//===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= War of Emperium - Time Setter //===== By: ================================================== //= Fredzilla //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.5a //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena 1.0 Final TXT //===== Description: ========================================= //= Lets a GM set WoE times from inside the game //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= Loops used = 4 (I like loops ^_^) //= Only GM's of lvl 99 can use it //= If anyone else tries to use it they will just get a list of WoE times //= It give you the option, as a GM, to Add a new time, Reset all times, //= or just view the current set times //= If a WoE is in Progress no time reset is possible //= A maximum of 200 WoE times can be set, if that is even possible ;) //= Added in v1.5 //= Change day setting to a menu call, more GUI this way //= You can choose for the WoE to last between days //= IE, Sat 23 till Sun 01, is now possible //= Not even the normal WoE script can do this (by dafault) //= Removed the need for disabling the normal agit_event //= 1.5a Applied Playtester's fix. [Vicious] //============================================================ prontera,162,194,5 script WoE Setter 806,{ mes "[Woe Setter]"; if(getgmlevel()<99) goto L_NotGM; mes "Welcome, I can set WoE times for you"; mes "Simply follow the intruction given in each section after this, and it should be set and ready to use"; next; mes "[Woe Setter]"; mes "Now the fun starts"; mes "Please select what you want to do"; next; menu "Add a WoE time",L_Add,"Reset All WoE times",L_Reset,"View Current WoE times",-; mes "[Woe Setter]"; mes "Ok currently you have WoE times set for:-"; set @num,0; L_LoopList: if($sday[@num] == 0 && $eday[@num] == 0 && $woetime[@num] == 0 && $woetime2[@num] == 0) goto L_LoopListEnd; if($sday[@num]==0) set $@tempday$,"Sunday"; if($sday[@num]==1) set $@tempday$,"Monday"; if($sday[@num]==2) set $@tempday$,"Tuesday"; if($sday[@num]==3) set $@tempday$,"Wednesday"; if($sday[@num]==4) set $@tempday$,"Thursday"; if($sday[@num]==5) set $@tempday$,"Friday"; if($sday[@num]==6) set $@tempday$,"Saturday"; if($eday[@num]==0) set $@tempday2$,"Sunday"; if($eday[@num]==1) set $@tempday2$,"Monday"; if($eday[@num]==2) set $@tempday2$,"Tuesday"; if($eday[@num]==3) set $@tempday2$,"Wednesday"; if($eday[@num]==4) set $@tempday2$,"Thursday"; if($eday[@num]==5) set $@tempday2$,"Friday"; if($eday[@num]==6) set $@tempday2$,"Saturday"; if($eday[@num]==$sday[@num]) mes $@tempday$+" from "+$woetime[@num]+":00 till "+$woetime2[@num]+":00"; if($eday[@num]!=$sday[@num]) mes "From "+$@tempday$+" "+$woetime[@num]+":00 till "+$@tempday2$+" "+$woetime2[@num]+":00"; set @num,@num+1; goto L_LoopList; L_LoopListEnd: close; L_Add: set @num,0; L_AddLoop: if($sday[@num] == 0 && $eday[@num] == 0 && $woetime[@num] == 0 && $woetime2[@num] == 0) goto L_AddLoopEnd; set @num,@num+1; goto L_AddLoop; L_AddLoopEnd: mes "[Woe Setter]"; mes "What day do you want the WoE to start ^FF0000start^000000 in?"; next; menu "Sunday",-,"Monday",-,"Tuesday",-,"Wednesday",-,"Thursday",-,"Friday",-,"Saturday",-; if(@menu==1) set $sday[@num],0; if(@menu==2) set $sday[@num],1; if(@menu==3) set $sday[@num],2; if(@menu==4) set $sday[@num],3; if(@menu==5) set $sday[@num],4; if(@menu==6) set $sday[@num],5; if(@menu==7) set $sday[@num],6; mes "[Woe Setter]"; mes "Ok, now please enter the hour you wish the WoE to ^FF0000start^000000 at"; mes "This is using a 24 hour clock"; mes "00 = Midnight"; mes "12 = Mid-day"; mes "23 = 11pm"; next; input @input; if (@input < 0 || @input > 24) goto L_BadNumber; set $woetime[@num],@input; mes "[Woe Setter]"; mes "What day do you want the WoE to start ^FF0000finish^000000 in?"; next; menu "Same as start",-,"Sunday",-,"Monday",-,"Tuesday",-,"Wednesday",-,"Thursday",-,"Friday",-,"Saturday",-; if(@menu==1) set $eday[@num],$sday[@num]; if(@menu==2) set $eday[@num],0; if(@menu==3) set $eday[@num],1; if(@menu==4) set $eday[@num],2; if(@menu==5) set $eday[@num],3; if(@menu==6) set $eday[@num],4; if(@menu==7) set $eday[@num],5; if(@menu==8) set $eday[@num],6; mes "[Woe Setter]"; mes "Ok, now please enter the hour you wish the WoE to ^FF0000finish^000000 at"; mes "This also uses the 24 hour clock"; mes "00 = Midnight"; mes "12 = Mid-day"; mes "23 = 11pm"; next; input @input; if (@input < 0 || @input > 24) goto L_BadNumber; set $woetime2[@num],@input; mes "[Woe Setter]"; mes "You WoE time has now been set"; mes "To confirm this, ask me to show you the ^FF0000'View Current WoE times'^000000"; close; L_Reset: mes "[Woe Setter]"; mes "You are about to reset all the set WoE times you have created"; mes "Are you sure?"; next; menu "No, what was I thinking",L_No,"Yes I really want to do it",-; if(agitcheck()) goto L_WoEOn; deletearray $sday[0],200; deletearray $eday[0],200; deletearray $woetime[0],200; deletearray $woetime2[0],200; mes "[Woe Setter]"; mes "They are all gone now, please remember to set new ones"; close; L_WoEOn: mes "[Woe Setter]"; mes "Sorry since there is a WoE in progress you cannot reset the WoE times"; close; L_No: mes "[Woe Setter]"; mes "Oh, good, come back whenever"; close; L_NotGM: mes "The current WoE times are :-"; set @num,0; goto L_LoopList; end; L_BadNumber: mes "[Woe Setter]"; mes "Sorry that was an invalid number, please try again"; close; } - script Agit_Event2 -1,{ end; OnInit: disablenpc "Agit_Event"; OnMinute00: OnAgitInit: // starting time check set $@num,0; L_StartLoop: if($sday[$@num] == 0 && $eday[$@num] == 0 && $woetime[$@num] == 0 && $woetime2[$@num] == 0) goto L_StartLoopEnd; if(gettime(4)==$sday[$@num] && gettime(3)>=$woetime[$@num] && (gettime(3)<$woetime2[$@num] || $sday[$@num]!=$eday[$@num])) goto L_Start; set $@num,$@num+1; goto L_StartLoop; // end time checks L_StartLoopEnd: set $@num,0; L_EndLoop: if($eday[$@num] == 0 && $woetime[$@num] == 0 && $woetime2[$@num] == 0) end; if((gettime(4)==$eday[$@num]) && (gettime(3)==$woetime2[$@num])) goto L_End; set $@num,$@num+1; goto L_EndLoop; end; // Stop WoE L_End: if(!agitcheck()) end; Announce "The War Of Emperium is over!",8; AgitEnd; end; // Start WoE L_Start: if(agitcheck()) end; Announce "The War Of Emperium has begun!",8; AgitStart; end; }