// TMW2 scripts. // Authors: // Jesusalva // Description: // Gemini Sisters Quest - Part C: Showdown 034-4,98,22,0 script #GeminiPartD NPC_HIDDEN,0,0,{ end; OnTouch: if (instance_id() < 0 || getcharid(1) < 1) end; GeminiCheck(13); .@p=getcharid(1); if ($@VALIA_STATUS[.@p] < 14 || mobcount(getmap(), "#GeminiShowdown::OnABC")) { dispbottom l("Luvia is too dangerous to be left alone."); end; } if (mobcount(getmap(), "all") > 0) { dispbottom l("I cannot leave until Luvia and her allies are dead."); end; } if (mobcount(getmap(), "all") <= 0 && $@VALIA_STATUS[.@p] == 14) { $@VALIA_STATUS[.@p]=15; } if ($@VALIA_STATUS[.@p] >= 15) { slide 143, 96; } end; } // 98 36 with radius 12? 034-4,98,28,0 script #GeminiShowdown NPC_HIDDEN,2,1,{ end; OnTouch: if (instance_id() < 0 || getcharid(1) < 1) end; GeminiCheck(13); .@p=getcharid(1); if (strcharinfo(0) != getpartyleader(.@p)) end; if (!.state) { .mp$ = getmap(); .beats = 0; .pid = getcharid(1); .state = true; initnpctimer; killmonsterall(.mp$); // Cancel everything done thus far, incl. showdown } end; OnABC: end; OnTimer1000: .luvia = monster(.mp$, 98, 32, "Luvia Gemini", Luvia, 1); immortal(.luvia); setunitdata(.luvia, UDT_MODE, MD_BOSS|MD_PLANT|MD_NOKNOCKBACK); end; OnTimer2500: unittalk(.luvia, "Ara! Look at who is trying to sneak past me!"); end; OnTimer6000: unittalk(.luvia, "How silly. I prepared this party for ya, you know."); end; OnTimer9500: unittalk(.luvia, "Isbamuth wants all of you dead ─ And I'll carry out his orders."); end; OnTimer13000: unittalk(.luvia, "Long live Isbamuth... And death to traitors! Now begone!!"); end; OnTimer15000: // Create a new Luvia Gemini unitwarp(.luvia, "034-4", 98, 32); unitkill(.luvia); .luvia = monster(.mp$, 98, 38, "Luvia Gemini", Luvia, 1, "#GeminiShowdown::OnABC"); // Grant her more HP if more players came to attack her .@hp = getunitdata(.luvia, UDT_MAXHP) + (getmapusers(.mp$) * 10000); setunitdata(.luvia, UDT_MAXHP, .@hp); setunitdata(.luvia, UDT_HP, .@hp); // Reconfigure the AI .@opt=getunitdata(.luvia, UDT_MODE); // Add knockback immunity .@opt=.@opt|MD_NOKNOCKBACK; // Make it more op .@opt=.@opt|MD_DETECTOR; .@opt=.@opt|MD_CASTSENSOR_CHASE; .@opt=.@opt|MD_CASTSENSOR_IDLE; .@opt=.@opt|MD_CHANGECHASE; .@opt=.@opt|MD_CHANGETARGET_MELEE; .@opt=.@opt|MD_CHANGETARGET_CHASE; setunitdata(.luvia, UDT_MODE, .@opt); // Prepare the party, lalala! .@pi = getmapusers(.mp$) * 2 + 1; monster(.mp$, 117, 51, strmobinfo(1, Scar), Scar, .@pi); monster(.mp$, 83, 58, strmobinfo(1, Scar), Scar, .@pi); monster(.mp$, 83, 51, strmobinfo(1, Scar), Scar, .@pi); monster(.mp$, 114, 29, strmobinfo(1, Scar), Scar, .@pi); monster(.mp$, 98, 22, strmobinfo(1, Scar), Scar, .@pi); $@VALIA_STATUS[.pid] = 14; end; // The fight loops from 20k (the restart point) // So this cycle happens every 10 seconds OnTimer60000: OnTimer45000: consolewarn("Warning, fail-safe mechanism triggered to Luvia."); OnTimer30000: if (mobcount(.mp$, "#GeminiShowdown::OnABC") < 1) { stopnpctimer; end; } .beats+=1; /* Prepare some data */ .@hp = getunitdata(.luvia, UDT_HP) * 10 / getunitdata(.luvia, UDT_MAXHP); .@pi = getmapusers(.mp$) * 2 + 1; getmapxy(.@m$, .@x, .@y, UNITTYPE_MOB, .luvia); .@c=getunits(BL_PC, .@pcs, MAX_CYCLE_PC, .@m$); /*.@mvp=0;.@rnd=0;.@def=-1; for (.@i = 0; .@i < .@c; .@i++) { if (!.@rnd || !rand2(.@c)) .@rnd=.@pcs[.@i]; if (readbattleparam(.@pcs[.@i], UDT_DEF) > .@def) { if (readparam(Hp, .@pcs[.@i]) < 1) continue; .@mvp=.@pcs[.@i]; .@def=readbattleparam(.@pcs[.@i], UDT_DEF); } }*/ // Luvia's spell casting // She casts every ~30 seconds switch (.beats % 18) { case 0: case 6: case 12: unittalk(.luvia, "Hahahah, die, die!"); specialeffect(64, AREA, .luvia); sleep(1000); monster(.mp$, .@x, .@y, strmobinfo(1, Scar), Scar, .@pi + max(1, (11 - .@hp) / 10)); break; case 3: case 9: case 15: specialeffect(60, AREA, .luvia); sleep(500); switch (rand2(3)) { case 1: unittalk(.luvia, "I am your doom, and ##Bpoison##b is my tool!"); .@sc = (.@hp < 1 ? SC_DPOISON : SC_POISON); break; case 2: unittalk(.luvia, "You shall ##Bbleed##b, and cease!"); .@sc = SC_BLOODING; break; case 3: unittalk(.luvia, "The dead are ##Bsilent##b, just like you!"); .@sc = SC_SILENCE; break; default: unittalk(.luvia, "You won't see what killed you when ##Bblind##b!"); .@sc = SC_BLIND; break; } areasc(9, 45000, .@sc, BL_PC|BL_HOM|BL_MER, 1, "filter_always", .luvia, 95000); .@dmg=100 + (max(1, (11 - .@hp) / 10) * 40); areaharm(.luvia, 9, .@dmg, HARM_MAGI, any(Ele_Water,Ele_Fire,Ele_Wind,Ele_Earth), "filter_always", BL_PC|BL_MER|BL_HOM); break; } // FIXME: Spawn other stuff as well, stronger stuff. // Let them come from the doors setnpctimer 20000; end; OnInit: OnInstanceInit: .state = false; .mp$ = ""; .pid = 0; .luvia = 0; .beats = 0; end; }