* *crying* *drolls* *bromea* *eyes widen up* *grumpf* *grumpf* *gulp* *gulp* *gulp* *gulp* *gulp* *gulp* *hehehe...* *hehehe...* *hurry up, your moron!* *¡Date prisa, idiota!* *is everything ready?* *¿Está todo listo?* *plim* *put his glasses on* *scream in pain* *scream* *screams* *gritos* *sigh* *suspiro* *sigh* Yet another failure... Transmutation and Nature Magic doesn't marry well. *suspiro* Otro fracaso más... La transmutación y la magia de la naturaleza no combinan bien. *sighs* *snap fingers* *sniff sniff* *sniff* *sniff* *snooze* *sob sob* *sorry, boss!* *¡lo siento jefe!* *tears weeling up* *this sign is too blurred to read* *tut* *tut* *whisper whisper* *whistles* *silbidos* , and you have been banned from the Academy. , my name is Nikolai. I am a sage, and the owner of this place. - %d %s with %d GP, for a %s. - %d %s with %d GP, por un %s. - 5 @@, with 1200 GP, for a @@. - 5 @@, with 1200 GP, por un @@. - @@ @@ - @@/@@ @@ - @@/@@ @@ - @@/@@ GP - @@/@@ GP - Above all, ##Bdo not rush##b. There are hidden traps which will instantly kill you if you try to cross the doors as soon as possible. - Sobre todo, ##Bno te apresures##b. Hay trampas ocultas que te matarán instantáneamente si intentas cruzar las puertas lo antes posible. - Boss give more Job experience, but as long that you keep killing, you'll keep gaining. - El jefe otorga más experiencia de trabajo, pero mientras sigas matando, seguirás ganando. - Complete %s during Christmas - Defeat the BOSS on each dungeon! - Find a path to the island where she is hiding herself! - ¡Encuentra un camino a la isla donde se esconde! - Get killed yourself. - Help the farmers. We rely a lot on agriculture. - Ayuda a los agricultores. Dependemos mucho de la agricultura. - I currently need your help with @@, but there's no reward. - Actualmente necesito tu ayuda con @@, pero no hay recompensa. - I currently need your help with @@. - Actualmente necesito tu ayuda con @@. - I don't know any supporting evidence from the crome. - I don't know how the theft happened. - I don't know how the thief looks like. - I don't know if the thief is from LoF or not. - I don't know the possible culprits for this. - I don't know the victims of the thievery. - I don't know when the theft happened. - I overheard rumors about a festival. Maybe someone needs help with their figurine? - Escuché rumores sobre un festival. ¿Quizás alguien necesita ayuda con su figura? - I think you can help the storehouse for some quick cash. - Creo que puedes ayudar en el almacén para conseguir algo de dinero rápido. - If you fail, you'll need to pay me ingredients to try again! - ¡Si fallas, tendrás que pagarme los ingredientes para volver a intentarlo! - Inside the big house is someone who can train you. All experience is handy! - Dentro de la casa grande hay alguien que puede entrenarte. ¡Toda experiencia es útil! - Instead, the party will be teleported ##Bto a forest.##b - En cambio, el grupo será teletransportado ##Ba un bosque.##b - Luvia is a powerful mage and Isbamuth is watching, so teleporting directly would be risky. - Luvia es una maga poderosa e Isbamuth está mirando, por lo que teletransportarse directamente sería arriesgado. - Players can prevent being scry'ed with %s - Please collect reports from Hurnscald authorities. - Please collect reports from La Marine. - Please collect reports from the civilians. - Please collect reports from the farmers. - Please collect reports from the guards and police. - Please collect reports from the shop keepers. - Some information like money won't be available. - Some of our crew are missing. They're probably wasting their time at beach. - Algunos miembros de nuestra tripulación están desaparecidos. Probablemente estén perdiendo el tiempo en la playa. - Some sailors within this ship may need your help: Chef Gado, Dan, Peter... help them all and collect rewards! - Algunos marineros de este barco pueden necesitar tu ayuda: Chef Gado, Dan, Peter... ¡ayúdalos a todos y recoge recompensas! - Target player must be online. - Teleport yourself away. - The Death of Andrei Sakar - - La muerte de Andréi Sakar - - The farmer Nylo, who loves beer and money, seems to be having troubles with his crops. - El granjero Nylo, que es amante de la cerveza y del dinero, parece tener problemas con sus cultivos. - The goal is to rescue Luvia from Isabamuth. She has been ##Bbrainwashed##b. - El objetivo es rescatar a Luvia de Isabamuth. Le han ##Blavado el cerebro##b. - The weapon master, Tolchi, could use your help. But she will most likely force you to visit Tulimshar in the end. - Al maestro de armas, Tolchi, le vendría bien tu ayuda. Pero lo más probable es que al final te obligue a visitar Tulimshar. - The weapon seller, Rosen, wanted to help new players to improve their equipment. - El vendedor de armas, Rosen, quería ayudar a los nuevos jugadores a mejorar su equipamiento. - There is a woman walking on the island, called Maya. Once she realises you're willing to help, she'll start paying well. - Hay una mujer caminando por la isla, llamada Maya. Una vez que se dé cuenta de que estás dispuesto a ayudar, te empezará a pagar bien. - Time runs out (25m). - To donate blood, go to the hospital and ask about it. - Para donar sangre, acude al hospital y pregunta al respecto. - Treating a bot may result in the Alliance confiscating your treatment kit. - Treating a nearby player will almost always succeed. - Treating a player in another map has <30%% chance of succeeding. - Treating a player in the same map has <70%% chance of succeeding. - Treating yourself via an alt may also result in a %s for one of your accounts. - You can always play with kids. Not very profitable, though. - Siempre puedes jugar con niños. Aunque no es muy rentable. - You seem broke, but if you keep helping Peter multiple times, he can still give you some pocket change. - Pareces en bancarrota, pero si sigues ayudando a Peter varias veces, él aún puede darte algo de cambio. -- Animals Protection Agency of Hurnscald -- Grandmaster -- Gran Maestro -- In such event, Candor Underground B4F will be permanently unreachable for this char. -- Merlin -- The Expedition -- La expedición -- Valia G. -- Valia G. -- Zegas, the Mayoress -- Zegas, la alcaldesa --- AND ANY OF --- --- Y CUALQUIERA DE --- --- OR --- --- O --- ---------------------------------------------- -.- "I forgot how to fight!" . ´ power.. drains .. life..´. .´ focus . .not move at all´. ." ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... .... ... that looks like an incantation or something. ..."%s", hm? That's a fine name for a Homunculus, in my not so humble opinion. ...%s, as far as you should be concerned, this is an hostile land and I'm not your friend. You should use a weapon and a shield if possible. Never trust strangers, specially if they look like an assassin... exactly like me. ...%s, En lo que a ti respecta, esta es una tierra hostil y no soy tu amigo. Debes usar un arma y un escudo si es posible. Nunca confíes en extraños, especialmente si parecen asesinos... exactamente como yo. ...A sealed, magically reinforced door, with magical wards you've never seen before, which you can only assume to keep monsters away. ...A tower, on this canyon. People disliked it, humans and all other races. The Mana War happened, bloodshed, and... The Monster War. ...Una torre, en este cañón. A la gente no le gustaba, ni a los humanos ni a todas las demás razas. Ocurrió la Guerra del Mana, el derramamiento de sangre y... La Guerra de los Monstruos. ...Actually, I'm drawing in a blank. ...Actually, shouldn't you be outside? I'm pretty sure you already served your sentence, something must have gone wrong, please report. ...Actually, you seem like a capable adventurer. If you give me some ingredients I can't get, I'll give you a @@.#0 ...Actually, you seem like a capable adventurer. If you give me some ingredients I can't get, I'll give you a @@.#1 ...Alright then. ...Although that's unlikely, I admit. ...Aunque eso es poco probable, lo admito. ...And at long last, the teddy's pot is full of honey. ...Y por fin, la olla del osito está llena de miel. ...And for some reason he took the apple and went further in the caves. ...And if you're still trying to check your pet stats, just hover it with your mouse. Thanks. ...And stop! You took %s this time! ...¡Y ¡para! ¡Te demoraste%s este tiempo! ...And trust me, it'll take way more than just water to put the fire down. ...Y créeme, se necesitará mucho más que agua para apagar el fuego. ...Are you crazy? ...Are you crazy? ...Are you trying to troll me? ...As you wish. ...Assuming you can break a Mana Stone, that is. ...Automatically retrying... ...Besides, I have this nice @@ with me. I'm not low-level like you. ...Además, tengo a este simpático @@ conmigo. No soy de bajo nivel como tú. ...Besides, I have this nice @@ with me. It's a reliable bow. ...Además, tengo a este simpático @@ conmigo. Es un arco confiable. ...Blood. ...But saving me won't be enough, so build trust by the kind gift of @@ @@. I'll be waiting. ...But worry not, I have the right screwdriver for the job. So, are you up to bring me some Present Boxes? ...Cocktail. ...Coffee. ...Dealing with scorpion stingers is a gamble, so we may need a few stingers before making a successful potion. ... Lidiar con los aguijones de escorpión es una apuesta, por lo que es posible que necesitemos algunos antes de hacer una poción exitosa. ...Did you lose our associate? Please try again. ...Even if this is your fault. Anyway, ##Breturn to whoever sent you here##b and begone. ...Incluso si esto es tu culpa. De todos modos, ##Bregresa con quien te envió aquí##b y vete. ...Except that I already told you everything I knew. So I wish you luck in your cooking journey! ...Excepto que ya te dije todo lo que sabía. ¡Te deseo suerte en tu viaje culinario! ...Foolish human... Do you really think I will attend your summon? ...Humano tonto... ¿De verdad crees que asistiré a tu convocatoria? ...Go mind your own business, %s. ...Good luck, @@. And be careful. If Sagratha decided to flee... It might be too strong for you. ...Buena suerte, @@. Y ten cuidado. Si Sagratha decidiera huir... Puede que sea demasiado fuerte para ti. ...Have you even gone there yet? ... ¿Alguna vez has ido allí? ...Help... Me... ...Ayúdame... ...How do you know I'm not from this world? ...I cannot fail to notice your deeds. Very well. Under my own authority, I authorize you to climb this holy tree. ...I deposited everything on the bank. Sorry! ...I don't think giving it this hat will really help... ...No creo que darle este sombrero realmente ayude... ...I don't think the teddy is sick, so there's no point giving it an Elixir. ...No creo que el osito esté enfermo, así que no tiene sentido darle un Elixir. ...I guess I can't hide anymore... ...I have no other choice, do I? ...I knew bandits were not be trusted, but Saul insisted in doing so. I hate him so much right now. Even if he is my brother. ...I know it is hot in this desert, but if you don't wear some armor and a hat, monsters will get to you. Really harsh, nowadays. ...Sé que hace calor en este desierto, pero si no usas una armadura y un sombrero, los monstruos te atraparán. Realmente duro, hoy en día. ...I refuse to comment on this ridiculous idea. ...Me niego a comentar sobre esta ridícula idea. ...I still need to cover up if they're mistaken. Give me a reason to tell you secrets, show me you're concerned with Tulimshar safety and don't want just to be strong. ...Aún necesito encubrirlos si se equivocan. Dame una razón para contarte secretos, muéstrame que te preocupa la seguridad de Tulimshar y que no quieres simplemente ser fuerte. ...I'll be back later. ...Regreso más tarde. ...I'll take it. ...If they decide to do so, they'll have to deal with weak magical attacks, and with quick mana depletion. ...Si deciden hacerlo, tendrán que lidiar con ataques mágicos débiles y con un rápido agotamiento de mana. ...If you're lucky, you can touch it and receive magic power." ...Incidents? ...¿Incidentes? ...It'll most likely attack you, instead. ...Lo más probable es que te ataque a ti. ...Lalica, the witch, is still with us. And she came to complain that a petty thief stolen a very precious item of hers. ...More bugs. ...Más errores. ...No reaction... ...Not yet. ...Aún no. ...Of course. It was THEM. It gotta to be them! ...Oh, right! We locked it. Uhm, we'll open it for you. Be careful. ...Okay, I asked you to explain, and you ended up wasting my time instead. %%n ... Está bien, te pedí que me explicaras y terminaste haciéndome perder el tiempo. %%norte ...Okay, I guess. ...Okay, this is not fun anymore. ...Está bien, esto ya no es divertido. ...Otherwise, they're too precious to sell to wanna be adventurers. Beer EXP Bonuses expire on death, you know?! ...De lo contrario, son demasiado valiosos para venderlos a aspirantes a aventureros. Los bonos de EXP de cerveza caducan al morir, ¿sabes? ...Poison. ...Potion. ...Tea. ...Thanks, kind person. ...That's your problem, not mine. I am an elf if you haven't noticed. ...The bandits are in disarray. And you arrive victorious. I have to admit, I thought had fallen, just like the other ones. ...Los bandidos están en desorden. Y llegas victorioso. Debo admitir que pensé que se había caído, como los demás. ...The ones who know a lot are dwarves, but they don't live here - they live with elves, it seems. ...Los que saben mucho son los enanos, pero no viven aquí, al parecer viven con los elfos. ...This %s you have there. I haven't seen one for a while. ...Try allocating some points in agility before we continue. I think %d should be suffice. ...Intenta asignar algunos puntos de agilidad antes de continuar. Creo que %d deberían ser suficientes. ...Unless, of course, if you're interested in learning this art, I shall teach you. You'll not regret it, I assure you. ...Until one day, past the sea, in Kolev's continent, they found a mana stone. Magic. This great breakthrough saved this continent, and saved our clan as well. ...Hasta que un día, más allá del mar, en el continente de Kolev, encontraron una piedra de mana. Magia. Este gran avance salvó a este continente y también salvó a nuestro clan. ...Water. ...Well, I'll refund you 10% because it was not utterly terrible. ...Bueno, te reembolsaré el 10% porque no fue del todo terrible. ...Well, but even if Hurnscald is nearby, you are too weak. You know sometimes, ships get attacked by pirates, right? ...Bueno, pero incluso si Hurnscald está cerca, eres demasiado débil. Ya sabes, a veces los barcos son atacados por piratas, ¿verdad? ...What, you want to know which kinds of cheese were stolen? ...What? Which item? Sorry, too much smoke around here. ...¿Qué? ¿Cual articulo? Lo siento, hay demasiado humo por aquí. ...What? You want @@? Five of them?! ...¿Qué? ¿Quieres @@? ¡¿Cinco de ellos?! ...Where's Barbara, the thief? ...Yes. Hold tight. ...Yes. It was there. Please report to Blue Sage at once. ...You are brave. Or very foolish. Many people tried and failed. ...Eres valiente. O muy tonto. Mucha gente lo intentó y fracasó. ...You need to learn magic before this equipment being useful to you in any way. ...Necesitas aprender magia antes de que este equipo te sea útil de alguna manera. ...You still have not overcome his house. ...You're right. My medicine cannot heal you. ...but it is saying some stuff about a merge which happened literally eons ago. ...but it is written in Mananese, a language you know nothing about. ...for now. ...who knows if there isn't a secret in that? ...¿quién sabe si no hay un secreto en eso? ...wingless talpans. ..Anyone there? .:: %s Recipe ::. .:: Accumulate Power ::. .:: Alcohol Tutorial ::. .::Tutorial sobre el alcohol ::. .:: All In One ::. .:: Archers Eye ::. .::Ojo de Arquero ::. .:: Area Provoke ::. .:: Armageddon ::. .:: Arrow Shower ::. .:: Backsliding ::. .::Retroceso::. .:: Bear Strike ::. .:: Brawling ::. .:: Chanting ::. .:: Ched's Summer 2018 ::. .:: Ched's Summer 2019 ::. .:: Ched's Summer 2020 ::. .:: Ched's Summer 2021 ::. .:: Ched's Summer 2022 ::. .:: Chocolate Day ::. .:: Christmas 2018 ::. .:: Christmas 2019 ::. .:: Christmas 2020 ::. .:: Christmas 2021 ::. .:: Christmas 2022 ::. .:: Congratulations ::. .:: Congratulations! ::. .:: Counter Attack ::. .:: Create PIN Code ::. .:: Destructive Magic Class ::. .:: Easter 2018 ::. .:: Easter 2019 ::. .:: Easter 2020 ::. .:: Easter 2021 ::. .:: Easter 2022 ::. .:: FIND-THE-NPC 2018 MINI-EVENT WINNER ::. .:: FIRST PLAYER TO COMPLETE GEMINI SISTERS QUEST ::. .:: FIRST PLAYER TO COMPLETE HEROES HOLD MASTER DUNGEON ::. .:: FIRST PLAYER TO COMPLETE YETI KING QUEST ::. .:: FIRST PLAYER TO REBIRTH ::. .:: Failure ::. .:: Falkon Strike ::. .:: Fire Arrow ::. .:: Fireball ::. .:: Firewalk ::. .:: First Aid ::. .:: Primeros auxilios ::. .:: Fortress Island ::. .:: Free Cast ::. .:: Lanzamiento libre ::. .:: Free Software Day ::. .:: Frost Diver ::. .:: Frost Nova ::. .:: Full Throttle ::. .:: A todo Gas ::. .:: GEMINI ASSASSINS QUEST ::. .::BÚSQUEDA DE ASESINOS GÉMINIS ::. .:: Gaia Break ::. .:: Ground Strike ::. .:: Hasan Scorpion Killing Challenge 2018 ::. .:: Hasan Scorpion Killing Challenge 2019 ::. .:: Hasan Scorpion Killing Challenge 2020 ::. .:: Hasan Scorpion Killing Challenge 2021 ::. .:: Hasan Scorpion Killing Challenge 2022 ::. .:: Healing ::. .:: Hit'n'Run Tactic ::. .:: Táctica de golpear y correr ::. .:: Holy Light ::. .:: Impressive Hero Quest ::. .:: Impresionante misión de héroe ::. .:: International Coffee Day ::. .:: Judgment ::. .:: KAMELOT CASTLE, THE GUILD DUNGEON ::. .:: Katze's Request ::. .::La petición de Katze ::. .:: Last Standing Man ::. .:: Lightning Bolt ::. .:: Magic Strike ::. .:: Magnus Healing ::. .:: Main Quest 1-1 ::. .:: Misión principal 1-1 ::. .:: Main Quest 1-2 ::. .:: Misión principal 1-2 ::. .:: Main Quest 1-3 ::. .:: Misión principal 1-3 ::. .:: Main Quest 2-%d ::. .:: Misión principal 2-%d ::. .:: Main Quest 3-2 ::. .:: Misión principal 3-2 ::. .:: Main Quest 4-1 ::. .:: Misión principal 4-1 ::. .:: Main Quest 5-1 ::. .:: Main Quest 6-1 ::. .:: Main Quest 6-2 ::. .:: Main Quest ::. .:: Make Trap ::. .::Hacer Trampa ::. .:: Mana Bomb ::. .:: Bomba de mana ::. .:: Mana Wisdom ::. .:: Meteor Shower ::. .:: Meteor Strike ::. .:: Mission Failed ::. .:: NOTABLE NAMES ON HURNSCALD LIBERATION DAY ::. .:: NOTABLE NAMES ON NIVALIS LIBERATION DAY ::. .:: Napalm Beat ::. .:: Nature Wall ::. .::Muro de la Naturaleza ::. .:: Nilfheim ::. .:: Open Beta 2019 ::. .:: PVP King Imperial Arena ::. .:: Physical Sciences Class ::. .:: Provoke ::. .:: Purple Day 2018 ::. .:: Resurrection ::. .:: Scholarship Class ::. .:: Seasoning ::. .:: Second Tier Quest - Timed Out ::. .:: Misión de segundo nivel - Tiempo de espera agotado ::. .:: Server Boom ::. .:: Sharpshooter ::. .:: Stunning Strike ::. .:: Sudden Attack ::. .:: Ataque repentino ::. .:: Supreme Attack ::. .:: TMW-2 Anniversary ::. .:: TMW2 Day ::. .:: Tempest ::. .:: Thanksgiving 2019 ::. .:: Thanksgiving 2020 ::. .:: Thanksgiving 2021 ::. .:: Thanksgiving 2022 ::. .:: Thanksgiving ::. .:: The Homunculus Keeping Manual ::. .:: The Mouboo Temple ::. .::El Templo Mouboo ::. .:: This is Release 10.0 Infinity ::. .:: This is Release 9.5 Academy ::. .:: Transfer Mana ::. .:: Trick Dead ::. .::Truco de Muerto ::. .:: Trickster Class ::. .:: Tramposo de la Clase ::. .:: Valentine Day ::. .:: Victory ::. .::Victoria ::. .:: Victory Conditions ::. .:: WARNING ::. .:: Windwalker ::. .:: Withdraw Conditions ::. .:: Worker Day 2018 ::. .:: Worker Day ::. .:: World's Hero Quest ::. .:: Búsqueda mundial del héroe ::. ._. "What are these statuses useful for?" / clear clears the text box. / clear borra el cuadro de texto. / help explains how to use all client commands. / help explica cómo utilizar todos los comandos del cliente. / mi does the same as @monsterinfo. Takes the monster name as argument and reports monster stats and drops. / mi hace lo mismo que @monsterinfo. Toma el nombre del monstruo como argumento e informa las estadísticas y caídas del monstruo. / present shows the number of people in the neighbourhood. / present muestra el número de personas en el vecindario. / where shows the name of the map you are in. / where muestra el nombre del mapa en el que te encuentras. / whisper [name] allows you to send a private message to the player. if [name] contains spaces, it must be enclosed in quotation marks. / whisper [nombre] te permite enviar un mensaje privado al jugador. si [nombre] contiene espacios, debe estar entre comillas. /who mostra o número de jogadores conectados no momento. / who muestra el número de jugadores conectados en el momento. 0.0 "No no, please no! I can propose you a great deal for your silence!" 0022#DoorUpwards 0022#PuertaHaciaArriba 1 Hand Swords 1 hour 1 point 1 punto 1,000 GP 1- Survive. If you die, you will gain nothing. And people want to kill you. 1- Sobrevivir. Si mueres, no ganarás nada. Y la gente quiere matarte. 1- The coward families, who ran away when outlook was bad. 1- Las familias cobardes, que huyeron cuando el panorama era malo. 1- You must not be carrying anything with you. 1- No debes llevar nada contigo. 1. Alcyone - 5,942 1. Cassio - 43098 1. Duke M - 16,016 1. Investigate Kamelot Basements 1. Jesusalva - 65 1. Leather - 4523 1. Lilanna - 2498 1. Manatauro - 29504 1. Mathias Cronqvist - 15000 1. You must be at the computer to play. Using a bot ##Bwhile at computer##b will be tolerated. 1. YuckFou - 10,000,010 GP 1. andulkaT - 100,001 GP 1. andulkaT - 702 1. poppet - 3056 10 minutes 10 seconds! 10,000 GP 10. ##BDo not logout##b at Botcheck area or at Jail. We cannot unjail an offline player. The opposite of rule 9: If you believe you're right, keep your ground and explain calmly what happened. We'll calmly analyse the situation. If you were jailed without guilt, an apology will be sent to you, provided this rule is not broken. 10th Place - Saulc (8) 12x Strange Coins 15 minutes 1600 GP 1st Place - Jesusalva (65) 1st Place - Mishana, LawnCable, Jesusalva, bObr 1st Place - Poppet (Lv 35) 1st Place - Povo (6 likes) 1st step 1° Screenshooting Contest 2 2 Hand Swords 2 hours 2,500 GP 2- Take everything you can find. You'll be warped without equip or healing items! Kill monsters to get some stuff too! 2- Coge todo lo que puedas encontrar. ¡Serás teletransportado sin equipo ni objetos curativos! ¡Mata monstruos para conseguir algunas cosas también! 2- The defenders of the artifact, who lost their lives and left people behind. 2- Los defensores del artefacto, que perdieron la vida y dejaron gente atrás. 2- You must not use a cart. If you do, YOU WILL BE SEVERELY PENALIZED. 2- No debes utilizar un carrito. Si lo hace, SERAS SEVERAMENTE PENALIZADO. 2. ##BDo not spam nor flood.##b This rule is not limited to public chat, actions ingame can be flooding too. 2. Alcyone - 53,057 GP 2. Free Kamelot from its curse! 2. Gogo VII - 103 2. Kolchak - 63 2. Manatauro - 4386 2. Mathias Cronqvist - 7,423,346 GP 2. Povo - 10203 2. Rill - 25955 2. Woody - 3637 2. andulkaT - 1018 2. andulkaT - 438 2. andulkaT - 6,000 2. seeds - 1167 20 Common Carps 20 Strange Coin + 15000 Homun EXP 200 years ago, The Great Fire (%dm) 2018 Event Winners 2019 Event Winners 2020 Event Winners 2021 Event Winners 2022 Event Winners 20x Bug Leg 20x Patas de insecto 250,000 GP 2nd Place - Kolchak (63) 2nd Place - Manatauro (5 likes) 2nd Place - ThinkSome (Lv 30) 2nd step 2x Bronze Gift 2x Snake Egg 2° Screenshooting Contest 3 3- All items from the Arena are from the Arena. You won't carry any of them back with you. 3- Todos los objetos de la Arena son de la Arena. No te llevarás ninguno contigo. 3- The ancient families. 3- Las familias antiguas. 3- Trust nobody. There can be only one winner, and it must be you. 3- No confíes en nadie. Sólo puede haber un ganador y debes ser tú. 3. ##BDo not trade invalid items, or try to cheat on trades.##b This includes any other kind of cheat or bug abuse, passive of account deletion and IP ban as stated by the Terms Of Service. 3. G II - 4151 3. Jesusalva - 310 3. Povo - 1,275,000 GP 3. Sharli - 4,419 3. Woody - 1066 3. Xanthem - 56 3. YuckFou - 9537 3. caslu_jpg - 50 3. dangerDuck - 1225 3. luanaf - 20837 3. poppet - 20,010 GP 3. poppet - 71 30 minutes 30x Bug Leg 30x Patas de Insecto 3rd Place - Test_User (Lv 24) 3rd Place - Woody (4 likes) 3rd Place - Xanthem (56) 3rd step 4 Chagashrooms for a Strength Potion! ¡4 hongos Chaga para una poción de fuerza! 4 Plushrooms for a Haste Potion! ¡4 hongos Plush para una poción de prisa! 4- Experience and Gold earned during this event can be kept. 4- La experiencia y el oro obtenidos durante este evento se pueden conservar. 4- Take Care. Wildlife can kill you too. There can be traps. 4- Cuídate. La vida silvestre también puede matarte. Pueden haber trampas. 4. ##BRespect other players.##b This includes but is not limited to using offensive language in nicknames or chat, and begging items or favours to other players. 4. Amdros - 1113 4. Hocus - 17260 4. Mathias Cronqvist - 2000 4. Povo - 3999 4. dangerDuck - 540 4. poppet - 3,826 4. seeds - 43 40/40 slayed @@ 40/40 asesinados @@ 4144's Tortuga Tortuga de 4144 42 45 minutes 45 minutos 4th Place - YuckFou (Lv 21) 4th Place - seeds (43) 4th step 5 @@ can be fused in a @@ 5 minutes 5 seconds 5 segundos 5 seconds! 5,000 GP 5- Trust yourself. You will lose the moment you enter in panic. This arena is not for the weak-willed! 5- Confía en ti mismo. Perderás en el momento en que entres en pánico. ¡Esta arena no es para los de voluntad débil! 5. ##BThe public chat is to be understood by everyone.##b Therefore, try to use english when possible. 5. Heaven - 501 5. Heaven - 806 5. Woolie - 3345 5. Xanthem - 615 5. dangerDuck - 23 5. girl flapper - 2,487 5. seeds - 13395 50 Aquadas 50 GP + 50 Homunculus EXP 50,000 GP 5000 GP? That sure is a lot of gold... 5th Place - Demure 5th Place - dangerDuck (23) 5x Snake Tongues -> Tortuga Tongue 5x Strange Coins 5x monedas extrañas 6. ##BDo not create multi accounts.##b A person may only hold one account and as many chars as allowed by the server/client. Staff members with special privileges in-game may have a second account without those privileges. 6th Place - test123 (20) 6th step 7 7 7 Grass Carps 7. Players found out to be exploiting bugs, intentionally or unknowingly, may be required to return any undue advantage obtained by it. 7th Place - Sertrop (17) 7th step 8 Croconuts 8. ##BThe use of real money is prohibited##b for ingame stuff, except by sponsoring. 87 Plushrooms 8th Place - Pookie (13) 8th step 9. ##BAdmit when you're wrong.##b Users trying to lie to or fool GMs will get no pity from them. 9th Place - LawnCable (13) 9th step :) "A pleasure to trade if you. Don't get caught if you're doing something wrong!" :/ "Hmm... let me see... Aha, I know! I can make you a great bandit with a simple burglar mask!" :< "Hey hey! Where's the money?" :< "Never lie to me. Keep your end on the bargain! Give me everything I asked for!" :> "Hello, youngling..."#0 :> "Hello, youngling..."#1 :D "Ah! Yes, that would help a lot! I don't need anything a bandit couldn't give you: 25 @@, 5 @@, 2 @@ and a @@. And 6000 GP." :D "Excellent! You've kept your end on the bargain!" :D "HAHAHAHAH! Me?! a thief? only during free time..." :P "I am busy, leave me alone." :o "What? I'm not a bandit! But it looks SO COOL! Do you need anything while you're here?" ;-) "Don't worry! Leave to me!" == If you decide to complete the quest you cannot repeat it. == Si decides completar la misión, no podrás repetirla. >.< "The Dummy is a real killer!" >.> "Sorry pal, I have no idea what she meant by that." >:| "Go take the items and remember: Not even a single word about me!" >> Hurnscald must be Liberated first, to continue this story << >> Hurnscald debe ser liberado primero, para continuar esta historia << ??? ??? : Are you trying to steal MY treasure?! ??? : ¡¿Estás intentando robar MI tesoro?! ??? : I am Pirate Captain Marley, and on the honor of my pirates... ??? : Soy el Capitán Pirata Marley, y por el honor de mis piratas... ??? : Wait, how did you got here? WHO ARE YOU? ??? : Espera, ¿cómo llegaste aquí? ¿QUIÉN ERES? ???#01863 ????? Mode @@ @@ @@ - @@ - @@ @@ - @@ coins @@ - @@ monedas @@ - @@ point(s) @@ - @@ punto(s) @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ killed. @@ Dummy @@ Muñeco @@ Recipe @@ Receta @@ You need to wait further releases to continue this quest! @@ and @@ just got married! ¡@@ y @@ acaban de casarse! @@ and I signed this letter. Deliver it to Airlia on the Town Hall, and she'll reward you correctly. @@ y yo firmé esta carta. Entrégaselo a Airlia en el Ayuntamiento y ella te recompensará correctamente. @@ boxes of chocolate were given to you as a gift. @@ burst in tears. @@ calms a bit. @@ determines how many blows you can take before you die. It also affects status effects, like poison. @@ determina cuántos golpes puedes recibir antes de morir. También afecta los efectos de estado, como el veneno. @@ disembarks at Hurnscald. @@ disembarks at Nivalis. @@ disembarks at Tulimshar. @@ divorced! ¡@@ se ha divorciado! @@ drolls without realizing. @@ bromea sin darse cuenta. @@ glances at you, suspicion evident in her eyes. @@ te mira, la sospecha es evidente en sus ojos. @@ glares at you in anger. @@ te mira furiosa. @@ goes away for a while and returns briefly. @@ se va por un tiempo y regresa brevemente. @@ hands you an @@. @@ te da un @@. @@ has the clear smile of victory! @@ helps you carry more items and also gives you a more forceful blow, but ends up not being very interesting if you focus on weapons that use projectiles, such as the bow. @@ te ayuda a llevar más objetos y también te da un golpe más contundente, pero termina no siendo muy interesante si te concentras en armas que usan proyectiles, como el arco. @@ is a two-handed weapon with very low damage and attack speed. @@ es un arma de dos manos con muy bajo daño y velocidad de ataque. @@ is an expensive, rare, and dangerous item. Do not shake it too much, or it will catch fire. @@ es un artículo caro, raro y peligroso. No lo agites demasiado o se incendiará. @@ is developing these potions. @@ está desarrollando estas pociones. @@ is on the verge of crying again. Better leave out and look for Elias. @@ is very useful for alchemy and magic, but nowadays there are few opportunities to use it. @@ es muy útil para la alquimia y la magia, pero hoy en día hay pocas oportunidades para usarlo. @@ latches onto you and starts sobbing on your shoulder. @@ melt down your @@... @@ nods as she notices you. @@ asiente cuando te nota. @@ nods reluctantly. @@ asiente de mala gana. @@ nods. @@ asiente. @@ pinkies killed on @@'s field. @@ Pinkies asesinados en el campo de @@. @@ raise an eyebrow as you hand him Gelid's letter. @@ raises an eyebrow as you address her. @@ levanta una ceja mientras te diriges a ella. @@ registered for marriage and accepted partner @@! ¡@@ se inscribió para casarse y aceptó a la pareja @@! @@ seems to be trembling with disgust as she stares at your headgear. @@ parece temblar de disgusto mientras mira fijamente tu casco. @@ seems to be upset. @@ snarls. @@ gruñe. @@ stares you as you slowly get away from him. Odd person. @@ started disarm process. Please stand by. @@ stops, and keep silent for a while, thinking, before continuing. @@ uses his screwdriver and open the sealed gift box like a pro. @@ waits for their loved one. @@! @@'s Apartment @@'s Estate Propiedad de @@ @@, do you need help? Are you lost? Click me! @@, ¿necesitas ayuda? ¿Estás perdido? ¡Haz click en mi! @@, do you need help? Are you lost? Talk to me! @@, ¿necesitas ayuda? ¿Estás perdido? ¡Háblame! @@, don't jump there! It may be fatal! @@, watch out! The obelisk - it is talking! @@, ¡Cuidado! El obelisco... ¡está hablando! @@, we should leave here now. @@, deberíamos irnos de aquí ahora. @@, your party leader, is inside, I'm not sure where. @@. PK, however, is allowed! @@... I think something went wrong... RUN!! @@... Creo que algo salió mal... ¡¡CORRE!! @@/1 @@ @@/1 @@ @@/1 Mana Bug @@/1 Bicho de Mana @@/10 @@ @@/10 @@ @@/10 @@ for 1 @@ @@/10 Maggots @@/10 Gusanos @@/10 Rattos @@/10 Rattos @@/100 @@ @@/100 @@ @@/1000 GP @@/1000 GP @@/12 @@ @@/12 @@ @@/120 @@ @@/120 GP @@/120 GP @@/15 @@ @@/15 @@ @@/150 @@ @@/2 @@ @@/2 @@ @@/2 Scorpion @@/2 Escorpión @@/20 @@ @@/20 @@ @@/20 @@ (or @@) @@/20 @@ (or @@) @@/25 @@ @@/25 @@ @@/25 Cave Maggots @@/25 gusanos de cuevas @@/3 @@ @@/3 @@ @@/3 Candor Scorpions @@/3 Escorpiones de Candor @@/30 @@ @@/30 @@ @@/4 @@ @@/4 @@ @@/4 House Maggots @@/4 Gusanos Domésticos @@/40 @@ @@/40 @@ @@/40 Fire Goblins killed @@/40 duendes de fuego asesinados @@/40 slayed @@ @@ / 40 asesinados @@ @@/45 @@ @@/45 @@ @@/5 @@ @@/5 @@ @@/50 @@ @@/50 @@ @@/50 Cave Snakes @@/50 Serpientes de cueva @@/55 @@ @@/55 @@ @@/60 @@ @@/60 @@ @@/6000 GP @@/6000 GP @@/8 @@ for 1 @@ @@/8 @@ @@/8 @@ @@/8 @@, just because I'm famished. @@ / 8 @@, solo porque estoy hambriento. @@/80 @@ @@/80 @@ @@/9 @@ for 1 @@ @@/@@ @@/@@ @@/@@ @@ @@/@@ @@ @@/@@ @@ killed @@/@@ @@ asesinados @@/@@ GP @@/@@ GP @@: @@/@@ @@: Fight! @@: Lv @@ @commands lists even more advanced commands, but you can't use all of them. @commands enumera comandos aún más avanzados, pero no puedes usarlos todos. @discord allows you to setup Discord integration settings. @discord te permite configurar los ajustes de integración de Discord. @info and @tutorial will, using Jesusalva's powers, allow you to contact me anywhere for info. @info y @tutorial, usando los poderes de Jesusalva, te permitirán contactarme en cualquier lugar para obtener información. @lang allows you to change game language, anytime, anywhere. @lang te permite cambiar el idioma del juego, en cualquier momento y en cualquier lugar. @rentitem