// TMW2 scripts. // Author: // Jesusalva // Description: // Fires of Steam: The Death of Andrei Sakar ////////////////////////////////////////// // Monster Control - script SteamFire#Ctrl 32767,{ function SFsetup1; function SFsetup2; function SFsetup3; function SFsetup4; function SFsetup5; function SFsetup6; function SFsetup7; function SFsetup8; function SFreset; end; OnInit: .e1$="SteamFire#Ctrl::OnEvent1"; .e2$="SteamFire#Ctrl::OnEvent2"; .e3$="SteamFire#Ctrl::OnEvent3"; .e4$="SteamFire#Ctrl::OnEvent4"; .e5$="SteamFire#Ctrl::OnEvent5"; .e6$="SteamFire#Ctrl::OnEvent6"; .e7$="SteamFire#Ctrl::OnEvent7"; .e8$="SteamFire#Ctrl::OnEvent8"; SFsetup1(); SFsetup2(); SFsetup3(); SFsetup4(); SFsetup5(); SFsetup6(); SFsetup7(); SFsetup8(); end; function SFsetup1 { areamonster("029-1", 15, 15, 77, 120, strmobinfo(1, Scar), Scar, 60, .e1$); areamonster("029-1", 15, 15, 255, 255, strmobinfo(1, Crafty), Crafty, 320, .e1$); areamonster("029-1", 15, 15, 255, 255, strmobinfo(1, GiantMutatedBat), GiantMutatedBat, 30, .e1$); areamonster("029-1", 195, 15, 290, 100, strmobinfo(1, Forain), Forain, 54, .e1$); areamonster("029-1", 77, 15, 195, 75, strmobinfo(1, GreenDragon), GreenDragon, 45, .e1$); areamonster("029-1", 75, 75, 205, 100, strmobinfo(1, EliteDuck), EliteDuck, 40, .e1$); areamonster("029-1", 15, 90, 75, 280, strmobinfo(1, Terranite), Terranite, 90, .e1$); areamonster("029-1", 177, 140, 280, 280, strmobinfo(1, JackO), JackO, 80, .e1$); areamonster("029-1", 175, 75, 280, 200, strmobinfo(1, RedSkullSlime), RedSkullSlime, 60, .e1$); areamonster("029-1", 75, 175, 185, 280, strmobinfo(1, Michel), Michel, 60, .e1$); areamonster("029-1", 80, 100, 180, 160, strmobinfo(1, CopperSkullSlime), CopperSkullSlime, 60, .e1$); // MAP BOSS monster("029-1", 147, 153, "Level Boss", MonsterGeneral, 1, .e1$); return; } function SFsetup2 { return; } function SFsetup3 { return; } function SFsetup4 { return; } function SFsetup5 { return; } function SFsetup6 { return; } function SFsetup7 { return; } function SFsetup8 { return; } // SFreset(map, state) function SFreset { .@m$=getarg(0); .@s=getarg(1); .@m=mobcount(.@m$, "all"); if (!.@m) { if ($FIRESOFSTEAM == .@s) { $FIRESOFSTEAM+=1; $FIRESOFSTEAM_CD=gettimetick(2)+10800; // 3 hours cooldown (180 min) return 2; } else { return 1; } } else if (.@m % 25 == 0) { mapannounce(.@m$, sprintf("%s monster(s) left", fnum(.@m)), 0); } return 0; } OnEvent1: .@f=SFreset("029-1", .e1$, 1); if (.@f == 2) mapannounce("029-1", "Dracula's Castle magical seal has dissipated!", 0); if (.@f) SFsetup1(); end; OnEvent2: .@f=SFreset("029-2", .e2$, 2); if (.@f == 2) mapannounce("029-2", "Map cleared!", 0); if (.@f) SFsetup2(); end; OnEvent3: .@f=SFreset("029-3", .e3$, 3); if (.@f == 2) mapannounce("029-3", "Map cleared!", 0); if (.@f) SFsetup3(); end; OnEvent4: .@f=SFreset("029-4", .e4$, 4); if (.@f == 2) mapannounce("029-4", "Map cleared!", 0); if (.@f) SFsetup4(); end; OnEvent5: .@f=SFreset("029-5", .e5$, 5); if (.@f == 2) mapannounce("029-5", "Map cleared!", 0); if (.@f) SFsetup5(); end; OnEvent6: .@f=SFreset("029-6", .e6$, 6); if (.@f == 2) mapannounce("029-6", "Map cleared! You'll need a Druid Tree Branch to use the tree warp to next area.", 0); if (.@f) SFsetup6(); end; OnEvent7: .@f=SFreset("029-7", .e7$, 7); if (.@f == 2) mapannounce("029-7", "Swamps cleared! Meet Andrei Sakar on the other side!", 0); if (.@f) SFsetup7(); end; OnEvent8: .@f=SFreset("029-8", .e8$, 8); if (.@f == 2) mapannounce("029-8", "Map cleared! Contact a GM in Migglemire Town!", 0); if (.@f) SFsetup8(); end; }