path: root/translations/es.po
blob: d45b2467b16ca0f7859581d0a084dcf1140490dd (plain) (tree)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































# Translators:
# Maximo Valenzuela <>, 2021
# Jesusaves <>, 2022
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-12-04 17:11-0300\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-11 20:56+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Jesusaves <>, 2022\n"
"Language-Team: Spanish (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: es\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;\n"

#. (itstool) path: clans/clan@name
#: clans.xml:14
msgid "Tonori Raiders"
msgstr "Jinetes Tonori"

#. (itstool) path: clans/clan@name
#: clans.xml:22
msgid "Argaes Emeralds"
msgstr "Esmeraldas Argaes"

#. (itstool) path: clans/clan@name
#: clans.xml:30
msgid "Lords of Kaizei"
msgstr "Señores de Kaizei"

#. (itstool) path: clans/clan@name
#: clans.xml:38
msgid "Master of Flames"
msgstr "Maestro de las llamas"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:7 deadmessages.xml:7
msgid "You are dead."
msgstr "Estas acabado"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:8 deadmessages.xml:8
msgid "We regret to inform you that your character was killed in battle."
msgstr "Lamentamos informarte que tu personaje murió en la batalla"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:9 deadmessages.xml:9
msgid "You are not that alive anymore."
msgstr "Ya no estas vivo del todo"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:10 deadmessages.xml:10
msgid "Game Over!"
msgstr "¡Fin del juego!"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:11 deadmessages.xml:11
msgid "Insert coin to continue."
msgstr "inserte una moneda para continuar "

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:12 deadmessages.xml:12
msgid ""
"No, kids. Your character did not really die. It... err... went to a better "
msgstr ""
"no, niños. Tú personaje no murió del todo, el... emm... se fue a un lugar "

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:13
msgid ""
"Your plan of breaking your enemies weapon by bashing it with your throat "
msgstr ""
"Tu plan de romper el arma de tus enemigos golpeándola con tu garganta falló"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:14 deadmessages.xml:14
msgid "I guess this did not run too well."
msgstr "Supongo que esto no salió tan bien"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:15 deadmessages.xml:15
msgid "Do you want your possessions identified?"
msgstr "¿Quieres que tus pertenencias sean identificadas?"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:16 deadmessages.xml:16
msgid "Sadly, no trace of you was ever found..."
msgstr "Lamentablemente, nunca se encontró rastro de ti..."

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:17 deadmessages.xml:17
msgid "Annihilated."
msgstr "Aniquilado "

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:18 deadmessages.xml:18
msgid "Looks like you got your head handed to you."
msgstr "Parece que te entregaron tu cabeza"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:19 deadmessages.xml:19
msgid ""
"You screwed up again, dump your body down the tubes and get you another one."
msgstr ""
"Te equivocaste de nuevo, arrojaste tu cuerpo por los tubos y te conseguiste "

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:20 deadmessages.xml:20
msgid "You're not dead yet. You're just resting."
msgstr "No estas muerto, solo estas descansando "

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:21 deadmessages.xml:21
msgid "You are no more."
msgstr "Ya no existes"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:22 deadmessages.xml:22
msgid "You have ceased to be."
msgstr "has dejado de serlo"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:23 deadmessages.xml:23
msgid "You've expired and gone to meet your maker."
msgstr "has expirado y visitado a tu creador"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:24 deadmessages.xml:24
msgid "You're a stiff."
msgstr "Eres un duro"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:25 deadmessages.xml:25
msgid "Bereft of life, you rest in peace."
msgstr "Despojado de vida, descansa en paz"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:26 deadmessages.xml:26
msgid "If you weren't so animated, you'd be pushing up the daisies."
msgstr "Si no estuvieras tan animado, estarías empujando las margaritas"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:27
msgid "Your metabolic processes are now history."
msgstr "Tus procesos metabólicos ahora son historia"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:28 deadmessages.xml:27
msgid "You're off the twig."
msgstr "Estás fuera de la ramita"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:29 deadmessages.xml:28
msgid "You've kicked the bucket."
msgstr "Has pateado el balde"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:30
msgid ""
"You've shuffled off your mortal coil, rung down the curtain and joined the "
"choir invisible."
msgstr ""
"Te has alejado de tu espiral mortal, has bajado la cortina y te has unido al"
" coro invisible"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:31 deadmessages.xml:33
msgid "You are an ex-player."
msgstr "Eres un ex-jugador"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:32 deadmessages.xml:34
msgid "You're pining for the fjords."
msgstr "Estás suspirando por los fiordos."

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:33 deadmessages.xml:35
msgid "Right now, you would just love to be resurrected."
msgstr "Ahora mismo, solo te encantaría ser resucitado"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:34 deadmessages.xml:36
msgid "Wait, did I just die?"
msgstr "Espera, ¿acabo de morir?"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:35 deadmessages.xml:37
msgid "What just happened?"
msgstr "¿Qué acaba de pasar?"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:36 deadmessages.xml:38
msgid "I guess you're not the One."
msgstr "Supongo que no eres el indicado"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:37 deadmessages.xml:39
msgid "See you in the underworld."
msgstr "Te veo en el inframundo"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:38 deadmessages.xml:40
msgid "Try again."
msgstr "Intenta de nuevo"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:39 deadmessages.xml:41
msgid "Don't panic, you're just a bit dead."
msgstr "No entres en pánico, solo estas un poco muerto"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:40 deadmessages.xml:42
msgid "It's a bit late to start digging your grave, don't you think?"
msgstr "es un poco tarde para empezar a cavar tu tumba, ¿no lo crees?"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:41 deadmessages.xml:43
msgid "Program terminated."
msgstr "Programa exterminado"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:42 deadmessages.xml:44
msgid "Mission failed."
msgstr "Misión fallida"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:43 deadmessages.xml:45
msgid "Everybody falls the first time."
msgstr "Todos caemos en la primera vez"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:44 deadmessages.xml:46
msgid "Welcome... to the real world."
msgstr "Bienvenido... al mundo real "

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:45 deadmessages.xml:47
msgid "Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony."
msgstr "El destino, al parecer, no está exento de ironía"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:46 deadmessages.xml:48
msgid "There is no spoon."
msgstr "No hay cuchara"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:47 deadmessages.xml:49
msgid "One shot, one kill."
msgstr "Un disparo, Una muerte"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:48 deadmessages.xml:50
msgid "Some men just want to watch the world burn."
msgstr "Algunos hombres solo quieren ver al mundo arder"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:49 deadmessages.xml:51
msgid "You are fulfilling your destiny."
msgstr "Estás cumpliendo tu destino"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:50 deadmessages.xml:52
msgid "Rule #8: Do not die."
msgstr "regla#8 No mueras"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:51 deadmessages.xml:53
msgid "There will be no order, only chaos."
msgstr "No abra orden, solo caos"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:52 deadmessages.xml:54
msgid "Too bad, get over it."
msgstr "Lástima, supéralo"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:53 deadmessages.xml:55
msgid "There's no hope for us here, only death."
msgstr "No hay esperanza para nosotros aquí, solo muerte"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:54 deadmessages.xml:56
msgid "Death is the road to awe."
msgstr "La muerte es el camino al asombro"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:56 deadmessages.xml:58
msgid "Stop... Stop it!"
msgstr "Detente... ¡Detente!"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:57 deadmessages.xml:59
msgid "Today is a good day to die."
msgstr "Hoy es un buen día para morir"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:58 deadmessages.xml:60
msgid "Any last words? Oops, too late!"
msgstr "Algunas ultimas palabras? Oops, ¡muy tarde!"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:59 deadmessages.xml:61
msgid "Confusion will be my epitaph."
msgstr "La confusión será mi epitafio"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:62 deadmessages.xml:64
msgid "One Tap."
msgstr "Un toque"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:63 deadmessages.xml:65
msgid "Wasted"
msgstr "Wasted"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:64 deadmessages.xml:66
msgid "KO"
msgstr "KO"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:65
msgid "Critical Existance Failure."
msgstr "Falla de existencia crítica"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:66 deadmessages.xml:68
msgid "GG"
msgstr "GG"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:67 deadmessages.xml:69
msgid "Better luck next time."
msgstr "Mejor suerte la próxima vez"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:68 deadmessages.xml:70
msgid "If you see an elevator, be sure to push the up button."
msgstr "Si vez un ascensor, asegúrate de presionar el botón para arriba"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:69 deadmessages.xml:71
msgid "Everything is a dream."
msgstr "Todo es un sueño"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:70 deadmessages.xml:72
msgid "Back to the Soul Menhir, I guess..."
msgstr "Devuelta al Soul menhir, Supongo..."

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:71 deadmessages.xml:73
msgid "Well, that healing item was too awesome to use, anyway..."
msgstr ""
"Bueno, Ese objeto para curarse fue muy increíble para usarse, de todas "

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:72 deadmessages.xml:74
msgid "Oh dear, the Random Numbers are angry with you again."
msgstr "oh querido,  los números aleatorios están enojados contigo de nuevo"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:73 deadmessages.xml:75
msgid "Well... That happens, I guess."
msgstr "Bueno... Eso paso, Supongo"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:74 deadmessages.xml:76
msgid "That is just part of life-- err, death, I mean."
msgstr "Eso es solo parte de la vida-- ehh, la muerte, quiero decir."

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:75 deadmessages.xml:77
msgid "Are you enjoying lying on the ground?"
msgstr "¿Disfrutas estar tumbado en el suelo?"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:76 deadmessages.xml:78
msgid "Hey hey, I wasn't done yet!"
msgstr "Oye oye, ¡No estaba listo aun!"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:77 deadmessages.xml:79
msgid "Today is not your lucky day, it seems."
msgstr "Hoy no es tu día de suerte, al parecer"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:78 deadmessages.xml:80
msgid "Dead already? But you were so young..."
msgstr "¿Ya está muerto? Pero eras tan joven..."

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:79 deadmessages.xml:81
msgid "Apana like..."
msgstr "Apana le gusta..."

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:80 deadmessages.xml:82
msgid "Get Rekt noob"
msgstr "Get Rekt noob"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:81 deadmessages.xml:83
msgid "Uh... Blame Saulc."
msgstr "Uh...  culpa a Saulc"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:82 deadmessages.xml:84
msgid ""
"I came to carry you back to the Soul Menhir. You can be the hero another "
msgstr "Vine a traerte devuelta al Soul Menhir. Puedes ser el héroe otro día"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: deadmessages.xml:13
msgid ""
"You've outlived your usefulness. Mommy now wants you to help with supper."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: deadmessages.xml:67
msgid "Critical Existence Failure."
msgstr "Falla de existencia crítica"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: deadmessages.xml:85
msgid "Next time, say thanks when you get off the bus."
msgstr "La próxima vez, di gracias cuando bajes de el autobús"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: deadmessages.xml:86
msgid "Is this a bug...? No, your character just died. Try again."
msgstr "¿Es esto un bug...? No, tu personaje solo murió, Intenta otra vez"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: deadmessages.xml:87
msgid "Congrats, you've met Jesusalva! Now back to the Menhir, noob!"
msgstr ""
"Felicidades, ¡has conocido a Jesusalva! Ahora devuelta al Menhir, ¡noob!"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: deadmessages.xml:88
msgid "Why you bully me!"
msgstr "¡Porque me molestas!"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: deadmessages.xml:89
msgid "The cake is a lie"
msgstr "El pastel es una mentira"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: deadmessages.xml:90
msgid "Medic!"
msgstr "¡Medico!"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: deadmessages.xml:91
msgid "Legends of your greatness and bravery won't be remembered."
msgstr "Las leyendas de tu grandeza y valentía no serán recordadas"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: deadmessages.xml:92
msgid "Don't be like manatauro."
msgstr "No seas como manatauro."

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: deadmessages.xml:93
msgid "The king of noobs salute you."
msgstr "El rey de los novatos te saluda."

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: deadmessages.xml:94
msgid "Walk towards the light."
msgstr "Camina hacia la luz."

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: deadmessages.xml:95
msgid "Uhm, is it too late to use that healing item I had saved up?"
msgstr ""
"Uhm, ¿es demasiado tarde para usar ese objeto curativo que había guardado?"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: deadmessages.xml:96
msgid "And thus, you return to dust; Fulfilling the prophecy."
msgstr "Y así, vuelve al polvo; Cumpliendo la profecía."

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: deadmessages.xml:97
msgid "Do you want your noob certificate now or later?"
msgstr "¿Quieres tu certificado de novato ahora o más tarde?"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: deadmessages.xml:98
msgid "It is good day to be not dead!"
msgstr "¡Es buen día para no estar muerto!"

#. (itstool) path: emote/sprite@name
#: emotes.xml:7
msgid "Disgust"
msgstr "disgusto"

#. (itstool) path: emote/sprite@name
#: emotes.xml:8
msgid "Surprise"
msgstr "Sorpresa"

#. (itstool) path: emote/sprite@name
#: emotes.xml:9
msgid "Happy"
msgstr "Feliz"

#. (itstool) path: emote/sprite@name
#: emotes.xml:10
msgid "Sad"
msgstr "Triste"

#. (itstool) path: emote/sprite@name
#: emotes.xml:11
msgid "Evil"
msgstr "Malvado"

#. (itstool) path: emote/sprite@name
#: emotes.xml:12
msgid "Wink"
msgstr "giño"

#. (itstool) path: emote/sprite@name
#: emotes.xml:13
msgid "Angel"
msgstr "Ángel"

#. (itstool) path: emote/sprite@name
#: emotes.xml:14
msgid "Blush"
msgstr "avergonzado "

#. (itstool) path: emote/sprite@name
#: emotes.xml:15
msgid "Tongue"
msgstr "Lengua"

#. (itstool) path: emote/sprite@name
#: emotes.xml:16
msgid "Grin"
msgstr "mueca"

#. (itstool) path: emote/sprite@name
#: emotes.xml:17
msgid "Upset"
msgstr "Enojado"

#. (itstool) path: emote/sprite@name
#: emotes.xml:18
msgid "Perturbed"
msgstr "Perturbado "

#. (itstool) path: emote/sprite@name
#: emotes.xml:19
msgid "Seriously"
msgstr "enserio"

#. #-#-#-#-#  emotes.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: emote/sprite@name
#. #-#-#-#-#  skills.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: emotes.xml:20 skills.xml:269
msgid "Speech"
msgstr "habla"

#. (itstool) path: emote/sprite@name
#: emotes.xml:21
msgid "Blah"
msgstr "bla"

#. (itstool) path: emote/sprite@name
#: emotes.xml:22
msgid "Swords"
msgstr "espadas"

#. (itstool) path: emote/sprite@name
#: emotes.xml:23
msgid "Thumb Up"
msgstr "Me gusta"

#. (itstool) path: emote/sprite@name
#: emotes.xml:24
msgid "Doubt"
msgstr "duda"

#. (itstool) path: groups/group@name
#. (itstool) path: groups/group@longName
#: groups.xml:11
msgid "Player"
msgstr "Jugador"

#. (itstool) path: groups/group@name
#. (itstool) path: groups/group@longName
#: groups.xml:35
msgid "Super Player"
msgstr "Super jugador"

#. (itstool) path: groups/group@name
#. (itstool) path: groups/group@longName
#: groups.xml:49
msgid "Support"
msgstr "Soporte"

#. (itstool) path: groups/group@name
#. (itstool) path: groups/group@longName
#: groups.xml:108
msgid "Developer"
msgstr "Desarrollador"

#. (itstool) path: groups/group@name
#. (itstool) path: groups/group@longName
#: groups.xml:137
msgid "Officer"
msgstr "oficial"

#. #-#-#-#-#  groups.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: groups/group@name
#. (itstool) path: groups/group@longName
#. #-#-#-#-#  monsters.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: groups.xml:187 monsters.xml:1585 monsters.xml:1591
msgid "Game Master"
msgstr "Maestro del juego"

#. (itstool) path: groups/group@name
#. (itstool) path: groups/group@longName
#: groups.xml:283
msgid "Administrator"
msgstr "Administrador"

#. (itstool) path: homunculuses/homunculus@name
#: homunculuses.xml:28
msgid "Mage"
msgstr "Mago"

#. (itstool) path: homunculuses/homunculus@name
#: homunculuses.xml:55
msgid "Tanker"
msgstr "Tanque"

#. (itstool) path: homunculuses/homunculus@name
#: homunculuses.xml:83
msgid "Agile"
msgstr "Ágil"

#. (itstool) path: homunculuses/homunculus@name
#: homunculuses.xml:114
msgid "Strong"
msgstr "Fuerte"

#. (itstool) path: homunculuses/homunculus@name
#: homunculuses.xml:141
msgid "Lucky"
msgstr "Suerte"

#. (itstool) path: homunculuses/homunculus@name
#: homunculuses.xml:168
msgid "Accurate"
msgstr "Preciso"

#. (itstool) path: homunculuses/homunculus@name
#: homunculuses.xml:193
msgid "All Rounder"
msgstr "todo más redondo"

#. (itstool) path: homunculuses/homunculus@name
#: homunculuses.xml:220
msgid "Superior Machine"
msgstr "Maquina superior"

#. (itstool) path: homunculuses/homunculus@name
#: homunculuses.xml:247
msgid "Elli"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:9 itemcolors.xml:89 itemcolors.xml:97
msgid "White"
msgstr "Blanco "

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:10
msgid "Black"
msgstr "Negro"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:11 itemcolors.xml:134
msgid "Silver"
msgstr "Plata"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:12
msgid "Camel"
msgstr "Camello"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:13
msgid "Brown"
msgstr "Marrón "

#. #-#-#-#-#  itemcolors.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#. #-#-#-#-#  items.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: itemcolors.xml:14 items.xml:716
msgid "Orange"
msgstr "Naranja"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:15
msgid "Dark Red"
msgstr "Rojo oscuro"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:16
msgid "Red"
msgstr "Rojo"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:17
msgid "Fuchsia"
msgstr "fucsia"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:18
msgid "Pink"
msgstr "Rosa"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:19
msgid "Mauve"
msgstr "Malva"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:20
msgid "Purple"
msgstr "Morado "

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:21 itemcolors.xml:50 itemcolors.xml:78
msgid "Navy Blue"
msgstr "Azul naval"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:22
msgid "Blue Gray"
msgstr "Gris azulado"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:23
msgid "Blue"
msgstr "Azul"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:24
msgid "Teal"
msgstr "Verde azulado"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:25
msgid "Green"
msgstr "Verde "

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:26
msgid "Lime"
msgstr "Lima"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:27
msgid "Khaki"
msgstr "Caqui"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:28
msgid "Yellow"
msgstr "Amarillo"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:29 itemcolors.xml:57 itemcolors.xml:90 itemcolors.xml:98
msgid "Crimson"
msgstr "Carmesí"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:30 itemcolors.xml:58 itemcolors.xml:91 itemcolors.xml:99
msgid "Chocolate"
msgstr "Chocolate"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:31 itemcolors.xml:59 itemcolors.xml:92 itemcolors.xml:100
msgid "Mint"
msgstr "Menta "

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:36 itemcolors.xml:64
msgid "Off Black"
msgstr "negro apagado"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:37 itemcolors.xml:65
msgid "Ash Brown"
msgstr "Marrón ceniza"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:38 itemcolors.xml:66
msgid "Dark Brown"
msgstr "Marrón oscuro"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:39 itemcolors.xml:67
msgid "Dark Copper"
msgstr "Cobre oscuro"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:40 itemcolors.xml:68
msgid "Auburn Brown"
msgstr "Castaño rojizo"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:41 itemcolors.xml:69
msgid "Honey Brown"
msgstr "Marrón Miel"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:42 itemcolors.xml:70
msgid "Copper Blonde"
msgstr "Rubio Cobre"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:43 itemcolors.xml:71
msgid "Golden Blonde"
msgstr "Rubio dorado"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:44 itemcolors.xml:72
msgid "Pure Platinum"
msgstr "Platino puro"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:45 itemcolors.xml:73
msgid "Cherry Blossom"
msgstr "Flor de cerezo"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:46 itemcolors.xml:74
msgid "Pinky Pink"
msgstr "rosa meñique"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:47 itemcolors.xml:75
msgid "Fire Red"
msgstr "Rojo fuego"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:48 itemcolors.xml:76
msgid "Light Violet"
msgstr "Violeta Claro"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:49 itemcolors.xml:77
msgid "Purple Plum"
msgstr "Ciruela morada"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:51 itemcolors.xml:79
msgid "Lagoon Blue"
msgstr "Laguna Azul"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:52 itemcolors.xml:80
msgid "Twisted Teal"
msgstr "Verde azulado retorcido"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:53 itemcolors.xml:81
msgid "Spring Green"
msgstr "Verde Primavera "

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:54 itemcolors.xml:82
msgid "Forest Green"
msgstr "Verde bosque "

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:55 itemcolors.xml:83
msgid "Silver Grey"
msgstr "Gris Plateado"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:56 itemcolors.xml:84
msgid "Esperia Blue"
msgstr "Azul Esperia"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:105
msgid "Gemless"
msgstr "Sin gema "

#. #-#-#-#-#  itemcolors.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#. #-#-#-#-#  items.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: itemcolors.xml:106 items.xml:1898
msgid "Diamond"
msgstr "Diamante"

#. #-#-#-#-#  itemcolors.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#. #-#-#-#-#  items.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: itemcolors.xml:107 items.xml:1904
msgid "Ruby"
msgstr "Ruby"

#. #-#-#-#-#  itemcolors.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#. #-#-#-#-#  items.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: itemcolors.xml:108 items.xml:1928
msgid "Amethyst"
msgstr "Amatista "

#. #-#-#-#-#  itemcolors.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#. #-#-#-#-#  items.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: itemcolors.xml:109 items.xml:1916
msgid "Sapphire"
msgstr "Zafiro "

#. #-#-#-#-#  itemcolors.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#. #-#-#-#-#  items.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: itemcolors.xml:110 items.xml:1922
msgid "Topaz"
msgstr "Topas"

#. #-#-#-#-#  itemcolors.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#. #-#-#-#-#  items.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: itemcolors.xml:111 items.xml:1910
msgid "Emerald"
msgstr "Esmeralda"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:116
msgid "Neutral"
msgstr "Neutral "

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:117
msgid "Water"
msgstr "Agua"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:118
msgid "Earth"
msgstr "Tierra"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:119
msgid "Fire"
msgstr "Fuego"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:120
msgid "Wind"
msgstr "Viento"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:121
msgid "Poison"
msgstr "Veneno"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:122
msgid "Holy"
msgstr "Sagrado"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:123
msgid "Shadow"
msgstr "Sombra"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:124
msgid "Ghost"
msgstr "Fantasma "

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:125
msgid "Undead"
msgstr "No muerto"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:130
msgid "Rock_brown"
msgstr "Marrón_roca"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:131
msgid "Rock_grey"
msgstr "Gris_roca"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:132
msgid "Rock_black"
msgstr "Negro_roca"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:133
msgid "Copper"
msgstr "Cobre"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:135
msgid "Gold"
msgstr "Oro"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:136
msgid "Platinum"
msgstr "Platino"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:137
msgid "Lead"
msgstr "Plomo"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:138
msgid "Tin"
msgstr "Estaño"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:139
msgid "Iridium"
msgstr "Iridio"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:140
msgid "Titanium"
msgstr "Titanio "

#. #-#-#-#-#  itemcolors.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#. #-#-#-#-#  stats.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: basic/stat@name
#: itemcolors.xml:145 stats.xml:14
msgid "Strength"
msgstr "Fuerza "

#. #-#-#-#-#  itemcolors.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#. #-#-#-#-#  stats.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: basic/stat@name
#: itemcolors.xml:146 stats.xml:20
msgid "Agility"
msgstr "Agilidad "

#. #-#-#-#-#  itemcolors.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#. #-#-#-#-#  stats.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: basic/stat@name
#: itemcolors.xml:147 stats.xml:26
msgid "Vitality"
msgstr "Vitalidad"

#. #-#-#-#-#  itemcolors.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#. #-#-#-#-#  stats.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: basic/stat@name
#: itemcolors.xml:148 stats.xml:32
msgid "Intelligence"
msgstr "Inteligencia "

#. #-#-#-#-#  itemcolors.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#. #-#-#-#-#  stats.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: basic/stat@name
#: itemcolors.xml:149 stats.xml:38
msgid "Dexterity"
msgstr "Destreza"

#. #-#-#-#-#  itemcolors.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#. #-#-#-#-#  stats.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: basic/stat@name
#: itemcolors.xml:150 stats.xml:44
msgid "Luck"
msgstr "Suerte"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:151
msgid "Life"
msgstr "Vida"

#. #-#-#-#-#  itemcolors.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#. #-#-#-#-#  stats.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: page/stat@name
#: itemcolors.xml:152 stats.xml:133
msgid "Mana"
msgstr "Mana"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:153
msgid "Dodge"
msgstr "Esquivar"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:154
msgid "Speed"
msgstr "Velocidad"

#. (itstool) path: required/field@description
#: itemfields.xml:11
msgid "Req. level %s"
msgstr "Requiere Nivel%s"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:42
msgid "Bald"
msgstr "Calvo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:45
msgid "Bowl Cut"
msgstr "Corte tazón"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:48
msgid "Combed Back"
msgstr "Peinado hacia atrás"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:51
msgid "Emo"
msgstr "Emo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:54
msgid "Mohawk"
msgstr "Mohicano"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:57
msgid "Pompadour"
msgstr "Copete"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:60
msgid "Center Parting"
msgstr "Partida central"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:63
msgid "Long and Slick"
msgstr "Largo y resbaladizo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:66
msgid "Short and Curly"
msgstr "Corto y rizado"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:69
msgid "Pigtails"
msgstr "Coletas"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:72
msgid "Long and Curly"
msgstr "Largo y rizado"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:75
msgid "Parted"
msgstr "Partidos"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:78
msgid "Perky Ponytail"
msgstr "Alegre cola de caballo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:81
msgid "Wave"
msgstr "Ola"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:84
msgid "Mane"
msgstr "Melena"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:87
msgid "Bun"
msgstr "Moño"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:90
msgid "Wavy"
msgstr "Ondulado"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:93
msgid "Bunches"
msgstr "Racimos"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:96
msgid "Long Ponytail"
msgstr "Cola de caballo larga"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:99
msgid "Infinitely Long"
msgstr "Infinitamente largo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:102
msgid "Choppy"
msgstr "Encrespado"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:105
msgid "Wild"
msgstr "Salvaje"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:108
msgid "Punk"
msgstr "Punk"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:111
msgid "Imperial"
msgstr "Imperial"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:114
msgid "Side Strand"
msgstr "Hebra lateral"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:117
msgid "Messy"
msgstr "Despeinado "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:120
msgid "Flat Ponytail"
msgstr "Cola de caballo plana"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:123
msgid "Tapered Nape"
msgstr "Nuca cónica"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:128
msgid "Kaizei Human"
msgstr "Humano de Kaizei"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:134
msgid "Argaes Human"
msgstr "Humano de Argaes"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:140
msgid "Tonori Human"
msgstr "Humano de Tonori"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:146
msgid "Elven"
msgstr "Elfo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:152
msgid "Orc"
msgstr "Orco"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:158
msgid "Raijin"
msgstr "Raijin"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:164
msgid "Tritan"
msgstr "Tritan"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:170
msgid "Ukar"
msgstr "Ukar"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:176
msgid "Redy"
msgstr "Redy"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:182
msgid "Savior Human"
msgstr "Humano salvador"

#. #-#-#-#-#  items.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#. #-#-#-#-#  monsters.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: items.xml:190 monsters.xml:18
msgid "Piou"
msgstr "Piou"

#. #-#-#-#-#  items.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#. #-#-#-#-#  monsters.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: items.xml:195 monsters.xml:129
msgid "Tipiou"
msgstr "Tipiou"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:200
msgid "Translator"
msgstr "Traductor"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:206
msgid "Senior Translator"
msgstr "Señor traductor"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:212
msgid "Piou Knight"
msgstr "Caballero Piou"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:227
msgid "Acorn"
msgstr "Bellota"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:227
msgid "A natural food, ingredient, bait or seed."
msgstr "Un alimento natural, ingrediente, cebo o semilla "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@useButton
#. (itstool) path: inventory/menu@name1
#. (itstool) path: inventory/menu@name2
#: items.xml:227 items.xml:233 items.xml:248 items.xml:257 items.xml:265
#: items.xml:273 items.xml:281 items.xml:289 items.xml:305 items.xml:313
#: items.xml:321 items.xml:330 items.xml:347 items.xml:355 items.xml:381
#: items.xml:403 items.xml:411 items.xml:460 items.xml:508 items.xml:517
#: items.xml:554 items.xml:562 items.xml:586 items.xml:603 items.xml:635
#: items.xml:643 items.xml:651 items.xml:659 items.xml:669 items.xml:685
#: items.xml:700 items.xml:724 items.xml:732 items.xml:740 items.xml:756
#: items.xml:764 items.xml:788 items.xml:796 items.xml:804 items.xml:812
#: items.xml:820 items.xml:828 items.xml:844 items.xml:852 items.xml:869
#: items.xml:949 items.xml:958 items.xml:966 items.xml:974 items.xml:982
#: items.xml:990 items.xml:1080 items.xml:1121 items.xml:1130 items.xml:1144
#: items.xml:1152 items.xml:1160 items.xml:1176 items.xml:1184 items.xml:1192
#: items.xml:1200 items.xml:1301 items.xml:1605 items.xml:8731 items.xml:9226
#: items.xml:9234 items.xml:9242 items.xml:9250 items.xml:9258 items.xml:9266
#: items.xml:9274 items.xml:9327 items.xml:9424 items.xml:9447
msgid "Eat"
msgstr "Comer"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:227 items.xml:347
msgid "Heal 1% HP"
msgstr "Cura 1% HP"

#. (itstool) path: inventory/menu@name1
#. (itstool) path: inventory/menu@name2
#. (itstool) path: items/item@useButton
#: items.xml:238 items.xml:1112 items.xml:1168 items.xml:8720 items.xml:8726
msgid "Plant"
msgstr "Plantar"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:248
msgid "Bread"
msgstr "Pan"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:248
msgid "A baked food, ingredient or bait."
msgstr "Un alimento horneado, ingrediente o cebo "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:248 items.xml:499 items.xml:756
msgid "Heal 4%-6% HP"
msgstr "Cura 4%-6% HP"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:257
msgid "Fungus"
msgstr "Hongo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:257
msgid "A peculiar food, ingredient or remedy against poison."
msgstr "Un alimento peculiar, ingrediente o remedio anti veneno"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:257
msgid "Damage -5%; Defense +5%; Heal 6%-9% HP"
msgstr "Daño -5%; Defensa +5%; Cura 6%-9% HP"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:265
msgid "Cheese"
msgstr "Queso"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:265
msgid "A yummy food, ingredient or bait."
msgstr "Una comida deliciosa, ingrediente o cebo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:265 items.xml:289 items.xml:517 items.xml:578 items.xml:764
msgid "Heal 6%-9% HP"
msgstr "Cura 6%-9% HP"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:273
msgid "Piou Legs"
msgstr "Patas de Piou"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:273 items.xml:990
msgid "A tender food or ingredient."
msgstr "Un alimento o ingrediente tierno."

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:273 items.xml:828
msgid "Heal 3%-5% HP"
msgstr "Cura 3%-5% HP"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:281
msgid "Lettuce Leaf"
msgstr "Hoja de Lechuga"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:281
msgid "A healthy food, ingredient or bait."
msgstr "Una comida saludable, ingrediente o cebo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:281
msgid "Heal 2%-3% HP"
msgstr "Cura 2%-3% HP"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:289
msgid "Piberries"
msgstr "Pibayas"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:289
msgid "The famous staining fruit."
msgstr "The famous staining fruit."

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:297
msgid "Sea Drops"
msgstr "Gotas de Mar"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:297
msgid "Yucky drops of salt water."
msgstr "Gotas asquerosas de agua salada."

#. (itstool) path: items/item@useButton
#: items.xml:297 items.xml:419 items.xml:427 items.xml:435 items.xml:443
#: items.xml:451 items.xml:570 items.xml:578 items.xml:595 items.xml:611
#: items.xml:619 items.xml:627 items.xml:677 items.xml:708 items.xml:716
#: items.xml:748 items.xml:772 items.xml:780 items.xml:933 items.xml:941
#: items.xml:998 items.xml:1006 items.xml:1014 items.xml:1040 items.xml:1048
#: items.xml:1056 items.xml:1064 items.xml:1096 items.xml:1104 items.xml:1339
#: items.xml:1348 items.xml:1356 items.xml:1364 items.xml:1372 items.xml:1380
#: items.xml:1388 items.xml:1396 items.xml:1404 items.xml:1412 items.xml:1420
#: items.xml:1428 items.xml:1436 items.xml:1444 items.xml:1452 items.xml:1460
#: items.xml:1468 items.xml:1477 items.xml:1485 items.xml:1493 items.xml:1589
#: items.xml:9335 items.xml:9343 items.xml:9351 items.xml:9359 items.xml:9367
#: items.xml:9383 items.xml:9415 items.xml:9469
msgid "Drink"
msgstr "Beber"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:297
msgid "Headache; Heal 4%-6% HP"
msgstr "Dolor de cabeza; Cura 4%-6% HP"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:305
msgid "Aquada"
msgstr "Aquada"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:305
msgid "A nutritious fruit of the sea."
msgstr "Un fruto nutritivo del mar."

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:305 items.xml:651 items.xml:788
msgid "Heal 10%-15% HP"
msgstr "Cura 10%-15% HP"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:313
msgid "Pink Blobime"
msgstr "Blobime Rosado"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:313
msgid "Yucky pink mucus of little blub."
msgstr "Moco rosa asqueroso de bulbo pequeño"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:313
msgid "Headache; Heal 2% HP"
msgstr "Dolor de cabeza; Cura 2%HP"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:321
msgid "Purple Blobime"
msgstr "Purple Blobime"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:321
msgid "Stinky purple mucus of blub."
msgstr "Moco púrpura apestoso de bulbo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:321
msgid "Stomach ache; Heal 3% HP"
msgstr "Dolor de estomago; Cura 3%HP"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:330
msgid "Half Croconut"
msgstr "Medio Croconut"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:330
msgid "Its inside seems delicious."
msgstr "Su interior parece delicioso."

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:330 items.xml:562 items.xml:570 items.xml:611 items.xml:627
#: items.xml:677 items.xml:708 items.xml:724 items.xml:732 items.xml:740
#: items.xml:748 items.xml:1121
msgid "Heal 8%-12% HP"
msgstr "Cura 8%-12% HP"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:338
msgid "Croconut"
msgstr "Croconut"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:338
msgid "Fallen from a crocotree, this fruit could be opened."
msgstr "Caído de un crocotree, esta fruta podría abrirse"

#. #-#-#-#-#  items.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: items/item@useButton
#. #-#-#-#-#  npcs.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: npc/menu@name
#: items.xml:338 items.xml:1214 items.xml:1231 items.xml:1239 items.xml:1247
#: items.xml:1255 items.xml:1263 items.xml:1271 items.xml:1279 items.xml:1287
#: items.xml:8977 items.xml:8986 items.xml:8994 items.xml:9002 items.xml:9010
#: items.xml:9018 items.xml:9026 items.xml:9034 items.xml:9042 items.xml:9050
#: items.xml:9058 items.xml:9282 items.xml:9290 items.xml:9298 items.xml:9305
#: items.xml:9312 items.xml:9319 npcs.xml:918 npcs.xml:923 npcs.xml:1223
#: npcs.xml:1494 npcs.xml:1499 npcs.xml:1504
msgid "Open"
msgstr "Abrir"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:338 items.xml:1222
msgid "Inedible"
msgstr "incomible"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:347
msgid "Caramel Candy"
msgstr "Dulce acaramelado"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:347
msgid ""
"Tasty delicacy usually made in winter, with love from grandmas. During "
"Winter, heals 10x more."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:355
msgid "Plushroom"
msgstr "Plushroom"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:355
msgid "A strange remedy with many possible uses."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:355
msgid "Attack Speed +5%; Heal 30-60 HP"
msgstr "Velocidad de ataque +5%; Cura 30-60 HP"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:363 items.xml:748
msgid "Pumpkin Juice"
msgstr "Jugo de calabaza"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@useButton
#: items.xml:363 items.xml:491 items.xml:499
msgid "Use"
msgstr "Usar"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:363
msgid "Blood-coloured juice from madly swarming pumpkin."
msgstr "Jugo color sangre de una calabaza enloquecida."

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:363
msgid "Heal 30-50 HP"
msgstr "Cura 30-50 HP"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:381
msgid "Delicious Cookie"
msgstr "Galleta Deliciosa"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:381
msgid ""
"Baked by Reid herself. People who ate it were not seen again for quite a "
msgstr ""
"Horneado por la propia Reid. Las personas que lo comieron no se volvieron a "
"ver durante bastante tiempo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:381 items.xml:9424 items.xml:9447
msgid "Unknown - Use with care!"
msgstr "Desconocido -¡Úsalo con cuidado!"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:403
msgid "Urchin Meat"
msgstr "Carne de niño pobre"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:403
msgid "A seafood ingredient."
msgstr "Un ingrediente de mariscos."

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:403
msgid "Heal 24%-40% HP"
msgstr "Cura 24%-40% HP"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:411
msgid "Easter Egg"
msgstr "Huevo de Pascua"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:411
msgid "A chocolate shell covered in a very thin metal layer."
msgstr "Una cáscara de chocolate cubierta por una capa de metal muy fina"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:411
msgid "Heal 8%-14% HP, During Easter: 24%-42% + Raise Precision"
msgstr "Cura 8%-14% HP, durante Pascua: 24%-42% + Incrementa Precisión "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:419
msgid "Piberries Infusion"
msgstr "Infusión de Pibayas"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:419
msgid "A potion made from piberries."
msgstr "Una poción hecha con bayas."

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:419 items.xml:9327
msgid "Heal 10%-18% HP"
msgstr "Cura 10%-18% HP"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:427
msgid "Fate's Potion"
msgstr "Poción del destino"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:427
msgid "An effective blood-loss remedy."
msgstr "Un remedio eficaz contra la pérdida de sangre"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:427
msgid "Heal 20%-36% HP"
msgstr "Cura 20%-36% HP"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:435
msgid "Clotho Liquor"
msgstr "Licor de Clotho"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:435
msgid "Remedy used in feral warrior training sessions."
msgstr "Remedio utilizado en sesiones de entrenamiento de guerreros salvajes"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:435
msgid "Heal 30%-54% HP"
msgstr "Cura 30%-54% HP"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:443
msgid "Lachesis Brew"
msgstr "Infusión de lachesis"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:443
msgid "Rare, powerful and restricted remedy."
msgstr "Raro, poderoso y estricto remedio"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:443
msgid "Heal 40%-72% HP"
msgstr "Cura 40%-72% HP"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:451
msgid "Atropos Mixture"
msgstr "Mezcla de Atropos"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:451
msgid "The most advanced potion ever synthesized."
msgstr "La poción más avanzada jamás sintetizada"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:451
msgid "Heal 50%-90% HP"
msgstr "Cura 50%-90% HP"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:460
msgid "Elixir Of Life"
msgstr "Elixir de Vida"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:460
msgid "A potion able to restore even dead trees to life."
msgstr "Una poción capaz de devolver la vida incluso a árboles muertos"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:460
msgid "Complete Healing"
msgstr "Curación completa"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:469
msgid "Iron Shovel"
msgstr "Pala de Hierro"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@useButton
#. (itstool) path: inventory/menu@name1
#. (itstool) path: inventory/menu@name2
#: items.xml:469 items.xml:475
msgid "Dig"
msgstr "Cavar"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:469 items.xml:491
msgid "Discover treasures, dungeons and raw materials."
msgstr "Descubre tesoros, mazmorras y materiales prima"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:469 items.xml:491
msgid "Dig holes"
msgstr "Cavar hoyos"

#. (itstool) path: inventory/menu@name1
#. (itstool) path: inventory/menu@name2
#: items.xml:480
msgid "Bury"
msgstr "Enterrar"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:491
msgid "Steel Shovel"
msgstr "Pala de acero"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:499
msgid "Manana"
msgstr "Mañana"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:499
msgid "A fast healing fruit."
msgstr "Una fruta de rápida curación"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:508
msgid "Curshroom"
msgstr "Curshroom"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:508
msgid "A strange remedy of many possible uses, cures poison."
msgstr "Un remedio extraño de muchos usos posibles, cura el veneno"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:508
msgid "Damage per second up; Heal 18%-27% HP"
msgstr "Daño por segundo aumentado; Cura 18%-27% HP"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:517
msgid "Carrot"
msgstr "Zanahoria"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:517
msgid ""
"Good in various recipes, and loved by bunnies. During Easter and Valentine, "
"heals 3x more."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:525
msgid "Jesusaves's Grimorium"
msgstr "Grimorium de Jesusaves"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:525
msgid ""
"A grimorium said to light the path to the Secret Of Mana. The book writes "
"itself on its own."
msgstr ""
"Un grimorium dijo que iluminara el camino hacia el Secreto de Mana. El libro"
" se escribe solo"

#. #-#-#-#-#  items.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: items/item@useButton
#. #-#-#-#-#  npcs.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: npc/menu@name
#: items.xml:525 items.xml:532 items.xml:539 items.xml:546 items.xml:692
#: items.xml:924 items.xml:1573 items.xml:1581 items.xml:1612 items.xml:8865
#: items.xml:8873 items.xml:8881 items.xml:8889 items.xml:8897 items.xml:8907
#: items.xml:8915 items.xml:8923 items.xml:8931 items.xml:8939 items.xml:8949
#: items.xml:8959 npcs.xml:102
msgid "Read"
msgstr "Leer"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:532
msgid "Fluffy Animals who Love Their Owners"
msgstr "Animales mullidos que aman a sus dueños"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:532
msgid "A quick guide to introduce pet caring."
msgstr "Una guía rápida para introducir el cuidado de mascotas"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:539
msgid "The Book of Laws"
msgstr "El libro de las reglas"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:539
msgid ""
"The laws respected and upheld in the World Of Mana, and enforced by the "
msgstr ""
"Las leyes respetadas y defendidas en el mundo de Mana, y aplicadas por la "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:546
msgid "Fishing Guide Vol. I"
msgstr "Guía de pesca Vol. I"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:546
msgid "A small book that covers the basics of fishing."
msgstr "Un pequeño libro que cubre los conceptos básicos de la pesca"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:554
msgid "Roasted Maggot"
msgstr "Gusano asado"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:554
msgid "A surprisingly tasty and crunchy snack!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:554
msgid "Heal 9%-15% HP"
msgstr "Cura 9%-15% HP"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:562
msgid "Red Apple"
msgstr "Manzana roja"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:562
msgid "A healthy apple."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:570
msgid "Cactus Potion"
msgstr "Poción de cactus"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:570
msgid "A special potion, good for use in the desert."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:578
msgid "Cactus Drink"
msgstr "Bebida de cactus"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:578
msgid "A small drink, popular in arid places."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:586
msgid "Apana Cake"
msgstr "Pastel de Apana"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:586
msgid "A very tiny cake!"
msgstr "¡Un pastel muy pequeño!"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:586
msgid "Heal 36%-63% HP"
msgstr "Cura 36%-63% HP"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:595
msgid "Blue Berries"
msgstr "Bayas azules"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:595
msgid "Nearly bursting with sweet juice."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:595
msgid "Heal 1% HP. During Spring, heals 10x more"
msgstr "Cura 1% HP durante primavera, cura 10x más"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:603
msgid "Candy"
msgstr "Dulce"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:603
msgid "A sweet for you."
msgstr "Un dulce para ti"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:603
msgid "Heal 2% HP"
msgstr "Cura 2% HP"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:611
msgid "Bottle Of Sea Water"
msgstr "Botella de agua de mar"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:611
msgid "Very salty. Drink with caution."
msgstr "Muy salado. Beber con precaución"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:619
msgid "Candy Cane"
msgstr "Bastón de caramelo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:619
msgid "Sugary candy cane."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:619 items.xml:685
msgid "Heal 4% HP"
msgstr "Cura4% HP"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:627
msgid "Cherry"
msgstr "Cereza "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:627
msgid "Natural treat."
msgstr "tratamiento natural"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:635
msgid "Cherry Cake"
msgstr "pastel de cereza"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:635
msgid "A mouth-watering cherry cake."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:635 items.xml:852
msgid "Heal 12%-20% HP"
msgstr "Cura 12%-20% HP"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:643
msgid "Chicken Leg"
msgstr "Pata de pollo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:643
msgid "A big chunk of chicken meat, still on the bone."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:643 items.xml:796 items.xml:966
msgid "Heal 15%-25% HP"
msgstr "Cura 15%-25% HP"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:651
msgid "Chocolate Mouboo"
msgstr "Mouboo de chocolate"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:651
msgid "Chocolate!"
msgstr "¡Chocolate!"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:659
msgid "Ginger Bread Man"
msgstr "Hombre de pan de jengibre"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:659
msgid "A spicy ginger bread man."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:659
msgid "Heal 4% HP. During winter, heals 10%."
msgstr "Cura 4% HP. Durante invierno, cura 10%"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:669
msgid "Golden Apple"
msgstr "Manzana dorada"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:669
msgid "A golden apple. Taken from a tree of many fruits from a distant world."
msgstr ""
"Una manzana dorada. Tomada de un árbol de muchos frutos de un mundo lejano."

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:669
msgid "Temporary Regeneration Effect"
msgstr "Efecto de regeneración temporal"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:677
msgid "Jar Of Blood"
msgstr "Jarra de sangre"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:677
msgid "Disgusting jar of blood...for all your bloody needs."
msgstr "Asqueroso tarro de sangre... para todas tus malditas necesidades"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:685
msgid "Jelly Beans"
msgstr "Frijolitos confitados"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:685
msgid "Unhealthy, but first and foremost, yummy!"
msgstr "Insalubre, pero ante todo, ¡delicioso!"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:692
msgid "Recipe Book"
msgstr "Libro de recetas"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:692
msgid "Wow! So many recipes you've collected in your lifetime!"
msgstr "¡Guauu! ¡Tantas recetas que has recopilado en tu vida!"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:700
msgid "Marshmallow"
msgstr "Malvavisco"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:700
msgid "Sweet drop."
msgstr "gota dulce"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:700
msgid "Heal 7% HP"
msgstr "Cura 7% HP"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:708
msgid "Mouboo Milk"
msgstr "Leche de Mouboo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:708
msgid "A refreshing drink from the monsters of TMW."
msgstr "Una bebida refrescante de los monstruos de TMW"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:716
msgid "A juicy orange."
msgstr "Una naranja jugosa"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:716
msgid "Heal 75-120 HP"
msgstr "Cura 75-120 HP"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:724
msgid "Orange Cupcake"
msgstr "Magdalena de naranja"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:724
msgid "A tangy orange cupcake. Made from real oranges."
msgstr "Una magdalena de naranja picante. Hecho de naranjas reales"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:732
msgid "Pear"
msgstr "Pera"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:732
msgid "A healthy pear."
msgstr "Una pera saludable"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:740
msgid "Honey"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:740
msgid "Delicious honey you bottled up from a beehive."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:748
msgid "Fresh pumpkin juice."
msgstr "Jugo de calabaza fresco"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:756
msgid "Pumpkin Seed"
msgstr "Semilla de calabaza "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:756
msgid "Seeds from pumpkins."
msgstr "Semillas de calabazas"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:764
msgid "Big Pumpkin Seed"
msgstr "Semilla de calabaza grande"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:764
msgid "Seeds from big pumpkins."
msgstr "Semillas de calabazas grandes"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:772
msgid "Skull Bloody Mug"
msgstr "Taza Calavera sangrienta"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:772
msgid "I wouldn't drink from that."
msgstr "No bebería de eso"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:772
msgid "Heal 4 HP"
msgstr "Cura 4HP"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:780
msgid "Death Potion"
msgstr "Poción de muerte"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:780
msgid "A bottle containing a potent poison."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:780
msgid "Kills user"
msgstr "Mata al usuario"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:788
msgid "Small Mushroom"
msgstr "Seta pequeña"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:788
msgid "A mushroom."
msgstr "Una seta"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:796
msgid "Mouboo Steak"
msgstr "Filete Mouboo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:796
msgid "A tasty piece of steak."
msgstr "Un sabroso trozo de bistec"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:804
msgid "Tonori Delight"
msgstr "Deleitoso Tonori"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:804
msgid "A treat exquisite."
msgstr "Un capricho exquisito"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:804
msgid "Heal 8%-14% HP, 32-96 MP"
msgstr "Cura 8%-14% HP, 32-96 MP"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:812
msgid "Xmas Cake"
msgstr "Pastel de navidad"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:812
msgid "A sweet Christmas cake."
msgstr "Un dulce pastel de Navidad"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:812
msgid "Heal 100-400 HP. (Triple during Christmas)"
msgstr "Cura 100-400 HP. (el triple durante navidad)"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:820
msgid "Xmas Candy Cane"
msgstr "Bastón de caramelo de Navidad"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:820
msgid "A special Christmas candy cane."
msgstr "Un bastón de caramelo navideño especial"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:820
msgid "Heal 80-350 HP. (Triple during Christmas)"
msgstr "Cura 80-350 HP. (el triple durante navidad)"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:828
msgid "Zombie Nachos"
msgstr "Nachos zombie"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:828
msgid "Zombies love this dish."
msgstr "A los zombis les encanta este plato"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:836
msgid "Chocolate Biscuit"
msgstr "galletas de chocolate"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:836
msgid "A chocolate biscuit."
msgstr "Una galleta de chocolate"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@useButton
#: items.xml:836
msgid "Yummy!"
msgstr "¡delicioso! "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:836
msgid "Heal 18%-27% HP"
msgstr "Cura 18%-27%HP"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:844
msgid "Chocolate Bar"
msgstr "Barra de chocolate"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:844
msgid "A chocolate bar."
msgstr "Una barra de chocolate"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:844
msgid "Heal 9% HP"
msgstr "Cura 9% HP"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:852
msgid "Cave Snake Egg"
msgstr "Huevo de serpiente de cueva"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:852
msgid "For omelettes."
msgstr "Para tortillas"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:861
msgid "Smoke Grenade"
msgstr "Granada de humo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:861
msgid "Freezes all nearby monsters long enough for you to flee."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@useButton
#: items.xml:861 items.xml:1597 items.xml:9375
msgid "Explode"
msgstr "Explota"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:861
msgid "Splash Sleep"
msgstr "Splash de sueño"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:869
msgid "Bug Leg"
msgstr "Pata de insecto"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:869
msgid "Small but strong! ...Are you really gonna eat that?"
msgstr "¡Pequeño pero fuerte! ... ¿De verdad te vas a comer eso?"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:869
msgid "Heal 8-14 HP"
msgstr "Cura 8-14 HP"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:876
msgid "Toothbrush"
msgstr "Cepillo de dientes"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:876
msgid "To keep that beautiful smile going."
msgstr "Para mantener esa hermosa sonrisa"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@useButton
#: items.xml:876
msgid "Break"
msgstr "Romper"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:884
msgid "Bronze Gift"
msgstr "Regalo de bronce"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:884 items.xml:892 items.xml:900 items.xml:908 items.xml:916
msgid "Wow! A Gift Box! What wonders are inside?"
msgstr "¡Guauu! ¡Una caja de regalo! ¿Qué maravillas hay dentro?"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@useButton
#: items.xml:884 items.xml:892 items.xml:900 items.xml:908 items.xml:916
#: items.xml:1072 items.xml:9391 items.xml:9399 items.xml:9407
msgid "Unwrap"
msgstr "Abrir"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:892
msgid "Silver Gift"
msgstr "Regalo de plata"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:900
msgid "Golden Gift"
msgstr "Regalo de oro"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:908
msgid "Prism Gift"
msgstr "regalo de prisma"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:916
msgid "Supreme Gift"
msgstr "Regalo supremo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:924
msgid "Desert Tablet"
msgstr "Tabla del desierto"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:924
msgid "A tablet found in the sand ocean."
msgstr "Una tabla encontrada en la arena del océano"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:933
msgid "Bottle Of Divine Water"
msgstr "Botella de agua divina"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:933
msgid "Very tasty water."
msgstr "Agua muy sabrosa"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:933
msgid "Heal 20%-30% HP (in Aeros, heals 40-70%)"
msgstr "Cura 20%-30% HP (en Aeros, Cura 40-70%)"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:941
msgid "Tonori Water"
msgstr "Agua de Tonori"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:941
msgid "A bottle of tonori water."
msgstr "Una botella de agua de Tonori"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:941
msgid "Heal 180-800 HP"
msgstr "Cura 180-800 HP"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:949
msgid "Chocolate Bunny"
msgstr "Conejo de choclate"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:949
msgid "A delicious chocolate bunny."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:949
msgid "Heal 12%-18% HP"
msgstr "Cura 12%-18% HP"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:958
msgid "Divine Apple"
msgstr "Manzana Divina"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:958
msgid "A Divine Apple"
msgstr "Una manzana Divina"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:958
msgid "Heal 35%-63% HP"
msgstr "Cura 35%-63% HP"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:966 items.xml:7546
msgid "Snake Egg"
msgstr "Huevo de serpiente"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:966
msgid "An edible snake egg"
msgstr "Un huevo de serpiente comestible"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:974
msgid "Mountain Snake Egg"
msgstr "Huevo de serpiente de montaña"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:974
msgid "An edible mountain snake egg."
msgstr "Un huevo de serpiente de montaña comestible"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:974
msgid "Heal 18%-30% HP"
msgstr "Cura 18%-30% HP"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:982
msgid "Chagashroom"
msgstr "Seta chaga"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:982
msgid "A strange remedy of many possible uses."
msgstr "Un remedio extraño de muchos usos posibles."

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:982
msgid "Damage +5%; Heal 30-60 HP"
msgstr "Daño +5%; Cura 30-60 HP"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:990
msgid "Pinkie Leg"
msgstr "pata rosada"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:990
msgid "Heal 45-75 HP"
msgstr "Cura 45-75 HP"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:998
msgid "Haste Potion"
msgstr "Poción de prisa"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:998
msgid "Formely known as Concentration Potion, this is made of plushrooms."
msgstr ""
"Anteriormente conocida como poción de concentración, está hecha de setas "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:998
msgid "Attack Speed +30%"
msgstr "Velocidad de ataque +30%"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1006
msgid "Strength Potion"
msgstr "Poción de fuerza "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1006
msgid "Formely known as Iron Potion, this is made of chagashrooms."
msgstr ""
"Anteriormente conocida como poción de hierro, está hecha de setas chaga"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:1006
msgid "Attack Power +30%"
msgstr "Poder de ataque +30%"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1014
msgid "Sewer Water"
msgstr "Agua de alcantarilla"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1014
msgid "Want to be sick?"
msgstr "¿Quieres enfermarte?"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:1014
msgid "Heal 18-40 HP"
msgstr "Cura 18-40 HP"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1023
msgid "Pirate Treasure Map"
msgstr "Mapa del tesoro pirata"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1023
msgid "It's time to become rich!"
msgstr " ¡es tiempo de volverse rico!"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@useButton
#: items.xml:1023 items.xml:1031
msgid "Blame Saulc"
msgstr "Culpa a Saulc"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1031
msgid "Mysterious Bottle"
msgstr "Botella misteriosa "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1031
msgid "What's inside? Perhaps... a Treasure Map?"
msgstr "¿Qué hay adentro? Quizás... ¿un mapa del tesoro?"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1040
msgid "Celestia's Tea"
msgstr "Té de Celestia"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1040
msgid "A lovely tea from a lovely person. It's deathly cold."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:1040
msgid "Heal 15% MP, -5% HP"
msgstr "Cura 15% MP, -5% HP"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1048
msgid "Cactus Cocktail"
msgstr "Cóctel de cactus"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1048
msgid "A typical dessert cocktail. During Summer, heals 3x more"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:1048
msgid "Heal 90-260 HP"
msgstr "Cura 90-260 HP"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1056
msgid "Apple Cocktail"
msgstr "Cóctel  de manzana"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1056
msgid "Drink appreciated by vikings. During Summer, heals 3x more"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:1056
msgid "Heal 130-307 HP, 10-25 MP"
msgstr "Cura 130-307 HP, 10-25 MP"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1064
msgid "Cherry Cocktail"
msgstr "Cóctel de cereza"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1064
msgid "Let's cool yourself. During Summer, heals 3x more."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:1064
msgid "Heal 165-395 HP"
msgstr "Cura 165-395 HP"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1072
msgid "Friend Gift"
msgstr "Regalo de amigo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1072
msgid "Sent by your friend. Can be opened at level 5."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1080
msgid "Black Mamba Egg"
msgstr "Huevo de mamba negra"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1080
msgid "An edible black mamba egg."
msgstr "Un huevo de mamba negro comestible"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:1080
msgid "Heal 21%-35% HP"
msgstr "Cura 21%-35% HP"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1088
msgid "Time Flask"
msgstr "Matraz de tiempo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1088
msgid "Contains Ozthokk's time-space technology."
msgstr "Contiene la tecnología espacio-temporal de Ozthokk"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@useButton
#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:1088
msgid "Teleport"
msgstr "Teletransportar"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1096
msgid "Nightshade Tea"
msgstr "Té de sombra nocturna"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1096
msgid "Dangerous stuff, do not drink. You have been warned."
msgstr "Cosas peligrosas, no bebas. Usted ha sido advertido."

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:1096
msgid "Attack Speed +70%, MP Heal, may poison."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1104
msgid "Woodland Water"
msgstr "Agua del bosque"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1104
msgid "A bottle of woodland water."
msgstr "Una botella de agua del bosque"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:1104
msgid "Heal 300-700 HP"
msgstr "Cura 300-700 HP"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1112
msgid "Fertilized Spores"
msgstr "Esporas fertilizadas"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1112
msgid "You can plant it to colect some shrooms."
msgstr "Puedes plantarlo para recolectar algunos hongos"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1121
msgid "Potatoz"
msgstr "papata"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1121
msgid "A tasty potatoz."
msgstr "Una deliciosa patata"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1130
msgid "Manapple"
msgstr "Manzana de mana"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1130
msgid "A rare apple with magic properties."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:1130
msgid "Heal 30%-54% HP. MP Healing."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1136
msgid "Lock Picks"
msgstr "Ganzúas "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1136
msgid "You could try to open these vaults loaded with money..."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1144
msgid "Lawncandy"
msgstr "Dulce de lawn"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1144
msgid "A delicious candy. During Autumn, heals 10x more"
msgstr "Un dulce delicioso. Durante el otoño, cura 10x más"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:1144 items.xml:1152 items.xml:1160
msgid "Heal 33-99 HP"
msgstr "Cura 33-99 HP"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1152
msgid "Saulcandy"
msgstr "Dulce de Saulc"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1152
msgid "Probably the most buggy Candy. During Autumn, heals 10x more"
msgstr "Probablemente el dulce más bugeado. Durante otoño, Cura 10x más"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1160
msgid "Poocandy"
msgstr "Dulce de Poo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1160
msgid "Kid candy yummy. During Autumn, heals 10x more"
msgstr "Deliciosos dulces para niños. Durante el otoño, cura 10x más"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1168
msgid "Pumpkandy Seed"
msgstr "Semilla de calabaza de dulces"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1168
msgid "Use them at the right moment, if you want to collect some sweet candy."
msgstr "Úsalos en el momento adecuado, si quieres recolectar algunos dulces"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:1168
msgid "Plant Pumpkandy"
msgstr "Plantar calabaza de dulces"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1176
msgid "Small Chocolate Bar"
msgstr "Pequeña barra de chocolate"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1176
msgid ""
"A chocolate bar, you can easily place it in your pocket! Don't forget it "
"when you want to wash your pants!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:1176
msgid "Heal 70-150 HP"
msgstr "Cura 70-150 HP"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1184
msgid "Pumpkin Lollipop"
msgstr "Paleta de calabaza"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1184
msgid "A lollipop with delicious pumpkin flavor."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:1184
msgid "Attack Speed +10%, Heal 40-70 HP"
msgstr "Velocidad de ataque +10%, Cura 40-70 HP"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1192
msgid "Love Lollipop"
msgstr "Paleta de amor"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1192
msgid "A lovely lollipop with delicious taste of apple."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:1192
msgid "Damage +5%; Heal 1-500 HP"
msgstr "Daño +5%; Cura 1-500 HP"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1200
msgid "Manapop"
msgstr "Paleta de mana"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1200
msgid "You can now taste Mana in your mouth."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:1200
msgid "Heal 1-500 MP"
msgstr "Cura 1-500 MP"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1207
msgid "Scholarship Tuition"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1207
msgid "Grants an academic vouch when used."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@useButton
#: items.xml:1207
msgid "Enroll"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1214
msgid "Christmas Present Box"
msgstr "Caja de regalo de Navidad"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1214 items.xml:2366
msgid "What does it contain?"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1222
msgid "Empty Box"
msgstr "Caja vacía"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1222
msgid "May attract felines."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@useButton
#: items.xml:1222
msgid "Fill"
msgstr "Llenar"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1231
msgid "Tolchi Arrow Ammo Box"
msgstr "Caja de munición de flecha Tolchi"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1231 items.xml:1239 items.xml:1247 items.xml:1255 items.xml:1263
#: items.xml:1271 items.xml:1279 items.xml:1287
msgid "Contains roughly 200 arrows for your shooting purposes."
msgstr "Contiene aproximadamente 200 flechas para tus propósitos de tiro"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1239
msgid "Training Arrow Ammo Box"
msgstr "Caja de munición de flecha de entrenamiento"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1247
msgid "Standard Arrow Ammo Box"
msgstr "Caja de munición de flecha estándar"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1255
msgid "Iron Arrow Ammo Box"
msgstr "Caja de munición de flecha de hierro"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1263
msgid "Cursed Arrow Ammo Box"
msgstr "Caja de munición de flecha maldita"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1271
msgid "Poison Arrow Ammo Box"
msgstr "Caja de munición de flecha venenosa"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1279
msgid "Thorn Arrow Ammo Box"
msgstr "Caja de munición de flecha espinosa"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1287
msgid "Bone Arrow Ammo Box"
msgstr "Caja de munición de flecha de hueso"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1294
msgid "Return Potion"
msgstr "Poción de retorno"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1294
msgid "Returns you back to the Soul Menhir. Expires rapidly."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@useButton
#: items.xml:1294 items.xml:1501 items.xml:1509 items.xml:1517 items.xml:1525
#: items.xml:1533 items.xml:1541 items.xml:1549 items.xml:1557 items.xml:1565
msgid "Warp"
msgstr "Warp"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1301
msgid "Box Of Chocolates"
msgstr "Caja de chocolates"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1301
msgid "Someone thought of you this Valentine."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1308
msgid "Housing Letter I"
msgstr "Carta de vivienda I"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1308
msgid "Grants to holder an amount worth 10,000 GP in housing credits."
msgstr "Otorga al titular una cantidad de 10.000 GP en créditos para vivienda"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1315
msgid "Housing Letter II"
msgstr "Carta de vivienda II"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1315
msgid "Grants to holder an amount worth 100,000 GP in housing credits."
msgstr ""
"Otorga al titular una cantidad de 100.000 GP en créditos para vivienda"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1322
msgid "Housing Letter III"
msgstr "Carta de vivienda III"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1322
msgid "Grants to holder an amount worth 1,000,000 GP in housing credits."
msgstr ""
"otorga al titular una cantidad de 1.000.000 GP en créditos de vivienda"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1331
msgid "Status Reset Potion"
msgstr "Poción de restablecimiento "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1331
msgid "Resets all your status points. Seems dangerous."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@useButton
#: items.xml:1331 items.xml:9478
msgid "Reset"
msgstr "Reiniciar"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:1331
msgid "Status Reset"
msgstr "Restablecido "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1339
msgid "Movement Potion"
msgstr "Poción de movimiento"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1339
msgid "The Move Speed Potion lets you rush like a mad bull."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:1339
msgid "Move rapidly for a few seconds"
msgstr "Muévete rápidamente durante unos segundos"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1348
msgid "Precision Potion"
msgstr "Poción de precisión"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1348
msgid "Cannot hit a monster? The true Concentration Potion will help you out!"
msgstr ""
"¿No puedes golpear a un monstruo? ¡La verdadera poción de concentración te "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:1348
msgid "Hit +40"
msgstr "acertar +40"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1356
msgid "Luck Potion"
msgstr "Poción de suerte"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1356 items.xml:1364 items.xml:1372
msgid "I am so lucky today!"
msgstr "¡Tengo tanta suerte hoy!"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:1356
msgid "Minor Luck Boost"
msgstr "Aumento menor de suerte"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1364
msgid "Luck+ Potion"
msgstr "Poción de suerte +"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:1364
msgid "Medium Luck Boost"
msgstr "Aumento de suerte medio"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1372
msgid "Luck++ Potion"
msgstr "Poción de suerte ++"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:1372
msgid "Huge Luck Boost"
msgstr "Gran aumento de suerte"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1380
msgid "Dexterity Potion"
msgstr "Poción de destreza"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1380 items.xml:1388 items.xml:1396
msgid "I am so accurate today!"
msgstr "¡Soy tan preciso hoy!"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:1380
msgid "Minor Dexterity Boost"
msgstr "Aumento de destreza menor"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1388
msgid "Dexterity+ Potion"
msgstr "Poción de destreza +"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:1388
msgid "Medium Dexterity Boost"
msgstr "Aumento de destreza medio"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1396
msgid "Dexterity++ Potion"
msgstr "Poción de destreza ++"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:1396
msgid "Huge Dexterity Boost"
msgstr "Gran aumento de destreza"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1404
msgid "Intelligence Potion"
msgstr "Poción de inteligencia "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1404 items.xml:1412 items.xml:1420
msgid "I am so intelligent today!"
msgstr "¡Soy tan inteligente hoy!"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:1404
msgid "Minor Intelligence Boost"
msgstr "Aumento de inteligencia menor"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1412
msgid "Intelligence+ Potion"
msgstr "Poción de inteligencia +"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:1412
msgid "Medium Intelligence Boost"
msgstr "Aumento de inteligencia medio"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1420
msgid "Intelligence++ Potion"
msgstr "Poción de inteligencia ++"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:1420
msgid "Huge Intelligence Boost"
msgstr "Gran aumento de inteligencia "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1428
msgid "Vitality Potion"
msgstr "Poción de vitalidad "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1428 items.xml:1436 items.xml:1444
msgid "I am so sturdy today!"
msgstr "¡Soy tan robusto hoy!"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:1428
msgid "Minor Vitality Boost"
msgstr "Aumento de vitalidad menor"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1436
msgid "Vitality+ Potion"
msgstr "Poción de vitalidad +"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:1436
msgid "Medium Vitality Boost"
msgstr "Aumento de vitalidad medio"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1444
msgid "Vitality++ Potion"
msgstr "Poción de vitalidad ++"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:1444
msgid "Huge Vitality Boost"
msgstr "Gran aumento de  vitalidad"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1452
msgid "Agility Potion"
msgstr "Poción de agilidad"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1452 items.xml:1460 items.xml:1468
msgid "I am so agile today!"
msgstr "¡Soy tan ágil hoy!"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:1452
msgid "Minor Agility Boost"
msgstr "Aumento menor de agilidad"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1460
msgid "Agility+ Potion"
msgstr "Poción de agilidad +"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:1460
msgid "Medium Agility Boost"
msgstr "Aumento de agilidad medio"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1468
msgid "Agility++ Potion"
msgstr "Poción de agilidad ++"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:1468
msgid "Huge Agility Boost"
msgstr "Gran impulso de agilidad"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1477
msgid "Sacred Life Potion"
msgstr "Poción de vida sagrada"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1477
msgid "Made with the leaves from the tree of life, temporarily boosts max HP."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:1477
msgid "TEMPMAX HP +15%"
msgstr "Vida máxima temporal HP +15%"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1485
msgid "Sacred Mana Potion"
msgstr "Poción de maná sagrada"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1485
msgid "Made with the leaves of the mana tree, temporarily boosts max HP."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:1485
msgid "MAX MP +10%"
msgstr "Temporalmente aumenta maximo de MP +10%"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1493
msgid "Dodge Potion"
msgstr "poción de evadir"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1493
msgid "Can't handle the damage? Have you tried... Dodging?"
msgstr "¿No puedes soportar el daño? ¿Has intentado... esquivar?"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:1493
msgid "Flee +40"
msgstr "Huir +40"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1501
msgid "Candor Warp Crystal"
msgstr "Cristal de warp de Candor"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1501
msgid "The magical lands of Candor"
msgstr "Las tierras mágicas de Candor"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:1501
msgid "Warp to Candor"
msgstr "Warp a Candor"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1509
msgid "Tulimshar Warp Crystal"
msgstr "Cristal de warp de Tulimshar"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1509 items.xml:1517
msgid "The desert lands of Tonori"
msgstr "Las tierras desérticas de Tonori"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:1509
msgid "Warp to Tulimshar"
msgstr "Warp a Tulimshar"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1517
msgid "Halinarzo Warp Crystal"
msgstr "Cristal de warp a Halinarzo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:1517
msgid "Warp to Halinarzo"
msgstr "Warp a Halinarzo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1525
msgid "Hurnscald Warp Crystal"
msgstr "Cristal de warp para Hurnscald"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1525
msgid "The forested lands of Argaes"
msgstr "Las tierras boscosas de Argaes"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:1525
msgid "Warp to Hurnscald"
msgstr "Warp a Hurnscald"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1533
msgid "LoF Warp Crystal"
msgstr "Warp a LOF"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1533
msgid "The steampunk land of Fire"
msgstr "La tierra steampunk del fuego"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:1533
msgid "Warp to LoF Village"
msgstr "Warp a la aldea de LoF"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1541
msgid "Nivalis Warp Crystal"
msgstr "Cristal warp a Nivalis"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1541 items.xml:1549
msgid "The frozen lands of Kaizei"
msgstr "Las tierras heladas de Kaizei"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:1541
msgid "Warp to Nivalis"
msgstr "Warp a Nivalis"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1549
msgid "Frostia Warp Crystal"
msgstr "Cristal de warp a Frostia"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:1549
msgid "Warp to Frostia"
msgstr "Warp a Frostia"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1557
msgid "Lilit Warp Crystal"
msgstr "Cristal de warp a Lilit"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1557
msgid "The magical lands of fairies"
msgstr "Las tierras mágicas de las hadas"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:1557
msgid "Warp to Lilit"
msgstr "Warp a Lilit"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1565
msgid "Artis Warp Crystal"
msgstr "Cristal de warp de Artis"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1565
msgid "The survivors of the Great Fire"
msgstr "Los sobrevivientes del gran fuego"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:1565
msgid "Warp to Artis"
msgstr "Warp a Artis"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1573
msgid "Dungeon Map"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1573 items.xml:1581
msgid "The X marks the spot! Use F10 to see your coordinates."
msgstr "¡La X marca el lugar! Utilice F10 para ver sus coordenadas"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:1573
msgid "Find a dungeon! Maybe. You must have a shovel to open the entrance."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1581
msgid "Treasure Map"
msgstr "Mapa del tesoro"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:1581
msgid ""
"Acquire treasures! Maybe. You must have a shovel to retrieve the treasure."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1589
msgid "Coffee"
msgstr "café"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1589
msgid "Jhon H's favorite."
msgstr "El favorito de Jhon H"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:1589
msgid "Cures Sleep, Blind and Curse."
msgstr "Cura el sueño, la ceguera y la maldición"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1597
msgid "Grenade"
msgstr "Granada"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1597
msgid ""
"Explodes and causes splash damage on monsters. Doesn't work against bosses."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:1597
msgid "Splash damage"
msgstr "Daño por salpicadura"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1605
msgid "Magic Apple"
msgstr "Manzana mágica"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1605
msgid "Grown in a magic garden..."
msgstr "Cultivada en un jardín mágico..."

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:1605
msgid "Max HP +3500 for 10 minutes"
msgstr "Maximo de HP +3500 por 10 minutos"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1612
msgid "Tulimshar Map"
msgstr "Mapa de Tulimshar"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1612
msgid "If you ever get lost. Can be thrown away after a while."
msgstr "Si alguna vez te pierdes. Puede desecharse después de un tiempo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1626
msgid "Bronze Pin"
msgstr "Pin de bronce"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1626
msgid "A shiny bronze pin with strange side effects."
msgstr "Un alfiler de bronce brillante con extraños efectos secundarios."

#. (itstool) path: items/item@useButton
#: items.xml:1626 items.xml:1655 items.xml:1668 items.xml:1679 items.xml:1689
msgid "Ride"
msgstr "Montar"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:1626
msgid ""
"Attack speed +5% / Flee +5% / HP Regen -50% / SP Regen -50% / no knockback /"
" HP -200 / move speed++"
msgstr ""
"Velocidad de ataque +5% / Huir +5% / Regeneración De vida -50%/ Regeneración"
" de SP -50% / Sin retroceso/ HP-200 / Velocidad de movimiento++"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1655
msgid "Riding Mouboo"
msgstr "Mouboo montable"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1655
msgid "Time to travel!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:1655 items.xml:1668
msgid "no attack / no regen / no knockback / move speed+"
msgstr ""
"Sin ataque/ Sin regeneración/ Sin retroceso/ Velocidad de movimiento++"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1668
msgid "Riding Tortuga"
msgstr "Tortuga montable"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1668
msgid "Looks can be deceiving because this tortuga is way faster than you."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1679
msgid "Epic Mouboo"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1679
msgid "It's time to travel."
msgstr "Es hora de viajar"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:1679 items.xml:1689
msgid ""
"Damage dealt -50% / no regen / no knockback / hit -30% / range -1 / move "
msgstr ""
"Daño ocasionado -50% / sin regeneración/ sin retroceso / golpe -30% / "
"Rango-1 / Velocidad de movimiento++"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1689
msgid "4144's Tortuga"
msgstr "Tortuga de 4144"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1689
msgid "Faster than the average. Runs faster than you, even."
msgstr "Más rápido que el promedio. Incluso corre más rápido que tú"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1697
msgid "Small Tentacles"
msgstr "Tentáculos Pequeños"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1697
msgid "Colorful tentacles with poisonous barbs."
msgstr "Tentáculos de colores con púas venenosas"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1703
msgid "Piou Feathers"
msgstr "Plumas de Piou"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1703
msgid "Small feathers of an innocent little piou."
msgstr "Pequeñas plumas de un pequeño piou inocente"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1709
msgid "Tortuga Shell Fragment"
msgstr "Fragmento de Caparazón de Tortuga"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1709
msgid "Used to make tools and decorations."
msgstr "Se utiliza para hacer herramientas y decoraciones"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1715
msgid "Half Eggshell"
msgstr "Media cáscara de huevo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1715
msgid "Maybe something hatched, or someone was cooked..."
msgstr "Tal vez algo eclosionó o alguien se cocinó..."

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1721
msgid "Ratto Tail"
msgstr "Cola de Ratto"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1721
msgid "Hairless tail of a ratto."
msgstr "Cola sin pelo de ratto"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1727
msgid "Ratto Teeth"
msgstr "Dientes de Ratto"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1727
msgid "Sharp incisors of a ratto."
msgstr "Afilados incisivos de un ratto"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1733
msgid "Croc Claw"
msgstr "Garra de Croc"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1733 items.xml:2747
msgid "It moves and pinches without its body."
msgstr "Se mueve y pellizca sin su cuerpo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1739
msgid "Squichy Claws"
msgstr "Garras de Squichy"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1739
msgid "Claws from a wild Squichy."
msgstr "Garras de un Squichy salvaje"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1745
msgid "Tortuga Shell"
msgstr "Caparazón de Tortuga"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1745
msgid "A symbol of shelter."
msgstr "Un símbolo de refugio"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1752
msgid "Tortuga Tongue"
msgstr "Lengua de Tortuga"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1752
msgid "Adept to digesting blubs."
msgstr "Adecuado para digerir blubs"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1759
msgid "Pearl"
msgstr "Perla"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1759
msgid "A beautiful round and shiny pearl."
msgstr "Una hermosa redonda y brillante perla"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1766
msgid "Coral"
msgstr "Coral"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1766
msgid "Can indicate the health of oceanic ecosystems."
msgstr "Puede indicar la salud de los ecosistemas oceánicos"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1773
msgid "Blue Coral"
msgstr "Coral azul"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1773
msgid "A coral dyed blue by a blub."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1779
msgid "Fish Box"
msgstr "Caja de pescado"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1779
msgid "A wooden box full of fresh fish."
msgstr "Una caja de madera llena de pescado fresco"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1786
msgid "Guild Certification"
msgstr "Certificado de Gremio"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1786
msgid "This piece of paper grants you official permission to found a Guild."
msgstr "Este papel te otorga permiso oficial para fundar un gremio"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1792
msgid "Croconut Box"
msgstr "Caja de Croconut"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1792
msgid "Contains 8 croconuts."
msgstr "Contiene 8 croconuts"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1798
msgid "Plushroom Box"
msgstr "Caja de Plushroom"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1798
msgid "Contains 87 plushrooms."
msgstr "Contiene 87 setas plush"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1805
msgid "Poisoned Dish"
msgstr "Plato envenenado"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1805
msgid "A special dish made from strange ingredients."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1812
msgid "Silver Key"
msgstr "Llave de plata"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1812
msgid ""
"An iron key trying to pass itself as a silver one. Don't ask. Just use it!"
msgstr ""
"Una llave de hierro que intenta hacerse pasar por una de plata. No "
"preguntes. ¡Úsalo!"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1819
msgid "Left Crafty Wing"
msgstr "Ala hábil izquierda"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1819 items.xml:1832
msgid "This wing is slight and soft unlike its former owner."
msgstr "Esta ala es ligera y suave a diferencia de su anterior propietario"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1825
msgid "Bat Teeth"
msgstr "Dientes de murciélago"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1825
msgid "What sharp teeth! They seem to be more dangerous than a knife."
msgstr "¡Qué dientes afilados! Parecen más peligrosos que un cuchillo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1832
msgid "Right Crafty Wing"
msgstr "Ala derecha hábil"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1839
msgid "Pumpkin"
msgstr "Calabaza"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1839
msgid "An invasive species, sometimes carved during festivals."
msgstr "Especie invasora, a veces tallada durante las fiestas"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1846
msgid "Mushroom Spores"
msgstr "Esporas de hongo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1846
msgid "Some colored spores that help mushrooms spread across the land."
msgstr ""
"Algunas esporas de colores que ayudan a que los hongos se propaguen por la "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1853
msgid "Moss"
msgstr "Musgo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1853
msgid "Grows in moist, shady areas."
msgstr "Crece en áreas húmedas y sombreadas"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1860
msgid "Tentacles"
msgstr "Tentáculos"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1860
msgid "Boneless appendage of an invertebrate."
msgstr "Apéndice deshuesado de un invertebrado"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1866
msgid "Common Carp"
msgstr "Carpa común"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1866
msgid "Freshwater is commonly inhabited by these pests."
msgstr "El agua dulce está habitualmente habitada por estas plagas"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1872
msgid "Grass Carp"
msgstr "Carpa herbívora"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1872
msgid "A smart fish, very difficult to catch."
msgstr "Un pez inteligente, muy difícil de pescar"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1880
msgid "Fishing Rod"
msgstr "Caña de pescar"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1880
msgid "Designed for sports fishing."
msgstr "Diseñado para pesca deportiva"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1886
msgid "Snowflake"
msgstr "Copo de nieve"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1886
msgid "A weightless (and worthless) snow flake. The winter has come!"
msgstr "Un copo de nieve ingrávido (y sin valor). ¡Ha llegado el invierno!"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1892
msgid "Artichoke Herb"
msgstr "hierba de artichoke"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1892
msgid "A green herb, extremely common."
msgstr "Hierba verde, extremadamente común"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1898
msgid "A raw diamond gemstone."
msgstr "Una piedra preciosa de diamante en bruto"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1904
msgid "A raw ruby gemstone."
msgstr "Una piedra preciosa rubí en bruto"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1910
msgid "A raw emerald gemstone."
msgstr "Una piedra preciosa de esmeralda en bruto"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1916
msgid "A raw sapphire gemstone."
msgstr "Una piedra preciosa de zafiro en bruto"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1922
msgid "A raw topaz gemstone."
msgstr "Una piedra preciosa de topacio en bruto"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1928
msgid "A raw amethyst gemstone."
msgstr "Una piedra preciosa de amatista en bruto"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1935
msgid "Black Pearl"
msgstr "Perla Negra"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1935
msgid "A pearl. Round, shiny and black! Looks rare."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1942
msgid "Bloodstone"
msgstr "Sanguinaria"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1942
msgid "A stone as red as blood. Emits a strange aura."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1948
msgid "Coin Bag"
msgstr "Bolsa de monedas"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1948
msgid "Full of precious coins. Only good for questing or selling."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1954
msgid "Wolvern Tooth"
msgstr "Diente de lobo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1954
msgid ""
"Razor sharp fang enabling Wolverns to tear their prey apart. Used in Nivalis"
" to make glue or necklaces."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1960
msgid "Iron Powder"
msgstr "Polvo de hierro"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1960
msgid "A pile of powdered iron."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1966
msgid "Pink Antenna"
msgstr "Antena rosa"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1966
msgid "No-one knows why pinkies have these antennas on their heads."
msgstr "Nadie sabe por qué los pinkies tienen estas antenas en la cabeza."

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1972
msgid "Animal Bones"
msgstr "Huesos de animales"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1972
msgid "Bones from an animal."
msgstr "Huesos de un animal"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1978
msgid "Antlers"
msgstr "Astas"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1978
msgid "The antlers of a Reinboo."
msgstr "Las astas de un Reinboo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1984
msgid "Bandit Hood"
msgstr "Capucha de bandido"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1984
msgid "A bandit hood crawling with lice."
msgstr "Una capucha de bandido plagada de piojos"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1990
msgid "Bat Wing"
msgstr "Ala de murciélago"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1990
msgid "The wing from a bat."
msgstr "El ala de un murciélago"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1996
msgid "Bent Needle"
msgstr "Aguja doblada"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1996
msgid ""
"A twisted needle. It would be difficult to find one in a haystack, for "
msgstr ""
"Una aguja retorcida. Sería difícil encontrar uno en un pajar, por ejemplo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2002
msgid "Bee Stinger"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2002
msgid "A sharp bee stinger."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2008
msgid "Bone"
msgstr "Hueso"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2008
msgid "A bone."
msgstr "Un  hueso"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2014
msgid "Bottle Of Sand"
msgstr "Botella de arena"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2014
msgid "A bottle with sand in it."
msgstr "Una botella con arena"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2020
msgid "Brainstem"
msgstr "Tronco encefálico"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2020
msgid "The cortex pulses with energy."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2026
msgid "Casino Coins"
msgstr "Monedas de casino"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2026
msgid ""
"Not all which glitters is made of gold. Could probably gamble with this."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2032
msgid "Cave Snake Lamp"
msgstr "Lámpara de serpiente cueva"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2032
msgid "The feeler of a cave snake that glows in the dark."
msgstr "El antena de una serpiente de las cavernas que brilla en la oscuridad"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2038
msgid "Closed Christmas Box"
msgstr "Caja de Navidad cerrada"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2038
msgid ""
"A closed, but yet unwrapped box that should contain some Christmas present."
msgstr ""
"Una caja cerrada, pero sin envolver, que debería contener un regalo de "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2044
msgid "Coal"
msgstr "Carbón "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2044
msgid "A lump of coal. Used extensively in forges."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2050
msgid "Kamelot Key"
msgstr "Llave Kamelot"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2050
msgid "Something very sinister is going on..."
msgstr "Algo muy siniestro está sucediendo..."

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2056
msgid "Dark Petal"
msgstr "Pétalo oscuro"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2056
msgid ""
"A single, dark petal, oddly heavy. The edges of the petal are unusually "
"hard, and have a slightly reflective shine to them. But looking into the "
"gleam, you can only see fire."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2062
msgid "Zombie Ear"
msgstr "Oreja de zombie"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2062
msgid "An ear from a zombie."
msgstr "Una oreja de un zombie"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2068
msgid "Ectoplasm"
msgstr "Ectoplasma"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2068
msgid "Someone blows their nose and you want to keep it?"
msgstr "¿Alguien se suena la nariz y quieres quedártelo?"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2074
msgid "Frozen Yeti Tear"
msgstr "Lágrima de Yeti congelada"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2074
msgid "A tear from a yeti, frozen."
msgstr "Una lágrima de un yeti, congelada"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2080
msgid "Cobalt Herb"
msgstr "hierba de cobalt"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2080 items.xml:2122 items.xml:2128 items.xml:2815
msgid "An ingredient for brewing healing potions."
msgstr "Un ingrediente para preparar pociones curativas"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2086
msgid "Snake Skin"
msgstr "Piel de serpiente"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2086
msgid "The skin of a slain snake. Popular yet rare crafting material."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2092
msgid "Undead Eye"
msgstr "Ojo no muerto"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2092
msgid "An eye from a zombie."
msgstr "Un ojo de zombie"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2098
msgid "Cotton Cloth"
msgstr "Tela de algodón"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2098
msgid "A piece of cotton cloth."
msgstr "Un trozo de tela de algodón"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2104
msgid "Grass Seeds"
msgstr "Semillas de césped"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2104
msgid ""
"Light green seeds from which the famous emerald-colored Hurnscald grass "
"would grow."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2110
msgid "Hard Spike"
msgstr "Espiga dura"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2110
msgid "The hard spike of a slain monster."
msgstr "la dura púa de un monstruo asesinado"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2116
msgid "Diseased Heart"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2116
msgid "A diseased heart. Likely from a zombie."
msgstr "Un corazón enfermo. Probablemente de un zombie"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2122
msgid "Gamboge Herb"
msgstr "Hierba de Gamboge"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2128
msgid "Mauve Herb"
msgstr "Hierba de mauve"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2135
msgid "Iron Ingot"
msgstr "Lingote de hierro"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2135
msgid "An ingot of iron."
msgstr "Un lingote de hierro"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2141
msgid "Iron Ore"
msgstr "Mineral de hierro"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2141
msgid ""
"A lump of iron ore. Could be refined into an ingot or made into powder."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2147
msgid "Maggot Slime"
msgstr "Baba de gusano"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2147
msgid "Disgusting maggot slime. Why did you even scoop this from the floor?"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2153
msgid "Rotten Rags"
msgstr "Trapos podridos"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2153
msgid "Stained rags from an undead creature."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2159
msgid "Raw Log"
msgstr "Tronco en bruto"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2159
msgid ""
"A raw log. Lumberjacks will be interested in it but it could also be burnt "
"into coal."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2165
msgid "Brain"
msgstr "Cerebro"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2165
msgid "One thing you lack."
msgstr "Una cosa que te falta"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2171
msgid "Reed Bundle"
msgstr "Paquete de cañas"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2171
msgid "A bundle of reeds. People have been making paper from it."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2177
msgid "Root"
msgstr "Raiz"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2177
msgid "A root from a plant."
msgstr "Una raíz de una planta"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2183
msgid "Scorpion Stinger"
msgstr "Aguijón de escorpión"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2183
msgid "A scorpion stinger containing some venom."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2189
msgid "Silk Cocoon"
msgstr "Capullo de seda"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2189
msgid "A silkworm's cocoon."
msgstr "El capullo de un gusano de seda"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2195
msgid "Snake Tongue"
msgstr "Lengua de serpiente"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2195
msgid "The forked tongue of a snake."
msgstr "La lengua bifurcada de una serpiente"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2201
msgid "Treasure Key"
msgstr "Llave del tesoro"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2201
msgid ""
"A rusty key. You can plunder the treasure chests you may encounter in some "
"areas with this."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2207
msgid "Vampire Bat Wing"
msgstr "Ala de murciélago vampiro"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2207
msgid "The wing of a bloodsucking Vampire Bat."
msgstr "El ala de un vampiro chupasangre"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2213
msgid "Yeti Claw"
msgstr "Garra de yeti"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2213
msgid "A stolen claw from a Yeti."
msgstr "Una garra robada de un Yeti"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2219
msgid "Wolvern Pelt"
msgstr "Piel de lobo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2219
msgid ""
"The pelt of a Wolvern. In some lands, this can be used to make clothes, "
"blankets, or tents."
msgstr ""
"La piel de un lobo. En algunas tierras, esto se puede usar para hacer ropa, "
"mantas o tiendas de campaña"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2226
msgid "Lava Mana Pearl"
msgstr "Perla de maná de lava"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2226
msgid "A strange lava pearl that does not burn you."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2232
msgid "Tulip"
msgstr "Tulipán"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2232
msgid "A delicate flower picked in the fields."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2238
msgid "Spell Book Page"
msgstr "Página del libro de hechizos"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2238
msgid "A page torn from a magic book."
msgstr "Una página arrancada de un libro mágico"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2245
msgid "Skull"
msgstr "Cráneo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2245
msgid "Don't hope to find a brain in it."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2251
msgid "Silver Bell"
msgstr "Campana de plata"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2251
msgid "A bell made from pure silver."
msgstr "Una campana de plata pura"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2257
msgid "Broken-Four-Leaf-Amulet"
msgstr "Amuleto de cuatro hojas roto"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2257
msgid "Unlucky."
msgstr "Desafortunado"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2263
msgid "Mixed Gem Powder"
msgstr "Polvo de gemas mixtas"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2263
msgid "Crushed from valuable crystals."
msgstr "Triturado de valiosos cristales"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2269
msgid "Gold Pieces"
msgstr "Piezas de oro"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2269
msgid "Glistering pieces of gold. Only good for selling and perhaps jewelry."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2275
msgid "Grass Liner"
msgstr "Revestimiento de hierba"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2275
msgid "Perfect to feed moobous."
msgstr "Perfecto para alimentar a moobous"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2281
msgid "Ice Cube"
msgstr "Cubo de hielo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2281
msgid "Dont bring it to Tulimshar."
msgstr "No lo lleves a Tulimshar"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2287
msgid "Iten"
msgstr "Iten"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2287
msgid "Small but heavy."
msgstr "Pequeño pero pesado"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2293
msgid "Jacko Lantern"
msgstr "Linterna de Jacko"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2293
msgid "A pumpkin with a face on it."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2299
msgid "Lazurite Shard"
msgstr "Fragmento de lazurita"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2299
msgid "A small shard of Lazurite, with faint magic catalysis properties."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2305
msgid "Lazurite Crystal"
msgstr "Cristal de lazurita"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2305
msgid "A crystal of Lazurite, with magic catalysis properties."
msgstr "Un cristal de Lazurita, con propiedades mágicas de catálisis"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2311
msgid "Lazurite Heart"
msgstr "Corazón de lazurita"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2311
msgid "A large crystal of Lazurite, with powerful magic catalysis properties."
msgstr ""
"Un gran cristal de Lazurita, con poderosas propiedades mágicas de catálisis"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2317
msgid "Leather Suitcase"
msgstr "Maleta de cuero"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2317
msgid "A typical suitcase."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2323
msgid "Terranite Ingot"
msgstr "Lingote de terranita"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2323
msgid "Refined ore collected from the Terranite."
msgstr "Mineral refinado recogido de la terranita"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2329
msgid "Love Letter"
msgstr "Carta de amor"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2329
msgid "A letter used to confess to that special someone."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2336
msgid "Mylarin Dust"
msgstr "Polvo de Mylarin"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2336
msgid ""
"A bottle of illustrious mylarin particles. Extremely rare and valuable."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2342
msgid "Opened Christmas Box"
msgstr "Caja de Navidad abierta"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2342
msgid "What was inside?"
msgstr "¿Qué había dentro?"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2348
msgid "Leather Patch"
msgstr "Parche de cuero"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2348
msgid "A piece of leather from questionable origins."
msgstr "Una pieza de cuero de origen cuestionable"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2354
msgid "Petal"
msgstr "Pétalo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2354
msgid "This lovely petal was picked from a flower."
msgstr "Este hermoso pétalo fue tomado de una flor"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2360
msgid "Sulfur Powder"
msgstr "Polvo de azufre"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2360
msgid "A small pile of dangerous sulphur."
msgstr "Una pequeña pila de azufre peligroso"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2366
msgid "Present Box"
msgstr "Caja actual"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2372
msgid "Quill"
msgstr "Pluma"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2372
msgid "Used to write letters."
msgstr "Se usa para escribir cartas"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2378
msgid "Rose"
msgstr "Rosa"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2378
msgid "Can come in a variety of colors."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2384
msgid "Sealed Soul"
msgstr "Alma sellada"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2384
msgid "A soul, sealed in a mystical vial."
msgstr "Un alma, sellada en un frasco místico"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2390
msgid "Silver Mirror"
msgstr "Espejo de plata"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2390
msgid "This mirror has some mysterious aura around it."
msgstr "Este espejo tiene un aura misteriosa a su alrededor"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2396
msgid "Terranite Ore"
msgstr "Mineral de terranita"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2396
msgid "Some ore collected from the Terranite."
msgstr "Algo de mineral recolectado de la Terranita"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2402
msgid "Tuber"
msgstr "Tubérculo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2402
msgid "A seed that can be replanted."
msgstr "Una semilla que se puede replantar"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2410
msgid "Saxso Key"
msgstr "Llave de saxo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2410
msgid "Used to unlock something."
msgstr "Se usa para desbloquear algo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2417
msgid "Blue Mana Pearl"
msgstr "Perla de maná azul"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2417
msgid "A pure pearl of Mana."
msgstr "Una perla pura de Mana"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2424
msgid "Crystallized Maggot"
msgstr "Gusano cristalizado"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2424
msgid "As hard as a rock."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2430
msgid "Dark Crystal"
msgstr "Cristal oscuro"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2430
msgid "As dark as the night."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2437
msgid "Sunny Crystal"
msgstr "cristal soleado"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2437
msgid "Shines as bright as the sun. Could be made into Mylarin dust."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2443
msgid "Druid Tree Branch"
msgstr "Rama de árbol druida"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2443
msgid "A branch from a druid tree."
msgstr "Una rama de un árbol druida"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2449
msgid "Dragon Scales"
msgstr "Escamas de dragón"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2449
msgid "Taken from a dead dragon."
msgstr "Tomado de un dragón muerto"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2456
msgid "Light Green Diamond"
msgstr "Diamante verde claro"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2456
msgid "A rare light green diamond."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2462
msgid "Earth Powder"
msgstr "Polvo de tierra"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2462
msgid ""
"Carefully excavated from the dark depths of the earth using special methods."
" Used in armor crafting."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2468
msgid "Fluo Powder"
msgstr "Polvo Fluo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2468
msgid "Fluorescent powder."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2474
msgid "Broken Medal"
msgstr "Medalla rota"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2474
msgid "Unlucky, I guess."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2481
msgid "Strange Coin"
msgstr "Moneda extraña"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2481
msgid "Doesn't look like the others. The Travelers look interested in this."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2488
msgid "Butterfly"
msgstr "Mariposa"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2488
msgid "It's made of butter! It flies! It is a BUTTERFLY!"
msgstr "¡Está hecho de mantequilla! ¡Vuela! ¡Es una MARIPOSA!"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2494
msgid "Cave Snake Tongue"
msgstr "Lengua de serpiente de cueva"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2494
msgid "It is not kind to show tongues to people, you know."
msgstr "No es bueno mostrarle la lengua a la gente"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2500
msgid "Red Scorpion Stinger"
msgstr "Aguijón de escorpión rojo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2500
msgid "It stings!"
msgstr "¡Pica!"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2506
msgid "Black Scorpion Stinger"
msgstr "Aguijón de escorpión negro"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2506
msgid "It stings a lot!"
msgstr "¡Pica mucho!"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2512
msgid "Empty Bottle"
msgstr "Botella vacía"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2512
msgid "If you are thirsty, this won't solve your problems."
msgstr "Si tiene sed, esto no resolverá sus problemas"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2518
msgid "Golden Easter Egg"
msgstr "Huevo de Pascua dorado"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2518
msgid "A rare golden egg which can only be used during Easter."
msgstr "Un huevo de oro raro que solo se puede usar durante la Pascua"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2524
msgid "Silver Easter Egg"
msgstr "Huevo de Pascua plateado"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2524
msgid "A silver egg which can only be used during Easter."
msgstr "Un huevo de plata que solo se puede utilizar durante Semana Santa"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2530
msgid "Pile Of Ash"
msgstr "Pila de ceniza"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2530
msgid ""
"A pile of ash similar to volcanic ash. Required to use ANISE Inc. portals."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2536
msgid "Duck Feathers"
msgstr "Plumas de pato"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2536
msgid "Small feathers of an angry Duck."
msgstr "Pequeñas plumas de un pato enojado"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2543
msgid "Tulimshar Guard Card"
msgstr "Tarjeta de guardia de Tulimshar"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2543
msgid ""
"Go anywhere you want! Well, not really. But grants you access to restricted "
"areas in Tulimshar."
msgstr ""
"¡Ve a donde quieras! Bueno en realidad no. Pero le otorga acceso a áreas "
"restringidas en Tulimshar"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2549
msgid "Roach"
msgstr "Escarcho"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2549
msgid "A small fish."
msgstr "Un pez pequeño"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2555
msgid "Tench"
msgstr "Tenca"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2555
msgid "A tench found in pond."
msgstr "Una tenca encontrada en un estanque"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2561
msgid "Lifestone"
msgstr "piedra de la vida"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2561
msgid "A small stone with some life power in it. Not very useful."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2567
msgid "Copper Ore"
msgstr "Mineral de cobre"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2567
msgid "Copper in its unrefined form."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2573
msgid "Lead Ore"
msgstr "Mineral de plomo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2573
msgid "Lead in its unrefined form."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2580
msgid "Tin Ore"
msgstr "Mineral de estaño"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2580
msgid "Tin in its unrefined form."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2586
msgid "Silver Ore"
msgstr "Mineral de plata"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2586
msgid "Silver in its unrefined form."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2592
msgid "Gold Ore"
msgstr "Mineral de oro"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2592
msgid "Gold in its unrefined form."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2598
msgid "Platinum Ore"
msgstr "Mineral de platino"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2598
msgid "Platinum in its unrefined form."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2604
msgid "Iridium Ore"
msgstr "Mineral de iridio"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2604
msgid "Iridium in its unrefined form."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2610
msgid "Titanium Ore"
msgstr "Mineral de titanio"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2610
msgid "Titanium in its unrefined form."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2618
msgid "Copper Ingot"
msgstr "Lingote de cobre"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2618
msgid "Used to craft copper objects."
msgstr "Se utiliza para fabricar objetos de cobre"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2625
msgid "Lead Ingot"
msgstr "Lingote de plomo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2625
msgid "Used to craft lead objects."
msgstr "Se utiliza para fabricar objetos de plomo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2632
msgid "Tin Ingot"
msgstr "Lingotes de estaño"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2632
msgid "Used to craft tin objects."
msgstr "Se utiliza para fabricar objetos de estaño"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2639
msgid "Silver Ingot"
msgstr "Lingote de plata"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2639
msgid "Used to craft silver objects."
msgstr "Se utiliza para fabricar objetos de plata"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2646
msgid "Gold Ingot"
msgstr "Lingote de oro"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2646
msgid "Used to craft gold objects."
msgstr "Se utiliza para fabricar objetos de oro"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2654
msgid "Platinum Ingot"
msgstr "Lingote de platino"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2654
msgid "Used to craft platinum objects."
msgstr "Se utiliza para fabricar objetos de platino"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2661
msgid "Iridum Ingot"
msgstr "Lingote de iridio"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2661
msgid "Used to craft iridium objects."
msgstr "Se utiliza para fabricar objetos de iridio"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2668
msgid "Titanium Ingot"
msgstr "Lingote de titanio "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2668
msgid "Used to craft titanium objects."
msgstr "Se utiliza para fabricar objetos de titanio"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2674
msgid "Diamond Powder"
msgstr "Polvo de diamante"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2674
msgid "A white powder made out of a diamond."
msgstr "Un polvo blanco hecho de un diamante"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2680
msgid "Ruby Powder"
msgstr "Polvo de rubí"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2680
msgid "A red powder made out of a ruby."
msgstr "Un polvo rojo hecho de rubí"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2686
msgid "Emerald Powder"
msgstr "Polvo de esmeralda"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2686
msgid "A green powder made out of an emerald."
msgstr "Un polvo verde hecho de una esmeralda"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2692
msgid "Sapphire Powder"
msgstr "Polvo de zafiro"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2692
msgid "A blue powder made out of a sapphire."
msgstr "Un polvo azul hecho de zafiro"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2698
msgid "Topaz Powder"
msgstr "Polvo de topacio"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2698
msgid "A yellow powder made out of a topaz."
msgstr "Un polvo amarillo hecho de un topacio"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2704
msgid "Amethyst Powder"
msgstr "Polvo de amatista"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2704
msgid "A purple powder made out of an amethyst."
msgstr "Polvo violeta hecho de amatista"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2710
msgid "Aquada Box"
msgstr "Caja de Aquada"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2710
msgid "Contains 50 aquadas."
msgstr "Contiene 50 aquadas"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2716
msgid "Mountain Snake Tongue"
msgstr "Lengua de serpiente de montaña"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2716
msgid "The forked tongue of a mountain snake."
msgstr "La lengua bifurcada de una serpiente de montaña"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2723
msgid "Mountain Snake Skin"
msgstr "Piel de serpiente de montaña"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2723
msgid "A rare skin of a mountain snake."
msgstr "Una piel rara de una serpiente de montaña"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2729
msgid "Cave Snake Skin"
msgstr "Piel de serpiente cueva"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2729
msgid "A cave snake skin."
msgstr "Una piel de serpiente cavernaria"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2735
msgid "Scorpion Claw"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2735
msgid "One scorpion down, a literal desert more to go."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2741
msgid "Red Scorpion Claw"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2741
msgid "Not appetizing."
msgstr "No apetecible"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2747
msgid "Black Scorpion Claw"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2753
msgid "Golden Scorpion Claw"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2753
msgid "A dangerous golden scorpion claw."
msgstr "Una peligrosa garra de escorpión dorado"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2759
msgid "Ocean Croc Claw"
msgstr "Garra de Croc oceánico"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2759
msgid "A claw of a rare species of croc."
msgstr "Una garra de una especie rara de Croc"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2765
msgid "White Fur"
msgstr "Piel blanca"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2765
msgid "White fleecy fur, useful for making garments."
msgstr "Piel vellosa blanca, útil para confeccionar prendas"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2772
msgid "Everburn Powder"
msgstr "Polvo Everburn"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2772
msgid "Infinite Burning Powder. 100% magic. Extremely rare reagent."
msgstr "Polvo Ardiente Infinito. 100% magia. Reactivo extremadamente raro"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2779
msgid "Dark Desert Mushroom"
msgstr "Hongo del desierto oscuro"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2779
msgid ""
"Extremely rare, only found on the deepest part of the Hard Desert. Useful "
"for all potions."
msgstr ""
"Extremadamente raro, solo se encuentra en la parte más profunda del duro "
"desierto. Útil para todas las pociones"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2785
msgid "Wooden Beam"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2785
msgid ""
"With the work of a skilled lumberjack, this beam is useful for almost all "
"your crafting needs."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2791
msgid "Mana Piou Feathers"
msgstr "Plumas de Mana Piou"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2791
msgid "Small magical feathers of a little blue piou."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2797
msgid "Black Mamba Tongue"
msgstr "Lengua de mamba negra"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2797
msgid "The forked tongue of a black mamba."
msgstr "La lengua bífida de una mamba negra"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2803
msgid "Black Mamba Skin"
msgstr "Piel de mamba negra"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2803
msgid "The skin of a slain black mamba."
msgstr "La piel de una mamba negra muerta"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2809
msgid "Squirrel Pelt"
msgstr "Piel de ardilla"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2809
msgid "The pelt of a squirrel. Trophy of the less experienced hunters."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2815
msgid "Alizarin Herb"
msgstr "Hierba de alizarin"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2821
msgid "Shadow Herb"
msgstr "Hierba de las Sombras"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2821
msgid "A rare ingredient for brewing poisonous potions."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2827
msgid "Warped Log"
msgstr "Tronco deformado"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2827
msgid "A piece of wood, warped and twisted by some unnatural force. Useless."
msgstr ""
"Un trozo de madera, deformado y retorcido por alguna fuerza antinatural. "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2833
msgid "Mouboo Figurine"
msgstr "Figurilla de Mouboo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2833
msgid "A small, wooden figurine of a mouboo. Useful for summoning."
msgstr "Una pequeña figura de madera de un mouboo. Útil para convocar"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2840
msgid "Copper Key"
msgstr "Llave de cobre"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2840
msgid "You have the key, now you just need to find a chest to open!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2846
msgid "Dusty In A Bottle"
msgstr "Polvo en una botella"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2846
msgid "Dusty in a bottle. Part from Call Of Dusty Event."
msgstr "Polvo en una botella. Parte del evento Call Of Duty."

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2853
msgid "Hero Coin"
msgstr "moneda de héroe"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2853
msgid "Heroes Hold's Dungeon Coin. Worth a lot on the black market."
msgstr "Moneda de mazmorra de Heroes Hold. Vale mucho en el mercado negro"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2859
msgid "Forest Piou Feathers"
msgstr "Plumas de Piou del bosque"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2859
msgid "Feathers from a maybe a not-so innocent Piou."
msgstr "Plumas de un tal vez no tan inocente Piou"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2865
msgid "Broken Warp Crystal"
msgstr "Cristal de warp roto"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2865
msgid "Won't lead you anywhere, but maybe it can be repaired?"
msgstr "No te llevará a ninguna parte, pero tal vez pueda repararse"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2873
msgid "Small Fishing Net"
msgstr "Red de pesca pequeña"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2873
msgid "Designed for fishing small amounts near the seas."
msgstr "Diseñado para la pesca de pequeñas cantidades cerca del mar"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2881
msgid "Neutral Elemental Orb"
msgstr "Orbe elemental neutral"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2881
msgid "Contains the essence of neutrality."
msgstr "Contiene la esencia de la neutralidad"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2887
msgid "Water Elemental Orb"
msgstr "Orbe elemental de agua"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2887
msgid "Contains the essence of water."
msgstr "Contiene la esencia del agua"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2893
msgid "Earth Elemental Orb"
msgstr "Orbe elemental de tierra"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2893
msgid "Contains the essence of earth."
msgstr "Contiene la esencia de la tierra"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2899
msgid "Fire Elemental Orb"
msgstr "Orbe elemental de fuego"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2899
msgid "Contains the essence of fire."
msgstr "Contiene la esencia del fuego"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2905
msgid "Wind Elemental Orb"
msgstr "Orbe elemental de viento"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2905
msgid "Contains the essence of wind."
msgstr "Contiene la esencia del viento"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2911
msgid "Poison Elemental Orb"
msgstr "Orbe elemental de veneno"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2911
msgid "Contains the essence of poison. Does not poison foes."
msgstr "Contiene la esencia del veneno. No envenena a los enemigos"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2917
msgid "Holy Elemental Orb"
msgstr "Orbe elemental sagrada"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2917
msgid "Contains the essence of holiness."
msgstr "Contiene la esencia de la santidad"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2923
msgid "Shadow Elemental Orb"
msgstr "Orbe elemental de las sombras"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2923
msgid "Contains the essence of darkness."
msgstr "Contiene la esencia de la oscuridad"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2929
msgid "Ghost Elemental Orb"
msgstr "Orbe elemental fantasma"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2929
msgid "Contains the essence of ethereal."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2935
msgid "Undead Elemental Orb"
msgstr "Orbe elemental no muerta"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2935
msgid "Contains the essence of restlessness."
msgstr "Contiene la esencia de la inquietud"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2942
msgid "Scholarship Badge"
msgstr "Insignia de beca"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2942
msgid ""
"Allows you to learn an skill for free on the Magic Academy. This item is "
"used last."
msgstr ""
"Te permite aprender una habilidad de forma gratuita en Magic Academy. Este "
"artículo se utiliza en último lugar"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2948
msgid "Wurtzite Ore"
msgstr "Mineral de wurtzita"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2948
msgid "A strong, sturdy, and versatile ore used for strengthening."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2954
msgid "Graphene Stone"
msgstr "Piedra de grafeno"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2954
msgid "A strong, sturdy ore, capable of rivaling with Mythril."
msgstr "Un mineral fuerte y robusto, capaz de rivalizar con Mythril"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2960
msgid "Arcanum Stone"
msgstr "Piedra Arcana"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2960
msgid "A Deep Mystery. Said to convert first matter in gold."
msgstr "Un misterio profundo. Se dice que convierte la primera materia en oro"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2967
msgid "Guild Coin"
msgstr "Moneda de gremio"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2967
msgid "A guild issued coin. Possibilities are endless."
msgstr "Una moneda emitida por el gremio. Las posibilidades son infinitas"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2973
msgid "Land of Fire Coin"
msgstr "Moneda de tierra del fuego"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2973
msgid "A souvenir. The inscription says: The Capital of Blacksmiths."
msgstr "Un recuerdo. La inscripción dice: La capital de los herreros"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2980
msgid "Treasure (Low Quality)"
msgstr "Tesoro (baja calidad)"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:2980 items.xml:2987 items.xml:2994 items.xml:3001 items.xml:3008
msgid "Treasure from the Aurora Event!"
msgstr "¡Tesoro del Evento Aurora!"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:2980 items.xml:2987 items.xml:2994 items.xml:3001 items.xml:3008
#: items.xml:3027 items.xml:3034
msgid "Expires once event ends"
msgstr "Caduca una vez que finaliza el evento"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2987
msgid "Treasure (Med Quality)"
msgstr "Tesoro (Calidad media)"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:2994
msgid "Treasure (High Quality)"
msgstr "Tesoro (alta calidad)"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3001
msgid "Gold Fish"
msgstr "Pez dorado"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3008
msgid "Mysterious Powder"
msgstr "Polvo misterioso"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3014
msgid "Insurance"
msgstr "Seguro"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3014 items.xml:9486
msgid "No EXP penalty on death."
msgstr "Sin penalidad de Experiencia al morir."

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3020
msgid "Almanac"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3020
msgid "The latest copy of the Maritime Almanac Scroll."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3027
msgid "Dream Ticket"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3027
msgid "Ticket for the Dream Tower Event."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3034
msgid "Naftalin"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3034
msgid "Naftalin dropped by a powerful boss."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3042
msgid "Wumpus Egg"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3042
msgid ""
"Extremely rare magic reagent, can fetch a huge price or make a delicious "
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:3042
msgid "Wumpus are extinct, it cannot be hatched."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3053
msgid "Bromenal Four-Leaf Amulet"
msgstr "Amuleto bromenal de cuatro hojas"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3053
msgid "An amulet that brings the wearer good luck where ever they go."
msgstr "Un amuleto que trae buena suerte a quien lo usa donde quiera que vaya"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:3053 items.xml:3095
msgid "Dmg. Red. +10%"
msgstr "Reducción de daño +10%"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3063
msgid "Silver Four-Leaf Amulet"
msgstr "Amuleto de plata de cuatro hojas"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3063
msgid "An amulet that brings the wearer great luck where ever they go."
msgstr ""
"Un amuleto que trae mucha suerte a quien lo lleva donde quiera que vaya"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:3063
msgid "Dmg. Red. +5%"
msgstr "Reducción de daño +5%"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3073
msgid "Golden Four-Leaf Amulet"
msgstr "Amuleto dorado de cuatro hojas"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3073
msgid "An amulet that brings the wearer excellent luck where ever they go."
msgstr ""
"Un amuleto que trae al portador una excelente suerte donde quiera que vaya"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:3073
msgid "Dmg. Red. +7%"
msgstr "Reducción de daño +7%"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3082
msgid "Crozenite Four-Leaf Amulet"
msgstr "Amuleto de crozenita de cuatro hojas"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3082
msgid "An amulet that brings the wearer luck where ever they go."
msgstr "Un amuleto que trae suerte a quien lo lleva donde quiera que vaya"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:3082
msgid "Dmg. Red. +3%"
msgstr "Reducción de daño +3%"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3095
msgid "Platinum Four-Leaf Amulet"
msgstr "Amuleto de platino de cuatro hojas"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3095
msgid "An amulet that brings the wearer absolute luck where ever they go."
msgstr ""
"Un amuleto que trae al portador la suerte absoluta donde quiera que vaya"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3104
msgid "Jack's Skeleton Charm"
msgstr "hechizo de esqueleto de Jack"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3104
msgid "A mysterious charm said to only work at a special time of year."
msgstr ""
"Un hechizo misterioso que se dice que solo funciona en una época especial "
"del año"

#. #-#-#-#-#  items.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#. #-#-#-#-#  quests.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: items.xml:3115 quests.xml:1014 quests.xml:1023
msgid "Lifestone Pendant"
msgstr "Colgante de piedra de vida"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3115
msgid "A mystical pendant."
msgstr "Un colgante místico"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3126
msgid "Bloodstone Pendant"
msgstr "Colgante de piedra de sangre"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3126
msgid "Rumored to contain blood from the Red Queen."
msgstr "Se rumorea que contiene sangre de la Reina Roja"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3135
msgid "Raw Talisman"
msgstr "Talisman en bruto"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3135
msgid "Raw form of a talisman, can be imbued with ancient magic."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3144
msgid "Dark Talisman"
msgstr "Talismán oscuro"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3144
msgid ""
"A small cube. It radiates with unimaginable power, and is quite dizzying to "
"look at."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3153
msgid "Flight Talisman"
msgstr "Talismán de vuelo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3153
msgid ""
"A talisman created using ancient magic to keep you safe during flights."
msgstr ""
"Un talismán creado con magia antigua para mantenerte a salvo durante los "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3164
msgid "Tooth Necklace"
msgstr "Collar de dientes"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3164
msgid "A plain necklace made from a single tooth."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3176
msgid "Wolvern Teeth Necklace"
msgstr "Collar de dientes de lobo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3176
msgid "A necklace popular with poachers. Looks barbaric."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3188
msgid "Claw Pendant"
msgstr "Colgante de garra"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3188
msgid "A pendant made for hermits."
msgstr "Un colgante hecho para ermitaños"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3200
msgid "Barbarian Amulet"
msgstr "Amuleto bárbaro"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3200
msgid "A typical amulet for adult barbarians."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3212
msgid "Barbarian Master Amulet"
msgstr "Amuleto de maestro bárbaro"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3212 items.xml:3221 items.xml:3230
msgid "An unique amulet in a tribe."
msgstr "Un amuleto único en una tribu"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3221
msgid "Monk Pendant"
msgstr "Colgante de monje"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3230
msgid "Angel Amulet"
msgstr "Amuleto de ángel"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3239
msgid "Sponsor Necklace"
msgstr "Collar de patrocinador"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3239
msgid "A necklace which only senior sponsors are allowed to use."
msgstr "Un collar que solo pueden usar los señores patrocinadores"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:3239
msgid "Makes you look cool!"
msgstr "¡Te hace lucir genial!"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3253
msgid "Mouboo Pendant"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3253
msgid "You are now part of the Pink Mouboo cult."
msgstr "Ahora eres parte del culto rosa Mouboo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3261
msgid "Alvasus Pendant"
msgstr "Colgante Alvasus"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3261
msgid "Saulc added something he didn't know how to."
msgstr "Saulc agregó algo que no sabía cómo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3269
msgid "Heart Necklace"
msgstr "Collar de corazón"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3269
msgid "A gold and ruby heart necklace."
msgstr "Un collar de corazón de oro y rubíes"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:3269
msgid "Looks cool."
msgstr "Se ve genial"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3279
msgid "Discord Necklace"
msgstr "Collar de discord"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3279
msgid "This pendant causes a lot of discord."
msgstr "Este colgante causa mucho discord"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:3279
msgid "Discord Booster"
msgstr "Booster de nitro"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3292
msgid "Four Leaf Clover"
msgstr "Trébol de cuatro hojas"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3292
msgid "A lucky and extremely rare drop."
msgstr "Una gota afortunada y extremadamente rara"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3302
msgid "Ash Urn"
msgstr "Urna de ceniza"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3302
msgid ""
"An ash urn. Contains something burnt, but you can't quite find out what."
msgstr ""
"Una urna de cenizas. Contiene algo quemado, pero no se puede averiguar qué"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:3302
msgid "DEF +15%"
msgstr "Defensa +15%"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3310
msgid "Astral Cube"
msgstr "Cubo astral"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3310
msgid "The key component to shift worlds will grant you ethereal defense."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3318
msgid "Broken Doll"
msgstr "Muñeca rota"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3318
msgid ""
"An ancient doll taken from a fallen Fey Element that used it as a lure for "
"its young victims."
msgstr ""
"Una muñeca antigua tomada de un Fey Element caído que lo usaba como señuelo "
"para sus jóvenes víctimas"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3326
msgid "Doll"
msgstr "Muñeca"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3326
msgid "A doll. Monsters will underestimate you, allowing to crit more often."
msgstr ""
"Una muñeca. Los monstruos te subestimarán, permitiéndote dar críticos más a "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3335
msgid "Fire Scroll"
msgstr "Pergamino de fuego"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3335
msgid "This scroll should burn! Proof of surviving a great fire."
msgstr ""
"¡Este pergamino debería arder! Prueba de sobrevivir a un gran incendio."

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:3335
msgid ""
"Unobtanium. Fire ATK and DEF / DMG+ vs high-def fire enemies / Fire Magic "
"+25% / Magic vs Fire +25%"
msgstr ""
"Inobtenible. Ataque de fuego y defensa/ daño+ contra enemigos de gran "
"defensa-fuego/ Magia de fuego +25% / Magia contra Fuego +25%"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3342
msgid "Heart Of Isis"
msgstr "Corazón de isis"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3342
msgid "Life emanates through the natural warmth of this jewel."
msgstr "La vida emana del calor natural de esta joya"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3350
msgid "Leather Ball"
msgstr "Bola de cuero"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3350
msgid "A leather ball handmade by Santa's helpers."
msgstr "Una pelota de cuero hecha a mano por los ayudantes de Santa"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3360
msgid "Zarkor Scroll"
msgstr "Pergamino de Zarkor"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3360
msgid "This is a strange scoll."
msgstr "Este es un pergamino extraño"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:3360
msgid "Unlocks Summon Skill"
msgstr "Desbloquea la habilidad de invocación"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3368
msgid "Old Towel"
msgstr "Toalla vieja"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3368
msgid ""
"You can dry yourself off with it if it still seems to be clean enough. - "
"Douglas Adams"
msgstr ""
"Puedes secarte con él si aún parece estar lo suficientemente limpio. - "
"Douglas Adams"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:3368
msgid "Magic Cast Time -10% / MP Use Rate -10%"
msgstr "Tiempo de lanzamiento mágico -10% / Tasa de uso de MP -10%"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3379
msgid "Plush Mouboo"
msgstr "Peluche Mouboo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3379
msgid "A Mouboo plush. Symbol of the Moubootaur Legend."
msgstr "Un peluche de Mouboo. Símbolo de la leyenda Moubootaur"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:3379
msgid ""
"10% chance to drain MP / Accuracy x2 / +30% DEF versus LEGEND / ASPD -15%"
msgstr ""
"10% de oportunidad de drenar MP / precisión x2 / +30% Defensa contra LEYENDA"
" / Velocidad de ataque -15% "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3388
msgid "Red Stocking"
msgstr "Medias rojas"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3388
msgid "Eww, it's smelly!"
msgstr "¡Eww, huele mal!"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:3388
msgid "Water Resist +11% / DMG vs Water +11%"
msgstr "Resistencia al agua +11% / Daño contra el agua +11%"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3397
msgid "Santa Globe"
msgstr "Esfera de santa"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3397
msgid "A snow globe featuring Santa."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:3397
msgid "Water Resist +15% / DMG vs Water +5%"
msgstr "Resistencia al agua +15% / Daño contra el agua +5%"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3406
msgid "Snowman Globe"
msgstr "Esfera de muñeco de nieve"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3406
msgid "A snow globe featuring a snowman."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:3406
msgid "Water Resist +10% / DMG vs Water +5%"
msgstr "Resistencia al agua +10% / Daño contra el agua +5%"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3415
msgid "Spectral Orb"
msgstr "Orbe espectral"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3415
msgid "This ghost-like essence is Saulc's fault."
msgstr "Esta esencia fantasmal es culpa de Saulc"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:3415
msgid "DMG vs Ghost +50% / Holy Def -25%"
msgstr "Daño contra fantasmas +50% / defensa sagrada -25%"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3425
msgid "Theta Book"
msgstr "Libro Theta"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3425
msgid ""
"An ancient spellbook filled with the wisdom of generations of magic. Maybe "
"you could do more than just holding it?"
msgstr ""
"Un antiguo libro de hechizos lleno de la sabiduría de generaciones de magia."
" ¿Quizás podrías hacer algo más que sostenerlo?"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3434
msgid "Blanket"
msgstr "Manta"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3434
msgid ""
"A blanket big enough to cover a reinboo's back, but it is not very warm."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3443
msgid "Earth Scroll"
msgstr "Pergamino de la tierra"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3443 items.xml:3459 items.xml:3467 items.xml:3475
msgid "Test."
msgstr "Prueba"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:3443
msgid "MDEF +15%"
msgstr "Defensa magica +15%"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3451
msgid "Cursed Skull"
msgstr "Calavera maldita"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3451
msgid "Do not hold it for too long, or you may be cursed!"
msgstr "¡No lo sostengas por mucho tiempo, o puedes estar maldito!"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:3451
msgid "DMG vs Undead +25% / Holy Def -50%"
msgstr "Daño contra no muertos +25% / defensa sagrada -50%"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3459
msgid "goldmedal"
msgstr "medalla de oro"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3467
msgid "silvermedal"
msgstr "medalla de plata"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3475
msgid "bronzemedal"
msgstr "medalla de bronce"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3485
msgid "Leather Quiver"
msgstr "Carcaj de cuero"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3485
msgid ""
"A leather quiver which only benefits people using bows. Otherwise, it will "
"only hinder you."
msgstr ""
"Un carcaj de cuero que solo beneficia a las personas que usan arcos. De lo "
"contrario, solo te obstaculizará"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:3485
msgid "Req. Agi 15 / AtkSpeed +10% / MaxWeight +100g"
msgstr "Requiere agilidad 15 / Velocidad de ataque +10% / Peso maximo +100g"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3495
msgid "Iron Quiver"
msgstr "Carcaj de hierro"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3495
msgid ""
"An iron quiver which only benefits people using bows. Otherwise, it will "
"only hinder you."
msgstr ""
"Un carcaj de hierro que solo beneficia a las personas que usan arcos. De lo "
"contrario, solo te obstaculizará"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:3495
msgid "Req. Agi 21 / AtkSpeed +16% / MaxWeight +200g"
msgstr "Requiere agilidad 21 / Velocidad de ataque +16% / Peso Maximo +200g"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3505
msgid "Bronze Quiver"
msgstr "Carcaj de bronce"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3505
msgid ""
"A bronze quiver which only benefits people using bows. Otherwise, it will "
"only hinder you."
msgstr ""
"Un carcaj de bronce que solo beneficia a las personas que usan arcos. De lo "
"contrario, solo te obstaculizará"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:3505
msgid "Req. Agi 37 / AtkSpeed +23% / MaxWeight +300g"
msgstr "Requiere agilidad 37 / Velocidad de ataque +23% / Peso maximo +300g"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3515
msgid "Platinum Quiver"
msgstr "Carcaj de platino"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3515
msgid ""
"A platinum quiver which only benefits people using bows. Otherwise, it will "
"only hinder you."
msgstr ""
"Un carcaj de platino que solo beneficia a las personas que usan arcos. De lo"
" contrario, solo te obstaculizará"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:3515
msgid "Req. Agi 49 / AtkSpeed +30% / MaxWeight +400g"
msgstr "Requiere agilidad 49 / velocidad de ataque +30% / Peso maximo +400g"

#. #-#-#-#-#  items.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#. #-#-#-#-#  mercenaries.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: mercenaries/mercenary@name
#: items.xml:3524 mercenaries.xml:477
msgid "Dragon Star"
msgstr "Estrella de dragón"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3524
msgid "Don't stare at it too much. It's too shiny for your eyes."
msgstr "No lo mires demasiado. Es demasiado brillante para tus ojos"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:3524
msgid "DEF -12%"
msgstr "Defensa -12%"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3533
msgid "Michel Soul"
msgstr "alma de michel"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3533
msgid "A tortured soul."
msgstr "Un alma torturada"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3543
msgid "Graduation Album"
msgstr "Álbum de graduación"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3543
msgid "You made it to level 100! Now what?"
msgstr "¡Llegaste al nivel 100! ¿Ahora que?"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3557
msgid "Rubber Ducky"
msgstr "Patito de goma"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3557
msgid "Expert craftsmanship! And it even quacks like a duck!"
msgstr "¡Artesanía experta! ¡E incluso grazna como un pato!"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:3557
msgid "HP Regen -50% / DEF -50% / Max MP -35% / Flee -15%"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3567
msgid "Creased Shirt"
msgstr "Camisa arrugada"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3567
msgid "A spare shirt from the crew of the La Johanne."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3580
msgid "%Color% V-neck Jumper"
msgstr "% Color% Jersey con cuello en V"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3580
msgid "A simple %color% jumper made from a lightweight cashmere."
msgstr "Un simple %color% jersey de cachemir ligero"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3594
msgid "%Color% Artis Tank Top"
msgstr "% Color% top sin mangas artis"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3594
msgid "A %color% tank top made from cotton cloth."
msgstr "Un %color% camiseta sin mangas hecha de tela de algodón"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3607
msgid "Sailor Shirt"
msgstr "Camisa de marinero"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3607
msgid "Proof that ye be in the crew, matey!"
msgstr "¡Prueba de que estás en la tripulación, amigo!"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3619
msgid "Lieutenant Armor"
msgstr "Armadura de teniente"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3619
msgid "Lieutenants use those to show off their advanced ranks."
msgstr "Los tenientes los usan para mostrar sus rangos avanzados"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3631
msgid "Lieutenant Copper Armor"
msgstr "armadura de teniente cobre"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3631
msgid ""
"This armor provides great protection. It is worn by those with authority."
msgstr ""
"Esta armadura proporciona una gran protección. Lo usan quienes tienen "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3644
msgid "Warlord Plate"
msgstr "placa del señor de la guerra"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3644
msgid "Strong and decorative armor."
msgstr "Armadura fuerte y decorativa"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:3644
msgid "Move Speed -7%"
msgstr "Velocidad de movimiento -7%"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3656
msgid "Bromenal Chest"
msgstr "Pechera bromeral"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3656
msgid "A bromenal chest armor."
msgstr "Una armadura de pecho espectacular"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3670
msgid "Forest Armor"
msgstr "Armadura del bosque"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3670
msgid ""
"A clean and comfortable mantle with dags, made for the finest stalkers."
msgstr ""
"Un manto limpio y cómodo con trozos de cuero, hecho para los mejores "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:3670
msgid "+2 Agi w/ bow"
msgstr "+2 agilidad Caminando/Arco"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3684
msgid "%Color% Contributor Sweater"
msgstr "% Color% suéter del contribuidor"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3684
msgid ""
"This %color% sweater belongs to someone who helped making TMW2 as awesome as"
" it is now!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3697
msgid "Chainmail"
msgstr "Cota de malla"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3697
msgid ""
"A heavy shirt made of chains. It weighs a lot but offers excellent "
msgstr ""
"Una camisa pesada hecha de cadenas. Pesa mucho pero ofrece una excelente "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:3697
msgid "Move Speed -2%"
msgstr "Velocidad de movimiento -2%"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3710
msgid "Terranite Armor"
msgstr "Armadura de terranita"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3710
msgid "A heavy piece of armor made out of terranite ore."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3723
msgid "Light Platemail"
msgstr "Malla de placas ligera"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3723
msgid ""
"A light cuirass with shoulder pads made of iron, usually worn by foot "
msgstr ""
"Coraza ligera con hombreras de hierro, que suelen llevar los soldados de "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:3723
msgid "Move Speed -6%"
msgstr "Velocidad de movimiento -6%"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3736
msgid "%Color% Short tank top"
msgstr "% Color% Camiseta sin mangas corta"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3736
msgid "A %color% short tank top."
msgstr "Una %color%  camiseta sin mangas corta"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3748
msgid "Leather Shirt"
msgstr "Camisa de cuero"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3748
msgid "A shirt made of hardened leather."
msgstr "Una camisa de cuero endurecido"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3761
msgid "%Color% Turtleneck Sweater"
msgstr "% Color% Jersey de cuello alto"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3761
msgid "A thick, soft and warm sweater."
msgstr "Un suéter grueso, suave y cálido"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3777
msgid "%Color% Silk Robe"
msgstr "% Color% Tunica de seda"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3777
msgid "A light and shimmering %Color% silk robe."
msgstr "Una túnica de seda% Color% ligera y reluciente"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3793
msgid "%Color% Sorcerer Robe"
msgstr "% Color% Tunica de hechicero"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3793
msgid "A red lined sorcerer robe."
msgstr "Una túnica de hechicero con forro rojo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3806
msgid "Ugly Christmas Sweater"
msgstr "Suéter navideño feo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3806
msgid "An ugly %Color% Christmas sweater."
msgstr "Un feo suéter navideño % Color%."

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:3806
msgid "MP +10 / MAtk +15 / MDef +20"
msgstr "Mana por segundo +10 / Ataque mágico +15 / Defensa mágica +20"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3819
msgid "%Color% Valentine Dress"
msgstr "% Color% Vestido de San Valentín"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3819
msgid "A %Color% dress made for your Valentine's day. Could be red, though."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3832
msgid "%Color% V-neck Sweater"
msgstr "% Color% suéter con cuello en V"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3832
msgid "A thin, soft and warm sweater."
msgstr "Un suéter fino, suave y cálido"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3844
msgid "Candor Shirt"
msgstr "Camisa de Candor"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3844
msgid "A classical, green Candor shirt."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3855
msgid "GM Robe"
msgstr "Túnica de Maestro de juego"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3855
msgid "A GM robe."
msgstr "Una túnica de maestro de juego"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3869
msgid "Red Knight Armor ★★"
msgstr "Armadura de Caballero Rojo ★★"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3869
msgid ""
"Said to belong to the Red Queen's minions, back in the end of the First Era."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:3869
msgid "Fire Elemental"
msgstr "Elemental de fuego"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3881
msgid "Desert Shirt"
msgstr "Camisa del desierto"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3881
msgid ""
"A strong shirt suitable for desert trips. Made of leather and snake skins."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3892
msgid "Golden Chainmail"
msgstr "Cota de malla dorada"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3892
msgid ""
"A shirt made of golden chains. It weighs a lot but offers excellent "
msgstr ""
"Una camisa hecha de cadenas doradas. Pesa mucho pero ofrece una excelente "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3905
msgid "Golden Light Platemail"
msgstr "Cota de malla ligera dorada"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3905
msgid "A light platemail with shoulder pads made of gold."
msgstr "Una cota de malla ligera con hombreras de oro"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3918
msgid "Golden Warlord Plate"
msgstr "Placa del señor de la guerra dorada"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3918
msgid "One of the most sought after armors of all."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3931
msgid "%Color% Savior Armor"
msgstr "% Color% Armadura del Salvador"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3931
msgid "Worn by the best of the best."
msgstr "Usado por los mejores de los mejores"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3945
msgid "%Color% Cotton Shirt"
msgstr " Camisa de algodón %Color%"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3945
msgid "Shirt made of 100% cotton."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3958
msgid "Assassin Chestplate"
msgstr "Peto de asesino"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3958
msgid "Entirely broken item, blame Saulc, do not use, do not eat."
msgstr "Artículo completamente roto, culpa a Saulc, no lo use, no lo coma"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:3958
msgid "Instantly kills the wearer"
msgstr "Mata instantáneamente al portador"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3970
msgid "Crusade Armor"
msgstr "Armadura de cruzada"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3970
msgid "Are you a crusader?"
msgstr "¿Eres un cruzado?"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3981
msgid "%Color% Community Shirt"
msgstr " camiseta de la comunidad %Color%"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3981
msgid "You are now part of TMW2 history."
msgstr "Ahora eres parte de la historia de TMW2"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:3993
msgid "Alchemist Robe"
msgstr "Túnica de alquimista"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:3993
msgid "Unreleased item, added for a NPC. Do not use."
msgstr "aun no implementado, agregado para un NPC. No utilice"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4006
msgid "Graduation Robe"
msgstr "Túnica de graduación"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4006
msgid "Congrats you're part of master of TMW2."
msgstr "Felicidades eres parte del maestro de TMW2"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4019
msgid "Miner Tank Top"
msgstr "Camiseta sin mangas de minero"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4019
msgid "A shirt with reflective stripes... totally makes you 'safer'."
msgstr "Una camisa con rayas reflectantes... te hace totalmente \"más seguro\""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4030
msgid "Bathrobe"
msgstr "Bata de baño"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4030
msgid ""
"A bathrobe, not really useful at all. At least you wont be as cold as if you"
" were naked."
msgstr ""
"Una bata de baño nada útil. Al menos no estarás tan frío como si estuvieras "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4042
msgid "??????????"
msgstr "??????????"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4042
msgid "?????????? ????? ??? ?????? ?????? ?? ?????."
msgstr "?????????? ????? ??? ?????? ?????? ?? ?????."

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:4042
msgid "Mirror Lake Item"
msgstr "Artículo de reflejo del lago"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4056
msgid "Lousy Moccasins"
msgstr "Mocasines pésimos"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4056
msgid "Crudely assembled footwear which provides neither comfort nor fashion."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4068
msgid "Assassin Boots"
msgstr "Botas de asesino"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4068
msgid "Crudely assembled footwear not for comfort nor fashion."
msgstr "Calzado toscamente ensamblado que no sea por comodidad o moda"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4080
msgid "Black Cat Boots"
msgstr "Botas de gato negro"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4080
msgid "Some robust black boots, ideal for travelling."
msgstr "Unas botas negras robustas, ideales para viajar"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4092
msgid "Candor Boots"
msgstr "Botas de Candor"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4092
msgid "A Candor favorite."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4106
msgid "Fur Boots"
msgstr "Botas de piel"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4106
msgid "A pair of warm winter boots."
msgstr "Un par de cálidas botas de invierno"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:4106
msgid "Water Elemental +20 / Fire Elemental -10"
msgstr "Elemental de agua +20 / Elemental de fuego -10"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4120
msgid "%Color% Cotton Boots"
msgstr " Botas de algodón de  %Color%"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4120
msgid "A pair of quality %Color% cotton boots."
msgstr "Un par de botas %Color% de calidad algodón"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4132
msgid "Boots"
msgstr "Botas"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4132
msgid "Some robust, probably already used, boots."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4144
msgid "Leather Boots"
msgstr "Botas de cuero"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4144
msgid ""
"Leather boots are resistant, comfortable, and look cool. Or at least, that's"
" what was on the ad."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4157
msgid "Red Stockings"
msgstr "Medias rojas"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4157
msgid "Someone thought of you at Christmas Eve."
msgstr "Alguien pensó en ti en Nochebuena"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4169
msgid "Bromenal Boots"
msgstr "Botas Bromenal"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4169
msgid "A pair of bromenal boots."
msgstr "Un par de botas de bromenal"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4184
msgid "Wizard Moccassins"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4184
msgid "Perfect for wizards."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:4184 items.xml:4199 items.xml:4213 items.xml:4227 items.xml:4253
msgid "Summon Saulc to fix spritesheet!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4199
msgid "Witch Boots"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4199
msgid "Perfect for witches."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4213
msgid "Helios Boots"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4213
msgid "Perfect for runners."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4227
msgid "Terranite Boots"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4227
msgid "Perfect for terranites."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4239
msgid "Warlord Boots"
msgstr "Botas del señor de la guerra"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4239
msgid "Heavy metal boots for strong protection of your toes."
msgstr ""
"Botas de metal pesado para una fuerte protección de los dedos de los pies"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4253
msgid "Savior Boots"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4253
msgid "Supreme boots capable of walking over fire. Maybe."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4264
msgid "Creased Boots"
msgstr "Botas arrugadas"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4264
msgid "Beark!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4276
msgid "Tulimshar Guard Boots"
msgstr "Botas de guardia de Tulimshar"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4276
msgid "These boots are made from dock skins! Whatever that means."
msgstr ""
"¡Estas botas están hechas de pieles de muelle! Lo que sea que eso signifique"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4289
msgid "Squirrel Boots"
msgstr "Botas de ardilla"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4289
msgid "Sprite missing, blame Saulc!"
msgstr "Sprite perdido, ¡culpa a Saulc!"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4300
msgid "Slippers"
msgstr "Pantuflas"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4300
msgid ""
"Simple slippers. You can't run with them, but you won't get cold feet "
msgstr ""
"Pantuflas sencillas. No puedes correr con ellos, pero tampoco te resfriarás"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4316
msgid "Armbands"
msgstr "Brazaletes"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4316
msgid "Small armbands made of wood and iron."
msgstr "Pequeños brazaletes de madera y hierro"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4330
msgid "Copper Armbands"
msgstr "Brazaletes de cobre"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4330
msgid "Sturdy, combat-issue armbands."
msgstr "Brazaletes resistentes para el combate"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4344
msgid "Iron Armbands"
msgstr "Brazaletes de Hierro"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4344
msgid "Heavy armbands that slow down all but experienced warriors."
msgstr ""
"Brazaletes pesados ​​que ralentizan a todos menos a los guerreros "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4358
msgid "Scarab Armlet"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4358
msgid "A scarab armlet."
msgstr "Un brazalete de escarabajo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4369
msgid "Creased Gloves"
msgstr "Guantes arrugados"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4369
msgid "These gloves were used before..."
msgstr "Estos guantes se usaron antes..."

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4385
msgid "%Color% Cotton Gloves"
msgstr "Guantes de algodón %Color% "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4385
msgid "A pair of comfy %Color% cotton gloves."
msgstr "Un par de cómodos guantes de algodón %Color%"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4397
msgid "Miner Gloves"
msgstr "Guantes de minero"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4397
msgid "Gloves used by miners, very useful."
msgstr "Guantes usados por mineros, muy utiles"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4411
msgid "%Color% Silk Gloves"
msgstr " Guantes de seda % Color%"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4411
msgid "Soft and graceful %Color% silk gloves that doesn't restrain magic."
msgstr "Guantes suaves y elegantes de seda %Color% que no restringen la magia"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4423
msgid "Leather Gloves"
msgstr "Guantes de cuero"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4423
msgid "Gloves made of hardened leather."
msgstr "Guantes de cuero endurecido"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4449
msgid "Bromenal Gloves"
msgstr "Guantes Bromenal"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4449
msgid "A pair of bromenal gloves"
msgstr "Un par de guantes bromenal"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4462
msgid "Warlord Gloves"
msgstr "Guantes del señor de la guerra"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4462
msgid "Steel gloves that will make you feel like a knight."
msgstr "Guantes de acero que te harán sentir como un caballero"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4474
msgid "Mana Gloves"
msgstr "Guantes de maná"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4474
msgid "These gloves are used by powerful mages."
msgstr "Estos guantes son utilizados por magos poderosos"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4516
msgid "Assassin Gloves"
msgstr "Guantes de asesino"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4516
msgid "Gloves for a master assassin."
msgstr "Guantes para un maestro asesino"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4528
msgid "Candor Gloves"
msgstr "Guantes de Candor"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4528
msgid "The perfect set of gloves to complete your Candor outfit."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4543
msgid "Creased Shorts"
msgstr "Pantalones arrugados"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4543
msgid "Spare shorts from the crew of the La Johanne."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4556
msgid "Raid Trousers"
msgstr "Pantalones de incursión"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4556
msgid "Classic trousers ornated with some fluffy fur."
msgstr "Pantalones clásicos adornados con algo de piel esponjosa"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:4556
msgid "Max Weight +300g / Double Attack +5%"
msgstr "Peso maximo +300g / ataque doble +5%"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4568
msgid "Assassin Pants"
msgstr "Pantalones de asesino"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4568
msgid "Pants for a master assassin.."
msgstr "Pantalones para un maestro asesino..."

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4580
msgid "Bromenal Pants"
msgstr "Pantalones Bromenal"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4580
msgid "A bromenal leg armor."
msgstr "Una armadura de pierna bromeral"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4594
msgid "Jeans Chaps"
msgstr "pantalones vaqueros"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4594
msgid "Jeans with snake skin chaps."
msgstr "jeans con grietas de piel de serpiente"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4607
msgid "Cotton Shorts"
msgstr "Pantalones cortos de algodón"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4607
msgid "Shorts made of 100% %Color% cotton."
msgstr "Pantalón %Color%. corto confeccionado en 100% algodón "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4620
msgid "Mini Skirt"
msgstr "Minifalda"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4620
msgid "A short %Color% skirt for hot summer days."
msgstr "Falda corta %Color% para los calurosos días de verano"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4633
msgid "%Color% Cotton Trousers"
msgstr "Pantalón %Color% algodón"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4633
msgid "Ankle-length %Color% trousers made of cotton."
msgstr "Pantalón de algodón %Color% hasta el tobillo "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4646
msgid "%Color% Silk Pants"
msgstr " Pantalones de seda %Color%"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4646
msgid "A very light fancy pair of %Color% silk trousers."
msgstr "Un par de pantalones de seda %Color% muy ligeros y elegantes"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4659
msgid "%Color% Cotton Skirt"
msgstr "Falda de algodón %Color%"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4659
msgid "A %Color% cotton skirt made of linen cloth."
msgstr "Una falda de algodón %Color% hecha de tela de lino"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4672
msgid "Terranite Pants"
msgstr "Pantalones de terranita"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4672
msgid "Leggings made out of terranite."
msgstr "Polainas de terranita"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4684
msgid "Chainmail Skirt"
msgstr "Falda de cota de malla"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4684
msgid "The perfect medieval style."
msgstr "El estilo medieval perfecto"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4696
msgid "Jeans Shorts"
msgstr "Jeans cortos"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4696
msgid "Perfect for the beach."
msgstr "Perfecto para la playa"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4710
msgid "Leather Trousers"
msgstr "Pantalones de cuero"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4710
msgid "A normal pair of pants made from leather."
msgstr "Un par de pantalones normales hechos de cuero"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4723
msgid "Bandit Pants"
msgstr "Pantalones de bandido"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4723
msgid "The Bandits favorite pair of pants."
msgstr "Los pantalones favoritos de los Bandidos"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:4723
msgid "Blame Saulc it is broken"
msgstr "Culpa a Saulc, está roto"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4736
msgid "Warlord Pants"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4736
msgid "Usually worn by the best warriors."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4761
msgid "Candor Shorts"
msgstr "Pantalones cortos de Candor"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4761
msgid "Not a classic pair of shorts."
msgstr "No es un par de pantalones cortos clásicos"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4774
msgid "Pirate Shorts"
msgstr "Pantalones cortos de pirata"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4774
msgid "A torn pirate shorts that already travelled around the world..."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4789
msgid "%Color% Farmer Pants"
msgstr " pantalones de agricultor % Color%"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4789
msgid "Uncomfortable %Color% pants, just good to stain."
msgstr "pantalones incómodos %Color%, solo bueno para manchar"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4803
msgid "Luffyx Summer Shorts"
msgstr "Pantalones cortos de verano de Luffyx"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4803
msgid "Perfect for the beach. Specially in summer!"
msgstr "Perfecto para la playa. ¡Especialmente en verano!"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:4803
msgid "+20 DEF / +5% EXP on summer"
msgstr "+20 defensa / +5% experiencia en verano"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4818
msgid "Wedding Ring"
msgstr "Anillo de bodas"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4818
msgid "Your wedding ring."
msgstr "Tu anillo de bodas"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:4818
msgid "Marriage Skills"
msgstr "Habilidades matrimoniales"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4829
msgid "Golden %Color% Ring"
msgstr "Anillo dorado %Color%"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4829
msgid ""
"A golden simple ring. Not very useful, unless you add a gemstone to it."
msgstr ""
"Un anillo de oro simple. No es muy útil, a menos que le agregue una piedra "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4840
msgid "Golden Pearl Ring"
msgstr "Anillo Perla Dorado"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4840
msgid "A ring featuring a golden pearl."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4851
msgid "Golden Black Pearl Ring"
msgstr "Anillo de perla negra dorado"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4851
msgid "A golden black pearl ring."
msgstr "Un anillo de perlas negras dorado"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4862
msgid "Theta Ring"
msgstr "Anillo de theta"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4862
msgid "...Don't ask questions. You're better off without them."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4873
msgid "Light Ring"
msgstr "Anillo de luz"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4873
msgid "A golden ring made of pure light?"
msgstr "¿Un anillo dorado hecho de luz pura?"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4884
msgid "Silver %Color% Ring"
msgstr "Anillo de plata %Color%"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4884
msgid "A simple silver ring. Not so good as the golden one."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4900
msgid "Barrel"
msgstr "Barril"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4900
msgid "It smells as if somebody used to live inside this barrel..."
msgstr "Huele como si alguien viviera dentro de este barril..."

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4916
msgid "Leather Shield"
msgstr "Escudo de Cuero"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4916
msgid "A shield with iron reinforcements."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4932
msgid "Blade Shield"
msgstr "Escudo de cuchillas"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4932
msgid "Small and round shield with iron reinforcements."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4949
msgid "Blue Knight Shield"
msgstr "Escudo de Caballero Azul"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4949
msgid "A shield perfect that goes perfectly with the prsm helmet."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4965
msgid "Brit Shield"
msgstr "Escudo britanico"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4965
msgid "A shield from nowhere."
msgstr "Un escudo de la nada"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:4982
msgid "Savior Shield"
msgstr "Escudo Salvador"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:4982
msgid "The magic savior shield."
msgstr "El escudo salvador mágico"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5000
msgid "Bromenal Shield"
msgstr "Escudo Bromenal"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5000
msgid "A strong bromenal shield."
msgstr "Un fuerte escudo bromenal"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5016
msgid "Round Leather Shield"
msgstr "Escudo de cuero redondo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5016
msgid "Small and round leather shield with iron reinforcements."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5032
msgid "Ancient Shield"
msgstr "Escudo antiguo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5032
msgid "No one knows its origins."
msgstr "Nadie conoce sus orígenes"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5048
msgid "Braknar Shield"
msgstr "Escudo Braknar"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5048
msgid "A sturdy bronze shield."
msgstr "Un robusto escudo de bronce"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5064
msgid "Wooden Shield"
msgstr "Escudo de madera"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5064
msgid "A shield made of wood."
msgstr "Un escudo hecho de madera"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5081
msgid "Steel Shield"
msgstr "Escudo de acero"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5081
msgid "A shield made of steel."
msgstr "Un escudo hecho de acero"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5098
msgid "Dragon Shield"
msgstr "Escudo de dragón"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5098
msgid "A mighty shield from the dragons."
msgstr "Un poderoso escudo de los dragones"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5108
msgid "Kid Bola"
msgstr "Flotador de niño"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5108
msgid "The most basic buoy."
msgstr "El flotador más basico"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5118
msgid "Candor Bola"
msgstr "Flotador de candor"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5118
msgid "Maybe it belonged to Saxso?"
msgstr "¿Quizás perteneció a Saxso?"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5128
msgid "Purple Bola"
msgstr "Flotador morado"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5128
msgid "You're soo sexy!"
msgstr "¡Eres tan sexy!"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5138
msgid "Tulimshar Bola"
msgstr "Flotador de Tulimshar"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5138
msgid "Do not bother Eugene, if you can swim near fishing spots!"
msgstr "¡No molestes a Eugene, ¡si puedes nadar cerca de lugares de pesca!"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5148
msgid "Snake Bola"
msgstr "Flotador de serpiente "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5148
msgid "Everyone is now scared of you."
msgstr "Todos ahora te tienen miedo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5158
msgid "Piou Bola"
msgstr "Flotador de Piou"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5158
msgid "Guess who's going to be scared of you?"
msgstr "¿Adivina quién te va a tener miedo?"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5168
msgid "Master Bola"
msgstr "Flotador maestro"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5168
msgid "Everyone know you're the king of the beach!"
msgstr "¡Todos saben que eres el rey de la playa!"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5179
msgid "Enchanted Herb Bag"
msgstr "Bolsa de hierbas encantadas"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5179
msgid "Gotta collect lots of herbs today."
msgstr "Tengo que recolectar muchas hierbas hoy"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:5179
msgid "Plants drop all kinds of herbs more often"
msgstr "Las plantas dejan caer todo tipo de hierbas con más frecuencia"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5192
msgid "Bandana"
msgstr "Plátano"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5192
msgid "A striped %Color% bandana worn by some sailors."
msgstr "Un pañuelo de rayas %Color% usado por algunos marineros"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5218
msgid "Pumpkin Hat"
msgstr "Sombrero de calabaza"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5218
msgid "A carved pumpkin. Its face might scare your enemy off!"
msgstr "Una calabaza tallada. ¡Su cara puede asustar a tu enemigo!"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5230
msgid "Fancy Hat"
msgstr "Sombrero adornado"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5230
msgid "Worn when living away from cities."
msgstr "Se usa cuando se vive lejos de las ciudades"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5247
msgid "Brimmed Hat"
msgstr "Sombrero de visera"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5247
msgid "Unequip when indoors, please."
msgstr "Quíteselo cuando esté adentro, por favor"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:5247 items.xml:5264 items.xml:5281
msgid "Melee DEF +5"
msgstr "Defensa a melee +5"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5264
msgid "Brimmed Feather Hat"
msgstr "Sombrero de visera con plumas"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5264
msgid "Distinguishes someone who is travelling."
msgstr "Distingue a alguien que viaja"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5281
msgid "Brimmed Flower Hat"
msgstr "Sombrero de visera con flores"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5281
msgid "To wear at festivals and certain events."
msgstr "Para usar en festivales y ciertos eventos"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5298
msgid "Bull Helmet"
msgstr "Casco de toro"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5298
msgid "It causes a lot of carnage!"
msgstr "¡Causa mucha matanza!"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5310
msgid "Darkhelm"
msgstr "Casco oscuro"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5310
msgid "A black steel helmet worn by the most ferocious warriors."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5324
msgid "%Color% Funky Hat"
msgstr "Sombrero funky %Color%"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5324
msgid "Yawn."
msgstr "Bostezo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5342
msgid "Crusade Helmet"
msgstr "Casco de cruzada"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5342
msgid "Start your own crusade with this %Color% helmet!"
msgstr "¡Empieza tu propia cruzada con este casco %Color%!"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5354
msgid "Bucket"
msgstr "Cubeta"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5354
msgid "A bucket for your head!"
msgstr "¡Una cubeta para tu cabeza!"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5367
msgid "Infantry Helmet"
msgstr "Casco de infantería"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5367
msgid "A helmet for soldiers and guards."
msgstr "Un casco para soldados y guardias"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5382
msgid "%Color% Bunny Ears"
msgstr " Orejas de conejo %Color%"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5382
msgid "A headband with plush %color% bunny ears."
msgstr "Una diadema con orejas de conejo de felpa %color%"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5393
msgid "Mouboo Hat"
msgstr "Sombrero de mouboo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5393
msgid "A tightly fitting mouboo head."
msgstr "Una cabeza mouboo ajustada"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5405
msgid "Bromenal Helmet"
msgstr "Casco Bromenal"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5405
msgid "A hard bromenal helmet."
msgstr "Un casco bromenal duro"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5417
msgid "Candle Helmet"
msgstr "Casco de vela"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5417
msgid "Worn by spelunkers."
msgstr "Usado por espeleólogos"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5429
msgid "Desert Helmet"
msgstr "Casco del desierto"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5429
msgid "Desert warriors use this to protect themselves."
msgstr "Los guerreros del desierto usan esto para protegerse"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5442
msgid "%Color% Desert Hat"
msgstr " Sombrero del desierto %Color%"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5442
msgid ""
"While it is perfect against sandstorms, it won't help you much against a "
"blow to the head."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5455
msgid "Blue Eggshell Hat"
msgstr "Sombrero de cáscara de huevo azul"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5455 items.xml:5890 items.xml:5903 items.xml:6335
msgid "A novelty hat shaped like an eggshell half."
msgstr "Un sombrero novedoso con forma de cáscara de huevo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:5455 items.xml:5890 items.xml:5903 items.xml:6335
msgid "+10 DEF on Easter"
msgstr "+10 Defensa en Pascua "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5470
msgid "%Color% Prsm Helmet"
msgstr "%Color% Casco Prsm"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5470
msgid ""
"A %Color% helmet with two small wings on it, used by Paladins and by Prsm."
msgstr "Un casco %Color% con dos pequeñas alas, usado por Paladins y por Prsm"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:5470
msgid "+3% EXP"
msgstr "+3% Experiencia "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5483
msgid "Warlord Helmet"
msgstr "Casco de señor de la guerra"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5483
msgid "Worn by great warriors!"
msgstr "¡Usado por grandes guerreros!"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5495
msgid "Trapper Hat"
msgstr "Sombrero de trampero"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5495
msgid "A hat made of forain fur"
msgstr "Un sombrero de piel de forain"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5507
msgid "Yeti Mask"
msgstr "Mascara de yeti"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5507
msgid "A mask made from the yeti's head."
msgstr "Una máscara hecha con la cabeza del yeti"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5520
msgid "Antlers Hat"
msgstr "Sombrero de astas"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5520
msgid "Ready for antlers fight."
msgstr "Listo para la pelea de astas"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5531
msgid "Dragon Eggshell"
msgstr "Cáscara de huevo de dragón"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5531
msgid "A dragon once lived in there."
msgstr "Una vez vivió un dragón allí"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5542
msgid "Opera Mask"
msgstr "Máscara de ópera"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5542
msgid "Pale and broken. There is surely a story to be told here."
msgstr "Pálido y roto. Seguramente hay una historia que contar aquí"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5553
msgid "Axe Hat"
msgstr "Sombrero de hacha"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5553
msgid "A really cool joke."
msgstr "Una broma realmente genial"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5565
msgid "Dark Knight Helmet"
msgstr "Casco de caballero oscuro"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5565
msgid "Worn by the dark knight himself."
msgstr "Usado por el mismo caballero oscuro"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5576
msgid "Earmuffs"
msgstr "Orejeras"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5576
msgid "These earmuffs can keep your ears enjoyably warm, even in Nivalis."
msgstr ""
"Estas orejeras pueden mantener tus oídos agradablemente calientes, incluso "
"en Nivalis"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5587
msgid "Samurai Helmet"
msgstr "Casco samurái"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5587
msgid "Some common wear found in samurai tradition."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5598
msgid "Pinkie Hat"
msgstr "Sombrero de pinkie"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5598
msgid "With this, you'll fit right in with those strange pinkies."
msgstr "Con esto, encajarás perfectamente con esos extraños pinkies"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5609
msgid "Skull Mask"
msgstr "Máscara de calavera"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5609
msgid "A mask made out of bones."
msgstr "Una máscara hecha de huesos"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5621
msgid "Imperial Crown"
msgstr " Corona imperial"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5621
msgid "Usually worn by a monarch."
msgstr "Usualmente usado por un monarca"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5631
msgid "GM Cap"
msgstr "Gorra de Game master "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5631
msgid "A cap which identifies you as a GM. Only Game Masters can wear this."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5647
msgid "Cap"
msgstr "Gorra"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5647
msgid "A hat with a peak to shield your eyes from the sun."
msgstr "Un sombrero con visera para protegerte los ojos del sol"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5664
msgid "Top Hat"
msgstr "Sombrero de copa"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5664
msgid "For the gentry of Mana Worlds."
msgstr "Para la nobleza de Mana Worlds"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:5664
msgid "Slower casting / Mobs may drop GP"
msgstr "Lanzamiento más lento / Mobs pueden soltar GP"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5682
msgid "Bowler Hat"
msgstr "Bombín"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5682
msgid "A %Color% hat for those with a bit of class."
msgstr "Un sombrero %Color% para aquellos con un poco de clase"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5701
msgid "Chef Hat"
msgstr "Sombrero de cocinero"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5701
msgid ""
"A tall hat designed for the person in charge of a kitchen. It smells like "
msgstr ""
"Un sombrero de copa diseñado para el responsable de una cocina. Huele a "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:5701
msgid "Skill and Items HP Regen +10% / Attack -45% / Poison Resist +15%"
msgstr ""
"Habilidad y artículos Regeneración de HP +10% / Ataque -45% / Resistencia al"
" veneno +15%"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5717
msgid "Captain Cap"
msgstr "Gorra de capitán"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5717
msgid "A hat worn by the bravest captains."
msgstr "Un sombrero usado por los capitanes más valientes"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5733
msgid "Candor Head Band"
msgstr "Banda para la cabeza de Candor"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5733
msgid "Classical green Candor head band."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5750
msgid "Graduation Cap"
msgstr "Gorro de graduación"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5750
msgid "A nice graduation cap. Smells of hard work."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5766
msgid "Viking Helmet"
msgstr "Casco vikingo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5766
msgid "Every good viking has one."
msgstr "Todo buen vikingo tiene uno"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5783
msgid "Centurion Helmet"
msgstr "Casco de centurión"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5783
msgid "Worn primarily by centurions."
msgstr "Usado principalmente por centuriones"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5801
msgid "Alpha Mouboo Hat"
msgstr "Sombrero de mouboo alpha"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5801
msgid "You murderer!"
msgstr "¡Asesino!"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5818
msgid "Sailor Hat"
msgstr "Sombrero de marinero"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5818
msgid "A very common wear amongst sailors."
msgstr "Un uso muy común entre los marineros"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:5818
msgid "+10% damage against water monsters"
msgstr "+10% De daño contra monstruos de agua "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5835
msgid "Corsair Hat"
msgstr "Sombrero de corsario"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5835
msgid "Watch out, there is a sniper nearby!"
msgstr "¡Cuidado, hay un francotirador cerca!"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5851
msgid "Right Eye Patch"
msgstr "Parche de ojo derecho"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5851
msgid "A cool eye patch! You'll see 50% less with this!"
msgstr "¡Un parche en el ojo genial! ¡Verás un 50% menos con esto!"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5862
msgid "Serf Hat"
msgstr "Sombrero de siervo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5862
msgid "A very comfortable serf hat."
msgstr "Un sombrero de siervo muy cómodo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5877
msgid "NPC Eyes"
msgstr "Ojos de NPC"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5877 items.xml:6431 items.xml:6441
msgid ""
"A set of blinking eyes which NPCs use. Perfect for sleeping in class without"
" anyone noticing."
msgstr ""
"Un par de ojos parpadeantes que usan los NPC. Perfecto para dormir en clase "
"sin que nadie se dé cuenta"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5890
msgid "Green Eggshell Hat"
msgstr "Sombrero de cáscara de huevo verde"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5903
msgid "Orange Eggshell Hat"
msgstr "Sombrero de cáscara de huevo naranja"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5916
msgid "Dark Eggshell Hat"
msgstr "Sombrero de cáscara de huevo oscuro"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5916
msgid "A novelty dark hat shaped like an eggshell half."
msgstr "Un novedoso sombrero oscuro con forma de cáscara de huevo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:5916
msgid "+15 DEF on Easter"
msgstr "+15 De defensa en pascua"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5925
msgid "Admin Cap"
msgstr "Gorra de admin"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5925
msgid ""
"A cap which identifies you as an ADMIN. Only administrators can wear this."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5939
msgid "DEV Cap"
msgstr "Gorra de Developer"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5939
msgid "A cap which identifies you as a DEV. Only developers can wear this."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5956
msgid "Magic Top Hat"
msgstr "Sombrero de copa mágico"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5956
msgid "Probably not the best way to stay hidden."
msgstr "Probablemente no sea la mejor manera de permanecer escondido"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5972
msgid "Miner Hat"
msgstr "Sombrero de minero"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5972
msgid "A hat used by miners."
msgstr "Un sombrero usado por los mineros"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:5990
msgid "Murderer Crown"
msgstr "Corona de asesino"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:5990
msgid "Royal blood has been shed for the ownership of this crown."
msgstr "Se ha derramado sangre real por la propiedad de esta corona"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:5990
msgid ""
"Holy Damage Taken +25% / Dark Resist +25% / Item lost after Kill Saulc "
msgstr ""
"Daño sagrado recibido +25% / Resistencia negra +25% / Objeto perdido tras "
"los eventos de matar a Saulc"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6006
msgid "Fluffy Hat"
msgstr "Sombrero de fluffy"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6006
msgid "How many fluffy did you kill for that!!!"
msgstr "¡¡¡Cuántos peludos mataste por eso!!!"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6022
msgid "Pirate Bandana"
msgstr "Bandana pirata"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6022
msgid "A rare bandana worn by some dangerous pirates."
msgstr "Un pañuelo raro usado por algunos piratas peligrosos"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6048
msgid "Paper Bag"
msgstr "Bolsa de papel"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6048
msgid "You look totally crazy!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6064
msgid "Rice Hat"
msgstr "Sombrero de arroz"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6064
msgid "Hat commonly used by farmers. Currently NPC-Only."
msgstr "Sombrero de uso común por los agricultores. Actualmente solo para NPC"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6077
msgid "%Color% Farmer Hat"
msgstr " Sombrero de granjero %Color%"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6077
msgid "Hat commonly used by farmers."
msgstr "Sombrero de uso común por los agricultores"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6105
msgid "Sacred Forest Hat"
msgstr "Sombrero del Bosque Sagrado"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6105
msgid "Master of the Sacred Forest."
msgstr "Maestro del Bosque Sagrado"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6117
msgid "Cave Snake Hat"
msgstr "Sombrero de serpiente cueva"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6117
msgid "Shine in the darkness of the cave."
msgstr "Brilla en la oscuridad de la cueva"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6133
msgid "Pink Helmet"
msgstr "Casco rosa"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6133
msgid "Hated by pinkies"
msgstr "Odiado por los pinkies"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:6133
msgid "Earth DMG +15%"
msgstr "Daño de tierra +15%"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6145
msgid "Shroom Hat"
msgstr "Sombrero de hongo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6145
msgid "A rare mushroom hat."
msgstr "Un sombrero de hongo raro"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6158
msgid "Forest Shroom Hat"
msgstr "Sombrero de hongo del bosque"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6158
msgid "You are now invisible in the forest."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6169
msgid "Alchemist Helmet"
msgstr "Casco de alquimista"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6169
msgid "A strong steampunk helmet."
msgstr "Un casco steampunk resistente"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6183
msgid "Cleric Cap"
msgstr "Gorro de clérigo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6183
msgid "Jesus"
msgstr "Jesús  "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:6183
msgid ""
"Skill and Items HP Regen +30% / Attack -75% / Crit -40% / ASPD -20% / Block "
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6194
msgid "Santa Beard Hat"
msgstr "Sombrero de Santa Barba"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6194
msgid "Hohoho! Gifts for the nice! Coal for the naughty!"
msgstr "¡Ho Ho Ho! ¡Regalos para los buenos! ¡Carbón para los traviesos!"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6207
msgid "Wicked Shroom Hat"
msgstr "Sombrero de hongo malvado"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6207
msgid "Cursed hat, are you really going to wear it?"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6218
msgid "Moonshroom Hat"
msgstr "Sombrero de hongo lunar"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6218
msgid "Do you feel this magic aura?"
msgstr "¿Sientes esta aura mágica?"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6232
msgid "Fafi Mask"
msgstr "Máscara de Fafi"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6232
msgid "Your friends will think you're a dragon!"
msgstr "¡Tus amigos pensarán que eres un dragón!"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6243
msgid "AFK Cap"
msgstr "Gorra AFK"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6243
msgid "A cap which identifies you as an useless player."
msgstr "Una gorra que te identifica como jugador inútil"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6260
msgid "Knit Hat"
msgstr "Gorro de lana"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6260
msgid "Winter is coming!"
msgstr "¡Viene el invierno!"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:6260
msgid "+20 DEF and +15% EXP on Winter"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6272
msgid "Leprechaun Hat"
msgstr "Sombrero de duende"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6272
msgid "Have you found the Leprechaun gold pot?"
msgstr "¿Has encontrado la olla de oro Leprechaun?"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6285
msgid "Cat Ears"
msgstr "Orejas de gato"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6285
msgid "Meow! A pair of plush cat ears. Meow!"
msgstr "¡Maullar! Un par de orejas de felpa de gato. ¡Maullar!"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:6285

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6297
msgid "Santa Hat"
msgstr "Sombrero de Santa"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6297
msgid ""
"The beard is missing, but at least you could pretend to be him. Or his fan."
msgstr "Falta la barba, pero al menos podrías fingir ser él. O su fan"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6310
msgid "Wreath"
msgstr "Guirnalda"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6310
msgid "A wreath announces, the spring has come!"
msgstr "Una corona anuncia, ¡ha llegado la primavera!"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:6310
msgid "MP Regen +5% / +20 DEF, +15% EXP on Spring"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6323
msgid "Terranite Mask"
msgstr "Máscara de terranita"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6323
msgid "!blame Saulc"
msgstr "!culpa a Saulc"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6335
msgid "Eggshell Hat"
msgstr "Sombrero de cáscara de huevo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6348
msgid "Bounty Hunter Helmet"
msgstr "Casco de cazarrecompensas"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6348
msgid "Experienced bounty hunters have these, friend of all mercenaries."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6361
msgid "Mush Hat"
msgstr "Sombrero Mush"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6361
msgid "You're now ready to play Hide and Seek in a forest."
msgstr "Ahora está listo para jugar al escondite en un bosque"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6374
msgid "Terranite Helmet"
msgstr "Casco de terranita"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6374
msgid "Meh, the Mask is better."
msgstr "Meh, la máscara es mejor"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6386
msgid "Smiley Cap"
msgstr "Gorra sonriente"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6386
msgid "You'll never get sad with this cap! It comes with no warranties."
msgstr "¡Nunca te pondrás triste con esta gorra! Viene sin garantías"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:6386
msgid "ATK Range +1"
msgstr "Rango de ataque +1"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6397
msgid "Boss Hunter Boina"
msgstr "Boina de cazador de jefes"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6397
msgid ""
"This person is a certified boss hunter. Bosses are only small fry for them."
msgstr ""
"Esta persona es un cazador de jefes certificado. Los jefes son solo pequeños"
" alevines para ellos"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:6397
msgid "Boss EXP +10%"
msgstr "Experiencia de jefe +10%"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6408
msgid "Moubi Hat"
msgstr "Sombrero Moubi"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6408
msgid "It would still be magical, wasn't the horn broken."
msgstr "Todavía sería mágico, si el cuerno no estuviera roto."

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6420
msgid "Bloody Mouboo Hat"
msgstr "Sombrero de Mouboo ensangrentado"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6420
msgid "It is evil. And that's all I have to say."
msgstr "Es malvado. Y eso es todo lo que tengo que decir."

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6431
msgid "NPC Eyes D"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6441
msgid "NPC Eyes T"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6452
msgid "%Color% Head Hood"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6452
msgid ""
"A %color% headhood, which makes you look like an assassin... Or at least, "
"eerly suspicious."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6468
msgid "Teddy Bear Hat"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6468
msgid "OMG so cute, girls will fawn over you. Probably."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6480
msgid "Bee Keeper Hat"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6480
msgid "Perfect for collecting Honey."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:6480
msgid "Bees may drop honey"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6493
msgid "Savior Helmet"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6493
msgid "Bring the dawn on your head and dismantle the darkness as you arrive!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6506
msgid "Shemagh"
msgstr "Shemagh"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6506
msgid "An improved scarf used by mercenaries in tough environments."
msgstr "Una bufanda mejorada que usan los mercenarios en entornos difíciles"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6520
msgid "Monocle"
msgstr "Monóculo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6520
msgid "A handy perception tool, even when not at the opera."
msgstr ""
"Una práctica herramienta de percepción, incluso cuando no está en la ópera"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:6520
msgid "Crafting+"
msgstr "elaboración+"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6531
msgid "Mustache"
msgstr "Mostacho"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6531
msgid ""
"Nobody will recognize you with this! It comes without warranty, though."
msgstr "¡Nadie te reconocerá con esto! Sin embargo, viene sin garantía."

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6543
msgid "Beard"
msgstr "Barba"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6543
msgid "Only real men have one."
msgstr "Solo los hombres de verdad tienen uno."

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6557
msgid "Left Eye Patch"
msgstr "Parche de ojo izquierdo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6557
msgid "Arr! What's a pirate with two eyes? A not-pirate! Ar Arr!"
msgstr "Arr! ¿Qué es un pirata con dos ojos? ¡Un no pirata! Ar Arr!"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:6557
msgid "Ranged ATK +25% / Ranged DEF +25%"
msgstr "Ataque de rango +25% / Defensa a rango +25%"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6570
msgid "Googles"
msgstr "Gafas "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6570
msgid "Goggles designed to take care of your eyes."
msgstr "Gafas diseñadas para cuidar tus ojos"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6583
msgid "Heart Glasses"
msgstr "Gafas de corazón"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6583
msgid "Heart Glasses from another universe. Decisions were different there."
msgstr ""
"Gafas de corazón de otro universo. Allí las decisiones fueron diferentes"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:6583
msgid "PVP DEF +40% / PVP (M)ATK -60%"
msgstr "Defensa en PVP +40% / (mágico) Ataque en PVP -60%"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6610
msgid "Burglar Mask"
msgstr "Máscara de ladrón"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6610
msgid "Goes very well with a crowbar."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:6610
msgid "Stealing+"
msgstr "Robar+"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6623
msgid "SunGlasses"
msgstr "Gafas de sol"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6623
msgid "Protects your eyes from the unforgiving sun of Tonori."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6651
msgid "Knife"
msgstr "Cuchillo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6651
msgid "Cutting edge technology. Simple, but efficient."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6666
msgid "Bug Slayer"
msgstr "Asesino de Bugs"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6666
msgid "Jesusalva introduced another bug!! We must slay it!"
msgstr "¡Jesusalva introdujo otro error !! ¡Debemos matarlo!"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6681
msgid "Short Gladius"
msgstr "Gladius corta"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6681
msgid "A short sword made for close combat."
msgstr "Una espada corta hecha para el combate cuerpo a cuerpo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6697
msgid "Wooden Sword"
msgstr "Espada de madera"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6697
msgid "For sword training. Do not show off with it."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6712
msgid "Backsword"
msgstr "Sable"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6712
msgid "An engraved backsword with the symbol of a Mouboo on its brass hilt."
msgstr ""
"Un sable grabado con el símbolo de un Mouboo en su empuñadura de bronce"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6727
msgid "Sharp Knife"
msgstr "Cuchillo afilado"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6727
msgid "A sharp knife. Perfect to cut meat."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6741
msgid "Rusty Knife"
msgstr "Cuchillo oxidado"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6741
msgid "A knife which was exposed to the elements."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6756
msgid "Dagger"
msgstr "Daga"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6756
msgid "Longer and more dangerous than a knife."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6775
msgid "Bone Knife"
msgstr "Cuchillo de hueso"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6775
msgid "A knife made from bones. Quite effective."
msgstr "Un cuchillo hecho de huesos. Bastante eficaz"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6791
msgid "Rock Knife"
msgstr "Cuchillo de roca"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6791
msgid "A rock solid knife."
msgstr "Un cuchillo sólido como una roca"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6806
msgid "Small Knife"
msgstr "Cuchillo pequeño"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6806
msgid "A tiny knife."
msgstr "Un cuchillo diminuto"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6823
msgid "Divine Sword"
msgstr "Espada divina"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6823
msgid "As the name suggests, it is divine."
msgstr "Como sugiere su nombre, es divino"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6838
msgid "Butcher Knife"
msgstr "Cuchillo de carnicero"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6838
msgid ""
"Usually found in a butchery, yet it can also be found at murderer's hands."
msgstr ""
"Por lo general, se encuentra en una carnicería, pero también se puede "
"encontrar en manos de un asesino"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6856
msgid "Ancient Sword"
msgstr "Espada antigua"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6856
msgid "Its so old that no one knows when it was created."
msgstr "Es tan antigua que nadie sabe cuándo fue creada"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6872
msgid "Ice Gladius"
msgstr "Gladius de hielo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6872
msgid "A dagger with a shimmering blue blade."
msgstr "Una daga con una hoja azul brillante"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:6872
msgid "Ice Attack"
msgstr "Ataque de hielo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6887
msgid "Setzer"
msgstr "Setzer"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6887
msgid "A knife named after a famous gambler."
msgstr "Un cuchillo que lleva el nombre de un jugador famoso"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6902
msgid "Long Sword"
msgstr "Espada larga"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6902
msgid "It has a very long blade."
msgstr "Tiene una hoja muy larga"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6922
msgid "Thunder Staff ★★★"
msgstr "Bastón de trueno ★★★"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6922
msgid "Jesusalva's courtesy, impairs holy lightning over your foes!"
msgstr ""
"¡La cortesía de Jesusalva, empaña el santo relámpago sobre tus enemigos!"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:6922
msgid "Wind Attack, Rare Item"
msgstr "Ataque de viento, objeto raro"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6943
msgid "Judgement ★★★"
msgstr "Juicio ★★★"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6943
msgid ""
"Sometimes, to Saves the ones you like, you must judge the ones you don't."
msgstr "A veces, para salvar a los que te gustan, debe juzgar a los que no"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:6943
msgid "Splash damage and knockback effect"
msgstr "Daño por salpicadura y efecto de retroceso"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6961
msgid "Dark Pulsar ★★★"
msgstr "Pulsar oscuro ★★★"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6961
msgid ""
"This awful blade will seep your enemies life force like a knife cuts butter."
" Or at least, this is what they told me."
msgstr ""
"Esta espantosa hoja filtrará la fuerza vital de tus enemigos como un "
"cuchillo corta mantequilla. O al menos esto es lo que me dijeron"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:6961
msgid "Shadow Damage"
msgstr "Daño de las Sombras"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6977
msgid "Bronze Gladius"
msgstr "Gladius de bronce"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6977
msgid ""
"A short sword for the lucky adventurer. It's actually made of deceptively-"
"colored wood."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:6996
msgid "Scythe"
msgstr "Guadaña"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:6996
msgid ""
"Too heavy and clumbersome to use, clearly was not designed to be a weapon."
msgstr ""
"Demasiada pesada y engorrosa para usar, claramente no fue diseñada para ser "
"un arma"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:6996
msgid "Crit +5"
msgstr "Critico +5"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7015
msgid "Kanabo"
msgstr "Kanabo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:7015
msgid "A heavy and clumbersome mace from the lands of fire."
msgstr "Una maza pesada y engorrosa de las tierras del fuego"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:7015
msgid "Crit +12"
msgstr "Critico +12"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7034
msgid "Miere Cleaver"
msgstr "Cuchilla Miere"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:7034
msgid "From the lands of fire, used to break Lava Mana Stones in two."
msgstr ""
"De las tierras del fuego, utilizado para romper las piedras de lava Mana en "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:7034
msgid "Crit +8"
msgstr "Critico +8"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7053
msgid "Broadsword"
msgstr "Mandoble"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:7053
msgid "A heavy sword from the lands of fire. Useful even for bashing."
msgstr "Una espada pesada de las tierras del fuego. Útil incluso para golpear"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:7053
msgid "Crit +10"
msgstr "Critico +10"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7071
msgid "Blacksmith Axe"
msgstr "Hacha de herrero"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:7071
msgid ""
"The icon of Land Of Fire, used by the best blacksmith in the whole world."
msgstr "El icono de Land Of Fire, utilizado por el mejor herrero del mundo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:7071
msgid "Crit +12, May blind targets (4%)"
msgstr "Critico +12,  puede cegar objetivos (4%)"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7091
msgid "Centaur Spear"
msgstr "Lanza de centauro"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:7091
msgid "Heavy spear made for centaurs."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:7091 items.xml:7214
msgid "Crit +14"
msgstr "Critico +14"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7107
msgid "Short Sword"
msgstr "Espada corta"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:7107
msgid "A short sword made for close combat. Careful with that!"
msgstr ""
"Una espada corta hecha para el combate cuerpo a cuerpo. ¡Cuidado con eso!"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7123
msgid "Real Bronze Gladius"
msgstr "Gladius de bronce real"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:7123
msgid "A short sword really made of bronze."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7139
msgid "Miner Knife"
msgstr "Cuchillo minero"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:7139
msgid "A knife reaking of sweat."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7159
msgid "Cursed Scythe"
msgstr "Guadaña maldita"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:7159
msgid "It's time to curse!"
msgstr "¡Es hora de maldecir!"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:7159
msgid ""
"Crit +14, Decreases your HP by 1% of damage dealt, may Curse enemy (1%)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7173
msgid "Kitana"
msgstr "Katana"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:7173
msgid "Light, yet powerful. One of Frostia's masterpieces of engineering."
msgstr ""
"Ligero pero poderoso, una de las obras maestras de ingeniería de Frostia"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7194
msgid "Immortal Heavy Sword"
msgstr "Espada pesada inmortal"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:7194
msgid ""
"It glows with magic power. It cuts steel and stone. But does it makes the "
"fighter immortal?"
msgstr ""
"Brilla con poder mágico. Corta acero y piedra. ¿Pero hace inmortal al "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:7194
msgid "Crit +19"
msgstr "Critico +19"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7214
msgid "Zambacutou Heavy Sword"
msgstr "Espada pesada Zambacutou"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:7214
msgid "Designed to kill cavalary and cause a calamity."
msgstr "Diseñado para matar a la caballería y causar una calamidad"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7234
msgid "Halberd"
msgstr "Alabarda"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:7234
msgid "Only the pro may use this weapon to quickly sweep their enemies."
msgstr ""
"Solo los profesionales pueden usar esta arma para barrer rápidamente a sus "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:7234
msgid "Crit +16"
msgstr "Critico +16"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7252
msgid "Pickaxe"
msgstr "Pico"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:7252
msgid "Only useful for farming Bifs."
msgstr "Solo es útil para minar Bifs"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:7252
msgid "Bifs drop ore more often"
msgstr "Bifs suelta mineral con más frecuencia"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7268
msgid "Lightsaber"
msgstr "Sable de luz"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:7268 items.xml:7286
msgid "Pyndragon always comes up with the craziest ideas."
msgstr "Pyndragon siempre tiene las ideas más locas"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:7268
msgid "ATK Scales. HP -1.2/s"
msgstr "Escala de ataque. HP-1,2/s"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7286
msgid "Powerful Lightsaber"
msgstr " Sable de luz poderoso"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:7286
msgid "ATK Scales. HP -1/s"
msgstr "Escala de ataque. HP-1/s"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7304
msgid "Kunai"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:7304
msgid "More suitable for bandits than assassins or ninjas."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:7304
msgid "Evasion+ / Def- / Crit- / Auto-steal / Auto-loot / Scales with level"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7322
msgid "Whip"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:7322
msgid "Discipline your foes and maintain order."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:7322
msgid "Non-stackable AOE / Evade and DEF - / Scales with level"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7342
msgid "Lightbringer ★★★★★"
msgstr "portador de la luz ★★★★★"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:7342
msgid "The most powerful sword in the world, has a mind of its own."
msgstr "La espada más poderosa del mundo, tiene mente propia"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:7342
msgid ""
"HIT +50% / Holy Damage / Healing Skills +100% / Crit Def -50% / No blocking "
"/ Lose HP and MP"
msgstr ""
"Golpe +50% / Daño sagrado / Habilidades de curar +100% / Defensa critica "
"-50% / No bloqueo / Pierde HP y MP"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7360
msgid "Demure Axe ★★★★★"
msgstr "Hacha recatada ★★★★★"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:7360
msgid ""
"An axe which belongs to the Queen of Dragons. It would be unwise to pick a "
"fight with her."
msgstr ""
"Un hacha que pertenece a la Reina de los Dragones. No sería prudente iniciar"
" una pelea con ella"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:7360
msgid ""
"HIT -10% / Holy Damage / Crit and Crit Def -50% / No blocking / Lore Item"
msgstr ""
"Golpe -10% / daño divino / Defensa critica y critico -50%/ Sin bloqueo / "
"artículo de tradición"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7378
msgid "Tyranny ★★★★★"
msgstr "tiranía★★★★★"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:7378
msgid "The bow which killed Aquiles."
msgstr "El arco que mató a Aquiles."

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:7378
msgid "HIT +200% / Holy Damage / No blocking / Lore Item"
msgstr "Golpe +200% / Daño divino / no bloqueo / artículo de tradición"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7395
msgid "Runestaff ★★★★★"
msgstr "Bastón de las runas ★★★★★"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:7395
msgid "It can see the fate of the world: A book full of black pages."
msgstr "Puede ver el destino del mundo: un libro lleno de páginas negras"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:7395
msgid "MP +750 / Holy Damage / Defense -100 / Lore Item"
msgstr "MP +750 / Daño sagrado / Defensa -100 / artículo de tradición"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7407
msgid "Aegis Shield ★★★★★"
msgstr "Escudo Aegis★★★★★"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:7407
msgid "The shield used by eAthena during dark times."
msgstr "El escudo utilizado por eAthena durante los tiempos oscuros"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:7407
msgid ""
"Supreme Summoning / Crit Immunity / Knockback Immunity / Full HP on Respawn "
"/ Block +20% / MP Regen +100% / Walk Speed -50% / Scalable Defense / No "
"mounts / No attack / Lore Item"
msgstr ""
"Invocación suprema/ Inmunidad critica/ Inmunidad de retroceso/ Vida completa"
" al regenerar/ bloqueo +20%/ regeneración de mana +100% / velocidad de "
"movimiento -50% / Defensa escalable/ sin monturas / sin ataque/ artículo de "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7420
msgid "Piou egg"
msgstr "Huevo de Piou"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:7420
msgid "Piou egg. Not for omelettes!"
msgstr "Huevo de piou. ¡No para tortillas!"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@useButton
#: items.xml:7420 items.xml:7429 items.xml:7438 items.xml:7492 items.xml:7501
#: items.xml:7510 items.xml:7519 items.xml:7546
msgid "Hatch"
msgstr "Eclosionar"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7429
msgid "Bhopper egg"
msgstr "Huevo de bhopper"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:7429
msgid ""
"Whaaaaaat, it is a lucky Bhopper Egg! With proper care, this pet will "
"increase your luck!"
msgstr ""
"queeeeee!, ¡es un Huevo Bhopper de la suerte! ¡Con el cuidado adecuado, esta"
" mascota aumentará tu suerte!"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7438
msgid "Maggot Cocoon"
msgstr "Capullo de gusano"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:7438
msgid "Hey, this cocoon is really rare!"
msgstr "¡Oye, este capullo es realmente raro!"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7447
msgid "Doggy Dog"
msgstr "Perrito"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:7447 items.xml:7456 items.xml:7474
msgid "Faithful companion"
msgstr "Compañero fiel"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@useButton
#: items.xml:7447 items.xml:7456 items.xml:7465 items.xml:7474
msgid "Wake"
msgstr "Despertar"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7456
msgid "Kitty Cat"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7465
msgid "Blacky Cat"
msgstr "Gato negro"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:7465
msgid "Brings bad luck upon your foes."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7474
msgid "Ratte the Ratto"
msgstr "Ratte el ratto"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7483
msgid "Forest Spore"
msgstr "Espora del bosque"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:7483
msgid "Not everyone has this rare type of spore."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@useButton
#: items.xml:7483
msgid "Throw"
msgstr "Lanzar"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7492
msgid "Fluffy Egg"
msgstr "Huevo de fluffy"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:7492
msgid "It's a furry egg. Strange."
msgstr "Es un huevo peludo. Extraño"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7501
msgid "Duck egg"
msgstr "Huevo de pato"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:7501
msgid "Quack Quack. Do not bring it into the bath with you!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7510
msgid "Bat egg"
msgstr "Huevo de murciélago"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:7510
msgid "Nasty."
msgstr "Desagradable"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7519
msgid "Moggun Egg"
msgstr "Huevo de Moggun"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:7519
msgid "Be careful so it doesn't hit you!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7528
msgid "Pinkie Crystal"
msgstr "Pinkie Crystal"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:7528
msgid "I don't think you should summon this. It might be a bad idea."
msgstr "No creo que debas invocar esto. Puede ser una mala idea"

#. #-#-#-#-#  items.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: items/item@useButton
#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#. #-#-#-#-#  npcs.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: npc/menu@name
#: items.xml:7528 items.xml:7537 items.xml:9501 items.xml:9509 items.xml:9517
#: items.xml:9525 items.xml:9533 items.xml:9541 npcs.xml:1180
msgid "Summon"
msgstr "Invocar"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7537
msgid "Dragon Horn"
msgstr "Cuerno de dragón"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:7537
msgid "Summon a pet dragon... Uhm, not so sure if this one is a good idea."
msgstr ""
"Convoca a un dragón de mascota ... Uhm, no estoy tan seguro de si ésta es "
"una buena idea."

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:7546
msgid "You tamed a snake? Eww. Be careful with it!"
msgstr "¿Has domesticado a una serpiente? Eww. ¡Ten cuidado con eso!"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7556
msgid "Crimson Dye"
msgstr "Tinte carmesí"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@useButton
#: items.xml:7556 items.xml:7565 items.xml:7574 items.xml:7583 items.xml:7592
#: items.xml:7601 items.xml:7610 items.xml:7619 items.xml:7628 items.xml:7637
#: items.xml:7646 items.xml:7655 items.xml:7664 items.xml:7673 items.xml:7682
#: items.xml:7691 items.xml:7700 items.xml:7709 items.xml:7718 items.xml:7727
#: items.xml:7736 items.xml:7745
msgid "Dye"
msgstr "Teñir"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:7556 items.xml:7565 items.xml:7574 items.xml:7583 items.xml:7592
#: items.xml:7601 items.xml:7610 items.xml:7619 items.xml:7628 items.xml:7637
#: items.xml:7646 items.xml:7655 items.xml:7664 items.xml:7673 items.xml:7682
#: items.xml:7691 items.xml:7700 items.xml:7709 items.xml:7718 items.xml:7727
#: items.xml:7736 items.xml:7745
msgid "Color dye that can be used on clothing."
msgstr "Tinte de color que se puede usar en la ropa"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7565
msgid "Chocolate Dye"
msgstr "Tinte de chocolate"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7574
msgid "Mint Dye"
msgstr "Tinte de menta"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7583
msgid "Black Dye"
msgstr "Tinte negro"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7592
msgid "Silver Dye"
msgstr "Tinte de plata"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7601
msgid "Camel Dye"
msgstr "Tinte camel"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7610
msgid "Brown Dye"
msgstr "Tinte marrón"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7619
msgid "Orange Dye"
msgstr "Tinte naranja"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7628
msgid "Dark Red Dye"
msgstr "Tinte rojo oscuro"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7637
msgid "Red Dye"
msgstr "Tinte rojo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7646
msgid "Fuchsia Dye"
msgstr "Tinte fucsia"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7655
msgid "Pink Dye"
msgstr "Tinte rosa"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7664
msgid "Mauve Dye"
msgstr "Tinte malva"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7673
msgid "Purple Dye"
msgstr "Tinte púrpura"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7682
msgid "Navy Blue Dye"
msgstr "Tinte azul marino"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7691
msgid "Blue Gray Dye"
msgstr "Tinte gris azulado"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7700
msgid "Blue Dye"
msgstr "Tinte azul"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7709
msgid "Teal Dye"
msgstr "Tinte verde azulado"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7718
msgid "Green Dye"
msgstr "Tinte verde"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7727
msgid "Lime Dye"
msgstr "Tinte de lima"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7736
msgid "Khaki Dye"
msgstr "Tinte de color caqui"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7745
msgid "Yellow Dye"
msgstr "Tinte amarillo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7752
msgid "Necromancer Card"
msgstr "Tarjeta de nigromante"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:7752 items.xml:7901 items.xml:7988
msgid "A powerful card, represents solitude."
msgstr "Una tarjeta poderosa, representa la soledad"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:7752
msgid "Luk +2 / HP -100"
msgstr "Suerte +2 / HP -100"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7759
msgid "Hero Card"
msgstr "Tarjeta de héroe"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:7759 items.xml:7908 items.xml:7995
msgid "A powerful card, represents victory."
msgstr "Una carta poderosa, representa la victoria"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:7759
msgid "Dex +2 / Agi -1"
msgstr "Destreza +2 / Agilidad -1"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7766
msgid "Crusader Knights Card"
msgstr "Tarjeta de caballeros cruzados"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:7766 items.xml:7915 items.xml:8002
msgid "A powerful card, represents loyalty."
msgstr "Una carta poderosa, representa lealtad"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:7766
msgid "Str +2 / Int -1"
msgstr "Fuerza +2 / inteligencia -1"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7773
msgid "Paladin Clerics Card"
msgstr "Tarjeta de clérigos paladín"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:7773 items.xml:7922 items.xml:8009
msgid "A powerful card, represents goodness."
msgstr "Una carta poderosa, representa la bondad"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:7773
msgid "MP +50, Luk -1"
msgstr "MP +50, Suerte -1"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7780
msgid "Forest Druids Card"
msgstr "Tarjeta de Druidas del Bosque"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:7780 items.xml:7929 items.xml:8016
msgid "A powerful card, represents friendship."
msgstr "Una carta poderosa, representa la amistad"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:7780
msgid "Vit +2 / Dex -1"
msgstr "Vitalidad +2 / Destreza -1 "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7787
msgid "Oldur Mages Card"
msgstr "Tarjeta de magos oldur"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:7787 items.xml:7936 items.xml:8023
msgid "A powerful card, represents intelligence."
msgstr "Una carta poderosa, representa inteligencia"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:7787
msgid "Int +2 / Str -1"
msgstr "Inteligencia +2 / fuerza -1"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7794
msgid "Slide Ninjas Card"
msgstr "Carta de ninjas agiles"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:7794 items.xml:7943 items.xml:8030
msgid "A powerful card, represents indiference."
msgstr "Una carta poderosa, representa la indiferencia"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:7794
msgid "Agi +2 / Vit -1"
msgstr "Agilidad +2 / Vitalidad -1"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7801
msgid "Nature World Card"
msgstr "Tarjeta del mundo de la naturaleza"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:7801 items.xml:7950 items.xml:8037
msgid "A powerful card, represents adventure."
msgstr "Una carta poderosa, representa la aventura"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:7801
msgid "HP +100 / MP -25"
msgstr "HP 100 / MP -25"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7808
msgid "Desert Thief Card"
msgstr "Tarjeta de ladrón del desierto"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:7808
msgid ""
"This magic card made of dried sand can be placed in certain type of glove to"
" grant you some powers."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:7808
msgid "Attack Speed +1%"
msgstr "Velocidad de ataque +1%"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7818
msgid "Polished Diamond"
msgstr "Diamante pulido"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@useButton
#: items.xml:7818 items.xml:7827 items.xml:7836 items.xml:7845 items.xml:7854
#: items.xml:7863
msgid "Insert"
msgstr "Insertar"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:7818 items.xml:7827 items.xml:7836 items.xml:7845 items.xml:7854
#: items.xml:7863
msgid "A polished gemstone."
msgstr "Una piedra preciosa pulida"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7827
msgid "Polished Ruby"
msgstr "Rubí pulido"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7836
msgid "Polished Emerald"
msgstr "Esmeralda pulida"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7845
msgid "Polished Sapphire"
msgstr "Zafiro pulido"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7854
msgid "Polished Topaz"
msgstr "Topacio pulido"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7863
msgid "Polished Amethyst"
msgstr "Amatista pulida"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7871
msgid "Speed Card"
msgstr "Tarjeta de velocidad"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:7871 items.xml:7878 items.xml:7886 items.xml:7893 items.xml:7958
#: items.xml:7965 items.xml:7973 items.xml:7980 items.xml:8046 items.xml:8053
#: items.xml:8061 items.xml:8068
msgid "A powerful card, unique of its kin."
msgstr "Una carta poderosa, única en su tipo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7878
msgid "Reflect Card"
msgstr "Tarjeta de reflejo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:7878
msgid "Reflect 2% of non-magic damage"
msgstr "Refleja el 2% del daño no mágico"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7886
msgid "Power Card"
msgstr "Tarjeta de poder"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7893
msgid "Wall Card"
msgstr "Tarjeta de pared"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:7893
msgid "DEF/MDEF +25"
msgstr "Defensa/ Defensa mágica +25"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7901
msgid "Necromancer Card S"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:7901
msgid "Luk +5 / HP -200"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7908
msgid "Hero Card S"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:7908
msgid "Dex +5 / Agi -2"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7915
msgid "Crusader Knights Card S"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:7915
msgid "Str +5 / Int -2"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7922
msgid "Paladin Clerics Card S"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:7922
msgid "MP +125 / Luk -2"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7929
msgid "Forest Druids Card S"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:7929
msgid "Vit +5 / Dex -2"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7936
msgid "Oldur Mages Card S"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:7936
msgid "Int +5 / Str -2"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7943
msgid "Slide Ninjas Card S"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:7943
msgid "Agi +5 / Vit -2"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7950
msgid "Nature World Card S"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:7950
msgid "HP +250 / MP -50"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7958
msgid "Speed Card S"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7965
msgid "Reflect Card S"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:7965
msgid "Reflect 5% of non-magic damage"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7973
msgid "Power Card S"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7980
msgid "Wall Card S"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:7980
msgid "DEF/MDEF +50"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7988
msgid "Necromancer Card X"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:7988
msgid "Luk +10 / HP -400"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:7995
msgid "Hero Card X"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:7995
msgid "Dex +10 / Agi -4"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8002
msgid "Crusader Knights Card X"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:8002
msgid "Str +10 / Int -4"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8009
msgid "Paladin Clerics Card X"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:8009
msgid "MP +250 / Luk -4"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8016
msgid "Forest Druids Card X"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:8016
msgid "Vit +10 / Dex -4"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8023
msgid "Oldur Mages Card X"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:8023
msgid "Int +10 / Str -4"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8030
msgid "Slide Ninjas Card X"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:8030
msgid "Agi +10 / Vit -4"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8037
msgid "Nature World Card X"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:8037
msgid "HP +500 / MP -100"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8046
msgid "Speed Card X"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:8046
msgid "Cast Rate -1%"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8053
msgid "Reflect Card X"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:8053
msgid "Reflect 7% of non-magic damage and 1% of magic damage"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8061
msgid "Power Card X"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8068
msgid "Wall Card X"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:8068
msgid "DEF/MDEF +75"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8086
msgid "Training Bow"
msgstr "Arco de entrenamiento"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:8086
msgid "For archery training. Does not seem very reliable."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:8086 items.xml:8106 items.xml:8126 items.xml:8146 items.xml:8166
#: items.xml:8187 items.xml:8687
msgid "Evasion Disabled"
msgstr "Evasión deshabilitada"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8106
msgid "Wooden Bow"
msgstr "Arco de madera"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:8106
msgid "For the unexperienced bowperson."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8126
msgid "Short Bow"
msgstr "Arco corto"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:8126
msgid ""
"The shortest of them all, and almost a knife, but the only which hits at "
"point-blank range."
msgstr ""
"El más pequeño de todos, y casi un cuchillo, pero el único que golpea a "

#. #-#-#-#-#  items.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#. #-#-#-#-#  quests.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: items.xml:8146 quests.xml:1777 quests.xml:1795
msgid "Forest Bow"
msgstr "Arco del bosque"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:8146
msgid "A big and powerful bow, to hunt monsters in the forest."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8166
msgid "Elfic Bow"
msgstr "Arco de elfo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:8166
msgid "Light, yet powerful. This is the masterprice of elvish engineering."
msgstr ""
"Ligero pero poderoso. Este es el precio maestro de la ingeniería elfica"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8187
msgid "Championship Bow"
msgstr "Arco de campeonato"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:8187
msgid "A great bow which only champions are allowed to use."
msgstr "Un gran arco que solo los campeones pueden usar"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8208
msgid "Banshee Bow"
msgstr "Arco de Banshee"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:8208
msgid "Need to banish something? Do not fret, use the Banshee Bow!"
msgstr "¿Necesitas desterrar algo? ¡No te preocupes, usa el Banshee Bow!"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:8208
msgid "-1 HP per shoot / Evasion Disabled"
msgstr "-1 De vida por disparo/ Evasion desactivada"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8231
msgid "Powerful Gunstaff"
msgstr "Poderosa arma"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:8231
msgid "When a single big hole in your enemies' chests is all you need."
msgstr ""
"Cuando un solo gran agujero en el pecho de tus enemigos es todo lo que "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:8231 items.xml:8315
msgid "Critical +40% / No Evasion"
msgstr "Crítico +40% / No evasión "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8252
msgid "Rapid Gunstaff"
msgstr "Arma rapida"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:8252
msgid ""
"That things shoot so fast! It is so fun shooting with it! Oh... Ran out of "
"ammo already? %%a"
msgstr ""
"¡esa cosa dispara tan rápido! ¡Es muy divertido disparar con él! Oh... ¿Ya "
"te quedaste sin munición? %%a"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:8252
msgid "Acc. -50% / Critical -100% / No Evasion"
msgstr "precisión -50% / critico -100% / no evasion"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8273
msgid "Explosive Gunstaff"
msgstr "Arma explosiva"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:8273
msgid "Standard weaponry in Saulc's Palace, that thing causes splash damage."
msgstr ""
"Armamento estándar en el Palacio de Saulc, esa cosa causa daño por "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:8273
msgid "No Evasion / AoE Damage"
msgstr "No evasión / efecto de daño en area"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8294
msgid "Short Gunstaff"
msgstr "Arma corta "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:8294
msgid "Want to shoot with a shield? You have been watching too much anime!"
msgstr "¿Quieres disparar con escudo? ¡Has estado viendo demasiado anime!"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:8294
msgid "Evasion OK / Shields Allowed"
msgstr "evasión OK / escudos permitidos"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8315
msgid "Dustynator 2000"
msgstr "Dustynator 2000"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:8315
msgid "The best weapon on the market! I'm not trying to scam you, I swear"
msgstr "¡La mejor arma del mercado! No estoy tratando de estafarte, lo juro"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8329
msgid "Training Arrow"
msgstr "Flecha de Entrenamiento"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:8329
msgid "For bow training. Does not seem very reliable."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8336
msgid "Tolchi Arrow"
msgstr "Flecha de Tolchi"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:8336
msgid "A basic arrow."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8344
msgid "Arrow"
msgstr "Flecha"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:8344
msgid "An arrow used by most archers."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8352
msgid "Iron Arrow"
msgstr "Flecha de hierro"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:8352
msgid "A more expensive arrow made from iron."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8360
msgid "Cursed Arrow"
msgstr "Flecha maldita"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:8360
msgid "A cursed arrow."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8369
msgid "Poison Arrow"
msgstr "Flecha venenosa"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:8369
msgid "A normal arrow dipped in poison."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:8369
msgid "May poison foes"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8377
msgid "Thorn Arrow"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:8377
msgid "Take care when handling it to don't hurt yourself."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8385
msgid "Bone Arrow"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:8385
msgid "A bone-breaker arrow."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8393
msgid "Explosive Arrow"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:8393
msgid "An explosive arrow, handle with caution!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:8393
msgid "Explodes in 2x2 area"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8400
msgid "Bullet"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:8400
msgid "The only thing which will fit into that gun of yours."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8407
msgid "Sacred Bullet"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:8407
msgid "Saulc added skeletons? No prob, we will get rid of them %%e"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8414
msgid "Evil Bullet"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:8414
msgid "You shall put the nature to eternal slumber with this."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8426
msgid "Training Wand"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:8426
msgid "A short wand for wannabe mages."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8439
msgid "Novice Wand"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:8439
msgid "A short wand for those whom just learn magic."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:8439 items.xml:8452
msgid "HP -12%"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8452
msgid "Apprentice Wand"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:8452
msgid "A wand for mages."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8465
msgid "Leader Wand"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:8465
msgid "A wand for real mages, respected by newbies."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:8465
msgid "HP -16%"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8478
msgid "Mystic Wand"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:8478
msgid "Only great mages dare to use this. It's damage is as high as its name."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:8478
msgid "HP -20%"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8490
msgid "Reinboo Wand"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:8490
msgid "Said to be created by Santa himself, to control his reins."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:8490
msgid "Magic Attack +370 / HP -5%"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8503
msgid "Scepter of Thunder"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:8503
msgid "Randomly pours doom upon foes, and is overall powerful."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:8503
msgid ""
"Magic Attack +370 / ATK +25 / HP -16% / MP+ / AutoSpell / Uses mana / Scales"
" with level"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8521
msgid "Legacy Miere Cleaver"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:8521
msgid ""
"From the lands of fire, used to break Lava Mana Stones in two. Made from "
"pure unobtanium."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:8521 items.xml:8539
msgid "Unobtanium"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8539
msgid "Legacy Broadsword"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:8539
msgid ""
"A heavy sword from the lands of fire. Useful even for bashing. Made from "
"pure unobtanium."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8550
msgid "Rented Cart"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:8550
msgid "It's time to shop."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:8550
msgid "Enables Cart"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8558
msgid "Falkon Card"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:8558 items.xml:8565 items.xml:8572 items.xml:8579 items.xml:8586
#: items.xml:8593 items.xml:8600 items.xml:8607 items.xml:8614 items.xml:8621
#: items.xml:8628 items.xml:8635 items.xml:8711
msgid "Event Only."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:8558
msgid "Skill: Falkon Punch"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8565
msgid "Arrow Shower Card"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:8565
msgid "Skill: Arrow Shower"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8572
msgid "Fireball Card"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:8572
msgid "Skill: Fireball"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8579
msgid "Heal Card"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:8579
msgid "Skill: Healing"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8586
msgid "Nature Wall Card"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:8586
msgid "Skill: Nature Wall"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8593
msgid "Last Stand Card"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:8593
msgid "Skill: Last Stand, Last Resort"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8600
msgid "Full Power Card"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:8600
msgid "Skill: Free Cast, Magical Power Amplification"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8607
msgid "Magical MVP Card"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:8607
msgid "Skill: Soul Strike, Frost Nova"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8614
msgid "High Priest Card"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:8614
msgid "Skill: Holy Light, High Healing"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8621
msgid "Supreme Warrior Card"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:8621
msgid "Skill: Counter Attack, Ground Strike"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8628
msgid "Supreme Ranger Card"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:8628
msgid "Skill: Archers Eye, Sharpshooter"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8635
msgid "Coward Card"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:8635
msgid "Skill: Trick Dead, Tactical Retreat, Sudden Attack"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8646
msgid "Event Sword"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:8646
msgid "A short sword made for an event."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8666
msgid "Event Greatsword"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:8666
msgid "From the lands of fire, made for an event."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:8666
msgid "Crit Scales"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8687
msgid "Event Bow"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:8687
msgid "Light, yet powerful. Made for an event."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8702
msgid "Event Wand"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:8702
msgid "A wand for event mages."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:8702
msgid "Magic Attack Scales"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8711
msgid "Versatile Card"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:8711
msgid "Skills: Charged Shot, Supreme Attack, Healing"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8720
msgid "Acorn Of Death"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:8720
msgid "You died, and all you got was this nasty acorn!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:8720
msgid "Heal 12-18 HP"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8746
msgid "Sky Piercer ★★★"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:8746
msgid "The savior's sword, pierces the sky into mana."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:8746
msgid "Damage scales with level / DEF -50% / Evasion -50% / Block +25%"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8760
msgid "Basic Skills"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:8760
msgid ""
"Lv 1 - Str, Int / Lv 3 - Dex, MaxHP / Lv 5 - Agi, MaxMP / Lv 7 - Luk, Vit"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:8760
msgid "Req. Crafting Lv 1"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8768
msgid "Attack Skills"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:8768
msgid "Lv 1 - Atk, M. Atk / Lv 5 - Atk %, M. Atk %"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:8768 items.xml:8775 items.xml:8782 items.xml:8789
msgid "Req. Crafting Lv 2, Basic Lv 1"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8775
msgid "Defense Skills"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:8775
msgid "Lv 1 - Def, M. Def / Lv 5 - Crit DEF, Ranged DEF"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8782
msgid "Accuracy Skills"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:8782
msgid "Lv 1 - Hit Chance / Lv 5 - Crit % / Lv 10 - Crit Chance"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8789
msgid "Evade Skills"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:8789
msgid "Lv 1 - Evade / Lv 5 - Blocking"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8797
msgid "Regeneration Skills"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:8797
msgid "Lv 1 - HP Regen / Lv 5 - MP Regen"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:8797
msgid "Req. Crafting Lv 3, Basic Lv 2, Attack Lv 1, Defense Lv 1"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8804
msgid "Speed Skills"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:8804
msgid "Lv 1 - Atk. Speed / Lv 5 - Walk Speed"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:8804
msgid "Req. Crafting Lv 3, Basic Lv 2, Accuracy Lv 1, Evade Lv 1"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8811
msgid "Double Power Skills"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:8811
msgid "Lv 1 - Crit Damage / Lv 5 - Double Attack"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:8811
msgid "Req. Crafting Lv 3, Basic Lv 2, Attack Lv 1, Accuracy Lv 1"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8818
msgid "Max Stats Skills"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:8818
msgid "Lv 1 - Max HP %, Max MP % / Lv 5 - Boss Def"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:8818
msgid "Req. Crafting Lv 3, Basic Lv 2, Defense Lv 1, Evade Lv 1"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8826
msgid "SC Resist Skills"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:8826 items.xml:8833
msgid "Lv 1 - Poison / Lv 2 - Silence / Lv 3 - Blind / Lv 4 - Curse"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:8826
msgid "Req. Crafting Lv 4, Basic Lv 4, Max Stats Lv 2, Regen. Lv 2"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8833
msgid "SC Inflict Skills"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:8833
msgid "Req. Crafting Lv 4, Basic Lv 4, Speed Lv 2, Double Power Lv 2"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8840
msgid "Mana Economy Skills"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:8840
msgid "Lv 1 - MP Draining / Lv 5 - Mana Use"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:8840
msgid "Req. Crafting Lv 4, Basic Lv 4, Defense Lv 3, Evasion Lv 3"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8847
msgid "Boss Techiniques Skills"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:8847
msgid "Lv 1 - HP Draining / Lv 5 - Boss Damage"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:8847
msgid "Req. Crafting Lv 4, Basic Lv 4, Attack Lv 3, Accuracy Lv 3"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8855
msgid "Ultimate Bonus Skills"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:8855
msgid "Lv 1 - EXP UP / Lv 3 - GP From Mobs / Lv 5 - Splash Damage"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:8855
msgid ""
"Req. Crafting Lv 5, Basic Lv 6, Boss Tec. Lv 1, Mana Eco. Lv 1, SC Inf. Lv "
"1, SC Res. Lv 1"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8865
msgid "Basic Alchemy Blueprint"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:8865 items.xml:8873 items.xml:8881 items.xml:8889 items.xml:8897
msgid "Blueprint containing alchemy recipes."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8873
msgid "Intermediary Alchemy Blueprint"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8881
msgid "Advanced Alchemy Blueprint"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8889
msgid "Expert Alchemy Blueprint"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8897
msgid "Master Alchemy Blueprint"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8907
msgid "Basic Equipment Blueprint"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:8907 items.xml:8915 items.xml:8923 items.xml:8931 items.xml:8939
msgid "Blueprint containing equipment recipes."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8915
msgid "Intermediary Equipment Blueprint"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8923
msgid "Advanced Equipment Blueprint"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8931
msgid "Expert Equipment Blueprint"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8939
msgid "Master Equipment Blueprint"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8949
msgid "Terranite Blueprint"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:8949
msgid "Blueprint containing, mostly, terranite equipment recipes."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8959
msgid "Savior Blueprint"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:8959
msgid "Blueprint containing either ancient secrets, or ancient scams."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8969
msgid "Ancient Blueprint"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:8969
msgid "A Blueprint written in Mananese."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@useButton
#: items.xml:8969
msgid "Decrypt"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8977
msgid "Arcmage Boxset"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:8977
msgid "A boxset of a popular card game called"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8986
msgid "Mercenary Boxset"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:8986 items.xml:8994 items.xml:9002 items.xml:9010 items.xml:9018
msgid "Test your luck, test your luck!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:8994
msgid "Mercenary Boxset+"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9002
msgid "Mercenary Boxset++"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9010
msgid "Mercenary Boxset+++"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9018
msgid "Supreme Mercenary Boxset"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9026
msgid "Mercenary Boxset ★"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:9026 items.xml:9034 items.xml:9042 items.xml:9050 items.xml:9058
msgid "Contains a mercenary."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9034
msgid "Mercenary Boxset ★★"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9042
msgid "Mercenary Boxset ★★★"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9050
msgid "Mercenary Boxset ★★★★"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9058
msgid "Mercenary Boxset ★★★★★"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9073
msgid "Andrei Sakar Card ★★★★★"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:9073
msgid "Summons Andrei Sakar to your aid."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:9073
msgid "Summon a Mercenary for 10 minutes"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9080
msgid "Lilanna Card ★★★★★"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:9080
msgid "Summons Lilanna to your aid."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:9080 items.xml:9087 items.xml:9094 items.xml:9102 items.xml:9109
#: items.xml:9116 items.xml:9123 items.xml:9131 items.xml:9138 items.xml:9145
#: items.xml:9152 items.xml:9160 items.xml:9167 items.xml:9174 items.xml:9181
#: items.xml:9189 items.xml:9196 items.xml:9203 items.xml:9210
msgid "Summon a Mercenary for 15 minutes"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9087
msgid "Woody Card ★★★★★"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:9087
msgid "Summons Woody to your aid."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9094
msgid "Xanthem Card ★★★★★"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:9094
msgid "Summons Xanthem to your aid. Ranged."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9102
msgid "Aisen Card ★★★★"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:9102
msgid "Summons Aisen to your aid."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9109
msgid "Msawis Card ★★★★"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:9109
msgid "Summons Msawis to your aid."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9116
msgid "DragonStar Card ★★★★"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:9116
msgid "Summons DragonStar to your aid."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9123
msgid "Swezanne Card ★★★★"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:9123
msgid "Summons Swezanne to your aid. Ranged."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9131
msgid "Saulc Card ★★★"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:9131
msgid "Summons Saulc to your aid."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9138
msgid "Crazyfefe Card ★★★"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:9138
msgid "Summons Crazyfefe to your aid."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9145
msgid "LawnCable Card ★★★"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:9145
msgid "Summons LawnCable to your aid."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9152
msgid "Arthur Card ★★★"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:9152
msgid "Summons Arthur to your aid. Ranged."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9160
msgid "Pookie Card ★★"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:9160
msgid "Summons Pookie to your aid."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9167
msgid "Jesusalva Card ★★"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:9167
msgid "Summons Jesusalva to your aid."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9174
msgid "Demure Card ★★"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:9174
msgid "Summons Demure to your aid."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9181
msgid "Earth Witch Card ★★"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:9181
msgid "Summons Earth Witch to your aid. Ranged."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9189
msgid "Apane Card ★"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:9189
msgid "Summons Apane to your aid?!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9196
msgid "Soren Card ★"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:9196
msgid "Summons Soren to your aid."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9203
msgid "GonzoDark Card ★"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:9203
msgid "Summons GonzoDark to your aid."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9210
msgid "Rosa Card ★"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:9210
msgid "Summons Rosa to your aid. Ranged."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9217
msgid "Event Horizon Card ★★★★★★"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:9217
msgid "Event Mercenary."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:9217
msgid "Summon a Mercenary for 1 hour. Reusable."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9226
msgid "Strength Fruit"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:9226 items.xml:9234 items.xml:9242 items.xml:9250 items.xml:9258
#: items.xml:9266 items.xml:9274
msgid "Feel the power growing on you!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:9226
msgid "Permanently STR +1"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9234
msgid "Agility Fruit"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:9234
msgid "Permanently AGI +1"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9242
msgid "Vitality Fruit"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:9242
msgid "Permanently VIT +1"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9250
msgid "Intelligence Fruit"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:9250
msgid "Permanently INT +1"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9258
msgid "Dexterity Fruit"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:9258
msgid "Permanently DEX +1"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9266
msgid "Luck Fruit"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:9266
msgid "Permanently LUK +1"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9274
msgid "Mysterious Fruit"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:9274
msgid "Random permanent status raise"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9282
msgid "Small Arrow Sack"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:9282
msgid "Contains roughly 12 arrows for your shooting purposes."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9290
msgid "Medium Arrow Sack"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:9290
msgid "Contains roughly 35 arrows for your shooting purposes."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9298
msgid "Big Arrow Sack"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:9298
msgid "Contains roughly 90 arrows for your shooting purposes."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9305
msgid "Small Bullet Sack"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:9305
msgid "Contains roughly 12 bullets for your shooting purposes."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9312
msgid "Medium Bullet Sack"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:9312
msgid "Contains roughly 40 bullets for your shooting purposes."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9319
msgid "Big Bullet Sack"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:9319
msgid "Contains roughly 85 bullets for your shooting purposes."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9327
msgid "Dragonfruit"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:9327
msgid "Is this an egg or a fruit? It is difficult to say."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9335
msgid "Chamomile Tea"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:9335 items.xml:9343 items.xml:9351 items.xml:9359
msgid "Tea is good for health, according to specialists."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:9335
msgid "Heal 120-272 MP"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9343
msgid "Spearmint Tea"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:9343
msgid "Heal 300-452 MP"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9351
msgid "Oolong Tea"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:9351
msgid "Heal 480-632 MP"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9359
msgid "Jasmine Tea"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:9359
msgid "Heal 660-812 MP"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9367
msgid "Yerba Mate"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:9367
msgid "Elected the best tea by Kolchak. Impossible to disagree."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:9367
msgid "Heal 840-992 MP"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9375
msgid "Scented Grenade"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:9375
msgid "Don't throw it, or everyone will hate you."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:9375
msgid "Mass Provoke"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9383
msgid "Sacred Potion of Immortality"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:9383
msgid "Made with roots from the tree of life, temporarily makes you immportal"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:9383
msgid "Auto-Revive (40s)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9391
msgid "Bronze Boss Gift"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:9391 items.xml:9399 items.xml:9407
msgid "Hey, what a nice boss! They left a gift behind!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9399
msgid "Silver Boss Gift"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9407
msgid "Golden Boss Gift"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9415
msgid "Iced Water"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:9415
msgid "Frozen solid."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:9415
msgid "Cooldown in hot places (5 minutes)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9424
msgid "Linarian Soul"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:9424
msgid "Something from FreedroidRPG escaped, and it is... who knows."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9447
msgid "Tux Soul"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:9447
msgid "Something from SuperTux escaped, a gift from Kernelius."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9469
msgid "Purification Potion"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:9469
msgid "Less holy than it looks like."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:9469
msgid "Neutralizes Cursed Lands effects (5 minutes)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9478
msgid "Homunculus Stat Reset Potion"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:9478
msgid "Reset all your homunculus status points. Seems VERY dangerous."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:9478
msgid "H. Status Reset"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9486
msgid "Insurance Contact"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:9486
msgid "Time limit: 15 minutes"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9493
msgid "Nymph Poison"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:9493
msgid "Extremely deadly poison; Handle with care."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:9493
msgid "Deadly Poison"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9501
msgid "Maggot's Scroll"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:9501
msgid "Summons a maggot."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9509
msgid "Cave Maggot's Scroll"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:9509
msgid "Summons a cave maggot."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9517
msgid "Dragon's Scroll"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:9517
msgid "Summons a dragon."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9525
msgid "Wolvern's Scroll"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:9525
msgid "Summons a wolvern."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9533
msgid "Yeti's Scroll"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:9533
msgid "Summons a yeti."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9541
msgid "Terranite's Scroll"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:9541
msgid "Summons a terranite."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9549
msgid "Magnus Heal Scroll"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:9549 items.xml:9557
msgid "Heals all friendly units in range."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:9549 items.xml:9557 items.xml:9565
msgid "Area Healing"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@useButton
#: items.xml:9549 items.xml:9557 items.xml:9565 items.xml:9573 items.xml:9581
#: items.xml:9589 items.xml:9597 items.xml:9605 items.xml:9613 items.xml:9621
#: items.xml:9629 items.xml:9637 items.xml:9645 items.xml:9653 items.xml:9661
msgid "Cast"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9557
msgid "Magnus Heal Scroll+"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9565
msgid "Magnus Heal Scroll++"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:9565
msgid "Greatly heals all friendly units in range."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9573
msgid "Angel Light Scroll"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:9573 items.xml:9581 items.xml:9589
msgid "Casts regeneration for 13 seconds."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:9573 items.xml:9597 items.xml:9621 items.xml:9645
msgid "Only on self"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9581
msgid "Angel Light Scroll+"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:9581 items.xml:9605 items.xml:9629 items.xml:9653
msgid "Party and Guild allies only"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9589
msgid "Angel Light Scroll++"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:9589 items.xml:9613 items.xml:9637 items.xml:9661
msgid "Area Effect"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9597
msgid "Battle Plans Scroll"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:9597 items.xml:9605 items.xml:9613
msgid "STR/DEX/INT +10 for 65 seconds."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9605
msgid "Battle Plans Scroll+"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9613
msgid "Battle Plans Scroll++"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9621
msgid "Defense Bless Scroll"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:9621 items.xml:9629 items.xml:9637
msgid "DEF +20 for 65 seconds."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9629
msgid "Defense Bless Scroll+"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9637
msgid "Defense Bless Scroll++"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9645
msgid "Critical Fortune Scroll"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:9645 items.xml:9653 items.xml:9661
msgid "Critical +15 for 55 seconds."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9653
msgid "Critical Fortune Scroll+"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9661
msgid "Critical Fortune Scroll++"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:9668
msgid "this"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:9668
msgid "If you see this ingame, please report, it is a bug."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/000-0-0.tmx:9
msgid "Training Island"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/000-0-1.tmx:9
msgid "Sailor's Room"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/000-0.tmx:8 ../../client-data/maps/002-5.tmx:8
#: ../../client-data/maps/016-6.tmx:9
msgid "Ocean"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/000-1.tmx:11
msgid "Jesusalva's Trap"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/001-10-1.tmx:9
msgid "Dust Boss Cave"
msgstr ""

#. #-#-#-#-#  map001-10.tmx.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#. #-#-#-#-#  quests.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: ../../client-data/maps/001-10.tmx:9 quests.xml:2885
msgid "Call Of Dusty"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/001-11.tmx:8
msgid "Valentine Highlands"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/001-12.tmx:6
msgid "Southeast Enchanted Forest"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/001-13-0.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/001-13-1.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/001-13-2.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/001-13.tmx:9
msgid "Showdown"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/001-14.tmx:9
msgid "Porthos - The Town Of Portals"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/001-1.tmx:10
msgid "Floating Island of Aeros"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/001-2.tmx:6
msgid "Coliseum"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/001-3-1.tmx:5
msgid "Saulc's Palace"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/001-3.tmx:8
msgid "Saulc's Home"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/001-4.tmx:6
msgid "Enchanted Forest"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/001-5.tmx:7 ../../client-data/maps/001-5.tmx:24
msgid "Contributor's Cave"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/001-6.tmx:9
msgid "Cave Of Trials"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/001-7.tmx:9
msgid "Frostia Cliffs"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/001-8.tmx:9
msgid "Hungry Quirin Arena"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/001-9.tmx:9
msgid "Eternity Maze"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/002-1.tmx:9
msgid "Second Deck"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/002-2.tmx:9
msgid "Hold"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/002-3.tmx:8
msgid "First Deck"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/002-4.tmx:8
msgid "Nard's Room"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/003-0-1.tmx:8
msgid "The Magic Guild"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/003-0-2.tmx:8
msgid "The Magic Guild Council Room"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/003-0.tmx:8
msgid "Magic Academy"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/003-10.tmx:9
msgid "Guard's House"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/003-1-1.tmx:8
msgid "Tulimshar Sewers"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/003-1-2.tmx:8
msgid "Tulimshar Wall"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/003-1-3.tmx:8
msgid "Magic School's Cave"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/003-13.tmx:8
msgid "duel map"
msgstr ""

#. #-#-#-#-#  map003-1.tmx.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#. #-#-#-#-#  map004-1.tmx.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#. #-#-#-#-#  quests.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: ../../client-data/maps/003-1.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/004-1.tmx:9
#: quests.xml:1372 quests.xml:1382 quests.xml:1393 quests.xml:1402
#: quests.xml:1411 quests.xml:1421 quests.xml:1432 quests.xml:1440
msgid "Tulimshar"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/003-2-1.tmx:9
msgid "#Leave-Complaints"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/003-2.tmx:8
msgid "Tulimshar Guild"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/003-3.tmx:8 ../../client-data/maps/003-7.tmx:8
msgid "Tulimshar Storage"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/003-4-1.tmx:8 ../../client-data/maps/003-4.tmx:8
msgid "Forgotten Shop"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/003-5.tmx:8
msgid "Tulimshar Jeweler"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/003-6.tmx:8
msgid "Laundry"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/003-8.tmx:8
msgid "Terranite Forge"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/003-9-1.tmx:7
msgid "Tulimshar Theater"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/003-9.tmx:7
msgid "Tulimshar Inn"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/004-2-10.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/004-2-11.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/004-2-11.tmx:324
#: ../../client-data/maps/004-2-12.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/004-2-1.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/004-2-2.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/004-2-3.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/004-2-4.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/004-2-4.tmx:524
#: ../../client-data/maps/004-2-5.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/004-2-6.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/004-2-7.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/004-2-8.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/004-2-9.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/004-3-1.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/004-3-2.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/004-3-3.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/004-3-4.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/004-3-5.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/004-3-6.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/007-1-1.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/007-1-2.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/010-1-10.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/010-1-11.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/010-1-12.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/010-1-1.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/010-1-2.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/010-1-3.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/010-1-4.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/010-1-5.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/010-1-6.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/010-1-7.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/010-1-8.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/010-1-9.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/010-2-10.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/010-2-11.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/010-2-12.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/010-2-13.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/010-2-14.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/010-2-15.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/010-2-16.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/010-2-2.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/010-2-3.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/010-2-4.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/010-2-5.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/010-2-6.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/010-2-7.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/010-2-8.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/010-2-9.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/010-4-2.tmx:9
msgid "Canyon Cave"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/004-2.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/010-1.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/010-2.tmx:9
msgid "Desert Mountains"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/004-3.tmx:9
msgid "Pachua's Village"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/005-1-1.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/005-1.tmx:9
msgid "Candor Island"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/005-2-1.tmx:9
msgid "Saxso's Basement"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/005-2.tmx:8
msgid "Saxso's House"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/005-3.tmx:8
msgid "Storage House"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/005-4.tmx:8
msgid "Armor Shop"
msgstr ""

#. #-#-#-#-#  map005-5.tmx.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#. #-#-#-#-#  quests.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: ../../client-data/maps/005-5.tmx:8 quests.xml:904
msgid "Candor Bank"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/005-6.tmx:8
msgid "Candor Magic House"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/005-7.tmx:8
msgid "Training House"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/006-0.tmx:8
msgid "Candor's Underground, B1F"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/006-10.tmx:13
msgid "Fefe's Crypt"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/006-1.tmx:8
msgid "Crazyfefe's Cave"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/006-2-1.tmx:9
msgid "Piou Houses"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/006-2-2.tmx:9
msgid "Secret Cave"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/006-2-3.tmx:9
msgid "Mushroom Cavern"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/006-2-4.tmx:9
msgid "Training Room"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/006-2-5.tmx:9
msgid "Throne Room"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/006-2-6.tmx:9
msgid "Upper Level"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/006-2.tmx:9
msgid "The Piou Islands"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/006-3.tmx:8
msgid "Candor's Underground, B2F"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/006-4-1.tmx:9
msgid "Abandoned Building"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/006-4.tmx:9
msgid "Abandoned Island"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/006-5.tmx:9
msgid "Groata Grotto"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/006-6.tmx:8
msgid "Candor's Underground, B3F"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/006-7.tmx:13
msgid "Aethyr Chamber"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/006-8.tmx:13
msgid "Capture the Flag"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/006-9.tmx:13
msgid "The Abyss"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/007-1.tmx:9
msgid "Tulimshar Mining Camp"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/007-2.tmx:9
msgid "Tulimshar Volcano Underground"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/008-0.tmx:9
msgid "Party Dungeon Waiting Hall"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/008-1.tmx:9
msgid "1st Floor - Party Dungeon"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/008-2.tmx:9
msgid "2nd Floor - Party Dungeon"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/009-1.tmx:9
msgid "Halinarzo"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/009-2.tmx:8
msgid "Halinarzo Library &amp; Bar"
msgstr ""

#. #-#-#-#-#  map009-3.tmx.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#. #-#-#-#-#  quests.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: ../../client-data/maps/009-3.tmx:8 quests.xml:1760 quests.xml:1769
msgid "Halinarzo General Store"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/009-4.tmx:8
msgid "Halinarzo Hospital"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/009-5.tmx:8
msgid "Halinarzo Church"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/009-6.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/009-7.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/012-8.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/017-7.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/017-8.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/024-14.tmx:9
msgid "Real Estate"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/010-3.tmx:9
msgid "Canyon Stone"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/010-4-1.tmx:9
msgid "Katze Cave"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/011-1.tmx:9
msgid "Depleted Mana Stones Mine"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/011-2.tmx:8
msgid "Supreme Mana Cave"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/011-3.tmx:9
msgid "Eternal Swamps - Landbridge"
msgstr ""

#. #-#-#-#-#  map012-1.tmx.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#. #-#-#-#-#  quests.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: ../../client-data/maps/012-1.tmx:8 quests.xml:204 quests.xml:2122
#: quests.xml:2135
msgid "Hurnscald"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/012-2.tmx:8
msgid "Hurnscald Inn"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/012-3.tmx:8
msgid "Archery Shop"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/012-4.tmx:8
msgid "Alchemy Shop"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/012-5.tmx:8 ../../client-data/maps/018-5-2.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/018-5-3.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/018-5-5.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/019-5-3.tmx:9
msgid "Indoors"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/012-6.tmx:8
msgid "Hurnscald Hospital"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/012-7.tmx:10
msgid "Town Hall"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/013-1.tmx:9
msgid "Woodlands Central Plateau"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/014-1.tmx:8
msgid "Woodland Mining Camp"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/014-2-1.tmx:9
msgid "Woody House"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/014-2-2.tmx:7 ../../client-data/maps/034-4.tmx:7
msgid "Forsaken Inn"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/014-2.tmx:9
msgid "Woodlands Southeast"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/014-3.tmx:9
msgid "Woodlands Central Area"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/014-4.tmx:9
msgid "Thunderhill"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/014-5-1.tmx:9
msgid "Forgotten Hut"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/014-5.tmx:8
msgid "North Woodlands"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/015-1.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/015-4.tmx:8
msgid "Woodland Mines"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/015-2.tmx:8 ../../client-data/maps/034-2.tmx:7
msgid "Bandit Cave"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/015-3-1.tmx:8
msgid "Pirate Caves B1F"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/015-3-2.tmx:8
msgid "Pirate Caves B2F"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/015-3-3.tmx:8
msgid "Pirate Den"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/015-3.tmx:9
msgid "Butterfly Caves"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/015-5.tmx:8
msgid "Abandoned Mines"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/015-6.tmx:8
msgid "Terranite Cave"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/015-7.tmx:9
msgid "Small Cave"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/015-8-1.tmx:9
msgid "Abandoned Ruins"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/015-8.tmx:9
msgid "Ancient Hideout"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/016-1.tmx:8
msgid "La Marine First Deck"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/016-7.tmx:9
msgid "Pirate Attack"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/017-0.tmx:7
msgid "Mystic Forest"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/017-10.tmx:9
msgid "LoF Townhall"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/017-1.tmx:9
msgid "Land Of Fire Village"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/017-2-1.tmx:9
msgid "Jack's Basement"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/017-2-2.tmx:9
msgid "Skull Cave"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/017-2.tmx:9
msgid "Jack's House"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/017-3.tmx:9
msgid "Dimond's Cove"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/017-4.tmx:9
msgid "Tech-User Forge"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/017-5.tmx:8
msgid "LoF Weapon Smith &amp; Shop"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/017-6.tmx:8
msgid "LoF Alchemy Shop"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/018-1-1.tmx:9
msgid "Sincerity Island Cave"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/018-1.tmx:9
msgid "Sincerity"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/018-2-1.tmx:9
msgid "Heroes' Hold - Castle"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/018-2-2.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/018-2-3.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/018-2-5.tmx:9
msgid "Heroes Hold - Main Dungeon"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/018-2-4.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/018-5-0.tmx:9
msgid "Heroes' Hold - Exchange Hall"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/018-2-6.tmx:9
msgid "Heroes Hold SS - B1F"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/018-2-7.tmx:9
msgid "Heroes Hold SS - B2F"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/018-2-8.tmx:9
msgid "Heroes Hold SS - B3F"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/018-2.tmx:9
msgid "Heroes' Hold - Outside"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/018-3.tmx:9
msgid "Somber Cave"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/018-4-1.tmx:9
msgid "Secret Island Cave"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/018-4-1.tmx:679
msgid "sicave"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/018-4-2.tmx:9
msgid "Secret Island House"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/018-4-2.tmx:160
msgid "Secret_Island_Indoor"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/018-4.tmx:9
msgid "Secret Island"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/018-5-1.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/018-5-boss.tmx:9
msgid "Mountain Cave"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/018-5-4.tmx:9
msgid "Duck Island"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/018-5.tmx:9
msgid "Lilit Island"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/018-6-0.tmx:9
msgid "Sanctuary - Forgotten Chamber"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/018-6-1.tmx:9
msgid "Elenium Mines"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/018-6-2.tmx:9
msgid "Forgotten Hall"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/018-6-3.tmx:9
msgid "Forgotten Shrine"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/018-7-1.tmx:11
msgid "Developers' Lair (Lilit Palace)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/018-7.tmx:11
msgid "Lilit - Developers' Sanctuary"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/019-1-1.tmx:9
msgid "Miller's House"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/019-1.tmx:9
msgid "Snow Field"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/019-2.tmx:9
msgid "Nivalis Port"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/019-3.tmx:5
msgid "Snow Forest"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/019-4-1.tmx:9
msgid "Christmas Workshop"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/019-4.tmx:9
msgid "Romantic Place"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/019-5-1.tmx:7
msgid "Frosty Underground"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/019-5-2.tmx:7
msgid "Snow Hills Cave"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/019-5.tmx:7
msgid "Rock Plateau"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/019-6.tmx:7
msgid "snow Path"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/020-1.tmx:9
msgid "Nivalis"
msgstr ""

#. #-#-#-#-#  map020-2.tmx.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#. #-#-#-#-#  map020-3.tmx.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#. #-#-#-#-#  map020-4.tmx.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#. #-#-#-#-#  map020-5.tmx.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#. #-#-#-#-#  map020-6.tmx.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#. #-#-#-#-#  quests.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: ../../client-data/maps/020-2.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/020-3.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/020-4.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/020-5.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/020-6.tmx:9 quests.xml:2443 quests.xml:2452
msgid "Nivalis Indoors"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/020-7-1.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/020-7.tmx:9
msgid "Blue Sages' Mansion"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/020-7-2.tmx:6
msgid "Ice cave"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/021-0.tmx:8
msgid "Mountain Top"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/021-1.tmx:8
msgid "Ice Labyrinth"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/021-2.tmx:9
msgid "Snow Cave"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/021-3.tmx:9
msgid "Deeper Snow Cave"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/021-4.tmx:9
msgid "Cindy Cave"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/022-1.tmx:9
msgid "North Icelands"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/023-1.tmx:9
msgid "Frozen Cave"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/023-2.tmx:9
msgid "Magic Cave"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/023-3-1.tmx:9
msgid "The Master Room"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/023-3-2.tmx:9
msgid "Study Room"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/023-3.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/023-4.tmx:9
msgid "Ice Caves"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/024-10.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/024-11.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/024-12.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/024-13.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/024-15.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/024-2.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/024-3.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/024-4.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/024-5.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/024-6.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/024-7.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/024-8.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/024-9.tmx:9
msgid "Frostia Indoors"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/024-16.tmx:9
msgid "Frostia's Throne Room"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/024-1.tmx:9
msgid "Frostia"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/025-1.tmx:7
msgid "Fortress Town - Holy Land"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/025-2-1.tmx:8
msgid "Fortress Island Cave"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/025-2-2.tmx:8
msgid "Ancient Cave"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/025-2-3.tmx:8
msgid "Pinkie Cave"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/025-2-4.tmx:8
msgid "Mana Tree Cave"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/025-2.tmx:8
msgid "Fortress Island - South"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/025-3.tmx:7
msgid "The Impregnable Fortress (Outside)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/026-0.tmx:7
msgid "The Impregnable Fortress (B0F)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/026-1.tmx:7
msgid "The Impregnable Fortress (B1F)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/026-2.tmx:7
msgid "The Impregnable Fortress (B2F)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/027-0.tmx:8
msgid "Administration Building"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/027-1.tmx:7
msgid "The Academy Island"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/027-2.tmx:9
msgid "Wizardry Institute Indoors"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/027-3.tmx:9
msgid "Physical Sciences Classroom"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/027-4.tmx:9
msgid "Scholarship Building"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/027-5.tmx:9
msgid "Student's Office"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/027-6.tmx:9
msgid "Student House"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/027-7.tmx:9
msgid "Academy's Storage"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/029-0.tmx:8
msgid "Artis"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/029-1.tmx:6
msgid "Dark Forest"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/029-2.tmx:5
msgid "Graveyard Indoor"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/029-3.tmx:5
msgid "Crypt Basement"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/029-4.tmx:5
msgid "Crypt Sub-Basement One"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/029-5.tmx:5
msgid "Crypt Sub-Basement Two"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/029-6.tmx:9
msgid "Somewhere Strange"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/029-7.tmx:5
msgid "Ruined Swamps"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/029-8.tmx:8
msgid "Asphodel Moors"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/029-9.tmx:5
msgid "Woodland mining camp"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/030-01.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/030-02.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/030-03.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/030-04.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/030-05.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/030-06.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/030-07.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/030-08.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/030-09.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/030-10.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/030-11.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/030-12.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/030-13.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/030-14.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/030-15.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/030-16.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/030-17.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/030-18.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/030-19.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/030-20.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/030-21.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/030-22.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/030-23.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/030-24.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/030-25.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/030-26.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/030-27.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/030-28.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/030-29.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/030-30.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/030-31.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/030-32.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/030-33.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/030-34.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/030-35.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/030-36.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/030-37.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/030-38.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/030-39.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/030-40.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/030-41.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/030-42.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/030-43.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/030-44.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/030-45.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/030-46.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/030-47.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/030-48.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/030-49.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/030-50.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/030-51.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/030-52.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/030-53.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/030-54.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/030-55.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/030-56.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/030-57.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/030-58.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/030-59.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/030-60.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/030-61.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/030-62.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/030-63.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/030-64.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/030-65.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/030-66.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/030-67.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/030-68.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/030-69.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/030-70.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/030-71.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/030-72.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/030-73.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/030-74.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/030-75.tmx:9
msgid "Mazes and Dragons"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/031-0.tmx:8 ../../client-data/maps/031-1.tmx:8
msgid "Aethyr"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/031-2.tmx:8
msgid "Aethyr Inn"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/031-3.tmx:8 ../../client-data/maps/031-4.tmx:8
#: ../../client-data/maps/031-6.tmx:8 ../../client-data/maps/031-8.tmx:8
msgid "Aethyr Indoors"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/031-5.tmx:8
msgid "Aethyr Armory"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/031-7.tmx:8
msgid "Aethyr Townhall"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/031-9.tmx:8
msgid "Aethyr Stables"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/032-1.tmx:8
msgid "Past Tulimshar"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/032-2.tmx:7
msgid "Tree Maze"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/032-3.tmx:6
msgid "Beasts Dungeon"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/032-4.tmx:6
msgid "Crypt"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/032-5.tmx:6
msgid "Inner Chamber"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/033-1.tmx:9
msgid "Porthos - Town of Portals"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/033-2.tmx:9
msgid "Building 1"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/033-3.tmx:9
msgid "Building 2"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/033-4.tmx:9
msgid "Porthos' Bank"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/033-5.tmx:9
msgid "Porthos' General Store"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/034-1.tmx:7
msgid "Outskirts"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/034-3.tmx:7
msgid "Archipelago"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/042-0.tmx:8
msgid "Camelot - Throne Room"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/042-10.tmx:8
msgid "Camelot Caves"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/042-10.tmx:18 ../../client-data/maps/042-11.tmx:21
#: ../../client-data/maps/042-9.tmx:8
msgid "Camelot Sewer West Path"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/042-11.tmx:8
msgid "Boss Chamber"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/042-1.tmx:8
msgid "Camelot - Weapon Room"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/042-2.tmx:8
msgid "Camelot - Basement"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/042-3.tmx:8
msgid "Camelot - Jail"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/042-4.tmx:8
msgid "Camelot - Sewer"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/042-5.tmx:8
msgid "Camelot - Sewer Paths"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/042-6.tmx:8
msgid "Camelot Sewer East Path"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/042-7.tmx:8
msgid "Camelot Sewer Northeast Path"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/042-8.tmx:8
msgid "Camelot Sewer Northwest Path"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/boss.tmx:6
msgid "Boss Arena"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/botcheck.tmx:5
msgid "Botcheck Area"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/guilds.tmx:8
msgid "Guild Hall"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/sec_pri.tmx:6
msgid "Jesusalva's Jail"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/soren-2.tmx:8
msgid "Soren House"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/soren.tmx:9
msgid "Soren's Village"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/testbg.tmx:4
msgid "testbg"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/test.tmx:5
msgid "test"
msgstr ""

#. #-#-#-#-#  mercenaries.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: mercenaries/mercenary@name
#. #-#-#-#-#  quests.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: mercenaries.xml:28 quests.xml:2102 quests.xml:2111
msgid "Woody"
msgstr ""

#. #-#-#-#-#  mercenaries.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: mercenaries/mercenary@name
#. #-#-#-#-#  monsters.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: mercenaries.xml:58 monsters.xml:1048
msgid "Andrei Sakar"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: mercenaries/mercenary@name
#: mercenaries.xml:90
msgid "Lilanna"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: mercenaries/mercenary@name
#: mercenaries.xml:123
msgid "Aisen"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: mercenaries/mercenary@name
#: mercenaries.xml:155
msgid "Msawis"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: mercenaries/mercenary@name
#: mercenaries.xml:188
msgid "Saulc"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: mercenaries/mercenary@name
#: mercenaries.xml:221
msgid "Crazyfefe"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: mercenaries/mercenary@name
#: mercenaries.xml:253
msgid "Lawn Cable"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: mercenaries/mercenary@name
#: mercenaries.xml:286
msgid "Demure"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: mercenaries/mercenary@name
#: mercenaries.xml:320
msgid "Pookie"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: mercenaries/mercenary@name
#: mercenaries.xml:352
msgid "Jesus Salva"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: mercenaries/mercenary@name
#: mercenaries.xml:385
msgid "Gonzo Dark"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: mercenaries/mercenary@name
#: mercenaries.xml:417
msgid "Legendary Apane"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: mercenaries/mercenary@name
#: mercenaries.xml:447
msgid "Soren"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: mercenaries/mercenary@name
#: mercenaries.xml:509
msgid "Rosa"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: mercenaries/mercenary@name
#: mercenaries.xml:542
msgid "Earth Witch"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: mercenaries/mercenary@name
#: mercenaries.xml:575
msgid "Arthur"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: mercenaries/mercenary@name
#: mercenaries.xml:607
msgid "Sweezanne"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: mercenaries/mercenary@name
#: mercenaries.xml:640
msgid "Xanthem"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: mercenaries/mercenary@name
#: mercenaries.xml:672
msgid "Event Horizon"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:27
msgid "Piousse"
msgstr "Piousse"

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:37
msgid "Tortuga"
msgstr "Tortuga"

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:46
msgid "Ratto"
msgstr "Ratto"

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:55
msgid "Croc"
msgstr "Croc"

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:65
msgid "Little Blub"
msgstr "Blub Pequeño"

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:72
msgid "Blub"
msgstr "Blub"

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:79
msgid "Toppy Blub"
msgstr "Toppy Blub"

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:86
msgid "Crocotree"
msgstr "Crocotree"

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:94
msgid "Plushroom Field"
msgstr "Campo de Plushroom"

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:101
msgid "Ice Maggot"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:109
msgid "Pikpik"
msgstr "Pikpik"

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:112
msgid "Ent Abomination"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:119
msgid "Tipiu"
msgstr "Tipiu"

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:138
msgid "Manana Tree"
msgstr "Árbol del Mañana"

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:145
msgid "Crafty"
msgstr "Crafty"

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:154
msgid "Magenta Spark"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:161
msgid "Yellow Spark"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:168
msgid "Pillar Dummy"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:175
msgid "Fluffy"
msgstr "Fluffy"

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:183
msgid "Mouboo"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:186
msgid "Bandit"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:193
msgid "Red Butterfly"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:199
msgid "Archant"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:202
msgid "Cave Maggot"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:209
msgid "Clover Patch"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:212
msgid "Duck"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:215
msgid "Maggot"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:222
msgid "Giant Maggot"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:229
msgid "Squirrel"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:236
msgid "Spring Squirrel"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:243
msgid "Silk Worm"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:246
msgid "Cave Snake"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:250
msgid "Evil Scythe"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:253
msgid "Wolvern"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:262
msgid "Moubi"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:265
msgid "Bat"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:270
msgid "Yeti King"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:273
msgid "Iced Fluffy"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:276
msgid "Red Mushroom"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:280
msgid "Poison Spiky Mushroom"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:285
msgid "Giant Mutated Bat"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:291
msgid "Scar"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:294
msgid "Red Dragon"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:299
msgid "Bee Hive"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:302
msgid "Smoke Dragon"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:307
msgid "Bhop Fluffy"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:310
msgid "Lovely Fluffy"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:314
msgid "Dark Lizard"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:317
msgid "Magic Goblin"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:321 monsters.xml:328
msgid "Frozen Squirrel"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:335
msgid "Fairy's Squirrel"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:342
msgid "Alpha Mouboo"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:347
msgid "Mineral Bif"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:351
msgid "Forest Mushroom"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:355
msgid "Forain"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:360
msgid "Assassin"
msgstr "Asesino"

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:370
msgid "Vampire Bat"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:375
msgid "Yeti"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:378
msgid "Bee"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:383
msgid "Log Head"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:393
msgid "Flamelet Lizard"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:399
msgid "Mana Ghost"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:402
msgid "Moonshroom"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:408
msgid "Moggun"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:411
msgid "Scorpion"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:419
msgid "Red Scorpion"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:427
msgid "Candor Scorpion"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:435
msgid "Black Scorpion"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:443
msgid "Mana Bug"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:447
msgid "Saxso Ghost"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:450
msgid "Night Scorpion"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:459
msgid "Golden Scorpion"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:469
msgid "Frostia King"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:484
msgid "Halinarzo King"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:499
msgid "Frostia Guard"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:513
msgid "Halinarzo Guard"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:527
msgid "Desert Maggot"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:534
msgid "House Maggot"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:541
msgid "Green Slime"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:545
msgid "Rudolph Slime"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:550
msgid "Blue Slime"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:555
msgid "Copper Slime"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:560
msgid "Candied Slime"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:566
msgid "Slime Blast"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:570
msgid "Yellow Slime"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:574
msgid "Red Slime"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:578
msgid "Sea Slime"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:583
msgid "White Slime"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:587
msgid "Azul Slime"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:591
msgid "Santa Slime"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:596
msgid "Lava Slime"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:600
msgid "Small Ruby Bif"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:603
msgid "Ruby Bif"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:606
msgid "Big Ruby Bif"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:609
msgid "Small Topaz Bif"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:612
msgid "Topaz Bif"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:615
msgid "Big Topaz Bif"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:618
msgid "Small Emerald Bif"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:621
msgid "Emerald Bif"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:624
msgid "Big Emerald Bif"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:627
msgid "Small Diamond Bif"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:630
msgid "Diamond Bif"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:633
msgid "Big Diamond Bif"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:636
msgid "Small Amethyst Bif"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:639
msgid "Amethyst Bif"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:642
msgid "Big Amethyst Bif"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:645
msgid "Small Sapphire Bif"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:648
msgid "Sapphire Bif"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:651
msgid "Big Sapphire Bif"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:654
msgid "Small Magic Bif"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:658
msgid "Magic Bif"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:662
msgid "Big Magic Bif"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:666
msgid "Cursed Mouboo"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:671
msgid "Jack'O"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:674
msgid "Easter Mouboo"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:680
msgid "Snake"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:684
msgid "Mountain Snake"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:688
msgid "Desert Bandit"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:699
msgid "Sarracenus"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:708
msgid "Magic Ratto"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:717
msgid "Desert Log Head"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:727
msgid "Chagashroom Field"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:734
msgid "Murderer Scorpion"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:742
msgid "Angry Red Scorpion"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:750
msgid "Angry Scorpion"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:758
msgid "Pinkie"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:763
msgid "Ocean Croc"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:773
msgid "Gamboge Plant"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:776
msgid "Mauve Plant"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:779
msgid "Cobalt Plant"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:782
msgid "Skeleton"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:785
msgid "Ocean Pirate"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:791
msgid "Centaur"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:796
msgid "Bronze Chest"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:799
msgid "Silver Chest"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:802
msgid "Golden Chest"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:805
msgid "Prism Chest"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:808
msgid "Supreme Chest"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:812
msgid "Wildx Chest"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:815
msgid "Mana Chest"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:818
msgid "Thorn Chest"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:821
msgid "Vicious Chest"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:824
msgid "Evil Chest"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:827
msgid "Malign Chest"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:830
msgid "Sleeping Bandit"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:834
msgid "Robin Bandit"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:839
msgid "Bandit Lord"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:844
msgid "Mana Piou"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:855
msgid "Terranite"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:860
msgid "Tulimshar Guard"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:873
msgid "Grass Snake"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:877
msgid "Gift Box"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:881
msgid "Troll"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:885
msgid "Cyan Butterfly"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:891
msgid "Electro Worm"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:894
msgid "Black Mamba"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:898
msgid "Larvern"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:901
msgid "Wicked Mushroom"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:905
msgid "Bluepar"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:910
msgid "Black Slime"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:914
msgid "Fafi Dragon"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:920
msgid "Chocolate Slime"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:924
msgid "Living Potato"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:929
msgid "Earth Fairy"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:936
msgid "Fire Fairy"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:943
msgid "Water Fairy"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:950
msgid "Wind Fairy"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:957
msgid "Nature Fairy"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:964
msgid "Vicious Squirrel"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:971
msgid "Alizarin Plant"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:974
msgid "Shadow Plant"
msgstr ""

#. #-#-#-#-#  monsters.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#. #-#-#-#-#  pets.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: pets/pet@name
#: monsters.xml:977 pets.xml:46
msgid "Toto"
msgstr ""

#. #-#-#-#-#  monsters.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#. #-#-#-#-#  pets.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: pets/pet@name
#: monsters.xml:980 pets.xml:49
msgid "Cat"
msgstr ""

#. #-#-#-#-#  monsters.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#. #-#-#-#-#  pets.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: pets/pet@name
#: monsters.xml:983 pets.xml:52
msgid "Black Cat"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:986
msgid "Fire Skull"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:989
msgid "Angry Bat"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:995
msgid "Green Dragon"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1000
msgid "Reaper"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1003
msgid "Giant Cave Maggot"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1010
msgid "Angry Yellow Slime"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1014
msgid "Old Snake"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1018
msgid "The Monster King"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1034
msgid "Mouboo Slime"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1038
msgid "Forest Ghost"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1042
msgid "Michel"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1045
msgid "Pumpkandy"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1062
msgid "Gatling Shooter"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1072
msgid "Rifle Shooter"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1082
msgid "Revolver Shooter"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1092
msgid "Boss Of The Dusty People"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1103
msgid "St Patrick's Clover"
msgstr ""

#. #-#-#-#-#  monsters.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#. #-#-#-#-#  quests.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: monsters.xml:1107 quests.xml:2463
msgid "Yetifly"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1111
msgid "Terranite Protector"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1119
msgid "Terranite King"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1127
msgid "Gobo Bear"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1131
msgid "Vanity Pixie"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1135
msgid "Holy Pixie"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1139
msgid "Shadow Pixie"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1143
msgid "Nulity Pixie"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1147
msgid "Pollet"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1157
msgid "Energy Ball"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1161
msgid "Psi Conscience"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1165
msgid "Hooded Assassin"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1181
msgid "Hooded Ninja"
msgstr ""

#. #-#-#-#-#  monsters.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#. #-#-#-#-#  quests.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: monsters.xml:1196 quests.xml:559 quests.xml:565
msgid "Sagratha"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1202
msgid "Isbamuth"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1218
msgid "Small Elenium Bif"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1221
msgid "Elenium Bif"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1224
msgid "Big Elenium Bif"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1227 monsters.xml:1232
msgid "Night Dragon"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1237
msgid "Death Cat"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1240
msgid "Whirly Bird"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1243
msgid "Little Yellow Slime"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1247
msgid "Little Red Slime"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1251
msgid "Siege Tower"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1256
msgid "Green Slime Mother"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1260
msgid "Blue Slime Mother"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1264
msgid "Copper Slime Mother"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1268
msgid "Yellow Slime Mother"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1272
msgid "Red Slime Mother"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1276
msgid "Chocolate Slime Mother"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1280
msgid "White Slime Mother"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1284
msgid "Azul Slime Mother"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1288
msgid "Sea Slime Mother"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1292
msgid "Lava Slime Mother"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1296
msgid "Black Slime Mother"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1300
msgid "Great Mouboo Slime"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1304
msgid "Elite Duck"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1312
msgid "Pinkie Maximus"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1320
msgid "Fortress Gate"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1325
msgid "Azul Skull Slime"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1329
msgid "Yellow Skull Slime"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1333
msgid "Red Skull Slime"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1337
msgid "Green Skull Slime"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1341
msgid "Copper Skull Slime"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1345
msgid "Lava Skull Slime"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1349
msgid "Black Skull Slime"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1353
msgid "Tengu"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1356
msgid "Golem"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1359
msgid "Fire Element"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1362
msgid "Water Element"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1365
msgid "Earth Element"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1368
msgid "Wind Element"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1371
msgid "Sacred Wisp"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1374
msgid "Evil Wisp"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1377
msgid "Panthom Wisp"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1380
msgid "Epiphany Wisp"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1383
msgid "Pinkie Suseran"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1388
msgid "Pinkie Emperor"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1393
msgid "Jhon Longnose"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1396
msgid "Junglefowl"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1399
msgid "Mandragora"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1402
msgid "Superior Shroom"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1405
msgid "Nutcracker"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1408
msgid "Snail"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1412
msgid "Snow Flower"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1415
msgid "Greenhorn Abomination"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1418
msgid "Shadow Tortuga"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1421
msgid "Panthom Lord"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1424
msgid "Demure, Queen of Dragons (first form)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1433
msgid "Demure, Queen of Dragons (second form)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1436
msgid "Armored Skeleton"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1441
msgid "Piou knight"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1444
msgid "Shrewboo"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1447
msgid "Mister Prickel"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1452
msgid "Small Frog"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1455
msgid "Big Frog"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1458
msgid "Spider Queen"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1466
msgid "Snowman"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1472
msgid "Der Schneemann"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1478
msgid "Thug"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1488
msgid "Swashbuckler"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1497
msgid "Grenadier"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1508
msgid "The Dread Pirate Marley"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1519
msgid "Brainic"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1526
msgid "Luvia"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1535 monsters.xml:1544
msgid "Red Follower"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1553
msgid "Platinum Red Queen"
msgstr ""

#. #-#-#-#-#  monsters.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#. #-#-#-#-#  quests.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: monsters.xml:1567 quests.xml:828 quests.xml:1509 quests.xml:2234
#: quests.xml:2242
msgid "???"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1575
msgid "Gladiator"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1597
msgid "Monster Sergeant"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1613
msgid "Monster Lieutenant"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1629
msgid "Monster Captain"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1645
msgid "Monster Colonel"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1661
msgid "Monster General"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1677
msgid "Moubootaur"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1682
msgid "Cursed Soldier"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1696
msgid "Cursed Archer"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1710
msgid "General Krukan"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1720
msgid "General Razha"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:1733
msgid "General Terogan"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: npc/menu@name
#: npcs.xml:21
msgid "Take"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: npc/menu@name
#: npcs.xml:26 npcs.xml:31 npcs.xml:36 npcs.xml:45 npcs.xml:50 npcs.xml:55
#: npcs.xml:60 npcs.xml:67 npcs.xml:74 npcs.xml:79 npcs.xml:84 npcs.xml:89
#: npcs.xml:94 npcs.xml:99 npcs.xml:108 npcs.xml:115 npcs.xml:122 npcs.xml:127
#: npcs.xml:132 npcs.xml:137 npcs.xml:142 npcs.xml:147 npcs.xml:152
#: npcs.xml:157 npcs.xml:162 npcs.xml:167 npcs.xml:172 npcs.xml:177
#: npcs.xml:182 npcs.xml:187 npcs.xml:192 npcs.xml:197 npcs.xml:202
#: npcs.xml:207 npcs.xml:212 npcs.xml:217 npcs.xml:225 npcs.xml:230
#: npcs.xml:235 npcs.xml:240 npcs.xml:245 npcs.xml:250 npcs.xml:255
#: npcs.xml:263 npcs.xml:414 npcs.xml:419 npcs.xml:425 npcs.xml:430
#: npcs.xml:437 npcs.xml:442 npcs.xml:447 npcs.xml:452 npcs.xml:457
#: npcs.xml:466 npcs.xml:471 npcs.xml:476 npcs.xml:484 npcs.xml:495
#: npcs.xml:505 npcs.xml:516 npcs.xml:526 npcs.xml:536 npcs.xml:546
#: npcs.xml:648 npcs.xml:656 npcs.xml:662 npcs.xml:668 npcs.xml:674
#: npcs.xml:680 npcs.xml:686 npcs.xml:692 npcs.xml:698 npcs.xml:704
#: npcs.xml:710 npcs.xml:716 npcs.xml:722 npcs.xml:728 npcs.xml:734
#: npcs.xml:740 npcs.xml:746 npcs.xml:767 npcs.xml:773 npcs.xml:834
#: npcs.xml:839 npcs.xml:845 npcs.xml:850 npcs.xml:855 npcs.xml:860
#: npcs.xml:865 npcs.xml:870 npcs.xml:880 npcs.xml:886 npcs.xml:891
#: npcs.xml:896 npcs.xml:902 npcs.xml:907 npcs.xml:913 npcs.xml:928
#: npcs.xml:934 npcs.xml:958 npcs.xml:963 npcs.xml:968 npcs.xml:973
#: npcs.xml:983 npcs.xml:988 npcs.xml:993 npcs.xml:998 npcs.xml:1009
#: npcs.xml:1020 npcs.xml:1031 npcs.xml:1042 npcs.xml:1053 npcs.xml:1059
#: npcs.xml:1105 npcs.xml:1114 npcs.xml:1123 npcs.xml:1133 npcs.xml:1143
#: npcs.xml:1153 npcs.xml:1164 npcs.xml:1175 npcs.xml:1185 npcs.xml:1190
#: npcs.xml:1195 npcs.xml:1200 npcs.xml:1213 npcs.xml:1218 npcs.xml:1233
#: npcs.xml:1238 npcs.xml:1277 npcs.xml:1287 npcs.xml:1298 npcs.xml:1349
#: npcs.xml:1357 npcs.xml:1362 npcs.xml:1367 npcs.xml:1372 npcs.xml:1377
#: npcs.xml:1382 npcs.xml:1387 npcs.xml:1394 npcs.xml:1401 npcs.xml:1407
#: npcs.xml:1414 npcs.xml:1419 npcs.xml:1424 npcs.xml:1429 npcs.xml:1434
#: npcs.xml:1439 npcs.xml:1445 npcs.xml:1450 npcs.xml:1455 npcs.xml:1460
#: npcs.xml:1484 npcs.xml:1489 npcs.xml:1518 npcs.xml:1522 npcs.xml:1526
#: npcs.xml:1541 npcs.xml:1545
msgid "Talk"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: npc/menu@name
#: npcs.xml:61 npcs.xml:68 npcs.xml:109 npcs.xml:256 npcs.xml:420 npcs.xml:431
#: npcs.xml:1350 npcs.xml:1388 npcs.xml:1395 npcs.xml:1402 npcs.xml:1408
msgid "Buy"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: npc/menu@name
#: npcs.xml:62 npcs.xml:69 npcs.xml:110 npcs.xml:257 npcs.xml:432
#: npcs.xml:1351 npcs.xml:1389 npcs.xml:1396
msgid "Sell"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: npc/menu@name
#: npcs.xml:752 npcs.xml:875 npcs.xml:1308 npcs.xml:1312 npcs.xml:1316
#: npcs.xml:1320 npcs.xml:1324 npcs.xml:1328 npcs.xml:1332 npcs.xml:1336
#: npcs.xml:1342 npcs.xml:1509
msgid "Touch"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: npc/menu@name
#: npcs.xml:941 npcs.xml:948
msgid "Rotate"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: npc/menu@name
#: npcs.xml:953
msgid "Launch"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: npc/menu@name
#: npcs.xml:1092
msgid "Pull"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: npc/menu@name
#: npcs.xml:1148
msgid "Mou"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: npc/menu@name
#: npcs.xml:1255
msgid "Board"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: npc/menu@name
#: npcs.xml:1352
msgid "Poke"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: npc/menu@name
#: npcs.xml:1471 npcs.xml:1514
msgid "Save"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: npc/menu@name
#: npcs.xml:1527
msgid "Trade"
msgstr "Comercio"

#. (itstool) path: pets/pet@name
#: pets.xml:7
msgid "piou"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: pets/pet@name
#: pets.xml:10
msgid "Ratte"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: pets/pet@name
#: pets.xml:13
msgid "Cute Fluffy"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: pets/pet@name
#: pets.xml:16
msgid "Dangerous Duck"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: pets/pet@name
#: pets.xml:19
msgid "Cute Maggot"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: pets/pet@name
#: pets.xml:22
msgid "Panfilo the Pinkie"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: pets/pet@name
#: pets.xml:25
msgid "Nasty Bat"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: pets/pet@name
#: pets.xml:28
msgid "Bhopper Fluffy"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: pets/pet@name
#: pets.xml:31
msgid "Forest Shroomy"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: pets/pet@name
#: pets.xml:34
msgid "Goblin in Fire"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: pets/pet@name
#: pets.xml:37
msgid "Baby Yeti"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: pets/pet@name
#: pets.xml:40
msgid "Tamed Snake"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: pets/pet@name
#: pets.xml:43
msgid "Elemental Fairy"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: pets/pet@name
#: pets.xml:55
msgid "Young Dragon"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:14 quests.xml:24 quests.xml:34 quests.xml:46
msgid "Warm Smelly Clothes"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:15
msgid "Magic Arpan is waiting for you. Go speak to him."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:17
msgid ""
"To speak to an NPC, click on it with your mouse or select it using the N key"
" and then chat using the T key."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:19 quests.xml:29 quests.xml:41 quests.xml:51 quests.xml:134
msgid "Magic Arpan"
msgstr "Magic Arpan"

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:20 quests.xml:42 quests.xml:52 quests.xml:135
msgid "La Johanne, Second Deck. (39,33)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:21 quests.xml:170 quests.xml:178 quests.xml:589 quests.xml:597
#: quests.xml:636 quests.xml:741 quests.xml:759 quests.xml:927 quests.xml:2603
msgid "Unknown."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:25
msgid "You need to open the chest and take the clothes from it."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:27
msgid ""
"To perform this action, click on the chest with your mouse or select it with"
" the N key and then interact with it using the T key."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:30
msgid "La Johanne, Second Deck. (41,37)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:31 quests.xml:43
msgid "Smelly sailor clothes."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:35
msgid ""
"To open your inventory, use the F3 key or use your mouse to select it in the"
" above menu in your client."
msgstr ""
"Para abrir tu inventario, usa la tecla F3 o usa el ratón para seleccionarlo "
"en el menú de arriba del cliente."

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:37
msgid ""
"When your inventory is open, you can equip an item by selecting it and "
"clicking 'Equip'. You can do the same to remove an item by clicking on "
msgstr ""
"Cuando tu inventario está abierto, puedes equipar algún artículo "
"seleccionándolo y haciendo clic en 'Equipar'. También puedes hacer lo mismo "
"para des-equipar haciendo clic en 'Quitárselo'."

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:39
msgid ""
"Items have different effects. Some will heal you, some can be used as "
"weapons or armor and some can be sold for gold."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:47
msgid ""
"You wore the clothes you found in the chest that Magic Arpan showed you."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:49
msgid ""
"They are old and a bit smelly but the warm sensation they give makes you "
"feel at home."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:53
msgid "A {@@1} and old {@@2}."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:59 quests.xml:80
msgid "Contrabandist Aboard"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:60
msgid "You found a contrabandist aboard Nard's Ship!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:61
msgid "He needs your help. Bring him the many items he is asking for!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:63
msgid "Alige wants:"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:64
msgid "* 30 Cactus Potions"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:65
msgid "* 12 Bread"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:66
msgid "* 12 Cheese"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:67
msgid "* 12 Cherry Cakes"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:68
msgid "* 8 Tonori Water"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:69
msgid "* 6 Haste Potions"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:70
msgid "* 6 Strength Potions"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:71
msgid "* 2 Yellow Dyes"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:72
msgid "* 2 Blue Dyes"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:73
msgid "* 7,500 gp"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:76 quests.xml:84
msgid "Alige"
msgstr "Alige"

#. (itstool) path: quest/level
#: quests.xml:77
msgid "42"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:81
msgid ""
"I helped Alige. He claims to be lawful now, but I don't quite believe it."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:82
msgid ""
"Well, it is hard to get Artis goods around here, so perhaps I did the right "
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:85 quests.xml:122 quests.xml:937 quests.xml:1020 quests.xml:1029
msgid "{@@1}."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:91 quests.xml:102
msgid "Ratto Extermination"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:92
msgid "Peter needs your help to clear La Johanne's hold of some monsters."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:94
msgid "Speak to him when you will have time to help him."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:96 quests.xml:107
msgid "Peter"
msgstr "Peter"

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:97
msgid "La Johanne, Second Deck."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:98 quests.xml:109
msgid "Gold."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/level
#: quests.xml:99 quests.xml:732
msgid "8"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:103
msgid ""
"You helped Peter cleaning the bottom of the ship. He rewarded you with some "
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:105
msgid ""
"However, it looks like the rattos can come back again. Although Peter won't "
"pay you anymore..."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:108
msgid "La Johanne, Second Deck. (60,35)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:116
msgid "Chef's Secret Blade"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:117
msgid "You found a sharp knife on a table in one of the rooms of the ship."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:119
msgid ""
"It looks like its previous owner used it to prepare delicious dishes for the"
" crew."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:121
msgid "La Johanne, Second Deck. (50,24)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:128
msgid "My Money"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:129
msgid "Arpan was holding my money."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:131
msgid "You will need to be level 5 or higher to do this quest."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:132
msgid "It is a small amount, but hey, it is better than nothing!."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:136
msgid "35 GP."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/level
#: quests.xml:137
msgid "4"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:143 quests.xml:152
msgid "Good Food makes a Good Crew"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:144
msgid ""
"Chef Gado is preparing food for the crew, but supplies are running thin."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:145
msgid "I should help him by getting 11 {@@1}."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:147 quests.xml:155
msgid "Chef Gado"
msgstr "Chef Gado"

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:148 quests.xml:156
msgid "La Johanne, Second Deck (25,41)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:149
msgid "A pair of gloves!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:153
msgid "Chef Gado went back to cooking, and I'll be back to hunting."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:157
msgid "1x {@@1}, 100 GP."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:163 quests.xml:173 quests.xml:181
msgid "Scary Pious"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:164
msgid "Dan is afraid of Pious. I should help him by killing 12 Pious."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:166
msgid "Progress: {@@var2}/12 Pious"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:168 quests.xml:176 quests.xml:184
msgid "Dan"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:169 quests.xml:177 quests.xml:185
msgid "La Johanne, Second Deck. (32,32)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:174
msgid ""
"The Pious are gone, now I need to say Dan he can sleep in peace at night."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:182
msgid "He gave me a nice outfit for my efforts."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:186 quests.xml:1498 quests.xml:1603 quests.xml:1614
msgid "1x {@@1}"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:191
msgid "Drunken Bottle"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:192
msgid "You got an empty bottle from a drunken sailor."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:193
msgid "They should stop drinking!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:200
msgid "World's Hero"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:201
msgid "Complete nearly every quest in game and get famous for that."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:203
msgid "Milly"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:212
msgid "**WARNING: This is the main quest in the game!**"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:213
msgid "**It's not only lengthy, but it have long dialogs!**"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:214
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:216 quests.xml:223
msgid "Who Am I?"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:217
msgid "I better find out who I am."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:218
msgid "I mean, it is annoying when all you know is your name."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:220
msgid "I bet the ##BShip's captain##b can help."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:224
msgid ""
"In Tulimshar, after getting out of the ship, I should visit the first "
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:225
msgid "It is the townhall. ##BLua##b should be able to help me."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:229 quests.xml:249 quests.xml:256 quests.xml:283 quests.xml:289
msgid "In Seek Of True Identity"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:230
msgid "I was born at Halinarzo but moved at just 4."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:231
msgid "I must get some levels before attempting such dangerous journey."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:233
msgid "##BLua##b will guide me in this endeavor."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:234
msgid "I should talk to her if I forget what I should do now."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:236
msgid "* Base Level 20"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:237
msgid "* Job Level 7"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:238
msgid "* 1500 GP"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:239
msgid "* Tulimshar Guard Card"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:240
msgid "* Monster Hunt License"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:241
msgid "* Crafting License"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:242
msgid "* Fishing Rod"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:243
msgid "* Lifestone Pendant"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:245
msgid "You also need to sleep at the Inn before completing the quest."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:246
msgid "For the boss, aim to kill it as soon as possible."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:250
msgid ""
"Lua said I should use the money to travel to Hurnscald and meet the mayor."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:251
msgid "However, given ship travels are so expensive..."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:252
msgid "Perhaps I should finish some sidequests around here first?"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:257
msgid "Airlia, in the city hall, told me the mayor is out."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:258
msgid "Well, nobody in the city hall seems to be the mayor."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:260
msgid "But I need to talk to the Mayor!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:261
msgid "She doesn't seems to want to tell me where he went, though."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:263
msgid "What can I do? Should I look somewhere?"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:264
msgid "Or perhaps talking to her until she says where the mayor went?"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:265
msgid "Alas, who's the mayor, anyway? How will I know when I see them?"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:269 quests.xml:275
msgid "A Hand Washes The Other"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:270
msgid "Hurnscald's mayor, Rakinorf, should be on the Inn upstairs."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:271
msgid ""
"That's usually an area restricted to sponsors, but they did an exception."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:276
msgid "Hurnscald's mayor, Rakinorf, is a complicated man."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:277
msgid "I should use those Return Potions to reach Halin before they expire."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:279
msgid "Once there, I should look for the Library."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:284
msgid "Halinarzo's Librarian asked for three hours."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:285
msgid "I should do some bandit extermination on the canyon meanwhile."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:290 quests.xml:297
msgid "I listen the real story about missing documents."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:291
msgid "I should talk to the librarian again."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:296 quests.xml:304
msgid "It's Not About Me"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:298
msgid ""
"It was not really epic, it just says the only failure Andrei Sakar ever did."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:299
msgid "Glad to know he is a person like us. (I hope.)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:301
msgid ""
"Anyway, I should go to Hurnscald and talk to the Mayor about reaching the "
"World Edge."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:305
msgid "I should go to Nivalis, talk with the Blue Sage for help."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:309 quests.xml:317 quests.xml:326 quests.xml:334
msgid "The Sage Hunters"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:310
msgid ""
"Still in search of my family, I was involved in some conspiracy or other."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:311
msgid "Seems like someone is looking to get the sages out of picture."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:313
msgid "I also learned incredible information about the World... Death."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:314
msgid "My next stop is Frostia's Townhall."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:318
msgid "Gelid Frozenheart, King of Frostia, welcomed me."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:319
msgid "And Frostia is said to be the less receptive town..."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:320
msgid "Well, the guard certainly was rude."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:322
msgid "He gave me some Real Estate Credits, and I should now book"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:323
msgid "a small apartment in the Inn."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:327
msgid "I should get base level 52 and job level 24."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:328
msgid "Said next mission will be very dangerous."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:329
msgid "I'm not sure I can finish it ##BEven at minimum required level##b"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:331
msgid "Just to be safe, I could try getting a better level."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:335
msgid "I was assigned a reconnaissance mission."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:336
msgid "Investigate a haunted or cursed abandoned old village..."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:337
msgid "...Or something. The King will lead me the way."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:339
msgid "I do not have a good feeling about this."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:340
msgid "I should not only be careful with the traps,"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:341
msgid "But healing items and potions are a must."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:343
msgid "If possible, I know a good level makes the difference."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:346 quests.xml:360
msgid "Dark Clouds In Horizon"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:347
msgid ""
"I've found out Isbamuth, grand-grand-grand...nephew of the Monster King."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:349
msgid "He seems to be raging against the Monster King themselves."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:350
msgid "Of course, nobody currently likes the Monster King"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:351
msgid "but he wants to succeed as the Monster King."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:353
msgid "I also found out about the history of the Monster King"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:354
msgid "And about Homunculus, artificial lifeforms."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:355
msgid "I've even got one myself. Time to report back."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:357
msgid "I'm not sure if King Gelid will be pleased with this."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:361
msgid "King Gelid ordered me to deliver a letter to LoF Mayors."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:363
msgid "I should hurry."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:364
msgid "The Townhall is in LoF's Noble District, the uppermost area."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:366
msgid "Usually it is closed, but I think I can enter it there."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:369 quests.xml:381
msgid "The Stolen Item"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:370
msgid "An item was stolen from LoF's Witch, Lalica."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:372
msgid "I should hurry to Elenium Mines and capture her."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:373
msgid "Also, I need to retrieve the stolen item."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:374
msgid "Supposedly, it is small, red, round and shiny."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:376
msgid "Kenton advised me to be ready, at least level 72."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:378
msgid "Are the mines really so dangerous?"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:382
msgid "The thief has been dealt with."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:383
msgid "I should report back to Kenton."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:386 quests.xml:394
msgid "The World's Curse"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:387
msgid "Kenton has allowed me to use an Airship behind LoF's Townhall."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:388
msgid "I need to take it to visit the World's Edge."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:390
msgid "Upon arrival, the Alliance has set an outpost north of it."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:391
msgid "I should talk with the guard responsible for it."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:395
msgid "The current hero will lead a siege on the Fortress Town."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:397
msgid "I could help if I feel like doing so, after all,"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:398
msgid "I need to find clues inside the town."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:400
msgid "And inside, means the town must be free of monsters."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:402 quests.xml:527
msgid ""
"##1##BWARNING:##b You need to wait further releases to continue this "
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:413
msgid "Pride of Money"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:414
msgid "You are now registered in the Merchant Guild."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:415
msgid "This Guild offers storage and bank services."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:417
msgid "Banker"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:418
msgid "Tulimshar, Merchant Guild. (101,37)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:419
msgid "Merchant Guild access."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:424
msgid "Friendly Players"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:425
msgid ""
"After paying the taxes, I'm now allowed to create small parties for raids."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:426
msgid "With a small group of friends, we can grow a lot!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:428
msgid "Later I can ask him to buy the license to create Guilds."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:429
msgid ""
"A guild is harder to manage, but there are various benefits in being a Guild"
" Leader."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:431
msgid "Estard"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:432
msgid "Create Social Groups"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:437 quests.xml:445 quests.xml:453 quests.xml:461 quests.xml:470
#: quests.xml:477 quests.xml:484 quests.xml:491 quests.xml:498
msgid "Grand Hunter Quest"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:438
msgid "I promised Aidan to conduct an extermination."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:439 quests.xml:447 quests.xml:455 quests.xml:463 quests.xml:472
#: quests.xml:479 quests.xml:486 quests.xml:493 quests.xml:500
msgid "Progress: {@@var2}/10000 {@@1}."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:441
msgid "Aidan"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:442
msgid "Tulimshar (95,97)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:446
msgid "I promised Jacob to conduct an extermination."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:449
msgid "Lieutenant Jacob"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:450
msgid "Halinarzo (71,24)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:454
msgid "I promised Lufix to conduct an extermination."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:457
msgid "Lufix"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:458
msgid "Hurnscald (68,74)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:462
msgid "I promised Hinnak to conduct an extermination."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:465 quests.xml:1920 quests.xml:1929
msgid "Hinnak"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:466
msgid "Hurnscald (105,30)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:467 quests.xml:577 quests.xml:954 quests.xml:1352
#: quests.xml:1362 quests.xml:1373 quests.xml:1383 quests.xml:1541
#: quests.xml:1550 quests.xml:1582 quests.xml:1679 quests.xml:1691
#: quests.xml:1703 quests.xml:1761 quests.xml:1770 quests.xml:1790
#: quests.xml:1800 quests.xml:1951 quests.xml:1997 quests.xml:2008
#: quests.xml:2016 quests.xml:2444 quests.xml:2453 quests.xml:2521
#: quests.xml:2571 quests.xml:2584 quests.xml:2592 quests.xml:2612
#: quests.xml:2842 quests.xml:2868 quests.xml:2895 quests.xml:2928
#: quests.xml:2939
msgid "{@@1}"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:471
msgid "I promised Miler to conduct an extermination."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:474
msgid "Miler, Winterlands"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:478
msgid "I promised Serge to conduct an extermination."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:481
msgid "Serge, Nivalis"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:485
msgid "I promised Leona to conduct an extermination."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:488
msgid "Leona, Lilit"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:492
msgid "I promised Sarah to conduct an extermination."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:495
msgid "Sarah, Tulimshar"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:499
msgid "I promised Arkim to conduct an extermination."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:502
msgid "Arkim, Hurnscald"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:507 quests.xml:514
msgid "Transmutation Magic"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:508 quests.xml:515
msgid "Auldsbel needs help to transmute stuff."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:510 quests.xml:517
msgid "Auldsbel"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:511 quests.xml:518
msgid "Magic Academy."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:523 quests.xml:534
msgid "Grand Collector"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:524
msgid "Can you collect every piece of equipment ingame?"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:525
msgid "This is an insane quest, don't do it."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:529 quests.xml:538
msgid "Royal Fairy"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:530 quests.xml:539
msgid "Land Of Fire."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:531 quests.xml:540
msgid "Bragging Rights"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:535
msgid "You were insane enough to collect every piece of equipment ingame."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:536
msgid "How much time did you spent doing this, anyway?"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:545
msgid "Easter Eggs"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:546
msgid "So many secret places! Secret features! Things to learn on your own!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:548
msgid "Good luck!"
msgstr "¡Buena suerte!"

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:551
msgid "Secrets found: {@@var3}/??"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:556 quests.xml:562
msgid "Summoning Magic"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:557 quests.xml:563
msgid "Sagratha can teach summoning magic."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:572
msgid "Saxso Chest"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:573
msgid "I managed to open the chest on Saxso's house."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:574
msgid "Getting the key from the Saxso Ghost took me some time."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:576
msgid "Candor Island, Saxso's House."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:584 quests.xml:592 quests.xml:600
msgid "Hide And Seek"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:585
msgid "Find all the children for Ayasha. They're in the Island."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:587 quests.xml:595 quests.xml:603
msgid "Ayasha"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:588 quests.xml:596 quests.xml:604
msgid "Candor Island. (52,81)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:593
msgid "You found all childrens, go report to Ayasha."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:601
msgid "I helped Ayasha to find the children."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:605
msgid "30 EXP and 50 GP"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:611 quests.xml:619
msgid "Tolchi's Request"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:612
msgid "I am helping Tolchi, a weapon craftswoman, to find materials."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:614 quests.xml:622
msgid "Tolchi"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:615 quests.xml:623
msgid "Candor Island, Armor Shop. (25,41)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:616 quests.xml:624 quests.xml:1144
msgid "Gold and Experience."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:620
msgid "I helped Tolchi with her materials needs."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:630 quests.xml:639
msgid "Helping Maya"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:631
msgid "I am helping out Maya with finding a few items."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:632
msgid "I need to find three {@@1} and three {@@2}."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:634 quests.xml:643
msgid "Maya"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:635 quests.xml:644
msgid "Candor Island. (42,37)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:640
msgid "You are helping out Maya with finding a few items."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:641
msgid "You need to find three {@@1} and three {@@2}."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:645
msgid "A {@@1}."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:650 quests.xml:657 quests.xml:664 quests.xml:672 quests.xml:680
msgid "Rosen's Improvement"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:651
msgid "Rosen asked me to kill 5 Diamond Bifs."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:653 quests.xml:660 quests.xml:668 quests.xml:676 quests.xml:685
msgid "Rosen"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:654 quests.xml:661 quests.xml:669 quests.xml:677 quests.xml:686
msgid "Candor Island, Armor Shop."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:658
msgid "I should report back to Rosen."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:665
msgid "Rosen gave me Candor Gloves for mining Bifs."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:666
msgid "Bifs are a great source of raw ore."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:673
msgid "Rosen asked me if I don't want to use a bow."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:674
msgid "He is asking for a Cactus Drink and Piberries."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:681
msgid "Rosen warned me that you can't dodge with a bow."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:682
msgid "He also teach that Bifs are a great source of raw ore."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:683
msgid "Rosen is a so good professor!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:692 quests.xml:702 quests.xml:711
msgid "Cleaning the Storehouse"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:693
msgid "Zegas needs someone to find and defuse the Bug Bomb in the storehouse."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:694
msgid "I must check all barrels."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:696 quests.xml:706 quests.xml:715
msgid "Zegas"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:697 quests.xml:707 quests.xml:716
msgid "Candor Island. (35,77)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:698 quests.xml:708
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Desconocido"

#. (itstool) path: quest/level
#: quests.xml:699 quests.xml:718
msgid "5"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:703
msgid "I defused the bug bomb."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:704
msgid "I must report back to Zegas at once."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:712
msgid "I helped Zegas to clear the Storehouse."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:713
msgid "More bugs may attack there later, but that's not my problem anymore."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:717
msgid "60 EXP and 450 GP"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:725 quests.xml:735 quests.xml:744
msgid "Preparing a Party"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:726
msgid "Some sailors at beach are planning a party."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:727
msgid "They need 5 {@@1} for the party to happen."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:729 quests.xml:739 quests.xml:747 quests.xml:892 quests.xml:1154
#: quests.xml:1163 quests.xml:1171
msgid "Sailors"
msgstr "Marineros"

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:730
msgid "Candor Island. (92,99)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:731
msgid "Become one of the crew."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:736
msgid "The sailors have sufficient {@@1} for the party."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:737
msgid ""
"They now want me to invite Elmo, the captain's assistant, to the party."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:740 quests.xml:893
msgid "La Johanne, Captain's room. (22,27)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:745
msgid "Elmo was invited, and with that, the sailors may party."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:748
msgid "1x {@@1}, 10 EXP, 1000 GP"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:754 quests.xml:762
msgid "Making a Figurine"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:755
msgid "Vincent is making a figurine with {@@1}. He needs 12."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:757 quests.xml:765
msgid "Vincent"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:758 quests.xml:766 quests.xml:777 quests.xml:786 quests.xml:794
#: quests.xml:802 quests.xml:810 quests.xml:818 quests.xml:827 quests.xml:835
msgid "Candor Island. (92,96)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:763
msgid ""
"Vincent was able to make his figurine thanks to the bug legs I gave him."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:767
msgid "1000 GP"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:773 quests.xml:782 quests.xml:790 quests.xml:798 quests.xml:806
#: quests.xml:814 quests.xml:822 quests.xml:831
msgid "Training"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:774
msgid "I have to report to the trainer."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:776 quests.xml:785 quests.xml:793 quests.xml:801 quests.xml:809
#: quests.xml:817 quests.xml:826 quests.xml:834
msgid "Trainer"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:778 quests.xml:787 quests.xml:795 quests.xml:803 quests.xml:811
msgid "40 xp, 25 gp"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/level
#: quests.xml:779
msgid "3"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:783 quests.xml:1454
msgid "I already killed {@@var2}/10 {@@1}."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:791
msgid "I already killed {@@var2}/5 {@@1}."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:799
msgid "I already killed {@@var2}/3 {@@1}."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:807
msgid "I already killed {@@var2}/2 {@@1}."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:815
msgid "I was successfully trained."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:819
msgid "50 xp"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:823
msgid "The Trainer gave me a bonus task."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:824
msgid "I already killed {@@var2}/1 {@@1}."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:832
msgid "I did the bonus task from the Trainer and he was very impressed."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:836
msgid "1x {@@1}, 200 GP"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:842 quests.xml:851
msgid "Nurse Candies"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:843 quests.xml:852
msgid "Candor's Nurse loves {@@1}. I gave her one, and now she wants more!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:844 quests.xml:853
msgid "This is an easy way to make some money."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:846 quests.xml:857 quests.xml:2070 quests.xml:2083
msgid "Nurse"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:847 quests.xml:858
msgid "Candor Island, Training Hall. (41,30)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:848
msgid "5 EXP, 25 GP."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:855 quests.xml:947 quests.xml:1137
msgid "##2Repeatable Quest##0"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:859 quests.xml:871 quests.xml:880 quests.xml:894
msgid "Experience and Gold."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:865 quests.xml:874
msgid "Mud Balls"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:866 quests.xml:875
msgid "Liana is collecting {@@1} to make balls, so the children can play."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:867
msgid "This quest is repeatable."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:869 quests.xml:878
msgid "Liana"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:870 quests.xml:879
msgid "Candor Island. (47,86)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:876
msgid ""
"This quest is repeatable every six hours, so I should again to her sometime."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:886
msgid "Sailor Cure"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:887
msgid "In order to help a sailor to recover from hangover, I collected {@@1}."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:888
msgid ""
"Juliet was successful in making a hangover potion. If I ever need one, I "
"already know to whom ask."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:890
msgid "**This is part 2 of Sailors Quest!**"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:899
msgid "Marggo"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:900
msgid "I helped Nylo to save his crops from Maggots."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:901
msgid "It was fun."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:903
msgid "Nylo"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/level
#: quests.xml:905
msgid "6"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:914 quests.xml:930
msgid "Fisherman"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:915
msgid "Eugene, the fishman in Artis docks, bought a new fishing rod."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:916
msgid "He hurried so much to try it out, that he forgot to take enough baits."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:917
msgid "You need to bring him 10 {@@1}."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:919
msgid "To Find Eugene: Use the secret passage on Tulimshar walls."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:920
msgid "To Find Blubs (easiest way): Use the secret passage below Ched."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:921
msgid "Ched is near Magic Council."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:923
msgid "Be careful, because little blubs help each other!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:925 quests.xml:935
msgid "Eugene"
msgstr "Eugene"

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:926 quests.xml:936
msgid "Tulimshar (80,127)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:931
msgid "You helped Eugene."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:932
msgid "As his gratitude, he gave you his old fishing rod."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:933
msgid "You can use it to catch fish."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:943
msgid "I Want Cherry Cakes"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:944
msgid "Sarah wanted a cherry cake, so I gave her five."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:946
msgid "Maybe tomorrow she'll want more...?"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:949
msgid "You can purchase cakes from Itka, in the Bakery."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:950
msgid "Otherwise, Giant Maggots and Ducks drops them, too."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:952
msgid "Sarah"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:953
msgid "Tulimshar (91,146)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:960 quests.xml:974 quests.xml:982
msgid "Water For Guards"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:961
msgid "Dausen asked me to give water to his guards."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:962
msgid ""
"There should be a well in the city. I already gave water to {@@var2}/17 "
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:964
msgid "You only need one Empty Bottle and ~400 GP for this quest."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:965
msgid "A free bottle is available on Nard's Ship - secret quest."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:966
msgid "But doing this with a single bottle will be very tiring."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:968
msgid "There's a guard inside the townhall and in the bank."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:970 quests.xml:978 quests.xml:986
msgid "Lt. Dausen"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:971 quests.xml:979 quests.xml:987 quests.xml:1095
msgid "Tulimshar. (111,84)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:975
msgid "All guards drank water."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:976
msgid "I should now report to Dausen that this mission is complete."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:983
msgid "I gave water to all Tulimshar guards, and Dausen was very glad."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:984
msgid ""
"He told me I can find more ways to help the city guard inside the Guard "
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:988
msgid "1x {@@1}, 1x {@@2}"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:994 quests.xml:1003
msgid "Quenching My Thirst"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:995
msgid "Swezanne was thirsty, but now she can keep doing her job."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:996
msgid "I can repeat this request every 24 hours."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:998 quests.xml:1006
msgid "Swezanne"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:999 quests.xml:1007
msgid "Tulimshar (70,100)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:1000
msgid "EXP and Gold"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1004
msgid ""
"Swezanne is once again thirsty, I should bring her 5 {@@1} to quench it."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:1008
msgid "25 EXP and 200 GP"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1015
msgid "Swezanne's Daughter, Silvia, can give you a very useful necklace"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1016
msgid "For just 500 GP and a Lifestone."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:1018 quests.xml:1027
msgid "Silvia"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:1019 quests.xml:1028
msgid "Tulimshar. (109,150)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1024
msgid "Silvia gave me a Lifestone Pendant, which increases my regeneration."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1025
msgid "It'll work even better if I sit to think."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:1036
msgid "***Prologue:***"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1037
msgid "I should obtain level 25 and get a reward on Tulimshar's City Hall."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/level
#: quests.xml:1039 quests.xml:2095
msgid "25"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:1041 quests.xml:1044 quests.xml:1049 quests.xml:1052
#: quests.xml:1057 quests.xml:1060 quests.xml:1065 quests.xml:1068
#: quests.xml:1073 quests.xml:1076 quests.xml:1081 quests.xml:1084
msgid "Eistein"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1042
msgid "I should obtain level 50 and get a reward on Tulimshar's City Hall."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:1045
msgid "Graduation Cap."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/level
#: quests.xml:1046 quests.xml:2522 quests.xml:2683 quests.xml:2696
#: quests.xml:2708 quests.xml:2723 quests.xml:2742 quests.xml:2896
msgid "50"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1050
msgid "I should obtain level 75 and get a reward on Tulimshar's City Hall."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:1053 quests.xml:1061 quests.xml:1069 quests.xml:1077
msgid "Gift Box."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/level
#: quests.xml:1054 quests.xml:2533 quests.xml:2545
msgid "75"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1058
msgid "I should obtain level 100 and get a reward on Tulimshar's City Hall."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/level
#: quests.xml:1062
msgid "100"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1066
msgid "I should obtain level 125 and get a reward on Tulimshar's City Hall."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/level
#: quests.xml:1070
msgid "125"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1074
msgid "I should obtain level 150 and get a reward on Tulimshar's City Hall."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/level
#: quests.xml:1078
msgid "150"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1082
msgid "I reached level 150 and am now a pro."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:1090 quests.xml:1098 quests.xml:1106 quests.xml:1113
#: quests.xml:1121
msgid "Petty Thief"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1091
msgid "While leaving Tulimshar, a petty thief called Hasan stole me."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1092
msgid "I should warn the leader of the guard, Lieutenant Dausen, about that."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:1094 quests.xml:1102 quests.xml:1109 quests.xml:1117
#: quests.xml:1125
msgid "Hasan"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1099
msgid "Dausen instructed me to seek for his mother, Sorfina."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1100
msgid "She should be in Mahoud's house, near the Inn."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:1103
msgid "Tulimshar. (54,138)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1107
msgid "I should talk to Sorfina and complete her task."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:1110
msgid "Tulimshar, Mahoud's House. (111,84)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1114
msgid "Having avenged his father, I should talk to Hasan."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1115
msgid "Perhaps now he'll stop stealing from me!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:1118 quests.xml:1126
msgid "Tulimshar. (62, 148)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1122
msgid "Hasan swore to never steal from me again."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1123
msgid "He didn't gave my money back, though..."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:1127
msgid "{@@1}, 75 EXP."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:1132
msgid "Red Scorpion Plague"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1133
msgid "Red Scorpions are threating Tulimshar."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1134
msgid "I need to bring some stingers, to prove my worth."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1135
msgid "...Or just to help out with extermination."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:1138
msgid "14 Stingers first time, 7 afterwards."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:1140
msgid "To unlock access to Guard House, complete [this](q/53) first."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:1142
msgid "Guard Devoir"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:1143
msgid "Tulimshar's Guard House, 2nd floor."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:1150 quests.xml:1159 quests.xml:1168
msgid "Sailors Help"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1151 quests.xml:1160
msgid ""
"Some Sailors in Tulimshar, above Terranite Forge, are in need of some "
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1152
msgid "I should fetch them 1 Fish Box, 2 Croconut Box and 3 Cotton Cloths."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:1155 quests.xml:1164 quests.xml:1172
msgid "Tulimshar's Terranite Forge Rooftop."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/level
#: quests.xml:1156 quests.xml:1165 quests.xml:1374 quests.xml:1762
msgid "12"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1161
msgid "I should fetch them 2 Fish Box, 5 Croconut Box and 7 Cotton Cloths."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1169
msgid "I gave them what they needed, and now they can resume their journey."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:1173
msgid "1x {@@1}, 1x {@@2}, 18750 GP, Experience."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:1178 quests.xml:1188 quests.xml:1196 quests.xml:1205
#: quests.xml:1214 quests.xml:1223
msgid "Dark Invocator"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1179
msgid "After paying Zarkor a token of loyalty, he told me his plans."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1180
msgid "He wants to summon the Monster King."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1181
msgid "I should talk to Zitoni, on Candor, for some Everburn Powder."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:1183 quests.xml:1192 quests.xml:1201 quests.xml:1210
#: quests.xml:1219 quests.xml:1228
msgid "Zarkor"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:1184 quests.xml:1193 quests.xml:1202 quests.xml:1211
#: quests.xml:1220 quests.xml:1229 quests.xml:1450 quests.xml:1459
#: quests.xml:1469 quests.xml:1479 quests.xml:1489 quests.xml:1497
#: quests.xml:1508 quests.xml:1517 quests.xml:1540 quests.xml:1549
msgid "Tulimshar Mines."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/level
#: quests.xml:1185 quests.xml:1574 quests.xml:1604 quests.xml:1791
#: quests.xml:1970 quests.xml:2632
msgid "30"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1189
msgid "Zitoni refused to make the powder."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1190
msgid "I must report this to Zarkor."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1197
msgid "Zarkor gave a precious Dark Desert Mushroom."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1198
msgid "I should deliver this rare item to Zitoni on Candor."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1199
msgid ""
"...I could just sell it instead, but I think I'll regret doing so later..."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1206
msgid "Zitoni on Candor is now making Everburn Powders."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1207
msgid "I need 5 Powders for the ritual."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1208
msgid ""
"For each powder, it will cost me 2500 GP, Iron and Sulfur Powder, and a Pile"
" of Ash."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1215
msgid "I need to lit every torch."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1216
msgid ""
"The blue flame get invisible after a while. There's no way to remember!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1217
msgid "Ahh... I better find a good way to lit all of them without dying!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1224
msgid ""
"Zarkor summoned the Monster King and got a nice electrical discharge as a "
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1225
msgid ""
"Well, he didn't gave me anything of worth, but some money and experience."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1226
msgid ""
"At least, now I can craft Everburn Powder. I'm sure it'll be useful later."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:1230
msgid "20.000 GP, 7995 EXP"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:1235 quests.xml:1245 quests.xml:1254 quests.xml:1263
#: quests.xml:1273 quests.xml:1283 quests.xml:1292 quests.xml:1302
#: quests.xml:1312
msgid "Anwar's Field"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1236 quests.xml:1246 quests.xml:1255 quests.xml:1264
#: quests.xml:1274 quests.xml:1284 quests.xml:1293 quests.xml:1303
msgid "Anwar need help to save his crops!!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1237 quests.xml:1247 quests.xml:1256 quests.xml:1265
#: quests.xml:1275 quests.xml:1285 quests.xml:1294 quests.xml:1304
msgid "If nothing is done Tulimshar will face a famine."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1239
msgid "Go talk to Eomie, on Tulimshar Magic School"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:1240 quests.xml:1250 quests.xml:1259 quests.xml:1269
#: quests.xml:1279 quests.xml:1288 quests.xml:1298 quests.xml:1308
#: quests.xml:1315
msgid "Anwar"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:1241 quests.xml:1251 quests.xml:1260 quests.xml:1270
#: quests.xml:1280 quests.xml:1289 quests.xml:1299 quests.xml:1309
#: quests.xml:1316
msgid "Tulimshar's Desert."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/level
#: quests.xml:1242 quests.xml:1353
msgid "18"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1249
msgid "Go talk to Tinris, on Tulimshar Magic School"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1258
msgid "Bring 12 [Cherry Cake] to Tinris, on Tulimshar Magic School."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1267
msgid ""
"To make a fertilizer with Tinris, I need 3 [Plushroom] and 10 [Maggot "
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1268
msgid "Then I need to report to anwar, and cross my fingers."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1277
msgid "Report to Tinris the result of his fertilizer."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:1278
msgid "(Additional cost: 2 Scorpion Claw, 3 Moss)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1287
msgid "Deliver to Anwar the bug bomb, to protect the crops."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1296
msgid "Talk to Anwar after letting he rest a short while."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1306
msgid "Give to Tinris and Eomie the gift from Anwar."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1313
msgid ""
"I help Anwar to save his crops, Tulimshar should now be safe from a famine."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:1317
msgid "Orange Farmer Pants"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:1323 quests.xml:1335
msgid "Neked Shop"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1324
msgid "My best attempt at a pun with the word naked."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1325
msgid "Neko had his Jean Shorts ate by Cave Snakes, who love to eat that."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1327
msgid "It is a good item, I should get some Shorts for me!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1328
msgid "But Neko needs them, too... How many extra can I make drop?"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:1330 quests.xml:1339
msgid "Neko"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:1331 quests.xml:1340
msgid "Tulimshar."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/level
#: quests.xml:1332
msgid "21"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1336
msgid "He thanked but refused the shorts."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1337
msgid "I probably should use it instead. It's a good defensive item!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:1341
msgid "Experience"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:1346 quests.xml:1356
msgid "Newbie's Sword"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1347 quests.xml:1357
msgid "A veteran officer at Tulimshar Guard House offered me a Wooden Sword."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1348
msgid "I need to bring him 25 [Raw Log] if I want the item."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:1350 quests.xml:1360
msgid "Veteran Officer"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:1351 quests.xml:1361
msgid "Tulimshar's Guard House."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1358
msgid "It's not a great sword but it'll get the job done for a while."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:1367 quests.xml:1377
msgid "An Empire For A Knife"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1368 quests.xml:1378
msgid "Inac needs 20 Piou Feathers to make pillows."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1369 quests.xml:1379
msgid "He promised me a Sharp Knife for these items."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:1371 quests.xml:1381
msgid "Inac"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:1388 quests.xml:1397 quests.xml:1406 quests.xml:1416
#: quests.xml:1426 quests.xml:1436
msgid "Dausen's Test of Strength"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1389
msgid "Dausen doesn't seems convinced of my strength just yet."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1390
msgid "Maybe I should talk to him later!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:1392 quests.xml:1401 quests.xml:1410 quests.xml:1420
#: quests.xml:1431 quests.xml:1439
msgid "Lieutenant Dausen"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:1394 quests.xml:1403
msgid "54 gp"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1398
msgid "So Dausen wants me to kill 10 crocs. No big deal!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1399
msgid "I already killed {@@var2}/10 {@@1}"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1407
msgid ""
"Now Dausen wants me to kill blubs and ducks. That should also be fairly "
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1408
msgid "I already killed {@@var2}/37 {@@1}"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:1412
msgid "84 gp"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/level
#: quests.xml:1413
msgid "14"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1417
msgid ""
"I showed Dausen my strength, but he wants me to kill some Desert Bandits and"
" Sarracenus or Desert Log Heads"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1418
msgid "I already killed {@@var2}/100 {@@1}"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:1422
msgid "132 gp"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/level
#: quests.xml:1423
msgid "22"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1427
msgid ""
"The final test of strength (I hope). I feel strong, but Dausen wants me even"
" stronger."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1428
msgid "I have accumulated {@@var2}/300 points"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1429
msgid ""
"These points come from Giant Maggots (1), Snakes (5) and Black Scorpions "
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/level
#: quests.xml:1433 quests.xml:1490
msgid "29"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1437
msgid ""
"Yes! I have passed all of Dausen's tests and he now acknowledges my "
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:1441
msgid "6 {@@1}, 200 gp"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:1446 quests.xml:1453 quests.xml:1463 quests.xml:1473
#: quests.xml:1483 quests.xml:1493 quests.xml:1501 quests.xml:1513
msgid "Tycoon's Hunt"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1447
msgid "I have to report to the Tycoon."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:1449 quests.xml:1458 quests.xml:1468 quests.xml:1478
#: quests.xml:1488 quests.xml:1496 quests.xml:1507 quests.xml:1516
msgid "Tycoon"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1456 quests.xml:1466 quests.xml:1476 quests.xml:1486
#: quests.xml:1505
msgid "Only kills in the mines will be considered."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/level
#: quests.xml:1460
msgid "15"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1464
msgid "I already killed {@@var2}/25 {@@1}."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/level
#: quests.xml:1470 quests.xml:1750
msgid "19"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1474
msgid "I already killed {@@var2}/50 {@@1}."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/level
#: quests.xml:1480
msgid "24"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1484
msgid "I already killed {@@var2}/100 {@@1}."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1494
msgid "I helped the miners."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1502
msgid "Tycoon had another task on his sleeve! This one is harder, though."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1503
msgid "I already killed {@@var2}/200 {@@1}."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/level
#: quests.xml:1510 quests.xml:1801 quests.xml:1988 quests.xml:2572
#: quests.xml:2647 quests.xml:2843 quests.xml:2908
msgid "40"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1514
msgid "I did the bonus task from the Tycoon and he was very impressed."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:1518
msgid "1x {@@1}, 5000 GP"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:1524 quests.xml:1545
msgid "Miner Bandage"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1525
msgid ""
"Caelum hurt himself while mining, and now he wants an improvised bandage."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1526
msgid "For that, he needs:"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1528
msgid "* 20 Maggot Slimes"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1529
msgid "* 10 Bat Teeth"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1530
msgid "* 10 Cactus Drinks"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1531
msgid "* 8 Bug Legs"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1532
msgid "* 5 Scorpion Claws"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1533
msgid "* 2 Red Scorpion Stingers"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1534
msgid "* 1 cotton cloth"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1535
msgid "* 1 lifestone"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1537
msgid "Ah, these NPCs which require an empire of items..."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:1539 quests.xml:1548
msgid "Caelum"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/level
#: quests.xml:1542
msgid "28"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1546
msgid ""
"Caelum hurt himself while mining, but now he has an improvised bandage."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:1558 quests.xml:1577
msgid "Foxhound's Famine"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1559
msgid "A poor man in Halinarzo asks for food."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1560
msgid "His family is starving. I should provide him all sort of delicacies."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:1562
msgid "Costs (Must be provided in order):"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:1563
msgid "* 5 Loaves of Bread; He gives you 125gp"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:1564
msgid "* 3 Hunks of Cheese; He gives you 75gp"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:1565
msgid "* 1 Pink Blobime; He gives you 10gp"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:1566
msgid "* 12 Plushrooms; He gives you 180gp"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:1567
msgid "* 6 Cave Snake Eggs; He gives you 162gp"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:1568
msgid ""
"* 5 Snake Eggs, 5 Loaves of Bread, 5 Hunks of Cheese, 5 Aquadas, 5 Manana "
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:1570
msgid "Ah, such a pig. :("
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:1572 quests.xml:1580
msgid "Enliven Reva Foxhound"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:1573 quests.xml:1581
msgid "Halinarzo (89,57)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1578
msgid "I feed him, and he is forever grateful."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/level
#: quests.xml:1583 quests.xml:1869 quests.xml:1900 quests.xml:2445
msgid "35"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:1588 quests.xml:1607
msgid "The King Of Blackmarket"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1589
msgid "I did a deal with Charles, an apparently famous contrabandist."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1590
msgid "He is offering me a mask for my silence, and many items."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1591
msgid ""
"All the items are dropped by Sarracenus and Desert Bandits, thankfully!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:1593
msgid "I need to get Charles these items:"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:1595
msgid "* 30 Coin Bag"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:1596
msgid "* 5 Empty Bottle"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:1597
msgid "* 2 Dagger"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:1598
msgid "* 1 Leather Shield"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:1599
msgid "* 6000 gp"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:1601 quests.xml:1612
msgid "Charles"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:1602 quests.xml:1613
msgid "Halinarzo Outskirts."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1608
msgid "I got my mask, and won't say anyone where Charles is."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1609
msgid ""
"But, this is Halinarzo, and Halin is always too far from the forces of law."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1610
msgid ""
"I doubt the City Guard doesn't knows where and who he is already, anyway..."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:1619 quests.xml:1628 quests.xml:1636 quests.xml:1644
msgid "Saving a Wife's Life"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1620
msgid "Joaquim need several items to save his wife's life."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1621
msgid "I probably should help."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:1623 quests.xml:1632 quests.xml:1640 quests.xml:1649
msgid "Joaquim"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:1624 quests.xml:1633 quests.xml:1641 quests.xml:1650
#: quests.xml:1741 quests.xml:1749
msgid "Halinarzo, Church."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/level
#: quests.xml:1625 quests.xml:2731
msgid "55"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1629
msgid "Joaquim gave me an Elixir Of Life."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1630
msgid "I should hurry to Halinarzo Hospital and deliver to his wife, Yumi."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1637
msgid "I managed to save Yumi's life."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1638
msgid "I should return to Joaquim and claim my reward."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1645
msgid "Joaquim's wife will live. Thankfully."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1646
msgid "He gave me material to forge something cool."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1647
msgid "And he also gave me an Elixir Of Life. Wow."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:1655 quests.xml:1683 quests.xml:1694 quests.xml:1706
msgid "Life Delight"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1656 quests.xml:1684 quests.xml:1695
msgid "Ryan loves Tonori Delight. He finds them tasty and yummy."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1658
msgid "I should keep feeding him these to get a good payment."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1659
msgid "There's a special reward after a few..."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:1661
msgid ""
"In Tulimshar in the Magic Guild, there is a person, Maxime who can make some"
" Tonori Delight at a cost:"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:1662
msgid "* 12 Maggot Slime"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:1663
msgid "* 8 Plushroom"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:1664
msgid "* 4 Mushroom Spores"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:1665
msgid "* 3 Scorpion Stinger"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:1666
msgid "* 2 Cactus Drink"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:1667
msgid "* 1 Roasted Maggot"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:1668
msgid "* 150 gp"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:1670
msgid "- About 600 Tonori Delight required for Chef Hat"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:1671
msgid "- About 26k Tonori Delight required for Elixir + Mylarin"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:1672
msgid "- About 87k Tonori Delight required for Sunny Crystal"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:1674
msgid "During summer, you can make more Tonori Delight than usual."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:1675
msgid "This quest is profitable, but slow."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:1677 quests.xml:1689 quests.xml:1701 quests.xml:1710
msgid "Ryan"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:1678 quests.xml:1690 quests.xml:1702 quests.xml:1711
msgid "Halinarzo, Library."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/level
#: quests.xml:1680
msgid "17"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1686 quests.xml:1697
msgid "I feed him plenty and he gave me a Chef Hat."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1687 quests.xml:1699
msgid "But he can always eat more..."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1698
msgid "He also gave me an Elixir of Life and many Job Experience."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1707
msgid "I fed Ryan so much Tonori Delight, he gave me the ultimate reward."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1708
msgid "Now, THAT is a rare item... It's useful even for Savior set!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:1716 quests.xml:1726
msgid "Red Desert Shirt Experiment"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1717 quests.xml:1727
msgid ""
"Sawis is experimenting a kind of desert shirt to protect from sun and "
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1719
msgid ""
"He requires a leather shirt, cotton cloth, cave snake skin and snake skin."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:1721 quests.xml:1730
msgid "Sawis"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:1722 quests.xml:1731
msgid "Canyons, Halinarzo Desert."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/level
#: quests.xml:1723
msgid "37"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1728
msgid "I got a Desert Shirt from him. I hope it works."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:1736 quests.xml:1744
msgid "Church Party"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1737
msgid "Alvasus need help to make a Church Party."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1738
msgid "I should provide him 5 Roasted Maggots before Sunday."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:1740 quests.xml:1748
msgid "Alvasus"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1745
msgid "The Church Party will happen at Sunday, but I was not invited."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1746
msgid "They might need help again next week, so it's worth checking them."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:1755 quests.xml:1765
msgid "Kevin's Pink Dye"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1756
msgid ""
"Kevin can make Pink Dye using a byproduct of his alchemy, but he needs me to"
" collect some materials first."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1757
msgid ""
"He needs: 500 GP, 1 Bottle of Tonori Water, 20 Pink Blobime, and 30 "
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:1759 quests.xml:1768
msgid "Kevin"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1766
msgid "Kevin can now make me Pink Dye whenever I want....for a price."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1778
msgid "Alan is willing to do a Forest Bow, for free..."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1779
msgid "If I get a very resistant wood chunk with Jack."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1780
msgid "And I also need a good string, from a Fisherman in Halinarzo."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:1782
msgid ""
"Now, the Fisherman from Halinarzo needs a couple things to make the string:"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:1783
msgid "* 20 carps (Or 1 Roach Fish)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:1784
msgid "* 10 Roots"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:1785
msgid "* 40 Dead Fire Goblins (You just need to kill them)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:1786
msgid "* 1000gp (just for the work)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:1788 quests.xml:1798
msgid "Alan"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:1789 quests.xml:1799
msgid "Hurnscald, Archery Shop."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:1792
msgid "You can start at level 25, but bow is level 40."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1796
msgid "I got the Forest Bow. I hope to have fun with it!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:1806 quests.xml:1815 quests.xml:1823 quests.xml:1831
#: quests.xml:1840 quests.xml:1850
msgid "Archery Training"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1807
msgid "Gwendolyn offers archery courses."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1808
msgid "It's not exactly cheap, but it isn't expensive either."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:1810 quests.xml:1819 quests.xml:1827 quests.xml:1835
#: quests.xml:1846 quests.xml:1854
msgid "Gwendolyn Bowmaker"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:1811 quests.xml:1820 quests.xml:1828 quests.xml:1836
#: quests.xml:1847 quests.xml:1855
msgid "Hurnscald, Archery Shop back area."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/level
#: quests.xml:1812 quests.xml:1922 quests.xml:2124
msgid "20"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1816
msgid ""
"I need a Forest Bow, because that is the only kind of bow her brother makes."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1817
msgid "She already took my money, and won't teach me without it..."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1824
msgid "I should prove I learnt her lesson by bringing her..."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1825
msgid "...Snake eggs. Several and from all kinds."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1832
msgid "I passed her class!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1833
msgid "I think she have more thing to teach me, but am I strong enough...?"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/level
#: quests.xml:1837 quests.xml:1998
msgid "45"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1841
msgid "She gave me the last task."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1842
msgid "With the Forest Bow, and Training arrows, I have to hit target."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1843
msgid "There are lot of things to consider I usually don't care about."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1844
msgid "Can I really get over that challenge?"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1851
msgid "I did it! I did it!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1852
msgid "I mastered archery!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:1856
msgid "New Skill"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:1861 quests.xml:1873
msgid "The Yeti King Quest ({@@var1})"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1862
msgid "I need to find the Yeti King and convince him to fight on our side."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1863
msgid "To (re)start this quest, I need to pour 1x {@@1} on Tulimshar Sewer."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1865
msgid ""
"This is a loose co-op quest. I cannot start it alone, but I can finish it "
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:1867 quests.xml:1877 quests.xml:1898 quests.xml:1907
msgid "Celestia"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:1868 quests.xml:1878 quests.xml:1899 quests.xml:1908
#: quests.xml:1950
msgid "Hurnscald, Town Hall."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:1870
msgid "You should attempt to get level 60 before doing this quest."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1874
msgid "I can now return home, and optionally report Celestia the result."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1875
msgid "The Yeti King gave me a reward, maybe I should do that again!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:1883 quests.xml:1903
msgid "Celestia Tea Party"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1884
msgid "Celestia need many sweets to replace the lack of Cookies."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1885
msgid "I could help her, too much sugar is bad to health!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:1887
msgid "To have a proper tea party, we'll need:"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:1889
msgid "* 50 Acorn"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:1890
msgid "* 40 Chocolate Bar"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:1891
msgid "* 20 Chocolate Mouboo"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:1892
msgid "* 15 Candy"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:1893
msgid "* 15 Orange Cupcake"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:1894
msgid "* 10 Cherry Cake"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:1895
msgid "* 5 Gingerbread Man"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:1896
msgid "* 2 Chocolate Biscuit"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1904
msgid "I gave lot of sweeties to Celestia, and now I can drink tea!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1905
msgid ""
"Her tea regens some Mana. Maybe in future, she gives me some for travel?"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:1913 quests.xml:1925 quests.xml:1933 quests.xml:1944
#: quests.xml:1954
msgid "Hurnscald Crops"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1914
msgid "Pinkies are ravaging Hinnak's Fields. He wants 10 antennas."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1915 quests.xml:1935
msgid "But he won't reward you without at least a 100 pinkies sacrifice."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1917 quests.xml:1937
msgid "Current Kills: {@@var2}"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:1918
msgid "You also need 20 agi to begin this quest."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:1921 quests.xml:1930
msgid "Hurnscald Fields."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1926
msgid "Hinnak's farm is safe, but Hurnscald food supply is far from secured."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1927
msgid "I should help his friend, Oscar, on the west farm."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1934
msgid ""
"Oscar is also having problems with pinkies. He want 10 pink legs for a soup."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:1938
msgid "You also need 30 agi to begin this quest."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:1940
msgid "Oscar"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:1941
msgid "Woodlands Central Area."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1945
msgid "Oscar was very satisfied."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1946
msgid "He and Hinnak prepared a reward for you."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1947
msgid "Redeem it at the Town Hall."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:1949 quests.xml:2296 quests.xml:2309
msgid "Airlia"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1955
msgid "The crops are safe! Finally!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1956
msgid "Hinnak and his wife might still need help, but..."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1957
msgid "...that's not my problem anymore."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:1963 quests.xml:1973 quests.xml:1981 quests.xml:1991
#: quests.xml:2001 quests.xml:2011 quests.xml:2019
msgid "Hurnscald Bandits"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1964
msgid "Bandits frequently raid Hurnscald Tavern and steal stuff."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1965
msgid "They're often caught, but the slimes on the Mines eat the keys!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1966
msgid "I should bring her 5 [Treasure Key] to fix that slimey problem."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:1968 quests.xml:1977 quests.xml:1986 quests.xml:1995
#: quests.xml:2006 quests.xml:2014 quests.xml:2024
msgid "Helena"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:1969 quests.xml:1978 quests.xml:1987 quests.xml:1996
#: quests.xml:2007 quests.xml:2015 quests.xml:2025
msgid "Hurnscald, Inn."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1974
msgid "I helped Helena, but she might have another task to me."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1975
msgid "I wonder if I am strong enough to help her!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1982
msgid "Helena was cursed to don't enter the bandit cave!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1983
msgid "She wants to give me a great mission, but first,"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1984
msgid "I need to collect some Bandit Hoods and prove my worth."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1992 quests.xml:2002
msgid "Helena sent me to kill the Bandit Lord on the Bandit Cave."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:1993
msgid "But first, I need to find her friend and get the key to his lair."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2003
msgid "The Bandit Lord is on a locked cave, but fear not. I got the key."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2004
msgid "The only problem now, is finding his lair on these pesky caves!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2012
msgid "The bandit lord is dead. I should claim my reward with Helena."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2020
msgid "I'm now friends with Helena."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2021
msgid "Every day, I can bring her some Treasure Keys or Bandit Hoods."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2022
msgid "The keys will also help with Melina's beer supply - great!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:2030 quests.xml:2037 quests.xml:2045 quests.xml:2055
msgid "Injuried Mouboo"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2031 quests.xml:2038 quests.xml:2046 quests.xml:2056
msgid "I found a cursed and injuried mouboo near Hurnscald's roads."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2032
msgid "His fate is up to me... What should I do?"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:2034 quests.xml:2042 quests.xml:2052 quests.xml:2060
#: quests.xml:2094 quests.xml:2103 quests.xml:2112
msgid "Southeast Woodlands."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2039
msgid "I decided to soothe its wounds. Now it sleeps peacefully."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2040
msgid "The curse... I'm not sure I can break it."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2047
msgid "I decided to soothe its wounds, and warned Sagratha about it."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2048
msgid "We were capable to break its curse."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2050
msgid "It refuses to stand, but this is not a problem. Let it rest."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2057
msgid "I killed it."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2058
msgid "On its death breath, it warned me about a Moubootaur or whatever."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:2065 quests.xml:2075
msgid "Blood Donor"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2066
msgid "I donated blood to Hurnscald Hospital."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2068 quests.xml:2081
msgid "This quest can be repeated every 30 days."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:2071 quests.xml:2084
msgid "Hurnscald Hospital."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:2072 quests.xml:2085
msgid "EXP. Other possible rewards: Chocolate, Water, Bread."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2076
msgid "I am donating blood to Hurnscald Hospital."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2077
msgid "I must stay on this bed for three minutes."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2078
msgid "I cannot move, use skills or items, nor attack."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2080
msgid "If I disconnect, I'll be penalized!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:2090 quests.xml:2098 quests.xml:2107
msgid "Woody's Request"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2091
msgid "Woody's wife needs help."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:2093
msgid "Woody's Wife"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2099
msgid "Woody's wife was helped."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2100
msgid "Now woody needs help."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/level
#: quests.xml:2104
msgid "26"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2108
msgid "I helped Woody's family and learnt to respect elderly."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2109
msgid "These Squirrel Boots makes me faster, good call!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:2117 quests.xml:2128
msgid "Paul's Bounty"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2118 quests.xml:2129
msgid "Paul have put a bounty for Monster Points."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2119 quests.xml:2130
msgid "It's a good way to reinforce my experience."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:2121 quests.xml:2134
msgid "Lieutenant Paul"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:2123 quests.xml:2136
msgid "EXP"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:2125
msgid "Quest goes up to level 60 if you get interested."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2132
msgid "Note: Continuing past this point might be a waste of time."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:2143 quests.xml:2151 quests.xml:2162 quests.xml:2183
#: quests.xml:2201 quests.xml:2212 quests.xml:2218
msgid "Sagratha Campaign"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:2144
msgid "**Prerequisite: You must have HEALED the Injuried Mouboo.**"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2146
msgid ""
"Wyara told me to visit Sagratha, in order to free the Mouboo from the curse."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:2148 quests.xml:2158 quests.xml:2180 quests.xml:2198
#: quests.xml:2209 quests.xml:2215 quests.xml:2223
msgid "Wyara"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:2152
msgid "**Prerequisite: Blue Sage Quest complete.**"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:2153
msgid "The level requeriment is implicit"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2155 quests.xml:2163
msgid "Sagratha was not home."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2156
msgid "Wyara told me to check her house for signs of battle."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/level
#: quests.xml:2159 quests.xml:2297 quests.xml:2395 quests.xml:2413
#: quests.xml:2425
msgid "36"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2164
msgid "I should use the secret window to visit some nearby caves."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2165
msgid "I hope Sagratha is safe and sound."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:2167
msgid "You'll have to break three seals."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:2168
msgid "Just walk in them to open the dialog."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:2169
msgid "The breaking will drain your mana, so watch out."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:2170
msgid "Also, do not leave the small chambers while breaking seals."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:2172
msgid "All options to pass through the chasm to the third Seal works."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:2173
msgid "Except for crafting a bridge, all of them have a chance to fail."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:2174
msgid "To jump, carry at most 1.5kg and make an agi build."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:2175
msgid ""
"To climb the walls, have miner or leather gloves, and focus on strength and "
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:2176
msgid ""
"Crafting Skill can be learnt during Player Storyline, in Frostia's Throne "
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:2178
msgid "Take care to don't be overwhelmed with monsters while breaking seals!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:2179
msgid "Death in this stage will NOT reset already broken seals."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2184
msgid "I managed to pass through the magic barrier."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2185
msgid "I wonder where she could have went?"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:2187
msgid "You'll need to solve a riddle on the end."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:2188
msgid "Failing to answer it, will cause the seals to break."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:2190
msgid "The answer is a monster. It may be used as mount."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:2191
msgid "It's passive but cooperates when attacked in groups."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:2192
msgid "When dead, it drops at least an edible item and a drink."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:2193
msgid "Also, some solitary NPC will mourn the death."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:2195
msgid "If you still don't know what is the answer, then"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:2196
msgid "you have not paid attention to the lone hut which..."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:2197
msgid " just used to get here."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2202
msgid "Where am I?"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2203
msgid "I'm not seeing Sagratha. Is it just me?"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:2205
msgid "Protip: You can interact with objects."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:2206
msgid "To trigger the quest, move in front to the obelisk."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:2207
msgid "You'll be entirely frozen during the shortscene."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:2208
msgid "Shortscene ends when both NPCs start walking again."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2213
msgid "Mission accomplished, now to leave this place."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2219
msgid "Mission accomplished and reward collected."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2220
msgid "Sagratha can teach me Summoning Magic."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:2222
msgid "Protip: If Sagratha loathes you, ask Wyara for help."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:2230 quests.xml:2238
msgid "Someone On The Well"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2231
msgid "Someone fell on the well, near Nivalis."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2232
msgid "I should ask somebody for help, but whom...?"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:2235 quests.xml:2243
msgid "Winterlands."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2239
msgid ""
"I asked Miler to get that person out of the hole they've struck themselves "
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2240
msgid "I wonder who was that person, anyway?"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:2248 quests.xml:2265
msgid "Cindy's Quest"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2249 quests.xml:2266
msgid "Form a party and rescue Cindy from evil Yetis!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2250 quests.xml:2267
msgid "Failure will be penalized!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:2252
msgid ""
"**Warning:** You must have rescued Mercury from the well to do this quest!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:2254
msgid ""
"The quest pre-requisite is secret, but you can obtain tips for it ingame."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:2255
msgid "To obtain them, talk to these NPCs in this order:"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:2256
msgid "The Yeti who talks about Mercury, then Angela, then Blue Sage"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:2257
msgid "And by last, Celestia in Hurnscald Townhall."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:2259
msgid "Read carefully Mercury's instructions! This is a **global quest**."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:2261 quests.xml:2269
msgid "Angela"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/level
#: quests.xml:2262
msgid "60"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:2274 quests.xml:2281
msgid "Tulimshar Goods"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2275
msgid "Baktar wants items from Tulimshar."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2276
msgid "If I get accross some, I should give these to him."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:2278
msgid "Baktar"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2282
msgid "Khafar told me Braknar was a fierce warrior also called Arvrek."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2283
msgid "Would it, perchance, be someone I know?"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:2285
msgid "Khafar"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:2292 quests.xml:2300 quests.xml:2312 quests.xml:2318
#: quests.xml:2324 quests.xml:2330 quests.xml:2338 quests.xml:2344
#: quests.xml:2352 quests.xml:2360 quests.xml:2368 quests.xml:2377
msgid "Blue Sage Investigation"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:2293
msgid "**This quest is part of player quest!**"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2294
msgid "Elias told me to wait for him to deliver Airlia's letter."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2301
msgid "I should go talk to the Blue Sage and see if he needs help."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:2303
msgid "Protip: Peetu is on the northeast corner."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:2304
msgid "Talk to him until he calms down. You'll need Sea Drops,"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:2305
msgid "A Mouboo Figurine from Audsbel Quest, and a Chocolate Bar."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:2307
msgid "The items will NOT be consumed by Peetu!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2313
msgid "Peetu asked you to talk with Oskari."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:2315 quests.xml:2321 quests.xml:2327 quests.xml:2335
#: quests.xml:2341 quests.xml:2349 quests.xml:2357 quests.xml:2365
#: quests.xml:2374 quests.xml:2384
msgid "Blue Sage Nikolai"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2319
msgid ""
"Oskari asked you to report to Peetu, and see what others think of Peetu."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2325
msgid "We should report to Elias about the cause of the incident."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2331
msgid "Elias is concerned with a masked visitor."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2333
msgid ""
"We should ask staff if they've seen something suspcious and report back."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2339
msgid "We should report to Elias what we've found about the masked visitor."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2345
msgid "We should deliver Elias's report to Oskari."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2347
msgid "Don't forget, Oskari wanted to know what others thought of Peetu!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2353
msgid "Oskari needs Peetu to investigate the cause."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2355
msgid "Go talk to Peetu."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2361
msgid "Peetu have confirmed the causes. We have everything we needed."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2363
msgid "Go report to Blue Sage Nikolai we're done with the investigation."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2369
msgid ""
"Blue sage thanked me for the help, even if he knew everything all along."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2371
msgid "He is writing letters. I should ask him soon."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:2372
msgid "Protip: He takes exact 30 seconds to finish them."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2378
msgid "We're done with this incident. Saboutage against sages."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2379
msgid "But... who could be behind all this?"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:2381
msgid "Protip: Sagratha Quest have been unlocked now."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:2382
msgid "Continue Main Quest to learn crafting."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:2389 quests.xml:2398
msgid "Blue Sage - Slimes"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2390 quests.xml:2399
msgid "Pyry needs help to clear the library from slime nests."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2392
msgid "The library is divided in nine quadrands. I need to check all."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:2394 quests.xml:2404
msgid "Pyry"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2401 quests.xml:2431
msgid "That was hard work, but I completed it."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:2403
msgid "**Protip: Reward must be claimed with Mirjami, southwest of library.**"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:2409
msgid "Blue Sage - Pagemakers"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2410
msgid "I helped the staff to make new books for Blue Sage's Library."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:2412
msgid "**Protip: Reward must be claimed with Blue Sage.**"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:2418 quests.xml:2428
msgid "Blue Sage - Pagefinders"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2419
msgid "Ensio needs help to collect lost bookpages."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:2421
msgid ""
"Slimes at them. They can be found during Slimes quest and in underground."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:2422
msgid "Undergrounds are unlocked after main quest completion."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:2424 quests.xml:2433
msgid "Ensio"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2429
msgid "Ensio needed help to collect lost bookpages."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:2438 quests.xml:2448
msgid "Mede's Teal Dye"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2439
msgid "Mede can make Teal Dye but needs me to collect some materials first."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2440
msgid ""
"He needs: 1500 GP, 60 Cobalt Herbs, 25 Blue Coral, 5 Ice Cubes, and 1 Bottle"
" of Iced Water"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:2442 quests.xml:2451
msgid "Mede"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2449
msgid "Mede can now make me Teal Dye whenever I want....for a price."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:2460
msgid "Lilit Kingdom Pass"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2461
msgid "I was authorized to visit the magic fairy Kingdom of Lilit."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:2464
msgid "Lilit Kingdom, Trial Cave."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:2469 quests.xml:2480 quests.xml:2490 quests.xml:2498
msgid "Fairy Nemesis"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2470
msgid "Well, not exactly."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2471
msgid "Shaabty wants me to kill 150 Mountain Snakes in Lilit"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2472
msgid "and bring back at least two snakes skins as a proof."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2474
msgid "I've heard fairies hate snakes, but this is a lot of hatred."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:2476 quests.xml:2486 quests.xml:2494 quests.xml:2502
msgid "Shaabty"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2477 quests.xml:2487 quests.xml:2495 quests.xml:2503
msgid "Lilit Island, Indoors."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2481
msgid "After showing Shaabty how snakes are killed,"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2482
msgid "She offered me some Leather Trousers."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2484
msgid "I need 10 Leather Patches and 8000 GP."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2491
msgid "Shaabty is making trousers for me."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2492
msgid "I need to wait her to finish."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2499
msgid "After slaying several Mountain Snakes in Lilit,"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2500
msgid "Shaabty made some Leather Trousers for me."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:2508 quests.xml:2525 quests.xml:2536 quests.xml:2548
msgid "Pirates of S.A.R.A.H."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2509
msgid "The Elder requested my help with restocking the island's supplies."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2510
msgid "Apparently the island was recently raided by pirates,"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2511
msgid "suspected of working with S.A.R.A.H."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:2513
msgid "For this mission, I'll need:"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:2514
msgid "* 300 Moss"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:2515
msgid "* 250 Roasted Maggots"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:2516
msgid "* 20 Fish Box"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:2517
msgid "* 1 Crystallized Maggot"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:2519 quests.xml:2531 quests.xml:2543 quests.xml:2555
msgid "Elder"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:2520 quests.xml:2532 quests.xml:2544 quests.xml:2556
msgid "Duck Island."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2526
msgid "The supplies have been restocked,"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2527
msgid "but scouts report unusual activity from the tritan pirates."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2529
msgid "Perhaps I should talk to the Elder..."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2537
msgid "Here will be text for Pirate Attack."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2539
msgid "This is not yet implemented ingame."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2540
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2541
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2549
msgid ""
"The tritans have been defeated and I have been initiated into the Duck Side."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2550
msgid ""
"The Elder has granted me permission to use Duck Dungeon, a sort of training "
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2552
msgid "Yet something doesn't quite feel right..."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2553
msgid "Who are the ducks, really?"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:2561
msgid "Raify's Proposal"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2562
msgid "Raify really hates Pious and asked me to help him."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2563
msgid ""
"He asked me to help him exterminate several pious and will reward me if I "
"bring back proof of my deed."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2564
msgid ""
"Raify needs: 50 Forest Piou Feathers and 50 Mana Piou Feathers as proof."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2565
msgid ""
"I also need to give him 1 Bottle of Woodland Water and 2500 GP to get my "
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2567
msgid "Should I accept this task?"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:2569 quests.xml:2582 quests.xml:2590
msgid "Raify"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:2570 quests.xml:2583 quests.xml:2591
msgid "Lilit - Sanctuary"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:2575
msgid "Piou Slayer"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2576
msgid "I have accepted Raify's mission."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2577
msgid ""
"I am sure all adventurers have to do things like this from time to time."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2579
msgid ""
"Raify needs: 50 Forest Piou Feathers, 50 Mana Piou Feathers as proof of my "
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2580
msgid ""
"I also need to give him 1 Bottle of Tonori Water and 2500 GP to finish my "
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:2587
msgid "Mission accomplished."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2588
msgid "Raify can make us Lime Dye anytime we want...for a price."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:2597 quests.xml:2606
msgid "Knighthood"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2598
msgid ""
"Princess Pouf asked me to pit myself against her knights to prove my "
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:2599
msgid "You can find Piou Knights in the Training Room below the Throne Room."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:2601 quests.xml:2610
msgid "Pouf"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:2602 quests.xml:2611
msgid "Piou Castle - Throne Room"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2607
msgid ""
"I defeated 8 of Princess Pouf's knights, and was made an Honorary Piou "
"Knight in recognition of my deeds."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2608
msgid "The position comes with a pretty neat steed, too!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:2619 quests.xml:2635
msgid "A Tea For Two"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2620
msgid "The Doctor asked me for various herbs, and a haste potion."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:2622
msgid "Items Required:"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:2623
msgid "* 150 Mauve Herb"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:2624
msgid "* 150 Cobalt Herb"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:2625
msgid "* 150 Gamboge Herb"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:2626
msgid "* 100 Alizarin Herb"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:2627
msgid "* 50 Shadow Herb"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:2628
msgid "* 10 Haste Potion"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:2630 quests.xml:2638 quests.xml:2645 quests.xml:2772
#: quests.xml:2782 quests.xml:2795 quests.xml:2808 quests.xml:2819
msgid "The Doctor"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:2631 quests.xml:2639 quests.xml:2646 quests.xml:2773
#: quests.xml:2783 quests.xml:2796 quests.xml:2809 quests.xml:2820
msgid "Dimond's Cove, Third Floor."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2636
msgid "The Doctor had his tea, and he can make more for me."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:2642 quests.xml:2650 quests.xml:2658 quests.xml:2667
msgid "An Early Christmas"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2643
msgid "Bring the Doctor's Tea to Miler, a friend from The Doctor."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2651
msgid "Mission complete, tea delivered."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2652
msgid "Seems like Miler lost something, though..."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:2654 quests.xml:2663 quests.xml:2672 quests.xml:2681
#: quests.xml:2694
msgid "Miler"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:2655 quests.xml:2664 quests.xml:2673 quests.xml:2682
#: quests.xml:2695
msgid "Winterlands, Steampunk House."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2659
msgid "Miler lost a precious ring."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2660
msgid ""
"I must bring Present Boxes to Miler pry them open with his screwdriver."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2661
msgid "LoF Technology is awesome. The slimes have them, gotta kill lots!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2668
msgid "Miler recovered his ring and thanked me."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2669
msgid "I guess for him, Christmas just came."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2670
msgid "I thought he asked me to come by later, though?"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:2676 quests.xml:2686 quests.xml:2699 quests.xml:2711
#: quests.xml:2726 quests.xml:2734 quests.xml:2745 quests.xml:2753
msgid "The Order Request"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2677
msgid "Miler asked me to talk to him later."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2679
msgid "I think I should talk again to him."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2687
msgid "Miler deposited everything in the Bank."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2688
msgid "But the bank won't let a third party to withdraw."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2690
msgid "I should go to Lilit's Bank."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2691
msgid "The storage fairy will be willing to ignore the rules"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2692
msgid "But only if I bring her some Snake Skin."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2700
msgid "The Storage Fairy gave me a Death Potion."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2701
msgid "She advised me to deliver it to Henry in the Inn."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2703
msgid "She also told me to remember a passphrase:"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2704
msgid "The Shadow Tortuga won the race against the Panthom Lord."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:2706
msgid "Storage Fairy"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:2707
msgid "Lilit."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2712
msgid "I gave the Death Potion to Henry."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2714
msgid "He now thinks I'm part of some Order."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2715
msgid "I was instructed to deliver some items to Pachua:"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2716
msgid "10x Honey"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2717
msgid "1x Elixir of Life"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2719
msgid "Pachua is in Tonori Canyon."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:2721 quests.xml:2729 quests.xml:2740 quests.xml:2748
#: quests.xml:2759
msgid "Henry"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:2722 quests.xml:2730 quests.xml:2741 quests.xml:2749
#: quests.xml:2760
msgid "Nivalis Inn"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2727 quests.xml:2746
msgid "I should report back to Henry."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2735
msgid "Henry asked me to investigate a cabin northwest of Nivalis."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2737
msgid "I should go west of Nivalis, then north."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2738
msgid "It'll be dangerous."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/level
#: quests.xml:2750 quests.xml:2761 quests.xml:2774
msgid "57"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2754
msgid "Whatever this order does, is no good."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2755
msgid "Their symbol is a red cross on a skull."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2757
msgid "Where have I seen this symbol before...?"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:2764 quests.xml:2777 quests.xml:2787 quests.xml:2800
#: quests.xml:2813
msgid "Histories Of Past"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2765
msgid "##1##BWARNING:##b This is a high priority quest!##0"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2767
msgid "I am poisoned!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2768
msgid "I must seek the Doctor in LoF immediately!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:2770
msgid "Player will be constantly poisoned until they visit the Doctor."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2779
msgid "The doctor helped me, but it is temporary."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2780
msgid "I must find a way to travel to the past!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/level
#: quests.xml:2784 quests.xml:2797 quests.xml:2810 quests.xml:2821
msgid "70"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2789
msgid "I can use the Time Flask now."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2790
msgid "I should come prepared for everything."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2792
msgid "Including, bring friends if I can."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/wiki
#: quests.xml:2793
msgid "Hint: Bring apples and be level 80+"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2802
msgid "I saw the Great Fire."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2804
msgid "..."
msgstr "..."

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2806
msgid "I really should talk to The Doctor."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2815
msgid "I learned too much."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2816
msgid "Everything comes down to the Moubootaur."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2817
msgid "I fear the day I'll face it..."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:2826 quests.xml:2830 quests.xml:2837
msgid "True Buccaneer"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2827
msgid ""
"Arr, I was told that George needs help! Gotta help pirates, 'cause I'm so "
"cool! Arr!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2831
msgid ""
"Arr, I should return with 30 Beer, 30 Casino Coins and 50 Empty Bottles! Arr"
" Yarr!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:2833 quests.xml:2840
msgid "George"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:2834 quests.xml:2841
msgid "Sincerity Island"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2838
msgid "Yarr, I got a nice hat for helping! Arr, he might need help later!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:2848 quests.xml:2856 quests.xml:2863
msgid "Slaying the Fafi Dragon"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2849
msgid "Susanne asked me to slay the Fafi Dragon which roams this island."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:2851 quests.xml:2859 quests.xml:2866
msgid "Susanne"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:2852 quests.xml:2860 quests.xml:2867
msgid "Secret Island, Fairy House."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/level
#: quests.xml:2853
msgid "53"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2857
msgid "The dragon was slain. I need to report to Susanne."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2864
msgid "I can pay Susanne some items for a respawn."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:2874
msgid "Pet Caring Guild"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2875
msgid ""
"I paid the expensive fee, and now I'm affiliated with the Pet Caring Guild."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2877
msgid "If my pet runs away, they can give another one to me... For a fee."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:2879
msgid "Pet Detective"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:2880
msgid "LoF Village, Noble District."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2886
msgid "I'm supposed to kill some boss or other on a desert canyon."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2887
msgid "They stole pyndragon's gunstaffs, so they're dangerous."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2888
msgid "Wasn't that enough, it is a timed quest, and it is party PVP."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2890
msgid "The challenges starts hourly, when the minute clock reaches the zero."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2891
msgid ""
"They're over when the minute clock reaches fifteen regardless of a winner."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:2893 quests.xml:2906 quests.xml:2916
msgid "Colonel DUSTMAN"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:2894 quests.xml:2907 quests.xml:2917
msgid "Heroes Hold, Main Castle."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:2901 quests.xml:2911
msgid "Heroes Hold"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2902 quests.xml:2912
msgid ""
"I accepted to seek for DUSTMAN's men, and he open the Heroes Hold for me."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2903 quests.xml:2913
msgid "The Heroes Hold is a high level area for the best of best players."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2904 quests.xml:2914
msgid "In other words: for heroes. Like myself, I hope."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:2922 quests.xml:2932
msgid "Culinary Contest"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2923 quests.xml:2933
msgid ""
"Dimond's Cove chef wants to beat Ryan on a cooking contest, and he thought "
"on the ultimate recipe."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2924
msgid "For that, he needs some Small Mushrooms and Mouboo Steaks."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:2926 quests.xml:2937
msgid "Dimond's Cove Chef"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:2927 quests.xml:2938
msgid "LoF Village, Dimond's Cove."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/level
#: quests.xml:2929
msgid "34"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2934
msgid "I gave him what he wanted, and he went to cook."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2935
msgid ""
"On hindsight, he never told me when the contest will be. I wanted to watch."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:2944
msgid "A Towel For A Hitchhiker"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2945
msgid "Help the stranger who only knows about Hitchhiker Guide's to Galaxy."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2947
msgid "This quest is only available on days 18~25."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2948
msgid "It must be February, May, August or September to do this quest."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:2950
msgid "Stranger"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:2951
msgid "LoF Village."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:2959
msgid "Summer Quest"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2960
msgid "During summer, the following drops are available:"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2961
msgid "- Cocktails (common drop)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2962
msgid "- Sunglasses (rare drop)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2964
msgid "During summer, the following quests are available:"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2965
msgid "- Luffyx Summer Shorts Quest"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2966
msgid "- Ched's Cocktail Collection Quest"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2968
msgid "During summer, Tonori Delight production is raised."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:2974
msgid "Autumn Quest"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2975
msgid "During autumn, the following drops are available:"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2976
msgid "- Pumpkandy Seed (common drop)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2978
msgid "During autumn, the following quests are available:"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2979
msgid "- Hasan's Great Scorpion Hunting Quest"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2981
msgid "Pumpkandy seed can be planted and candies harvested."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:2987
msgid "Winter Quest"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2988
msgid "During winter, the following drops are available:"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2989
msgid "- Caramel Candy and Snowflake (common drop)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2990
msgid "- Chocolate Biscuit and Ginger Bread Man drops more often"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2991
msgid "- Reinboo Wand (rare drop, mouboo only)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2993
msgid "During winter, the following quests are available:"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:2994
msgid "- Serge's Knit Hat Quest"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:3001
msgid "Spring Quest"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:3002
msgid "During spring, the following quests are available:"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:3003
msgid "- Paxel's Windy Helmet Quest"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:3011
msgid "Sponsor Quest"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:3012
msgid "Sponsors have access to special, monthly quests."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:3013
msgid "These quests allow to sell some items to NPC"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:3014
msgid "(eg. 7 black scorpion stingers) for normal sell price."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:3016
msgid "However, they'll get from 1 to 4 Strange Coins as reward."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:3017
msgid "There's no experience gain. You can only sell once."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:3018
msgid "These exclusive quests are available on sponsor's maps."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:3020
msgid ""
"Strange Coins can also be obtained at daily login, events, and gift boxes."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:3021
msgid "It's not a premium currency. You cannot buy Strange Coins."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:3027
msgid "Christmas Quest"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:3028
msgid "During christmas, the following quests are available:"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:3029
msgid "- Frostia's Mountains Gift Collector Quest"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:3030
msgid "- Golbarez Money Scheme Quest"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:3031
msgid "- Christmas Cook and Storage Master Quests"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:3032
msgid "- (main) Lost Christmas Boxes Quest"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: skills/set@name
#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:7 skills.xml:14
msgid "Basic"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:14
msgid "Gives you an identity."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:21
msgid "Resync"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:21
msgid "Corrects ManaPlus desync (@resync)."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:29
msgid "Event Warp"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:29
msgid "Warps you to event island (during events)."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:35
msgid "Crafting"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:35
msgid "Craft equipment with special bonuses"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:42
msgid "Super Menu"
msgstr "Super Menú"

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:42
msgid "Gives access to administrative options."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:53
msgid "First Aid"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:53
msgid "Minor healing for yourself."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:61
msgid "Provoke"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:61
msgid "Allow provoke a single monster for 10 seconds."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:70
msgid "Area provoke"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:70
msgid "Allow provoke many monsters, centered on target."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:78
msgid "Fake Death"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:78
msgid "Geez, I thought you were a goner for real!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:87
msgid "Marriage Life force"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:87
msgid "Transfer 10% HP to partner."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:96
msgid "Marriage Mana flow"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:96
msgid "Transfer 10% MP to partner."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:104
msgid "Stealing"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:104
msgid "Attempt to steal drops from mobs."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:111
msgid "Mana Conversion"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:111
msgid "Converts HP into MP. Beware, it can kill you!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:118
msgid "Transfer Mana"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:118
msgid "Transfers up to 100% mana to target."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:126
msgid "Parum"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:126
msgid "Transmutate wood into stuff."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:135 skills.xml:143 skills.xml:151 skills.xml:159 skills.xml:167
#: skills.xml:175 skills.xml:183 skills.xml:191 skills.xml:199 skills.xml:207
#: skills.xml:213
msgid "Transmutation"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:135
msgid "215 MP. Transmute stuff into other stuff."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:143
msgid "210 MP. Transmute stuff into other stuff."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:151
msgid "205 MP. Transmute stuff into other stuff."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:159
msgid "200 MP. Transmute stuff into other stuff."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:167
msgid "195 MP. Transmute stuff into other stuff."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:175
msgid "190 MP. Transmute stuff into other stuff."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:183
msgid "185 MP. Transmute stuff into other stuff."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:191
msgid "180 MP. Transmute stuff into other stuff."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:199
msgid "175 MP. Transmute stuff into other stuff."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:207
msgid "170 MP. Transmute stuff into other stuff."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:213
msgid "MP + -5/lv. Transmute stuff into other stuff."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:220
msgid "Discount"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:220
msgid "Discount when purchasing: 5% + 2% per skill level"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:226
msgid "Barter"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:226
msgid "Sell items for more money: 5% + 2% per skill level"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:232
msgid "Cart"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:232
msgid "The Cart button on inventory is now enabled."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:238
msgid "Merchant"
msgstr "Mercader"

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:238
msgid "Sell items on your cart."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:244
msgid "Backpack Float"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:244
msgid "Increase maximum weight."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:250
msgid "Backpack Float 2"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:250
msgid "FIXME: Increase maximum weight."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:257
msgid "Archers Eye"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:257
msgid "Raise range and Chance to Hit on bows (incl. skills)."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:263
msgid "Read Ancient Languages"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:263
msgid "Read stuff in long forgotten languages."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:269
msgid "Learn more while listening to Professor."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:275
msgid "Special Class Membership"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:275
msgid "Grants you additional Magic Skill Points."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:281
msgid "Chanting"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:281
msgid "Improves use of magic via chants."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:287
msgid "Dragon Slayer"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:287
msgid "Raises attack and defense while fighting dragons. Raise int."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:293
msgid "Mana Wisdom"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:293
msgid "Increases Mana Experience Gain."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:302
msgid "Divine Protection"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:302
msgid "Jesus' blessing, extra defense against unholy things."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:308
msgid "OVH Fire"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:308
msgid "Become a living torch."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:314
msgid "Realm of Drops"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:314
msgid "Passive: Monsters may drop a lot more."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: skills/set@name
#: skills.xml:317
msgid "Physical"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:323
msgid "Weapon Overload"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:323
msgid "Overload the weapon! Damage x2"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:331 skills.xml:338
msgid "Falkon Punch!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:331 skills.xml:338
msgid "A violent punch. +30% dmg and +5% acc per level."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:345 skills.xml:352
msgid "Supreme Attack"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:345 skills.xml:352
msgid "Delivers a powerful, charged attack."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:359 skills.xml:366
msgid "Charged Shot"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:359 skills.xml:366
msgid "Powerful bowshot."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:373 skills.xml:380
msgid "Arrow Shower"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:373 skills.xml:380
msgid "Shoots 5 arrows or bullets to the area on your cursor."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:387
msgid "Sharpshooter"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:387
msgid "Focus and do a magical shoot which multihits."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:394 skills.xml:401
msgid "Ground Strike"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:394 skills.xml:401
msgid "Hit the ground for area damage and status effects."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:408
msgid "Last Standing Man"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:408
msgid "Increase max HP and holy resistance."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:416
msgid "Party Area Defense"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:416
msgid "Increase party defense."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:422
msgid "Increase Agility"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:422
msgid "FIXME: Sacrifice HP for more agility and move speed."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:428
msgid "Redemption"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:428
msgid "FIXME: Suicide with death penalty. Revive party members in a range."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:436
msgid "Guard"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:436
msgid ""
"Shield: Chance to block entirely an attack. Stuns you when block is "
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:443
msgid "Arrow Shield"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:443
msgid ""
"Shield: Receive less ranged damage, in exchange of move and attack speed."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:449
msgid "Minor HP Recovery"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:449
msgid "Increase standing HP Recovery."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:457
msgid "Counter Attack"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:457
msgid "Block and retaliate attack with double critical rate."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:464
msgid "Endure"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:464
msgid "Immune to stun penalty when attacked. Raises MDEF."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:470
msgid "Final Berserk"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:470
msgid "ATK +32%, VIT DEF -55% when HP is below 25%. Drains MP."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:476
msgid "Two Hands Mastery"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:476
msgid "It's time to rage this weapon!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:484
msgid "Divine Rage"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:484
msgid "Berserk: Melee Weapon only. ATK/HIT/ASPD+, FLEE/DEF/MHP-"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:491
msgid "Tactical Retreat"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:491
msgid "Jumps five tiles back to gain some space."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:498
msgid "Last Resort"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:498
msgid "blame Saulc"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:505
msgid "Jump Attack!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:505
msgid "Jumps at an enemy and attacks. Don't let 'em run away!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:512
msgid "Brawling"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:512
msgid "Three powerful consecutive brawn attacks."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:518
msgid "Bear Strike"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:518
msgid "Five powerful consecutive brawn attacks."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:524
msgid "All In One"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:524
msgid "Seven consecutive brawn attacks of diff. elements."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:530
msgid "Stunning Strike"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:530
msgid "Three powerful consecutive brawn attacks with a chance to stun target."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: skills/set@name
#: skills.xml:533
msgid "Magic"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:549
msgid "Accumulate Power"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:549
msgid "Sightly increase next magical attack power."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:556
msgid "Nature Wall"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:556
msgid "Creates several short-lived pikpiks to push back and attack enemies."
msgstr ""

#. #-#-#-#-#  skills.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#. #-#-#-#-#  skillunits.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: skillunits/skillunit@name
#: skills.xml:563 skillunits.xml:33
msgid "Fire Walk"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:563
msgid "Pursuers will burn their feet, o admirable one."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:571
msgid "Wind Walk"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:571
msgid "Makes you walk faster"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:580
msgid "Mana Bomb"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:580
msgid "Uses all mana to attack."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:593
msgid "Healing"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:593
msgid "Minor healing for the wounded."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:604
msgid "Magnum Healing"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:604
msgid "Healing for all allies in range. Req. Lifestone."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:615
msgid "Resurrection"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:615
msgid "Resurrects a fallen comrade. Req. Lifestone."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:623
msgid "Action Casting"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:623
msgid "Allows to move and attack while casting."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:630
msgid "Energy Coating"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:630
msgid "Raises damage reduction but eats MP."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:639
msgid "Fire Weapon"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:639
msgid "Switch attack element to fire. 70% Success Chance."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:646
msgid "Ice Weapon"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:646
msgid "Switch attack element to ice. 70% Success Chance."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:653
msgid "Wind Weapon"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:653
msgid "Switch attack element to wind. 70% Success Chance."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:660
msgid "Earth Weapon"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:660
msgid "Switch attack element to earth. 70% Success Chance."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:672
msgid "Frost Diver"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:672
msgid "Standard Ice Attack."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:680
msgid "Napalm Beat"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:680
msgid "Weak basic AoE attack with holy damage."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:688
msgid "Magic Strike"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:688
msgid "Standard Wind Magic Attack"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:697
msgid "Meteor Strike"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:697
msgid "Standard Earth Attack."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:706
msgid "Fire Bolt"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:706
msgid "Standard Fire Attack."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:715
msgid "Frost Nova"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:715
msgid "Freeze the area around target and inflict damage"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:723
msgid "Holy Light"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:723
msgid "Standard Holy Attack"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:732
msgid "Lightning Bolt"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:732
msgid "Standard Wind Attack."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:741
msgid "Meteor Shower"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:741
msgid "AoE Earth Attack."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:752
msgid "Fire ball"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:752
msgid "Attack enemy with fireball."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:761
msgid "Nilfheim"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:761
msgid "Causes a frozen hell at target area."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:769
msgid "Judgement"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:769
msgid "AoE Centered Holy Attack."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:778
msgid "Tempest Storm"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:778
msgid "AoE Wind Attack."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:787
msgid "Gaia Break"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:787
msgid "AoE centered earth attack, Allies DEF+"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:795
msgid "Armageddon"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:795
msgid "Area fire obliteration."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: skills/set@name
#: skills.xml:798
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Otro"

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:806
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:806
msgid "Defense disregard attack"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:813
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:813
msgid "Suicide bombing"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:819
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:819
msgid "Suicide"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:826
msgid "NPC_POISON"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:826
msgid "Poison Attack"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:832
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:832
msgid "Follower Summons"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:838
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:838
msgid "Emotion"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:844
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:844
msgid "Monster Summons"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: skills/set@name
#: skills.xml:852
msgid "H"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:859 skills.xml:865
msgid "Heaven Fury"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:859
msgid "Rand-cast bolts."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:865
msgid "Multiple bolts of random elements."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:872
msgid "Healing Touch"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:872
msgid "Weak healing on homunculus and player."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:878 skills.xml:884
msgid "Magnum Explosion"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:878 skills.xml:884
msgid "Extreme damage, stun, and knockback."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:891 skills.xml:897
msgid "Time to Flee!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:891
msgid "Raises walk speed."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:897
msgid "Raises walk speed for homun and caster."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:905 skills.xml:917
msgid "Bloodlust"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:905
msgid "Raise ATK and leech HP."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:911 skills.xml:923
msgid "Survival Order!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:911 skills.xml:923
msgid "Raises vit for both."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:917
msgid "Raise Homun ATK, may leech HP."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:931 skills.xml:937
msgid "Falkon Kick!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:931
msgid "Like Bash, can also multihit."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:937
msgid "Attack(s) with higher crit chance."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:943
msgid "Little Wonders"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:943
msgid "Dispels poison, curse, silence, confusion and blind."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:951
msgid "Skill X"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:951
msgid "Target mob gives bonus exp. (No boss)."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:959
msgid "Immortality"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:959
msgid "Passive, raises HC HP/Regen/DEF."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:965 skills.xml:971
msgid "Avoidance"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:965
msgid "Raise HC Flee/Evasion."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:971
msgid "Temporarily boost HC Flee/Evasion."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:978 skills.xml:984
msgid "Time to Kill!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:978 skills.xml:984
msgid "Raise HC ATK and ASPD."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:990
msgid "I am Superior!"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:990
msgid "Passive small HC STR/INT+."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:997 skills.xml:1003
msgid "Blinding Mist"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:997 skills.xml:1003
msgid "AOE blind, nature dmg."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:1009
msgid "Magic King"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:1009
msgid "Passive, Raises Max SP and SP Regen."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:1015 skills.xml:1021
msgid "Sacred Duck Lord"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:1015
msgid "+FLEE, ASPD ~ Holydmg."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:1021
msgid "+FLEE, ASPD. Attacks may become Holy."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:1028
msgid "Summon Homunculus"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:1028
msgid "Makes a Homunculus come to existence."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:1034
msgid "Homunculus Sleep"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:1034
msgid "Tells Homunculus to sleep in your backpack."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:1040
msgid "Resurrect Homunculus"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:1040
msgid "Brings a killed Homunculus back to life."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: skills/set@name
#: skills.xml:1044
msgid "G"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:1050
msgid "Guild Size"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:1050
msgid "Increases max member on guild."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:1056
msgid "Guild Courage"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:1056
msgid "5x5 Permanent Strength Boost"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:1062
msgid "Guild Alertness"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:1062
msgid "5x5 Permanent Agility Boost"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:1069
msgid "Guild's Plan Of Attack"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:1069
msgid "18x18 Temp. STR/DEX/INT Boost"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:1075
msgid "Guild Regeneration"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:1075
msgid "12x12 HP and MP recovery"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:1081
msgid "Guild Angelical Grace"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:1081
msgid "12x12 Near full HP recovery"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:1087
msgid "Guild Emergency Convocation"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:1087
msgid "Recall all guild members. Also needs 1x LOF Coin."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:1095
msgid "Guild's Power"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:1095
msgid "Increase all stats of guild mates. Range: 3+Lv. Duration: 40s+5s/Lv"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:1101
msgid "Angel Light"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:1101
msgid "Area Regeneration for guild mates. Range: 12. Duration: 8s+1s/Lv"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:1107
msgid "Blessing of Defense"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:1107
msgid ""
"Increase def of guild mates. Range: 4+Lv. Duration: 40s+5s/Lv. Power +4/Lv."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:1113
msgid "Battle Plans"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:1113
msgid ""
"Increase STR/INT/DEX of guild mates. Range: 4+Lv. Duration: 40s+5s/Lv. Power"
" +1/Lv."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:1119
msgid "Damage Improvement"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:1119
msgid ""
"Increase dmg of guild mates. Range: 4+Lv. Duration: 40s+5s/Lv. Power 5+5/Lv."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:1125
msgid "Critical Fortune"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:1125
msgid ""
"Increase crit rate of guild mates. Range: 1+Lv. Duration: 30s+5s/Lv. Power "
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:1131
msgid "Blessing of Immortality"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:1131
msgid ""
"Auto-Revive guild mates if they die. Dispels on revive. Range: 2+Lv. "
"Duration: 25s+10s/Lv. HP +10%/Lv."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:1137
msgid "Maximize Damage"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:1137
msgid ""
"Weapon of Party and Guild Members always do max damage. Range: 1+Lv. "
"Duration: +60s/Lv."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:1143
msgid "Improved MP Regen"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:1143
msgid ""
"Double MP regen rate of party and guild. Range: +1/Lv. Duration: 20s+10s/Lv."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: skillunits/skillunit@name
#: skillunits.xml:7
msgid "Crazy weed"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: skillunits/skillunit@name
#: skillunits.xml:11
msgid "Wall of thorn 2"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: skillunits/skillunit@name
#: skillunits.xml:15
msgid "Lord of vermillion"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: skillunits/skillunit@name
#: skillunits.xml:19
msgid "Grafiti"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: skillunits/skillunit@name
#: skillunits.xml:21
msgid "Family call"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: skillunits/skillunit@name
#: skillunits.xml:25
msgid "Dimension door"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: skillunits/skillunit@name
#: skillunits.xml:29
msgid "Cluster bomb"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: skillunits/skillunit@name
#: skillunits.xml:42
msgid "Wall of thorn 1"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: skillunits/skillunit@name
#: skillunits.xml:46
msgid "Hells plant"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: extended/stat@name
#. (itstool) path: page/stat@name
#: stats.xml:51 stats.xml:198 stats.xml:275
msgid "Attack"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: extended/stat@name
#. (itstool) path: page/stat@name
#: stats.xml:56 stats.xml:193
msgid "Defense"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: extended/stat@name
#. (itstool) path: page/stat@name
#: stats.xml:61 stats.xml:188
msgid "M.Attack"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: extended/stat@name
#. (itstool) path: page/stat@name
#: stats.xml:66 stats.xml:183 stats.xml:260
msgid "M.Defense"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: extended/stat@name
#. (itstool) path: page/stat@name
#: stats.xml:71 stats.xml:178 stats.xml:255
msgid "% Accuracy"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: extended/stat@name
#. (itstool) path: page/stat@name
#: stats.xml:76 stats.xml:173 stats.xml:250
msgid "% Evade"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: extended/stat@name
#. (itstool) path: page/stat@name
#: stats.xml:81 stats.xml:168 stats.xml:245
msgid "% Critical"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: extended/stat@name
#. (itstool) path: page/stat@name
#: stats.xml:86 stats.xml:153 stats.xml:230
msgid "Attack delay"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: extended/stat@name
#: stats.xml:91
msgid "Walk delay"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: extended/stat@name
#. (itstool) path: page/stat@name
#: stats.xml:96 stats.xml:158 stats.xml:235
msgid "Attack range"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: extended/stat@name
#. (itstool) path: page/stat@name
#: stats.xml:101 stats.xml:163 stats.xml:240
msgid "Damage per sec."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: extended/stat@name
#: stats.xml:106
msgid "Karma"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: extended/stat@name
#: stats.xml:111
msgid "Manner"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: stats/page@name
#: stats.xml:113
msgid "Homun"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: page/stat@name
#: stats.xml:118 stats.xml:205
msgid "Level"
msgstr "Nivel"

#. (itstool) path: page/stat@name
#: stats.xml:123 stats.xml:210 stats.xml:302
msgid "Hp"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: page/stat@name
#: stats.xml:128 stats.xml:215 stats.xml:307
msgid "Max hp"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: page/stat@name
#: stats.xml:138
msgid "Max mana"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: page/stat@name
#: stats.xml:143
msgid "Exp"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: page/stat@name
#: stats.xml:148
msgid "Need exp"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: stats/page@name
#: stats.xml:200
msgid "Merc"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: page/stat@name
#: stats.xml:220 stats.xml:312
msgid "Mp"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: page/stat@name
#: stats.xml:225 stats.xml:317
msgid "Max mp"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: page/stat@name
#: stats.xml:265
msgid "M.Atk"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: page/stat@name
#: stats.xml:270
msgid "Defence"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: page/stat@name
#: stats.xml:280
msgid "Expire"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: page/stat@name
#: stats.xml:285
msgid "Faith"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: page/stat@name
#: stats.xml:290
msgid "Calls"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: page/stat@name
#: stats.xml:295
msgid "Kills"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: stats/page@name
#: stats.xml:297
msgid "Elemental"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:21
msgid "provoke"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:25
msgid "endure"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:29
msgid "concentration"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:35
msgid "hiding"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:41
msgid "cloacking"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:45
msgid "enchant poison"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:49
msgid "poison react"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:53
msgid "quagmire"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:60
msgid "def+"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:64
msgid "blessing"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:68 status-effects.xml:330
msgid "inc agi"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:72
msgid "dec agi"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:76
msgid "dmg +"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:83
msgid "magnificat"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:87
msgid "max dmg"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:93
msgid "riding"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:98
msgid "falcon"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:102
msgid "trick dead"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:106
msgid "weight 50%"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:110
msgid "weight 90%"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:117
msgid "att haste 1"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:121
msgid "att haste 2"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:125
msgid "att haste 3"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:129
msgid "drunk"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:134
msgid "mail wait"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:141
msgid "lk concentration"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:145
msgid "cart boost"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:150
msgid "bleeding"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:154
msgid "run"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:158
msgid "ting"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:165
msgid "inc str 2"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:169
msgid "auto revive"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:173
msgid "inc str"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:179
msgid "hide"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:183
msgid "perm exp up"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:187
msgid "exp insurance"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:191
msgid "perm drop up"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:198
msgid "heal s"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:205
msgid "heal l"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:209
msgid "frost misty"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:213
msgid "stasis"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:217
msgid "camouflage"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:221
msgid "sphere 1"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:225
msgid "sphere 2"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:229
msgid "sphere 3"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:233
msgid "sphere 4"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:237
msgid "sphere 5"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:246
msgid "invisibility"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:250 status-effects.xml:535
msgid "freeze"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:254
msgid "cloud kill"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:261
msgid "heal g"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:266
msgid "silence 2"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:271
msgid "exp up"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:275
msgid "sit"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:282
msgid "heal m"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:287
msgid "cart"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:291
msgid "equip arrows"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:295
msgid "clan info"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:299
msgid "swords clan"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:303
msgid "archwand clan"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:307
msgid "golden mace clan"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:311
msgid "cross bow clan"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:316
msgid "mail sent"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:323
msgid "spell-protection"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:337
msgid "inc vit"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:344
msgid "inc int"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:351
msgid "inc dex"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:358
msgid "inc luk"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:365
msgid "inc hit"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:372
msgid "inc flee"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:379
msgid "walk speed change"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:386
msgid "inc max hp"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:393
msgid "inc max mp"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:399
msgid "sight"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:404
msgid "cart 1"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:414
msgid "invisible"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:419
msgid "cart 2"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:424
msgid "cart 3"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:429
msgid "cart 4"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:434
msgid "cart 5"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:439
msgid "orcish"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:444
msgid "wedding"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:449
msgid "ruwach"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:454
msgid "chase walk"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:459
msgid "flying"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:464
msgid "xmas"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:469
msgid "transform"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:474
msgid "summer"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:479
msgid "dragon 1"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:484
msgid "wug"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:489
msgid "wug rider"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:494
msgid "mado gear"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:499
msgid "dragon 2"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:504
msgid "dragon 3"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:509
msgid "dragon 4"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:514
msgid "dragon 5"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:519
msgid "hanbok"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:524
msgid "oktoberfest"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:530 status-effects.xml:550
msgid "stone"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:540
msgid "stun"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:545
msgid "sleep"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:555
msgid "burning"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:560
msgid "imprison"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:565
msgid "crystalize"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:574
msgid "poison"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:582
msgid "curse"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:588
msgid "silence"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:593
msgid "signum crucis"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:599
msgid "blind"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:604
msgid "dpoison"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:609
msgid "fear"
msgstr ""