
Actual Release: 13.0 The Fortress Town
Welcome to TMW-2: Moubootaur Legends!
By playing you agree and abide to the Terms of Service, available at:
Last ToS update: 2018-06-21

Our Staff will never ask for your password. You are the sole responsible for
its safety! You can contact a GM with @request or calling one at #world.
Please enjoy our server, and have fun!
(If you want, it's possible to skip music download under Settings > Audio)

Latest release: 2021-01-16
Never miss a release! Follow our Discord Channel!

After 12.5 being extended four times (+1, +2, +3 and +4), we are proud to
announce release 13.0, The Fortress Town, which is the endgame town,
and last civilized area of Moubootaur Legends.

Following up 12.5+4, we have updated all gift lists, besides optimizing some
code and fixing several bugs (while creating a thousand new ones just because)
We have also extended Candor difficulty modes and added a new map ailment
called "Cursed Lands", which can be found in Candor Underground.

The spotlight of this release is the release of Fortress Town.
Join with the world hero and retake the town from monsters, before they invade!
Take this chance to attempt to raid the Impregnable Fortress, and enjoy the
Alliance's support with the best craftsmasters in the world!
Learn a little more about the world, and march toward - or away - the place
from where the Monster King rules over all the world.

Ready to become a Moubootaur Legend now?
TMW2 Team

We want to express our gratitude here to Saulc, Woody, Sharli and Povo, for sponsoring this server.
And by last, our gratitude to every developer and contributor who made this


Translators are always welcome.
This is a beta. Bugs and balance errors are everywhere. Please send us feedback on
#world channel so we can keep improving (and rewarding players for that).

Enjoy gaming, and leave feedback!

-- Your TMW2 Team
January 2021

You can check out this page for older entries:


Actual Release: 12.5 The Pinkie Sovereign
Welcome to TMW-2: Moubootaur Legends!
By playing you agree and abide to the Terms of Service, available at:
Last ToS update: 2018-06-21

Our Staff will never ask for your password. You are the sole responsible for
its safety! You can contact a GM with @request or calling one at #world.
Please enjoy our server, and have fun!
(If you want, it's possible to skip music download under Settings > Audio)

Latest release: 2020-10-02
Never miss a release! Follow our Discord Channel!

This is 12.5 The Pinkie Sovereign update.
As announced on our Patreon, this is a small
update, born in cooperation with The Mana World staff.

Previously, in 12.4+1 (Sep 1st), we fixed thousand of bugs, and extended
Candor Battle, as well as adding an event just for it.
We also improved Research Points, so using the skill lower the RP cost.

In 12.5, we added a proof of concept gambler for Land Of Fire.
Several bugfixes were made (including in the server engine code, eugh)
The alchemy table can now produce recipes in bulk, as a preparative for
the alchemy rewrite which will eventually happen, sooner or later.

Level cap was Raised to 130 (no changes to job level).
Finally, a new high level map area was added: The Pinkie Domains.
Be careful, though : Pinkies exposed to the Monster King evilness are
#0 extremely vicious!
This is experimental and bugs may happen - a lot of them, actually.

Ready to become a Moubootaur Legend now?
TMW2 Team

We want to express our gratitude here to Saulc, Woody and Sharli, for sponsoring this server.
And by last, our gratitude to every developer and contributor who made this
Shout out for Micksha and Hocus from The Mana World. Thanks for assistance o/


Translators are always welcome.
This is a beta. Bugs and balance errors are everywhere. Please send us feedback on
#world channel so we can keep improving (and rewarding players for that).

Enjoy gaming, and leave feedback!

-- Your TMW2 Team
October 2020

You can check out this page for older entries:


Actual Release: 12.4 Extra Credit
Welcome to TMW-2: Moubootaur Legends!
By playing you agree and abide to the Terms of Service, available at:
Last ToS update: 2018-06-21

Our Staff will never ask for your password. You are the sole responsible for
its safety! You can contact a GM with @request or calling one at #world.
Please enjoy our server, and have fun!
(If you want, it's possible to skip music download under Settings > Audio)

Latest release: 2020-08-01
Never miss a release! Follow our Discord Channel!

The main goal was to revert two major regressions from 12.2 related to skills.
The other regression - Casino Coins exchange being removed - wasn't addressed.

Candor Battle was tweaked, and so was crafting. Explore a New Quest
but don't forget to duck when time comes! Town Admins can now exile
players from their towns, which will be unable to touch the Soul Menhirs.
This is experimental and bugs may happen - a lot of them, actually.

Several bugs were added, and it is so hot, that I think a new dungeon
might have been added by "accident"! Bring cold water if you hope to survive.
Last but not least, the Jesusaves' Grimorium gained even more useful info.

Ready to become a Moubootaur Legend now?
TMW2 Team

We want to express our gratitude here to Saulc, Woody and Sharli, for sponsoring this server.
And by last, our gratitude to every developer and contributor who made this


Translators are always welcome.
This is a beta. Bugs and balance errors are everywhere. Please send us feedback on
#world channel so we can keep improving (and rewarding players for that).

Enjoy gaming, and leave feedback!

-- Your TMW2 Team
August 2020

You can check out this page for older entries:


Actual Release: 12.2 Magic Academy Update
Welcome to TMW-2: Moubootaur Legends!
By playing you agree and abide to the Terms of Service, available at:
Last ToS update: 2018-06-21

Our Staff will never ask for your password. You are the sole responsible for
its safety! You can contact a GM with @request or calling one at #world.
Please enjoy our server, and have fun!
(If you want, it's possible to skip music download under Settings > Audio)

Latest release: 2020-07-03
Never miss a release! Follow our Discord Channel!

This is a big release full of bugs and regressions. Skills cannot be leveled up
nor forgotten, which are the major regressions on this release.
Other regressions Casino Coins exchange being removed.

Tolchi was reworked, along defense, criticals, magic, elements, monster points,
drops, crafting, weight, attack speed and others.
Several bugs from earlier releases was squashed, and rewards for some coop
quests was improved. The spotlight is magic update.

Killing the Injuried Mouboo will prevent summoning skills from working, but
will also give you MSP. A new quest was added on Duck Elder - if you can find.

Refined Weapons will come with a built-in skill, Weapon Overload. Shine bright!
Earth Powder can be found in treasure maps, and PinCodes can be set.
Crafting for chestmails and pants was added.

Come meet us, and become a Moubootaur Legend!
TMW2 Team

We want to express our gratitude here to Saulc, Woody and Sharli, for sponsoring this server.
And by last, our gratitude to every developer and contributor who made this


Translators are always welcome.
This is a beta. Bugs and balance errors are everywhere. Please send us feedback on
#world channel so we can keep improving (and rewarding players for that).

Enjoy gaming, and leave feedback!

-- Your TMW2 Team
July 2020

You can check out this page for older entries:


Actual Release: 12.1 Aurora Events Framework
Welcome to TMW-2: Moubootaur Legends!
By playing you agree and abide to the Terms of Service, available at:
Last ToS update: 2018-06-21

Our Staff will never ask for your password. You are the sole responsible for
its safety! You can contact a GM with @request or calling one at #world.
Please enjoy our server, and have fun!
(If you want, it's possible to skip music download under Settings > Audio)

Latest release: 2020-05-23
Never miss a release! Follow our Discord Channel!

This is a somewhat big release. Several bugs on 12.0 were fixed.
Criticals were changed in a few items, requires even further testing.
Heroes Hold final reward (with Dustman) can now be claimed.
New rares were added, platinum quiver price was fixed, max level cap was raised
and a new forgetful NPC was added.

But the great spotlight of 12.1 is the Aurora Events Framework.
A new NPC in Tulimshar, called Aurora, will be coordinating them.
Every monday, at 00:00, unless an annual event is scheduled, a random event
will start. By the way, she will also handle a few annual events.

Strange Coin items are now being handled by her events, as originally intented.
Boss will no longer drop them, with rare exceptions being allowed.
But a new gift box, and even a rare, was added to them.

Prove your might, and become the World's Hero on the ranked events!
And don't forget the game might still be full of bugs D: Report them all!

Come meet us, and become a Moubootaur Legend!
TMW2 Team

We want to express our gratitude here to Saulc, Woody and Sharli, for sponsoring this server.
And by last, our gratitude to every developer and contributor who made this


Translators are always welcome.
This is a beta. Bugs and balance errors are everywhere. Please send us feedback on
#world channel so we can keep improving (and rewarding players for that).

Enjoy gaming, and leave feedback!

-- Your TMW2 Team
May 2020

You can check out this page for older entries:


Actual Release: 12.0 The Legend of Micksha
Welcome to TMW-2: Moubootaur Legends!
By playing you agree and abide to the Terms of Service, available at:
Last ToS update: 2018-06-21

Our Staff will never ask for your password. You are the sole responsible for
its safety! You can contact a GM with @request or calling one at #world.
Please enjoy our server, and have fun!
(If you want, it's possible to skip music download under Settings > Audio)

Latest release: 2020-05-04
Never miss a release! Follow our Discord Channel!

I can't believe I skipped writing news for 11.1, 11.2, 11.3 and 11.4 release.
But I've been too busy, and these were really minor releases.
Anyway, if you're reading this from website: We're still alive! \o/
There's a new Daily Quest in Tulimshar as well, talk to Eugene for money :>

Bugfixes, as usual, are the charriot of our releases %%g But we also have new
contents. We've improved rebirth, and you're now able to change your race
after it! Not only that, but when creating a human char, you'll also be able
to create it with a tan. (This is experimental and subject to be removed later)

Do you know the huge castle in the path to Land Of Fire Village? That's Kamelot.
In there, King Arthur the Micksha is waiting for a guild strong enough,
to defeat the evil which looms its basement...

Guild skills were also added, as well as several other minor tweaks.
Two handed swords and spears no longer inflict the dextry malus - Spears even
increase your hit chance! Does not applies to scythes, lightsabers, etc.

A new potion which makes you auto-revive has been added, and Elixir of Life
will also have this effect for a while. Splash Damage can now be added on armor
if you're very lucky, and it'll stack, but each will lower damage in 15%.
If you don't use splash damage as a splash attack, you'll be considerably weaker.
More vaults were added for the thief class as well, and a new quest in Hurns.

Sorry that we need to nerf things to make the game more balanced.
The better balance it have, the more strategy and hopefully, more enjoyable.
PS. A bug with Tolchi Special Requests has been squashed. Day/Night will also
players MaxHP and heal them fully because... the bug.

Come meet us, and become a Moubootaur Legend!
TMW2 Team

We want to express our gratitude here to Saulc, Woody and Sharli, for sponsoring this server.
And by last, our gratitude to every developer and contributor who made this


Translators are always welcome.
This is a beta. Bugs and balance errors are everywhere. Please send us feedback on
#world channel so we can keep improving (and rewarding players for that).

Enjoy gaming, and leave feedback!

-- Your TMW2 Team
May 2020

You can check out this page for older entries:


Actual Release: 11.2 We've skipped 11.1 release
Welcome to TMW-2: Moubootaur Legends!
By playing you agree and abide to the Terms of Service, available at:
Last ToS update: 2018-06-21

Our Staff will never ask for your password. You are the sole responsible for
its safety! You can contact a GM with @request or calling one at #world.
Please enjoy our server, and have fun!
(If you want, it's possible to skip music download under Settings > Audio)

Latest release: 2020-02-29
Never miss a release! Follow our Discord Channel!

I know, I've skipped release 11.1 - I mean, I had to push it three times.
Didn't got enough time to write changelog for it earlier.

Among several bugfixes for this beta has no end to its bugs, and routine
translation update, we've finished PvP Honor System. We gave an overhaul
in how tutorial~ish messages are handled, you can now enable/disable them on
@ucp. (If you disable them, Nard will allow you to skip part of his
quest). Among Lore Adjustments, We redid Lua's Quest. Hopefully it'll
be more enjoyable. Heavy Armor also boosts HP (we need to update item descript)

Tulimshar Daily Quests payments were fixed, and Candor Cave was redone
with area level in mind. A new monster was added.
A new lightsaber weapon is available for crafting, and thiefs can now, maybe,
escape the police.
Ah! Warp Crystals will break less often now and potions last longer.

If you have any questions or whatsoever, do NOT hesit in calling us, but be
warned that due Real Life constraints, we might be long to respond.

Come meet us, and become a Moubootaur Legend!
TMW2 Team

We want to express our gratitude here to Saulc, Woody and Sharli, for sponsoring this server.
And by last, our gratitude to every developer and contributor who made this


Translators are always welcome.
This is a beta. Bugs and balance errors are everywhere. Please send us feedback on
#world channel so we can keep improving (and rewarding players for that).

Enjoy gaming, and leave feedback!

-- Your TMW2 Team
February 2020

You can check out this page for older entries:


Actual Release: 11.0 Welcome New Players
Welcome to TMW-2: Moubootaur Legends!
By playing you agree and abide to the Terms of Service, available at:
Last ToS update: 2018-06-21

Our Staff will never ask for your password. You are the sole responsible for
its safety! You can contact a GM with @request or calling one at #world.
Please enjoy our server, and have fun!
(If you want, it's possible to skip music download under Settings > Audio)

Latest release: 2020-01-31
Never miss a release! Follow our Discord Channel!

I know, most recent updates had no major changes.
This one is mostly meant for new players, and it is release 11!

Among several bugfixes for this beta has no end to its bugs, and routine
translation update, we present a new quest for the AFK-set.
Day/Night Cycle was improved: At day monsters are weaker, at night they
are more rewarding and respawn faster. There's also the PvP Hall Of Honor
as now players will receive honor points for killing players stronger than them
- And by strong I don't mean only level. All Helmets recipes are now
available, and Tolchi learnt a few... Useful tricks on tweaking items!
And yes, these tricks are powerful for new players. Seniors can now welcome
anyone starting on the game with @welcome command, which will warp them.

The main objective of this release was to help players on the early game,
which can be particularly difficult. Also, less important, but Sponsors are
gaining a jukebox command which allows them to change the music they listen.
Oh please, no complaining. You can just mute the game music and hear something
else on your favorite music player anyway, that is only more convenient >.<

If you have any questions or whatsoever, do NOT hesit in calling us, but be
warned that due Real Life constraints, we might be long to respond.

Come meet us, and become a Moubootaur Legend!
TMW2 Team

We want to express our gratitude here to Saulc, Woody and Sharli, for sponsoring this server.
And by last, our gratitude to every developer and contributor who made this


Translators are always welcome.
This is a beta. Bugs and balance errors are everywhere. Please send us feedback on
#world channel so we can keep improving (and rewarding players for that).

Enjoy gaming, and leave feedback!

-- Your TMW2 Team
January 2020

You can check out this page for older entries:


Actual Release: 10.6 Running out of Release Names
Welcome to TMW-2: Moubootaur Legends!
By playing you agree and abide to the Terms of Service, available at:
Last ToS update: 2018-06-21

Our Staff will never ask for your password. You are the sole responsible for
its safety! You can contact a GM with @request or calling one at #world.
Please enjoy our server, and have fun!
(If you want, it's possible to skip music download under Settings > Audio)

Latest release: 2020-01-16
Never miss a release! Follow our Discord Channel!

This is a routine update. As usual, I try to make updates when there is no
one around and thus, I always take a long time to write changelogs >.<

Added new dragon drop, Dragonfruit. Two new Grand Hunter Quests were
added: Bats and Ducks. Minor internal adjustments for our new GM,
seeds. Refactor Pickaxe Quest, it is less secret now. The reward of
Kreist Bounties will now scale based on completed bounties count.
This was done without a roof limit, so enjoy. Some monsters respawn
time was shortened, Tyranny was fixed, max stats went from 101 to 102,
Bullets batches now produce much more, you can now acquire mercenaries
in Nivalis (alpha), Bracco is still bad, shields give more MaxHP, and all
Legendary Weapons can now be tweaked. (They're not craftable, ofc)

Seriously, this release is only because dangerDuck and seeds
decided to contribute some stuff for this game. And as new stuff can't get
in without a release, here we go. Another release. Enjoy!

If you have any questions or whatsoever, do NOT hesit in calling us, but be
warned that due Real Life constraints, we might be long to respond.

Come meet us, and become a Moubootaur Legend!
TMW2 Team

We want to express our gratitude here to Saulc, Woody and Sharli, for sponsoring this server.
And by last, our gratitude to every developer and contributor who made this


Translators are always welcome.
This is a beta. Bugs and balance errors are everywhere. Please send us feedback on
#world channel so we can keep improving (and rewarding players for that).

Enjoy gaming, and leave feedback!

-- Your TMW2 Team
January 2020

You can check out this page for older entries:


Actual Release: 10.5 A New Year
Welcome to TMW-2: Moubootaur Legends!
By playing you agree and abide to the Terms of Service, available at:
Last ToS update: 2018-06-21

Our Staff will never ask for your password. You are the sole responsible for
its safety! You can contact a GM with @request or calling one at #world.
Please enjoy our server, and have fun!
(If you want, it's possible to skip music download under Settings > Audio)

Latest release: 2020-01-01
Never miss a release! Follow our Discord Channel!

This is a routine update to celebrate New Year.

Heaven is the first player to announce completion of
and this release adds the Fluffy pet to him.

We also fixed several bugs, and rewrote entirely Bracco, from Nivalis
Meltdown Forge. Except when Mass Melting, normal melting should not have the
bugs from past of indiscriminate item deletion.
Also, Blacksmith Axe was improved - It not only can be tweaked freely, but
it can hold two cards and attack scales. We also improved the AFK Zone
on Tulimshar; You can now get exp by idling up to 30 min - this goes up to 2h.
Be warned, though: Even AFK'ing is a profession on ML. Being the AF King will
require a lot of skill if you ever want this title.

Come meet us, and become a Moubootaur Legend!
TMW2 Team

We want to express our gratitude here to Saulc, Woody and Sharli, for sponsoring this server.
And by last, our gratitude to every developer and contributor who made this


Translators are always welcome.
This is a beta. Bugs and balance errors are everywhere. Please send us feedback on
#world channel so we can keep improving (and rewarding players for that).

Enjoy gaming, and leave feedback!

-- Your TMW2 Team
January 2020

You can check out this page for older entries:


Actual Release: 10.4 Routine Maintenance
Welcome to TMW-2: Moubootaur Legends!
By playing you agree and abide to the Terms of Service, available at:
Last ToS update: 2018-06-21

Our Staff will never ask for your password. You are the sole responsible for
its safety! You can contact a GM with @request or calling one at #world.
Please enjoy our server, and have fun!
(If you want, it's possible to skip music download under Settings > Audio)

Latest release: 2019-12-12
Never miss a release! Follow our Discord Channel!

You can see #dev-note in Discord for the latest additions.
This is a routine update, the developers have been busy due to Christmas.
Real Life, always getting in the way... :lol:

From Dec 19th to Jan 2nd we'll be holding our Christmas event.
Use @toevent to visit the Christmas Workshop, and GOOD LUCK!

Also: Bugs were slain, cities now lit up lights during night (WIP!!), more
rares are available at Aeros/Traveler shops, a new reagent was added for new
recipes - shields and gloves require Earth Powder, obtainable only with
Pickaxe-bif-farming. A new game setting was added to @ucp, Town Admins now
have a lot of tax exemptions (and can grant it to others), Blueprints will now
give less duplicate recipes, and a new minor, simple quest was added.
What quest? Where quest? Not even the wiki will help you there; That's our to
know and your to find out! Have fun!

Come meet us, and become a Moubootaur Legend!
TMW2 Team

We want to express our gratitude here to Saulc, Woody and Sharli, for sponsoring this server.
And by last, our gratitude to every developer and contributor who made this


Translators are always welcome.
This is a beta. Bugs and balance errors are everywhere. Please send us feedback on
#world channel so we can keep improving (and rewarding players for that).

Enjoy gaming, and leave feedback!

-- Your TMW2 Team
December 2019

In previous releases: Rebirth, Thanksgiving event, alcohol, balance, bugfixes

You can check out this page for older entries:


Actual Release: 10.3 Adventurers Rebirth
Welcome to TMW-2: Moubootaur Legends!
By playing you agree and abide to the Terms of Service, available at:
Last ToS update: 2018-06-21

Our Staff will never ask for your password. You are the sole responsible for
its safety! You can contact a GM with @request or calling one at #world.
Please enjoy our server, and have fun!
(If you want, it's possible to skip music download under Settings > Audio)

Latest release: 2019-10-28
Never miss a release! Follow our Discord Channel!

You can see #dev-note in Discord for the latest additions.
In this release, players will get access to see how much EXP they're donating
to their guilds. Armor crafts were rebalanced so we can add more recipes,
magic system received an internal rewrite so you can see how long before you
can summon again. Scoreboards now have game stats (like number of slain mobs)
and you can now make Dwarven Sake. If you want to level up with a decent
speed, alcohol is the way to go. (Don't ask, it is not meant to make sense)

From Nov 1st to Nov 30rd we'll be holding our Thanksgiving event.
You will be able to "pick" a random card with awesome prizes once, every day.
The more cards you "pick", the better the rewards will be, so keep logging in!
Also, sieges will be cancelled if no one can react.

Bugs were slain, and Max Level is now 100. Connected to main storyline,
There's a New high level area with a new monster to help you grinding.
And if you grind hard enough, you may Rebirth.

Come meet us, and become a Moubootaur Legend!
TMW2 Team

We want to express our gratitude here to Saulc, Woody and Sharli, for sponsoring this server.
And by last, our gratitude to every developer and contributor who made this


Translators are always welcome.
This is a beta. Bugs and balance errors are everywhere. Please send us feedback on
#world channel so we can keep improving (and rewarding players for that).

Enjoy gaming, and leave feedback!

-- Your TMW2 Team
October 2019

In previous releases: Doppelganger Challenge (Tulimshar Arena), balancing.

You can check out this page for older entries:


Actual Release: 10.0 An Official Release
Welcome to TMW-2: Moubootaur Legends!
By playing you agree and abide to the Terms of Service, available at:
Last ToS update: 2018-06-21

Our Staff will never ask for your password. You are the sole responsible for
its safety! You can contact a GM with @request or calling one at #world.
Please enjoy our server, and have fun!
(If you want, it's possible to skip music download under Settings > Audio)

Latest release: 2019-09-10
Never miss a release! Follow our Discord Channel!

Candidate yourself to Town Administrator Office to get a weekly income,
witness several bugfixes, reset 1-MSP skills in Magic Academy, get level 90,
check out the new balance, craft guild equipment, don't have PVP outside PVP
areas, transmute new items, get rewards for those you've invited, buy goods
from the black market (don't let Saulc find out!), get a Pickaxe to farm,
listen to new music in the new Elenium Mines, refine your equipment with new
items, get more experience on your homunculus, participate on more town sieges,
summon monsters by only 10% of original mana cost, get more money when selling
items with the new thief skill, receive a permanent status boost fruit, see the
new crafting rule, get to Tulimshar Beach in an alternate route, get GP from
mobs if you enable this option, get more EXP/DROP on levelup, and...

NEW on 10.0 Official Release, dispatch your Homunculus in tasks to be
complete while you're AFK/offline (and get loot), visit LoF Townhall, and
participate on Player Story 6 - Witness a secret of mana.
And as the changelog is always endless, use the Teleport Gates, learn a
new recipe on quest, have a stronger shield, leather quiver is cheaper,
and raise your Max stats to 101 for the fun of it!

Come meet us, and become a Moubootaur Legend!
TMW2 Team

We want to express our gratitude here to Saulc and Woody, for sponsoring this server.
And by last, our gratitude to every developer and contributor who made this


Translators are always welcome.
This is a beta. Bugs and balance errors are everywhere. Please send us feedback on
#world channel so we can keep improving (and rewarding players for that).

Enjoy gaming, and leave feedback!

-- Your TMW2 Team
September 2019

You can check out this page for older entries:


Actual Release: 9.5 Academy
Welcome to TMW-2: Moubootaur Legends!
By playing you agree and abide to the Terms of Service, available at:
Last ToS update: 2018-06-21

Our Staff will never ask for your password. You are the sole responsible for
its safety! You can contact a GM with @request or calling one at #world.
Please enjoy our server, and have fun!
(If you want, it's possible to skip music download under Settings > Audio)

Latest release: 2019-08-05
Never miss a release! Follow our Discord Channel!

This is a major release, we update Candor and Magic System as a whole.
Crafting System was also redesigned. Details were on Event Server.

We want to express our gratitude here to Saulc, for sponsoring this server.
And by last, our gratitude to every developer and contributor who made this


Translators are always welcome.
This is a beta. Bugs and balance errors are everywhere. Please send us feedback on
#world channel so we can keep improving (and rewarding players for that).

Enjoy gaming, and leave feedback!

-- Your TMW2 Team
August 2019

You can check out this page for older entries:


Actual Release: 9.4 Balance and Bugfix Patch
Welcome to TMW-2: Moubootaur Legends!
By playing you agree and abide to the Terms of Service, available at:
Last ToS update: 2018-06-21

Our Staff will never ask for your password. You are the sole responsible for
its safety! You can contact a GM with @request or calling one at #world.
Please enjoy our server, and have fun!
(If you want, it's possible to skip music download under Settings > Audio)

Latest release: 2019-07-14
Never miss a release! Follow our Discord Channel!

This minor release (9.4) was not scheduled to happen.
It introduces nothing new (I hope), only fix several bugs in 37 files.

Come meet us, and become a Moubootaur Legend!
TMW2 Team



The biggest event ever promoted by us, we hope to count with support of the
whole community to make it a success. There will NEVER be such event
again, so be warned! Event details can be found here.

It is an Exclusive event happening on our Test Server (port 8901).
Access to registering will be open and access to accounts will be lost before
and after the event.

Event Date: July 20th ~ July 31st (at 20:00 UTC, may have imprecisions)

We want to express our gratitude here to Saulc, for sponsoring this server.
And by last, our gratitude to every developer and contributor who made this


Translators are always welcome.
This is a beta. Bugs and balance errors are everywhere. Please send us feedback on
#world channel so we can keep improving (and rewarding players for that).

Enjoy gaming, and leave feedback!

-- Your TMW2 Team
July 2019

You can check out this page for older entries:


Actual Release: 9.2 Workbench
Welcome to TMW-2: Moubootaur Legends!
By playing you agree and abide to the Terms of Service, available at:
Last ToS update: 2018-06-21

Our Staff will never ask for your password. You are the sole responsible for
its safety! You can contact a GM with @request or calling one at #world.
Please enjoy our server, and have fun!
(If you want, it's possible to skip music download under Settings > Audio)

Latest release: 2019-06-10
Never miss a release! Follow our Discord Channel!

So... I gave up in waiting our fictional playtesters to give feedback.
We're overdue. Thus, we now have 9.2 Workbench right now, instead of later.

We did several fixes, and gave a minor improvement on bolt skills. (Wizard)
The King of Frostia will now grant you an audience, but that is the less
important thing, because the Craftmaster is there, and he is willing to
teach how to craft!

Craft the most powerful weapon in the world with custom bonuses!
Your skill, patience and time are the only things which separate you from total
power! ...And of course, the right blueprint for the equip you want...

Also, did the Blue Sage worries with Sagratha turned out to be founded, or is
Nikolai just an worrywart? Only one way to find out: Embarking on an
Epic Quest! The new content is mostly locked behind the Player Storyline,
which got a minor makeup to be more interesting on early game, but not much.

If you have been following player storyline thus far, you'll have no problems.

Come meet us, and become a Moubootaur Legend!
TMW2 Team

We want to express our gratitude here to Saulc, for sponsoring this server.
And by last, our gratitude to every developer and contributor who made this
possible! Jesusalva, Arthur, Lilanna, Fliqpy/earthwitch et al.


Translators are always welcome.
This is a beta. Bugs and balance errors are everywhere. Please send us feedback on
#world channel so we can keep improving (and rewarding players for that).

Enjoy gaming, and leave feedback!

-- Your TMW2 Team
June 2019

You can check out this page for older entries:


Actual Release: 9.1 Bedtime Stories
Welcome to TMW-2: Moubootaur Legends!
By playing you agree and abide to the Terms of Service, available at:
Last ToS update: 2018-06-21

Our Staff will never ask for your password. You are the sole responsible for
its safety! You can contact a GM with @request or calling one at #world.
Please enjoy our server, and have fun!
(If you want, it's possible to skip music download under Settings > Audio)

Latest release: 2019-05-24
Never miss a release! Follow our Discord Channel!

AFK Cap was not added, but PVP Arena in Tulimshar gained a new challenge.
Please help us taking the UDT Challenge and giving feedback for better PVP. ;-)

Since 9.0 we did several improvements and fixes. Not counting the hotfixes.
The great and most important thing here is Player Story, which will now
continue past Hurnscald and towards Nivalis. The mistery will deepen, but no
spoilers, I'll let you witness it yourself. The Blue Sage Quests are here,
but the reward of one of them will only come in next release - along the next
act in Player Story. It is possible that r10 be a full player story release.

Anyway, new monsters on the wild! For high level players who were getting bored.
Wizard SubClass received care after player feedback, and we did some improvements
on sounds effects. LoF Transcedence Gate is now on town center. Also, you can
now ask Wyara to craft you Return Potions. Thanks for the patience.
On side note: Almost all healing items were redesigned! They don't stack.

Come meet us, and become a Moubootaur Legend!
TMW2 Team

We want to express our gratitude here to Saulc, for sponsoring this server.
And by last, our gratitude to every developer and contributor who made this
possible! Jesusalva, Arthur, Lilanna, Fliqpy/earthwitch et al.


Translators are always welcome.
This is a beta. Bugs and balance errors are everywhere. Please send us feedback on
#world channel so we can keep improving (and rewarding players for that).

Enjoy gaming, and leave feedback!

-- Your TMW2 Team
May 2019

You can check out this page for older entries:


Actual Release: 9.0 The Promised Release
Welcome to TMW-2: Moubootaur Legends!
By playing you agree and abide to the Terms of Service, available at:
Last ToS update: 2018-06-21

Our Staff will never ask for your password. You are the sole responsible for
its safety! You can contact a GM with @request or calling one at #world.
Please enjoy our server, and have fun!
(If you want, it's possible to skip music download under Settings > Audio)

Latest release: 2019-05-04
Never miss a release! Follow our Discord Channel!

AFK Cap was removed from 9.0 scheduled plans so we could push it already.

I gave up in logging everything which happened after the 8.99 JESUSALVA IS LAZY
pseudo-release fiasco. Anyway, if you are wondering why we are bigger than TMW.
We now have a Features Page

Since 8.9 we did several improvements and fixes. Alcohol System should be fixed.
Main World Storyline got a huge spotlight and is now being handled by server.
This have nearly no effect now, but this is part of the grand plan - A world
story which moves without supernatural (ie. GMs) intervention. Players actions
- or lack of them - are the sole responsible to determine how the world story
will unfold, and these changes ensure that is currently happening.

Besides that, Easter and Worker Day events finished without incidents. Nahrec
in LoF can make Chainmails and Platemails. Leather Trousers quest is now
available. Cindy Cave yeti amount was capped. A Mouboo Mod should be available.
New players get an EXP Bonus which can be triggered by talking to Elmo.
Several remasters, and old players can, besides the new quest, redo part from
player story to get some neat goods which are still being worked on.

Come meet us, and become a Moubootaur Legend!
TMW2 Team

We want to express our gratitude here to Saulc, for sponsoring this server.
And by last, our gratitude to every developer and contributor who made this
possible! Jesusalva, Arthur, Saulc et al.


Translators are always welcome.
This is a beta. Bugs and balance errors are everywhere. Please send us feedback on
#world channel so we can keep improving (and rewarding players for that).

Enjoy gaming, and leave feedback!

-- Your TMW2 Team
May 2019

You can check out this page for older entries:


Actual Release: 8.5 - A Place To Spend Vacations
Welcome to TMW-2: Moubootaur Legends!
By playing you agree and abide to the Terms of Service, available at:
Last ToS update: 2018-06-21

Our Staff will never ask for your password. You are the sole responsible for
its safety! You can contact a GM with @request or calling one at #world.
Please enjoy our server, and have fun!
(If you want, it's possible to skip music download under Settings > Audio)

Latest release: 2018-03-19
Never miss a release! Follow our Discord Channel!

What, another minor release. Next release might be 9.0 though, we plan to add
several missing equipment pieces, and this release just give support for that!
We would also like to thanks to our sponsors, Saulc, and to everyone who
found and reported a bug. Now, to content!

Besides a quasi-infinite number of bugfixes our players are very well aware,
This release spotlight is Frostia and Lilit. Two new towns! BUT,
unfortunately for everyone, the NPCs are slowly arriving, meaning it
will be a wasted voyage, unless you are so desesperate to see a new map, I guess...
You'll see some awful maps on the way, because lack of polishing - all of those
will be fixed on next release however.
Another great spotlight is the Guild Hall. It is in the Land Of Fire
Village, and contains the Guild Storage and other amazing guild features.
We also prepare to introduce Alchemy and Smith systems, but meh,
where are the recipes? A good thing we have John H to blame Saulc for us!
Since a while ago, we have Variable EXP depending on monster level difference
to yours. If you kill a strong mob, you'll get more exp! But if you decide
to level up on MAGGOTS, they'll give you less experience, to discourage botting.
which is allowed, as long that not AFK. You can also use @tutorial to
learn the stuff you skipped, Blacksmith Axe was remastered, several quests
were polished and there is a couple of new ones. Lots of Polishing was
done. You can now learn parum as soon as you get magic, there is a crocotree
in tulimshar which looks buggy, Estate Doorbells are working again, Peter
server crashing bug should be dead, and Marius the Bard learnt a
new song, generous contribution of Xanthem. Once we finish these stuff, and
present players release 9.0 hopefully by the end of the month, you'll say: WOW!

Come meet us, and become a Moubootaur Legend!
TMW2 Team


Release 8.4 Can I Live Ingame? Changelog

As the release name suggests, this introduces a Real Estate System, meaning
you can buy a HOUSE ingame for yourself! Assuming you have the money, that is.
Other features include Spring quests which will begin at March 20th.
Lots of extra experience, a new hidden quest in Hurnscald, and the
Central Woodlands map was remapped entirely by Saulc. Bugs? Blame Saulc!
Agostine opened his shop in Nivalis to sell the latest in fashion, and
when finding a few of the Easter Eggs this game have, you'll get Strange
Coins! Also, when using the Hurnscald landbridge, beware with the Flood.
It may flood while you're crossing, and you might be stranded for six minutes
in an island crowded with evil monsters! Oh, but a bonus monster will show up.
You can also make Red Plush Wine, but in some forgotten basement. Also,
Call Of Dusty performance should have improved.

Translators are always welcome.
This is a beta. Bugs and balance errors are everywhere. Please send us feedback on
#world channel so we can keep improving (and rewarding players for that).

We want to express our gratitude here to Saulc, for sponsoring this server.
And by last, our gratitude to every developer and contributor who made this
possible! Jesusalva, Xanthem, Arthur, Crazyfefe, Shab et al.

Enjoy gaming, and leave feedback!

-- Your TMW2 Team
March 2019

You can check out this page for older entries:


Actual Release: 8.4 - Can I Live Ingame?
Welcome to TMW-2: Moubootaur Legends!
By playing you agree and abide to the Terms of Service, available at:
Last ToS update: 2018-06-21

Our Staff will never ask for your password. You are the sole responsible for
its safety! You can contact a GM with @request or calling one at #world.
Please enjoy our server, and have fun!
(If you want, it's possible to skip music download under Settings > Audio)

Latest release: 2018-03-08
Never miss a release! Follow our Discord Channel!

This is a minor release. But what so great could happen in a week?
Well, first and foremost, we needed to do bugfixes. There were lots to fix.
We thank every player who found and reported them. And now, to new content!

As the release name suggests, this introduces a Real Estate System, meaning
you can buy a HOUSE ingame for yourself! Assuming you have the money, that is.
Other features include Spring quests which will begin at March 20th.
Lots of extra experience, a new hidden quest in Hurnscald, and the
Central Woodlands map was remapped entirely by Saulc. Bugs? Blame Saulc!
Agostine opened his shop in Nivalis to sell the latest in fashion, and
when finding a few of the Easter Eggs this game have, you'll get Strange
Coins! Also, when using the Hurnscald landbridge, beware with the Flood.
It may flood while you're crossing, and you might be stranded for six minutes
in an island crowded with evil monsters! Oh, but a bonus monster will show up.
You can also make Red Plush Wine, but in some forgotten basement. Also,
Call Of Dusty performance should have improved.

Come meet us, and become a Moubootaur Legend!
TMW2 Team


Release 8.3 King Arthur Changelog

The Landbridge between Halinarzo and Hurnscald is now there, and the
old cheat of teleport with logout was inhibited. A money duplication bug was
squashed by Xanthem. Bronze Gift can now drop Lockpicks. You can exchange
Leather items for Snake skins for a huge loss. Cindy Quest is now better balanced
after some tests by Micksha, who also improved ore image. Move Speed affecting
items have stronger effect now. Contributor reward table was remastered.
Tier 2 Magic was bugfixed by Crazyfefe. Shotgunners are now even more nasty and
much less buggy. Heroes Hold boss will give more Hero Coins. Maggots,
Scorpions, Fluffies and Mouboo were renammed to Common to make easier
to use @monsterinfo for all players. Tonori Delight is now weaker
and easier to produce. Demure got a Complaints Depto. underground of
Tulimshar Townhall. That's all! Not much, I guess...

Translators are always welcome.
This is a beta. Bugs and balance errors are everywhere. Please send us feedback on
#world channel so we can keep improving (and rewarding players for that).

We want to express our gratitude here to Saulc, for sponsoring this server.
And by last, our gratitude to every developer and contributor who made this
possible! Jesusalva, Xanthem, Arthur, Crazyfefe et al.

Enjoy gaming, and leave feedback!

-- Your TMW2 Team
March 2019

You can check out this page for older entries:


Actual Release: 8.3 - King Arthur
Welcome to TMW-2: Moubootaur Legends!
By playing you agree and abide to the Terms of Service, available at:
Last ToS update: 2018-06-21

Our Staff will never ask for your password. You are the sole responsible for
its safety! You can contact a GM with @request or calling one at #world.
Please enjoy our server, and have fun!
(If you want, it's possible to skip music download under Settings > Audio)

Latest release: 2018-03-01
Never miss a release! Follow our Discord Channel!

This is a minor release.
The Landbridge between Halinarzo and Hurnscald is now there, and the
old cheat of teleport with logout was inhibited. A money duplication bug was
squashed by Xanthem. Bronze Gift can now drop Lockpicks. You can exchange
Leather items for Snake skins for a huge loss. Cindy Quest is now better balanced
after some tests by Micksha, who also improved ore image. Move Speed affecting
items have stronger effect now. Contributor reward table was remastered.
Tier 2 Magic was bugfixed by Crazyfefe. Shotgunners are now even more nasty and
much less buggy. Heroes Hold boss will give more Hero Coins. Maggots,
Scorpions, Fluffies and Mouboo were renammed to Common to make easier
to use @monsterinfo for all players. Tonori Delight is now weaker
and easier to produce. Demure got a Complaints Depto. underground of
Tulimshar Townhall. That's all! Not much, I guess...

Release 8.2(1) Valentine Day Changelog

Relese 8.21 Changelog: New quest to Candor. Other minor fixes.
Use @monsterinfo to learn about a monster!
Use @resyncall to get rid of all lag - it'll even resync the clouds!
Music on Hurnscald city updated. Desert Canyon can be skipped with a shortcut.
Botting may be allowed in certain circumstances, see the rules for info.
Pet system upgraded, and pets may flee from you, KEEP THEM WELL FEED.
Plus a minor change for msawis. It's not relevant for other players.
A Beta Patch was applied and will remain until 2021: Luck increase DRASTICALLY
drop rates. You might fail to kill monsters with a full luck build, though.

Translators are always welcome.
This is a beta. Bugs and balance errors are everywhere. Please send us feedback on
#world channel so we can keep improving (and rewarding players for that).

We want to express our gratitude here to Saulc, for sponsoring this server.
And by last, our gratitude to every developer and contributor who made this
possible! Jesusalva, Xanthem, Arthur, Crazyfefe et al.

Enjoy gaming, and leave feedback!

-- Your TMW2 Team
March 2019

You can check out this page for older entries:


Actual Release: 8.21 - Valentine Day Is Over
Welcome to TMW-2: Moubootaur Legends!
By playing you agree and abide to the Terms of Service, available at:
Last ToS update: 2018-06-21

Our Staff will never ask for your password. You are the sole responsible for
its safety! You can contact a GM with @request or calling one at #world.
Please enjoy our server, and have fun!
(If you want, it's possible to skip music download under Settings > Audio)

Latest release: 2018-02-20 (8.2 Valentine at 2018-02-10)
Never miss a release! Follow our Discord Channel!

Valentine Day begun February 12th 00:00 CET and finished at February 15th 23:59 CET.
Rewards were already removed, and cannot be claimed anymore.

Additional features: New quest to Candor. Other minor fixes.
Use @monsterinfo to learn about a monster!
Use @resyncall to get rid of all lag - it'll even resync the clouds!
Music on Hurnscald city updated. Desert Canyon can be skipped with a shortcut.
Botting may be allowed in certain circumstances, see the rules for info.
Pet system upgraded, and pets may flee from you, KEEP THEM WELL FEED.
Plus a minor change for msawis. It's not relevant for other players.
A Beta Patch was applied and will remain until 2021: Luck increase DRASTICALLY
drop rates. You might fail to kill monsters with a full luck build, though.

Release 8.1 It's Hidden! Where? Changelog

Music received great love from the developers. You really should turn on SFX.
SPECIALLY on Hurnscald. Bonus points if you start the game anew, for a Tutorial
has been added, and yes, there's a completion reward =D

On this release, there are many hidden things. Hidden burried treasures.
Hidden treasure chests which can be looted. Hidden bosses which can be killed
for better rewards than the average. There's even a hidden fishing spot on a
dungeon, highly experimental, and maybe in future we add a fish-an-legendary-set
which can be tailored later. Fancy, uh? You must explore to find out!

Minor changes include several bugfixes (canyon DISABLED), Grand Hunter Quest
with milestone rewards, experience gain in some PVP areas (level up with PK!),
warp gates improvement, fishing affected by luck and level, skills for merchant
police and thieves, Lieutenant Paul's Quest, and Milly's World Hero Quest.

Storage size went back to 500 - call us if this cause bugs - and day/night cycle
won't cause an announce beep anymore. You can also gamble at Nivalis Inn.

Translators are always welcome.
This is a beta. Bugs and balance errors are everywhere. Please send us feedback on
#world channel so we can keep improving (and rewarding players for that).

We want to express our gratitude here to Saulc, for sponsoring this server.
And by last, our gratitude to every developer and contributor who made this
possible! Jesusalva, Xanthem, Jhon H, Krists, Xtreem et al.

Enjoy gaming, and leave feedback!

-- Your TMW2 Team
February 2019

You can check out this page for older entries:


Actual Release: 8.1 - It's Hidden! Where?
Welcome to TMW-2: Moubootaur Legends!
By playing you agree and abide to the Terms of Service, available at:
Last ToS update: 2018-06-21

Our Staff will never ask for your password. You are the sole responsible for
its safety! You can contact a GM with @request or calling one at #world.
Please enjoy our server, and have fun!
(If you want, it's possible to skip music download under Settings > Audio)

Latest release: 2018-02-02
Never miss a release! Follow our Discord Channel!

Music received great love from the developers. You really should turn on SFX.
Except on Hurnscald. Bonus points if you start the game anew, for a Tutorial
has been added, and yes, there's a completion reward =D

On this release, there are many hidden things. Hidden burried treasures.
Hidden treasure chests which can be looted. Hidden bosses which can be killed
for better rewards than the average. There's even a hidden fishing spot on a
dungeon, highly experimental, and maybe in future we add a fish-an-legendary-set
which can be tailored later. Fancy, uh? You must explore to find out!

Minor changes include several bugfixes (canyon still broken), Grand Hunter Quest
with milestone rewards, experience gain in some PVP areas (yeah, for PK),
warp gates improvement, fishing affected by luck and level, skills for merchant
police and thieves, Lieutenant Paul's Quest, and Milly's World Hero Quest.

Storage size went back to 500 - call us if this cause bugs - and day/night cycle
won't cause an announce beep anymore. You can also gamble at Nivalis Inn.

Translators are always welcome.
This is a beta. Bugs and balance errors are everywhere. Please send us feedback on
#world channel so we can keep improving (and rewarding players for that).

We want to express our gratitude here to Saulc and GonzoDark, for sponsoring this server.
And by last, our gratitude to every developer and contributor who made this
possible! Jesusalva, Xanthem, Jhon H, Krists, Xtreem et al.

Enjoy gaming, and leave feedback!

-- Your TMW2 Team
February 2019

You can check out this page for older entries:


Actual Release: 8.0 - Apane Invasion, the Remaster
Welcome to TMW-2: Moubootaur Legends!
By playing you agree and abide to the Terms of Service, available at:
Last ToS update: 2018-06-21

Our Staff will never ask for your password. You are the sole responsible for
its safety!
If you ever run in trouble, try contacting a GM with @request Help me!
Please enjoy our server, and have fun!

Latest release: 2018-01-09
Never miss a release! Follow our Discord Channel!

Release 8.0 is the total difficulty remaster built with aid of players.
Difficulty may still present issues. If this is the case, just shout at #world.
We'll be glad to fix. This includes weapons, play styles, monsters, etc.

Although the total remaster outshines about everything, it's not the only
thing r8.0 have. Besides several minor improvements, the famous PVP Arena
Quirino Voraz can now be used by all players. Main player storyline
received a lot of rework. Referral System was improved, don't forget to
tell people to mark you on it!

You can now get a Training Bow in Candor, and Nivalis Town is open
for visit again! Previous event winners gained their names on a Honor Statue
and Nard ship was almost completely redone.

Candor Trainer can explain you everything there is to know about, including
the stuff which is not the same from The Mana World. There's a new quest in LoF
village which will be available in February and May, days 18~25. On LoF, the
Call Of Dusty PvP/PvE event quest is now available for your PVP Party.
This isn't everything, Woody's Wife is now out of her house!

On the rebalance you'll notice Shields now have a perfect blocking chance, and
bows were entirely remastered. From all play styles, the one which received less
rework (but still was reworked!) is mage class. Continuing Main Storyline will
aid you to get magic, but you'll need to do some exploration on your own! Good luck!

By the way, Translators welcome.
With release 8.0, PVP gets much more solid than many other servers. For next
release, we plan in adding the PVP Arena King, with the mightiest of all.
Don't miss it - if you have courage, that is!

Please bear the development stages with us. There are balance problems, and
various items are NPC-Only, and many bugs are lurking here and there and here -
give us feedback at #world channel and, who knows, you may be rewarded if you
find a bug!

We want to express our gratitude here to Saulc and GonzoDark, for sponsoring this server.
And by last, our gratitude to every developer and contributor who made this
possible! Jesusalva, Xtreem, SuperSasuke, Krists et al.

Enjoy gaming, and leave feedback!

-- Your TMW2 Team
January 2019

You can check out this page for older entries:


Actual Release: 7.5 - Merry Christmas, Happy New Year
Welcome to TMW-2: Moubootaur Legends!
By playing you agree and abide to the Terms of Service, available at:
Last ToS update: 2018-06-21

Our Staff will never ask for your password. You are the sole responsible for
its safety!
If you ever run in trouble, try contacting a GM with @request Help me!
Please enjoy our server, and have fun!

Latest release: 2018-12-25
Never miss a release! Follow our Discord Channel!

Release 7.5 is built with Xtreem and Krists feedback to Jesusalva
Christmas Event was sightly modified. Final date is still in discussion.

Major rebalance, lowering difficulty on sub-level-30 stage. Tulimshar is a
whole new place. A major deflation happened while Saulc wasn't looking, and
you may find several items with 90% discount.

Candor was sightly reworked in terms of gold gain/expense. Mouboo Milk was added.
Meanwhile, several bugs were fixed. Our second sun had been glitchy, but
Jesus Saves made sure it is now fine.

Fishing now gives experience, and two new baits were added: Cheese and Alface.
Arrows prices were lowered, and a limited teleport to Frostia and Halinarzo
is now possible.

Colonel DUSTMAN opened the Heroes Hold to the hardcore player.
Noobs, keep out! Good players only!
Three new swords are now obtainable, although Broadsword is still the best weapon
around. Except on Heroes Hold. The announcement is:
“Need a challenge? Or perhaps an Infinity +1 Sword? Try Heroes Hold today.”

Several bugfixes! And a new bug replace every removed one!
Nard's ship basement was modified, and winter drops are now alive.
Don't miss Christmas event, either.

PS. Nivalis houses still closed due to risk of the roof falling upon people.
Yes, the people which were meant to repair the houses keep slacking off.
You can chew them later.

By the way, Translators welcome.

Please bear the development stages with us. There are balance problems, and
various items are NPC-Only, and many bugs are lurking here and there and here -
give us feedback at #world channel and, who knows, you may be rewarded if you
find a bug!

We want to express our gratitude here to Saulc and GonzoDark, for sponsoring this server.
And by last, our gratitude to every developer and contributor who made this
possible! Jesusalva, Xtreem, Krists et al.

Enjoy gaming, and leave feedback!

-- Your TMW2 Team
December 2018

You can check out this page for older entries:


Actual Release: 7.4 - Christmas Revolution
Welcome to TMW-2: Moubootaur Legends!
By playing you agree and abide to the Terms of Service, available at:
Last ToS update: 2018-06-21

Our Staff will never ask for your password. You are the sole responsible for
its safety!
If you ever run in trouble, try contacting a GM with @request Help me!
Please enjoy our server, and have fun!

Latest release: 2018-12-16
Never miss a release! Follow our Discord Channel!

Release 7.4 is built with player feedback to Jesusalva. It contains Christmas.
Christmas Event shall begin at December 21st, along the Winter.

Besides Christmas, Dimond's cove gained an Invisible Slot Machine - spin
if you can find it. Injuried Mouboo quest has been added (with love from the
Moubootaur). Pet Detective was rebalanced, along many other stuff.
Aeros gained a Well Master, and fishing spots. There's now a Blood Donor quest,
repeatable monthly. Tips for newcomers have been scattered over Tulimshar.
There's a quest for Wooden Sword (much easier, by the way), and already existing
Wooden Swords have been replaced by the stronger version: the Bug Slayer.
Yes, we add new bugs - lots of it - specially with server update and on pets.
Well, there might be a couple things more, but that is something you must
find out yourself.

PS. Nivalis still closed due to intense damage caused on the town.
Yes, the people which were meant to repair the houses keep slacking off.
You can chew them later. Talk to Guard or to Sign to cross.

By the way, Translators welcome.

Please bear the development stages with us. There are balance problems, and
various items are NPC-Only, and many bugs are lurking here and there and here -
give us feedback at #world channel and, who knows, you may be rewarded if you
find a bug!

We want to express our gratitude here to Saulc and GonzoDark, for sponsoring this server.
And by last, our gratitude to every developer and contributor who made this
possible! Jesusalva, Xtreem, Saulc, demure, 4144 et al.

Enjoy gaming, and leave feedback!

-- Your TMW2 Team
December 2018

You can check out this page for older entries:


Actual Release: 7.3 - Frozen Communism
Welcome to TMW-2: Moubootaur Legends!
By playing you agree and abide to the Terms of Service, available at:
Last ToS update: 2018-06-21

Our Staff will never ask for your password. You are the sole responsible for
its safety!
If you ever run in trouble, try contacting a GM with @request Help me!
Please enjoy our server, and have fun!

Latest release: 2018-12-02
Never miss a release! Follow our Discord Channel!

Release 7.3 is a small, routine update, built with player feedback to Jesusalva:
It upgrades server version, corrects some bugs, introduce NEW bugs so you can
report them, patch them, and try to get the experimental tortuga mount, there's
some rebalance to make the game less difficult (mostly travel prices,
ingot craft recipes and experience rebalance on low level monsters).
Messes with pet system, maybe they stop fleeing... Maybe something weird happen
and we need to give people pets back.
Rare Item Shop is also cheaper, everything is with a 10% discount!
Pyndragon firearms are also now easier to obtain.
By last, Andrei Sakar is repeating the Nivalis Liberation Day questions
if you missed them, but reward is not so high as it was during the main event.

Nivalis Liberation Day Event: Nov 3rd ~ Nov 9th (17:30 UTC)
Final Result: Players Lost 92 : 300 Monsters Won
Nivalis still closed due to intense damage caused on the town.
Yes, the people which were meant to repair the houses keep slacking off.
This have nothing to do with the event result.

By the way, Translators welcome.

Please bear the development stages with us. There are balance problems, and
various items are NPC-Only, and many bugs are lurking here and there and here -
give us feedback at #world channel and, who knows, you may be rewarded if you
find a bug!

We want to express our gratitude here to Saulc and GonzoDark, for sponsoring this server.
And by last, our gratitude to every developer and contributor who made this
possible! Jesusalva, et al.

Enjoy gaming, and leave feedback!

-- Your TMW2 Team
November 2018

You can check out this page for older entries:


Actual Release: 7.0 - Polished Emerald
Welcome to TMW-2: Moubootaur Legends!
By playing you agree and abide to the Terms of Service, available at:
Last ToS update: 2018-06-21

Our Staff will never ask for your password. You are the sole responsible for
its safety!
If you ever run in trouble, try contacting a GM with @request Help me!
Please enjoy our server, and have fun!

Latest release: 2018-09-14
Never miss a release! Follow our Discord Channel!

The snowstorm at Nivalis has ceased, but the Monster King led a massively huge
army to siege Nivalis. He even mirrored himself to kill players at random.
But worry not, Land Of Fire refiners are working better, and wooden sword
craft price has been lowered. By the way, there's a missing map on the path to
Nivalis. Let's just say it was SO EMPTY that you literally didn't noticed you
went straight past it.

Jesusalva just wanted so much people to see the new quest, which is part of LoF,
that he decided to don't make too difficult to get there.

Some of spotlights includes bugfixes, Autumn stuff, Thief/Merchant Guilds,
which includes a new minigame for your fun, pets, and let me not spoil
too much. Sufficient to say, beware the Terranite. You get the message, right?

By the way, Translators welcome.

Please bear the development stages with us. There are balance problems, and
various items are NPC-Only, and many bugs are lurking here and there and here -
give us feedback at #world channel and, who knows, you may be rewarded if you
find a bug!

We want to express our gratitude here to Saulc and GonzoDark, for sponsoring this server.
And by last, our gratitude to every developer and contributor who made this
possible! Jesusalva, Saulc, mishana, Aisen, demure, et al.

Enjoy gaming, and leave feedback!

-- Your TMW2 Team
September 2018

You can check out this page for older entries:


Actual Release: 7.0 - Polished Emerald
Welcome to TMW-2: Moubootaur Legends!
By playing you agree and abide to the Terms of Service, available at:
Last ToS update: 2018-06-21

Our Staff will never ask for your password. You are the sole responsible for
its safety!
If you ever run in trouble, try contacting a GM with @request Help me!
Please enjoy our server, and have fun!

Latest release: 2018-09-14
Never miss a release! Follow our Discord Channel!

The snowstorm at Nivalis has ceased, but the Monster King led a massively huge
army to siege Nivalis. He even mirrored himself to kill players at random.
But worry not, Land Of Fire refiners are working better, and wooden sword
craft price has been lowered. By the way, there's a missing map on the path to
Nivalis. Let's just say it was SO EMPTY that you literally didn't noticed you
went straight past it.

Jesusalva just wanted so much people to see the new quest, which is part of LoF,
that he decided to don't make too difficult to get there.

Some of spotlights includes bugfixes, Autumn stuff, Thief/Merchant Guilds,
which includes a new minigame for your fun, pets, and let me not spoil
too much. Sufficient to say, beware the Terranite. You get the message, right?

By the way, Translators welcome.

Please bear the development stages with us. There are balance problems, and
various items are NPC-Only, and many bugs are lurking here and there and here -
give us feedback at #world channel and, who knows, you may be rewarded if you
find a bug!

We want to express our gratitude here to Saulc and GonzoDark, for sponsoring this server.
And by last, our gratitude to every developer and contributor who made this
possible! Jesusalva, Saulc, mishana, Aisen, demure, et al.

Enjoy gaming, and leave feedback!

-- Your TMW2 Team
September 2018

You can check out this page for older entries:


Actual Release: 6.5 - Developer Vacations
Welcome to TMW-2: Moubootaur Legends!
By playing you agree and abide to the Terms of Service, available at:
Last ToS update: 2018-06-21

Our Staff will never ask for your password. You are the sole responsible for
its safety!
If you ever run in trouble, try contacting a GM with @request Help me!
Please enjoy our server, and have fun!

Latest release: 2018-08-31
Never miss a release! Follow our Discord Channel!

Developers were on vacations this month, and we couldn't finish r7 in time.
But worry not, Land Of Fire got some visual improvements, and various
rebalances were done - for best or for worse.

Some of spotlights includes bugfixes, Summer ending stuff, finishing Celestia
Tea Party Quest, two new quests, finished the main subclass (one isn't fully
done but oh well), stat reset cheaper, and other conveniences.

By the way, Translators welcome.

Please bear the development stages with us. There are balance problems, and
various items are NPC-Only, and many bugs are lurking here and there and here -
give us feedback at #world channel and, who knows, you may be rewarded if you
find a bug!

We want to express our gratitude here to Saulc and GonzoDark, for sponsoring this server.
And by last, our gratitude to every developer and contributor who made this
possible! Jesusalva, Saulc, Pookie, demure, et al.

Enjoy gaming, and leave feedback!

-- Your TMW2 Team
August 2018

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Actual Release: 6.0 - Steam, Fire, and... Monster King?!
Welcome to TMW-2: Moubootaur Legends!
By playing you agree and abide to the Terms of Service, available at:
Last ToS update: 2018-06-21

Our Staff will never ask for your password. You are the sole responsible for
its safety!
If you ever run in trouble, try contacting a GM with @request Help me!
Please enjoy our server, and have fun!

Latest release: 2018-07-27
Never miss a release! Follow our Discord Channel!

This is another major release, with over 975 commits since previous one.
To make a massive release brief: New maps, new monsters, new items, new quests.
Note some of these quests are seasonal, meaning they'll be only available

But most important of all, Land Of Fire/TMWA crashed here, changing
everything, from monster experience, to maximum level. Creating new weapons,
time travel, and other crazy stuff. Stuff so crazy, Saulc is with players
evaluating the extend of damage done. A whole area flooded, and you may be
struck! Yelp! Demure and Pyndragon are along others to aid.

We also had translation updates.
Hey players, good luck! And thanks German, French, Deutch and Brazilian teams!

Please bear the development stages with us. There are balance problems, and
various items are NPC-Only, and many bugs are lurking here and there and here -
give us feedback at #world channel and, who knows, you may be rewarded if you
find a bug!

We want to express our gratitude here to Saulc and GonzoDark, for sponsoring this server.
And by last, our gratitude to every developer and contributor who made this
possible! Jesusalva, Saulc, 4144, Lawn Cable, msawis, demure, acsvln, et al.

Enjoy gaming, and leave feedback!
Next release is friday, called 6.1 to fix the many bugs introduced on this one.

-- Your TMW2 Team
July 2018

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Actual Release: 5.0 - Greenland Players
Welcome to TMW-2: Moubootaur Legends!
By playing you agree and abide to the Terms of Service, available at:
Last ToS update: 2018-06-21

Our Staff will never ask for your password. You are the sole responsible for
its safety!
If you ever run in trouble, try contacting a GM with @request Help me!
Please enjoy our server, and have fun!

Latest release: 2018-06-30
Never miss a release! Follow our Discord Channel!

This is a major release, with over 1300 commits since previous one.
To make a massive release brief: New maps, new monsters, new items, new quests.
Note some of these quests are seasonal, meaning they're only available
yearly, on summer! To Liberate Hurnscald we will need MANY PLAYERS!
Yeah, it is an experimental event. Liberating Nivalis should be better! ;-)

You can use @toevent now, and events have changed.
During night time, mobs 30% respawn faster. Guild Storage have a free
get level 60 ASAP to do it! The many other changes can be read ingame, with
Jerican, our loyal journalman.

Don't forget some mobs give more or less experience now. And buy a quiver,
because if you want to use bows, you'll need one.

We also had massive translation
updates. Hey players, good luck! And thanks German, French and Brazilian teams!

Please bear the development stages with us. There are balance problems, and
various items are NPC-Only, and even bugs could be lurking here and there -
give us feedback at #world channel and, who knows, you may be rewarded if you
find a bug!

We want to express our gratitude here to Saulc and GonzoDark, for sponsoring this server.
And by last, our gratitude to every developer and contributor who made this
possible! Jesusalva, Saulc, 4144, Lawn Cable, Crazyfefe, DUSTMAN, et al.

Enjoy gaming, and leave feedback!
Don't miss next release, it will be MASSIVE!

-- Your TMW2 Team
June 2018

You can check out this page for older entries:


Actual Release: 4.9 - Partial Update
Welcome to TMW-2: Moubootaur Legends!
By playing you agree and abide to the Terms of Service, available at:
Last ToS update: 2018-03-13

Our Staff will never ask for your password. You are the sole responsible for
its safety!
If you ever run in trouble, try contacting a GM with @request Help me!
Please enjoy our server, and have fun!

Latest release: 2018-05-31 (upgrade: 2018-06-20)
Never miss a release! Follow our Discord Channel!

This fastforwards some from r5 changes, including, limited to:
Monsters are now subject to penalties
Status Effect resistance - max 25%
First Aid Skill replaced
Some quests are more rewarding, but no new quest was added... Well, only one.
Day/night cycle added, and some random weather! Only cosmetic, though.
Not one, not two, but four new emotes to you fully express yourself!
emote shortcut keys changed because that, though, so beware!

Hurnscald is still under siege, so nobody can travel there right now.
Economy changed as usual, and monsters changed too.

Max level was not changed, it is still 45/25.

We also had massive translation
updates. Thanks in special to French and Brazilian Translation Teams.

Please bear the development stages with us. There are balance problems, and
various items are NPC-Only, and even bugs could be lurking here and there -
give us feedback at #world channel and, who knows, you may be rewarded if you
find a bug!

We want to express our gratitude here to Saulc and GonzoDark, for sponsoring this server.
And by last, our gratitude to every developer and contributor who made this
possible! Jesusalva, Saulc, 4144, Lawn Cable, et al.

Enjoy gaming, and leave feedback!
Don't miss next release, it will be MASSIVE!

-- Your TMW2 Team
June 2018

You can check out this page for older entries:


Actual Release: 4.0 - Quest Giver's Handbook
Welcome to TMW-2: Monster Wars!
By playing you agree and abide to the Terms of Service, available at:
Last ToS update: 2018-03-13

Our Staff will never ask for your password. You are the sole responsible for
its safety!
If you ever run in trouble, try contacting a GM with @request Help me!
Please enjoy our server, and have fun!

Latest release: 2018-05-31
Never miss a release! Follow our Discord Channel!

Many, many, MANY new quests# were added. Not all of them are marked. I
counted twelve, but I'm pretty sure there are way more. Take your time exploring
the world.

Hurnscald is under siege, so nobody can travel there right now. Economy changed
as usual, and healing items are more powerful now.

Also, Tulimshar Guards bought a Slot Machine to gamble Casino Coins.
Rumors says of a grand prize to whoever jackpot the machine. Sheer luck, probably.

Nard travel has changed, and now you need time to move by ship. And it's
slow. Zitoni is also crafting new kinds of potions. And experimental
stuff was added on main server, for the best event experience.

Max level is now 45. Max job level is now 25. Some NPCs moved from here to
there, and there was a marriage, but unfortunately, ended up in divorce
in less than 20 seconds. These people... They probably were just testing code,

Our forums are now Read-Only access. We also had massive translation
updates. Thanks in special to French and Brazilian Translation Teams.

Please bear the development stages with us. There are balance problems, and
various items are NPC-Only, and even bugs could be lurking here and there -
give us feedback at #world channel and, who knows, you may be rewarded if you
find a bug!

We are very, very sorry for the delay on this release. It was meant to happen
sooner, but there was SO MUCH to polish! Jesusalva is pretty sure there are
bugs, and Saulc remembers everyone they can always blame him - although this
time, it is most likely Jesusalva's fault.

We want to express our gratitude here to Saulc and GonzoDark, for sponsoring this server.
And by last, our gratitude to every developer and contributor who made this
possible! Jesusalva, Saulc, Lawn Cable, et al.

Enjoy gaming, and leave feedback!
Don't miss next release!

-- Your TMW2 Team
May 2018

You can check out this page for older entries:


Actual Release: 3.1 - When Developers Sleep
Welcome to TMW-2: Monster Wars!
By playing you agree and abide to the Terms of Service, available at:
Last ToS update: 2018-03-13

Our Staff will never ask for your password. You are the sole responsible for
its safety!
If you ever run in trouble, try contacting a GM with @request Help me!
Please enjoy our server, and have fun!

Latest release: 2018-05-01
Never miss a release! Follow our Discord Channel!

This small release allows players to get to level 41, but does not provides
any new quest. It updates translations, updates the server, fix small
bugs, nothing very important. But ah, there is the Worker's Day Event!
It will last a single day, though.

Also, just to remember that Player Guilds are supported.

Do not forget to check our Forums and help us
with translations!

Please bear the development stages with us. There are balance problems, and
various items are NPC-Only, and even bugs could be lurking here and there -
give us feedback at #world channel and, who knows, you may be rewarded if you
find a bug!

We want to express our gratitude here to Saulc and GonzoDark, for sponsoring this server.
And by last, our gratitude to every developer and contributor who made this
possible! Jesusalva, Saulc, Lawn Cable, 4144, et al.

Enjoy gaming, and leave feedback!
Maybe we should rest a little now? No, there's still a lot to be done!
Don't miss next release!

-- Your TMW2 Team
May 2018

You can check out this page for older entries:


Actual Release: 3.0 - In The Dreams
Welcome to TMW-2: Monster Wars!
By playing you agree and abide to the Terms of Service, available at:
Last ToS update: 2018-03-13

Our Staff will never ask for your password. You are the sole responsible for
its safety!
If you ever run in trouble, try contacting a GM with @request Help me!
Please enjoy our server, and have fun!

Latest release: 2018-04-08
Never miss a release! Follow our Discord Channel!

This is one of the biggest release. Easter gave developers sufficient time
to push their secret agenda. Various item and monsters were rebalanced, be warned!
On this release you have Magic, and can go as far as Level 40.

Was that not of suffice joy, Halinarzo Town is there, but it may be remapped
later. You will need to explore huge, deadly canyons to reach it.
The New Monsters also drop the new most powerful sword, which is not THAT
impressive but is worth it.

Did I mention Player Guilds are finally supported? Ah, not only that,
but Tulimshar Guards arranged a PVP Arena for their enjoyment.
And we're not even close to finishing quest log! See Michel's new scoreboard,
besides new quests involving Swezanne's family. There are other things, but
you'll need to find them by yourself! It includes easter egg, and no, I am
not talking about the edibles ones...

Do not forget to check our Forums.
Also, help us with translation!

Please bear the development stages with us. There are balance problems, and
various items are NPC-Only, and even bugs could be lurking here and there -
give us feedback at #world channel and, who knows, you may be rewarded if you
find a bug!

We want to express our gratitude here to Saulc and GonzoDark, for sponsoring this server.
And by last, our gratitude to every developer and contributor who made this
possible! Jesusalva, Saulc, Lawn Cable, Soren, 4144, et al.

Enjoy gaming, and leave feedback!
Maybe we should rest a little now? No, there's still a lot to be done!
Don't miss next release!

-- Your TMW2 Team
April 2018

You can check out this page for older entries:


Actual Release: 2.2 - There Are No Pipelines
Welcome to TMW-2: Monster Wars!
By playing you agree and abide to the Terms of Service, available at:
Last ToS update: 2018-03-13

Our Staff will never ask for your password. You are the sole responsible for
its safety!
If you ever run in trouble, try contacting a GM with @request Help me!
Please enjoy our server, and have fun!

Latest release: 2018-03-23
Never miss a release! Follow our Discord Channel!

This time, you are allowed to reach up to level 31. We will add more levels,
as more quests get in. Various item and monsters were rebalanced, be warned!
Only a new quest was added and poorly tested, but the Magic Council Guest Hall
is once again open. The map will be replaced later, though.

Do not forget to check our Forums.
Also, help us with translation!

The great spotlight of this release is Easter. May it start anytime!

Daily Login Bonus was modified a little, nothing major.
Please bear the development stages with us. There are balance problems, and
various items are NPC-Only, and even bugs could be lurking here and there -
give us feedback at #world channel and, who knows, you may be rewarded if you
find a bug!

We want to express our gratitude here to Saulc, for sponsoring this server.
We also want to thanks to all testers: Thanks, you've did a great job!
And by last, our gratitude to every developer and contributor who made this
possible! Jesusalva, Saulc, acsvln, gnulinux, 4144, et al.

Enjoy gaming, and leave feedback!
And for Game Masters: The new city from Third Release is already available via @warp.

-- Your TMW2 Team
March 2018

You can check out this page for older entries:


Actual Release: 2.1 - Free Lunch For Those Who Work Hard!
Welcome to TMW-2: Monster Wars!
By playing you agree and abide to the Terms of Service, available at:
Last ToS update: 2018-03-13

Our Staff will never ask for your password. You are the sole responsible for
its safety!
If you ever run in trouble, try contacting a GM with @request Help me!
Please enjoy our server, and have fun!

Latest release: 2018-03-16
Never miss a release! Follow our Discord Channel!

What time is best for an update, other than friday? In this release, you have
an extra job level. Various item prices were rebalanced to fix Zeny Exploits.
Extra quests were added to Candor and to the Ship, and both Elmo as Nard received
rewrites so game is easier to understand for newcomers.

The way how Nard calculates ship travels has changed, talk to Elmo while in
Candor and he'll inform your progress. Translations were updated, if you
are not happy with them, translate them!
Note only server-data resource translations will be accepted.

Game rules were changed, you have been notified by that via email.
A total of 9 players have incorrect email address. If you did not received our
email, enter in contact to check if your email address is correct.

You can use coins acquired at GM Events (announced by Discord/IRC/broadcast)
with any Traveller or at Aeros.

There is also a Daily Login Bonus, to encourage you to keep playing!
Please bear the development stages with us. There are balance problems, and
various items are NPC-Only, and even bugs could be lurking here and there -
give us feedback at #world channel and, who knows, you may be rewarded if you
find a bug!

We want to express our gratitude here to Saulc, for sponsoring this server.
We also want to thanks to all testers: Thanks, you've did a great job!
And by last, our gratitude to every developer and contributor who made this
possible! Jesusalva, Saulc, Crazyfefe, Soren, Ayruss, 4144, Micksha, et al.

Enjoy gaming, and leave feedback!
As said, the third release is already being baked!

-- Your TMW2 Team
March 2018

You can check out this page for older entries:


Actual Release: 02 - What Is Your Age?
Welcome to TMW-2: Monster Wars!
By playing you agree and abide to the Terms of Service, available at:
Last ToS update: 2018-02-24

Our Staff will never ask for your password. You are the sole responsible for
its safety!
If you ever run in trouble, try contacting a GM with @request Help me!
Please enjoy our server, and have fun!

Latest release: 2018-03-09
Never miss a release! Follow our Discord Channel!

On this special release, the level caps went from (25/10) to (30/15).
Michel now haves a leaderboard so you know who is the richest and strongest
player of the server, various items were changed, and you can get more parts
from the Creased and the Candor set.

At Tulimshar, Ishi and Aidan are once again there, to give you Monster Points,
but pocket ready - there is a register fee! After all, everyone knows that
There Is No Free Lunch, possible title for a next release!

This game is better played with friends, and some config was changed to reflect
that. Candor Nurse and Dan got new quests, and some monsters changed. Gift
Boxes were added, for the GM Events which are announced by Discord/IRC!

The equipment drops should also be working again.

There is also a Daily Login Bonus, to encourage you to keep playing!
Please bear the development stages with us. There are balance problems, and
various items are NPC-Only, and even bugs could be lurking here and there -
give us feedback at #world channel and, who knows, you may be rewarded if you
find a bug!

We want to express our gratitude here to Saulc, for sponsoring this server.
We also want to thanks to all testers: Thanks, you've did a great job!
And by last, our gratitude to every developer and contributor who made this
possible! Ayruss, Polaczek, Acsvln, Jesusalva, Saulc, Crazyfefe, Rakinorf, etc.

Enjoy gaming, and leave feedback at Discord!
The third release is already being baked!

-- Your TMW2 Team
March 2018

You can check out this page for older entries:


Actual Release: 01 - Can I Break This Pipeline?
Welcome to TMW-2: Monster Wars!
By playing you agree and abide to the Terms of Service, available at:
Last ToS update: 2018-02-24

Our Staff will never ask for your password. You are the sole responsible for
its safety!
If you ever run in trouble, try contacting a GM with @request Help me!
Please enjoy our server, and have fun!

Latest release: 2018-03-02
Never miss a release! Follow our Discord Channel!

Your head aches. Your vision is dizzy. A ship appears in your front. Oh no,
please don't tell me this is Evol!

You may meet familiar faces and/or names, and even places you think that you
know, but don't be fooled - things are different here, and work different here.
Awake in Nard ship, visit Candor, journey to Tulimshar - the game offers the
basic stuff a MMORPG needs. Use Tulimshar's mines to grind - this is not an
easy game, but it is definitively fun, specially with friends.

Our Game Masters often arrange events which are announced by Discord/IRC!
There is also a Daily Login Bonus, to encourage you to keep playing!
Please bear the development stages with us. There are balance problems, and
various items are NPC-Only, and even bugs could be lurking here and there -
give us feedback at #world channel and, who knows, you may be rewarded if you
find a bug!

We want to express our gratitude here to Saulc, for sponsoring this server.
We also want to thanks to all testers: Thanks, you've did a great job!
And by last, our gratitude to every developer and contributor who made this possible!

Enjoy gaming, and leave feedback at Discord!
The second release is already being baked!

-- Your TMW2 Team
March 2018

You can check out this page for older entries:


Actual Release: Currently offline
Welcome to TMW-2: Monster World!
By playing you agree and abide to the Terms of Service, available at:
Last ToS update: 2018-02-24

Our Staff will never ask for your password. You are the sole responsible for
its safety!
If you ever run in trouble, try contacting a GM with @request Help me!
Please enjoy our server, and have fun!

Testing Period was finished at 2018-02-26!

Never miss a release! Follow our Discord Channel!

All accounts and data will be permanently deleted when testing period ends.
Planned Release Date is at 2018-03-02, test-server will go down before.

We want to express our gratitute here to Saulc, for sponsoring this server.
We also want to thanks to all testers: Thanks, you've did a great job!
And by last, our gratitute to every developer and contributor who made this possible!

Enjoy testing, official server is coming up soon!

-- Your TMW2 Team
February 2018

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