- script #GlobalHandler NPC32767,{ end; OnPCLoginEvent: @login_event = 1; adddefaultskills(); //callfunc "fixHeadStyles"; // convert headstyles //callfunc "ClearVariables"; // removes / converts old variables DisplayMOTD(); // send the motd to the client, if enabled // add more here @login_event = 2; end; OnPCKillEvent: callfunc "elanore_decrease_exp"; // decrease heal exp for doing bad things end; OnMobKillEvent: MobPoints(); end; OnPCDieEvent: @necromancer = 0; callfunc "SpawnGhost"; set @killerrid, 0; // reset killer rid end; // Cleanup: Retain chat logs for 24~48 hours // Cleanup: Retain item logs for 2 months OnClock0500: if (gettime(GETTIME_DAYOFMONTH) > 1) query_sql("DELETE FROM `chatlog` WHERE `time` < '"+sqldate(-1)+"'"); query_sql("DELETE FROM `picklog` WHERE `time` < '"+sqldate(0, -2)+"'"); query_sql("DELETE FROM `zenylog` WHERE `time` < '"+sqldate(0, -2)+"'"); end; OnInit: MOTD(); // set the MOTD array end; }