// Evol scripts. // Authors: // Toams // Description: // Melinda, Rusty Pick's waitress 008-2-2,40,29,0 script Melinda#008-2-2 NPC_MELINDA,1,1,{ function StartConversation { .@tick = gettimetick(1); if (.@tick > @Hurns_Rusty_Pick_WaitressTick + 10) { setarray .messages$[0], l("Welcome to our inn!"), l("Welcome to the Rusty Pick."), l("Please, have a seat."), l("Lovely day, isn't it?"); .@r = rand(getarraysize(.messages$)); .@msg$ = .messages$[.@r]; npctalk3 .@msg$; @Hurns_Rusty_Pick_WaitressTick = .@tick; } } function face_to_PC { getmapxy(.@map$, .@cx, .@cy, 0); @Melinda_ols_dir = .dir; npc_turntoxy(.@cx, .@cy); return; } npc_pausemove; face_to_PC; mes ""; mesn; mesq l("Hi, sweetie! Want a fresh beer for 90 Florin?"); switch (select(l("Sure! [Don't tip]"), l("Sure! [Tip 5 Florin]"), l("Sure! [Tip 10 Florin]"), l("Nah, maybe later."))) { case 1: if (Zeny < 90) goto L_NoMoney; getinventorylist; if (@inventorylist_count == 100 && countitem("Beer") == 0) goto L_TooMany; set Zeny, Zeny - 90; getitem Beer, 1; mes ""; mesn; mesq l("Pff... Nickel nurser!"); goto L_Close; case 2: if (Zeny < 95) goto L_NoMoney; getinventorylist; if (@inventorylist_count == 100 && countitem("Beer") == 0) goto L_TooMany; set Zeny, Zeny - 95; getitem "Beer", 1; mes ""; mesn; mesq l("Thanks for the tip!"); goto L_Close; case 3: if (Zeny < 100) goto L_NoMoney; getinventorylist; if (@inventorylist_count == 100 && countitem("Beer") == 0) goto L_TooMany; set Zeny, Zeny - 100; getitem "Beer", 1; mes ""; mesn; mesq l("Thank you, sweetie! Want to hear a secret?"); switch (select(l("What is it, darling?"), l("Nah, I don't feel like chatting."))) { case 1: mes ""; mesn; mesq l("The master bowyer in this village used to construct exceptional bows. When you want one you should go and ask him."); goto L_Close; case 2: goto L_No; } goto L_Close; case 4: goto L_No; } L_NoMoney: mes ""; mesn; mesq l("You look broke. Don't think that you can dine and dash here!"); goto L_Close; L_No: mes ""; mesn; mesq l("Just call me when you changed your mind."); goto L_Close; L_Close: initnpctimer; npc_resumemove; close; L_TooMany: mes ""; mesn; mesq l("You don't have room for a beer!"); goto L_Close; OnTimer1000: dographmovestep; OnTouch: StartConversation; end; OnInit: .sex = G_FEMALE; .distance = 5; .speed = 300; initmovegraph "startspot", 40, 29, "barkeeper", 43, 30, "kfahr_r", 45, 36, "kfahr_l", 43, 35, "l_table_b", 36, 36, "l_table_r", 38, 33, "m_table_l", 39, 33, "m_table_b", 41, 36, "r_table_r", 46, 33, "fireplace", 36, 28, "firewood", 33, 28, "to_basement", 52, 32, "basement_entrance", 24, 25, "basement_cabinet", 30,31, "cabinet", 42, 28, "bucket", 46, 30; setmovegraphcmd "startspot", "firewood", 1, "dir 4; wait 5", "firewood", "fireplace", 1, "dir 4; wait 3", "fireplace", "startspot", 1, "dir 0; wait 10", "startspot", "l_table_b", 1, "dir 4; wait 3", "l_table_b", "l_table_r", 1, "dir 2; wait 3", "l_table_r", "m_table_l", 1, "dir 6; wait 3", "m_table_l", "m_table_b", 1, "dir 4; wait 3", "m_table_b", "r_table_r", 1, "dir 2; wait 3", "r_table_r", "bucket", 1, "dir 4; wait 1; emote 1;" "wait 15; moveon", "bucket", "startspot", 1, "dir 0; wait 5", "startspot", "kfahr_r", 2, "dir 4; wait 5", "kfahr_r", "barkeeper", 1, "dir 4; wait 1;" "say Another round for kfahr's table.;" "wait 1; say They sure are thirsty today;" "wait 5; moveon", "barkeeper", "kfahr_l", 1, "dir 6; wait 3;" "say Cheers!;" "wait 3; moveon", "kfahr_l", "startspot", 1, "dir 0; wait 10", "startspot", "to_basement", 1, "dir 4; warp 008-2-5 basement_entrance", "basement_entrance", "basement_cabinet", 1, "dir 4; wait 5", "basement_cabinet", "basement_entrance", 1, "dir 4; warp 008-2-2 to_basement", "to_basement", "cabinet", 1, "dir 4; wait 5", "cabinet", "startspot", 1, "dir 0; wait 15"; firstmove "wait 8"; initnpctimer; }