//===== Hercules Script ====================================== //= Homunculus S Quest //===== By: ================================================== //= Masao //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.2 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= Hercules //===== Description: ========================================= //= Evolves an Homunculus which is at least Level 99 to the //= new Homunculus S Class. //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= 1.0 First Version. The actual changing dialog is currently //= customized. [Masao] //= 1.1 Cleaning. [Euphy] //= 1.2 Replaced with official script. [Euphy] //============================================================ // Main NPCs //============================================================ job3_gen01,12,44,3 script Viorel#job3_gen01 542,{ if (countitem(6415)) { if (Class == Job_Genetic || Class == Job_Genetic_T || Class == Job_Baby_Genetic) { disable_items; if (checkquest(4159) == -1 && checkquest(4160) == -1) { mes "[Viorel]"; mes "Why are you here?"; mes "Shouldn't you be at ^005DFFJeyna^000000's house?"; close2; for(set .@i,4154; .@i<=4160; set .@i,.@i+1) { if (checkquest(.@i) > -1) erasequest .@i; } setquest 4154; setquest 4159; morphembryo; if (countitem(6415) == 0) getitem 6415,1; //Strange_Embryo else if (countitem(6415) > 1) delitem 6415, (countitem(6415) - 1); //Strange_Embryo warp "que_house_s",63,41; end; } enable_items; } else if (Class == Job_Novice_High || Class == Job_Merchant_High || Class == Job_Alchemist || Class == Job_Creator) { emotion e_what; mes "[Viorel]"; mes "I don't know what's going on, but the way I remember it you were supposed to be qualified to research ^FF4800Homunculus^000000."; next; mes "[Viorel]"; mes "Whatever the reason, you're not able to continue the research on ^FF4800Homunculus^000000."; mes "Come back after you become a ^005DFFGenetic^000000 and have obtained a ^0000FFBioethics^000000."; close; } else { delitem 6415, countitem(6415); //Strange_Embryo mes "[Viorel]"; mes "Wait, that embryo you have seems a little strange."; next; mes "[Viorel]"; mes "Unless you have a job researching ^FF4800Homunculus^000000...."; mes "It will be of no help to you what so ever."; next; mes "[Viorel]"; mes "I'm in charge of managing ^0000FFStrange Embryo^000000 so I'll take care of that for you."; mes "No offense, and I'm not doing anything bad here."; close; } } if ((Class == Job_Genetic || Class == Job_Genetic_T || Class == Job_Baby_Genetic) && (checkquest(4154) > -1)) { if ((checkquest(4155) > -1) || (checkquest(4160) > -1)) { mes "[Viorel]"; mes "Weather's great."; next; callsub L_CheckHomunculus; mes "[Viorel]"; mes "Ready to go to my house?"; next; switch(select("Go to ^005DFFViorel^000000's house.:Don't go.")) { case 1: mes "[Viorel]"; mes "Good choice."; mes "Now, close your eyes for a second..."; close2; warp "que_house_s",19,42; end; case 2: mes "[Viorel]"; mes "Come back when you're ready."; mes "You must come with the ^FF4800Homunculus^000000."; close; } } else { mes "[Viorel]"; mes "Why are you here?"; mes "Shouldn't you be at ^005DFFJeyna^000000's house?"; next; callsub L_CheckHomunculus; mes "[Viorel]"; mes "Now, ready to go to ^005DFFJeyna^000000?"; next; switch(select("Go to ^005DFFJeyna^000000's room.:Don't go.")) { case 1: mes "[Viorel]"; mes "Good choice."; mes "Now, close your eyes for a second..."; close2; warp "que_house_s",63,41; end; case 2: mes "[Viorel]"; mes "Come back when you're ready."; mes "You must come with the ^FF4800Homunculus^000000."; close; } } } if (BaseJob == Job_Merchant) { mes "[Viorel]"; mes "I used to be a merchant once, just like you."; mes "I'm researching on ^FF4800Homunculus^000000."; next; mes "[Viorel]"; mes "If you're interested in ^FF4800Homunculus^000000, become an ^005DFFAlchemist^000000 or a ^005DFFCreator^000000."; close; } else if (BaseJob == Job_Alchemist && Class < Job_Genetic) { mes "[Viorel]"; mes "I've spent lots of time and energy on Homunculus."; mes "If you feel like you're at a dead end, come back next time with a ^FF4800Homunculus^000000."; next; mes "[Viorel]"; mes "Oh. Of course you need to have the suitable potentials. You could probably prove yourself once you become a ^FF4800Genetic^000000."; close; } else if (Class == Job_Genetic || Class == Job_Genetic_T || Class == Job_Baby_Genetic) { if (gethominfo(6) >= 99 && (gethominfo(1) >= 6009 && gethominfo(1) <= 6016)) { // Level 99+ evolved Homunculus mes "[Viorel]"; mes "Oh, great~!"; mes "You have a ^FF4800Homunculus^000000."; mes "With passion invested in its research we can make them better."; next; mes "[Viorel]"; mes "I must speak to you in private. Would you mind going to my house with me?"; next; switch(select("Go to ^005DFFViorel^000000's home.:Stay here.")) { case 1: mes "[Viorel]"; mes "Good choice."; mes "Now, close your eyes for a second..."; close2; setquest 4154; setquest 4155; warp "que_house_s",19,42; end; case 2: mes "[Viorel]"; mes "If you feel like you're at a dead end, come back next time with a ^FF4800Homunculus^000000."; close; } } else if (gethominfo(6) >= 99 && (gethominfo(1) >= 6048 && gethominfo(1) <= 6052)) { // Level 99+ mutated Homunculus-S mes "[Viorel]"; mes "Hello again."; mes "Perhaps you may be interested"; mes "in the newly created ^FF4800Homunculus^000000,"; mes "born from the new ^006400Homunculus Mutation System^000000?"; next; switch(select("Nope. Good bye.:Please, I'm busy.:That's exactly what I wanted to hear.:Why are you always standing there?")) { case 1: emotion e_heh; mes "[Viorel]"; mes "Okay."; mes "Good seeing you."; mes "Good bye then~!"; close; case 2: emotion e_omg; mes "[Viorel]"; mes "!!!!"; mes "I... I see."; mes "I thought you were here to see me."; close; case 3: emotion e_ic; mes "[Viorel]"; mes "Just as I thought."; mes "Let's have a look at the notes my dear friend Jeyna left."; next; playbgm "30.mp3"; // One Step Closer callfunc "F_HomMutateInfo","[Memo Pad Notes]"; mes "[Viorel]"; mes "Hmm."; mes "Well, that's all there is to it."; mes "It's up to you to find out more."; close2; playbgm "08.mp3"; // Theme of Prontera end; case 4: emotion e_swt; mes "[Viorel]"; mes "No, I do not stand here every day."; mes "But why do YOU stand there every day?"; next; mes "[Viorel]"; mes "What?"; mes "No, the way I see it"; mes "you seem to be here every time I'm here."; close; } } else { if (gethominfo(1) >= 6009) { // Evolved Homunculus mes "[Viorel]"; mes "Hmm, you seem to have a special bond with your ^FF4800Homunculus^000000."; next; mes "[Viorel]"; mes "Come back to me when that ^FF4800Homunculus^000000 reaches ^0000FFlevel 99^000000."; close; } else { mes "[Viorel]"; mes "You do not yet possess an evolved ^FF4800Homunculus^000000..."; mes "As you may well know about evolution:"; next; mes "[Viorel]"; mes "Using the ^0000FFStone of Sage^000000 when intimacy level is above ^006400Intimate^000000, the ^FF4800Homunculus^000000 goes through ^006400Evolution^000000."; close; } } } mes "[Viorel]"; mes "^FF4800Homunculus^000000 research requires a lot of time and funding."; mes "However, I believe passion is the most important factor."; next; switch(select("End conversation.:What are you talking about?:Why are you always standing there?")) { case 1: mes "[Viorel]"; mes "So long~!"; close; case 2: mes "[Viorel]"; mes "You see, ^006400Alchemists^000000 have an inquisitive nature."; mes "People like me, especially, even think of creating life itself."; next; mes "[Viorel]"; mes "You'd have to research ^FF4800Homunculus^000000 to understand."; mes "Now, if you'll excuse me~!"; close; case 3: emotion e_swt; mes "[Viorel]"; mes "What, is it so strange to see an Alchemist in their own lab?"; mes "How so?"; close; } end; L_CheckHomunculus: if (gethominfo(6) < 99 || (gethominfo(1) < 6009 || gethominfo(1) > 6016)) { // Not level 99+ evolved Homunculus mes "[Viorel]"; mes "Huh?"; mes "Where's the ^FF4800Homunculus^000000 you used to have?"; mes "Perhaps I've mistaken it for something else..."; next; mes "[Viorel]"; mes "......."; mes " "; mes "(Seems to be thinking about something.)"; next; emotion e_heh; mes "[Viorel]"; mes "Ha ha~"; mes "I think I've mistaken you for someone else."; mes "If you'll excuse me."; close; } return; } que_house_s,24,47,3 script Viorel#homun_s 542,{ if (checkquest(4155) > -1) { emotion e_dum; mes "[Viorel]"; mes "Good."; mes "I see that you mean business."; next; playbgm "33.mp3"; // Yuna Song mes "[Viorel]"; mes "Maybe you'll agree."; mes "Currently, your ^FF4800Homunculus^000000 is not in its perfect state."; next; mes "[Viorel]"; mes "These days, studies on the growth of the ^FF4800Homunculus^000000 are actively taking place."; mes "But, I do believe that I have found something special."; next; mes "[Viorel]"; mes "In order to break the current limitations of the ^FF4800Homunculus^000000, mutations need to happen."; next; switch(select("Like, biological experiments...?!:Well, yeah, naturally.:I don't want to hurt my Homunculus!")) { case 1: emotion e_swt2; mes "[Viorel]"; mes "Don't look so surprised."; mes "Ethics in biology are kind of blurry right now, right?"; mes "I mean..."; next; mes "[Viorel]"; mes "It's my duty to study the true potential of the ^FF4800Homunculus^000000."; next; mes "[Viorel]"; mes "So far, Homunculus haven't demonstrated their full potential, but I know that I am close to a breakthrough."; next; break; case 2: emotion e_sigh; mes "[Viorel]"; mes "Yes."; mes "I'm glad you're not upset."; mes "Mutation,"; mes "a word that sparks evil in the minds of the ordinary,"; mes "which made my research very difficult to proceed with."; next; mes "[Viorel]"; mes "Do you remember?"; mes "^005DFFKellasus^000000 of ^8B4513Lighthalzen^000000, the pioneer of ^FF4800Homunculus^000000 research."; next; mes "[Viorel]"; mes "I believe that this research fulfills the promise made with ^005DFFKellasus^000000, the giver of knowledge and belief."; next; break; case 3: emotion e_swt; mes "[Viorel]"; mes "I understand your concern."; mes "But I want to assure you that this Mutation does not harm or hurt your ^FF4800Homunculus^000000."; next; mes "[Viorel]"; mes "On the contrary, the ^FF4800Homunculus^000000 of today are in pain from imperfection, unable to live up to their supposed potentials."; mes "Moreover, those ^FF4800Homunculus^000000 were often abandoned."; next; mes "[Viorel]"; mes "Don't get me wrong, I study the ^FF4800Homunculus^000000 because I love them."; next; break; } mes "[Viorel]"; mes "Well, by the way..."; mes "I have found this new mutation to be quite stable."; next; mes "[Viorel]"; mes "^006400The technology exists,"; mes "and they will likely have new"; mes "skills when mutated...^000000"; next; mes "[Viorel]"; mes "The minor side effect..."; mes "^006400Their appearance will change^000000."; mes "But I think you'll find that pretty satisfying."; next; mes "[Viorel]"; mes "I quote from ^005DFFKassibian^000000, an expert in ^FF4800Homunculus^000000 techniques,"; mes "^006400The truth is not in a single form~!^000000"; mes "Ha ha."; next; emotion e_flash; mes "[Viorel]"; mes "I know it's a little abrupt, but..."; mes "How about changing your ^FF4800Homunculus^000000 into something incredible with my marvelous achievement, the ^006400Homunculus Mutation System^000000?"; next; switch(select("Explore the ^006400Homunculus Mutation System^000000.:Cancel.")) { case 1: emotion e_no1; mes "[Viorel]"; mes "Good choice."; mes "Success lurks outside the box of conventional thinking, right?"; next; mes "[Viorel]"; mes "The first person to help with the research is ^005DFFJeyna^000000."; mes "I'll send you to ^005DFFJeyna^000000."; mes "There, you'll learn more about the new ^0000FFHomunculus^000000."; close2; setquest 4156; erasequest 4155; warp "que_house_s",63,41; end; case 2: emotion e_dots; mes "[Viorel]"; mes "I don't see why you hesitate."; mes "I am not trying to deceive you."; mes "Maybe you need some time to think about it?"; next; switch(select("Think about it.:I'm just going to walk away.")) { case 1: mes "[Viorel]"; mes "We'll talk in a bit then."; close; case 2: emotion e_otl; mes "[Viorel]"; mes "Shame."; mes "However, I respect your opinion."; mes "I'll send you back to the ^8B4513Laboratory^000000."; close2; erasequest 4154; erasequest 4155; warp "job3_gen01",12,47; end; } } } else if (checkquest(4160) > -1) { playbgm "33.mp3"; // Yuna Song mes "[Viorel]"; mes "The ^FF4800Homunculus^000000 I saw before has returned to its ^0000FFembryo^000000 state."; mes "A little strange, but..."; mes "You don't have to worry about it."; next; mes "[Viorel]"; mes "By the way..."; mes "I forgot to tell you something."; mes "In order to stabilize the Mutation process, I need some materials first."; next; mes "[Viorel]"; mes "Fortunately, you don't have to find them yourself because I have them here already.."; mes "But, I'll need ^FF000050,000 zeny^000000, you know, as a service fee."; next; mes "[Viorel]"; mes "I wish that I could do it for free but I'm not exactly made of money, you know."; mes "That and I lack any investors to support my research at the moment."; next; mes "[Viorel]"; mes "In fact, if I had enough zeny to continue my research, then I could solve a lot of my problems..."; next; mes "[Viorel]"; mes "Anyways, you can try to do this with or without the stabilization process. It's all up to you."; next; mes "[Viorel]"; mes "If you choose the unstable"; mes "mutation, I can't guarentee what kind of Homunculus you're going to get."; mes "Anyways, it's up to you."; next; switch(select("Mutation stabilization (50,000 zeny):Unstable mutation")) { case 1: if (Zeny < 50000) { mes "[Viorel]"; mes "I don't think you have ^FF000050 thousand Zeny^000000 with you right now."; mes "Please bring enough Zeny."; mes "I'll be waiting."; mes "Want me to send you back to the ^8B4513Laboratory^000000?"; next; switch(select("No thanks.:Yes. Send me back to the Lab.")) { case 1: mes "[Viorel]"; mes "Alright."; mes "I'll see you in a bit."; close; case 2: mes "[Viorel]"; mes "Alright."; mes "I'll be waiting at the ^8B4513Laboratory^000000."; close2; warp "job3_gen01",12,47; end; } } emotion e_no1; playbgm "19.mp3"; // Under the Ground mes "[Viorel]"; mes "Good choice."; mes "Choose from the different types of ^0000FFHomunculus^000000."; next; switch(select("Eira:Sera:Dieter:Bayeri:Eleanor")) { case 1: cutin "Mer_Eira_Card",3; set .@Homunculus,6048; //MER_EIRA break; case 2: cutin "Mer_Sera_Card",3; set .@Homunculus,6050; //MER_SERA break; case 3: cutin "Mer_Dieter_Card",3; set .@Homunculus,6051; //MER_DIETER break; case 4: cutin "Mer_Bayeri_Card",3; set .@Homunculus,6049; //MER_BAYERI break; case 5: cutin "Mer_Eleanor_Card",3; set .@Homunculus,6052; //MER_ELEANOR break; } mes "[Viorel]"; mes "Are you sure?"; next; if(select("Yes.:No.") == 2) { cutin "",255; playbgm "33.mp3"; // Yuna Song mes "[Viorel]"; mes "I see."; mes "Give it more time to think."; close; } cutin "",255; mes "[Viorel]"; mes "Excellent!"; mes "Let's get on with it."; next; specialeffect2 EF_BASH; mes "[Viorel]"; mes "Now focus~!"; mes "You... need..."; mes "... concentration."; next; specialeffect2 EF_PROVIDENCE; mes "[Viorel]"; mes "Good. Almost done!"; next; specialeffect2 EF_SUI_EXPLOSION; set Zeny, Zeny - 50000; hommutate .@Homunculus; break; case 2: emotion e_hmm; mes "[Viorel]"; mes "So, your choice is the Unstable Mutation Process."; mes "You believe in destiny?"; mes "Seriously..."; mes "Do you really wish to proceed"; mes "with the process of random outcome?"; next; if(select("Go ahead. (Random Mutation):Cancel.") == 2) { playbgm "33.mp3"; // Yuna Song mes "[Viorel]"; mes "I see."; mes "Give it more time to think."; close; } emotion e_dots; mes "[Viorel]"; mes "Hmm..."; mes "The exploration of knowledge"; mes "is full of surprises."; mes "......."; next; emotion e_heh; mes "[Viorel]"; mes "Ha ha."; mes "Hey, I feel like a Blacksmith!"; mes "Now let's get on with it."; next; specialeffect2 EF_BASH; mes "[Viorel]"; mes "Now focus~!"; mes "You... need..."; mes "... concentration."; next; specialeffect2 EF_PRESSURE; mes "[Viorel]"; mes "Concentrate a little more!"; next; specialeffect2 EF_PROVIDENCE; mes "[Viorel]"; mes "Good. Almost done!"; next; specialeffect2 EF_SUI_EXPLOSION; hommutate; break; } erasequest 4160; erasequest 4154; emotion e_ho; playbgm "64.mp3"; // One Fine Day mes "[Viorel]"; mes "Okay, Mutation Complete."; mes "Phew... Didn't skip a heartbeat, did you?"; next; mes "[Viorel]"; mes "Remember what ^005DFFKellasus^000000 said?"; mes "To the doorstep of the truth..."; mes "We must see for ourselves"; mes "the path that leads to it."; next; mes "[Viorel]"; mes "^0000FF" + strcharinfo(0) + "^000000,"; mes "I haven't known you"; mes "for a very long time,"; mes "but I get the feeling that"; mes "you'll achieve great things."; next; mes "[Viorel]"; mes "Good luck on you adventures."; mes "I hope that your new ^FF4800Homunculus^000000 will excel under your care."; next; mes "[Viorel]"; mes "And don't you forget."; mes "Our research"; mes "has only just begun~!"; close; } else { for(set .@i,4154; .@i<=4160; set .@i,.@i+1) { if (checkquest(.@i) > -1) erasequest .@i; } mes "[Viorel]"; mes "Now that all the work is done, I ask you to take your leave."; mes "I need to recuperate."; close2; warp "job3_gen01",12,47; end; } } que_house_s,80,42,3 script Jeyna#homun_s 558,{ if (checkquest(4156) > -1) { playbgm "28.mp3"; // You're in Ruins emotion e_gasp; mes "[Jeyna]"; mes "Welcome."; mes "I just got word from ^005DFFViorel^000000 that you were coming."; next; emotion e_hmm; mes "[Jeyna]"; mes "By the way..."; mes "Did he convince you to do something...?"; mes "He does have a way with words."; next; mes "[Jeyna]"; mes "He needs them because Alchemists are such awkward people."; emotion e_sigh; next; mes "[Jeyna]"; mes "Anyways~"; mes "^0000FF"+strcharinfo(0)+"^000000 and ^005DFFViorel^000000 seem like two peas in a pod."; next; emotion e_heh; mes "[Jeyna]"; mes "Hahaha~ No offense."; mes "I think it's a good thing."; mes "Oh, yes."; mes "You're here for the ^FF4800Homunculus^000000 Mutation."; next; mes "[Jeyna]"; mes "While I do some preparation,"; mes "why don't you take a look at that board?"; mes "The ^006400Homunculus Mutation System^000000 has ^0000FF5 different types^000000 of new mutations."; next; emotion e_gasp,0,"Magic Board#homun_s"; mes "[Jeyna]"; mes "Your ^FF4800Homunculus^000000 can mutate into any of the 5 different forms."; next; emotion e_ic; mes "[Jeyna]"; mes "Let's see..."; mes "The ^006400Homunculus Mutation System^000000 includes new evolutions of the normal ^0000FFHomunculus^000000."; mes "After they mutate, all previously learned skills will also remain."; next; mes "[Jeyna]"; mes "In other words..."; mes "Even if you change the magic wielder ^FF4800Vanilmirth^000000 to a fighter type,"; mes "skills such as Caprice will be"; mes "^006400retained and usable even after Mutation^000000."; next; emotion e_gasp,0,"Magic Board#homun_s"; mes "[Jeyna]"; mes "Take a look at the Magic Board behind me and decide for yourself."; close2; setquest 4157; erasequest 4156; end; } else if (checkquest(4157) > -1) { emotion e_what; mes "[Jeyna]"; mes "Take a look at the board behind me, on the right."; close2; emotion e_gasp,0,"Magic Board#homun_s"; end; } else if (checkquest(4158) > -1) { playbgm "28.mp3"; // You're in Ruins disable_items; mes "[Jeyna]"; mes "Okay, I'm ready too."; mes "In order to revert the process now, I need the Homunculus in its embryo form."; next; callsub L_CheckHomunculus; if (checkweight(6415,1) == 0) { mes "[Jeyna]"; mes "But,"; mes "You don't have enough space to carry an ^0000FFembryo^000000."; mes "Please come back with enough space in your bag."; next; mes "[Jeyna]"; mes "Please return to the ^8B4513Laboratory^000000."; mes "You can find ^005DFFViorel^000000 at the ^8B4513Laboratory^000000 once you empty your bag."; next; mes "[Jeyna]"; mes "When you're done with emptying your bag, ask ^005DFFViorel^000000 to send you back here."; mes "Go on and empty your bag~!"; close2; warp "job3_gen01",12,47; end; } mes "[Jeyna]"; mes "Now's about time for a decision."; mes "To go through the Mutation to the new ^0000FFHomunculus^000000 with the Homunculus Mutation System,"; mes "you need to go through the process of regression to turn the Homunculus back to its ^0000FFembryo^000000 state."; next; mes "[Jeyna]"; mes "And..."; mes "^006400You cannot use the ability Call Homunculus until the process is complete.^000000"; mes "It won't take long, so don't wander off."; next; mes "[Jeyna]"; mes "So, please decide."; mes "Do you want to proceed with the new ^0000FFHomunculus Mutation System^000000?"; next; switch(select("Yes, I do.:I need to think more.")) { case 1: if (checkhomcall() == 1) { mes "[Jeyna]"; mes "Oh, wait a minute."; mes "To proceed with the Mutation, you need to wake up the Homunculus from the state of Vaporization."; next; mes "[Jeyna]"; mes "Come back after you've done that."; close; } emotion e_no1; mes "[Jeyna]"; mes "Good thinking."; mes "It is unacceptable for Alchemists like us to fear challenge."; next; playbgm "01.mp3"; // Title mes "[Jeyna]"; mes "Now I need you to focus."; next; specialeffect2 EF_ABSORBSPIRITS; mes "[Jeyna]"; mes "We need to..."; mes "Stabilize a little more."; mes "......."; next; specialeffect2 EF_CURE; mes "[Jeyna]"; mes "In a few moments, the ^FF4800Homunculus^000000 will return to its embryo state."; next; specialeffect2 EF_HOLYHIT; mes "[Jeyna]"; mes "Into a special embryo..."; next; callsub L_CheckHomunculus; specialeffect2 EF_BLESSING; morphembryo; setquest 4159; erasequest 4158; emotion e_ho; mes "[Jeyna]"; mes "Phew~ All done."; mes "Hmm, its state is a little strange."; next; emotion e_heh; mes "[Jeyna]"; mes "I guess it'll be just fine."; mes "Don't lose that ^0000FFStrange Embryo^000000."; mes "Also..."; next; mes "[Jeyna]"; mes "Don't do anything like changing jobs or anything like that before the process is over."; mes "If so, you, ^0000FF"+strcharinfo(0)+"^000000 might lose all the abilities you have over the Homunculus."; next; mes "[Jeyna]"; mes "All that concentration made me tired."; mes "I'll just take a glass of water."; close; case 2: playbgm "28.mp3"; // You're in Ruins emotion e_sigh; mes "[Jeyna]"; mes "Maybe I shouldn't have asked in the first place."; close; } } else if (checkquest(4159) > -1 || checkquest(4160) > -1) { playbgm "28.mp3"; // You're in Ruins mes "[Jeyna]"; mes "^005DFFViorel^000000 will finish the mutation process."; mes "Now it's my time to say good bye."; next; mes "[Jeyna]"; mes "It was short, but it was nice to meet you."; mes "We'll see each other again some time."; next; mes "[Jeyna]"; mes "Best of luck~!"; close2; setquest 4160; erasequest 4159; warp "que_house_s",19,42; end; } else { if (checkquest(4154) > -1) erasequest 4154; mes "[Jeyna]"; mes "Hey, how did you get in here?"; mes "Please get out. I'm changing~!"; close2; warp "job3_gen01",12,47; end; } end; L_CheckHomunculus: if (gethominfo(6) < 99 || (gethominfo(1) < 6009 || gethominfo(1) > 6016)) { // Not level 99+ evolved Homunculus mes "[Jeyna]"; mes "Hey, wait."; mes "The condition of the ^FF4800Homunculus^000000 is not suitable."; mes "That was close."; next; mes "[Jeyna]"; mes "To use the Homunculus Mutation System"; mes "to change to the new"; mes "^FF4800Homunculus^000000,"; mes "the ^006400Homunculus must be above level 99 and evolved^000000."; next; mes "[Jeyna]"; mes "Come back to ^005DFFViorel^000000 when you're ready."; mes "I'll see you later then~!"; close2; erasequest 4154; erasequest 4158; warp "job3_gen01",12,47; end; } return; } // Magic Board //============================================================ que_house_s,83,47,3 script Magic Board#homun_s 857,{ playbgm "26.mp3"; // Everlasting Wanderers callfunc "F_HomMutateInfo","[Magic Board Posts]"; mes "[Magic Board Posts]"; mes ":: ^0000FFHomunculus^000000 research is"; mes ":: so much fun."; mes ":: Be an Alchemist"; mes ":: who always enjoys"; mes ":: one's research."; next; mes "[Magic Board Posts]"; mes ":: Oh, and Viorel..."; mes ":: About what you said"; mes ":: yesterday..."; mes "::"; mes "::"; next; mes "--------------------------"; mes "The rest is sealed because it seems to be a private message."; close2; if (checkquest(4157) > -1) { setquest 4158; erasequest 4157; } end; } function script F_HomMutateInfo { mes getarg(0); mes ":: The ability of the mutated"; mes ":: ^0000FFHomunculus^000000 clearly goes"; mes ":: beyond the previous state."; mes ":: In addition, its appearance"; mes ":: will evolve as well."; next; mes getarg(0); mes ":: ^0000FFHomunculus^000000 appearances of the"; mes ":: new types can be classified"; mes ":: based on different species."; mes ":: Creatures of the same species"; mes ":: generally have a similar"; mes ":: appearance."; next; mes getarg(0); mes ":: The category, appearance and"; mes ":: ability of the ^0000FFHomunculus^000000"; mes ":: via the Homunculus Mutation"; mes ":: System are as follows:"; next; cutin "Mer_Eira_Card",3; mes getarg(0); mes ":: The first of the five"; mes ":: is called ^FF4800Eira^000000."; mes ":: Beautiful and graceful."; next; mes getarg(0); mes ":: ^FF4800Eira^000000 uses"; mes ":: ^006400Wind Element^000000 Magic Attacks and"; mes ":: Support Skills."; mes ":: It even has the ability"; mes ":: to revive its"; mes ":: fallen master."; next; mes getarg(0); mes ":: ^FF4800Eira^000000 eats"; mes ":: ^0000FFSmall Snow Flower^000000."; mes ":: Surprising how it survives on"; mes ":: such a small amount."; mes ":: ^0000FFSmall Snow Flower^000000 can be bought"; mes ":: from ^005DFFTaming Merchants^000000."; next; cutin "",255; cutin "Mer_Sera_Card",3; mes getarg(0); mes ":: The second of the five"; mes ":: is known as ^FF4800Sera^000000."; mes ":: It looks just like ^FF0000Mistress^000000 but"; mes ":: it doesn't run away."; next; mes getarg(0); mes ":: ^FF4800Sera^000000"; mes ":: specializes in ^006400Poison Attacks^000000."; mes ":: Also, it uses distinct"; mes ":: Support Skills using poisons."; next; mes getarg(0); mes ":: ^FF4800Sera^000000 eats"; mes ":: ^0000FFApple Pudding^000000."; mes ":: It prefers sweet food."; mes ":: ^0000FFApple Pudding^000000 can be bought"; mes ":: from ^005DFFTaming Merchants^000000."; next; cutin "",255; cutin "Mer_Dieter_Card",3; mes getarg(0); mes ":: The third of the five"; mes ":: is ^FF4800Dieter^000000."; mes ":: It looks unusual but it"; mes ":: has a good demeanor."; next; mes getarg(0); mes ":: ^FF4800Dieter^000000 uses"; mes ":: ^FF0000Fire^000000 based Attacks and"; mes ":: Support Skills."; mes ":: It is just as fragile..."; mes ":: ah, reliable, as it looks."; next; mes getarg(0); mes ":: ^FF4800Dieter^000000 eats"; mes ":: ^0000FFBig Cell^000000."; mes ":: ^0000FFBig Cell^000000 can be bought"; mes ":: from ^005DFFTaming Merchants^000000."; next; cutin "",255; cutin "Mer_Bayeri_Card",3; mes getarg(0); mes ":: The fourth of the five"; mes ":: is ^FF4800Bayeri^000000."; mes ":: Bayeri has the form of a"; mes ":: unicorn."; next; mes getarg(0); mes ":: It has a powerful dash skill"; mes ":: and uses ^006400Holy Element^000000 magic."; mes ":: Unfortunately,"; mes ":: they won't let you ride them."; mes ":: Not all four-legged creatures"; mes ":: can be ridden."; next; mes getarg(0); mes ":: ^FF4800Bayeri^000000 eats"; mes ":: ^0000FFFresh Plant^000000."; mes ":: No matter how hungry it"; mes ":: never feeds on rotten greens."; mes ":: ^0000FFFresh Plant^000000 can be bought"; mes ":: from ^005DFFTaming Merchants^000000."; next; cutin "",255; cutin "Mer_Eleanor_Card",3; mes getarg(0); mes ":: The last of the five"; mes ":: is ^FF4800Eleanor^000000."; mes ":: It has a feminine appearance"; mes ":: and outstanding physical skill."; next; mes getarg(0); mes ":: ^FF4800Eleanor^000000"; mes ":: uses ^006400Strike or Grapple Attacks^000000"; mes ":: sequentially in battle."; mes ":: Absolutely stunning."; next; mes getarg(0); mes ":: ^FF4800Eleanor^000000 eats"; mes ":: ^0000FFKid's Dumpling^000000."; mes ":: Don't confuse it with a normal"; mes ":: dumpling."; mes ":: ^0000FFKid's Dumpling^000000 can be bought"; mes ":: from ^005DFFTaming Merchants^000000."; next; cutin "",255; return; } // Books //============================================================ que_house_s,13,52,3 script Open Book#01homun_s 111,{ switch(rand(1,7)) { case 1: mes "[Bookcase Notes]"; mes "Insanity and Genius are the same in concept in that they are both abnormal phenomenon."; mes "Observing the chemist ^005DFFMorgenstein^000000 of ^8B4513Geffen^000000, I consider them equal."; next; mes "[Bookcase Notes]"; mes "Once I had to visit..."; mes "the strange ^005DFFMorgenstein^000000 for research purposes."; next; mes "[Bookcase Notes]"; mes "I had a meat stew before I met ^005DFFMorgenstein^000000,"; mes "surprisingly enough, he muttered that he smelled meat even before I was close."; next; mes "[Bookcase Notes]"; mes "I never thought that chemists had a great sense of smell."; mes "The next time I give"; mes "^005DFFMorgenstein^000000 a visit,"; mes "I'll eat some other meal."; close; case 2: mes "[Bookcase Notes]"; mes "^005DFFDe Bris^000000 thinks the enthusiasm of Alchemists has lately dropped ..."; next; mes "[Bookcase Notes]"; mes "He especially didn't like the fact that I was bound tightly to ^FF4800Homunculus^000000 research."; mes "He didn't say such a thing when we studied together in ^8B4513Rune Midgarts^000000."; next; mes "[Bookcase Notes]"; mes "One day, I'll show ^005DFFDe Bris^000000 my ^FF4800Homunculus^000000 research data."; mes "I love watching him jump out of his skin.... I look forward to the day."; close; case 3: mes "[Bookcase Notes]"; mes "^005DFFDe Bris^000000' passion for the ^57007FGenetic^000000 arts is amazing."; next; mes "[Bookcase Notes]"; mes "Recently, the Alchemist Union offered me the chance to join the ^57007FGenetic^000000 through a letter."; mes "I wonder what ^005DFFDe Bris^000000 said to the union..."; next; mes "[Bookcase Notes]"; mes "Well, I appreciate it..."; mes "However, for me right now"; mes "my research is of utmost priority."; close; case 4: mes "[Bookcase Notes]"; mes "There's something funny ^005DFFDarcia^000000 said to me."; mes "It was about when ^005DFFJeyna^000000 first came to learn about potion combination......"; next; mes "[Bookcase Notes]"; mes "She did good up to the stage of pouring water into the mixture."; mes "She just had to put it into an empty bottle..."; next; mes "[Bookcase Notes]"; mes "^005DFFDarcia^000000 watched what she would do with the last stage,"; mes "and the confused ^005DFFJeyna^000000 drank the mixture out of the bowl and told her that it healed well."; next; mes "[Bookcase Notes]"; mes "To think that even ^005DFFJeyna^000000,"; mes "now a master of potion combination,"; mes "had her rookie mistakes"; mes "shows how hard it is to imagine"; mes "and forecast one's past and future."; close; case 5: mes "[Bookcase Notes]"; mes "^005DFFVincent^000000, I think I did it."; mes "I will never forget your words of courage "; mes "and I am grateful that I now get to pay you back."; next; mes "[Bookcase Notes]"; mes "It was indeed a long process."; mes "When many of the union"; mes "considered my research insignificant"; mes "... Though I did not lose my belief"; mes "it did heart deep inside."; next; mes "[Bookcase Notes]"; mes "The few friends who believed me"; mes "especially ^005DFFJeyna^000000"; mes "and you ^005DFFVincent^000000 ..."; mes "I am sincerely thankful with all my soul."; next; mes "[Bookcase Notes]"; mes "They say that,"; mes "the end justifies the means."; mes "At first,"; mes "I did not know what it meant..."; next; mes "[Bookcase Notes]"; mes "Now I know."; mes "I know how important it is"; mes "to follow one's heart."; next; mes "[Bookcase Notes]"; mes "I'll drop by very soon."; mes "Be well until then."; close; case 6: mes "[Bookcase Notes]"; mes "A game called ^0000FFThe Epic Battle 2^000000, similar to chess, was intriguing."; next; mes "[Bookcase Notes]"; mes "Some time ago, I met a ^0000FFFruit Seller^000000 who excelled in The Epic Battle 2."; mes "He even overcame the infamous ^006400Grizzly Shockwave Strategy^000000 and ^006400God of Death Terror^000000 with ease."; next; mes "[Bookcase Notes]"; mes "To overcome those in the early stages of the battle of the ^0000FFPriest Faction^000000..."; mes "It is difficult for me, since I need to combine the pieces and use some luring skills."; next; mes "[Bookcase Notes]"; mes "I wonder when I'll become a 3 Carat Diamond level player."; close; case 7: mes "[Bookcase Notes]"; mes "There are many Alchemists who like the ^FF4800Vanilmirth^000000."; next; mes "[Bookcase Notes]"; mes "But I prefer the ^FF4800Amistr^000000."; mes "It's cute when it wags its tale with those shiny eyes."; next; mes "[Bookcase Notes]"; mes "My Amistr Jonathan is clever and mellow, making it ever so lovable."; mes "We're good friends, aren't we Jonathan?"; close; } } que_house_s,16,52,3 script Open Book#02homun_s 111,{ switch(rand(1,8)) { case 1: mes "[Bookcase Notes]"; mes "What should I write to ^005DFFDe Bris^000000."; mes ":: To my noted "; mes ":: Genetic friend De Bris."; mes ":: How's Lighthalzen?"; mes ":: Do they have enough of those"; mes ":: cookies you oh so love?"; next; mes "[Bookcase Notes]"; mes ":: I'll drop by soon"; mes ":: with some cookies."; mes ":: When we meet,"; mes ":: I'll introduce you to my"; mes ":: ^006400New Homunculus^000000."; next; mes "[Bookcase Notes]"; mes ":: No need to be alert."; mes ":: Unlike you,"; mes ":: they aren't interested in "; mes ":: what others have to eat."; mes ":: I'll see you soon~!"; mes ":: Dare close the door on me."; close; case 2: mes "[Bookcase Notes]"; mes "The last time I visited the Alchemist Union, there was an interesting debate on the table."; mes "I think it was something to do with ^006400Negligence of Homunculus in public places^000000."; next; mes "[Bookcase Notes]"; mes "While the master dozed off,"; mes "one of the ^FF4800Homunculus^000000 off its leash"; mes "caused some sort of problem."; next; mes "[Bookcase Notes]"; mes "I will make sure that my Homunculus Jonathan..."; mes "is trained well not to cause trouble around other people."; close; case 3: mes "[Bookcase Notes]"; mes "There's a new toy me and ^005DFFJeyna^000000 have grown fond of."; mes "It's relatively new,"; mes "called... ^0000FF'Helo'^000000, I think?"; next; mes "[Bookcase Notes]"; mes "There was a related song to it, sung by some ^57007FMinstrel^000000."; mes "The lyrics were something like ^006400'Ahhh~Ahh~Ahhhhhhhh'^000000."; next; mes "[Bookcase Notes]"; mes "The entertainment itself is fun,"; mes "but the music is also excellent,"; mes "and when I listen to it"; mes "it feels like my SP is restored significantly."; next; mes "[Bookcase Notes]"; mes "I must say,"; mes "entertainment is crucial when resting"; mes "to boost morale for research."; mes "^006400For Homunculus~!^000000"; close; case 4: mes "[Bookcase Notes]"; mes "From what I heard from the union member"; mes "^005DFFParmy^000000,"; mes "^005DFFRaspuchin^000000 is still his own weird self."; next; mes "[Bookcase Notes]"; mes "It may not be such a good idea"; mes "to drive those energetic souls"; mes "coming to change jobs"; mes "with such enthusiasm."; close; case 5: mes "[Bookcase Notes]"; mes "A friend of mine who was into painting,"; mes "suggested making a called"; mes "^0000FFMUTATIONER^000000"; mes "after he heard about my research"; mes "and my works."; next; mes "[Bookcase Notes]"; mes "The story begins..."; mes "With an alien"; mes "^FF4800Homunculus^000000"; mes "visiting our world."; next; mes "[Bookcase Notes]"; mes "The visiting alien"; mes "^FF4800Homunculus^000000 can survive"; mes "without a master"; mes "and it could change into"; mes "various creatures that"; mes "roam our world."; next; mes "[Bookcase Notes]"; mes "These alien^FF4800Homunculus^000000"; mes "have two opposing factions"; mes "divided by political differences."; mes "In our world, we call them"; mes "^006400Aut-homun^000000 and "; mes "^006400Decept-homun^000000"; next; mes "[Bookcase Notes]"; mes "The ^006400Aut-homun^000000 are our friends."; mes "Their leader,"; mes "called ^005DFFOptimus Poring^000000,"; mes "is built and so cool"; mes "for a poring,"; mes "and it summons a cart at will!"; next; mes "[Bookcase Notes]"; mes "The opposing side, the ^006400Decept-homun^000000,"; mes "is led by ^005DFFMegatroll^000000"; mes "and they use all means "; mes "to destroy our world."; next; mes "[Bookcase Notes]"; mes "The hero of this story"; mes "is one from ^8B4513Alberta^000000 called ^005DFFJam Wicky^000000,"; mes "who meets ^005DFFOptimus Poring^000000"; mes "while shopping for a cart,"; mes "as if it was his destiny."; next; mes "[Bookcase Notes]"; mes "And so thus"; mes "unfolds an epic battle"; mes "in the ^8B4513Moroc Desert^000000"; mes "where the fate of our world"; mes "lies in his hands..."; next; mes "[Bookcase Notes]"; mes "Enough of that~!"; mes "The rest of the story can be"; mes "checked in the published copy."; mes "^0000FFMUTATIONER^000000"; mes "It's going to be awesome~!"; close; case 6: mes "[Bookcase Notes]"; mes "The Union sent a special gift to its members."; mes "It's called a ^0000FFHigh Clip 4^000000."; next; mes "[Bookcase Notes]"; mes "It is originally used as a tool to allow easy whispering between members, but it also has other useful functions."; next; mes "[Bookcase Notes]"; mes "A guild invented this. I recall that their emblem had an image of an apple."; close; case 7: mes "[Bookcase Notes]"; mes "Homunculus is indeed worthy."; mes "However, like everyone else, I sometimes question its meaning and future."; next; mes "[Bookcase Notes]"; mes "I believe that life given by nature was supposed to be used for oneself."; mes "However..."; next; mes "[Bookcase Notes]"; mes "The research to give the Homunculus life is, in reality, for the benefit of man."; mes "Perhaps mankind is not ready ethically to create life."; close; case 8: mes "[Bookcase Notes]"; mes "Some time ago, ^005DFFJeyna^000000 introduced me to someone."; mes "She is from ^8B4513Geffen^000000,"; mes "and she introduced herself as a ^005DFFChicken Researcher^000000."; next; mes "[Bookcase Notes]"; mes "She is an expert on something called the ^006400Legendary Bijofnil^000000."; mes "She finds it offensive that people think that the Bijofnil is a hawk."; next; mes "[Bookcase Notes]"; mes "She said something about somewhere in ^8B4513Hvergilmir's Fountain^000000"; mes "there exists a ^005DFFtalking chicken^000000 and other stories..."; mes "Well, it went on like that"; mes "and it was interesting."; close; } } // Notifiers //============================================================ que_house_s,11,52,3 script #03homun_s 111,{ end; OnInit: initnpctimer; end; OnTimer6000: emotion e_gasp; end; OnTimer7000: emotion e_gasp,0,"#04homun_s"; stopnpctimer; initnpctimer; end; } que_house_s,14,52,3 script #04homun_s 111,{ end; } // Researcher's Pet //============================================================ que_house_s,24,46,3 script Jonathan#homun_s 6002,{ end; } que_house_s,23,46,3 script #05homun_s 111,{ emotion e_no,0,"Jonathan#homun_s"; if (gethominfo(1) < 6048 || gethominfo(1) > 6052) { // Not mutated Homunculus-S mes "[Jonathan]"; mes "Hwang~ Hwang!"; next; mes ":: It seems to be Viorel's"; mes ":: Homunculus."; mes ":: It is wearing a small necklace"; mes ":: with the name Jonathan engraved"; mes ":: on it."; close; } else { mes "[Jonathan]"; mes "Hwang~?!"; next; emotion e_swt2,0,"Jonathan#homun_s"; mes "[Jonathan]"; mes "*Sniff* ..."; next; mes ":: This Amistr"; mes ":: called Jonathan"; mes ":: seems to be surprised by my"; mes ":: new Homunculus."; close; } }