#! /usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2018 TMW-2 # Author: Jesusalva import os defaultLang = "en" rootPath = "../../web/" langs=[] files={} originals={} tm=["","\n"] def invalidline(line, filx="none"): return (line.startswith("include ") or line.startswith("") or "
" in line or "iframe" in line or "header" in filx or (line.startswith("

") and line.endswith("

\n")) or (line.startswith("

") and line.endswith("

\n")) or (line.startswith("
") and line.endswith("\n")) or
") and line.endswith("\n")) or line.replace('\n','') == "") # Populates the basic arrays def populate(): # Populate langs o=open("langs.txt", "r") for i in o: langs.append(i.replace('\n','')) o.close() # Populate files for i in os.listdir(rootPath): if i.endswith(".php.en"): print("Valid file: "+str(i)) files[i]={} for x in langs: files[i][x]={} #print(str(files)) # Creates/Loads stuff def genreadPoFile(): for a in langs: print("Reading translations for "+a) for i in files: readPoFile(i,a) def generatePoFiles(): global tm context=langs context.append('en') for a in langs: print("Updating po file for "+a) xrv=open("po/"+a+".po", "w") # Prints header xrv.write('\ # Copyright (C) 2018 TMW2\n\ #\n\ \n\ msgid ""\n\ msgstr ""\n\ "Project-Id-Version: TMW2\\n"\n\ "MIME-Version: 1.0\\n"\n\ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\n"\n\ "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\\n"\n\ \n\ ') xrv.close() tm=[""] for i in files: writePoFile(i,a) context.remove('en') def generateLocal(): for a in langs: print("generating local file for "+a) for i in files: writeLocal(i,a) # Write po files. TODO: WARNING: Some translations are getting overriden! def writePoFile(nf,lg): # Translation Memory, to prevent duplicates global tm a=open("po/"+lg+".po", "a") f=open(rootPath+nf, "r") for line in f: if line in tm or invalidline(line, nf): continue else: tm.append(line) a.write("#, no-c-format\n") a.write('msgid "%s"\n' % line.replace('\n', '').replace('"','\\"')) try: if files[nf][lg][line.replace('\n', '')] != line.replace('\n', '') and files[nf][lg][line.replace('\n', '')] != "": a.write('msgstr "%s"\n' % files[nf][lg][line.replace('\n', '')].replace('\n','').replace('"','\\"')) else: a.write('msgstr "%s"\n' % "") except KeyError: a.write('msgstr "%s"\n' % "") a.write('\n') a.close() # Reads Po Files def readPoFile(nf, lg): try: a=open("po/"+lg+".po", "r") except: a=open("po/"+lg+".po", "w") a.close() a=open("po/"+lg+".po", "r") ctx="" for line in a: if "msgid " in line: ctx=line.replace('"\n','').replace('\\"','"').replace('msgid "', "") if "msgstr " in line and ctx != "": if line != 'msgstr ""\n': files[nf][lg][ctx]=line.replace('"\n', '').replace('\\"','"').replace('msgstr "', "") else: files[nf][lg][ctx]=ctx ctx="" a.close() def writeLocal(nf, lg): a=open(rootPath+nf[:-2]+lg, 'w') b=open(rootPath+nf, 'r') for line in b: try: a.write(files[nf][lg][line.replace('\n', '')]) a.write('\n') except KeyError: a.write(line) b.close() a.close() # Mainframe: populate arrays populate() # Mainframe: handle PO files genreadPoFile() generatePoFiles() generateLocal()