#! /usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2018~2020 TMW-2 # Author: Jesusalva # Note: This will "force" completion to 100%. Use review system! import copy, datetime import polib, yaml defaultLang = "en" rootPath = "../../site/i18n/" langs=[] files={} originals={} tm=["","\n"] # Search for array[?]==search in an array of dicts # Returns the dictionary, or returns "ERROR" def dl_search(array, search): for key in array.keys(): if array[key] == search: return key return "ERROR" # For headers def currentdate(): dt=datetime.datetime.now() day=dt.timetuple()[2] month=dt.timetuple()[1] year=dt.timetuple()[0] hour=dt.timetuple()[3] minute=dt.timetuple()[4] #second=5 #weekday=6 #yearday=7 return "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d-0300" % (year, month, day, hour, minute) def init(): global defaultLang, rootPath, langs, files, originals, tm # Populate langs o=open("langs.txt", "r") for i in o: langs.append(i.replace('\n','')) o.close() # Create the original file f=open(rootPath+defaultLang+".yml", "r") originals=yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) # Dictionary f.close() # We don't care with metadata del originals["language_meta"] # Create each language's template for i in langs: files[str(i)]=copy.copy(originals) """ # Do the reading for each language for i in langs: f=open(rootpath+i+".yml", "r") files[str(i)]=yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) # Dictionary f.close() """ # [OK] Returns name from language code def lgname(lg): if lg == "en": return "English" elif lg == "pt-BR": return "Português (Brasil)" elif lg == "de": return "Deutsch" elif lg == "fr": return "François" elif lg == "es": return "Español" else: return "Unknown %s" % lg # [OK] Entry def poentry(org, ttl): return polib.POEntry(msgid=org, msgstr=ttl) # Creates/Loads stuff def generatePoFiles(): global tm context=copy.copy(langs) context.append('en') for lg in context: print("Updating po file for "+lg) po=polib.POFile() po.metadata = { 'Project-Id-Version': '1.0', 'Report-Msgid-Bugs-To': 'dev@tmw2.org', 'POT-Creation-Date': currentdate(), 'PO-Revision-Date': currentdate(), 'Last-Translator': 'TMW2 Team ', 'MIME-Version': '1.0', 'Content-Type': 'text/plain; charset=utf-8', 'Content-Transfer-Encoding': '8bit', } for key, speech in originals.items(): if lg == "en": po.append(poentry(speech, "")) else: po.append(poentry(speech, files[lg][key])) po.save("po/%s.po" % lg) context.remove('en') # [OK] Reads Po Files def readPoFile(lg): try: po=polib.pofile("po/"+lg+".po") except: a=open("po/"+lg+".po", "w") a.close() print("%s.po does not exist, not reading" % lg) return print("%s Progress: %d%%" % (lgname(lg), po.percent_translated())) for entry in po: #print("%s = %s" % (entry.msgid, entry.msgstr)) if entry.msgstr != "": dest=dl_search(files[lg], entry.msgid) #print("[+] %s" % dest) files[lg][dest]=entry.msgstr else: dest=dl_search(files[lg], entry.msgid) print("%s.%s IS EMPTY" % (lg, dest)) files[lg][dest]=originals[dest] # [OK] Save the new YML file def writeLocal(lg): f=open(rootPath+lg+".yml", 'w') f.write("# THIS FILE WAS GENERATED AUTOMATICALLY\n#EDITING IT WILL HAVE NO EFFECT\n\n") files[lg]["language_meta"]={"code": lg, "name": lgname(lg)} yaml.dump(files[lg], f) f.close() # Mainframe: setup init() # Save translations to their YML files for lg in langs: readPoFile(lg) writeLocal(lg) # Mainframe: handle PO files generatePoFiles()