Banu Fill Banu's empty water bottle. Banu Fetch Banu a Knife from the market. Banu Complete Celestia's Groceries Celestia needs the following items for her tea party: %%E 100 [@@509|@@] %%E 50 [@@512|@@] Quest Giver: Celestia. Reward: Unknown. Celestia's Groceries You helped Celestia by bringing her groceries. Quest Giver: Celestia. Reward: [@@1196|@@], 10,000 GP, 20,000 EXP. Protect the children Celestia wants you to ##Bkill 200 yetis##b. Quest Giver: Celestia. Reward: Unknown. |░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░| Protect the children Celestia wants you to ##Bkill 200 yetis##b. Quest Giver: Celestia. Reward: Unknown. |█░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░| Protect the children Celestia wants you to ##Bkill 200 yetis##b. Quest Giver: Celestia. Reward: Unknown. |██░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░| Protect the children Celestia wants you to ##Bkill 200 yetis##b. Quest Giver: Celestia. Reward: Unknown. |███░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░| Protect the children Celestia wants you to ##Bkill 200 yetis##b. Quest Giver: Celestia. Reward: Unknown. |████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░| Protect the children Celestia wants you to ##Bkill 200 yetis##b. Quest Giver: Celestia. Reward: Unknown. |█████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░| Protect the children Celestia wants you to ##Bkill 200 yetis##b. Quest Giver: Celestia. Reward: Unknown. |██████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░| Protect the children Celestia wants you to ##Bkill 200 yetis##b. Quest Giver: Celestia. Reward: Unknown. |███████░░░░░░░░░░░░░| Protect the children Celestia wants you to ##Bkill 200 yetis##b. Quest Giver: Celestia. Reward: Unknown. |████████░░░░░░░░░░░░| Protect the children Celestia wants you to ##Bkill 200 yetis##b. Quest Giver: Celestia. Reward: Unknown. |█████████░░░░░░░░░░░| Protect the children Celestia wants you to ##Bkill 200 yetis##b. Quest Giver: Celestia. Reward: Unknown. |██████████░░░░░░░░░░| Protect the children Celestia wants you to ##Bkill 200 yetis##b. Quest Giver: Celestia. Reward: Unknown. |███████████░░░░░░░░░| Protect the children Celestia wants you to ##Bkill 200 yetis##b. Quest Giver: Celestia. Reward: Unknown. |████████████░░░░░░░░| Protect the children Celestia wants you to ##Bkill 200 yetis##b. Quest Giver: Celestia. Reward: Unknown. |█████████████░░░░░░░| Protect the children Celestia wants you to ##Bkill 200 yetis##b. Quest Giver: Celestia. Reward: Unknown. |██████████████░░░░░░| Protect the children Celestia wants you to ##Bkill 200 yetis##b. Quest Giver: Celestia. Reward: Unknown. |███████████████░░░░░| Protect the children Celestia wants you to ##Bkill 200 yetis##b. Quest Giver: Celestia. Reward: Unknown. |████████████████░░░░| Protect the children Celestia wants you to ##Bkill 200 yetis##b. Quest Giver: Celestia. Reward: Unknown. |█████████████████░░░| Protect the children Celestia wants you to ##Bkill 200 yetis##b. Quest Giver: Celestia. Reward: Unknown. |██████████████████░░| Protect the children Celestia wants you to ##Bkill 200 yetis##b. Quest Giver: Celestia. Reward: Unknown. |███████████████████░| Protect the children You killed 200 yetis. You should report back to Celestia. Quest Giver: Celestia. Reward: Unknown. Protect the children Celestia rewarded you for your efforts. Quest Giver: Celestia. Reward: [@@677|@@] or 150,000 GP. Soup Bernard needs a Roasted Maggot Soup Brought Bernard Roasted Maggot Soup 2nd part Bernard needs 3 Maggot Slimes Soup 2nd part Brought Bernard 3 Maggot Slimes Slime Bring Mikhail 5 Maggot Slimes Slime Brought Mikhail 5 Maggot Slimes