// TMW2 Script // Author: // Jesusalva function script UserCtrlPanel { do { @unsaved=false; clear; setnpcdialogtitle l("User Control Panel"); mes l("This menu gives you some options which affect your account."); mes l("In some cases, your pincode will be required."); mes ""; mes l("What do you want to access?"); next; if (@unsaved) { mesc l("Careful: You have unsaved changes!"), 1; mes ""; } select l("Rules"), l("Game News"), l("Account Information"), rif(getcharid(2) > 0, l("Guild Information")), l("Change Language"), rif(is_admin() && $@GM_OVERRIDE, l("DISABLE OVERRIDE MODE")), l("Game Settings"), l("Save & Exit"); switch (@menu) { case 1: GameRules; break; case 2: GameNews; break; case 3: if (!validatepin()) break; if (!@lgc) { query_sql("SELECT email,logincount,last_ip FROM `login` WHERE account_id="+getcharid(3)+" LIMIT 2", .@email$, .@lgc, .@ip$); @email$=.@email$; @lgc=.@lgc; @ip$=.@ip$; } else { .@email$=@email$; .@lgc=@lgc; .@ip$=@ip$; } mes l("Char Name: @@", strcharinfo(0)); mes l("Party Name: @@", strcharinfo(1)); mes l("Guild Name: @@", strcharinfo(2)); mes l("Clan Name: @@", strcharinfo(4)); mes ""; mes l("Email: @@", .@email$[0]); if (Sex) mes l("Male"); else mes l("Female"); mes l("Last IP: @@", .@ip$[0]); mes l("Total Logins: @@", .@lgc[0]); next; if (@query) break; @query=1; query_sql("SELECT name,last_login,last_map,partner_id FROM `char` WHERE account_id="+getcharid(3)+" LIMIT 9", .@name$, .@lastlogin$, .@map$, .@married); for (.@i = 1; .@i <= getarraysize(.@name$); .@i++) { mesn .@name$[.@i-1]; mes l("Last Seen: @@", FuzzyTime(.@lastlogin$[.@i-1])); mes l("Last map: @@", .@map$[.@i-1]); if (.@married[.@i-1]) mes l("Married with @@", gf_charname(.@married[.@i-1])); mes ""; } next; break; case 4: .@gid=getcharid(2); mesc (".:: "+getguildname(.@gid)+" ::."), 1; mesc l("Guild Master: @@", getguildmaster(.@gid)), 3; if (getguildnxp(.@gid) > 0) mesc l("Guild Lv @@, @@/@@ EXP to level up", getguildlvl(.@gid), format_number(getguildexp(.@gid)), format_number(getguildnxp(.@gid))); else mesc l("Guild Lv @@, @@/@@ EXP to level up", format_number(getguildlvl(.@gid)), getguildexp(.@gid), "???"); mes ""; mesc l("Average player level: @@", getguildavg(.@gid)); mesc l("Your position on the guild: @@", getguildrole(.@gid, getcharid(3), true)); next; break; case 5: asklanguage(LANG_IN_SHIP); break; case 6: $@GM_OVERRIDE=false; break; case 7: do { mesc ".:: " + l("GAME SETTINGS") + " ::.", 3; // GSET_SOULMENHIR_MANUAL // Enables/Disable manual position saving on Soul Menhir if (GSET_SOULMENHIR_MANUAL) mes l("Soul Menhir automatic saving: ") + col(l("Disabled"), 1); else mes l("Soul Menhir automatic saving: ") + col(l("Enabled"), 2); // GSET_DAILYREWARD_SILENT // Enables/Disable silent dialog for daily rewards // (otherwise a image will be shown) if (GSET_DAILYREWARD_SILENT) mes l("Display daily reward screen: ") + col(l("Disabled"), 1); else mes l("Display daily reward screen: ") + col(l("Enabled"), 2); if (strcharinfo(2) == "Monster King") { // GSET_AUTORECEIVE_COINS // Enables/Disable autoreceive strange coins if (!GSET_AUTORECEIVE_COINS) mes l("Autoreceive Strange Coins: ") + col(l("Disabled"), 1); else mes l("Autoreceive Strange Coins: ") + col(l("Enabled"), 2); } if (@unsaved) { mes ""; mesc l("Careful: You have unsaved changes!"), 1; } mes ""; select l("Return to User Control Panel"), l("Toggle Soul Menhir automatic saving"), l("Toggle Daily Reward screen"), rif(strcharinfo(2) == "Monster King", ("Toggle Autoreceive Event Coins")); mes ""; switch (@menu) { case 1: // Update savepoint if needed if (@unsaved) { if (!GSET_SOULMENHIR_MANUAL) savepoint "000-1", 22, 22; else doevent "Emergency Exit::OnSetLX"; } break; case 2: GSET_SOULMENHIR_MANUAL=!GSET_SOULMENHIR_MANUAL; @unsaved=true; break; case 3: GSET_DAILYREWARD_SILENT=!GSET_DAILYREWARD_SILENT; break; case 4: GSET_AUTORECEIVE_COINS=!GSET_AUTORECEIVE_COINS; break; } clear; } while (@menu != 1); break; case 8: close; break; } } while (1); } - script @ucp 32767,{ end; OnCall: UserCtrlPanel; closedialog; end; OnInit: bindatcmd "ucp", "@ucp::OnCall", 0, 99, 0; }