// TMW2 script // Author: Jesusalva // // Magic Script: TMW2_GD // // Guild Magic // Reserved SCs: SC_INCALLSTATUS SC_ANGELUS SC_BLESSING SC_IMPOSITIO SC_KAIZEL SC_MAGNIFICAT // For testing: SC_TWOHANDQUICKEN // BROKEN: SC_ASSNCROS /* SC_ENCHANTPOISON Endows a single target's equipped weapon with the Poison property temporarily. This skill also gives the chance of leaving enemies poisoned while physically attacking. SC_POISONREACT Gives a 50% chance of autocasting Level 5 Envenom when the user is physically attacked for a set number of autocasts. If the user is struck with a Nature property attack, the user will retaliate with a stronger physical attack, which has a 50% chance of leaving the attacker poisoned. This skill will end after a set duration, reaching the autocast limit or performing one poison counter. SC_SLOWPOISON Stops the HP drain from the Poison status effect that affects a single target. It does not nullify the defense drop from the forementioned status effect. (no params) SC_SUFFRAGIUM Shortens the Variable Cast Time of a single target's next skill. (15%) SC_BENEDICTIO Blesses a targeted location to endow the armor of all players within the area of effect with the Holy property. (no params) SC_KYRIE Creates a protective barrier on a single target that blocks every form of physical damage until its durability wears off or expires. Its durability is a portion of the target's Max HP. This skill cannot be used in conjunction with Assumptio. *SC_GLORIA Temporarily boosts LUK by 30 to the user and party members. SC_LEXAETERNA Weakens a single target so it can take double damage from the next incoming attack. Healing, misses, status effects and the retaliation from Shield Reflect do not trigger the effect. (PVP or used versus monsters. no params) SC_MAXIMIZEPOWER Alters the damage variance of the equipped weapon to inflict the maximum of its damage. Maintaining this skill active will drain SP. (args = sp drain?) SC_ENERGYCOAT Coats the caster with spiritual energy to buffer all incoming damage temporarily. The more remaining SP the caster has, the more damage is buffered and the more SP is drained. (no params?) SC_ASSUMPTIO Places a temporary buff on a single target that doubles their Hard Defense and Hard Magic Defense. This skill cannot be used in conjunction with Kyrie Eleison and Kaite. // SC_GDSKILL_BATTLEORDER -- SC_LEADERSHIP (aura) -- SC_GLORYWOUNDS (aura) -- SC_SOULCOLD (aura) -- SC_HAWKEYES (aura) SC_HUMMING Increase HIT of players in the area of effect by +2 per SkillLV. The accuracy rate increased by this skill is affected by Dancing Lesson skill level and DEX of the caster. (integer value) */ // GD_allboost ( lv ) // Increases all stats function script GD_allboost { .@lv=getarg(0, @skillLv); // range, time, SC, BL, power, filter areasc(3+.@lv, 10000*.@lv, SC_INCALLSTATUS, BL_PC, .@lv, "filter_sameguild"); return; } // GD_regeneration ( lv ) // 12x12 HP and MP recovery function script GD_regenerating { .@lv=getarg(0, @skillLv); // range, time, SC, BL, power, filter areasc(12, 8000+(1000*.@lv), SC_GDSKILL_REGENERATION, BL_PC, 15+(5*.@lv), "filter_sameguild"); return; } // GD_defboost ( lv ) // Places a temporary buff on the user and all party members in a 14x14 area around the user that increases Soft Defense. (VIT def) function script GD_defboost { .@lv=getarg(0, @skillLv); // range, time, SC, BL, power, filter areasc(3+.@lv, 15000*.@lv, SC_ANGELUS, BL_PC, .@lv*4, "filter_sameguild"); return; } // GD_atkboost ( lv ) // Places a temporary buff on a single target that increases STR, DEX and INT. (The damage dealing stats) function script GD_atkboost { .@lv=getarg(0, @skillLv); // range, time, SC, BL, power, filter areasc(3+.@lv, 15000*.@lv, SC_BLESSING, BL_PC, .@lv, "filter_sameguild"); return; } // GD_atkboost2 ( lv ) // Blesses a single target's weapon to increase its attack power function script GD_atkboost2 { .@lv=getarg(0, @skillLv); // range, time, SC, BL, power, filter areasc(3+.@lv, 15000*.@lv, SC_IMPOSITIO, BL_PC, 5+(5*.@lv), "filter_sameguild"); return; } // GD_critboost ( lv ) // Boost the critical hit rate function script GD_critboost { .@lv=getarg(0, @skillLv); // range, time, SC, BL, 1, power, filter areasc(.@lv, 10000*.@lv, SC_FORTUNE, BL_PC, 8*.@lv, "filter_sameguild"); return; } // GD_autorevive ( lv ) // Automatically revive guild mates once they die - VERY IMPORTANT SKILL // Will not stick on you - if you die, YOU ARE DEAD. // After being resurrected Kaizel is dispelled but you have a 2 seconds lasting Kyrie Eleison (Absolute shield) buff. function script GD_autorevive { .@lv=getarg(0, @skillLv); // range, time, SC, BL, 1, power, filter areasc(.@lv, 10000*.@lv, SC_KAIZEL, BL_PC, 10*.@lv, "filter_sameguildnotyou"); return; } // SK_maximizepower ( lv ) // Damage always at max function script SK_maximizepower { .@lv=getarg(0, @skillLv); // range, time, SC, BL, power, filter areasc(1+.@lv, 60000*.@lv, SC_MAXIMIZEPOWER, BL_PC, 1, "filter_sameguildorparty"); return; } // SK_spregen ( lv ) // Temporarily doubles the SP Recovery rate of the user. function script SK_spregen { .@lv=getarg(0, @skillLv); // range, time, SC, BL, 1, power, filter areasc(.@lv, 20000+(10000*.@lv), SC_MAGNIFICAT, BL_PC, 1, "filter_sameguildorparty"); return; }