Content written by Tirifto. # Cathy's famous compotes *Source: Cathy* *Requirements: None* *Location: Hurnscald* *The player can find an elderly lady sitting on a bench in front of her house. The house is pretty with a small front yard. The lady's name is Cathy. She has a husband named Devonex, who is sitting inside of the house. Cathy is well known in the town for the delicous compotes she makes.* *Note: Compotes are not needed as an in-game item for this quest, but having them would be nice.* ## Start ### Cathy l("Good day to you. We are having some beautiful weather today, are we not? My bones tell me it's going to last a while!"), l("Say, you look like you're a generation or two younger than me; could you spend some of your time helping me out?"); #### Option 1 – l("Sure, why not?") l("My name is Cathy. You may have heard of me already. After all, I am possibly the best still living compote maker in the world!"), l("When I was younger, I used to pick my own fruit and run around doing my own errands. But as I got older, that got more tiring and painful."), l("I usually have people deliver fruit to me, but lately I've been running short on it abnormally fast. I guess my compotes just sell too well!"), l("Anyways, would you be so kind and go fetch some fruit for me? Of course I am going to pay you a fair price for it!"); ##### Option 1.1 – l("Sounds good!") l("I'm going to need the following:"), l("20 green apples, 20 pears, 50 blueberries, 50 plums and 1 bar of chocolate."), l("I'll be counting on you. Don't take too long!"); *Quit* ##### Option 1.2 – l("Sorry, I don't feel like gathering fruit right now.") *Quit* #### Option 2 – l("Not right now, sorry.") *Quit* ## While out to get the fruit ### Cathy l("Hello there! Did you get the fruit I asked for yet?"); #### Option 1 – l("I did!") *Has the required items* l("Ah, yes, wonderful! I can get back to work now. Thank you for your help. Here's your reward – make good use of it."), l("Maybe you can use it to buy some of my compotes! Hi hi hi hi hi!"); *Remove fruit* *Add reward (estimated 600E)* *Quit* *Does not have the required items* l("Hmm, no… some of it is still missing. Please go get the rest, otherwise I can't work with it."); *Quit* #### Option 2 – l("I did not.") l("Then hurry! Time is fruit, fruit is compotes and compotes are money!"); *Quit* #### Option 3 – l("Why do you need chocolate for your compotes?") l("I like to eat some while I work."), l("What? At my age, I can live however I want, no?"); *Quit*