From e27585c322f8191065973666cf43b56288b40297 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jesusaves Date: Tue, 3 May 2022 13:10:41 -0300 Subject: Rebalance Storage Room a tiny bit --- npc/034-4/storage.txt | 10 ++++++---- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) (limited to 'npc') diff --git a/npc/034-4/storage.txt b/npc/034-4/storage.txt index 423f57412..893971f32 100644 --- a/npc/034-4/storage.txt +++ b/npc/034-4/storage.txt @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ OnTimer30000: OnTimer45000: if (.sto < .mto) - setnpctimer 25000; + setnpctimer 22000; monster(.mp$, 44, 78, strmobinfo(1, BlackMamba), BlackMamba, 1); end; @@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ function storageutil { // Super rare drop?! (~1.5%) if (.@r < 120 || .@r > 10000) { - makeitem(any(DeathPotion, PoisonAmmoBox, AncientBlueprint, ThornAmmoBox, MercBoxD, ScholarshipBadge, DarkDesertMushroom), 1, .mp$, rand2(30, 71), rand2(44, 86)); + makeitem(any(DeathPotion, PoisonAmmoBox, AncientBlueprint, ThornAmmoBox, MercBoxD, ScholarshipBadge, DarkDesertMushroom), 1, .mp$, rand2(30, 35), rand2(83, 86)); } // Super strong monster?! (4%) @@ -162,10 +162,12 @@ function storageutil { monster(.mp$, 44, 78, strmobinfo(1, .@mob), .@mob, 1+getmapusers(.mp$)); // Compulsory item drop + // If it falls on a collision, the item won't be created at all freeloop(true); - for (.@i=0; .@i <= getmapusers(.mp$); .@i++) { - makeitem(any(Wurtzite, ShadowHerb, AlizarinHerb, DiamondPowder, RubyPowder, EmeraldPowder, SapphirePowder, TopazPowder, AmethystPowder, CopperOre, IronOre, Coal, LeadOre, Lifestone, ScorpionClaw, WhiteFur, SquirrelPelt, TinOre, PileOfAsh, EmptyBottle, FluoPowder, TerraniteOre, SulfurPowder, LeatherPatch, LazuriteShard, Root, ReedBundle, GambogeHerb, MauveHerb, CobaltHerb, MaggotSlime, BugLeg, RawLog, BanditHood, BatWing, IronPowder, ArtichokeHerb, LeftCraftyWing, RightCraftyWing, Coral, BlueCoral, Pearl, Moss, RattoTail, RattoTeeth, Knife, SharpKnife, StrangeCoin, PurificationPotion, IcedBottle, Grenade, SmokeGrenade, TreasureMap, AgiPotionA, VitPotionA, IntPotionA, DexPotionA, LukPotionA, EmptyBox, HastePotion, StrengthPotion, Croconut, ChocolateBar, ChocolateBiscuit, PinkieLeg, Potatoz, Coffee, SnakeEgg, Plushroom, Chagashroom, Honey, MoubooSteak, Milk, Orange, CherryCake, Piberries, Aquada, Cheese, Bread, Acorn, Manana), 1, .mp$, rand2(30, 71), rand2(44, 86)); + for (.@i=0; .@i <= ((.sto/2)+getmapusers(.mp$)); .@i++) { + makeitem(any(Wurtzite, ShadowHerb, AlizarinHerb, DiamondPowder, RubyPowder, EmeraldPowder, SapphirePowder, TopazPowder, AmethystPowder, CopperOre, IronOre, Coal, LeadOre, Lifestone, ScorpionClaw, WhiteFur, SquirrelPelt, TinOre, PileOfAsh, EmptyBottle, FluoPowder, TerraniteOre, SulfurPowder, LeatherPatch, LazuriteShard, Root, ReedBundle, GambogeHerb, MauveHerb, CobaltHerb, MaggotSlime, BugLeg, RawLog, BanditHood, BatWing, IronPowder, ArtichokeHerb, LeftCraftyWing, RightCraftyWing, Coral, BlueCoral, Pearl, Moss, RattoTail, RattoTeeth, Knife, SharpKnife, StrangeCoin, PurificationPotion, IcedBottle, Grenade, SmokeGrenade, TreasureMap, AgiPotionA, VitPotionA, IntPotionA, DexPotionA, LukPotionA, EmptyBox, HastePotion, StrengthPotion, Croconut, ChocolateBar, ChocolateBiscuit, PinkieLeg, Potatoz, Coffee, SnakeEgg, Plushroom, Chagashroom, Honey, MoubooSteak, Milk, Orange, CherryCake, Piberries, Aquada, Cheese, Bread, Acorn, Manana), 1, .mp$, rand2(30, 71), rand2(44, 87)); } + freeloop(false); return; } -- cgit v1.2.3-70-g09d2