// TMW2 Script. // Authors: // Vasily_Makarov (original from Evol) // Jesusalva // Description: // Status Reset NPC utils // Reset status and return permanent bonuses // StatusResetReinvest( {script=True} ) function script StatusResetReinvest { // Compulsory check if (getarg(0, true)) { inventoryplace NPCEyes, 6; } else if (!checkweight2(NPCEyes, 6)) { getitembound StatusResetPotion, 1, 4; dispbottom l("You cannot carry the fruits."); end; // Die } // Permanent boosts were now lost, return the fruits if (STATUSUP_STR) { getitembound StrengthFruit, STATUSUP_STR, 4; STATUSUP_STR=0; } if (STATUSUP_AGI) { getitembound AgilityFruit, STATUSUP_AGI, 4; STATUSUP_AGI=0; } if (STATUSUP_VIT) { getitembound VitalityFruit, STATUSUP_VIT, 4; STATUSUP_VIT=0; } if (STATUSUP_INT) { getitembound IntelligenceFruit, STATUSUP_INT, 4; STATUSUP_INT=0; } if (STATUSUP_DEX) { getitembound DexterityFruit, STATUSUP_DEX, 4; STATUSUP_DEX=0; } if (STATUSUP_LUK) { getitembound LuckFruit, STATUSUP_LUK, 4; STATUSUP_LUK=0; } resetstatus(); return true; } // Return wasSP on success, 0 on failure // ConfirmReset( {price, town=True} ) function script ConfirmStatusReset { if (BaseLevel >= 15) .@plush_count=(1000-BaseLevel*10+(BaseLevel*18)); else if (BaseLevel >= 10) .@plush_count=(BaseLevel*210-(10*210))/(BaseLevel/10); else .@plush_count=1; if (getarg(0,-1) >= 0) .@plush_count=getarg(0,-1); if (getarg(1, true)) .@plush_count=POL_AdjustPrice(.@plush_count); else .@plush_count=.@plush_count; mesc l("WARNING: Permanent boosts will return to their fruit form."), 1; switch (select(lg("Yes, I am sure."), lg("I need to think about it..."), lg("I won't need it, thank you."))) { case 1: speech S_FIRST_BLANK_LINE | S_LAST_NEXT, l("Let me just have a quick look at you. Hm... I will need @@ GP to reset your stats.", .@plush_count); select rif(Zeny >= .@plush_count, l("Here, take as much as you need, I have plenty!")), rif(Zeny > 0 && Zeny < .@plush_count, l("I don't have enough money...")), rif(Zeny == 0, l("Oh no, I don't have any money on me right now.")), l("I have to go, sorry."); if (@menu > 1) { return 0; } speech S_FIRST_BLANK_LINE | S_LAST_NEXT, l("Thank you."), l("Now stand still... It should not take much time..."); // Reset status have an inventorycheck, so we charge later. .@wasSP = StatusPoint; StatusResetReinvest(); // Nothing to do: Do not charge (eg. you just got the fruits back) if (StatusPoint == .@wasSP) { speech S_LAST_NEXT, l("It seems that you have no status points to reset!"), l("Come back when you will really need me."); } else { if (getarg(1, true)) POL_PlayerMoney(.@plush_count); else Zeny-=.@plush_count; speech S_LAST_NEXT, l("Let's see... @@ of your status points have just been reset!", StatusPoint - .@wasSP), l("Spend it wisely this time."), l("But you are welcome to reset your stats again! I need the money."); } return .@wasSP; case 2: return 0; case 3: return 0; } Exception("Unknown Error: ConfirmStatusReset() failed"); return 0; }