// TMW-2 Script // Author: // Jesusalva // Description: // Leaderboards + GM Command Log - script scoreboardsGen NPC_HIDDEN,{ end; OnHour00: OnHour01: OnHour02: OnHour03: OnHour04: OnHour05: OnHour06: OnHour07: OnHour08: OnHour09: OnHour10: OnHour11: OnHour12: OnHour13: OnHour14: OnHour15: OnHour16: OnHour17: OnHour18: OnHour19: OnHour20: OnHour21: OnHour22: OnHour23: OnInit: debugmes "Reloading scoreboards..."; .@nb = query_sql("select name, zeny from `char` WHERE `guild_id`!=1 ORDER BY zeny DESC LIMIT 15", $@hofortune_name$, $@hofortune_value); .@nb = query_sql("select name, base_level from `char` WHERE `guild_id`!=1 ORDER BY base_level DESC LIMIT 15", $@hoblvl_name$, $@hoblvl_value); .@nb = query_sql("select name, job_level from `char` WHERE `guild_id`!=1 ORDER BY job_level DESC LIMIT 15", $@hojlvl_name$, $@hojlvl_value); .@nb = query_sql("SELECT c.name, i.amount FROM `inventory` AS i, `char` AS c WHERE i.nameid="+StrangeCoin+" AND i.char_id=c.char_id ORDER BY i.amount DESC LIMIT 15", $@hoc_name$, $@hoc_value); .@nb = query_sql("select char_name, command from `atcommandlog` ORDER BY atcommand_id DESC LIMIT 15", $@hogm_name$, $@hogm_value$); .@nb = query_sql("select name, guild_lv from `guild` WHERE `guild_id`!=1 ORDER BY guild_lv DESC LIMIT 5", $@hoguild_name$, $@hoguild_value); debugmes "Scoreboards reloaded"; end; } function script HallOfFame { // Moved to event statues return; mes ""; /* .@nb = query_sql("select name, karma from `char` WHERE `guild_id`!=1 ORDER BY karma DESC LIMIT 10", .@name$, .@value); mes l("##BHall Of Fame: TOP10##b"); mes("1."+.@name$[0]+" ("+.@value[0]+")"); mes("2."+.@name$[1]+" ("+.@value[1]+")"); mes("3."+.@name$[2]+" ("+.@value[2]+")"); mes("4."+.@name$[3]+" ("+.@value[3]+")"); mes("5."+.@name$[4]+" ("+.@value[4]+")"); mes("6."+.@name$[5]+" ("+.@value[5]+")"); mes("7."+.@name$[6]+" ("+.@value[6]+")"); mes("8."+.@name$[7]+" ("+.@value[7]+")"); mes("9."+.@name$[8]+" ("+.@value[8]+")"); mes("10."+.@name$[9]+" ("+.@value[9]+")"); */ return; } function script HallOfFortune { mes ""; mes l("##BHall Of Fortune: TOP15##b"); mes("1."+$@hofortune_name$[0]+" ("+format_number($@hofortune_value[0])+" GP)"); mes("2."+$@hofortune_name$[1]+" ("+format_number($@hofortune_value[1])+" GP)"); mes("3."+$@hofortune_name$[2]+" ("+format_number($@hofortune_value[2])+" GP)"); mes("4."+$@hofortune_name$[3]+" ("+format_number($@hofortune_value[3])+" GP)"); mes("5."+$@hofortune_name$[4]+" ("+format_number($@hofortune_value[4])+" GP)"); mes("6."+$@hofortune_name$[5]+" ("+format_number($@hofortune_value[5])+" GP)"); mes("7."+$@hofortune_name$[6]+" ("+format_number($@hofortune_value[6])+" GP)"); mes("8."+$@hofortune_name$[7]+" ("+format_number($@hofortune_value[7])+" GP)"); mes("9."+$@hofortune_name$[8]+" ("+format_number($@hofortune_value[8])+" GP)"); mes("10."+$@hofortune_name$[9]+" ("+format_number($@hofortune_value[9])+" GP)"); mes("11."+$@hofortune_name$[10]+" ("+format_number($@hofortune_value[10])+" GP)"); mes("12."+$@hofortune_name$[11]+" ("+format_number($@hofortune_value[11])+" GP)"); mes("13."+$@hofortune_name$[12]+" ("+format_number($@hofortune_value[12])+" GP)"); mes("14."+$@hofortune_name$[13]+" ("+format_number($@hofortune_value[13])+" GP)"); mes("15."+$@hofortune_name$[14]+" ("+format_number($@hofortune_value[14])+" GP)"); return; } function script HallOfLevel { mes ""; mes l("##BHall Of Level: TOP15##b"); mes("1."+$@hoblvl_name$[0]+" ("+$@hoblvl_value[0]+")"); mes("2."+$@hoblvl_name$[1]+" ("+$@hoblvl_value[1]+")"); mes("3."+$@hoblvl_name$[2]+" ("+$@hoblvl_value[2]+")"); mes("4."+$@hoblvl_name$[3]+" ("+$@hoblvl_value[3]+")"); mes("5."+$@hoblvl_name$[4]+" ("+$@hoblvl_value[4]+")"); mes("6."+$@hoblvl_name$[5]+" ("+$@hoblvl_value[5]+")"); mes("7."+$@hoblvl_name$[6]+" ("+$@hoblvl_value[6]+")"); mes("8."+$@hoblvl_name$[7]+" ("+$@hoblvl_value[7]+")"); mes("9."+$@hoblvl_name$[8]+" ("+$@hoblvl_value[8]+")"); mes("10."+$@hoblvl_name$[9]+" ("+$@hoblvl_value[9]+")"); mes("11."+$@hoblvl_name$[10]+" ("+$@hoblvl_value[10]+")"); mes("12."+$@hoblvl_name$[11]+" ("+$@hoblvl_value[11]+")"); mes("13."+$@hoblvl_name$[12]+" ("+$@hoblvl_value[12]+")"); mes("14."+$@hoblvl_name$[13]+" ("+$@hoblvl_value[13]+")"); mes("15."+$@hoblvl_name$[14]+" ("+$@hoblvl_value[14]+")"); return; } function script HallOfCoins { mes ""; mes l("##BHall Of @@: TOP15##b", getitemlink(StrangeCoin)); mes("1."+$@hoc_name$[0]+" ("+$@hoc_value[0]+")"); mes("2."+$@hoc_name$[1]+" ("+$@hoc_value[1]+")"); mes("3."+$@hoc_name$[2]+" ("+$@hoc_value[2]+")"); mes("4."+$@hoc_name$[3]+" ("+$@hoc_value[3]+")"); mes("5."+$@hoc_name$[4]+" ("+$@hoc_value[4]+")"); mes("6."+$@hoc_name$[5]+" ("+$@hoc_value[5]+")"); mes("7."+$@hoc_name$[6]+" ("+$@hoc_value[6]+")"); mes("8."+$@hoc_name$[7]+" ("+$@hoc_value[7]+")"); mes("9."+$@hoc_name$[8]+" ("+$@hoc_value[8]+")"); mes("10."+$@hoc_name$[9]+" ("+$@hoc_value[9]+")"); mes("11."+$@hoc_name$[10]+" ("+$@hoc_value[10]+")"); mes("12."+$@hoc_name$[11]+" ("+$@hoc_value[11]+")"); mes("13."+$@hoc_name$[12]+" ("+$@hoc_value[12]+")"); mes("14."+$@hoc_name$[13]+" ("+$@hoc_value[13]+")"); mes("15."+$@hoc_name$[14]+" ("+$@hoc_value[14]+")"); return; } function script HallOfGMLog { mes ""; mes l("##BLatest GM Commands##b"); mes("1."+$@hogm_name$[0]+" ("+$@hogm_value$[0]+")"); mes("2."+$@hogm_name$[1]+" ("+$@hogm_value$[1]+")"); mes("3."+$@hogm_name$[2]+" ("+$@hogm_value$[2]+")"); mes("4."+$@hogm_name$[3]+" ("+$@hogm_value$[3]+")"); mes("5."+$@hogm_name$[4]+" ("+$@hogm_value$[4]+")"); mes("6."+$@hogm_name$[5]+" ("+$@hogm_value$[5]+")"); mes("7."+$@hogm_name$[6]+" ("+$@hogm_value$[6]+")"); mes("8."+$@hogm_name$[7]+" ("+$@hogm_value$[7]+")"); mes("9."+$@hogm_name$[8]+" ("+$@hogm_value$[8]+")"); mes("10."+$@hogm_name$[9]+" ("+$@hogm_value$[9]+")"); mes("11."+$@hogm_name$[10]+" ("+$@hogm_value$[10]+")"); mes("12."+$@hogm_name$[11]+" ("+$@hogm_value$[11]+")"); mes("13."+$@hogm_name$[12]+" ("+$@hogm_value$[12]+")"); mes("14."+$@hogm_name$[13]+" ("+$@hogm_value$[13]+")"); mes("15."+$@hogm_name$[14]+" ("+$@hogm_value$[14]+")"); return; } function script HallOfReferral { mes ""; .@nb = query_sql("SELECT l.userid, COUNT(a.value) FROM `mapreg` AS a, `login` AS l WHERE a.varname='$REFERRAL_IDS' AND l.account_id=a.index ORDER BY COUNT(a.value) DESC LIMIT 20", .@name$, .@value); mes "Referral Program Report - pg. 1"; mes("1."+.@name$[0]+" ("+.@value[0]+")"); mes("2."+.@name$[1]+" ("+.@value[1]+")"); mes("3."+.@name$[2]+" ("+.@value[2]+")"); mes("4."+.@name$[3]+" ("+.@value[3]+")"); mes("5."+.@name$[4]+" ("+.@value[4]+")"); mes("6."+.@name$[5]+" ("+.@value[5]+")"); mes("7."+.@name$[6]+" ("+.@value[6]+")"); mes("8."+.@name$[7]+" ("+.@value[7]+")"); mes("9."+.@name$[8]+" ("+.@value[8]+")"); mes("10."+.@name$[9]+" ("+.@value[9]+")"); next; mes "Referral Program Report - pg. 2"; mes("11."+.@name$[10]+" ("+.@value[10]+")"); mes("12."+.@name$[11]+" ("+.@value[11]+")"); mes("13."+.@name$[12]+" ("+.@value[12]+")"); mes("14."+.@name$[13]+" ("+.@value[13]+")"); mes("15."+.@name$[14]+" ("+.@value[14]+")"); mes("16."+.@name$[15]+" ("+.@value[15]+")"); mes("17."+.@name$[16]+" ("+.@value[16]+")"); mes("18."+.@name$[17]+" ("+.@value[17]+")"); mes("19."+.@name$[18]+" ("+.@value[18]+")"); mes("20."+.@name$[19]+" ("+.@value[19]+")"); next; return; } function script HallOfSponsor { mes l("This is in honor of all the [@@help://about-server|Contributors@@] who helped rebuilding this world, after the Monster War outbreak."); mes l("And also in notable mention of those who [@@https://www.patreon.com/TMW2|sponsor@@] the Alliance and its administrative structure."); mes l(""); mes l("GonzoDark, Saulc."); return; } function script HallOf2018 { mes ""; if ($YETIKING_WINNER$ != "") { mes l(".:: FIRST PLAYER TO COMPLETE YETI KING QUEST ::."); mes $YETIKING_WINNER$; mes ""; } mes l(".:: NOTABLE NAMES ON HURNSCALD LIBERATION DAY ::."); mes l("DragonStar, Aisen"); mes ""; mes l(".:: NOTABLE NAMES ON NIVALIS LIBERATION DAY ::."); mes l("Jesusalva"); mes ""; mes l(".:: FIND-THE-NPC 2018 MINI-EVENT WINNER ::."); mes "shab"; next; mes l(".:: Easter 2018 ::."); mes l("In honor of DragonStar, winner of Easter 2018."); mesc l("Unfortunately, other victor's names weren't logged."); mes ""; mes l(".:: Worker Day 2018 ::."); mes l("No victor appliable."); mes ""; mes l(".:: Purple Day 2018 ::."); mes l("No victor appliable."); next; mes l(".:: Ched's Summer 2018 ::."); mes ("1. WarBlade - 5325"); mes ("2. Aisen - 2000"); mes ("3. msawis - 1000"); mes ("4. vilbou - 400"); mes ("5. Woody - 353"); next; mes l(".:: Hasan Scorpion Killing Challenge 2018 ::."); mes ("1. Krists - 1070"); mes ("2. Aisen - 598"); mes ("3. AndulkaT - 212"); mes ("4. monking - 86"); mes ("5. Carbon14 - 78"); next; mes l(".:: Christmas 2018 ::."); mes ("1. WarBlade - 324"); mes ("2. Xtreem - 190"); mes ("3. msawis - 110"); mes ("4. Krists - 75"); mes ("5. Mrhedx - 38"); mes ""; mes l(".:: Christmas 2018 ::."); mes ("1. WarBlade - 100,000 GP"); mes ("2. msawis - 7,500 GP"); mes ("3. LawnCable - 4,450 GP"); mes ("4. Krists - 1,000 GP"); mes ("5. demure GM - 1,000 GP"); return; } function script HallOf2019 { mesc l("This schedule is subject to change without prior notice."), 1; mesc l("Changes include but are not limited to festive events and dates."), 1; next; if ($HEROESHOLD_WINNER$ != "") { mes l(".:: FIRST PLAYER TO COMPLETE HEROES HOLD MASTER DUNGEON ::."); mes $HEROESHOLD_WINNER$; mes ""; } mes l(".:: TMW-2 Anniversary ::."); //mesc l("Scheduled: January 13rd"); mes l("No victor appliable."); mesc l("Anniversary marks the project birthdate. Do not mistake with TMW2 Day."); mes ""; mes l(".:: Valentine Day ::."); //mesc l("Scheduled: February 12th - 15th"); mes ("1. DragonStar - 300"); mes ("2. Jesusalva - 121"); mes ("3. Xanthem - 35"); mes ("4. Xtreem - 17"); mes ("5. Yuppi - 10"); next; mes l(".:: TMW2 Day ::."); //mesc l("Scheduled: March 2nd"); mes l("No victor appliable."); mesc l("TMW2 Day marks the server birthdate. Do not mistake with TMW2 Anniversary."); mes ""; mes l(".:: Easter 2019 ::."); mesc l("Scheduled: April 17th - 24th"); mes ""; mes l(".:: Worker Day ::."); mesc l("Scheduled: April 27th - May 3rd"); next; mes l(".:: Ched's Summer 2019 ::."); mesc l("June 21st - September 21st"); mes ""; mes l(".:: Chocolate Day ::."); mesc l("Scheduled: July 7th"); mes ""; mes l(".:: Free Software Day ::."); mesc l("Scheduled: September 9th"); mes ""; mes l(".:: Hasan Scorpion Killing Challenge 2019 ::."); mesc l("September 22nd - December 20th"); mes ""; mes l(".:: Christmas 2019 ::."); mesc l("Scheduled: December 19th - January 2nd"); return; }