# The Mana World 2 Toolset This repository holds many tools for TMW2 project. ## Translation Related Translations can be updated by using `lang/updatelang.py` command. Please note this is server-sided, for Client-Data translations, check `lang_client` folder instead. ## Update Related Server news can be found at `update/news.txt`. The `createnew.sh` and `update.sh` scripts will aid when we have to deploy them at remote server. ## Localhost Related When running a localhost, you'll need to follow the instructions at [localserver/README](localserver/README) or it won't work at all. ## CI Related ```contrib``` contains CI files in need of maintenance. Some scripts to make pallete-removal easier are available at `dyecmd/` folder, by Jesusalva. Do not use them. (They also won't work unless you copy files to the right place, and have dyecmd installed.) ## Legacy Server Importer Thanks to the efforts from the Great Sage Of Keyboards, Andrei Akaras, we can easily import to this server the data from TMW Legacy. Details can be obtained with him. Please check the `hercules` folder for all scripts which carries over the data. ## Non Related Many folders in this toolset are not relevant for this project, or used by other tools. Please refrain from messing things! Thanks!