Warm Smelly Clothes
Magic Arpan is waiting for you. Go speak to him.
To speak to an NPC, click on it with your mouse or select it using the N key and then chat using the T key.
Magic Arpan
La Johanne, Second Deck. (39,33)
Warm Smelly Clothes
You need to open the chest and take the clothes from it.
To perform this action, click on the chest with your mouse or select it with the N key and then interact with it using the T key.
Magic Arpan
La Johanne, Second Deck. (41,37)
Smelly sailor clothes.
Warm Smelly Clothes
To open your inventory, use the F3 key or use your mouse to select it in the above menu in your client.
When your inventory is open, you can equip an item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. You can do the same to remove an item by clicking on 'Unequip'.
Items have different effects. Some will heal you, some can be used as weapons or armor and some can be sold for gold.
Magic Arpan
La Johanne, Second Deck. (39,33)
Smelly sailor clothes.
Warm Smelly Clothes
You wore the clothes you found in the chest that Magic Arpan showed you.
They are old and a bit smelly but the warm sensation they give makes you feel at home.
Magic Arpan
La Johanne, Second Deck. (39,33)
A {@@1} and old {@@2}.
Contrabandist Aboard
You found a contrabandist aboard Nard's Ship!
He needs your help. Bring him the many items he is asking for!
Contrabandist Aboard
I helped Alige. He claims to be lawful now, but I don't quite believe it.
Well, it is hard to get Artis goods around here, so perhaps I did the right thing?
Ratto Extermination
Peter needs your help to clear La Johanne's hold of some rattos.
Speak to him when you will have time to help him.
La Johanne, Second Deck. (60,35)
Ratto Extermination
Peter asked you to empty the bottom of the ship for free.
Maybe next time he will have something to offer you...
La Johanne, Second Deck. (60,35)
Ratto Extermination
Cleaning the bottom of the ship is a tough work, but Peter is offering you some gold for it.
La Johanne, Second Deck. (60,35)
100 EXP, 1000 GP.
Ratto Extermination
You helped Peter cleaning the bottom of the ship for free.
However, it looks like these rattos can come back again. Later, you could ask Peter if he needs your help again.
La Johanne, Second Deck. (60,35)
Ratto Extermination
You helped Peter cleaning the bottom of the ship. He rewarded you with some gold.
However, it looks like these rattos can come back again. Later, you could ask Peter if he needs your help again.
La Johanne, Second Deck. (60,35)
100 EXP, 1000 GP.
Ratto Extermination
This time, Peter seems to have a reward for you. After you cleaned the bottom of the ship, ask him for a reward.
La Johanne, Second Deck. (60,35)
100 EXP, 1000 GP.
Chef's Secret Blade
You found a sharp knife on a table in one of the rooms of the ship.
It looks like its previous owner used it to prepare delicious dishes for the crew.
La Johanne, Second Deck. (50,24)
My Money
Arpan was holding my money.
It is a small amount, but hey, it is better than nothing!.
Magic Arpan
La Johanne, Second Deck. (39,33)
35 GP.
Good Food makes a Good Crew
Chef Gado is preparing food for the crew, but supplies are running thin.
I should help him by getting 5 {@@1}.
Chef Gado
La Johanne, Second Deck (25,41)
A pair of gloves!
Good Food makes a Good Crew
Chef Gado went back to cooking, and I'll be back to hunting.
Chef Gado
La Johanne, Second Deck (25,41)
1x {@@1}, 100 GP.
Scary Pious
Dan is afraid of Pious. I should help him by killing 12 Pious.
Progress: {@@var2}/12 Pious
La Johanne, Second Deck. (32,32)
Scary Pious
The Pious are gone, now I need to say Dan he can sleep in peace at night.
La Johanne, Second Deck. (32,32)
Scary Pious
He gave me a nice outfit for my efforts.
La Johanne, Second Deck. (32,32)
1x {@@1}
In Seek Of True Identity
I better find out who I am.
I mean, it is annoying when all you know is your name.
I bet the ##BShip's captain##b can help.
In Seek Of True Identity
In Tulimshar, after getting out of the ship, I should visit the first building.
It is the townhall. ##BLua##b should be able to help me.
In Seek Of True Identity
I was born at Halinarzo but moved at just 4.
I must get some levels before attempting such dangerous journey.
##1##BWARNING:##b You need to wait further releases to continue this quest!##0
Pride of Money
You are now registered in the Merchant Guild.
This Guild offers storage and bank services.
Tulimshar, Merchant Guild. (101,37)
Merchant Guild access.
Friendly Players
After paying the taxes, I'm now allowed to create small parties for raids.
With a small group of friends, we can grow a lot!
Later I can ask him to buy the license to create Guilds.
A guild is harder to manage, but there are various benefits in being a Guild Leader.
Create Social Groups
Great Hunter Quest
I promised Aidan to conduct an extermination.
Progress: {@@var2}/10000 {@@1}.
Tulimshar (95,97)
Great Hunter Quest
I promised Jacob to conduct an extermination.
The reward should be collected with Aidan.
Progress: {@@var2}/10000 {@@1}.
Lieutenant Jacob, Halinarzo (71,24)
Tulimshar (95,97)
300,000 GP and 80 Strange Coins
Great Hunter Quest
I promised Lufix to conduct an extermination.
The reward should be collected with Aidan.
Progress: {@@var2}/10000 {@@1}.
Lufix, Hurnscald (68,74)
Tulimshar (95,97)
275,000 GP and 60 Strange Coins
Great Hunter Quest
I promised Hinnak to conduct an extermination.
The reward should be collected with Aidan.
Progress: {@@var2}/10000 {@@1}.
Hinnak, Hurnscald (105,30)
Tulimshar (95,97)
Saxso Chest
I managed to open the chest on Saxso's house.
Candor Island, Saxso's House.
Hide And Seek
Find all the children for Ayasha. They're in the Island.
Candor Island. (52,81)
Hide And Seek
You found all childrens, go report to Ayasha.
Candor Island. (52,81)
Hide And Seek
I helped Ayasha to find the children.
Candor Island. (52,81)
30 EXP and 50 GP
Tolchi's Request
I am helping Tolchi, a weapon craftswoman, to find materials.
Candor Island, Armor Shop. (25,41)
Gold and Experience.
Tolchi's Request
I helped Tolchi with her materials needs.
Candor Island, Armor Shop. (25,41)
Gold and Experience.
Helping Maya
I am helping out Maya with finding a few items.
I need to find three {@@1} and three {@@2}.
Candor Island. (42,37)
Helping Maya
You are helping out Maya with finding a few items.
You need to find three {@@1} and three {@@2}.
Candor Island. (42,37)
A {@@1}.
Cleaning the Storehouse
Zegas needs someone to find and defuse the Bug Bomb in the storehouse.
I must check all barrels.
Candor Island. (35,77)
Cleaning the Storehouse
I defused the bug bomb.
I must report back to Zegas at once.
Candor Island. (35,77)
Cleaning the Storehouse
I helped Zegas to clear the Storehouse.
More bugs may attack there later, but that's not my problem anymore.
Candor Island. (35,77)
60 EXP and 450 GP
Preparing a Party
Some sailors at beach are planning a party.
They need 5 {@@1} for the party to happen.
Candor Island. (92,99)
Become one of the crew.
Preparing a Party
The sailors have sufficient {@@1} for the party.
They now want me to invite Elmo, the captain's assistant, to the party.
La Johanne, Captain's room. (22,27)
Preparing a Party
Elmo was invited, and with that, the sailors may party.
1x {@@1}, 10 EXP, 1000 GP
Making a Figurine
Vincent is making a figurine with {@@1}. He needs 12.
Candor Island. (92,96)
Making a Figurine
Vincent was able to make his figurine thanks to the bug legs I gave him.
Candor Island. (92,96)
1000 GP
I have to report to the trainer.
Candor Island. (92,96)
40 xp, 25 gp
I already killed {@@var2}/10 {@@1}.
Candor Island. (92,96)
40 xp, 25 gp
I already killed {@@var2}/5 {@@1}.
Candor Island. (92,96)
40 xp, 25 gp
I already killed {@@var2}/3 {@@1}.
Candor Island. (92,96)
40 xp, 25 gp
I already killed {@@var2}/2 {@@1}.
Candor Island. (92,96)
40 xp, 25 gp
I was successfully trained.
Candor Island. (92,96)
50 xp
The Trainer gave me a bonus task.
I already killed {@@var2}/1 {@@1}.
Candor Island. (92,96)
I did the bonus task from the Trainer and he was very impressed.
Candor Island. (92,96)
1x {@@1}, 200 GP
Nurse Candies
Candor's Nurse loves {@@1}. I gave her one, and now she wants more!
This is an easy way to make some money.
Candor Island, Training Hall. (41,30)
5 EXP, 25 GP.
Mud Balls
Liana is collecting {@@1} to make balls, so the children can play.
This quest is repeatable.
Candor Island. (47,86)
Experience and Gold.
Mud Balls
Liana is collecting {@@1} to make balls, so the children can play.
This quest is repeatable every six hours, so I should again to her sometime.
Candor Island. (47,86)
Experience and Gold.
Sailor Cure
In order to help a sailor to recover from hangover, I collected {@@1}.
Juliet was successful in making a hangover potion. If I ever need one, I already know to whom ask.
La Johanne, Captain's room. (22,27)
Experience and Gold.
Eugene, the fishman in Artis docks, bought a new fishing rod.
He hurried so much to try it out, that he forgot to take enough baits.
You need to bring him 10 {@@1}.
Tulimshar (80,127)
You helped Eugene.
As his gratitude, he gave you his old fishing rod.
You can use it to catch fish.
Tulimshar (80,127)
I Want Cherry Cakes
Sarah wanted a cherry cake, so I gave her one.
Tulimshar (91,146)
Water For Guards
Dausen asked me to give water to his guards.
There should be a well in the city. I already gave water to {@@var2}/17 guards.
Lt. Dausen
Tulimshar. (111,84)
Water For Guards
All guards drank water.
I should now report to Dausen that this mission is complete.
Lt. Dausen
Tulimshar. (111,84)
Water For Guards
I gave water to all Tulimshar guards, and Dausen was very glad.
He told me I can find more ways to help the city guard inside the Guard House.
Lt. Dausen
Tulimshar. (111,84)
1x {@@1}, 1x {@@2}
Quenching My Thirst
Swezanne was thirsty, but now she can keep doing her job.
I can repeat this request every 24 hours.
Tulimshar (70,100)
EXP and Gold
Quenching My Thirst
Swezanne is once again thirsty, I should bring her 5 {@@1} to quench it.
Tulimshar (70,100)
25 EXP and 200 GP
Lifestone Pendant
Swezanne's Daughter, Silvia, can give you a very useful necklace
For just 500 GP and a Lifestone.
Tulimshar. (109,150)
Lifestone Pendant
Silvia gave me a Lifestone Pendant, which increases my regeneration.
It'll work even better if I sit to think.
Tulimshar. (109,150)
I should obtain level 50 and get a reward on Tulimshar's City Hall.
Graduation Cap.
I should obtain level 75 and get a reward on Tulimshar's City Hall.
Gift Box.
I should obtain level 100 and get a reward on Tulimshar's City Hall.
Gift Box.
Petty Thief
While leaving Tulimshar, a petty thief called Hasan stole me.
I should warn the leader of the guard, Lieutenant Dausen, about that.
Tulimshar. (111,84)
Petty Thief
Dausen instructed me to seek for his mother, Sorfina.
She should be in Mahoud's house, near the Inn.
Tulimshar. (54,138)
Petty Thief
I should talk to Sorfina and complete her task.
Tulimshar, Mahoud's House. (111,84)
Petty Thief
Having avenged his father, I should talk to Hasan.
Perhaps now he'll stop stealing from me!
Tulimshar. (62, 148)
Petty Thief
Hasan swore to never steal from me again.
He didn't gave my money back, though...
Tulimshar. (62, 148)
{@@1}, 75 EXP.
Red Scorpion Plague
Red Scorpions are threating Tulimshar.
I need to bring some stingers, to prove my worth.
Guard Devoir
Tulimshar's Guard House, 2nd floor.
Gold and Experience.
Sailors Help
Some Sailors in Tulimshar, above Terranite Forge, are in need of some supplies.
I should fetch them 3 Fish Box, 4 Croconut Box and 10 Cotton Clothes.
Tulimshar's Terranite Forge Rooftop.
Sailors Help
I gave them what they needed, and now they can resume their journey.
Tulimshar's Terranite Forge Rooftop.
1x {@@1}, 1x {@@2}, 21500 GP, Experience.
Dark Invocator
After paying Zarkor a token of loyalty, he told me his plans.
He wants to summon the Monster King.
I should talk to Zitoni, on Candor, for some Everburn Powder.
Tulimshar Mines.
Dark Invocator
Zitoni refused to make the powder.
I must report this to Zarkor.
Tulimshar Mines.
Dark Invocator
Zarkor gave a precious Dark Desert Mushroom.
I should deliver this rare item to Zitoni on Candor.
...I could just sell it instead, but I think I'll regret doing so later...
Tulimshar Mines.
Dark Invocator
Zitoni on Candor is now making Everburn Powders.
I need 5 Powders for the ritual.
For each powder, it will cost me 3000 GP, Iron and Sulfur Powder, and a Pile of Ash.
Tulimshar Mines.
Dark Invocator
I need to lit every torch.
The blue flame get invisible after a while. There's no way to remember!
Ahh... I better find a good way to lit all of them without dying!
Tulimshar Mines.
Dark Invocator
Zarkor summoned the Monster King and got a nice electrical discharge as a gift.
Well, he didn't gave me anything of worth, but some money and experience.
At least, now I can craft Everburn Powder. I'm sure it'll be useful later.
Tulimshar Mines.
20.000 GP, 7995 EXP
Neked Shop
My best attempt at a pun with the word naked.
Neko had his Jean Shorts ate by Cave Snakes, who love to eat that.
It is a good item, I should get some Shorts for me!
But Neko needs them, too... How many can I make they drop?
Neked Shop
Well... I probably should regret having helped him.
But hey, maybe some of the ship's captains see my good deed and give me a discount?
6000 GP, 1620 EXP.
Tycoon's Hunt
I have to report to the Tycoon.
Tulimshar Mines.
Tycoon's Hunt
I already killed {@@var2}/10 {@@1}.
Tulimshar Mines.
Tycoon's Hunt
I already killed {@@var2}/25 {@@1}.
Tulimshar Mines.
Tycoon's Hunt
I already killed {@@var2}/50 {@@1}.
Tulimshar Mines.
Tycoon's Hunt
I already killed {@@var2}/100 {@@1}.
Tulimshar Mines.
Tycoon's Hunt
I helped the miners.
Tulimshar Mines.
1x {@@1}
Tycoon's Hunt
Tycoon had another task on his sleeve! This one is harder, though.
I already killed {@@var2}/200 {@@1}.
Tulimshar Mines.
Tycoon's Hunt
I did the bonus task from the Tycoon and he was very impressed.
Tulimshar Mines.
1x {@@1}, 5000 GP
Foxhound's Famine
A poor man in Halinarzo asks for food.
His family is starving. I should provide him all sort of delicacies.
Enliven Reva Foxhound
Halinarzo (89,57)
Foxhound's Famine
I feed him, and he is forever grateful.
Enliven Reva Foxhound
Halinarzo (89,57)
The King Of Blackmarket
I did a deal with Charles, an apparently famous contrabandist.
He is offering me a mask for my silence, and many items.
All the items are dropped by Sarracenus and Desert Bandits, thankfully!
Halinarzo Outskirts.
1x {@@1}
The King Of Blackmarket
I got my mask, and won't say anyone where Charles is.
But, this is Halinarzo, and Halin is always too far from the forces of law.
I doubt the City Guard doesn't knows where and who he is already, anyway...
Halinarzo Outskirts.
1x {@@1}
Saving a Wife's Life
Joaquim need several items to save his wife's life.
I probably should help.
Halinarzo, Church.
Saving a Wife's Life
Joaquim gave me an Elixir Of Life.
I should hurry to Halinarzo Hospital and deliver to his wife, Yumi.
Halinarzo, Church.
Saving a Wife's Life
I managed to save Yumi's life.
I should return to Joaquim and claim my reward.
Halinarzo, Church.
Saving a Wife's Life
Joaquim's wife will live. Thankfully.
He gave me material to forge something cool.
And he also gave me an Elixir Of Life. Wow.
Halinarzo, Church.
Forest Bow
Alan is willing to do a Forest Bow, for free...
If I get a very resistant wood chunk with Jack.
And I also need a good string, from a Fisherman in Halinarzo.
Hurnscald, Archery Shop.
Forest Bow
I got the Forest Bow. I hope to have fun with it!
Hurnscald, Archery Shop.
Archery Training
Gwendolyn offers archery courses.
It's not exactly cheap, but it isn't expensive either.
Gwendolyn Bowmaker
Hurnscald, Archery Shop back area.
Archery Training
I need a Forest Bow, because that is the only kind of bow her brother makes.
She already took my money, and won't teach me without it...
Gwendolyn Bowmaker
Hurnscald, Archery Shop back area.
Archery Training
I should prove I learnt her lesson by bringing her...
...Snake eggs. Several and from all kinds.
Gwendolyn Bowmaker
Hurnscald, Archery Shop back area.
Archery Training
I passed her class!
I think she have more thing to teach me, but am I strong enough...?
Gwendolyn Bowmaker
Hurnscald, Archery Shop back area.
Archery Training
She gave me the last task.
With the Forest Bow, and Training arrows, I have to hit target.
There are lot of things to consider I usually don't care about.
Can I really get over that challenge?
Gwendolyn Bowmaker
Hurnscald, Archery Shop back area.
Archery Training
I did it! I did it!
I mastered archery!
Gwendolyn Bowmaker
Hurnscald, Archery Shop back area.
New Skill
Celestia Tea Party
Celestia need many sweets to replace the lack of Cookies.
I could help her, too much sugar is bad to health!
Hurnscald, Town Hall.
Celestia Tea Party
I gave lot of sweeties to Celestia, and now I can drink tea!
Her tea regens some Mana. Maybe in future, she gives me some for travel?
Hurnscald, Town Hall.
Hurnscald Crops
Pinkies are ravaging Hinnak's Fields. He wants 10 antennas.
But he won't reward you without at least a 100 pinkies sacrifice.
Hurnscald Fields.
Hurnscald Crops
Hinnak's farm is safe, but Hurnscald food supply is far from secured.
I should help his friend, Oscar, on the west farm.
Hurnscald Fields.
Hurnscald Crops
Oscar is also having problems with pinkies. He want 10 pink legs for a soup.
But he won't reward you without at least a 100 pinkies sacrifice.
Woodlands Central Area.
Hurnscald Crops
Oscar was very satisfied.
He and Hinnak prepared a reward for you.
Redeem it at the Town Hall.
Hurnscald, Town Hall.
Hurnscald Crops
The crops are safe! Finally!
Hinnak and his wife might still need help, but...
...that's not my problem anymore.
Hurnscald Bandits
Bandits frequently raid Hurnscald Tavern and steal stuff.
They're often caught, but the slimes on the Mines eat the keys!
I should bring her 5 [Treasure Key] to fix that slimey problem.
Hurnscald, Inn.
Hurnscald Bandits
I helped Helena, but she might have another task to me.
I wonder if I am strong enough to help her!
Hurnscald, Inn.
Hurnscald Bandits
Helena was cursed to don't enter the bandit cave!
She wants to give me a great mission, but first,
I need to collect some Bandit Hoods and prove my worth.
Hurnscald, Inn.
Hurnscald Bandits
Helena sent me to kill the Bandit Lord on the Bandit Cave.
But first, I need to find her friend and get the key to his lair.
Hurnscald, Inn.
Hurnscald Bandits
Helena sent me to kill the Bandit Lord on the Bandit Cave.
The Bandit Lord is on a locked cave, but fear not. I got the key.
The only problem now, is finding his lair on these pesky caves!
Hurnscald, Inn.
Hurnscald Bandits
The bandit lord is dead. I should claim my reward with Helena.
Hurnscald, Inn.
Hurnscald Bandits
I'm now friends with Helena.
Every day, I can bring her some Treasure Keys or Bandit Hoods.
The keys will also help with Melina's beer supply - great!
Hurnscald, Inn.