path: root/world
diff options
authorBen Longbons <>2013-12-19 14:37:46 -0800
committerBen Longbons <>2013-12-19 14:37:46 -0800
commit91498af8d7e3f347ef5bcc3a9b1dc7d91d52fd61 (patch)
tree87573a93200fda4dd4d410a711b9a2b3998694d4 /world
parente34e49d3064640e01305549413c862ee0a7a79aa (diff)
Remove generated new from repo and add to post-merge script
Diffstat (limited to 'world')
3 files changed, 2 insertions, 947 deletions
diff --git a/world/map/.gitignore b/world/map/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a77fac4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/world/map/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/world/map/news.html b/world/map/news.html
deleted file mode 100644
index a1977df8..00000000
--- a/world/map/news.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,483 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Generated by tools/ for index.php -->
-<b>Icon and Weapon Updates</b>
-<font color="#0000ff">2013-11-30</font>
-With this update we ship new and better item icons.
-Those have been done a long time ago and we
-finally finished reviewing them all.
-The behavior of items when you do not meet their
-requirements has changed.
-As a result, a new type of ranged weapon has
-been introduced: the Sling Shot. You can get it
-somewhere in Tulimshar. We are aware of some
-small graphical glitches.
-The behaviour of the happy-curse
-for dark mages has been changed.
-You might want to try it out. ]:-)
--<font color="#009000">TMW Development Team</font>
-<b>Halloween 2013</b>
-<font color="#0000ff">2013-10-30</font>
-Happy Halloween!
-Also, some minor bugs have been fixed with Waric and Rossy.
-Alas poor Waric, Will he ever learn to behave properly?
--<font color="#009000">MadCamel</font>
-<b>Fixes in Server Code</b>
-<font color="#0000ff">2013-09-28</font>
-As you might have found out we had another restart yesterday.
-Most of the changes for this restart are under the hood: this was
-a Server Code release. Meaning the server's software was
-changed but not the content. Hence user-facing changes are minimal,
-but we'll outline below what's relevant.
-The restart didn't work as smoothly as expected but we
-are working hard on fixing all the issues which turned up.
-Currently known bugs that affect players:<ul>
- <li>None</li></ul>
-Other bugs:<ul>
- <li>GM logs are now full-buffered (faster) instead of line-buffered.</li>
- <li>Admin documentation is wrong.</li></ul>
-Fixed bugs:<ul>
- <li>Problems with startup speed (possibly not new, fixed anyway).</li>
- <li>Guildbot wouldn't start.</li>
- <li>Some accounts and storages with corrupted items were deleted.</li>
- <li>You can turn every direction except right.</li>
- <li>Inability to trade, except when naked.</li>
- <li>Warp bug related to the new Orum/Waric quest.</li>
- <li>Elemental bonus/malus not applied to magic.</li>
- <li>Update stats from the new CDN.</li>
- <li>Script bug with Kylian and checkweight.</li>
- <li>Drop order was wrong.</li>
- <li>Rossy caves now notice when you win fights.</li>
- <li>Fix an incorrectly marked assertion, which could fail.</li>
-<font color="#ff0000">If you encounter any more bugs or problems please
-report back immediately. Post on the forums
-<a href=";t=17729">;t=17729</a></font>
-A big behavioural change has been made to the Login Server
-From now on the login name is case sensitive, this means
-it matters whether you write a capital letter or not.
-<font color="#919191">e.g. if you registered an account name Test, and always
-logged in as test, this now no longer works. You have to
-log in as Test.</font>
-If you forgot how you originally registered your account,
-and cannot log in, please checkout the forums
-<a href=";t=17737">;t=17737</a>.
-Please be aware that these code changes were necessary to move
-the game forward. The server was formerly very hard to work on or
-modify. This update goes a long way to fixing that and will allow the
-developers to bring you new and exciting things in the future.
-We are very sorry for the inconvenience. We have been working
-as hard as we can to fix all the issues above.
--<font color="#009000">TMW Development Team</font>
-<b>Astral Magic Extension</b>
-<font color="#0000ff">2013-09-14</font>
-We have a small content release today.
-A witch in Tulimshar has found some daunting spells
-for mages who are experienced in Astral Magic.
-Talk to her about that. Maybe she is willing to teach you.
-With this update, we have added some minor bugfixes for the
-Waric script, Bluepar sprite and Wicked Mushroom sprite.
--<font color="#009000">TMW Development Team</font>
-<b>Announcing Code update - Introducing Dark Magic</b>
-<font color="#0000ff">2013-09-03</font>
-<font color="#919191">First, a technical announcement. During a future
-restart, TMW will start requiring your username
-to exactly match the case that you signed up with.
-Previously, this was enforced erratically, and led
-to people losing access to their accounts. If, after
-the update, you are unsure of the case of the account
-<font color="#ff0000">and have already tried lowercase, UPPERCASE, and TitleCase,</font>
-please contact o11c or Frost.
-Now, back to your regularly scheduled content news.</font>
-Today we have introduced two new pieces.
-First of all, the Orum extension is finished.
-Orum and his master Waric have set a new base
-to mess with Sagatha. Seek them out! They
-hide somewhere in the Caves north of Sagatha's
-Someone has seen a few new spells being used.
-No one is yet sure what exactly it is but a dark aura
-has been percieved somewhere north of Hurnscald.
-Find it! Maybe you can gain something useful!
-Last but not least we have to announce bad news
-for the project but good news for her:
-Jenalya has, after finishing the Orum extension,
-resigned from her position as Lead Content
-Developer. We dedicate this news to her and
-wish her only the very best for her future. She
-contributed beyond words and her leaving
-will leave a spot we will have to work hard to fill.
-Wushin and tux9th took over as Lead Content Developers
-and give their best to bring quality content to you,
-like Jenalya did.
--<font color="#009000">TMW Development Team</font>
-<b>Wushin overhauled caves, Ferry now goes to Nivalis</b>
-<font color="#0000ff">2013-06-29</font>
-This release brings a few new additions to the game:
-Wushin overhauled the desert caves with an awesome
-new cave tileset. Also the sewers below Tulimshar are
-now accessible. Make sure to check them out!
-Malivox took the occasion to stop camping in the
-desert and moved into a small house south of
-Frozenbeard has expanded his ferry service in
-Nivalis. You can now go between Nivalis and
-the other major docks both ways. Proper docks for
-Nivalis are being worked on.
-With a ferry now serving Nivalis, Dyrin will send you
-somehwere else in Kaizei instead, away from Nivalis.
-As usual there are also a lot of smaller fixes and
-changes. Thanks to everyone who reported issues
-and helped fix these things!
--<font color="#009000">TMW Development Team</font>
-<b>Double Exp and Drop Weekend</b>
-<font color="#0000ff">2013-06-07</font>
-This weekend we're temporarily doubling both the
-experience rate and the drop rates for all monsters,
-to give the chance to recover from the rollback
-we had due to filesystem corruption.
-There are also some bug fixes and new content:
-The craftsmen of Tulimshar have finally moved to the
-renovated Forge at the Northern Market, so the
-Wizard's Inn is back to offering a calm stay for visitors.
-In the woodland area the mysterious Evil Obelisk which
-summons beings from the astral plane for the mundane
-price of gold has drastically reduced its demands.
-On the technical side, in case of network congestion,
-you will no longer be kicked with an invalid packet error.
--<font color="#009000"> TMW Development Team</font>
-<b>Server Crash and Rollback</b>
-<font color="#0000ff">2013-06-05</font>
-We had a server crash, and had to restore everything from offline backup.
-34 hours were lost, from about 17:30 (UTC) on 4 June to about 03:30 on 6 June. This affects the game, the forums, and the wiki.
-We're going to set up hourly offsite backups of game, forum, and wiki data so that future outages are less painful.
--<font color="#009000">Frost</font>
-<b>Small Bugfixes</b>
-<font color="#0000ff">2013-04-28</font>
-We're having a bugfix release today.
-The main areas that have been fixed are Brodomir's PvP Cave
-and Orum's quest, both in the
-caves below Hurnscald.
-Additionally, there were a lot of small fixes
-on maps, spelling and grammar, and more.
-We'd like to thank all the people who reported issues and helped
--<font color="#009000">Jenalya</font>
-<b>Easter Event and Miley's Hero</b>
-<font color="#0000ff">2013-03-21</font>
-Today we have a content release.
-As always there are a number of bugfixes,
-but also two new quests.
-One of them is an annual Easter event created by Pjotr Orial.
-It lasts from March, 22th to April, 25th, and can be
-repeated every year.
-Watch out around Hurnscald for some hidden Easter Eggs!
-The other quest is about the admiration of a little
-girl in Hurnscald that sees you growing from an
-inexperienced adventurer to an impressive hero.
-Backstage, this was also about a great community effort.
-veryape conceived of the idea for this quest and was able
-to make it happen with the help of many people who were
-assisting with the graphics, scripting, spell checking,
-testing and giving valuable feedback.
-Lastly, Brodomir's cave under Hurnscald has been made
-easier for attracting fighters from all over the world.
--<font color="#009000">Jenalya</font>
-<b>Server moved again</b>
-<font color="#0000ff">2013-03-17</font>
-After the initial server move, The Mana World was subjected
-to a three day DoS attack.
-In response, we have moved a final time to a server that has
-better protection against such attacks.
-All game related services have been moved and are back to normal.
--<font color="#009000">the TMWC</font>
-<b>Server move</b>
-<font color="#0000ff">2013-03-09</font>
-As of this Saturday, March 9, TMW moved to a new host.
-This means there was some downtime, starting at 16:00 UTC.
-Most work was done in 1.5 hours, with a brief shutdown later.
-DNS settings may take a while to propogate.
-For more information, see <a href=";t=17126">;t=17126</a>
--<font color="#009000">the TMWC</font>
-<b>Kill the GM</b>
-<font color="#0000ff">2013-02-21</font>
-Today we'll have a small content release.
-Among code cleaning and bug fixes, the
-Tulimshar quests can be done in any order now.
-Their completion isn't necessary anymore
-to start the Bandit quest.
-Also, GMs may have a surprise for you someday.
--<font color="#009000">V0id</font>
-<b>Source of Tales won the LPC</b>
-<font color="#0000ff">2013-02-18</font>
-This is a really exciting news entry!
-Congratulations to our sister project Mana (<a href=""></a>)
-on winning the Liberated Pixel Cup (<a href=""></a>).
-The project can be found at <a href=""></a>
-and the irc channel at <a href="irc://">irc://</a>.
-We will undoubtedly experience an influx of both
-ordinary players and potential developers since we
-were linked as a related project.
-As a developer, it is my goal and expectation that
-new players can figure things out on their own.
-After all, I once did - though there wasn't as
-much content back then (I feel old ...).
-As for new contributors, they will necessarily need
-to coordinary with us, the developers. We're always
-in need of pixel artists, have great capacity for
-quest writers, and currently have need for a bit of
-web development and people crazy enough to touch
-insides of the server code.
-Be aware that people have different time zones and
-busy schedules, so it may be a while before anyone
-Now, the links:
-Server coding: <a href="irc://">irc://</a>
-Everything else: <a href="irc://">irc://</a>
-Forums: <a href=""></a>
--<font color="#009000">o11c and Jenalya</font>
-<b>ManaPlus - new official Client</b>
-<font color="#0000ff">2013-01-31</font>
-ManaPlus Support
-We have decided to support ManaPlus as an
-official client alongside Mana. In fact, since
-there will likely be no more releases of the
-Mana client that supports TMWA (this server),
-there will inevitably be a time when ManaPlus
-becomes the only supported client.
-Mana 0.6.1 will continue to receive some
-support until October 2013. We have no plans
-to specifically break compatibility with Mana,
-but new features may not be available.
-For older clients (whether Mana or ManaPlus),
-there will be different levels of attempted
-support, depending on exactly how old it is:
-* Less than 6 months old: will not crash or
- behave erratically.
-* Less than 2 months old: will behave
- expectedly, but might not support all features.
-* Last 2 releases: will do everything,
- correctly, on the main server.
-* Last release, or even git, may be required
- on the test server.
-Of course, if a particular client release is
-buggy, we may not be able to support it at all.
-For more details, see <a href=";t=16867">;t=16867</a>.
-ManaPlus is available at <a href=""></a>
--<font color="#009000">o11c</font>
-<b>Content Release January 2013</b>
-<font color="#0000ff">2013-01-26</font>
-This release brings a huge amount of small fixes
-and changes, including fixes of several spelling
-and map errors, which were reported by players.
-Thanks for that!
-There are a few new things nevertheless:
-New characters won't have to start their
-adventure in underpants anymore,
-and Doug in Dimond's Cove discovered that the
-lamps in his room wear off after a while.
--<font color="#009000">Jenalya</font>
-<b>Updating News generation</b>
-<font color="#0000ff">2013-01-23</font>
-News feed is finally generated from the same
-source for both the game and the website.
--<font color="#009000">o11c</font>
-<b>Illia first appearance</b>
-<font color="#0000ff">December 2012 again</font>
-A new peninsula has magically raised from the depths,
-south of Hurnscald. A witch seems to be the source of
-this strange phenomenon.
-Why is she here, and what does she want?
-Further on the west, Lora Tay is willing to accept
-new challenges to prove once more her skills.
-<b>Christmas 2012</b>
-<font color="#0000ff">December 2012</font>
-Santa and his helpers have returned to Santa's residence
-near Nivalis to prepare for Christmas.
-Among the helpers, the preparations are moving smoothly
-as they should.
-The reinboos are excited this year since there will be a change
-within their team!
-But not everything is working out as planned.
-<b>Halloween 2012</b>
-<font color="#0000ff">November 2012</font>
-Halloween has passed and several cities celebrated this event.
-It seems the farmer Oscar just came back from a long journey
-in one of these cities.
-Probably he will have exciting things to tell.
-<b>East Expansion</b>
-<font color="#0000ff">October 2012</font>
-The roadblock to the north east in Argaes was finally lifted
-and parts of the road were reconstructed.
-But there is still some work left until the connection to Port City is done.
-In the Woods you can find a guy who lives alone, seeking seclusion.
-Be careful not to disturb him. He is very vicious.
-The smith's apprentice Peter does good progress in mastering his
-handcraft and learned some new techniques.
-<b>New Dress</b>
-<font color="#0000ff">September 2012</font>
-Agostine is well known for his magnificent winter clothes,
-but he always dreamed of creating something truly exquisite,
-something noble...
-An old veteran has set up camp in the caves below Hurnscald
-after a life full of hardship and battle.
-He may be old now, but he surely didn't lose his interest
-in the art of combat!
diff --git a/world/map/news.txt b/world/map/news.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f9dc7c2..00000000
--- a/world/map/news.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,464 +0,0 @@
-##7Icon and Weapon Updates##0
-With this update we ship new and better item icons.
-Those have been done a long time ago and we
-finally finished reviewing them all.
-The behavior of items when you do not meet their
-requirements has changed.
-As a result, a new type of ranged weapon has
-been introduced: the Sling Shot. You can get it
-somewhere in Tulimshar. We are aware of some
-small graphical glitches.
-The behaviour of the happy-curse
-for dark mages has been changed.
-You might want to try it out. ]:-)
--##2TMW Development Team##0
-##7Halloween 2013##0
-Happy Halloween!
-Also, some minor bugs have been fixed with Waric and Rossy.
-Alas poor Waric, Will he ever learn to behave properly?
-##7Fixes in Server Code##0
-As you might have found out we had another restart yesterday.
-Most of the changes for this restart are under the hood: this was
-a Server Code release. Meaning the server's software was
-changed but not the content. Hence user-facing changes are minimal,
-but we'll outline below what's relevant.
-The restart didn't work as smoothly as expected but we
-are working hard on fixing all the issues which turned up.
-Currently known bugs that affect players:
- * None
-Other bugs:
- * GM logs are now full-buffered (faster) instead of line-buffered.
- * Admin documentation is wrong.
-Fixed bugs:
- * Problems with startup speed (possibly not new, fixed anyway).
- * Guildbot wouldn't start.
- * Some accounts and storages with corrupted items were deleted.
- * You can turn every direction except right.
- * Inability to trade, except when naked.
- * Warp bug related to the new Orum/Waric quest.
- * Elemental bonus/malus not applied to magic.
- * Update stats from the new CDN.
- * Script bug with Kylian and checkweight.
- * Drop order was wrong.
- * Rossy caves now notice when you win fights.
- * Fix an incorrectly marked assertion, which could fail.
-##1If you encounter any more bugs or problems please
-report back immediately. Post on the forums
-A big behavioural change has been made to the Login Server
-From now on the login name is case sensitive, this means
-it matters whether you write a capital letter or not.
-##8e.g. if you registered an account name Test, and always
-logged in as test, this now no longer works. You have to
-log in as Test.##0
-If you forgot how you originally registered your account,
-and cannot log in, please checkout the forums
-Please be aware that these code changes were necessary to move
-the game forward. The server was formerly very hard to work on or
-modify. This update goes a long way to fixing that and will allow the
-developers to bring you new and exciting things in the future.
-We are very sorry for the inconvenience. We have been working
-as hard as we can to fix all the issues above.
--##2TMW Development Team##0
-##7Astral Magic Extension##0
-We have a small content release today.
-A witch in Tulimshar has found some daunting spells
-for mages who are experienced in Astral Magic.
-Talk to her about that. Maybe she is willing to teach you.
-With this update, we have added some minor bugfixes for the
-Waric script, Bluepar sprite and Wicked Mushroom sprite.
--##2TMW Development Team##0
-##7Announcing Code update - Introducing Dark Magic##0
-##8First, a technical announcement. During a future
-restart, TMW will start requiring your username
-to exactly match the case that you signed up with.
-Previously, this was enforced erratically, and led
-to people losing access to their accounts. If, after
-the update, you are unsure of the case of the account
-##1and have already tried lowercase, UPPERCASE, and TitleCase,##8
-please contact o11c or Frost.
-Now, back to your regularly scheduled content news.##0
-Today we have introduced two new pieces.
-First of all, the Orum extension is finished.
-Orum and his master Waric have set a new base
-to mess with Sagatha. Seek them out! They
-hide somewhere in the Caves north of Sagatha's
-Someone has seen a few new spells being used.
-No one is yet sure what exactly it is but a dark aura
-has been percieved somewhere north of Hurnscald.
-Find it! Maybe you can gain something useful!
-Last but not least we have to announce bad news
-for the project but good news for her:
-Jenalya has, after finishing the Orum extension,
-resigned from her position as Lead Content
-Developer. We dedicate this news to her and
-wish her only the very best for her future. She
-contributed beyond words and her leaving
-will leave a spot we will have to work hard to fill.
-Wushin and tux9th took over as Lead Content Developers
-and give their best to bring quality content to you,
-like Jenalya did.
--##2TMW Development Team##0
-##7Wushin overhauled caves, Ferry now goes to Nivalis##0
-This release brings a few new additions to the game:
-Wushin overhauled the desert caves with an awesome
-new cave tileset. Also the sewers below Tulimshar are
-now accessible. Make sure to check them out!
-Malivox took the occasion to stop camping in the
-desert and moved into a small house south of
-Frozenbeard has expanded his ferry service in
-Nivalis. You can now go between Nivalis and
-the other major docks both ways. Proper docks for
-Nivalis are being worked on.
-With a ferry now serving Nivalis, Dyrin will send you
-somehwere else in Kaizei instead, away from Nivalis.
-As usual there are also a lot of smaller fixes and
-changes. Thanks to everyone who reported issues
-and helped fix these things!
--##2TMW Development Team##0
-##7Double Exp and Drop Weekend##0
-This weekend we're temporarily doubling both the
-experience rate and the drop rates for all monsters,
-to give the chance to recover from the rollback
-we had due to filesystem corruption.
-There are also some bug fixes and new content:
-The craftsmen of Tulimshar have finally moved to the
-renovated Forge at the Northern Market, so the
-Wizard's Inn is back to offering a calm stay for visitors.
-In the woodland area the mysterious Evil Obelisk which
-summons beings from the astral plane for the mundane
-price of gold has drastically reduced its demands.
-On the technical side, in case of network congestion,
-you will no longer be kicked with an invalid packet error.
--##2 TMW Development Team##0
-##7Server Crash and Rollback##0
-We had a server crash, and had to restore everything from offline backup.
-34 hours were lost, from about 17:30 (UTC) on 4 June to about 03:30 on 6 June. This affects the game, the forums, and the wiki.
-We're going to set up hourly offsite backups of game, forum, and wiki data so that future outages are less painful.
-##7Small Bugfixes##0
-We're having a bugfix release today.
-The main areas that have been fixed are Brodomir's PvP Cave
-and Orum's quest, both in the
-caves below Hurnscald.
-Additionally, there were a lot of small fixes
-on maps, spelling and grammar, and more.
-We'd like to thank all the people who reported issues and helped
-##7Easter Event and Miley's Hero##0
-Today we have a content release.
-As always there are a number of bugfixes,
-but also two new quests.
-One of them is an annual Easter event created by Pjotr Orial.
-It lasts from March, 22th to April, 25th, and can be
-repeated every year.
-Watch out around Hurnscald for some hidden Easter Eggs!
-The other quest is about the admiration of a little
-girl in Hurnscald that sees you growing from an
-inexperienced adventurer to an impressive hero.
-Backstage, this was also about a great community effort.
-veryape conceived of the idea for this quest and was able
-to make it happen with the help of many people who were
-assisting with the graphics, scripting, spell checking,
-testing and giving valuable feedback.
-Lastly, Brodomir's cave under Hurnscald has been made
-easier for attracting fighters from all over the world.
-##7Server moved again##0
-After the initial server move, The Mana World was subjected
-to a three day DoS attack.
-In response, we have moved a final time to a server that has
-better protection against such attacks.
-All game related services have been moved and are back to normal.
--##2the TMWC##0
-##7Server move##0
-As of this Saturday, March 9, TMW moved to a new host.
-This means there was some downtime, starting at 16:00 UTC.
-Most work was done in 1.5 hours, with a brief shutdown later.
-DNS settings may take a while to propogate.
-For more information, see @@|
--##2the TMWC##0
-##7Kill the GM##0
-Today we'll have a small content release.
-Among code cleaning and bug fixes, the
-Tulimshar quests can be done in any order now.
-Their completion isn't necessary anymore
-to start the Bandit quest.
-Also, GMs may have a surprise for you someday.
-##7Source of Tales won the LPC##0
-This is a really exciting news entry!
-Congratulations to our sister project Mana (@@|
-on winning the Liberated Pixel Cup (@@|
-The project can be found at @@|
-and the irc channel at @@irc://|irc://
-We will undoubtedly experience an influx of both
-ordinary players and potential developers since we
-were linked as a related project.
-As a developer, it is my goal and expectation that
-new players can figure things out on their own.
-After all, I once did - though there wasn't as
-much content back then (I feel old ...).
-As for new contributors, they will necessarily need
-to coordinary with us, the developers. We're always
-in need of pixel artists, have great capacity for
-quest writers, and currently have need for a bit of
-web development and people crazy enough to touch
-insides of the server code.
-Be aware that people have different time zones and
-busy schedules, so it may be a while before anyone
-Now, the links:
-Server coding: @@irc://|irc://
-Everything else: @@irc://|irc://
-Forums: @@|
--##2o11c and Jenalya##0
-##7ManaPlus - new official Client##0
-ManaPlus Support
-We have decided to support ManaPlus as an
-official client alongside Mana. In fact, since
-there will likely be no more releases of the
-Mana client that supports TMWA (this server),
-there will inevitably be a time when ManaPlus
-becomes the only supported client.
-Mana 0.6.1 will continue to receive some
-support until October 2013. We have no plans
-to specifically break compatibility with Mana,
-but new features may not be available.
-For older clients (whether Mana or ManaPlus),
-there will be different levels of attempted
-support, depending on exactly how old it is:
-* Less than 6 months old: will not crash or
- behave erratically.
-* Less than 2 months old: will behave
- expectedly, but might not support all features.
-* Last 2 releases: will do everything,
- correctly, on the main server.
-* Last release, or even git, may be required
- on the test server.
-Of course, if a particular client release is
-buggy, we may not be able to support it at all.
-For more details, see @@|
-ManaPlus is available at @@|
-##7Content Release January 2013##0
-This release brings a huge amount of small fixes
-and changes, including fixes of several spelling
-and map errors, which were reported by players.
-Thanks for that!
-There are a few new things nevertheless:
-New characters won't have to start their
-adventure in underpants anymore,
-and Doug in Dimond's Cove discovered that the
-lamps in his room wear off after a while.
-##7Updating News generation##0
-News feed is finally generated from the same
-source for both the game and the website.
-##7Illia first appearance##0
-##3December 2012 again##0
-A new peninsula has magically raised from the depths,
-south of Hurnscald. A witch seems to be the source of
-this strange phenomenon.
-Why is she here, and what does she want?
-Further on the west, Lora Tay is willing to accept
-new challenges to prove once more her skills.
-##7Christmas 2012##0
-##3December 2012##0
-Santa and his helpers have returned to Santa's residence
-near Nivalis to prepare for Christmas.
-Among the helpers, the preparations are moving smoothly
-as they should.
-The reinboos are excited this year since there will be a change
-within their team!
-But not everything is working out as planned.
-##7Halloween 2012##0
-##3November 2012##0
-Halloween has passed and several cities celebrated this event.
-It seems the farmer Oscar just came back from a long journey
-in one of these cities.
-Probably he will have exciting things to tell.
-##7East Expansion##0
-##3October 2012##0
-The roadblock to the north east in Argaes was finally lifted
-and parts of the road were reconstructed.
-But there is still some work left until the connection to Port City is done.
-In the Woods you can find a guy who lives alone, seeking seclusion.
-Be careful not to disturb him. He is very vicious.
-The smith's apprentice Peter does good progress in mastering his
-handcraft and learned some new techniques.
-##7New Dress##0
-##3September 2012##0
-Agostine is well known for his magnificent winter clothes,
-but he always dreamed of creating something truly exquisite,
-something noble...
-An old veteran has set up camp in the caves below Hurnscald
-after a life full of hardship and battle.
-He may be old now, but he surely didn't lose his interest
-in the art of combat!