009-2,183,57,0 shop #PeterShop NPC32767,1201:25,522:50,521:500 009-2,183,57,0 script Peter NPC157,{ @peter_chain_mail_coal = 10; @peter_chain_mail_ingot = 5; @peter_chain_mail_money = 20000; @peter_light_plate_coal = 20; @peter_light_plate_ingot = 10; @peter_light_plate_money = 50000; @peter_warlord_plate_coal = 30; @peter_warlord_plate_ingot = 15; @peter_warlord_plate_money = 100000; @peter_warlord_boots_coal = 16; @peter_warlord_boots_ingot = 8; @peter_warlord_boots_money = 35000; mes "[Peter]"; mes "\"Hello, I am Peter, apprentice to Nicholas.\""; next; mes "\"I can make you some sturdy armor: you must give me Iron Ingots to craft with and some gold pieces for my efforts.\""; next; mes "[Peter]"; mes "\"What would you like me to make?\""; menu "Chain Mail ("+@peter_chain_mail_coal+" coal, "+@peter_chain_mail_ingot+" ingots and "+@peter_chain_mail_money+" GP).", L_Peter_Chain_Mail, "Light Plate ("+@peter_light_plate_coal+" coal, "+@peter_light_plate_ingot+" ingots and "+@peter_light_plate_money+" GP).", L_Peter_Light_Plate, "Warlord Plate ("+@peter_warlord_plate_coal+" coal, "+@peter_warlord_plate_ingot+" ingots and "+@peter_warlord_plate_money+" GP).", L_Peter_Warlord_Plate, "Do you know anything else than armor crafting?", L_Peter_New_Skills, "Do you have anything else for sale?", L_Shop, "Nevermind.", L_close; L_Peter_Chain_Mail: @peter_crafting_coal = @peter_chain_mail_coal; @peter_crafting_iron_ingot = @peter_chain_mail_ingot; @peter_crafting_money = @peter_chain_mail_money; @peter_crafting_item$ = "ChainmailShirt"; callsub S_Smithery_Item; goto L_close; L_Peter_Light_Plate: @peter_crafting_coal = @peter_light_plate_coal; @peter_crafting_iron_ingot = @peter_light_plate_ingot; @peter_crafting_money = @peter_light_plate_money; @peter_crafting_item$ = "LightPlatemail"; callsub S_Smithery_Item; goto L_close; L_Peter_Warlord_Plate: @peter_crafting_coal = @peter_warlord_plate_coal; @peter_crafting_iron_ingot = @peter_warlord_plate_ingot; @peter_crafting_money = @peter_warlord_plate_money; @peter_crafting_item$ = "WarlordPlate"; callsub S_Smithery_Item; goto L_close; L_Peter_New_Skills: mes "[Peter]"; mes "\"Actually, Nicholas, my master, taught me new smithery techniques."; mes "My very first creation are new kind of steel boots. Interested ? That would be "+@peter_warlord_boots_coal+" Coals, "+@peter_warlord_boots_ingot+" Iron Ingots and "+@peter_warlord_boots_money+" GP.\""; menu "Sure!", L_Peter_Warlord_Boots, "No thanks, that sounds too heavy for me.", L_close; L_Shop: close2; shop "#PeterShop"; L_Peter_Warlord_Boots: @peter_crafting_coal = @peter_warlord_boots_coal; @peter_crafting_iron_ingot = @peter_warlord_boots_ingot; @peter_crafting_money = @peter_warlord_boots_money; @peter_crafting_item$ = "WarlordBoots"; callsub S_Smithery_Item; goto L_close; S_Smithery_Item: if (Zeny < @peter_crafting_money) goto L_Peter_NotEnough_Zeny; if (countitem("IronIngot") < @peter_crafting_iron_ingot) goto L_Peter_NotEnough_Ingot; if (countitem("Coal") < @peter_crafting_coal) goto L_Peter_NotEnough_Coal; getinventorylist; if (@inventorylist_count == 100) goto L_Peter_TooMany; Zeny = Zeny - @peter_crafting_money; delitem "IronIngot", @peter_crafting_iron_ingot; delitem "Coal", @peter_crafting_coal; getitem @peter_crafting_item$, 1; mes "[Peter]"; mes "\"Here you go!\""; return; L_Peter_NotEnough_Zeny: mes "[Peter]"; mes "\"You don't have enough gold.\""; goto L_close; L_Peter_NotEnough_Ingot: mes "[Peter]"; mes "\"You don't have enough ingots.\""; goto L_close; L_Peter_NotEnough_Coal: mes "[Peter]"; mes "\"You don't have enough Coal.\""; goto L_close; L_Peter_TooMany: mes "[Peter]"; mes "\"You have too much stuff. Please get rid of something if you want some armor.\""; goto L_close; L_close: // Clear all local variables @peter_chain_mail_coal = 0; @peter_chain_mail_ingot = 0; @peter_chain_mail_money = 0; @peter_light_plate_coal = 0; @peter_light_plate_ingot = 0; @peter_light_plate_money = 0; @peter_warlord_plate_coal = 0; @peter_warlord_plate_ingot = 0; @peter_warlord_plate_money = 0; @peter_warlord_boots_coal = 0; @peter_warlord_boots_ingot = 0; @peter_warlord_boots_money = 0; @peter_crafting_coal = 0; @peter_crafting_iron_ingot = 0; @peter_crafting_money = 0; @peter_crafting_item$ = ""; close; }