// Bank scripts function script Banking { do { if (BankVault > 0) { speech S_FIRST_BLANK_LINE | S_LAST_NEXT, l("You currently have @@ GP on your bank account.", format_number(BankVault)), l("What do you want to do with your money?"); } else { speech S_FIRST_BLANK_LINE | S_LAST_NEXT, l("What do you want to do with your money?"); } select rif(Zeny > 0, l("Deposit.")), rif(BankVault > 0, l("Withdraw.")), l("I'm done."); switch (@menu) { case 1: speech S_FIRST_BLANK_LINE | S_LAST_NEXT, l("How much do you want to deposit?"); menuint l("Other."), -1, rif(Zeny >= 1000, format_number(1000) + " GP."), 1000, rif(Zeny >= 2500, format_number(2500) + " GP."), 2500, rif(Zeny >= 5000, format_number(5000) + " GP."), 5000, rif(Zeny >= 10000, format_number(10000) + " GP."), 10000, rif(Zeny >= 25000, format_number(25000) + " GP."), 25000, rif(Zeny >= 50000, format_number(50000) + " GP."), 50000, rif(Zeny >= 100000, format_number(100000) + " GP."), 100000, l("All of my money."), -2, l("I changed my mind."), -3; switch (@menuret) { case -1: input @menuret; break; case -2: @menuret = Zeny; } if (@menuret > 0) { if (@menuret > Zeny) { speech S_FIRST_BLANK_LINE | S_LAST_NEXT, l("You do not have enough Gold on yourself."); break; } @menuret = min(MAX_BANK_ZENY, @menuret); // make sure the variable can't overflow .@before = BankVault; // amount before the deposit .@max = MAX_BANK_ZENY - BankVault; // maximum possible deposit .@deposit = min(.@max, @menuret); // actual deposit if (.@deposit > 0) { BankVault += .@deposit; // add to bank Zeny -= .@deposit; // remove from inventory speech S_FIRST_BLANK_LINE | S_LAST_NEXT, l("You made a cash deposit of @@ GP.", format_number(.@deposit)); } } break; case 2: speech S_FIRST_BLANK_LINE | S_LAST_NEXT, l("How much do you want to withdraw?"); menuint l("Other."), -1, rif(BankVault >= 1000, format_number(1000) + " GP."), 1000, rif(BankVault >= 2500, format_number(2500) + " GP."), 2500, rif(BankVault >= 5000, format_number(5000) + " GP."), 5000, rif(BankVault >= 10000, format_number(10000) + " GP."), 10000, rif(BankVault >= 25000, format_number(25000) + " GP."), 25000, rif(BankVault >= 50000, format_number(50000) + " GP."), 50000, rif(BankVault >= 100000, format_number(100000) + " GP."), 100000, l("All of my money."), -2, l("I changed my mind."), -3; switch (@menuret) { case -1: input @menuret; break; case -2: @menuret = BankVault; } if (@menuret > 0) { if (@menuret > BankVault) { speech S_FIRST_BLANK_LINE | S_LAST_NEXT, l("You do not have enough Gold Pieces on your bank account."); break; } @menuret = min(MAX_ZENY, @menuret); // make sure the variable can't overflow .@before = Zeny; // amount before the withdrawal .@max = MAX_ZENY - Zeny; // maximum possible withdrawal .@withdrawal = min(.@max, @menuret); // actual withdrawal if (.@withdrawal > 0) { Zeny += .@withdrawal; // add to inventory BankVault -= .@withdrawal; // remove from bank speech S_FIRST_BLANK_LINE | S_LAST_NEXT, l("You withdrew a total of @@ GP.", format_number(.@withdrawal)); } } break; default: return; } } while (true); } function script Banker { mesn; mes l("\"Welcome to the bank!"); mes l("How can I help you?\""); next; do { select l("I would like to store some items."), l("I would like to perform money transactions."), l("Did I received any mail?"), rif(getcharid(2), l("I would like to open Guild Storage.")), l("Bye."); switch (@menu) { case 1: closeclientdialog; openstorage; close; break; case 2: Banking(); // Shader quest if (BankVault >= 10000000 && BaseLevel >= 85 && getq(General_Banker) < 1) { mesq l("Oh."); next; mesq l("It seems you managed to amass quite a fortune!"); next; mesq l("Thank you for using our services. Please accept this little gift."); setq General_Banker, 1; getitem CashiersShade, 1; next; } break; case 3: // NOTE: These values are HARDCODED, do not try changing it! mesc l("Note: Transfering items on mail cost %s GP/item", fnum(2500)); mesc l("Money transference will have a %d %% fee as well.", 2); next; closeclientdialog; openmail(); close; break; case 4: if (getcharid(3) != getguildinfo(GUILDINFO_MASTER_CID, getcharid(2))) { mesn; mesq l("Only %s is authorized to use the Guild Storage.", getguildinfo(GUILDINFO_MASTER_NAME, getcharid(2))); break; } else { if (guildopenstorage()) mesc l("Storage temporarily unavailable, someone else might be using it."); } } if (@menu != 5) { speech S_FIRST_BLANK_LINE | S_LAST_NEXT | S_NO_NPC_NAME, l("Something else?"); } } while (@menu != 5); closeclientdialog; goodbye; close; }