// Hocus-Pocus (Abrakadabra) Castable Skills Database
// Structure of Database:
//        SkillID,DummyName,RequiredHocusPocusLevel,Rate
// 01. SkillID                  Skill ID to be casted by hocus pocus.
// 02. DummyName                Name of the skill (informative, not used by server).
// 03. RequiredHocusPocusLevel  Minimum skill level of hocus pocus for the current skill to be selected.
// 04. Rate                     Chance at which a skill is selected (1 = 0.01%, 10000 = 100%).
// NOTE: The skill is picked at random from the entire database and then tested for rate. If it
//       does not succeed at that rate, another skill is picked and tested. This continues
//       until a skill succeeds.