#!/usr/bin/python2.7 # it: Initial Value # v: Basic Increment # i: Initial level (minus one) # s: steps to increase (default 10) # t: increase on each step (default 1) # m: Maximum level # b: Base Value Boost (raises it) it=400 v=50 i=0 s=10 t=0 b=0 m=160 # head: tabulation on each line # h1: header on first line, can be HPTable or SPTable # tail: Comment after each line, will be followed by the level range head=" " h1=" HPTable:[ " tail=" // " # The code begins here (bf: buffer) bf="" print "" while (i <= m): i+=1 if i==1: bf+=h1 elif i % 10 == 1: bf+=tail bf+=str(i-10) bf+=" - " bf+=str(i-1) print bf bf="" bf+=head if (i % s == 0): v+=t it+=b bf+=str(it) bf+=", " it+=v # Everything was printed to stdout