// TMW2: Moubootaur Legends scripts. // Author: // Jesusalva // Description: // Real Estate System // Script Helpers // WARNING: They affect directly the real estate global variables! // This function reduces payment accordingly // realestate_payment ( amount ) function script realestate_payment { REAL_ESTATE_CREDITS=REAL_ESTATE_CREDITS-getarg(0); if (REAL_ESTATE_CREDITS < 0) { Zeny+=REAL_ESTATE_CREDITS; REAL_ESTATE_CREDITS=0; } return; } // Generate unique name for setcells // realestate_cellname ( estate_id, object_id ) function script realestate_cellname { return "RESObj_"+getarg(0)+"_"+getarg(1); } // Generate sell price for furniture based on original price and estate ID // realestate_sellprice ( estate_id, price ) function script realestate_sellprice { .@timeleft=$ESTATE_RENTTIME[getarg(0)]-gettimetick(2); // Number of seconds .@daysleft=.@timeleft/86400; // Number of days left of rent .@weeksleft=.@timeleft/604800; // Number of weeks left of rent //debugmes "Your contract is valid for %d weeks more - %d days", .@weeksleft, .@daysleft; //debugmes "The divisor is %d", max(1, 8-.@weeksleft); return (getarg(1)/max(1, 8-.@weeksleft)) - max(0, 60-.@daysleft); } // This will toggle if mobilia was purchased or not, in the right group // And as an added bonus, will tell the correct Script to reload NPCs // realestate_togglemobilia ( estate_id, layer_id, object_id{, npc_file} ) function script realestate_togglemobilia { switch (getarg(1)) { case 1: $ESTATE_MOBILIA_64[getarg(0)] = $ESTATE_MOBILIA_64[getarg(0)] ^ getarg(2); break; case 2: $ESTATE_MOBILIA_4[getarg(0)] = $ESTATE_MOBILIA_4[getarg(0)] ^ getarg(2); break; case 3: $ESTATE_MOBILIA_8[getarg(0)] = $ESTATE_MOBILIA_8[getarg(0)] ^ getarg(2); break; case 4: $ESTATE_MOBILIA_32[getarg(0)] = $ESTATE_MOBILIA_32[getarg(0)] ^ getarg(2); break; case 5: $ESTATE_MOBILIA_128[getarg(0)] = $ESTATE_MOBILIA_128[getarg(0)] ^ getarg(2); break; case 6: $ESTATE_MOBILIA_2[getarg(0)] = $ESTATE_MOBILIA_2[getarg(0)] ^ getarg(2); break; default: debugmes("[ERROR] [CRITICAL] [REAL ESTATE]: Object %d have Invalid Collision Type: %d (must range 1~6)", getarg(2), getarg(1)); break; } if (getarg(3, "error") != "error") { // Reload NPCs on the meanwhile donpcevent getarg(3)+"::OnReload"; } return; } // Like the previous function, but returns true if player have said mobilia // realestate_hasmobilia ( estate_id, layer_id, object_id ) function script realestate_hasmobilia { switch (getarg(1)) { case 1: return $ESTATE_MOBILIA_64[getarg(0)] & getarg(2); case 2: return $ESTATE_MOBILIA_4[getarg(0)] & getarg(2); case 3: return $ESTATE_MOBILIA_8[getarg(0)] & getarg(2); case 4: return $ESTATE_MOBILIA_32[getarg(0)] & getarg(2); case 5: return $ESTATE_MOBILIA_128[getarg(0)] & getarg(2); case 6: return $ESTATE_MOBILIA_2[getarg(0)] & getarg(2); default: debugmes("[ERROR] [CRITICAL] [REAL ESTATE]: Object %d have Invalid Collision Type: %d (must range 1~6)", getarg(2), getarg(1)); return false; } return false; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////// Dialog Helpers // "If you copy-paste the same line too often, make a function for it" // Rent_Available Label // Returns true regardless of player decision // realestate_rent ( estate_id, price, ) function script realestate_rent { .id=getarg(0); .price=getarg(1); .time=getarg(2, 2592000); // Defaults to 30 days do { mesc l("This Real Estate is available for rent for only @@ GP!", format_number(.price)); .@gp=REAL_ESTATE_CREDITS+Zeny; mesc l("You currently have: @@ GP and mobiliary credits", format_number(.@gp)); next; select rif(.@gp > .price, l("Rent it! Make it mine!")), l("Information"), l("Don't rent it"); // You want to rent if (@menu == 1) { if ($ESTATE_RENTTIME[.id] > gettimetick(2)) { mesc l("Somebody already rented it before you!"); close; } REAL_ESTATE_CREDITS=REAL_ESTATE_CREDITS-.price; if (REAL_ESTATE_CREDITS < 0) { Zeny+=REAL_ESTATE_CREDITS; REAL_ESTATE_CREDITS=0; } // Payment done, you can now acquire the house for a month $ESTATE_RENTTIME[.id]=gettimetick(2)+.time; // If you're not the previous owner // Remove previous owner furniture and reset room password if ($ESTATE_OWNER[.id] != getcharid(3)) { /* $ESTATE_MOBILIA_2[.id]=0; $ESTATE_MOBILIA_4[.id]=0; $ESTATE_MOBILIA_8[.id]=0; $ESTATE_MOBILIA_32[.id]=0; $ESTATE_MOBILIA_64[.id]=0; $ESTATE_MOBILIA_128[.id]=0; */ $ESTATE_PASSWORD$[.id]=""; $ESTATE_DOORBELL[.id]=false; } // Register your info so you can manage it $ESTATE_OWNER[.id]=getcharid(3); $ESTATE_OWNERNAME$[.id]=strcharinfo(0); mesc l("Rent successful for 30 days!"); } else if (@menu == 2) { mesc l("You can rent this house to make it yours.") + " " + l("The rent lasts 30 days."); mesc l("Then you'll be able to buy furniture and utility."); mesc l("The door is password-protected, so your friends can enter but strangers stay outside."); next; mesc l("Both rent and furniture are bought using money, however, there are mobiliary credits."); mesc l("Mobiliary Credits is a special currency which can only be used on real estate."); mesc l("It's obtained with ADMINS or by selling furniture. It is sumed to money and used first."); next; } } while (@menu == 2); return true; } // L_Manage Label // Returns true regardless of player decision // realestate_manage ( estate_id, price, ) function script realestate_manage { .id=getarg(0); .price=getarg(1); .time=getarg(2, 2592000); // Defaults to 30 days do { mesc l("@@'s Estate", strcharinfo(0)); mesc ".:: "+ l("Managment Menu") + " ::."; .@gp=REAL_ESTATE_CREDITS+Zeny; mesc l("Rent time available: @@", FuzzyTime($ESTATE_RENTTIME[.id])); mesc l("Total Credits and GP: @@", format_number(.@gp)); mes ""; mesc l("Rent Renew Price: @@ GP", format_number(.price)); mesc l("Room password: @@", $ESTATE_PASSWORD$[.id]); if ($ESTATE_DOORBELL[.id]) mesc l("Doorbell is disabled"), 1; next; select l("Leave"), l("Enable/disable doorbell"), l("Set room password"), rif(.@gp >= .price && $ESTATE_RENTTIME[.id] < gettimetick(2)+.time, l("Renew Rent")), rif($@GM_OVERRIDE, l("Destroy all mobilia")), rif($@GM_OVERRIDE, l("Expire rent time")); switch (@menu) { case 1: break; case 2: $ESTATE_DOORBELL[.id]=!$ESTATE_DOORBELL[.id]; break; case 3: mesc l("(Leave the password blank to disable)"); mesc l("Current Room password: @@", $ESTATE_PASSWORD$[.id]); mesc l("Input new password: "); input .@password$; mesc l("Repeat new password: "); input .@passwordc$; if (.@password$ == .@passwordc$) { $ESTATE_PASSWORD$[.id]=.@password$; mesc l("Password changed with success!"), 3; } else { mesc l("The passwords doesn't match."), 1; } break; case 4: // The check is performed before showing the menu option // I guess it could be hacked, but I'll probably see negative GP... REAL_ESTATE_CREDITS=REAL_ESTATE_CREDITS-.price; if (REAL_ESTATE_CREDITS < 0) { Zeny+=REAL_ESTATE_CREDITS; REAL_ESTATE_CREDITS=0; } // Payment done, you can now acquire the house for a month // If you lost the rent on the meanwhile, it'll renew // If you lost the rent and somebody else rented it, you lose the GP $ESTATE_RENTTIME[.id]+=.time; break; case 5: mesc l("Are you sure? This cannot be undone!"), 1; next; if (validatepin()) { $ESTATE_MOBILIA_2[.id]=0; $ESTATE_MOBILIA_4[.id]=0; $ESTATE_MOBILIA_8[.id]=0; $ESTATE_MOBILIA_32[.id]=0; $ESTATE_MOBILIA_64[.id]=0; $ESTATE_MOBILIA_128[.id]=0; $ESTATE_PASSWORD$[.id]=""; $ESTATE_DOORBELL[.id]=false; } case 6: mesc l("Are you sure? This cannot be undone!"), 1; next; if (validatepin()) { $ESTATE_RENTTIME[.id]=gettimetick(2); } } } while (@menu != 1); return true; } // Piano Mobilia // realestate_piano ( {mapname} ) function script realestate_piano { .@loc$=getarg(0, getmap()); mesc l("Do you want to play a song?"); mesc l("This is not saved."); select l("Nothing"), l("Default"), l("Indoors 1 (Peace)"), l("Indoors 2 (Dimonds)"), l("TMW Adventure"), l("Sailing Away!"), l("Magick Real"), l("The Forest"), l("Dragons and Toast"), l("Unforgiving Lands"), l("Arabesque (Action)"), l("No Chains (Tulimshar)"), l("School of Quirks (Candor)"), l("Cake Town (Hurnscald)"), l("Steam (LoF Village)"), l("Woodland Fantasy"), l("Birds in the Sunrise"); mes ""; .@m$=""; switch (@menu) { case 1: return; break; case 2: .@m$="8bit_the_hero.ogg"; break; case 3: .@m$="peace.ogg"; break; case 4: .@m$="peace2.ogg"; break; case 5: .@m$="tmw_adventure.ogg"; break; case 6: .@m$="sail_away.ogg"; break; case 7: .@m$="magick_real.ogg"; break; case 8: .@m$="dariunas_forest.ogg"; break; case 9: .@m$="dragon_and_toast.ogg"; break; case 10: .@m$="Unforgiving_Lands.ogg"; break; case 11: .@m$="Arabesque.ogg"; break; case 12: .@m$="mvrasseli_nochains.ogg"; break; case 13: .@m$="school_of_quirks.ogg"; break; case 14: .@m$="caketown.ogg"; break; case 15: .@m$="steam.ogg"; break; case 16: .@m$="woodland_fantasy.ogg"; break; case 17: .@m$="tws_birds_in_the_sunrise.ogg"; break; } changemusic "ples@"+getcharid(0), .@m$; return; }