<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!-- Author : Themanaworld and EvolOnline teams Help : name : Name of the status effect. id : ID of the status effect. block-id : Group of different IDs.(maybe) persistent-particle-effect : Display if the effect is present during all of the timer.(maybe) start-particle : Particles used for the effect, showed when the effect is enable. icon : Icon used in the top bar, showed when the effect is enable. start-message : Display a message when you launch the effect. end-message : Display a message when the effect end. --> <status-effects> <status-effect name="item-healing" id="70" block-id="24" persistent-particle-effect="true" start-particle="graphics/particles/circle.particle.xml" /> <status-effect name="magnificat" id="20" block-id="24" icon="icons/healing.xml" persistent-particle-effect="true" start-particle="graphics/particles/circle.particle.xml" /> <status-effect name="invisibility" id="4096" block-id="12" icon="icons/invisible.xml" start-message="You are now invisible." end-message="You are no longer invisible." persistent-particle-effect="true" start-particle="graphics/particles/sphere-white.particle.xml" /> <status-effect name="poison" id="132" block-id="16" icon="icons/poison.xml" persistent-particle-effect="true" start-particle="graphics/particles/green-bubbles.particle.xml" /> <status-effect name="hide" id="194" icon="icons/hidden.xml" /> </status-effects>