// Copyright (c) Copyright (c) Hercules Dev Team, licensed under GNU GPL. // Copyright (c) 2014 - 2015 Evol developers #include "common/hercules.h" #include #include #include #include "common/HPMi.h" #include "common/memmgr.h" #include "common/mmo.h" #include "common/nullpo.h" #include "common/socket.h" #include "common/strlib.h" #include "common/timer.h" #include "map/map.h" #include "map/npc.h" #include "map/pc.h" #include "plugins/HPMHooking.h" #include "emap/data/mapd.h" #include "emap/data/npcd.h" #include "emap/struct/mapdext.h" #include "emap/struct/npcdext.h" #include "emap/npc.h" void enpc_parse_unknown_mapflag_pre(const char **namePtr, const char **w3Ptr, const char **w4Ptr, const char **startPtr, const char **bufferPtr, const char **filepathPtr, int **retvalPtr) { const char *name = *namePtr; const char *w3 = *w3Ptr; const char *w4 = *w4Ptr; int *retval = *retvalPtr; if (!strcmpi(w3, "invisible")) { int16 m = map->mapname2mapid(name); struct MapdExt *data = mapd_get(m); if (data) data->invisible = true; } else if (!strcmpi(w3, "mask")) { int16 m = map->mapname2mapid(name); struct MapdExt *data = mapd_get(m); if (data) data->mask = atoi(w4); } else if (!strcmpi(w3, "nopve")) { int16 m = map->mapname2mapid(name); struct MapdExt *data = mapd_get(m); if (data) data->flag.nopve = 1; } else { ShowError("npc_parse_mapflag: unrecognized mapflag '%s' in file '%s', line '%d'.\n", w3, *filepathPtr, strline(*bufferPtr, *startPtr - *bufferPtr)); if (retval) *retval = EXIT_FAILURE; } hookStop(); } int enpc_buysellsel_pre(TBL_PC **sdPtr, int *id, int *type) { TBL_NPC *nd; TBL_PC *sd = *sdPtr; if (!sd) return 1; if ((nd = npc->checknear(sd, map->id2bl(*id))) == NULL) { hookStop(); return 1; } if (nd->option & OPTION_INVISIBLE) // can't buy if npc is not visible (hack?) { hookStop(); return 1; } if (*type == 0 && nd->subtype == SCRIPT && nd->u.scr.shop && nd->u.scr.shop->type == NST_MARKET) { clif->npc_market_open(sd, nd); sd->npc_shopid = nd->bl.id; hookStop(); return 0; } if (nd->subtype != SHOP && !(nd->subtype == SCRIPT && nd->u.scr.shop && nd->u.scr.shop->items)) { if (nd->subtype == SCRIPT) ShowError("npc_buysellsel: trader '%s' has no shop list!\n", nd->exname); else ShowError("npc_buysellsel: no such shop npc %d (%s)\n", *id, nd->exname); if (sd->npc_id == *id) sd->npc_id = 0; hookStop(); return 1; } if (nd->class_ < 0 && !sd->state.callshop) { // not called through a script and is not a visible NPC so an invalid call hookStop(); return 1; } // reset the callshop state for future calls sd->state.callshop = 0; sd->npc_shopid = *id; if (*type == 0) clif->buylist(sd, nd); else clif->selllist(sd); hookStop(); return 0; } bool enpc_db_checkid_pre(const int *idPtr) { const int id = *idPtr; hookStop(); if (id == HIDDEN_WARP_CLASS || id == INVISIBLE_CLASS) // Special IDs not included in the valid ranges return true; if (id >= 45 && id < MAX_NPC_CLASS) // Second subrange return true; if (id >= MAX_NPC_CLASS2_START && id < MAX_NPC_CLASS2_END) // Second range return true; // Anything else is invalid return false; } bool enpc_duplicate_script_sub_pre(struct npc_data **ndPtr, const struct npc_data **sndPtr, int *xsPtr, int *ysPtr, int *optionsPtr __attribute__ ((unused))) { struct npc_data *nd = *ndPtr; const struct npc_data *snd = *sndPtr; hookStop(); nullpo_retr(false, nd); nullpo_retr(false, snd); int xs = *xsPtr; int ys = *ysPtr; int i; bool retval = true; ++npc->npc_script; nd->u.scr.xs = xs; nd->u.scr.ys = ys; nd->u.scr.script = snd->u.scr.script; nd->u.scr.label_list = snd->u.scr.label_list; nd->u.scr.label_list_num = snd->u.scr.label_list_num; nd->u.scr.shop = snd->u.scr.shop; nd->u.scr.trader = snd->u.scr.trader; struct script_code *code; const int sz = snd->u.scr.script->script_size; CREATE(code, struct script_code, 1); code->script_buf = (unsigned char *)aMalloc(sz * sizeof(unsigned char)); memcpy(code->script_buf, snd->u.scr.script->script_buf, sz); code->script_size = sz; code->local.vars = NULL; code->local.arrays = NULL; nd->u.scr.script = code; enpc_set_var_num(nd, ".parent", snd->bl.id); //add the npc to its location npc->add_to_location(nd); // Loop through labels to export them as necessary for (i = 0; i < nd->u.scr.label_list_num; i++) { if (npc->event_export(nd, i)) { ShowWarning("npc_parse_duplicate: duplicate event %s::%s in file '%s'.\n", nd->exname, nd->u.scr.label_list[i].name, nd->path); retval = false; } npc->timerevent_export(nd, i); } nd->u.scr.timerid = INVALID_TIMER; // run OnInit always // if (options&NPO_ONINIT) { // From npc_parse_script char evname[EVENT_NAME_LENGTH]; struct event_data *ev; snprintf(evname, ARRAYLENGTH(evname), "%s::OnInit", nd->exname); if ((ev = (struct event_data*)strdb_get(npc->ev_db, evname)) != NULL) { //Execute OnInit script->run_npc(nd->u.scr.script,ev->pos,0,nd->bl.id); } } hookStop(); return retval; } void enpc_set_var_num(TBL_NPC *const npc, const char *var, const int val) { const int num = (int)reference_uid(script->add_str(var), 0); if (!npc->u.scr.script->local.vars) npc->u.scr.script->local.vars = i64db_alloc(DB_OPT_RELEASE_DATA); i64db_iput(npc->u.scr.script->local.vars, num, val); } int enpc_get_var_num(const TBL_NPC *const npc, const char *var) { const int num = (int)reference_uid(script->add_str(var), 0); if (npc->u.scr.script->local.vars) { return i64db_iget(npc->u.scr.script->local.vars, num); } else { return 0; } } int enpc_unload_pre(struct npc_data** ndPtr, bool *singlePtr __attribute__ ((unused))) { struct npc_data *nd = *ndPtr; nullpo_ret(nd); aFree(nd->vd); if (nd->subtype == SCRIPT) { if (nd->src_id != 0) { ShowWarning("npc_unload 5: %d\n", nd->bl.id); if (nd->u.scr.script) { script->free_code(nd->u.scr.script); nd->u.scr.script = NULL; } /* // this need to clean if we copy this structs too. if (nd->u.scr.label_list) { aFree(nd->u.scr.label_list); nd->u.scr.label_list = NULL; nd->u.scr.label_list_num = 0; } if (nd->u.scr.shop) { if(nd->u.scr.shop->item) aFree(nd->u.scr.shop->item); aFree(nd->u.scr.shop); } */ } } return 0; } struct view_data *enpc_get_viewdata_post(struct view_data *retVal, int class_ __attribute__ ((unused))) { nullpo_retr(NULL, retVal); struct view_data *vd; CREATE(vd, struct view_data, 1); memcpy(vd, retVal, sizeof(struct view_data)); return vd; }