// TMW2 Script // Author: // Jesusalva // Description: // Smith System (Player, Guild, NPC) // Notes: // It's like smithing, but it only change an item options // Usage: SmithTweakReset () // Asks if player wants to remove an item options. And remove them. function script SmithTweakReset { mesc l("Note: This action cannot be undone."), 1; mes l("Drag and drop here the item you want to remove the options."); .@id=requestitemindex(); mes ""; // Ask player to confirm mesc l("Are you sure?"), 1; mesc l("Note: This action cannot be undone."), 1; if (!csys_Confirm(.@id)) return; csys_Check(); return; } // Usage: SmithTweakSystem ({scope}) // Scopes: CRAFT_PLAYER, CRAFT_NPC // Returns true on success, false on failure function script SmithTweakSystem { // Set .scope, .knowledge and .success .scope=getarg(0, CRAFT_PLAYER); copyarray(.knowledge,RECIPES_EQUIPMENT,getarraysize(RECIPES_EQUIPMENT)); mes l("Which item will you tweak?"); mesc l("Note: You may fail to write skills to it."), 1; mesc l("Operation Cost: 600 GP"), 3; if (Zeny < 600) return false; .@id=requestitemindex(); mes ""; // Ask player to confirm if (!csys_Confirm(.@id)) return false; // Take the money away Zeny-=600; // Check if you fail if (!csys_Check(.@id)) { mesc l("YOU FAIL! It is a simple item now."), 1; return false; } // Eh, apply some stuff for testing if (is_gm() && !CRAFTSYS_CURRENT) { CRAFTSYS_CURRENT=CRGROUP_BASE; CRAFTSYS[CRGROUP_BASE]=10; } csys_Apply(.@id); mesc l("SUCCESS! Congratulations, the item was improved!"), 3; return true; }